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Previous: >>486696351

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Mandricardo love
liz sex
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>when you are a teenage girl and you have enslaved all the Nemos
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Is this an FGO character??
Reminder: she has a dick
Yuyu love!
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Himiko love!
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>Bro just hoard forever
Fuck you, I reject this system, I am free
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Kama Love!
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watch these digits
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is now a good time to get into FGO? how's the new player experience?
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fucking slut
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Enkidu looks like this?
This is what happens then:

>There is not a single girl that play FGO
Harem games like Blue Archive and Nikke have 40% female players in Japan
FGO is at least 60%
>how's the new player experience?
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It felt good being a nemo, even if was just for a few seconds
What does it mean?
nah man FGO still isn't good yet. Wait another 10 years and then it'll be good.
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>is now a good time to get into FGO?
Does anyone have a screenshot of Jing Ke burping in the game? I can't find it on my new phone at all. I remember that it may have been Summer 3.
That was a magazine poll for the FGO number, which is heavily female skewed
We don't have a randomly sampled number for FGO
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Its their birthday
I've never used the immortal team in a CQ before since I only have Caster Artoria and no Himiko/Morgan/Merlin/Proto-Merlin.
If I were to get Proto-Merlin, would she work with a support Himiko/Morgan for an immortal team at NP1 or would an NP1 Proto-Merlin not be good enough for that?
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no. just read lostbelt 6 on youtube and go on with your life.
now is the best time to get into FGO
the new player experience hasn't changed much since day 1 other than the fact that you have double the freebee currency - middling
I hit pity rolling for female Merlin and am still skipping the event. Is it actually good? I still don't feel like doing it.
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>not doing it with high heels on
New player experience is better than it was a few years ago. You get a lot of rewards for story progression and leveling characters now, that you didn't get before. There's also fewer events you miss due to not being caught up, though they still exist. Leveling units is also less troublesome thanks to the Pure Prism store that lets you get mats that might be a pain for you to farm.

As a new player you get to pick a permanent 5* to keep as soon as you finish the first chapter, which is the biggest thing. Also I'm fairly sure right now there's extra rewards for new players, but not sure.

Additionally for all of Arc 1 you can Follow people without them needing to approve it, and use their supports. Doing so lets you use their supports as if they're your friend, meaning no restrictions. Which means they can carry you pretty easily through many battles.
>Is it actually good
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Oh? What if I'm INSIDE the Nautilus?
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Mom sex
god i wish that was me
I don’t recognize them, who are they
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i'll be honest and say it isnt that good since story doesnt really start picking up until you hit chapter 6 (camelot) and apart from new player incentives like a free pickable 5* and a ton of early rolls the gacha system is alot less friendly than hoyoverses. You can jump into the summer event thats currently on right now after completing fuyuki and since its a modern event compared to year 1 fgo the story is alot better in comparison
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Beni Rabu!
But part of the fun is watching Britain slowly getting more and more fucked up after each chapter
Erice sure looks attractive for a 14yo...
Himiko and Iyo
Sure, go ahead and try it. You can find guides to the game here:

That's Himiko and Iyo bro
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5 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
Art imitates life...
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that means sex, right?
You just missed the anniversary where they shower newbies with tons of goodies, so no, it's not a good time. Actually, it's never a good time. Turn back now.
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>the new player experience hasn't changed much since day 1 other than the fact that you have double the freebee currency - middling
Man, what? This straight up isn't true. In the last year or two on NA they added the pure prism store, the free starter 5*, more progression rewards across the board.

What would be considered it changing substantially if these don't count?
what's the full prompt, i like the skin texture
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No it is not.
It's too late for NEW players. They shoudl go back to their gacha.
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Welcome back, bro
That's a legal body in Chaldea...
>hits pity for a servant
>don't even bother reading their only story appearance
holy fvcking kino
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Hello bro
will OC2 really take away my Hopeman and Kagekiyo?
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soon +2y
I don't even want to look at her now.
i dont know ask me again in two years
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>Hits pity for a character he knows nothing about
Holy based gachacoomer
what did I miss
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Even if I can't post a lot I want to be here for Summer 7 and Skadi's swimsuit.

Hello friend.
could you do a countdown to remind me?
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where do i get more pure prisms if I spent them all
why do ascensions only give one measly prism...at least give me 10
>5 days
wait, is not Ibuki+Erice first?
{{shiny skin}}, [[artist:bucha-u]], [artist:ciloranko], [[[[[artist:healthyman]]]]], {{artist:sciamano240}},
its over
has she had her period yet? im asking for a friend.
this kind of a big factor
the early story chapters are pretty rough especially
you only get a soft 'unavailable' not a hard [DATA LOST] like for musashi and when ort gobbles your servants up
Did you pull for Assclap?
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this is your bully tonight
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Is there a female equivalent that is as much repulsive to femoids, as Douman is repulsive to bros?
Iyo is not on NA and neither of them are in their normal outfits, how would I recognize them??
Well bros. I lasted about 5 minutes in HSR before I was overloaded with all the quests and markers and realize I don't have the patience for any of this. I like my FGO menus.
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>5 days
we are so close, bro.
All I hear is the g-mod collision sound effect
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We are so close to Summer Lip.
yea bro, we get them in 2 days time
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I actually like Douman, he really grew up on me
I've had Asclepius since his Lostbelr 4 rate-up, when I got my Aśvatthāman. I rolled for Ashiya Dōman.

Yes, but Ibuki + Erice should be on Monday and Skadi + Wu should be on Thursday.
Skadi + Wu were released 1 week after Summer 7 started in JP.
>how would I recognize them??
with your eyes and brain
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Welcome back, bro!
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>Yes, but Ibuki + Erice should be on Monday
Good. Not that Im super interested on any but if Im gonna do some rolls this summer is there
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you would have instantly recognized her big fat udders bro. Her hairstyle also being the same and her wearing that 6th anniversary CE outfit too
understandable since we dont actually see what she looks like until gudaguda7 but she did show up as a floating blue ball in gudaguda 5
I want to get Hildr/Ölrún already...

Thankyu Lipfriend. I'm not well yet but I can't miss Skadi's release...
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i hope she wont smack my balls with that kendo stick because it would HURT so much
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I'm here for the collab news. Why does nobody post gameplay here?
Come to think of it, Camelot's the only place in part 1 that doesn't have wyverns in it, right? You'd expect a place with mountains and knights to have them, but no.
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Hope and dreams.
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are you repulsed by him because all women want to fuck him? does that intimidate you?
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What gameplay?
>The Nautilus attraction had the Imaginary Scramble BGM
That was a nice touch
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Fate is not a game. It's serious business.
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cause aside from more flashy NP's the gameplay is still the same as it was back in 2016 making it look heavily outdated compared to other gacha games
I wish I had a goghie...
This ain't Sitonai
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>nemo in event
>event is instantly awesome
bro where ibuki?
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good thing gogh gets a rateup at the end of october with imaginary scramble main interlude!
Lip any day.
cool data lost
This but Voyager.
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But that's so close to Tez...
Yui sex
Shuten? I impregnated her
Barghest? I impregnated her
Nobu? I impregnated her
Melusine? I impregnated her
Ibuki? I impregnated her
Musashi? I impregnated her
Katsushika? I impregnated her
Zenobia? I impregnated her
Chiyome? I impregnated her
Ushi? I impregnated her
Nero? I impregnated her
Caren? I impregnated her
Rin face? I impregnated them
Sakura face? I only impregnated Kama
Luvia? I impregnated her
Gozen? I impregnated her
BB? I impregnated her
Okita? I impregnated her
Jacques? I impregnated her
Lady Avalon? I impregnated her
Liv? I gave her up for adoption
I actually prefer turn-based games like FGO to action RPGs. I don't see why people call it outdated.
Never is a good time.

>how is the new player experience
pic related
Why is it so small?
>Ibuki on Sunday
>Skadi on Wed
Please give me another week! AAAAAA SAVE ME NIGGERMAN!!!!!
>Sakura face? I only impregnated Kama
>BB? I impregnated her
No lol
If you are interested in FGO just read the story via youtube.
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From I've seen, at least westoids/feminists chinks or koreans, those femoids love her

It's actually men that hate her more
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It's time to farm. While listening to the greatest main menu music known to man.
Aurora is great. I hope they'll add her soon so I can reunite her with my Melu.
Eurobros get her on Thursday...
So I take it sex with Morgan, Barg, Melusine felt so good master came just by doing it in one position, but doing it with Bob took so long to cum they have to try all the yoga positions to find one that could bring him to come.
If you're f2p, you need to be a luckGOD to play this game as a decent human being
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Nice falseflag, turd.
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No posting other gacha games beyond this point
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Im still mad
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Look bro, I'm all for cuckposting Melusine. But
>Aurora is great
Is where I draw the line.
This event does not get an animated trailer, just some png moving around? So cheap
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>makes turd seethe for over a year
Yes sir!
Drake sex
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>most of FSR characters got anni CEs

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I have Melu though.
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It's hot...
I wouldn't advise getting into FGO unless you have some kind of interest in one of the Fate universe's many different works. FGO never collabs with anything but Type-Moon works, meaning that unless you like Type-Moon there's no reason to ever start playing it.

In terms of gacha mechanics, the game is very old, and it is notoriously stingy with its gacha. If you're used to being given tons of freebies, you will find FGO intolerable. Missing out on limited events also sucks, and FGO does very little to make this up to new players. As I said above, unless you have an abiding, preexisting interest in Fate, and especially a love of one of the characters you can roll in FGO, it's not worth it. I wouldn't have stuck with it as a latelet if I weren't hugely invested in Fate before I started.
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Roll for me, i mean her
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Yeah yeah you sure do. Post your id.
That's one of the worst advice you could give someone. He wouldn't have the necessary pre-knowledge to understand anything.
They never released that trailer's song...
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Is Lady Avalon a must have servant? I want to save for skadoodle...
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I will.
Will Lipbros forgive Wada if she gives Drake a swimsuit this year?
>No Assclapius ass shot
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No thanks.
Bros I want Skadi to cuck me
Unlike pretty much every other big gacha game which only survives by lavishing gifts on players and one-upping themselves with character designs, FGO is built on a decades-old media franchise with a well-established fanbase. Basically, FGO didn't need to be good in order to be successful. and it's current success is largely a result of luck, but that luck only happened because the game was able to keep chugging along due to its built-in fanbase.

This game's staying power is a result of Fatefags, basically. It was made for Fatefags, and it tends to hold onto Fatefags even as other gachafags come and go as they chase the latest fads.
I miss Rena...
Seem like the turd is going to shit all over the thread
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Quick will rise again
crowdstrike will solve this problem
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Do the Arctic Summer banners get rerun next year?
Bros I want Skadi to suck me
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>This game's staying power is a result of Fatefags, basically. It was made for Fatefags, and it tends to hold onto Fatefags even as other gachafags come and go as they chase the latest fads.

The game was rigged all along
She's not even close to being better than Castoria as an Arts support. She's also not as good at Merlin for stall comps. If you lack either of those servants, she's worth rolling for.
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I want to heal Sith.
Yes. No re-run for the event itself but they do bring back the rate-ups in 1 year.
Yeah, I'm fucking feeling it.
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Roll for her, I mean me.
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Swipe left.
I forgot to remove that. I listed the faces separately and decided to just group up together at the end.
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Bros is this AI? Can someone do this with Medusa or Skadi?
For us Fatefags, the mindless gacha lemmings that occasionally latch onto our game out of FOMO are basically like a disposable work force we exploit to keep our game alive. For us, it's not about "muh gacha fairness" or "muh modern mechanics", we play FGO because it's Fate. It being a gacha game is incidental. We artificially distort the Gacha market's analytics by continuing to play this game without any regard for its appeal as a gacha game.
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Go tell Morgan she's retarded and to tell her to act normal.
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Will you come quickly though?
If I get Ibuki to NP5 in less than 900 SQ then I will use the rest on Skadi/Wu.
Skadi is so sexy
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>I missed
Mother is NOT going to be happy
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I'm not posting my ID but I do have her. Here's a screenshot from this event's My Room as proof.
Turn on the AC
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I'm not that old, i mean her
Are collabs story gated or can I just start playing when the collab hits?
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Who are we rolling this summer?
The power of a twenty years old obsession...
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>Wukong event
>it gas a Head Cha La parody
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Europeans be like "holy, 25 degrees celcius? I'm melting!"
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Yeah yeah, because you are cowardly turd.
Kill your worthless self.
Why don't you post your ID first if you hate anonymity so much?
What do the banners look like for this Summer
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No, because the female audience has a higher density of gays and bis.

The reason Douman is so unappealing to male Fate fans is that so many male Fate fans are straight. The gay or bi ones might still dislike Douman, but they at least understand why he has a subcommunity.

Conversely, there are few super-reviled characters among the female fans for pandering so strongly to men (women-likers) because a higher density of women are also women-likers.

That said I think the closest thing would probably be Kiyohime
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Jorta doujin for C104
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Nah its
Don't they make those L2D with Final Ascension card? i remember seeing them a lot back then in 2019
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Careful, dumb hag, or I'll knock you the fuck up.
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557 777 143
holy based
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>keep window shut
>room feels like a sauna
>keep window open
>big dragonflys and moths fly in and start banging against the room light or computer screen
>knock up
Pick one
Why is Erice’s name romanized as Erice when Elise is actually a real name and Erice isn’t?
God this event is so ass
1 short quest per day with 1 or 2 free quests that don't get particularly better than previous free quests.
All so you can click collect rewards every 12-20 hours and get some mats
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Get well soon, bro.
It's 41 degrees where I'm at...
>no Melu

Nice try.
Oh, so GMT +2. That's your timezone, turd. So you are a russian nigger.
>Implying it gets that warm
This is what an actual Arctic summer looks like.
you know bug screens exist, right?
Eris is a name too
>real names
This is the franchise of Illyasviel, Waver, Luviagelita, Kirschtaria, etc.
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I thought you just wanted a FC. I agree with everything he says.
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Another cup doujin from Masami Aoi

So it is Raikouschizo, lmao. Probably too insane or fat for Putin to send to die in Ukraine
Truly the most worthless timezone
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Reminder that some of the most popular servants with men are also very popular with women.
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>that layout

That's yr, isn't it? I'm jealous, here it'll be up to 30c on sunday.
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>His dick can't impregnate hags
Skill issue.
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BROberon just wants some warmth
Of fucking course it's a russian. They are obsessed with cuckposting.
Thankyu friend, everyone has been nice which makes me happy.
Hello Teo, I'm Anon.
bro here
>39C outside
>Comfy 19C inside
Feels nice being an AChad
surely ericebro will come back once her rate up is there...
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Yeah it's Yr.
lmao shitposter btfo'd
Where is your bro license?
I don't know who this Raikouschizo is, but it's not me.
As celebration for Illya's birthday, i will only jerk off to her today
When will 4chong nuke russians IP? Who the fuck need them?
If you mantle him there's no difference
What does Armored Core have to do with temps?
Will you ever make space on your friend list?
He's talking about Animal Crossing retard
If you're hot just turn on your AC.
You do live in a REAL 1st world country with air conditioning, right?
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He's talking about Asseto Corsa retard
just drink water if it's hot
So a communist scum is cuckposting? Gee.
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Of course bro, you deserve it after all. And being sick during summer sucks. I thankfully got away just with a very minor cold some weeks ago.
>1st world country
I live in mexico and my house has 3 ACs
you mean Assassin's Creed, right?
kek RussiTURD btfo
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Jane SEX
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Bring out the flame thrower and killl them with fire.
I always post to add /alter/bros when I have room. Right now it's full but I'll be glad to add you as a friend when I can.

I'm almost never sick in the Winter with fresh cold air. The AC in the Summer is no good...
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Stop calling me a retard.
Based RusGOD dabbing on Melushit
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isn't russia gmt+3 (or more)?
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One of the bros has it in their wallet.
Nice try, Raikouschizo.
This is just not the same without a cute Nurse picture.
>summer skadi after ibuki
ibuki's gonna make me cum early
You probably need a dehumidifier. Air conditioners do it to an extent but not completely. Using both can really help on a very humid day.
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Depends, it's a giant ass country. But considering the other times he was caught cuckposting with the same timezone, and the most infamous one is a known russian, yeah, it's probably a russian nigger. Beside, made him shut his worthless russian mouth.
In the summer the yellow and orange do daylight savings time adjustment. So that Russia is only 2 hours ahead of the UK
Protip: If you think every post that triggers you is from a certain eceleb then you're the schizo.
It's always slavs isn't it.
I've never had one, I'll need to look into that after I'm better.
Thank you for kindly confirming.
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>The AC in the Summer is no good...

It doesn't make you sick, that's pretty much a myth. Summer colds and flus are a thing though.
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Not if you're right.
What's that game?
Seem like i was spot on, Rusky.
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>go check friends list
>some nearing 1 year since they stopped playing, even though they seemed rather active
>1 stopped playing right after Lozoween, his Molay is 90'd but still 1/1/1
Always sad to see, though maybe I should celebrate their freedom from this game.
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Silly me, I forgot to take my tic tacs again
>Russian is exposed as a shitposter
It's not even a surprise at this point since we know Void Stance is in some Russian discord server
They probably coordinate raids to shit up /alter/
I wish it was always Winter or at least Autumn...
he's lying, no one uses both a dehumidifier and AC
next he's going to tell you that having a fan on at night will kill you
they are bros bro. you DO know what they eat, right?
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>saying you're not an eceleb is proof you're an eceleb!
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Please don't, I don't want to go back yet.
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So who we blame for the state of this thread?
>Their life is shit in a shithole
>Their women are known as whores, cheaters and this war between Russia-Ukraine made both sides women leave on masses their Russian husbands
No wonder the turd is braindamaged with cuckouldry.
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I stay.
You go.
it's not that hard to find actually
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>Roll for proto merlin
>Really needed her since Oberon has escaped me twice now
>Roll all of my anni sq (400+ and 26 tickets)
>Literally nothing but fucking CEs
>My friend rolls 300sq, and gets 2 of her
>This same friend gets everything he rolls for even though hes behind on story and doesnt have a lot of quartz
>I have wrung out every free sq I can get from this game and get what I roll for half the time if I'm lucky after spending everything I've saved up for months
>When we started playing I had several 5 stars over him by virtue of being ahead, he used an old account that already had some but had stopped playing. Now he has almost 10 5 stars over me, it is worth mentioning that due to him rolling less in general I have about double his amount of 4 stars with some even being np 5.
Help me here /alter/, this is destroying my friendship with him. I tried to be a good sport about it and just be happy that hes doing well but now I can't take it anymore, it makes me either want to cut myself off from him or stop playing fgo. I can't mentally take saving months after months just to get nothing and see this guy get everything after doing half the work. We're both free to play religiously so I'll never buy sq but this is driving me insane and ruining my enjoyment of the game. Right now I'm desperately trying to get through the event for more sq just for the chance at getting merlin and I've reached my breaking point.
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servant for this feel?
>Fan at night will kill you
What do you mean?
Eric Bloodaxe
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I hope Biden-Sama send us to Russia so we can legally hunt down thread ruiners
Russian turd
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>ushi mentioned
Based event.
korean superstition, look it up
gook and jap wives tale, they think leaving a fan on at night will suffocate you
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>>Roll all of my anni sq (400+ and 26 tickets)
>>Literally nothing but fucking CEs
Not reading your slop but enjoy the summer event, bro
lucksucker's little grailwhore~
my nigga he's your friend and it's just a video game
okay so next time you see him make sure to give him the classic 19th century choke slam
based dogfucker sis
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Is it just me or Lady Avalon's skillset and NP is kind of insane? She's basically an Arts Merlin. But that sounds strange, surely they wouldn't release something as broken as Merlin again, right? So what's the catch?
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Good idea, you should tell B(i)B(i)
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Just ask him to roll for you, don retardo
same as me bro, at least shes the worst unit in the summer lineup
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>So what's the catch?
It's Merlin but Arts. Duh.
the catch is her np buff lasts 3 turns instead of 5 and increases with np level. Means unless you whale and get her to np3-np5 her buff is strictly worser than merlins
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have a cute MeluGuda for you service
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The catch is she sucks like Arc unless you roll higher nps
If you live in an especially humid area like the great lake states, deep south / florida, or parts of Canada and you live in a home with either multiple floors or multiple rooms with just a small AC you can benefit greatly by using a dehumidifier in areas that the AC doesn't reach as well.
I have an AC in the living room area of my apartment but not my bedroom, so I use a small dehumidifier to help me sleep at night.
Drink his semen to steal his luck
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but the pic would imply that the most western part of russia would still be too much ahead of UK.

but yellow (gmt+1) and orange (gmt+2) doing daylight adjustment doesn't affect blue (gmt+3)...

I just googled "russia time now" and it is 2 hours ahead of UK, but I don't get why since neither UK nor russia does daylight saving...
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>The catch is she sucks like Arc unless you roll higher nps
A turd by any other name would smell just as shitter
Fuck him in the ass to steal his luck.
More like 40 max and 30 in the morning. The Balkans are hell on Earth. Weather's bad, the economy is bad and even if you have money, you can't buy quartz. I did not agree to this.
When was the last time Merlin was relevant outside of infinite stall memes
There's your answer
I know, I feel like an asshole for feeling this way but I can't help it anymore. It wouldn't be so bad if this didn't happen every single time we have rolled for something since he started playing with me. You would think luck would change course every now and then but this has been going on consistently since he started playing with me. I honestly wish I could bet money on him getting a 5 star over me because at this point I'm confident I could earn something off what should be random. With this fucking summer event its like my failure is being flaunted in my face constantly.
>No, because the female audience has a higher density of gays and bis.
>The reason Douman is so unappealing to male
He isn't just unappealing, he is positively vile
>Fate fans is that so many male Fate fans are straight. The gay or bi ones might still dislike Douman, but they at least understand why he has a subcommunity.
Faggot or not, (you) still can appreciate male characters, even evil and objectively unmanly ones, like Oberon.
>That said I think the closest thing would probably be Kiyohime
That's so off mark I can't even or odd.
I would understand if you mentioned Carmilla, but Kiyo? Really?
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jpeg > irl friends
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Yoooo. What the fuck. Where are you from, I need to know if I'm gonna backstab you.
I'm a bro and I think Dough Man is a fun character. Him always fucking up is hilarious then you also have characters like Sei that bounce off him perfectly.
>okay so next time you see him make sure to give him the classic 19th century choke slam
We're in the 21st century, doing random surprise chokeslams to your friends is illegal now
Tried this, it seems his luck is not transferrable. Maybe its my account that's cursed, when I first started I rerolled my account to get Hercules a couple of times because I knew it would be hard to get through this as a free to play. On my first roll I got a 5 star (Arjuna), so I took getting the hero of the endowed as a good omen, a lot of fucking good that did me.
it's painful to see and feel it but i really hope you don't stay angry because of this >game
i'm emphasizing it because i almost lost a friend because of the exact same thing. the only reason i lost that friend is because i was too racist and homophobic
>no ce from before 2020
Know your place, latecuck.
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I can't believe Skadi is responsible for climate change
>no sneaky liz coming from hungary
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You're retarded if the .jpg doesn't say she loves you she's worthless
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We all rolling for Sakurai servant.
i have no counterargument
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can you buy stuff online normally with your balkan card? cause you can quite easily make a fake dummy US google account and VPN to get around alberts region-block system to buy paid quartz
NP2 is still kind of better unless it's an especially long fight
Hell even NP1 is preferable to merlin on an arts team due to the extra arts buff for np gen, and her third skill letting her pop off her np off back to back in rounds 1 and 2 depending on team setup
The difference is Merlina comes with a built in KScope. She's got 80-120% charge for herself.
is Merlina for (You)?
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This event fucking sucks, here's some pizza
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What's your favorite FGO jpeg bro?
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I know it already. On top.
I mean, I still have to find a CQ I can't beat with my Himiko-Merlin-Castoria combo. You can pretty much ignore every gimmick and stuff that happens. Sure it takes more time, but it's a no-brain choice where you can skip evey strategy
>expecting /fgog/niggers to know geography
>something as broken as Merlin
Merlin hasn't been relevant for years, he's useless in the era of breakbars
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>Gets owned and called a turd
>l-latelet! cuck!
You got owned lil bro
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Of a trash heap, maybe.
Jealousy is a bitch. If you truly loved your friend, you'd be happy he's ahead of you
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>known Rusky is a cuckposter
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Yes. This is /alter/.
>everyone responding is the same person
Little schizo, dabbing on uppity latelets and /fgog/niggers is a time honored tradition here.
You do not belong.
Israel chads are laughing at us...
>Russia is there
Alright, so it is the russian. Now we know that the turd is a rusky
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Good thing the Meluschizo isn't blaming the Jews I guess.
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rusky turd is having a meltdown
but for some reason google gives me the UK time +2 if I google "moscow time"... I'm unironically confused now

The UK literally does daylight savings time. The time zone changes from GrenwichMedianTime (GMT, UTC+0) to BrittishSummerTime (BST, UTC+1) for half the year.

Mo pic was appropriate.
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Based retard.
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How do you think Russia ended up the way it is today.
Chronic corruption and brutality.
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I'm trying to get over it but I'm really tired of this and how consistent it is. So far this same exact thing has happened with Oberon, Koyanskaya of light and dark (i ended up getting light later), lady avalon, skadi, Waver, Space Ishtar, Ishtar, First Hassan and Karna. What makes it worse is how ungrateful he is about it all, since I'm constantly doing everything I can for sq I've come across so much upgrade materials that I can easily max out pretty much any 5 star servant I get right away. Meanwhile this guy doesn't even upgrade his servants to max level, he has top tier servants like Oberon sitting at level 40 unused while I'm stuck trying my best with what I can get. Not to mention how even though he's my friend, he still shoves it in my face every time he easily summons something I was trying my hardest to get.
Just try not being a lucklet????
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>Just try not being a lucklet????
and poorfag
so GMT+0, +1 and +2 all do daytlight saving but GMT+3 doesn't... at last I truly see...
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Yes. (Z)ionism. You got it.
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Did someone really look at that country's people and said "from now on, they will be called Mount Nigger"
o porque eran un montón de negros?
Just be fucking happy you have a friend that is into the game and the same server as you
All my friends that like gacha either dislike fgo, play on jp, or in one case lost their account and couldn't find the way to restore it (and didn't want to restart)
My friends that like fate hate gacha enough that they don't want to even try FGO
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I hope the next meta quick support is like Santa Skadi or something. I want Skadi being the only good quick support to become a running gag.
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I love how the turd, when cornered and owned, tries to make it about a "Meluschizo"
Mordred, I saved over 1000 f2p quartz when I first started just so I could summon her. Ended up taking almost all of that and of course this guy got her easily before I even started.
Just cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks.
That's not right.
It's 21:19 in Moscow.
And as expected, /fgog/ trash don't know what Kaliningrad is.
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This nigga's a manchild lmao
>I mean, I still have to find a CQ I can't beat with my Himiko-Merlin-Castoria combo.
How did you beat Taira?
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Oh, don't worry then, I love you.
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>Ended up taking almost all of that
Do you have screenshot of summon history?
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uh oh
How is that avataring? This is my first time posting an Oberon picture at all, and I only did it because it was relevant to the conversation topic.
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That's complete bullshit, I care about FGO as a gam...
>remember I played Samurai
>remember I played fucking Stella Link
>remember I even played that ps2 fighting game
>till have in the hdd colosseum pngs because every time I change pcs the fate folder is saved
>older file in the folder goes back to november 2005

Actually I may have a problem
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היי זה לא הוגן. אני מת על מלוסינה ועזרתי להגן עליה.
>fgog tourist
>kamajeet avatarfag
Are you going to meltdown and spam the rest of the thread now, trash?
kill him and steal his account
Lurk moar faggot.
Are you keep going to shit the thread with your meltdown, turd?
the way Raita draws shuten has changed a bit through the years.
IT also has changed the way she is presented in the game
least racist argentinian
Me too, she's basically the face of Quick anyway for the last 6 years.
not going to stretch this shit any longer like john wilkes booth
some people don't have friends. luck is luck. last resort use THAT
There's at least a few in /alter/ so they do exist. I know of L, milktrucksis, and otome just to name 3. The live panel audience seems mixed too.
Take your meds.
>turd turs turd
I love how obvious you make your presence here, fgog rat, and how you think anyone cares about your attempts to scapegoat thread regulars as your boogeyman.
Not him, btw.
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Back during my glory days of Duel Links, I could easily buy 20 euros of credit for Sonic Bird / Senju bundle for ritual decks. Why does FGO have restrictions and region locks is beyond me. People from other shithole countries also reported not being able to buy quartz even though they have money on their Google account
>helpful jew
who the fuck is jewing who then
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>Oberon introduced half a year after pity
>get taught a practical lesson twice
>still roll without pity stash
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No that banner half a year after I started. Here's the proof that I had that much at one point before I spent it all though
Oh I agree there's a very sizable number, I'm just not convinced it's 60:40 (i.e. there are 1.5x as many women as men).
מתי אלברט ייתן לנו לקנות סיינט קוארטץ?
fgo is my favorite game
Meant for >>486725029
nice phoneposting turd
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>So mad he misspelled it
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*glug* *glug* *glug*
לא יודע אני פשוט השתמשתי בדרכים חלקלקות.

לא ידעתי שיש עוד יהודים באלטר.
There it is, babble away, schizo.
I wish I friends irl
Life's not fair and some people have God on their side and get more with less. Accept it and stop being a bitch
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>Bros I have a problem, Timmy has more toys than me, how do I stop feeling jealous? He's my best and only friend in this pre school
>two posts more than 90 seconds apart? It's the same person!
>two posts less than 90 seconds apart? It's the same person using a phone!

You're fucking delusional.
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Ey, as long as is flat it works for me
There are 2 Million Christians and Muslims here, not everyone is Jewish.

We have respectable representation in Fate.
Built for big orc cock
not with those prices
Ishtar isn't flat
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let her cook
I bet its those fucking finnchads, they are always shitposting.
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Why have the threads been so fast today wtf?
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Pedophile retard
Star Rail saved /alter/
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>it falseflags now
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Holy based and pedophile
I can't fully relate since I've gotten mostly everything I wanted to roll for (mostly on account of me having a fairly small list of things I want) but I can see how it'd be frustrating. My best advice would be to do some other friend activities outside of FGO with him. Beating him in smash bros or something would probably be cathartic and let off some steam.

Have you ever tried switching phones when you roll?
the way of the turd
>timezone gets exposed
>starts melting down
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it can't be helped
Yes, her name is Ibuki.
Remove iphone bobfag from your friend lists.
I don't know if it's against guy code to be direct but I'd just ask him to stop if he is bragging too much. It's happened to me before but I made it through by asking my friends to actually be decent people. Also, it helps to pick another activity to do together so you can win somewhere else to balance it out. He's your friend, don't spoil things over FGO. Or use money if you actually care so much I do.
Ibuki is repulsive to everyone tho
/alter/ saved Star Raik you mean
castorbnnuy pootang
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There's been an imposter among us recently, robbing us Avatar fags of our identities to shitpost with...
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What do you know, I have just the right solution for this, here.
That's true, there will always be people with more servants than me anyway so I should be grateful I have one whos my friend.
clearly not repulsive enough since there are "people" here who want to roll her
It's symbiotic, really. Both generals are drowning their respective schizos in touristposting.
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To the surprise of no fucking one
rangeban russia for fuck's sake
huge based happening soon bros
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Melu cute.
gameplayfags don't care all they care about are big numbers
it's just gameplayfags
She's shit.
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Here's your event guide.
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Funny Vamp EX
consider not avatarfagging
aaand turd is out of ammo kek
Our gameplay can be reduced to a simple jpg with numbers in it.
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ממש גס רוח מצידך.
She is.
>Wake up
>Still can't roll for Skadi
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Arc is ugly bitch
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Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is False Flagging Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Be Based Beyond Belief Like Nigga Be So Based That You Cannot Be Copied Haha.
>Have you ever tried switching phones when you roll?
I tried switching between my phone and an emulator and didn't notice a major difference. If there is some weird back end luck stat its probably attached to accounts rather than devices. As for your other suggestion, just talking with you guys helped me vent my frustration so thanks for that.
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>name it Greenland
>paint it yellow
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Ashtart is flat as a washboard
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The best month ever on /pol/...
>name it Van Gogh
>doesn't drive a van
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>live at -5
>have to use -3 because some retarded porteño decided he wanted to have the same hour as brazil
God I love washboards
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hey I love maou check me out nobus are cool also here's a bad opinion to make you think less of me, the person sincerely holding this belief and absolutely not any form of imposter
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>name it Shirou
>is a male and doesn't row anything
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>Move from +1 to the middle of +2
>Still use +1
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Damn, he's literally me, fr fr ong.
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You could become a powergamer and beat bosses with F2P teams and solos and shit. Then you can lord it over him that he needs all the broken meta stuff while you, a true gamer, can do it with friend points only.
he actually had a van
Sometimes a person just needs to vent into the void here. I know I do and have done before just to put it out into the world.
To your credit, I've always hated you anyway.
>timezone of 20+ countries got exposed
>c-c-critical hit!!!!
That's not quite an own you're imagining it to be, and I'm not even that guy.
is it cold up there my lippa?
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>Help me here /alter/, this is destroying my friendship with him.
Stop being a salty retard over video game luck. Unironically if this is ruining a friendship because he has better video game luck than you, become a better person than you currently are. You're annoying and you're anti-fun.

Your luck probably isn't even that fucking bad, I'm tired of retards like you barely saving half to pity and failing and then whining to me that the gacha always fucks you but ignoring that the last time we both rolled for the same thing then you got Oberon in three tickets when I had to go to pity for him. Or when you whined you got "shitty rolls" when you tried to get Gogh and it took you 240 SQ and every 10 roll had at least one or two 4 stars.
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Damn schnauzer you just B me TFO. I yield.
>China autism mandates everyone must use the capital's time zone
>dawn isn't until 9:00 AM in the western part of China
>people have to go to bed while it's still mid-day
That schizo will claim that you are the same person anyway.
>name it Salome
>isn't a cured sausage
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Understandable. We often vent into the void here.
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why did you write a paragraph about imaginary scenarios? lol
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You know this place has seemed a little more schizo than normal lately
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Not a lippa, but yes.
Play through the fire and flames
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I've been more active lately
It's time to let your balls drop and stop acting up, Kevin
>western part of China
isn't that an empty desert?
Cute Bob
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Atage servant when?
Because they're not imaginary
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What's the point of using an anonymous forum and trying to make yourself recognizable through images?
But why doesn't Douman and Merlina just make out?
You're cute too.
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/alter/... home...
There are cities in the provinces there but there are a lot of empty and rural areas.
Stop avataring
I'm playing this shit for so long that I got everyone I ever really wanted and still could allow to roll for gameplay.
I have pretty much everyone in there except Orion, Castoria and saber nero,

Although I participated in pretty much every gssr except the ones in year one
>ignoring that the last time we both rolled for the same thing then you got Oberon in three tickets when I had to go to pity for him. Or when you whined you got "shitty rolls" when you tried to get Gogh and it took you 240 SQ and every 10 roll had at least one or two 4 stars.
this part sounds made up
Wtf that's his little sister you sicko

I wish mindbreak artists would stop putting random snuff and NTR-lite shit in their books. It doesn't make it better, it's just a boner killer. Who the fuck goes "OH FUCK HER DAD IS DEAD ON THE FLOOR! THAT MAXIMIZES MY BONER!" It was a solid dj without that. Why did I have to have the mindbreak fetish, these artists are all mentally ill.
switching as in you and your friend swapping phones while you're rolling and seeing if his luck works on your account.
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For me it's generally a comedy prop, but it's also very important for supporting the flow of longer conversations.
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Quixote and Moriarty Lily?
don quixote and moriarty ruler
The poster below this post is Baobhan Sith
>doesn't have Don Q
Both are exact scenarios I experienced with someone telling me their Gogh rolls were 'bad rolls'
I have 2 solutions that do not involve killing or maiming him:
1) try summoning at the same time as him. Ask him when he's planning on summoning for the new 5* and do it along with him, propose it as a sort of game to compare your luck, but let him define the time. If the time of summoning theory is true then you'll get the same or close to the same shit as he does.ake sure to either do it in person or over voice chat for precise timing, and define how many spins you'll both do, try to time every 10x with his.
2) assuming 1) fails or you both get shafted, play the long game. Stop mass summoning, define a limit such as 120sq/3x11 and never, EVER go over the limit, no matter what you get. Eventually you'll catch up by sheer virtue of not needing to save for 4-5 months before being able to try again.
But at the end of the day it all comes down to luck, and yours seems to be low atm.
Moriarty (faggot) and Man of La Mancha
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>Your luck probably isn't even that fucking bad
I'd still say its pretty bad considering that I saved over 1000sq and spent it all but I see your point.

>Unironically if this is ruining a friendship because he has better video game luck than you
The only thing stopping it from ruining our friendship is that I'm bottling it up, I just needed somewhere to vent it. I hope you can understand that at least. We also haven't gotten into any arguments or anything, I'm not so socially inept that I'd tard rage at my friend for having better luck than me.
>If the time of summoning theory is true then you'll get the same or close to the same shit as he does
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Picking this cutie and Gray next year.
Bros, are you enjoying the Summer 7 event so far?
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A j/reddit/nnu poster made this image. Altera would never be using reddit arrows.
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It consistently manages to make me smile, so it’s good for now.
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Finally, some good OC!
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Ugly lolishit prostitute bird
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Some people call me /fgoAlter/a, but you can call me Reddittime!
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What is Proto-Merlin's favorite kind of car?
A Nissan!
>Juan the Baptiste
I don't think Martha would approve of this...
why did this dumb fucking succubus take a whole ass pity
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I'm sorry but in the context of fate I can only think of Akiha when I hear nii-san
Yesterday was average. Today was good. Assclap was cool
Don’t reply to turd, bro
Mom owes me sex
When was the last time
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>Have to wait until the epilogue of the event before you get to even temporarily obtain the welfare servant
These threads are only good when the AI poster is here...
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I can jump those 8 ships.
Based and same. Salome love!
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>there are still people who have iphone bobfag on their friend lists
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based and true
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I see, I see. But, can you jump over your crippling depression?
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>bought extra NAI credits and still used them up

I think I'm addicted. At least NAI is cheaper than FGO.
Would Scat count as a ninja?
There's not that much ninja Servants
Why wouldn't you first think of Danzo, Chiyoume and Koutaro?
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I'm pretty sure early on she was jokingly called an oppai kunoichi/ninja in Riyo comics or something like that.
that's why you get the monthly sub bro
im down to sub 4k credits and I'm trying to not prompt, they go away super fast, and it sucks when you get fuck ups and you have to spend more credits to fix them
Waait a minute, you just wanted a excuse to post wet Anytime...
are you, quite literally, retarded?
I bought an expensive monthly sub, it's just I Enhance all the images I like, which costs points.
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Who’s Kizaru of fgo?
I'm gonna need more of this, way more of this
Tried this, didn't work.
I've tried this but couldn't get the timing right, I'll try again assuming this guy is a hot period magnet. One interesting/retarded theory i've tried is testing if friend point summons are equivalent to sq summon (so like a 3 star in friend points is a 5 star in a normal banner). My plan was to use this to filter out those long summon strings of 10x rolls with jack shit in them. In a manner of speaking my theory seems to be correct but I couldn't get the timing of the switch right so I would summon too many friend points and accidentally roll a 3 star, therefore according to my theory the chance of me getting a 5 star on the banner I was actually trying to roll on would basically reset to 0. This also seemed to be reflected in my rolls since I never got a 5 star even a couple 10x rolls after doing this. This theory did seem to work twice though and got me 5 stars in just a few tickets. This is all just retarded logic and speculation though so its probably just a coincidence and I'm going insane.
So Lady Avalin NP5 right?
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prostitute duo, you can get a discount
Looks like a Mori Nagayoshi to me.
How much for a double blowjob?
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A little wet there, aren't you?
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NP2/NP3 are good enough. She’ll get 5% more NP over Merlin at NP5.
Welcome back, bro!
>alteracucks are rebbitors
Explains so much...
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>a literal trash raccoon
lmao no
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How many of these bad boys did bob suck off
i am cum
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change to local? Is worst but is cheaper
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Thankyu friend, I couldn't be away from /alter/ on such an important week.
Probably close to 0.
She needed human blood.
>turd attacks bob now
use waifux2 to uscale pics
only use credits for more steps really, i understand though I have made some myself
Anything that isn't the Kiara voice hag witch is an instants skip.
>this is destroying my friendship with him
I don't have favorite servants. I just roll whatever as soon as I have quartz just to get something new.
i look like this
Enhance is better than upscale. It adds more details and makes the image look significantly better than upscaling it.
absolutely based head-empty rollchad
>tourist outs himself again, since he can't read the game
Kid, you just need to come to accept that it's out of your hands.
God is giving you a tough battle because you can take it. If your friend had shit luck he wouldn't play and then you wouldn't have a friend to play with. Do you want a friend to talk about the game with? Let him have his luck, because he needs it more than you. You make do with what you've got.

And if that isn't the truth then just lie to yourself till you believe it, and then you can be happy.
If any of you are willing to fight to the death in a tournament in DOA5, single round for my amusement, I would be willing to give the winner 79.99 USD worth of Googlebux for a SQ pack.
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it's not the first time
The game has a lot of translation issues, it’s just one of them, turd
>need mid high end pc
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from my purely anecdotal experience luck appears to come in batches rather than it 'reseting' with each good pull. Strings of bad luck only seem to follow with more bad rolls if you keep bashing your head against it. While strings of good luck always seem to give you multiple hits. There is a well known thing people used to do called the FP trick where they'd roll until a 3* servant appeared and then quickly do a 10 roll, which many reportedly saw success with. I suspect this luck cycle theory is what was causing it.

My advice would be to stop immediatly if you ever get a min roll and try again in an hour or 2. And if you ever roll a 4*, keep rolling unless you're done with the banner to take advantage of the higher luck period.
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no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom, from the bathroom sink to the shower, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, while i gasp for air, scream and see the light, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cow girl, doggy, backwards, forwards, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, on a chair, being carried against the wall, outside, in a train, on a plane, in the car, on a motorcycle, the bed of a truck, on a trampoline, in a bounce house, in the pool, bent over, in the basement, against the window, have the most toe curling, back arching, leg shaking, dick throbbing, fist clenching, ear ringing, mouth drooling, ass clenching, nose sniffling, eye watering, eye rolling, hip thrusting, earthquaking, sheet gripping, knuckles cracking, jaw dropping, hair pulling, teeth jitterbug, mind boggling, soul snatching, overstimulating, vile, sloppy, moan inducing, heart wrenching, spine tingling, back breaking, atrocious, gushy, creamy, beastly, lip biting, gravity defying, nail biting, sweaty, feet kicking, mind blowing, body shivering, orgasmic, bone breaking, world ending, black hole creating, universe destroying, devious, scrumptious, amazing, delightful, delectable, unbelievable, body numbing, bark worthy, can't walk, head nodding, soul evaporating, volcano erupting, sweat rolling, voice cracking, trembling, sheets soaked, hair drenched, flabbergasting, lip locking, skin peeling, eyelash removing, eye widening, pussy popping, nail scratching, back cuts, spectacular, brain cell dissolving, hair ripping, show stopping, magnificent, unique, extraordinary, splendid, phenomenal, mouth foaming, heavenly, awakening, devils tangos, he could put a nuclear bomb inside me and I'd still ride.
>only use credits for more steps
You can get the exact same result by upping the guidance. I've spent like 50$ experimenting with that, additional steps past 28 only lead to 1 further complete re-creation at about 32-35 afterwards you can beef it up to a 100 and you will get basically the same image. With a locked seed you get the equivalent image if you go from 5 guidance to 6.5 except it fries the colors, so you should rescale at ~.1/.15.
Enchance on the other hand is not just an upscaler since it re-runs the image through the process, adding additional detail in the newly created space.
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>Shinji's VA is a blue Pajeet demon now
Kama learning the Ashura Buster...
No, this is explicitly not one of them, you filthy tourist.
You already tried singing that tune last time, and got rekt in every which way.
Bob was a prosstitute.
Melusine loved Aurora romantically.
Morgan fucked so much she lost interest in all carnal pleasures.
Get over it, or stop waifuing Nasu's characters.
Meanwhile in Bizzaro Chaldea
>Enchance on the other hand is not just an upscaler since it re-runs the image through the process, adding additional detail in the newly created space.
OH I see
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Yeah man, it's all translation issues.
Why she lookin at me like that
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>[dogshit turd babble & samefagging]
Oh boy he’s going for another round…
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>bobkek got mindbroken into being a schizo by canonposting
Uh, based?
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He got knocked the fuck out, so now he's trying a different opponent.
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Turd alert
She's just happy to see you bro
Call him a faggot, sis!
I like that Bob outfit, can you make a solo version
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>being this scared of discussion
Yes, yes, of course, the evil, evil crime of posting canon material.
How could they?
Imagine being a purityfag and playing this game...
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100% turd-coded post
he finally turned into erice
100% percent impotent seething post
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Bold of you to assume that your stinky ass troll bait is worth of discussion LOL
>aiiiiie, they're posting screenshots from the game!
WHO refreshed me?

Notice how the turd is adamant on painting this game as a cuck game
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That too
Bold of you to assume you'd be capable of having discussion with humans.
>"Let's just ignore it"
>Continues feeding it
That's the reason why you always lose.
holy shit, I got refreshed too
More like LB6 has everyone either sleeping around or in a relationship, except for the AU Medb.
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>discordkeks meltdown
It always leads to this
Absolutely. Anything else you wanted to say about yourself?
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Bald of you to claim humanity
This is why we need Aibro nobody will respond to the same recycled bait if they're too busy gooning
Turderina status?
Notice how the tourist is so unfamiliar with Nasu's writing, that he expects any of them that aren't rinfaces to be pure.
You can tell he's crawled here from /fgog/ cloaca, and he can't read at all the gsame he's playing.
He will. Trust the plan.

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rinfaces? more like rin feces
Humans don't need to to, trash like yourself, can't.
Go have a 'discussion' with your bathroom wall, an opponent on your level.
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I wish there was an /alter/ news ticker to give me periodic /alter/ updates.
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I can try but obviously cant get exactly the same because this is AI, there is a limit on how much you can replicate other ai pictures
which plan?
Ericebro will return in /alter/'s hour of need...
please save my general
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THE plan
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I fear that you have borne witness to the whole of it. The conceits - the hypocrisy - of the thread built upon Fate/Grand Order. The follies of man. Their bitter suffering. Is there no hope for redemption? The answer, sadly, is clear. There never was any hope. They were each of them defective. Unhinged, from the start. Enma herself. And the posters that guided her. And this is what troubles me. No matter our efforts, if the roots are rotten, then we have little recourse.
He'll be in labour. I didn't pull out in time.
he will return in /alter/'s hour of seed
Uh oh stinky is seething
It's close enough, the sarong was the most important part anyways
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>Dubai Porta Potty

That explains why Rin likes rich Arab men so much.
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Oh no, tourist is so mad, he's doing the passive-aggressive 'totally not replying to your posts now' schtick.
Dial 8, fag.
Breaking news!
Schizoposting and inane argument continues!
>w-why didn’t he give a point of my life (a (you)) to me???
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lb6 is a largely self contained story albeit
haha wow look at the poly bears
what would be the worst event structure for FGO? things like timegates or point ladders or tower quest
there i did it >>486735575
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>mfw anon doesn't give me my hard earned (you)
Stinky turd does his brown business as usual. Is it possible to stop him?
I think it's funny we're unironically having a better discussion about Fate in the chink gacha general than in here.
Yep, absolutely mad and mindbroken like a little bitch.
Cry some more, see if I care.
holy shit...

no way
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I hope they manage to apprehend this "Turd" person
I want an Imaginary Scramble anime.
Proof please
>m-mom he didn’t give me a (you)….
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By my command spell... I order.... (You)!!!!!
Who took you off your burning pire?
im guessing august 2nd is when JP anniversary happens
This one's on the house, don't spend it all in one place, loser.
Yeah but unironically
There's a smut writer that I follow that really enjoys putting out stories of the girls in FE slutting it up. Despite this, I don't know anything about the lore.
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Oh no I dropped your (You)
Pretty funny meltdown, if you were to ask me.
Come on, do more.
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They decided on a worse punishment, I'm free to browse /alter/!
I use AI to generate stories of Servants slutting it up.
Don't forget to claim your anni CEs before it's too late! 4 days left to make up your mind.
>it’s not me who is having a melty, it’s him, IT’S HIM!!!
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Fucking respond to my post RIGHT NOW guys
Unironically I hope its shimosa.

I can't imagine they packing lb6 into a series without rushing it.
Actually I can't imagine packing any event or chapter into a series and not rushing it, because anime writters feel quite retarded when it comes to adaptation, they have time to spare to fit everything but they always choose to drag the first 2/3 of the series just to make a rushed mess the last act

At least with shimosha there is nothing to really ruin since its ruined from the start and its a chapter where rushing could be actually beneficial for the pace
I'd only be inviting more shitposting if I divulged that information, trust me.
I assume it's not for free?
No, it's NAI.
You can't even reply properly, because you think you're scoring some point against me by being a passive aggressive bitch by not using site's normal functionality.
Yes, you're the one losing your mind here, and it's hilariously pathetic, really.
i picked melu and merlin
the merlin CE is so pretty
Stop being a faggot and just let me check out the smut god
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>anime adaptation of any sakurai chapter
It would be amazing in its shitness and a perfect berry on top of the corpse of fgo
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are those bears eating a ferret alive?
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Each game pretty much has its own unique lore but shares themes and sometimes races. There will always be a sword that looks sort of like the first one that became iconic to the series, the Fire Emblem itself changes a lot from objects to powers to being a person themselves, and it's a sort of turn based war map RPG that saved itself by completely self indulging waifu fags (like myself) and self insert fags (like myself).
It's fun! I like it a lot. My favorite girl is Edelgard.
Have an outfit swap of her with Da Binky!
Haven't you heard? Sakurai put out a good chapter recently. It's OC2.
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Then stop replying to it, clown
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nothing personnel kiddo
>Avengers aren't allowed to exist if they're not always avenging something so they have to go away and lose to Marisbury.
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First time a Clae post has made me laugh.
He's already typing up his next reply because he literally can't help himself
Why? I enjoy poking shit with a stick.
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No (You) for you
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Oh, that's the discount Zero.
Inspiring words for a monkey screeching every time I throw soemthing in its cage.
Dance some more for my amusement, bitch.
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>what would be the worst event structure for FGO? things like timegates or point ladders or tower quest
Collect rewards every 6,8, and 12 hours from different nodes.
Yamatai and that literal dogshit event. I hate them.

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