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This is the place for all sorts of discussion about OpenMystery. Post screenshots, discuss the story, simp your favourite witchfus!



>What is OpenMystery?
OpenMystery is the open-source PC port of H*gwarts M*stery, made in Unity.
It runs similarly to an emulator, and is developed using top-down reverse-engineering methods.
This gives it the advantage of being able to remove all the annoying mobile mechanics from the game since we have complete control of the engine.
It's also able to play new content whenever the base game updates.

>Where can I get OpenMystery?
Here's everything you need to setup and run the game.

>What can OpenMystery play?
OpenMystery is capable of playing the main quest, tlsqs, sqs, quidditch, creature quests, dates and more.

>Is OpenMystery complete?
OpenMystery is constantly updating, with assortments of bug fixes and improvements.
While a bug-free experience isn't guaranteed, you should be able to have fun with it.
Please report any bugs you encounter.

>Is OpenMystery moddable?
Yes, the game supports mods. This is the link to the modding guide.
Here's the link to the moddb page

>Snydebooru - Merula fanart & OpenMystery art-related

>the Merula VN "An interaction with Merula"

>Fanfiction and greentexts
https://imgur.com/a/FIEbRyy (currently broken)
Previous Thread >>485247936

>HPHM Blender Models

>Other related games
>HPHM Visual Novel
>Unity game
>"A Very Meru Christmas"
>Pokemeru mod (download pokeabby in f95)
>ClumsyDrawfags' "An interaction with Merula VN"

>Our boys, Bep and Love5tar

Question of the thread:
Are you going in a summer vacation?
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remember to stay cool during these warm days anons!
But it's fucking cold!
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Stay cold bitch
This is just sad now, Penny.
Need Skye version of that
I just made myself sick with my own smell, I have become Ismelda
what the fuck are you doing anon? you aint no wizard, take a fucking shower
Penny is upset she lost MC to Merula in the last thread.
But her stench makes her stronger.
I don't have water, pipe broke down 2 weeks ago
How long does it take to fix a fucking pipe?
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keep this one away from Bea
For the same reason we have to keep the Crumps away from her?
what are those
Magic Dogs with 2 dicks
Keep it away from Liz, she is the animal freak
so, when is volume 2 supposed to come out?
I want to be a pet for Liz
It's already out
what? i thought it had a couple of weeks left
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merula if corrupted by penny
Yeah, I also wrote >>486754669
Anyway, I'm glad you guys enjoyed my ending fix
bust out the minorities wizards
Because she's wearing a dress? Meru wears dresses. Or is it the muggle fashion? Because we're still in the 90s, so that would be her nearing 40.
>Yeah, I also wrote >>486754669
Oops. I meant >>485798228
Need MILF Merula trying to keep up with fashion trends and look cool to her kids
Would MC name one of his children after Rowan?
Rowan Snyde
Maybe the middle one
No, he WILL name one of his kids after his favorite teacher, Snape.
>implying these are mutually exclusive
He will simply have multiple children
All for the Snyde bloodline of course
Would also be okay with MILF trying her Hogwarts uniform back on after the first kid goes to Hogwarts
As long as none have multiple first names
Too early for cringe hours
Wizards do, like Dumbledore.
You mean his parents, he didn't choose his name
thicc booty!
Meru meru!
Is the bep artist around? I'd like to ask you something
Definitely not but I just dm'd him for you, maybe he'll come by
NTA but where is bep active?
Merula singing this to MC.
Here I am, ask away.
He just pinged me on discord.
So I've been gathering images from google to make a Skye AI model, normally I'd pick screenshots from tumblr, with their low quality artifacts and youtube videos screenshots that are often blurry. But this time your render images pop up and they're leagues better, both in quality and resolution. Are you ok with me using them for the model? I feel I should ask first since you made them. If not I understand and I'll refrain from using them.
Would be a bit creepy
Sounds good, you could also try importing her model into blender and rendering some sample images or just taking screenshots from OpenMystery. Would this AI model be usable on civitai?
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Yes, all the models I've done are ready to use in civitai, just recently I uploaded my first xl model. As for your suggestion, I'll admit the only reason I haven't used OM for the task, is that it takes quite a few GBs and it would eat a good chunk of my hard drive. If not for that, OM would make things so much easier with its model viewer tool. Which reminds me if some anon would like to cooperate with OM screenshots for a model to be made, it would be greatly appreciated.
How many OM screenshots of Skye would you need in addition to my renders? I could probably get a small folder together.
Just 5 screenshots of her wearing hogwarts uniform robes would be great for the model I think, as I already got the required 30 screenshots and then some thanks to your renders.
Maybe if you only like men.
Just realized there's yet another full marks event, are we going back to 2-3 full marks events per month? Pls no I prefer the puzzling potions spam
Okay, I'll send them to you through civit.
That event seriously suck
Penny wouldn't be able to handle it.
Why? MC would obviously pick her over never showersula.
24 children, each one named after one of his friends
Rape Tonks in Artifact Room
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>hogwarts mystery in big 2024
I found his home address actually, just visited him there.
Do not underestimate autism
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merula is just too powerful, even after the game dies and JC moves on, we'll still remember best girl
After 10 I guess they just come out without any problems
In my native Ireland we kill witches
your native ireland a SHIT
>we'll still remember best girl
Yeah Penny will never be forgotten
shut up
Oh she definitely won't, being on the FBI's Most Wanted
Merula as Disney's Megara
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>5 years
as said by another anon in the Meru thread from a couple of days ago in /v/
meant for >>486890339
There's gonna be a Harry Potter HBO show
Ready for the disaster?
crazy shit, they want for it to run for 10 years straight whilst only using the books as a guideline but i guess they can pull it off, somehow
either way since merula is not in it nor is it new HP content that expands on things outside the books/spin offs i'm not interested
I could see a super long running show set in the wizard world post Harry but a 10 years long version of Harry's story? That's just stupid.
Especially since it's gonna be live action probably.
It was Punished JK at the helm, it can't be worse than FBs.
yeah, it would make sence for them to just use a post harry world or the usual precuel setting they have been using in both HM and HL, but going for 10 years on something that has ALREADY been beaten to death as harry's story seems odd
i don't expect them to be smart about the way they use content from the books so expect yearly release dates for each season with decent ammounts of content
>they want for it to run for 10 years straight
im sorry, WHAT? fucking how?
Anon, some series do last more than 10 years. They just have to keep the same cast for 10 years and hope none of them die or do something illegal in-between
no yeah, i know that, but what new/recent show has lasted that long? everything i´ve heard since i stopped watching TV is cancelation after cancelation, didnt the Halo show just got axed?
Well, the IP is popular, unless the show is super trash I bet it will do good numbers on MAX
so was the Halo ip
Their own fault for not keeping the helmet on.
honestly i can see merula as the type of girl to adopt 3 cats and be done with it, she may love MC-kun, but those cats are her sons and nothing is going to change that
MC is Merula's pog champ
will never play quidditch again
She just can't stop getting pregnant with MC's bastard children.
Is that the plushie MC bought to Merula
she can still play during those first 6 months
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i can't draw for shit so srry for the scuff, but wanted to do a doodle on meru cuz ya know, meru
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cute doodle
just make another one
The Elderwand crackled with dark energy, it's power unleashed upon the helpless student who valiantly resisted despite the pain. So many have fallen to the new Rakepick who started indiscriminately killing anyone. Even her allies who helped her defeat Dumbledore and acquire the Elderwand. Meanwhile, Penny and Merula were crouched in the shadows, witnessing the horrifying scene unfold. Penny, ever the resourceful and determined friend, turned to Merula with urgency in her eyes.
>"Merula, we can't let this continue. Rakepick with the Elderwand is too powerful for Ymous to face alone. We need to do something drastic."
Merula's expression was conflicted, her usual tough exterior betraying a hint of uncertainty. >"What can we possibly do, Penny? Rakepick is way to powerful now. We dont even have Dumbledore anymore..."
Penny reached into her bag and pulled out two gleaming earrings. "These are Potara earrings. Legend has it, they can fuse two individuals into one incredibly powerful being. If we combine our strengths, we might stand a chance." Merula hesitated, her pride and independence warring with the gravity of the situation. Merula clenched her fists. "Merula, do you want MC to die like so many of our other friends?!" Finally, Merula exhaled deeply.
>"Fine. Let's do it. For Ymous."
Merula took the earring from Penny.
>"Okay, Merula just put it in one of your ears and we will be fused forever."
Merula was shocked at this news. She might have hesistated more, but her resolve to save MC overwelmed any doubts. Penny quickly put her earring into her left ear so that it would match Merula's earring in her right ear. Both of them started slidding towards each other at blinding speeds. Their forms blurred and then fused together in a dazzling display of light and power. The fusion was complete. From the merging of their bodies emerged a new figure, radiant and formidable. The fusion stood tall, her eyes glowed with determination as she faced Rakepick.
I cringe a little
Rakepick, who turned in surprise at the sudden transformation, sneered. Raising the Elderwand menacingly at the fusion.
>"Another futile attempt to stop me? You can't possibly hope to match my power. Even with fusion!"
The fusion then spoke with a voice that sounded like Merula and Penny overlayed on each other.
>"I'm not here to match you, Rakepick. I'm here to kill you. I am the fusion of Penny and Merula! Just call me Perula. Try to keep up, hag."
With a swift motion, Penrula unleashed a torrent of different spells from her wand in quick succession, countering Rakepick's dark spells with a power that surpassed even the Elderwand's might. The duel raged on, each spell and counter-spell echoing through the empty halls of Hogwarts. In the midst of thr fight, MC, on the edge of death, looked up to see the dazzling figure of Penrula battling against Rakepick. The sight filled him with renewed determination, knowing his friends had risked everything to come to his aid. As the battle reached it's climax, Penrula's combined strength proved overwhelming. With a final expelliarmus Penrula managed to disarm Rakepick. The Elderwand flew from Rakepick's grasp. Landing in Perula's hand. With a quick motion Penrula cast the killing curse on Rakepick. Silencing her forever. Penrula stood exhausted but victorious. She rushed to MC. Helping him to their feet and healing his body with the Elderwand. Ymous was back to normal. MC almost couldnt believe the feeling. Being on the brink of death only to feel like nothing happened at all.
>"Mer- I mean, Penrula, thank you."
gratitude shining in his eyes.
>"Ymous, it's all finally over. We finally stopped Rakepick... unfortunately we are going to be stuck like this forever..."
Tears filled Perula's eyes, the realization of the situation setting in. MC kissed Penrula.
>"I still love you, Merula. Even if you're like this forever."
Penrula hugged MC tightly as she cried in into his chest.
I based a little
is this some DBZ shit im too blissfully ignorant to understand?
How to unrape a witch
i always wondered, how is a night in the sleeping area? there is just no way they arent fooling around in a room filled with magical hormonal teenagers
Fusions are not exclusive to dbZ
fusions with earrings are tho
There's a spell that keeps boys out of the girls dorms, dunno if it there's one that keeps them for having sex in the dorms or other places of the castle. Maybe magic itself keep them from getting too horny during puberty
>Waiting for MC to return her boots.
I don't think even a fusion of Penny and Merula would've beaten Rakepick, she solo'd four fifth year students and one seventh year without problem
>"What does he want them for anyway?"
what about gays and lesbians tho?
For these cases I figure the deterrent is the same as with any muggle school, you get caught you get expelled. Enforced by the Hogwarts staff and the help of some of its students like headboy or prefects, like Jane.
u wot m8
Obliviate and Episkey
Sorry: who?
>finally reached the point where i can take my N.E.W.T.S.
why the fuck am i nervous? its just gonna be stupid multi-option thing again...
does she only owns a single pair of boots?
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imagine the smell
Stop stealing my cum
And it's even easier now since if you do the mini side quests for each subject you are basically guaranteed a passing grade even if you pick all the wrong answers
were those sides quest not a thing before?
all your cum belongs to her
yes, but some might not trigger before the N.E.W.T.S. tlsq trigger
What does Penrula look like? Is it post graduation or after? A mix of their school unforms would look cool. The hair would probably be crazy.
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>Merula watching MC play in her giant boots
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huh what is this button for?
Ignore it
>Left hand that isn't Merula's
Who is with her trying to break the door down?
Start with Penny's hair
Make it messy like Merula's but keep the overall hairstyle
Make the braids ginger
Ismelda (Slytherin girls need MC)
both, the other one is behind Merula
Those witches need correction immediately
but "correction" just keeps feeding the flames!
Witches are unrapeble. Wizards on the otherhand...
precious little bea
>Going to be beach with boots
Merula pls
During sex the boots stay ON
Until they fall off thanks to intensity
damn, what the hell are they doing?
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the smile of a rapist
Maybe in America... if our mum can go without a cock in her mouth for 5 minutes.
>red shirt
>blue shoes
ah the superior Gryclaw Skye
slytherclaw is better
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help what do I do?
Not this one again
After much consideration I concur, the cleverness of a Ravenclaw and the resourcefulness of a Slytherin are unbeatable
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I figure I'd let you all in a little update regarding the Skye model as it should be ready and up by now but it isn't, to put it simply, is not going well. The eyes are giving me troubles again, they're normally shaped but they're blue instead of the yellowish-green eyes Skye has. And before you ask, yes it gives the green eyes if one were to write "green eyes" in the prompt, but the idea for me is that you shouldn't had to write it. The hair on the other hand turns out right most of the time, I'll keep trying a few things with this 1.5 model and if nothing works, I'll just have to upload it as it is I guess.
Keep up the good work, bro. We believe in you!
Better than nothing
Play the mobile game
If each volume is supposed to be a year those that mean that mc spend the whole year working on that single case? The whole thing felt like it took three months at best.
Griffin REALLY needs to find out a way to get rid of this fucking bug
naturally, not even the "protagonist syndrome" house can hope to be that good
This is why Ravenclaw MC is canon
Still in awe of the wholesome kino
Ismelda smell
"Ismellda" was right there, anon
[Your witchfu's friend] babysitting [your witchfu]'s kids so she can go out with (You)
Besting Skye with a big broom
You could say she ate (You)r dust
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that is in fact an ass and not a small mesa
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>im fucked
oh well
It's not impossible to fix
I don't know the first thing about computer science or whatever skill this requires, I am just a simpleton who wants to date Merula.
>There's a spell that keeps boys out of the girls dorms
True or headcanon?
many of us are anon
this bug has happen to me before, it can be fixed, its just VERY annoying, its usually the "files" folder thats the problem, try deleting that folder and redownloading the file
mighty need to slap
simping for penny
Alright, I'll try that, thank you and bless you. Also just out of curiosity, how big is the files folder supposed to be? Maybe I'm just being a huge dumbass and didn't let it finish downloading...
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should be around this size and this many files
Thank you, it didn't work, but it was worthy a try.
Sometimes it's related to the path of the folders, check that they match
Oh man I tried using the config from the OP instead of transferring from my phone and now it works, but if you hadn't said this I wouldn't have thought of it so thank you very much you beautiful creature.
Just realized that my surname is the surname of a canon family in HP. Now I have to change it.
ain't no way this dude's name is Justicius Dingledongledon The III
Fuck you
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Damn witch...!
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After a fourth model I'm seeing some progress regarding the eye color, with it turning green every 3 gens or so. Tomorrow I'll see if a fifth model gets it right everytime and it should be ready to be uploaded.
This crop image by itself isn't much, but I like the implications it gives.
MC going for that lying tongue
No Russia but with Merula and other witches killing muggles
Imagine how fucked up the Harry Potter world would be if the killing curse was invisible and instant like Crucio?
so, how is it working now? any problems so far?
Still got the convert to dds to get through, but it's been going as the guide says so far. Thank you again for the help.
I'm sure one wizard can create it, but it will be buried
woaj, looking good, impressed it got the jacket mostly right
Building a titanic replica with autistic witch Skye
Yeah for other AIs the top is always the hard part, mostly because Skye wears 3 or 4 clothes
are they even aware of the titanic?
They're still confused as to why noone charmed the hull.
some witch or wizard must've been there
There's none
concept art of the cancelled beach tlsq
Need Chiara to lick my mouth while I sleep
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how come is it that even when its the same concept, the girls always have the superior version of these outfits, i think you can count with one hand the times where the opposite is true
Because only girls care about what they wear
i dont care about looking good, i just dont want to look like shit
Bad news for you, you will always look like shit
I've been wearing the uniform without the robe for years now, nothing looks better than that one, I have only changed the beard and the hair
Looks like something out of a 70s movie
I would have said it looks more deco.
>beard on a student
I know it’s not unrealistic irl, but damn, seeing a 3D Hogwarts character with a beard sounds nasty
should've mirrorred the female outfit by making the shirt all white and pants have the pattern
Ehhh. I don’t think that would look better
Merula needs correction. Nothing a matting press can't fix.
I want to correct that FemRowan too
That would be necrophilia
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Now every 2 hrs
Thanks for the bump, faggot.
You don't even post in /hpgg/, you're just ragebaiting.
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Thnx for the (You)s
Nah it posts there but it changes the tactics
I also really like Merula, who is very fancy and a mess.
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ignore the grown ass adult man looking for the attention his parent failed to give him and move on people
tulip has died
>This user is underage
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>touched a nerve
just as expected.
anyway, back to our topic
isnt it F?
F to pay respects
S to spit on grave
can do both with Tulip, gonna miss her mouth
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>3 months
Fuck off
Based, wonder if JC would do two Halloween side quests like last year
You're a wizard. I'm sure there's a spell that would let you preserve the body.
wishful thinking, but i dont think so
They'll just reuse the extra one for this year.
they aren't THAT lazy
dont test them
They can one mini tlsq for beyond and full one for school
clove oil all over merula
not complaining, but why?
to figure out the other mysterious smell
That's nakes zero sense
It's a pipe bomb.
Merula talking excitedly about something then MC just shuts her up with a kiss which makes her seethe
Add fire
>Merula talking[...] then [...] seethe
MC's worst fears were confirmed. Garfield the cat and Merula were pressed against each other, their lips locked in a passionate kiss. Shock and hurt gripped MC's heart as he stumbled back, his mind reeling from the betrayal unfolding before him.Garfield's laughter echoed through the corridor, his careless amusement cutting through the protagonist's anguish. *Looks like your girlfriend has a taste for cats, mate!* Garfield sneered, a smug grin spreading across his face.
Merula's voice, laced with a mix of guilt and anger, snapped back at Garfield. *You arrogant piece of shit!* she hissed, her emotions in turmoil as she struggled to comprehend the consequences of her actions. Garfield's response was to pull Merula closer, kissing her again with a hunger that surpassed his hunger for Italian food. Ymous, unable to bear the sight any longer, turned and fled down the corridor, his heart shattered into pieces. Alone in a secluded corridor, tears streamed down MC's cheeks as he grappled with the pain of betrayal. The realization that Merula had chosen a cartoon orange cat over him cut deep. Garfield's laughter faded into the background as Merula pushed him away, her eyes flashing with remorse. *What have I done?* she whispered to herself, regret gnawing at her conscience. Garfield, however, was undeterred, his desire for Merula driving him to pull her into another passionate embrace. This time, Merula responded with equal fervor, her conflicted emotions giving way to the intoxicating allure of forbidden attraction. As they kissed, their tongues intertwined, Merula's thoughts of MC disappeared into the tomato sauce, sand paper tongue.
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Who the FUCK are you talking to?
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And blush like an apple
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Looking at manlet mc
Looking at sleeping mc
she is admiring MC´s ginormous cock
That doesn't look like the creatures reserve.
MC so carefree that he naps in the stairways
thats called being unconcious from tripping down the many many stairs in the Grand Staircase
Classic prank
fucking Tulip and her stupid pranks
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Merula looking at Garfield.
What happens when students fall and die on the stairs? I also imagine kids can get squished by the stairs. Saw a live leak where something like that kinda happens in China. It's brutal and happens so fast.
Thinking about Erika's glutes.
How hard is her ass? I bet that if you slap it, you’ll break your hand
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Did I cook?
>Buxom Merula & Baker Penny
First time I've seen it that way round
>First time I've seen it that way round
Penny has always been the one headcanoned with a big butt by the general
No she hasn’t, I have never seen a mention of Penny having a big anything other than a big nose and sticking to her own busyness
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Merula Snyde, was known for her bad attitude and wit. Yet, beneath her formidable exterior lay a surprising soft spot... she harbored a secret admiration for a rather unconventional Muggle family known as The Simpsons. It all began with a curious sweepstakes she stumbled upon in a Muggle magazine. *Meet The Simpsons in Springfield!* the headline proclaimed in bold letters. Merula, ever intrigued by The Simpsons, couldn't resist entering. To her astonishment, she received a letter a few weeks later informing her that she had won the grand prize. A trip to Springfield to spend a day with none other than The Simpsons themselves. Butterflies fluttered in her chest as she Apparated into the heart of Springfield, a town unlike any she had ever seen. The flat colored charm of the Muggle world surrounded her, and she couldn't help but feel excited as she made her way to the designated meeting spot. There, waiting for her, were The Simpsons, Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. Merula tried to maintain her composure, but inside, she was bubbling with glee. Homer Simpson, in all his manly handsome glory, greeted her with a hearty handshake and a booming *Welcome to Springfield, Merula!*
The day unfolded like a whirlwind of laughter. Merula found herself joining Bart and Lisa in a daring skateboard race through the streets of Springfield, narrowly avoiding collisions with various Muggle vehicles. She shared a quiet moment of reflection with Marge, who imparted some unexpectedly wise advice about family and staying true to yourself. But it was Homer who captured Merula's heart the most. Despite his penchant for donuts and clumsy antics, there was an endearing warmth and genuine kindness in him that she found irresistible. He regaled her with hilarious anecdotes about his job at the nuclear power plant and his escapades with friends at Moe's Tavern, making her laugh until tears streamed down her cheeks. As the sun began to set over Springfield, Merula reluctantly bid farewell to The Simpsons, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and sadness. She never imagined that a day spent with her Muggle idols would leave such an impression on her. They had welcomed her into their world with open arms, treating her not as a stranger but as a cherished guest. Reflecting on the experience inside the Slytherin common room. Merula couldn't stop smiling. Meeting The Simpsons had been more than just a dream come true... it had reminded her of the simple joys of friendship, laughter, and the importance of being true to oneself. She proudly displayed a photo of herself with The Simpsons on her bedside table. And whenever she needed a pick-me-up, she would remember Homer's infectious laughter and Marge's comforting words, finding solace in the memories of a day that had brought unexpected happiness into her life.
The simps?
Fuck, I wish she was still relevant
In the jolly decked halls of Hogwarts, nestled amidst the enchanted holiday decorations and whispers of impending winter break, lived a rather unconventional Gryffindor girl known simply as "Clumsy". With her fiery red hair perpetually in disarray and a knack for stumbling into trouble, Clumsy was often the subject of amusement and concern among her peers. With the winter holidays approaching, Hogwarts was abuzz with excitement for the annual Christmas feast and the festive cheer that engulfs the castle. However, this year, a series of mishaps threatened to derail the holiday spirit. The enchanted Christmas tree in the Great Hall toppled over, scattering baubles and tinsel across the floor. The magical snow globe in the courtyard went haywire, showering unsuspecting students with snowflakes of all sizes. Amidst the chaos, Clumsy found herself inadvertently at the center of each calamity, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as people teased her in the halls. One chilly afternoon, as Clumsy attempted to hang mistletoe in the Gryffindor common room, only to end up tangled in the garlands instead. While trying to grab her wand to get herself unstuck she overheard a troubling conversation between Professor Flitwick and the house-elves. It seemed that the enchanted sleigh, crucial for delivering presents from the Hogwarts staff to the nearby magical community, had been rendered unusable due to a mishap involving some mischievous Nifflers. Clumsy's heart sank as she realized the implications: without the sleigh, Christmas for many magical families might be ruined. Determined to set things right, despite her track record for mishaps, Clumsy rushed to the Forbidden Forest to try to save Christmas.
Clumsy rushed to the Forbidden Forest, where she knew a herd of Abraxan winged horses grazed peacefully. Determination fueling her every step, Clumsy approached the majestic creatures, who eyed her curiously. Using a combination of clumsiness and treats, Clumsy managed to coax the Abraxans into helping her. She guided them back to Hogwarts, where the grateful house-elves quickly harnessed them to a spare sleigh. As Clumsy watched the sleigh take flight, laden with presents and goodwill.
>/OMG/ has to resort to AI fics to keep itself alive.
Just kill it already
we're not merging sweaty
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alright, fine. But do you have any other examples or is it just that one?
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Anybody recognize this pic? Its the thumbnail for the fanfic A Court of Flowers, and Im trying to find a higher res picture of it but reverse image searching doesn't give me any relevant results.
Looks like some cosplay
Not him but Merula has always been the one drawn using Engorgio to make her tits bug. There's like 2 other art pieces in booru with this theme
NTA but doesn't that just mean that their original size was small?
I guess, but Tulip was seen as the big tits girl, and Penny as the big butt one.
I love Merula, but in this case I would choose Penny as well. I fucking love dumptruck butts
>date Penny
>she finds out I'm a dog animagus
>she starts treating me like a dog
such is life

The font choices are a nice touch too

Isn't the phrase "The early bird gets the worm"?

Who are you btw?
>Isn't the phrase "The early bird gets the worm"?
The bird is the MC, he will be the one "eating" after all
>she starts treating me like a dog
So she has sex with you
Tulip has always been flat.The big tits girls have always been Ismelda, Chiara and Rath
Yeah i figured that much already, was hoping for more.
I don't think cosplay tbqh
Looks more like an insta model with the hot topic hufflepuff zip up hoodie cloak
>Penny realizing she just hit the knot jackpot
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Insane how much he has improved, despite starting to draw later than Clumsyfag
>date woman
>have sex wih woman
no way
Counterpoint: "bird"="woman" in Brit slang
the fastest improvement out there is derpixon
Tbqh I was also watching Pokemon briged which makes similar joke with reversed sayings
who is the artist THOUGH
The artist of >>487430469 is Clumsyfag and >>487464764 is Double aka DoubleMacDouble
I just uploaded it in the booru with the edited title, thanks for feedback

It's ok, I posted it on the booru myself
based wizard
I just imagine Rath as basically Abby
This but Abby's original body type
woah, looking good
Need to know who that is
>shill the olympics because of course they had to
what kind of "sport" are they gonna put in? it cant all be quidditch
I'm crossing my fingers for a wizard chess mini game.
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by the looks of the medals, its rowing, broom surfing and lifting.
the man looking "girl" from TLOU2
Yeah Idk, I think its just cause her model shows tits but shes always been in the third spot, bep made a model chart like 2 years ago but idk where it is.
>have talbot in the promotional image
>andre is the one who actually plays instead
even they know the gay blackman wont sell.
also, yeah, it seems those medals are in fact the competitions
wizards can surf?
Why not?
they use some poor creature as a surfboard
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Oh, but it's okay when the Italian guy does it? Double standards much?
Dumbledore about to however himself the winner.
We already know theyre gonna remove the competition and make it a message about friendship and stuff cause god forbid there be friendly compitition.
When has any competition between wizards been friendly?
im gonna try to be as much of a dick possible just to see if there is any difference, which there wont be
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>Chiara barking when MC slaps her ass
Cute and hot
>Take Merula to Arizona during summer
>She goes likes this
>Has a heatstroke a few minutes after going outside
Merula and MC should be cryptid hunters.
cute bully witch wife NOW
now? surely you can wait a bit no?
I've been waiting FIFTEEN years!
2 more weeks
That's why after NY we flying to Las Vegas, Elvis himself, which turns out was actually a wizard ane just faked his dead, will marry us.
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Rath who?
penny can't go a day without a dick in her mouth
DAMN she ripped
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what are you looking at?
your brain
its true, tho i dont think its exactly a spell, more like, the castle itself does it, its weird
It's probably the similar enchantment that moves the stairs, dunno if once casted it's stays there permanently or each headmaster has to cast all the spells again or else the castle won't work
Makes you wonder if magical maintenance is a proper job.
Double became a fakecel
I don't care anymore for him
THE most powerful witch at Hogwarts, no questions asked
We do need a zombie tlsq, if they want to keep it family friendly just make it so at the end everyone returns to normal
Well JC showed that they do take care of keeping spells working in the ministry, maybe it's better paid that law enforcement.
closest one i can think of, is the one with pumpkin jonny, but thats not even close.
a good zombie story would be awesome, even if its some stupid bullshit like aggresive dreamwalking if they are too afraid of doing too much death stuff
she is still probably the only one who could pull such outfit up
When you're about to fight in the battle for hogwarts and ask Penny for her most powerful potion
Like quaffles when she is relaxed, like bludgers when she flexes.
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>MC when he tries to grab both pieces of Erika's cake
A firm and solid booty
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>NOOOOO we musn't let the witches in heat get pregnant in their most fertile years, when there are literally 3000 wizards in Britain.
What was his deal?
You're not allowed to fuck at school. Why they didn't just walk to the wood or atleast go to another side of the castle that isnt full of people or something is beyond me.
He made them a favor, pregnant while stupid will also make the baby stupid
If Barnaby can survive so can others
>She gives you a love potion
This general isn't even about a game anymore its some sort of social chat thread for mentally ill people
Yeah, if only the Griffin's discord chat didn't keep this useless thread alive
we're not merging sweaty
A good way to pass the genes before dying in battle.
why does the tranny want to merge the generals so badly? is hpgg that boring?
>passing your genes in the middle of battle
must be, i cant think of any other reason for them to put so much effort in these "psy ops"
It is when a witch is more fertile
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everybody was surprised by Ismelda´s body when they all went to the beach
The only reason anyone played before was the story, and at this point I do keep up with the story just on OM. Nothings interesting at this point tho.
There is just no way her abs look like that.
I never understood why people complain about threads used by like ~10 people. Who tf cares who or how many people use it, not like 4chans gonna use too much bandwith cause of it.
stay mad
then after 10 mins she was back at the hotel with severe sunburns
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Ismelda is bustier than that
why is gwennog the only quiddith star that shows up for these hogwarts events? is she banging a teacher or student?
i would post an image with bigger boobs, but last time i did that mod shat their pants and got me banned despite not being anything explicit
Puritan mods
There's also Skye's dad.
Is that outfit a reference to something?

Post it anyway, maybe you'll get a more lenient mod
Or upload it elsewhere and post a link to it
He only showed up once
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i would upload it to the booru, but the anon in charge of it is pretty picky about AI stuff, so i rather not mess with that at the moment, so, fuck it, we ballin
i´ll spoiler it just in case
holy sexo
is isnt stupid, just slow....very slow
After Hogwarts they continue this tradition where they duel once a year and whoever loses has to address the winner as "most powerful" for the year till the next duel.
this is now my headcanon
Then they will have to pretend to lose and let a kid take the title
then they start furiously making out right on the spot whilst snape watches in both horror and intrigue
Fuck Tonks
in the arse
I wouldn't trust her with that
Worst she can do is transform into something weird like a disgusting magical creature
Given that we don't really know what a metamorph can and cannot do with their gift in canon, what do you think is reasonable as limitations? I think it must be limited by the size, like you can't transform fully into a dog but you can give yourself dog features
she can do animalistic features like you said, that is canon, not so sure about a full transformation
it would make them too op
and would make animagus obsolete too
Fucking furfags
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Merula but with a Wizard Driver belt, just think about it
that's why they hunted them down to almost extinction
metamorphmagis are superior, but it's still rare as fuck and only passed through genetics
meanwhile anyone can become an animagus if they put in the effort
why would a wizard need a super suit
For super magic, duh.
That's not magoo
ooh, sprout is next on the list? dang
whats more likely? metamorphagi being OP as fuck or barnaby being barnaby?
barnaby being barnaby
well there ya go
I mean AI can be used as inspiration for an artist here I am cooking something with what you just posted
Eating soup from Tulip shoes
>Are you going in a summer vacation?
I took vacation time the beginning of this month and spent it playing MechWarrior 5 and Guild Wars 2.
awesome, cant wait to see it!
It's gonna be closer to the Adult Ismelda model btw
But why?
NTA but that's fine, we're lacking Beyond content anyway
thats absolutely fine by me, hell, like the other anon says, we need more of Beyond
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Is that a lollipop or a tiny mic?
and thats why she is the best
Looks very depressing for someone who doesn't care
The future is depressing for everyone
>CP2077 crossover
In the magical world it could be both
Beyond content is literally just them being like, "Guys remember the movies yeah well you're just gonna get it retold."
Posted in the booru
I meant fanart of the Beyond versions of the characters
Holy shit! Great job!
We certainly need more of those
I might do something this weekend if I have the chance
I'll be honest I'm not very fond of beyond versions appearance I'd rather have them grown up but with their previous hair, but that's just me.
Well most of them aren't great desu, theres some like chiara or andre that actually look like they grew up properly but Merula's and Skyes design are just mehhh
well duh, those can be fixed in fanarts, its not like even the Hogwarts years ones are strictly on model
Witches working hard to cure MC's erectile dysfunction
(he fucked them all so hard his cock broke)
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this is an Ismelda appreciation post
many such cases
Beyond hogwarts Ismelda is definitely a win for ismelefags.
sleepy doggy
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>Tulip screws up everything
begging for some rape correction
>Sorry isn't enough
We all know what this leads to in doujins.
I think there's a pic for exactly this scenario in the booru.
Tulip always fucking around
Please JC I beg you, there are other characters than Tulip, stop using her in everything.
>Tulip is fucking everything up
i need this bitch in a coffin, NOW!
First (SFW) thing you'd do if you got into a position of authority at JC (after making the gating elements less obnoxious)?
>Giving Tulip's screen time to Olivia Miller
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>killing her off screen poochie style so she is never used or mentioned again
Giving more time to Bill, honestly one of the characters I'm always happy to see. Also Beach TLSQ
>Implying i would do haram
how could you, brother
But seriously?
>Update the older models
>Give better haircuts to male MC
>Beach TLSQ, multiple endings depending on who you choose to spend the day with
Return Ben to his dropped batman persona
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angry baby, needs love and care
she lost the yearly duel
dare i say, the biggest winner
You will repopulate the wizard world with hate babies!
redo the beyond hogwarts models
I would be mad too if I ordered tea and they gave soup instead
Soup is just tea with more ingredients.
then why is tea more expensive?
Because it has to be hand picked.
Tea made out of Tulip's tears
She needs correction after stealing that luck potion from Snape.
I'll send her to the centaurs
Good prank. She'll enjoy that.
Start spreading the seeds for marriage update but take almost a year to deliver it
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im so sorry anon
Prepare to be cucked
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time to wish Merula good luck in her next fluffy adventure!
Good luck puffy
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Need to see Penny beating the emo out of her
bigi sisters dont do that
Several actually
yes they do
Wish I was Bea then
of course you would want to be a little bulliable girl
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>bullies Ismelda at home in your path
somehow, less attractive than Ismelda
Isn't she like 10 years older than Ismelda
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good night /OMG/
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Remind me what we know about her
>Olivia Miller (Gryffindor student)
>Is clumsy
Leviosa kid appeared less than her in the beginning and they made him an actual character
They cut down on a lot of her content
She used to appear in Three Broomsticks, in the Gryffindor Room, in one of the nursery beds in that one quest, and all the time in the Charms Class. Now she's barely in the Charms class anymore.
now it looks like that Lenny kid, the autstic one that likes puzzles from that one recent TLSQ is showing up in other stuff, i think he showed up in this olympic themed TLSQ

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