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Previous: >>486649116

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Mandricardo :(
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Hello, /alter/! Hello, what's up? Hello, what's up?
Yuyu love!
I wanna pump Wu's ass full of my seed
Hello. Bob love!
You like GILFs?
The joke was that Cerny's an adorable lil' homunculus of a forest god, but true!
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>Broccoli commits bankruptcy and all their figures including 40hara Illya figures got cancelled.
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Oberon love!

Hello to you too Bobbro.
Sup bro.
Bob's smelly shithole
I really hope somehow some other company picks this up...
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Cerny is adorable, that’s right!
Yo waddup.

A surprise lazy day, so a delightful day is what's up.
I'm working from home right now. about to have a meeting where I'll have to listen to some retard blathering for 2 hours... can't turn the camera off either...
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stop being nice to each other
My Cernunnos plush was worth every last cent.

Sounds like a pain. But I doubt they'll notice you tabbing out or looking at your phone or whatever, hopefully.
sex with lily
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Save for Cummer
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5 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
Will we get a boatload of SQ next anni as well? I have nothing to roll after S. Skadi but you can't ever save enough in this kusoge
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I could give you a swirly, dweeb.
Is that you, Ati? Still sick?
browsing somewhere else would be difficult... I often just draw some doodles during these meetings
Far less. We got 1100 SQ this year if you had everyone. Next year only gets 450.
It could be a skinwalker and we'll never know.
When will the real ati come back... I don't like the impostor he doesn't give comps.
Less than half, but half pity amount I suppose, thanks
When the fuck do we get to choose a Valkyrie?
Yes, I'm still not well but it's better.
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i want to fuck Miyu
Wasn't that 450 even tied to gay shit like OC class tree missions? I remember that's the reasoning on why the rewards were shit compared to this anniversary.
I want to be Miyu getting raped.
I saved up some cum for skadi. Usually my luck is better with a full prostate.
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When we're finished with the event's main story. Unironically.
maybe we can arrange something?
Then what's the fucking point of them having the x2 EXP for them when we can't even get them for another week?
I'm not an imposter...
Same, but as Illya.
Well, they're called gilfs for a reason
Good to hear bro.
Give me loli Wu or give me death
Bros, how do I get an /alter/ gf/bf?
Thankyu friend, I hope I'll be fine soon.
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Didn't know you were sick. Get better soon, bro.
meet up at some convention
Go to the /soc/ thread and socialize
The only anime convention /alter/ posters go to is AX and judging from the pictures of this year, not a single person there even resembles a human.

There isn't a /soc/ thread.
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>not a single person there even resembles a human.
that's quite rude...
What happened to the lad who got on a motorcycle and found Area 51 and the ayylmao?
Thankyu friend, I want to be here for Skadi's release.
buddy thinks he can date a 9/10 let alone find one
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I want a Muramasa bf…
>want to pick Hildr because her voice makes me cum
>but Irs's voice also makes me cum
bros what do
Post the female master when you want to be gay, this is an eyesore.
who cares? they release the overarching plot in such small crumbs that most people lost interest.
You don't get Irs though.
Best of luck with her! This year'll be fine for me, but Caster Berserker and Cerpriestess next year will be tough...
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Pick Ortlinde. She gives (you) her pee.
uhhh anon? yes you can
I do, which is why I asked.
Have you looked at the FGO panel pictures? A 9/10 is shooting for the stars but even a 5/10 isn't a possibility given what the people there looked like.
why is her bond CE a piss bottle?
It's in case (you) get thirsty.
Thankyu, I'm okay with spending everything since I won't roll again until Cooldusa. I'm hoping for NP2~3 at least.
>no /soc/ /alter/ thread
Has anything ever come out of these that wasn't the two crossplayers meeting up and sucking each other off?
Why would I post the female master when I’m male
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They each get a costume that switches them to a different bird.
>he doesn't fantasize about being a woman

/alter/bro (False).
>Hildr gets you the green haired one
Goddamn, as if I didn't already have enough reason to get her.
Someone please record each Summer Valkyrie's voicelines in my room
>mfw this urinal of a general
I'd piss on ericebro
You can find a 5/10 there as long as you don't mind the woman being fat.
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me too bro
Why is Erice going topless for Summer?
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>he doesn't want a big girl so he can rub her tummy
You're gay.
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I don't know what you expect. People here talk about soul and not gameplayfagging but unless you're an actual newfag to FGO, everyone has some 3T setup they're running, if not Automata, to make sure they play as little as possible. There's nothing to talk about since we know what's coming for the next two years and most people here just follow guides rather than doing anything interesting or innovative themselves. This general is just a place to either commiserate over failing or celebrate summoning whatever servant you were aiming for, as well as reposting guides for events JP did two years ago. There's nothing more.
>moving for work
>get to experience the tail end of the summer in the arctic
It's gonna be cold bros.
feito, gurando ooda - cozmos in za rostubertu
real fatties don't look like that
i'll be honest, the 3/10 obese hamwhales are more likely to be dateable than the 6/10 insane cosplayers
This image and especially this event make me wonder how weak Japanese people are to spice. The ramen in the picture is really good and not particularly spicy.
Why yes I love plump servants, how did you know?
It's not super spicy but it's literally labeled spicy, bro.
Yeah, but I want a mentally ill gf/bf.
Please pee in my mouth Erice...
I fantasize about being Gilgamesh or Muramasa and having a beautiful body and a lot of self-confidence, does that count
Did Ericebro goon himself into a coma on AI sloppa?
You silly, muppet. This a joke, your conventional person would find it spicy (unless you're Danish and actually banned it on health grounds, weaklings). Arist is also Korean you dork.
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The town imouto...
>unless you're Danish and actually banned it on health grounds
ypipo truly don season they food
I don't think Oberon and Morgan are Japanese.
Spoken like a true brownoid
>Event doesn't give you the welfare even temporarily until the epilogue
Nah, Japanese people are weak. I went to that one spicy ramen place they featured in Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san and tried their spiciest ramen, it wasn't that bad. A Jap who got something significantly less spicy was sweating and wiping himself with a towel while eating.
NTA, but the pictured ramen (Shin Nongshim) is advertised as spicy but it really isn’t, a more accurate brand to use would be the Samyang buldak flavor one from the spicy instant noodle challenges
How can an incubus be a sister?
It's almost as if people have varied levels of spiciness.
Incubus just means she tops during sex.
>Incubus just means her dick is bigger than yours
Yeah, that stuff would be much more fitting.

It's almost as if Japs are bitch ass niggas.
Erice rhymes with penis
Why there is no content or intercation between Douman and Mephistopheles?
>Ericebro before diving down to your crotch
Every other homo posts the female master. Fall in line.
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Love this tiny brat
>Erice casually mentions an Apostle of the Alien God in a priest outfit showing up to eat some spicy food
>No one cares
My immersion...
He's still playing, he just left the general. I still have him on my friendlist.
What thr FUCK?
Erice made Dechi cry.
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My servant dork can't be this cute.

Okay, show me where the Jap touched you in '43, Chang.

Fuck bird Ramsay.
I hope he's doing well, here or elsewhere.
Fuck that bitch Erice
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what a BITCH
Would you fuck a 14 year-old?
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Don't mind if I do.
But did you CLAP?
That's a weird question to ask, Mr. Federal Agent.
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Without hesitation.
Only the sexy ones.
She referred herself as part incubus, does that mean she has a cock?
>different timing on each of the profits (QP, Embers, etc.)
>can't accept any individually, have to collect all
What the fuck.
Good morning
Did that Sakurai bingo ever get finished?
So that's why that future anon said illyafag's gonna have another melty and purge his FL again.
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You're rolling for her, right?
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What if everyone in /alter/ showed up but we all looked like Nemo?
i look like mike myers so thats not happening
Which 5* is she on rateup with?
Considering male Merlin can give Artoria a cock, she very likely can give herself one too.
Swimsuit Ibuki.
No, a bunch of anons got banned for the attempt.
Is there any strategy to upgrading the attractions or do you just do it as soon as you have materials?
Ibuki. But ignore her, Erice is far sexier.
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People from the future should stay in their own lane.
She shares a rateup with Ibuki so no
Dibs on being Professor Nemo!
After 3 days, If there's something left after pulling for Skadi.
Just upgrade them ASAP for the crowd multiplier.
Reminder that Erice is this summer's sexiest Servant.
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I remember a time when you entered boorus and all the new stuff was fate.
Nowdays everying is BA and ZZZ mixed with some other chinese gacha.

Still, someway FGO is the one that most money does, considering is cheap as fuck compared to everything else.
>lazy as fuck np
I hate summer skadi so much
Nobody uses skadi for her NP so it didn't matter. They could release her with no NP and it'll make no difference.
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Ibuki Douji.
>someway FGO is the one that most money does,

Wrong. It's not doing badly, but it's behind a number of other gacha now.
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No thanks
Should I fap to her first as a catalyst?
No, but I'd love to be her. But I'm not Ericebro, just another AGP oddball.

She's probably the one I like most this summer.
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Bro, those other gachas takes a shitload of investment, fgo is just some sprites and pngs.

Considering cost-investment FGO does more money,

And those other gachas are expending a lot into promotion too
Use better places like Twitter or Pixiv.
The sexiest this summer are valkyries. Thank goodness they're welfare.
You're the new Ericebro. And I'm the one who will impregnate you
I’m a shameless gameplayfag (F2P) GOD. Conveniently all my waifus are also the meta ones
I'll get her to NP5 minimum
Oops I forgot to renew my Booru gold subscription, guess I'll deal with limited artwork.
First Miyu, then Illya, and now Erice. Why do a bunch of anons here want to be turn into little girls?
Not after reading today's story.
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Tits too big, she looks like a cow
Ah, no, I'm already me, so I can't be him. Erice isn't close to the Servant to define me anyway.

>two (you)s
I have a problem or two.
He was around since before Ericebro…
Why do you not?
Which booru do you use? Danbooru is a one time payment not a subscription.
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Because Fate attracts autists.
I just want to be cute, small, and innocent.
I don't use any shitty booru. I just remember a while back when I was looking for something it had a bunch of blocked images that I needed to pay for, left a bad taste in my mouth. I didn't know if it was one time or a subscription, just said subscription for added dramatics.
Lots of frotting
To wear cute clothes, and most importantly feel cute myself.
I replied to you here. >>486682526
You'd all end up being boipreggers.
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Remember your roots, anon.
Oh yeah, it blocks loli/shota porn unless you pay it, but imo it's pretty nice if you don't want to search through all the garbage on twitter/pixiv to find fanart of stuff you like. I paid for it like 10 years ago when I was too dumb to know about other services like gelbooru but I still use it nowadays.
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Here is your mihoyo tourists
Poor Nemo, he's going telepathically feel all the things /alter/ is going to do to his clones bodies.
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>One guy nuked his support list to hide all 120 and 100 grails
I’m a shameless gameplayfag (F2P) GOD. Conveniently all my waifus are also the meta ones
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Are we getting railed?
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Are we getting Kiana?
Thank you

I farm manually and take 6-10 rounds to clear nodes, even during lotteries to have optimal bond gain.
is this real?
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Something feels off here
>it's with Stay Night
Phew, if it was Prisma I might have considered whaling for Illya. Thank god, I don't need another gacha game in my life.
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>forced into labor
Like pregnancy?
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>Pussy bleeding once a while
>Premenstrual syndrome
...To try something new I guess?
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>none of my 120s are in All
>guy is too lazy to see them
dos this mean fgo gets an actual collab event instead of whatever random fate collab 2kun cooks up instead?
yep coming Q3 2025. Next year basically
I'm going to play it if illya is in
So I got time to prepare to make those faggots feel as unwelcome as can be if they do come here.
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Should have gone with Heaven's Feel.
Trust me, bro.
Bro is crying behind that dab...
>Announcing a collab a year in advance
Seems kinda far no?
You WILL play hoyoslop for Redman.
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Reminder hsr MC is a trash raccoon who canonical has the tism and loves to fuck with people
Hory shit, that confirms actual models and rate-ups of fate characters. I thought it would be just simple costumes, weapons, and maybe a small area based FSN.
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Mihoyo collabs are characters in some outfit for a poster, is not as if they are actually going to become characters or costumes in game
Everybody that posts Redman next year will be labeled as a /gig/ger you have been warned.
Why is FSN such a fucking whore? Thank god I migrated to FGO.
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You should have been playing Battle Cats if you wanted Illya.
>whoring out for chinks
How the mighty have fallen
It's the other way around bro, they are almost always entirely new character. Like HI3's Asuka or GI's Aloy.
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china won
FGO has fallen and kneeled to Hoyo. Saber and Rin are now Caelus' designated cum dumpsters.
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my condolences fatekeks
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Liz? Lost.
Replaced by Tam Liz.
Soon to be replaced by Lilizth.
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It was obvious it had to happen eventually. How much you wanna bet TM has worked on some of the HSR characters?
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Is FGO the peak of Fate? Can we go even higher, to the level of the greats?
It's over
>How the mighty have fallen
Already happened with Prisma, and it was with a Mihoyo game, too.
>collab with the chinks
>but not for ZZZ
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kneel to your china overlord alterkek
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Come home asian man
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>are you not entertained?
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And mahjong soul too
sex with firefly
>collabing with a game that hasn't been out for event one month instead of the game in which Nasu had an interview with the producer
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Reminder that Nasu is a Mihoyo fanboy.

>I heard that Nasu-sensei has played many of HoYoverse's games. Does that mean you're a hardcore gamer?!
>Nasu-sensei: That's right. "Honkai: Star Rail" is no exception. I was patiently waiting for the PS5 version to be released... And, it finally came out recently. I'm currently making gradual progress. It's a long-awaited command-based RPG after all. As a gamer, I've always been curious about what kind of games will be released after "Genshin Impact." However, I have a friend who started playing the PC version of "Honkai Star Rail" early on. After glancing at the game's content, my initial reaction was, "Why not charge for the base game instead of making it free-to-play?!" (laughs). Actually, I've played "Honkai Impact 3rd" before... but playing games on mobile phones is a bit challenging for me. Although I personally prefer action games, the touchscreen controls don't quite suit me. Just when I was thinking, "It would be great if I could play this kind of action game on a home console..." "Genshin Impact" came out of nowhere. That's why I started playing it right from its launch. However, when I first encountered it, I was somewhat skeptical, thinking, "How popular can a product rooted in Japanese otaku culture really become?" But as I progressed through the game, I gradually felt the passion and technical prowess hidden within the game, as well as the dream of "making a name for myself in the world" so to speak. The development team successfully turned the dreams of otaku culture into a reality, and their operations and the game's highly complete nature made me want to shout "Thank you" into the sky.
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>Blatantly copying your chara designs and plots
>Still get a collab with a related product
Is this a NTR that will undergo out of my sight?
Based. I hope we get more chinese servants and more events set in ancient china. Halloween this year seems lit.
>Nasutrash polluting my game
Stay the fuck away with your trashfire shitshow of writers
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Nasu = CCP shill
>HSR will get sane Herc before us
>The development team successfully turned the dreams of otaku culture into a reality, and their operations and the game's highly complete nature made me want to shout "Thank you" into the sky.
do you guys went for NP1 Merlina?
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Who cares about Illya when you have nyagger
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>Nasu would rather collab with soulless chink shit instead of making an actual new game
This franchise is finished
"In the world of FGO, where generosity was myth, I learned to dig deep — for it was in my journey of want that I uncovered the wealth of my resolve."
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why would a game getting an FSN collab event lead to FGO getting a 3rd party collab when it didn't happen the first like 5 times? >>486683710
for example
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don't care about hsr just want my wife Nijika in FGO
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>Pretend you're any better than the Hoyosloppers
>This is what you're rewarded with
>first Jun Maeda
>now Nasu
Japan is fucking dead
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Let honkai get the UBW collab so we can have the Prillya collab in zzz
why do the japanese keep commending and lauding the chinks instead of getting envious and competitive and making better games of their own
its actually sad to see the state of the gacha industry completely handed over to korea and china
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I would rather have a BA collab with Illya...
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>here's your china collab event bro
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ni hao
now I will force Sakura to have sex with me (I'm Stelle btw)
>Redman will job to Svarog
>why is the nation of cucks like this
i wonder
fgo gets one hsr character
hsr gets one fsn character
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uh yeah bro let's collab with the shitty action brawler and not the turn based game we share a ton of things with
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Nasu should have intercourse with MiHoYo and finally make a technically competent 3D Fate game
>why are creatives having fun with good products instead of being mad like people who don't even play videogames
Real mystery there
acheron or firefly
illya or saber
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HSR thread so dead they're coming to raid us. Don't you guys have shitposts to make on /gig/ instead?
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>Now this
The state of absurdity is worsened year by year...
That ending is KINO no matter how many times I watch it.
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So when's the inevitable vtuber collab
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t. Nasu
don't care, not giving my money to mihoyoslop
>good products
bro your sei?
/gig/gers are pretty good at destroying their own thread already, all it takes is a single Neuvillette pic
hey it's the "people who don't even play videogames" I talked about in my post, can't believe I already found one
>ZZZ squad with Miyu, Illya, and Kuro
How important is getting Merlin compared to Ibuki and Skadi even?
So why is the first outsider colab a chink game, homoyo to boot?
I don't have her...
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What's the best vtubers we can get for a collab then?
Japs are incapable of taking any risk, so naturally they're falling behind. They're much more willing to make a new cashgrab gacha with the latest hot anime IP, then close it in a year and repeat, because that makes money with less risk involved.
Blame the dinosaurs in charge, like most of Japan's problems.
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it's busy
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>good products
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bun bun cha
>pononozo drew astolfo getting fucked in the ass before Vritra tiddies
bros... I'm not gonna make it...
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it's over
are you retarded?
not as important if you already got OG merlin, shes mostly used as a plugsuit arts buffer or when your castoria hits bond 15
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Foreigner Ina when?
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Posting Kafka is not off topic now
Yes, what does have that to do with the question
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I'd rather have her mom desu
What a weird complaint. You know only a small portion of FGO's playerbase has ever touched the original F/SN, right? A lot of people who like the servants from FGO don't even play FGO.
never playing a mihomo cuckge again, mihomonigger
she will get Nahida'd as well
Cute confused Yui, cute confused Milly.
Teeny weeny
And we got a servant out of it.
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>JP shit affecting JP account
>HSR shit
Just gonna wait for Summer 8 to let go.
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Bro, are you forgetting about the Pekora collab that happened last year? I'm 100% positive she's going to voice a servant in the future.
that's all they got?
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Based homochad
Stay strong
t. barabro
It's twice what we managed for our anniversary bro
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Chinese summer
Chinese halloween
Chinese sub colony
Kneel before the might of QIN
You have been saying this for a while, either shut up or do it already you coward.
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based haggod
You have got to be fucking shitting me.
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That was a skeb commission, anon. You wanna see dragon gyaru sex, you gotta pay for it or wait until someone who shares your exact desires pay for it.
what is firefly's appeal? She doesn't seem that hot to me
Man, the thread's gone to shit.
We're the laughing stocks of /vg/...
Is it important to get her if my Castoria is already bond 14 then?
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Are you guys pretending to be retarded or do you seriously think someone getting an FSN collab means that FGO is getting a collab servant? Aren't there like 10 games with FSN/Prillya collabs?
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I personally like Kafka more
you can sortof make do with xu fu though
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Which part of 'Summer 8' do you not get?
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Posts 120's is the one thing homoyo doesn't let you do. They will never let you boost or do anything with characters you like or have them even get a update or a skill upgrade. This makes them seethe.
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You are Honkai now
No it just means fgo kneeling to the thinks and telling them to take our waifus.
>still no Pon no Michi collab
What was the fucking point?
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Franz Kafka?
the only girl Mihomo ever made that is kinda "For (You)" so the dying from thirst waifufags who for some reason playing a mihomo game are losing their mind.

she will get Nahida'd in patch or two probably
>230 euros for a commission

Should I?
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That... doesn't make any sense.
Bro a level 100 is literally datamined for Genshin...
Yep, last time I checked it was like 20k. When the yen went down, they just upped their prices, so nothing really changed/got worse for us using gaijin currencies.
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Hello bwos
It's not an FGO collab.
This, Nasu has already laid out the rules for collabs, and in there he stated outside collabs aren't ever happening, at least not until FGO chapter 2 story is finished.
I know, but i've seen baggots and giggers go way faster
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I was going to play FGO but /akg/ told me it was grindy as fuck with no pity or monthly pass
would Sparkle fuck Guda?
Other artists are cheaper
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Hello sis
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I won't play your shit game but I do think your divegrass team is funny.
FGO has had pity for years at this point.
What about Santa Oberon in Christmas 2026?
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>Are you guys pretending to be retarded
The yen is very weak right now, so my call is to why not take advantage of it if you have the cash to spare.
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People just want to shitpost, anon. Ironically this is way better than the homegrown schizophrenia we usually get.
fuck off mihomonigger
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I added Altera's head thing but i made it smaller so it doesnt block the GYATT while she twerks.
It does nothing at all though and everyone can do it. It's nothing
That's correct, but it's probably less grindy than other gacha in terms of the materials you need to level units. No autobattler though.
>no pity
basically no pity

>divegrass team is funny
good take, be on your way bro.
Nobody wants you to, nobody even wants you here.
giggers were only fast during the launch of Inazuma, it had 60 posts per minute
all regions after that couldn't even capture a fraction of Inazuma's hype
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I'm sure he'll understand that enough is fucking enough.
Best post ITT
From the thumbnail without reading the post I thought that was Lando-T on the left.
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damn you guys are homos now thanks to nasu selling the game to mihoyo
It it possible to get Japanese artists to do commissions for gaijins though? Will he see English and ignore me?
>Ironically this is way better than
Kill yourself.
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For real.
No offense but I just don't get why waifufags even played mihoyo games in the first place, knowing their track record.
Alive yourself!
You're so retarded.
>Orion casually admiting Heracles is the greatest hero of all time
NTA but they all accept it. I've never seen one racist enough to reject gaijin money.
You will see him once in the finale and you will clap
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Please continue to enjoy playing Fate/Grand Order. Oh and check out Honkay Star Rail where we will be releasing SSR Archer Heracles [Exclusive].
I was more worried about communication issues rather than racism.
There's an option to use deepl translator. Make sure that your ideas get across very clearly, for example someone once requested for a girl to be ravaged (sexually assaulted) and he got a girl getting ravaged (beaten up by a boxer) instead. Just ask around on /h/'s skeb/pixiv thread for more details.
You guys will finally see Saber fully 3d modeled. Are you guys happy?
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>someone once requested for a girl to be ravaged (sexually assaulted) and he got a girl getting ravaged (beaten up by a boxer) instead
You can DeepL your request it before sending it.
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>You guys will finally see Saber fully 3d modeled.
Already got something way better years ago
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That's no way to talk to a bro. We're allies now you know, FGO and HSR.
Which Saber?
There are tens of Saber class units
Bro? The FGO Arcade model?
I would take the mahjong nyaggers over you any day of the week.
bro your ARCADE?
After I got Mihomo'd by Nahda, I will never, EVER get near your shit company cuckge
I stopped do to getting fired early this year, but as a senior to commissioning art I can tell you that most artists don't care at all that your gaijin. they'll gladly take your money, and don't worry about the language barrier as the site has a built in translator to help artists out with requests.
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So who won, who lost?
You stupid fucking asshole
fate fans
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Why so much shitposting? It's not like we are getting anything. Kinda like with that bunny girl collab.
Wrong honkai game. At best you're getting the Kiana expy.
The FGO x HSR brotherhood begins
zazed unironic retard
>future me is guaranteed to roll skadi in <300 sq
I won, feeling content.
>LB me will fail skadi
I lost.
honestly I'm more curious what he'd draw of his own volition considering he's had a Vritra on his banner for ages
We got basically the same type/amount of shitposting with the bunny vtuber too so it checks out.
i miss kiana
>Kinda like with that bunny girl collab.
She got a figure. Remember this when you think your favorite doesn't have one/enough. Nasu would rather suck them off than give a shot about your favorite.
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Anons are forgetting how often Prisma and FSN collab with other gachas. Like this actually happened, and no one here was panicking that battle cats was going to invade fgo.
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>wake up
>did my HSR dailies
>played some FGO
>work for a bit, need to take a late lunch
>"Wonder if I'm missing anything haha"
>check here during my lunch now
makes a great part 1 at least
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This event is another disgraceful reminder of us having lost the culture war
Battle cats is actually based and soul.
when is your footslut's banner? i really want to """""""play""""""""
Only 5 more days until /alter/ is saved by Skadi's swimsuit...
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I changed her skin color to make it less orange.
Is this better?
If you mean Sparkle, she is having a rerun next patch
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Will they choose Saber,Archer,Rin,Shirou,or Gil?
That's why I always input my requests in DeepL first before submitting.
Time to save.
If only he at least knew katakana...
what the hell is the Nahida thing, never played genshin or HSR
>sparkle next banner
thanks but the other one, the grey hair with green colored themed
fate grand order alter
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That looks better to me.
She is also having a rerun next patch. She has her banner in two weeks
Battle Cats is a great game. And Ebora loves it.
Today I held and didnt waste my quartz
It will always be Gil, he's the biggest slut.
>been here since day 1
>not on the list
I feel so insignificant now...
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I don't get this image
Jap artist just takes the money and deliver the commission in 1 single text? I take $40 and I update the client like 7 times before the final delivery
should have rolled more copies
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Who is "them" and why are they so freaky?
sorry not a rerun* Her first banner
We are all insignificant in the grand scheme of things
To oversimplify, she was "for (you)" but then ended up being "for someone else". She's also a cute little loli type character.
I don't even know what that list is about, lv120 NP5 servants or something?
I have a bunch of those
schizo shit. Where a girl can't interact with another male charachter or its cuck shit
Post your fc then.
Imagine if FGO had real trailers
Don't worry, it's just a product of dead weeks taking a toll on anons' sanity.
But it does.

holy insecurity
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H-hello...! My name is Huohuo....as you can see, I c-came from /hsrg/..... I'm hoping to make f-friends....

Uhhh.... What are the stuffs that I need to know in Fate/Stay night?
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Imagine if I cared.
Better luck with HF or Prisma Illya
Why don't you go back there?
All you need to know is that you and me will mana transfer right now
/alter/ is reddit
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Meant for >>486689532
Wasn't the one that was wearing the pendants with the symbol of the guy?
liz is so helpful!
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S-stop bullying me...!!
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I heard stories about how /fgoalter/ were the chads of /vg/, how you terrorized other generals and were a boogeyman...but I don't see any of that bravado here. What gives?
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I REFUSE to have fun during this event. I will NOT be part of Skadi's plan.
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This girl interacted and helped out some other guy.
n-nice stills bro
You slut, you just arrived and you already know what 'mana transfer' means
/alter/ got old and fat.

When a big enough event occurs, though, it can still pull out a good one-two. It just gets gassed out more than it used to.
Nahida went from basically only talking with Tabibito until 3.2 to having Scara all around her after that. She doesn't need (You) anymore since her boytoy does everything for her now, plus he actually lives with her. Scara pretty much replaced (You). Unironically Nahida went from the archon that was most for (You) to the least in a matter of patches, all the other archons still have a special relationship with the traveler (knowing Venti and Zhong's identity, Raiden letting you on her plane alongside Yae) while Nahida doesn't really.

Nahida went from very for (You) with the first sage thing, being able to speak in your mind without the Akasha due to your connection, and all the voice lines to becoming like an acquaintance.
If Traveler didn't decide to go to Aaru village at the end of the event, s/he would've missed Nahida entirely, i.e. Nahida didn't even bother informing Traveler of her plans.
Nahida is like a shy girl who you help break out of her shell and then she breaks out with you to go fuck chad instead.
All of those posters were flavor of the monthCHADs and are in the Mihoyo general now, only people left here are thread celebrity dicksuckers
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Loli heroine deity that was close with the MC during her story chapter. Her story also later involved interacting with the main antagonist of her chapter, who the MC and she defeated (basically tamed him). This devolved HEAVILLY into cuckposting. And not just on /gig/, the chinese with insane over it. Literally 0 romantic feelings btw, for both the MC and the antagonist character.
cute slut
This would never happen to me.
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>new threads are going to be even more unhabitable now because of Hoyoniggers
>Fate twitter will also be more unhabitable since Hoyoniggers are gonna call Gil whitewashed
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You already are, though
went* insane over it
>Imagine if FGO had real tra-ACK
Character was for you on release and then ended up fucking another guy later on once everyone rolled already.
The CCP would NEVER
Skeb doesn't let the client and artist communicate with each other during the delivery period. Once you send in your request and the artist accepts, then no more takebacks. Presumably to protect artists from nitpicky customers.
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you can tell fate fell off because we dont get these anymore
Why are the guys not hanging dong?
so basically Bryn 2.0
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Fate collabs with lot of games, but there are no collabs outside the nasuverse in FGO.

FGO remains pure
>alter is the fragile old man that is actually super strong and can save the day when he gets serious
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the funny thing the same dude who cucked them from Nahida now cucked them from another girl
>woooaaaaahhhh collab it's over bro
The fact that Chinks have to fork over money to hire Nip VA to voice their games and begs popular IP to collab with them says a lot about the actual popularity of the games themselves.
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That's because of the retcon of deleting Rukh from Irimsul. She went from an inferior replacement ostracized by everyone into a coup from the sages isolating her from everyone. She didn't need to rely on the Traveler like an emotional crutch anymore.
>for (You) at any point
Good moming
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>FSN collab
>not an FGO collab
>won't get to see Musashi vs Acheron
I wish to mourn the departed, weeping like rain, to swell the crossing stream... as the tide arrives, leading you back home
the devs of hsr are fans of fate
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Okay, that's actually a masterpiece.
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Glad my gacha wont ever collab with this pile of fire ever
The game is making multiple times what FGO does. If you think it's dying you're delusional.
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Good moming
>musashi at the end isn't nude
uh cringe
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I know LB2 was like a million years ago but before that she had pandering.
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Uhhh why did you come here lil bro? You lost or something? The kindergarten is 2 blocks down.
they're literally each other's fanboys kek
>Nobody uses skadi for her NP so it didn't matter.
She can't loop??!!!
>they had a melty over their girls being summoned there
>in the game with like 3 dudes
What's even the appeal of Marie Alter? Aside from being a widow, if that's your thing
What the fuck is HSR? High speed railway?
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Her NP is literally beating people harder if they remind her of her man, dude. What are you talking about.
Honda Sivic type R
the fact Chinese killed cats out of sheer cuck rage
Hoyo games have like 4 or 5 different dub tracks. I know a lot of people who play the games with english voices.
What do you mean? We had one for the latest summer.
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>He doesn't remember the bait and switch with her trial quest having her call the self insert her Sigurd
>Electric sockets right next to the faucet
Is that common? Isn't it not safe?
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looks like they are going all out for Fate
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Gogh is so well animated...
How I wish for an Erice gf
that was your cue to post it
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>woman who got wet for half the men in the game when she was introduced
>"aiiiiie, why did they stop having Bryn be for me!!!|
That was unironically a hoax. The fact that people believed it is kinda amazing.
Kafka’s release trailer with Vivaldi strings was pretty hype. Why don’t we get servant spotlights like that?
Back when grailing to 100 was enought o show love lmao
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hag love
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does this girl pee herself?
Meaning that since her introduction she could only think about her husband.
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Don't worry about it.
How about we get some different fucking Servants?
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basically pic related
if you do it right
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you've never seen left get an anni CE though
The director of HSR spent the entire Nasu interview sucking off Redman. They make him at minimum.
It's common in my country. Not sure how you're splashing that much water around that it gets inside the sockets.
You will get another Mozart anniversary CE and you will like it.
>released 2 months ago and gets an anni ce
>medea and lip never got a single one
Anni CE?
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>Musashi got ANOTHER anni ce

I won.
What is the appeal of Yui Shousetsu and why does she get to have special treatment compared to the other Samurai Remnant OC Masters?
you will get popular and beloved servants and you will like it
We've seen Musashi get tons and Bedi has a few.
That planet is going to be cosmos denial isn't it?
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>look like a 2B
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Hello bobber.
She's the Sakura of Remmant
this will save Ati
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Nips really like her 1st ascension, for some reason.
I mean it's just a fucking suit, don't get why people went wild over this.
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Honkai Star Rail.

The story is about you joining a group called the Trailblazers that ride an interstellar train and whose job it is to show up in different planets and colonies and essentially resolve an issue usually caused by something called a Stellaron.

Basically imagine if Chaldea was a warping train-spaceship, and instead of travelling to other time periods and locations, you travelled to other planets and colonies. Stellarons are basically a Holy Grail (grants immense power but also corrupts the world and history around it).

The major locations so far have been

>Herta Space Station (a space station run by an ultra intelligent woman that basically protects her home planet with the immense intelligence and money she can throw at things. Think if Tony Stark was a woman and talked to everyone through loli puppets of themselves)
>Belobog (planet that got covered in a constant blizzard because of the stellaron, you show up and incite a revolution ultimately breaking the status quo and allowing them to break free from the stellaron-corrupted leader)
>Xianzhou Loufu (space colony china)
>Penacony (former prison colony turned theme park dream hotel in which people enter a dream state and can experience whatever they want)

There is also a group called the "Stellaron Hunters" that you used to be a part of before the events of the game but you don't really remember. They work for a man named Elio who has a complete script of everything that will happen going forward and they act in a way to ensure it goes along a certain path, often helping or hindering you, but ultimately it always revolves around you in some way. One of them is your former mom-like character who is a femme fatale assassin who struggles to feel emotions but she's very happy when you say you care about her (Kafka) please be nice to her
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Can we talk about Star Rail in this thread now?
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For me it's the idea that a homunculus could more easily be manipulated into having weird ideas about human intimacy.

Hey hey.
I guess Kojirou’s Raiden then?
When the fuck is Illya getting one!?
Is this real?
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Who's the STRONGEST servant?
>don't get why people went wild over this.
leotards and skintight suits go hand-in-hand with each other
When a girl who usually dresses up modestly starts dressing up slutty, dudes get crazy
Who can defeat Star Rail Aeons in Fgo? Are grand servant/god/outer gods galaxies buster?
It's King Eric "The Bloodaxe King" Bloodaxe, the king who wields the bloody axe Bloodaxe
I go to HSR general and it full on looks like /alter/ general with lippers and all. I thought they’d be raiding us but it looks like the reverse instead.
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This guy will solo the entire /hsrg/ roster
The next one... For sure...
Her first ascension looks like a Taimanin suit.
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Because nobody expected her to have turbo tits under yukata
Yes they are adding Shirou,Saber,Rin,Cu Chutlain,Medea and Archer to Star Rail
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>star rail collab
>with UBW of all things
so who is Gil gonna job now to? my bet is on QQ
two hours meeting is finally over...
The police arrests them for being retarded.
Vast majority of /alter/fags are in the Mihomo generals as well, they only come here during the big events and shit
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Lets talk about Nemo appearing in the event
>Welt spawn a blackhole
Bye bye Chaldea
I don't care for bodysuits but the pattern and cuts does make it look like she's wearing a leotard
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>these names
I play HSR but don't go to /hsg/, nice divegrass lineup
Don't lump the casual trash with actual /alter/
Nasu: yeah... yeah mahoyo... let's do a collab... I'll put sakura in your game... sakura is such a great waifu... I lover her so much...
>Mahoyo: wowww thank you KINOko Nasu! We are so glad that now you are allowing our chinkslop into FGO!! Now, of course we can put famous FGO characters like Gogh and Castoria into our game right?
>Nasu: no no no... You're getting distracted from what's important... You've gotta put Sakura in your game... trust me... she's our most popular character... How about you add Shirou also... Sound OK??
Seriously, this is Musashi getting her third one while there's servants that haven't even gotten one yet.
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take your meds like a man, you little bitch
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Yui love!
>Cu Chutlain
Ok so no Illya so no point in downloading this trash got it.
Unironically how much did Mihoyo have to pay TM for this?
who is this?
You don't know what turbo tits mean.
Why in the fuck is it being announced now?
>gets brainwashed into being a wagie
>got mutiny'd by the other nemos
>gets a guant syringe shoved up his ass nonconsensually
>never even got that spicy parfait
Being Nemo is suffering
Most of /alter/ are gacha addicts. That's the sad reality. The so-called true /alter/ TM fags have always been a minority among minority.
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He was so cute.
They're good by real world standards but tiny by FGO standards.
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>welt ever doing anything
So you can start playing now and by the time it comes out have enought quartz for pity.
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It's the opposite you mong
reminder that Kama is getting her 4th one in a row
Yeah bro people only browse one general ever lmao
So it can save the interest in Type-Moon projects.
Erice has bigger tits than that. What make's Yui erotic is that's she's a 35 year old hag.
95% chance they'll do an Illya skin for Clara-Svarog
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>still keep getting new stuff in game

We love Nasu and Sakurai favoritism here.
No, retard, you can talk about FSN in the honkhonk thread.
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Supposedly a post a couple days ago leaked this and said it would have its own dedicated planet.

Which I wanna be clear to you guys, a whole PLANET is insane in the context of Star Rail.

The game has 4 major locations (essentially planets though some are colony ships/space stations) so far, it launched with three (Herta Space Station, Jarilo VI and Xianzhou Loufu) and since launch it's gotten ONE new planet, Penacony. Penacony has since been the focus of the last 5 major story releases, which are every 6 weeks.

If Fate actually gets its own planet that's kind of insane.
I quit HSR when I didn’t get Kafka and got Welt’ed. Is it worth going back now?
True /alter/ have to fucking spend hours to actually read the story. Do you seriously think they have time to touch any other grindy gacha?
Even they are forced to read and translate FGO materials for that tiny, tiny references to Tsukihime or FSN.
TM doesn't pay for collabs
Skadi is an obnoxious bitch, if this event doesn't have a twist by the end of it where she get btfo'd, I"ll be really annoyed.
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I guess you could say it's The Moment A Planet Is Born
I have never heard of this game, but I assume it's just another shitty literally who gacha collabing with us

Do people still even care about her at this point?
Feels like her inclusion on anything just seems forced, not unlike Nero.
What can I say, the people love Musashi.
With Kama I can kinda understand the favoritism, as Redrop has no other servant to draw. Musashi artist doesn't has this excuse.
Just because it’s its own planet doesn’t mean it’s going to be large. I’m sure it will be relatively substantial comparative to what one might expect especially since it is releasing in 2025 but not all planet sizes are the same right?
>Anon I did this all to try and get your attention UwU
And you'll roll for her anyway.
void stancer cares obviously
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hi neighbors, this is my thread now
Ericeanon would've loved this chapter... Why did you have to scare him away, /alter/....
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I bet she will appear here too...
Albert was playing the long game all along...
No I won't. I'm not spending any quartz on a q**ck spport, unless they release Quick support Tamamo Aria or Touko, in which case I'd roll NP5.
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Let that book go.
I mean who else that has the same decent popularity like her from Koyama.
Mata Hari? Come on now.
Because he’s a weird ERPing faggot why would you want him here
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Say her name.
i would've loved him hanging himself but we cant always get what we want
I have no idea how Skadi fans exist.
MiHoYo are Fate fans, and Nasu is a MiHoYo fan
No way they're not going all out, it's their dream collab
we didn't scare him away... he became bored of us I think...
Who will the two Japanese servants in this year’s summer be
her 1st ascension is peak sex when her normal outfit didnt show anything off in FSR
Then at least post someone cute. Do you have lolis?
Since no one in your replies actually cares about her character, Yui is one of the main antagonists of FSR, but she's more along the sympathetic lines of an antagonist, where she wants the grail for a noble purpose. In the game she comes off as someone who has struggled to find an answer to right the wrongs of this world, which pain her dearly. Also she's just cute.
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I miss him so much fellas...
Ericebro jumping up and down on my lap while we play together
Voice actor Kenji Akabane once held Nasu and Koyama at gunpoint earlier this year while shouting PUT MUSASHI IN THE FUCKING ANNIVERSARY LINEUP DE GOZAIMASU, Nasu told me about it in his deleted blogpost
So far they are. All four planets have reasonably long story length and older ones have been brought back for new event stories. They've never done a planet that only lasted a single event or a single story patch
Gogh and Takasugi.
So will Star Rail character end up in FGO? What is this about?
That's a dumb excuse. Just don't make them draw one every year
i dont feel like i should even bother putting up a friend support for the event
not summoning for any CEs
maybe ill put up a bare minimum shop CE castoria/george/leonidas towards the end
>what is this about
He was dead to me the moment he revealed that he wanted to ruin Erice's perfect body with disgusting cow tits.
Bro, Aoko and Alice literally released last month, and don't say too soon as Bakin got an anniversary art one month after released.
Can't spell Scam without Sam
Anyone from the Servantverse.
Come back after Honkai, Genshin and ZZZ force Chinese players to roll FSN/FZ characters.
Liz (Japan) and Chacha
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>Summer Erice is Ericeanon after his wish came true
Gogh is not Japanese and Takasugi is a guy so he doesn’t count towards the Japanese summer servant quota
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GWNBJ (gogh will never be japanese)
your starry night will never come close to the beauty of hokusai
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le landlord has arrived
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this is your new grand saber
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Boobs too small
>a crumb of content for Medea
>it's this
i WILL summon Ericeanon and impregnate her
Ebora and monkeyjon CE when
He's more Genshin fan than Mihoyo.
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Good morning, bros. Lip love!
Star Rail is collabing with Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works. So basically they're collabing with OG Fate. Has nothing to do with FGO.

That said it looks like it's an actual substantial collab
then why isn't she getting gangbanged by every male in Chaldea?
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What mood do we have today, FGObros?
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Haha surely Nasu won't fuck up everything with his whore and ntr fetish haha
I tend not to spare a single thought about Medea, but seeing her fags' reactions kinda makes me wish she'll keep getting ignored.
Summer Ibuki's tentacle water dragons are already occupying all her holes
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It's over but I still have to go to farm bond for summer + anniversary. I'm tired bros, I'm tired of this game.
When it will be my turn to be on top?
Bros my work computer is blue screening
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You are wrong.
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i'd rather not pull for erice-anon though...
I thought the hyper-stuff was quite funny
yeah that's funny i havent seen him around lately. my guy might have made it
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so we will get trash lover trailblazer dude as a Servant ever?
do the needful
Shouldn't be using crowdstrike lmao
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just wait for summer 9...
He killed himself?
>check the gamepress walkthrough
>every day has multiple ass long story nodes
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based and N____-pilled (Nippon)
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They're killing off the MC of FGO in Lostbelt 8 and replacing them with the HSR main character
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you bros can be so silly sometimes
This fate collab announcement is unironically making my gacha addiction tingle. I haven’t even started our own summer event but I’m actually tempted to go back to HSR so I can start saving up for it. The marketing is working on me.
please reference >>486694907
Is the rate in HSR also as bad as FGO?
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/alter/ is for the bros!
your much more likely to guarantee the 5* but the rng of getting a 5* is alot worse than fgo since you'll be likely to hit hard pity on top of the 50/50 system
the art work in 3d Mihoyo stuffs put me off immensely. that might happen to you
why do people put waver on support lists
Yes but thats a good thing because bad rates mean you feel a lot more accomplished once you get it because it took more work if you just get everything handed to you on a silver platter everything feels hollow life is about struggle.
MiHoYo games all have much higher rates, but the turn over is also much higher. There's a new broken character every month and your old favorites won't be able to keep up very quickly-
Arcade is an absolute joke it cannot be worse
It's time for /fgoalter/ and /hsrg/ to merge. We are brothers bound by blood now.
ffgohh has like the worst rates on the market + no pity so I doubt it
I get enough gems for pity in buruaka in maybe 2 months
To show off how crusty and old they are.
Down syndrome BB...
the design is super predatory
I'm the sort that just wants the waifu and i'm happy
they actually have to go to /tmg/ but it's nice to have some tourism round these parts
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Servants for this feel?
this is what has kept me playing fgo
more often than not, you can use almost any servant to do what you want
Isn't it 0.3% rate-up in Genshin?

It's ridiculously predatory and if anything Mihoyo is what led me to quit a lot of other gachas.
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I think this is the first time I have hated the shopkeeper and actively tried to avoid him. Douman is absolutely disgusting.
Worst post ever
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Kafka is still usable one year later and is still meta.
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I almost started playing that dogshit game for that girl, specially her summer version
0.6% actually
weird name. is that a JP servant?
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>There's a new broken character every month and your old favorites won't be able to keep up very quickly
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What do robot farts smell like?
I played HI3 just for the cunny olenyeva twins and bronya, but the weapon system is pretty gross
I also dropped it and only play FGO now
I appreciate how FGO buffs old servants (sometimes), it's pretty chill.
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>open shop screen
>he fucking cums
Who allowed this
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Is not that the event is goddamn awful but so far its been pretty boring outside a couple of (really expected) jokes
so this is it, huh?
>90++ gives eggs
im blowing my wad
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>Randomly look up noble phantasms in real life
>Remember that Charlemagne and his Paladins were supposedly real
>Google "Was Durandal a real sword?"
>Expect a resounding "no"
>Apparently was a literal sword in a stone
>Replicas made
>All of them stolen
>Latest replica was stolen sarly this month
I'm gonna take a shot of stealing my own Durandal when I go to Europe next year.
I like his mmms though... I wish I had him...
I thought Erice land was kinda neat, I just hate that all (you)r Servants are being mindraped into scati's shitty plan.
Oh that's nice, I was going to buy eggs for s. skadi from the cum shop. Maybe I can save a few cum cubes.
The quality of the HSR rail was devolved primarily into fate shitposting at an amazing speed. Is that because of us. I don’t even know what a normal HSR general is supposed to look like right now.
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I've been skipping the event story since I finished the prologue since I don't like any of the characters and don't expect to enjoy anything from the event, and I've got better things to do than sit here and read 30 hours of trash.
Its ok to cum
i love it
Rates are way worse but pity is way lower.

You have like a 0.3% chance of getting a rate up 5* per roll but you get a guaranteed 5* every 90 rolls (usually earlier as chance ramps up after 75 rolls since the last 5*).

The first time you get a 5* it has a 50/50 chance of being the rate up character. If it isn't the rate up then your next 5* absolutely will be.

These are continuous across all limited banners too.

Tl;Dr worse odds than Fate but much lower pity. It's basically designed around you getting to pity each time. Imagine if FGO has worse odds but you had a 50/50 at 300 SQ spent and then if you failed that a guarantee of the rate up at 600.
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Genshin is unironically the only one that seems pretty powercreep-proof, but after quitting I saw it as a trap and sure enough HSR was cancerous from the get-go.
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Im doing the final singulatiry.
Is Douman good for fighting mr.Salmon?
Should i roll for him?
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Wtf I love Hoyoverse now!
You can clear solomon with a bond CE herc
honestly i'd be cool with those odds
>MiHoYo games all have much higher rates
Literally the opposite is true. Their games have God awful rates but low pity to essentially force you to pity
merlina would be alright against him, esp if you have a castoria/tamamo, or can borrow one
like >>486696186 said, look around for a herc that has bond CE, ideally one that is more than np1
it's actually 0.6%. That makes a big difference even if it seems small
Hate Samurai Remnant
I dont have Hercules.
I rolled Emiya as my free 4 star.
I do have NP5 Arcuid though can she clear it also?
Is that objectively a better model or not. I can’t tell. I feel like I prefer FGO because it allows me to get Purina in 5 tickets. I guess HSR is better if you’re always unlucky.
Yeah, HSR is much more powercreep heavy than Genshin.
Does pity only work with 5* or both 4* and 5*?
Because in FGO you can absolutely getting 2~3 5* before a single 4*.
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>wake up
>it's another meltdown over another property collabing with fate / invasion by that thread
Their character models look like if you made them in koikatsu but you replaced all the body and face sliders with one slider with like five notches. Arcade, though janky, are much more stylistic and true to the original art.
0.6% to get a 5*, 0.3% of which is to get the rate up.

Vs FGOs 1% to get a 5*, 0.8% of which is to get the rate up.
SR odds are completely fucked for mihomo games though.
You get a guaranteed 4* for every 10 rolls, but it follows the same 50/50 that it may be rate up and 4*s are always on a three way split. It's unironically worse than FGO for 4*.
He means your friend's, you silly bean.
Follow this guy: 812,283,043
Use his herc for the fight
nu-hoyo will never publish something like that
its was actually revealed that its something like 56/44 with pull statistics.
No but unlike FGO you need multiple copies to make a character work since their dupes arent damage increases but straight up new abilities sometimes.
I am Korean and shin ramion is not that spicy.
I disagree completely so I guess we're at an impasse
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There hasn't been a new SS tier farmer or meta support in over 2 years in fgo. You've basically been able to roll for whoever you want without worrying about missing out on the meta.
Even with 90++ shit that's not the case in FGO.

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