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>Patch Notes

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 20, 6:30 PM EDT | Marilith, Plot 56, Ward 2, Shirogane | Monthly Male Meetup, watching The Wolf of Wallstreet and Fight Club >>486287059
• July 28, 6:00 PM CDT | Sephirot, Materia, Tuliyollal Instance 1 (12.9, 15.5) | Tural Thread Throwdown >>485962949

Previous: >>486788097
My malera is the shadow monarch
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>oh hey all the AF gear got updated for 2 dyes
>lets go kill Varis and see what the new skirt looks l-
th-thanks yoshi
Sex with femra
which race/gender/job combo is most likely to start their verse with
>lil bitch, my section is important
what's been the saddest pure -> whore arc in /xivg/?
many men
wish death upon my femlala
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me n my bud
You when i'm through with you
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butt cheek
That's it. I'm visiting the femlala cabal's secret hideout. I need answers. NOW.
Why do people think it isn't obvious when they tell their discord friends to help them fight mean shittyposters? At least make your form replies look like they were written by sapient humans.
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Chloe weaver
I member them posting about making bard music in their apartment when they were still the green eyed suncat back in SB.
*crosses honey b. lovely*
Stop calling me Ashely Banks I don't look like this character.
*honks your titty*
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Does Alisae wanna fuck me or something?
Pipe down little creature your neck hasnt even grown in yet
please mindbreak me. im begging you
based corruption enjoyer
>check my phone before bed
>see this stupid nigger making an off topic drama post
sorry ashley
Yes, Alisae has a massive crush on the WoL
>using isnae phis for the bee wings
that's clever
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you know the rules
honk for honk
Post Arcadion challenger pic!
moonie status?
Most of the characters I see on the streets of Ul'dah are repulsively hideous

The average player has truly monsterous aesthetic sensibilities
I'll fuck you if you keep that attitude up you bitch
Is this the third of fourth time you've gone to bed tonight? It never takes the first couple of times, does it?
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why does it have to be a competition
maybe people wouldn't turn out this way if this place wasn't a festering wound that infected people with narcissism and tore their personalities down until there's nothing left but a puddle of thick, gooey irony
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>molly went from being lowres food poster to big tit cumslut
>ace went from wahoo! poster to bbc whore
>popezen turned into futafag
there's no pure posters left
>get 6 options to choose from to customize your character outisde of hair style
Meds take them, mods disable them.
For all of you bitches out there... all of you who are trying to control my malera... for you he has just five words... SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
need help?
Branden my beloved
seething little faggot
I thought Zero would be cool but shes just "Ahhhhh, i dont understand human customs... Ill do them perfectly anyway though! My only flaw is that I'm a bit awkward!"
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conspiracy theory

viper was added because there WILL be an xiv x wow crossover and yoship wanted a class he could give the glaives
I'm a pure poster
Lightcord does that more than anyone to coordinate shitposting.
Pretty sure all the femezen are pure
I remember when vampmiddie was pure.
I really can't understand why everyone is crazy about this bee thing. I feel like I'm the only that isn't and it makes me think that i might be the crazy one.
you have
to go
Dumb job change ideas:
>Tanks gain a new role action ranged attack with a potency of 5000 called “120mm rifled main gun”
I wish a femra would collar my sunnie
maybe you ARE the bee anon
nice, I stayed under the radar
>reposting the artwork of an unironic pedophile who once managed to get himself banned on f-list of all places
he's always been a bbc fag
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I resent that statement.
I just don't post anymore because I got a job and I don't have time to make shitposts.
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Host Evo Finals Watch Party on July 21st on Crystal Balmung! At Solution Nine ( 11.2 , 5.6 )

>>486788097 (OP)
• July 21, 10AM-12AM PST | Crystal, Balmung l Solution Nine ( 11.2 , 5.6 ) | EVO WATCH PARTY GRAND FINALS >>486795330
>takes up all of the screentime despite having the most vanilla boring ass personality and character arc
were her and wuk lmao written by the same person?
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I know you don't like hrothgars but one can dream.
>inb4 50 posts about ebins who were already whores becoming bigger whores
what if i'm doing the opposite
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im pure :3
And you are...?
Because he asked for saddest, yours must be some lame dime a dozen case
That pink cat that unsubbed after SHB and is now back as a complete degen mare enjoyer(its me)
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you give it to tanks but not MCH?
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Why do they always write THIS?
You've been having me doing work for me unpaid, no benefits, no acknowledgement to whatever association I'm apart of, so you've had to talk to the boss so I can show up to the party that I'm not normally allowed in?
Why did you not just make me a contractor to begin with? Make it official? Instead of saying this line?

This exact same thing has happened over 50 times now in this story.
Not gray?
report to my sunnie+ NOW
He said dumb idea, to be fair
My malezen is the purest person in xivg
Anon, there never were any pure posters, only lewds pretending.
Lol, lmao
is ur sunnie+ ovulating anon
so true
What keeps you awake tonight, /xivg/?
I dont have any mods, I'm just walking around and people have truly disgusting fashion sense. It's either moids dressing in the worst slutglam on a catgirl or foids dressing up in horrible modern clothes and heteochromia and highlighted hair on a miera. Like one in 5 characters is just a cute fantasy person.
My femra is ovulating as well..
At least all the malera are still pure.
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Fuck that what's been the HOTTEST pure -> whore arc in xivg?
Yep, you sure can dream. Reply to her again and I promise you that me and the rest of the malera boys will put your ass to sleep and make sure you do nothing but dream. Capiche?
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it was OFFENSIVE to me
AND it reminds me once more that MCH does have a sniper rifle but only in PVP
I'm still here but don't avatarfag anymore.
ninjas already have glaives
now what >>486795826 said
EU meetup for ESA?
my eb fucked up their sleep schedule
Im confused on something, was doing some EX2 farm with my static, and when we got the E4S "spread" marker (the yellow pyramids) I died because someone on my square, but the other person didnt, that shouldnt happen right
No it wants to plap ovulating moonies
Report to me as well!
Gonna fill you up with my thick cum..
Playing the game and ERPing
same but swap femra and sunnie
My femlala is pure and only masturbates once every few days.
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i wish i could delete my post after finding out that information. but i'm afraid it's on the internet forever now, and we're cursed to live in this doomed world i've created.
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Dynamis queue casual CC @ 2:00 ET
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oneshota fiddies when they discover dogs instead of being dogs
i want to plap your sunnie+...
Bottom heavy femra post
I am a femlala who made a steak myself for the first time and it turned out well...
they're just autistic
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i'm licking ice, bestie
Are you licensed and accredited in the field?
Lemme see some of your body of work
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Okay, sure thing.
Uh oh this guy dodges mechanics
A shame that this set is locked for healers ony
Hey whos that femhroth...
Is this more Renko false flag schizoing, or what?
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[22:07]You reach Series malmstone 2!
there are literally none left because they all went miera chasing the easy poon
My femlala? Surprisingly, she's shotacoded. Yep, just like this!
What are you gonna do little sun? Take me behind the school house and beat me up?
Is it going to be a contest, then?
Guilty as charged!
me in the back, a whm, waiting to ult whatever the drk pulls
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Nah, lots of people aren't, and some are just briefly into it while she's a new, attention-grabbing character.
For me, she managed to push a lot of buttons at the same time:
>Femme fatale, my favorite archetype by a mile
>Appealing design / glams
>Idol vibe
>Fun stacking mechanic
And that's without getting into all the kink-related tangents.
It should tell you something that I do so little PvE that I never bothered to even do normal raids before Dawntrail, and yet I cleared M2N like 15 times on the day it was released.
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I miss cheater cat.
this goes hard
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We are around just not posting.
More like Cringelines.
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so fucking true
Clearly a contest, both sunnies have to fill you up and then fate decides who was the one that knocked you up
no idea, but i appreciate her
What does she schlick it to?
hey can I get a moonie pic
Give me honorary degrees, you fucks.

Nice glam.

It's the first obvious hypno and pheromone fetish thing in the game, isn't it? And the Fiddie is cute.
here are my credentials
My moonie stares at you in awe and surprise and says “dynamis…?” after you blocked the strongest attack she threw at you
anxiety kept me awake for a while so now i'm crafting until i've relaxed enough for bed
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You caught me, I was lewd posing.
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Wife smoooooch!
I am a sleepy femlala
I like this.
thanks you too
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Awesome image; Fields of Glory is actually a really beautiful setting for screenshots IMO.
Picrel is old but I'm probably about to be doing the same thing in a few minutes.
nice hair, sis
hey guys how about this thread we talk about the mechanics like uhh dont stand in the orange lol
Sure am, garfield. But if you call me little sun again, you can forget about all that because I'll kick the crap out of you right here and now.
Could have sworn I saw this plaphog gettting knotted by a hrothgar
are you throwing hotbar 1 in the middle
that sounds like a keybind reassigning nightmare
>Give me honorary degrees, you fucks.
I would never stand for this nepotism. Oh, you're the Warrior of Light? That's nice, now calibrate to prime. Earn that shit.
i edited a gpose i did a bit ago and i liked how it came out then i did some ex2 now im gonna eat some pretzels with water and go to bed soon
I wish the femroes were less pure and all of the more like winry
If that's how it has to be..
I probably cum to Effy and Molly the most.
The femra in late stormblood that got e-raped in the QS for sure.
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Tankbros how we liking the content so far? Smaller hitboxes and being able to move bosses during the mechanics feels like there will be more responsibility than normal in Savage, and also EX1's tankbuster is the coolest shit ever. Real happy about being a tank in DT.
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escorting this creepy person
>Guilty as charged!
Too cute... Punishment: breeding
Ah what a long day at work, time to relax in XIV doing something easygoing and low-stress for a couple hours *queues up CC as VPR*
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objective unclear
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I just left a bee instance where the party was trying to make strats to handle the mechanics and I was the only person pressing mits. 7 wipes and I'm out bro.
I'm sorry, but we're looking for someone with more experience (it is an entry level job application).
Thanks sis.
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you got an average eorzean wage and a bunch of hi-cordial.
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someone complimented my glam
literally my suncat (she's frustrated)
There are people who legitimately fail to "Left, Right, Left, Left, Right" even at level 100
we can't talk about mechanics because at least 80% of the people here don't play content where mechanics are actually interesting
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[0:08]You use Rapid Synthesis  Failure!
[0:08]  Durability decreases by 10.
[0:08]You use Rapid Synthesis  Failure!
[0:08]  Durability decreases by 10.
[0:08]You use Rapid Synthesis  Failure!
[0:08]  Durability decreases by 10.
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when bibo feet users swap to night's
*adds smooch icon to the forehead of player 3*
best post itt
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>(she's frustrated)
Here's Why That's A Good Thing.jpg
Community is very split on either bee lust or horsecock lust for fight 2/4.
The savage fight model will probably be the decider.
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spamming the new raids on dynamis for fun and tomes
so many first timers
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pf hunting
Ace reveal yourself and post the mandated album
femlala feet report to my face NOW
forced 2 cart in GNB is retarded. Why don't they nerf potencies and make it a 1 min job like they're forcing with war. Do the same with DRK.
Boom I fixed tanks
Cute, cute, cute, cute, ugly
my pvp crushes
got athena in roulette today
you cannot convince MNK players to dodge a goddamn thing
why would you clear it instead of wiping over and over?
Hey now, not before you defeat me fair and square first.
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About to farm Vanguard
She's a golem so no
my catboy has dirty feet and nowhere to wash them off
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Am I understanding correctly that targeted dashes become even more worse than non-targeted dashes when your ping is bad? Since essentially other players movement is a second behind where it really is, and you have to wait longer for them to get in the safe spot to dash to them.
>>486796941 (me)
Thank you anon.
>sitting on bench as femra
>malera comes back from duty and immediately walks over and stands directly on top of me
why are they like this
Its the gloryhole moonie
leveling sge
why are the men playing female characters more drama prone than the actual women that play this game
m-maybe my femlala could help...
The two cutest femlala.
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my catgirl looks and acts exactly like this
the stupid ass mount for the drk is killing me
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What even was the relevance of Into the Cold anyway? Why didn't Fanny Danny kill us? Why didn't Zenos just go down and kill everyone anyway, why didn't Fanny Danny just go down and kill everyone. It's been so long I barely remember what even happened.
you should post it on reddit for updoots
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i started using that on my femra recently
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this question is bait but the correct answer is that men are far worse at dealing with sexual frustration
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my catboy is perfect btw
isn't the padlock tied to hotbar 1
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Last one from me, thanks for joining.
Dynamis queue casual CC @ 5:15 ET
May my femra lick
i should be allowed to teamkill in cc
Do the burst strike before NM comes up and stop being a tranny.
I hate spoons.
basically nothing happened and it never mattered afterwards
it was a dumb lore ruining quest that served zero purpose
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They didn't split dye channels like they should have
they just made the second most prominent thing on the glam dyable, which is often barely visible
the eternal scrip and aethersand grind

wiping in r2 leaves a permanent debuff on your service account that causes progressive stacking brain damage
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my femlala looks and acts exactly like this
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Remember when this game was about killing dragons?
the WHAT
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Nyooooooooo I'm so close
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Yeah, and those dragons are aliens from another planet. Final Fantasy has always been a science fantasy game series.
does she woof on command
Just be sure that this doesn't turn into some instant loss, alright?
you may...
Funny the other day i did Niddhog EX unsynced as Picto for my WT, was clowny to see myself bonking each of his dragon adds with a hammer
9 years ago.
More like disgusting fucking tranny
this is also me but femra instead
Spamming Aglaia... soon... it'll be over...
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idling at my house between interphos sessions for the card... i've been trying to get it all day
also i'm kind of tired of playing warrior but it's the only fun tank at 100
my femlala is thinking about crawling to a m*era and begging him for sex because nobody else does it right...
I was able to savor a few wipes along the way (and nobody disbanded or raged, which was nice).
The first time somebody missed soaking one of the falling hearts, and it did something like a raidwide 80,000+ damage and instantly charmed almost all of us, that... was an experience.
This NEEDS to be a 24-hour April Fool's Day event (maybe in a separate Duty Finder queue with no rewards). GW2 is generally a junk game, but they usually did something good for April Fool's.
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I found a cool looking malera. Also wish I didn't delete the P4S top because I don't feel like going back and doing that fight again, even unsynced.
do it
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>not instant queue

ok but why not
Non targeted dashes typically dont have the range to be useful without proper positioning whereas targeted dashes are an instant teleport anywhere you want
Does she like Malezen?
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>you cannot convince MNK players to dodge a goddamn thing
There's a silver lining: at least we aren't intentionally getting hit like SAMs do :D
pwahlaboys. . .
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>rush into the enemy team alone when its 2v5 and instantly explode
>Nice job! Good match!
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Bro I'm tired... I'm playing worse than normal....
you forgot thinskin.
tyvm my queen
Maleroes belong to fem and male hroths
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that's not renko you doofus, it's TB/ihcaris
but yes renko also got permabanned from f-list for findom and being a schizo
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this bee bitch is hard...
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Y'know whats funny to me /xivg/? I did the trials soon as I finished msq, almost all of my groups in PF for the extremes were filled with legends, be that uwu, ucob, tea, dsr & top. and do you know what? they fucking sucked before the guides came out. These so called "elite" couldn't figure out the two easy extremes. inb4 post logs
i just hopped over, you can't stop now anon...
sauce me up scotty
God sis, please stop posting for a little bit.
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watching yt, might do rolos soon
canonically male roes have foursomes with middie sisters in the rising stones while the scions are off doing stuff
Is there a site that lists DT non-timed gatherables by location?

Your catgirl is terribly badly drawn?
kys ugly tranny piece of shit
god I need to fuck a fat white girl
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EW MSQ! :3
Fino fanta?
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Cope. I one shot it when it was current.
Stop projecting your failures onto others.
Good girl!
That's D.va from the smash hit Subverse
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3/5ths the way there..
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Of course, it'd just be a fair duel..
is that jinx from arcane????
i love you please love me back
Whatever they did to gap closers since SHB roughly is some fucked up animation bullshit. Onslaught and PLD have a slight delay, but Rough Divide, Plunge, and Shoulder tackle used to be very responsive. Now all the new and updated gap closers have that delay and it drives me crazy.
i shan't
Who is this?
if you fags keep using this screencap for anything you don't like it'll lose its punch
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what do you guys think of my catboy in dawntrail
*dunks you*
Well yea its gonna be difficult to coordinate a group if not everyone is on the same page
Guides do the homework for you and youre expected to play your part and only your part, whereas blind runs require cooperation thats time consuming and skill intensive. Leadership is not a skill anyone has
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i'm retarded, carry on
I don't like it
heterochromia haters have been real silent since honey b lovely arrived
he was pretty based, big fan of the 25 minute frot scene
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I didn't look at her up close but she looks quite a bit like my fiddie
I wasn't kidding.
Keep posting please I enjoy seeing your posts
I want honey b to put her stinger (strap) in my mouth
yup, that's a wife
Can I tell gatherbuddy reborn to just do my gathering log without having to put every item in manually?
Remember when an ancient civilization built an artificial moon in space? Yeah, that was 1.0
I want honey b to put her stinger (stinger) in my mouth
No, heterochromia still sucks.
then i hate you
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Good night /xivg/
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remember when this game was about fighting a high tech empire
Ill never get over how the poster thinks a black guy is equivalent to a bmw in his eyes
it's a secret
you time travel in ff1
the series has always been goofy like this
do you buy or grind these
I'm getting the urge to fanta again bros...
boobs cat
cat with boobs
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The following file contains images and text that are carriers for anomalous cognitohazardous influences. You do not recognize the bodies in the water. Due to this, it is imperative that all personnel accessing this file be certified as having a Cognitive Resistance Value (CRV) of no less than 14.5. Should you fail an automated CRV verification, please remain calm and do not move. A member of your site's medical staff will be with you shortly.
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can't wait until an opponent with cyan and magenta eyes
please eb me PC
yup, that's a slampiggy
Then your fate will remain the same...
Allagans literally traversed space, and have created artificial life. The cyberslop is cringe, the regular science fiction works.
My fiera is going to Amazon Press the miera male meetup host in front of everyone to assert dominance and break the gender restriction.
fuck you i want her
I wouldn't call it leadership, maybe I should, but I was able to figure this shit out after a couple pulls for both fights. I specifically joined practice groups or blind groups as I like to figure it out myself but It just baffles me that "legends" suck so much at figuring out a fight without any info beforehand. Bare in mind I am not a legend, I have no desire to complete any ultimate.
MCHs gain a skill that lets them heal tanks (and only tanks) and shove specialized cannon rounds up a tank’s ass to change effects of the aforementioned tank role skill.
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i hate it here
pop his prostate sis!
I'm pure
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The worst part is, he's a very good tailor.
you do not recognize the moonies in the water
I buy them
all me
>Add Europeans as Knights
>This is fine
>Adds Japanese as Samurai
>This is fine
>Adds Africans as Ooga Booga tribals
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I spent too long in the sun today and all my energy is gone. I'll call more tomorrow if someone else doesn't. Until then, become what you must.....
Just a passing assassin.
Are you going to post the picture of the lewd pose
I am
a depressed femlala
with enough freckles to dim a small town....
People we recognize and like, unlike yourself.
It will be audibly detonated.
how much gil would it take to buy a sunnie?
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just finished getting my ass handed to me in the arcadion. it was pretty fun!
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I like my eye colors and that's what important to me
What are you leaving and what are you thinking of becoming?
bout three fiddy
how much are you worth?
It's not about being "good" and being able to solve mechanics with your own solutions. Almost all legends follow guides for ults and copy strats if you're doing it right when it comes out. It's about how well you can keep up the execution in the endurance battle that is ult prog. Having any legend title does not mean you're a special star creative puzzle solver tbhfam.
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freckles on her fat tits, mayhaps?
when you put your ear up to my sunnie+ nuts this is what you hear
Hand your ass to me next
What would you do with said sunnie?
By the time Samurai existed, African military were just soldiers and Knights didnt exist.
You dont really know how time works
grim fucking post
please just fuck normally
i know you dont love me back. in fact you hate me. so there's no point
I strongly dislike Tina though.
irrelevant to the point he's making retard
Shut up, Mercedes-Benz.
why is she digesting a gigantic hamburger in her balls
futa is gay and trans
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logging back in
I'm not feeling it with hrothgirl anymore...
that's g'raha
damn ya'll them bitches be churning
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Remember when this game was about helping goblins ferment cheese?
Okay but if I get banned for NSFW I'm taking you with me.
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just got done EX farming for the night, probably gonna craft more gathering gear next
The way I see it anon is the majority of the "legends" have bought their clear, or used a stupid amount of plugins to do so. It's why you see an uptick in performance whenever xivcombo or whatever they use gets updated. It's why I look at parses when that shit is down to get a better idea of how people perform
it can't be both. so which is it?
is it gay? (correct)
or is it trans? (incorrect)
I don't know who you are so it shall remain a mystery I suppose...
I changed to male Elezen at the start of this expansion
but now I'm getting the urge to go back to male middie
I like my tall lanky elf boy but at the same time I miss my manlet, I guess I just got so used to him the new look is taking me out of it.
No it isnt, to assume that Knights, Tribesmen and Samurai would exisr in the same time period simply due to being of a certain race is not only bigoted its downright retarded
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Just a reminder that if you play Pictomancer or Black Mage, don't even bother with Savage unless you know how to play Summoner or Red Mage for that delicious rez. You are not needed and will be excluded from PF.
african military were not just soldiers in 1650 and knights still existed
we can get in a polycule with her
My sunnie+ is pent up
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oh thank god
post your ultimate clears
Stroke it out over my femlalas face
Mine was too but she came and now she's sleepy.
my pure - whore arc is going from literally never posting my character to now sometimes asking xivg what they think about my glam color choice in an unmodded screenshot once a week
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why do you want to buy a sunnie?
I really like you but I'm scared of ruining a friendship
It's probably been explained to you dozens of times but your eyes glaze over, you refuse to read anything, and go on to repeat how you'll never understand it in the next thread
rest well anon!
My femlala is unplapped
Samurai existed at the same time as Lincoln, so, pretty far out from knights
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Crystal come OCEAN FISHING in 20minutes!
read my earlier post monkey brain, I care not for ultimate
does your sunnie+ like femraen...
post a catboxed lewd image and I'll do it
What was it again?
Ball-snot churning stink orbs?
if you think that's bad you should hear the stinkvore ones
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not only were samurai as you think of them around as early as the 14th century, the point is a fucking fantasy setting having tropes from some ethnicities and not others isn't racist and fantasy euro knights and jap samurai arent required to exist in the same timeframe
Yes she does
Lincoln wasn't real you fucking retard he was a figure of speech kind of like Sun Wukong or King Arthur
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Only if we hang out at Limsa before it starts...
nice fiddie
what do i get if i do?
yuki is not tzera
My male middie?
Completely oblivious to romantic advances
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Jesus christ man, I just woke up can the existential crisis and the dreadful realisation that sex is the sole driving force in this place wait for breakfast atleast?
It's time for your threadly forced poal, anon!
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Why do peopel cosplay npcs
your sunnie+'s sludgeheavy jizznukes pounding my stupid slutty moonie face
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I am a femlala
Being raped by a malera
who is this
Every time I get a single pulling tank in roulette I immediately leave.
Of course if something new comes out they're not going to be perfect from the getgo. The community has this really weird view that Legends are like god gamers who never once ate a vuln stack in their lives when really they're just people who wiped more than the average raider until they became consistent at an ult. Majority of legends don't know how to play most jobs, majority of legends don't parse high in savage or EX content, majority of legends are complete average players who put in the time to learn and clear ultimates. Which is to say, most of you could clear an ult on-content if you bothered to try.
Is there a point to logging back in on my lala alt? ive been witing for my friends to get to the first dungeon, so i dont want to go ahead of them.
lack of creativity, personality, individuality
this malera thinks that i like him when i'm really just stringing him along to see long it takes before he has an incel meltdown

before you ask, i'm a femra
My femlala walks up and whispers this into your ear.
Make sure you milk him for extra evidence to match his aether with.
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Okay make the PF!
why did you take the picture from an angle that makes you look short
will you pick me up and sneak away with me for a quickie during the cutscene...
I'm a sunnie
anon this is my normal
holy moly
I tire of this bee bitch
my eb is so cute i wanna beat them and lock them in a cage
my male midlander is pent up
Reminded me of that guy back in EW who was multiboxing fates with 5 accounts
are you trying to be a bee?
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Silent Scream is so much better than Scream honestly.
c-can I be your EB too...?
i wish my eb would beat me and lock me in a cage
not lewd enough I'm going sea of clouds to be as far away from the ocean as I can be
It's not even hard to identify clear buyers. I'm telling you clearing an ult has nothing to do with blind prog. You're pulling a bunch of shit about plugins and paypal legends out of your ass.
the phone camera sounds are so good
I intend to read as little of your tripe as I have to, and I'm glad I didn't bother. It's always the people who have never attempted to zone into an ultimate who write off anyone who has cleared as "a cheater/plugin abuser" or a "clear buyer" along with the sour grapes excuse of "w-well I don't care to even try... I don't have the time!!".
did you win
my male roe is on his way
bend over boy
My femlala talks like this
"They gave me bread, but my Soul remains my own"
Thatd go so hard on a real character
eb to beat me up and lock me in a cage when?
I was finishing these.
I do this to my EB.
Link. I'm not sure I've heard silent scream in its entirety
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no you can't
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>yeah let's lock a class quest item behind dumbfuck tomes
Bee mine forever, and always play your part,
Bee-fore it's over, I'll capture your heart.
is the extra chat normally this transgender
did you record this in a toilet bowl?
Yeah I can't disagree with your post brother I reallt cannot. But the groups I saw early days had these fuckers eating death from ther same mechanic like 10+ pulls. Maybe I'm super autistic but I'm that anon that learnt every job to atleat an 80 parse so I expect more from people who have invested more time than me. To add you are not wrong about anyone being able to do an ultimate, it just requires time and a consistent group ( or PF with that shitty addon that auto marks people)
her chest is as flat as her affect...
I am setting up a reverse projection on a sheet so I can try playing or watching movies while in a pool, its not going wel
I kick your femlala right in the cunt
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ill have time to go fishing after this right?
this general is a lot more schizo and a lot more horny than i remember it being a year ago
I stopped using it because Kanchelle wouldn't stop yapping to the point of actually being worrysome
wheres the cc calls...
Moreso, actually
Most are sleeping below a cis woman 20 years their senior right now
This is all Mare Lamentorum's fault btw.
>Is the trans game full of trans people normally trans?
prove it
this reply chain reeks of insecurity, i dont understand why so many people who """dont care about ultimates""" have to hyperfixate on other people with legend titles in some weird attempt to prove to themselves they're better than them and therefore could clear an ultimate if they tried. and you constantly have to remind everyone that you ~~~dont care~~~ about progging them
truthfully you probably could clear them if you wanted to, but i think a lot of people could, which is why the weird chip-on-your-shoulder-attitude your types have is really obnoxious. as is immediately assuming clear buying any time someone with an ultimate clear isn't a flawless god gamer in BRAND NEW BLIND PROG CONTENT

just shut the fuck up. seriously
I will log back in and craft this for you for free if you want to give me the mats.
Best way to become sexfriends with thread anons without melties happening?
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Got a 95 log.......
Still hiding my fflogs because I am not trans...........
having listened to the full four minutes i have to wonder why i did

who do i have to bap to get in i haven't had it since i had to clean out my cache
fishing for collectables so i can get the last 2 folklore books for big fishing later.
post your normal raid parses and your ilvl
surely you've done enough of them for some tryhard to log it
>being in the extrachat
Nah, bit the bullet and bought it, take your evening easy anon
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I can't find nice looking seating options for this centerpiece...
who is this
>surely you've done enough of them
it's four fights on a weekly lockout and it's been less than one week
I only like the instrumental a ton having heard the vocalized version, since I'm singing it in my head...
Not knowing the lyrics, I don't think I like it.
giwtwm (the moonie (but i'm not a moonie))
Cute hairstyle and ribbon sis/bwo
Thats a cool fishing rod, bro
Which one is it?
my sunnie's 2 incher doing this to a moonies face
How do I make gil if I don’t have the patience for marketboard autism
I like to say "mayhap", "full glad/pleased/ect" "t'was" ect when I roleplay.
flat freckle femlala chest sexo
Who the fuck do I even contact for the xivg extrachat? I didn't see it in the op
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i think i set a new record for quickest match
they're also fun and new so I just assumed you guys would be playing them....
i-is it really just me....
sell erp
Claro Walnut at lvl 100. It's on the MB.
It's not so much pulling it out my ass, its more so using anecdotal evidence to solidify my point of view. Granted I cannot account for everyone and it is purley subjective to me but goddamn is it a very conspicious amount that eat shit to every mechanic
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I'm no longer asking.
i don't care about pvp
imagine caring about mmo pvp haha couldn't be me, i'd play a REAL pvp game
but i mean
i could be top 30 if i wanted to, multi-dc, no problem
i'd get there in like a day, maybe two, tops
but i don't care enough to do that and also this game's pvp sucks
but trust me bro it'd be EASY to get top 30
>being so insecure you hide your fflogs of a video game character that has no direct correlation to your day to day life
yikes desu
T-Thanks.. but it's the tie to my mask.
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all of these were done with less than 700 ilvl (i still had origenics stuff)
You need Master Goldsmith III to craft that, and you need to get I and II before you can get III, it's a bit of a chore.
This face paint is so overused.
...in CC?
Cool. Does someone have an updated version of FluxHD?
Play the game.
Unless by marketboard autism you mean selling anything at all, then you don't. But the bigger problem in that case is your autism, not your lack of gil.
My moonie wife who I will soon see when primal opens
Show the mask then
or t-take it off if you'd like...
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im me
my catboy is
Plap futas and make sure they understand it's just for quick hookups, male characters get far clingier in my experience.
Scream is one of the best songs in XIV just for the misheard-lyric of "Clear if you're able, as far as you're able [...] Say Goodnight. With each wipe does your sanity die!" during savage prog.
No, at their house
ive done each fight like 3-4 times an no ones logged mine :(
Slow learners exist, I imagine it wasn't the exact same thing killing them but some variation of greed plus not grasping the mech asap.
Cautious sex, but I am waiting for the same thing, sis.
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i'm in the welfare tome gear
i play mch a lot more but nobody seems to log those and i don't have act.
and like, when i queued into frontline roulette there was a player with a top 100 frame on my team. i did more damage than him and got more kills, i'm clearly better at pvp than they are
My male middie is pent up
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We have very limited options, anon.
I think my character wears it differently at least. Like another anon said, glasses and tribal facepaint don't go together. I like the juxtaposition a lot.
Maybe in 8.0 we get better customization options, since the graphics update highlighted how bad it is.
what happened to all the catboys
well i wasn't PLANNING on masturbating tonight
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why do i click on anything
quite literally the opposite in my experience
It's like no one remembers buying a space shuttle and killing tie fighters in Ultima
Yeah my malezen as well
It's not the fact that I want to prove myself champ, I've done that with savage and extremes geeting into the top 20 allstars for 2 tiers. It's moreso judging the calibre of player that uses any legend title. Personally I feel that those who use any ultimate title/portrait/weapon should be playing to the utmost, or else why would they be "legends"
I just sold 1 (one) bicolor voucher and made 140k
i ran each of them a few times and nobody has logged any of my runs
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cahciua wife for my fiera
me too bros
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I can assure you that the parsechasers are the most insecure people who play this slop...........
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apparently someone did log them my sam is 700 and i dont remember what my blm was
I want this bunny raw if you know what I mean
Do you like fiddies?
Well I'm filtering you too grrrrrr!!!! How's that feel??? Aren't you just so hurt?!
why do you look... like that
that too, given what it took inspiration from
My catboys have learned to stay in the shadows
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yeah you are a grade A faggot for sure this post only cemented my opinion of you further
So glad I rerolled as a male character and became a sexpest instead of succumbing to the whorification curse.
Fucking pedos
Yeah I love em.
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i did them solo heal lol
i do actually, do you like middies?
I really like the instrumental part at 2:38 which is why I prefer it.
oh no no no
One of has been very unlucky then.
Thank god
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ok (buy my chuck)
that retard fiddie that is overly fake happy and uses emoji in his posts

pathetic existence
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No one uploaded the one clear I have for each. /shrug
>when primal opens
That could take forever though...
Do anons really get clingy over hookups? I'm just a random sunnie but I don't want this to happen...
I did this relatively recently and doing 6 or less custom deliveries was enough to buy all job quest related crafting tomes
go talk to zhloe aliapoh in idyllshire
I only got III, you absolutely did not need I and II
may i post again...
Into a pancake
>Personally I feel
Well you felt wrong. For someone who claims to not care about ultimates you sure attach a lot of prestige to it.
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I love upskirts
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>been running these all weekend
>the only one someone logged was a run where i died and parsed grey
You may.
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>I recognize every zerg sound
Haps is a good one too, as short for mayhaps.
MAYHAP you post again, you mean.

Misheard lyrics are some of the best parts of this game's songs.
She looks great, what are you talking about???
parsing is the only thing that gives this game replayability at end game, otherwise I'd just push keys in m+
I upload both greys and pinks so it doesn't affect me, but having an insecurity about your logs is always funny to me
why does it cut off at only 4 minutes? i wanted more.. genuinely wish i could experience this... lol as a joke....
Nah, everyone that uses this paint (like one in 10 people on crystal) looks the same desu. It's so distinct, that all I think when I see a character with it is that they're a character with that paint, everything else is less noticible. We have like three seperate avatar posters here using it.
There's always dynamis!!
Relax, it's a glamour. I'm just messing around and trying to catch my shadow that's somehow escaped being attached to my body.
What anon said. Male charas are infinitely clingier/desperate for 2nd+ hookups.
All body mods are broken sis
Some do, that's why I like f+ since we're both usually just coomers looking to spend some pent up horny energy and then get back to whatever we were doing.
Thoughts on normal sized moonie+?
Can't stop you from thinking I'm a faggot. My only point really is if you use a legend title from an extreme then be a l33t gamer, if you are not then I will consider you a boosted shitter.
simple as
you mean coren?
hahahahaha, now I seriously doubt you have even cleared savage or extreme. the only people in this game who deify legend titles like this are casual msq only players who are posting about solo duty difficulty on the official forums as we speak
it was entirely ai generated actually!
Mayhaps I will be fullglad when I have this bunny raw, if thou know what I mean.
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706 I think. It's where all my gear has gone for now. I only tryharded ex2 cause it's the one my group wanted to run more.
if it doesn't kill me or give me a damage down then there's no reason to dodge
>gets orange parse
>is clearly proud of orange parse or wouldn't go posting on 4chan about it
yeah sure buddy
Here you go anon.
Talk to them a bit before doing anything and make sure they're normal.
don't plap a futa because when you do all the futas you may have rejected in the past will suddenly appear and start schizoing you
they're also clingy as fuck
Where's the porn?
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I lamented over my not getting a chance to do EX1 for my picto weapon to fit my glam before I logged out for bed.
from an ultimate, god im too drunk
thank you...
Talk to them normally a bit first and see if they have their head on straight, and are just looking for fun rather than any sort of relationship thing.
Also, BEING a male character helps. People don't get quite as thirsty over appearances, and you can just focus on enjoying the kinks and so on.
My moonie is pale and generic but I love her and she is my irl wife
I mean, there is lots already. Did you even look?
mfw the long guide is a long guide
my catboy needs a hrothgirl like this https://files.catbox.moe/drc0ah.jpg
Yeah, in fact I'm on Dynamis right meow.
Also fantastic.
Moonie or Femra
>wake up
>see wicked thunder
>go to sleep
>wake up
>see wicked thunder
>go to sleep
it's a cycle that doesn't end.
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Is there anyway to use more than one mount code on the same account. If you 'redeem it' for the item code the redemption forum throws an error and doesn't give you the item code.
Will making a trial account allow you to redeem the code from the card to get the item code?
I really want to enjoy PCT in pvp, but they are the most underwhelming boring piece of shit alive compared to BLM
post full post full post full NOW those tits look creamy as fuck
cute catgirl
my moonie is grey and she goes awooooooo
femra are owned by moonies
My goonie goes "Hey buddy"
My male xaelra is only here to watch isolated femras from a distance. Rope at ready.
Gonna give this anon my Dong'cha
That's pretty gay dude.
Femra all the way
Mayhap I shall accuse the next lala poster of being possesed of unnatural desires deserving of our collective displeasure.
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Logging back in
An anon needs sauce
honsetly thinking about throating my static lead for loot prio
go on without me sisters
its so fucking hot the next couple weeks
im not gonna be able to play
Which world wife
Phew, that was a close one
It's not about deifying them you retard who cannot read. It's my complaint about people who use the titles and are shit at the game. If you have a basic reading comprehension then you would of undersrood
Tommy Bahama likes to fish
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thanks anon
Cute lala, would /sit /wave /content /gpose with!
same actually but femra
ugly shoes for an ugly character
Alright I'll go hit up some fu-
I'll try this then...
I usually get hit on first so I'm not sure how I can sway things in a lewd direction honestly. Once I start talking it starts being whatever autistic thing I'm doing now even though I want to plap...
Do you have any tips for this?
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the future
Life is so cruel to my people...
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My catgirl looks but doesn't act like this
>Also fantastic.
Hey wanna at some point in time but not right now because I'm stuck doing something
>t. probably plays a braindead prog job like smn or someshit
bro just turn the ac on
Pale femras...
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good morning
may I see her
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Sounds good.
It's moreso I expect more from people who flaunt the titles
femlala for my puppyfolk femlala...
we dont have that on this side of the world
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It's right here, god damn are you fucking blind? Stop shouting.
hello ms plaptina
its not that hard to clear an ultimate idk why you guys get so autistic about legends
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I didnt think that people cared about lala shoes
Tbh in my entire experience on 4chan I've never been schizo'd by an F+, just by F- or M+ weirdly. Open F+ gooners just wanna goon.
Three whole ones here...
That's fine though, anon. I have things like that too so I can't act like I'm above it.
Veena have some specific face markings, but I really don't like them. I think male Viera get much better ones. There's very few usable face paints. For most characters I'd agree it's better to use eye shadow or nothing, but I really like it on my character.

You know though, I never went around and looked at all the Tural Viera and what they use. There was so few of them in the MSQ. They blew up their fucking zone to avoid writing lore about them

I'm sometimes available... think I might do ex2 tonight though.
good morning moonie
>tfw it's really fucking hot right now
>tfw have a window ac right next to my desk so sometimes I even have to wear a hoodie because its too cold
I came in this fiddie once
would u still love me if i dyed my whole glam metallic brass
Sounds like fun to me.
Almost like blind progging and progging an already solved fight is 2 different things!
I'm only autistic about using the title because I don't like making mistakes and feel like a fool if I fuck something stupid up with it on.
id love a window ac
but our windows open inside and sideways
there are no acs for that shit
im so jelly of the us
no I like higher cpm jobs as that engages my neurons
What does the B in Honey B Lovely stand for?
backshots when
what the fuck
I'm a very funny guy
Literally in the last thread. Also rule34, probably twitter, idk.
it stands for bee urself buzz buzz haha :)
t. has never seen elk melting about male characters every single day
anyone on primal down for 8 man rolos?
idk that retard's name but if it's >>486789173 then yes they should kill themselves
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Deep dungeon weapon glam, based or cringe?
my femlala is down so bad tonight...
my brother I blind progged both fights yet learnt faster than people who had watched a guide. riddle me that one
post pics
Hey, remember that time I said to be my little honey b., and that I would show you where I kept my honey if you closed your eyes? That it would be royal honey if you sucked it out without using your hands? Uh, that wasn't honey.
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I love teasing EBed boys that "definitely aren't into lalas"
Isn't Elk a data point all to himself?
You are holding them to a higher standard because of a title that they are using. You are placing them on a pedestal above yourself. You are convincing yourself that anyone using the title is wearing at as an "I'm better than you" badge and all of this is coming from that insecurity.
The reality is that no sane person sees a legend title as anything meaningful past the patch the fight was released.
I haven't been schizoed with crystal being closed. The schizos must come from other DCs. They used to search my name to stalk what I'm doing all the time. So I'd say just do it now before travel opens up.
I can't think fast enough for Ja Rule's gateway swords...
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are you serious?!?!?!?!?!?!?
i like most of the padjali weapons
kinna ones can look alright with certain glams i think
empryean are kinda meh
i have never seen anyone use the orthos weapons
>today anon learned that people learn in different ways and at different speeds
nta but congrats bro. you are a final fantasy 14 god king.
either you're a futa trying to anonymously rehab their image or you've barely spent time with any futas
I love blacklisting lalas on sight
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the FUCK does this mean???!?!???
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Which set? The copy-paste or the elemental ones?
Kidnapping this potato to be wed at my steppe yurt, after a brutal session.
How do I make scrip exchange in tulyollal appear?
I'll put a pf up under LL. pw 1738
It's 1 am and I have work at 8 am.
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Would you /xivg/?
the future
give it a try if you want
or ask me for something, still have free gens
next thread bro
There is no riddle. It's 2 different skillsets. Some people suck at learning some don't. Anyone can clear an ultimate, there is just a difference if it takes you 500 or 5000 pulls. That's a good indicator of skill/how you learn.
I've just been schizo'd 4x at this point by M or F-(male).
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You caught me going back home...
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hey fellow lala's I'm just here hanging out with my lala friend, I love being a lala haha silly biggers dont get it
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i wish people used the black mage version of that pic more because i made it and i'm proud of it
>F- or M+
Just so you know F+ means plus a dick so F- would be minus what they already have, ergo minus a vagina. Likewise M+ would mean plus a vagina.
You fucking retard.
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Two penesies
A Bigger called me an onahole today as bantz and now I want him inside me.
I imagine it was a lot cooler before the expansion was retconned into one story.
I knew this already you cute retard, Im just saying I expect better of people who've cleared ultimates, is that such a fucking out there opinion?
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What's up, nonny?
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I'm becoming a slut for futas.
I'm high and stressed out and also drunk.
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>tfw so uninteresting that the half hidden cat girl is more of an attention draw
I keep restarting ARR and roleplaying as a young, innocent sprout femlala in Limsa. I've done this on multiple free trial accounts. I lure them to an isolated location, convince them that doing it in /say chat is hotter because we might get caught.
I've completely lost interest in all games and hobbies and don't enjoy anything anymore
I like a certain redra who doted me
That looks like fucking shit.
rule34 only has some retarded futa shit
the remuscord isn't actually real.
Am I wrong for expecting better from people who flaunt their ultimate clears through glams + job picture + title? It's as if they're trying to scream out they're a good player
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I struck out so badly with hrothgals today I might have to flee Aether.
I think for a game like this, it can be a tall order yes. You know it and I know it so I won't go into too much detail, but shit's scripted all the way down. There are also loads of guides and documentation about ultimates by now, and some cheaters even use splatoon for it. It's not a title you should respect anymore. Unfortunately.
Nta but I want to splurgycome in this tanlala's stinkycracks
i recognize this cat
nta, how do you generate a struggling female choking sound? you know, as a joke..
i just sat back down and there is a girl catgirl stadning next to my character posing umm wtf do i do??????
The normal line swords. Unironically find the elemental ones easier.
What did you do bro...
I mean collectable appraiser.
I thought God Emperor of Dune was going to be bad after the up-it's-own-ass that was Children of Dune, but it's actually pretty ok, even if it's very out there.

Also I love catgirls and don't understand why anyone would play a scalegirl over them for more than a month.
I'm in love with someone from this thread even though we're toxic for each other.
i'm obsessed
I may have focused my PVP crush a little more than necessary tonight, but it was fun playing with him and he kind of deserved it.
I've had minor fits from futas (they are mentally ill mastrubation addicts after all), but by far the most clingy behavior was from moids. Futas are weird and retarded, but they know it's just a mutual goon sesh, while moids are more direct self inserters that, if mentally ill, can get really clingy and weird.
who are u
i already disappeared you in the gpose settings
Wh-when do I get to ERP with everyone? I'm still on the vanilla msq...
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Alas, her charms were not to be denied!
me too (but i'm not a catboy)
Honestly anon this is what put me off doing ultimates myself, I had a bit of fun trying tea blind but the group wanted to guide whore so I dipped. I don't find fun in following a cheat sheet myself but I won't say to others you can't. I'll just judge your ability to learn o the fly, the real test
No, M+ is two dicks
At this time of night, when all the homies are asleep, I feel the loneliest
Being alone with my thoughts is a curse, I wish I had a sleeping schedule similar to my friends'
I made a few videos of my girlfriend having sex with one of my characters in game by taking videos she sent me a few months ago and then editing them into FFXIV footage.
move you dumb cunt, you're fucking up their screenshot
bought a dudeweed pen because of this thread and it's addictive, way too easy to hit it and just zone out for a couple of hours
except an actual hrothgal
>God Emperor of Dune
I actually finished that recently as well. I swear to god, Duncan's dumb ass being around STILL even in book 5 is comedy to me. The dialogue-heavy script was quite interesting though, compared to the more action filled parts of the earlier books. Leto did nothing wrong.
but i was literally standing alone on the side of the sreeet!! wtf go away!!!
Promise it will be real honey this time. I won't even get it on your horns!
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Sorry anon... your lala is also nice! And I hope you get to do EX1 tomorrow!
big hrothgarl woob
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My rizzgame was absolutely not on and failed so spectacularly with introductions that not one but two hrothgals called in FCmates for back up.
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god i love honey so much it's unreal
do male hrothgar really
I used to be like that until I made it a point to only take gummies when I was having a migraine or couldn't sleep. If you have nothing else to do for the night, take a hit. Otherwise hold off and find something else to do.
and people say male hroths are well adjusted lmao
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my lalaboy sounds like this
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I really dont get it the people crafting in Solution 9
Are they homeless? No house? Apt? How can they stand huors in the same spot full of noise and ugly people?

Couldnt be me
Eh I sort of feel the same way. Compounding this issue is the fact that for whatever reason, most of the people I know with the legend titles who're good at the game don't want to wear such a "HEY LOOK AT ME I'M SOOOO GOOD" title anyway. It's mostly shitters who get it and actually think it's worth equipping imo.
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I think he was the best part of the expansion, along with Not-Texis
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>willing to make ERP alt on Dynamis
>literally no one is on Dynamis even with DC travel enabled
I got impatient and bought the rest
Yeah fuck moids, only erp with futas
my moonie is listening to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V4JJiRTvCs
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Lemme be your Hrothgirl I'll cover myself in honey and roll around on a shag carpet.
But nah hope you get luckier next time anon. Remember Boomhauer's secret
Fatchouli lol
does anyone erp as wuk lamat
the vendor is right there
As soon as Anam came back, I posed my femra getting railed by the married hroth in the frontier zone.
Fiddie faces look so much worse since the graphic "upgrade"
hello does anyone want to erp as wuk lamat with a large penis like in that earlier catbox and is it okay if i'm a catboy
the problem with blind progging ults is that depending on your players and their skill at playing and figuring stuff at blind you could very easily take half a year+ to do it especially if even one player isn't great. Some statics that are really bad even with the guide can take months to clear still and not everyone wants to go through all that time for like 5 year old content and i say this as a blind content enjoyer. if you want to blind prog stuff you really have to get into it early or find very very dedicated groups
>ERP alt
aint nobody but the absolute dregs are ERPing with an alt bro, bring your main or fuck outta here
i want to bite that tongue through the veil
Kinda yeah. Don't get me wrong, I still make fun of them too, but my expectations are generally everyone is dogshit at the game until they prove otherwise.
Seriously, the worst players i've ever seen were all perfect legends. TEA is easier than UCOB/UWU on god.
Do that for MY hroth...
why yes i do consider myself a better player than you since i have cleared ultimates and you have not
I only have one account botting fates and still pull in 4m~ a day
>botanist retainer gathers plants for me
>miner retainer gathers meat for me
>DoW retainer brings meat to me
>stand near the bell and check it every hour
>craft tacos
>turn tacos into materia that costs bazillion
>put it up for sale
everything being localized sure helps
If i wasn't especially lazy and also afraid of dealing with party finder combined with desparate to do content with FC members i probably would have it already since I have been able to clear the fight.
Post it flying please
>miner retainer gathers meat for me
The fuck kind of SCP rocks are you having him dig up?
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The hot part isn't the scales alone though they are a plus. It's the fact that the Hist replaced their hormone regulation at a certain age. Try as they might, they can't resist the call of their tree god turning them into futasubs with chastity cages obv.

>wasted all that time and money on a shitty low res world mob mount

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I do. Mostly people have hatefucked my character a lot.
Yeah I'm down. My femhroth already looks a lot like Wuk anyway. Want to meet on Seraph at the Uldah aetheryte? My initials are ST, but I also look like Wuk so I should be easy to spot.
you don't remember the flesh world reflection?
tea is not easier than uwu what the fuck, maybe ucob at a stretch. even if you sim wormhole it's much tighter than them
yes because it implies you need to be some giga gamer to clear ultimates, you dont, the minimum skill threshold to be capable of clearing is actually much lower than you think
you implied you have savage experience yes? think of how there are some groups that spend 80 hours in the tier to clear the final floor, and then there are groups that clear in 30 hours? ultimates are the same, some groups cleared DSR in 1000 pulls and some do 4000 to clear, but the result is both players will have the same legend title in the end

and any superficial "expectations" are just that, superficial. you really are expecting too much
just remembered lyse exists
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still doesnt make sense
>craft for 2 hours till my bag is full
>teleport and drop everything
>spend scrips
>go back to my house
sorry meant fire crystals, had to rewrite my post and forgot to uuhh
am sleepy
yall are transphobic
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Technically all I'd have to do is cover myself in honey and roll all over you then.
...wait a sec
Why does that matter?
it's a disposable one and i've mostly just been crafting like an autist the past few days so it's not like i'm losing valuable productivity or anything
but yeah i gotta be careful, like even right now i'm just kinda out of it
not that it feels bad but i feel like vaping a lot will not be good for my health
sounds fine by me...
doing tea blind getting to fate calibration and being like wait this mechanic is impossible
sugar reddit mount is right
My femezen listens to this
my moonie is going to smooch your femezaen
If you spent 100+ hours in something challenging would you not also want to wear the rewards from it proudly? I know you're gonna gotcha me with some retarded "um yeah actually I don't care about that" but you are an outlier. There are people who clear their first ultimate and literally cry because of how happy they are to have done it, equipping the title and weapon doesn't mean they're trying to flex on you. And you would enjoy the game more if you stop being such a retard about it
Bruh, like 50% of this site will literally consider that a good thing. MFs be crazy but you aren't doing much pointing it out.
>thing i wish i had, but don't, is "reddit"
>rank i wish i had, but don't, is "cringe"
>title i wish i had, but don't, is "easy but i'm too lazy"
I enjoyed Yda and I didn't think Lyse was bad.
I miss Papalymo though, he was one of the good ones
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i want to bite you
>face 4 femra with hime cut
My drug, I can't get enough
builded for catboys
do that but for my catgirl
i dont remember making this post
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the future IS now
Yeah i don't care anymore if you can't at least pretend to back up your bait, later
wtf I love femlala now??
kr / sy totally organic posts
>You better hold it all in this time. I know, I know, but sweetie, it's all about breath control. Besides, don't you want to prove that you're my biggest fan? Now, dry those tears my sweet honey bee and open up.
my fiddie needs a f+ catgirl to go into heat and breed her
Breaking news: I am still down cataclysmically bad for my male character PVP crush. It will continue to get worse.
Real talk, every title in this game is "easy" in the context that anyone can get it. It's just a function of how much time/dedication you're willing to spend.

But that's also true for like 99% of life's achievements.
does SE like cone aoes or not?
they add new cones but then turn old ones into circles
i think this thread would be better if only moonies were allowed to post
This is what I tell myself about Lone Hero but the truth is I'm just not good enough to make it to floor 100 solo
>equipping the title and weapon doesn't mean they're trying to flex on you.
Most of the people who whine about ultimate titles/weapons are just narcissists
They automatically assume that people wearing one are trying to wear it for the sole purpose of making them look bad, and there's a good chance they only think that because they can't conceive that anyone would be proud of/enjoy something and not want to use it to humiliate others.
haha yes yes same bro i could do it too but i'm not a no-life poopsocker
but trust me i could totally do it if i was a loser with no life
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THIS MOUNT will be the one that he uses for sure. The random world mob mount is something special. This won't be forgotten in a week.
this is so hot, stop
what's the /c/ I want to see the admin message
this is so true
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I am
A late night malezen. Buenos noches, from Primal
bro you're embarrassing yourself

What else is gil for but to dump it on stupid shit
jesus fucking christ i love honey b lovely i wish she was real
Me after reposting dumb ishgardian posts
Yeah I feel you anon, it's what i've noticed. All the actual good players dont use that shit but the shitters who got carried do.
I resonate with this too much, the only time I did try an ultimate was to help my mate clear, I couldnt give a fuck but even when we were using a guide half the static just fucking meted
honestly anon I have the same viewpoint, untill I see them doing good I consider them shit, guess its a plague of this game since you cant call them out for being shit
Don't get me wrong anon, I know anyone can clear an ultimate given enough time. It's the players who flaunt the fact they have done despite being a shitter that fucks me off
tea blind is a nightmare, It is the only ultimate I enjoyed trying blind and I tried uwu, ucob, tea and top
nah I can understand that anon, if you struggled for it you'd want to flaunt it but it gives off the idea you are of a higher calibre than most players
My femlala is like this
my post was actually made by a sy lookalike
I still use the UCoB weapon and title because it was the one I was the most proud of to have cleared after my static disbanded on it in Stormblood, even though it's reviled as somewhat of a joke these days because of DeathCoB
Based, I love them, they're really cute.
Plan to eventually get it myself but taking it easy, might take a few months.
the catgirl left
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prove it?
i lol'd. thanks for the pick me up.
no collectionfags are the actual biggest embarrassment in mmos, worse than parsetrannies even
i don't know who that poster was talking about but i saw renko's name come up
last i saw he was doing blacked cuck shit on twitter and i think he got an account banned there too for soliciting findom
how the ebin of eld has fallen
yea... i've known of some casual savage blind groups that go the entire patch and never clear the full tier so it'd just be really grim blind on an ultimate if they do somehow get that far without taking months or someone cheats and guides people in the right direction. like imagine doing ucob and needing to figure out EVERY single trio completely on a casual blind group
my pet femra bit me
yep... my femlala is crying herself to sleep again...
The price will definitely go down by then, and gemstones are easier to get this time around. The new flying directions when turning left and right are cute with the mount
new thread move
I don't get it do they think he started masturbating with their body or something
what's embarrassing is he spent time farming this mount. same goes for anyone else, fates are literally mind numbing even if you buy part of it
My femra likes rava+ as well
did you lock her in the closet until she begs for forgiveness?
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You may have one (1) achievement post for your shitpost whining. Please enjoy and do with it what you will.
damn this is really something else
Be honest anon, have you ever done any samefagging when posting your character here?
Honestly I just found the story around it baffling
We could have just been literally pirated out of the middle of the group at any time? We get put into another body and Zenos puppets us, but just leaves? How did we even get back into our own body?
i dont post my character here
>How did we even get back into our own body?
same way zenos got back into his after elidibus ditched it
keep in mind for every 1 result that sounds good you have 20 that sound like utter shit
So was this leading somewhere or...
describe the noises. it can do words
kind of struggles to do words with background noises from what i have tested so far
Yeah fates are boring, which is why I ended up buying 95% of the vouchers. That being said being offput by grinding when you're playing an MMO is retarded

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