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Zenkai no /llsifg/!: >>486290185

WaiWai: Nico birthday week event
LLLL: Summer gacha
Nijigasaki Tokimeki Mirai Chizu announced for Switch

Bloom the smile, Bloom the dream! releases July 17th
Aqours 5th Solo Albums start releasing August 1st
Tsubaki Takizakura Girls' High School Idol Club After Party Album! releases August 21st
Cerise Bouquet 4th Single releases September 4th
Niji Conclusion Arc Part 1 releases in theaters September 6th
Dollchestra 4th Single releases September 11th
Love Live! Series Asia Tour 2024 theme song releases September 20th
Mira-Cra Park! 3rd Single releases October 2nd
Superstar S3 begins airing in October
Eternal Hours releases December 18th
Aqours Final Live announced

>SIF2 databases, teambuilder, misc stuff

>LLLL gameplay guides
(in Japanese)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rrZFdnRXX9cigAH3jI6874KVv8RcI9A9CaXdWFus3OE/edit#gid=515581572
>LLLL card database

>dead game offline/private server guides

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I love Honoka
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Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours Uranohoshi Girls' High School RADIO!!! JMA Local Broadcasting Station ~Kaettekita BABU-SOTSU tachi! YYY with RADIO and LIVE~ in NMZ starts today!
Got my ugly Aqours puppets today, god I love them
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Coco photobook
Bless your soul, i havent jacked off in 1 week i was waiting for this specifically
I wish I had the will power for that.
Is anyone streaming it?
It's a pdf, just download it.
the live idiot
As opposed to the dead one?
Keke changed her so much

thanks senpai
Now blow her
I hear Labu Laibu is about to end yangihewe
Is this true, habiba?
>Q12: 好きな男性のタイプを教えてください。
Coco likes white tennis players with blonde hair and blue eyes
>Q45: (いろいろなところでお話していると思いますが改めてお伺いしま すが) 声優を目指したきっかけについてお聞かせください。
>父に連れられ、水樹奈々さんのライブを観させていただいたとき、 あまりのパワーに圧倒され、「アニソンを歌いたい!」と思うように なり、「ラブライブ!シリーズ」のTVアニメをみたこと、µ'sさんの ライブパフォーマンスをみたことをきっかけに、声優という職業や 声優としてキャラクターとともにパフォーマンスをすることに惹かれ るようになりました!
based hagfag
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Speak English.
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i don't get it
is the author the same one as Famitsu Yonkoma or they just emulate the style?
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Yeah same author, Choborau Nyopomi
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Sayaka and Ginko LIV
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plap Ginko's oppai
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this is tomori
What's her problem?
Emma gets two bears and Lanzhu looks like mistake was made.
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Holly based. I love this!
See >>486830562
Quit samefagging like here turdmiyu >>486830283
It's an old image you reposted before and isn't funny, dumb faggot
get some new material samefag shitposter
Very nice
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Kek, based
nico beating the shit out of trash
Holy based Nicochad
Meant for >>486831063
cutie canon lovers
Nico is so smart.
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Only cute thing there is Nico and that's crack
Holy smart
I don't know how you guys don't get tired of spamming the same answers every day.
cutie canon lovers
Gonna milk her dry
Just ignore and report them under "this post appears to be an automated spambot".
I remember the shilling for Denonbu
That series is dead
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I blame the other party.
dont acknowledge them retard
it makes the samefag keep going
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Mia wants upsies
And why shouldn't I blame you instead for instigating it? Considering you start it and make posts replying to yourself multiple times. You actually waste more time for hours. Do you have no life?
As opposed to when you don't acknowledge them?
yes retard
he leaves quicker
Acknowledging them means giving them the attention they seek, so it's better not to do it.
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He got BTFO
Cool, another sumire sister doujin.
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Sexy Nico.
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maru would be the shooter
Happy Birthday Nico
I love raibus
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very based then
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Love unhinged Pomu 4Kona Edition
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Fuck off
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Nigger her birthday is tomorrow
Why are you posting Nico a day early?
He's falseflagging, dummy
Look at the filenames. This literally never happens with other birthdays
I think it's that one samefag shitposter considering this image >>486839472
Is from the same website the Nico images is being posted from
See >>486840374
It's that one samefag shitposter spamming
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Tell that to yourself, shitposter with how often you repost that image as a shitpost
Cutie canon lovers
Kek smart canon
Rin a shit
artist please
Watching the YYY event right now and lately I've been understanding why they're the faces of Aqours right now. Their chemistry is so good together. They know exactly how to make each other laugh and aren't afraid to make themselves look dumb to accomplish that. The other members are all funny and have great chemistry as well, but they don't have the chaos and energy YYY has.
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surely he's going to take his meds eventually, right?
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Happy Birthday Akiru
stop making up characters
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She's not made up.
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this is tomori
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I want to have sex with this raibu.
I just wish they invited arisha, they're always talking about her and how fun she is
you guys also report the schizo right?
yeah, everytime
Every time.
Only the mass quoting posts like the above.
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>being this new
HBD Akiru!
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Stop shilling garbage just because of seiyuushit
Just say you hate Nico
Animation quality aside, this does not look like a dance that a fat person could do. Unironically, you can find chubby women doing hot dancing on TikTok. And making the one in the middle hold her french fries because that's the manga cover is just silly.
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What about the dance looks unreasonable for a fat person? It's just them shimmying their legs and basic arm movements, nothing too intense. Also, why are you looking at chubby women on tiktok?
They're missing traps. Landwhales have huge traps.
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me behind her.
Nikofriend...... aka Nikoknight......
Me behind you and behind again
>You already posted that image
>If you weren't posting earlier you would have seen it
Unironically what did he mean by this?
Ignore the shitposting Ronfag, his shitposting and replying to himself has causes him to not think his posts through.
Watch as he replies to you with Rin to shitpost harder to cover his ass.
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cute magnetic gays
They had a waiwaiwai nesca cab at evo for love live and i played it. my soul is cleansed
pics or it didn't happen
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If Mia did this in front of me, she'd be getting pregnant.
How empty it was?
Very nice.
The cutest.
I saw some dudes play and a few girls. FG players are weebshit so its not shocking. The arcade corner in general fucks, best part of the tourney.
>FG players are weebshit so its not shocking
Yes it is. A player got banned from Climax of the Night for liking lolis.
Meant for >>486888973
Yes, EVO the fighting game event having rhythm games machines.
Did they also have Catherine?
There's a funnier story. The Charlotta discord for Granblue Versus got banned since all they did was post loli porn.
Good. Fuck discord. Having character resources move away from forums and dustloop was one of the worst things to happen to the FGC.
The memes in their discord are really funny
I only go there to see what jokes they have
There's still a bunch of wikis with info, depending on the game. Chat has it's place for discussion but it's not a good replacement for forums though.
Azalea DLC for Numazu in the Mirage is on sale
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I'll do whatever I want with them!
I love Riko so much it's unreal
You don't love her, you just want to fuck her.
Why not both?
what a stupid woman
In your case it's just lust. Sad to see.
The ugliest*
ftfy, you cant even say why that shitty raibu is cute so quit pretending you like even rinboyshit when you're replying to a shitpost, samefagging turdmiyu
>replying to yourself and avatarfagging at this time again
Fuck off with that same old image turdmiyu, nobody says cutenya. You're just pretending and you dont even like that ugly as shit boy, samefagging shitter.
>>486887267 (Dead)
You already posted that ugly as shit boy image before, samefagging turdmiyu. If you weren't posting earlier you wouldn't have seen it, so get fucked lying faggot.
>now suddenly saying niko after your rinboyshit posts
So blatant samefagging turdmiyu. Fuck off with that name nobody says just like your Rinboyshit posting and saying cutenya when nobody says that and Rin is an ugly as shit raibu.
Tell that to yourself falseflagging shitter. Just like your earlier shitposts and your old rinboyturds from pixiv
You don't even like that ugly as shit boy, turdmiyu
>more old and ugly rinboyshit from pixiv
Fuck off falseflagging turdmiyu. You dont even like that ugly as shit boy just like your earlier posts, shitter
>again with this rinboyshit repost
Nah, fuck off turdmiyu. Nico beats the shit out of that ugly turd boy
Nice cooldown, retarded turdmiyu. You can't even spell, dumb faggot
Nothing funny about some stale shitpost, samefagging shitter
How convenient that both of these images are from the same website and you were ready to reply to it instantly
And fuck off yourself with replying to yourself turdmiyu and reposting the same old shit
You already posted that image, and Maki prefers Nico, not Rinboyturd.
Nah, fuck off already samefagging turdmiyu.
It's an old as fuck image repost, turdmiyu
Smart, Rin a shit
Nope, Nico isn't with an ugly as shit raibu like Rinboyturd. She prefers being with her cute wife, Maki.
>he says while reposting the same old rinboyshit images to avatarfag with
Quit pretending turdmiyu, you start it first with your samefagging your own posts like here >>486830071 you dumb faggot.
Turdmiyu won't reply because he knows youre right
he's just a dumb shitter who starts it and posts that ugly rinboyshit he doesn't like
Just like his honomaki garbage he already abandoned
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Happy Birthday Yuka
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Dumb Mia.
why hasn't a single faggot recorded and uploaded her panel? why are aussies so useless?
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The leddit banner has been marked.

She likes Inuyasha and Bleach and was inspired by that Korean.
>Shuu's grandparents live in Hiroshima
>Her mom's hometown is Hiroshima
I worry for these implications
two nukes weren't enough
Why do you add an extra u?
What Korean?
Romi Park
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Kaho is so lucky...
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cant believe kaho tried to choose ginko over this...
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Best Love Live song coming through!
It's not even top10 ceribou songs.
That's not on your mark.
for me it's Holiday Holiday
Built exclusively for cute autists and cute idiots from her same year.
this was definitely the song that made their mark in ijigen
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Which raibu is most likely to be into getting fucked by dogs?
Really makes me think.
Riko and Kasumi
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Love from /llsifg/
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Pffttt. .
I do not know why sometimes names are romanised with one and sometimes two u.

So I make it up.
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romanization autism for long vowels. using two vowels is technically incorrect but objectively the best way to do it
retard alert
Is this Tomori
No it's Coco.
Hope she doesnt see that
concession accepted
Don't Ai.
She writes her name as Shu. You are a retard.
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cum on Rina
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That's nice I guess? I literally said it was incorrect, it's still more sensible
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There's nothing sensible about adding letters where they don't exist.
Is that a silver Kaho and Kozue?
Unpainted resin GK
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so you write her name as 秀?
It's written as Shu. The same way it appears on her official website, agency profile, twitter, instagram, and youtube channel. (You) are an asshole.
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I couldn't get the new Nico plush in time for her birthday because the seller took like a week to ship it...
You'll get it soon enough
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Happy Birthday Nico
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Happy birthday Nico!!!!
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Happy birthday Nico!
HBD Nico!
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Sora birthday tweet:
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Happy birthday, Nico!
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Very nice anon
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Those are not birthday tweets. It seems like she will do an illustration later.
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Is this AI?
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Happy Birthday!!!
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>worst birthday for worst girl
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Thankfully it's not today. Today is best girls birthday.
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That artist posted it early yesterday
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luv navigators
Hbd Nico.
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If it is, then it's over for skeb.
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It's over for skeb artists then.
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Which Nico doujin should I fap to today?
It's very telling that Myuze fans are 90% behind the AI slop.
Whatever on random
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Its hilarious because the AI shilling was mainly argued for because it would give less popular characters more art but that did not happen
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Isn't it all based on existing art? It's not really surprising that the characters from older groups have more stuff to generate off.
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More art doesn't necessarily mean it'll churn out a better lora model.
But surely you'd still get a more accurate result trying to gen a Muse girl vs a 104th Hasu girl, right?
not really, the background is warped and deformed and the raised leg is fucked
its not nearly as awful as most AI stuff but those are still issues
The Daydream Warrior cover is awful
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>more accurate result
No. Hime already has 8 cards. That's 16 images. That's already more than say A-RISE who at most IIRC, I only had less than 15 official arts when I made their models. If you're making a model based on more fanart, then it will never be as accurate when genning from only official art. Feeding it fanart with no consistent style is worse than training something on only official art or training it only on one artist.
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No wonder AI is so fast at cranking out new characters
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Have you seen panda and the coomer AI art
They won't care with at a glance art
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I already see AI of the deer anime
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Mia, your president...
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Takami Chika, drop out, bitch.
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にこ is so popular...
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Here's your Nico.
Nico's tits aren't that big. Stop that.
ni ko
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>My dad would go “nico nico nii” whenever he said my name. With a bright, happy smile, “nico nico nii”. And whenever we took pictures, too.
>“Okay, I’m taking it now, Ni-co ni-co nii!” And we would all smile together.
Daily reminder that Nico's catchphrase is originated from her deceased dad
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MEN? In my Love Live!?
always have been
>randomly saying にこ
>niko name shit again
That's just you samefagging your own post, turdmiyu.
Fuck off with your same old shit, nobody call her that. It's just Nico, shitter.
Minus Rinboyturd
You only posted this because of the turd raibu on the right. Fuck off with your rinboyturd from pixiv that nobody else posts from, you dont even like Rinboyshit, turdmiyu
Cuties minus rinboyturd
You already posted this rinboyshit image often already turdmiyu.
Fuck off with avatarfagging with this ugly turd boy you don't even like, shitter.
>replying to yourself again at this time like always
Fuck off turdmiyu. That's your own old reposted rinboyshit image.
Nobody replies to a post that old and nothing funny there, samefagging shitter.
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Kotori is the shotacon not Nico.
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I miss you
Dead like Nico’s dad
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What a Yu to do with a childhood friend like you?
>"Excuse us, miss, we heard a report that you were in possession of ille– Miss?! Put the gun down!"
>"Oh yeah! I have enough guns to fight all you pansies on my own!"
>"Police! We have a suspe -ACK!"
>"It's joke~!"
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Bros.... I don't think we're getting a drawing this year.
Cute Sora.
Well, the one she did at that radio show counts I guess.
>dead as usual thread on weekend
Fuck off dumb shitter. Nico did nothing and is based.
I don't even know what these rewards do.
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If Umi gave me an angry scowl I'd jizz instantly
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Men are canonically evil in love live
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Do you think they've explored each other's bodies
Since the beginning
I don't want her
I love this pair.
I'd hope not since furirin and shuka are supposedly a couple
What an odd pair eh, I wonder what motivated them to gather these two, and only these two, on the same event. It's almost like their characters are a matching pair of sorts...
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Shuka already has a girlfriend.
see >>487098031
you already replied, dumb faggot
RKK is for Kurochan only.
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It would have been nice if they had done a SIP rebot and HonoMaki was an official lover couple.
Quit replying to yourself turdmiyu. You don't even like HonoMaki crackshit and the post you replied to is so full of shit and irony. You can't even spell either, dumb ESL faggot
Honomaki was THE original ship of the anime.
>THE original ship
it was never a ship, quit pretending it was anything but headcanon, samefagging turdmiyu
Your trolling is pathetic. We all know that nicomaki fags are the worst, most toxic cancer in Love Live history.
Denying the facts won't change reality.
You keep bringing up nicomaki when it was never mentioned during your honomaki posts shows its always just you making these posts, dumb faggot.
Fuck off with your headcanon honomaki shit that was never a ship
Even nicomaki is more of a canon ship, dumb lone shitter
>Denying the facts won't change reality
thats what you're doing. honomaki was never the original ship and barely was focused after the first few episodes
even the manga made earlier was already shipping maki with nico
you're a dumbass or just a shitposter that doesn't actually like honomaki with how much you're lying and being delusional you are
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when the fuck did they make this dlc
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this too
how much dlc are they still making
What the fuck is a babu graduate?
evo was fun bros
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>saw raibus being posted in /trash/'s NTR and Bl*cked generals
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What were you doing in those threads?
NTR is hot
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Speaking of Yohane DLC, looks like most of it is 20% off for the next week.
Happy birthday to the number 1 idol!
>Aqours Final Live announced
Since when? I've been out of touch for so long. Anyway I'm glad they're finally stop milking this.
during their 9th anniversary (June 30)
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say something nice about her on her birthday
Worst of Myuzu.
She keeps most schizos contained to a single character.
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best body until Rina came along
You can't just say this without linking the posts.
Wow they literally picked the worst members of each subunit
nope, that's rinboyshit
nico is good
not even 6k people watching
Only 20%?
What do you mean
It's literally 6k now
Only 20%
Even niji get more than 6k viewers.
That view count drops or rises randomly
It was 6k for a few seconds
It was most likely a solid 6k an hour ago anyway
The viewers usually peak during announcements tho
lowest for a Niji stream is around 7k
last stream was near 9k
JP Liellafag cope
>no argument
The absolute fucking cope lmao
>it's cope because it just is, okay? I don't actually need to address anything said
they got fvcked, no anime for 2 years, all games they are featured died
>I-it's Monday that's t-too busy and uhh 8pm is too early, no I mean too late, no one has time at 8pm okay
we'll just have to see if S3 can bounce them back
Liellahater numbgerfaggots are pathetic
True but not as pathetic as Liellas numbers
Stay away from Biden.
>still no trailer
Proving my point
Do you believe in miracles? The second season was disastrous.
We're starting this brighter tomorrow.
barely anyone care about 2D Liella anymore, S3 could just be whatever, what they really need are good songs the seiyuus can perform live
What did I miss?
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Is Hime the first Hasu to show her belly button unfortunately not an outie live? what a fucking slut!
Did they even announce anything? What was the fucking point of that?
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She's funny
New jav?
>this milkers
Dear God's
Don't care about your pissing contest, this nama was hilarious.
peisex liyuusex kumasex
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It was just merch stuff and them reminding you to go to the final leg of the subunit live show
Absolutely sexless.
>complains about lack of content
>complains about them holding a nama
really makes one think
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Absolutely sexful.
>11 girls and only 1 (one, uno, ein, ichi) girl has her belly out
The absolute sad state of Love Live
thank God 4C for trying to redeem this group somehow.
>scheduled nijifag melty over Liella doing anything
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She looks like some asian dictator's wife.
She should grow out her hair more desu
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>mogs an entire gen singlehandedly
There's no way that's not altered... right?
The only thing she's mogging is a scale
I mean she is in Niji, what competition does she have? Chubrun?
Thats a lot of milk for my Coco Puffs
The perfect punching bag for my fists!
that's clearly shopped
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Its pretty obviously shopped by the anon but she still has a great body.
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yes it is but she still has an amazing body.
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Grabable waist
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How liella's can compete?!
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>How liella's can compete?!
With their own version of SEX
Somehow always an ESL
ok, I'm waiting for their version of sex.
This, but unironically.
wait why does she have a christian cross and a muslim crescent at the same time
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Based. Raibus are for ntr
I'm still trying to dig up the interview, but basically one goes over to the others house to be cooked for. I forget which. Iirc it was the interview where they said thier mothers were good friends
take your pick of:
>there's nothing specifically muslim about a crescent so she might just be christian
>most first world people don't care about religion so she might just be into fashion
>she's into some kind of schizo syncretism so she might just be based
meant for >>487138061
>it's for a photo shoot so they had her wear that
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Schizo moment?
Reminder to report off topic posts.
meh, probably worst LL Hasu cover so far
>Attempting to do Daydream Warrior without Kyan
It was doomed from the start
It's fine.
Kyan and Nya are just too powerful
That's why Imas cover of Aqours/GuilKiss song in Ijigen felt pretty weak
covers are weakest things about Hasu so it's understandable. Miracra Park's Kyofuu Allback is good though. too bad it's very short.
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I wonder if they'll ever release the full version of covers in an album or something. I get they were mostly throwaways early on just so LLLL had more than 5 songs at release but it would still be nice to have.
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Hime is so cute and sexy
>Attempting Daydream Warrior without Kanan's robotic noises
It was doomed from the start
My Honk & who?
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>there's nothing specifically muslim about a hijab
Holy fuck I just solved French's laïcité problem
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There's a Dollchestra song where Tsuzuri gets autotuned so hard she really sounds like Kanan for a few seconds. They could have pulled it off.
It's one of the songs on this but I can't remember which one.
Rina if she were hot
You will rike Love Live for little kids
Any new PeiLi memes from this?
>[Oshi no Niko]
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Don't you dare say anything bad about Dollchestra songs
I like their songs but Tsuzuri just doesn't sound great at times. It doesn't help that Sayaka really overpowers her voice in fesxlives.
>again replying to a day old post with the niko name shit at this time
Just fuck off already turdmiyu. Nobody calls her that, it's just nico, faggot
To be fair their songs are not the easiest to sing
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Why is she so big
cute tall nico
You think she's willing to share her milk?
Designed by a porn artist
Usually are for games
One famous example is with Valkyria Chronicles
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they don't design raibus like this anymore... until Ginko came.
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Solge cover when? who would sing in it besides Nina?
it will be covered by Miracra Park. i hope you rike it.
Cut haha
Fuck off with your daughter shit in other languages, turdmiyu
You don't even like honomaki crackshit with how you make dumbass shitposts, faggot
I love her
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Hello guyz and welcome to my top ten video.
Today we're ranking the ten best ships of Love Live.
Here I go, and remember, if you get offended in the comments, well you're incorrect
>10: NikoRin
>9: RinPana
>8: RinMaki
>7: NozoNiko
>6: NozoRin
>5: EliNiko
>4: HonoRin
>3: EliRin
>2: NikoMaki
>1: HonoMaki
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>1: HonoMaki
Ah, I See You're a Man of Culture As Well
My reaction to this
It's better than swimsuits.
fuck is this real
Fuck Sumire, Mei and Kinako
Kill the rest
Nvm it isnt
Happy birthday Ucchi!
Happy birthday Ainya!
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HBD Aniya!
Who is kinako?
She's kiniko's sister
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I want to have sex with SEXzuku.
>nijifags just think about sex constantly
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why don't you go back to /u/ you fucking troon
Oh, like you're doing now?
Coomer franchise
Imagine how erotic her moans would be if I punched her in the gut.
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>implying trannies aren't all coomers
>thinking /u/ is anti-sex when it's a red board
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This week on pixiv. This was the 195th week that I've been doing the pixiv fanart count and I want to announce that I'll be retiring from doing them once I reach the 200th. I don't have as much time as before and since a while ago I've been drifting away from LL as a whole so the week 200 is a good milestone to quit.
If anyone wants to keep doing them after I step down, I invite them to doing it.
See you next week.
damn that's crazy, Kotori is Kaban?
then they and (You) should go back to Twitter, faggtos.
cute yoshi
I want to lick the sweat off her.
Thank you for your hard work.
I don’t remember that character, I remember mimorin voicing Umi with tits but I don’t remember other LL seiyuus.
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>I've been drifting away from LL as a whole
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it's over soon...
Not him but it's amazing what not having a fomo gacha to play everyday can do to you.
>what not having a fomo gacha to play everyday can do to you.
That's about right. I wanted to play a gacha alongside actual games and I picked up ZZZ. Gameplay isn't even great but the coomer inside of me is staying because I pulled massive titty girls and lolis.
I already spent 20 dollars.
if you need a gacha to stay interested in a series you arent a real fan
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When did you realize that yuu is best girl
When will you realize you should kill yourself?
Which Nijigirl should I self-insert to manhandle Yuu?
It's a constant source of new content during dry periods and for dead groups when there wouldn't be anything otherwise. SIF and AS were great for raibu-specific content too before KLab started shitting out cards without side stories and SIF2 dropped sidestories altogether.
If being a "real" fan means you enjoy being stuck with nothing but one or two CD releases every six months and a few magazine illustrations a month then good for you I guess.
>dead groups
that's your issue
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How do I get a cute gf like Ai?
Not like it's any better for Niji or Liella right now. They're getting the anime/movie then it's another dry spell for a year until Superstar gets a movie or something and the second part of the conclusion arc releases.
Hasu is the only group with a constant stream of content and it also happens to be the group that's getting the most traction across social media.
Suzuki Aina is a menace to society
Love that fushoji.
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>posting all this shit just so you can dunk on Niji at the end
>you're probably even talking to yourself
Touch grass.
You got it, Niji a shit.
Average coomerchad
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babymaking sex with both Megusex and Rurisex
Fuck Sumire and Chisato. Rape Kinako and Ren. Marry Keke. Kill the rest.
>marrying kekebitch
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Nico is brat.
okay now AI generate MiraCra Park getting spitroasted please
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i feel like commissioning a custom nendoroid. It is tempting
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I want to have sex with Mari.
okay now AI generate a better Daydream Warrior cover by Dollchestra
Why are these two so wacky bros?
>again with your Niko name shit shitpost
It's just Nico you shitter. Nobody calls her Niko and you don't even like Rinboyshit or HonoMaki, lying shitposting faggot
You're just replying to your own post, turdmiyu. You just randomly post HonoMaki after not doing it for days and pretend there are multiple people who like it.
You don't even like that shitty crack when you make posts like these, retard >>487157519
>filename Mei
This is why you're just shitposting with your daughter shit. Mei and Kanon are unrelated to HonoMaki. This ship is just a shitpost for you to make and you don't even like it, faggot
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Are mods Shizuku lovers after all?
>mods love riko and shizuku
im noticing a pattern.
they have terrible taste?
Why does Rin have 6 ships while Hanayo gets just one
He's shitposting. He doesn't actually like Rinboyturd and those shitty crack ships.
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Degenerate slut are the best.
This isn't automatized? what the fuck dude
Based mods.
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>again with old and ugly rinboyturd art from twitter
Fuck off with this shit art turdmiyu, you dont even like rinboyshit just like your honomaki samefagging earlier, lying shitter
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theyre based and enjoys yurifag sluts
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they finally came in
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>thread almost over
post raibus you want to have sexual intercourse with.
kasumi back is broken
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I don't get it
Minus ugly Rinboyturd
Cute canon
>aisle marked Love Live
>second hand (used goods)
>filled with iM@s shit
just say you hate liella.
all nips know idolmaster is just a poor mans love live
I don't know how I noticed the second hand bit but not the ラブライブ bit
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I want to have sex with ugly Rinboyturd
No you don't lying faggot. fuck off with your shit,
Based mouths
So good
You hate Liella.
Liella Radio soon
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>every group gets coomposting except liella
post sexy liella pics.
Shibuya Kanon is a chuuni ass name.
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cum on lanpoo
cum on megubitch
cum on kozue
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That's because Liella is for kids
>forced twitterfaggot meme
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I got boners when I was 7
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Chiichan's tits aren't that big. Stop that.
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>2.5k venue for mirapa unit live
This is the highest LL weekly sales for how many years?
Love this dwarf so much
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Mei is such a clear reflection of her mothers that it's unreal.
I don't see the Honoka in Mei, care to elaborate?
>I don't see the Honoka in Mei
And? I do.
In Appearance.
And yet you cant say how exactly because you're full of shit
see >>487236186
I know perfectly well that your ass is bleeding because Mei doesn't have red eyes. And she's not a flat dwarf.
And that's why I'm laughing at you.
>I know perfectly well that your ass is bleeding
Speak for yourself dumb shitposter. You cant even say how exactly and you choose instead to shitpost instead about Nico that nobody brought up
And that's why I'm laughing at you.
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Ever wonder what these people's other posts are? If any
Remove traitor.
It's not a human. It's a bot. We already had one once - Umibot.
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Happy Birthday Nico!
i really hope gavv is good
kotori and nico shouldnt watch another gotchard
Just say you hate Hasu.
Cotori kissed Niko!!!!
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You IRL btw
Also me btw
>Final Boss vs a pathetic "la creatura".
The SIP was so good. It's a shame that after that we just had a descent into the cesspit.
Hasunosora is good
Where is Liella?
Different type of media, not fair
Let's wait for the anime to properly compare them
This isnt weekly, this is just sales beyond. It keeps selling because lottos >>487231491
Where it should be. In the dustbin.
Entire post is retarded
Everything afterwards was better
Liella is the best so far
Best at flopping.
>ren's cleavage showing through her shirt
Finally some sex appeal in Liella
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Which navel would you defile?
Yep, certified Meguslut.
Haters will say we never get new Liella content
Don't call her a slut
Maybe it's my terrible taste in media but this is the only series I'm even following
I just need an outlet for my love for music and especially jpop

And the full and complete banner
It's Shucute
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>There are anons right her being height mogged by the Hasus
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Surely not
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Lol that's good
This will get even less views than the liella stream.
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Lanzhu doko
Ayumu if she real
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Konacchi playing LoL
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Nico birthday collage 2024!
She was honestly making real good plays by the end of the stream, she didn't even know what the skills did at the start.
And people wonder why Tomori faked having cancer and quit.
Wish they would just let the Nijis have normal solos again instead of shitty themed ones. Most of them haven't had a good once since the anime/Just Believe.
I am 165
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>Liella is the best so far
Holy KeK. I have not seen such trolling here before.
Do nips really enjoy putting people in toddler clothes?
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Yes, I do.
It’s Natsumi day and none you care
That's August 8th
Why does Gugu love mocking her coworkers so much?
cute canons
Minus Rinboyturd. Nobody wants to be with that shit raibu.
Fuck off already with your shitposts, turdmiyu just like your honomaki shit with Mei earlier, dumb faggot
Fuck off with your shitty honomaki daughter shit turdmiyu
You stop doing it for days then do it again days later like earlier with your samefagging honomaki posts
Mei isnt related to that crackshit you dont even like, shitter
dont reply to yourself turdmiyu
nobody cares about your headcanon shit, faggot
quit pretending lying turdmiyu and your shitposts with mei, faggot
fuck off turdmiyu, mei isnt related to honomaki and only you mentioned nico because you're a seething shitter that doesnt even care about that crackshit
based. turdmiyu and his crackshit a dumb shitpost
Do you have fantasies of being pegged by the taller raibus?
I want to have sex with Rina.
Guilty Kiss, my one true love.
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>[Sad News]: Nagichan harassed by drunk old man while filming a segment for her show
KotoNico is super cute too bad it's from...
Who is he?
Nico OP next pls
No problem
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This is how you treat megu.
Me on the right
why didn't janny rangeban his ass after all this time, retard keeps ban evading
lmao if you think a rangeban is anything more than a minor inconvenience for a schizo that has been posting the same shit for yearsr
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Bad week to be in the bodyguard/protection business huh
Jannys can't ban, dumbass.
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im starting to miss playing AS and SIF bros.
Don't pull an Ayumu and get addicted to kusoge bros
Just play those coomer gacha games but stay f2p to be busy
Top late
just use the private servers
Why did you stop playing them?
They'er too aimless. If there's no events there's no point.
Agubitch is so pretty she even makes Chiemi look like an uggo in comparison.
The amount of filters it took to make Nacchan presentable is palpable.
who the fuck is Nacchan
Ai's VA
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The nastiest of Nachos.

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