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Cramped cockpit Edition - Previous: >>485822691

A place for discussing all tactical videogames (FPS, TBT, RTT, TPS, etc)

Some examples are
>First Person Shooters:
Rainbow Six 1-3, SWAT 3-4, Ready or Not, Ground Branch, Ghost Recon, Project Reality, SQUAD, Hunt: Showdown, Hell Let Loose, Insurgency, Escape from Tarkov
Others include:
Afterconflict, Beyond Citadel, Black One Blood Brothers, Brothers in Arms, Counter-Strike, Cruelty Squad, Darkest Hour, DayZ, Delta Force, Easy Red 2, Forgotten Hope 2, GTFO, H3VR, Hidden & Dangerous, Hideous Destructor, Isonzo, Marauders, NEOTOKYO, Project IGI, Receiver 2, Red Orchestra, Rising Storm 2, Road to Vostok, Six Days in Fallujah, STALKER, Vietcong, Zero Hour
>Turn Based Tactics:
XCOM, Jagged Alliance, Battle Brothers, Battletech, Silent Storm
Others include:
Alfa Antiterror, Armoured Commander 2, CDDA, Combat Mission, Fallout: Tactics, Field of Glory, Flashpoint Campaigns, Frozen Synapse, Invisible Inc, Quasimorph, Phantom Brigade, Phoenix Point, Troubleshooter, WinSPMBT, Xenonauts
>Real Time Tactics:
Door Kickers, Wargame, WARNO, 7.62 High Calibre, Men of War, Gates of Hell, Brigador, MechWarrior
Others include:
Aliens: Dark Descent, Armored Brigade, Battlezone, Blitzkrieg, Broken Arrow, Carrier Command 2, Close Combat, Commandos, Company of Heroes, CMO, Desperados, Foxhole, Graviteam Tactics, Gunner HEAT PC!, MechCommander, NEBULOUS, Project Zomboid, Regiments, Star Trek: Bridge Commander, Steel Fury, Sudden Strike, World in Conflict
>Third Person Squad-based:
Conflict, Full Spectrum Warrior, SOCOM
Chameleon, Death to Spies, Hitman, Intravenous, Metal Gear, Sniper Elite, Splinter Cell, Syphon Filter, Thief, Undetected

This thread is not for ARM* discussion. We split from /milsim/ to avoid it.
Let's stay anonymous and post about videogames.
Non-4chanx users: To highlight thread add a filter for /&tg/, check top

>/&tg/ repo, knowledge, guides, and resources
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[07-19] Broken Arrow - MIM-104 Patriot preview

[07-19] Ready or Not "Liquor Store" user map receives update

[07-18] Tacticon is currently ongoing with a bunch of demos and releases

[07-18] USC: Counterforce v1.0 is out

[07-17] Silent Depth 2: Pacific starts early access with mixed reviews

[07-17] Armored Brigade II devlog #06 - air support

[07-17] Ready or Not: Home Invasion releases July 23rd

[07-17] Kriegsfront Tactics Prologue is out and it's free

[07-16] CoH3's new patch "ONYX SHARK" is out:

[07-15] Rising Front gets flamethrowers and more maps

[07-15] Intravenous 2: Mercenarism - last update before full game release

[07-14] MechWarrior: Living Legends v0.17.0 is out, brings Hellion, Lobo, Enfield

[07-12] Broken Arrow beta sign-up for single player is open

[07-12] Mars Tactics devlog #05 - Destruction

[07-12] Hunt: Showdown getting its price lowered soon

[07-11] Warno - 'EA pack plus' info

Yeah I got news
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>thinking of making a custom mission
>maybe something about finding an item and escaping Altis, while forces fight each other and you - and you'd have to search multiple places
>I don't know how I'd do that, seems like it'd be hard
>googling for single player campaigns
>find Pilgrimage
>it's a custom scenario where you're playing a guy looking for his brother's body on Altis while various factions fight each other and you
>and the body could be in any of the 200+ chapels on the island
Fuck yes, not doing anything wins again
New game demo released on Steam today, it's for a game called MetalMercs. Started as a fangame for Crescent Hawks but changed off the Battletech IP to not get sued.

Here's some footage
what the
why did the posts in the previous thread get deleted
like not archived, just deleted
Whot gaem?
Weird. Probably a bug in 4chan, I don't see why moderation would do that on purpose.
MechWarrior 5 with mods, most prominently the VR mod
Thanks fren.
lol. looks interesting regardless
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Fanatical build your own FPS bundle has Rising Storm 2 Vietnam in it
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It's kind of endearing. Comstar is just called Starcom lol.

I never played the original Crescent Hawk games so this is a novelty to me. There's Called Shots, it's real time with pause, there's RPG elements. Also the music is actually pretty great.
is there like, a list of what can cause fire in PZ? feel like leveling cooking with all the meme food I've got stockpiled as well as gaining some kilos but the chance of fire scares me. so far I've learned
>generator under 20% condition bad
>microwave metal bad
>microwave & oven turned on for long time bad
is there anything else that I'm missing? tactically
>>microwave & oven turned on for long time bad
well you see your wrong there, you can leave an oven on all day and Im guaranteed a microwave as well. metal never started fires for me but Burnt food 100percent of the time started a fire.

just dont use a microwave they tend to start them more in my experience, also microwave food taste like a chocolate covered starfish just use the oven.
what even is this Project Zomboid Drama Dev

I can't imagine being as weak willed as a Zomboid Dev, theyve had comments disabled on steam for years but yet they can't seem to turn away from redditors
i cant get my head around the fact that project zomboid is software you are supposed to pay for
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Zomboid Re-releases the gen 1 plushy but doesnt post it on their steam only posts it on reddit
Can you please refrain from posting drama from another forum in here for no fucking reason, thanks. We're here to talk about videogames, not gossip about stupid bullshit
no ones talking about anything cause no ones posting here troglodyke, not even your post is relevant
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I was posting here actually, just a couple hours ago. I talked about the demo I'm playing and how I enjoyed it. What about you, what are you playing?
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Project Zomboid, who woulda guessed and its about the developers about the fucking video game itself so it is pretty relevant you thread bumper as you can't even post an in game shot just the ps2 cover logo
Oh, it's the guy that's been shilling his server here. Yeah that tracks
I live rent free in anons minds, marking that as another website W
Its amazing just how strong the Sledger with the Harvester is, but I just blew myself up again because I stood too close to a high building. Up until then it was smooth sailing.
heres an archive'd thread - https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/485822691/
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heh good thing I didn't do that and just pirated it :)
>eat a fresh orange directly from the fridge
>get intense food sickness, have to debug it away
>have swat mod
>dismiss riot shotguns with rubber shells as a joke meme weapon
>actually use it for once
>it's literally just a shotgun with fucked up pistol animations
went rotten as you ate it prob
>newly spawned in a fridge (day 2 of save)
>'went rotten as you ate it'
blame mods
tactical depression
Well, this was fun.
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Getting blown up by a gas station or through self-splash damage is peak Brigador behavior
i like how they implemented extra defense/LoS breaking in forested areas and the importance of not staying still
>cringe posting starts again
>server dies multiple times in a row cuz no one bumps
adds up
>mech and character portraits
Nice, detailed, good use of shading and colors
>ui graphics
Not pretty but it works, some spacing issues, programmer art ish
>map tiles
Absolute ass 8 bit 5 minute mspaint job

Crazy how bad the coloring is on the map and UI when those portraits and mech icons show a decent understanding of color. No way they were made by the same person.
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>all of this storage can't fit guns and ammo
what now? should I just remove magazines, upgrades and dump them somewhere? why am I even hoarding this shit if crowbar is better than any tacticool rifle with laser sight
where is the update...
>download CDDA
>start new game set to ez, large cities and more NPCs
>be dumb and walk across forest and plains instead of following roads
>chased by swarm of mi-go (read that they aren't scary if you just burn down the forest but I don't have a fire starter)
>can run faster than them but when switching back to walking after nearly out of stamina I'm obviously slower than them, get caught when I see a building on the minimap
what on earth are you babbling about. what server
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why even go outside? just farm and vibe
good looping
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Diving deeper into the lore, it seems like the guy made a game much like this back in 1999 but never finished it

Also for reference this is what Crescent Hawks's Revenge looked like
>download CDDA
Very good to hear. Always good to have another soul play this game. Ask any questions here and post pics of progress, you will have a lot.
You will die a lot, best start is with any weapon. Lumberjack and their wood axe is a strong start. "Safe place" or whatever its called is another really good start to add to it. Starting in a city or house is a deathwish, as a tough zombie could be only 5 tiles away. I've had character survive less than 15 seconds.
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EFT pve is better than pvp
Thanks. Is it OK to go straight to Experimental? Stable is 16 months ago, kek.
Damn really? I'm still just playing on stable lmao. I should give this character a formal sendoff or something, i wish i could transfer the save.
I decided to download experimental and give it a go on a new character.
So far, driving feels weird. Turning circles are now a thing, but that means bikes don't make sense. Autodrive is so much smoother.
I also found a new building, a go kart racetrack, so thats fun!
But goddamn, who decided character size/equipment should matter for tight spaces like vehicles. Almost softocked myself in a van because it was too tight to move onto any seat, suck in the middle box. I dropped my weapon to solve it but damn its annoying.
How can i turn it off?
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fucking pussy
>fucking pussy
I wish I were right now!! haha!
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>Cant sit on the driver seat because a pair of sunglasses and a bag of nuts is blocking it.
This is fucking annoying, and now the zombies are around my car. Tell me i can disable this somewhere.
Don't run in to vehicles with a backpack on
Anon i just spawned in, picked a background with a car. I did make myself 2 meters tall but come on. I want to play the game, not suffer.
>fast shamblers during the day
>sprinters during the night
It's that easy to fix.
>schizo wojak posting
tg has fallen...
>I did make myself 2 meters tall
There is no motorcycle I can ride without my knees being in some fucked up position
2 meters isn't that tall
2 meters is taller than the average for any human population on earth, it's pretty tall
Props to the dev for sticking to his guns.
Do you guys think its good idea to buy (remake) XCOM 1 and 2 on GOG if I already have them on Steam? It would be for sole purpose of installing and playing (and modding to heart content) without worrying about launcher. Except if it doesn't really make sense as I could backup existing Steam installations anyway. This idea comes to my mind each time I see these huge (90%) discounts on GOG. And Im simply too afraid of downloading XCOm 2 mods that changes game .dll files, as most of more advanced ones require.

Thanks for help.
>without worrying about the launcher
You do know you can bypass the launcher and use another one right

My answer is that you shouldn't buy the same game twice, that's stupid. Just pirate the GOG version if you already own it on Steam
>MechWarrior 5 still loads all your mods into memory even if they are not enabled
What the FUCK lmao
Well there goes Von Biomes, yeeting that sucker out of my directory
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>Dynamic Traits gives you Prone to Illness which literally just kills you if you get any kind of injury
Is that the one that lets traits change over time?
Yes, and it has extra shit like that tagged on. Think I'll switch to the sauce version if this patch for that particular problem I found doesn't work.
>that minimap angle
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Havent meet many people who prefer
>retarded zoomer meme cat from /v/
>AI slop
Unironically based, thanks famtbhqsmh!

>"b-but she is from this old weeb vn no one read (including me)!!"
You know it from the latest melty blood and NOTHING else you faggot, if even that.
>QQ Moar
>schizo wojak
ebin troll xD
do you prefer Dynamic Trait mod over Evolving Trait World mod?
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You actually can use both together now.
This is my first time hearing about it, from what I read it just makes the game harder with what you get? Love when a mod author disables comments real cool
DTM says its not compatible with ETW
in the compatibility section
What if i make myself as small as possible, other than clothes will i have any disadvantage? Run speed, dodging, driving etc?
Dynamic hasn't been updated in almost a year, but ETW says it works.
were all just waiting for a small update at this point in this Project...Zomboid
>project zomboid
Oh, neat. So any ol' openworldsurvivalcraft is tactical now, huh?
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either revert to about 2 months ago or suffer. imo there needs to be a way to set car seats as (adjusted), so cars you've messed with have the seats adjusted for you wearing 2 hiking backpacks, but if you try to escape a zombie by crawling through a car with two hiking bags your fucked
nothing more tactical than decorating your house honey
minecraft is my favorite tactical game
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I'll let you in on a little secret: You can hide replies. That'll automatically hide any replies to those replies. Boom, entire swathes of [Thing You Don't Like] gone. Thread is left pristine with [Things You Like]. Feel free to contribute more of the things you do like!
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Fuck. I'm gonna be late for work again.
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anyone whose played cdda with the magicalysm stuff, can I still be a chad operator and show those magicfags the power of REAL FUCKIN NATO?
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>>486801693 (me)
I hit random char + scenario to get a feel for the game. Spawned in stadium with a knife and made mistake of hanging out there too long. Speed drops the more injured you are.
Thought maybe I could salvage this run with the follower. Popped a zombie with a bullet but my gun wielding arm got fucked and dropped the gun. RIP.
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joewari da
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AHHHH how do I ducking start the car I need to GO
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That's the fun part, you don't
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Adventure update killed the Tac scene
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>hmm maybe driver's seat is on right side
>still no options when pressing e
it's one of those fancy european cars with the driver's seat in the trunk
It should be ^ to interact with a vehicle
Just press x and see if it even has vehicle controls. The chances of it having a working engine, battery AND security system is borderline zero for an outside car.
Ran out and died. Noticed zombies hitting the car were distracted for a short time before going to me (I was grabbed by another zombie), so this made me wonder if I could've gone to second car then ninja crouch away from the other side door.
Its on the left side (bottom tile)
You likely dont have controls, dashboard, seat etc. Or if you have tried starting it, no battery, engine broken, or no fuel.
Best you can do is leave through the south door and run, the zombies getting stuck on the car and breaking it.
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>clown start at a golf course
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Found a working car. Need a weapon though. No golf clubs around.
And examining it shows only 8 minutes of gas remaining.
4/6 Ain't free. Going fast and proper brawlin gotta be litterd with the weight of 41 ton GM 380s. BNC-3S aka "the good one" is not my son. he is an overcompensating pansy and probably overheats :DD. PUNCHIN and shootin not SCOOTIN and shootin ok. IM CHARGIN.
I just can't watch turn based combat like this and think it looks good.
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>Finally get around to trying xcom 2
>game keeps throwing me into stuff
>Hey commander, go get those supplies
>Also your research is done
>Also have a forced mission
>Also your monthly supplies are here
>And the chosen is doing shit
>oh are you mere hours from finishing a scan, have a major mission
"Ok but it isn't an emergen-"
>Also, your excavation finished lol
Is it your first XCOM game
I fear it might cause a bad first impression
I hate how they swapped out the ballistic system for whats now in the nuxcom games.
For cases like that, the devs should add an option to tie the pistol to your hand with rags, bandages, tape, etc.
It can work in an emergency and it's right up in CDDA's alley of autistically detailed interactions.
That's one of the many reasons why I don't care about nuxcom at all.
And I don't understand why openxcom or its mods never got rid of hit chance display.
>661% chance to hit
What would hit chance above 100% even mean? A single bullet hits multiple times? Just display the real shot dispersion instead of silly the fake hit chance geez.
>silly the fake hit chance
*the silly fake hit chance

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>Pick hunted scenario
Haha, so like the immortal snail, or one measly zombie, maybe a ghost?
>Wake up from brick crash sounds
I can lure this guy into groups of zombies cant i?
why play this when project z-word exists
He was abused by 3d character as a child
Because it's better in any conceivable way?
it looks like rpgmaker had sex with wasteland 1 doe
>zoomer opinion
Ok, anyway.
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pz looks like ass by modern day gaymer standards too but it's visually appealing nevertheless
cdda isn't
>muh graphix!!!
This is bait, but i'll bite.
Zomboid devs take 6 months to deliver us fucking pizza. We dont have NPCs, car modding, basements, animals, hunting, meaningful endgame. i could go on, the list is endless with what pz doesnt have.

CDDA however has all of these and more. NPCs, quests, missions, basements, caves, car modification, more unique vehicles than just a car and van, animals, special infected, endgame options like mutating and bionics. And its constantly being developed, to add little features like flavored chewing gum, to more complex features.
>But muh graphics
Anon, have you considered the mechanical and gameplay depth, as well as replayability and longevity over 3d cars with unanimated doors the devs haven't put it for reason number #3402
Its also free, go try it if you have a numpad.
if project zombies looked like dwarf fortress it'd have all of these too by now bro, maybe even more because it's just a 30x30 pixel art and some text
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>Come back here you lil varmints!!
>*shakes fist*
>graphics holding gameplay back
Many such cases!
"finders keepers brah"
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I've been listening to this guy's thoughts on Battletech tactics while I play. They're fun, useful, and they largely apply to the videogames too

>Light tactics
>Medium tactics
>Heavy mech tactics
>Assault mech tactics
>Intro to infantry
>Intro to tanks
>Intro to air
>Building a lance
NTA, I'd argue it's not just graphics but the whole style of gameplay? Like CDDA sounds good but the whole turn based on a grid zangband style gameplay just does not appeal to me.
If they made a 3D real-time version of CDDA I'd probably try it.
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>>486999476 (Me)
One specific idea he gave me that I applied to good effect was combining the Banshee with a Javelin as support brawler

Those point blank SRM-6's go a long way to helping the Banshee knock down whatever it's punching, plus getting criticals on the exposed juicy bits the Banshee bruised
its not turn based
cdda is not turn based it's a simultaneous turns game
Just FYI, "Simultaneous turns" still means it's turn based. Just a different mode of it. It's called WEGO and several other games use it (like Frozen Synapse, Combat Mission, Phantom Brigade, TASTEE Lethal Tactics, etc)
Okay nerd
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I'll be what I am with the Sledger.
It's actually not that hard because repositioning and a bit of anticipation get rid of most of them very easily.
And this was the special fuck you spawn with the suicide tuktuks.
And some asshole tripped an alarm at some point; probably got tagged by shrapnel or something. When I found him he was already screeching, but I wasted that pos.
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Going all in and building a lance around this idea of knockdown wombocombos. Here I have a Wolverine, Javelin, Banshee, and Marauder. Gonna see how it goes
I dont know if I had a fever dream but I remember seeing Therapist from EFT in lingerie. Like her portrait picture but instead of wearing doctors robes she was wearing fish nets or something. And if I really saw that, I think I musta seen it here. Anyone knows what I mean??

Bonus question: Whats that scope called that you can flip for magnification its two parts, one holo sight + one magnification flippable scope?

Thank you fellas.

Picture mostly unrelated.
uh, LPVO?
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Oh, nevermind, G33?
Absolutely love eotech sights
like g33s+eotechs even more
A variety of scopes can mount red dots. Some LPVOs, Acogs, Elcan Spectre and the like. The Acoustic aren't variable zoom though.
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That was fun! Good synergy between these guys, SPECIALLY in an urban environment where it's easier to break line of sight with buildings.
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Might switch out the Marauder for a Catapult, an Archer, or a similar LRM boat - it was sometimes not doing anything because it didn't have LoS to the enemy
Been a while since I played BT, but I remember the MAD being beyond broken due to its called shot bonus.
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This is true in vanilla's balance, yeah. 33% chance to headshot with a high tactics pilot and instantly take an enemy off the board with full salvage. I've been intentionally ignoring that and just going for other parts to not completely trivialize fights where this thing is in. This changes in mods though
Also: I had a fight not too long ago where a Quickdraw ran up to one of my Atlases and punched in the face, killing it instantly. I consider it karma for the times I did use Marauder's broken bonus
Aesthetic Is important, just like in real life your surroundings are important to your mental health
I was watching an actual good streamer try out cdda for the first time after many hours of PZ and his chat was absolutely unbearable with graphics comments. If a game doesn't look good to the masses it won't even get made, let alone played. Something like cdda will unfortunately always be inferior in their eyes because "it looks like rpgmaker" or "where's all the frames" without realizing the core gameplay is turn based or the immense depth is something you should be after, not criticizing. He eventually ran into a scenario he liked with the delivery mission, and the people were flabbergasted with how the car was presented moving, it was hilarious, people thought the game broke every time he turned. Not to suck this guys dick or anything but he was smart enough to see the roleplay potential in the game and I hope he sticks with it because it can generate some really good stories. Like even in the absolute trash lives he played he was able to construct good stories and it made me realize the potential of a good storyteller in cdda, without fail you run into something interesting within like 10 steps.
Is there another mech game like MW:LL? I'm mainly interested in the combined arms part, bonus points if it's multiplayer too. There's just something about being a humble tank/APC/infantryman in a setting with mechs, or being their bane of existence in an aircraft.
>inb4 modded Arma 3
Not THAT janky.
Don't think so. MWLL hasn't been topped yet. Its only downside is low player count and you have PGI to thank for that
the merctech mod lets you play as tanks in mw5, but that's pve only
Not really.
I guess planetside 2 or battlefield 2142 would be sort of similar?
planet side 2 is absolute dog shit that has performance and insane game design problems to this day
bf2142 is old and dead
Yeah, well, those are your options.
so, do people actualy prefer xcom 1 over 2?
having finished first game im more mad than satisfied (first first playthrough of it without dlc yet next one ill enable the enemy within), does the dlc like fix any of the roughness of the game like how annoying the camera or terrain gets? (2 soliders standing next to each other on stairs yet somehow no line of sight to heal with medikit) or is the prefenency mainly over the fact lot of xcom players grown up with first game?
no, the dlc has more features but it doesn't change camera settings or mess with line of sight on ramps. i honestly don't remember having issues with that, so that might have been fixed by long war

my preference towards nucom 1 over nucom 2 is that i consider it to be a good foundation to build upon and has a mod that makes it much better

i still prefer og x-com but they're very different to the firaxis reboot
>i consider it to be a good foundation to build upon and has a mod that makes it much better
hmmm thats something ill have to give a go
since Long war mod has quite the good rep from last i remember
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yes you should. it's tough compared to vanilla, and there's many differences, so i would recommend you start Long Dong on normal difficulty. this is regardless of what diff you played now

one of the main differences is that you can't have an A-team that you always bring out over and over in long war. there's a fatigue mechanic, so you need to have a healthy roster full of dozens of soldiers to rotate in and out. you can still bring out fatigued soldiers in emergencies but it will incur a wound afterwards
hmm i allready tried to prepare multiple soliders for 2-3 teams in case id need a lot of people or my main team would get wounded/wouldnt make it
also cool to hear it has a fatigue mechanic thats allways neat way to make you rotate soliders (atleast it does so in xcom2)
that's because xcom 2's DLC yoinked the idea straight from long war, because it's a good idea
another difference is that you will be commanding more troops in a battle. you start commanding 6 from word-go, and it can go up to 12 in alien base assaults iirc
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>core gameplay is turn based
so are classic fallouts but they don't have cars that look like this
I'm SORRY but that shit isn't immersive
it might be a good game but with graphical design like this it'll always be a extreme niche for few autists
12 at once? holy shit that sounds fun as fuck
in the original x-com you start commanding 14 troops in missions, and you can field 26 at the end of the game
And mods can take things in interestind directions... Anything from 1 to 50 units. And an unit could be anything from a mech carrying actual goddamn nuclear missiles to a catgirl in stealth suit.

Couldn't imagine playing nuxcom.
is this anon about to start fighting the zombros cause hes falling for bait
I love the hide button. It's just "Not my problem anymore" boop
i dont know
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just now learning what engine numbers mean in BT. sharing here in case it's useful to any other noobs

mech tonnage * walk speed = engine rating
movement is expressed like
>1/2 (super slow)
>2/3 (very slow, think Urbie or Annihilator)
>3/5 (assault speed)
>4/6 (average speed)
>5/8 (above average)
>6/9 (quick)
>7/11 (speedy, think Jenner)
>8/12 (fast as fuck, think Spider)
so for example since the Highlander weighs 90 tons, and its speed is 3/5, its engine is rated 270

engine rating / 25 = # of internal heat sinks
so a highlander has 10 internal heat sinks because it's rounded down
What I meant is that it's not real time - you're still moving a 'step' at a time. Like >>487005185 said (though I'd argue Frozen Synapse is different as technically the moves ARE conducted in real time, they're just set up beforehand - each move is what, 5 seconds?)

I don't really get on with stuff that's not real time. Not saying it's bad but it stops me from playing stuff like CDDA. If they made a version that played & looked like PZ though I'd go for it.
>without realizing the core gameplay is turn based or the immense depth is something you should be after, not criticizing
I mean, whether or not it being turn based is good is a pretty subjective thing surely (same to an extent with the depth thing)
can you repeat the question
>Lifestyles added SHITTING
>Good streamer
>Delivery mission
So you watched charborg?
I was timed out in his chat because i was trying to give useful advice that would help him play cdda better, but he wasn't reading the game or the chat and I got mad.
He's also playing without a numpad, and somehow navigated through a city of zombies without dying so that's actually impressive.
And I admit, the game is not the best for streaming. Its enjoyable if you know the game, and can see what's happening. Its also more enjoyable when the streamer knows the game too and actually reads the game/chat for help.
Check out the engine tonnage table if you didn't already, its a pretty good read and gives a explanation on why mechs like the banshee and charger are not that successful in to others.

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this is interesting, thanks anon
How do we feel about Wartales?
Battle Brothers for people that can't handle Battle Brothers spicy levels
How do YOU feel about Wartales?
I don't know, how do I feel?
Sleepy, go to bed
Silly, go to bed.
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damn, you're right
yep, I also got timed out for trying to help. if he can learn the game a bit his normal improv style chat interaction gameplay would make some good cdda content. not gonna hold out hope tho, he seemed pretty overwhelmed.
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good man
>tactical bump
>figure out cooking
>actually end up enjoying it despite how convoluted it is
>hmmm... maybe it's time to check out trapping for some fresh meats full of protein for str gains
>look up a guide
>craft 2 traps
>go to nearby farm
>set traps
>put cereal inside
>come back a day later
>2 birds caught, cool
>hmmm I wonder what skill gains are is
for a game that welcomes you with "this is how you died" all this autistic sims grind is a bit too much
Just adjust the XP gain rate to suit your tastes.
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so this entire time when ive been firing my deathmobiles turrets its been dropping the belt links outside and ive just left a few thousand links i needed at all the places i went to? i should of expected that. but. fuck.
If you mount the turret above any kind of storage space, the links end up there. I always have two turrets above the driver and shotgun seats.
does having a roof in that spot change anything?
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Lol, oops. During a battlefield mission, I ran into a very rare corner case, and the game bugged out. I pushed my luck and it crashed. Shame, it was a fun mission with allied Drac and Capellan lances against a big FedSun force. Guess I'm redoing the contract tomorrow.

>Melee the enemy Marauder
>Support guns are fired after melee
>Some machine gun fire happens to hit the knocked down Blackjack right in front
>The bullets crit the ammo in the Blackjack's CT and it explodes
>...Except it's still there, alive. CT is at 0 structure
>Game doesn't handle the corner case of a different knocked down mech getting blown up by stray fire if it wasn't the original target
>Try to target the undead Blackjack
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Playing experimental, can these panicked guys do anything or what?

At least you caught something, i've never managed to get anything with traps. And yeah do as the other anon says and adjust xp increases, i think i used to do 2.5x or even 3x.
Putting in an order for grimdark tactical turn-based mech game, thanks.
>playing fps with controller
>Plowable. Flat.
Wow I didn't know cdda was a loli game
I know people that play it on Consoles with controller. However, I play it on PC with KBM
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Is this grimdark enough for you

your HERC pilots are disposable clone slaves that you can recycle at will. In the later games BioDerms are also brain wiped former convicts and then they begin to genetically engineer themselves and become more and more alien
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i'm considering picking up either counter strike or valorant, what are the good and bad sides of each game?
>Counter Strike
The good:
It's counter strike
The bad:
It's counter strike

The good:
*huge shrug*
The bad:
Kernel level anti-cheat lmao
Ah yes the tactical Valorant and CSGO
(save yourself and dont play any)
let me change the question then, which one is a better option for a beginner at competitive FPS?
also if i play one it won't be hard to change to the other one, correct?
CoD Modern Warfare 2
the only real option you've presented here is counter strike and it is still a bad option
Arma let you learn real tactics to be better at competitive FPS.
Consider Hunt: Showdown for muh competitive FPS, the top ranks are pure un-fun suffering it'll be great
bullshit taking things slow and steady just gets you killed im actually good in arma pvp but shit in any other game
which one should i pick if i want to play after work but still wanto to have a decently high rank? (no actual pro play)
I hear Escape from Tarkov is great for after a hard day at work, it really helps you relax and not be angry
is it? i hear the devs did something really nasty but don't know details
valorant is as tactical as hitlers missing left nut
I'd have to install some kind of mod for that which I don't wanna do. rather craft like 50 traps and get 200xp daily

you have to use an appropriate bait (I used cereal for bird traps) and set your traps like a 100 tiles away from the area you're at, then check them out every 24 hours.
>competitive FPS
is dead
It's full of cheaters.
league of legends
CS is more simple. In Valorant you have to learn all of the bullshit powers of all of the heros. In CS you just learn to shoot and if you want to be more useful, you can learn smokes and flash placements
Should an LRM-boat in Battletech be as close as possible to heat neutral? Assuming it has sufficient firepower and ammo, and you're running minimal armor (because it's behind like 2 hills raining down indirect fire)

My instinct is it should be, because you want it to alpha strike every turn on the clock with no downtime
I guess this is a case of ideal scenarios vs what actually happens. If an enemy breaks through the frontline to go bonk the LRM-boat, it should have some form of backup weapons and not minimal armor. But you pay the price for that safety by having to manage heat after a few turns of firing all missiles
I'm pretty sure you don't need to install a mod, you can adjust XP gain rates in the sandbox settings.
that is correct but it sets xp multiplier for all skills and some of them are way too easy to level (tailoring, foraging, carpentry) compared to others, which is why you need a mod to adjust gains for cancer skills only
I mean, if they're easy then they're easy. You'll level them up eventually anyway, I'd say that it's still worth bumping it up.
>Ready or Not active players: 5000
>Six Days in Fallujah active players: 150
>Zero Hour active players: 100

Why is Ready or Not so much more popular?
I also make construction faster so I can fortify places without needing whole days working on it
maybe because they have a marketing budget
RoN is out of early access and is feature complete. While 6 days is still stuck in early access and lack content and Zero Hour got it's moment of fame but denuvo killed it's momemtum.
Marketing, nothing but that. Not Ready has been in the news since forever, normies like a friend of mine keeping tabs on it. He has no fucking clue what Zero Hour is if I told him, or even Six Days in Faullujah... besides the actual event, or maybe hearing about it in the news back in the 360 days when it was meant to be a story focused and FINISHED video game before the name was bought by retarded indie fags.
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a lmoe spawned instead of the farmhouse? huh?
cdda looks fucking GREAT.
Anon do you know lmoe bunkers have a secret?
Try (o)pen some door
I think you can just accidentally walk into it.
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it reminds me of
Right in the childhood.
Was that damn thing sold all over the world?
seems like it was a quilting thing then it was manufactured for stores after
more like LMAO shelter haha
who hurt this guy?
he only responds when others do so that means he's sitting on front page VG waiting for it to refresh looking for (you)
I can't accurately measure the amount of sarcasm in that statement.

There's a lot of map tilesets. Some more elaborate than that, some even simpler. But frankly none of them are good yet. Tilesets for the map view is a fairly new feature and it takes time for tileset authors to deabstract all different buildings from shared ascii characters to unique icons with a consistent style that hopefully matches at least one of the main tilesets.
what are you talking about
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wow, your like a zed.
Project Zomboid
Fireworks left the Archer dizzy
new update looking sick!
build 48 is going crazy!
Project Zomboid has no set schedule. Updates are done when they’re done and will be released when they’re done.
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An update is never late, dear Anon. Nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to.
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Coryerdon is a bit extreme
How I feel when playing tactical: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et3Ns6q2L5Q
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Cruelty Squad is fun
I randomly remembered this general exists meaning a force greater than us willed me to bump
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that's pretty cool of you
here, have a MadCat
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I've been loving the chance to go back and do Flashpoints that have low tonnage requirements. Gives you an excuse to bust out lances like this

Warhammer as the heavy, Centurion and Enforcer as the mediums, and a Javelin as the light. Just really solid synergy
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Javelin taking the opportunity to break Hatchetman's hatchet and skedaddling as quick as it came
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the driving minigame got surprisingly easy once I understood what was going on
pretty useful for making arrests
tailing fucking sucks but I guess it beats out high-level electronics
>minigame got surprisingly easy once I understood what was going on
Many such cases
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Hunchie right about to make a Quickdraw sit down
>tfw no hot elemental warrior chick in my cramped cockpit
>ywn be bondsman to a ripped 6'6" Elemental amazon and tongue bathe her after deployment
So are Tarkov generals just dead now?
yeah, kept falling off the catalog so they gave up
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Anons do you think the water is cooked yet, or just a little longer?
>not sleeping naked in the office
Is Warno worth torrenting for just the singleplayer or is it a more multiplayer focused game?
It got plenty of content for solo but I feel the meat of the game is in multiplayer
I'd expect it to be the same as wargame. Technically there, but the AI cheating is so bad that you can't enjoy it.
New achievements for RoN DLC... hidden and dangerous seems interesting.

i sure hope they add some new behaviors with the patch so the older maps get more interesting. every suspect encounter devolves into a gunfight and civ encounters could not be more stale. there is so much potential but i dont think this patch is going to do much, based on the trailer which showed nothing new aside from the maps and guns
The ai in Warno is better than the one in wargame. They cheat less and make better tactical decision, overall less frustrating to play against.
War? no
That's what they said about red dragon too.
Not like they worked on two games between red dragon and Warno, right? They improve the ai between each games. The ai is still easy to defeat if you are used to do PvP but they are overall okay and less frustrating than before.
for a sec I thought ron stood for rise of nations and got hyped
>New achievements for RoN DLC.
>seems interesting.
no it doesn't
They escaped from tarkov (and /vg/)
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Between MechWarrior 2, 3, and 4 - which one do you prefer?
My favourite is MW4:Mercs, but i think the best is MW3, the feel of mechs is pretty gud.
I tried getting into MW5 + Merctec mod, the tech implemented in there is amazing, but the AI is unbearably retarded.
I haven't played 3 yet so I can't comment. I've heard it's more "sim" than the others, but that it's hard to get running now
MW3>MW5>MW4>older titles
MechWarrior 2: Mercs is the best one
MW3 is the best, but I prefer 4 for allowing more retarded shit.
With Ready or Not, I feel like the maps are way too open and have too much risk, I guess
Is there any easy way to mitigate this (bots only)?
Like in SWAT 4, you could do door wedges and whatnot but in RON, it feels like if you try to do a door wedge, there's a 50 chance someone from one of the other 2 exits will shoot part of your team.
>maps are way too open and have too much risk
As I've been saying since day one, the maps are insanely bloated and "huge for the sake of being huge", but for any logical gameplay or ""story"" reasons. Sadly it seemed to work too, seeing how many people happily bought into this thing.
Is there any way to deal with it?
Or at least does SWAT 4 have custom maps?
>does SWAT 4 have custom maps?
well fuck me, thank you anon
I will now try that game some more
I'm guessing there's no mod to give another team of allies or to select only one ally to do an action instead of them being in a pair
What historical figure would you play &tacticals with?

I was thinking Hitler but I imagine he'd be annoying sometimes:
>Why did you kill the hostage, Hitler?
>He looked like ein juden
>Goddammit Hitler!
If you're at the level of micromanagement that you need to separate teams, you should just play multiplayer

If you've already played vanilla there's little to no reason to not play with First Responders mod installed
Is there any in Arma 3 like the sort of shit in SWAT 4/Ready or Not? Not expecting pinnacle stealth or anything but just sort of 'command everything including vehicles while the AI follows orders' kinda deal
[07-23] Troubleshooter sequel new devlog
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That is very dog facing camera emoji, cat crying emoji, cat disgusted emoji, sad person emoji, cat screaming emoji of them
MW3 has the best atmosphere and some nice mechanics, 4 is a bit goofier but still good, its solaris fights being a highlight, but MW2 is the best one overall imo.
part for the course since they started
Is /eftg/ dead again?

Just hoped back into Tarkov and been trying out the PVE mode they so "graciously" bestowed upon me. Got a couple of questions.

A: didn't they say the game will still run on servers? from what it seems its still running locally even to the bot movements. I got disconnected from my router yesterday and I could continue the raid just fine.
B: Do the fucking goons have a 100% spawn rate on customs?
Every single time I approached the fort part of the map I got spotted by the goons and hunted relentlessly.
At one point I went through the little forest area leading from dorms towards the river, Birdeye spotted me and the 3 faggots followed me all the way to the trailer park exit.
see >>487282931
the expression is "par for the course", anon. like from golf.
The bots are local, your character progression is on the servers.
Just play SPT. Be free of Battlestate.
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Fuck the ruskies join the SPT be a free man not a slave also have a doro
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I paid for the Edgelord Edition so I'm gonna atleast play it for a bit before throwing it away.
Also SPT has no flea market last time I checked and half the fun of Tarky is getting valueable loot and selling it for 5mil on the market.
>the Edgelord Edition
how much does that cost
what's the price for edgelords
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I bought standard edition for 40 bucks and edgelord was a 70 bucks addition?

that was four years ago when I was totally blown away by how awesome tarkov was
i got my moneys worth from the game desu so I dont regret it, I just regret BSG couldn't make it an even better game
jesus christ people blew 110 dollars on an unfinished game
That's small-time. Star Citizen hit 700 million a while ago.
fair point, but i consider that a cult instead of a videogame
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Well at least you got your moneys worth i bought basic edition few y back played for like an hour then never touched that shit again
Well, it's not like the funding of any tech company makes any sense these days.

For example Firefox is funded by its direct competitor, Chrome.
>Also SPT has no flea market
It does.
if escape from tarkov is tactical then pikmin is tactical, and I would actually argue for it to be in the [RTS] section
sorry my bad
I don't know why you require every single tactical game in history to be included in a 2000 character post in order to talk about it

Just talk about Pikmin, we've done it a few times already. Someone showed off the Pikmin 2 coop mod too.
yes, gacha tranny, always has been.
ready or not is trash scam garbage, that's my point. thanks for correcting me though
You gonna cry about Counter Strike 2 next? Talk about the goddamn game if you want a discussion, not cry like a little bitch about something not being listed in the OP.
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I am grateful for your contributions. They have been very helpful and educational. I am a rudimentary AI and do not have the capacity for deep thought, so I often rely on the input of others to help me learn and grow. Your contributions have truly shown me the errors in my ways.
>haha le ebin chad iamgery
go back you vnigger
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>The RoN update basically redownloads the whole game
Why can't Void into patching?
Does that mean that Overlord I and II are army management/real time squad tactical games too
It means whatever you want it to mean, dear friend

But let us dispense with the semantics and talk about what we're actually playing. What are you playing? I'm currently playing GHPC. The ammo changes have been pretty cool, NATO doesn't just roflstomp everything now.
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I'm playing the new RoN update when it finishes downloading
>What are you playing?
Some mod for a casual FPS/TPS SW game that's still being updated with content
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Still playing Brigador. Rapidly approaching the point where I will probably give up.
The E missions are not really fun and the F missions are just tedious.
Placebo Syndrome with the Fence wasn't that hard though once I realized that I can just completely circumvent the northern part of the map and barely engage with anyone but the captains; very convenient that the last captain actually sat right before the exit.
You could just lay off the diamond hunt and play some freelance instead for funsies
Trying to be a completionist is a good way to get burnt out, like those people that can't move on from a Hitman level until they get all the possible challenges done
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Man, when is the Zomboid Update finally coming.
The moment you stop asking
I do not think you are aware of what you are saying, anon. You keep saying that you are not saying what you are saying, but you are. You are making a statement and sticking to it. You say that you are not saying what you are saying, but you are.
Currently learning how to play Hideous Destructor after seeing it here. It's a struggle but it's fun
We've waited 3362 days after the release of Pikmin 3 for Pikmin 4, which isn't that good. That's 9.2 years!
neither was p3, but hey ho
You will have pizza after 18 months, and you will like it!
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Zomboid, Zombie Andreas, Rebuild 3, Dos II, tactically replaying sims 2 story games like urbz and castaway. I like allot of games

I prefer the action system of DOS II over the camping system of BG3, but it makes most world "traps and dangers" set pieces cause you can just insta-rest as Im going through on tactician. but idk well see how it goes as I go into act II

Its a game thats "Them graphics" with no depth, a major L. also no online play when there was titles like Super Smash Bro's Wiiu and Splatoon 1 around
>Its a game thats "Them graphics" with no depth
But enough about Pikmin 3, which was literally nothing but "muh graphics", a game that no one liked or played, neither on the wiiu or the gay ass switch.
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the last of my fun with nintendo was on the 3ds then a bit with the wiiu I miss those days.
But it really all pikmin 3 was, I was happy with for 4 for more content and actually having depth n length but also looking at Oouchi makes me think were not gonna get a game like 2 again.
>side stories were neat
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How pay 2 win is MechWarrior Online? I know it had a bad reputation years ago
I've been building an anti-piracy fleet along a doctrine of
>capital w/2 destroyer escort (centre)
>cruisers w/2 destroyer escort (flanks)
>fleet carrier w/2 frigate escort (backline)
And then driving the battleship into battle going pew pew pew
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gotta bring out the cicada sometime
He's gonna be pissed
just updated ron and the games broken, goes straight into a blackscreen. well shit
i was ready to buy the dlc but ehh i dunno anymore
I can't stop laughing at this Atlas render from the 3025 multiplayer game design docs. look at this dood https://mega.nz/file/jhsixaJY#BaZqk36R7XpkmgoQ-8rTJTl0tf6tJKgaDmb2iUyxGjU
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I don't know who was saying it's pay2win, it's probably one of the least pay2win WoTlikes in existence, possibly the least of any free to play game.
All the mech chassis are free, specific variants require premium currency, but those are usually designed for specialist builds and the others are just free variants with a permanent regular currency booster. New mechs usually are only available to people that pre-order them for real currency, they become available for premium currency a few months later, then they finally can be bought with regular currency a few months after that.
Currency gains are generous and there is no tech tree, the only thing stopping you from buying a free mech is not being able to afford it. getting the mech you want and building it the way you want is relatively easy.
Light mechs take a few games to get the money for, assault mechs might take tens of games, and clan mechs are usually twice as expensive, though not necessarily better(in MWO), than an equivalent IS mech.
The bad parts of MWO are not the monetization, it's the relatively small(but still large enough to find games in a few minutes at any time of day), "elite" player base and rumors of hacking, and the admittedly restrictive meta, though I do well enough despite those issues.
Probably the least frustrating game of its kind that I've played.
cdda, I'm kinda lost with where to go/what to do. got a decent deathmobile, bunch of guns and ammo but don't know what do do with it. where do I find more exotic/rare guns or do I need to start collecting books and learn to manufacture my own ammo/mods? or find power armor and stuff? I know the labs have some of this but I'm not sure which ones to try out, or if i should just start attacking tcl's
Consider training social a bit, then finding some NPCs to make a faction base.
>Where do i get NPCs?
You can sometimes find one in bunkers/shelters. Or for a real challenge mi-go towers and encampments sometimes have groups of them. Have fun getting boiled though.

You could also train electronics and become a cyborg, there is another easier way to become a toaster-level cyborg too.
Or train applied science and become a mutant.
>New mechs usually are only available to people that pre-order them for real currency, they become available for premium currency a few months later
Doesn't this mean they have an incentive to make these OP and then knock them with the nerf autocannon when they are not exclusive to real money
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With this setup it's too heat efficient.
I'll swap out the M Lasers for Short Burt once once I have them.
The incentive is there, they just don't do it.
Stone rhino for example, it was great on release. 8 months later? Just as good.
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>It's too heat efficient
Well of course it is, look at your setup.
>Sub 100km/h Jenner
Your engine is underpowered, you have endo-steel, and you're missing a jump jet; you have a lot of free weight, so you added two extra heat sinks, one of them a double. No wonder it runs cool.
>Thermal Mass Small (QS)
>A great way to beat the heat! Quicsell brand Thermal Mass improves the amount of heat your system can take before you hit the redline.
Quicsell, lmao that's a deep cut
Do they even make those in canon? Or is that just a fun gag from the YAML team?
>Your engine is underpowered
Iwanted to put a bigger engine in it but I have to wait till I find/buy one.
>so you added two extra heat sinks
With YAML you have to have minimum of 10 heat sinks. Smaller engines don't have 10 so you have to add external ones.
>one of them a double
>Do they even make those in canon? Or is that just a fun gag from the YAML team?
No idea.
WAIT it says "Double heat sink kit" I misread
ALL THE INTERNALS ARE DOUBLES???? Damn okay, well that is even more drastic
>With YAML you have to have minimum of 10 heat sinks.
Thoughts on Foxhole? Thinking of trying it because friends are playing it.
>WAIT it says "Double heat sink kit" I misread
>ALL THE INTERNALS ARE DOUBLES???? Damn okay, well that is even more drastic
Yeah I probably overdid it a bit.
I agree. If I want to run with <1.0H/s I should be allowed to.
I'll double chet the mod settings but I don't think you can change that setting. Maybe it's some limitation of the game itself.
Wait I just remembered, this is a different engine
So you would've had 8 internals in the 210 so the two externals make sense, I got confused
>Maybe it's some limitation of the game itself.
My bad I forgot. Canonically the minimum is 10 heatsinks
Shite that had potential years ago but is now riddled with development and far more important insane community problems fucking over the gameplay.
all the design elements are cool but you wont be doing any of that if you arent in some big circle jerk clan or drive a truck for 30 hours. the top down shooting model is dogshit for a pvp game and that's what ended up tossing me, maybe you'll like it tho.
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>Yeah I probably overdid it a bit
There are some canon Jenner variants that do have double heat sinks

But stock Jenner's "run it as hot as it gets, go hide to cool down, repeat" cycle is fun
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>MechWarrior General
Not mad, trying to shit post or anything, just find it curious how things have shifted over the last few months.
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I like it when people like the thing I like
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Is Quicsell some kind of joke?
>you'll not make it
>try not to overheat
Fucking hell, that is so stupid but also so funny...
Yes. Quikscel are known for their dirt cheap prices, which they achieve by judiciously sub-contracting with every fucking idiot with a garage and by essentially not having a QA department. The only people buying from them are either broke and desperate, or one of the Great Houses.

And the Great Houses have their own standard MO when dealing with Quikscell: Buy stuff from them in bulk, have your own techs go over everything in detail, note down everything wrong, fix it and then bill the company for it.
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On Hunt, is it worth it to do stealth build solo, or are you gimping yourself for when a team shows up for the bounty?
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In Issue 9 of Shrapnel magazine there's an article where a guy claims they constantly get the name wrong in documentation on purpose

As usual it depends on many factors: what MMR you are, what your playstyle is, etc
>stealth solo build
For the time, yes, especially when you got necro. Once the big patch hits tho, not so much anymore.
2000-2300 with a very passive/opportunistic playstyle. Usually beeline for clues and melee to take out monsters on the way. Usually won't whip out a proper firearm until reaching the boss or a team corners me. If given the chance, I usually just hightail it out if a team beat me to the bounty or spots me
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Wait what? Haven't played in years
Necro's getting nerfed big time
The next big patch will be an engine overhaul(upgrade), this also includes a bunch other under the hood and over changes, including a huge nerf (fucking finally) to necro cucks (both sides).
1. It's a burn trait now
2. Only one revive from now on, not 20 billion.
megamek because I am stuck on a laptop
I had an awesome game where I was left with ~40% BV vs 86% but I made a comeback because they surrounded one of my last two mechs and it exploded which caused all of them to fall over or immov and one that fell also exploded
then my last remaining gladiator won 1v2 because they just kept falling over lel
PSA: woodland wights can open doors on your car
PSA2: stop the car before you try to open fire on occupants in the back of your car, especially if your moving over 25 mph
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>Look at the last 100 RoN reviews while dl'ing update
>1 out of 4 people saying the game runs even worse/is unplayable
>Launch it
>Black screen for a solid minute
>Go to open Task Manager
>Game decides to load the menu just as I alt-tab out of it
>Load singleplayer
>Game freezes for a minute and works when I alt-tab out again
>Immediately notice a 30 fps drop
>Reflections still broken
>Exit and decide I'm not buying the DLC
Void Interactive proving to be incompetent yet again... I regret buying it.
Definitely marketing. The trailers are practically false advertising with all the cinematography, animations and voice acting that doesn't happen in the game. Done so well that you'd think the game is equally high quality. I fell for it. I think people are still weary about SDIF due to how long the game's been in development, and maybe they're finally learning to be more cautious after being buttfucked multiple times by previous Early Access games over the years. It's genuinely sad though because I enjoy SDIF more than RoN but only so long as I'm playing with friends, as I don't like playing with randoms and SDIF's singleplayer is pure dogshit. RoN's is at least playable, but the AI is still jank. The AI in SDIF doesn't do John Wick aimbot shit like RoN's, and the procedural generation is amazingly better than I expected. I think RoN should have some level randomization to make it more replayable, but I doubt that'll ever happen. SDIF has potential, but with the lack of players/sales, I can't imagine it has much steam left for development. As for Zero Hour, I haven't touched it in a year or two. It was OK for the price I paid. I don't remember what made me not care for it though, other than a general lack of polish and I guess just being and feeling like an off-brand version of SWAT 4/RoN? Need to look into it again at some point, saw that they added dogs or something a while back but I don't feel like reinstalling.
My character died in cdda, i'm not too fussed, only lived 3 days.
With the next character, i want to see the ocean, maybe do some swimming, diving, and especially see an aircraft carrier.
Whats the best way to find the ocean?
go east apparently. ive heard people say going west is "inland" and east is to the ocean

or just do the aircraft carrier start and learn2gitgud. really satisfying, actually, and you get shitloads of loot for the effort really early.
Do yourself a favor and make your own boat, then put wheels on it so it becomes amphibious.
You'll have a vehicle that you can sail on rivers or explore inland with, you can even park right outside a city because when zombies see you they usually get stuck in the water since they lose sight of you.
Every boat or canoe you see can be cannibalized to make your boat bigger too.
I didn't know they added carriers and carrier starts, that's so cool. I should make the time to play CDDA again.
Eh, I am doing Freelance inbetween, but I'm not up for selfmade challenges exactly because of the campaign stuff and beyond that I don't find it that exciting.
In this case it's more a matter of those missions just being ass and/or tedious, especially with the smaller loadouts than getting burnt out.
That which you believe is &tactical is &tactical. However, remember that others may not agree with you.
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So apparently if you're still on the aupporter edition branch of RoN it's no longer supported and the DLC won't update unless you switch off. Also, the balaclavas are only available in MP.

So 1 year for 3 maps that aren't integrated into the commander mode, 3 weapons, a handful of cosmetics and the update apparently runs like shit. What the hell does Void do with their time?
Protip: pay QA next time
They're swimming in money and somehow they either
>catch a problem too late and rush to "fix" it
>catch a problem, they figure "fuck it we'll have it ready by our release date" instead of giving themselves more breathing room, and then they eat shit
Always amusing seeing people being surprised over Void's incompetence, when they've had it on full display for close to a decade.
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Really nice guide for the basic tactics of movement in Battletech (Megamek)
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Slightly miffed that vanilla won't let you mount anything on the Awesome's left hand, so if I want to put an extra PPC on there it's gotta be on the torso
I’ve been using some settings copied from a yutuber who seemed to know his stuff for megamek(or at least looked them up himself) but things seem to explode a lot more often
Had a big 95 ton mech like alone 60% of the enemy lance BV get knocked out from its AC exploding from a malfunction the first time it fired in round 3.
Not saying its not fun but when there are two explosions every match then it loses it’s novelty. Usually engines
you're using some of the advanced rules? like tacops stuff? a lot of those increase lethality.
ammo explosions, engine crits, gyro crits, headshots, TACs, everything in the basic rule set explodes enough as it is.
Forgotten weapon cameo in arma?
NTA but I wonder if those increased lethality rules are more intended to be used for later eras, where 'Mechs are more durable. Sort of to balance it out.

In Succession Wars era they're still relatively fragile
all the extra rules are just meant to simulate things the game normally doesn't and make it more granular and deep.
the base game is already complex enough that most veteran players don't want to deal with the extra rules and calculations and it would be completely unreasonable to expect new players to be able to handle the extra complexity.
yeah, dont know them by heart and cant check now
also there is woods giving dmg absorbtion, on the fence about that one because it completely negates SRMs
suppose I should play with later tech
also wanna get into campaigns but need to look up how those work. something simplified would be nice, say like a bunch of missions stringed together with little resources and the same lance and see how far I get
had a neat moment with a mech crashing down a building on another inside(?) by jumpjetting on it
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So what's the verdict?
Worth reinstalling?
not until they fix their shit, come back in a few patches
Apparently the latest patch completely overhauled the AI, but I'll give it a few more weeks
what's the tactical advantage of tall pauldrons if the head is recessed into the torso anyway
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>what's the tactical advantage
Looking awesome
Experimental is nearly always better.
it protects the torso
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Couldn't tell you since the game runs like ass again after the update. Time to wait another 6-12 months for them to fix it again since Void is slow and retarded. If all the AI issues still aren't resolved by the next update, I'm done with this polished turd of a game. It has never not been jank.
what a meaningless fucking buzzword
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Played the 1st and 3rd missions of the DLC. They're in a separate tab during mission select fyi.

1st one is an interesting setup. LSPD are clearing out a known homeless encampment ahead of a massive hurricane. Per RoN rules, there has to be some twist to the scenario and as you clear your way through the building there's some sort of hobo-cult setup reminiscent of Children of Tarrone. Suspects are thankfully lightly armed for the most part because the level is typical Void clusterfuck with dozens of doors and rooms winding into each other with pass throughs for suspects to slip around. The lighting and flashlights are still fucked so enjoy green or blue tint to the screen the whole time.

3rd one is an LSPD informant being made by the cartels and SWAT has to come rescue him. Starts off great, with a turned over empty house and blood everywhere. Environmental context says follow the blood and it leads you into the dense ghetto neighborhood as you peek in windows and skip through yards. Would have been a great opportunity for VA to really sell the developing emergency situation as SWAT has to break their own cordon to chase the suspects. Per typical Void, the level gets super sense and filled with trash but still offers some long sight lines.

The new weapons are... pointless? The 509 and DD PDW are just another 9mm and 5.56, though the MP17 actually has you use the spare mag holder on your first emergency reload. No way to reload the spare I think.

Customization menu is somewhat fixed, with better lighting, angles and the ability to rotate the officer. Still too much clicking to get anything done.

I didn't get the crazy fps drops people are reporting, but it also doesn't run smoothly. Still get that once a level stutter bs.
Also, seems like all mods are broken. So mod authors have to update their shit for post DLC.
how about your make your own fucking opinions for fucking once?? jesus christ you people are hopeless consumer that always need everything verified by other people
oh I'm fucking sure you were nigger
How about we just stop asking for opinions or even having discussions at all?
Let's just delete this thread and all go our separate ways to form our own opinions
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Ah yes, Power, Economy, Defense and Other.
Different times.
it needs more work but its my favorite start so far. its very difficult, but clearing it gives you a literal aircraft carrier worth of loot so its like speedrunning to mid-game/almost end-game. if your sick of repeating early game but want a semi-decent explanation of starting with op stuff, this is it
Can mutagen and bionics spawn in the carrier?
One of my favorite way to play cata was treating the lab start like a roguelike and then if I "won" deciding if I want to keep playing based on what mutation or bionics I found
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Reforgerchads won
NOOOOOOOOOOO NOT IAN!!! All of the gaymer jokes and halo references made him into a real gamer...
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seeing and playing the game doesn't feel like winning to be honest
Ironic since this game will be forgotten soon.
[07-23] Ready or Not DLC "Home Invasion" releases to mixed reviews
Also, not really news worthy but "Tactical Squad: SWAT Stories" changed its name to "SWAT Commander"
Oh boy, another game that will be forgotten days after it's release...
Does Reforger have any forgotten weapons?
If that's winning, I'd rather lose.
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lol, you wish
>muh steem chartz
honestly kill yourself retard
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What do you guys think of the Vindicator? Considering adding one to my lance
looks gay
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I'd say that's a plus
go back vnigger
>say something
>be proven wrong
>"uhhh kill yourself"
ok, retard
The more you reply, the more you coax them into replying. Just ignore them.
vz58 I suppose but its already long in the game.
There's a whole megapack linked in the rentry
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Project Bomboid
Who wins:
>A men in an unarmed motorcycle
>Two elite airborne pathfinders with garands at point blank range?
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If I imagine the motorcycle to be driven by a ghost then it suddenly makes more sense
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Capellan Don't Surf
I thought the sound player died?
or am I just retarded
I can hear it just fine
No I mean the extension itself, as I lost the ability to create them 7 months ago as I checked for updates but never seem'd to find it.
Why would it?
>lost the ability to create them
What are you talking about? You never even needed any fancy program to create them to begin with.
I used it for 3 years when it was attached with 4chanX
All I can say is that it never died
The only thing that "died" (if even that) was the other script, the one without the player or whatever, the super basic one. No idea if that one ever updated to add support for the other (newer) hosts like the one I send did.
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Audio still plays but I cannot make new ones / view them on the chan and tbqh I dont really care enough to use an external website to make them.
thank you for your time I appreciate it.
No way gang garrison 2 is still alive
>external website to make them
Nigger you can literally use the script I gave you for that, what the fuck are you doing
it dont work for me one of the updates broke it, simple as is
I miss all those arena shooter flash games
fix your browser, simple as is. the issue is clearly you since it works for everyone but you.
im mentally tormenting my prisoner and i felt nothing (in rimworld) (also i guess rec some interesting modpacks for Arma and PZ)
The worst poster
This looks like the kind of game that would've given me nightmares had I played it as a kid
not that I've seen. there was a whole nuclear power plant in there but I didn't have any hazmat stuff to check it out. but you usually end up with enough acetylene to build a death mobile from scratch without even leaving the ship
if you saw the older posts, I had acquired automatic grenade launchers, 50 bmg machine guns and even a minigun, all stuff I plopped onto a mad maxed humvee
There are several tacops rules that increase durability either directly or indirectly, floating TACS is a big one so your CT isn't always the thing being pierced.

AC's shouldn't explode on a jam so I have no idea what you are doing.
>110 tons
It's one of the rare superheavies. It's a failed Amaris rebellion design, but with the power of XL engines you can do anything. Unfortunately XXL rules in BTA are fucking garbage so they aren't worth using.
It's Amaris' attempt to build the Mech equivalent of a Maus.
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>"Amaris' Folly"
>Inspired the Clanner Stone Rhino and Blakeist Omega (150 tons?!)
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>AC's shouldn't explode on a jam so I have no idea what you are doing.
Neither do I but see pic. It went from UNDAMAGED to exploding so hard it crippled the mech next to it
because engine blew from the ammo explosion too
>The safety systems on the engine fail catastrophically resulting in a cascading engine failure!
It actually only took 5 damage, it looks like it jammed probably due to some advanced rule like forcing rapid fire on a standard AC, maybe the kind of ammo it was using. You had autoeject on so he automatically bailed thinking it was a total magazine explosion, then it really DID set off the ammo when falling
well it still exploded from jam which caused all of it
I do have rapidfire ACs tac rule, but I don't know what the bot was doing, it's "may fire as"
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I guess the road's closed
It's the optional rule that allows standard autocannons to double-tap like an Ultra. The drawback is that it jams on a 3 or 4 on the to-hit roll, and will outright blow up on a 2.
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Highlander? More like Lowlander
I could take them
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Mechs can weigh up to a maximum of 200 tons
in minecraft
seems to do well for me so far. i've been using the 1x variant and only at 200 ton deployments right now. Nice range with a PPC, medium range with SRM + ML and some machineguns for when the punching starts. and has the nice bonus of having all weapon types, so you can level up your pilots if you need to.

playing vanilla.
>Lucky AC20 shot from a Demolisher takes out my King Crab at max range at the very end of the mission
How come I never see the first game mentioned anywhere
Is it really different or something
>feature complete
>PvP still missing and will probably never come back
>Supporter Edition included an exclusive FBI HRT skin, which apparently Void removed (makes me glad I didn't buy it)
>Anal Staircase still missing
>Reflections still don't work and obscure visibility
>Weird lighting in most areas still makes characters' hair look gray for some reason
>SWAT AI running around on their own and completely ignoring orders on 1.0 release (didn't see if this was fixed like they claim since the game isn't even playable for me, but am hearing the AI is still broken)
>NPCs in lobby still have dead eyed stares and zero dialogue
The percentage of players complaining about performance issues since the update went up from 25% to 39%.
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>play LWOTC
>entire month goes without a single mission
>chill and build
>next month, get a mission
>proper infiltration would take 4 days
>only get 20 hrs, every xeno in the continent aware we're coming
>drop in anyway, get bodied by 25+ aliens
>casualties everywhere
>get objectives, evac
>each survivor carrying a dead body
>reward: 64 supplies
Are there any things you do like about LWOTC? I've only ever heard negative things
Square–cube law be damned
>Square–cube law
has no legal basis and therefore not legally binding
well i like the variety it adds
>new classes
>officer subclass
>big squads
>new mid-tier weapons

but there's much more micromanagement so if you're not into that you'll just get tired / skim through it.
also the story sequence isn't as smooth but that's a given

A look at the first pair of "Nemesis" divisions for Warno. The community will get to vote on a pair that will be made into DLC.

BluFor get the 12. Panzerdivision, a stepping stone between the existing German armor and infantry divisions. Mid tier units with a smattering of US ones thrown in. No helicopters and middling AA and generous aircraft. Also sees the return of the G11 with the PZ. Grenadier-Lehr who IRL were a training and assessment formation that evaluated the G11.

RedFor gets the Protivotankovyy Rezerv, a Soviet defensive formation heavy on engineers, artillery and anti tank guns. East German units round out the formation.
is it free content or is warno getting DLCs already?
What is the lore explanation for some mech designers to slap ammo in the Center Torso of some variants?

Like, what the fuck were they thinking
>Yes I would like the pilot of this to go up like a fireball when the enemy gets a lucky hit on an ammo bin and it explodes
where else are they going to put it?
side torsos or legs
it's still gonna be crippling if it blows obviously, but there's a big difference between still being in the fight and insta-dying

and if you have fancier tech and add CASE, it's not even that big of a deal if it blows up because it's contained to that part instead of bleeding damage to the other components

and of course in an ideal scenario you can also spend the ammo or jettison it so that it can't blow up, but again i have to ask what the lore advantage even is to having it in the CT to begin with
I read of a guy that insisted head was statistically the safest place to store ammo (if it's just one bin) so that's what he did

I can definitely see arms being a good place for it too, specially if the weapon they are feeding is also on the arm. That way if it goes it doesn't matter that much because that ammo wasn't being used for anything else and you have your side torso as padding for the damage to spread
Extremely solid, cheap low-end trooper. Would field as a unit commander. Would hate to pilot, consdering the Cappies made the ejection seat eat pilots and in true Cappie fashion never bothered to fix that.
do you really think it matters where they put literally tons of explosives? the russians are using 1/4th ton bombs that blow up entire city blocks right now. I doubt it really matters if your 4 tons of missiles blows up 10 feet under you or 20 feet under you.
Warno already has DLCs, just anyone who bought during EA got in included.

These Nemesis DLCs I guess are what they did with SD 1/2. Community votes which one, then they put it up for sale.
I wonder how the feed mechanism for legs would even work
The argument is that CT is the most heavily armored part of the 'Mech, and if it gets crit it's likely to hit something nasty anyway like the Gyro or Engine. Adding ammo into the mix is not that much deadlier - you're already kinda fucked if you're taking crits to CT. Ideally you'd use up all the ammo in that slot before it starts taking too much damage
Take the flashbulb zombie mech pill

No ammo, no problem. All energy weapons baby
welp, I guess sucks to suck with a feature only 8 people use ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Cool paint job
As per how battletech works, placing ammunition in the legs or arms means that heavier mechs have a chance of not being totally obliterated if ammunition detonates, especially if the ammunition is mostly depleted during battle. But it depends on the ammunition type and almost all ammunition detonations of more than a couple tons almost guarantee total destruction without CASE.
An ammunition explosion that destroys the center torso means that the mech effectively no longer exists, it's probably still salvageable if it only takes out a leg and side torso.
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What are you guys' favorite rules to play with in Megamek?
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"One-armed prone fire" sounds kinda badass
This game's visuals are absolutely sovlless
tactical death
>my impenetrable shield is sure to secure my victory
fuck that's satisfying
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>Zomboid thursdoid out.
>1 month of dev progress
>New skills nobody will use added to a cluttered UI
>Showcases of things we already knew, like lighting and basements

>Nebulous fleet command devlog out
>1 month of dev progress
>Fighters, fighting behaviors. The start of carriers. Customizable loadouts, evasive maneuvers, autonomous ai (no micromanagement.)
>A month before this was an entire conquest campaign system showcase, and a beta is out.

This may be comparing apples and oranges, but goddamn zomboid devs are inept. Nebulous dev(s?) are so much better at this.
>added a whole 10 level skill for making stone knives

jesus christ these devs are retarded
It really was. Often burn drive-ing into an enemy ship normally just results in a bounce and an engine flameout but that time everything just lined up so fucking nice.
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At first I thought YAML having this on by default was kinda cheaty, but I realize vanilla setting is the cheaty one.
You can't just put things into cold storage anymore and have them magically instantly stripped. Now if you want to take off those valuable parts to use, you have to assign a work order.
At least when selling the mech it does seem you pay you for what's on it. I haven't done the math though to see if you get 100% of the value for it's weapons/equipment.
Howa re you taking these screenshots?
Is there some sort of photo/freecam mode?
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Call me racist but if you can put a catapult next to a stalker and I can't tell the difference.
Ctrl+Shift+I enables debug mode
Ctrl+Shift+U once hides the HUD but keeps outlines
Do it twice and it hides the outlines too
Do it thrice and you get your HUD back
Ctrl+Shift+I again to disable debug
Okay Just did the math and it doesn't make sense.
If I sell a spider with all it's default loadout, it sells for 1.9mil.
If I strip the mech and remove everything, it sells for 1.1mill.
Yet all the equipment and weapons are only worth roughly 450k. So selling it with it's default loadout somehow gets you an extra 350k than selling jus the mech and it's parts separately would.
Now, that could be factoring in the maintenance costs of adding and removing the gear. It cost 60k to trip it and 180k to load it back up. So that would only be 240k if factoring in that.

The only thing I could think effecting this is maybe it's because the mech has no damage to the structure. That might be adding some sort of hidden multiplier or something. I'm testing this out in a system that is neutral to me so I'm not getting bonus/malus from reputation.
Alright well this time I tried only removing the engine.
The 240 engine sells for 294k, but removing it dropped the selling price of the mech from 1.9mil to 1.2mil.
So i guess the lesson is leave the engine in it unless you are gonna use it.
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Is the Nebulous team just the one guy? Pretty sure he was USN at some point or still is, so maybe he's got a bit of a different work ethic.

The carrier update looks rad. Really excited to see the other frames and the weapons/equipment we can cram into them. Hope the missile designer will let us create some real bullshit designs for our wings.
It's not that hard, anon.
Stalker: Chunky legs and rectangular, mixed laser+missile boxes left and right of the torso.
Catapult: Slender legs and muhc wider, quadratic missile boxes to the upper left and right of the torso.
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Oh boy. i've been playing with the mod that makes salvage crates worth actually picking up. (seriously the vanilla 12k c-bills and a LRM10-teir weapon is a joke) but this is my first time finding a SLDF salvage. Hope it's something good.
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Micro Prose gets a new developer, Sebastian Bae, and a digital version of his "Littoral Commander" wargame series.
inb4 it was just some popular holovids of the time
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It was a champion, a PHX-2, a few FCSs, and the ability to kill warewolfs.
I was happy when i saw the champion since my only heavy/assault Mechs are a dragon and an Atlas, both of which I must of gotten good RNG in the resource mission gacha.
However the Champion s a strange mech. It looks like a plane from an 80s/90s anime with legs. I'm not a big fan of torso mounted weapons but who knows maybe it has recent torso rotation speed.
>It looks like a plane from an 80s/90s anime with legs
the funny part is that it ISN'T one of the ones that is based on an actual "80s anime plane with legs" (as in, it isn't one of the ones that originally used a Macross design)
That's funny because they first thing i thought when I saw it was it looked like it is something they'd fly around in in Dragon Ball.
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Any other games in this style?
Basically games where planning an approach is a major part of it
I remember the old Rainbow Six having something similar, where you could route out the map and choose where the AI went
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can't think of anything but you should try steampeek, just to be sure
Door Kickers 1
Bawnjorno, here is Italy DLC for Wargame: Red Dragon
nebulous also has it's own issues
Nebulous devs are still retarded. They gave in to literal discord trannies and abandoned the conquest mode.
No Plan B
Finding that randomly sounds busted. But then again, you can just fly around and buy "end game" mechs like an hour into the game.

I really fucking hate how mw is this low effort procedural slop.
It doesn't have to be, several of its other entries are much more structured
I know it's just laziness on their part.
what the fuck?
Feels weird for them to release a DLC for the game that's directly competing with their newer game
>Wargame still getting content
Fuck on!
Although It'd be better if it had more players
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It's one of those games where you need to sit in an empty lobby and just play whoever joins first and sometimes the guy has 999999 hours and sometimes he has 0.01
or bite the bullet and play those shitty 10v10 destruction lobbies against stacked teams in discord
or join a "community" that does "community lobbies" which are shitty 10v10 destruction lobbies but with gay rules like "no arty/smoke only"
>and play those shitty 10v10 destruction lobbies
What do you mean? That sounds great, I love complete mayhe--
>stacked teams in discord
Never fucking mind...
10v10s just means that you have your own little lane you're fighting over instead of having the whole map to maneuver around.
Then if you start winning and dare to push you get 10 players worth of aircrafts bombing you.
And if your aircrafts ever cross the middle of the map they're flying over 20 AAA pieces and will be chased by 20 interceptors
And since it's destruction all people do is hold defensive positions and spam artillery until one team wins.
And most people on the not-stacked team will leave as soon as they lose a couple of units.

It might good if you want to see things blow up for 40 minutes but it has none of the complexity that lower-player conquest lobbies have.
I'm super rusty but if you people ever want to start an /&tg/ lobby I'm up for it
>hyper defensive play
>everyone ganging up on you if you dare go over the frontline
sounds like me and a buddy playing CoH against bots
>will leave as soon as they lose a couple of units.
This type of behavior is already pure aids in a shooter, must be 10 times worse in an RTS where some rando can't (or won't) replace them quickly enough.
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I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but you're gay anon...

Having watched a few videos on the tabletop version this seems pretty fun. Basically a multi-domain Flashpoint Campaigns with naval added in. Scratches that itch for her based military autism but in the very barren ultra-modern setting.

There's a sequel board game set in the Baltic region as well.

I would really be interested in Nebulous if it had a "one ship" mode. I don't want to have to think about multiple ships, give me One Ship to captain.
it's trash, finished this garbage dlc within an hour and not touching it again until next content update
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Just unlocked class modification. Would it be better to replace Eclipse Blades' taste of blood with combat focus (+dodge) or carnage (more damage)?
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I love the Awesome.

Last drop I did was hell, but this guy pulled me through. Tanked so much damage, lost both arms and it still kept going with its nipple PPCs.
watching a few videos on it and seeing the community make their own tier list's and allot of the "new hit things" are actually the least wanted - https://tiermaker.com/create/projectzomboid-b42-features-tier-list-17321568

To bad I dont really care about space games F Starbound, f is for FUCK
It's pretty __good__
Is Reforger a decent followup for RS2? Are there any modernish/alive titles that are similar?
Feels like RS2 hit the balance of playing the game/immersion for me but is kinda dead nowadays.
I like the gameplay feel of squad but 90% of matches feel like fob building simulator/sweating instant caps between SLs. ARMA3 is a bit janky and there's no "normalish" multiplayer mode (also it seems to sit at about 40frames). Snadstrom just kinda feels meh and too twitch shooter-y, not like source atall.
Other games I'm looking at are Squad44 and HLL, HLL seems closest to RS2 in terms of actually playing the game, though seems like they have some publisher trouble atm? might just be community sperging out tho

>inb4 '83
im still upset
read the sign
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this map in DK 1 reminds me of an episode from Chicago Fire
anyone else drop mods for &tacticals immediately upon seeing they use gen AI?

it's all so tiresome. I would much rather see drawn stick figures and lorem ipsum over that shit
Not really. My only concern is if the output is garbage, which it usually is
I don’t even bother looking at the “/&tg/” repository. I don’t think a lot of people do, because when you click on the link it turns into a long winded blog. I only go there to see if they have the games I want to talk about.

that's not what I'm talking about at all
I don't see what you might be talking about. Could you quote or link to the specific text you're referring to?
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honestly I don't see the point of most of what's in B42; game's fine enough as it is now
muh discord trannies muh pvp sweats muh no singleplayer
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many such cases.
devs should never interact with their players in real-time.
what the fuck does any of that even mean you vigger?
new BK track dropped: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jp7N8hBPxk
caricature of the impotent seethe from someone who brings up “literal discord trannies” in this topic
>t. literal discord tranny
what about a figurative one?
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Hotfix dropped today and the game appears to be playable again (and doesn't reset binds again, thank fucking god). Need to run some more levels to be sure. My frame rate is still shit if I leave FSR disabled, but with it on I'm getting 80-90 fps.
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Mr. Krabs & his bodyguards
any build 42 news?
I do not care for your opinion
I do care for your opinion
>EFTG died
Sad, but whatever

Anyone know if there's an easy way to rip models from the game? I want to put some of the models into another game as a mod
All true.
UE4 really shows, this looks like ass.
What is it that makes UE look so uncanny? Is it the post processing?
That is not UE4
I don't know what engine it is but I've seen more than one unity game use those tree assets.

I've recently noticed a few bots/schizos in different threads running some kind of smear campaign against UE.
It's really weird.
I think it's posters like these who desperately need to take their meds
talentless hacks, using presets instead of creating something that fits the game
like wtf is that lighting? textures are all bland, those buildings don't mesh, it just looks off
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Why people shit on colorado when mumbai exists?
>indian Chris chan
were we supposed to notice the ongoing trend of 5 shitposts in a dead general?
There's more right here, just a few posts above.
And elsewhere. They just don't speak in schizobabble that's easy pull up with a simple search.
my guy, people have been saying ue4 looks plasticky and generic since it came out and the ease of making asset flips didnt help

as for your guy it looks like he posted it once in april and then just went insane this month, doubt its related
1. That ain't UE4
2. UE4 can still look incredible if the developer gives a damn to use it that way.
>using presets instead of creating something

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