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Farmireza Fraudruzja edition

>Play online:

>Join our team and weekend's tournaments:

>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

- Biel International Chess Festival | July 13th - 26th
- Champions Chess Tour: CrunchLabs Masters | July 17th - 24th
- Lichess 2024 Summer Marathon | August 3rd
- Sparkassen Chess Trophy - Internationale Dortmunder Schachtage | August 10th - 18th
- Grand Chess Tour: Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz | August 11th - 16th
- Women's Grand Prix | August 14th - 25th
- Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival | August 14th - 25th
- Grand Chess Tour: Sinquefield Cup | August 18th - 29th
- Chess.com Bughouse Championship | August 19th - 23rd
- 45th Chess Olympiad | September 10th - 23rd
- European Individual Chess Championship | November 7th - 20th
- 2024 World Chess Championship Match | November 20th - December 15th
>The Gaetano Bresci informal chess club is self-managed, born from the interest of some expert and novice players out of pure passion for sharing the values of anti-fascism, anti-sexism and anti-racism.
>By our nature, in our spaces, even digital ones, fascist, sexist, racist, homophobic or transphobic attitudes or comments are not welcome.
Yeah that's gotta be him lmao what a massive faggot
hey friends we are still trying out the new website:
it gives you a randomly generated guest account that you can post here and have anons challenge you
>Yeah that's gotta be him lmao what a massive faggot
Yep. It all lines up.
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Hey pbt how come in 2023 you sandbagged your bullet rating from 1700 to 1000 then immediately smurfed your way back up? That's shifty behavior.
This here. What happened here?
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The long awaited racists vs antiracists team battle is finally here!


Players of all skill level are welcome!
lol there's a general for chess
based edition
yes you're in it
which is which
weird start time but I hope I can make it for my racistbros
>racists vs antiracists
how are we defining these terms? There's a motte and bailey thing that happens with the term 'racist'
God damn it, forgot I'm muted. Used to type it into the chat. If someone could type it into the chat that'd be great.
herders = antiracist
weavers = racist
I thought that this was the traditional starting time but maybe I remembered it wrong. It can be changed.
Use your own definitions and pick accordingly anon.
which team is which?
Basically if you believe some races are genetically predisposed to being better at chess, then you're probably racist. (This is how we're keeping it chess themed)
luddite chess league where you're only allowed to play moves from before 1986
>Basically if you believe some races are genetically predisposed to being better at chess, then you're probably racist.
okay, but that's obviously the case
I disagree, but let's not have a productive conversation about it, let's settle this over the board like men of class.
Men of Chess.
Chessmen, even.
kys pastebin tranny
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Today your opponent will be:
Hasn't lost a game since July 3

I won but i should have aborted that. It was high risk.
approximately what elo do you have to get to before people stop hanging pieces for no reason
zoombam is on the racist team? :(
according to the schizo it's 2300
if you ever see a 2300 hang a piece its because theyre cheating and forgot to turn on their engine
fide lichess and .scam ratings are all very different in that skill band. also depends on the clock format too. in blitz/bullet they are obviously more common
but i think 1500-1600 is a good generic answer
even the somewhat higher rated players will randomly hang a piece "for no reason, but in general around 1500-1600 is when i'd be surprised to see a completely braindead free piece giveaway
I had a 2400 FM hang mate in 2 with over 2 mins on the clock
>toolazytotry is on the racist team
I'm thinking based
thats definitive proof that the FM is a cheater
drunken bullet
1700 com rapid should be low percentage on that but no zero. Somewhere around there. Talking about free piece with no tactic involved to win it. Just grab it there ya go. If there is a one move tactic i don't know when that stops. I'm 1900 com rapid and 2100lirapid, those tactics are still the bread and butter of every game.
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People here always talk like they're experts. This is my most recent game, 2180 blunders a knight on move 10 with no tactic.
>People here always talk like they're experts.
I'm talking about my experience at those ratings.
>1900 chess com
he is pretty much at chess expert level though KEKW
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You're absolutely right. I would like to emphasize that bad days happen to everyone no matter the level. Look at attached game. I bet black gave us chess and never came back.
imagine if Hou Yifan kept playing chess instead of getting a real job
>became the youngest ever professor at her university
man, sucks she took her talent somewhere meaningful instead of becoming another 27xx shitter
she could've had a better wikipedia page and everything. feels bad, man
>in general i would say that my assessment is - and i made a lot of statistics already - and in general i would say that top ten player - ok if its not magnus only - yeah the average level of - in rapid - of a top 10 player is something like between like 15 and 20 - that is, 15 when he's in good form, 20 not best form - but yes that's very very high top top level player accuracy in a tournament lets say, average - and by the way, so, performance centipawn was 13 dot 8, which is actually much better than top 10 - in fact this is the level of magnus carlsen - magnus carlsen in the very good form - at his best i would say - i will compare one of his performances and you will see - so 13 dot 8 like really exclusive level of play - and again there, are lot of decisive games, so the games were not simple - some, yes, ok, some were not too complicated - even though still, when you play rapid chess and you have half minute on clock even in simple position you can go wrong - so again even in rather boring game still to show 10 or 6 is still not easy at all even for top players - but grandmaster svane is showing it quite regularly...
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yeah it's literal word salad
some 4chan schizos should start watching his channel and taking notes honestly. he could make better posts than they do
In order to speak about cheating at the level of Vladimir you must believe it. It cannot be a shitpost or troll. It must be sincere.
Racists can't stop winning.
She was the strongest woman player since Polgar. She could have held the title for years. It's a waste. University prof? Who gives a shit.
drunk blitz
girls just wanna have fuck
The greasy old men at the chess club all had weird, gross, fucked up, cut and mutilated penis. But the spry young furry boys at the universities all have big, snake, phimosis, hard throbbing, dicks or cocks at least.
no they just want money i should break up with the girl im seeing cause shes abusive
then why do they always fuck broke-ass gangbangers who have no money
It is true that they want money. All the university students are either rich (to pay for the tuition) or are part of some protected class (usually Latino or Asian) that allows them to not ever have to pay for anything in their life so they have basically unlimited spending money. Where do you think all these furry tech-research bros keep coming up with the money for their $1300 art commissions?
youre questioned is answered at the end
>yeah it's literal word salad
It isn't. Kramnik is saying Svane's ACPL over all these games was 13.8 average with a performance rating of 2700 something. That is punching above his weight as a 2400 (rapid). The counter argument though is Frederick Svane is 20 years old and 2636 in classical. It's likely his rapid rating is bullshit due to playing barely any fide rated rapid since he made GM in 2022.
nigga should study punctuation instead of statistics
kramnik should study this dick and rotate on it
happy International Chess Day /tg/!
I didn't know there was an international chess day.
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bro if there's a day for everything even for the gays
That's not a good thing, anon. I used to have phimosis and it just means that it hurts when you fuck.
He's probably just esl and mixed up the words phimosis and foreskin.
Boys with phimosis are cute, and I'm tired of pretending they're not.
So we have a new gimmick poster and his gimmick is being a faggot?
Why does this general attract so many weirdos?
gimmick? sometimes you feel a lil bit gay and want to express it. don't make it a bigger thing than it is, just lads being lads. just bcuz we're a chess subreddit, doesn't mean we have to be all serious and kosher all the time. sheesh!
lots of posters have the gimmick of being faggots
sad but true
most chess players are gay
where do you think you are
Be a part of history, chuds
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S-slowbross???! What's our response to this?

just another case of the average algorithmically settled "safe" advice being wrong. never listen to redditors on any topic, even better, always do the opposite because they're consistently wrong on everything.
>Actually believing this
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>2:00 AM est tournament
Crazy scheduling, but maybe a good time for me somehow
>nothing but pawn moves
>activate the queen
Let me guess, Indian?
Thanks for the heads up, I played this for like 2 hours even though I only wanted to play 1 originally. Lost all my rating in the second hour. Couple of notes:
>increment is gay
>no berserk is gay
>getting all the strong players right when the concentration is fading and you keep losing is gay
>losing to all the hyperaggressive shitters is gay
>summer is very gay
We better break the record at least.
I was planning to play in the 2024 Summer Marathon and try to get a trophy but this tourney gave me second thoughts. I mean that's only bullet but still. I could barely see anything by the end and it was only 2 hours.
i don't think i can take alireza seriously ever again after the miniature diaster
i mean.. holy shit. what a fraud
what'choo talkin' about willis
>he doesn't know
kwab of the decade
top kek
What the fuck has happened to lichess, I'm getting disconnect issues in almost all my games.
You get what you pay for
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>Don't even crush opponent
>Opponent runs down the clock (2 min 10 secs) on 5+0 with mate in 1

1. d4 d5 2. f4 { D00 Queen's Pawn Game: Mason Attack } Nc6 3. e3 Nf6 4. Nf3 Bg4 5. Be2 e6 6. O-O Bd6 7. c3 O-O 8. Ne5 Bxe2 9. Qxe2 Ne7 10. Nd2 c5 11. Ndf3 Nf5 12. Bd2 Qb6 13. b3 cxd4 14. cxd4 Rac8 15. Be1 Ba3 16. Nh4 Nxd4 17. exd4 Qxd4+ 18. Bf2 Qxf4 19. Nhf3 Ne4 20. Be3 Qf6 21. Nd7 Qc3 22. Nxf8 Kxf8 23. Ne5 Qxe5 24. Qf3 Nf6 25. Rad1 Bd6 26. Bf4 Qxf4 27. Qxf4 Bxf4 28. Rf3 Bh6 29. h3 Rc2 30. Rf2 Be3 31. Rf1 Rxa2 32. g3 Ne4 33. Kg2 Nxf2 34. Rxf2 Rxf2+ 35. Kh1 a5 36. Kg1 b5 37. Kh1 a4 38. g4 axb3 39. h4 b2 { me wins on time. } 0-1
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Any medical professionals in here and if so, what do you think of David Howell’s skin in this Crunch Lab Masters stream? It looks like he’s in the early stages of liver cirrhosis, look at what hanging out with Magnus has done to him.

/chess/ friends, I am not trying to be ironic or facetious here. I genuinely believe he looks like he has jaundice and I would like to get your opinions on this.
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got it
Not a doctor but I also noticed his skin being yellow yesterday
Could just be a bad quality camera
FUCK. I'm 1800-1900 liblitz and I had a +4 position against an IM after 16 moves in a 5+0 game, but blew it.
It's over for USA after the current generation of Fabi, Wesley, Hikaru retire. Meanwhile all the top Indian players are 20 or under (Gukesh, Pragg, Arjun, Nihal).

And they still have less famours 2600 juniors like Sadhwani, Buddy Pranav, Mendonca, etc. who spend all their time on chess. While the Americans juniors will give up chess to go to a Ivy League school (see Awonder Liang, Carissa Yip, etc). You can bet Yoo and Woodward are both headed the same way.
the thread has managed to get even slower if that was possible lol
>new account
>1. nf3
Instant abort.
Chess is a meme game so it's better this way.
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>he has never trained with pic related

lmao this is true
Yup I dodge all 1. d4 and all 1. Nf3 because Nf3 is glorified d4. those retards don't fool me
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Are these knight and bishop lessons on lichess supposed to be one hundred moves long? I just gave up on the previous lesson and got hints for everything and it took ~40 moves to finish. I'm just chasing the king around the board and the best moves I'm supposed to find are some of the most unintuitive recherche garbage imaginable.
look up the W maneuver for this. Also this even with best play takes a lot of moves
the knight + bishop mate is probably the lowest ROI thing to learn in chess, it'll come up once every 10000 games and then you'll still mess it up because it's been a year since you studied it and you can't remember the details anymore
You can play the sicilian invitation with c5, that's what i do.
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Haven't played chess in a while, can't believe the general moved to /vg/. So what's the scoop? Y'all wanna play a 960 tournament? 12+5? I had to 'host' ban lichess since I wasted all of my time playing boolet and I needed to get a job
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Brehs...for me, it's Jennifer Yu. Also, I for one am fine with them leaning into the chess thot angle.
I play Nf6. White will then have to reveal some indication of what kind of thing they want to do. If it's c4 or d4 or even g3, that's all met with a similar setup on my side. I don't play d5 because that lets white go in to main line Reti, which I don't have prep for.
>1 in 10,000
Potentially even less than that depending on your opening choices. Now of course you don't want to be in a situation where your only path to a win in an endgame is to force yourself in to having to do that checkmate and not knowing how the fuck to do it, which famously happened to a certain former women's world champion

And I will say I have once saved a draw in blitz by forcing my opponent in to trading down to that endgame on the wager they wouldn't be able to do it. There was increment but he didn't know the technique. He offered me a draw, said "I don't know how to do this" in chat, I accepted.
Is this the bimbo world championship
Something about Alexandra Botez's mouth weirds me out. It's like she just jams as much botox/lip fillers into her lips as possible. Doesn't look natural.
That's kinda racist, bro.
Both Botez sisters are bogged.
>literally all the sluts are there
holy moly bros
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Shankland is finished, isn't he? He's never clawing his way back to 2700
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I am GuestQMZX on https://www.freechess.org/play/
send me a challenge, anything at or below 20+15
I love how every other day when I log on chess com to do anonymous games, there's a red number in the top left signifying someone got banned
the amount of cheating on the site is just ridiculous
how are you getting the notification if it's anon games?
Starts in 40 minutes
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>1 ""anti racist"" vs 4 based people
Yeah, this tourney is not happening, it was to be expected there aren't enough normies on 4chin. Also why the fucking hour? It's 8 am here and am still hangover from yesterday
I completely fucked up. I wanted to set it to 8 pm but I set it to am. I can't even play in it like this. I only joined antiracist because I knew everyone, or at least most of the strong players will join racist. I was hoping that maybe the guy posting the challenges and calling out "the racist" would join but even he stayed away.
My bad lads.
no idea but the red number shows up. you can try it yourself
can't you change the time?
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Too bad. I really wanted to play with the og gang.
Make the next one at a reasonable hour and I'll shill it here during the week and I'll even send some mass messages on lichess when I get the time.
The summer is soon finishing, it's about time we get the tourneys back up and running
The antiracist really showed the courage of his convictions (negligible, strictly confined to anon games)
Done. Sorry borby2 and pasta. ut this was the original intention and hopefully more people show up then.
>Ramirez and Shahade
Now there's a good matchup
Nema problema, maybe we should make another proper shill post though
jesus christ he already has the predator look here
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I only see one shark in that photo and it ain't Alejandro.
This was rescheduled to be 11 and half an hour from now in the hopes that more people will show up then.
Players of all skill level are still welcome.
Nope. That's too subtle for me at this time of night.
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The record for playing the most chess games in a day was broken.
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should we rebrand this as ultra racist vs regular racist for the sake of participation and team balance?
I switched out the KID for the QGD and chess is fun now. No more do I have to suffer a chronic lack of space.
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I just flagged a middleaged russian FM in 3+0 with a very low blitz rating. Motherfucker played the exchange and got flagged in a +billion position where I only had one pawn left.
Total slowbrain death
Lmao at that pic
It's fine as is imo but it can certainly be an idea for a sequel
All of a sudden the teams are balanced too
Maybe it will be an actual team battle in the end
>battle of mids and the one token brown chick

meh. wake me up when they make them wrestle naked while covered in oil.
I break that supposed record every time I get drunk and go on an angry bullet spree.
Holy shit he's not even that old, never seen someone with an higher rating fide than lichess
He's based though. Fuck Blitztards.
hahahahahaha you have tried a lot of ways to force the years-unattended tournaments but this is one of the sadder attempts
gosh it's almost like every tournament has been a massive failure for years and adding a pol buzzword ain't gonna' do it
>we've added POLITICAL EYES to a player who once flagged kramnik online
le epik shit. totally worth posting 10 million times. we've taken a 4chan meme that is totally unfunny and uninteresting and filtered it into bad chess memes! le epik humblebrag.

4 fucking necrobumps in a single night to keep the thread alive. lol.

and if you need a definition for necrobump well it's when 3 hours go by without a post and the general would 404 if not for 30 maxed threads at the bottom
larpov woke up and chose violence! he's on the warpath today, watch out /chess/!
>Vladimir Kramnik, a former World Chess Champion, was discussing the accuracy of top chess players in rapid chess games. To make his point more concise and readable:

>Kramnik analyzed the performance of top players in rapid chess, comparing their accuracy to centipawn loss (a measure of move quality). He found that top 10 players typically have an average centipawn loss between 15-20, with 15 representing good form and 20 less optimal play.

>In a specific tournament he was referencing, the average centipawn loss was an impressive 13.8, which Kramnik considers exceptional. He compares this to Magnus Carlsen's best performances, indicating it's a level of play rarely seen even among elite players.

>Kramnik emphasizes that maintaining this accuracy is challenging in rapid chess, especially with time pressure and decisive games. He notes that even in seemingly simple positions, top players can make mistakes with little time on the clock.

>The grandmaster Kramnik mentions, Svane, consistently demonstrates this high level of accuracy in rapid chess, which Kramnik finds remarkable.
based and englishpilled
>chess book im reading keeps talking about “mating material”
>get boner

can't be helped. there's too many women in chess and it's distracting
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REMINDER: Larpov and PBT don't play chess! They like the idea of chess but they don't play nor can they solve this puzzle, it's impossible for them.
Ra7 to cut the king off
It starts in less than 2 hours
y'all actually play this game? i just like shitposting about ecelebs lol
y'all actually play this game? i just like whineposting about anons shitposting about ecelebs lol
>chuds didn't show up except for a real one
it's over for racists
>tfw I'm racist but joined the soi team to even out the numbers
tania got me kinda horned up with that dress ngl
racist bros join we need you
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we tutned it into a normal 5+3 arena
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Stand proud, Sweggy, you're strong
*3+2 my bad
Hans won twice today :)
Yu somehow blundered a bishop with 50. Qxf7?
Maybe he thought he had a perpetual
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London fags HAVE TO DIE
jesus that was terrible by white
>try to play
>5 new accounts in a row
400 elo below me and they play like fucking gods
I don't want to play this game ever again fuck this shit im quitting
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How romantic was this game?
>try to play some blitz
>new account 1600 nigger
>suddenly stops for 2 minutes and im up 2:30 to 30 seconds
>suddenly blitzes out a perfect game
>loses on time
Is there a reason I should care that some fat 1000 is playing chess on the beach like a retarded autist?
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As much as I hate cheats I admit it's really funny when you get an awkward one who doesn't have the operation down to a smooth science yet.
>fuck this shit im quitting
I feel this way about life
Cope so you don't have to admit you're shit.
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>giving away a pawn
>fianchetto rook
I mog you in rating. In life. In skin color. In wallet size. Everything you can think of, I can literally buy your whole stupid nigger family as pets and then beat you 100-0 in all shitty game modes. Consider suicide stupid fucking retarded sub 2200 CHESSCOM blitz nigger.
k but you're a virgin tho lol
lol jfc dude
holy based
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Something is screwy. Connection problems and unusually slow analysis lately.
Probably banned so many random ppl their servers are struggling to remember them all
The final of the 72nd Oza challenger tournament is being played, between Yoshiharu Habu (sente) and Takuya Nagase. The time control is 5 hours per player, and the format is a best of 1. The winner will play Sota Fujii in a best of 5 match for the Oza title, which both players are former holders of (Habu 24 times, Nagase 4).
The opening of this game was gote's Gangi (an unusual choice for Nagase, who usually players P-84 as gote) vs. Sente's rapid attack.
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If it keeps getting this slow we might have to merge the threads again brahs
again, anon, I ask you: do you believe these posts will achieve the effect you intend? A couple weeks again you literally counted down "3 - 2 -1 let's go back to /tg/!" and were apparently completely sincere about it.
This is like the first time I've posted in a thread in months, I usually just lurk.
Idk if tg is where we should go.
The thread activity level runs in waves depending on time of year and notable ongoing events. It's summer with minimal events so the thread is slow.
Suppose that makes sense. Just wish my irl friends liked chess enough to talk about it regularly. This board is the next best thing for me.
The other thread has literally one poster there is no merge to be done
I'm not going back under janny tyranny
If the thread here dies that's it for me
>we chess players deserve our own captcha
Fr tho, imagine how much the thread quality would improve if you had to solve a tough puzzle each time you wanted to post.
just go to the catalog, sort by creation date and go to the bottom some threads are 18 days old right now, even at his slowest /chess/ is faster than a good chunk of generals here, IIRC we only got bumped off twice in 7 months no need to worry and even at worst /vst/ is super slow and arguably a better fit for us than vg anyway
good morning /eceleb/. what will our favorite chess players do today?
I hate puzzles like this, maybe the guy saying not to do them if they have <1000 plays is correct
the starting position is weird but still first 3 moves are relatively easy to find but then just when you assume the puzzle will end you have to find the 4th only move which too me is too much calculation requiered for the rating
maybe to you it's obvious but to my eyes kxg7 c3, the solution and to a lesser extent d3+ all seemed plausible and it's not trivial to rule them all out
Yes I'm seething and it's a skill issue whatever enough puzzles for today
nah you're right this puzzle is fucking garbage
the final move isn't even a tactic or anything. it's just.. a move that continues the game. and somehow that's the end of the puzzle
definitely feels like a puzzle that an ai came up with and is scuffed in the type of way that an ai would fuck up. it's a series of weird moves that feel puzzle-y, but it lacks a coherent point
although i guess it's as simple as the puzzle should stop after the rook sac that removes the defense of the queen
the fact that it makes you move the bishop after is just retarded
Hans is currently 2715. He's only 3 elo behind Keymer and close to breaking into the top 20.
our boy doing good, but the lame ass US chess federation busting his balls over some shit everyone forgot about. apparently he didn't tip the arbiter at st louis chess club? got off with a warning this time... phew!
Man, they couldn't get Hannah Sayce? I guess I will follow a little bit of the chess, then go jerk off to their Passes content.
that's a really good one. It also shows why it is often good practice to do Kb1 early after castling queenside to avoid tactics against your king.
>$70 Happy Birthday Video Message

this shit is SAD af
meh. not enough sacrificing, and Nc7 was moving away from the king. was a typical Petrov classical center vs. hypermodern game,
based shogi poster
I brought out my nice equipment and shogi.cz set to do shogi teaching at a local Japan beer tasting, and got a lot of interest.
jesus fucking christ
>Man, they couldn't get Hannah Sayce?
bit ashamed to admit it but this was my first thought as well. second thought was that Belenka should retire if she doesn't stomp these bitches. the only threat is maybe Yu
>maybe the guy saying not to do them if they have <1000 plays is correct
I didn't mean that exactly. I was mostly criticizing the fact that lichess has no minimum threshold for play count on the puzzle challenge modes like storm/ streak/race. When an inaccurately rated pizzle appears in those it throws off the difficulty curve those modes are supposed to have.
If you care about your puzzle rating then yes you may want to turn the rated toggle off as prophylaxis against bullshit due to low play count.
Belenkaya is lower rated than (Yu).
Hello /chess/, >>>/vg/vrg/ tourist here
Reminder that over there we are regularly playing chess in vrchat and that next session is today at 21:30CEST/19:30UTC (~2h30 from now)
We'll play 1h of chess before switching to mahjong, but people who wants to stay for chess can keep the instance alive if they want to.
> I don't have VR and what's the point?
You can play without vr as well, we use vrchat which also have a non-vr client. The main appeal is to play with different people in a virtual environment, which means you can talk (or type if you don't want to use a mic), spectate and move from table to table.
The table implementation also have (in-game) replay, so you can analyze the game afterward with your opponent.
> What do I need to be able to join?
Basically to make a vrchat account and to have the game started (you can just install it from steam), I recommend to make a direct vrchat account rather than using your steam account for in-game log in as it makes joining easier.
I will post an instance link when the event starts, while logged in the vrchat website you can click on "invite me" and you will get a notification in-game to join the instance.
Besides maybe getting familiar with the controls you don't need anything else really
> How do we play? (time settings, ...)
We usually play with 10min +5sec, but it's up to the player to set it up. The timer reaching 0 says "gg" but doesn't force to end the game, so you can agree to ignore the timer if you prefer
> What's the skill level?
According to the other host the average /vrg/ chess skill ranges from 800 to 1500 chess.com
> NA hours when?
NA chess instances are on 10pm EST on Wednesdays
Ju is only playing in women only events while Belenkaya is playing opens thoever
bros, I hate nemo
She's hot for an Asian but mid in general
bros, I hate nepo
He good in general, but mid for a Russian.
me too. he's let the mask slip too many times.
it's up! https://vrch.at/tsphn8m3
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>100 point swing in 14 hours
Bullefiends are so degenerate
I almost touched below 1500 even, then got two 10 win streak to get back
easily doable in blitz
>the chess instance at its most popular had like 10 joiners and even then only some of them actually played
>mahjong has 10+ players right off the bat
what the fuck, why is mahjong so much more popular? the mahjong gen is much faster too.
>make a 400 account for a speedrun to see where you'll place without losing (you're 2100 chesscom)
>first game
>play it randomly, blitz out the moves, don't think about it, guy doesn't play well
>suddenly bro takes his time and plays clinical super precise moves
>he lays out a trap to fork your two rooks after like 4, 5 moves, and only one weird move rescues everything, but you still lose a pawn
>"what the fuck hahaha"
>he's got an indian flag, new account, can't make this shit up
>each move takes like 20 seconds for him
>keep playing
>go for iron wall like defense, try to not lose
>get into the zone, turn off music, play like you're playing a serious tournament, feel cold ice in your veins
>play out like 30 moves of pure defense just maneuvering your shit
>his time is running out slowly
>suddenly realizes he's got 1 minute left on the clock
>starts playing like an absolute retard
>destroy and mate him fast after 61 moves played
>feel proud for defending so well against stockfish
>haven't felt that good in months
>raise your fist like pic rel unironically
>first time you got so seriously into the zone during a chess match too
These 400 dudes are pretty strong, not gonna lie.
When two smurfs collide.
damn you almost lost to a 400 you fucking loser
Chess players are bitter edgy incels. /mjg/ is much more chill and the posters are nicer and more welcoming.
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yeah this makes sense
so many midwit losers get into chess thinking it's their turn to show off how intellectually superior they are
Mahjong works better as a social game, it's also renewing itself more often due to its random nature
For /mjg/, having gacha tied to it also makes people more enclined to play it on this anime board
>why is gambling more popular than thinking
eh, mahjong requires (different) thinking too!
This Alice Lee game is pretty nice so far. Hopefully she can finish it off. Position still very complex after the knight sac.

true but the other anon is also right
>inb4 archived
it's managed to get even slower lol
Idk man, most of the chess players I've played with irl just seemed really content with the game in general. It feels nice having some quiet time contemplating things outside of daily stresses, and it's fun chattering with someone over famous players' games. Love the social aspect of getting to know people from so many parts of the world, sharing experiences and stories. It's such an autistic hobby and it's easier for fellow autists to talk about it and be passionate over it. It's a comforting yet stimulating refuge from the expectations of life.
I think blitz is worse for degen losing streaks tbdesu
in bullet so much of the game is pure instinct that even if you're having a godawful day once you drop enough you rape people just by playing on automatic, also you can play so many games that the bad luck aspect can be nullified by pure sample size
a bad day of blitz can get really fucking bad though because if you're tilted and playing carelessly your opponents have enough time to actually punish you for it, but it's still fast enough for you to play a ton of games and send your elo into a landslide
when I was degen spamming blitz I would have days with like 300 elo swings, never had anything like that happen with bullet
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According to Lichess I had 0.00 seconds left at some point during my last blitz game and went on to win. I am invincible. (only 8 blunders by the way).
>increment player
you lost anon, sorry to say
Bit of a slopfest towards the end there but I'm glad Alice got it done. She was never worse.
unfortunately, I have been too busy playing chess and grinding chesstempo to post in this thread lately
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OTB is nice. Online is not nice. Even if you do get matched with a pleasant person you may not find out as you're both so burned out by the online median behavior profile of the mouthbreathing train climber.
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He missed a mate in one and that wouldn't have happened if he didn't try to get me to flag. I need this ok. No bully
Can't know if someone is a mouthbreathing train climber if you turn off the ratings+chat & hide the name. In my mind I only play against a nude, moist, Cramling.
I knew you could turn off chat, but can you also hide their username and rating? I'll go do that too.
On Lichess you have Zen Mode. On chuds.com you could just element block the name I guess?
To add: you do have focus mode on chess.com but you'd still have to ublock element zap the user name I think. I don't use chess.com much.
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Is it time to admit the Fraudruzja experiment is over?
>2870 rapid
>walked into the trick
god seeing this screenshot makes me mad
it's supposed to be shitters like me who fall for that kind of crap, not people like him
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Are you ready to learn about pawns???
as funny as that game is he won that match
100% agreed with all of this
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i am even steven
Even's gambit
I do really like this book, but I feel like ForwardChess suits it better than Chessable
how do i get better at chess
aaaand we're back in loser necrobumping hours apart territory
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All day.
>posted within 2 minutes
did you make the bump and are just shit posting or are you checking this slow thread every few minutes to seethe everytime someone posts in it?
the funny part was that he actually did spend like a minute or two thinking and he knew about this particular trick, but somehow decided to take the bait... probably got distracted by some other deep line and ignored his instincts screaming at him. even at high levels, thinking can be deadly.
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>You are better than 12.0% of Blitz players.
I don't play puzzles anymore because they instill me with the idea that there is always a game changing move. This fucks my brain and thus my clock
what's a fit check?
Why do weak players get boners to le AGGRESSIVE CHESS?
Literally every weak, beginner player says they're an "aggressive player" lol
>t. london shitter
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I'm a weak submissive weak player.

Mache alles
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I was an aggressive retard playing only attacking chess, now I'm a defending positional chad. I think newfags have to play attacking chess like that anon said >>487276920 to learn how pieces coordinate and stuff, and it's exciting for them, especially because newshitters bloonder. When you get better, you stop with that retardation anyway, automatically. It's just natural cycle of chess development
it's funny when they play that way while blundering random stuff and also being down on the clock
like the only way that strategy works is if you can actually, you know, pressure your opponent in some way
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>retard kamikaze attacks on the king side
>calmy defend
>force a few trades
>He's out of steam and over extended
>begin a Holocaust on the Queen side
Its that easy
you mean like this pbt?
wtf is that?
Male pooping while playing agua uno, whats don't you understand?
preparation to stop all thinking before his next match
Did chatgpt generate this image
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What a cutie
>play like shit before going to bed
>wake up with a fever
Chess never lies.
>play like shit tired
>go to sleep
>wake up
>eat and drink coffee
>play even worse and tank my rating
>get mad and start making the first move I see without thinking
>almost back up to personal best

make it make sense
What a weird picture
>make it make sense
you're that one anon who's like 1500 chess com rapid despite being 1900 blitz
>make it make sense

read "thinking, fast and slow" by kahneman
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>tfw 115IQlet
Can I still become a supa GM?
and we have now arrived at 2 hour-apart necrobumps during the day...
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>got into a chess related argument on another board
>retard says 1v1 me despite clearly being a shitter
>dab on him
>bunch of people mock him ITT
Feels good man,I'm feverish and hadnt even played today too
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funny GM pic
1. Nh3
le epik anime face
For me it's f4.
>when a thirdie subhuman wins your queen and the eval gives +15 for yoy
How to say lol, lmao even in philipeano?
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Well in /chess/ specifically or the actual chess scene it'd be nice if people stopped treating "zoomers are awful" as if it's a mysterious, controversial issue. It could not possibly be more straightforward: all throughout history the young guys who knew nothing were very intimidated to speak up. They knew that there might be an immediate price for saying something retarded (like a punch). Put everyone on the internet and suddenly the scared children have a lot to say. Basic psychology. Highly comparable to dog behavior.
>"another" board
You're embarrassed about browsing that board aren't you?
These gifs move too fast for my smol brain
my bad
>Castlez castlez
Just found a fun game on itch someone made I thought you guys might like
It's like 5 minutes of gameplay, just a cute twist on chess
>force a draw as black
>opponent time stalls
kek, this guy's SO fucking mad
Nadeshiko-chan <3
because it's fun
if you like playing "positional chess" as a shitter you are just being contrarian or autistic, possibly both
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>Lichess will undergo maintenance in 22 minutes
wtf is this I heard these guys get paid as much as jannies they should know what they're doing
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Wow nice timing t-bo. Right in the middle of peak north american hours.
lmao the site doesn't even load now
based t-bo dabbing on sharties
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Brand new updated lichess look is live
okay they fixed it now. it appears to be functioning.
worked on my machine
Nepo playing in Russian hits different somehow
how do i get better at chess
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Learn to speak Russian. It appears to be an important component.
do something that is worth doing, the sense of purpose you get from that will wash away this silly feeling of "i must improve at chess"
>do something that is worth doing

I just fapped
What rating do I need to achieve to become human? 2000 .com blitz?
It appears to be an important coomponent.
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What is the matter with you?
I hate the chud.com game review crap. I hate how it always tells you that you played like someone 400 elo higher rated than you. I hate how they have the little avatar baseding out over your plays. I hate how it tells you some vague bullshit instead of immediately showing you the alternate line. I hate how they redefined what a blunder is. I hate how the entire analysis system is built around giving people dopamine shots to make them buy a diamond membership. I hate Danny Rensch.
like shitposting on 4chan?
>I hate how they redefined what a blunder is
in what way?
but yea i can't play on there, don't see the appeal it's so jarring
They have that "miss" bullshit that should really be a blunder.
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The rating increase when you take a leap in skill is so fucking tedious brehs
I’ve won nearly 30 games in a row on cheesecum and it just feels like im smurfing at this point. Give me more fucking points per win you fuckers
>chess.com tells me 7 blunders when the game's finished
>check analysis
>says 0 blunders

yeah i don't think this semen slurping site is for me
how did you take said leap in skill?
it sounds paradoxical but i stopped playing chess kek
Just spent the time i previously spent playing studying and i played puzzles in downtime when i was taking a shit or on the train or whatever.
I feel like you really can’t learn anything from other players on your level because they know the same amount as you.
Someone's mad he doesn't get the double exclamation point brilliant move rating on a regular basis
Those are meaningless. If you know how to use some basic 3-move tactics you can farm "brilliant moves" pretty much every single game. They aren't anything special.
The spanish is just a reddit italian.
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As Morphy intended...
looks like he just hired Andrew Tate as his new coach
another day spent not playing chess....
but just watching ecelebs
I've played 6 rapid games today and won 5. In the last one I played like garbage and only won because my opponent was likely drunk.
Sounds like cope to me
If anything that's reversed
The Spanish is a real opening for real men
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I mean you're the one falling for one of the simplest marketing tricks ever but to each their own i guess.

>that captcha
The italian is based and chudpilled.
best advice for 350 elo (chess.com)
turn on the monitor
what do we think about this alireza game ladies?
I have an onlyfans girl as my pfp so indians buy me premium
Learn how all the pieces move
I always root for Alireza desu
Read soviet chess primer and start going to the gym
Transition to a woman, you're WCM material
Have sex loser
got me chuckling frfr
The Sicilian Attack
It's a missed opportunity to called c4 e5 the reverse sicilian instead of the sicilian attack.
>start going to the gym
Underrated advice, running and lifting heavy shit improves your chess more than 90% of "educational" chess content online.
Scandiniggers get the rope
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update :) I fucking chess so fucking much
Were you playing under the influence of mind altering substances?
try thinking even harder
>he doesn’t switch from lichess to chesscom and vice versa to counteract the tilt effect
>3. Qe5
yup, 600 or so
tomorrow you're gonna shitstomp all your opponents and make a post like "I fucking love chess so much"
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I've been playing chess since 2007, only 400 elo though

meanwhile this 7 year old girl is almost GM level. What's even the point of trying
Chess is a GAME youre supposed to have FUN. Stop fantasising about your self worth being stroked by being world class in things you do and just enjoy yourself!!!!!
Just pulled this screenshot from a Marc Esserman game.
Back rank mate is defended by discovered mate. Absolutely bonkers.
Sorry, better pic
>I've been playing chess since 2007, only 400 elo though
You are just shitposting right?This can't be true
my first .scam rating was in the 600s a week after learning how the pieces move as an adult, within a month or so I was in the 4 digits not bragging I'm a midwit with no talent for chess
If you are not trolling are you literally retarded/brain damaged?What do you do for a living?
that's neat
I wish I could stay at 400 that was a pretty fun rating.
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and even when the thread isn't going slow there is a SIGNIFICANT amount of e-celeb discussion.
the chick tournament started today lol
You'll never be an eceleb, pbt.

women chess
old hag casting
best part about chess? They are more chess positions on the board than they are atoms in the entire universe, every game is different.
titled players play good moves. I don't. so I don't feel like blogging about my chess a lot of the time
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>Pia Cramling
pia is basically calm anna w/ shorter hair, which is still great
Kill yourself
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>almost GM level
There is no need to stretch it that far.

Do not compare yourself to sponge brained wunderkinds in chess. You are a different species of improover. If kids have aptitude for the gane and a will to take it seriously they can go from weaker than you to significantly stronger than you in less than a year. I have seen it happen at my chess club. There are two kids i scored wins over when they started, now I have zero chance. I mean I would have a hard time holding a draw if they gave me knight odds. They will do this while snacking on animal crackers.

You must experience this ego death and accept it.
>win fairly shitty uneventful game after opponent hangs an exchange
>analysisman starts söyfacing and telling me that I played like a 2350
I hate that stupid site.
I only play 10+0 rapid
which other format should I expand my play into
3+2 bleetz and 10+5 rapeed are both super comfy formats.
How are you supposed to know when to castle?

Every time I castle, Chess.com Review tells me there was a better play or that my opponent now has the advantage.
if you can castle and you're not in a strong enough position to set up an attack, just castle
stockfish will always see some crazy 20-move long line that nets you an advantage. not really reasonable for you to look for that
What's with the names on this channel? There's a cute 2000 elo Russian girl they call Fatality lmao
I mean I'd assume that's the name she picked. she's probably an edgelord
based fatalitybro
>guy hangs a pawn in the opening
why do people do this lmao. just pretend it's a gambit
Jennifer Yu has been eating well. Looking a little chunky
Your castling time in most openings comes in a specific window of moves. This is the first thing to check. If you're delaying it, double check your reasons for why. Did you have to do whatever you did instead? It was necessary right at that moment? On rare occasions it is necessary to delay. Nearly all pre-castle attacks are bullshit hope chess trappy stuff (except with white against the king's indian). If you're doing analysis and the position is out of book already, set stockfish to multiple lines and watch what it says. Whenever it's saying castling and some other move are roughly equal you castle. That alternative move usually relies on precise play to justify delaying castle or committing to going uncastled for the game. So just make a note to castle in that kind of position.
I just hung a bishop out of the opening in rapid against a 1900 chess.com guy and won. I only resign when any chance of counterplay is gone.
She picked that name herself. She had an edgy and aggressive personality when she was younger, would mean mug people across the board and stuff. Now she's much more calm -in character and playstyle- so the name doesn't really fit anymore.
She's gonna watch the vods and hop on a diet.
>streamed anna vs. dina game is just a 5 hour draw
god I fucking hate classical
I don't care if it makes me less traditional or "classy" or whatever, I'm forever sticking to rapid, blitz, and bullet
I love Jennifer Yu. I don't care if she got fat.
I used to play 5+0 alot. Now I play exclusively 3+2 and 15+10.
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You're a pleb. Classical is great. Pia Cramling's commentary is great. Jenn Yu is great.

Don't watch the Danny Rensch stream.
>god i fucking hate classical
What you most likely hate is soulless engine-heavy chess streams today trying and failing to sell pro-level classical chess as some kind of action game or spectator sport when it isn't.
Try playing a game of otb classical by yourself. You'll understand it.
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rapid 10 min, white, ruy lopez, 1727-1688 ph-cuba

why do idiots proceed with this stupid move queen bishop sac on h3 or h6 when it does not work

rate my game ty
>even lost his dark-squared bishop for it
what a fucking retard. how is this 1700 level chess?
>how is this 1700 level chess?
The 10 minute pool on chessdotcom is one hell of a drug.
>Yu is fat here according to some anons
Wtf. Fatposters can be on par with hairline posters.
she's an asian girl dude. she's definitely on the bigger side by the crazy standards they hold themselves to
>draw = boring
pleb take
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>how is this 1700 level chess?
10 0 has a lot of blitz monkeys. They play 3 0 speed unless they hit some kind of snag and notice that it is a snag and that they should probably stop to think for a second.

I just object to sharp knees, is all.
Giving the 3 extra numbers to the nigress is so evil, rolling anyway
The Botez sisters are gigabogged. At such a young age too, really sad.
>use up daily analysis
>preliminary report on the next game says I had a gorillion great moves and really should check them out
A little saspishis, but okay.

why not just play on lichess at that point
Larger playerbase, better anti-cheat
>At that point
I agree lichess is strictly superior but what do you mean "at that point"?the .scam analysis is terribile and insults the user intelligence in every way, if some one wants to play on .scam for whatever reason they should analyse on lichess
Just got back to 600 on chesscum after an almighty tilt that brought me down from 1100 to 450…. Im so back….
Is there anything more relieving in this game than
>make blunder
>notice it while opponent is on the clock
>ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck please dont see it please dont see it please dont see it
>he misses it
I feel like a retard for having to rely on an opponent not noticing something but a win is a win.
>-600 tilt loss streak
impressive, very nice
I've only ever managed to do half of that
just saw this on youtube amazing game
>Was about to hit 1500
>Now at my all time low of 1401
haha, hehe
Never got this bad though thank fuck
ah, the ups and downs of a thinker... remember to eat breakfast and meditate for at least an hour to have complete emotional stability required to sustain perfect thinking. those shitter games can be quite intense, stop thinking for 2 seconds and you've lost...
Just beat martin for the first time bros…….. finally….
Just got fools mated by Martin. How to improove?
turn on a second martin to beat the first martin
God, blitz is some fucking n8gger shit. Never playing this garbage again. This isn't chess.
>Larger playerbase
doesn't matter unless you're titled
>better anti-cheat
they might ban more people (only to have them make 6 more accounts in the future) but both sites are around equally overrun with cheats
mad cuz bad
also you can say nigger on 4chan gramps
There's no reason why i should """lose on time""" to someone playing objectively terrible moves. Shit goes against the whole point of the game.
>you can say nigger on 4chan gramps
Can never be sure with today's jannies.
Racism is literally against the global rules, Trumptard.
flaglets like you are so funny
just play increment like the other seething retards here do lmao. as they say, "time is a piece"
if you lost on time, you were a piece down
This is licheat cope.
Chesscom is financially incentivized to take an active stance against cheating both because of its business model and because of its position as the defacto official online platform for pro chess.
Lichess, being a charity, has no such incentive and makes it clear that they don't care by making you write an essay about why you think your opponent cheated. If their anticheat was remotely comparable, it would be a simple click to report and block and that would be the end of it.
Lichess is only good as a free analysis tool, but you're kidding yourself if you think you're going to get fair matches on that site or refunded when someone cheats against you.
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>Chesscom is financially incentivized to take an active stance against cheating both because of its business model and because of its position as the defacto official online platform for pro chess.
this is danny stench cope
chess.shit is financially incentivized to downplay cheating problems and pretend like their anticheat is the best
>by making you write an essay about why you think your opponent cheated.
>t. alentless hack that wants to repooort every time you get blown the fuck off the board (roughly 51% of (you)r games)
In other words blitz is just some glorified variant that might as well have been adapted just to make the game suitable for ADHD tiktokbrains. It isn't chess.
magnus has been world champ of blitz, rapid, and classical and has the highest elo currently in all three
blitz is chess, bud. the only time control you can make that argument for is bullet, and even bullet is chess, it's just less chess than the others
Magnus has also beaten super GMs in blitz "chess" despite playing objectively terrible moves such as 1.e4 2.Ke2 or 1.f3. It all just goes to prove my point. If it even is chess it's a low form of chess. It's not the same sport.
3 please
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>mmm tasty pawns it says +2 under my name so I most be winning
>gets mated six moves later
I was smurfing but the guy still had a relatively decent rating, higher than a bunch of people ITT looking at some of today's posts
Pawngrabber syndrome is a form of brainrot as bad as blitz brain
Best be watching your step, Aliceposter. This is Pinkamena country.
8>2>1>3>9>>>> 7>0>456( is in the mix I'm hittin them with tricks)
Yesterday I played like a chad. Today I played like a chud. I was hoping to reach a new rating milestone, but it was not meant to be.
Is it ethical to bring children to chess?
More cope and seethe from licheats
These kiddies can only play on licheat because they got banned from chesscom which is why they worship thibeaux's nutsack
Not sure what you mean. There's nothing wrong with introducing children to the game. At worst they just dislike it and you can introduce them to some other hobby.
>they got banned from chesscom
Unlike lichess .scam doesn't even bother to IP ban cheaters nor does it care about people making multiple accounts, a cheating thirdie can make 20 more accounts within minutes of getting banned on one
I agree that lichess cheat detection is inferior but having less casual brownoids plus the IP banning and nuking multiaccounts probably leads it to have a lower % of cheaters
>play a long chess game
>get diarrhea in the middle of it
>take the laptop to the toilet with you
>play a long complicated endgame while shitting liquid from your ass
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yea, I win when down two queens, what of it?
banzea is my god
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nice game but this is so cringe
don't care
lol jesus you are fucking spamming since last night, loser. like 100 posts from you in 12 hours. if we still had an IP count it would be at 30. max.
uh-oh you've insulted the left-wing anarchist lichess now it's time to deal with the P.C. police
>pretend like their anticheat is the best
it could be; you have no expertise on this subject and it's possible. in any case don't see why the idea would trigger you unless you're shilling for lichess
>Unlike lichess .scam doesn't even bother to IP ban cheaters
how is that not comparable to anons ITG dodging bans and then crying endlessly about it... despite the fact they were barely inconvenienced
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Danny nuthuggers always seethe so hard lmao
>opponent plays weird opening that's obviously retarded
>panic and lose and never gain any advantage
> if we still had an IP count it would be at 30
projecting hard,on tg it would be 5 max might unirionically be 2, all but 4 posts are yours without a shodow of doubt, 3 others might
> you've insulted the left-wing anarchist
projecting even harder
what's that?
why do you still reply to these
if you keep earnestly replying to deeply mentally ill posters that means you're mentally ill too
you can't win against schizos, they simply live in their own reality so all attempts at 'owning' such people are utterly futile
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Fischerandom bros we are eating good!
ermm I think you mean freestyle goat chess
Yeah it's great that were finally starting to see more meatspin goatse chess.
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Fraudsley won't ever win anything again, he's given up.
is there a game like chess but for retarded people? I've been hardstuck at under 1000 mmr for the better part of a decade. Is Mahjong a good alternative?
how the fuck did that ever happen? he can actually score beyond 0.5?
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I was watching the 2023 Kitchen Nightmares season (fuck you) and suddenly picrel. I was not ready for this.
>lucy has a tattoo
how do i get better at chess
get a tattoo
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>mfw when I'm completely winning but only have 5 seconds left
>opponent flags me instead of letting me win
Holy moly what a doucheb*g. How dare he do that? Spineless shitlord.
Being up 10+ worth of material should just be an automatic victory for me.
Hi Vladdy, why did you decide that Hans of all people is innocent?
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>caring about winning or ratings
Absolute beta nu-male energy. Just resign or alt-F4 when you're up material and call it a victory.
that's the jew's wife, I hade to check on google cause I couldn't believe it
Imagine being a millionare and marrying a 2/10 chink, grim
YTers are good at that
she was his gf before he got big
i change my opinion, what a chucking wholesome moment to stick with her.
>Hairline higher than his ELO
She looks like the chief from One that flew over the cuckoo's nest lel
Tbh I will respect him if he manages to break 2400 again. Most of the popular IMs (except for John B) are 2300 frauds.
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>Doing puzzles
>Get pic related
>Going over and over trying to see where's the magical winning idea and not something that will leave with a draw
>following the puzzle to perfection gives you mate in 62
Lmao what the fuck
holy based
>get the free diamond membership trial
>suddenly start scoring better in puzzle rush
The entire site is a massive scam.
Well the problem with chess websites is that, like everyone else, they exclusively pander to zoomers by reporting on e-celeb news.
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Is this the PBT? https://lichess.org/@/Losbastar
>when I'm completely leftwing but only have 5 seconds left
it's this guy supposedly
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Just back rank check raped some pleb
timestallers are so funny. like I seriously don't get it
I go into an [x+0] game expecting to spend [2x] amount of time playing it. all running the clock does is make it obvious that they're seething
Running the cock
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Just got mated in 6 moves
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When are they gonna stop making this joke? Hans didn't even cheat.
>woman on the internet
>stale meme
why would they ever? it's zero effort views and clicks
so she just has a weird sex toy laying around conveniently for the epic joke?
she is 100% putting that in her ass at some point
He admitted to cheating you lying fuck.
Cope, Nakamura. Go back to shilling for e-streamers on Twitch, you washed hack.
pretty funny seeing anons claiming there is no cheating on lichess when multiple /chess/ players have been banned by lichess for cheating...
He never cheated OTB
Fuuuuuuuuuug. Cleanest game I've played all week. In the nimzo as well, which i suck at. Opponent also played great. Two shitters make a GM draw. Yay.
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Ok, Now I want to see her using that... she should have something, anons , I'm 100 sure...
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You know I'm right.
>finally convince myself to queue for a game even though I'm at my peak rating
>quit for the day
How do I stop this?
>we aren't e-girls at all, noooooooo
alex looks hot af there ngl
This post has been fact checked by real /chess/ patriots: TRVE
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I got my ass kicked, but atleast I lost by a really cool checkmate
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Worst Alekhine defense player ever
>castling into the pawn storm fork
closed the gif right then
is c4 c5 really a good idea there? looks funny.
absolute state of d4tards
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I was going to make a self deprecating joke about this not being one of my alekhine games and how i am worse. However, no, this guy is worse.
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Ugh, Chudnik bros, isn't this a bit too problematic? Even Fischer wasn't such a nazi chud.
I don't remember subscribing to your tranny newsletter.
Based Pinkamenachad
How do I become less passive when playing as black? Last two league games I’ve played as black I’ve played solidly with few inaccuracies, however they’re just getting a slight edge and converting it in the endgame. Any books to read or openings to try?
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Supremely based old Vlad
>Even Fischer wasn't such a nazi chud
I know you're joking but there were literally zero signs in Fischer's time that things would get this insane with the world today. Bobby would make every rightwing e-celeb we have now look like a fucking pussy if he were still alive.

Anyway chess. Here is chessdotcom's daily puzzle from yesterday, i found it very cool. White to move.
1. Kg6 Bxg7 2. hxg7 e4 3. f4 e3 4. f5 e2 5. f6 e1=Q 6. f7#
You could try the do or die openings where if you go passive, you're dead like the Grunny or the Pirc. It's jumping in at the deep end though and picking spicier sidelines for your openings to complicate and avoid endgames could also be a solution.
That is correct, very nice!
>Bobby would make every rightwing e-celeb we have now look like a fucking pussy if he were still alive.
Bobby is the chess version of Terry really, nobody would take his ramblings seriously.
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Kramnik is based, simple as
Also people who use the light theme on any device should be shot on sight
like anon said yeah, just play the less drawish, fighting openings as black. it's why /chess/ recommends stuff like the alekhine's defense
Been playing bad chess lately, brehs. Feelsbadman
haven't been playin at all tbqhfam
what are some eceleb happenings
i need my daily fix
Hans shitman drew his way back down to 2710. It's over.
It's actually the opposite. Light themes are objectively more readable and dark themes are for Discord trannies. Notice what's the default theme for Discord... That's right. It's dark theme. What's the default theme for VS Code (where Discord trannies write their tranny code)? That's right. It's dark.
counterpoint: I use dark theme for everything
I'm based thus dark theme is based and you're cringe
gg ez
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Thanks to the anon who recommended that website convert gif to webm.
Die in a bus fire, election tourist.
Seethe harder, cissoid.
meds now
Samefag Reddit cuck
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Cope, schizo
all me
Al sneed
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all good
castling queenside was nice
castling pawnside
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Remember that the tg janny was also having meltdown over people mentioning tranny. This is definitely him
Reported for racism.
for sure, he's also the guy that seethes at people talking about SGMs and calls them ecelbs, back on tg he used to give 3 days fors that lmao
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oh no
how do i get better at chess
study games of masters, do puzzles, learn endgames, play longer time controls or otb and analyze all your games
stop thinking and play a lot of fast games
Read 100 Selected Games by Mikhail Botvinnik.
pull all nighters reading my great predecessors
i'll try

friendly reminder that this is a tweedledum thread
For me, it's Ukrainskaya
I've noticed d4 seems to popular with a lot of Russian club players while e4 in my experience is by far the most popular first move in American and English clubs. I wonder why that is.
Fischer probably.
500 elo on the road to 1200 give me your

>opening as white
>openings as black
>e4 vs d4 vs nf3
You can basically close your eyes and get to 1600 idk why you're worried about openings. Just do puzzles until 2000 elo and the maybe learn some e4 theory if you want
just play whatever feels right to you
>e5 against e4, slav against d4, abort against anything else.
Queen's Gambit
Seconding queen's gambit. Just learn what to do if black accepts the gambit and tries to hold on to the pawn. That is an easy road to 1000. Mainly everything involving
1. d4 d5 2. c4 dxc4 3. e3 b5
You will win free knights and rooks from this at that rating range.
Me personally at around 1200 or so at the minute does the following:
>White: Ruy Lopez
>Black: Hyper-Accelerated Dragon
>vs. normal D4 players: King's Indian/ Nimzo-Indian (Better results with the latter)
>vs. London shitters: King's Indian and or some random anti-london thing I learned from a video.
~1200 rapid
Ruy Lopez or King's Gambit as white depending on mood
1...e5 vs. e4
QGD setup vs everything else
For me it's the slow Italian as white, e5 or Pirc vs 1. e4, Grunfeld vs 1. d4 and Nf6 vs 1. Nf3 and 1. c4 (fishing for transpositions).
t. 1900 chess.cum
idk im 600
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1. Nf3 + 1. g6 and let Jesus take it from there
t. 2200
Which is the best reasons to purchase chess.com membership
You're stupid
good morning sir
buying chess.com diamond membership™ will allow you to do the sneedful sir
To flex on the poors
Unlimited Puzzles, Lessons, Sneedfuls, flex on the plebs
because you love danny rensch
your elo is too low to worry about openings. all you need to do is not hang pieces and that by itself will probably take you to like 900
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1. E4 with intentions of ruy Lopez
>black against e4
E5 or najdorf, I will play the caro sometimes
>black against d4
Nf6 with intentions of the grunfeld. D5 is gay but if I'm doing it then QGD or sometimes slav
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>Ian knocked out Nodirbek
not so fast, zoomer
was it close?
yup. the fat fuck was down by 4 at some point
>dangles false hope in front of the zoomer's face only to rip it away with his fat paw
What a BEAST!
incredible... what a spaz
man there is something so kino about seeing manchildren of all ages play some over the board chess. wish I had a chess club in my town.
Aw yeah.
What does it rate? Surely not proficiency
like most 4chan rankings, basedness-adjusted skill I assume
if this was true, B was switched with S
that S is ridiculous anyway
Because you can afford it and everyone else has to deal with lichess and their shitty servers and communist blog posts
i think they pair you with other paying members, so potentially less cheaters?
>their shitty servers
ironic you say that because I've had more issues with chess com's (which is why I play on lichess in the first place)
yes, .cum is famous for its impeccable servers and conservative leaning
enjoy paying for an open source engine's colorful analysis
That S tier is perfectly reasonable except for Kasparov not being first.
you must be out of your mind to put cuckvinnik on the same tier as karpov and kaspy
karpov and kaspy do not belong on the same tier
magnus obviously belongs in S
Fischer should be his own tier
You should check yourself into a mental institution if you think Kasparov and Karpov shouldn't be in the same tier and that Fischer should be in a tier above them. An accurate top 5 would be 1. Kasparov 2. Karpov 3. Fischer 4. Carlsen 5. Botvinnik and the only relevant question is whether Botvinnik is the bottom of S tier or the top of A tier.
digits don't lie
trips of truth
Realistically Nakamura would beat Kasparov & Karpov.
Botvinnik played one good game in his life
That one against old man capablanca
>You should check yourself into a mental institution if you think Kasparov and Karpov shouldn't be in the same tier
your cucvinnik dickriding is disgusting
When you watch a female chess player, whether it's anna cramling or who-have-you, have you ever been so far as to imagine how many chess pieces she can fit into her vagina? And when she promotes a pawn she births a queen out of pussy and replaces the pawn with it.
anna is pure, she only has space for my white bishop
>When you watch a female chess player
why would i do that
I only watch them to watch the sluts for a little while. then I get bored and go back to watching men's chess

old pervert vs qt3.14 blonde, get in here
cute pervert vs old blonde
it's sad how much work nemo and the botez sisters do to put chess on the map, relative to people who are actually good at chess
like i'm sick of seeing those girls literally fucking everywhere but i wish there were more people competing for the spotlight
fabi has done his fair share but not many others. hans is probably still the most relevant chess player behind magnus
Have you heard of Hikaru Nakamura?
how is it even possible that .scam can find me 5 fucking underrated indian opponents in a row?
is the entire fucking website comprised of shitoids? i don't understand, why am i the only person on this american website that isn't ESL???
cuckaru cuckamaru cheated
he got a very strong attack there, that's an impressive 1649
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fuck off

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>all caps mental breakdown over a sideline
this is must have been what Nepo felt like in '23
looks good for black
just play d5 retard
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>play during thirdie hours
>every single player wants to be junior Tal
>sack everything
>no Tal plan though
>play on down three pieces
>play on down queen
>let time run out
>resign button doesn't exist
>I don't know how to play chess outside of the openings I have memorized
>nooo he won't let me play Bb4
>I will now proceed to have a melty
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>had all kind of kino mates
>he blunders the most bland one
I hate it when this happens

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