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why are touhou players so retarded edition



RetroArch is one option: https://retroarch.com/
(includes MAME and FBNeo cores with more features than standalone MAME and FBNeo, input recording and lossless video recording for every core, can save all rebinds and settings individually per-game, run-ahead that breaks the space-time continuum in order to reduce input lag, uncheatable RetroAchievements, 1000 save states per-game with screenshot previews, etc.)
/shmupg/ community pack: https://archive.org/download/shmupg-pack
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Eeeey there's a /shmupg/ OP lol

>why are touhou players so retarded edition

Long unfiltered goon-ing sessions in their little girl basement dungeon, has an adverse effect on the mind
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why even make new threads if you have to always rely on screenshots from 2+ years ago because the community died
hell yeah, discord e-celeb posting.
go back
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so uh got anything from this year? maybe something we haven't seen 10 times before
no need to autistically bump
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Compared to the last thread being blank and putting the cart before the horse with the meme banana/osrs picture, this is fucking sistine chapel in terms of class

>no gurf

Do I even what to know what the fuck that means lol

>first job at 30
Not gonna lie, that sounds kind of cozy in a fucked kind of way, a little odd to be looking for a girlfriend without an income though, what are you even gonna do with one, talk to it? Disgusting
avatarfag why cant we get anyone to bump during euro hours
Not gonna lie.. it would be a bit of like.. fresh air, if we had some newer quotes and not the years old shit over and over again.
>Fans of classic games were thrilled to play so many classics as well as lost and forgotten titles. Shmup enthusiasts began almost immediately to notice a pattern though. Shmups made in Europe were often sloppy unplayable garbage, and the term Euroshmup was then used to signify this.

Because Euroslop exists and unironically the few euro-bumpers we had were often rage posting into the void at the insults hurled at them

Hey euros? Your shmups suck ass and you wouldn't 1cc your way out of your immigrant neighbor's cock choke hold on your wife's penis fly trap; euros, not even fucking once man, fuck em!
okay but why not at least an autist pity bumping us as a non gacha general? how does stuff like bowgen stay alive when we die. we cant even get one bumper, its sad
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>how does stuff like bowgen stay alive when we die

I've been saying for a while we need more sexy women jpegs, especially in the OP lol. We also had more of Loli-poster back then, who is waaaay less active this year than last which probably helped a few fresh eyes pop in from time to time lol.

Yeah though, it is sad, there's even a thread for fucking chess on 4kids now, dios mio
yeah apparently the chess general has some kind of beef with the one on /tg/ so theres a whole thing there, its kind of funny though how no one has taken advantage of the lax moderation to make a bunch of random non video game generals like that

candyland general when?
because there is nothing to post and these threads are pointless?
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I've found dozens of games, quite a few friends, and the silly scoring board brings daily entertainment. Even the fact that one Hellsinker anon is playing his way to a 1cc brings me joy.

I think your current existence is just kind of pointless, don't take it out of us anon <3
yeah but that doesnt count because i said so
that was the past
now you have 1 hellsinker guy maybe. surely one person can't carry a thread
you just have to sleep for a few hours during quiet times on the site, its a sacrifice im willing to make for this great thread
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>now you have 1 hellsinker guy maybe.
>surely one person can't carry a thread

My Brother in Christ, this is /vg/, where do you think you are lol. If you're looking for hourly dopamine hits of drama and nothing posts to keep your very non-busy life occupied, why do you come to /vg/ of all places. Granted, it'd be nice if we had more posters, but wasn't this shit completely dead up until like 3 weeks ago? IE Didn't exist? I'm still dealing with the damn insurance, couldn't have been that long lol
that's the point, it should've stayed dead
and make them again when something interesting to talk about happens. not try to forcefully have shmup threads just to have them be empty bump generals and die over and over
stop trolling the alaskan he has work to do today
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Pretty sure that's what happened, Devil Engine Reboot came out or something and anons wanted to talk about it. Why are you so goddamn negative anon? I get entertainment even from the shitty threads, the green text last thread made me kek. You're just fucked, if you do something else during your day productive, you'd see 4kids in a completely different way my dude

Kek timing
>deadest shit ever
>great thread
dude if youre saying stuff like empty bump generals then you know the /vg/ meta and youre just baiting because youre bored, stop trolling the great shed builder of shmupg, he has sheds to build
shmups are fake interest, what gets people talking is a mork slam or some shit like that
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Too lazy to post toilets, might just post my scores for now instead :)
it's because there are usually 1-2 dedicated posters who bump whenever + a few help from other posters who also frequent the general
/shmupg/ is just unlucky that most of the posters here are near US timezone and very few people actually care about the general outside of shitposting purposes
>what gets people talking is a mork slam
even mork isn't doing slam anymore since he knows it was all fake interest.
gigachad gameboyguru got me back into galuda2 arrange, easy game but god damn it's fun

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id let them run a train on me
Nice score. What's your Dariusburst score?
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Why the censor lol
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It's called being a scoring gentleman anon. I guess it's no small wonder with your complete lack of social intelligence that you think you did something there :D please reveal more of my scores for me anon
reminder this genre is so dead that you could dox practically anyone in the community if they just post a decent score or even just a clear
with shitclears and shitscores it's a bit harder but it's not like they actually matter
Dariusburst Another Chronicles is the only Dariusburst game I've gotten to so far, and these scores were rather rough haha- I should probably go back and actually play the game now that I'm not on a 55" screen for it lol

Love me singing cosmic fish though
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>but it's not like they actually matter

It's video games anon, what the fuck are you talking about, of course they don't actually matter lol
>of course they don't actually matter lol
lmao nice shitter cope
a 700M+ eosd score is worth more than anything you have achieved thus far in your life
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>gaym is worthwhile because it features the 9 year olds I masturbate to
kys touhounigger
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Same here. I haven't played Dariusburst in awhile. Maybe next month I should go focus on beating my pb.
Are you focusing on other games to beat your own high scores or are you just chilling?
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Been in a bit of a redneg allstars scoring boot camp with a few anons, currently bouncing between that and CosmoDreamer / LikeDreamer since it's so similar the skills are easily transferable. Might be starting back up Cotton Rock and Roll a little more tomorrow as well, should have a little fun with that with somebody in the community so that's great. I need to fix my Dariusburst scores sooner or later, I enjoyed that game too much to leave it so bleak and dire haha

I've been doing a bunch of fixing/beating my old scores overall lately, it feels much easier with a 165hz monitor that's also smaller than my old monster screen; feels so good mang to improve lol
i got shredded a few months back. that was pretty cool.
The Treasure shmups sure feel weird. For whatever reason I feel like Ill enjoy Silvergun way more than Ikaruga. It does kinda make me want to play Guardian Heroes instead though. If anyone likes really hard run n guns, Alien Soldier is fucking amazing too.
half of them are blinded by natural sunlight
and physiognomy as I expected
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tranniest image of all time
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Unironically most of them look pretty decent to me, your standards are simply fucked from online doom-scrolling my nigga

I remember seeing that video/pattern, it was amusing but also there's no way that took 1.5k hours unless the faggot is including all time in tranhou games or something meme

Wish it'd include more casual "hard" bosses like soulsbosses, the undertale """bosses""" being 0.000000001/10 hits hard and is the truth
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Jesus Christ, I just wasted so much of my life reading QuakedoomNukem's community posts from a random YouTube video...Please tell me he actually quit STGs this time, it was mildly amusing when he went HAM on himself during a live run a year ago, but reading all this I can tell you for a fact it's not the community or the games killing you- it is all your own actions and mindset my man lol

Unironically go play something else and touch some grass
>shitclear collector scrub with zero worthwhile achieves calling out other shitters/nonplayers for being shitters
l m a o
this shit never gets old
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I am now writing the greatest literary work of our time of why you're wrong, and will be posting it to my YouTube community section.

Hold tight anon, you ruined my life, it's your fault I'm like this, also please remember I have autism, it's unique to STGs players :(
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>it was mildly amusing when he went HAM on himself during a live run a year ago
I have the streamable link but sadly it's deleted from inactivity. I can't even find the run anymore since RGLtv literally didn't save it kek (most likely because of the schizo ranting) despite every single other run being there

hopefully some anon saved it because that shit was hilarious
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Kek is that the OceanGate Titan? I don't care what they say about you guys, that's pretty funny

>max possible score in Karous if you ignore scoring

What does that even look like though :o
That fantasyjared post is so fucking funny, cracks me up every time
lmao check out the description. touhoomers are truly a special kind of autist
I don't see what to celebrate about. Maybe do a no-miss, no-bomb run.
>Jesus Christ, I just wasted so much of my life reading QuakedoomNukem's community posts from a random YouTube video
QDM is a total retard and i'm not just calling him a retard as a joke, he's a genuine retard as in taking medication and having anger issues. there's not one thing i like about him, hopefully he's gone for ever.
>the shitter he was crying about shows up
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Kek I guess I should probably blur out his name sooner or later, but it really does add to the appeal of the meme having that IGN of all things lol

>The entire run, I kept telling myself: "Nothing has happened yet. This could die at any moment, so just...dodge Jared. I believe in you." Stuff like this goes a long way at calming your nerves and keeping your play optimal, at least from my experience.

I don't really see the appeal of no bomb runs, it's just autism without the numbers going on for me. Definitely has the autism, I end up telling myself weird fucking shit in tune to the music like has many bombs I have left or where a scoring spot is with dumbass fucking rhythms that only make sense to me, or that I have no bombs the vocals a satanic repeating chant of "no bomb" just to keep reminding me how little mistakes I can make and I think find that comforting as well

Please tell me this is normal and not schizophrenia- asking for a friend

Dude unironically should take a long break/quit, I mean I didn't even go looking for his community posts, he leaves breadcrumbs telling you to read his community posts like wtf lol
>Dude unironically should take a long break
He did
Good, not even joking, it'd be nice he if deleted all those weird breadcrumbs and posts entirely, but eeey I'm glad he's hopefully getting his shit together, no judgement just a hell of a morning read for me lol
Too many words for a 4MNB
not even 4 miss because he failed most of the last spells
you don't need to keep this zombie alive when 2hug exists if what you're gonna talk about is damn touhou
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https://www.youtube.com/@RebotOva what do we think /ourboy/
we really need a term to describe shitclears collector but for arbitrary scores instead
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you sound like a touhoomer
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repost if you're a true albanian nigger my nigga, ignore if you're a 2hu faggot tranny
>>the shitter he was crying about shows up
i'm sure he cries about everyone, i mean he's a miserable person
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djema si e beni kete model nje nigga me tha se duhet ta bej keshtu thuaj se eshte e drejte ju qe jeni pro shmupper mund te me thoni si te bej 1cc
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μπορείτε να βαθμολογήσετε το σαφές μου! Έκανα μεγάλη προσπάθεια σε αυτό, ελπίζω μια μέρα να γίνω τόσο δυνατή όσο εσύ =D
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Dunno, it's more tranhou, what am I supposed to take away from it? My biggest take-away is how do keyboard players deal with that CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK sound from even the most basic movement? Like you're not playing a damn piano my guys, the sounds in these runs always sound so seriously exaggerated and annoying to me lol
nonplayer touhou faggots killed shmupg
touhou look all the same, you fly around as a little girl shooting cards while listening to faggot ass piano music. playing shmups with a keyboard is just stupid.
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for me? it's kana_th6, the cutest eosd player right now!
im no shmupg historian but this place died the first time because people started regularly coming and bullying the guy for posting old discord shit

then it died again because it became a tripfag circlejerk

the third impact?
who knows
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>im no shmupg historian

The rest of the post is meaningless then, isn't it?
if you want to hear what chav said on discord 35 years ago then you can go ahead and wait for him to tell you
You fags got nothing better to do? shmupg every single day thinking you're hot shit, must feel bad deep inside
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Not really, pretty much house-sitting for a laughable easy insurance ""paycheck"" while I do random ass repairs on my family home high as fuck- this shit is cozy, only good feels

cool shmupg bosstip
if you attack avatarfags weakpoint during the weekend stage he drops blogposts which you can use to replenish your bombs
P-P-please don't milk me anon :(
P-P-please don't milk me anon :(
youre literally describing how athletes psyche themselves up to win, remember things, and get into a rythym. nothing weird about it.
idk i work and lift weights a lot lol. i got aome other hobbies though
How is Spiritual Larsa EZ?
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Anti-Climax Boss: Spiritual Larsa in Futari Black Label's God mode, believe it or not. While she is still of course the game's ultimate challenge and she gets a far more dramatic presenation than her Ultra mode counterpart (which simply reuses the standard boss BGM and doesn't involve her crossing the Bishoujo Line), she is overall easier and her final phase actually has safespots; she summons a circle of pods that release bullets and with some careful maneuvering, you can stay between two of the pods as they move and never get hit. This was not fixed in the 360 port.

>Signature Scene: Much like with other CAVE games, the True Final Bosses — Aki in Mushihime-sama, Larsa in Futari, Queen Larsa in Futari Black Label — are this. Incidentally, Spiritual Larsa is better known than her Futari Ultra incarnation despite being easier due to her more grandiose presentation, her dramatic makeover, and the unique BGM she gets (In Futari Ultra, Larsa's final form BGM is simply the standard boss BGM).
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I should do score attack with the avatarfag!
this urien is pretty good
this urien is pretty bad
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You should do score attack with the avatarfag! Post scores
Donald Trump is going to Make Shmups Great Again. Fucking badass already shows he can graze bullets.
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touhou fans proving they're all a bunch of pedophiles
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thank you anon
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Kek- damn though, missing the audio for the schizo rant and the super happy music jingle as it fades out, really was the cherry on top

I could also post "adult" tranhou cosplay again- The lolis don't really bother me personally, usually anyway; sometimes the inclusion of panties is a bit much with some of the images lol
>missing the audio for the schizo rant and the super happy music jingle as it fades out
use this
and no, don't try to pirate it
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Eeeey, that worked, based anon, there's my favorite video game jingle and slap sfx :D
I couldn't imagine this happening in Shmup slam. Mark would just kick him out asap.
>Mark would just kick him out asap.
reminder ec got away with his ranting as a "joke"
it was super hilarious when all the groomers (trannies) in the chat started damage controlling
like i keep saying QDM is literally fucked in the head, no normal person hits himself like that. not going to give him a pass though, i can't stand that fucking retard
im getting laid tonight
Right, I forgot about that whole thing. I hope EC does more of that kind of shit.
what a fucking weirdo
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Biden just dropped out, knew he didn't have a chance like the shitter he was lol

All Hiel Comrade Kamala Khan Harris
laffin kamala, she's more cringe than touhou
We're back lads
Trump divine plot armor
Zun confirmed homophobe
Turd Strike crushing Evo
tranny schizos roleplaying as girls in STG Rev 2020
lol this Hazel tard ends almost every post with 'im a girl btw'....I'm such a woman...my girl brain....
american public education system. trump will turn that shit around.
theyre all on the same side. trump will win because its his turn. things will be much nicer though.
Hellsinker keeps bugging out on me. It happened with my steam deck and seems to be doing it with my PC now. I have an 8bitdo arcade stick plugged in and for whatever reason its always registering as moving down. If I change the setting from left stick to dpad it constantly move up. Similar issue with my PS5 controller. Doesnt happen with any other game.
>troubleshoot for an hour
>no results
>post about it
>fixes itself
heh works every time
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>Not posting Mika
Bad taste.
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I don't know who that is
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I don't know either of these characters, so here I am contributing to Loli summer instead play Cotton RnR
i got laid
Is that all though? I mean I'm kind of sick today, but even in that five hours I got like five clears, smoked fat, re-insulated the small cabin with r19 and r30 as well as moisture barrier, enjoyed the small STG community with banter, and now I'm waiting for House of the Dragon to finish "downloading" so I can enjoy me some dragon show

But uhhh congrats on the random wet hole anon, very cool
>Is that all though? I mean I'm kind of sick today, but even in that five hours I got like five clears, smoked fat, re-insulated the small cabin with r19 and r30 as well as moisture barrier, enjoyed the small STG community with banter, and now I'm waiting for House of the Dragon to finish "downloading" so I can enjoy me some dragon show
nah i went axe throwing too (scored a 44 on my second time doing it) and got my arcade stick set back up at my house. i also drove my car through my favorite twisty route for fun and wound down with a joint and a nice walk to inaugurate my 2 month cut before japan. not much time to shmup today unfortunately

>But uhhh congrats on the random wet hole anon, very cool
yeah it was pretty good lol, i liek wet holes
no one cares
nigger im just bumping the thread
oh and heil hitler and heil biden
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>yeah it was pretty good lol, i liek wet holes

Enjoy it while it lasts I guess, it was kinda fun during 19-23 to do that and have some random ass experiences from it. At my age now it's hardly worth the effort I feel lol. Kinda hard to get excited about a wet hole that's had fucking other people's babies pushed out of it or a mile of dicks ran through it looking for her best meal ticket kekw

That's now heil Comrade Kamela Khan Harris to you, worm
>Enjoy it while it lasts I guess, it was kinda fun during 19-23 to do that and have some random ass experiences from it. At my age now it's hardly worth the effort I feel lol. Kinda hard to get excited about a wet hole that's had fucking other people's babies pushed out of it or a mile of dicks ran through it looking for her best meal ticket kekw
im in my 30s and i just go straight to their house off of dating apps and fuck them when im not in the mood to fap. sometimes i bring food or weed i guess. ill date more seriously after this vacation. i feel you on it being a hassle to actually date though.
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Damn, crazy. I had a friend like that, he fucked anything that moved and found it easy to get laid. Dood was an odd motherfucker though, I have no idea how or why he did it, I mean he bragged to me about fucking 220+lb women as well, shit was all over the place lmfao. Like he didn't own anything or do anything really, but he sure fucked everything lmfao. I'm almost 34, honestly I think sex is pretty mid, definitely didn't get better with age and age pool

Also I simply do not respect women, did I mention that :)
>bragging about being enslaved by lust, treating other people and yourself like trash

Looks like it's tranny gooner atheist hour again! sad
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time to boot up a shmup any suggestions?
anything but touhou, cave shit is always good, toaplan is shit but still better than touhou, raizing i suppose, namco and taito shmups are for boomers and zoomer who act hip but still better than touhou
>seething about touhou rent free in your mind
rumao get a life you loser
Gonna play Gradius 3 and Cotton Rock 'n' Roll then thanks
cotton RNR is pretty dope so you should be good
>rumao get a life you loser
a random tranny calls me a loser is an honor
reminder this happened
pearl is such a fat faggot
Wait, is Donhimesama back? Did he survive the solar flare
>alphes art
>all those words
You can tell this is a secondary guy who was raised by walfas and pad memes on danbooru
great mahou daisakusen
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Darius Gaiden
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Anon fucks some random girl, and I get fucking sick the next day. Hey come take your damn stds back, I know it was (You) fucker lol :x

Play Cotton Rock and Roll
>>Play Cotton Rock and Roll
sorry too busy with hellsinker, enjoy my gonorrhea though
>0 game discussion
>no drama to discuss
>not even art of the games is used to bump
is this literally a thread you're using to bump some other general off or what
i post my hellsinker progress every few days.
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What the fuck you want from me anon, I feel like dogshit already and would hardly call this state of being "living" already lol

>j-j-j-just like /shmupg/!

We'll all die quicker if you shut the fuck up and stop cry posting every 90 minutes of inactivity lol
that final season of moral orel is depressing as fuck
hazel (definitely a woman) has left STG Rev. nice job BIGOTS
Who and when?
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shmups are healing?!
not until synthricardo is allowed back there
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>nice job BIGOTS
is that the tranny youtuber? good channel
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Bruh, I don't know if hazel is the youtuber I'm thinking of, but if it is, that piano music and haircut is scientifically known to make a man's testosterone devour itself just to escape the agony

>pink/blue controllers even
>pink/blue outfit

It's fucking HIM, isn't it lol- I'd be so happy if he fucked off out of shmups; it's not a great look for an already grim situation lmfao
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I'll do Metal Black and post my score later tonight.
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Looking forward to seeing scores, but you'll probably win by default on that one haha- I have the Metal Black S-Tribute on steam and looks like I have all of 30 minutes into it right now and not very good at Taito compared to my usual slop I guess :(
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>not until synthricardo is allowed back there
I've got some bad news for you...
i wanna play more hellsinker but life is busy :(
I know, but things aren't healing until they change their mind on him
>I know, but things aren't healing until they change their mind on him
you can't argue with the french because they're so fucking french
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I have probably 7 hours of MB; both on MAME and PS4.
Actually, we should do DaiFukkatsu. Normal mode.
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I did pretty well despite not playing much in the past 2 weeks, especially on normal mode. Presumably, I have 100 hours on Arrange A.
2-5 still kicking my ass.
Does 2-5 mean its a 2nd loop?
Yes. 1-ALL is 1st loop, 2-ALL is 2nd loop. ALL just means you 1cc'd on whatever loop you were in.
thanks anon
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>Presumably, I have 100 hours on Arrange A.

Pretty amazing numbers especially if all on Arrange A- If I remember right, Arrange A runs without any slowdown on the steam port, which was unintentionally left out on that singular mode dude to black magic coding issues- making it harder than it ever should have been lmfao

Yeah, doing better than me from my hours in DFK, I have around 44 hours in DDP DFK, mostly spent in Arrange B of all things haha. I know what you mean about that laser wheel, pretty sure I've had a few perfect attempts up to 1-5 a few times that just eat actual shit to the memo-wheel lol- I'll dick around some more with arcade mode maybe, maybe by some miracle the laser wheel fucks off this time lol

3,677,266,809 C-Strong 1-All looks like is my current record with what floundering I have in arcade, I think I haven't had access to the 2nd loop because I miss too many bees or whatever the magic dance c*ve decided on lol

You scored more than Queen Charlene- you're already on the path to being a true shmup BIGOT, very cool!!!
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Yeah. I don't have the Xbox 360 version so the Steam version is all I have. Maybe someday it'll get another re-port to the PS4.
But at least milking Hibachi doesn't take forever compare to the Xbox 360.
15 minutes of milking Hibachi.
7 minutes of milking.
I do like having no slowdown. It makes everything go quick but at the same time scoring is such a risk to do.
I have yet to do some routing on the laser wheels. So maybe I could do some practicing tonight before moving on to something else.
You can do it, anon. Spam hyper and know your routes. I didn't make it to ura loop since I auto-bombed too much on 1-5. The bees shouldn't be that much of a problem. They're easy to location.
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>15 minutes of milking hibachi
>999,999+ hit
>Total has like 15 damn digits

Dios mio, what the hell is even that haha. Tried to enter the 2nd loop twice in a few casual attempts, no dice. Might try bumping it down to Bomb style tonight/tomorrow until I enter the 2nd loop since score doesn't really seem to want go up from 3.6b right on a single loop right now lol :(
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therapist: BUN isnt real and cant hurt you
ah 12 am, finally time to game zzzzzzzzzz
DFK steam port is fucking shit, i don't care what any trannie says, it's shit, get a modded 360 and get all the free shit you can find like a real man.
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>360 dies, you lose everything
>PC eats shit, steam cloud saves me from fucking losing scores/saves
>Also usuble on multiple devices, even if my laptop is 60.049hz actual garage
>I don't even want to use a 360 controller, much less have to mod/download/720p-1080p/60hz gaming or whatever 360 is hard-capped to...
>Press F12, screenshot. Replay? In the game folder.
>Activity tab, you can see who played what and what new STGs they bought/discovered, so you can copymonkey their life choices

Bruh, I'm not the richest person on /shmupg/ anymore, but I have no regrets about my STG collection. It'd be nice if some 360 games like Futari were ported already, but that sword cuts both ways lol

If anything, I find it hard to buy many more STGs lately, the list is starting to get incredibility small, so now I just need to improve scores/get gudd/get so so damn gudd a tranny leaves STGs entirely
couldnt even beat stage 5 in hellsinker fug
>>360 dies, you lose everything
not if you have a modded 360 you don't, you also get access to DLCs and all that good stuff
if we get a futari port it'll most definitely be ported from the 360 like every other port so instead of getting a port of a port of a port just get a modded 360
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>Want to play kusoge, it's $8 on steam but I want to "save money" to show Big Game Devs what I think
>Spend hours modding 360, it caps at 60hz, probably 720p, hard locked to shitty 360 controller
>Oh no, I wanted a replay! Time to waste more hours if I want it online, have to buy extra shit to record plays costing more money than a dozen fucking shmups
>Oh no, 360 died to red ring of death! It's okay, we can waste more time buying parts online and fixing 15+ year technology, completely wasting the point of saving money
>New games? Fuck it, can't afford it, can't play it, have to cope it costs $8 on sale
>New friends? Fuck it. New content? Fuck it. Screenshot? Fuck it.
>Even after all this, you could have just pirated if this desperate and played with g-sync or whatever modern options on PC
>port of a port of a port, you're making it sounds like the porting process from 360 to Windows is complicated, that shit is literally a souped up Windows 2000 operating system my nigga
i'm not interested in watching anyone's replays, i never had a RROD because i don't have a fat 360, you can enjoy shitty ports by city disconnection, i'll enjoy the 360 ports like a real man.
the 360 was always the nigger console so enjoy your nigger console
well my 360 is black so i guess you're not wrong
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>you can enjoy shitty ports by city disconnection

I mean, you're not wrong there. It's crazy how many actual shit "ports" especially with Cotton untranslated, unchanged, no practice, no English menu, fucking $15+ what the actual fuck is this I don't actually have a problem with the Xbox 360, I had one for almost a decade too, just tired of defending my gaming choices that probably costs $360 a year tops to buy anything I want forever lol

Okay, I'll bite- Is this Gus' dog? That's a cute outfit. Please tell me that all the dogussy posts have been trolls though, for the love of God lmfao

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>Please tell me that all the dogussy posts have been trolls though, for the love of God lmfao
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>Please tell me that all the dogussy posts have been trolls though, for the love of God lmfao
if it makes you feel better, I think gus only had oral sex with his dog which isn't as bad but still messed up
he also did a bunch of gay shit which you could read in detail if you bother to search for the kiwifarms thread. most of it is exaggerated and fake though since I'm 99% sure who made that thread
what the fuck
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>if it makes you feel better, I think gus only had oral sex with his dog which isn't as bad but still messed up
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Kek, why not just sell it on ebay though? I have no idea how that interaction would go down without it...Okay now give me the money, and I promise I'll ship it. Okay now we exchange foreign currencies. Okay just trust me bruh, it's only been used for decoration :)
>used good loli
that's a yikes from me brah
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>Hear a lot about Hazelnut Hex, finally get it on steam
>Only two difficulty modes
>5 stages, extremely short
>Scoring system is amusing with the charge shot, but the difficulty is stunningly low
>116 minutes, more or less done with the game, just need to improve scores, and even then not by much

I mean I enjoyed it, it's a good game with scoring merit, but there isn't even a TLB on the hard mode DISAPPOINTING, needs more content and way too much time went into art assets that only matter on the first play-though
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>actual talented and informative
>fucking toimine
>STGweekly (too inconsistent)
>fucking buffi
>morsalty (kek)
lmao this must be a shitpost
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It's just 5 minutes of clips of people mispronouncing moon-rune words and terms...
pearl is a faggot
>fucking buffi
buffi is fucking based
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What game? Poop 3?

Also what's wrong with morsalty? His Eschatos video with the alien overlay makes me laugh
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DooDooPoo DaiPooJou White Poo
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The sword version of Kagura is a lot of fun. Seems pretty powerful.
My favorite is Ecliptic Chariot (External Gunner) with the external, three-pronged turret that can be launched and retrieved freely. It's really good I think for learning the game, you just launch it in the middle most of the time and keep auto-firing to keep your shields up. Works really well with solidstate. Makes a mockery out of twins this way

I don't really have much experience with Xanthez (Anti-Bacillus Saber), but Promised Dawn with the pure Firepower is pretty amusing too, and gives you easy stage 8 boss lol
I enjoyed the chariot one as well. For bosses you repeatedly ram the chariot into them and call it back right?
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Just leave the chariot...and fire it's attacks from inside it haha.


Funnily enough from my YouTube as a teenager, that's why the quality is dreadful but I couldn't find anything that wasn't a full run haha. You just post the chariot in the middle/middle top usually and start slowly strafing around the bottom while it does all the work :) Cheaps out most bosses, kind of awful on shrine though if you don't take the chariot back lol
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i have nothing to say
I'm 40 years old and I play shmups on Switch.
it seems very safe, but is there no way to improve dps? that was my major issue when i played it.
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I like ec but you can tell exactly how much this man can take a joke by his trancord profile picture alone- shopped anime girl with "real" guy template. If he was born in (current) generation, let's not mince words, he'd be a tranny making tranny music instead lol :)

As long as the shmups are good it's fine
lol wat a faggot, i used to play 2hu in hs and get laid. recently i got blown while playing crimzon clover
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I used to also play 2hug in high-school on usb sticks without issue/being called a fag/other fags wanted to play it, had my first girlfriend that lived with me for years played 2hug and she could 1cc normal pcb and a few other meme games. I'd stand behind her and give tips like a total fuckin' simp

I don't think I've ever gotten blown while playing STGs before though turn based games sure, no fucking wonder you can't pass stage 7 though with that distraction my nigga =P
>I used to also play 2hug in high-school on usb sticks without issue/being called a fag/other fags wanted to play
definitely. everyone aleays asked to put it on their usb sticks too. it was when flash games were big so 2hu fit right in.

>I don't think I've ever gotten blown while playing STGs before though turn based games sure, no fucking wonder you can't pass stage 7 though with that distraction my nigga =P
thats just my lack of skill and general exhaustion at the moment. tons of responsibilites that need wrapping up. ill probably be avoiding hookups for the next 7 or so weeks while i diet down after bulking and get my cardio back on point. gotta save my energy for important stuff now so that i can enjoy myself on vacation.
>lol wat a faggot, i used to play 2hu in hs and get laid.
no worries cactu got to have sex with a tranny. dunno about banana but zengeku became a faggot (literal)
don't do too much touhou bros
im happy if theyre happy
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>im happy if theyre happy

They're not happy :)
cactu is unironically living the dream
>western WR in the most popular shmup
>has several cute apprentices he teaches personally
>one of them is willing to take on his work after retirement
>hits on random trannies on discord and twitch just because
>makes nonplayers like ric seethe without doing anything

banana is probably doing better than ever after dropping shmups and becoming a jarpig superplayer
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>only 1k per month
now that he has gone full time doing youtube stuff after quitting his job I wonder what his wife thinks
considering mork has a literal cuck shed surely she can't be okay with this
why he tryin to dog the dogfugger
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I want to see mork's new cuck shed :o
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>hard mode
new social credit milk just dropped
CPS loves that social milk
>Uploaded 545 videos

What a waste of time. He should've invested his energy in something productive if he's so interested in money, and just uploaded DDP runs now and then.
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Despite not being the mode anon was playing (1.5), I got distracted by 1.51 on account of autism and still can't find enough bees for 2nd loop lmfao :(

Also fuck the Golden Disaster with a Golden Tower of DicksTaisabachi ,Supreme Weapon of Extreme Hellish Annihilation, Golden Disaster, aka B I G B E E
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based alaskan for playing 1.51 like a real man
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i was banned on stg rev and didn't even do anything, i dunno about those people.
that's what happens when you have faggots with god complex as mods. when you have too many "helpers" who are a bunch of trannies and faggots you're going to get idiots running the place.
tranny libtard BLM triple vaxxed drug addled gooner mods will do that
it doesn't make any sense, i just joined discord yesterday after seeing one of mark_msx's videos. i'm interested in shmups and wanted to see what it was about, i joined and before i can say anything the server is no longer listed in discord and i can't join. maybe discord isnt my thing. i'll just stick to the forums.
hi ric
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post Strikers 2alls NOW or else...
A guy in a wig calls himself a lesbian on discord. If you disagree you get banned because such people are always mods or friends with mods!
is it even worth it anymore?
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It's not even the mods on transcords that are the worst. I have a track record of finding the craziest mentally ill fucks in a game/server and they start DMing you their life story when they're feeling down. One dood unironically borderline ruined his life with 2hug fumos (yes, really), one plays STGs more than me and yet literally can't 1cc most normal 2hugs and gets mad to a point of breaking shit and sending me pictures, and the other was a guy that wanted to be a girl that would sent me pictures of "rare" skins that were pink, white and blue.

Doesn't mork not even play shumps anymore? Feels like to me the "Electric Underground" or whatever died around 2019/covid, the old memes/members/videos/games back then seemed "real" still
>ne plays STGs more than me and yet literally can't 1cc most normal 2hugs and gets mad to a point of breaking shit and sending me pictures, and the other
I think the trannies are so medicated it affects their memory, focus and coordination
Minor exception would be Kamui but he probably doesn't take any drugs or hormones which is why he just looks and sounds like a dude in a wig
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The farthest I got in 1.51 is when I fought Hibachi. Still have the screenshot.
>check for 3 days if anyone revives the thread
>nothing happens, stop caring about it
>literally the very next day /shmupg/ is back and I didn't know about it for 6 days

Avatarfag how tf do you show up everytime
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Don't feel too bad about it, I missed like a week of shmupg a while ago due to [Life's Bullshit]

I keep a pinned tab on my browser start-up that includes RetardSydrone so I can look at scores whenever/upload shitscores, and the tab right next to it is 4kids for /shmupg/. When /shmupg/ dies, I go back to the /vg/ search and search for 'shmup'. If it's just the indie general, I leave the page tabbed where it is and the page refreshes whenever I restart my PC/wake up etc lol

TLDR Browser Tabs and 4kids sound notifications

Damn bruh, impressive, I kneel. I'd be happy just to knock down the Golden Disaster for now, also known as BIG BEE. I also was playing Mushihimesama Arrange last night and got to TLB Aki...I didn't know there was a TLB Aki on Arrange, all the sweet sounding video game music in the world couldn't stop the horror I experienced that run :(
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I was going to try doing a blind 1cc on Hellsinker with Kagura Chariot... and then a controller I wasn't using during the run disconnected and this caused Hellsinker to stop accepting any inputs at all haha. Yeah though, Kagura Chariot feels great, most of the time you just spam bombs which last forever kekw

Being this fresh though brings some neat things I guess Shrine of Farewell on stage 4 maybe it was a blessing lmfao
>post Strikers 2alls NOW or else...
fuck off CPS
CPS be loving that social credit, fucking rice nigger
guscord is lit lads, i can't think of any other cord i'd rather be in, the de facto hub for shmup brothers
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So what's the story on CPS anyways? All I remember is he showed one up time on /shmupg/ and his body was fucked up or something on disability. I'd have to look it up, seems like work

Also why are there so many different 'cords, fucking bitches
i never heard of CPS being on disability, his story is he's into discord scoring and cheating.
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you're confusing CPS with clp
clp was sick for a while, and got on the dole, but some say the sickness was just in his mind
What about a school shmup?
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>Shmups are shooters
Shmups are shooters
>Shmups are shooters

School shmup, why not a school schooter? :D
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Ricky is a legend. He has managed to:

1. Be the ultimate enemy of jarpigs
2. Be the ultimate enemy of shmups for asking wot u play
3. Rumbled Chav harder than anyone else, even jonny5.

How does he do it lads?
>slippery mario 64 controls
>touhou bullet hell patterns
>dropping the FPS to dodge fast attacks
what else should i add?
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Guyse any tech bros here? I want to compile latest WolfMAME with ddpsdoj and akatana unlocked. I've tried replacing cv1k.cpp, it compiled but the games do not show up on the list. MAME outputs in the terminal that akatana and ddpsdoj are unknown systems. What must I modify in order for MAME to recognise them?
>inb4 download the official unlocked source code and compile that.
I want to have the benefits of honour scoring of Wolf and maximum piracy of the unlocked MAME.
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>How does he do it lads?

You know how your mom always told you to "Be Yourself"? Rick is in his base self all the time. :)
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bump for shump
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>Mushihimesama 1.5 Original max
>Mistakes were make but it's just the last 1/4 hp bar
>Ketsui slowdown occurs
>One entirety later, still in the fucking pattern, dare to look up at hp bar for a millisecond
>Die for being a retard daring to look
>Now it dies instantly on re-spawn :(

Fuck Bugs, thank you for reading my TED talk
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>Why don't you go cope with another novice clear you've been accumatling for a decade, you worthless excuse of a player.

The fuck, does qdm have some master god ultra scores I didn't know about? All his scores I've seen are kinda meh at best or "good" in a game that nobody else plays/owns/gives a flying shitterino about lol
What video was this on?
QDM has the nerve to call someone schizo-tard when he literally takes medications. Jesus Chris QDM is a fucking meme
QDM has no good scores.
QDM is a 1CC sick grab player who only plays doujin garbage
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SaiDaiOuJou is shit.
Ricky is a legend. He has managed to:

1. Make everything about jrpgs
2. Claim 2alls he doesn't have
3. Get btfo by trannies and shitters

How does he do it lads?
page 11
Why not just rename the roms to dfkbl and then type "mame dfkbl" in terminal, you can do this in vanilla mame
why must metal slug fans fight...
I want to have an unretarded solution because I know it exists. Surely I could write a sh script that would do the "renaming to dfkbl" part but I'm interested in the more elegant approach.
shmupg has a higher chance of having bike trick replays than shmup replays, it must be said
shmupg is where we can say whatever we want without any faggots and transvestites doing anything about it. you'll get no replays from me because i'm not going to waste my time spending hours uploading any replays with only 1 view.
post clears shitter
hear, hear! you're such a whiny shitter dr pumpkin

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