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Previous: >>486737145

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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>more like moregoon
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Kama Love!
>sent Jeanne d'arc (Archer) in ascension 2 in my all slot
>grailed 10/10/10 NP1 100 Jeanne summer Archer, Berserker Jeanne Alter summer NP3 10/10/10 100
A new era of Holy Grail Wars emerges.
Instead of the bloody battle royales of the past Holy Grail Wars will be decided with dance competitions!
Specifically the 15th century traditional French dance the "Twerk"
Contestants will perform the dance in groups of 2 and the audience will vote one of the contestants out sending the Servant back to the Throne until 1 best dancer remains.
The competition will be overseen by Jeanne D'Arc who is considered one of the best masters of this dance to ensure the participants arent cheating.
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let her cook
weak aura
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Beni Rabu!
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Missing Kiara, but other than that I approve the waifu picks
Is Merlin(female) for me(you)?
This image makes zero sense
What will FGO JP's new Servant upgrade system be?
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>uwu I'm a wittle baby I did nothing wrong it's all the Fae's fault! I just wanted to rule over Britain!
Morgan is literally the shittiest character
Imagine receiving memories of what the Fae will do to the LB and STILL let them live all because you wanted a Britain to rule over
why is kama not wearing any clothes???
Draw a servant!
>an ant cries out in pain in a forest
Post friend code Oberon the King or should I call you the coward.
Just pretend that Miki is an older Guda
You shouldn't bro. She will steal your semen from you while you sleep, riding you with constant nakadashi and putting vividly lifelike REM sex dreams of herself into your brain, and robbing your wife (Mashu) of her chance to receive senpai's love.
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You're only supposed to have one wife, the mother of your children. Haremfags are going to rot in hell.
Somebody post the cringe ass reddit family tree
The softest
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as you wish
Merlina, Lady Avalon, Maguses of Flowers; are the Merlins in the room with us right now? So this Grand Caster, does he speak to you through the walls? Tell me more about Purina the Pretender Merlin class?
>You're only supposed to have one wife
Yeah, you.
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they opened up the grail storage. master gave the ok, can you believe that this little fae bitch, gonna get grailed!
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She's your imouto. wait for valentines
Mom Love!
Auntie Love!
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Kama doesn't need any clothes
Post the FIRST and only person who has Merlin and Merlina right now in their Chaldea.
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>event has seals and polar bears hanging out as bros
something voidstance something morganstance
>Post the FIRST and only person who has Merlin and Merlina right now in their Chaldea.
Morgan is literally a child throwing a tantrum because she didn't get a toy that she wanted
That's why I have Martha, Ruler Martha, and Santa Martha. It's a harem of one.
Dunno who the first is but majority of /alter/ has both Merlin and Merlina
screw you Alaya
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Yup, he's next
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>Did the math and I have everything I need already to get the majority of 8th anni's rewards to the point I can still get all the gold fous AND get enough fou paws to max 3 servants
Oberon, can you pull a trick on Alaya? A really big nasty one that it will never forget? I’ll give you just about anything you need or want for the job. Pretty please, O magnanimous and terrifying King of Faeries?
How many days until Summer Ibuki?
>8th anni's rewards
You mean OC's rewards? 8th anni is dog shit
How do you guys stay interested in this game? This entire year I've read almost none of the events. They release no content for months at a time and then dump hours of reading at you at once each event, and don't let you play the quests and waste your AP until you either finish reading it all or skip?
I still haven't finished a single 30 ap quest in the new event.
This crazy woman spooked me twice when I didn't know any better and rolled story summon, for many months she was my only NP2 SSR.
Because of her I still sometimes do a 10 spin on the story banner despite never getting anything good again. It just feels right.
And I know she enjoys it.
What do?
one MILLION days
Will there be a merlina rate up without gareth or am I gonna get stuck with 7 copies of a worthless 4star
OC's yeah my bad. Dunno why I said anni when I know it's just "Summer Bundle Morgan".
Grail to Lv 100
she cool, even though her artist hates her
>waiting for Ibuki banner to start event
>reroll on zenless zone zero for wolf man
>four 25 minute reroll sessions later get no wolf man
Why the fuck can't Ibuki's rate up be tonight already? I'm just super bored waiting.
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>i lie because im evil
>im evil because i lie
>i have moths crawling out of my asshole
>im bigger jobber than gilgamesh
who am i
Fuck, I can't edge for that long
This but Skadoo
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What kind of Hell?
She gets one without Gareth or other SRs for the Arcade collab
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Alaya is just a cunt who needs to get strongarmed into giving (You) some leeway. Isn’t this series about exceptions to the rule anyways?
Oberon from Lostbelt 6. Primary audience is female players.
isnt ibuki's banner tonight? or is that tomorrow? i thought it was supposed to be like a three day thing.
It's pronounced "shadu"
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Reminder Islam allows harems and 19:71 says all muslims go to Hell. Coincidence?
>arcade collab
Is that like a year and a half away?
>even though her artist hates her
They do?
fuck off hassan bakshi
Waver bros are we the forgotten ones? Remember Waver being a reroll account ready?
Didn’t this guy rape Vlad?
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no vlad repelled him I believe. fucked up constantine though.
Based story roller
I might do a ten roll later just for shits
I’ll post if I get anything
It's next year in May, so a little less than a year away, yeah.
holy based I'm converting
awwwwwwww this is dumb it's 2 more days after midnight. fucking lame.
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I will have sex with Extra Class Servants.
I remember rolling on story on accident and got old man Li. I wish he had a buff where he lowers all his skill cooldowns, would make him more viable
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Post Alaya approved servants
If the only reason you join a religion is because your previous one didn't allow you to do some sex thing, why join another one in the first place? You could just skip this step entirely
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Thanks for info
Jeanne Alter Lily got killed too so that means Pengu Melt is also kill
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Can someone please post the art asset or a really revealing screenshot of Summer Ibuki's body shot during her NP? Youtube compression and NP effects are killing me and I wanna lust after her dumb bimbo body.
Exactly! This summer event story isn't even good compared to the others. I skipped the story for the last year's dino summer since that was boring too. So it has been very meh.
I honestly think Beast Nero could use Imperial Privilege to negate Alaya saying no Extra classes allowed since she qualifies for Caster and Saber.
Back in the olden days, atheism was more demonized than it is now, might be the reason I guess. Plus it's better to share similarities in the religion you change to with your citizens so that they can easily convert. The chad move is to do what that one british king did and just make up your own brand of religion.
im fine with the story personally. i like dumb and silly slice of life stuff like this. i'm just bummed cuz i was hyped for ibuki.
That logic doesn't even work because Alter-Egos remained untouched after the Alter-Ego chapter.
Why is Scathach so wanked by Nasu?
Cu is literally Irish Hercules and he's shat on by almost everyone but Scathach?
Scathach lost to shota Cu in the myth too
Ask the brits or something.
Why do you think there probably won't be a Beast Ordeal Call? Alaya isn't fucking with beeg Nero
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqVVUVMh0R0 Use Hans and George.
>used to love quick servants before I got my own skadi (used waver + support skadi)
>stopped using quick servants after rolling my own skadi
I bond 15'd my waver and stopped using quick forever. turns out having a crit buff that's applicable to all card types and a 20% party charge is more valuable than skadi to how I play the game with quick servants. I have a feeling summer skadi won't fix that. man I wish bond grails went to 20 instead of 15. fuck I'll take having another support caster with a 20% team charge and a flat crit damage buff that isn't limited to certain card types.
scathach is only wanked on paper
in practice she jobs just as much as cu
Yeah, dino summer sucked, this one has a more interesting premise imo but there's a lot of dull, repetitive dialogue. At least there's LB6 summer to look forward to.
i hate the avenger chapter. this sounds so fucking stupid and needlessly mean spirited to the player.
>Why do you think there probably won't be a Beast Ordeal Call?
Because there's only 1 Beast servant in the game.
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Avengers are meant to correct injustice and so far Guda has not done any correction and in fact is injustice itself with his pruning and genocide
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Good night, bros.
It’s pathetic on Alaya’s part. Unless she makes us get rid of her but that opens room for negotiations if she wants to remove Beast Nero.
It is stupid, but if it comes across as mean-spirited it's probably because of all the fake spoilers spread around by a certain turd.
This makes no sense since Jeanne can exist as a Ruler and Avenger. Medusa shouldn't exist as an Avenger either.
we have to kill mash, heretic extra class scum, to save our world!
shut up. rulers aren't doing their job either. sabers aren't sabering all the time. i don't care. it's stupid.
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which is absolute bs since the only real threat was Gorgon
Hopeman basically kept your mind safe since part 1

then you have literal beasts in other classes that are fine, as well as outright villans
Its obvious they did just to stall the game story and everyone will return avengers endgame style anyway
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Good night bro
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Good night lippa lippa
nah galahad is alaya's teacher's pet so his snowflake class is okay
Kiara and Kama are technically also there. And Tiamat. They might even have the Beast attribute, if not the actual class.
>avengers endgame style
so solomon part 2 electirc boogaloo
I really don’t want hoyoverse normies infesting our community when the collab happens
We just have to wait and hope out patience is rewarded with NP5 Ibuki in one 11-summons...

I will admit, I know zero about this year's summer story. I just don't care douman and he is really off putting to have as the main 5* male servant. I just want summer Old Man of the Mountain or Ivan...
>Jeanne can exist as a Ruler and Avenge
Jeanne Alter is Gilles' OC Donut Steel
Jeanne isn't the only Ruler, Artoria is fucking up as a Ruler too. >>486765040 James Moriarty shouldn't be a Ruler either.
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I’ll take “What is the Incineration of Humanity?” for 100 million QP.
That was resolved with the end of part 1 tho
avengers got deleted so they won't be in endgame bro
So this singularity takes place after LB6 but before Traum?
My luck deserves to be that good all the time. NP7 even for easy maxing.
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Hm? My class? Right, it's strange. I wonder why Pretender? It's a secret between you and Mer-
Just undo the summon fusion so she isn’t a Demi-servant anymore. No need to be so hostile.
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>I really don’t want hoyoverse normies infesting our community when the collab happens
Just gatekeep by posting Prsima Illya pics. Loli fanservice is the ultimate normie deterrent.
Irrelevant since we're talking about classes, not attributes.
However, allow me to nerd out for a moment.
Alter-Ego Kiara has Beast, Mooncancer Kiara has Earth, both Kamas have Sky, Alter-Ego Tiamat has Star.
FGO doesn't have a coherent timeline, don't think about it
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Converted so I can have cunnywives just as the prophet(pbuh) intended
Dont think much about filler chapters that were but a excuse to get rid of characters so Nasu could write the next chapter faster with a more reduced cast
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Anon mihoyo had a prisma collab a month ago
it has to be pre-traum since brolmes gets mentioned at the start
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>with his pruning and genocide
Master sounds very cool and correct to me.
Koyan dark has a beast attribute, though.
I Wish I could be Illya.
Vitch has Beast.
Uh didn't saber wear a shirt?
Yeah, with Avengers. That fought for humanity. As in they avenged humanity because Goetia sought to kill literally everyone on the planet.
>Avenge - verb: Inflict harm in return for (an injury or wrong done to oneself or another).
Actually, so does Light.
This is the kind of art AI can only dream of creating
Yeah, but that game is CN exclusive so the average western player won't ever see that art.
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Nothing wrong with that
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Kama only gains Beast attribute when her Mara ratio is far too high. Otherwise she is sky since she is a god.
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Bros, it's Friday you know what the means!
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Jacking off to Kuro doujins?
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>seibah dress miyu
i didn't knew my dick needed this....
I didn't expect her to be this cute, wtf?
Succubi game's too strong, man.
But Brolmes isn't actually there.
Same. Good thing I was already rolling for Gareth
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I can always count on my mom to be on my side.
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My dick is very well calibrated!
> How do you guys stay interested in this game?
Well, I'm a latekek who's at the start of LB2. Liked LB1 very much and very hyped for LB5 and LB6 so I have a positive outlook on the future because I want to know how the story progresses
yeah but he's treated as alive by Vinky so we know he has to be around
they probably didn't want to put him in another event immediately after killing him but also couldn't make the event take past post-traum since there's no Chaldea anymore at the current point in the story
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>tfw rolled 300sq
>6 fucking Gareth's
>before ONE Purin
It rankles partially because of all the other bros who rolled the opposite, one or two Gareth but 5/5 Purin.
She’s growing on me but a succubus should have big boobs in my opinion.
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Kama hugs...
She's an incubus, brosis
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But he's not there.
If Proto Merlin is Female, who did she sexually harrassed to be sealed in Prototype Avalon?
I'm pretty sure Merlin was sexually harrassing Vivian
I don’t have a gf
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I'd have to be really desperate to settle for a sakuraface
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She didn't get sealed. Read her profile. Her Avalon is left open, so humankind can reach it as the finish line in their long journey before ascending to the stars. Unlike Merlin's, it is not sealed off.
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That's a little more than hugs bro... I fixed it.
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Been an official thing for a while anon
Blame FGO for not doing installs
Part incubus, so she definitely only inherited a cock.
>Her Avalon is left open
Is this an innuendo?
Serious answers only, please?
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Kama GF...
Incubus lays above, succubus lays below
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I don’t have time for talmudic gender shit.
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>her avalon is left open.
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>astolfo doing gay shit
hell yeah, there's also a (you) marin
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So this is how fags cope with being really really gay
How do I time travel to Sunday night?
No, it isn't.

>『Winds of Avalon』
>Rank: A
>NP Type: Anti-Personnel
>Range: 1 - 100
>Maximum Targets: –

>Utopia That Beckons Beyond.
>Avalon will continue to exist for as long as humankind does, and Lady Avalon sees it as the ideal future humankind hopes to reach one day. That is why the Avalon in which she lives is not shut away from the outside world, but instead positioned as a goal she has set for humanity to strive towards.

Merlin's is sealed, humanity cannot reach it without a miracle because it is deliberately made impossible. Purin's is open because she actually wants and believes in humanity, helping push them forward.
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Cant wait to have this cute teen mom
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But then, (You) are the humanity, and she's been acting kinda strange in the event, sooooo...
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Are you following the gamepress guide for facility upgrades?
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Happy birthday
Why would anyone possibly need a guide for this?
I’ve stopped using GP since they started migrating a few months ago.
No. I have many blue apples and am low on qp so I decided to do a fast burn of a few to max out the QP one.
Merlin doesn’t believe in humanity? Why is he cucking us
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Anyone know if the scrolls are size accurate? That Illya one is activating my monkey brain hard.
on that note, how many counts as "many"
I have nearly 300
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I didn't know I needed thick Merlina...
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her bond lines kind of make me sad because she switches from violent psychopathic murderer and crying at being punished by her father
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Liz love.
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Oh sweaty, if only you knew....!
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Merry Fridey, /alter/! fridey.thp.moe
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they sometimes vary~2cm, or so I remember reading that in a buyfag thread in /a/, you should go ask there
Such is being raised into a weapon only meant to kill.
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That scene with Mandricardo jumping the boats is so fucking low quality and embarassing. How the fuck is this game still alive.
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She needs the most hugs.
I'm back after not being here for a week, what did I miss? Did everyone who wanted ProtoMerlin/Gareth get them or were there a bunch of meltdowns about hitting pity?
Next Wednesday
anon the size is right there
a surprising amount of people hit pity and there was some NP1 buyers remorse
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Because you retards keep throwing money at it no matter what they do.
did u rike ur speedup dssr goy?!? *grabs koyan's ass*
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>rolling for Summer Skadi and Ibuki
Why does this place love uggos so much
our characters and story are great in comparison
we suck at everything else
This image would be much better without the glasses. So granny glasses are okay but not other granny garments? Hmmm
I remember he took a pic with a really cute Summer Okita cosplayer back in Taiwan’s anniversary. Hope he got to smash.
pls say morgan is your favorite so i can laugh at your basic bitch taste.
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Skadi is sexy
Bro you posting an ugly servant
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do you think destiny order will be with our new years lucky bag? i want it
what are some non-uggo servants?
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What Class would the "Human Holocaust" be?
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Homosexuals have highter IQ than straights so basically youre calling me smart
Thanks for the compliment
The most powerful CE art in all FGO
your mom
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>fuck I'll take having another support caster with a 20% team charge and a flat crit damage buff that isn't limited to certain card types.
Best I can do is argonaut allies
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Well there's another picture where she doesn't wear them but I can't post it for... it's... SEX!
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Mashu Kyrielighto
>oberon 0.1mm into being pegged by gudako
You must be the smartest guy on /alter/ then
good joke
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2-kun fucks
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I hope so since there's multiple rateup servants around that period I want and the chance to cut it down some is appealing
Meant for>>486769343
Dude this Gogh, but not really, its clytie, actually not even. She's also part black box that we refuse to explain lmao.
What's that you wanted Melies and Hoover? Nah, have some accessories instead
LB6 lmao its the holy spear longinus but not really its a just a silver spear, but actually Percival is summoned with because...?
This is Tamamo Vitch. She looks like a tamamo, quacks like a tamamo, and is recognized as a tamamo, but is not a tamamo
Nah, Starting with Camelot, every chapter and serious event has gotten tripped up on too many plotlines that keep falling flat and breaking established rules. Our story sucks. It has spectacle, granted, Babylonia and LB6 live and die by flashing lights. But there is no substance behind any of it.
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Don't be a jerk.
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I'm about to have your Spirit Origin rescinded from the throne of heroes
Pretender because it didn’t happen.
it'd be really helpful to get old servants too since those are getting cut from 8th anni's paid summons
>Babylonia and LB6 live and die by flashing lights. But there is no substance behind any of it
skip god
We found out in 2033
It was 6 BBillion
All killed in the maturation machines
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Eating gummy worms while I wait for it to be late enough to go to bed
They really need to add some of those ancient Y1 and Y2 SSRs to the general pool already. It's been more than long enough
BBased, flawless WHITE skin kouhai.
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>Gummy worms before bed
>Summer Skadoo giving an NP buff after her Anni Strengthening
We will be so back, Quickchads.
Yeah.... or at least have a constant rotating rate up for them and slowly add more servants to it as they age
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I am drinking myself to sleep
>eating sugary food before bed
Her face is made of rubber my dude.
One of Koyama's worst creations.
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>Dude this Gogh, but not really, its clytie, actually not even. She's also part black box that we refuse to explain lmao.
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It was this or alcohol like >>486769953. I had a hard week. I will brush my teeth.
What day is Erice again
Good thing you used a spoiler. This is a Christian image board.
I always thought when JP 8th anniversary GSSR removed alot of the older 5* servants that they'd at some point decide to add them to standard pool on top of giving you a new standard 5* ticket meaning lots of people could now get gilgamesh or scathath
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Okay I know I'm late to the party but Merlina is about 50x cuter than I thought she would be, this is going to ruin all of my plans...
it makes me sad because a lot of my favorites are old
If you're asking about her discounts, she'll be offering 50% off tomorrow.
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Since you've asked me nicely, I have no other choice bbut to share it now...!
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Had 10 Drug Eggs and a 6 pack of beer
Time to farm
2 days i think. ibuki was 4 days after merlin right
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Evidence that Skadoo is smart:
>she wears glasses
>she is a queen
>she is normally a caster
>she has EX rank in mana
>her color scheme is green and purple, what to people say to that? "Thanks doc"
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>I will brush my teeth.
Liz would say this.
she's a literal succubus, don't fall for it bros
it's 2:47, I think it's pretty late
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Just want to say, I love Melusine.
Who the gell are you
would Batty use fox ears and tail(s) if no other servants in a grail war were Kitsune?
Female incubus*
What's her personality.
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Buha Liz or Sad Lip on Times Square?
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Oh right. That character I'm supposed to have an opinion of even though everything about her is basically just promo material
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a clingy self-torturing, self-loathing lonely girl with deep regrets, has a superiority-inferiority complex and hiding it all behind the "prince charming" persona.
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As if that makes her any more trustworthy. Don't let her steal your mana (semen) bro.
>>browse /alter/ in the morning
>two threads
>people spamming /hsrg/
>no motion
>>come back in the evening
>totally normal
This is going to be a good year for Lip, Eresh, Medea and Medusa!
The creator is based for releasing official porn of her.
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Why are you attracted to a female that's so mentally ill? That's not normal. Some minor mental quirks can be cute and attractive, but Melusine's personality is entirely defined by her one-sided dysfunctional "love" for, it seems, random people she just happens to be associated with. Do you find her relatable or something?
>deep regrets
What regrets? She has given no indication that she regrets anything. Hell, she'd probably do it all again if Aurora asked her to
Why do people keep posting pics of reviewbrah crossplaying?
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Hopium is at critical levels
It can't last another year
You think I'm so amateur! I've a seen it of course. Her tummy chub is cute but I wish she had a more erotic expression
How long before they do a 5* summer jalter
Takeuchi says that Lip a shit and shouldn't get a swimsuit
Merlin by his own admission lacks humanity. He sees mankind as something for him to watch all day like reality TV.

Merlin(a) sees humanity as something wonderful, which is also reflected in how her skills encourage humanity to gather around her.

>she understands that the human world is a cruel and ugly place, but also has a soft spot for it, believing that it's basically okay "as long as they have a single star that still shines bright."
>Flower Blooming on a Summer's Night: D
>Charisma which people of all types naturally gravitate towards. This tends to draw people towards her until she finds herself the center of attention. However, as she loves fun and novel things, and tends to wander around freely on her own rather than put down roots in any one place, she is rarely able to make full use of this skill.

Merlin is a NEET who gains the Grand Caster spot and then sits in his tower forever. Merlina/Purin, though, is a constant wanderer, who had the option of being Grand Caster but refused to take up the position. Instead she walks among humans, gathers them to her, and understands that while humanity may in many ways be ugly, that's okay because they can strive toward and ultimately reach something (which is why she opened up her Avalon, unlike Merlin). It makes her weaker (see how she "can't make full use" of her Charisma because of it), but she's okay with that.
Its literally just Shrek
Having my cock kiss Erice's Cervix.
Very cute
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Oh excuse miss prude! I wasn't aware you would go look for it yourself, slut!!
I don't think Merlin even wanted the position
I think it just got dropped onto him when Solomon died
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It's cup day today!
You humans are weirdos.

I'm going back to fucking this corpse.
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You have to choose to take it, you can't be forced into it. King Hassan talks about it in Arcade, how Purin was offered the spot but let it gather dust instead and fucked off to spend time with humans.
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>made sure I got her to NP2
I don’t fucking care that she’s D tier and you won’t make me care
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I was always drawn to the "I can fix her" type of girl, and by summer she is definitely getting better.
And yes, I found her relatable.
read her lines and the chapter again, but clearly, you are going to cuckpost anyway, so not giving (You) a (You)
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>not wanting to fuck the mentally ill
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My beautiful individual wife who is a single person
why do you keep posting this disgusting white piggu cosplayer
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Hopefully it's not NP1 day HAHA
No apology, no indication that she wouldn't do it again. She simply acknowledges that she did something bad.
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>She simply acknowledges that she did something bad
yes anon that's regret
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Good answer Melubro. Don't give it attention though.
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That would suck, wouldn't it?
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>turd showing his autism once more
What has Melusine done to him?
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Who cares about Morgan's stupid ass?
She would've been betrayed either way because she's just that much of a shit leader
Do not feel remorse about betraying Morgan, in fact you should celebrate it
I am not the turd, you schizo
stop avatarfagging
Same bro. I'm going back for NP5 after Skadi
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true morgan is the worst "king" in the franchise.
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When is the fate stay night remaster coming out? you have read it the visual novel right anon? your not a disgusting secondary right?
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seethe she is the best fgo cosplayer and you are stupid
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I'd feel embarrassed for you honestly! Would suck if you couldn't take part in it don't you think!?
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Morgan's ass you say?
Do you plan to max your Summer Illya one day?
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Morgan? Lost
Oberon? Won
She did it all for Aurora. If aurora had praised her and said "good job henchman, I wanted this" she'd have had no regrets, but aurora gaslit her for thousands of years pressuring her to do suppressive violence and subterfuge then gossipping that whoever did it must be scum deserving a fate worse than death.

She's emotionally dependent. She can't function without a person to make decisions for her, even if she knows those choices made on her behalf will make her feel terrible, she'll still do them because that's just the kind of desperation for attention and affection she has.
Her time with Aurora paints her as a monster, but (you) aren't the type to intentionally cause others emotional suffering or lie or mislead. If she went out and slaughtered a village because you said that village was a problem, you wouldn't pretend you didn't know she did it, you'd directly scold her and tell her not to operate without a direct order, or praise her for her strength and problem solving, whatever was relevant, but you wouldn't gaslight her and go through psychological warfare against her.

So yeah, she's just a hyper-competent prince that makes people swoon but melts like putty in the hand of whoever she's currently imprinted on, which is currently (you).
I’ll let honkai summarize F/SN for me
shes not even pretty, your taste in wo(men) is atrocious
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Obsessing over cosplay sluts is cringe
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your eyesight is atrocious
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I was stupid and went blindly unlocked the other 2 appends without realising the coins needed for 120. I tried during the rate-up last week for some extra copies but no luck. Next one is next year, so I'm praying to get some extra copies. Coinversion when?
“And then then before the big bad could land the final blow my summon currency started to glow and lo and behold Saber appeared she turned around towards and said “Are you my master?”
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pls understand, he needs to justify spending 500$ USD (AMERICAN DOLLARS) in 5 pics so he needs to spam them ad nauseum.
Terrible excuse for waifu pandering btw. It makes sense for her to be desperate and clingy for Aurora's love, as she is the person who saved her when she was nothing but a rotting piece of flesh. There is no reason for her to be so attached and clingy to you, except that she saw it in a dream.
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I'm rusty but here
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>There is no reason for her to be so attached and clingy to you
she's getting a second life as a servant?
any new kurohas?
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shouldn't bother with the turd with such a nice explanation, really.
20 anons disagree.
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Sometimes, but only sometimes I want to weight in about the Melu and Aurora thing because I love the trope of "righteous knight loyal to the completely wrong person" but then I remember you are all just worthless dishonest shitposters and no matter what I say it'll be ignored, great discussion
cute not-fox bro
the Jaime Lannister of fate
late for what?
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not fgo related but hopefully some in the coming months
I only shitpost when I'm breathing, but melu takes my breath away.
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Thanks bro
is it gay that i would like her to use boku here too?
seems like second archive is great place to live
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Not a fan of this somewhat accurate comparison.
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Not THAT gay. There is something incredibly hot with Melusine going full prince mod on (You) male. like >>486773692
Could I get...hmm....thoughts and prayers?
so that makes barg brienne?
Definitely rampant speculation, but I feel like the star rail collab is a sign that FGO2 is coming.
TM has always avoided collabs with other gachas to not potentially take away players from FGO, but if they're planning on releasing FGO2 in late 2025 or early 2026, they could use the collab as a spring to siphon players from star rail.
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This is me with Morgan
I got into so many pointless arguments last year but now I've sworn off it. The effort is wasted on people here (which is likely the intention)
Maybe if she was also a werewolf or some shit
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>TM has always avoided collabs with other gachas to not potentially take away players from FGO
Lasengle can barely handlle keeping this game afloat. I doubt they would be making a more expensive game
Meant for >>486774326
>but I feel like the star rail collab is a sign that FGO2 is coming
i honestly agree. is obvious that nasu is no longer interested in this "game" that's almost a decade old. he talks about playing mihoyo stuff and he probably thinks his franchise could be as good if not better.
I bet they aren't using Lasagna
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>Nips ever risking it and doing a massive investment ever
The base game has been unoptimized dogshit for years, stop coping
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can someone explain the cup meme?
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>TM has always avoided collabs with other gachas
FGO doesn't Collab with other Gachas
The other series on the other hand does
Fun fact: Men like being pursued and valued just as much as women do. It's just not the societal norm. If a pretty lady friend of any /alter/bro came up to them and said "anon, I treasure you. I want to protect you with all that I have" and kissed their hand, every last one of them would blush and pop a boner and turn into a giggly idiot on the inside while trying to maintain their outward cool and brush it off.
prillya collabs with literally everything
it's the whore spinoff
is obviously not gonna be them
it would have to be a proper game studio
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>TM has always avoided collabs
Bruh, how can you say this when there's dozen and dozen other gachas that already had a collab with FSN.
If studio BB is making it then it would explain why the extra remake has taken so long if they're trying to get FGO2 out asap
i would call her an idiot and tell her to fuck off.
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At least Morgan doesn't get shitposted that much anymore (Not on /alter/ at least I think /fgog/ has tons of cuckposters) though I have to admit the hands thing that came out of that was funny, with Melu is pure seething disdain and I legitimately don't understand how the fuck are Meluanons actually wasting their precious time engaging with that garbage, good on you for swearing off that shit
The only thing really connecting those two is:
>Big lady knight.
i could just tell you to lurk for 8 years but instead i will be nice:
is just that they're all made to be holy grails.
grails, cups.
TM collabs with something new literally multiple times a year for the last 20 years. It's just always a 1-way street. Nasu is very protective of his universe and doesn't want outsiders to open loopholes and lore issues, but he's more than willing to let his characters somehow stumble into other games and rake in those royalty fees.
TM has the money and FGO is bleeding players every year.
They clearly see the writing on the wall. Realistically FGO2 should have come out like 3 or 4 years ago, but they were probably just riding the money train until 2021, which is the year that lots of players began to leave
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>it's the whore spinoff
i wonder why....
>f-femanon you b-b-baka! f-f-fuck off!
fate fan being a tsundere checks out.
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how could I be so stupid lmao thanks anon
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Well Nasu did say he wanted to reach a 10th anniversary and considering the timing of how its going to be the 9th with this Collab till next year…
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her duality is the best part. From a flirting prince-charming like into a spoiled, obsessed smitten dragon and vice versa? I bet it's the cold-hot kinda of deal
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o look
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HERRO fellow fater

See ya in 2025
Can Gudao beat Caelus in a fight?
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I just don't want this shit normalized, honestly.
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You know what this thread needs?
>Only UBW
Yea I think 10th anniversary they'll announce fgo2, and the story will take off with part 3.
Maybe they'll commit to 1 or 2 years of events in FGO so people don't feel totally rug pulled, but all I know is im not spending a dime next anniversary or summer to be safe.
More cute and funny pics?
uhh, did she just bite a ring-wound onto your ring finger? Kinda hot.
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Lip love!
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How old is the UBW anime now anyway? That sounds like a number that would upset me to realize
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FGO2 would be financial suicide
Did you learn nothing from that idolshit game?
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When is your banner, purple dragon...
They are right though
Raikou is genuinely the ugliest woman in the game
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Kind of disrespectful to call a holy shroud cute and funny if you ask me
>Did you learn nothing from that idolshit game?
Wrong fag
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Tamamo Vitch?
More like Tamamo bitch!
The fuck is this
Don't care,she has massive booba.
Glad you guys finally realized that no one here is actually worth talking to.
Leave me alone Arona.
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god why Mihomofags out of all gacha
couldn't we collab with Blue Archive?
>Stickman fingers
>oversized bazoongas
>Spaghetti limbs
You really think this garbage is hot?
Never moving on from FGO is already financial suicide lol.
The thing is, Fate fans will buy the shittiest slop imaginable like Extella, and FGO itself has no ability to lure in new players because of the sheer difficulty in starting out / catching up compared to most gacha.
When they announce FGO2, yea some people will leave for different gacha and not bother with 2, but they'll be easily replaced by massive number of people with a mild interest in Fate but no interest in FGO
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Its devs shut down the original game that had lasted over a decade and made a new game that was very similar to the first, but it went to EoS almost immediately. People simply had no desire to start over in a new but still very outdated game. This would be the fate of an FGO2 game.
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raitabortion utter DEATH
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Why is Fate trending on Twitter?
>very similar to the first
found the problem
Wasn't the problem with that one that the sequel wasn't all that different from the first game, giving people zero incentive to pick it up? FGO2 would ideally be significantly different.
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Funny Vamp EX
Are you fags still seething that Hoyo games are now the king of Gachas while FGO just keeps losing?
Raikou's face is very pretty so she's already better than at least like 50 other servants
It is hilarious that a Holy woman would wear this indecent outfit.
tried fgo after the fate collab was announced and honestly this game is so fucking boring. do you guys not get bored of clicking jpgs all day like what is the gameplay bruh
Stop posting her, her banner is over.
>made a new game that was very similar to the first,
That's the key thing to take note of
FGO2 would likely play like genshin or HSR given how much Nasu likes those games.
the current fgo story is way too fucking long and the over all experience doesn't justify that
sometimes good posts come from that.
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Probably this. Look at the number of views.
Why even announce it now?
yes? that's why we want to move on
that would be end of fgo
Fate fans are the reddit atheists of the gacha community.
Yea, and the beginning of FGO2, you're getting it now
I will NOT play Blue Archive.
>People simply had no desire to start over
All your idols carried over between games I told you this last time
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>Make a game that's hoyo-like in a market oversaturated with that type of game now
>Erase all the progress from oldfags who are the only ones still keeping this shit afloat
>Piss them off further with a minuscule roster that culls all their favorites because each new character requires 10x more work to make
You guys aren't too bright
Nasu should just hired fromsoftware to make another game with him being main writers
Nasu probably finally caved to a boatload of money for a collab but gave them a decade-old show instead of FGO LOL.
Or I don't know, it's debatable which has the better name recognition among normies. But it's smart to continue disassociating FGO from any collabs
They got all their shit from the previous game, they didn't "start over"
lol i thought hrt was genshin update not mihomo new game
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I'm proud gooner indeed
>Make a game that's hoyo-like in a market oversaturated with that type of game now
The difference is Fate and its cast have brand recognition
Plus those hoyolikes still tend to be successful, and only fail when the developer stops adding interesting content
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This, nasu should just make a regular good game instead.
Meaningless for zoomers (see: gacha players) since they're actively filtered by the non-linear structure of the series
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Yea but they'll still spend money for the sexy characters then complain online about them being too sexy while it secretly being the reason they rolled for them.
That's the proven success model mihoyo has found, even with their heavily censored characters
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Mom is the prettiest woman in the world.
i hope seiba would cuck shitro with hsr mc
I knew from her release she was trash
I still got her np5 and lvl 100, and people still tell me she is trash and act surprised when my answer is "yeah but I like her"
>Make a game that's hoyo-like in a market oversaturated with that type of game now
that's really the main issue but i think this franchise has enough good content and characters to make up for it.
the other reasons are stupid because:
1. whales are mentally ill and would gladly begin a new game even if they have to grind a lot for it as long as it is a somewhat a new experience
2. this fuckers have enough money to keep fgo afloat (this piece of shit is extremely cheap in comparison to what it earns) AND release a new modern game at the same time (then killing fgo when the new game catches on). fucking hoyo has 4 games and this fuckers had arcade and samurai remmant funded.
It's only UBW so Rin will be added instead
Mom Love!
I don't think someone could look at my grailed servants and be surprised that I picked another one that isn't particularly strong at this point
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>listening what others say about your favorite
>especially in this shithole
You lost, chud. Don't forget to roll next 2 summer big shiny jpegs btw
I will only accept Mom Love if she comes to me in a single ticket
Like Jeanne Alter, Abby, Semiramis, and Koyan Light
I have been trying to fap to Purin as cope for getting her while rolling for Gareth but it's just not working
Gareth was a love roll and I lust for hags with big ass and breasts
Purin is just a petite woman and that's not my thing goddamit
Kys humblebrapper
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>that new madoka game
>now this

Fgo2 is on the horizon. I can feel it.
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what a weird way to brag that you got proto-merlin without getting summer gareth
mom's only pretty when raita isn't drawing her.
Samurai remnant really does crush the "type moon is too cheap" argument, considering they poured a pretty sizeable budget into a game they knew wouldn't be wildy successful, all because Sakurai was wet at the idea of writing more Musashi wank.
Hell they even gave it a season pass and announced 3 dlcs that were obviously going to be a waste of their time making
he cannot be stopped, and to be honest, he should not be stopped
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>Sakurai was wet at the idea of writing more Musashi wank.
The game is quite literally the opposite
Musashi gets cut down of her role at the apex of heavens by her own student and loses the title of strongest sowrdsman from Japan in that game
In what world is that wank
Heck I hate Musashi in fgo and she is great in SR
I like how you let a writer live rent free in order to spew such a lie about why the game was made.
SR was a passion project by KT devs
is also clear that this isn't JUST a random collab. no one cares when fate collabs with majong or other random gacha games but everyone knows that mihoyo is among the top of gacha right now (ba also really popular) and with games that have proper stories.
nasu having an interview with them before this shows you this isn't just a random event and he admits to playing their games.
hell even vivian looks like hsr main character in her anni illustration.
Which of the four that came to you in a single ticket do you like the most?
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that passes for humblebragging?
Saggy mom
You're right that it isn't random
That's because Nasu likes the game so he signed off on the collab
Anything more is schizo headcanon
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>the only time you get to have all three valks is as supports
This is cruel, bros.
I don't disagree, but Iori wank is by proxy Musashi wank, and Iori is given some ridiculous power level wankery
if anything they were testing the waters
they're definitely afraid to do anything and the survey from last year on jp shows as much.
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>games that have proper stories
mihoyo stories are hyped up to be amazing
they're good for a mobile/gacha game, but they dont hold a candle to fate
>Woe is me I didn't get this 4 star but this 5 star instead! I am so sad
The SR on rate-up with her then is Caster Gilkek, so not that much of an improvement.
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Keep talking about Sakurai and her works.
anon networking and business relationships begin like that. also is not crazy to think that the guy that only wanted 10 years of fgo now wants to move on to something more like the games he actually plays.
who the fuck is vivian
comfy bob
What's it like to play with huge saggers like that bros?
Some of these retards unironically think they'll let you transfer your progress too
caster gil is great
he'll get a buff soon, surely
We'll find out in a little over a year, but the absolute nothing burger story that has been ordeal call so far that is spaced out way too much more the amount that's there, on top of them finally doing multiple please clap TM events / servants tells me the game is getting close to the end
>they're good for a mobile/gacha game, but they dont hold a candle to fate
exactly. imagine nasu's frustration when he knows he could write something so much better in a proper and modern game.
Not him but I give no fucks about the tamamo sidegrade while I wanted to grail my garethow is that humblebragging
If Nasu pulls out of FGO hes not gonna immediately thrust himself into another decade long gacha
That makes 0 sense for someone who's tired of it.
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>get new phone
>com.aniplex.fategrandorder.en wont show up
the fuck
kek, based
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Thinking about throwing this stupid robot in the prism grinder for having the audacity to show up instead of Merlina
100% agree
How come HSR gets a UBW collab but FGO doesn't get a Honkai collab?
install chadea app and from there betterfgo
same reason we still haven't gotten our battle cats servant
any sisters wanna hold hands?
we already have originals so who cares about ripoffs
Tamamo is dead and buried
No NP Charge
The one battle she was good at (Schez) is gone
what's betterfgo
anon he's is still a writer
is not like he wants to retire, he's just fucking tired of this piece of shit game that they probably planned to abandon 5 years ago.
i tried rolling for summer musashi
>gold orbs
>directly followed by rainbow orbs
i was furious
Roll again
I got spooked by Ody but I kept rolling and immediately got Arjuna Alter last CBC
slightly modded fgo apk that always runs at 60FPS and lets you 2x speedup NPs amongst other things
modded apk some people use. I'm more curious what's going on with >>486779257 the aniplex fgo folder should show up in the data folder after the games installed.
The 'meme' is that they're underage girls, so by expressing your desire to have sex with them, you are giving the mistaken impression that you are a pedophile.
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>what's betterfgo

>Allows you to play constantly at 60 FPS (in the entire game, not only during combat animations), skip noble phantasms, change game art and generally modify the client quite a lot. It is because of the option to skip phantasms that many people use this client, as it saves a lot of time when farming. Also, from a certain point, a translation of the Japanese interface into English is being developed.

Your problem is you think it's related to the gameplay.. Nasu is tired of the FGO story and wants to go work on other stuff.
Just look how much he enjoyed writing the Tsuki remake and compare it to FGO.
A sequel would carry the same setting/story he's gotten sick of. If a sequel did happen it would be headed by Sakurai and Higashide with him in an advisory role so he could work on other little passion projects for himself.
fgo is nasu opus magnum
if not for fgo he would be known as staynight author which isn't good thing at all
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>skadi and merlina requires 100 eggs
it's fucking over i will be a skilllet and will never be an eggCHAD
ummm wouldn't that get me banned?
90++ drops eggs
>BB said that Melt was smarter than her
>when BB is playing 4D chess all the time while Melt gets bamboozled
What did BB mean by this
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>However, using this client it is impossible to buy quartz, since it is cheated and is recognized as fake. It also states that BetterFGO cannot run at 120 FPS, which some modern monitors allow.
Run the game once and have it prompt for data download. Close it and then the folder should be there.
>tell your kids they're smarter than you
>they do goofy shit
It's not all that complicated.
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>>>To use the client, you must be a donor on Rayshift.io
I played that quest in normal speed and hit brave chain as many times as I can to savor them
yes, why are you asking?
Melt is smarter than BB
Would you fuck Albert for 900,000 SQ?
>A sequel would carry the same setting/story he's gotten sick of.
okay fair enough but rather than fgo2 i honestly think they're going with just another typemoon gacha with a fresh story
(to get new people)
Oh I rolled again. It didn't work.
keep rolling
surely she will come
>If a sequel did happen it would be headed by Sakurai and Higashide
so uhh same as always?
BB is mischievous when Melt is a good kid, the devil is simply too creative for the angel
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>Just look how much he enjoyed writing the Tsuki remake
Yeah so much it took him 10 years to finish the short half of it.
just want to talk to you bro
>when the orbs don't stop even a little bit right after a CE, so you know for a fact another CE is coming
I hate this
good kid having sex with 3,5 men at once
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Very cute Kama cream spotted on the right...
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Birb spotted.
It would probably be a soft reboot
New organization (maybe the clocktower itself or some spin off of it), new primary companion servant, new MC master. Occasional references to the chaldeas crew and their story, and probably down the line getting to roll for them, but otherwise people can come into it with little understanding of FGO
yeah something like that
i didn't know that. rate seems to be better than lb4
>new mc
but im literally gudao
For that much quartz, I would let the whole stadium fuck me.
10 years old this October.
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now you're clapbait
imagine (you) cucking (you)
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Hola amigos
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It was really cute to see Erice nerd out over seeing the Argonauts.
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>potential to have a fully explorable clocktower either as a hub or in the London region
Son you forgot your meds again.
>but im literally gudao
if you are, put on the dress, NOW!!
Do SSR’s always trigger the gold orbs? I was using tickets and didn’t see any explosion and so I just skipped and it ended up being Purlin. I would have watched the card animation if I saw gold orbs.
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foxu rabu
The only SSR that always has a special animation is Draco
The only downside to FGO2 is potentially attracting the hoyotards that whine about attractive women and white skin.
Finally organized my stuff, here's the entire manga style AI images I made
this includes Berserk and OPM
this includes, Bleach,Dragon's Crown, Saint Seiya,to-love ru and some others I made very few of
and this last one is just Fist of the north star
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There is already shitposting about this with the extraverse servants.
Only rainbow orbs guarantee an SSR. Gold orbs can either be an SR or SSR.
Hoyotards only play hoyoslop I wouldn’t worry about it.
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Is going to be like this
Sup bros, just relaxing abroad and the weather is beautiful.
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Why would you want to see a man in a dress?
There are 3 animations (technically 4, Draco has a unique one and never has orbs at all) for an SSR
1. Normal orbs into silver card with a back, it transforms into a gold
2. Gold orbs
3. Rainbow orbs (always a 5 star)
But blue orbs can still be an SSR?
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Fake ass Gudao
Gudao is a fucking Twink
Would be kino
The poll said people wanted to keep using Guda so they'll keep using him
If the servant card begins to spark yes.
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>But blue orbs can still be an SSR?
There's a chance, but not guaranteed like the rainbow orbs. That's how my NP2 Merlina showed up while all the gold orbs were Gareths.
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Have you seen his leaked pics!? When he looks that good, I absolutely want more.
I’d say he’s ottermode
Why not Tiamat. She’s also a beast
>summer Koyan
Light or Darkness?
She's an Alter-Ego.
>To use the client, you must be a donor on Rayshift.io
lmao chaldea app gives you the apk for free
1 Light ascension
1 Dark ascension
1 fused version
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Melubros new content from AnkoCHAD
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Delete this.
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i just want more gay stuff with astolfo
No luck. Played through the tutorial. Tried doing a manual download. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app. doing it again. I think I'm going to try copying the folder from my emulator into the data folder and see what happens. Either lasengle did something or samsung did something. If this doesn't work I'll just bite the bullet and use the transfer code.
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>they're good for a mobile/gacha game
Did you play any Hoyo game? Their stories and dialogues are unironically worse than AI Not even Genshin fans pretend the story is any good just look at /gig/
They cope with the lore
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Guda would be an absolutely monsterous servant. Sure in actuality s/he's a bumbling moron alive by sheer force of 10 inch thick plot armor and the world bending around him to reward his innane decisions, but servants work on lore rather than reality.

To the rest of the world, Guda is the last master of humanity. Who defeated 7 singularities, 6 lostbelts, and numerous smaller versions. Commands an entire army of servants, including several divine spirits and grands. Has the charisma of gods and can tard wrangle even the most insane of berserkers with ease. Immune to all types of poisons. Has 3 heroic spirits defending his mind from all manner of mental attacks. Not only defeated beasts, but also subjugated and used them. Fought and defeated Goetia with his bare fucking hands. And has a conceptual inhibility to drink alcohol.

Literal grand material right there.
Melus is the smartest
Bob is the dumbest
I think the special animations always play for Summer Kiara as well.
>end of FGO2 part 1 (part 3)
>you're sent to take out the chaldeas remnants responsible for the bleached earth
>meet gudao/gudako (matching whatever sex your character is)
>they're accompanied by DaVinci, Mashu, Nemo, and Goetia (I'm guessing he'll join, we'll see at the end of OC)
we are gonna be zeus pseudo
not sure about gudako though
Canceling Robin on Xitter!
>Melus is the smartest
>aurora's lapdog
Penacony was unironically pretty good, maybe could have been better in the final act.
So if you have one of the power trio of berserkers and well invested to would you ever need other good aoe servants? I suppose foreigner nodes or other high level cq that it would just be easier to run something with a bit more survivability?
grand average guy
>Aurora outsmarts and kills Morgan
Very smart!
it was terrible
only the first one (ice planet) was somewhat good
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That was all SprigganCHAD
Aurora is the bimbo who fucked everything up afterwards
>they're good for a mobile/gacha
From the gacha games I've played. The writing quality tier list is:
Tier0 FGO Nikke Limbus
Tier1 BA Arknight
Tier2 GBF
Tier3 ZZZ HSR Wuwa
Tier4 FEH Genshin
I like how you always use this pic, when it's literally from a gay porn artist. You are basically trying to combat gay with more gay
What would even be the story of a new Fate game. In FGO, the concept of Singularities, repairing human history and the concept of Lostbelts as alternative histories which got pruned, those are all well thought of.
I like the contrast in that just like how Aurora acts the part of lovely perfection while being a horrible person, Melusine as the "righteous loyal knight" is also acting the part (underneath she's nothing like it, after all Morgan named her for Lancelot for a reason), when in reality she's just a weapon. Or rotting corpse, either or. The juxtaposition is interesting.
Thoughts on him? If Morgan gave him her full support and attention, would he be able to solo Chaldea?
Nikke has a story? It isn’t just about jiggling ass and collabs?
>Penacony was unironically pretty good
by Hoyo standard yes but they still managed to ruin it
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Probably, he's an A-Ray
Genshin was alright pre Inazuma.
Sumeru had some good ideas but did so little with it.
Fontaine felt too rushed since a third of the story takes place in the prison.
They didn't go and give Zeus a design and a voice actor just to make him a pseudo
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He pretty much did before Gareth pulled pulled out the plot armor for us
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>When you first start up FGO2 it lets you entire in your FGO transfer code for some free stuff for returning players
>secretly records the accounts data
>When you fight Guda at the end he has your oldest level 120 servant as the final party member
Going back to TM's urban fantasy root, go around hunting supernatural entities for the church or fight/deal with magic incidents for clock tower.
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All of Chaldea? Fuck no
What's the relation between LB6 A-Rays and Notes A-Rays?
Hot retard
Nasu will make a Tsukihime gacha with loads of cute vampire and Church waifus
Nice, we need more gay infographics
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>underage twitter trannies shitting on Mom's design
i know im not supposed to fall for their shitty antics and much less care about twitternigger opinions but it still irks me, fucking nasu what the fuck were you thinking giving hoyoniggers a collab.
If it has Nero Chaos I’ll play
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woodwose got wood
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Lipbros... We were so close...
The switch does, but the orbs can be anything
Well part 1 could be rogue grail wars springing up in an Earth post Chaldea filled with magic or something (depending how they end FGO)
Or you could explore the ayy lmao plot (not alien god, but the outer gods) that FGO mostly abandoned. Maybe have cultists using grails / god powers and reshaping parts of the Earth to prepare for the arrival of various outer gods
Yes. He DID win, Gareth just plot armoured us with literal future sight.
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Bros why are we filthy gameplayfags?
Shut the fuck up Aoko
my Morgan and Scathach are also maxed but i didn't submit
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>>potential to have a fully explorable clocktower either as a hub or in the London region
>Lord El Melloi Yakuza-like gayme
Zat's ackshually a comfy idea
the consequence of everyone having more grails and embers than they know what to do with
Once you've done your favorite all that remains is gameplay
Fucking mosquitoes
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>that lip
Holy based... This year for sure, broZ!
I was just camping a couple weeks ago bro I know what you're going through
It means tomorrow is likely to be the busiest day of the week, which means dealing with hordes of retards all day and coming back home exhausted.
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Unironically asking, how do I stop giving a shit about shitty depictions of my waifu at doujins? like really, I'm getting unironically seething with the ankoslop shit and just want to burn Shitolfo 4* and the spook Nemo I've gotten.
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>Nikke has a story?
it does and it is very good. Overzone is unironically one of the best events if not the best in a gacha storywise
The other thing Nikke excels at is the interaction between the cast
The fanservice part is almost exclusively in events and Bonds which sometimes have implied sex
i also got my dogwife to 120 in this anniversary, did i have to submit her?
Probably unless you see yours on the gdoc, I'm not the guy who made the doc btw
Oh shit I just remembered which email I used for HSR. I'm going back bros. Time to save for a year until the collab
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why don't you just filter "anko" and all the ankoman images if it bothers you that much? Jannies obviously don't care about it, since I report every time and they stay up every time, so you're going to keep seeing them, unfortunately.
File deleted.
Tried making them transparent.
Why would we want their AI slops here?
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Hey, you! Yes, YOU!
Happy Friend's day.
looks pretty good
Very nice
/alter/ loves slurping up AI slop though?
I even have a filter on Panda on this shit

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you too, bro
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>Oh shit I just remembered which email I used for HSR.
i still got saved in a notepad my email for a nikke account with np2 (or whatever the currency is) 2B, ill probably return when this kusoge dies for good or Makima returns
don't be a bitch
Is that Sasuke
Why are we supposed to think the Li's are a bad pick for the Dioscuri? They're both men originally.
>see cuck image
why did his waist fall back?
me and my son
You obviously didn't try hard enough if you saw my post with "anko" in it. If you make a filter for anko and for ank0 and for whatever other iterations, you're not going to have this problem.
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my feet are cold
Li made a bad lil sis
I filtered in panda, I meant
>The other thing Nikke excels at is the interaction between the cast
Many of them are fun but I wouldn't say they excel at that. You speak like a guy who went from Gayshin to Nikke which would explain why you would find the writing there mindblowing
Blue Archive imo is the gacha with the best character interaction
Very cool Jannu I was getting worried
Cover yourself in lemongrass oil, no mosquitos will bite you
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong general, the oily wrestling general is 2 boards down
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Can't believe I missed some spots. I'll proceed to commit sudoku.
Why would you waste your time on that trash?
Focus on what's actually canon as well as the good content you get, and maybe take a step back from places like this that are obsessed with porn.
Fuck you!

I do that all the time. I basically accept that the first version I post to 4chan is going to have errors.
I appreciate your efforts.
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submitting Dogwife
2 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes until Ibuki
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I usually end up forgetting something when I do stuff like that too, then you have to be reminded of it every time someone posts the first version in the future.
>I basically accept that the first version I post to 4chan is going to have errors.
Yeah... and that's the version everyone saves, even if you post the corrected one a minute later.
> spend 120 quartz and 20 tickets on new banner
> get nothing
Will this fucking game ever give me something?
No, fuck you oilman I'll show you who is the boss of this gym
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Nigga read the fucking game, Fagstolfo is one of the biggest victims of this doujin headcanon dogshit, he's actually a bro
That's not Saber.
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2 minutes of momotalk about how "special" your student is doesn't count as great character interaction im afraid
i look like this
your penis must hurt a lot
Is this appropriate getup for a saint.
You look like a pussy ?
There's lots of quality character interaction between students and (You) and each other in events and sidestories too. Not to mention the main story.
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it does
can i smell your saint pussy Jannu?
Is that Matsumoto from Bleach?
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Surely the next thread will be better...
Why are they like this?
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Overzone OST was great
Only if assholes are posted
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And now, with a bit of my Skadi rune magic...
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/Alter brothers, I'm so outdated. I NEED HELP! What is the meta? what should my support line-ups look like(Normal and current event).
All non-troll replies get 1-10 lucky rolls on the next banner.
you guys said he had a mosnter cock
i curse your rolls eternally if you answer that post
>Tier4 FEH Genshin
Genshin is garbage and when I played it I wished there was a skip button but it is not FEH level of garbage
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>monster cock
I don't know why anyone would believe that.
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I'll be fapping to this later tonight.
Tits too small
No, that's Aventurine.

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