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Fame edition

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How to WebM

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Can't believe another loIi artist fell for the game dev meme.
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Chess Evolved Online ... But updated
duuuude trigger volumes duuuuude
What's her secret?
what does "taking criticism" actually look like?
Sitting there and letting me scream at you.
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"I don't really have a method for learning new things," says Barone. "In general, I think people get held back by being too cerebral, spending too much time on theory. I got good at pixel art by spending 10,000 hours just practicing."
another eric dick sucking thread
the pedophiles madodev (develops pedophilic Ero Dungeon), eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt (develops Dreams of Joy Departed) should kill themselves
Taking criticism: This person identified an issue and made me aware of it, what made them feel that way and how can I improve that?
Not taking criticism: This person is an idiot for not understanding my vision also what he's complaining about isn't even finished yet does he know just how unimportant this is they're overreacting and need to play more don't they get it.

And let's be honest here, 90% of devs fall into the second one.
It's fake as fuck. A specific old version of Unity can build to 3ds but I'm pretty sure it would be impossible to do unless they had the original project. Not to mention all the alterations they would have to do to get it to run on the 3ds.
He's right. Just like make game
>t. no argument
>identified an issue
Lol "issue" as if half the time it isn't something retarded
No matter what someone tells you, you're willing to understand why someone gave that criticism without being cynical about it or getting angry and turning it into a personal issue. Always assume the best.
I've seen a lot of people be needlessly cynical, "nobody's responding to me because my game isn't good enough!" when in actuality that just means their game is hard to argue with.
so if you don't grovel to every wanker who is only "offering critique" because wants to see if you'll take the bait and give him an excuse to chimp out, it's your fault if they chimp out and you deserve it?
Something as plain as "the UI looks bad" isn't retarded even if it's not very insightful either, the UI looking bad is a real issue but the underlying causes might be too complex to put into words, maybe it's not even the look of the UI but rather how it's placed and the timing of its appearance, or how the rest of the graphics interact with it.
Every issue that is told stems from a real problem with something and how the user expresses it doesn't take away from its realness and that's really the root issue of not taking criticism well, it's always about wordings and how much the developer doesn't like the vibe of someone rather than the crux of the problem.
>take screenshot to the title screen
>display screenshot in a 3ds rom
Until there is a video of actual gameplay, it's just a static image or a pre-recorded video playing.
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Working on a redesign of a camper vehicle.
Blender's boolean modifiers are quite useful, I don't need to split my model into interior + exterior now
Nah you can jailbreak it to emulate it
Case in point >>486745293
Nothing about the actual critique, it's all ego, all about being prideful against someone the dev looks down to as a lesser being. Let go of that ego and you'll start to take criticism well.
>can now spy on the girls changing inside
Kinky, I like the way you think.
"the UI looks bad" goes in the "ok, noted" pile. i don't know what more you can say except "ok, noted" or ignore it, but both seem to be unacceptable reactions on the web.
I TOLD you it looks bad. You need to drop everything and focus entirely on making the UI look good now.
How you reply is purely a matter of courtesy and it's good to be courteous towards someone who cared enough to critique something, if you feel like it you might go in depth regarding your UI making process and what can be improved, what really matters is what you actually take and internalize from the feedback.
>my game is so good looking I never get any "it looks bad" criticism
like i asked last thread, where did trainwiz go wrong in his responses to criticism?
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red goat development general
He didn't take crumble's advice
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I don't stalk devs and I haven't been active here at all lately so I can't list things but I can't say I ever had the feeling he even remotely considered any feedback years ago due to a dismissive attitude.
He only listened to demoday comment feedback
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Finishing up the abilities for the final boss
What do you mean? Like how to implement changes to your game based on criticism? Or how differentiate between bad and good criticism? The former is difficult to explain since it varies wildly depending on the game and the criticism itself, but the latter is much simpler. Basically if someone is incapable of writing a single paragraph of text without resorting to 4chan buzzwords (slop, soulless, etc.) you can ignore anything they've written.
That doesn't mean that Underspace would run on it.
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Why are you trying to force this meme with a three quarter view of Jon (that doesn't even fit in the image) instead of an actual side pic?
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The developers of Darkwood disbanded and are trying to sell the IP to a souless publisher. If you want to make a spiritual sequel for one of the best horror games of all time, now is your best chance.
T. Trainwiz
You should've left this wretched place like you said you would. Woe be upon you for not heeding thy own sagacious decision

Explain thee to us how development of thy Underspace goes. Is multiplayer forthcoming? Is the plan of updates going well? Or heed rather thy own sagacious decision, instead of entertaining these idle questions
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Golden swords of light falling from the sky
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A Getting Over It/Only Up/Difficult Game About Climbing-like but you're a yellow goat trying to reach the green goats at the top of a mountain while red goats attempt to stop you.
maturity is cuckoldry
nigga this happened last year
where have you been
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thinking about implenting a system that rips the legs or the dick out of oppoenents and then you beat them with it hahaha

who knew game dev could be this fun

whats cooking fellow devs?
Only recently did it get an explosion of interest. There is definitely demand for a sequel.
18 or 19?
That's pretty cool. I would say, the swords are a bit visually far from their indicated hitboxes
Bad and good criticism has nothing to do with how it's worded.
Let's say your game has some really bangin' soundtrack but it only comes up situationally like when fighting a boss and you decided to make the rest of the game quieter, and it's possible that a player is going to miss that.
Someone poorly wording that would say the audio sucks because there's no music but you know it doesn't, there is music despite the intentional break, so you dismiss that as shitty feedback.
A more accurate criticism is that the quieter times are unengaging enough to make a player quit before they even get to the "good" part.
The fact that your game has a shitty part the player has to drudge through is the real problem here, the intentional lull in music is not communicated well enough and both critiques are right regardless of how they were worded.
There are many ways to fix it like just making the lulls better, shorter, or just getting rid of the idea altogether, what shouldn't ever be done is dismissing feedback because someone's knowledge was limited. In fact it's that limited knowledge that makes the feedback matter most.
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You will do 10x better than vidrel
Holy jank, Batman.
Hey Horbror, do you mind if I use your name in my game? I'm making a movie theater level, and I'd like to call it Horbror's House of Kino, because DOJD is pure kino.
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>What's her secret?
she's a shameless WHORE
Yeah I think that’s maybe an unfortunate perspective problem with the 3D/isometric view, they are technically directly above the ground indicators
>Butthurt Blowfag went out of his way to search up an obscure Jon side profile just for this post
The swords themselves are indicators and they're indicating wrong, I'd just lower them closer to the ground.
How so?
The animations and movements, particularly the hitreacts, look completely jank.
I just lowered them about half the distance to the ground and it looks better, thanks for the feedback
>went out of his way to search up an obscure Jon side profile
eh, not bad compared to the stuff the ericposter usually does
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thanks dawg, even though I dont know what I'm looking at I dont see any limb ripping.

anyhow, time for some deving
we call them Blowhards round here
I think PoE gets away with it by making the actual attack graphics a lot less visible than the useful indicators, so the swords would just match the environment which is ironic but necessary for readability.
Meh, disagree
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Should I clone Tales of Maj'eyal?
Blowbros and Baronebros should band together against the Marnixmenace
For a while I was philosophically against the ground markers and indicators but I think for these types of abilities it would just be annoying to not have them
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messing with some more rare and more specific item modifiers. this one might be too much, since it ended up exceeding the previous max amount of audiosources playing at a time.

looking good
add some dust particles for when the boss charges into you
no its fucking hideous and the zero generation open overwrold trash nethack clone is already taken up by caves of qud among others
but roguers take zero effort to make so should still do it as long as you make fun of CDDA(not a roguelike) incessantly
Marnix just released a video shitting on bad wastes of time and what not to do and how that applies to themselves too, I never see blow saying what he himself did wrong.
Can you? It's complicated af.
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I was on my /agdg/ self-vacation but I couldn't help but stop by for today after the big news.

I hear its a blue screen hell out there, so I can't help but feel a little bit vindicated.

In all seriousness, I hope you guys didn't lose anything important.
I don't think he posts here anymore but I played some old dev's demo and I was severely disappointed, it felt like it was development for 6 months rather than how many fucking years it has been.
How do I tell him that without breaking his heart?
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>tfw I post all 3 of them here
Why would you care about sparing some stranger’s feelings when it’s already clear that you don’t like or respect that stranger?
Thanks, yeah a lot of the visual effects in my game need to be punched up a bit to add that feeling of impact. I like the bouncing ice projectiles I think there’s a lot of value in leaning into ultra broken and comically overpowered builds late game
I did care a lot which is why I'm so bothered and unmoisturized by it. From the sound of it he made a new tutorial section at the beginning to make up for complaints about difficulty curves just for the demo which was probably a terrible idea since the pacing was all fucked. I did the exact same thing with my own game before.
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I’m doing it for Terry
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I found a cockroach in my kitchen last night, couldn't sleep
With new Steam games I would expect way more reviews of friends of the developer.Don't developers tell their friends to buy their game and leave a review? Or does Steam prevent this positive review bombing from happening somehow? Or do developers have no friends?
kek this, look at the centuries and millennials from the very early 1900s and prior. otherwise it's just bait. kek at female rights but then crying foul every single chance they get.

in a workplace it's the chance of being degraded under the guise of being fairly criticized or even when fair sometimes done in a manner that degrades you. amongst genuine friends giving criticism on your game it is them giving genuine feedback on the shortcomings of your game. at least the latter is quite useful provided they like the genre your game is in, otherwise the advice may or may be useful since it might not actually be useful to implement things that just don't fit in your genre of game
Friendless people don't make good games, and good games have enough reviews to not rely on pity parties.
Check your turbonormie friendhaving privilege. Why don't I just get my girlfriend to review the game too?
seeing that post makes me sure trainwiz is still here without the trip and mad he couldn't achieve his dream of dabbing on aggy daggy. at least i suspect that was one of his dreams since he ran off the moment it became apparent he was going to flop yet trash talked aggy daggy elsewhere acting like he's the better man
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These are all me. I WANT to help my playtesters, I really feel bad about their preschool reading comprehension skills, but the fact (which I'm obsessed with) is that even I have my limits when it comes to dealing with them. Alas, a shame.
Having your gf review your game isn’t helpful, mine is awestruck by every little retarded thing I post her. Good for self esteem but bad for understanding where you need to improve
>finally have time to dev
>addicted to quake again
owari da
you get used to it
When jobhaving lucky fucks can finally gamedev. For me it's like any other day - full time gamedev every day.

If you've seen one, there's probably hundreds of them hiding elsewhere. I'd suggest calling the exterminator right away. The longer you wait, the more cockroach corpses you'll have to clean up.
How about you make the blades drag the ground instead of pointing out like that? It could help ground them.
Weird schizopost
Only time I've ever seen a cockroach is in a restaurant in the Magic Kingdom
>currently trying to find some low poly model of cat ears + cat paw for cute reasons
>the only free ones are high poly SFM porn stuff
>the paid one generally don't have the paws, and searching for claw-ish 3D model return mostly diablo-style epic medieval fantasy shit
The Super Soaker for the amphibious squad was already hard to find for cheap, but the catgirl unit look like it will be an even bigger pain.
nigga found the secret Bugs Life meet and greet
>*spits blood*
give it to me straight doc... am I going to make it?
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Couldn't even get one thread in huh
Maybe I can, but I don’t know all the mechanics of the game yet, I’m a decent programmer and suck at art so I thought could be a good kind of project to make. Logic of turn based game are usually easy to implement, what do you think could be complicated?
T. Trainwiz

Take thy sagacious advice and leave this wretched place, lest you shall be caught in its anguish and horror
how do I completely change my voice so I can make narrated devlogs like the all the cool kids do
Take your meds. He's gone and you're jumping at ghosts because you can't stop derailing already shitty theads.
What was it?
>takes notes from elden shit
I will now unfollow you, unwishlist your game and crab you
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The accountability progress post. Last few days just been building environments and improving on them til they're game ready. Takes forever bros, I didn't expect environment design to be so hard.
>Logic of turn based game are usually easy to implement
Typical nodev ignorance. Assuming you use any of the major game engines, real time is much easier because all the major engines are built for real-time.
To be fair the shittalk only started because he or a simp called himself a likeable person which many would disagree with, maybe it's bait or some reference I didn't get but in case it isn't just stop trying to play up developers you personally like here because it'll always backfire.
He was pretty likeable from the times I interacted with him
Should I add horse double jumping puzzles next?
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this is just fucking stupid

other people making it shit for most people isn't your fault and you can't fix it
Wiz was always a cool guy in the TES threads.
I used his morrowind guide for years.
I don't remember the last time I brushed my teeth. Must have been months ago.

and yet my teeth seem fine. is this normal for gamedevs?
I agree, that's probably the worst one of the drawing. The opposite is absolutely true though. All over 4chan you can see people trying to blame the world or other factors outside of their control for how they turned out as an excuse to never try.
Sure man, just don’t assume I never worked on other turn base projects. But thanks for the heads up.
you're right about that

more appropriate maturity would be
>understands world sucks
>tries to find his own place in it anyway
taiyaki time
How do I prototype faster? I have trouble finding fun gameplay mechanics and get bored of the "games" I make because they are just not fun or engaging to play
It was the february demo and I saw other people having similar gripes with it only to get jester awards, the dev seems to be addressing it all according to the devlog which is great, it makes it sound like he did more pivotal fundamental work in the last few months than he did in years which is probably accurate because it's really easy to get lost in nonsense while working in a vacuum.
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48-72hr game jams
they look a bit empty
I want to put bracers into his teeth, clawing at my screen trying to reach him
He's always been shit at game design. When he used to post he added he dumbest shit and couldn't take any feedback.
i want you to fulfill your vision.
i want your prototypes to reach their fullest potential.
i'm cheering for you
Hey guys new dev here, should I download League of Legends and get completely addicted to it while forgetting about all of my friends, family, hobbies, and interests? What do you think?
>those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw bricks
>if you do something good, you'll find yourself in the company of those who also want to do good
>what goes around comes around
>only to get jester awards
Yeah other users give those out. If you've made it you'll have people defend you for free.
How do I cope with the realization that whether I spend the next 2 years making a game versus smoking weed and watching porn all day my life likely won't turn out any different either way
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Doing tile stuff.
Just give yourself a deadline of a month at best and don't go longer, you can also keep the monthly format for milestones within a project which helps me a lot to stay focused. It won't completely cure the cope of thinking you just need another month until the game is fun but it helps.
stop making shitty disposable jam games that would've been boring in 1981 and start working on a real fleshed-out project
You'll have made something. That's ideal.
this has to be an elaborate troll right? no way this is serious lmfao
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I think our understanding of teeth health is based on flawed assumptions and greedy businessmen trying to make money. Modern diet plays a big role in tooth decay, if you eat well aka if you eat an animal based diet you don't really need to worry about it as much. Also, I think that half-assed brushing your teeth every now and then is worse than the options never or every day.
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>greedy businessmen
Not even AI voice changers can save me, my accent, diction and overly deep voice often make them not even register it actual words.
Brainlet here: How do I find the % of between 2 specific numbers? So If I have the number 2.3, and I need to find it as a % of progress between 2 and 4, what formula would I use?
>unreal dogshit spaghetti “code”
almost looks like a car
hot as fuck
wow lol
walking sim
finally some SOVL
Subtraction and division?
game jams are too stressful, my eyelids are already twitching all the time from work+uni+gamedev stress
this seems reasonable to try and develop fun mechanics, especially for games with limited scope. 1 month to prototype a gameplay idea and then see if anyone besides me thinks its fun
"maturity" aka letting the world erode every ounce of vitality and will until youre a passive husk of a man
can you imagine if every great man of history blamed themselves instead of the world? nothing would be invented, no political movements would be animated, no Caesar or Napoleon or Hitler
just bare life, forever
No that's retarded, if you feel roughness or stickyness on your teeth at any time then you need to brush. The paste doesn't do anything, it's the scrubbing action that removes stuck on food. That's literally all you need to do so that bacteria doesn't start growing on your teeth.
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Decided to try out unity's new input system
>want to add basic movement
instead of just Input.GetKeyDown for everything:
>dude just create an entire player movement controller dude
>dude just auto generate a c# script from it dude
>dude just create another c# script for player object then reference the input system interface class from within that script dude
>dude don't forget to initialize a subclass of that interface after referencing the interface and then dude create a function for enabling said controls of that subclass afterwards dude
>dude it's actually really intuitive and you can now start adding the functionality you want dude
But what formula
I asked another woman to run away with me and she said no. My wife found out and kicked me out, 10 days ago. She forgave me and I get to move back in, on Sunday. That's an entire 2-week patch cycle down the drain for DaggerQuest.
Everyone die at different speed, Anon.
Someone has to be the Usain Bolt of that category, and we all appreciate you volunteering for it.
you can just subtract 2 from every value you see here and then just divide them, e.g. 2.3 -2 = .3, 4-2 = 2 and then you do .3 / 2, then you multiply by 100 for percentage. This is if you mean %=percentage and not modulo
it blows my mind that godot has such an obviously simple solution (buttons are bound into actions so you never have to worry about the specifics of the input method) but everyone else struggles with it somehow with bizarre overengineered and overspecific controller logic
>codelet ignorance thinking that it's up to the engine to define or control turns.
You're the kind of anon who asks how to implement inventory system in Unity or some shit like that.
The engine is there to help you connect your game to the renderer and to manage assets. It doesn't know anything about turns.
range = range_max - range_min
ratio = ( value - range_min ) / range
There's like five ways you can use it. Pick the one that suits you. Pick only one. Sounds like you're trying to do a bunch.
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I'm starting to think I should make first all my game assets, then later code the game.
i'm literally just following the docs for the new input system. i guess i could have also just used a player input component and attached the interface instead of creating a new script for movement that calls the interface, but whatever
exactly, godot is less of a headache and way faster to get ideas down. i hope unity is worth it in the long run. the lack of export options in godot convinced me to use unity
sometimes that works for me. it gets me in a more creative zone then just a "check out this mechanic, i guess" zone
Thank you!
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>The company's only other full-time employee is a web admin/community manager who keeps the official Stardew Valley Wiki updated and interacts with the community, although Barone also hires temporary contractors to help with translation, coding, and quality-assurance. "The contractor model is appealing to me as a business owner because it's more free. If you want to do some work for me and then move on to something else, no big deal," he says.
>That said, Barone admits he's still learning how to be a manager: "I feel like being a solo game developer was kind of the perfect job for me," he says. "Managing people is a whole new ballgame. If you're not naturally inclined toward it, you'll definitely run into problems. That was my experience. I'm trying my best, I still am, but it's not an easy thing."
>"but I really just want to get in my cave and focus on Haunted Chocolatier without any distractions," he says. "I feel like I'm always working toward that, and then things come up and I have to see them through, but I'm always dreaming of like, 'Oh man, someday I'll be able to get back in my cave and just develop.'"
Do we think Eric is holding himself back by deliberately remaining this scrappy? On one hand it's good he's doing what he loves the way he loves but one could argue he has all the conditions and all resources that would allow him to do so much "more"
>use godot
>can’t even import an fbx
kill yourself schizo medicated pedophile froggygreen/frosch
the pedophiles madodev (develops pedophilic Ero Dungeon), eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt (develops Dreams of Joy Departed) should kill themselves
fbx import has been a thing in godot for like 2 years now
Godot doesn't ship with the FBX importer because Autodesk requires that you agree to suck their dick to use the FBX import, so it's a separate download.
Any /agdg/ characters on Akinator?
in the coming age of AI, eric-like handcrafted passion projects in all their scrap and "imperfection" are more important and valuable than ever
You trive when you do what works best for you. If working on his own works better than having him manage a team, then he is not holding himself back.
>'Oh man, someday I'll be able to get back in my cave and just like make game.'"
how do i make a navmesh agent go AROUND the player rather in godot?
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Why! I still don't get these kinds of developers, why do they sell off their IP's? Your own creation just given away! I can understand if either of the first two apply along with the third below
One or the other
>game flopped and you still need to wage
>you have to throw in the towel on gamedev
>someone wants to buy it out for an amount that makes you absurdly rich that even your family can retire from waging
It makes sense there to an extent. But to sell it once you already got rich, why? Maybe if the IP rights are about to expire because it's been like 2 centuries where once it expires anyone can copy it so you try one last ditch effort of selling the IP just to milk someone of their money only to be able to reuse your creation without issue in a few years again.
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People who actually make things don't put that much value into silly notions like "ideas" and "IPs".
What kind of faggot cares about some other guys mouth
A dentist?
Prove you’re DQ dev
>understands world sucks
>tries to find his own place in it anyway
this is the best approach. The idea that you're in control in your own destiny becomes toxic very quickly. There's a certain level of effort you need to bring to the table, but the world has to meet you half way.
There's a reason why tactics games are cursed and why there are no notable non-RPGM turn-based /agdg/ games. They're hard to make and even harder to scale up.
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>accidentally stumbled into making my game world, including all buildings, out of voxels
Fuck. I don't even like Minecraft.
No. It is my fault. I'm not good enough yet. I will fix this world, and gamedev is just a stepping stone.
add a NavigationAgent to the player and set its size and velocity accordingly, and enable avoidance in other agents
There is no tactics curse.
The reason there are no notable turn-based agdg games is because retards here praise movement and animation and action. A dev making a turn based tactics game will be ignored here and will just leave.
You've never made shit in your life, only people who seethe about IP are broke retards pissy they can't have everything for free
Ideas for my next game(s):

Deep Down-like **
The last stand 2 inspired roguelite
Ninja (magicka style) jutsu crafting PVP only game
Mad Max Chase FPS Roguelike **
Mad Max thunderdome Bossrush
Timestop porn game(problems monetizing it, forced sex) **

Marked ** the games that would take > 2 years to create
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>Managing people is a whole new ballgame. If you're not naturally inclined toward it, you'll definitely run into problems. That was my experience.
An IP is a corporate notion that describes property, not a creation or the creative process.
T. Trainwiz

Unlike thee perhaps, myself hath no issues with mental health. Why do thee insist on not being Trainwiz? Thy words in this here correspondence bear thy hallmark, Trainwiz
created and enforced by the government to protect works from being stolen by corporations and other individuals alike, retard
the fucking soviets had copyright law, I know you resent your dad but that doesn't mean absolutely everything can be reduced to seething about capitalism
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is there a lore reason why shiddot has to flashbang me every time i press play,
kill yourself mass replier
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Statue of Staphen Lomeshtin. Pretty much Lahiurn's equivalent to Hitler.
doesn't happen on my machine.
Soviet Russia had corporations and a government is the ultimate corporation to begin with.
Besides my point has nothing to do with capitalism or money or forms of government, it's just a fact that people who make things don't really stay attached to the fate of the "final product", in fact they're likely sick of the product stage of the creation and just want to create something else.
Source fixes this
Na. It's real. Tactics games like West Marches got plenty of praise and attention. There were 2 different blobbers that have posted recently that also got a lot of attention. Shimapanzer is at the top of my list for "most GMI game if it ever releases", but it won't ever release. Try making one yourself and you'll understand.
You seem to be using some OS not meant for desktop usage which has poor window management as a result.
Works on my machine.
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good evening niggaz, I am working on my Game
you're absolutely retarded if you think artists don't care about people stealing their shit. there's a reason absolutely everyone in every creative field demands you either don't use their work, credit them, or pay them.
if you don't care it's because you've never made anything worth stealing.
Define stealing.
feel free to post this "Game" instead of a picture of the reddit frog
using anything I've created or have purchased exclusive rights to without my permission
its win11, its just showing the splash-screen color for a split second before resizing the window to borderless fullscreen and setting perpixel transparency on _ready().

this issue could be fixed if there was some way to keep the window hidden until the main scene was loaded
anybody else stuck working a dead end job at mcdonald's?
Well good thing none of this happened and even if it did it would be a business matter unrelated to creativity.
I think he's just like me to an extent and doesn't like others changing what his vision might be or interpreting it incorrectly. There's only two aspects of gamedev where I can comfortably let someone else handle because the directions are simple and can't really affect the vision negatively, programming.
>make it do this
>make it do that
and sound to an extent but it might not come out as envisioned.

Of the three aspects of gamedev, if I had 9/10 skills in any two of my choosing it'd be art and code or art and sound. I can always get someone else to do the code without it negatively affecting my vision, only issue being that 1/10 code skills mean I definitely need a programmer if I'm not already a success. 1/10 sound skill means I can just make the whole game and just buy a music/sfx asset pack or contract a music guy temporarily near the end of development which is the more preferable route if you're not rich to begin with and also reduces how many people are putting direct hands onto the game.
No brother I have a 6 figure remote tech job where I work 1-2 hours per day
complete non sequitur, I accept your concession
I wish I could have such a job. Instead I'm 42 with no employment history or experience so it's gamedev or homelessness for me.
>If you want to do some work for me and then move on to something else, no big deal
that's a very nice way of saying "I can just drop you at any point without hassle"
Thankful that I have a 7-figure C-suite job where I answer 2 phone calls a day to keep me afloat while I work on my game
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did you also give up on moving up the corporate ladder? feels like i'm at that point where i'm giving up that idea and going all in on gamedev/stocks/crypto. the odds aren't great but what has trying to get promotions gotten me? nothing. gamedev has that chance of making me free of the wagecage but the odds are getting worse. i hope i can make a successful game, it'd feel so freeing, just one game
>7 figures
>somehow still not retired
10 years max and id be out of there. i will never understand those who work those jobs into their 70s. i can retire and make games at my leisure without fear of my game flopping.
Yeah but at least you're making more money than you would at gamedev!
Marnix is going to make more money from playing my game that I am from selling it. Yep, the world is just and fair.
solution: use a better engine, like unity
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Can feel it slowly getting more bullet hell, sniper enemy next and then work on the players a bit more
insincere post
wouldn't happen if you didn't make such a shitass game
is he gonna play dd gems?
NEETing right now, but I've worked 4 shit dayjobs so far
>problem with hiding the splash screen
>use unity
lol. lmao even
id rather shove sewing needles between my toenails and kick a brick wall
No, what tipped it off?
im this close of dropping godot
just set default clear color to black
unity can't even import .dz lmao
anon said the other day that there was no way Eric doesn't just hire a full team of people full-time
glad you proved him wrong

I feel those comments, it's nice learning to manage people but it also then starts to take away time you could be doing other stuff. so you've gotta make sure people are doing as much of the stuff you don't wanna do, with as minimal input from you as possible
Trying to get some inspo for designing the city my game will be set around, any other useful tools?
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The fact that I'm going to be a gamedev millionaire and if not that at least it would be enough to build a life with and if not that at least it will provide a sustainable income
Unlike most of the trolls constantly spamming that, I actually do have such a 6 figure remote tech job with 1-2 hour workload or less, and it's not nearly as nice as the trolls pretend. You're constantly, constantly in anxiety of losing the cushy job before you can finish your game, which fucks with gamedev productivity.
there is literally zero reason to ever use a .dz file
Make pong first.
how about you use your imagination, dumbass negroid?
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I converted the background of factoricule into a pixel shader and increased the perfomance. also I prefer how it looks by default when the shader is scaled up, rather than the previous blocky cells.
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if you can't even design a city without some gay online generator you're probably best off just waiting a few years until chatGPT can make the entire game for you
one day chatGPT will be able to fuck my wife for me and I will thank it because it can satisfy her which solves one of my problems (yay!)
I'm terrified of playing tactics games, much less making them
Current dev parameters:
32 hours weekly target
15 minutes break credit per hour
this is very important for the new age as this sort of function is essential for small indies. I can't wait for microsoft to upload malware to my wife's cunt, finally the little guys are getting the power to overthrow the big bad game studios and it's all thanks to google and apple and the billions of individuals who uploaded their art and music and writing for $0 to the dataset.
Current dev parameters:
get out of bed please just drag yourself out of bed today
Current dev parameters:
dev for 16-?? hours a day
don't sleep much
just see how far you can get
it's been 6 months
Current dev parameters:
Wake up at 10.
Check moon-size.
Bread and butter for the meal.
Go back to bed.
Feel limbs growing thinner.
What's your game?
That's a bit optimistic. These kids have been using mommy's ipad since they were in diapers.
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Are there any agdg games with dark elves?
Current dev parameters:
>lbl top
>click to godot
>fuck this is overwhelming
>click to agdg
>fuck this is shit
>goto top
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If I told you, no one in this general would ever let me live it down
I was gonna make a game with dark elves...
My game will have 'em but it will be a while before I get to add 'em
you just know I gotta say it...

I really love this hobby!
That's Gen Alpha. The oldest zoomers were born when the N64 was one of the newest consoles.
Why do people take pride in being born earlier than others?
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You'll understand when you're older.
it's entirely reasonable to take pride in not having been brainwashed by social media algorithms from birth
Thank you!
Game development is my new enemy. I will destroy this jobby.
because they didn't accomplish anything for their entire miserable life and need to convince themselves that "experience" is worth anything
A game where you can drink coffee, like an RPG item.
That will be in my game.
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worked on dungeon this morning
made another portrait, also thought it might be smart to edit the hue of all of them to artificially increase variety
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what kind of game are you making?
how do I come up with smaller ideas for things I can actually achieve?
Take idea and downscale it until achievable
not all ideas can be scaled down, or have a minimum at how far they can be scaled down. I need something I can complete in a day or two or I will never get it done.
Don't listen to the haters. Using tools is smart.
come up with an idea where everything needed fits on a single post-it note
Skill issue.
Have you tried designing a city?
in Unity, what exactly happens if you pass an existing list as the argument in the creation of a new list

List<thing> newList = new List<thing>(oldList)

does it create a reference of the list? Does it create a list of references? Does is create a completely independent list that's just a copy of the old one?
Read the docs.
>List<T>(IEnumerable<T>) Initializes a new instance of the List<T> class that contains elements copied from the specified collection and has sufficient capacity to accommodate the number of elements copied.
my beard often interferes with my ability to dev, I wish I didn't have it. Should I get laser hair removal?
>friday night
>/agdg/ is dead
When you were partying, I studied rendering techniques.
When you were having premarital sex, I mastered market analysis.
While you wasted your days at the gym in pursuit of vanity, I cultivated entity-component systems.
And now that 40 to 60 games release on Steam every day and the nodevs are at the gate you have the audacity to come to me my game.
I did a couple, they're in my book. nta
/agdg/ has premarital sex?
I have.
Have you never had a girlfriend?
I had one, but we didn't get married.
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>be me
>writing dialogue for my game
>it features a wholesome platonic relationship between an adult man and a little girl
>every now and then I have to stop myself from adding any creepy inappropriate lewd undertones and any sort of romance despite really really wanting to
Goblin Exterminator dev are you here? I see the download is now available, is the bug gone now?
I did only one of those three things and I still don't have a game.

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>the retarded dream of making a competitive arena shooter is back
i actually think my game is pretty good..... damn fuckin' shame im alone in those thoughts!
this does the same thing it jsut flashes black now
What's the opposite of intrusive thoughts
Shadows and Alchemy
does trainwiz know his wife is still posting here behind his back?
my game, but finished
never heard of it
Do your parents know you make schizoposts on a racist website?
I'm not posting because I'm busy doing gamedev stuff, not because I'm partying and having sex or getting shredded.
when is Nanosteam coming out?
Is it possible for sueing someone for stealing the game idea? In 2022 I posted my idea on forum and now I see this game on Steam.
No idea yet. The loose target date I've been throwing around internally has been if you read this you're gay.
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sorry, should've actually made a game so you could copyright that shit
>Is it possible for sueing someone for stealing the game idea? In 2022 I posted my idea on forum and now I see this game on Steam.
thanks for the (You)s :3
I'm seriously YIIKing out right now
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browser gameplay btw. the game will usher in a new age of erlang game networking KINO.
>thanks for the (You)s :3
no, but you can ask the developer for a cut
idea guy keep your golden eggs under lock and key!

t. idea guy
bokube (the shopkeeper)
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Elves of all colors owe me sex
Why do you know so much about a tripfag
newfag kun... I don't think that word means what you think it does
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Changed how the textbox works, and added emotions to the portraits
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vector fields. but now im stuck in an addicting loop of slightly changing parameters thinking mybe it will yield the correct combo. i do it untill i realize whats wrong.
Very nice. I hope the player has to click for the conversation to move forward because this is pretty fast.
Does the text support italics?
What was your birth gender and what is your current gender?
go fuck your dog's ass if you are that horny over trannies
Is @screenshotSaturday worth it? Or is it one of those things that only gamedevs pay attention to?
Yes it's manual, and nope, no italics. Doesn't work well with a pixel font. I can do other stuff like coloring though.

Male and male
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>Doesn't work well with a pixel font.
I think you should consider it. Bold is not so good for emphasis.
I disagree. And if so I'd rather use color or a moving effect even.
you cant make it off of one game
you might be able to make 100-200k off your first game if its really good and youre really lucky
but getting to /make it/ territory takes years of experience and multiple games under your belt
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BOYOS WE IS DEVIN HARD, time for a break.

noice, I should add that future too, once I get the ripping hearts system out going hmmm
best choice for emphasizing words in a pixelshit font is giving it a flashy color. if your text is white, make it red.
italics and bolding both look trash below 12pt
You forget that 2/3 of this general lives in places where there's no running water and $5 will buy you your own shell crater with all its contents.
Color scheme and programmer art is pure eye rape.
thanks babe
sir, the ultrakill zoomers have hit /agdg/. good shit

also with sound, for the metal enjoyers

>metal enjoyers
you mean emotionally stunted teenagers?
Who raped you? Serious question.
Only someone who was raped talks like this.
>emotionally stunted
You mean masculine and high-T?
hell yeah ,brother

anyhow time for a break, then back to deving
>Avoids the question
>he doesn't know that Kevin "trainwiz" Trainwiz spent 10 years making Underspace so he could fund his magnum opus Nanosteam
I'm beginning to think I might actually be at least a little retarded
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How would I go about equally spacing the sprites in figure 2 to have the same spacing as the sprites in figure 1 in photoshop?
sorry anon, it's already over for you
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General guy, gave him a cool cape.
Very helpful, thank you chris.
Gimp has it as a setting
>He knows the guys name
That's pretty gay
What's the setting called? Never used gimp before.
You can do a bit with a grid, never used photoshop too much but you should be able to do the same thing
Thanks anon, I don't know of something like this in photoshop, so I might have to get gimp just to do it.
Not worth it unless you're hoping some developer hires yuo.
>10 years to make 30k
Well that’s a bit of a letdown
He’s doing it on purpose for le heccin memearino (there’s an entire genre of “developers” who make games just to get praise from other “developers”, fully understanding a regular end user would never ever play their game)
bros... the marnix stream...
are most whites racist? need to know before i continue working with my gamedev friend
yes but not as racist as blacks or chinks
I want to make a basic exploration walking sim like babbdi, can someone tell me if this high level overview of the steps to complete this is correct?
assuming I know the basics of the engine and how to make a first person player character:

1. sketch out a basic flow of the game, roughly what the map/maps will look like, have some very simple narrative in mind to fit objectives into, map out where key items will be and how theyre relevant to the story and how they will take the player through the map
1.a prototype the map in blender during the planning stage, import it into the engine and walk around to see if it feels right
2. refine the map in blender until the shape of it and the flow is mostly understood
3. start making the key item system and npcs if applicable, implement key item pick up and mechanics for parts of the map the player interacts with, playtest mechanics
4. once map and gameplay is mostly done, start doing real graphical work:
texturing, lighting, etc
5. optimize

does this sound about right?
im black and not racist
Did he do it?
>I want to make (worthless slop)
just throw whatever together, doesn't really matter how you do it
/agdg/ goes to the gym?
okay i do hate whites just a little
and asians, Hispanics, and other blacks
what the fuck is that image crop you retard
>what the fuck is that image crop you retard
how many purchases
>add coombait into my game
>add lore bait into my game
>add recognizable colourful characters into my game
the key to success
you forgot to add the soul
the key to success is a good game retard
gen alpha tards don’t care about good games, retard
they like “mascot horror backroom liminal space skibidi toilet sigma rizz”
gen alpha is like 9, they aren't buying PC games retard
only reason to be concerned about marketability to gen alpha is if you're making games for roblox or some shit
>catering to gen alpha
Why? They are like 1% of video game players
show me a good game that failed and I'll show you a dozen zoomerbaitslop that failed
but zoomers love coomer shif, theories, and colourful meme characters
Shifting goal posts at record speed
Superman 64, ET for the Atari
>Superman 64, ET for the Atari
even if every 16-20 year old just wanted porn and FNAF clones or whatever that still leaves the entire 20+ market
>show me a good game that failed and I will say it's not a good game and come up with 20 reasons that didn't stop other games from being successful
/agdg/ mind broken!
your game will never be successful if it doesn't have sexy women that’ll make it popular because sex sells!
>minimal or no combat
>emphasis on exploration, npc interactions, platforming, inventory management, puzzles
could it work and how
wow all of these games you fags make are shit
>10 billion trillion successful games with no sexy women
>no combat
That’s just called a walking simulator and it’s not a video game, you’re in the wrong place
Actually mine is really good, and a couple games posted in this thread are good. What’s your game about?
i'm gonna say it
Failure is relative. Half-Life 2 was one of the best games ever made but it still technically a failure because it didn’t make enough money back to cover its massively overinflated budget.
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new workflow unlocked, plebs.
>That’s just called a walking simulator
What about Ballroom Valhalla?
Half Life 2 is responsible for kickstarting Steam which has been one of the biggest cash cows in gaming for decades now
Failure is relative. Good game is objective
Yeah, but Half-Life 2 itself lost money. It was basically a loss leader that set the stage for Steam, but a loss leader is still a loss.
Trainwiz's name is Kevin Brock according to gaming articles and the Kickstarter for Underspace
Sorry, I meant Disco Elysium
Really is crazy how many devs have the "the consumers are just stupid sheep, if I slap together a copy of the current popular thing they'll eat it up".
You're making an indie game. You're not trying to sell to people who buy the new FIFA and COD every year. Your audience will be looking at your steam page, reading reviews, and watching gameplay, your game will only be successful if it's still appealing to people after those things.
>>no combat
>That’s just called a walking simulator and it’s not a video game, you’re in the wrong place
There are plenty of /agdg/ games with no combat. Combat is not the sum of all gameplay.
behavior trees are fiddly
One of my least favorite things to work with. Feels very outdated
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sometimes i think of being creative but then i realize everything has been done and theres nothing left to do thats worth doing
Captcha: KYSXN
i think my implementation probably just sucks
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>When she wants to yoink my doink but shes a fucking no dev
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Has anyone here been around long enough to have seen some of the original 4chan games that were on /tg/ before /qst/ was created? I'm trying to recall one where all the anons in the thread were on a grid and there were at least two classes. I think one had a hook that they could use on enemies and maybe even other players.
God, 4chan used to be such a creative place.
Honestly, if anyone posted any original 4chan post-games I would be elated.
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Progress: storm effects
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Today and yesterday I worked on the backend of my upgrade system. No proper UI yet so this screenshot shows the Unity inspector displaying an array of "Upgrade" objects instead.
memento marnix
at times I feel it's too dark. otherwise comfy.
>it didn’t make enough money back to cover its massively overinflated budget
there is absolutely no way this is true. HL2 was a massive seller and continued to sell for years and years.
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>not 3d
class Gas: pass
wish more indie games looked like that
very readable
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I feel like I work really slow compared to everyone else. I set my sights on doing one thing for my game and then spend 1-2 weeks before I have anything worth showing. I don't know how it can take so long, I just redo everything like 10 times til it's polished and finished basically but I wish I could just be at a place where I can play my game all the way through and then polish everything up.
you just need a new workflow
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don't worry lad you're faster than me jlmg
According to Gabe Newell, Half-Life 2 cost $40 million to develop. According to Steam revenue calculator, the net revenue of Half-Life 2 is estimated to be $18 million.
no wonder they never made half life 3
I give up.
I take down.
remember seeing this at least as far back as DD48
>make the best PC game of all time
>still technically a flop because of how much it cost to make
>make multiplayer only hat and skin gambling simulators
>rake in millions a day
Yeah, the market for single player games is completely fucked. There's no money in "real" gamedev, only in gacha gambling simulators.
i gave up years ago, i just come here occassionally for validation knowing nobody has made a game yet
I've already made and shipped a handful of games. They've even made me about $13 or so.

Holy shit blow is based on taxation why did you fags make fun of him??
what's that image imply? that's what i pretty much do all day
mine, 1 she is a romanceable companion
cool tool! you should check out odin inspector, i used to provide a bunch of free tools and tutorials for it.
That can't be right. It was in the Orange Box and that in of itself sold gangbusters. Plus apparently it made $34 million in two years of its release. I feel like Half Life 2 flopping financially would be a bigger store if it was true.
I have the exact same problem. I'm not being like those people who act all modest and then drop some pixelgold tier stuff with an exceptionally well done vertical slice that is fully playable and bug free in just in 1 month.
being against an unrealized gains tax is the most milquetoast political opinion there is, the only people who support it are just retards who don't know how money works
vampire survivors but ____________
stop being retarded man, make an effort
Stuff like the Orange Box shouldn't be counted because it bleeds over into investment effects and is thus a slippery slope. The initial $40 million investment in Half-Life 2 was a good move when you realize that all the other Source Engine moneymakers like TF2, CSGO, Dota 2, etc. would not have been possible without Half-Life 2, and that's not even counting how Steam would not have been possible without Half-Life 2. So if you start counting the Orange Box, you're going to get questions as to why not just count all Source Engine games, if not all of Steam. The point is that Half-Life 2 by itself didn't cover that investment.

Probably the real lesson for us indies is not to give up after your first game flops. It might just be a necessary initial investment that will pay off massively later.
most people here are programmers, if you are one you can definitely sell your skills to someone, just ask around. and if you're not a programmer you can become one is really easy actually... at least it pays well. work on some stupid webdev stuff, it's the most pathetic job you can have as a programmer, but the pay is reasonable, there are a lot of JS retards earning 100k - 200k out there.
it doesn't seem sustainable, do you at least see the sun or exercise? I pushed like this for 8 months, then I burned like never before, I got sick, low immunity problems all the time, I stopped developing for a long time. I wish I had a more balanced lifestyle back then, trying to have a better one now, it's difficult
>codefags are still this delusional about their job market
no one is paying some loser NEET with zero prior experience six figures to do webdev when you can get an indian in canada to do it for 40k a year.
my game's story will be just a thinly veiled excuse to punch women
for a horror game it would work
programming for 15 years (including web) but no verifiable work history or references. can't even get an interview.
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How do we feel about unions in game development?
Good morning puter friends, good luck with your projects.
It's always these lazy white-collar faggots making 80k a year to sit their ass in a chair and answer emails all day that try to unionize. It's like some sort of weird larping as the actual working class.
I'll support unions when:
-retard boomers are removed from control and stop siphoning dues towards pensions
-they stop making it impossible to fire incompetent retards and forcing everyone else to deal with their shit
-they're formed by actual workers and not desk jockeys
Sure, let them. >>486802509 has a point but a lot of those companies are crooked in their own right so let the unions and management duke it out, I say
Blow is also insufferable
>>thanks for the (You)s :3
why is the godot discord just a bunch of faggots?
ive been programming for about 15 years too. I live in a third world shithole, and back then, there wasnt much demand for websites as there is today. But what I did back then was build a portfolio, i created simple wordpress sites and offered them to small businesses in my city. If someone does that even today, it still works, but it takes courage and willingness, that's all... our you can create your own service, being the programmer, costs is practically zero. you can easely host a SaaS services to hundreds of users on a $20 Digital Ocean server, its ridiculously cheap. If you don't want to program a complete SaaS, just program an API that does something useful and sell it on API marketplaces. come on, guys, there are infinite opportunities to make money with this, it just require effort
ok man, keep making excuses, you don't need a company to hire you, stop being a bitch, just create something useful and sell it!
Open-source engine development discord cattered to underages sir please understand.
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Damn, it's nice to have a pipeline that finally let you drop new stuff in the game without it being a half-day hassle.
anonymous are you retarded? Game development is the one modern day industry that's notorious for burning its employees down to the bone, and this is on top of the fact that game development is one of the most demanding endurance run grind pursuits to begin with
I wish I had a good art dev friend that wasn't lazy to work with.
In general: Unions a shit. Probably the only thing even worse than jews.
In Bethesda: Eh, why not. At this point it's not like it can make their game *worse* anyway.
I can't give you one, but I've got some EXCELLENT idea-mans for your project heading.
>i created simple wordpress sites and offered them to small businesses in my city. If someone does that even today, it still works
This only works in thirdie countries where people still don't know how computers work. In the first world every small business will have a website, facebook page, instagram, and tiktok before they even open their doors.
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yeah man they sure have it rough sitting in cushioned chairs in an air conditioned office all day, really worked to the bone. they definitely need a union, not the guys out digging ditches and moving boxes
That is a lot of food for two people. Or one people, if I'm assuming all she ordered was that glass of water. Fat fucking faggot.
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Would look better cel-shaded tbdesu.
put a vhs filter over it, call it "horror", and zoomers will cream their pants
Doesn't need to be horrorslop for me to cream my pants. >>486804258 remove the clothes
she cute
life in the 21st century is about being gaslit 24/7 by a bunch of insincere bugmen that the world wasn't in fact better 15 or 25 or 35 or 45 or 55 years ago and you're delusional
It's the same with games,except that unlike the past which you cannot relive you have complete access to 20 year old games at all time and you can see for yourself that they are in fact better than everything being released today so the people trying to gaslight you are even more spastic and aggressive about it
have you ever seen a human knee before in your life
Gotta do a bit of rigging correct at that wrist. The upper forearm's gotta rotate along with the hand somewhat.
what the fuck is going on with her legs?
Let me pound your prostate
neet right now, several terrible jobs under my belt. looking for another atm. applying to office jobs first, gonna give it maybe a month before i go for the warehouse/retail stuff. just in case an office job calls. i don't want to jump throguh hoops for the shittier of the two only to get a call one week after starting to play interview hoop jumping, call off sick 2 times, get fired, don't get the job either

what exactly is a "pipeline"
least gay anime hater
the issue is crystal clear here, you're only focusing on the wordpress part because it's the easiest excuse you can find. what about selling APIs? doesn't that work today either? and what about selling saas services? you're full of crap, dude.
i'll even give you more options... how about riding the AI hype and selling something related to it? it's still very possible to launch a simple app that just makes a call to openai and does something ai-related, you can easily make $100,000 with these stupid apps.
what about a less programmer related thing like paid traffic? a friend of my does stupid paid marketing for small businesses, it's unbelievable the money he makes, and he started from scratch, alone in his apartment, and only doing in his spare time, in 18 months he quit his job and went full-time with this, now with 5 employees, this work could easily be done by a guy with an IQ above 80, which i assume you have.
and even with simple WordPress sites, i bet that still works in many places, even in first-world countries. you're making too many excuses, it's very clear, keep whining and being lazy
>about to give up
>a moth lands on my hand and walks around a little
>haven't felt this close to a person in years

I can now work on my game
i get it anon, a lot of work from your perspective but some anons would see it and go
>this took you 6 months?
>i could've done it in 2 weeks at no more than 4 hours a day

nta but my coding skills are almost entirely gamedev only, i highly doubt they are transferable as is without more work on top
thirdies really don't understand how the world works outside of their shithole
no, no one outside of bangladesh is getting API services from some nobody going door-to-door when there's dozens of established software companies who do it better and cheaper
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there's someone here who would be happy if I gave up
I won't let him be happy
considering the "crunch" time bs can't really blame them but that was like a decade ago, aren't most now just woke women who don't really do much?


>a moth lands on my hand

this. who knows how many will also request that you set up a payment service rather than just a browseable site with phone and address on it
>it's still very possible to launch a simple app that just makes a call to openai and does something ai-related, you can easily make $100,000 with these stupid apps.
30 million Indians such as yourself have already done exactly this and only the first 3 ever made any money on it
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>ericfag goes out of his way to search not 1, but 2 different developer pictures to paste them on a stupid meme
>that's acceptable
>I just google search "jonathan blow" and scrolled down until I saw an actual side profile pic (which is what the original faggot should have done) on 6th row
>this is unacceptable
everybody hates ericfaggot tho
lolidev bros.. where are da gaems??
sometimes I wonder how the artist feels about the fact that drawing this comic was by far the most influential thing he'll ever do in his life
me on the left
neck yourself
Imagine being fifty three(53) years old and typing out the "word" RIPperoonie
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I don't have to imagine
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I'm working on it, just modelled and rigged this horsey
your problem is that you think you're weak, but you're not,
you don't need to be an employee of a company, fuck it if you can't get an interview, fuck companies. just move, do something, create something, there are examples everywhere, people are making millions selling simple APIs for the weirdest use cases I will never imagine, but the only thing it takes is to be interested, look around and create something useful, or simply copy some crap and sell it cheaper, simple.
but I understand, I'm here in my super privileged position of living in a third world shithole, so it's easy for me to say.
good luck anon
I don't see why the couldn't both be organized. These seen like unrelated fields
Great but the knees are fucked up
Simply let the gaslighting wash off you like rain off a vintage waxed cotton trenchcoat dated 1932
Which is more accurate for Steam?
>if 90%+ positive reviews | total reviews * 30 = total purchases * purchase price = revenue

Does the x30 method account for Steam's cut etc and conclude net revenue, or is simply that gross revenue? x30 method seems to come up with figures a touch over the net revenue of revenue-calculator figures.
So it seems that either the x30 method roughly equates to the net revenue or that the revenue-calculator is overestimating the gross revenue. Someone enlighten me.
it's the weekend, I'm gonna play games instead of make mine
the progress will have to wait until monday.
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nigga your miserable existence literally ends with being gunned down by a swat team
after testing, not for balance: if your game has jumping it sure as hell had better have an anti-air. Looking at you, elden ring
Very good. The whole idea of people sucking corpo cock and "deciding" (opinions inserted into their puckered assholes) that unions are somehow bad is one of the most laughable/pathetic things in modern history.
nice fantasy, too bad it's gonna stay that way
In my game, if you jump you will hit your head on the ceiling and get a headache.
>he played elden cringe
dumb FOMO zoomer your opinion is literally lower than trash
how can I, a poor nigga from the streets, make a good video game and make money?
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

great art style
rigging needs work
chin looses round shape when moving the bottom lip up
wrist got fucked upon twisting
knees are halfway down her shins
I played all of fromsoft's games, cause they're fun
I have my lion's share of problems with ER though, and crystalizing exactly what I don't like and why I think it's bad has helped me solidify my own vision
time to fap then dev
at least we can all agree that Resident Evil 4 was a shit game x 2
I quite liked rezzy 4
not your chatroom
resident evil was never good
just a reminder that in the same year RE released on the gaystation fucking DAGGERFALL came out on the PC
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Genuinely don't know what daggerfall is
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If I ever randomly run into Jon Blow the only thing I'm going to say is "You've done a lot of great things for this industry Mr. Blow. I hope you get to do a lot more."
Then give him a thumbs up and walk away
daggerfall, but like a different weapon and a verb instead
Jumeirah Living Marina Gate?
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If I ever randomly run into Jon Blow the only thing I'm going to say is "Some people hate and expect affection,
some people lie and demand the truth.
I gotta ask myself if it's soul deception,
is this a natural thing that we all just do?"
Then give him a thumbs up and walk away
>what exactly is a "pipeline"
Whatever process you have that take an asset from "outside" to get it into your game.
By default with modern engine it's just a drag-and-drop and it's ready to use, but I'm doing a lot of autistic things for performance so there is a bunch of steps I did to do manually before shit is actually usable.

Previous pipeline had a lot of steps, and some stuff could require you to redo some steps of other stuff.
New pipeline has less steps, and everyone is more independents so I'm don't need to do stupid shit like re-creating the glasse's 3D model because I changed the number of animation on a katana.
Is this too on the nose for a rip-off fromsoft description of a rip-off fromsoft weapon? I think it reads fine but I might cut it down a bit
>A glorious sword of light which shows a window into the magnificent cosmos. Owing to its name, its design possesses both a Star and a flower motif.
>The correspondence between the Stars above and the flowers on Earth is one lost on the Astral sorcerers of the current age, who are too busy gazing up to see the answers laid out before them.
>When the blade is wreathed in stardust, heavy attacks unleash waves of cosmic light, and charging causes the waves to explode on impact.
>Unique Combat Art: Luminosity
>Thrust the sword forward, cloaking it in a vortex of stardust for extended range. Charging wreaths the blade in stardust for a time, enhancing heavy attacks.
You say you're sorry, now you should walk away
but it's all so overwhelming, you have nothing left to say
who me?
the reason I turned to gamedev out of desperation is because my programming and web dev business failed by slowly dwindling to nothing. gamedev saved me but that's also dwindling and if my next game flops I'm screwed.
>you can easily make $100,000
I'd just like to highlight the above for anyone who thinks you know what you're talking about. There is no easy money in anything, and if something pops up, it'll get saturated within a month.
How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?
kys kys fall in love
>Steam revenue calculator
The one that uses review count to estimate the revenue? In can you aren't making an insincere post (I am so tired of them) the review system was only added in 2013 but half life 2 was released in 2004 so there's no way the calculator will provide accurate numbers.
ohhhhhh okay thanks for the info. that sounds horrendous tho
On hold while I study art for 10 000 hours to learn the secret of appeal.
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i have my own method
>total reviews * 30 * price of game * 0.85 * 0.7 = gross revenue excluding taxes
from what i gathered from my personal research is that the range is typically 30-35. triple a is typically the only ones that fall outside this range by a large margin along with games that get something like thousands of reviews. this method doesn't include games from like 2019 and before as the range seemed to be higher prior iirc.

so for example a $14.99 game with 100 reviews would be
>100 * 30 * $14.99 * 0.85 * 0.7 = $26,757.15
or how about 1000 reviews
>1000 * 30 * $14.99 * 0.85 * 0.7 = $267,571.50

this excludes things like taxes and publisher cuts which are typically calculated from this post steam cut gross revenue. their cuts are based off the gross revenue rather than the remaining amount after one gets a cut. which means handling this poorly can actually put you in the negative. for simplicity's sake let's say the 1000 review game has an effective tax rate of 23% while the publisher has a 30% cut
>governments cut: $267,571.50 * 0.23 = $61,541.45 (rounded up)
>publishers cut: $267,571.50 * 0.3 = $80,271.45
after said cuts you the dev are left with the net profit of

just to make a summary here's the whole pie and who gets how much of it along with percentage based off the total pie
>true revenue: $382,245.00 (100%)
>steams cut: $114,673.50 (30%)
>governments cut: $61,541.45 (~16.1%) (rounded down)
>publishers cut: $80,271.45 (21%)
>(you)r cut: $125,758.60 (~32.9%) (rounded up)
that's only almost 33% you get to keep. i'm not including things like the engines cut as that varies from nothing to something.
I have an idea where you play a mouse and you fight cats. Is this a bad idea? I don't want to turn away cat lovers if you're forced to beat the shit out of cats.
Murine are like Top 5 in furry porn, while feline are Top 3.
You can beat the crap out of those cats and will still have a significant playerbase.

I don't know where you live, but in most countries the government does not tax gross revenue but net revenue.

If you make $267,571.50 and you have a publisher who takes a 30% cut, they would normally take it off of this amount as well.
So they'd take off their $80,000 and then the government takes their percentage off of whatever you have left.
If that is 23% for you, then your net revenue would be $144,221.03, which is 37.7% of the games sales.

Naturally this only assumes you have a publisher who is taking a 30% cut. Without this you're keeping well over half of any money made.
I dreamed that a woman hit on me. It was unbelievable. I woke up feeling warm inside. It's literally impossible irl thoughchance.
I believe in you
i'm in the usa. i'm not too sure on the style they do it but i prefer to err on the side of caution. better to walk away with more than expected than to walk away with less than you thought. hopefully you're right but it might not make much of a difference for anyone who doesn't have a publisher.

for me i'd need 2500-3000 reviews to escape the wagecage. the amount of net income is enough for me to live a comfortable neet lifestyle for 10+ years. if i wish to permanently stay a neet there's one caveat, i have to keep making games that yield hundreds to a few thousands of reviews or find other financial ventures that yield me at least a 10% yearly return which seems quite feasible.

very nice, more details?
I wish I had this...
It's not impossible. Just start taking showers, get a haircut, wear nicer clothes and hit the gy- just kidding, it's literally impossible. I've had more $40k-earning games than I've had women hitting on me and I do all that shit.
Thank you for this incredibly valuable reply anon. I'm interested to see what you think of the following as well:
In order to prove the other popular theory of 70% positive being (review * 60), I scoured the Steam lists for something that had public sales figures and no console port to ensure that the stats were less opaque.
I came up with the game Frozenheim at 71%~ positive reviews and it seemed to track. It does have GOG sales but I would think they are much less influential on overall sales.

Frozenheim calculation
Things to consider:
>peak Steam player count was 2.5k at initial launch May 2021 and then a decline by June 2021 to 150~ average players
>sales figures were reported to be 200,000 in 2022
With the above considered 3,349 reviews * 60 = 200,940 (excluding GOG sales)
This example might not seem that significant, but it was remarkable to me because finding a game that has somewhat transparent figures to run the calculation off is unicorn-tier.
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my game is broken...
fix it
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How do I make an object appear when getting close enough to it (and disappearing when going away)?
By appear I mean come into existence, not just becoming visible
I don't know.
>I mean come into existence
How can you be getting closer to something that doesn't exist?
You need the quantum compute plugin.
You aren't taxed on money that doesn't actually reach you, FYI. It would be calculated after the Steam & Publisher cut, minus any other expenses written off.
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Messing with particle systems and got a somewhat smooth clashing/stopping thing set up.
>minus any other expenses written off
Expenses like a RTX 4080 which I obviously need for gamedev.
I prefer erring on the side of caution/pessimism rather than unbridled optimism only to have my dreams crushed hard. With that out of the way, yes it seems that can be quite useful but it's something I'd want more data on which is the hard thing to gather. Just a quick comparison with Spurdo :D which iirc had a self reported revenue that was coming out in a range of 29-37 sales per review this method seems to rather undershoot his gross revenue. I'm not sure if it's because of the low review count or if this method simply only works on bigger games. I'd need more info to accurately try this probably bigger games but well as you mentioned finding the actual revenue online is an issue.

One more thing I should mention, my data might not be 100% accurate since a lot of the data I used was just random info I found online rather than actual solid numbers of profits/revenue. I may have been using the data for something else and then ended up slapping the approval status for it to calculate revenue kek. The only data corroborating my info accurately are the few anons on here who self reported numbers that came out between something like 28-37 sales per review which lined up closely to my self found 30-35 sales per review.
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Nta but why was your business dwindling? Big business making it easy for anyone to do it? How did gamedev save you anyways, was it generating multiple years worth of income where a flop right after won't hurt you or just enough to last a few years and let you pump out one game? Feels way to nerve wracking if you have to pump out a success every single time.

Opposite for me. Infrequent showers, avoid haircuts, the clothes is nice but not fashionable by society's standards, and I don't work out. I'm not even attractive. Not even $1 from any game I made. Women hitting on me varies, indirect to blatant but never "Want to go on a date/be my bf" levels.
Better work slow but keep at it while being consistent than work fast but change projects every two weeks.
its not 2012 anymore retard
it takes fresh compsci grads months of job searching to find a junior position
entering tech as a 42 year old with no job experience would be impossible with a friend who can straight up give you a job no strings attached
that anon is fucked
I mean getting close to where it should be
anybody want to team up and make a game together
Only if I can code monkey and have input for art, assets, etc.
I want to code too
>Nta but why was your business dwindling?
no business is easy. it started off well but over the years it was getting harder to compete as potential webdev clients leaned more on social media and wordpress and woocommerce were increasingly good enough for most companies not to need a bespoke solution. those that did usually had their own people or wouldn't work with just some guy, they'd go to bigger more established company.
and I'm not a good sales guy and I'm not good at networking so the money I was bringing in just kept dropping like 5% every year until I was barely getting by.
gamedev saved me by generating multiple years worth of income. but the difference between 3 years worth of income and 5 years worth of income is huge, so I can't just have a flop.
I should note that I have experience, just nothing I put in a resume that can easily be verified (without HR calling up some guy who retired 8 years ago for example). my games are the only thing I can actually link to but they're not getting me interviews.
chudathon blowjob strikes again!
crab mentality is real. there is no perfect project, no perfect job, no perfect idea. you just have to try and do something. your brain will find a reason to deem literally everything as a useless effort.
only 2 options, one is suicide, the other is trying to survive. there is no magic third option where god will speak to you telling you the ideal perfect proven part to make money. it's try what you can or suicide.
dead general
dead hobby
dead penises
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I'll be the game designer
if you make the game actually good you'll solo the entire market
I want to make a tower defense game with xcom base building.
What is the biggest videogame ever made by 1 single person?
What does "biggest" mean?
Stardew valley but that's mostly because Eric Jabrony is an autistic weirdo who doesn't wanna work with other people
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I fixed it
Probably Minecraft.
Tetris and Civilization could also count if "series sparked by one guy" is okay.
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me on the right
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I'm y'all niggas' worst nightmare
Idea guy with a work ethic
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I fixed the leaking toilet. Turns out you have to use the exact brand and model for the gasket. Took me a whole week, waiting for the shipment to arrive. I phoned the air conditioner guys. They told me they can come on wednesday at best. One more week to kill. This whole month of july was a waste. I did no devving this month. I feel horrible.
>who doesn't wanna work with other people
Didn't seem to mind hiring people to implement the multiplayer for him.
because it's almost 100% guaranteed that he didn't have to coordinate anything with them or spend any time in the same smelly room as them. They were working on their thing, and he was completely left alone working on everything else
Why can't you make a game? Take a shower, work super focused for an hour, take another shower, work another focused hour and so on.

I keep an unboxed AC in reserve in case mine dies. It's the exact same model so I can swap them easily.
>weirdo who doesn't wanna work with other people
literally me
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Was thinking of making a horror game in an OS, but not sure how to do it quite yet. First thought was to have the AI assistant fuck with you, go full on yandere or something, but a friend of mine told me KinikoPET already does that. Now I'm not sure what to do. An AI virus fucking with you in trippy and weird ways maybe?
Manor Lords
Showering doesn't help because it's the hot and humid air you're breathing that is bothersome. I can take the heat to some extent but the humidity makes it harder to breathe. In the pic it shows 51% right now but it's usually been above 90%.
he commissioned the assets
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Something else broke.
insincere post (you're not me)
Nothing can break if you don't work on your game.
what could UE do better than Unity when making a KSP-like? The only relevant thing I feel like could be physics precision in the bubble around the player with large world coordinates but that's aboutit
Biggest in terms of content?
so did most "solo devs", including half of this thread
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>leave aggy
>return after 8 months
>everything's exactly the same
It's comforting to see same posters and same games unreleased. Makes me feel like I have all the time in the world.
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Why does your game have such generic enemies like dragons?
you were supposed to overcome yourself, not /agdg/ anons
Because something being generic means a greater portion of mankind can relate to it.
Also because I like them.
You fool, you were almost free and could release your game!
Dev contracted 2 programmers who had already released a building game in Unreal to do the hard stuff
That's the spirit.
It doesn't have dragons you idiot! it does have wizards thoughquivalent
>make game
>sex is a bool
Explain your reasoning or have your opinion discarded.
is it as comforting as dev music?
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relatability is overrated
>"let's see, are you a boy or a girl?"
Like how Eric Baloney contracted people to do the hard stuff while he traced pixels from SNES games and ate his girlfriend's pop tarts?
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>Yes, I'm a boy
ngmi advice
what them words mean nigga?
Even if you want to have a character like your left post-its it seems to be a good idea to have a character like your right post-its for constrast. There's no need for a good/bad dichotomy.
Regardless, I personally find relatability fascinating.
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what is it with this newfag who appeared the last few weeks calling "buzzword" every time someone posts a word he doesn't know? Is this the power of american education?
Explain your reasoning or have your opinion discarded
False gods?
that troon has been around for over a year at least
Thanks for reminding me why I haven't posted here in months schizo bro.
Is this the same poster who has a meltdown every time someone tells him that soul is real?
>relatability is overrated
>source: an image that says it's not
not dragons!
its drakes!
You're not even quoting just a single person.
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Progress is going great today boys!
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Gave up on the mesh terrain I made in blender in favor of Unity's default terrain tool.
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When I'm ready to price my game I'm gonna stress so much about whether it's not too high or low.
20 EUR for an indie game has become commonplace
My game will be $20. You can finish it in 45 minutes if you know what to do.
mongoldev has ngmi energy
mobile was a mistake. good games are worth more than a plastic mounting bracket for your phone that breaks in 1 month.
I remember some anon talking about this yesterday. I drew some art to show off my style. It ended up better than my current games artstyle. I partly dont want to post it because of that.
mongoldev has a game and you do not.
Idc anymore, its going to be the price i say so. Ive seen the hypocritical gamer, im picking what i want simple as
I now remember the shmups anon that took half a year to study blender, posted models and hasn't posted in 2 months
>just stretch your game out, make it less impactful, repeat content bro, games must take longer to finish they just have to ok!?
All that effort to learn, finally cones back, and likely quit soon after....
Mongoldev lives in the country right next to me so I'm really careful not to offend him because he might find me
Too low is not a problem, because if your game is good, you'll easily make up for it with higher unit sales over time. You only want to price it high if you have a bad game, but a big release marketing push, that way you can milk more money out of early buyers before they can realize it's a bad game.
Does anyone wear anything comfy for devving?
Unless you have someone watching you, you could wear anything. Anything at all.

I've always hated clothes but I'm thinking of spending money on whatever high quality clothes I can get that won't disturb me while working.
if I get her pregnant them titties will grow
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why don't you get your hair and nails done while you're at it doll
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Not good....
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Just like make porn games
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Just this
whoever first came up with the "programmer socks" meme should seriously kill ximself
Pic rel.
>inb4 he bought assets/contractors so it doesn't count
That'd disqualify 90% of solo indie projects including Undertale, Braid, Vampire Survivors and whatnot, leaving you only with Cave Story or something.
I might be fucking retarded...
Telling troons to kill themselves isn't cool dude
I'm making a god like where you breed subjects to birth the ultimate gladiator.
we all are
Choo-Choo Charles
>That'd disqualify 90% of solo indie projects including Undertale, Braid, Vampire Survivors and whatnot, leaving you only with Cave Story or something.
Is that supposed to be bad?
Sounds interesting, do you have a screenshot or something like that?
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>nooooooo you can't just like use the resources available to you
>you must do everything yourself
>proceeds to never release a game
Just discard nodev opinions and move on.
how come using 3rd party code is GOOD but using 3rd party assets is BAD?
Manor Lords dev just fucks up the marketability and expectations of the term solo dev for actual solo devs without the resources he has
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started adding more story elements
its entirely show dont tell, there is very little dialogue (none that you really have to listen to)
if you dont care for it, you can just ignore it
You're not my boss I will do whatever I want.
luckily i'm not making a game in his genre
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Wishlist conversions matter more. Steam can give you a fuckload of impressions, but if you cannot convert it into wishlists effectively or purchases then it doesn't matter as much.
Tower lenovo?
>solo devs without the resources
NGMI anyways. Just give up.
>work on cool game in your spare time
>start a Patreon to promote it
>put the money earned into further development of the game
>win the gamedev lottery

It's not BAD simply their game just isn't made by a single person if assets made by other people are part of it.
Then your game isn't made by a single person if you're using software written by other people
Not true because the software I'm using isn't part of my game.
how much is the actual price?

>It's great to play
>fun little story
>funny things
>very well made

>negative review

People are fucking retarded. Why are you damaging a game you like?
Most retarded subthread in the last 4 months easily
>gamedev lottery
because you don't have a game
can someone get @jblow in here to get his take on the concept of the "gamedev lottery"?
Also a good reminder that there's no use in a game looking beautiful if it's not fun to play as well.
too busy writing my own compiler sorry
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just make enough super deep 2d platformers and one will surely succeed it doesn't matter if it was made in 2005 2010 2015 2020 just keep churning them out
People liked Star Wars Battlefront 2 as a game, but that didn't stop the internet mob from destroying it for being a shameless cash grab. Prices matter.
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this is me though. i got 219 wishlist additions during the last 7 days
so about a 0.12% wishlist to view rate, and a 0.03% impression to wishlist rate.
it's higher than i expected
What, you didn't design your own computer architecture, forge your own silicon, and dope your own transistors? Sorry, but you're not a solo dev.
What kind of compiler are you making?
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yeah that's not a 25 EUR game
25 EUR is justified if your game has substance. This is not only short, it's also an arcade game that's also dumb enough to be accessible to game journalists
not to mention it looks gay as fuck
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I want to make a game like this
Not until I get the core systems in place and working. Even then it may not be much more than placeholder art but at least the functionality will be visible.
Not if you want to claim those things as part of your work.
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Schim more like grim
>go to pcpartpicker
>each individual part is useless on its own
>buy a bunch of parts
>assemble into a working computer
This is my computer.

>go to asset store
>each individual asset is useless on its own
>buy a bunch of assets
>assemble into a working game
This is my game.
The problem with making an originallike is that there's no picture I can post in reply to posts like these
funny you should bring that up. I stumbled over Odin in my search for how to fix various things about how the inspector shows things. I was like,
>aha, so that's how it works... wait, why does it not compile?
then realized I was pasting from an Odin tutorial. probably yours lol

but no, this is not a tool, not even a custom inspector. it's the default inspector with some
>[HideInInspector] string name
to replace the "Element 0" shit you get in lists and arrays with useful names. the most elaborate thing I did was in the constructor of the StatChange struct I create a name out of the GetName() of the Enum (example: Stat.Rifle_Ammo -> "Rifle_Ammo") and the floats used internally turned into percentages (0.5f -> "+50%").

I've written custom inspectors and I always found it to be a nightmare. it's fun for about 5 minutes and then you remember you have to MANUALLY add every new variable to the inspector view if you want to expand the functionality even just a little bit. it slows down iteration too much.
Looks incredibly polished. Price is fine. Gamers are wrong and need fixing.
better make a short accordingly priced game than a long slop people will downvote for being boring bloat
>Yo my kid is smart he built a computer, call the local news station
>Looks incredibly polished.
After actually playing it:
>Not worth 25$ and I hate to say this the demo was not a finished game and just adding some levels was not enough to sell it to me. The game feels unpolished.
Sure it's yours because you bought it but it's not solodev because other people developed parts of it.
Too vague. Useless feedback. What was unpolished?
Do you think Steam should have more ways for reviews other than just a thumbs up/down? Stuff like, Price, Technical/Bugs, Gameplay flaw, Gameplay time etc.
The other stores like google play (even amazon started doing it) gather up keywords and show them like 'users/customers says x about this product'.
Most negative reviews are by non english. I will not localize my game.
Read the text reviews. The top reviews will almost always have a breakdown.
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How do we feel about these kind of templates?
NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO I dun wanna read massa. I came to peep dem shiny thumb colors
>Dark souls is le hard
yeah safe to say that you can easily discard any of the opinions coming from these failed abortions
Remove reviews entirely, just like netflix
thumps up
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Physical products are different because refunding them costs real life time and effort to send the packaging back, and it's impossible to know what the product actually is like until you touch it with your own hands.
Games are virtual, when you buy it, it can't come with a damaged package or scratched, can be refunded instantly and you can see 100% of the gameplay on a youtube video before buying it. There's no reason for steam's review system to be as serious, it's just games man. I'm seeing a trend of the world getting more and more "serious business", even product packaging stopped being as fun as before.
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>You beat Dark Souls?
>Congratulations, you've finished the tutorial for "gaming"! You're now qualified to play games of actual difficulty.
what game is that I wanna play it
Is it over?
No. You can either buy a game or not buy it so it's enough to know whether reviewers think it's worth buying or not.
Maybe a different section for detailed critique would be nice
>it's just games man
Retarded take. Video games are a bigger industry than film and music combined.
Recommend/not recommend is good enough.
ehhhhh looks very interesting but also transcoded
It is good enough. Do not ask people to make reviews more complicated than that. Pressure people into rating everything as good so consumers will buy, buy, buy
>your platform keeps telling your customers to buy bad games
>your customers have a bad time
>they quit your platform
the game has none of the transcoding nonsense of celeste. it's just raw puzzles.
is it because they made The Kid a girl? You can't just use The Kid without any modifications.
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>they quit your platform
This nigga for real? People gonna QUIT steam? What's next, I'm gonna give the 20% rate I give to AAA studios to indie developers too? Oh, oh, maybe we'll make Left 4 Dead 3.
Yeah fucking right, pay up paypiggy. You're trapped here eating this slop and even if you complain, everyone else is happy. I am your god, you would not survive without me to shovel your slop to the masses.
wait does steam seriously take 30% of your profits?
That only happens if you fail to pressure them into rating everything as good as customers that leave the platform are not able to rate products so they don't fulfill the requirement.
I don't see how that's relevant. It's a recreational activity, yet also a virtual luxury that can be pirated. People don't die because of bad or defective games. No need to take them so seriously. Buying an oven is a more serious thing because it can burn your house down.
>"why aren't you making a CRPG" spam fell off
probably figured out he can't write
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i give up trying to make them understand
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Actually, Steam takes 100% of my profits.
fuck off back to the kitchen, woman
$100 to put your game on steam.
30% of your revenue, not profits.

For example, if I spend $50,000 making my game and get $100,000 from it, steam takes $30,000(+$100) and leaves me with $20,000 in profit.
If steam only took 30% of my profits that would mean they would take $15,000 and leave me with $35,000 in profit.
"YOUR" profits? Gained on THEIR platform?
Can I make something that is a JRPG but also a CRPG?
you can circumvent this though by selling steam keys via your own channels, e.g. your own website
This is why we can't have nice things.
You cannot however sell those steam keys for any less than on Steam, so nobody has any reason to buy your keys when they can buy it off of steam using their existing purchase method + steam wallet + the security of using a known site.
Yeah enjoy prison NIGGA
make a mailing list + basic wordpress site for digital products with fast PayPal or whatever checkout and sell at the current steam price. If the cost for that is lower than the 30% steam takes it's already worth it. you might be even able to upsell on your own website with bundles or other shit
ITT: nodevs trying to figure out how to keep steam from taking 30% of the $0 they'll ever earn from never releasing a game
>If the cost for that is lower than the 30% steam takes it's already worth it.
Except as I said, nobody will use your site because there's no reason to go there instead of steam. Any barriers, even so much as redeeming a key on steam instead of having it instantly in your library, is a downside.
>you might be even able to upsell on your own website with bundles or other shit
Not a bad idea. That's kind of how Humble Bundle works.
Want to discuss how I can earn $100 with my game before releasing it to pay the steam fee so I can actually release it?
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oh it's this episode again

>people? earning money? in my /agdg/? no way!
>so anyway I will hold everyone in this thread to professional standards for music, art, coding and modelling
If your game looks like it can pass 100 reviews, I'll lend you the money. The problem is that a poorfag who can't even afford the $100 isn't capable of making a game that passes 100 reviews.
Relying on the good will of someone that is displaying enmity from the get go is too unreliable. I can't bet the thousands of hours of work that goes into a game into it. I need a better method.
is it good practice in godot to have scene origins in the center or at the bottom of your object? for example your player
ivy sly lived on 800$/month before YOMIH
>wait does steam seriously take 30% of your profits?
30% of revenue. Welcome to platform life. On the plus side you aren't paying for distribution, hosting, appearing in search, etc. Funny thing is that the 30% industry standard was started by Apple based on the hard nosed business decision of "30% seemed okay".

>$100 to put your game on steam.
>Want to discuss how I can earn $100 with my game before releasing it to pay the steam fee so I can actually release it?

steam fee oughta be $10,000 minimum IMO. Improve the signal:noise ratio for real devs.
watching course how to make game on unity right now, wish me luck /agdg/
Good luck bitch!
which one? good luck
https://www.udemy.com/course/unity-metvania/ i fucking love metroidvania
>steam fee oughta be $10,000 minimum IMO. Improve the signal:noise ratio for real devs.
IMO that wold just make players diverge their attention further from the plataform towards the competition as some games became unavailable on it but available elsewhere. They wouldn't simply stop existing.
>picked poonity
Over before it started
Shut the fuck up and just like make game. It doesn't have to be from me. If you made a game that looks like it could pass 100 reviews, you'd get thousands of people lining to front you any cost you can come up with on any of half a dozen platforms. If you have a good game, getting money is easy. Your problem is that you have no skills and no game.
thanks I'm stealing this and releasing your game before you :)
it's over...
looks cool. I like it when courses have actual projects they use for teaching the content
This guy feels like the kind of poorfag who browsed this place. Every 5 minutes he stops in the middle of the video to admire the view around his house, flabbergasted at how he's living like a king now compared to how he was before making it. And they say money can't buy happiness.
In the real world even if people want to give you money you will not receive it unless they have a way of sending it to you.
This will be me soon. I have the dev money I'm moving out.
Nta and not sure what your main argument is about but this is kind of an unrealistic thing to tell people. I’ve had successful products (inside and outside if game dev) that were completely ignored and cast aside by “money people” and yet went on to generate a ton of revenue post release. You have this idea that publishers magically know which games will/wont succeed and it’s simply not true, which is a big reason why a lot of new games are dogshit
I read they changed it to $50.
But place your game on itch.io first and use that money to publish it on Steam.
I hope that's true I already have $30 actually so I'd just need extra $20
>I'm moving out.
Where you moving out, nonny?
What country does he live in? My respect depends on whether or not he lives in the 1st world. I don't give a shit if he made 3 US dollars in some Eastern European shithole.
I don’t believe anyone who can’t get $100 together extremely easily is even close to mentally capable of making a good game. Post yours and prove me wrong
Look at his face he’s obviously a dysgenic europoid
kill youself brain damaged amerifat
or whatever 3rd world payment processor you want to use. I can mail you cash in your country's currency if that's what it takes. Shut the fuck up and just like make game. You're searching for excuses to not make games.

$100 is nothing. Any trash can make the kind of money back on Steam. Publishers lose money because they need to invest hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars per title, and it's much harder to estimate which games will be able to make that kind of money back, especially from pre-production.
>inferior turd worlder lashes out in a fit of jealous rage
I agree $100 is nothing, if your game can’t make $100 confidently then you don’t have a game worth putting on steam. I didn’t realize that was the argument because it seems so common sense
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No, thanks. You seem biased.
lol you’re the one who started crying over Americans hurting your feelings, then you spent 10 minutes editing this image
Don’t you see the irony?
man, looking at some of these devlogs... those anti-bullying campaigns were a mistake
I don’t seem biased, and you don’t have a game.
This Ko-Fi seems interesting anyone has experience using it for gamedev?
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you think you're gonna start charging rent at some point pablo? You're the one who always feels the need to bring up "the turd world" or "europe" or whatever else buzzword you came up with the current week. The threads can go along just fine without you bringing it up every time.
See what I'm talking about? You're acting in bad faith, you're not here to help me. I don't need this.
>getting this ass blasted because you’re a seething brownoid with a 70 IQ living in a turd world shithole
That’s pretty funny ngl
>the game I'm copying recently made a shit change that made it catch thousands of negative reviews
I just need to finish my project ASAP and convert all the refugees to my game.
yeah I got banned
You’re just making up any excuse you can to not post a game, because you don’t have one. Nothing I said seemed biased or in bad faith
That sucks. Why did that happen?
I'm going to read their terms and see if I can use them then come back later with the discussion.
>make a game
>make a discord/itch/reddit for it
>ask a player for $100
there, that's all it takes, if your game is good people will be throwing money at you
you're browner than 90% of this general, fucking mystery meat creatura. You have no legs to stand on.
Doesn’t work like that in reality but good luck
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>3 US dollars
He made 35k in the first day, supposedly.
I am literally 100.0% European lmfao. I live in a high trust pure white community. You shit in the streets and your average annual salary is less than $100. I really do pity you
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I'm the blackest nigger in the most disease-ridden jungedesert of the Afrindian subcontinent. People get killed around me all the time. I lost my left leg to syphilis and my monthly wages are paid to me in dirt cakes AND AM STILL GOING TO LIVE A MORE FULFILLING AND SUCCESSFUL LIFE than you. I'll probably have about 100 times your networth on the day you're on your deathbed. How you like them apples?
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next thread, please
Yeah this one got old
Just look at what you're posting and what the other people that are actually serious about the discussion and arguing in good faith are talking to me about.
See the difference? I'm done talking to you.
After the state of this one? I'd rather not!
>doesn’t have $100 to post his game on steam
>thinks this is somehow someone else’s fault
Buddy most 9 years olds have $100 they can spend, how did you fuck up your life so badly? What did you do with all the time and opportunities you were given? How can someone squander EVERYTHING lmao
The thing is that I've got to reach the players first and I've got to have a way to receive the $100 and there are many different alternatives as to how to go about it.
why bother? The amerigger will ruin that one too
Just spend $100 of your own money first retard
Use left if you know what you're doing. Use right if you want money.
Greetings from Bangladesh benchod bloody
I only have $30 and I'd prefer not to spend it because I might have to use it to repair my computer if it breaks during development.
you're not among friends. You'll do well to remember that not a single big name dev here is american. Every single poster that's held in any high regard here is not american. Leave
Froggy is american
> steve the dictator
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>”Please leave!!! I hate you!! You have to leave right nowww!!!!!”
Eric Barone.
Uh..? Get a job and make $100 in a couple hours? I don’t see the issue. Making $100 is the easiest thing a person could ever do, it’s essentially zero money
>americans: exist peacefully
probably some communal developer penal colony where everyone has prison showers and works all day on their game
Cope and seethe brownoid LMAOOOO
That's what I'm trying to do, to make game development my job. So I asked what is a good way to make $100 with my game without previous investment so I can release it on Steam to make more money.
>americans: make it their whole identity and life mission to get up in everybody's business
>also americans: NNOOOOOOOO I dindu nuffin this is LITERALLY ANNUDA SHOAH
Sounds great. Does everyone get buzzcuts on arrival and wear uniforms?
You get a job and earn enough money to be able to afford giga low cost things like $100 steam fee
This but unironically! Agree sister!
Thanks for finally letting this shitty fucking thread die. All the years of purposefully wrong "advice", gone in an instant. Good riddance, you evil demons.
That's what I'm trying to do, to have working on my game be my job.
>The thing is that I've got to reach the players first
yes? advertise on twitch, 4chan, reddit, discords
>I've got to have a way to receive the $100
You don’t have a game, so that won’t work. You need to get a job. An actual one that pays you
Stop being dramatic you know the eric schizo will make a new thread
jesus fuck you're overcomplicating you can literally pick any of them, say paypal, then post "guys i want to put the game on steam but dont have the money can somebody paypal me $100", that's it, that's all
now go kill yourself or make your game or whatever you retard
no, but everyone keeps asking if they own the games of everyone who works there and they have to keep insisting "no" and "we're not a cult"
you snooze you lose

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