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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Admiral Nakhimov
"Baker of Heart into Sweets" - Hai Tien skin - 7/11 - 7/24
New PR7 gear: La-9 Fighter (UR), VIT-2 alt, 254mm CA gun, 152mm CL gun, F8F Float Plane, 410mm BB gun
Leipzig and Centaur augments
Foch META(Cruise Mission) & Attilio Regolo skin(Cruise Pass) - 6/1 - 7/31
Wichita META - 6/13 - 9/4
Scylla ASMR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imoLBlHPImQ
Alsace Memory
Pledge of the Radiant Court rerun - 7/18
Shimakaze Archive
Golden Hind ASMR https://www.dlsite.com/home/work/=/product_id/RJ01230156.html

Frog Event
SSR Strasbourg
SSR L'Audacieux
SR Dupleix
RQ skins for new botes plus Hammann, Joffre, U-96
Zuikaku racer skin
Kasumi META(Cruise Mission) & Roma swimsuit skin(Cruise Pass)
Secrets for Hwah Jah, Friedrich Carl, Royal Fortune

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>486714340
Romachad thread it is
This one
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I like Pasta
I hope we get a couple good L2D soon. Alsace set the bar higher than previous levels.
important question. will any of the new girls have handholding?
Botes that simply wait for you to come back when you go out sortieing?
This one isn't updated, retards,
updated over here
You go out sortieing?
all botes are hand holding sluts
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Joffre will use her tits to wash the car, mark my words.
Seriously please do this Manjuu
Bros I've been cooming to golden hind nonstop...
Yes I picked the wrong thread, my bad I already deleted the comment from there
Joffre a cute!

It's not a carwash skin stupid retard
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Made to be swollen with the heirs of Rome
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It's a good thing L2D skins started coming with pose selectors that make it possible.
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need naizuri
Plapped by big gaulish cock, you mean
>in-game chat is somebody saying they're suicidal followed by some other guy looking for a boyfriend after somebody says they are 16
Are you actually retarded?
Based brainlet
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This should have been her release skin
Make it L2D and it would have been this year's MVP
>clicking in game chat
For what possible reason?
Gorizia my beloved
Cute hippa
Didn't the romans genocide the gauls
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How about spread eagle sitting on the hood.
Not sure what they could do with Strasbourg
Does Roma prefer bathing into rivers?
i just wanted to spam warshrug
It's gonna be some low effort piece of shit like all of suisACK!'s works
Alsace got to push her tits against glass. We need some ass on glass action now.
>Alsace set the bar higher than previous levels.
Shitty tit physics is a high level?
Pretty sure she is a sea enjoyer like most pastas
>he doesnt spam cute bote emotes with his /alg/ bros
>wades into public shit instead
Sucks to suck i guess
I'm glad they made RQs into a skin theme instead of just giving us two in November.
That skin was absolute trash though
>"popsicle" shadow surprise
>popsicle paizuri
>the entire side tie interaction
Alsace/St. Louis/NJ have the best L2D skins at the moment as far as interactions.
I see, I can't speak nip but I saw katakana for tevere in the skin so I thought she was bathing in the river.
Alsace is top cute too
I agree. That skin is amazing.
Chinese voice download option when, manjew??
I want to hear botes speaking in their native language.
hitting the ball back and forth with her is pretty cute
I mean to be fair, its not like this place isn't also shit
That's cope, Alsace has barely any interactions compared to high tiers like NJ and cloud skins, she just some poorly animated coombait
Alsace has like 3 interactions retard
>complaining about "coombait" in a fucking Azur Lane general
>he doesnt know
anyone who tells xim is cursed
This, CN anni skins were really nice.
I always laugh my ass off at how bad the animation for the paizuri and the blowjob are lol
i used to think independence was ugly but it turns out she's actually really cute...
You get lost on your way from a mihoyo general? Why are you saying coombait is bad when that is one of the main points of this game?
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I mean it looks very much like a sea scenario.
The only good CN skin was Lou, the rest was bery low effort
>animated coombait
Where do you think we are?
I liked Mog's l2d more but Alsace is pretty cute too.
based you got xem
I don't like any l2ds
"Poorly" being keyword here
Cloud makes good coombait
But you already knew that
Mog is also good, but a couple more interactions would have been good. I really wanted to snap one of her straps or something.
Despite the cope and the samefagging, the terrible revenue of that event is like an undeniable tombstone that confirms that those skins were in fact pretty bad.
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Why do you spam a BAtranny meme?
Mogs and Illustrious' were kind of let downs. I wanted my lap pillow from Lusty
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>complaining about giant tits pressed against glass
Who do you think is behind the frogspam?
Yeah but Alsace won with her secretary quest.
It was another bland piece of shit but with the robot gimmick
Mog got hers in the cruise story, so they are on equal footing now.
Now do the rest of the URs, please.
>terrible revenue of that event
Yet you don't bitch about (Your) literal offtopic shitter posted every day at 5 am germany time, curious.
>draw an ironblood bote
>call it a frog
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Yep. Unfortunately that's how it is. Not even Lou could salvage it.
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Ah so you are a tourist
So you defend posting BAggot memes? Curious.
>Literally locks the door and rapes you at the end
No secretary memory went this far, mog has high bar to pass.
That's your headcanon
I've never bothered to look up skin sales, because I'm not some turbo autist. I would legitimately be shocked if Alsace and Mog weren't good sellers.
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You just have shit taste, is all
Mog did that too in the cruise event bro.
So are we gonna have to endure anti-french shitposting spam for another month just like with the Alsace and Mogador event
Why do you let other generals live rent free in your head?
Lol no, the whole event's revenue was a disaster, not just skins
So thanks for confirming you are a tourist
>pasta "discussion" vanishes the moment anti-frog spergout picks up
oh nonon Albiott bros!
Hai Tien's goes pretty far
Clemeneau's is a lead up to sex
I still need to finish San Jacinto and Joffre's, but I wouldn't be surprised if they are on the same tier.
>if you don't look up revenue for events, you're a tourist
Sure thing, fag.
I myself am nauseated by the same discussions being repeated over and over again so I just go do something else
Yeah but being a secretary quest memory makes it spicier.
Lol it's been the thread's topic of discussion for weeks, cuck. Thanks for confirming it.
>watches irrelevant navyfags sperg at each other
>dies from secondhand embarrassment
San Jac and Joffre's are more cute than lewd.
>cuck out of nowhere
hmmm reeks of a pajeet whos name starts with S
Why do you spam BAggot memes?
He got you
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That's nice, cute and wholesome is welcome too.
Just keep talking about frogs, it's funny when he actually gets tired and starts concerntrolling.
>the hyper shill anni flops hard
>her faction is assimilated into Ironblood
They really don't know what that word means in France...
It was one of the shittiest lowest effort memories in months
You samefagging your pictures screeching
xfaction event flopped really isn't a discussion, but do continue on.
Lol denying objective figures, really Pierre? Are you that desperate?
>you're safe here
It was too tryhardy for my tastes
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Richie my beloved. Also has one of the most beautiful swimsuit skins in the game.
You won, maybe Joffre is in fact: A cute.
wait for it...
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It's Christmas in July..or something.
You don't need to reply to yourself if no one else cares about that shitter you know
Woah there really is only frogschizos shitting up the thread now, where the fuck is everyone else?
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>endless cow tits skins
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Fat fucking birb
Frogsissies drove them all away, wait till they fuck off back to /trash/
Darknova bros, its over.
Frogtrannies were a mistake
I love my bird wife
really love the way ask does her shading. her art looks so soft and warm
/akg/ is a few threads down, sis
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The new sag queen
Krautchads win yet again
And it topped the year of her debut too.
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>French ship surrenders to Germany
>looks like a German
I think I'll need to talk with the scriptwriters here.
She wasn't even a top seller in JP lole
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She was always a cute
Brain damaged cutie
Is skk cute?
I mean it is in fact a shitty skin
Dupleix is sexier, meganes are superior.
I counted around 32 posts that relate to his seething about frog botes (this does not include his other potential shitposts he might have already posted) whcih means he once again is making up around a 1/5 of this thread, I honestly curious is this is just a standard for him in other threads as well whenever he goes ballistic
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My husband is the cutest
Heavenly paizuries
So about 32 more frogschizo posts? This place is fucked
Kek, based
Don't worry math bro, this is only the beginning.
skk is very cute and funny
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>mfw krauts take control of other factions and improve them
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while I would never do it, it would be neat to start a project dedicated to tracking his general shitposting habits whether it be through his very specific faction seething, his race bait posts, his general cuck posts, and his other game shilling
cute surrendermonkey
She is not french bro
Most obnoxious faggots in the entire community, they deserve all the shitposting.
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LMAO retard
I'd let Roma "conquer" me, if you know what I mean!
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It's just sad to me that it's becoming more common for large portions of threads to just be from one schizo rather than lively discussion from multiple people. Not just here, but everywhere else. Why don't mods do anything about it?
Factionfaggotry on both sides is a mental illness, it wasn't like this prior to CN anni.
I'm an ugly person, which bote is for me?
looks so shit that can easily pass as frogslop
>Not just here, but everywhere else
Only thing I can think of is that they simply don't care. Why is VB constantly banned but comes back when other schizos are free to do as they please with maybe the occasional ban.
its because at the end of the day those schizos still generate traffic even if its just them, and since many of them likely can't into ad block they also give a trickle of said ad money because multiple people are totally viewing it and not just one sperg, hence why mods will only act when its so blatant that it will drive the ad revenue away, and the worst part is there are even worse examples, boards like /his/ have essentially been abandoned by the mods and it shows hard
It was like this prior to CN anni too and not only that he spammed /trash/ shit during the first months of 2024 and is responsible for most of it through the years.
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>Hammann is wearing one of those cat lingerie that was a meme some years ago
>You can see it poking out of her short shorts
Nah here these retards are obliterating chunks of the thread, prior to CN anni it was much smaller
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It saddens me deeply to see these fags go back and forth at each other every single day and ruining the thread for everyone else
I want to lick that sweat
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Nothing wrong with it
Here's your pity (You) for concerntrolling.
Cute surrendermonkey
Why can't we have moderation like /biz/ that actually try to do something to fix their board?
Don't you ever reply to me again you putrid shitposter
Cute Gascute
We have enough brown ESLs. I'd rather not be a board of ONLY brown ESLs like /biz/
I hope she has a line about it.
based you made xim seethe
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This. Every time I try to start something it gets drowned out in the crossfire.
It's all so tiresome.
Looking forward bisoku threads on /a/, shit like this doesn't fly on /a/, you just have to talk about frogs.
here's your *convinced nobody* award
So basically the botes and SKK can build whatever they want through Commanderbucks and if the cruise ship is anything to go by it also includes pocket dimensions.
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It's always the same shit too, it's like bots
it's an endless limbo of shit being thrown back and forth
KEK you called it.
>Pierre losing his mind AGAIN
How many times has it been this month?
must have been 200 times at least
That's a big ass
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>Tagged as Agir
>It's not my goat but some random thot
I've been duped.
>2024 dead /alg/ theory
Shut up and take my gems
I liked L'Audacieux more, Namyo cuties are always welcome.
holy fuck that jiggle
glorious skin soon
Heavy cruiser colbert when? Then i can fantasize about Colbert Deux alongside De grasse as URs
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at least it somewhat relates to Agir, other times the tag is just there despite there being nothing related to said bote
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Hello I would like 1 boteproof room please
No one gives a shit about these surrendershitters
Asschads eating good soon
They were kinda shit to be URs
But then, mog is UR so you might as well hope CA Colbert is UR
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Cute kraut
Everyone cares about those noble French warriors.
The vents are a boteproof place.
It's not very noble to surrender immediately
holy shit nice
She really is just German
now I need a bote flipped horizontally peaking in through the hole
>wasting a RQ L2D on a random shitter
why is manjuu like this
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Friend, the Colbert I mean is the Light cruiser built after the war alongside the De grasse, that is a different version compared to Guichen we see in game we would have the pre war heavy cruiser, then Colbert II much like laffy and yorktown
Frogs get preferential treatment
Why does it move like it's made out of jello?
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It really shows her VA used to do eroge.
I know who Colbert is friend. She is just an Atlanta, arguably worse.
Shit animation quality like Alsace
Sour grapes
Do we know this yet?
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>random mini event no one gives a shit about
What do you think
>floating foot
They are not fixing it are they
I think it was peak anti-aircraft ship alongside Worcester, you could also go further and have her in her Missile cruiser variant but that might be too much of a stretch
>small tits
I take she looks bigger in the base because it's from above but that's her real size
holy shit bro congrats on all of these seething free yous
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Gote or succubus?
>I think
It was not, wooster had 12 6 inchers
Colbert is just a french atlanta but made with the scraps of post war
I think with the power creep she will probably be decent to great
Krautchads keep on winning
A shitty mini event SSR anon? Decent? Really? How new are you?
Iron Blood botes are just so boring to me at this point. They all look the same.
>We want the Nikke audience
Why is Manjuu like this?
If they want that they'll have to do better than this low effort slop
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You tell us, your valentine was Naga after all, Alucaf bro
Damn bro, why hate on strasbourg and dupleix?
Nikke art is mediocre to gross and the girls are all badly rigged and have shit interaction. Couldn't get into it.
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There is no way that is a frog
That is a kraut
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It'd be tragic, simply awful if they added a bote with a plump jiggly belly, and gave her an L2D skin with special touch lines dedicated to her tonnage.
Just horrible, haha.
Based Frogs to be honest
Fuck off shill
>shitty physics
>fucked up left foot
What a fucking mess
>RQ skins to the mini event boats
Manjuu made the same error with the Halloween skins
If you have a limited number of slot of such rare skin themes each year, you cannot book 3 of them for the new whos of a single faction.
You give out one at best, and the rest you leave for boats that were already in the game, possibly spreading them evenly.
It's stupid, and honestly unfair.
>I-It's not fair Manjuu is giving such good race queen skins to frog botes...
>They should be giving them to MY faction instead!
Ah so that's how it is
It's smart from a business perspective. Not so much for players.
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Why are botes like this? Why can't they respect my rights?
it always was about hypocrisy
I said they made the same error for Halloween skins dumbass, why do you always have to make it about frogs?
Pierre is very insecure, he knows every single thing he gets is only due to dev shilling and they would not even be in game if not for them, please understand
>It's smart from a business perspective
I don't really see it. I highly doubt a Aduacioux would sell more than some other well known boat.
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my rights...
>cave exploration via tentacles
You mentioned frogs in a not positive way, frogfags got upset
Factionfaggots are awesome aren't they?
>he thinks 98% of players care what boat the bote is based on
Anon most players wouldn't be able to distinguish a battleship from a destroyer and they don't care to. They see cute+boobs and they buy.
lol this general really devolved into this schizo talking with himself endlessly about muh frogs
You are talking to and getting replied to by the frogschizo
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>that jiggle
oh god the shitposters won
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Of course I meant a known shipgirl, not from a historical standpoint. What do I know a San Diego, but even a Kiev to mention a not so popular but preexisting boat.
Ah so that's why they made her phrench
Watching some of the stream now and Kaori Mizuhashi looks like she's about ready to hang herself during the anime promo for the skins.
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Perseus is so cute, bros.
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Do you still feel that way after seeing this image?
I was not expecting to get an erection to a Hammann skin.
It’s not rape if I get her pregnant, I won
You will talk to Hamm now, right?
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My sincerest condolences to all SEA bros.
I hate SEA chimps so much
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Soyuz my beloved.
I wonder how many interactions the skin will have, I'll buy it if they're good
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strASSbourg throwing it back
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Date a live collab soon
I can feel it
Hopefully a bunch. I'm a hopeless ass fanatic so I'll buy it anyways.
>skincel posts don't overlap with the sperging
the more you noootice
Fucking joke ass physics lmao
mmm you noticed and he reacted lol
>we wasted a L2D rq slot on this
i'm nooooooticing too
Low effort skin
>used to be a museum ship
>they closed the museum and scrapped her in 2017
Which bote drinks too much soda
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Must have been pretty shitty a museum
javelin is all hopped up on mountain dew
Why do the tits look detached from the rest of the body
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funny how I never see this kind of bitching and endless nitpicking about skins for any other faction
The thread is not not very fond of frogs
Botes that you rape in the ass?
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>aislopper shitposters manifested their delusions into reality
just wait until nakhimov gets her skin or we get vodka events again
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>not not very fond of frogs
So... we like them?
frogfags are obnoxious as fuck and deserve all the shitposting they get
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He already started sperging about that actually.
lmfao trash
it's always unfortunate seeing stuff like that, even if the boat was operated during peace time mostly, her only combat was during the Gulf war, maybe they just don't care too much or it was too expensive to maintain her, not everyone will be like the americans and their museums(granted that even they fucked up on not making certain boats museums)
lmao no fucking way it's a pastafag too fucking lol
Yeah she had unremarkable service history like most french ships, was probably expensive as fuck and full of asbestos
>canon twerking french PAWG
Blessed timeline
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Watch out for Joffre, shitcan.
Jesus Christ
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>Manjuu staff browses the thread
>sees all the frog trashposting and twerkposting
>they think the playerbase associates the frogs with that stuff and enjoys them for that stuff
>makes a dedicated twerking frogboat
/alg/ won!
Cute surrendermonkey
>The token pass skin pretend they care
That anon calling Nathan his own made boogeyman was onto something, i got fooled
He posed as Nathan with that shitty argument too
Yep, full melty.
I want to see Hammann's ham.
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Some random surrendermonkey shitter
Useless brain damaged bimbo
Farmer Mog is cute
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>Canon PAWG lane
>PAWGkerque-class clapcakes official es no fake
I'm laughing for real right now. Lmao!
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Gonna go ham on this Hamm's pussy.
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>nathan bringing in xitter drama just to try shit on pastabros
I wanna buy the Indomitable skin but I feel like they'll release a newer, sexier skin right after.
That looks kinda weird honestly.
Get your brain checked
kearsargesisters she's stealing our get up and booty focus
Purchase the skin and will it into existence for us
And not a single peep about that rehearsed pasta talk about veneto, etc to be seen either
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Fresh essex
So buy it too?
Making Essex walk the plank
Roma looks like a bride in a swimsuit-wedding dress waiting to consummate the marriage.
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Canon Dunk body type btw
Essex looks like she'd be inside of a painting singing the intro of a really iconic cartoon/
>alternating between /trash/posts and his normal french hate schizobabble
Is his mental state actually deteriorating in real time?
No way I'm ever getting past those...
thats what he like usually, after all no sane man would spend seven years shitposting here
Looks like a shitty low effort attempt at a meme. The 2ch fags do it better. Not that it matters here, I suppose.
/alg/ noticed all of his shenanigans so he is unapologetically shitting up the thread for good now
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Her crotch literally peaks out from between her legs. If you can't get in there, it's not my fault you have a 1 inch microdick like that guy who jumped into the aquarium at that Bass Pro Shop in Alabama.
Looks like an awesome high effort attempt at a meme. The 2ch fags do it worse. Not that it matters here, I suppose.
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The power of the community, AI, and phat asses
To be fair, buying it would be like a sign for Manjuu to make another outfit for her, you know the vote with your wallet thing
you lost /bag/got?
Saved the wrong pic, let me fix that.
He realized nobody actually likes him or shares his frog hate. He lost.
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Most of the thread enjoys Wide Bote Butts thoughever
So are they different fags that alternate or are they the same fags that stop doing one to do the other one?
Make up your mind, faggot.
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>That skin
>new fat assed cat
I'm loving it
I haven't looked at this event. Is this at least dynamic?
Both those posts say the same thing retard
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Have faith, White Man, have faith...
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Very canon, Strasbourg is proof that manjuu listens to the community and they saw how many of them wanted Wild Boat Sex
you interrupted your shitposting to post that btw
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Love her.
Billions for hags, pennies for lolis
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her verbal tics are cute
EU event can't come fast enough......
They are posting in the same timeframe
Which one is it, schizo?
Alright so now that's it's confirmed Manjuu monitors /alg/ where are the spaghetti western skins
Nice french wide boat butts
Dunk <3
I hope we get even more twerking
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More like... StrASSBUTT hahaha
Yeah good luck /alg/, I can see a repeat of the start of the year about to happen.
All of the frog
Sheriff veneto arresting tall dark outlaws...
I bet not even his parents like him lmao
Most of the community does, and manjuu knows. AL is one of the most powerful pieces of propaganda nowadays.
Richelieu, Jean Bart, Dunk, Strassbourg, Algerie... the usual suspects
Iris Orthodoxy
Knows only one joke.......
So, if you look at the video progress bar on the Twitter feed of the stream, you can see the things viewers watched and rewatched the most.

The first peak is is kind of split between Bayard and Daisen, though it hits the top when Daisen is actually first shown.

The place where the decline after Daisen's segment briefly levels off some is when Dai Miwaki shows off his own Nakhimov on his phone.

The second, and smaller peak, is when they reveal Dupleix.
The final peak is when they give more information about the event.
Sex with Belfast
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Bold words coming from you Essex
cuddling with belfast, marriage with belfast, going on comfy dates with belfast, doing mundane chores with belfast, traveling with belfast, family with belfast, hell even handholding with belfast
You shitposters will really latch onto anything won't you
Samba/Carnaval Themed skins
This, but with Helena
What am I latching onto here? What's the shitpost here?
>french event
who asked for this shit
Based frogchad!
Me nigga
We love this precious cat.
Yeah, I love the robotic / logical speaking characters and their reactions to getting lovey dovey
Burgers are the only canon answer.
When is the Roma rerun? I wish to be conquered by her.
Soon probably, we are on vanguard which was only a few months before hers.
>Da Vinci
Every bote from Roma's event was a high quality cutie/hottie and bangable. We need more events like that.
She looks like a fucking gypsy.
Pasta botes are so forgettable I don't even remember any of that
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Kot in a swimsuit
based kot
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she's a kaiju
cute kots
Why does ASK make anons seethe so badly?
>implying its not the usual shitter
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>chases mog off
>so she can have you for herself
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Bote told me it was a safe day so I came inside her, but now I'm not sure she was telling the truth.
Namyo cutie
It is never a safe day
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Honey, it's time for your daily facesitting session!
I'll have them both, i don't discriminate
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I am her gaming chair
I'm sorry to hear that.
Cuddling with Helena, marriage with Helena, going on comfy dates with Helena, doing mundane chores with Helena, travelling with Helena, family with Helena, hell even handholding with Helena.
i don't want to suffocate under jersey's fat ass
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Where do you get the impression that you have a choice in the matter?
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I want to suffocate under new jersey's voluptuous ass but she won't actually let me so it works out
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Snow Halation
Post your sweatiest mogadors please.
I think Green Kot (vodka) and NJ should kiss each other, on the lips
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The Scientist or Mr. Brightside
I haven't played for like 2 years since my phone is trash and my PC was fucked up, but apparently Erebus META was a season reward or something, what the fuck is a season but is it still possible to get her now? Erebus is love.
>was a season reward
Cruise Pass, or Battle pass
>but is it still possible to get her now?
They haven't added in a way to get Pass METAs yet, but it will probably happen in the future.
not yet i think you will have to wait, metas get perma'd too
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This but with South Dakota
Fancy vibrator
Then why aren’t we seeing more stuff with tentacles then? There’s a lot of ways to deliver, Observer, Tempesta, even the fucking ayys can
and this is why you simply cannot dismiss shitposters out of hand
>t. was told about how muh propaganda spreads
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TB my beloved, Oceana when?
That is my daughter.
Considering they have the ground work for the mode with TBs, I don't think it should take as long. Unless they plan on expanding it a lot more than I am thinking.
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if manjuu browses /alg/ then can i meme more tempesta stuff into reality then?
Hipsium, Legsia Dextra, Legsia Sinistra, Tummicum Centralis, Breastonia...
my favorite Roman provinces
Tempesta stuff is practically guaranteed for halloween
wasted on a forgettable bote
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We memed PAWG Lane into being canon. World is your oyster bro, go nuts
yea and im sure i can nudge manjuu to utilize their tentacular properties to a greater extent even in skins of other botes
Yeah about that...spread your ass SKK. Golden Hind is coming.
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>meme to canon
be careful what you wish for
>manjuu browses /alg/
>shitter keeps crying about pastas and frogs
>"intern-kun what are they saying?"
>"they love the french and the italian ships a whole bunch, they cant stop talking about them"
and i love (you), /alg/
based intern-kun
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"used to"?
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He's not wrong. I love all the botes.
if pastas don't get december the schizoid might kill himself, so fingers crossed
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Royal Fortune is getting a secret. She looks drunk and a little too happy to see (You). Prepare your heart.
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I hope we get more PAWG skins
深紅 by Hitomi Shimatani
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rare Quadra-Kot
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Based, I love you too anon
You think other burger botes get jealous of bani having such an enormous ass?
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>Then why aren’t we seeing more stuff with tentacles then?
bro the hind asmr is literally just an hour of being tentacle raped in a cave
Which botes are SKK rights activists?
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none, every bote knows skk is to much of a bimbo to have rights
Not stuff done to you, done to the botes i mean
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What if when you roll for an event ship you already have at max limit break during reruns, you had an option to send it to a player who doesn't have them yet?
Kind of like how you can send the random cars you get in forza 5 to a random player.
I feel bad just scrapping the spare random UR/SSR ships I get during reruns using the tickets but I've got nothing else to do with them.
i'd do it, i don't even need medals anymore either
Bisco, unless you have Zwei, she has matured by then and realized you don't actually deserve rights.
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Is that Scylla between Soyuz's navel and the Airship?
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Guam my beloved
actual street walker
Scylla's exposed toes uoooohhh
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Actual port walker; mine exclusively.
Calm down old yeller
maid for my mouth
TB channel when
I know I can rely on human females to not rape me and to respect my rights.
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Yume Miyamoto is the only one without a bote...
I want to sink into her warmth
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ohi cow bote soon
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Is the CN historical loadout bro here? I'm running out of fucking purple mats here myan.... i shouldn't have tried to replicate your achievement, this shit is expensive
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Lovely fox
pastas forced me to fight in gladiatorial games but they just throw me naked and unarmed on the arena and take turns mating with me
Why is SKK such a good boy?
best tit physics in the game i’d say, hope more are just like it!
which botes are cold in touch so I can use them in hot summer days to cool?
botes broke and trained him well
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So she's just renaming the fucking port now.
with the way botes use me it's more like Free Sex State
botes republic of sex (with skk)
a botechan exclusive
Escape from Sexkov, the new upcoming Skk extraction shooter
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Probably, but how do you compete against perfection?
>Skk extraction
of course botes only think about one thing
quantity =/= quality
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I can't wait to knock SKK out and ravage his body.
>first two aren’t even triggerable
i like the l2d but weak argument
We need a L2D with even Bouncier tits than alsace.
azur lane's reputation is gone in CN.
woops, forgot the link
anway, their reputation is done for. AL is being mocked as the next gfl
Don’t tell us in /alg/ spread the word if it’s so serious, everyone should onow, if you really mean it
I think Manjuu is just trying to copy Nikke
Why? I don’t speak mandarin
and a ching chong to you good sir
That's not the twerking shit they keep talking about
Also >>486801852 was my first thought as well
similar to ba's mahjong collab, but 6 years ago and the mc of that game could romance boats
>similar to the collab that nothing happened in
you the same retard who kept making /v/ threads about it and edited the lines until the actual transitions got released?
You got him
You're still trying to push that thing from the other day? Man, you're pathetic.
yes, and responsible for other chink "drama" threads
Shitposter sama! Quick! Start posting about French boats or something that works as shitpost.
I’m already willing, why does Helena need to knock me out?
why do I have to wait until Thursday to spend my gems?
heh… we can also have bouncy asses… Please play our game. Please
To teach you discipline. Or encourage you to spend more. Whichever path you prefer.
You can spend now, nya! And more later too!
Calm down Kot, just made the lines good and I’m getting most of them
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I put one of the cuter faces on Hammann to see what it would look like.
I want Hammann to try to wash my windshield with her booblets.
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*godzilla theme begins*
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>I'm the Shikikan now!
i'm not THAT guy
nor that
just saying, that's what's happening in cn
every single gacha is collapsing
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Good morning!!!
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I don't understand why Manjuu can't make most or all of their Cruise Pass skins as appealing as the Roma one, or at least try for it. They should be things like swimsuits, lingerie/pajamas, JRPG stuff, bunny suits, and the like. I mean, I can accept the occasional more modest one like Colorado's because we waited so long for her to just get a skin, but the rest should be more like Roma's swimsuit or Kaga's dancer skin. It would be a great way to get some more overlooked botes some fanservice-y skins without eating up slots in events.
Can I get my Russian Kot skin already?
The thing about cruise pass skins is that aside from a few ones, they're mostly for whos.
i got a second vanguard do i invest in this whore
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Elsaß–Lothringen is rightfully German clay, I swear the french are worse than jews.
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I like Strasbourg with the Jacket on
Yes you can.
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wait for low and sell
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Like I said, it's an opportunity to give them a fanservice-y skin without eating up slots in event or anniversary batches. It's not like Roma was all that popular anyways.
I just coomed inside of kot
epic bacon kot
*holds up waffle*
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do the cats and dogs fight when SKK isnt looking
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>All these RQ/racing skins
>St. Louis's old RQ illustration still in the vault despite all the other early ones being implemented long ago
I know she got the swimsuit recently, but I still don't get it.
>requested RQ skins in the survey
>not interested in any of the ones revealed
Maybe they're saving it for an anni or waiting until yunsang has the time to make it l2d
I am interested in hamm's skin. It would be better if it was at least motion
New Frogs don't do much for me, but the skins for the other botes are fine.
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Gib missiles
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Good morning sir
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so much pure sexo condensed in a single frame...
especially gote, my beloved
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first time I see this
which bote is it?
Krautbro did you look at her? She's literally a German.
It's literally occupied France, it's beautiful.
Germany won.
>use my 1 free build ticket

it's that easy
Hot and canon for Krauts.
I don't mind flat or small chested botes getting RQ skins, but there were loads of better options for the two slots they got than Hamm and Das Boot.
>The Starters
>Le Malin
>Tashkent (even if she just got a skin)
>Nagato or Mutsu
>QE, Warspite, Valiant
>Noshiro or Sakawa
>Da Vinci
And probably some more.
is new boat german indomitable raised in france?
She is not french thoughever
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Jervis and Janus paired L2D skin, just like the two chink cls
Nah, those two are some of the only right things with this batch
The main problem being freezing 3 slots of such a limited resource for the new ships of a single faction instead of spreading them out more evenly.
Of the ones you mentioned at best one or two will see a RQ skin in this game's lifetime because of this retarded policy
>inb4 someone says "You hate frogs!!!"
No, I hate retards. And the same retardation happens during the Halloween events.
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PR3 Odin in her NY skin. Being positioned that way is her unique thing.
>Skin name: Holiday at the Tiber
>Quote: "The surface of this water reflects victory and the glory of Rome."
Makes sense I suppose, but the Tiber River is full of garbage?
Noshiro my beloved
Yes: like every river in a major city, the Tiber is full of garbage.
I don't expect the guys at manjuu to consider the connotations when thinking of a fancy name for the skins, to be fair.
It would be like giving to Belfast a swimsuit and calling it "Sunbathing on the Thames", just a nod to the real life ship or her namesake.
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I am a real American
Fight for the rights of every boat
I am a real American
Fight for what's right. Fight for your life
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But what happens if I fart in a room full of botes?
Half of them get embarassed
The bro botes make a joke about it and laugh
The degenerate ones try to catch a sniff
I think that because of these low exp events, building Nakhimov will be a bit delayed.
The next one seems like Impero/Pompeo's event, and that had even less exp per clear on the last stage.
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are sea hornets even still worth farming?
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Short answer: no.
Only for the looks, if you think they look cooler than Tigercats. Tigercats and Flapjacks are the same/a bit better and you should be swimming in them at this point.
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I hate Joffre so much it's unreal. That uppity frog bitch has no right to judge me.
>enforcing law onto anyone
She doesn't have the strength nor the courage, she's just LARPing
I am only interested in one of the frogs, the one with the pauldrons
both posts just so happen to be after a post cooldown, just something I noticed
>93 seconds
>while image post cooldown is 115s
Why you lying bro?
Yes. As it should be.
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slightly better then tigercat and pancake for dmg worse then both at interception
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Manjuu please gib us Prinz Eugen retrofit
It's so fucking over
how come Nikke gets ugly bastards but not Azur Lane?
I want to kiss Rossiya on the lips
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We have that already
He bought a pass after all
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I think the art for Kasumi META is very cool because Mieruko-chan made me like guardian spirits.
God, I love boobs on glass.
Eugen Zwei next year
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Nikke is an NTR game
You're better off asking for Eugen Drei considering Eugen Zwei already sort of exists in her Muse form. No amount of retro wizardry can save Eugen from her dogshit AoA and embarrassingly outdated shield skill.
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Knowing it's propaganda just makes it hotter thoughever
But some retros do change the ship's AoA barrage and the retrofit skill could help improve her shield skill like increasing its activation rate.
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Maybe in ALs timeline the Tiber only ever had Vitellius' corpse and other shitters tossed in there.
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Janny, can you at least grace us with one of these on the occasion you nuke the /trash/posts?
That's up to mods, no?
My lovely bird looks so good in these
He is a newfag tourist trying to fit in, please understand.
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Essex janny wake up.
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This is the funniest thing
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>Posting porn on a blue board
Extremely high IQ play anon
Kek how does one get this miserable in the first place
I'm pretty sure one of the merchfags is black. He did some hand posts with Riche and Le Malin stuff and it caused the thread to flip the fuck out
That's a classic trash poster for you.
Miserable, pathetic and with no future. He'll die alone, in vain and without continuation for his bloodline.
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I will assume that poster was a pajeet until proven jewish or asian.
Untreated mental illness + no friends + groomed by internet pedos and politically charged extremists
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Why are they sisters?
would you sex sex if she was your psycho sister?
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I honestly bet the tranny that has been avatarfagging as Clem grooms children on discord.
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>built in taser tail
the bote rapists are getting even more diabolical
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Hammann Brushing Fellow: "Oh, welcome back... You're not happy that Hammann greeted you?! You should have greeted me more normally... What are you planning to make Hammann do, you pervert!"

After the next maintenance, the "Hammann" costume will be implemented with additional voice acting!
Essex Janny.please continue your work.

This fag is ban evading.
Probably. Because trash trannies are the most insecure and pathetic (((people))) imaginable.
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Dunk's udders look particularly engorged here
He's obviously an arab
Mental illness and no friends are causing this. Trash trannies off topic posting is their attempt to steal the spotlight for attention, because they have no friend, probably no father or father figure, and some kind of mental illness.
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They obviously lacked, or this at point lack, a proper mother figure too.
I can't kiss my wives anymore after what Golden Hind did to me.
The cause of all trash sexual deviations is 100% lacking of parents/parents figures.
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Essexjanny. Get rid of this *ididnuffin hehe~* avatar trash fag.

>i just post a whistleblower picture that's totally a coincidence
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You're overused /trash/ terms are as impotent as your loins. I hope your rampant negrophilia leads to you getting gigaAIDs.
Why is niggercel shitting the thread up again?
why is she so obsessed with making me masturbate?
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Lovely botes making sweets for Shikikan!
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You always pretend to be retarded, but you never have to pretend to be gay.
Nice PAWGs
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>buckbroken so hard the only thing he dilate over is a typo
He want some attention in his lonely miserable life.
Imagine: no friends, no parents, no wife, no kids and everything you do is just a shitting up a thread of chink gacha game for some (you's).
but the sweets are between their legs
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Lack of medication and lack of essexjanny
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/trash/trannies will ALWAYS be inferior.
that's a lot of right leg and a very deformed left leg
You'd die trying to get the nectarine out from Strausborg.
>wake up
>twerking is now canon
What have you done manjuu
>Not censored
Imagine *jannies do their job*
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I'm really digging the whole Dungeon Meshi art style for botes.
No, The Muliverse of Azur Lane doesn't discriminate. Female Shikikans, Male Shikikans, White, Black, Brown, Yellow, hell what ever you identify as the multiverse theory doesn't hate.
He can't stop samefagging huh?
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Well, what do you think?
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what's with manjew and fake cat tails?
ulrich catgirl gamer skin when?
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Drones are not allowed at base.

Enforced Article #66 of the Azur Lane.

All Drones will be shot down on site.
I wish janny just come back to this thread.
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why must this game only attract the bottom feeders of society
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I hope Soyuz will get right one. Looks cute and comfy.
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It's nyover.
It's actually this website, other gacha generals aren't much better this is just smaller general.
They could have Hired Jenny to be Essex... but noooooooooo
Holy shit Strausbourg is her RQ Skin is cute af!

>>486828394 retard
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yama...lube? is this JAV?
Didn't see it posted, but thank you I am now retarded.
my botes with other men...
damn bro your botes are kinda busted i'm really sorry
How come its over, I though the 8hour race was tomorrow.
I was planning to follow it a bit.
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Bunker is peeing...
>no pubes
Honestly they should be deep red with black lace
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it's over
>script for Hind ASMR had a line where you're making an ahegao and she points it out
Imagine if it made to the final product.
Source? Her livestream right now.
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I require dragon paizuri
Making my tsundere wife do embarrassing things in front of the crowd. Cute CUTE
SKK is such a slut
So what happened, did she leave it out by her choice
Luv holy women
Cosplayers without a gallon of makeup.
Pretty bold.
I didn't quite catch that part, but she did say something about keeping it all ages.
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Grope Niimi.
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Fucking finally.
it's like janny is deleting one by one
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Just take her Katana away and say you'll give it back if she does it.
because they are not, Strasbourg was originally a kraut
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They're surgically excising every piece of troonery they can find.
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Why is slopwasher so lacking in good taste department?
Why is this so repulsive?
I love lewd as much as the next guy, but this just makes me sick to my stomach.
>starts getting his posts deleted
>switches back to sperging
You sir are a closet faggot.
That Guam is the worst Dickslopper "art" I've seen.
Lewd =/= trashy.
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A sad case of lack of a job and a parent figure.
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What you think is Trashy is another mans treasure. There is nothing Trashy about how those botes are dressed, and you're just getting to old with refined tastes. Time to take Grandpa to the pasture botelings.
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Buck status? ANNIHILATED
My god this is so fucking awful. Azur Lane really went downhill.
Wait, is that Essex on the left?
Grope Nico.
looks like shit
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I'd rather grope Pink Laffey.

first 5 responses to this are a samefag
Idk, call me gay if you want but this shit tries too hard to be lewd to the point that it steps on "Street whore" territory.
I don't like it, and it kinda makes me angry Manjuu pays and doesn't care about at least being tasteful on the ways they lewd their girls.
Formi and Agir are particularly awful for me because I like them...
Kurenai by X-Japan

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