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The Past: >>486203096

>General Info
- Reverse: 1999 is a turn-based RPG with gameplay revolving around the use of spell cards. The game focuses on storytelling, with a rich main story mode and frequent side-story events. The game is fully voiced in 4 languages, with English as the primary language. There are no PvP elements, you can play at your own pace.
- Daily reset is at 10am UTC

>Version 1.7 Trailer (GL/JP)
>Version 2.0 Trailer (CN)

>Download (PC & Mobile)
1.7 Web Event: https://reverse1999.bluepoch.com/en/event/opera/ (Until July 25)

>Current Event
Patch 1.7 - E lucevan le stelle || Jul 11 - Aug 15

>Rate-up Banners
1. Isolde (Spirit Support) || Jul 11 - Aug 1
2. Lilya (Star DPS) || Jul 16 - Jul 30

>Upcoming Banners
1. Marcus (Plant DPS) || Aug 1 - Aug 15
2. 37 (Star DPS) / Jessica (Plant DPS) || Aug 1 - Aug 14

>Community Resources
Database: https://windbow27.github.io/Kornblume/
Guide to the basics: https://pastebin.com/hEeaZ3Dn
Guide to arcanists & team building: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e46cecjsIb1LO3Ybb6urlVUZKUk8R7yrgG9yXZS8-Ho
Resonance guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lUzkJvRfV2diLiU0ai6mCrM-kkm0cqwblo1VvCkhYi4/htmlview
Psychube guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qQinxxU_e0-YXwPj5WAd2PgTFksyLwIaHXwEcosUxU0/edit#gid=1302308761
Insight materials cheat sheet: https://imgur.com/a/vB9zTHJ
Insight costs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1js7u2mwQzrfqkYnszURTYT1C6DxX0-qhsjfVQ5CvB_o/htmlview#
List of cultural references: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSuCCpDYg-Np7nSs2N26WR9uoD0_WudUi_Hd_XnV_Ezyac5_J9b1402PflmLdRSQf346HVPbYdbP9G4/pub

1999GIFT, 5YRBRF9, MAINSTORYUPDATE, DressRehearsal, CurtainRises, MournfulLament, AthousandHamlets, PraiseofCourage
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We got big news here (and an apology, probably because of the Mercuria drama)

>PV for 2.1 releases in July 27
>2.1 takes place in America again and is centered around Route 77
>Roguelike mode is getting two new update, first is an affix mode that sounds like taking penalities/bonuses
>Second, the character now have a stress bar, when the stress bar reach a certain value depending on the character either good stuff or bad stuff happens, some character combination have stress related Easter eggs
>This stress system is also getting added to raids
>Characters now have unique buffs called "Peak Focus" when used in raids example include
>Kaalaa Baunaa - start with full planets, gain a planet automatically at the start of the round, ultimate hits harder
>Druvis III - Passive now also increase attack, penetration rate increase against petrified enemies
>Eagle - Ultimate now has Leech rate and higher penetration rate, Ultimate gets autolaunched when another character use it's ultimate
>New mode called "blue handkerchief hotel" (probably related to Paulina?) with puzzles and collecting clues
>Better auto
>Enemy immune to Control effect are becoming enemies that resist control effect (also if I understood right, you can now hit raid boss with control effect because of this change)
>Infinite Wilderness is coming
>Old characters are getting buffed, if I understood correctly the one planned to getting a buff are
>Druvis III, Shamane, Lilya, BKorneblumme
>And other
i am glad the game is still up and not affected by outages
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Kakania love
lifelong friends, huh...
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Sotheby will get giga buffed and /1999/ will apologize for bullying her!
>No weapon gacha
>No characters alts
I will play your game until EOS John
Do NOT leave her alone in the suitcase with your waifu
Where's our collab?
I really dont get the CN drama
>character is bad without dupes!
Just do what people in other gacha do, call them a brick and move on to the next character.
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Not bad, but America is kinda boring.
>Route 77
Just give Tooth Fairy a subaru.
>Second, the character now have a stress bar, when the stress bar reach a certain value depending on the character either good stuff or bad stuff happens, some character combination have stress related
I am very glad. We talked about this Darkest Dungeon mechanic back in the very first threads. I don't mind borrowing good ideas from other similar games.
I think the american city setting is boring.
But an appalachian road trip through the american countryside with hillbilly horror sounds KINO
>He doesn't have the special Matilda's garment after the last collab
Is this even drama even worth it? Game is like piss easy and if you engage in endgame the highest rewards just extra 2 days worth of resources per event. Doing A casually is much easier lol.
It’s good to nip really bad dupe baiting in the bud.
>route 77
>some horror stuff was teased in 2.0
yeah I'm sensing kino boys. Give us a 6* serial killer with a pig mask, and an appalachian witch.
5* mothman as well.
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>I really dont get the CN drama
>character is bad without dupes!
Dupeshizo (you) invented another drama? Take your pills, schizophrenic.
I dont even recognize that schizo.
Check the last thread, I dont speak chink but there seemed to be a big drama in CN that whales threatening to quit and bluepoch deleting messages.
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>Most sane austrian arcanist

The previews mentioned cowboys and maid so maybe we are getting a cowboy Arcanist
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but she is my waifu

From what I understand (so I might be wrong) Mercuria passive is hard to trigger at P0 but easy to trigger at P1 so people have been complaining that the character only become usable at P1 despite John saying no characters wouldn't need portraits to be usable
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As the main and largest whale in the thread, I can already understand where this is coming from. Chinese whales or even dolphins already have at least Lucy and Jiu P5 I3 lvl60 R15 and they know. For me now, even gluttony is garbage, not to mention other resources. I used to laugh at hoardshizo, but now I have a billion resources myself. However, despite the fact that John now VERY generously distributes resources, and this is especially felt with a fully upgraded 6-5* roster, there are still very few rabbits given. And yes, the P5 6* character is very strong, P5 is stronger than the A5 psycube or R15, but rolling out portraits is VERY expensive even for whales. The balance is still suffering in this regard.
Kekius Maximalius.
maybe my brainrot is just too advanced, but it doesnt feel all that expensive?
I just spent 2k on HSR for the current banner to have the character at max. Whereas for 1999 I feel like with that money I could've gotten 3 P5s. Not to mention you get spooked with portrays in the future anyway so the fomo element isnt even THAT big.
Well yeah
The pull rate in R1999 almost 3 times HSR's and the pity is lower and there's no weapon banner
A whale in R1999 is probably only a dolphin in HSR
210… you’re supposed to be dead
Ok Sophia
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Keep in mind that many will now stick to the "save rabbits for five portraits on the next limited banner" strategy. Therefore, any attempts by John to sell other portraits will be received with hostility by the players.
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CLEARLY The Great Matilda Bouanich's buffs are too powerful to release in the 1st waves.
Hello /1999/
I like it when Jiu says Lushu, I’m also excited for her rework. I hope the horse gets replaced with a Lushu
>bad stuff happens, some character combination have stress related Easter eggs
>>This stress system is also getting added to raids
And this is where I cancel my payments. Fuck Darkest Dungeon rng bullshit screwing up raids. "Haha oops you could have SSS'd the raid but your character decided they were too stressed out so their health instantly dropped to 1 and then your other stressed character attacked the party for 200 damage time to restart idiot should have played around it"
Looks like Heaven Burns Red is getting downloaded after all.
We’ve been having the same damn argument about portrays since Melania, literally the first post-release arcanist
And it never fucking mattered in the first place, you can clear everything at r10p0 and have been able to since day one; this shit genuinely confuses me
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Filtered, heavenburnsredschizo.
Yeah I think the chinks really just wanted to make a stink about something. Or maybe they’re just bored with the game and want a reason to quit.
It costs around 100-200 usd to p1 something with average luck. For a gacha whale thats nothing.
It confuses you because you're an idiot.
WE'VE been arguing because we had knowledge UP TO 1.3 when R1999 came out globally.
CHINA has been protesting since THE RELEASE OF MELANIA when they DID NOT have the foresight of the next 3 patches worth of characters.
Us arguing over what CN argued about is meaningless to Blueepoch because guess what, we're 3 patches behind.
CN protesting is what caused NINE PATCHES worth of characters to be released as they are, and a FORMALLY WRITTEN APOLOGY being sent to the players.
Now Blueepoch is doing specifically what they told the CN playerbase they WOULDN'T DO and CN is going "okay so you broke your word"
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This is it. EOS tomorrow.
Lol, mad
Didn’t read btw
I’m not gonna complain about us maybe getting less portray bait.
>CHINA has been protesting since THE RELEASE OF MELANIA
Melania is literally in the first patch
So they broke their word in the very first patch and the people who complained kept playing?
And then they broke their word again in the next patch with TF having a good P2
And then they broke their word again 2 patches later with 37 having really good portrays
And then again with Jiu (making 10 million CN revenue that month may I add)
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In RESPONSE to Melania, you neanderthal.
TF, 37, and Jiu's portrays don't fundamentally change the way they play. They just make big damage number go up.
You sound a little buttmad
Somewhat assblasted, if I say so myself
It’s not a good look for some uppity free to poor if I’m honest
>Reading the anecdotes
>Mr APPle spends time in a Knight's room
They did it on purpose right?
>TF, 37, and Jiu's portrays don't fundamentally change the way they play
But they do
TF gets higher uptime on her passive crit debuff so you can use her crit debuff card less
Jiu consumes more liquor on her P4 so you'll need to channel more
you JUST know
Actually, your image of 6 just reminded me that both Shamane and 6 fundamentally change the way they play with high portrays
They can take a more offensive role rather than a supportive role
As a P5 jiu haver, I dont even know what 6 does for my party since she gets liquor easily even with no dedicated buffer. Might just replace him for 37 / Isolde instead
just finished the last chapter...damn
Every gacha gives the same amount of pulls (except genshin). You have a problem, seek professional help.
just pulled 26 times on the Lilya banner. Don't know why, it's fun to spin the wheel
Thats called a gambling addiction friend.
Try to at least save your urges for a better banner
There I just saved you hundreds of dollars
just pulled 26 times on the schneider banner...
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>Do 70 rolls
Fake and gay
not a single code works for me
this game needs more mothers and breast milk
I am very schizophrenic and need doctor Kakania now.
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I got THE brick pull
Somehow on Druvis' banner but NewBrick and Brickternity are that potent
Nice get isolde.
You truly are part of the circle
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Okay please take a seat.
who qualifies rn? other than eternity, don't think any are in vertin's case yet
only eternity yet
Take your meds, Isolde
>Forgets about Ms. Chie le Ma Nie
>Negro Duende
It's so over.
Lushu has some pretty big milkers.
it’s 50/50 whether it gives you Alcohol Poisoning or turns you into a lushu though
The stress mechanic sounds neat, even by name alone.
I wonder if being able to dissolve ultimate cards will later be introduced as part of it. I've been wanting to be able to dissolve ults.

inb4 refined 'buncles are premium
what do you reckon are the chances of global getting these 2.1 updates early?
The battle ones? 0, since it’ll be a pain to balance.
The critter / wilderness changes? I could see it coming early
>Actually buffing old characters
Holy fuck.
None sadly, aside from some random events, I think we don't really have those. Maybe the Wilderness, I hope, but the balance changes are definitely a no.
Where's our collab?
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bro Isolde just needed hugs
What is infinite wilderness?
No tile limit
I honestly can't guess. Have there been significant signs that they're trying to close the gap between regional releases?

I don't mind waiting desu. There's likely much more trouble and risk of glitches if they try to give us some things early rather than letting releases run their course.

Also I >>486714609 probably should've also replied to the current-thread mention >>486683901
mostly the wilderness update, battle 1s are ok or somethin to look forward to when it comes out but it feels pretty bad struggling to fit in all the good wilderness designs from each patch in just 150 spaces
current cap is 150, infinite would basically let you build your wilderness as much as you want though there is a technical hard cap but thats something like 600-900 spaces instead
>feels pretty bad struggling to fit in all the good wilderness designs from each patch in just 150 spaces
Maybe wilderness presets came along to allow players to do more while Bluepoch worked on the improved wilderness.
John bluepoch can sell me as many critters in cute hats as he wants and I’ll buy them up like the chump I am.
It was eating away at me but I just realized Kakania reminds me of Silence from Arknights. But if Silence was actually likeable and charismatic.
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what is the code from this one discordkeeper? its not PraiseofCourage
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>Spathodea Jumpscare!
Anons, which Psychube do I pick from the newfag selector? Here's who I got
Forgot the name of the generalist one, was it Brave New World? Blasphemer would've been fine but Isolde has her chube at the shop.
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Isolde wants Knock on the Door which isn't in the selector
For Voyager I'd generally go Luxurious Leisure, since it works for her well enough and building it lets you use it on other strong ST ulters such as Bkorn and again not in the selector

Blasphemer of Night wouldn't be a terrible choice, since you can pair Isolde with any other Neg Status character to enable it but it pretty much forces you to build teams a certain way and is bad for Limbo where your teams are limited.
That Inquisitive Dear is an option for a healing cube so you can instead spend resources buying dps cubes, but if you're going to pull for Vila you might as well grab Dawn Is Coming since they're essentially the same cube other than the Buff vs Debuff conditional. And if you end up pulling TF instead of Vila you can just buy TID for her at that point.
Brave New World and His Bounden Duty are generalist cubes which your DPS can use until you can purchase their specific BIS Cube from the shop, and then transfer onto your sub DPS until you get their Cube, etc. Under optimal conditions they're worse than BoN but especially early on you're frequently not under optimal conditions, so overall I'd consider BNW or HBD the best choice as a starter.
try AnInterlude
>Kakania resorting to the thing she disliked
oh shit
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thanks senpai
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I pity anyone who can't experience Voyager's wilderness interactions.
>revisit older chapters to collect stars (and clear drops)
>enemy info
>blind followers of Manus Vindictae hoping to escape the filter of the Storm
>Raise the arm, take aim, then shoot -- Hunt has always favored this perfect linear motion.
>Gordon often used to worry about the sharpness of the blade; now he pondered more on the precision of the blade's curved angle.
>Since donning the mask, Jim stopped feeling foolish at the cost of only a small sacrifice in vision and his ability to breathe.
>Roger was born a beneficiary of misconceptions. He maintains that, when viewed through the lens of inverted thinking, thugs are actually good guys.
>One day, Martin suddenly realized: violence is an extremely concise and powerful theorem.
>Reuben always draws circles in the air, which gives him a strong sense of security.
I need to slow down and smell more of the roses in this game. Or is it fine like this as it leaves things for me to enjoy at a later time?
There definitely stuff that's "hidden" away if you bother to check. Frankly I'm zooming through content more and read later.
Seems like CN is absolutely malding over Mercuria. I don't remember last time China got this pissed at John.
Ideally, I'd take my sweet time but the events force me to go through things faster than I'd like.
I kinda miss how things were before 1.1. I'd gladlly welcome a week-long break between events but that's not good for business, I guess.

1.4(?) really forced me to ramp things up by requiring players to progress the story to unlock rewards and modes. I was slowly going through chapter 3 at the time, treating the game like a book by letting it sit (but at least completing the daily task lists), prolonging my enjoyment of it.
Rough timeline from the top of my head. First year is the year when the storm happens, seconds when it arrives, then the source, |, then my comment. Might get a better timeline / exact citations if I find the time.

1) 1999 - 1996 interlude |
2) 1997 - 1985 IDM logs |
3) 1987 - 1976 Greta | Chapter 3, 12 old Vertin becomes Timekeeper; 37's mother and others die
4) ~1977/78 - 1930s 37 talking about storm pattern, first 90s, then the 80s, and then the 70s then the sudden leap to the 30s |
5) 1930s - 1912 IDM logs |
6) ~1913 - 1966 Chapter 0 | Vertin is 16 here, she meets Regulus
7) 1966 - 1929 Chapter 0 | Storm that happens in prologue; Vertin saves Regulus with the suitcase
8) 1929 - 1913 Chapter 2 | Schneider gets wiped, Chapter 4
9) 1914 - xxxx Chapter 6 | chapters 5, 6 (current patch 1.7)

1.1 - 1966, the cup was stolen in 1966, Regulus here hasn't met Vertin yet
1.2 - should be 1990s going by the horror movies and aesthetic of Blooney
1.3 - no idea, no Vertin for reference but not earlier than 1960s, could be 1966 or the 90s again
1.4 - 1914
1.5 - 90s, happens at least after chapter 6 (Vertin talks about the cave found in ch 5 (ch 5 and ch6 happen at the same time), so after the latest storm or even later ie one of the future storms must go travel to 1990s
1.6 - ~1914
1.7 - 1914

Looks like Vertin took two vacations in the future, in 1990s. There hints that storm might not affect the whole in the same manner so events may be incorrect
1.3 should be "current" timeline but tuk-tuks are a post 1934 thing so you try and gauge through that.
Those cars were introduced to India in 1959 (if the random source on the internet is correct) but that doesn't matter because I just checked Kaala's info. It tells us that she was exhibited for 27 since 1960's which means that event takes place in the 90s. Guess, Matilda took a vacation at the same time as Vertin.
>Horropedia and MP complain about getting vacation days
>These two are just fucking around in their spare time
Laplace a shit.
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>reading isoldes side-story
something about this feels pretty off, dunno why the music was really downbeat/depressing while karl talked about enjoying cakes yes I know isolde killed him in main story
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I picked BNW because Sonnetto cute, thanks anons
What's the event shop priority? I picked up the chub first, what next?
Hope you're ready for subtle rape references
Get those that cannot be farmed so
>Wilderness stuff
Buy what you need right now. You'll get enough points for everything anyway if you play somewhat regularly
Where do I dump my sanity? Is farming insight mats good?
easily yea, only character i'd say dont grind insight mats for is isolde as her event shop gives you what you need for i3, but other characters you have are fair game
I spend the majority of my downtime prefarming mats for the next character. You usually get enough time to fully prefarm for 2 characters.
They better give Isolde a Halloween outfit. Considering all the ghost "friends" she has.
they better give Jiu a special outfit in where her horse from the ultimate turns into a lushu
I'd rather she get a completely different ult. Don't care if it's a Regulus tier paid one. Her basic on sucks.
>when the waiter brings the bill
>Jiu gets unique-tier tuxedo garment
>new ult is her tripping over a wrinkle in the carpet of a fancy restaurant
>horse still present
>audible gasp from the enemies who now have props to look like dining guests during the animation
Oh. Isolde is now in the outdoor theatre. I was expecting to see Marcus, with the hopes that I get to catch her apparently glitched lines.

Is it a bug or intentional that Marcus' lines come in with flashes of what looks like random text?
>random text
Bits and pieces of html tags, they didn't sanitize the inputs properly
Translated Dev's notes.
>chinks still don't have a PC client
we eating good globalsisters
>Ring home. Before the "Storm" comes.
>scam banner is on the same day as marcus banner
Silly bluepoch, my gambling urges will be satisfied by the marcus banner. You should’ve timed it earlier
Easy SSS from the first try with the full mass ult plant team. I didn't even have to read the boss mechanics this time.
I like how this game has made me forget the perception that 'Marcus' is a male name.
>Jiu in dazed status
>one of her wooden dolls hopping up and down on her head
>probably trying to wake her up
I love the details in this game.
Whats the best pre-vila marcus team for the raid?
Ill probably try it out with Marcus, Bkorn, Anal and TF. (Dont have the other 6* plant bitches)
Marcus, Kakania, Vila and Lucy.
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Should this Timekeeper start a candy shop?
Slot 1: Marcus
Slot 2 (healer): Sotheby/Druvis (if mono plant)
Slot 3-4 (support): Anal/6/Isolde
Girls kissing girls
I must suck at this game cause I got completely dicked with this setup.
I don't know how you're supposed to use Isolde.
Someone tell why sometimes I get THREE stacks on the boss from one incantation? No, I don't kill the add, I use 1 star single target incantation without a follow up and get three fucking stacks
Finally started the side story.
I HATE Trista.

Assuming you mean the story boss: Doesn't enemy info state that it AND the attacker receive 3 stacks of burn?
What character's attack card is giving you 3 stacks at rank 1?
You can use her the same way you use Bkorn
Or just watch this video if you don't want to read
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Nice green raid reverseGODs
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new code: AnInterlude
bwo why are our gen so dead...
All of our schizos are dead...
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no coom
Some anons (like me) might be busy playing.
Some might have left to avoid spoilers.
Shitters probably went to shit on ZZZ or whatever other games have recently come out.
Also it's a Friday night: Burger anons might be sleeping or out partying/socializing.

desu this game isn't really suited to generate lots of activity, not that it's a bad thing.
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Because I stopped posting
Saving my rolls for Lucy!
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>general is dead
>Chinese keeps complaining about Mercuria

It's over Reversesis...

but seriously do you guys think this drama will affect the game bottom line?
>Bkorn getting buffed
what the FUCK? Of all the old characters who needed one, Bkorn needs it the least. She's already queen of 5s and hits like a 6
Someone at Bluepoch must really like her
They have good taste
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they'll all get buffed eventually, then I'll be able to run my schizo team
Because she's my wife
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>schizo team
Charlie, Lorelei of the Rhine, Baby Blue, and ???
Nah, probably not, because using P0 Mercuria is ultimately a niche part of the gameplay experience as a whole, reserved to folks who are at most light spenders anyway
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..... I'm going out. Wanna come with me? Please...........?
thought on Kakania going against her belief in order to force information out of Isolde?
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Being able to set aside your personal honor for the greater good is a heroic quality.
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Yeap, that's the prefarm for Vila, Windsong, Lucy, Kakania, and Semmelweis done (including R10 and 'chube, but not books)
What to farm next is the question
>Only R10
Weak and actual pathetic.
the greater good that doesn't go along with the consent of the other party and cause suffering make it not a "good" thing

it's more like a sacrifice desu, the same thing the government does, the same thing an activist should object against
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I doubt it.
the "other party" went on a killing spree, stripped many people of their free will via brainwashing/hysteria and is also responsible for the ensuing casualties
activism won't benefit anyone if everyone is dead
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wrong thread lol
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There needs to be more art of ducktilda
Nice short story, John Bluepoch. Very inspirational.
When Matilda gets her rework in 2.4 and unlocks her secret hidden ancestral arcane abilities and becomes the most powerful living arcanist it’ll be such a kino moment that the great Matilda Bouanich will get so much fan art she’ll become the most tagged character on danbooru!
>when you don't pull the P5
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Someone's looking awfully smug.
is the new event unavailable until I've done chapter 6?
Chapter 6 is the event...
>840k raid score
John is really forcing me to level my units to 60
I've been inactive for some days, could someone speed me up on what Mercuria's issues are? is she a brick at P0 or what?
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Dupeschizo infected the entire subconscious of the entire chinese player base
>My daughter is getting buffed
As she deserves, hope we can get to S
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the annoying thing isnt that your incentivized to roll for p5 even though that makes her OP but she has a passive that gains +1 moxie when you play 3 rank 3 cards in a turn which with her ultimate buff means 3 rank 2 cards and obviously thats gonna be pretty difficult to reliably trigger but p1 makes it only require 3 rank 2 cards instead, meaning when you ult shes always gonna get the +1 moxie. Then on top of later portrays buffing her crit damage+damage buff it also extends the ultimate & damage passive buff duration she has. Easiest comparison is if you removed Jiu's 100% penetration on her ult if you got +6 liquor and locked that behind p1 instead
I don't like this raid boss
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I love the fish and her fish fucker wife.
I've just noticed that the highest resource and insight stages offer 250 and 300 symphony, respectively.

>Symphony is preserved coffee beans


Mercuria kit relies on 2/3 star incantation, her ultimate gives you a buff that makes all incantation be considered 1 rank higher, she also has a passive that let her gain extra moxie if you play two rank 3 incantation on the same turn, with the buff from her passive, that's two rank 2 incantation

However at P1, the requirement get changed to two Rank 2 incantation, which with her buff from the ultimate it's any incantation, so Chinese people are complaining her passive is worthless if she's not P1, and that John lied about character not gaining any new skill/mechanics through portraits

they are also complaining that P4/P5 are too big of an upgrade as it increase her buff from a maximum of 2 * 25 = 50 to a maximum of 3 * 30 = 90
The event is basically the arrival of chapter 6 and the accompanying content.
You do have to clear some of the chapter to unlock the side story 'The Small Room'.
After the event is over, chapter 6 will remain. It's the accompanying content ('The Small Room', 'The Tall Lighthouse', banners and more) that will be gone when it ends.
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I miss him...
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He can be more mysterious than Arcana herself at times. Love this bastard. Hope he still not over Druvis.
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I can't tell if that's arcana, isolde, or rule 63 forgetmenot
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You may be blind
I thought we killed Cuck me not in chapter 2?
druvis stabbed him in the heart and x poured boiling tea on him, but he didn't die
horses kissing girls
Need to put two other shadows
Since when?
Am I hallucinating or is the boss battle of chapter 6 bugged?
Man...fuck my life
you sound crazy to me sis
New Babel is good now tho
Angelotti? Vai ah you hia?
I have P5 Jiu and I can't SSS rank the raid
This raid it constructed explicitly to counter Jiu. Not only is it literally her autism manifested, it also requires her to do math.
yeah i didnt read the mechanic but i can see something that keeps going up every time i hit, and i guess jiu + 37 is hitting the boss too much
>Lyrics translation:
ok that was really goofy how they executed that
Isolde's breasts are beatiful

Bugged in what manner?
Like the kids say these days, after fumbling a baddie he got up and left
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He stood from his piano and walked away from the battle. After that, Vertin and Druvis(?) spoke to him about his hatred and was left alone.
One could think he was stormed but we definitely didn't kill him.
>literally in a organization that has a mask that make them immune to Storm
>one could think he was stormed
I could read the first one but the second one was for literal ants
taking anan lee to the boss fight really ruined the mood ngl huge mistake
I thought it was cutely considerate.

Forget Me Not got his ass handed to him by a group of kids, was abandoned by Druvis who he apparently thought would've been a kindred spirit and iirc, the last line heard from him at the time could've been interpreted as a bit suicidal.
Also we didn't see him put the mask on, did we?

I'm not familiar with An-An's voice lines but imagine she's dealt with ghosts enough to not take them seriously. She'd probably have to be elbowed a few times during such a battle.
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>I'm not familiar with An-An's voice lines
>taking anan lee really ruined the mood
New generation of newkeepers everyone.The legend is forgotten.
girls kissing girls
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>Easy lah~
>be nice to someone ONE(1) time
>they develop an immediate obsessive attraction to you
I wish crazy but hot women were real
Thx, codekeeper.
I would fuck every female in this game
Have you at least cleared the first two chapters of the main story?
I forget the exact requirement, but it's something like that.
In Limbo 6-2, am I overlooking something that states that the enemy's AP is increased by the presence of the signs or are players supposed to be paying close attention?
I don't remember how it is in 6-2, but in general as a baseline, enemies get the amount of actions equal to the amount of units, kinda like your own team. It's not absolute and some enemies can still have more even if they're alone, but that might be the case, since signs still considered enemies.
That is a base game mechanic. Each side has a total number of actions according to the number of members on the field.
Right. Thank you.

I kinda feel retarded now. My defense is that units contributing to AP count usually aren't inanimate objects.
so, did anyone cry at story stage 22 chapter 6
no, but i was surprised by hoffman
did nobody talk about this when we first learned of it from CN? i thought i'd be spoiled by now but i wasnt
It was both talked about and spoiled
i didnt remember at all. i can only assume that becasue she awsnt a playable character, i just forgot
Smooch these three
No because some bitch spoiled it in the comments section of an official EN post only 2 days after the chapter debuted. I just wanted to see people thirsting over Hofmann.
However, the scene moved me anyway as it was done quite well. I'm thankful for that.

>did nobody talk about this when we first learned of it from CN?
People did, and without spoiler tags.
The idiots even complained about CN being ahead, saying no one will care to talk about what they just spoiled when EN reaches the content.

I hope the servers get synced just for spoilers' sake.
gacha game market is an extreme red ocean
i hope reverse 1999 survives
If the devs actually deliver on all that shit they promised for 2.1 it'll be fine.
we won't survive against heaven burns red global
If pnc survived, 1999 will be fine for a few more years surely. You should be more afraid of turbo powercreep that they started with Windsong, because now new raids are "have all the new characters or perish" tier, and you only get enough rolls for one character per patch at best.
>have all the new characters or perish
this isn't hsr
I'll look forward to you doing post-Windsong/Lucy raids without either of them.
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Saying this right after they announced "oh yes, in the next raid we are adding a system where eagle hits super hard" is kinda retarded anon
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Echoes of Opera looks like the easiest raid yet
I think I'll manage
>Matilda P5 I3 lvl60 R15
You didn't beat the raid.
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Au contraire, monsieur!
You can only beat ze raid wiz ze Mathilde!
>I'm forgotten
the lorelei banner...
They messed up by not letting us meet her at the end of Echoes
There seems to be a relation between A Knight and the Resplendent Quetzal birds, but I can't find any connection between Roland and this stupid motherfucker
What the fuck does it mean?

Also was lady oder meant to be the paladin Ogier or Roland Sister, Aude? Maybe like a combination of the two?
Kiss Isolde kiss Marcus kiss Greta kiss Kakania
Just let me roll for Marcus already...
Second week of suffering without Marcus...
>no loli for 5 patches straight
2.1 will be it
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Seamonkeys will never beat the allegations
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i dont care
You just know indonesia would be on the list too if more of them had internet access but they're too busy eating ampo (dirt) and living in jungle huts lol
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>but they're too busy eating ampo (dirt)
You weren't supposed to point that out...
>hes here
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another sunday of spending all these near-expiration candies on pneuma analysis
Just let them expire so you can speedrun the weekly
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Hello there fellow candykeeper
>tranny artstyle
Feels like this game is only played by boomers. Are the zoomers all stolen by zzz?
Zoomers don't have the attention span to play this game
I can relate..
I'm 22
This game doesn't have the kind of (You) pandering, self-insert, waifu, or amazing cool funny epic gameplay etc that the majority of gacha players prefer.
People who play this game either like its aesthetic and design, or are /u/fag, or both.
I was born in 1999. Do I get bonus points for playing this game?
>Isolde told me the story of her mother killing her father
Cool story sis
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>>Infinite Wilderness is coming
Wilderness changes are big. I've so many wilderness shit I can't use cause of the limit cucking me. I hope they add an auto optimize button though
This game's been getting lots of traction on social medias recently. One hand, more players means more profit and the game will be able to last longer. On the other hand, I'm afraid the game will suffer the same fandom problem most gachas have.
I already cleared out the event shop... I want more stuff bros...
I was about to ask how? But then I remembered that my picrasma usually looks like this
What do you guys usually use your stamina on? I've been playing since launch and then I only spam dust/coins now. Events always top me off with other resources
I usually pre-farm future 6*s im gonna get so I can i3 60 r10 them when they come out like vila and lucy, then after that I start levelling up some 5*s i've not really used to i3 30
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Mostly and dust/sharpo since leveling characters cost a lot.
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prefarming for the schneider banner
raids also don't have gacha currency, so if I end up with a SS or even a S, I don't think I care that much, I think the difference is literally just a purple mat or something
I’ve gotten by purely with SS and S. I got enough last time for the gluttony and HF so this time all I need to do is get the gluttony, I have purples out the wazoo
I'm going to skip Small Room and Knight Anecdote
Small room is good bro. You can leave Knight anecdote for later.
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>reminiscing about the 3 week honeymoon period when it seemed like this was the next big thing that could ascend into the rank of The Four Heavenly Kings among the gachas
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>when it seemed like this was the next big thing that could ascend into the rank of The Four Heavenly Kings among the gachas
No clue why anyone would think that. There's multiple aspects that keep it from reaching the mainstream casual audience, which isn't bad thing.
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If you've played during the beta and read the CN reviews then you would know that this is a comfy side gacha and probably the best one. You can even miss login for a couple of days or cap your stamina and not brick your account.
I keep making fun of the fatty but she really is trying her best...
Zoomers don't belong with this game and ZZZ seems better suited. Even the titles give such indication.

Being humorous, I'd wager that the majority of certain complaints about this game come from zoomers.
>skip everything that doesn't have full voice acting
>buildup and exposition are filler
>literary prose and archaic vocabulary are ESL and/or AI-generated
>doesn't make sense
>Pokemon ice cave puzzle difficult and boring

I noticed. It seems a good amount of the attention comes from the skin color protest of the mihoyofolk.
I'm seeing some cringe activity in the name of gatekeeping this game.
This fandom has enough problems and it seems it might get worse. Not sure how to brace for that.

I've only done the very first part of The Small Room and it's pretty good. The side stories are great supplements imo.
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I don't even exchange drops on activities anymore, not even once a day. I have too many resources... Previously, I constantly exchanged them twice every day...
That's why I was telling people not to spend drops on activity when the game launched
The game gives you more than enough to build your 6* even as a F2P
Usually sharpodonties, mainly since sharps are required more often.
Other than that, I'm pretty much just like you.

But "hard to trigger" and "easy to trigger" do not mean unusable and usable.

Is it really a big offense? Genuinely asking.
It seems to me that Bluepoch might, for some reason, want to forcefully boost use of 3-star incantations and built a character around that.
Coincidentally, I've recently noticed that I rarely bother with 3-star incantations and the only time I really do is during UTTU, when a stage requires it.

If I understand the posts relaying the complaints about Mercuria's portraits, it sounds to me that p0 Mercuria forces the inconvenience(?) of 3-star incantations and anyone serious (or lucky enough) to get p1 can sidestep the inconvenience.
Aside from that, perhaps Bluepoch just wants to try something new with Mercuria and a later unit planned that complements her.
>and that John lied about character not gaining any new skill/mechanics through portraits
Is that really a new skill/mechanic though? It sounds like a lowered requirement and nothing else.
Same, except I occasionally exchanged drops.
I don't remember what made me do it, but it was necessary at the time (or so I thought).
Refilling energy with roll currency is always a brick unless you're a whale
There are no relics/artifacts/echoes/drives in this game where you need to roll for perfect substats. It's even a brick for whales.
I weighed my options. Energy mattered more than portions of rolls that I didn't plan on using.
Lucy ETA?
When 1.9 lands.
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21 days for 1.7 + 41 days for 1.8 = 62 days = ~9 weeks
Or somewhere in that ballpark
Did you pat the birthday girl on the head today?
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She told me not to worry about her
I can't believe how good the decision was to replace a P*imon type character with March in HSR.
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why are we so dead?
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Obtained the fine garment for my lovely Satsuki!
The best thing you could come up with to post was "why are we so dead?" Does that answer your question?
ruria is so fucking ugly
>shitloads of candies all expiring in 15 hours
when did i get these
Why does she always have the hand shackles
Not enough lesbians
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I can answer this but it's bedtime so I'll remind myself to respond tomorrow

>Is it really a big offense?

All I know is that I follow a Chinese message board and they've been really annoying about it for 3-4 days

If it's just shitposters or people genuinely mad it's hard to say

There's nothing to discuss about until they show 2.1 characters next week
I still don't get the hype for Marcus
Yeah the scene where Greta dies was great and very well acted but she like, never did anything? She just fumbled around, cried a lot, and had one emotional moment at the end
well, me neither, but I can understand why ppl thought she is cute
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I'm skipping the story.
I'll read it when I'm in the mood
Probably about 7 to 11 days ago.

Please read her story.

Fair. (I can't bear doing that.)
desu the game hurts itself a bit by having lore in time-limited content, essentially pushing players to do things outside of their own timing which would maximize enjoyment. I guess Bluepoch can't really help it as they're in business.
Guess she fills the "cute" niche for people. I'd roll for her if she went full punisher mode after the event
>if she went full punisher mode
Nah that's reserved for 37 after the events of 1.9
Someone please explain to me what an Auto Island is, I'm so confused and it's been eating away at me for months
.... It's not just a car, right..?
Absolutely lovely

kek. It is just a car, anon.
I played through the story by leaving it on a tablet while grinding in the First Descendant.

Was actually perfect.
Speaking of auto island: Is there another object in this game that has a unique name?
It seems there is, but I might be mistaken and remembering something from another game or series.
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There were more in the story but I don't remember anymore
maybe read the story next time
did they just not do the sovlful 3D puzzle with the 3D chess piece character anymore???
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they've pretty much ditched that now in favor of the current system with character story then the 4 normal/hard fights with that specific character instead
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I mean, I did read it. And I still don't get why so many timekeepers went from skipping to pulling her after reading the story, so that's why I'm asking?
She's very cute and if that's the reason then cool, but I got the impression it was more than that.
The Phantoms' [Embers] status is supposed to last for 2 rounds but only lasts for 1. Also the Summoned Spirit's Perfect Tragedy effect doesn't take effect in full if the conditions are met.
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ToT la sources feet ToT licklicklick
Is there a list for materials i need to prefarm windsong? any help would be appreciated
easy enough to use kornblume and generate what you need for her
had no idea this existed, thought you wanted me to ask bkorne to do it for me. thanks
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Matilda is the greatest arcanist!!
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why does the bonus crit chance on beyond wonderland not show up in the stat preview?
Excellent hall monitor. Her followers even tend to the thread.
I respect Matilda and her followers even though I occasionally make fun of her and them.
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always on duty!
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Shartnetto always doing the most embarrassing thins.
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reminder that she almost got lynched by a bunch of greeks.
Matilda more like MatilDUCK
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that's true, Matilda-chan?
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a fucking duck???
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YES, I'm a duck.
a cute, smelly, and happy duck!
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and I always thought you were an idiot...
well, no one is perfect
Girls kissing girls
Dogs kissing ducks
>ditch sovl for slop
bluepoch vision CHANGED
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Alright here I go.

Oder is Aude from The Song of Roland. She wasn't mention much in the original story but in A Knight's version of the story, Oder was someone who Roland greatly admired.

Oder's father tried to marry her off at 16 to some nobleman in his 50's to quell her rebellious nature. She sought freedom she ran away and joined Roland's party in order to become a knight. Her father eventually sent a giant after her to get her back but she was killed by the giant before Roland could save her. At the end of the story, Roland was unable to find her corpse but saw a resplendent quetzal fly off with her ribbon.

So A Knight's resplendent quetzal items are a a reminder of Oder. Maybe he carries them around as a way of giving Oder the freedom that she sought but he was unable to provide in the past as Roland.

The Mayans viewed the quetzal as a symbol of freedom because the bird would starve themselves in captivity, choosing death when denied their freedom. It suits Oder perfectly, don't you think?
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>someone saying they want fun, story-relevant minigames such as Jiu running the tavern
>gets positive votes
That's exactly what I don't want...
I was relieved when Jiu's side story had us doing battles despite Jiu and the narrative mentioning remembering tavern orders.

I hope they're just giving us a break from the simpler looking minigames and they return with improvements.
>Close the window! Close the window! Close the window!
Did anyone else get a little spooked by the voice (English) during this?
Mercuria gives out such whore vibes, I wanna fuck her unprotected so bad bros...
For me it's marital sex with Mercuria in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation
I think those SOVL actually filtered a lot of people
Ha, boats. Cars are indeed a sort of boat.
I like Sotheby's terms.

What site is this?
Reverse fan wiki
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>finally had a chance for a new footslut
>they make her wear sandals with socks (the objectively worst footwear choice of all time)
you can tell there are female designers at bluepoch
if this was any other gacha we'd be drowing in footsluts already
lol is that yet another event?
Any details about it?
Vertin's got the beetua guys
What is everyone farming? I have no idea hat to dump stamina on for the event's duration
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Mats for Matilda
Not much, really. When I'm paying attention, I go for event currency; otherwise I casually farm Sharpodonties and dust. Can't go wrong with those.
If I'm really paying attention and have extra stamina, I look through my inventory and farm whatever I have the least of that I might care about in the future.
Just remembered I want to get more silver ingots. Ran out of them twice in the past and recently decided to have a sizeable stash of those.
I forgot to use my candies and I've been burning stamina for 30 min, wtf I had like 12 jars, 60 bears and 20 candies
When I don't know what to farm I just get doritos and coins
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Cosplay as a black dragon and watch your pile of gold grow
I was expecting she was the one who defeat isolde or the blonde guy, it would be good for powerlevel shitposting.
But it didn't happen, but since event 1.1 it feels like bluepoch always cut the hype on purpose. Still like it though
I barely missed the SSS on the raid, team was Jessica/Sotheby/Isolde/6
Should I swap Sotheby for TF? I feel like I reach a point where her heal just doesn't cut anymore
Switch 6 for someone else since Spirit/Intellect characters are weaker in this raid?

Now that they are buffing old characters they really need to give Sotheby an extra heal or maybe a passive that makes poison deal extra damage
Some kind of buff / debuff would be nice, since healers now to be competitive need to have some combo of
>Low AP
>Increase the team’s damage via buffs / debuffs like TF does with baby teeth
Since plant is leaning more into card levels maybe she could do something like “poisoned enemies take increased damage from higher level incantations. Auto applying poisoned every round would be nice too.
vertin and arcana
that's it
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English is my third language and I never felt like the English in the game was odd. might be me but could anyone provide actual examples of "Oh well, their English is shit because Chinese company"
just give this extra effect for her debuff incantation

"Extend poison by 1/2/3 turns"

and she will be good
The translation improved a lot in recent patches.
In this chapter all I can think of is that they talked about Heinrich's freckles (he doesn't have any) and referred to mustaches as beards multiple times.
why do we have dual birthdays anyway it's not like the character roster is that huge
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She knows what she's doing...
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Bros... i want to roll for the schizo
but there's no lorelei banner...
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you dont need a lorelei banner when you can get her+p4 from the new echoes 2.0 game mode in 1.9
p5 when?
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Newfag here, do you think I'm already set? can I start saving for some cuties like marcus knowing that this team will carry my ass most of the time?
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You need two teams for Limbo
Yeah you'll need 2 teams eventually but for clearing story and events that's perfectly good
Who should be in the other team? I was thinking of getting marcus and lucy, could pair with bkorne to make a second team.
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Indonesia went with a chinese high speed rail (HSR) instead of Japanese, then asked Japan to help them build it later anyway, so they got called HSR beggars by the Japanese.
The video the comments are on was about Japan maybe exporting their upcoming UK-Japan-Italy fighter jet, so people in the comments said not to export it to Indonesia because of the HSR incident.
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Indonesians flip flopping between china and japan and getting fucked by both :D fucking stupid whores hahahaha
get Marcus for sure. Lucy is still like 3-4 months away so your team will be more than built at that point.
>wake up
>candies have been used automatically
>1200 cell activity
Oops. I have a feeling some have been wasted.
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All they're good for is making my Nike shoes and coconut water lol
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Whoever you like more
Personally I would go for a mental dps since Jiu is a reality dps
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>1200 stamina
I'm bricked. wtf do I do
Remain calm and carry on.
Brick is only a mindset. Don't let it get you.
Same thing happened to me. I'm raking in sharpodonties and symphonies.
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How do you dipshits let so much fucking candy expire
Been extra busy and tired lately; fell asleep. (I've even been nodding off while playing, dropping my phone.)
It's starting to feel like a chore for me these days as there isn't anything I really want to spend stamina on and the game doesn't let us farm more than 4 runs at a time.
You can literally get all your dailies done while you're on the toilet
This is my toilet game
I usually do my dailies according to the task lists which is the bare minimum. That doesn't take much time and leaves plenty of candy.
How constipated are you?
What?, the candy you don't use is applied anyways?
>I usually do my dailies according to the task lists
Who actually does this?
You spend your stamina farming whatever you want + you do your Pneuma Analysis + you collect your mats from your Wilderness + you pat your homescreen girl on the head
This completes your daily tasks and takes less than 3 minutes
Yes, but if 1200 is the hard limit, it's possible that excess candies literally disappeared once the counter hit 1200 if the Timekeeper had an impressive stash they didn't tend to.

>Who actually does this?
Everyone who does their dailies, sis.
Just because I worded it in a way that's apparently alien to you doesn't mean we're doing different things.
To be fair the game sometimes hands you out like 5 jars and you just sort of forget. Requesting Sonetto to pop up on the side reminding you to eat your alcoholic candy.
>Kakania is a key that will open my door
What did she mean by that
Kakania is an excellent picker of locks.
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Cute and canon! Reminded of that one anon who wanted to know how everyone in the Foundation reacted with Jessica having her deerpussy out 24/7.
>yuri art with used (finger) condoms
I've never seen that before, it's kinda hot
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any new sluts
These trail stages attached to the character stories are hopelessly boring
I want my sokoban puzzles back
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>Isolde has been taken prisoner by the foundation
so theres a chance she will appear again someday? There's a chance we're getting our IsolKaka kiss, even if it's near zero??!
That’s trash because every boss nowadays auto cleanses every round.
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Let me roll for her already...

>Anon still hasn't understood who's the true protagonist of the game is
not matilda, that's for sure
i think he meant marcus
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Girls kissing their split personalities
Melania, Tennant and Centurion standing around Satsuki, trying to come up with an idea on how to rid her of her shackles.

I wonder if Marcus would be able to help.
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I fucking hate yurifags so much it's unreal. Stop shitting this general with your brainrot.
Did /hsrg/ stop giving you attention?
QRD? How do people know that he's there?
I thought he forgot about this place, but I guess not.
I'm thinking he still plays 1999
That attitude right there is an example of why this thread is slow. Almost every aspect of discussion that wasn't about dupes, the meta nor comparing this game to others was met with it.
*this general
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The sharp tongue and cuteness of Yenisei.
I love the fish and her fish fucker wife.

This song has been stuck in my head for days. It sets the tone and atmosphere so well. Can't help but have high expectations for 1.8, though it will be hard to reach the kino levels that was 1.7.
Pretty convenient how you left out the Philippines.
>Responding to the shitposter
>Couldn't read that it includes Philippines in the third post
>Not Vietnam
He posts it anyways so people could see it.
I'm just berating him since I have the opportunity to.
skipped story for achievemen4te stamp and im just not going to do any of these
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Yeap, this is actually very good.
Waiting on Kakania
I like the main theme better
It makes me feel like I'm in a run-down Russian mining town
Which three characters do you most want to see anecdotes for?
My selection is Satsuki, Yenisei and Tennant.
Tennant, Ms. NewBabel, Centurion
TTT, Leilani, Bette
Matilda, Matilda, Matilda
Can't get enough of this little goober
Tennant, Ms. NewBabel, Door.
balloon party, baby blue, schneider
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The most heterosexual garment so far
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what's her problem?
In order of severity, low to high:
Mesmer is mentally ill
Sonetto is Italian
Matilda is French (big problem)
Wtf. Lyrics in the video lag behind the actual song and the English translation is full of holes. When this comes out on global, gotta make sure it's translated better.

Anal Lee
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They posted some wallpapers on X btw
why would they ruin it with the logo and a copyright symbol
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Every game does that.
Thankfully some quick photoshop work should be enough (usually). Might look even better if you're good.
are you just supposed to blow all the excess event currency on the bad value dust/sharps?
i don't see why you wouldn't
sonetto variante
That's brown Sonetto
Sonetto is too autistic for that
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sex with Schneider.
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>dancing at a party
she's fucking shy and like >>487267885
sis say it.
she will end up in a corner with a drink and watch the others have fun.
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Matilda thinks that brown Sonetto is pure sexo.
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it's another "Matilda likes them brown" episode
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just imagine Sonetto's face...
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Sonetto bros...
Sonetto will always have a second place in Vertin's harem.
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just wait for her garment!
Becoming a grandma isn't going to change Vertin's opinion...
Strutting around half naked would though.
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at this rate, Matilda will have more oportunities...
but with Vertin.
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ara ara
*sips tea*
what a problem for little Sonetto.
*sips tea*
more like Granny-etto".
*sips tea*
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This hits different now...
I hope Kakania and Isolde mend their relationship
>4 days old thread
what happened to us?
where are all the schizos?
isolde killed them
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Remember to love your schizo
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all these schizo assassinations... at the same time?!
Is p2 Isolde worth the pulls? I really like our mentally deranged opera singer

The version in bilibili is not desynced last time I checked and the english is just fan translated, don't think bluepoch will give us an official tl for lyrics
what is this...what...
>Is p2 Isolde worth the pulls?
No more jumpscares...
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Does Marcus count as a party member for triggering her I3 bonus?
It should yes.
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>Lore/story speculation
No point because we're 4 patches behind
Happens a little with lesser used arcanists and UTTU but mostly pointless because we're 4 patches and like 3 meta defining characters behind
>Raid scores
Get no attention because the best teams have been known for 6 months
>"Who should I build next"
Build everyone, you can plan out exactly what you need for the next 4 patches and you're drowning in resources anyway
>"Who do I summon?"
Here's a guide for the next 6 months
Got boring, at least for me

I'm beginning to notice a pattern...
2.1 reveal in 3.5 days
>more waifus
>no cool characters
But would they want to fuck you?
I hate this retarded deer boss.
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Sex with the deer
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Wrong deer
please give us some cool male. Joe looked fucking boring
So, which is it?
Are you unable to read, or count? Or is it both..?
lies Sonetto's hopes and dreams.
She never scored.

>Nothing new to do until Eternity anecdote and UTTU gets released next week
>No Chinese news either until 2.1 trailer hits this weekend

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>STILL can't read
It's okay Jiu, you're trying your best!
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do limbabs have beef with this general or am I just missing something? I thought they were relatively well contained and wouldn't go out of their way to shit up other generals unlike Hoyo and Wuwa their respective generals. SEAniggers hating yuri in a gacha full of yuri instead of being filled with waifufaggotery? more news at 11
It's a falseflag from a well known schizo
It's just one mentally ill discordfag. If you were around /bag/, you'd know him. I assume you weren't, and it's a good thing. Spathofag is fairly harmless compared to him, although still a mentally ill retard.
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You need...... some balloons.... here.
Thats..... why I brought....... them...
Say cheese....!
I appreciate that, I really do. Thank you.
Huh, I thought people said Joe was cool?
The new event teaser said something about a cowboy so you might have another shot soon.
I'm unable to magically pull four tier 2 incantations out of my ass every turn.
Newkeeper here any good video guide on how to get started, to listen in the background while I cook?
There's some out there, but personally I like that mochi one and that one girl I forgot that made a Yenisei guide of all things..
A lot of people say Joe is cool/hot/handsome. I have seen a few that say otherwise. Most are likely quiet.
I'll come out and say it for the first time myself: Joe looks lame as hell. I have no interest in a character who looks like an american heartthrob.
I don't hate him though. Looking forward to seeing what he and the story delivers.
I want playable Igor.
huh i didn't got that, where
Girls kissing girls
>everything is going well
>going for SSS probably
>the fuckers decide to target TF three times so she's dead
Fuck this retarded RNGfest.
This is why I settled on SS, the RNG is too fucking stupid to put up with.
It pisses me off because on my best attempt I was like 1-2 hits away from SSS.
The main mechanic has two layers of RNG which is retarded.
If you could then you didn't beat the game
It's hard to explain stuff in this game without visuals
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Flying marcus only 3000 sharpodonties
200000+ comments
Ill take 6
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how many days are left on the Isolde banner
8 days
I will have to think about rolling Marcus or not.
What's there to think about?
Oh nooo my teeth hurt so much I think I might need Ms. Toothfairy to give them a kiss to make them feel better haha
He’s generically attractive, but doesn’t do it for me. Makes it easier to skip him and go all out for the soviets and Lucy
I love Marcus but I'll have to get her on a rerun or spook. I need Windsong/Vila and Kakania for Isolde...
>I still don't get the hype for Marcus
Marcus is cute in a homely fashion. The latest chapter served as an exhibit of her character, resulting in more admirers.
>but she like, never did anything?
>saved kakania's life and established a valuable contact in the process
>powerfully spoke against Heinrich (and presented an overlooked perspective)
>pulled kakania from her downward spiral
>figured out the sought-after incantation of manus vindictae
>has been a key helper of the foundation's Vienna mission
>kept her arcanist registration papers on her, saving herself and Greta a crazy amount of trouble that would have caused things to transpire much differently
That's a lot of never doing anything.

>She just fumbled around, cried a lot,
Marcus has an awkwardness about her (some of which seems to stem from her being young and a trainee) but "fumbled around" doesn't seem to suit any of what we were shown of her. Sure, she couldn't figure out how best to take a piece of her sachertorte nor manage to carve a beard or moustache into Heinrich's face but, in light of the other things she did, those two moments don't define her whole character.
She cried only twice, and for good reason. Apparently having a strong sense of responsibility, she greatly felt the weight of the consequences of her actions. Having made calculated decisions to go against guidelines, it had to feel like a cannonball to the gut seeing the ripple effect play out in ways beyond her calculations.
>and had one emotional moment at the end
It seems unfair to minimize such a packed scene.
>1.7 is human woman + human woman
>1.8 is human woman + human woman(fish tail sometimes)
>1.9 is robot woman(that looks human) + human woman + human woman
>2.0 is human woman + human man
I'll be honest, it's starting to get boring. I expected a lot more outlandish designs but they're playing it too safe. Almost every new 6* character is a different flavor of regional clothed human.
I don't think this game is going anywhere near the original cast of characters anymore. Deer was a coinflip of success or failure, and she mostly worked out, but Getian was a gigantic failure, even considering he was in the same patch with jade beauty who destroyed game balance beyond any repair.
Basically, don't expect anything besides few little furry features for the rest of this game's lifespan.
>2.0 is human woman + human man
I understand your complaint but you seem to have forgotten Pioneer.

I think we should be patient about the odd-bodied arcanists. They seem to be a rarity even in the story and we're fortunate to be acquainted with them.

You don't have to pull four tier 2 incantation every turn, use a turn to bring him to 6-7 then hit him with two tier 2 and two tier 1 and that's enough
Even if you could hit him with four tier 2 attack, that would be 12 stacks which aren't enough
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It’s a tough one, boss

>Matilda trying to have a wank while spying on Sonetto
>Suddenly Vertin burst in her room
>Have to hide everything in a hurry

someone mathed it out, p2 barely makes a difference in terms of getting to finale.

CN sure do get a lot of physical events and merch and collabs, huh.
It’s that time of the day again
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neither rome nor the actual city of pavia are in piedmont
what does this text want to imply?
>Go back to Rome, where the wolves were born. Said my former boss. He knew I was born in Rome, but didn't know I was raised in Piemonte. He was such a fool, even tried to kill me. So I only kept his tie clip. I didn't tell him that as long as the night will come, everywhere I live is Piemonte.
Let me roll for her already...
She’s already got lots of rolls
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I'll feed her even more until she can't walk anymore and then she'll be mine forever.
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sex with Schneider
If I were Vertin, I would enter people's rooms without knocking and just stay silent until they noticed me
>Character's mouth stay closed if you mute ingame voice
>Schneider's clothes
>Implying Schneider wears anything down there
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Few more days until we find out if there will be swimsuits in this game...
main question isnt whether they'll do swimsuit garments but whether 2.1 will be summer themed instead
The part of burgerland that the patch is set in isn't exactly known for summertime activities.
I doubt it. They had a perfect chance to give La Source a microbikini here
nta, at first I thought “haha Route 77, what a cool riff on Route 66, fun road trip adventure, no one understands how US Numbered Highways work”
Then I remembered this is John sisterfucking Bluepoch we’re talking about

Matilda might get to join a cartel or participate in a drive-by lynching! Fun in the sun for all ages!
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No summer roadtrips?
What is the best team for Druvis right now?
Satsuki for petrify
An-an for buffs and more rank 2/3 incantations = more petrify
The fatty is super good too, being plant, mental, and upgrading incantations, fuck I’m actually going to have to summon for the fatty aren’t I..?
Korn works but you only get half effectiveness from her debuff and you need to be careful of the order you attack in
You can usually skip a healer because of Druvis’ passive but if you need one of the obvious choices of Toof or Yenisei are also the correct choices
Satsuki and any healer I guess? Not counting future characters like Marcus, Vali etc.
Add another buffer like AAL if running 4 man team.
Who is fatty? Marcus?
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Summer roadtrips are usually east-west. Or south if you're heading to Florida. Pic related is where we're going though.
I thought it was Route 66 first too and 77 was just a happy change. Looks like it's a road leading to Mexico of all places. Wonder what they meant by this. Might unironically get a cowboy or cowgirl.
why is this game doing so well in korea?
Is it? All I really know is that Japan had issues with scalpers and had a fair bit of collabs and that Lawson is a thing and is not a clothing company and that they started out with Milk so not having Eternity there was a crime.
vertin loves eternity's milk
Oh, thanks!
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They removed pinching for the Korean audience
>Limbus melty was that bad that they had to remove it posthaste
>Brown Dust 2 also followed suit
I wonder how people would feel about that reading about it 10 years from now.
they'd laugh and wonder how retarded gooks must've been that pinching specifically refers to their penis
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She was extremely Italian Vertin, you can't forget a voice like that.
Maybe in 10 years they'll have surgeries to prevent people from accidently doing the pinching motion with their fingers
>Stopping people from evolving into crabs
This is a crime against nature.
>it's only been a few years since my mother died
>already forgot the sound of her voice
why nust you burt me so
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For some reason, my loved ones are always still alive in my dreams so it's not a problem for me
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The plasures of being a schizo!
>he remembers his dreams
>they're happy dreams
wish I were that lucky
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well cum to the world of numbers!
Level my units to 60
Simple as
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Hi, what did you dream about last night? You were mumbling in your dream. I could barely hear anything even though I moved very very close to you.
Keep my units at 30
Auto the raid
Get s
Buy all the limited mats anyways
I don't remember. There were times that I've had such elaborate dreams that I thought about writing them down right after waking up but I never went through with it. And now they are lost forever.
>finally resume Zima's anecdote
>journalist 's begging and trickery
I wish this dude died in the woods.
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how many days and hours until the new patch reveal
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>tfw you will never live like St. Chárbel because the society will never let you.
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I miss this little shit so much...
at least on that chapter/event, she was there, pulling for the prizes...
I cleaned the shop two days ago and now what??
20 and 10 at infinitum (or the end of the event) sharpos and dust??
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she shows up again in 1.9 main story
sorry sis, even bluepoch is watching the Mr. beast sidekick drama online
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and Matilda in 2.0, making the bean 'ater irrelevant.
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You can google how to induce lucid dreams
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regulus is a boomer... let that sink in
Sisters... I was not ready for chapter 7 of A Knight's anecdote...
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Last day to do the web event
2 minutes for 60 primojades
any anons happen to know where I can find the text for all of these artifices, I just want to know what type of friend every arcanist is.
Does anyone know the song isolde sings at the end of the chapter?
The one that goes "I adorn the mantle of the Madonna with jewels" or something
I tried googling and it showed me "I Gioielli della Madona", but I cant find the exact song online.
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Vissi d'arte
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You can use the CN wiki and auto Google Translate
Lilya - trustworthy friends
Regulus - funniest friends
Sotheby - most curious friends
37 - most dedicated friends
Post your psycubes collection.
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imagine if these were obtained from a gacha lmao
Maybe they should've added a weapon banner just for dupes that way whales can actually whale
It seems like every other gacha has it nowadays
>doctor! you've finally cum! cum with me doctor!
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too much content
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I'm going to start the event right now, did I miss anything?.
>imagine if these were obtained from a gacha lmao
woudldnt be going for p2 so often thats for sure
weapon gachas basically make every unit incomplete that it's basically like p1 minimum for anyone

thats why i always found it odd that people always argued against getting dupes in this game, just let them fund the game it's already hard enough to even bait people to spend
the f2p gem income we have right now is more than generous for getting just units, it was designed with unit+weapon gacha in mind but obviously they couldnt nerf it after the fact

I'm surprised CN is still managing to spend so much without some whailbait like a raid leaderboard. Everyone would have a strong roster at this point and the gameplay doesnt have much to evolve from when CN players can auto to get SSS rank at this point
Sir Vertin!
2 weeks of lesbian sex
This is unironically THE game to go for maxed copies of units even as a f2p. 90% of characters are in the standard pool so even if you're a collector you're likely to get them all eventually anyways. No weapon banner means copies are all that matters from gacha. Limited units get free copies every 200 pulls. In other games it takes about a year of saving to get a maxed copy or a character, it only takes 4-5 months here with the monthly.
much obliged friend
>37's garment covers up her chest
What's the point of buying this shit?
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hell yeah, just want I wanted. thank you
Neat. Thanks!

>one of your most indecisive friends
Marcus being generally indecisive when at ease, yet resolute when she needs to be is an amusing dynamic.
She's like a fluffy mouse with the strength of a much bigger animal when necessary.
I wonder if she and Yenisei would get along. (Yenisei appearing to be a quiet, gentle creature but actually being like a bull with a sharp tongue, bringing to mind the swift strike of a snake.)

I really like the characterization in this game.
I thought psychubes did start as a weapon banner gacha, but people hated it so much that they removed it after beta.
nope nothing story-wise since it's a permanent chapter. The only time limited content is Isolde's side story The small room but you still have like 5 or 6 days
We, posters of /1999/, DEMAND that there be more pushing block puzzles. Down with glorified character demos.
This but unironically
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stop dying
We’re mostly ending up on page 8, occasionally page 9, which is fine. We’re nowhere near falling off the board.
It’s kinda obviously by how often you bump with empty posts that you have nothing to contribute yourself.
The sokoban/navigation puzzles are okay but, for me, the character demos have more to offer as they usually require use of characters that I don't have or care to use, thus making them more engaging.
Most of the sokoban games have felt like small activities that followed side story chapters simply for the sake of "gameplay."
Perhaps merging them could be interesting, giving something like pre-Limbo Artificial Somnambulism.
yay new bulletin today
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so what you're saying is we need a schneider banner
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So Isolde's german sounds funny to native german speakers, its apparently non native and bad while Kakania's is perfect. Can anyone confirm?
I guess it makes sense Isolde has to sing but her english delivery part is quite good and gives off those gloomy vibes
yeah you can definitely tell Isolde is a foreigner speaking german albeit pretty well, with Kakania however I was genuinely wondering if they got an actual german native to voice her.
remember, if you don't SSS this raid, you will be kicked out from the /1999/ guild

I posted it in a previous thread but apparently this is Isolde va
Also apparently Kakania and Voyager share the same VA?
Isolde completely broke this raid
I fucked up repeatedly and still smashed SSS
UTTU trailer in case it wasn't posted
Reminder that this is the first UTTU using the new rules
Lucy's still too far away...
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nice game n/1999/ers
>cropped name
At least post your own score instead of stealing it from Youtube.
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sowwe, too lazy to change name
>Isolde completely broke this raid
no she doesn't, Isolde keeps killing herself because her extra actions always trigger at least 3 counters from the enemy which does a fuckton of damage to her
>2 refreshes with no heal
>TF gets targeted and dies
Nice site!, i was taking screenshots every time the game was updating the store
Only 166 hours and 12 minutes left sis
Or 9,971 minutes
Or 598,320-ish seconds
So really not that long at all!
every second without her feels like torture....
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isolde strong if she doesn't kill herself to reflect lol
dang guess I should've pulled Spath after all
shes good but I reckon isolde's better long-term
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it feels pretty good when you have tooth fairy attack the boss with 20+ stacks of preignition followed by isolde's ult and have it deal 50k+ damage when your already above 1m score thats for sure
Obviously considering how rare single target ultimates are
Bluepoch should make a scratch and sniff artbook using the fragrance notes in the character profiles
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Who do you think smells the best?
Who do you think smells the worst?
nta but wtf they are?
I wouldn't know because most of the units I generally use have single-target ults.
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where'd she go?
God Melania is honestly so fucking shit, she really is. People always say she's wayyy better than Centurion but it's like, soo not true?? Centurion does massive damage with her standard moves and even her ult inflicts weakness, while Melania's normal moves are piss weak and even her ult barely does more to a single target than Centurion. Muh moxie steal doesn't even work on the raid boss as well.
your spath?
Sent to live on a farm like the dog she is after completely jeopardizing the mission in 1.4.
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She's not though
They gave the boss S tier mental damage resistance just so people would actually pull for Spathodea
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How long do you think it'll take before Bluepoch starts releasing alternate versions of the same character?
>Isolde hit 100% Bond today
>Isolde got an easy SSS on the raid boss today
The curtain... has fallen.
Hello /1999/!
That is all.
They've already confirmed that they will buff older characters so it's unlikely
A 6* Matilda would be nice though
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Bluepoch are going back and buffing old arcanists starting in 2.1, which completely kills the need for alts
Unless we get superultralimited story relevant Punished Matilda or Liquid Marcus then I doubt it
Why did this bitch Spatho steal Melania's boss
Similar roles and Melania is an older unit with no real supports.
I've just realized that Melania and Spathodea kind of look like they could be sisters. Cute.

I adore how Spathodea says “like a lighter”
>Matilda is one of the tallest
That feels wrong.
Matilda is a big girl
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Yeah I agree sis
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Did people in the 1900s actually dissect rabbits for divination or is this a fictional arcanist thing?
Didn't they do this with gophers or something? They cut them open to see their insides to predict the weather? Knowing Jane Bluepoch, it's likely based on reality.
holy shit it's real
sound like a path to induced schizophrenia
huh, i knew of random animals being used for divination, but not that. how on earth was that found?
Yeah this is the one. I guess there's some scientific basis on it but it's too weird.
>All that for just 5 sharpodonty an hour
How much time can I book at once?
What are the chances the future updates are also shortened?
For what reason? But I give it 50/50.
I lost the 50/50...
Very low outside of chinese new year.
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Dunno what I was cooking but a win is a win.
God damn it I just realized the psychubes reset so I had the wrong ones on Sweetheart and Leilani. Could've had red SSS if I didn't fuck it up.
LeilaniGOD I'm kneel. And to think spathorollers had troubles reaching SSS.
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Post predictions and hopes for our first collab (with an actual game or anime, not a business)
Madoka, specifically that new gacha.
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The obvious, correct answer.
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>next episode of CH hasn't been announced yet
I'm starving
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Nice to finally have a meta team to steamroll one of these.
Hope: A whole event made in collaboration with Kunihiko Ikuhara.
I want to say Utena but not sure I want that to be the first in-game collab with the game's yuri levels as they are. Inclusion of the shadow girls would be kino.
hello sister
we used the exact same team
>Double BoN
Whoa... Is that actually worth it?
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Shush, my lady, let us enjoy this moment. This beautiful, short, enchanted moment.
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hello deerster sister
Looks better than Knock on the Door at low levels. Not sure if Ult attack counts as an extra. If it doesn't then KotD seems even weaker.
>All these timekeepers fielding Jessica
>Not a single Blonney to be found
It’s like you want them to break up or something
I'd use her if I had her...
Too busy going to college or whatever.
Jessica is for Sotheby hot meta slave play.
I still have her at Portray 0 and I only just realised that I never had her when pulling for Isolde. Sucks that they don't even mesh at all.
Shelter from the storm

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