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Only the FASHY VND FRESHY can save classic now from the failures of cacapissm and sodomy.
>r-retail is so easy
then why cant crybooms like Kungen or Alex beat any content
>b-but doesnt count
Are you guys still enjoying sod?
Why can night elves be thicc like orc women?
>why cant crybooms like Kungen or Alex beat any content
kinda funny how retail players dont make excuses for why they dont play classic


im so glad crybooms have countless clips of them of them failing over and over to post every time they get uppity
>Videos of someone wiping
Yes because people that are able to do the content don't wipe at all ever. Also, they probably weren't even using consumes and world buffs, as they never did that in vanilla either.
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>"fashy and freshy" for a game made by browns and jews
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>kungen never cleared the raid
also we can argue in good faith that even if alex did complete that m+ dungeon, they timed out from all his deaths so it unironically didnt count
good players are not wiping constantly on heroic mode, no
Cringe retail raid. Post naxx lags.
Have you considered he thought the game sucked and just decided to quit? Difficult content takes anybody a sizable amount of time to memorize and choreograph with others. People don't just immediately master it. Also, I've already agreed that mythic+ is difficult. My point is that if you add an extremely difficult side game to a game, it does not make the game hard. For instance, Diablo 4 added Uber Lilith. Uber Lilith is very difficult, or at least was at release. The whole rest of the game is a cakewalk. Just because they added Uber Lilith does not make the game hard.
2s and 1s
So they made one attempt lol
Who cares? Obviously they thought the game was shit and quit it. Who clears content in one attempt
>three insta cope replies
>Gets btfo
>Has no answer
youre the one who moved the goal posts btw
how many world firsts do you have though?
Literally me.

>By Elune, that was a wet one. Remind me not to take out those goblin deviled clams ever again.
>cryboomer mental gymnastics hour
anything to avoid another page 10 i guess
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>lose the roll on Amberseal Keeper to a mage whom I outdamaged
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I have a feeling my guild master is rude. Should I leave the guild? I don't want him to yell at me...
Ok i get it now. Sod is just dogshit and the runes are completely whack. We need a fresh 'nilla
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>Comfy playing erra again. All other expansions are just noise.
i am but all my friends have quit so i need to find another guild or quit myself. i know some people can do it but strictly pugging isnt for me.
should i even fucking bother with phase 4 i havent played since 1
Fresh when
yeah sure why not
Reminder Alexensual broke ties with Asmongold because Asmongold didn't mind debuff limit being 16 in classic while Alexensual insisted it be 8
We've all done stupid shit in our lives, but to squander away a millionaire streamer future? Oof.
fatgrend did what no other blizzard zogbot could do... he killed classic.
Might never get one just roll erra.
cute feet
I wanna rank with a fresh ranking community
i still can't believe that they aren't facilitating a fresh cyclical server that wipes after full progression. even if it was vanilla>tbc>wrath or something that would be ok. instead we get frozen in time era and this jumbled fucking mess that is sod
tempted to go on DD but i want to play warrior and i'll be fucked if i go on a fresh server without any gold to make my leveling experience somewhat bearable
>i want to play a warrior on fresh era!!!
imagine my shock
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Didums. Eat some cement and harden the fuck up.

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What class has the biggest numbers? Keep in mind I don't mean "highest DPS", I mean the biggest numbers. I want to hit something and I want a HUGE yellow number to show up, as long as the number is sufficiently big I don't care how much damage I'm actually dealing
some mage asked for gold and dipped out, maybe he will gift you the gift given to him, gl.
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Gold isn't the problem, it's the auction house. No idea what it's like on DD, but I had a look at the EU fresh server a week or so ago and their AH barely had anything on it.
>orc warrior
>troll hunter
>undead rogue
simple as
>had a look at the EU fresh server
If the server isn't new, it's isn't fresh, you
community fresh, whatever

true fresh servers would be pointless at this point, unless they revert things like the pvp system revamp & remove boon
what if the real world of warcraft was within ourselves the entire time
Built for BGC
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forgot to write
comfy classic era leveling
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proud cryboomer here, i cant believe they put tier 0 on a vendor it's a rite of passage, know how long it took me to get shadowcraft? and devout? remember when you could raid the vanilla lvl 60 5mans? this is fucking horseshit
>its fucking 2 am server time
>log in every 10 minutes to check if taelan is up
>he's never up
>there's always at least 2 people waiting
Camping rare spawns is such fucking cancer, I tried getting the tidal charm on era and there was always some else there even if I logged in at 3 in the morning
are you seriously fucking RPing scarlet crusaders at 2 IN THE MORNING GET A LIFE!!!
Indiana Jones
hardcore enjoyers
>watch a sod stream
>streamer is in a dungeon
>2 of his group mates are unironic bots
how does that work? are bots really smart enough to get into dungeon groups now lol
soon enough there will be more bots than players everywhere
>watch a sod stream
needed to check if its good now
>tidal charm
you should make/join a nazjak camping discord clique, newfag
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>trying to get a tidal charm alone, without discord timers, faction collusion, cell phone notifications and bribery.
I avoid the era discord like the fucking plague, the people on there are literally mentally retarded
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What cd add on is this from azamous's new video? I need a cooldown add on to remind me to use my abilities
looks like a basic weakaura
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>get to level 51
>que for AV
>every single AV is at most 6 minutes long and both teams just rush to the last boss
war.. war never changes
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hello again, are we doing this to fat fuck or what?
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Is this that faggot that use to spam his content that had the really fucked up teeth?
>start defending to have some interaction with other players
>team gets assmad and threatens to report me
can love bloom on the battlefield
Bohemians are based just like Poles
i doubt he still plays wow
sod is for the mentally ill
its full of heckin ret paladins because we're totally viable now and dont have to heal ever again haha suck it brownies ecks dee
they literally just need to make a rune that lets ret heal by hitting things and all our problems would be solved
>holy dmg also heals up to 2 targets for 100% of the dmg dealt
just imagine it
ret paladins that are actually useful
yes, that's the blizz HQ mind you and we will need about 10 people to toss fatty out
what kind of indian will take aggrends job once he pops?
>appeal to and placate trannies by promising their brutal Warrior overlords that forced them (literally all warrior mains went to their homes and tied them to their gamer chairs) to don the dress and heal that they will no longer reign supreme
>game dies when the pumper class no longer pumps
whoda thunk?
For me? Its got to be Mariaqt.
dick too small
reals were a good change
not for you, she is bbc only
big belf cook?
>play brown class
>refuse to tank
>roll on leather gear

Is what it is d00d
she didn't specify but it's related to some kind of snow bunnies. not sure what it means though
What is the fastest leveling method in SOD?
Questing? Dungeons?
but beware they are suicide inducing
Sod is an unplayable mess
i love the smell of crybooming in the morning
which one? i cant find any on the WO website that match it
you just make it yourself
look up a weakaura guide
thats just a premade aura that shows an icon when a ability is ready
or just use TellMeWhen, assuming all you care about is cooldown tracking
Era is comfy unironically
>private server pop on official servers is actually a good thing!
>LFG is dead
>everyone and their mother spamming AV

ngl, this sucks ass
Elooo(oon) be with yo(oo)u.
incursions are dailies now sis

questing and then do the leveling raids, spam dungeons from 53 onwards
>uhm what if we gave hunters a permanent frost nova that just stays on the ground forever
genius idea fatgrend

diabetes can't do it's work soon enough
what are some abilities they could have added to sod that ARE in the spirit of vanilla?
New abilities devalue the existing game, just like new loot. All the new loot should go away in a new season. This is basic, 101 stuff.
There's ton of useless abilities that could do with some tuning but adding more is just retarded
hypothetically speaking what are the chances I get banned if I just auto run in AV and go do something else
Removed abilities from vanilla alpha and beta
such as?
near zero, but auto-running will not prevent you from going afk
crusader strike, Bear Hug, Disembowl, Running Shot, Trueshot, Shadow Word: Fumble, Shadow Word: Befuddle, Sleep, Lightning Storm, Thunderbolt, Unyielding Will, Spell Immunity (felhunter), Dominate (warlock had mind control), Punishing Blow
Enjoy (I know its r3ddit but still)

>shamans had invisibility totem
Imagine the seethe lol
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Just got level 60 in SoD. What am I meant to do now, just spam LBRS and UBRS until I get equipment? It's kinda boring...
based and soulful
>cata raid disbanded at raid time because too many no-shows

yea this game is fuckin dying bro
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>dwarf mage
>Bear Hug
>Hug the enemy, preventing both the druid and the target from doing anything for $d or until the druid lets go.
>crybooms got filtered again
>basically everyone calling for tbc classic servers
why hasnt blizzard listened?
I just don't see how this would work, the era playerbase is already really small, fragmenting it even further with a TBC / WoTLK server would make things even worse.
theres very little overlap between people who like at least two of those three versions of wow. vanilla players dont care about tbc and hate wrath. wrathbabs dont care about vanilla and tbc, etc
And tbc players don’t exists
No one wants tbc, no one asked for tbc
I don't see anyone calling for tbbc though?
voices in your head don't count btw
Take meds schizo
Tbc will never happen again
Retailretard here.
Years and years ago I played on the TBC private server excalibur. Levelling had a pretty smooth curve for a solo player who just wanted to play and quest a bit by themselves. Retail questing is so fast it's a meaningless tedium, clearly just a barrier to get to "content".
How is levelling in SoD? I am kinda interested in it. How much can I *actually* modify my class compared to what Blizzard promises me? I wanna try Tauren Hunter and see if I can finalize the melee Hunter fantasy that's not shit like Retail SV.
Is there anyway blizzard can ban fucking Venezuelans and other South American monkey shitbags from NA servers? They're the most mind boggling retarded people I have ever played with.
everyone who wasnt filtered by vashj and kael likes tbc, though.
Voices in your head
>652 r3dditors aka homo erectus subhumans want tbc
My point still stands though
>subhumans want tbc
Who would have thought
>two insta seethe replies
Tbcc will never happen again and there is nothing you can do about it
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>they took out logout skips
Actually despicable, also hc is now too populated for my liking
>retards want to go back to farming kara on world of shamancraft tbbc
Hybrid tax was the correct design decision and classic classes are much better than later iterations

Paladins can not expect the best defensive support toolkit in the game while also being competitive with rogues, warriors, mages, and other pure dps on damage dealt
>a shaman for every group in tbc bad
>a shaman for every group in vanilla good
God i fucking HATE multiple raiding difficulties. It makes pugging so much more difficult. Instead of a "1 size fits all" you have to filter by layers. You divide the raiding population into little niches like full normal, 2 heroics, 5 heroics, 8 heroics, 10 heroics, heroic full clear. Like wtf. In classic/tbc, if you wanted to raid Molten Core or Black Temple, you just look for the group. But with multiple raiding difficulties with different clears, it becomes too difficult to find a raid that you want.
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>reading becomes too difficult
new cryboom just dropped
you're absolutely fucking retarded if you think my point is about reading. dumbass schizo brainlet with cryboomers living in his head, rent free.
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I think that it's just bad design in general because you're literally recycling the same content and just inflating stats and adding some boss abilities, this eventually lead to the mythic system which I've hated from the start.

>do this dungeon while leveling
>now do it again at max level
>but there's more!
>do it 500 more times, but this time the mobs hit harder and explode on death
>and there's a timer, everyone loves those!
total cryboom meltie
tax is too harsh to where hybrids are only useful outside of "unbalanced" specs or niche applications I.E. why you mostly see druids, shamans, and to a lesser degree - paladins, healing at higher ends
generally youre sacrificing DPS by bringing hybrids due to the unnecessary throttling
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blizzard really needs to:
>make classic+ separate from classic era
>make seasonal servers for people who like to redo classic -> tbc -> wrath

And before any retard says
>but muh split playerbase!!
We are already split it won't make a difference
hybrid tax is a meme when the game lets you swap roles just by changing your talents. the idea of a hybrid tax works better in games where a class has a predestined role by virtue of its class
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Do we agree with her?
I feel like we're going to get a rolling classic > tbc > wotlk server after MoP classic ends. Everyone seems to love the expansion and I doubt they'll bother making a WoD classic.

A fresh vanilla (#nochanges) right now would hurt SoD, era and Cata, so it makes sense for them to wait.
Perhaps talent trees were a mistake
Blame the people who want to "difficult" content
>Everyone seems to love the expansion
few mentally ill furfags maybe, mop bleed subs it's entire duration
>Don't split the base!
If you have people playing your game begrudgingly, then those people will play your game half-heartedly and will contribute nothing apart from filling a raid slot. And that is only if they play your game at all, because they may very well just decide to leave if they don't get *their* game. For Blizzard, the equation should literally just be "how do I get these people to give me money now" and that *may* entice them to check out other content.
>few mentally ill furfags maybe
Yeah, and they work for Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard
>TBCryb000000m TT____TT waaaaaaaahhhhh
>waaaaahhhh waaaaaahhhhh waaaaaahhhh Q-Q
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funny how shitters who got filtered by cata now beg for easy mode tbc
Go away Ghostcrawler
Yes, certainly the division is Cata vs TBC. Pass the glass pipe, furbro.
yeah tottally not related to this>>486872405
kinda funny how every expansion was better than vanilla
youre waist expansion was certainly greater
had no idea how accurate turtle wows paladin is damn
greater than what?
Weird how the game is worse now
Is there an addon that can block certain words from chat? Or just something that blocks all the summon spam in LFG and trade?
is that why it keeps getting new updates?
Kotor 2 hasn't had an update recently and is an unfinished game and its better than 99% of rps
Badboy something something
Global Ignore List

by far the best chat filtering addon
I was gonna unsub because i stopped playing cata and sod but realized TWW was next month. I now realize I've been scammed my blizzard into keeping a perma sub. There will always be new content released. After TWW becomes stale cata classic will release firelands and sod might do something crazy. Then retail next patch, then MOP classic. And they might even add a new seasonal fresh server. So yeah, I guess i can't ever unsub when I used to unsub all the time between patches
Damn this is actually perfect. Thanks
The trick I've been doing is just having alts doing alchemy transmutes on retail and playing for free with the gold from that
should i play mage healer or is it a meme
nobody here is invested in sod enough to give you an accurate answer
>a literal unironic wow junkie
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>Bought 2200 dark iron ore for like 900-1000g total over the course of P3 to rush Thorium Brotherhood Rep for muh +22 int formula
>Eruption dailies make that irrelevant since you get like 2.5k rep a day
>Dark Iron Bars selling for 30-35g a pop since everyone is doing T 0.5 quests
>Mfw inadvertently sitting on 8k gold of Dark Iron Bars
>Have already sold 2k worth
recycling content is not bad design, it's good design. making new content all the time isn't sustainable, you can't possibly outpace the demand. that's why it's so baffling that they've abandoned pvp completely, it's a game mode that can thrive on the least amount of resources possible since the players more or less make their own content.

mythic+ could have been good, it just isn't. like every other system in retail, they haven't iterated on it almost at all past implementation. people love pre-bis farming in classic, it could have been that but turned into a pillar of the endgame. instead it's some time attack esports bullshit that stresses the fuck out of everyone.
what is the appeal of this fucking obnoxious nigger?
how the fuck does horde win av
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<Clover Club> Horde [NA] Crusader Strike RP-PVP is recruiting for Season of Discovery PHASE FOUR!

As we did in 2019 classic, we aim to clear content efficiently and have fun while doing it.

Group 1 - Friday 6PM PST
Group 2 - Saturday 6PM PST
Group 3 - TBD (likely Tuesday 6PM PST)

- A guild guaranteed to clear content - The most successful NA /vg/ guild, backed up by a track record of success during vanilla classic
- A clique-free, welcoming 5+ year old active and growing community
- No women/trannies
- Low-quality shitposters and retards need not apply
- PvP guild events + active discord/VC

Due to the viability of almost all specs, feel free to roll whatever you enjoy playing. We will have a spot for you.

Join now! Message anyone in-game with the OP post #. If you have any questions regarding the guild, feel free to add Exub on discord.
The official forums are thread after thread of alliance complaining that alliance can't win. The fuck is going on? Who's winning?
I don't know how its possible to lose as alliance if you get like 3 hunters to defend the bridge. sometimes we can't even get to van before drek dies
Yeah but why would you like all that awful content? Retail classic? Really?
The map is set up in favor of alliance. But you'd never know that going to the official forums. What a bunch of bads. Yeah the horde can't get across the bridge if you just ice it up. Alliance don't have to deal with any of that in the horde base.
my guess is people complaining are getting the discord premades, but in any random vs random group alliance literally cannot lose. single hunters can win the game for alliance right now, frost trap is fucking insane
I'm not aware of any discord groups for horde av this time around.
I'm in one. ~119 people and a few streamers, server owner was spamming in AVs this morning
Ahh ok hmm must be new maybe? I haven't been on a since I honor capped Tuesday
any cry zoomers?
I wish dungeons had matchmaking
I kneel
any bi coomers?
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Imagine being against a dungeon finder
would be okay if they added it before the snapshot
Only fags like sodomy.
talking to players is scary
what talking? everyones using the lfg addon and the most interaction you get is someone going "sorry already have [your class]" when you whisper for an invite
they do that because talking to players is scary
God damn, alliance players are so terrible holy fuck it never ceases to amaze.
>everyones using the lfg addon and the most interaction
So you admit there's still some interaction?
I guess? In the same way someone yells INVITE when you're about to kill a mob they need and then promptly leave as soon as it's dead. I'd be okay giving up the epic "invite" whisper into instant group invite or "sorry" whisper interaction for faster and fairer groups.
This is a classic mmo so at least some level of interaction should be required when forming a group for a dungeon.
>someone yells INVITE when you're about to kill a mob they need
kino home
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yeah haha I love interacting
>my face when someone tells me they already have a rogue for the 46th time today
artie the goat
>ret """dps""" wants to join my group
>tell her "thanks but we already have a healer"
the ensuing melties are worth the price of my sub
The t0 chest has a 1 in 8 chance of dropping, so on average a player will get it in 8 runs. 8 runs of UBRS would net you about 40 reals if you did it once a day and the chest costs 50. It does not save most players time. The only real change this results in is players being incentivized to run a variety of dungeons rather than spamming the same one to get their t0.
trying to get the note for the ony attune is actually impossible
cant get to any mobs outside of brd without getting ganked and cant solo the elites in brd
I have bounced off retail every time I tried it because the leveling experience is so shit. I don't own dragonflight or any recent xpacs though. People seem to dislike SoD, which I was thinking of trying? What's the problem? Should I just play classic instead? I figured starting as a total noobie in retail would be nightmarish.
SoD is just vanilla with retail abilities trivializing leveling which is the main appeal of vanilla wow.
Classic era servers suffer from hyperinflation and raids being mainly GDKP.
Cata classic released relatively recently so it's a good time to start.
Retail is just about to hit new expansion so everybody will be a noob at the start.
So you would recommend cata classic I guess, based on all of that? I figured I'd try SoD but the more I read about it the more people seem to dislike it. There's so many separate instances of wow that I don't want to play on something dead/temporary/unliked as someone with no friends in game and going in completely solo
Is EU both seasons and cata just dead?
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>Classic WoW player
>National Socialist
>Successful streamer
>Successful businessman
>German wife
>Pumping out kids every 18 months with said wife

How did he do it bros?
>not an aryan wife
what would the party think
She's German and her relatives were in SS, Nordicism is not the same as Aryanism, Aryan just meant pure blooded German, Noridicism was having blond hair and blue eyes and it being a sign of superiority that ideology was abandoned by the Nazis before well before the war even started
Every version except classic era is populated.
Just pick your flavor of shit.
classic era is populated, what are you talking about
Supposedly the alliance have a double agent on classic era NA, a hunter that pulls the druids whenever horde get close to Van, forcing a wipe.

EU has a similar problem, we have a griefer that tags SHGY every single match or pulls marshals etc
thats an impressive level of mental illness if true
More likely just an ebin troller
Horde exists for this exact reason
Can you get on the roof in Era? I remember that was a strat in AVs of yore
This junkie is still playing sod even tho he is constantly crying about it? Junkie behavior is fucking wild
didn't shamans have thunderclap super early as well? Or is that just some headcanon?
Part of me was glad I never got invested into Classic+ ever since it was first announced. Even now and aside from the still yet to release Karazhan Crypts dungeon, I feel like this is more of a remix of the original Classic WoW than a true Classic+. When I think Classic+, I mean things like the aforementioned Karazhan Crypts, Emerald Dream content, Azshara battleground, Hyjal etc, basically content that was originally going to be in the original Vanilla, but scrapped due to time constraints and also moving on to TBC. Basically TDLR I wanted Classic+ to be content past Naxx, but not going into TBC/Dark Portal.
Classic era has more players than SoD
I never understood why people wanted classic+, the content that was scrapped was a product of its time and the current team of developers couldn't do it justice.

Plus I have no idea how you'd fit it into the already existing structure of vanilla without fucking everything else up
Google Oldschool RuneScape
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what is it about brownies that causes them to lash out like this?
pissyellows are legit retarded faggots that would set anyone off, i don't blame people for having to put up with them desu
>in dreams
>get to taelen
>group of 4 fellow alliance waiting
>they don't invite me
>beat them to accept the escort first
>rude gestures
and then the whole bus clapped
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Stay mad tinybull
what does your ign say about you?

for me, it's that i'm a laid back and easy going player who likes to joke around and have a bit of fun, but i'm also a pumper and know that parsing is the true end game of the warcraft. of course, people see my name and it's instantly recognizable :)
>dwarf hunter spamming duskwood general chat for about 20 minutes with "LOOKING FOR A GROUP FOR THE DAKWOOD"
>sometimes it was also "THE DOKWOOD"
when is sod over? i want to play my sod toon in era
i'm gonna guess SoD has about 12-15 months left
no way right
like 3 months top right?
2 months of phase 4 followed by 3 more phases that are 2-3 months each and then last phase is allowed to linger for 6 months before shutdown
this is what you should have posted with your first post baka
Are warlocks just the gods of pvp in SoD now? Seems like they're unkillable and their dots will burst you down as fast as any other class
Based, this is what vanilla was about
Not spamming instanced content to get to 60 as fast as possible so you can raidlog
>mining some copper nodes
>see a human male paladin running towards the node i'm mining
>shift-click the node so the looting window stays open, preventing him from clicking
>he stands there for no joke 10 minutes straight
>i quickly loot everything and do it again a second time
>he must have been auto clicking it or something because he instantly starts the mining animation
>do this 2 more times, he gets nothing
>say "lol"
>he says "cunt"
>report him
paladins are just something else
paladins are so fucking based
based retards, definitely
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Game is much better now
>trying to get an UBRS run going on era
>can't find a single tank in the past 2 hours

thriving, popping off
what tank do I roll for Cata classic? Ideally one that I can save pugs with
If you say DK, then give me aclass to get to 55 fast
>Successful streamer
except he's bound to play vanilla wow forever or else he would lose viewers.
>people have no issues finding ubrs groups on sod
dare i say, volumes?
>being so thin skinned
you think you're a woman right? Just don't look at trade or looking for group chat if they bother you
>Nooo you are bound to play the best game ever made OH NOOOOOO!!!!
Let me guess; trans, disabled, Jewish and non-white?
>Slap on jafw
>Play tankbvll.
>Free invites
>i cant find any on the WO website
Motherfucker it's 2nd on WO and it's hardly the only cutthroat wo.. https://wago.io/bzX85VB7_

warlocks shadow priest and balance druids are basically playing retail and all other classes just suck by comparison
>no... le warrior stronk!!! OP!!!! Becsuse when they kill.. they get free crit!!!!!
>blizz:ZOMG!!! NERFED!!! We hire you now :))))
Shamans too, also they nerfed RETBVLL even if it was low dps because they favor horde
unironically the right play
using ingame chat just risks your account for no reason
>She can't hold herself from saying slurs
You need BBC correction my sissy
you get reported for anything doesnt matter if its a slur or you just saying hi
and after that its just automated to like 50 reports and you get your first penalty
4 of those and your account is gone
cant write a ticket to get your account back because all gms are bots now that just link to wowhead
why would you risk your account by using boomer chat
Source: bro I swear I wasn't saying slurs I swear I wasn't begging for rape correction!!!
chat is just a fucking minefield anymore
95% of it is genuine morons, bait, political shitflinging, toxicity, and R*ddit zoomer "humor"
you literally risk lowering your IQ and assimilation into the slop legion or get perma'd for <insert Arby's $4.99 coupon here>
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buy an ad
stop posting about this guy, you're eating away filterjeet's datacap
Sod toons won’t go to era
Sod toons will go to catac

>guy says something retarded
>say hes retarded and why
>get banned

nah thats just how it is nowadays. I bait people on league all the time and they fall for it 9/10 times. I get the message thanking me for leading to a players ban/mute regularly
why even play an MMO where you're supposed to cooperate with other people if you're just going to treat it like a singleplayer game

you're probably one of those people that just whisper INV when I'm fighting mobs and leave when the quest mob is dead, like a fucking bot
I do this in every game too, we must be related. Baiting retards into using banable words is a classic
Having to use one goblin rocket fuel per ectoplasm is fucking tilting me. Every single spot for all three types is camped by 10 people at any given time
Cooperate to do what? everything is solo-able outside of raids and who uses in game comms for that? I can't argue with anyone in game or risk losing my account and gay small chit chat of "ty 4 run" i'm not missing out on.
I flame people all the time using the in-game chat, as long as you don't outright call them a mouth breathing nigger you'll be fine.
laggy ass servers
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>Join stratholme group
>Healer is a druid
>start a group for jail break
>3 of the 5 people not even on the right part of the quest chain
>get everyone caught up
>2 people somehow decline the quest as we start

Thank god I was able to make groups with a few private server friends who have all done this shit a dozen or so times... I couldnt imagine being terrorized by some randoms while trying to get my ony attune
>you're probably one of those people that just whisper INV when I'm fighting mobs and leave when the quest mob is dead, like a fucking bot
Not true I say thank you first. Am I supposed to ask for your life story?
remember when alex bitch-quit mop remix when he was healing a dungeon on his druid and everyone kept dying? bro was spamming regrowth like it was classic, what a brainlet lmao
Yes, if you don't let me ramble about my 5 cats and my back pain, then you are a bot.
>Plus I have no idea how you'd fit it into the already existing structure of vanilla without fucking everything else up
Isn't that was SOD basically did anyway?
>"no! you HAVE to play with ME!! invite me to your group - RIGHT. FUCKING. NOOOOOWWWW!!!!!!!"
why would i want to socialize or cooperate with any of the aforementioned ""people""
The multiplayer arpg general is wowg
Hope this helps
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This isn't 2019 or 2004 anymore sweetie, your Chuck Norris joke is stale and i don't need to see you type "ty" or "inv inv inv".
You will address me as 'Mr. Ret Paladin Sir' or not at all, pleb.
I need to do this Wild Gods thing in RFD for a rune but there's no groups doing it. What am I supposed to do?
make your own group
MMO just means there's a lot of concurrent players in a shared unicerse that's always online. It doesn't mean you must always be in parties focus firing. Literally just taking part in an economy is enough for an MMO.
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Dankk Budz Collective is recruiting for phase 4 content, looking for 1 healer and some dps. raid times are Wednesday 6-9 ST, PST! Were on Lone Wolf horde NA come check us out.
Fucking Wednesday. Everyone's doing fucking Wednesday when I can raid.
blame faggot boomers for hating the weekends
God damn boomers
Hey guys. Just wanted to let you know that I'll be rank 10 on Tuesday. One of the few. I'm going to walk around with my gear and look down up on you. Plebs.
so what was alex right about? no one can seem to tell me
staysafe being a nazi
tipsout being a fraudster
esfat being a fat leech
kargoz leading rested xp mafia
blizzard ruining classic
women being whores
Staysafe is the only streamer that matters.
we already knew all of this. thats like saying 2+2=4 and thinking it makes you special
If you cant find a healer, just whisper the first one you find in /who and tell them what they will be healing. If they attempt to decline, just say "you work for me now" and to hurry up
Catapajeet has been absent again...new workweek is sadly starting maybe we will smell him again soon
>he cant stop thinking about indians
name for this mental illness?
my browser cant load ironforge pro can someone post the sod pop chart
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never cheat, never lie
vanilla fresh until i die
google it and then open, sis
When you need to cooperate to survive
>get random whisper to tank
>say nothing
>they keep whispering
>right click ignore
>be bear chad
>people whisper me asking to come heal their dungeon
there won't be any meaninful data on SoD population until the tuesday after MC opens
uh? but everyone who wants to do MC has to prepare for MC, you can't just log in at 50 with P3 gear and walk in. it'll only go down from now
>you can't just log in at 50 with P3 gear and walk in.
and why not?
FRESH when?
go play deviate delight its literally fresh
Is SoD worth getting into?
only if youre too bad to play any version of wow beyond vanilla
staysafe seems to be the only classic streamer that actually won.

40 years old. can't talk without sounding retarded. fishing for women on tinder (diseased-slut central)
no money. schizo. failed to capitalize off classic like his peers. fishing for women on grindr
infinity money, but his brain has been fried by malnutrition and 24/7 gaming. seeks not man or woman.
joined the cartel and hasn't been seen since
has lots of money, but is stuck with bad genetics
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>40 min AV
did p4 save the game? Sonii said it was gigakino
TBC won, it just can't survive raid logging
there is literally no data on how many people are leveling and prepaing to do MC until they actually raid MC
does alex still do it? is he still at like 150 viewers?
>rested xp mafia
like the twink forum or what
>staysafe being a nazi
help me cum, dumb nelfie
>watch staysafe stream
>spends 90% of the stream talking about alex jones conspiracies
wowo wawa?
Payo is the only classic streamer with a personality, he could be a big streamer if he did variety or a game that was alive
mirlol won
Which one of you goobers is this?
>be human male ret paladin chad
>emphasis on the ret part
>i put my time in classic as a healer, against my will
>swore to the light that i would never heal again. Sod is the promised land and my time to pump
>stupid asshole warriors keep whispering me to heal their dungeons
>tell those chuds that i will come and dps as im a dps ret paladin but i WILL NOT be healing
>if they ask again i will be reporting them to blizzard
I know im based but i thought SoD would change peoples perspectives. Maybe when Kamala Harris gets elected the magatards will take a backseat
kamala is a nelf stacy thoughever, she'd never be caught dead with a retardin
Are you guys ready for an army of female pandaren to sit on your face once classic progresses to MoP?
Have Blizzard screwed themselves with MoP rewind if MoP classic is around the corner? Surely giving people the chance to replay through will make the interest for the next classic expansion a lot lower
Yes. I originally quit in Cata and decided to skip Cata Classic this time. Was going to play MoP just to chill and quest through Pandaria for the first time but remix already offered that to me.
nobody likes rets, take the hint
Must suck to be brown
>every human male ret paladin is a mutt
really makes you think
don the dress you cuck
It's fucked how accurate that is
>clover club cant even field 20 people for molten core week 1

its over.
>be 190cm Aryan Übermensch
>play Retbvll
>wowcgcels think I’m some smelly Iranian
Post brown hand while we can see your retardin in the background
I have never had anything against paladins in general before sod but no joke every single one has been a pain in the ass to play with. They do damage, sure, but its like the rest of their toolkit just doesnt exist. They are out to prove themselves or something but it isn't conducive to teamplay at all
Toss out a cleanse because the healer is silenced? Too much to ask
Rez the healer because they died and theres nobody else with a rez? Too much to ask
Was invited as a heals but insist on hitting stuff and they let the tank die? They get mad when you call them out on it
God forbid if you ask them to recast their blessings several minutes after they have expired
Not a single off heal to be had in pvp. They will die with a full mana bar every time
And they are loot goblins. I thought brownies in classic were bad but holy shit paladins just need on anything and everything
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Can we have fresh now plz
That's why shitskins prefer warmane to vanilla and tbc pservers. People thought wrath servers are popular because the expansion is so good but it's actually because all macacos want to play the expansion where ret is most OP
Thats the average ret paladin player experience any time the class is viable enough to get invited to content. Theres a good reason the spec is hated so much
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the reason shitskins, mutts and the mentally ill ie trannies and women play paladin is because of the concept of divine justice and being the literal deliverer of whatever brand of justice (ie social justice). not only that but by virtue of being divine, they are right and correct in their dispensation of said justice. "you can't argue with me because i'm bringing the word of the divine and i'm blessed by the divine in my righteous mission"
true men play warrior because of the idea that there is no divine justice, there is no higher power worth answering to and the only thing that matters in this world is how strong and courageous you are because in the end that's the only thing that can truly stand up to evil (ie self righteousness)
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Here's a screenshot from back in the day I thought you all might like.
Late 2005, guild just finished our horde server first nef kill. Ashkandi dropped, went to our big dick arms warrior who was always fighting for the top of charts.
I had just completed thunderfury a few weeks prior so that was still kinda new. For some High Skill Gameplay we can look at the combat log; notice the skilled rogue using kick (against a warrior) just to try to proc TF. And it works, and it crits of Deathstriker. (Mine dropped before they changed the name) Also I bought the first set of bindings before BWL was released so no one knew what the reward for the Bindings of The Windseeker quest were, which is why my guild gave it to a rogue instead of a warrior.
603 DKP

I have a few more screenshots from the early days if anyone is interested,
using kick to try and proc something is not high skill
>dies to an afk hunter

No because remix has retail gameplay (shit) and MoP is beloved for its gameplay
pinkies will NEVER be able to recover from this
Thanks for sharing! Would enjoy to see more nostalgiaposts
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It was 20 years ago, no icy veins/wowhead telling you exactly how to play. People were impressed when they saw TF proccing off kick and feint. It could even proc off itself for a little before it was patched.

The texture on thunderfury used to bug out into just a black texture, I thought it looked kinda neat.
I remember I used to play wow with a friend from school and one day during class he was explaining to me that he saw someone in org with an orange quality weapon and describing what it looked like. I thought he was completely full of shit and lying to my face. We weren't even complete noobs, we were raiding mc. But it's a nice memory because the total lack of knowledge of things you didn't experience firsthand is totally and forever lost in gaming now.
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Oh noes!
You can still have that, just lower your IQ from 80 to 40.
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People from other servers would hear I had the sword via word or mouth/thottbot and walk to org just to see it.
Being e-famous was fun for a bit. Alas all good things must come to an end. I sold my account shortly after AQ came out. $1,100 for an account with only one level 60. I bought a 360 when they were still hard to find, then started to experience the world of dating because I was 17 and was flushed with cash.
I am now 35, not dating, not flushed with cash, and don't have a thunderfury :(
was it that rare?
i remember seeing people with it in town often. but that might've been later in 2006.
>trying to get a mage port to Darn
>mage invites me
>ask him how much gold i owe
>he says "whatever you think is fair"
>put 1g in the trade window
>he closes it immediately
>"fucking sod scum, kys, go back to cata"
>insta logs out
i was more perplexed than anything. why are soddies so unhinged?
defilement of the perfect fashy und freshy experience turned them insane, like amerimutts.
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When I got mine the game hadn't even been out a year yet. I think I was one of the first 5-10 people world wide to complete the quest.

Things were working pretty well for me back then.
>Got both sacred charge and deathstriker from rend
>Didn't need to spend DKP on tier1 because I was still keeping up with the other rogues.
>Orange item drops
>Spend all DKP
>Only item I bought from MC
>BWL is released
>Oh look who has tons of DKP saved up because he only bought 1 item in MC
>server first full tier 2

Heres an MC screenshot I edited when I was young
Wait, was it too much or too little?
When does SoD end?
Since they just hit P4/endgame I can't imagine them having much left in the tank.
i have no idea because he didn't say if it was or not. he just said what he said then logged out
why say "pay what you think is fair" when crack the shits if you dont get what you want? retarded mages i swear (he was a gnome of course)
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>your average soddy
kinda crazy how ugly wow looks after all these years
I think it has aged far better than any other game of that era
i play holy pala but none of these patches are fun
I don't play sod of sodomy, I am white Aryan RETBVLL pvp G O D.
I only play the freshest and Fashiest servers, zero change, zero DEI, zero ZOG!!! yup yup
there is no fresh :c
Regular Larry David over here
No fresh? I shan't play!
I just come here to laugh at terminally mazed cucks and play xiv.
There was a thread on /v/ asking about it, which made curious enough to go to the source (/wowcg/) and ask:
How's Cata Classic doing? Is it all doom and gloom like people predicted years ago, or are people enjoying it?

Personally I stopped playing mid-Wrath. Hoping for a new Fresh Vanilla some day, before I think of coming back to Classic.
Cata is doing great sir. Please play cata! Don't listen to tranilla junkies!
Kys tranilla junkie cata is popping off
wtf is this meme
>Scatajeet woke up
Anons please, I'm genuinely curious how it's doing
I even checked the classic subreddit but they're just posting shitty memes or talking about SoD, which was about what I expected.
Now what? I hear getting .5 tier gear is very expensive and I can’t afford it, is it needed? Can I handle world bosses with full ST gear and a handful of upgrades from 60 dungeons to get gear before MC and ONY?
I regret playing shaman so fucking much
Picked it at P1 launch, they were not so many shaman. But just like mage for classic 2019, everyone decided to pick it during P2/P3 because it's just "so good"
Now it's gonna be a pain in the ass to get a group for MC and get gear since there is 10 per raid
Don't mind the Indian shills.
It is dying off. No reason to play cata when you have retail.
Nobody (outside of mentally ill hyper conttarians) has real long lasting nostalgia for cata nor is it good for GDKP (ie rmt) which kept other classics alive for a bit, nor does it have a leveling world that doesn't exist anymore (era/HC).
At least you didn't pick shaman and rogue tank :_(
It will run at least to the end of 2024 according to the 2024 roadmap.
Should I spent 500g on the 0.5 quest? I have nothing to do right now but I only have 700g total
fotm rerollers deserve the rope. Imagine re rolling for pve dps lmao. I'm also a p1 shaman and I get my revenge by rolling on tier 0.5 pieces that I already have
>caca's failure means we are unlikely to ever see p*nda
furfags BTFO'd!
Panders is gonna have less players than current sod
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the only respectable druid is a boomie
holy fuck
Idk what people expected, it is the same growth OG wow had.
Mop will be DoA, like OG mop.
Cata was trashed during whole decade. Its being bad is not a meme
>retarded class mechanics (wotlk+unnecessary buttons)
>overtuned long 5 man dungeons no one asked for
>dragon soul is the worst raid tier ever
>lore is absolute garbage, deathwing is the worst villian on par with shadowlands
Mop actually fixed everything. Yeah it won't be alive after catapiss but at least it can be fun to play.
i literally just grouped with a paladin for some elite quests and he not only let 2 people who couldnt heal straight up die, he then said "maybe you should have rolled a class that could heal" and then proceeded to link fucking details dps meters. for fucking level 40 outdoor content
paladins are just fucked in the head. absolutely cooked
>Yfw people tried defending cata talents
Ret paladins suffer from terminal brain damage, even in retail.
Why are rets the way they are?
Nobody knows.
Underage or mental retardation is my guess.
normal adjusted males don't think slow walking human male le saviour of the light hoj bubble class is cool. It's so fucking boring to level in classic too, most people dont bother
Picture her going green in front of some devout Scarlet monks
>kungen is white
>plays warrior
>esfat is brown
>plays paladin
This post enrages the hive
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mutts larping
unironically want to play war within over cata/sod slop
I kind of feel like that sometimes, then I launch it and get reminded it's just a solo transmog collecting game with unskippable awful dialogue and choreography.
retail at least knows what it wants to be and is less of a jumbled fucking mess than sod. and cata is just caught in this weird where it's basically retail in its infancy with far less shit to do and less polish
Why would a level 52 alliance be grinding the turtles near raventusk village?

I killed this hunter at 5AM when I was out there questing and the dude is still there at 5PM. And it doesn't appear to be a bot, though I question the sanity of any lvl 52 that willingly attacks a lvl 60 lock, but w/e.
>The orc she wrongfully considered superior gets castrated in front of her, high pitched squeals of pain
>playing new stuff over recycled stuff
mind your own business you faggot
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>one of the players is a bot
fucking brave of the botters to just enter dungeons now
do people not care anymore and just play with bots or whats the endgame here
bots are probably better at the game than actual players considering this is classic
It appears to be a bot, a bot that grinds mobs and the moment it spots an enemy player it just tunnels that player.

Highly fucking annoying when it's in the middle of a questing zone
I had an irani hunter bot in my lrbs with 0 runes and green level 30 gear. When I asked him why he wasn't using runes he said 'I have to go' and left
honestly i give zero fucks about cataclysm or replaying any previous expansion sheerly for the sake of it
if SoD had any amount of effort beyond repacking and rebranding talents/abilities then i mightve played that
i dont really care about TWW but it's the only thing that has literally anything going on
If you actually want to play retail you should consider just not playing wow. It's so fucking grim
i havent played retail since mop so i cant come back
how do these bots even get into groups though?
you need to be punished
things effectively reset every expansion. its a big part of why i actually like playing retail because everything is fresh. i have played every expansion since legion and usually give up after the second raid comes out because i feel like i've seen everything i want to see and the game loop/systems become boring. for BFA i barely kept it together during the first raid i hated that expac so much
Retail feels like absolute crap to play if you take breaks or flat out skip expansions, so many portals it makes my head spin
not super thrilled about it but there arent many options MMO wise
considered playing GW2 again to give the leveling experience another try
its designed to play on and off, though.
>doing something you don't enjoy for fun
just don't then, do something else are you retarded?
i have to agree
i came back to dflight after quitting midway through the second raid and i felt like it was impossible to get back into. too much shit to catch up on and i just didn't care
weak bait
seems easy to tell a bot to whisper inv to chat messages in lfg containing lfm
>dude... ALTS!!!
Fuck off I like it when jeff is a shaman and joe is a neet virgin loser because he has 3 60s
idk how anyone can play classic and only have 1 lvl 60 character
By not being a mentally ill junkie???
you're in the wrong general then
>playing a 20 year old game
>not a mentally ill junkie
lmao even
is sod phase 4 worth coming back for? I like the idea of a new dungeon but I imagine after getting like, two pieces of gear I might need from there I won't ever go back again.

I know they're letting you "turn up the heat" on MC but is it going to be any kind of increased mechanical difficulty? Or just more trash + hp/dmg? The thought of eventually going through a version of BWL that's even more of a trash slog than usual is excruciating
>GDKPS are le bad!
>but paying someone to tank/heal your dungeon is ok
Giving someone 50g to tank a dungeon nobody wants to run is hardly the same as dropping 50k on a fucking binding because Timmy couldn't resist to swipe his CC
DPSissy paying cuck tax for medics and fuhrerkommandants is fashy and in the Spirit of vanilla
>everyone is fucked up just like me
I only have one max character, I do raids once or twice in pugs and do bgs/wpvp. I also buy gold so I don't have to farm. I have sex with my gf and have sexed many women. You're just a tranny
For non bitter virgins it's actually pretty fun and you can find groups for anything and av queue is 1min. This is the best time to play because it'll slow down once raids are out
>I need attention
>quick post something retarded on purpose
>I buy gold

this isn't a flex you swiping retard
I can't find groups
youre dumb as fuck. The guy implied everyone is mentally ill and spends all day in game (farming gold etc..). I don't farm gold and thus spend more time doing normal shit irl. You fucking sperg bastard esl
You're mentally ill enough that you're spending real life money to gain an advantage in a 20 year old nearly dead game, you are a mentally ill tranny that is coping hard
>buying gold le bad
It’s 2024
>defending gold buyers
>defending gdkp

get that chink dick out of your mouth, then maybe we can talk
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>everyone still playing era in one image
I tried resto druid once and it gave me a panic attack
Fresh TBC, raidwide group buffs, raidwide heroism/lust, there I fixed the fucking game.
rightmost chink is cute desu, would race traitor
>in greens
>top dps
how bad is the average classic player
I'd play if it were F2P
>not having a job
I just spent £20 to get 2k on sod the other day, that's litteral throw away money dude. If it saves me 5h of farming then it's worth it
And it ruins the game in the process, go fuck yourself
gold buying has been a thing since vanilla (I bought it back then too). If you don't like blizzard doing nothing why do you keep paying them?
I hope you pressed Z for that guy
You're still spending money to get an advantage in an ancient dead game, you mazed tranny
Don't think you actually know what mazed means. I'll likely quit once I'm r10 and have full tier 0.5. You'll still be playing wow..
How’s the process work? Did you meet in game to trade? I’m tempted to buy some gold but too afraid to ban my account.

What is the punishment even? Would I lose my entire Battle.net account?
They just mail it
They just mail it. I've bought gold in every expansion I've played and bought loads in sod (where detection is supposedly better). I've never been banned or had a warning. At least 60% of people buy gold now
How old are you, just curious? I'm pretty envious of the guys that were in their late teens, early 20s when vanilla launched. Being a young adult when the internet started to truly boom was probably an amazing experience.
Says he was 17 when he sold the account
I was 24 in 2004
having a childhood without internet and mobile phones was the true amazing part.
you have absolutely no idea how free it used to be
do i really have to do downranking shit with heals
Yes, you'll run out of mana otherwise.
just don't heal, until healers can PVMP dps it's a tranny role for women and "women"
If you're playing era or sod you don't need to downrank because nothing lasts longer than 1 mintue and I'm pretty sure you can't even downrank in cata..
If you're pushing the envelope with good players healing is really fun. If you're healing retards who treat you like shit it's cucked
This is the worst part, even jannies here are cucked. Everyone is fundamentally incapable of ignoring things they don't like, because glowpigs have systematically destroyed and then provided their own "fix through totalitarianism" systems since 9/11.
it's kind of worth to do at any stage of the game
i always hotbar my highest and second highest rank heals, helps prevent waste from overhealing
some classes like shaman can downrank for cheap interrupts
>letting yourself get treated like shit
>as a healer
Just leave and instantly find another group
Is healing the biggest joke role in any RPG?
>Your usefulness depends completely on the quality of your group
>If your group is good, you're less useful because you're putting out fewer heals
>The more healers you have, the less healing overall you'll be doing in a party/raid setting
>You need fewer healers as groups get more gear/kills are faster since less damage is going out
>The obvious solution to needing less healing is bringing fewer healers
>Any gear that went to that healer is now instantly invalidated as if it never dropped to begin with
It's no wonder they fundamentally changed the healing playstyle to include some DPS in MoP and beyond. The only healer that's any fun to play in vanilla is fucking shaman and that's only because you have buttons that you can minmax to help boost the DPS through totemtwisting.
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woman brained healsluts want to be abused though
Kill yourself
this desu, healing was fixed by healers being able to contribute to dps: the only thing that actually matters
truth hurts?
A good group means you're chain pulling and the damage input is high, giving you a lot to do as a healer. Healing became less interesting once they shoved DPSing into it to attract smooth brains who need to be stimulated like the stupid monkey they are.
Agreed, even if you overgear the content by a large margin (doing UBRS in t2 gear for example) the tanks can still chain pull to the point where the healers won't be able to keep up.
Found the problem. Turns out you're just an autistic faggot.
This is probably a major reason why mmorpgs have been trending downward in popularity across the board. Without the major social aspects, what most mmorpgs offer can be offered via other genres in a better manner. But this heavy social experiences aren't what people want either. Too much work. Why the genre is stuck in this weird limbo as it slowly dies since its super unpopular with the newer generations.

Will be interesting to see what the future holds. The genre is testing the waters with this "survival crafting genre + mmorpg genre" formula. We will see how that goes. I think the next experiment will be something along the lines of singleplayer rpgs. Essentially singleplayer experiences with a focus on immersion/story telling but on a massive scale. ESO is already this by accident. So I imagine someone will develop from the get-go with that objective. Think fo76 but on a massive scale. New world sounds like they're trying to pivot to this design now.
sounds like trash desu
give me a mmo over that crap any day
You're not wrong. I prefer the "old way" too. But populations are dropping for almost every single mmorpg year over year. Publishers, if they care to support it the genre still, are trying to find a new formula that's profitable. Once human is the first test of this mmorpg/survival combination. But i think the seasonal design is gonna end up killing that game or being the major reason it drops in population. The next mmorpgs to test this design will be dune awakening. Then pax dei after that.
Can someone explain me what are the changes of sod ober classic? I've heard they are putting wotlk into classic, but are they going to switch to tbc? Are the changes extensive? I'm thinkimg about getting back into wow after 10+ years.
>Can someone explain me what are the changes of sod ober classic?
retoilet and expansion abilities poorly copy pasted to vanilla
>I've heard they are putting wotlk into classic, but are they going to switch to tbc?
>Are the changes extensive?
yes and no, itemization and classes are revamped but the content is mostly still the same and now you massively overpower it even harder with all the retoilet powercreep
>I'm thinkimg about getting back into wow after 10+ years.
1) New skills that will be in your rotation unless you want to be bad.
2) excessively casualized version of the game where things at previously took a long grind are handed to you for a half hour of commitment because you're a dad with eight kids and no time for an MMO

3) everything's in phases so everything is time gated. Like you can't go past rank 10 in PVP right now. By the time rank 14 opens up it will be obsolete gear.
Waita minute, he's right
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show signup sheet
I'd join clover but you guys are rude so I shan't
Wtf is clover? Another "we're going to raid on Wednesdays" guild?
Brown macaco retpal hands type these kinds of posts

It’s not the 90s/00s. There is too much stimulus in the real world to justify “grinding” for the end game. People have realized that time is valuable. Either make the “grinding” attractive/fun (retail has tried to do this with the option to level in RDF/RBG) or expedite the process (seasonal game modes)
>Outing myself to the discord clique
No ty, ill keep reporting them for racisms
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>all that disney bloat
i need fresh.......NOW!!!!!
Yes fresh
everlook is up and running
I don't want to do a private server because I have to change my files for wow. What if I want to come back and play SOD here and there. It sounds like a massive hassle
its not true fresh
When is fresh?
>it's not true fresh unless I have to pay $15/month to trannies who hate me more than I hate myself
So many tauren!
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why would I play on a pserver when I can just play on nost 2.0
I'm horny for some fem human/nelfie blogpost leveling on FRESH
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how do people find time to level alts in this game? it feels like I could always be doing something on my main instead.
because I always feel there's nothing to do on the main after you have been max level for a week or two
if it aint f4shy and fr3shy, it aint true fr3sh
>sod is clas-ACK

>warrior buffs
baka brownies
Sirs!! English sirs!!!!
five signs you should skip a post immediately

Watch and learn, folks. This is how OP warrior kill rate used to be before the nerfed bloodthirst
>2 days and 23 hours ago
Yeah I guess. But I mean that grind, hardship, and need to work with others is what allowed the mmorpg genre to explode during that era. Like you said, times have changed. People have changed. They don't want that anymore and its why the genre is failing. Because expediting the process is like eating lukewarm soup. It isn't cold. Its food. But there are much better things to eat. I don't think anyone is really "in the wrong" for this genre trending down. It isn't dead yet, obviously. But that's the current direction. Or at least going more and more into the niche realm.
>I don't think anyone is really "in the wrong"
Blizzard's perverse incentives, but you could also blame that on shareholders.
>that retard who kills the ram so you cant pre-trap bridge
>Trying to swap gold across servers
>random 3rd worlders in broken english trying to get you to trade first as if anyone with a fucking brain would fall for that
>give me 1k first so i no u not lying about gold
>I show him 30k in a trade window
>Ok give me 1k, i login and give you all after
I fucking hate subhuman 3rd world shithole monkeys from south america and indonesia so fucking much.
Are there any worthwhile grinds in the new retail expansion coming out? As in for good gear? I'm not talking about eSports or mythic+. Talking about something like a ring 14 grind. Maybe not as dramatic. Like, will delves offer good gear with a grind? I don't give a shit about transmogs or mounts.
No, modern games aren't designed with NEETs in mind anymore.
>the new retail expansion
SoD confirmed retoilet
No I just figured there's some carryover and I didn't want to ask the retail people because they wouldn't know what I'm talking about, and start telling me about transmogs anyway. Whereas some of you would.
Not even NEET. Just super ADD with massive hyperfocus in MMOs. Otherwise, I'm wasting a bunch of money doing some other activity. MMOs are cheap as fuck for the hours you can get out of them. Not lately though.
now that's a shit UI
do i need to know any of the fights in sunken temple at 60? i never did it before but a trinket i want is from there
probably not. kungen cleared the whole thing without even dying
imagine using the internet for fun and spending most of your free time outside.
anyone know if its possible to solo any of the wild offerings? im a shadow priest so my sustain is pretty good
I will be ranked 10 tomorrow. But why should I have to walk in the same paths others do? You people are below me.
Mara should be easily soloable.
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The lack of cute blogposting speaks volumes
Is there a way I can farm those Dire Maul books?
When does sod get a dungeon finder?
I'd cutepost but I'm playing an undead male this time around
I'm pretty sure hitler wouldn't want you to waste 1000s of hours on a 20 year old kids game
How long does the rank grind take?
ranking on era is an absolute joke
He's a communist
Stupid question but have the SoD world bosses reset once yet? Meaning if I do it today did I miss a lockout?
They released on Thursday, they reset on Saturday. The next reset is in 10 hours. If you kill them after reset tomorrow, you'd have three kills.
Play hardcore classic it's the best version
havent played since p1
am i playing warrior or rogue
Wold trade sod and hc for a tbc realm.
How do SoD dungeon sets work? Like as a druid, how do I even get the other sets for different specs? I don't see them on loot table
>0 insta seethe replies
damn, vanilla is really in a sorry state right now huh
>people keep telling me to run BRD to get gear
>literally no BRD groups run the bosses that drop gear for me
this has to be the worst instance blizzard has ever made
>join a group for BRD
>everybody is at least 25 minutes away from the dungeon
is ST puggable? just tried and the raid disbanded after wiping on hazzas 3 times. didn't seem that hard
How do u scale phys to chaos convert? I'd really like to make use of the new unholy might through with wands with the explode cluster notable, staff block node,broken faith/armour stack/claw?? Was looking at cobra lash pathfinder would that work?
>too scared to ask in party chat if they can run a boss you need
>not playing tank or healer and demanding it
>not making your own group
little bitch
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>playing tank or healer
>doing all the work making a group so other people can get loot
>calling anybody else a little bitch
lol you're literally a cuck
hehe good one anon
He's right you know
When SoD phase 4 spikes up in popularity what will be our cope bros?
Classic always dies roughly a month after Molten Core comes out. This is the peak anon
>profoundly unlucky with gear drops and rolls from dungeons and raids
>timbermaw rep grind
>farm for items to make tailoring epics
>onyxia attainment
>getting ganked repeatedly
>tier .5 quest
>pvp grind that I haven't even started yet
>have to set up a bunch of weakauras and macros
When does the game get fun? Is this all MMOs are anymore?
Its usually AQ actually, the fact the biggest shill WillE isn't coming back says a lot.
literally the most kosher video game out there.
>spend 25 minutes trying to get druid rune
>alliance comes up and kills me
>for some reason it resets all progress
I just unsubbed, have fun niggers
see you tomorrow mazie
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Even Balnazzar is jealous
No all the normal people quit after MC, all the try hard sweatlords quit after AQ

Even Kara Crypts or scarlet crusade raid couldn't save SoD at this point
>level 25-50
>have fun
>chill groups
>nice people
>hit level 50
>nothing but sweaty try hards
>criticize everything because they have no life
>rage quit if they wipe once
>the absolute most miserable people you can imagine
bros... I want to go back
>retcucks losing their fucking MINDS when i reject them from emp runs
make your own groups you pink faggots oh thats right you wont because you're a pussy playing the pussy class lmao
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Classic+ should be about fleshing out what's already there, and expanding into the content that could never be finished. In my opinion they went too far into some directions like class design to the point of making content trivial and much closer to retail, and not far enough into others like finishing old questlines, expanding into unfinished areas, heck, they haven't even changed any of the existing terrain in the slightest, because it would conflict with classic era. All they've added into the world are new objects and NPCs, basically just database entries.

Timbermaw Hold, Grim Batol, Karazhan and Karazhan Crypts, the classic version of Quel'Thalas, the Emerald Dream, Azshara Crater that was supposed to have a new battleground that was never finished, the gates to Uldum in Tanaris, Caverns of Time, the Dark Portal, the two dungeon portals in Stormwind, this all is literally just off the top of my head, there are many many more things that can be considered unfinished content.

I thought for incursions they were going to finally utilize and finish the Emerald Dream that has a map in the files ( https://old.wow.tools/maps/EmeraldDream/23/5/-14.594/12.688 ), but instead they just reused the same zones with the same exact terrains instead.

What is Season of Discovery for, if all you're discovering is the same old stuff? This would've been the perfect opportunity to step it up a notch, but the Classic Team is just spread too thin to seriously invest into a concept like Classic+.

To have more fundamental changes it simply needs its own client, there's no way around it. Otherwise they are just way too restrained on what they have the ability to change, and there will always have to be double checking that new changes don't affect Classic Era. Some things will just bleed through or conflict, no matter how hard they try.
didn't read
we don't want any cuck+
>getting ganked as a mage
the majority of sod players are so bad and you can win even after they open on you. You must just be a bad player
Don’t worry bros, fresh will fix everything. Trust in fresh.
Half of that is already in tbc and Cata, so you're asking for tbc and cata
And no, they don't need to worry about leaking through to era because era is dead
>Saar please play scata!!!
>scata and turd burning cuck shilled endlessly
>Both died instantly
If era is so dead why do they make classic era updates?
are we palying war within?
Worthless dev trying to justify his paycheck
This thread is on pace to be up for a week, no one is playing wow
/wpsg/ won
so we're not gonna get a fresh server for 6 months to a year at minimum?
not playing era, it's a bloated GDKP goldbuying mess
quit SoD at end of p1, could tell it was DoA
literally nothing to play besides cata which isn't even classic
for me, its MN 19
welp, servers are down. what do i do now?
Normal vanilla is the worst monetized (for blizzard) version of wow so I don't think they will make a fresh server this decade.
Maybe at the 30th anniversary.
what item? The only worthwhile gear from BRD drops from emp / arena, everything else is easily replaced
Uh what? If they released just 1 or 2 fresh classic servers per region they'd have mid five figure resub counts guaranteed. Blizz is just incompetent, even at making money
SoM is proof people don't care about fresh server past the first few months.
Play era with the global ignore list addon, so you can for the most part pretend they don't even exist.

The people in charge really have no idea what they're doing. Literally all they have to do is re-launch classic as it was in 2019 and people would flock to the servers

SoD isn't vanilla, nowhere close
Der Führer would be so proud if he saw us playing World of Warcraft classic for 15 hours a day brehs
>SoD isn't vanilla, nowhere close
I was referencing Season of Mastery.
The fact you don't even remember it is proof what a flop it was.
>SoD isn't vanilla, nowhere close
what era does it take place in?
>take vanilla
>slap retail elements onto it
You didn't answer the question
what era does sod take place in?
delete this post
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one FRESH please, FASHY not stale or lefty
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>one FRESH please, FASHY not stale or lefty
>instant indirect seethe reply
>the same aislop junkie spammer has been here for over a year every day
sad stuff
>several minutes later
by that logic, your post is one too
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but seriously when the fuck is FRESH?
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heres your fresh, faggot
polish freak is that you?
spell caster cloak
>AV bosses massively buffed effectively killing zerg strat
>no patch notes
>get fucked if you didnt rank early
lmao. I guess I'm never getting exalted with frostwolf then, fuck actually playing AV on a melee class
on era?
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>one of the prettiest zones in the entire game
>the quests aren't too bad
>dire maul, which is one of the better 5 man dungeons

Name a better zone, you can't
now make this change to era and I'll resub
>big trees and Mountain Dew™ vision
incredibly low standards
The Hinterlands
Thousand Needles
>watching a video about WoW
>scroll to the comments
>someone is talking about how as a kid they would explore the Warlords of Draenor content and not know what they're doing
>but now he's grown up, he's 16, and he's been re-exploring that childhood nostalgia again with a new perspective

>Warlords of Draenor release date: 13 November 2014
>he was 6 years old during WoD
Guys I really don't like this. I don't like realizing I'm old.
>reading youtube comments ever
bait or retard
It's like looking at a car crash, you know what to expect (something unpleasant) but sometimes you can't help it anon.
The urge to see the mess is overwhelming, and sometimes you hope things are actually OK there.
if you go to a vanilla wow thread on /v/ 9 times out of 10 you'll see a "the game is 20 years old, anon. Move on." post but I don't think you can really wrap your head around the idea of 20 years until you hear people talk about playing WoW expansions after you quit when they were younger than you when you played og vanilla
I think I really do perceive time in the context of WoW expansions at times. This shitty game has broken my brain.
People born during Battle for Azeroth are now old enough to vote.
dire maul is the best instance in the whole damn game
>replying to your own posts
I think most people perceive time in chunks, just not usually in terms of video games. Probably careers, relationships, cars.
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>raids come out in 2 days
>half the guild isn't ony or mc attuned
>and only like 3 people have even started the douse quest
lol i forgot that game existed
that's how impactful it has been
What is the difference between heroic and normal 5 man 80+ dungeons in cata classic besides the difficulty?
Loot table look the same.
Should I even bother spending gold on the 0.5 tier stuff? I only have 400g
WoTLK is considered to be the best expansion because of Warmane and it's their only version they ever played.
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wotlk is popular because browns love it
>its another /pol/lite stream for 9 hours with no gameplay episode
hell yeah
What is the whitest expansion then?
>streamerman whose job it is to play wow thinks Legion is S tier
you don't say
I find it still baffling that people who love wotlkand tbc hate cata.
The progression system is almost the same.
Old zones were reworked to resemble TBC and wotlk leveling aka follow a zone story and once you're finished moved on.
>I find it still baffling that people who love wotlkand tbc hate cata.
it's because old world rework bad (even THO you don't even visit that old world at tbc and wrath (no, your faggot caverns of time trip doesn't count for shit)
and also because they only parrot what they read somewhere else, they say "le indiana jones and csi references" when wotlk and tbc has just as many references
this, cata is amazing that's why it's still growing in pop
You must understand that most people who played Vanilla, TBC and WoTLK were also Warcraft 3 fans. The lore died when Arthas died too.

Only obscure Warcraft 2 fans knew who Deathwing was and Twilight Hammer clan. People who grew up playing WoW during 2005-2009 also grew up and did something else in their lives. It was a phase. It doesn't matter if Cataclysm is considered to be the best expansion gameplay wise. It became alien to Warcraft lore in general.

I was 18 when Cataclyms was released. I wasn't interested in WoW anymore once Arthas died. I assume most people thought the same because Cataclysm failed to increase subscription numbers.
you are contractually obligated to agree with Popular Streamer™ or face social persecution from the writhing obesity meat ocean of WoW players
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>hit rank 12 and 24%
>AV meta means i won't hit rank 14 till Nov
show us soddy and era's numbers
congrats, you've been mazed
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our troon just dropped a new hot take
>The lore died when Arthas died too.
Lore died when they retconned drenai and made them into space goats in TBC.
Everything since release of TBC is fanfiction.
>Drenai is a shattered dead world but wait there are plenty of lush zones... just don't think about it!
>Northrend is a frozen wasteland dominated by the scourge but wait once again there are lush zones and plenty of factions not affected by the scourge
>Lich king will provoke other factions before conquering his own continent
Oh and the cherry on top was Illidian surviving the duel with Arthas in WC3.
People who love TBC and wotlk definitely don't care about lore.
>b-but vanilla!
Why is it that you catafags can never talk about your own expansion's merits without bringing up past expansions?

switch mop with vanilla and perfect
He's wrong because Legion and MoP are in a league of their own. The only bad thing about MoP was the length of SoO.
Vanilla is also up there but it's obvious it hasn't aged very well, but for the time is was completely revolutionary.
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Rate my SoD healer

wotlk is the last expansion with the vanilla "feel". In wotlk there are heroic trinkets that are better than 226 trinkets. 200 weapons better than 213 weapons, you could mix and match gear, specs weren't as cookie cutter. Cata gearing is literally just ilvl. The gear doesnt even matter, just look at the ilvl. Spec system does not need to be explained. Cata was also when the mobility creep meta became a thing. The start of "casters use instants and only instants in pvp or they suck" like fire mage
I agree everything with you. TBC had Illidan, Kael Thash, Vash and Kil Jaeden. All of them are canon in Warcraft 3 lore. And WoTLK had Arthas. Those expansions still felt like Warcraft lore despite being executed horrendously. especially these:

>Northrend is a frozen wasteland dominated by the scourge but wait once again there are lush zones and plenty of factions not affected by the scourge
>Lich king will provoke other factions before conquering his own continent

I would have expected Northrend being nothing but undead mobs 99% excluding Storm Peaks and Ulduar.
>no mage healer (aka disc priest at home)

I sleep
>n wotlk there are heroic trinkets that are better than 226 trinkets
This is true in Cata too
>200 weapons better than 213 weapons
No there aren't
>The start of "casters use instants and only instants in pvp or they suck" like fire mage
This doesn't even make sense, fire mages don't have more instant in Cata than they do in WotLK

>wotlk is the last expansion with the vanilla "feel".
Retarded buzzword

wotlk fire mage can't even cast while moving, retardo. Blast wave is melee range. There is no free fire blast crit. There is no cheat death. There is no blazing speed. Trying to compare the two tells me you have no idea what you're even talking about
the lore actually died in vanilla when you could make female druids
>Lore died when they retconned drenai and made them into space goats in TBC.

Would have made sense if Alliance had Lightforged Draenei and only classes availabe were Paladin and Priest. Also have the rest of the Draenei in Outland be Broken and hostile / Neutral.
You could also say Cata had Deathwing and Thrall that are know from the RTS trilogy.
Not to mention they recycled Ragnaros like they did with Illidian.
Pandaria had Chen from the original RTS trilogy and WOD was just reusing TBC and original RTS lore.
>wotlk fire mage can't even cast while moving, retardo
You said instant spells
>Blast wave is melee range
True, but it was instant and a knockback. Cata blast wave is just a slow
>There is no free fire blast crit.
This doesn't exist in Cata
>There is no cheat death.
>There is no blazing speed.
Yes there is lmao, Blazing speed is literally a TBC talent

You seem to make up a complete arbitrary definition to justify your personal views. I love how you ignored the trinket and weapon argument too :^)
>the lore actually died in vanilla when you could make female druids

>Warlocks in Alliance
>Gnomes being Warriors
>Night Elf Males being Warriors, Hunters and Priests
>Night Elf Female being Druids
>Any Human Female Warrior or Paladin

>Undead in Horde
>Tauren Druids

I accept Troll Mages as lorewise canon because Trolls obtained arcane affinity from voodoo and worshipping deities. There are some really shit lore class specs in Vanilla.

you don't even know what "mobility creep" means, you shouldn't have replied to the post at all.

>You seem to make up a complete arbitrary definition to justify your personal views. I love how you ignored the trinket and weapon argument too :^)

200 webbed death is better than any 1.8 dagger for rogues in the MH

heroic trinket from hos is better than the majority of ulduar normal trinkets for fire mage and some other dot classes. Now post a cata dungeon heroic trinket better than the 372 trinkets.
Will you admit that you were completely wrong about the fire mage shit you just stated or will you just blatantly ignore it and move the goalpost you retarded faggot?

>200 webbed death is better than any 1.8 dagger for rogues in the MH
Webbed death was not a 200ilvl item, it was 213 item and dropped from a Naxx25 boss. You literally have no idea what you're talking about faggot
>heroic trinket from hos is better than the majority of ulduar normal trinkets for fire mage and some other dot classes.
Forge Ember wasnt even pre-bis for mage LMAOOOO

> Now post a cata dungeon heroic trinket better than the 372 trinkets.
346 Heart of Solace is phase bis for Unholy DK and won't be replaced until Heroic Rag trinket.

Next goalpost please. Post something about "muh vanilla feel"

it literally doesn't matter what you say, the numbers say everything. vanilla/TBC/wrath = 600k logs. scat = 300k drops and rapidly dropping

vanilla, TBC, and wrath are all valid vanilla games. Scata is NOT. Cope more
Why is Cataclysm losing subscriptions despite being known for good endgame content?
Thank for your proving that you'rev just spouting retarded shit :^)
people figured out its just retail with less features and content so they went back to retail
>You could also say Cata had Deathwing and Thrall that are know from the RTS trilogy.
Deathwing was killed by Alliance in Warcraft 2 Expansion. He is a fucking joke. The only reason why Thrall is relevant is because Chris Metzen likes him.

>Not to mention they recycled Ragnaros like they did with Illidian.
Ragnaros isn't cool as Illidan.

>Pandaria had Chen from the original RTS trilogy
Pandas were a joke and unlocked a bonus mission in Frozen Throne.
Lore's been a joke since TBC but people coomed to shit elves and goats

why cant gnomes be warriors lorewise
I think it's just retarded that Gnomes, who are 3'4 (103cm) equivalent in strenght compared to Orcs or even Tauren.
People are just waiting for Firelands before coming back. The numbers will skyrocket then, you'll see.
The only point in that post that truly conflicts with the lore is the night elf class/sex combinations, and that one was heavily discussed before Metzen decided they had to make a gameplay concession
Forsaken joining the Horde is reasonable considering they were too weak on their own and only joined after the tauren spoke on their behalf. If they joined the Alliance then sure you'd have a point
Warlocks and priests should have been faction specific but that would have only worsened faction parity and not giving druids to Horde would have meant a new class which Blizzard didn't have time to develop

It wasn't until TBC that the lore really began to unravel
What? Precious? Noooooooooo!!!
Icky sticky.
I think I made an angry poo-poo. It gonna blow!
Daddy make toys out of you!
I brokes-ded it...
Sleepy Time!
Bad news, daddy...
Professor Putricide yells: Terrible news, everyone, Rotface is dead! But great news everyone, he left behind plenty of ooze for me to use! Whaa...? I'm a poet, and I didn't know it? Astounding!

wrathbabies creamed their pants over these and then blamed cata for being disney bloat baka
>its okay when vanilla does it
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so thats why he's a midget
Not a single thing in vanilla is as egregious as blood elves joining the Horde and being paladins. Nothing
>Forsaken joining the Horde is reasonable
Forsaken have always been evil. More evil than Orcs.

>Warlocks and priests should have been faction specific
Troll Priest is lorewise canon. Orc Warlocks in Horde is lorewise canon.

>That would have only worsened faction parity and not giving druids to Horde would have meant a new class which Blizzard didn't have time to develop
No it wouldn't. Horde would have exclusively Warlocks which are S tier in Classic and Shamans are great healers. Horde is filled with so many Orc Warriors that they wouldn't have had problem with finding a tank.
Fuck off faggot and take your tranny with you.
>Draenei being vessels of Holy Light and the purest race against everything which is evil
>Having Hunters, Warriors, Mages and Shamans as playable classes

The Space Goats wouldn't been a problem if Horde got Broken instead. I do have problem that Draenei have non-Holy classes in their ranks if they are so holy.
>its okay when vanilla does it
>gnome warriors
>undead priests
>Forsaken in Horde
>Alliance Warlocks
>Tauren Druids
every race should be able to be hunters
Un’goro crater sweeps Kalimdor and its not even a contest
It's only a good zone for Horde.

Alliance have that stupid ferry which is slower than swimming, Feathermoon Isle which has nothing interesting going on, and a loooong walk to get anyway. It's tedious as hell, but unlike other tedious zones like Ashenvale it's barely plot relevant.
>Forsaken have always been evil. More evil than Orcs.
Didn't say they weren't but that doesn't mean they can't join the Horde. Horde are a collection of freaks and misfits and the forsaken fit in while everyone is uneasy about it. The tauren even tell you it was a mistake to let them in
>Troll Priest is lorewise canon
Shadow priests yeah. Ideally they should have been Alliance only
>Orc Warlocks in Horde is lorewise canon
Didn't say it wasn't
>No it wouldn't
Forcing Horde to rely on one healer class would have been very poor gameplay design
>Horde would have exclusively Warlocks which are S tier in Classic and Shamans are great healers
What about Alliance? The whole reason shaman/paladin ceased being faction exclusive in TBC is because of all the crying about what one faction could do over the other
>no salv
>no windfury
>paladins endlessly fucking crying about dps and shamans
shamans are pretty fucking annoying, I've never seen one lose in pvp
>watching a pvp stream
>see the spriest not using void plague for some reason
>check talent calc
>they put it on the same fucking slot as dispersion
I hate this fucking retarded company and that fat retard aggrend and I'm so glad this shit is dead, FUCK these faggots I'm glad I quit
>nor is it good for GDKP
why not? just no big name items?
I don't understand why you would ever play cata when sod exists...
>What about Alliance?
They have 3 tanks: Warrior, Paladin and Druid. They also have 3 healers: Priest, Paladin and Druid.

I would have made Warlocks best DPS class because Horde has 1 tank class and 2 healers. I would have made Shaman tanks viable with 2H weapon.
This doesn't count
t Chris Metzen
an illidari faction would've been really cool. I liked the 3 faction system in new world
I would have liked if WoW were in parity with the RTS games, where the Alliance are the faction of sustainability and the Horde are glass cannons. It could have been done but it would have taken significant time to work out.
It could be a really cool idea for a true Classic + though
Lorewise WoW faction

>No Night Elves in Alliance
>No Undead in Horde
>Have High Elves as replacement for Alliance
>Have Goblins as replacement for Horde
>No Alliance Warlocks
>No Gnome Warriors
>No Horde Druids
>Make Enhancement Shaman a tank spec

>Make Lordaeron as 60+ questing zone and Sylvanas raid boss
>Night Elves as a neutral faction starting as Hostile. Getting safe passage to travel around Kalimdor as exalted.
>Horde has a foothold in Eastern Kingdom due to Frostwolf Clan ruling Ruins of Alterac
>Alliance has a foothold in Kalimdor due to Theramore Isle and Kul Tiras navy

My idea is better. I know Chris Metzen is reading this. Fuck you Chris.
I agree with this schizo
the irony and lack of self awareness of this post is outstanding
>a game is bad because it's very lore unfriendly, but they realize that the game has defiled lore since day 1 and now they're coping about it to justify every point just to say their game is okay
lmfao never change wowschizogeneral
never trust a junkie
>doesn't answer the question
concession accepted I guess
>Have only 1 race per faction
>Alliance can play as Humans
>Horde can play as Orcs
>Remove Human Warlocks
>Make other playable faction races reputation grind to get item rewards

Humans get Priest, Mage and Paladin exclusively.Orcs get Hunter, Warlock and Shaman exclusively.

>answer me what 2+2 is and don't you dare to say 4 or else
NTA and you're a fag lmfao
>doesn't answer the question
>is now schizing out
cata classic's failure has been DISASTROUS for the catapajeet's mental
>if you're not with me you're with them!
too bad for you that I don't even play Cata right now
so what's your next epic jab?
>so what's your next epic jab?
I didn't realize the others were so epic, thank you
>I-I don't even play it!
>right now
just answer the question, rajeesh
and I'm the one schizoing out
>Blizz listened to the fans and nerfed BM rune into the dirt
>my crocolisk can no longer fight 2 non-elite mobs around its level without dropping to 0 HP

I’m still enjoying levelling but it really is clear none of the SoD devs play or care about hunter. This change in particular only makes cats even more obvious as the only good pet choice
Yours would be too if you defended that pos for a decade and shat up the thread for months telling everyone they’re wrong only for it to die even faster than it did when it first released.
Wrathbabies were right.
Wrathbabies are the ones still defending it, retard.
>for a decade
i don't remember any of this outside of this faggot general
and even then, cata shills only started when it got announced at last year's blizzcon
>Orc Warlocks in Horde is lorewise canon.
there is nothing wrong with alliance warlocks
Every unpopular expansion has a contingent of people trying to tell millions that they were wrong and that their expansion of choice is actually underrated. Even BFA.
>4 days ago
>getting baited by two or three retards over millions
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you now remember hardcore wow
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is this true
No, I did 5 minute horde rushes all day until the afternoon dads logged on.
I miss the anime posters
Horde can still rush vann but it only takes like 3 ally hunters to completely cuck them at the bridge.
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uh oh the enchanting mafia is mad that I'm giving out crusader
the start to Uldum chain gave me literal chills. meeting the Ramkahen was so incredible, I forgot how epic cata could be. Then Harrison Jones showed up and I killed myself
doing the lord's work
fattrend saw the 0 WSG and 0 AB BGs up, even during WSG week.
His premade MUST farm you, ok? so /afk out of that 4 hour AV and go get GY camped in a smaller BG instead, ugh....
based, tell them to play an actually competitive game if they want to be sweatlords
um based
what happened to deviate delight and alodar?
the recipe drops in the barrens and dunno the other thing
I kneel
post more kike seethe
>We're not your goddamned beta testers. We're not your Quality Assurance department. Either start sending me paychecks or cut out this "live beta test" bullshit.
kek that didnt age quite so well
I like this guy, let's give him a prominent position in our brand new MMO
alex really disappeared huh. How can one man be so predictable? Always comes back the same time of year, then leaves the same time. Is he 250 IQ just grifting people for sub money then dipping or what?
>Play SOD for five minutes to kill time while retail maintainence occurs
>literally just daying nothing and killing duskbats in tirisfal
>Behavior warning
>I didn't even pass by more than two people in-game
The fuck is going on in here
>streams 40 hours a week for 100 dollars
yeah hes a genius

you declined my group invite while we were on the same quest (questie alerted me so) so i reported you for griefing
>use exploit to kill something
>exploit gets fixed
yep, that's a kike alright
You can't just cut off at the good part, I want to see how it replied
This zone is my og as well
The endless wpvp was pretty iconic
I'd write this off as a troll reply but with how obnixious questie is (I have it too) I'm inclined to believe it totall does that.
DD died when I stopped caring about it.
a shaman one level lower than me came up, killed my mob, laughed at me and ran away
shit tested and bested




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