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What is Revue Starlight?
Revue Starlight is a multimedia franchise consisting of stage plays, anime, manga, mobage and more. Various stage girls compete in battles to become the "top star", the peak of their peers. NOTE: The game is a sequel to the events of the anime, Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight. It is required to watch it before playing the game.

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>Tier List

>English Twitter

>Download Links
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.atm.smile.ww
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/revue-starlight-re-live/id1456723497?mt=8

Previous Stage: >>482842552
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The coolest (stageplay) revue song... Or at least top 3...
I will never forgive kobato ryoko
I will forgive Kobato Ryoko after 200 dogezas.
I will forgive Ogami Shiro
Shizuha destroyed many computers
why shiro is always winning?
She bribes the judges.
shiro means white
but her soul is kuro
aragami mikoto is
I heard about Yachiyo
JunJun In New York!
Nobody can resist the duck
Duck and Banan, sitting in a tree...
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Futaba is such a whore.
Tendou Maya's hand is on Kuro's knee!!!!!
W-what happened to the other banana on her head
Junna ate it
taht is why she is Fat
and that's good
It's time to celebrate Romana
haruka and the four crazy broads
haruka sanity status inconclusive
In a better world, Shiori would be patting her head and brushing her hair like the rest of the little animals...
MeiMei should eat the animals
anything new about the VN revealed yet?
Judy will lose
to Hikari's dagger.
Small weapons are cute!
MeiMei should eat the Karens
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like Tamao Tomoe
"That could be us. if only there wasn't Rinmeikan"
Together, we can make Rinmeikan not be.
But you know what Shiori really does to animals. Would you really subject her to that?
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It is done out of love and not malice, so it must be okay. The Romanalets who were battered all their lives (deservedly) will be tempered by the purest heart. Thank you, Shiori!!!
What is the appeal of KuiKui?
she will save minku
today i will support Nonomiya Lalafin
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junna but with points in str and cha instead of int and dex. plus the stuff i like about rui that doesn't include yuyuko but that might only be athleticism and a ponytail
the sieglets will unite by her blade and stomp the cocky romanas, as is destiny for a true leader and class prez
Babana's toe jam...
YYQ will ate it but not junjun
El Dorado
How can Michiru is a good girl if she keep bothering everyone in pvp?

Kuina's sweat
PvPists deserve to be bothered.
She eats a banana.
ftb is an unlucky girl
she should go to los angeles
but that is a Meifanese colony
the world will be mei fan
IT'S JUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is in Okinawa.
She is in JAIL
didn’t remember Oath deadline isn’t at end of day
>panic unlocking Oaths
>2 min left, Silver 1, frantically turning on and off to get 6200 mark
>my support don’t deal damage, quit to redo

Reminder to grind for Flame.
Banana gambling
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no i don't like that
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Tsubasa and Tsukasa
sitting in a tree
.....and Maria!
The tree will break
heavy is good
Filthy bottom's birthday soon!
>Filthy bottom
That's not very specific.
It's name is aragami mikoto
el pato will fix her
el potato
Mikoto does not have a birthday. She was created in a lab or maybe fell here on a space rock. She would not tell anybody if she had a birthday anyways because celebrating would kill her brooding vibes
She is not real, she is a tulpa. That is why she does not have birthday.
She is a ghost
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mikoto sex
Try being a butterfly ;)
Karen became a moth.
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Chocomint covered banana
Hiyonion is in danger.
Hikari and Yoyo are duelling
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Happy birthday to This Is Tendo Maya!
I hope she gets all the little girls she wished for.
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tendie maya is old and fake
Everybody likes Stella now
Stella is a forced meme propped up by Big Stage. Open your minds, sheeps.
Nintendo maya
Children's favorite gaming console.
cheezuha will fix
What's to fix about Maya?
Do your poop revue
Another 5 days of poop this month...
I have no time for troupes, I am busy making minigame birthday cakes for Tendo Maya.
5 year old YYK
1 year old Eru
Eruru has a gun
A small gun that shoots blanks
That is what Tender Maya likes
Hugging Futaba's slender waist...
Cows belong to farmgirls
Misora the Orphan Obliterator
Arururu and Misora are getting married!
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Their true nature...
That's a quote by me!
Junjun's quotes are the greatest quotes.
Junjun is the best!
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gray mean rank4 right?
Haha dumb
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Which Starlight is the weakest?
Because you don't have pieces for rank4 in a reroll account

The barefeet ones
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Frogs are the worst animals
Gabus are better
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The coolest butai
....nobody said.
I said it
When Encore doesn’t live up to its legacy. Mei Fan Empress was a tank. Good in HP and Sp DEF. but it is one made by minmaxing it got really bad Act and agility,comparable to 3star.
The fivestar Empress although still have great DEF, is #45 in Act and top 80 in agility. It is not even a swift wall, it is a chopper that can guard. Oh I just see they move her to backrow. not even decency to keep her in center
Everyone wants too many Rainbow Fairy Pieces. Make it stop
Futaba is the rainbow fairy.
She will become fataba
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sisters are we ready to lose every fight again and be the franchise laughstock
kill yourself, tourist
You can pick what role each girl plays in el dorado so I will just make Cowruko play the role that doesn't lose
Junjun will top every girl.
Junjun will bottom to Futaba.
El Dorado will be GOTY
Game of the Decade
First game to sell 5 copies
Why does Nana, the strongest of the butai, not simply rape the others?
she got bored and went to los angeles
She probably had her way with all of them at least once during her loops
She kissed Dyke-sensei in one loop.
She married YYK in one loop
What would Nana have done if Judy transferred instead of Hikari?
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no one can escape the banana
Banan found another Banana in a loop and raped her
That's hot
And then they got married and adopted three little girls.
One of them is Eru
Eru is for Hagrurur

Arcadia continuation never ever...
No budget left for actual story.
Hikari spent the budget on Mr. White.
The story is LLFN
The story is the lalafriends we're currently making!
Pink germans are a threat that must be dealt with
Judy knows the way.
Fabulous Max
Karen is fantabulous
Karen is a delicacy in the country of Mei Mei
Choco Mint!
Toothpaste is a delicacy in the land of the flats.
Judy will post a diss track about Tendou Maya
Judy is such a crude creature
I Believe In Ryoko
let's enjoy kagawa life
not sure how I feel about picking the roles, doubt the revues will be memorable with this
I think picking the roles is just a bonus mode, the regular story with revues has set roles and pairs for the leads.
I hope the revues have some kind of themes at least, even if there's no animation or anything, because ReLIVE's barebones revues are a weak point to me. There were still a few I liked from Arcana Arcadia however!
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So cool!!
Great Hero Akira slew the foul monsters
>>487503158 seriously you need some pieces to get them to rank4. This look a half done manual Guest pick except anyone half assed couldn't get them to rank4
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Wake up, it's troupe revue time
Troupe revue is becoming so tedious
Romana in Relive when ? Will they be more powerful than Judy ?
Kaoruko steak.

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