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Welcome to \MTGAG\ the first edition of Magic the Gathering Ajani General.

Now with no Links, no cards, no decks, no discussion. ONLY AJANI.

Magic the ajani gathering general time y’all.
Welcome back, MOUNT GAG
Finally mgag but good
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You’re all part of my pride mtgag
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me looking at what these "generals" have become
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Live dam you LIVE
It’s almost like none of you even care if there’s a general or not. What’s going on with you?
I want to make a selesnya +1 counter deck for Brawl, where would I go to find resources to help me figure out how to craft the deck? Newish to MTG.
This art is really cool but makes no sense when you consider the net should be moving toward him but is still too far away for his attack to have reached it.
But that means you're the clown though.
Huh well I guess you’re right I never noticed that before.
Take a look at standard or historic selesnya counter lists and go from there. Mtggoldfish or just google for deck lists you’ll find a place to start.
I think most people aren't here rn, we should probably wait for Bloomburrow release day
This general has been like this for a few sets now I doubt rotation will save it.
Thread stays up fine during burgerland hours.
I used to make around 80% of the posts. turns out I also have to sleep. there isn't enough people to run a general.
you're out of your mind. i'm in western europe. there's always a thread when I go to bed, thread has been dead multiple times when I wake up.
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>here's your rewards for the """""standard""""" metagame challenge, bro
Anyway I can make mono red Phoenix a thing in timeless? I’m using hazzy the main engine to get cards in the graveyard is drc and looting.
new player here. if i spam jump-in and pick same decks multiple times, will i still get those cards? would love to build a deck around urabrask's forge.
if they offer you the same deck multiple time yes but the game is rigged and as soon as you pick it again it will know you want it and never offer you it again
just stop being poor and craft the lands anon
alright. thanks.
What happens to Ajani on bloomburrow?
He repelled it with such force that the direction of movement got reversed
Don't do Jump In.
It's incredible value on paper but realistically you'll up with a shitload of good but random cards you can't really use together.
Izzet Phoenix is my favorite deck I’m just experimenting with hazzy and arclight together.
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7 wins in gold with this absolute dumpster fire of a draft. Lessons learned

>Reanimating good ETBs like Assassin and Marauder is great
>Ankle Biter is a house against green decks, I don't care what the winrate says

meanwhile in the standard challenge, I go 0 wins, 2 wins, 1 win * 5...
yeah man it's an absolute dumpster fire... cards like Pest Infestation or Bristlebud Farmer? Pure trash am i rite?!
At the end of the set you find out the entire thing was just Ajanis hallucinations and he was in a coma the entire time.
>haha I will name his two best cards, that will surely destroy his arguments!
You’re only in gold youre not even qualified to evaluate your own deck yet. Your decks fine and you keep posting it every thread. Good job anon *pats dick* well done.
this deck is good enough, Bristlebud Farmer is one of top 3 P1P1 in the set and your takes are basic af
>recurring ETB effects are good
>1/1 deathtouch can keep green beefy bitches at bay
no fucking shit Shirley
>ankle biter
>2-drops whose only purpose is to enable rooftop assassin
>3 removal spells, one of which is desert's due with 1 desert
>back for more without armadillo, largest creature is literally a 5/5
>ankle biter
looks extremely sketchy to me, easily the worst deck I drafted this format. A single Reach creature and I suddenly have no way to kill my opponent.

>Your decks fine and you keep posting it every thread
I posted it in two threads (I've literally made more OPs than that for this general in the past month), once when I drafted it and once when I ended it (you can even see the changes I made throughout the draft if you compare them, it's not the same picture)
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>top 3
it's not even top 12. And as card draw engine, it gets a lot worse when the rest of your deck is weak (deck related)
Honest he probably becomes a mouse
A fat clown who's killed millions.
They won't address questions like that because it takes actual effort and creativity.
Why didn't Phyrexia invade it?
If traveling via Omenpath to Segovia doesn't shrink you, why does traveling to Bloomburrow via Omenpath make you a furry?
How come Bloomburrow residents don't de-furry when they leave the plane?
If going to Bloomburrow neuters your abilities like it did with Ral, why didn't anyone consider bringing Emrakul or any other given threat there to instantly neutralize them?
What would a furry Emrakul or Phyrexian even look like?
>Why didn't Phyrexia invade it?
I figured there were planes they simply didn't find.
>Why didn't Phyrexia invade it?
Didn't know it existed.
>If traveling via Omenpath to Segovia doesn't shrink you, why does traveling to Bloomburrow via Omenpath make you a furry?
>How come Bloomburrow residents don't de-furry when they leave the plane?
>If going to Bloomburrow neuters your abilities like it did with Ral, why didn't anyone consider bringing Emrakul or any other given threat there to instantly neutralize them?
Didn't know it existed.
>going to Bloomburrow neuters your abilities like it did with Ral
It didn't, though? Ral still had his lightning stuff, he used it multiple times in the story.
They knew Bloomburrow existed because we've had Bloomburrow residents on planes that Phyrexia has invaded. There have been Bloomburrow residents on Dominaria for centuries, literally Phyrexian ground zero.

It's not like Thunder Junction where it was a dead plane pre-omenpath and mentioned as specifically not targeted.

Yeah that's my point, it's all hackery.

He almost dies to a completely normal bird and requires help from multiple characters to survive.
>How come Bloomburrow residents don't de-furry when they leave the plane?
we don't know this to be the case, at all
>They knew Bloomburrow existed because we've had Bloomburrow residents on planes that Phyrexia has invaded. There have been Bloomburrow residents on Dominaria for centuries, literally Phyrexian ground zero.
wtf are you even on about
We do because we've seen Bloomburrow creatures on Dominaria.
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>it's unironically being replied to and bumped

here, let me help and long live. good for you for finally coming out as a bunch of unapologetic FAGGOTS
...surely you don't think all mice or whatever come from Bloomburrow
Thank you, sis!
oohhhhhhh... i want to play straightman cardgames.... like... uhhhhhhh
Versus System
>we've had Bloomburrow residents on planes
Please name a few.
>play self mill
>mill over lands the first couple turns and top deck 5 drops
Every game every time.
Any other examples of decks that work better in paper than whatever system this game uses?
yeah, schizo tribal
Give self mill a try it’s like playing against yourself and the game

isnt enough graveyard toolbox cards in print and too much cheap graveyard hate currently
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Play starter deck duel
>Yeah that's my point, it's all hackery.
It's the lore of a game. Of course it's full of asspulls and inconsistencies.
>>play self mill
Found your problem

This. You’re just fucking yourself over you’re already relying on luck for what you top deck now you’ve thrown relying on luck for what you mill on top of that all you’re doing is making the game harder for yourself and it’s already a frustrating experience to begin with
You say that but guess who just platinum faggot!
Great job sport!
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All I got is phyrexian Ajani
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I'm making a cascade deck and I want to know what card abilities I can 'sneak in' the deck by playing around mana costs. Off the top of my head
>split cards
Any others that I might be missing? Thanks guys
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>here's your bounce spell for your bloomburrow draft ETB simic deck bro
>may I offer you a fish in these trying times?
>bounce spell for opponents permanents
>ETB deck
what did he mean by this
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Really think it needs more Ajani
as in Rosewater? who knows

Kek based shitter
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Am I a schizo or are white and blue stronger than the other colors

as an ESL I can’t really follow what happens in this card good thing for arena
What happened to the mount gag timeless tournament?
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>draft deck has 14 lands
>draw 12 of those lands

where have i seen this post before...
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Sir this is an Ajani thread
Some games are unwinnable I’ve made peace (learn to cope with) this and I only cry and REEEE >>486913395
sometimes now
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I love the Mole God
King Harald's Revenge + Indestructible + Hexproof is prime
Based violence enjoyer
watching them realize their big board of fatties isn't going to stop Anzrag from beating his way through their creatures one combat at a time is a sublime feeling
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Is this the general for the digital card game Magic the Gathering: Arena?
Why is there a standard metagame challenge going on right now?
Don't they usually happen after a pack release?
Is there going to be another one in August?
Yes but it’s a special edition
>Is there going to be another one in August?
Probably, we haven't had a rotation in a while so this is like a send-off for the current standard format i think
>6/2 in the open, final match
>Opponent casts crab
>50 50 to take the card that will let me win next turn
>It does
I've never been so tilted in my life, maybe it's time to get help
>draft deck has 14 lands
here, have another (You)
How am I supposed to look at shit like this and not think that something is rigged?
It's not random. This happens every single time. At some point you just get fucked if you keep playing the same deck. Something in the algorithm triggers. I usually just switch decks to reset it, but this time I wanted to see how long it keeps fucking me.
So, who owns the gifted fishes? Yes, I remembered this card exist because of the CGB video, now answer
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>Winrate 9%
They own it because they create it
>Yes, I remembered this card exist because of the CGB video, now answer
He's shit and heavily cherry-picks his YT videos, watch his stream to see him lose 50%+ with his epic meme decks
>heavily cherry-picks his YT videos, watch his stream to see him lose 50%+ with his epic meme decks
Eh, he admits that much and I mostly have him as a noise maker while I'm doing something else.
>even though the thread only has 5 posters, there's people in it RIGHT NOW who are so hardstuck in platinum, they're losing their minds
makes you feel better about yourself
with every good player on MH3, drafting OTJ has been an absolute gold mine. get on it while it lasts bros
i would like it better if i could bounce my own shit. im a self bounce enjoyer.
so literally everybody missed the joke. cool
its not really missing the joke, we all just came to the same conclusion. its a strong card for Haughty Djinn, but Djinn is rotating as this comes in. However, i would bet that the retarded fuck carddev who loves this tempo archetype already greenlit Djinn 2.0 in the near future.
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t feels odd to praise Wizards but I have to be honest and admit that Bloomburrow is the first time magic has got my hyped in years. Pure soul. It even made me want to play constructed again instead of just draft. The only problem is I need animalfolk versions of every prominent Magic character

>Sorin is a bat
>Liliana is a rat
>Gideon is a mouse
>Chandra - ?
I’m not stuck I’m choosing to stay here because it’s comfy
>Chandra - ?
the correct term is whore
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Liliana is a squirrel doe, look at her head and tail, Squirreliana

Chandra would be a Lizard. Bunny Tamiyo is my favorite, I will 100% play this on arena just because she looks like Judy Hopps
>tammommy bunny with a thicc ass
please. my doctor warned me about getting too erect.
>"well gang, we made it to bloomburrow, hey wheres ajani?"
>camera pans to him
>he's just scooby doo
Liliana would be the most pissed about being an animalfolk. Imagine her reacting to have a bushy tail lmao. Hard to be edgy when you’re a cute lil squirrel
As long as his cock still works I don’t care what Ajani looks like
Chandra would be a cat for sure.
she's just a school teacher, now
Now I’m imagining her as a school marm in a cottagecore squirrel village and wanting to kill herself
tbf, thats sorta how she was before she sparked wasnt it?
You managed to get all the way to poopy plat on the 20th?
Rosewater is a control player, so blue is always going to be strong.
Green was broken for more than 5 years but people still whine about blue
green was broken only cause it hardcountered blue
>How am I supposed to look at shit like this and not think that something is rigged?
By understanding what random actually means.
>heavily cherry-picks his YT videos
Same as every other YT
Also, 11 is a really small sample size
You have to go back.
>Djinn is rotating as this comes in
In this scenario I had mana dorks
Soul Shatter would work though
Green and Blue are both cancerous...that's why Simic has produced the worst atrocities. Oko, Uro, etc

I am but a humble White player
meant for >>486978709
>Green and Blue are both cancerous
Mono green is honest, blue with anything is cancerous. Golgari is also cancerous.
im not the one making misposts
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Haha got em
I'm tired of playing against ramp every game. Give me some anti-ramp decks for __Brawl
If you make an anti anything deck you won’t play against it anymore.

Try to rip their hand or counter the ramp spells. And don’t forget to bolt the bird.
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>Steal opponents Ghalta & Mavren while they have an empty hand
>Next turn they draw Ruinous Ultimatum
Same shit different day
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love this boi like you wouldn't believe
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this one actually felt quite good. 7-1 and my first ever platinum (all the good drafters stopped drafting OTJ when MH3 came out)
nice thread
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Thanks for stopping by please take one Ajani when you go.
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I like to surveil, too.
>beware of the cog
so uh how about them games
I wish there was a wishlist function for wildcards, so I could put them in a list and not forget about them a week later
Add them to a new deck with just the cards you want to craft? Best I got boss.
I'm just waiting for Duskmourn. I have no interest in Bloomburrow. My skeleton deck is going to get gutted come rotation so I'm waiting for more skeletons which the horror set should provide.
too much furr
Forbidden guaranteed win start is to just afk until the opponent works (100% win rate)
The bloomburrow we deserved
As someone who waits for the rope to end to get a free win you're wrong
I will rope you back just enough so the game gets longer but not enough to get penalized myself, so you'll lose and waste a lot of time in doing so.
Would you prefer Liliana’s squirrelusy or Tamiyo’s bunussy
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for me, it's golgari booba
couple of 2-3 drafts today, mt. gag. at least I have my health.
Ain't no booba.
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>Need 700 gems to complete the pass
>Enter MH3 draft by splurging 10k gold
>Realize it's trad draft
Fuck me I guess
Ral’s otterusy
How do i find a qt golgari playing gf bros?
women (female) play mono red, sorry
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is so
Just win 6 times in a row, bro
>dresses like a slut for the thumbnails
>wears a hoodie in the videos
Ew look at “her” arms. Looks like a fat piggie. I’d probably still smash its asshole though. Yeah.
Should I spend all of my wildcards trying to get into the Timeless format, or should I just stick to Standard?
standard is about to rotate, maybe wait and decide then
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It ended up fine but I think my deck was degenerate enough to go 6-3 in real draft.
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>here's the Renewal rewards that you waited a year for, bro
>Death-race set
>Return to Tarkir
rate the magic year
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Isn’t it the same as every rotation? >>487168687
All trash. I quit playing years ago now I just post Ajanis.
Bloomburrow got me to play again. Already brewing a lot of lists with proxies, excited for August.
Duskmourn will probably be cool, no clue what death race is going to be (probably shit like murders), and dragons are cool.
>less than half of a rare wildcard
Roping a RDWtroon rn, feels good knowing they play this slop only to get their dailies fast, have fun retard if I'm having a lose streak day everyone i play against is also having a bad time
Honestly I lost interest in standard when rotation was skipped last year

Should I build a historic deck or a timeless deck?
>timeless deck?
Cards banned in modern, legacy and vintage but that are legal in timeless

You'll have much more fun in historic since it's not wrapped around few extremely powerful pieces. Then again it might be easier to stay evergreen in timeless since it's not gonna ever rotate
Play skeletons
Pretty disappointing we didn't get an official furry Chandra.
Unfathomably based keep doing gods work
thread as dead and boring as the state of the game
Bloomburrow will save mtg
Nah we are doing good everything’s fine
Sounds like a you problem
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what was meant?
answer: they wanted kill creature + mercenary token, and then they wanted kill creature + offspring token
If you kept the names in, you'd know it was for flavor reasons.
both names are in
Conduct can hit the same creature if it’s a token the other one can’t
yes, I can read. the biggest creature in OTJ had 7 toughness btw
But was it a token?
Boros Energy has pretty much ruined MTGA for me.
I've never seen something shit up Constructed this badly in the game before.
Historic/Timeless are pretty much unplayable now unless you want 50%+ of your matches to be against drooling retards netdecking the tier 0 aggro deck.
Yeah I was just thinking about how everyone is bitching about nadu the one ring and grief but that deck is so absurd too and no one is even talking about it. Ocelot pride has to be one of the best cards in the game not to mention guide of souls and the energy removal package. If you played a modern deck from 2018 you would get so crushed it would be pathetic. Game is cooked in so many ways and now there's yearly call of duty packs I think it's a good time for me to call it good.
>spend 20 bucks on packs
>friends flame me and tell me to just buy paper cards instead

I don't want to spend a fortune on paper cards I use maybe once a month If I'm lucky >:(
Unless you're going to drop a grand on a whole deck there's no point to buying paper. If you just want a quick hit for $20 arena packs are way better value.
Buy proxies dude you can get a lot for $20
If you have friends who play paper, then yeah go play with them.
>play online rigged everything, room temperature iq transexual roping and highlighting their permanents for 10 minutes as they self-fellate

>play irl spend a gorillion dollars in a deck to play once a week with the same half a dozen smelly neckbeards with the same decks

it's joever
You can build the entire boros energy deck just from mh3 packs

I hate wotc
You don't enjoy playing MH3 block constructed?
>anon finds out even non-rotating formats rotate all the time, none of his decks are safe
welcome to mtg. did you expect to be done after farming one deck?
your friends should be telling you to instead buy fun tabletop experiences like spirit island, twilight imperium, or even - God forbid me for saying this, Root
took you 3 modern horizons to realize they were completely broken?
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look guys! I cracked the code for midrange White+Literally Anything!
4 emperor is too much for control, let alone midrange
post your meme takes somewhere else, nobody is gonna read them here
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Returning player after a year or so, made this quick b/w planeswalker shitdeck to climb back to platin for seasonal rewards (works fine, allthough not much red or boros to be seen for now)

What did i miss
Always has been
>biggest creature in OTJ had 7 toughness
Yes. And?
this is the kind of person telling sheoldred is overpowered
She won’t even answer if it was a token or not don’t bother with her she’s just a troll
>What did i miss
The new big decks are boros convoke, temur analyst and simic cookies. RDW got some new cards and is a tier 1 deck now. Watch a few of the top 8 games from pro tour thunder junction, it pretty much summarizes the state of the meta rn.
Why is it called cookies there is no cookies? What a stupid name.
That looks absolutely trash, you're going to lose to everything past silver
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are you baiting or retarded?
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Huh guess I am retarded. I think I got Nadu and cookies confused I dunno mane. There’s definitely cookies.
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All good m8
>frog poster has nothing intelligent to say
And yet >>487269736 has 3 replies so far
arena is cancer
game's had a pretty good year so far
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Secret lairs are cancer but at least the art on these isn't cringe
simic artifacts isn't a good deck, stop simping for the pasty bitch
...it had 1 and the other one was you right now? seek medical attention
I didn't ask about arena OR about the past year, but keep me posted
That looks like a fun 48% WR.
Fuck off to tg then dipshit this is the Mtg Ajani thread. Fucking retard.
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Uh oh stinky
I wonder which character is going to be diversified.
missing high noon
shit is cash with pws
This is even gayer than the pride month secret lair.
>hating monty python
you have to be 18 to post here
This is one of the few great crossovers, if not in total card quality than in IP
>current memes le bad
>ancient memes le good
Yes now fuck off back to jacking off to the toilet thing
fish tank is what monty python wished to be, get on with the times
British “humor” is made for 10 year olds with developmental disorders.
It wasnt funny then and it isn’t funy 50 years later.
>It wasnt funny
You sound like a modern movie critic.
I think the problem is that none of the characters were flaming faggot buttsex enjoyers, so you don't know which character represented you.
Half of their comedy is literally men dressed as women.
Actually based, faggots stay seething
It's mockery not exemplification.
Yeah I bet they fucked each other up the butt ironically too, queer.
FACT: /mtgag/ (and whatever this homosex general is supposed to be) are so shit because 2/3s of the posts are eurangutan samefags
Uh oh anime melty time watch out everybody
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>green gets the best common
its crazy how much easier boros convoke is to beat when its not benefiting from the forced 50% winrate + bo1 shuffler
finding arena employees and bashing their fucking heads in with shovels (in minecraft)
have to agree since every time the thread dies I am asleep near the mediterranean
Brawl fucking sucks is just glorified singleton just as 15 kill spells and your golden
wow another 1 mana fight spell, something nobody plays because they're fucking garbage
truly an amazing common
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you're overdosing on those wotc semen injections and are pretending things wotc admitted was true don't exist again
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>best uncommon, too
i can hear craw wurm crying in the distance
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forced 50% in standard bo1 ladder was never admitted to

...are you playing ?
yeah, the power creep is unreal.
>reeeeee 6-drops don't trade with 2/2s anymore reeeeeee
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Power creep is insane

if you defend the matchups for the game you work at wotc I don’t care it’s rigged
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ready to deck yourselves, bros?
The flash is the worst part. they've sped up the meta so much that they literally have to give green tools it doesn't traditionally have (haste, flash) because a big hexproof beater can't survive in a standard world with 4+ different 4-mana sweepers anymore
>doesn't even mill
no future in constructed
nothing at all about Moose was influenced by standard. scary that some people might think that.
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it's finally our time
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Say that to my face, mother fucker
meme card for fags
>forced 50% winrate
Were you born stupid or just dropped often as an infant?
Hey dude that’s not cool
Can’t it be both?
>Can’t it be both?
Fair enough
>they literally have to give green tools it doesn't traditionally have (haste, flash)
I knew mtgag was retarded but I didn't know they were this retarded.
What universe do you come from where haste is a thing green doesn't usually get?
the universe where only 60 green creatures throughout the entire history of magic have had haste.
And the first of those creatures was released in 1996.
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not so fast, greenfag!
just like ancestral recall, it's one of the many design decisions made in error before the game properly settled in.
Why not one of the other endless kill spells
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Apparently at one time it was possible to make a monogreen counterspell/burn deck. It wouldn't've been good, but it does show how borked the color pie was in the early years.
Not even 60. Counting only green creatures that have haste rather than give haste to another creature, and don't rely on spending red mana to give itself haste, the count is about 37. And of those, about 10 have been printed in the last 2-3 years.
Just another color break taking hold by nu-magic designers, sadly.
>why not one of the 1-for-1s instead of this 2-for-1 with upside
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The time has come.
You cannot wait any longer.
You have no excuses left.

You HAVE to rank these. Now.
i'm sure you run a ton of 6 and 7 drops to kill it
C+: Blue
C: Red, Green
C-: White, Black
never implied this killed the moose. the reading comprehension in this general is specially bad tonight.
rockface > oakhollow > lupinflower = mudflat > lilypad
rockface is the only good one
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>6 mana
so you just responded to it because...?
holy jesus.

post claimed moose was the best uncommon. I obviously replied to claim patrol was the best uncommon. seek help, anon.
Now imagine if you used this amount of autism to play the game you maybe would be good
ok well I'm sure your 6 cmc conditional kill spell will do great
sorry nobody actually believed you were dumb enough to think a 6 mana 5/3 sorcery speed removal spell is a better uncommon than a 6 mana 6/6 keyword soup with flash
only reason rockface is playable is because of valiant triggers. it doesn't haste any of the big green creatures, and the big red uncommon has haste already
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>-3/-3 or -4/-4 isconditional kill spell
>in a set where creatures are understatted by design
ayy lmao

>sorcery speed removal...is LE BAD
try again
...this will kill a creature then trade with the 6 mana 6/6 keyword soup with flash

(flash is a keyword btw)
So what's the best colour in bloomburrow?
Tonight? Uh broski it’s only five o’clock
The 6\6 will beat you to death this shitty rat will not
how? there's a 6/3 in front of it
colors look way more balanced than they were in OTJ.
It’s a 5/3 and I got trample
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The stupid rat is 5/3 thoughever
>it's one of the many design decisions made in error
Not really, no
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mfw bloomfaggotry qualifier is half a week after the release and no sister is screeching in dilation
All the rat needs to do is mill another copy of itself to -6/-6 your dude.
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Ok take 9 gg
I have no idea what this post means, but
>implying I go anywhere near a limited format without at least two weeks worth of data
>All the rat needs to do is mill another copy of itself
not even, the 6-drop can be in the graveyard beforehand.

(having 4-drop in your graveyard will let you kill 90% of creature in this set)
Blor cannot stop winning
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Gruul is going to run away with this draft format. Their decks want you to *checks notes* spend mana? yeah ok
can't wait to count mana like it's going to fucking burn me
>I have no idea what this post means,

what cause you're a shitter whos never qualified in the first place
That raccoon fucks all those animals huh? Is that what you sick fucks are up to now a days? Devil worship and dark magic wasn’t enough and now your doing this sick shit?
Anon's mind has been infected and is no longer able to communicate effectively
infected by your nervous faggotry, if anything

why aren't you posting ajanis you aids nigger
yes, and so was OTJ's best common. that was the point. congrats.
>nobody plays
when they mean
>some people play
There's got to be a name for this type of behaviour.
it's just hyperbole, relax.
"Haste has been rotated around the Color Wheel, initially being in black and green; it has now been placed primary in red, before black and green.[4] Lately, green has moved up to secondary place along with black.[5][6][7]"
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Anti Ajani rhetoric will not be tolerated, fag. You beta check yo self b4 u rek yo shelf
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How many cornucopias is too many cornucopias?
255 cornucopias is too many cornucopias
The Psychic Frog thing doesn't seem worth it. Maybe my math is wrong:

2800 gems = 7 Standard events averaging 5 wins * 2500 gold = 17500 gold

In return you get a draft token (value of 10000 gold), 8 packs (value of 8000 gold) one draft token (value of 10000 gold) and some cosmetics (yawn). I guess you have to care about MH3 (just use WCs) and draft.
I like the funne corgi sleeve
Epic card for chads
it isn't worth it
truth is though, i dont play draft enough to ever get through my monies/i go inf against noobs, buying packs is a scam, and im probably too shit/cowardly to do any of the monetary events
meanwhile, me (the only straightman itt) go infinite in constructed events, get 6k gemmies in qualifiers and play draft when too bored even if hating the format (4 ot 5-3 min every time)

the most ironic part is that 4 wins if more than enough to go infinite if you have almost all cards like i do cause raredrafting will net you the gemmies you need to go from 1400k to 1500k lmao
You’re a liar
>if you have almost all cards like i do
Yeah shit sucks
your math is laughably wrong, you're baiting with your 100% standard winrate, you're a bo1 player, and you STILL figured out it was a scam. that's how much of a scam it is.
One of the best bait posts ever made in this general.

>You are evaluating constructed events based on their results, and yet you evaluate drafts based on their entry cost.
Pick one or the other if you are gonna compare their value. Way to call yourself out as a draftlet btw.
>2800 gems = 7 Standard events
So you are a best of 1 player. God forgive me for replying to (You).
>5 wins * 2500 gold
No idea how you get this number. 400 gems are worth 400*10000/1500=2667 gold MINIMUM. The 2 packs are worth ~1800, so you get a total of 4467 gold. You don't average 5 wins, anyway.
>8 packs (value of 8000 gold)
See above. If a goldenpack is worth 1000 gold, a reward pack has to be worth less. It's around 900 gold each, 800 if you don't play with MH3 cards.

Of course, none of this matters. The only way the psychic meme is worth buying is if you were otherwise going to spend the 2800 gems buying 14 packs for 200 each.
I only have one copy but Im going to try that
Thanks, got raped by rdw and put in more spot removal
B-but she is
Pls no bully
eurangutan powerhour, brace for homosex
Game is so cooked.
>6'0 (uncommon)
>5'11 (common)
when will they (commons) learn
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You should be running at least 3 copies of high noon and splashing red mana, otherwise it’s not worth it.
Ashiok and vraska are not very good, maybe cut them and add another lili and possibly 1-2 duress. Drop bitter triumph and go up a cut down/march/go/edict. Replace malicious eclipse with another path.
It's over...
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red's gonna be a problem. even without haste, that extra power's gonna go a long way on an untapped etb land. its gonna depend how good the pool of creatures are gonna be.
hits nonbasics. the rng swing on this is nuts.
I'm mostly surprised these don't come in tapped. I guess they figured the creature restriction was enough.

Not that I think they're too strong untapped. But every other non-rare land cycle from the past couple of years have entered tapped. Crime lands, discover lands, draw lands, etc.

Wonder what changed in the design room.
they sorta fill the role of channel lands since they are leaving standard. you can play one down then tap/sac it at opp eot.
oh, my bad, my mind skipped a step since i was looking at the flash pool due to galewind moose. cant do opp turn tricks without a way to get a tribe body on their turn.
its worth noting that the creature types it hits differ between the colors. i sorta glazed over the rest after reading the first card.
>it's worth noting the most basic and essential thing about the cycle, the thing that first revealed what the 10 creature archetypes in the set were going to be
good point good point
its just one of those things that will get someone in drafts. dont be that guy that forgets the crime trigger on the desert.
faeries are absolutely atrocious in starter duel, whoever said otherwise is retarded
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really sucks for bird tribal, just like restoration angel is for her own tribe. still, this + the plumecreed escort is gonna provide alot of field protection, just needs something worth protecting/flickering, likely beza for me.
Eurang gang rise up
It’s a tempo deck it’s pretty good you get a lot of bounce and removal and only flyers. You gotta learn tempo. The simic deck is probably the best though.
Fuck off already, print creatures that are immune to exile, removal is too good and give us easier to cast spels that make our creatures phase out in more colours than blue
bats have two removal spells that either gain or lose them life
tempo means nothing when you're just hitting them with a bunch of 1/1s. monoblue tempo was literally my first deck ever.

there are zero bounce spells in the deck, unless you counting bouncing a spell aka bad counterspell, or 6 mana bounce your creatures AND theirs.
holy shit the bloomburrow board bros
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thoughts? the lucky clover of the set? its already higher on the stat line
So the mobile app doesn't work while using Wi-fi.
But does with mobile data?
Pixel 6 anyone else experience this/have a solution.
Plebbit and wotc are no use
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Oh the bounce spell is in simic my bad I was thinking of this.

You get 2 power flyers too and one of you faeries is a draw engine that burns them. It’s not the worst deck
>a draw engine that burns them
what in God's green earth are you talking about
Most routers think arena is a virus, because it is!
its has potential with the gift wipe and the field wide indestructible. with stormchaser's talent, you have nice turn 1 threat that feeds into wipe recursion. the wipe returning beza gets more value since you are feeding the opp resources to further take advantage of.
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This. Once you know what’s up it’s pretty easy to pick the right number.

Also if you get a fearie slumber party off you should win the game.
>engine that your opponent has to turn on
ah, of course. How could I have been so blind.
I found that 3 is the magic number
2 is good for punishing removal. its also good to just name their upcoming land count so you can punish them for curving out.
Or you can use your brain and name their next play or removal. Lots of ways for that to line up well if you aren’t retarded. Look if you hate the fearie deck that’s fine but don’t act like it’s a bad deck.
I usually pick 2 or 3. 2 is usually because the bad guy is on the 2 power matters deck, lols.
2 is for turbocucking the izzet deck if they don't draw exactly Hell to Pay
if you're simic, keep an eye out for a strong ETB to splash for
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Which Bloomburrow Commander should I buy?
the most fuckable one
Why is everything about weed with you man what’s going on big guy?
you know full well you shouldn't buy any of them
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>wow cool wolf, i wonder what card its on
>commander only
Me personally i might go for the squirrel kino
>Pixel 6
There’s your problem. Works perfectly fine on iphone
that’s not a bounce spell
bait or retard?
just buy the precons goyim
Meh it’s close enough probably even better than bounce
Have they said anything about precons? They noted that a new tab was coming to the store, but didn't follow-up.
Have you looked under there? It’s there.
Under where? There's nothing in the store right now, and the article has not been updated
Haha you said underwear hahahahahaha
my friend started playing MTGA (god knows why).
What is the new player experience supposed to be like?
He queues unranked Alchemy and just hit the point where his opponents are playing meta decks instead of modified starter decks like his and the games are hopeless.
Should I walk him through some Jump Ins? Idk what to tell him to do besides go back to Starter Deck queue.
Starter deck duel to do dailies then if he wants to learn draft do that or buy packs for gold to build a constructed deck or a brawl deck. Modified starter decks aren’t going to get you far and definitely not worth any wildcards.
I have been bamboozled ,:^)
Jump in is fine too if he wants some easy cards for brawl or something and it’s a different set of cards from starter duel. Could be fine. Wouldn’t go too crazy with jump in though I think you get a bunch of tokens to start right? Maybe don’t spend gold on it.

In all honesty if your friend is new to magic arena is a great way to learn the rules and have a lil fun
eurapes together strong

offtopic shill

he should build a historic deck and go infinite in events but feel free to listen to the resident draftroon and waste your masculinity in estradiol injections and turn into a freak of nature
Uhh does that mean Eurasian or European? I can only support one of those
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Someday do something I gotta go do some stuff don’t let it die please
Why do you gen z brain rot victims get so triggered by Limited?
Limited is fine. Arena limited is horse shit.
Kind of underwhelming
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well, it is just a single line. this is the poster villain of this set btw
>Pick one or the other if you are gonna compare their value.
I hadn't thought of that.

>you're a bo1 player
Yes. Averaging 5-3 in an bo1 event is what I meant. That's nowhere near 100% WR.
>Pls no bully
I'm not trying to bully. I have a mono-black super friends pile that I loved playing. I got about 48% WR and it was great fun.
>He queues unranked Alchemy
Alchemy is shit. Unranked will match you with tier S decks. Tell him to play Ranked Standard until he hit's Plat.
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in about 7 days alchemy will be the undisputed, irrefutable best format in all of magic
>More Alchemy shit
How about "no"?
noobie just can't handle it. stay in your nu-extended mentally disabled format, troony
Please use English.
mentally disabled lol
Yes, you do seem to be.
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Wasn't the poster villain Maha, Cruelclaw, or the bird-dragon
This guy only showed up in backstory
probably, what i mean is that its the villain of the trailer animation they used to promote interest.
Hey man chill out
when's the rotation/new set?
Two more weeks
Trailers mean nothing, half the time it directly contradicts the story.
thanks, see you in two weeks
See you tomorrow.
Help I farted and I can’t get up
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I like the gnome designs
any good decks to build around this?
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you think we'll get a holy hand grenade engineered explosives at some point?
I cant believe he fell for this
They always do.
Teysa my beloved
I don't, now what
how is dimir midrange supposed to deal with Forge? Don't say Tidebinder, it dies to play with fire. Don't say counter it, either.
Kill them before it gets big enough to go through Shelly.
Just brainstorming here, but First Strike can block any X/1 token, and if it lives to your upkeep, it can snipe the forge.
the classic play 5-drops against monored strategy
the classic kill monored before monored kills you strategy
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>Don't say Tidebinder, it dies to play with fire. Don't say counter it, either.
Those and >>487567326 are the correct answer, though.
Proof: Dimir decks beating Forge decks in tournaments by doing exactly that. Yes, it involves planning when you see red and not just slamming on curve.

If you're that assblasted by it, there are a dozen blue cards that turn an artifact into a creature and also draw you a card. You can Duress/Dreams it out of an opponent's hand. There's pic related. Or just play Alchemy where it's rotated.
>Don't say counter it, either.
the classic
>what's 2+2? and don't say 4 give me a real answer
every one of your answers is completely unhinged. why post here if you don't play the game?
Looking at tournament results and top match recaps is unhinged?
probablity of the gold bug reappearing on Tuesday?
0 if you mention it again
Low but not zero.
Last time it happened was, what, WOE?
But we've also gotten dry spells lasting several formats, so who knows.
most recent times were March of the Machine and Wilds of Eldraine, yes
maybe they fixed it forever
>red/green/white quests for 500 gold
>precon faeries and dimir mid and both unplayably bad
Dimir midrange is good if you don't run the ixalan bat. No clue why everyone unanimously decided to run a card that does literally nothing for two mana.
why do I even come here
Because you love us
actually, I wish pain and suffering upon each and every one of you retards
You said you weren't coming back until rotation
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>yet another turn 5 OTK that slots trivially into a T1 midrange deck with zero consistency hits and autowins against you if you don't have a specific kind of interaction in your hand
Do we seriously need one of these every set?
that's fine
But at least the flavour text is funny
How does 5 x 1/4 1TK? Asking for a friend.
Beseech the Mirror sacrificing a Stormsplitter token to cast another Beseech the Mirror (or card that copies it) from your deck.
anon, I...
The copies also spawn copies
>the flavour text is funny
Anon, I...
>cast some 1 cmc spell, you're at 2 splitters
>cast beseech, sac a splitter, gain a splitter
>still at 2 splitters
>cast another beseech, sac a splitter, gain a splitter
>still at 2 splitters
>cast all your beseeches, still at 2 splitters
What's the next step of your master plan?
economyanon here with some more random arena economy trivia:

Premier Draft has better EV than Quick Drafts as long as your winrate is roughly 54% or higher.

You need a ridiculous 93.5% winrate for traditional drafts to be better than Premiers, assuming you go 0 wins with your play-in points.
obviously the catch is that your premier draft winrate goes down as you climb up, while your trad draft winrate is a """constant""".
>judge! explain to him that the splitters I sac sees me cast the beseech
Wanna know another fun fact?
Current Mythic 1 player has a 60% winrate in premier draft.
Under 500 players with more than 10 draft runs actually have a >54% winrate in premier draft each season.
Game has 5 million monthly players btw.

So only 0.0001% of the playerbase is actually going infinite.
They're sacrificed as part of the cost.
During turns 1-3 of the game, you simply have to generate two tokens, enchantments, or artifacts.
Pretty sure every relevant RBx deck is already doing that.
mt. gag sisters going 1-3 draftrooning while i go infinite in the historic event :^)
By letting the triggers resolve before casting more spells

High ceiling, terrible floor. There will be retards disappointing themselves by crafting 4x of this
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Not sure how relevant this is but at least in Arena if you discard a forsaken miner to pay for a bitter triumph (and commit a crime with it) you'll be able to get the miner back despite the fact that technically you choose targets before you pay costs.
Ha! I hadn't thought of that. So it's a 6 card combo - 1 Stormsplitter + 5 x 1 mana spells. On turn 5. That's fun to have a OTK in red, but it doesn't seem particularly effective compared to all the turn 3 (aka 2) OTKs that are available.

But I'm not very good at Magic so what do I know?
like I said, winrate is a function of rank.

you can easily "go infinite" (i.e. average more than 1500 gems per draft) until you hit gold/plat and then just stop drafting and repeat the next season
I think your numbers are skewed by ignoring that trad is bo3. You could potentially go 2-1 three times for a total of 6-3 and still get the best reward, better than even going 7-X in premier.
I'd honestly rather transition than play historic
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3 wins in trad is a better reward than 7 wins in premier, yes. but you have think about expected values. With a 60% winrate in trad, you're literally losing ~200 gold every time you enter the event. The win probabilities are 0.064 / 0.288 / 0.432 / 0.216.

Note that this assumes that opponent skill is equal across all 3 matches, which is probably not true.
but you are correct, I am translating bo1 winrate into bo3 winrate and assuming it holds over time
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Commit a crime is another can of worms.
My point was that due to it being bo3, you can have different results with the same "record". Going 2-1, 2-1, 0-2 is two wins, while going 1-2, 1-2, 2-0 is only one. They both won 50% of their games, but get significantly different rewards.
I understand that. That is basically just variance though, one can assume that over a big enough sample size your bo1 winrate and your bo3 winrate will be roughly the same

(they won't be, but that's going to be because of ranks vs. unranked)
Why ever pay to play online wtf is wrong with yall? go play on untap.in, stop giving them money so they start listening to consoomers. or persist in the doomed metas youve created
But I don't give them money.
I'm F2P the most I do for them is entertain their whales.
I can play whatever I want.
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>t. pooper-plowed WotC whatetard

lmao, you can't play anything that's why you cheat
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I'm just playing Shandalar instead.
shandalar is the only game where the ais stupidity matches the average mt. gag sister
I don't know what you are smoking, but
>2-1, 2-1, 0-2
66% WR
>1-2, 1-2, 2-0
33% WR
Go tell your mom. I'm sure she cares. We don't.
The first won a total of 4 games and lost 4 games, and won two matches.
The second won a total of 4 games and lost 4 games, but won only one match.
He's talking about the difference between game wins and match wins.
im going infinite, i just dont climb above gold ;]
Be real, how much cash did you give WotC in the past 5 years?
I think I've given WotC a grand total of 50 bux since the account wipes: That one-time-new-account deal plus 20 bux of gems for a pass. Was open beta 5 years ago? Seems like so much longer then that.
I wish they would reprint Goblin Sharpshooter, so I could live out my jank dreams with him in Brawl
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>Make a brawl deck for fun
>Literally nothing but Minsc as commander & Slime against humanity
>still get placed against Go-shintai & Gitrog Scuteswarm
How the fuck does the matchmaking work in this piece of shit game
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I have crippling fear of spending wildcards, but I'm down to play Explorer or Historic or whatever.

Recommend me a deck I can climb with fairly easily - combo, aggro, control, whatever you got. Hit me
They said some historic cards would be adjusted soon so id wait a couple of days
source: i made it the fuck up
Been thinking of going back to this. Why haven't they made another MTG roguelike deckbuilder in this day and age is really surprising.
Anon, they charge you to fucking draft.
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If you were davriel avatar with bat trigger resolving, which one would you click on?
Either Sunfall or a Coverup, depending on what's in my hand.
...there's a cut down right there and you have black mana open
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>Chupacabra is now a 3/4 Reach and is in the ETB archetype
why would you ever waste that cut down
no reason. it's not a waste though.
What is he going to play on his next turn?
glad this game is finally dying. I hope you break free one day brothers. I belive in you.
How is it dying?
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why wouldn't the game die? if you were smart, you'd be doing the same thing
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Why do the ancient mayan people of Ixalan speak spanish before being conquered and subverted by Spanish vampires?
Why do the native american people of outlaw junction not exist at all
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new player here, how do you get cards from MH3 commander in arena? I've seen people using them on brawl but I don't see them available in the collection
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Is this the last cool card they printed?
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How rich are you? My wealth is substantial.
You have to craft them, they're not in any packs and the set isn't in the filters so you have to manually search them up. It's dumb, I know.
I manually search for Azlask (with the 'not collected' filter checked) and nothing comes up, what gives?
Works fine for me. Are you in deckbuilder mode? Is your deck set to the right format?
My small pile of 30k is enough for me
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Are you a skilled children's card gamer, Mount Gag?
Why would I play the shittiest limited format to win paper cards that I wouldn't use?
Because they're worth money, anon. I just made a $260 profit.
Genuinely mad these are limited and not constructed.
I would just go to work instead
>go to work
no neetbux, senpai?
I would be personally shamed and ridiculed by all of my family and peers until my inevitable suicide if I ever so much as qualified for "neetbux."
why people hype about this? it's a worse dungeon geist?
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I feel like this card could be good in standard after rotation. There is already going to be a prowess/spell heavy deck and there are a lot of cantrips. You don't need other zombies. Geralf and his team of otter buddies....

This made me think about Gisa and Geralf visiting Bloomburrow. Geralf would be a rat and Gisa would be a squirrel.
Geralf would be a lizard, Gisa would be a wurm.
a Wurm.
Geralf is UB which is Rats and Gisa is GB which is squirrels. They also fit the theme in that both are weird and obsessed with death and zombies. Geralf would like Jesus to the Bloomburrow rats. Gisa would be pissed off about being turned into a squirrel while Geralf would just find it fascinating and want to experiment with the animalshifting in fucked up ways.
Help me pick my first commander between these:
>Rivaz of the Claw
>Pantlaza, Sun-Favored
>Kiora, Sovereign of the Deep
>Ulalek, Fused Atrocity
Geralf actually talked about this kind of shifting in the Thunder Junction story, or at least something related to it

>The recent discovery of trans-planar arteries, commonly termed "Omenpaths," following a natural phenomenon on the plane of Kaldheim, has reinvented and revived metamechanical studies in a way we will be grappling with for generations to come. Prior to these "Omenpaths," only individuals known as "Planeswalkers" were able to survive trans-planar travel, leading some to theorize that the Multiverse was flat, and that all planes of reality outside of Innistrad itself had been destroyed at some point in the distant past. As this is obviously no longer the case, scholarship surrounding the planes must be resurrected to help us better understand the cosmological forces around us.

>It is my belief that every plane of existence has its own rules of magic, a theory which was proven to my satisfaction by the Phyrexian invasion, in which their forces were unable to adjust to Innistrad's natural magic. We are not the only plane to play home to zombies and spirits, yet these fierce invaders were too slow to change their tactics and could not penetrate our magical defenses. They were still carrying the magic of their homeworld, a place whose name has been given multiple ways in the scholarship, and it was not compatible with the magic of our home.

>The second part of proving this theory is removing myself and my sister from Innistrad's embrace long enough for our magic to begin adapting itself to the natural rules of another plane. Through this process of "naturalization," I will be able to determine the safe duration of any such journey, before we begin to lose connection to our roots …
some people draft, anon
currently at 5 wins and 1 lose in the MTGA event where you win 2 booster boxes of Thunder Junction if you get 6 wins before 2 losses

pray for me anon, let the shuffler be rigged in my favor for once
if dubs, you'll get a good topdeck
>5 wins and 1 loss
The shuffler was already rigged in your favor
I hope you won, anon
>Decide to record my gameplay of my nighttime drafts after taking my sleeping pills
>horrible fumbling for no reason
What the fuck
take the cut down so he has to use a sweeper
That japanese dude must've thought you were a bot
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hey TROONS, urza here

i was bored so i decided to demolish some of you in your kindergarten playground. you know, the transsexual baby format

guess what happened and thanks for the gemmies btw, next battlepass secured!
congrats bro, I remember when a single good run got me excited
now only 3 dragon dildos up xyr's ass gets xyr mildly 'excited'
Rivaz is probably the least degenerate of those.
Haughty djinn is staying. It came out in Dominaria United. Only Innatrad Midnight hunt to New Capenea is cycling out.
>Sorin would likely be a bat
>Liliana is actually a squirrel
>Gideon being a mouse is kinda fitting
>Chandra would be a cat.

The real question would be what would Ugin or Nicol Bolas be? Lizards?
What about Urza?
Trick Shot would cycle out when it eventually does while Conduct Electricity would stay in for another year.
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another set addition, another board wipe
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There's a raccoon RIGHT THERE
How is that even a question?
There's been at least one wrath in every Standard set for the past, what, half decade? Longer?
wow what a surprise, standard was shit for half a decade and nu-extended is shit forever
>wraths are in every set for "limited balance reasons"
>always at rare where they have almost no effect on limited
Explain this.
Based tranny obsesser.
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why are they like this
ah, yes. what would standard be for a whole year without this effect!
why do they show opponent's rank while hiding theirs? probably tranny sideeffects
the answer is so painfully obvious, I'd rather not
bros...bloomburrow is 90% synergy cards...the stats are not gonna carry me in this one...
no good control pieces, at all
no good combo pieces, at all
very thin on good aggro pieces that slot into non-tribal decks

if it wasn't for spergies over the redwall vibe this would be a worse dud than battle for zendikar, the card pool is fucking awful
look at games of people playing the tribal decks, I haven't seen the offspring ability used almost ever, you either win or lose the game before you have 2 spare mana to waste on a low impact effect
>no good combo pieces, at all
post invalidated, opinion discarded, rest of post not read
I said 'good'
Prerelease event already proved most of this wrong.
and I quoted you correctly
name a single GOOD combo card
you can't

>oh oh but what if I reach 4 mana to play a do-nothing card and untap with it after somehow passing every form of removal OR i could just have 9 mana on board so I can do my thing waaaa
lmao its urabrask lmao its ojer axonil

There was a time when for like 50 straight sets wizards printed a big mythic timmy dragon that sucked balls. Pretty much up until they got bored with how bad they all were and printed Goldstein in Kaldheim and ruined it. So now I guess they have archetypes for unplayable shitty combo bait cards to appease johnnies
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here you go, retard. this is the last time I spoonfeed you

that's 0/2 criterion, well played
holy shit not to mention the one deck it was remotely plausible in, just got all its fetchlands rotated the fuck out of the format
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planning on making brawl deck with this dude as commander.
aside from toxic/proliferate instant-sorceries, any fun cards recommendation?
the card that lets you repick your commander
>"What is your favorite color?"
>Bridge of Death

Actually brilliant
Stuff that benefits from proliferate. Maybe some artifact/creature sac too.
definitely sagas and planeswalkers
Im sorry ratbro

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