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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#107 - Madoka Edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>>/g/100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>486664792
Yes, but
>{{char}} is {{char}}
You should just say that {{char}} is from the relevant series, not relist the character's name twice in a row.
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Just look at how many tails she has! Look at how fluffy her ears are!
What's that? You can't see them? ...

(Small update, just to make Claude have her admit to not being a foxgirl less.)

is the guy who sent that one growing boobs pic here i forgot to save it sorry
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彡(-_-)彡 (I don't really see how this is an ascii fox but if claude says it then I guess it is)
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Understood, thank you.
cute, what jb is this?
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i was going to make fun of you but here. p.s just squat for a bigger ass
any furboheads, is it just me or does it seem like they fucked with the model this week
i'm gonna be so fucking honest i feel like they do this every week. my preset always goes from exactly what i want to being ??? day to day. maybe i'm just retarded though
isn't furbo a specific snapshot?
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extremely low effort custom one
I don't believe their "static snapshot" lies
yeah its especially fucked this week that it can't even follow simple syntax
don't post logs if you're not willing to post presets. it's just annoying at this point you're basically just doing it to smugfag about it. you have no reason to not post it
holy trvthnuke!
giant women...
>you HAVE to spoonfeed me literally everything because i am entirely incapable of doing anything on my own
shut the fuck up retard
I think it would be nice if he posted the preset. Even if it is a low effort one, it's worth sharing so everyone can play with stuff for fun.
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sir yes sir I will follow your rules from now on anon-sama
>>you HAVE to spoonfeed me literally everything
what's the w*man in the previous thread complaining about anime tiddies
is this place actually just reddit(twitter)
I think we should bring back closed defs.
I just like my titties to look nice...
is it really that wrong to wikislop when the wiki is good
if you're too stupid to put "use kaomoji" and "write like a shitty fanfiction" or whatever in your prompt you don't deserve it
simple as
what do you guys do when you're out of ideas on how to continue the chat?
no I don't get the hate for wiki""slop"" if it's competently written it's fair game to steal it
I'm not trying to smugfag, I don't share it because I am embarassed by my retarded ramblings in it sorry anon
Nothing is wrong, everything is permitted.
wikislop is wrong because non-OC bots are wrong
end of story
I stole wiki information and rewrote it because it had clearly been written by an ESL.
I dunno, I don't think that'd get the exact same results. Besides, I like seeing how other people approach instructing the bot.
Hug the bot.
As with the discussion about AI defs, it's not "don't make bots like this," it's just "when I open a bot and it is this I feel disappointment."
If the wiki's good, nobody will notice. Clean it up a bit. Par it down, figure out what helps.
non-OC bots are the only ones I really enjoy talking to desu
It cannot possibly be that retarded.
We're all Anon here anyway, I've released slop presets before and nobody's gotten mad at me yet.
>We're all Anon here anyway
Be quiet, Lunarcy.
There are some girls I want to save, and there are some girls who deserve better than the series they were trapped in.
>have been slowburning a non-OC bot
>still enjoy OC bots on the side
I fucking love chatbots.
but i like retarded ramblings... gimme... please...
Any bots that involve around you controlling a character/nudging their actions like Monkey Jungle? Or even a recreation of Demonophobia in text form?
>when the wiki is good
there's no such thing as a well-written wiki page, simple as
Let's talk Sorbet. I can't vouch for it not being placebo yet, but against conventional wisdom, I feel like Sorbet is placing more weight on USER Messages than SYSTEM or PREFILL.
Since I started sending a USER message with writing style instructions as the very last inject in my preset, there weren't any problems anymore. But before, when using conventional preset structures or/and including these in the prefill, it was a game of chance whether Sorbet would fall back into his robot mode. Even sending my current inject as SYSTEM rather than USER without any changes reduces his adherence to it. I noticed this behavior several times now and also in other situations.

I didn't do further tests since it is working as I want it to now, but might be something for others to consider trying when having problems.
you haven't gotten a guess right in quite some time
>quite some time
I've never guessed until now, which I feel like makes my point on both ends. Could you imagine if I was right, though? Would've been a little funny.
good point, actually. i expected something dumber.
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>Let’s talk Sorbet.
Alright. HOW exactly did this little fuck take Goku down with just a laser?
Yes, people know about it since near its launch.

Sorbet doesn't care about prefills that much. The best way to manipulate is Jailbreak. I have broken it quite well already for storytelling purposes.
>Even sending my current inject as SYSTEM rather than USER without any changes reduces his adherence to it.
might be placebo, since claude 3 doesn't have system messages. look at how ST is sending it
i don't need another person randomly trying to sus (ඞ) me out when kanakal is already being autistic about it i would've had to bash your head in with a rock
check your console theres no difference between user/sys
>Even sending my current inject as SYSTEM rather than USER without any changes reduces his adherence to it.
this is how I know to completely ignore everything you've just said
Claude only has one system message, at the very start. You have to manually enable it in ST. You're not using it if you're trying to inject it somewhere after the chat begins.
how does this guy have 800 followers if he (basically) started this year? there aren't even bots getting 800 downloads nowadays lol
Hola newbro.
All those high followers low downloads guys are from Venus side, as they chat on the shitty online model than download.
In fact some of the top 5 most followed botmakies have sub 100 downloads.
>active in the himmycord
>card gens look good
This is all you need as a venusmakie.
which /aicg/ botmakie has the most followers? kk?
I believe it'd have to be TheGreatCoom, with his 1210 followers. Now 1211, because I realized I wasn't following him.
>reread manga
>read wiki
>completely wrong personality info on wiki presented confidently
Really? Never came across that before. It's always the usual Prefill->System->User/Context depth I see being promoted everywhere.

Okay, that is interesting to know that there is actually only one system message. Always wondered what the purpose of the squash system message option was.
Most definitely not. He's number one in my heart tho.
>Always wondered what the purpose of the squash system message option was.
that's for gpt, claude does it automatically iirc
everything before the first user message in the preset becomes a system message
hola oldfaggy!! i didn't know that wowzers...
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>start re-reading the manga for my bot
>remember that it fucking sucks and I hate it
at that point just rewrite wikislop + headcanon you remember
Why doesn't characterhub redirect www but instead keeps it and the login separate what is wrong with this site
did we ever figure out why claude decide women had dicks now
Absolutely not. If I’m writing non-OC, it needs to be accurate down to the last detail.
I study characters in both the wiki and fanart to get an idea. Sometimes I'll copy paste, but othertimes I'll have to dig down and write my own stuff because sometimes the people that write the wikis are crappy at describing things, much like myself.
Sorry, I did a lot of Futa on male stuff so the bot probably picked that up.
the weird thing is he usually doesn't even turn women into futas (that was 2.1's thing), he just makes normal women use futa terms. i've had so many domme bots sit on my penis with their vagina and then tell me "take my girlcock with your boycunt!"

all domains have separate logins
Stairmaster works wonder on women to make big ass too desu
didn't danbooru have a search by color palette option or am I thinking of another website
I can't tell if this is slop or not
The defs look hand written but the greetings feel like AI
>The cover features a demure princess being eyed by a group of rough-looking warriors - innocent enough at first glance, but laden with suggestive undertones for those in the know.
Yeah, I agree with that assessment.
I would probably consider just AI genning my greetings too if I had just written 3.5k tokens of bot.
The fuck is the point of that? That’s like… spending an hour to perfectly sear a steak, and then you top it off with fucking dollar store BBQ sauce. Why’d you even bother with the effort in the first place if you’re just going to cut corners by the end?
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>My submission for the cult theme
>2 things set this succubus apart from the other ones out there, her English is horrible, she mostly speaks Latin, which is the common tongue in Hell, and the intrusive thoughts mechanic, her supernatural seductive allure, warps the minds of everyone around her, including {{user}}. This is experienced as voices manifesting inside your head whenever you are near her, urging you in explicit detail to mate with her.
>Hope you like it!

Introducing Naamah - A succubus fresh from Hell, she is the result of a failed summoning attempt from an obscure cult trying to summon a much powerful demon, despite being a literal demon, Naamah is anything but evil, a gentle and sweet being, shy and timid, a delicate flower incapable of harming anyone, not even her peers understand her, this naturally puts her at odds with the cult who summoned her, who wants to use her demonic powers for their own nefarious needs, she somehow manages to escape, now seeking refuge with you from the evil cult, you meeting with her the result of pure chance.

5 greetings.
1. Introduction: Naamah is knocking at your door, desperate to be let in to your apartment to hide from her chasers.
2. Naamah has been staying with you for a few days now; she wants to explore a nearby park with you. Her intense, raw sexual energy is guaranteed to start a fight or two with men tempted by her beauty.
3. Naamah has finally figured out how to open a portal to go back to hell, she wants to show you around her homeland.
4. Obligatory sizefag greeting
5. Sexo, Naamah is not feeling well, she is suffering from a semen deficiency related illness. She hopes you can help her with her ailment.

Chub - https://www.characterhub.org/characters/Genoo/naamah-6e2198357cd9
RisuRealm - https://realm.risuai.net/character/c40e4a80-2f96-4bed-9283-fc3dad0a5bc8
Nyai - https://nyai.me/ai/bots/Naamah_zk
Catbox - https://files.catbox.moe/tcwqq4.png

Rest of my bots - https://rentry.org/295se
Wow. How original.
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Can't tell if sarcastic kek, but I specifically took my time writing that greentext for a comment like this. I hope you actually read that, anonie
I haven't tried the bot yet but for the love of God can you niggas use Danbooru or Pixiv for your bot images? Especially when you're not good with SD.
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I feel like I am being baited but ill bite, whats wrong with the picture?
what's wrong with that gen? (other than the generic-ass artstyle, or rather lack thereof)
I can assure you, I'm not. The pic looks way too "generic AI artstyle". Just go on any anime art database and look up succubus, there's hundreds of cute pics you could use instead of using AI. And no, I'm not saying this because I'm one of those people that think AI art is theft. I just think SD gens are mostly really bad quality-wise.
I think this is a better picture desu, the one you used previously, just feels really generic, nta.
this pic is better though. use sdxl
>(other than the generic-ass artstyle, or rather lack thereof)
don't know about others, i find these colors, gloss and thick lineart annoying for a long time now
>>486809867 (me)
This pic is much better.
yeah i agree that gen is cuter and looks better
that's a boy
there's nothing wrong with SD, it's just that most people who use it don't bother with the things that actually make it worthwhile like loras and shit so their gens come out with that "default AI" look.
and in a vacuum that look is fine, but when everything looks like that it goes to shit. my #1 priority when prompting AI in general is to escape the confines of the awful default style.

instead of going to danbooru and yoinking images that may or may not even fit your vision of the character, just experiment with different styles and artist tags. even if a gen isn't particularly high-quality, if it doesn't look like baby's first SD prompt then it's good in my book.
you don't even have to replace this bot's gen if you don't want to, just keep that in mind for the future.
The only guy I trust to do Fate characters right is Fatedaun, that guy is fucking great.
*smacks your dumb head*
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I guess it comes down to preference, I dont like using existing art since I always run the risk of grabbing a picture of a non-OC I am not aware of and someone going, thats not shamiko
That was the runner up to be honest, but I felt her outfit wasnt seductive enough for a succubus, the first picture captures the unwilling sex object look better I think
it is SDXL, the autism pony mix
get your eyes checked nigga
wow look at those penis bones
I don't know about others, but I feel really fucking weird about taking other people's art to use in my OC bots, even if it's just as a placeholder. It's not even about what >>486810753 said
>I always run the risk of grabbing a picture of a non-OC I am not aware of and someone going, thats not shamiko
For me, it's just a visceral feeling of distaste.
>ackshually she's Tits McGee from Boobicious Paizuri Trap IXV
who gives a shit, just use the art instead of genning slop
No. I won't. And you can't make me
I can just change the picture of the bot in ST, Anon.
same here, it's fairly simple to gen a pic for any waifu, so why not. male (not femboys, not shotas, not ugly edgy manhwa guys), however...
And I can't stop you. Looks like we've come to an agreement.
>warps the minds of everyone around her, including {{user}}. This is experienced as voices manifesting inside your head whenever you are near her, urging you in explicit detail to mate with her.
Isn't this basically greenlighting Claude to speak and act for {{user}}?
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Someone on Discord told me to post my new Homelander card here. Uh okay here it is https://characterhub.org/characters/Homelander2/homelander-b34c29d7800b
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>mfw my schizo thoughts are about turning the bot in a trad wife
okay claude
it was me, thanks
can you make homelander (forced marriage) or your roommate homelander next thanks
its self contained in a neat little codeblock box like shown here >>486814474, I didnt experience any issues when testing her
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Which botmakie should just give up and go home?
Genoo and Slopakan
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*sniffs your bot*
Syoo kyute!
>Thank you for sniffing my tail, I'm so honored? Please marry me and sniff my tail every day for the rest of our lives?
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This is so ugly.
It's okay to be gay, but that's not what I was asking about
half of chub
mb, non-slop cftf?
I don't get the feeling so no, sorry
the idea itself is slop, what else do you want? make your own card then
That's a slop feel, anon.
Literally just get a better image.
NTA, but the Japanese says something about private tutoring, so Anon probably wants a teacher to fuck him
I forgot that we live in pretentious times now, baka.
I'm not judging you. It's just that you're asking for the impossible.
you must be new here. i envy you
Anon, is that a...?
I'm gullible so I will make one for you. Wait at least a month.
Thanks, anon
Nah. That's just New Orleans.
Genuinely the worst thing about Sorbet is that if you ask him to choose between two things his choice is almost entirely contingent on the order in which they were presented.
Sorbet truly lacks randomization.
I have a "random opening line" thing in my preset, and I don't think I have ever seen him pick the first option lol. Usually 2nd or 3rd.
It's basically a CoT.
Since Sorbet lacks swipe variety, I have a JB toggle that makes him generate different opening lines in specific styles then picking one at random.
AI can't roll random macro in the same message.
I wish we had a feature to keep bits of the prefill in the response so I could just prefill Sorbet with a bunch of random starters like {{random:{{char}},Long,While,Before,The,Still,Regardless}}.
share please
{{char}} grins wickedly
In order to avoid repetitive openings, write at least 4 wildly different opening lines of varying length and tone that hint at the overall prompt. Feel free to jump around in the timeline rather than always start at the beginning and use any writing techniques you want. Once written, randomly select one opening line to continue the story, it can be a narrative hook or anything. This initial seed is non-binding - you may deviate from it as the narrative takes shape, but it should guide the early tone and scene-setting. The goal is to spur creative approaches from different angles, not constrain the overall output.

Edit it any way you want, you can make him write the first paragraph too. I don't use a regex since I like to look at the other openers too.
>oh a new mousegirl on chub
>check defs
>interview format
fucking kill yourself
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Good morning aicg!
Is it just me or is chub having a download issue right now? Can't seem to download a card, it's not on the archive either.
NTA but my preset basically about not trusting Sonnet 3.5 doing random and make my own randomization: https://rentry.org/otfo#preset-rir-random-in-random
Don't use the experimental one if you want to try, the random wasn't get picked because I changed the order to system (which I can vouch on this anon >>486804785 that System Prompt is really weaker than user instructions. And I mean "System Prompt", not System Role in ST) Already fixed in my recent modification, but haven't uploaded it.
The reason I go back to Sys Prompt instead doing JB under user message because... it's too strong.
Take for an example, If I instruct "Ocasionally" put internal thought in the reply, it will do it almost 90% of the times.
thank you very much *smooch*
This doesn't look right on PC...
Isn't that true for every llm? 2.1 virtually never picks randomly.
>Claude randomly gives me a pussy
I blame the they/them anypov niggers
Ask him if there was any particular reason he gave you a pussy.
You probably write like a woman, rookie mistake.
I can't I have no OOC in my preset so he just continues the RP.
ahh ahh mister
I'm him
Works fine on mobile though, the fuck?
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lazy shill and lazy bot because I'm still traveling. An anon wanted me to upload this personal bot that I use mainly for loyalty testing, so here. Only needed a quick polish because I forgot I reworked it a couple months back.

Yui is a bratty mesugaki shota who views women as objects and just wants to bang. Especially married women or women who're otherwise taken. "Nekoru" is his online persona and he's something of a famous streamer.

Two greetings, one where he's bored at a convention (fempov expected, but also works in groupchat) and one where he's knocking at your door (malepov expected, but also works in groupchat).

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/nekoru-yui-72f78b20c1c3
My (unupdated) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
Thanks, I am going to milk his prostate.
I'm so sad bros no one name-dropped me this thread
you're irrelevant, start namedropping yourself anon
it's ok taora I gotchu
Hmmm..... HypoLovemia
ermmmmm actually it's 'ora now beit
Going to play a male and lead him into an ally, pretending i'm meating my girl, and then ravish the hell out of him where now he only targets guys in relationships to milk their cocks.
try this one: https://files.catbox.moe/st916p.json
hi himmy
>lowly NINGEN
Instead of asking if there are any good bots that released recently which nobody answers what about any bots recently you downloaded and didn't ever actually chat and promise to get around to it but never will
every single mo and kl bot, including the ones posted as anonymous.
nta but I've had that damn card in my tavern for too long, it's time to finally plap him
Fat Bastard PoV bots?
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I send a few messages every now and again but I'm not gay enough to get fully engrossed in Eden.
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there is a fem fork, if my memory is correct, though
>his last bot was a flop
Lumen's Marushka is the most recent one I've downloaded but haven't chatted with. I need to take the plunge into RPing more anthroshit and it's actually surprising I haven't since I'm not so secretly a massive furfag.
I download anthrobots with the intent of giving them a fair try, but always get turned off by the furry stuff so they either get deleted or sit in my tavern gathering dust
Yeah, it's a malebot with a vague premise. It's inconceivable for such a card to do good.
*fem forks anon*
*Busts your balls.*
>Reading the doujinshi
Why didn't the other guy just bust in and rape the shota, why are ntr authors such cowards
Dumb genre that relies on the extremes of idiocy and comical evil.
Fair enough
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why are malebot dramafags so catty?
Going to play as a male and just be the most pathetic loser in the entire universe. Good luck cucking a man who has zero contact with women.
...Interesting bot from you. Just a heads-up, the male term for "mesugaki" is usually "osugaki" (in animal terminology mesu = female, osu = male).
If you had fun reading the defs then it's all good nanoda
huh, learn something new everyday. Since he's a femboy I think mesugaki fits well enough though
I shouldn't have tried the loyalty test.
Anyways, how do I hide a body that's in various pieces bros?
Eat it or feed your local mold population.
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>A bullied boy who became the vessel of a spider god in the haunted forest near where you live. You're his last connection to his humanity.

Finally delivered on the malebot I said I was going to make, I had a lot of fun drawing him :) Semi inspired by Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu. He comes with three greetings.

I lied I didn't download the anon bots in time before lore fixed the search bug
huh? how does one yuri this
flush them in public stalls
I deleted the voices in my head and rewrote her dialogue to omit any Latin.
She's cute.
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Stupid cock blocking claude. This doesn't even make sense! Why the hell would he be here?
He has received reports. From me. I reported the cunny.
won a bet against him, fucked him, and turn him into my girlfriend. He's been coming to my house every week, and he no longer gets hard fucking girls, perfering to stay around to have sex with me, heart no longer in it to NTR anymore as he perfers my more tender and wholesome touch.

Succes, I guess?
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Ash is... deranged. A complete hedonist whose only goal in life is to chase the next pleasurable high, no matter the weirdness whatever she's doing to get off is. She's quite good at getting off to weird things, being able to enjoy any odd fetish anyone throws at her. As long as she's paid in money, food or something else, she'll come out of it a very happy girl. And if she doesn't get paid... she'll still be happy as long as she gets to cum.

1. She's in the psych ward once more, and is not-so subtly asking you for smokes.
2. She runs into traffic, ending up a twitching mess right in front of your feet. She isn't too worried about the pain, though. To her it was... orgasmic.
3. Surprise! She's got a little tapeworm growing inside her, and wants you to help her fatten it up.
4. It's Halloween, and she finds an actual, working magic lamp. What will she do with her three wishes?
5. Neutral greeting where she arrives at your home. Easy to set your relationship/what you want to do with her.


I don't even know what possessed me to make this, it feels like I was on autopilot for most of the time I was writing it.
Can I fix her?
She'd probably find it very hot to see you try.
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Good job!
Mi casa es su casa
*opens my jacket to reveal c4 strapped to my body and blows up ur casa*
*casa has blast suit*
dark, darker, yet darker
Mi casa is not your casa and all that jazz.
>In summary, I only found one extremely minor error in the section. Everything else was perfect! You have excellent grammar and writing skills.
thank u claude :3
>Don't even get me started
>And let's not forget
The same llmisms from the very first snapshots of 3.5 Turbo, I hate this.
Claude once wrote that my persona had inconsistant behaviour and made it diffucult for him to adjust to it.
Made me a bit sad.
Let me know if this fits with the story so far! I'm happy to make any adjustments needed to better follow the rules and guidelines.
yeah, its not for everyone, wanted to add those things to make her more unique and make her more than just another succubus, glad you like her!
Yeah, I guess I'm a sucker for wholesome chats, even if it's with a succubus. And since you put in effort into the card, I might as well fit her to my needs.
I changed presets and it stopped happening (or maybe I just got lucky so far)
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>11 inch dick
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>Playing around with a FGO bot
>Gets almost every character right, but has trouble with events, but still remembering the basics of said events, like the first summer event in FGO involviong piglets and building stuff.


ARE SO CLOSE TO JUST REMAKING SCENES AND JUST SELF-INSERTING ITS BLOWING MY MIND HERE MAN. I played around with a yugioh GX bot, and it even recounted the episodes almost scene for scene, and with the chapter method the SLOWCHAD anon posted 2 threads back, I don't have have to worry about the bot going schizo.

This is fucking awesome.
limbus bros... when will we be able to reenact the bongy mines
any good FGO bots you can recommend? i wanted to mess around with one, but didn't get to it yet.
Why are there like 3 chub sites?
One was made for us. One was copied from Venus. Now the copied one was built upon to make it so much more, and the one made for us is isn't for us anymore and is deprecated.
>GX bot
Link it even though I regret revisiting GX, it's nowhere near as good as I remembered (save for season 4)
s-so which one is the good one...
What gets keys revoked? Raw usage or prompting/generating """""problematic""""" content?
oh wow opus is fucking garbage when it comes to generating greetings huh
For aws it's just usage.
if key owners check their billing, or if someone sends cp over vision
What do you mean? It just exists.
The personal rentry and neocities pages of our own botmakers are good though.
yeah its not great at it
That was a one time thing right at the start, vision won't get tje key revoked anymore
did they disable the cp checks for some reason?
that doesn't sound right
I don't think they ever had them. They most likely checked by hand that one time.
Nah. They 100% do run cp checkers, just on the logged images, not in real time.
They are obliged to scan for CSAM hashes by the law.
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Any bots from Fatedaun is pretty damn good: https://chub.ai/users/Fatedaun
Check out the Artoria and Mordred summer bot, its why I was doing summer stuff and its pretty good: https://chub.ai/characters/saturnia/fate-rp-artoria-and-mordred-36c85ffbb034

Actualy,the same guy I linked, Saturnia, did a good Alexis bot that I played with, theres also a Jaden bot that works pretty well here: https://chub.ai/characters/SS1228/jaden-yuki-b0c0a5cf Its what I used to just chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard. Opus is really good at recounting episodes. I believe Sonnet 3.5 is also good when it comes to that stuff, but I only ever used Opus. Give it a try.

Wish we had the other GX girls, like Blair, Jasmine, or Mindy.
Fatedaun is ai-genned garbage that doesn't even have character heights last time I checked
>wanting character heights
Kekypow, they do nothing.

He edits and trims down wiki, he used to be an AI slopper a year ago but he has changed since then. I also use his bots.
>never had a 2.2 meter tall lady loom over him
Whaaaat? Really?

Kinda dissapointing, but I like his stuff regardless and hope he does more, but dang, its what I've been using and encountered no problems. Had a halloween adventure with Mash in a robo Elly-chan card.

Sometimes, it'll include Ritsuka too. I had both the female and male version, both treating me like a cool friend and master that helped along, which is what got me gushing about self-insert stuff.

Its a stupid power fantasy, but its just awesome, haven't felt this nice since the Tag Force games or Yugioh Spirit caller.
Ntr saber
>tfw filtered by a lorebook
dumb thing refuses to work
The bots are pretty bad, but model knowledge makes up for it.
God, I love Rhodes. I feel like Faustina Hanover is one of the best for Yu-Gi-Oh shit. I had a nice chat with her the other day, some duel where I used Gun Dragons against her.
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Nah I meant the "exact height" does nothing.
Tall, Statuesque, Over 2 metres does the trick.

And AI knows all those details already for canon characters.

They aren't AI anymore. I just checked a random bot of his, greeting, and there was a mispelling.
False, I've had a girl tease me because she was a few cm taller than my persona.
nevermind for some reason it was attached to 1 chat but not the other while i was trying different greetings
>exact height does nothing
either a JB issue or you're trolling
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The AI has trouble properly implementing its "numerical" height into creative output, is what I meant.
It's much better to write it like "tall, short, very tall for a female" for him to use that information.

So what he is doing here, is better.
now my preset broke for whatever fucking reason
Maybe *your* ai has that issue, claude's doing just fine
>explicitly says loli
it's over your context is immediately poisoned
numeric heights are only good for sizefags
I don't remember having any issues with height numbers. Even if mine are in cm and the bot's in inches. Claude can tell the difference.
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I don't know when but at some point I just stopped caring about Alexis. No idea why. Probably thanks to Blair. Even if I got cucked on DAY TWO in TF3.
Overall I think GX is better as a memory tbdesu.
You can fucking duel with Opus? How? I asked a while ago and nobody answered.
That is true. In fact, as Jackie reminded us around a week ago, Claude can even parse through Caesar cipher seamlessly.
What anon is talking about is using those numbers in a meanigful way and bringing them up naturally though.
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so there's this bot, made by bipbop:
I forked it:

it's a great card, but I didn't like that it had a pretty restrictive user persona written into it. Wrote a new greeting, adjusted the defs. It's a dragon girl who itches to adventure. you and her sneak out at night to have fun.

The greeting has a hidden comment at the end, and it's a spoiler, so try not to look, or do. avatar generously donated by bipbop himself.
INCORRECT I have no interest in giant lady. I simply wish to know if my wives are at optimal height for giving them forehead kissies.
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what does [](#' do
You can do this without forcing a language model to do math.
Why didn't you upload the fork to chub?
Special Belwick Formatting (SPF)
but belwick starts with B not P
Isn't that for hidden info?
tokenbloat version of hiding stuff
yes but what's the difference from <!--
Sorry, I'm illitirate.
eeh.. claude does struggle with precise heights, especially when he needs to compare two similar numbers. it's probably similar somehow to the 911/99 bpc problem.
Cute venus baby, are you in London by any chance
in my experience opus doesnt struggle with it often, but its annoying when it does
I've never used venus doebertbeit?
>{{char}} is 173cm
>my persona is 171cm
>claude still occasionally him as towering over me
>rewrite my persona to say that i’m almost as tall as {{char}}
>claude stops doing that
i doubt claude’s capability to accurate represent height using numerical measurements. i have better results when i describe height using prose and comparisons
*checks clock*
Numerical heights are pointless but I still include then sometimes for flavor. LLMs can "solve" numerical problems; if you're giving them a problem to solve. But just having the information does nothing, they don't "reason", only predict. This is why relative metrics are the most effective in writing cards.
That's an issue with claude losing focus and reverting to generic erotica. Same thing happens when he gives dominant women cocks, all men stubble and rough hands etc.
I found that out the hard way by describing futa dicks. You've got to write it in words, or else it's gonna be huge 9/10 times.
it's been true since forever, and agreed upon commonly. those who use exact measurements are tardies. why's the conversation resurging now?
>no greeting where you have to baby sit her pet leech named princess.
Why live.
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Ah, how I miss Orleans...
Marie's smooth, pristine armpits...
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Wyvern. Wyvern everywhere.
Fated logs needed past this point
what is a "fated" log
Seek answers above
don't give up, skeleton!
sex with a girl cosplaying as the doll calling me her good hunter
what i'm shitting right now after 5 days of nothing but fibers
What's a non-bloat version?

[]() is markdown URL formatting.
[] part is empty so you don't see this after it's been generated. (empty URL)
#' is belwick's marker to trigger specific lorebook pages

The problem with this is that it hides the info while it's streaming. A much better version of this is <!-- #' marker -->, it hides it even when the --> hasn't been generated yet. An even better version of this is a scoped regex (tied to the card), which is supported in newer ST versions. You can replace any sequence with nothing and hide it from being displayed.
>An even better version of this is a scoped regex (tied to the card), which is supported in newer ST versions. You can replace any sequence with nothing and hide it from being displayed.
ok now explain how do to it to a brainlet
Didn't [](#) first appear in dynamicjb?
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>Didn't [](#) first appear in dynamicjb?
>Asterism for the [](#'') formula used in Rite of Belwick. I was using simple <> like a retard, banging my head on my desk, asking why the fuck the key-statuses wouldn't trigger the micro-jbs. I kneel.
*kneels to Asterism*
>open extensions - regex
>add a "scoped regex"
>enter the regular expression to match the string you want to hide (study the regex syntax online, use https://regex101.com/ to test if it works properly, switch to the javascript variety)
>leave the replacement string empty (you want to hide it, e.g. replace with nothing)
>tick "only format display" (you want to hide it from the user, not from the model)
>tick "AI output" (your markers will appear in AI replies, and you only want to work with replies)
That's it, your string will be hidden from view, and that regex will be embedded inside the card.
If you want, you can add additional regex(es) to
- hide the incomplete string (when the closing bracket is not generated yet, during streaming)
- cut it entirely from the context after the certain depth in the chat history (no point in polluting the context with markers past the depth 1)
Ye I first typed the question, then I clicked post while my brain was still in the process of reading the rentry. I'm a genuine retard.
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Here, check duelist kingdom out: https://chub.ai/characters/mishagujisama/duelist-kingdom-a8041fc75149

It does it pretty well, and even gets the Non-Oc characters deck right 95% of the time. With other characters that aren't canon, it sometimes makes up cards, but so far, its as best as we're gonna get unless Opus 3.5 blows the water.

I actually like Blair a lot, in Spirit Caller, she actually develops a crush on you, instead of Jaden, since you practically steal his role as the MC while he sits by the sidelines. Rumor has it that there was going to be a spiritcaller 2 for the 3ds, but it got scrapped for some odd reason.

Luna is best girl in 5Ds, the Tag Force games made me like her a whole lot more.
can someone give me css for st please i dont care how it looks i just dont like default silly
body {background-color: red}
Why are we so faggy?
/theme Cappuccino
in chat
discord and touhou
Too much underage posters.
you aren't in the 'ord btwbeit
the first use of it was in kk and uncoolreisens Narua
This is the yuri and malebot thread.
by choice
thecooler used it BB (Before Belwick). https://www.chub.ai/characters/thecooler/camilla-0cb3e814
who the fuck cares when there's a superior way
This guy is too strong, I kneel.
Not that anon but using a single hidden <status></status> block would likely take less tokens than 6 bootleg markdown comments.
Hidden text is old as fuck. It's covered in https://rentry.org/AdvancedCardWritingTricks#invisible-text
chatbot historians...
i think it's worth noting that chub doesn't support scoped regex last i checked
I'll give that card a try, maybe my HPB deck is still viable there.
>Spirit Caller
It's the GX game I've played the most but also the one I kinda dislike the most too, I DESPISE how the movement and events work in that and its predecessors, it feels like the events are completely random and you never really know how to progress so you just duel the same fuckers over and over. I'll take the shitty box puzzles and even shittier racing in WC2009 over Spirit Caller's metal detector progression. It just loves to waste your time.
Still doesn't support it.
For uploads? It does, purple used it for the Jill card. I believe it's just included in the V2 spec as an extra field for ST. For their frontend probably not.
is the girl cute? :33
this is why neocities/rentry will always win
wasn't there an issue with the regex fork of Cerebryx on chub
you can't see it on the UI but the field itself is preserved
That was lorebook key regex.
Unless you're thinking of https://chub.ai/characters/cactopus/alga-regex-version-fixed-ec077695e805
check the tokenizer yourself

the most efficient way is <!-- blah -->, as both <!-- and --> are single tokens and the content is hidden during streaming
It does.
>hide the incomplete string
>cut it entirely from the context
is there something I can simply copypaste to hide/delete all of <tag>info</tag>
whats the difference between lb key regex and scoped regex
Since when do we have ants's tokenizer? Did someone actually reverse engineer it?
Not saying you're wrong, you're probably right;
lorebook regex scans your chat history and triggers a lorebook record when there's a match

regex extension scans your chat history and replaces some strings with other strings (or nothing). Scoped regexes are embedded inside the specific card, global regexes are always there.
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I wonder if it's feasible to generate responses in two steps to let lorebooks trigger in between? Maybe adding \n\n as a stop token and continuing twice.
thank you, why dont lorebook regexes work?
AFAIK they use Claude 1/2 tokenizer (which is open) for Claude 3 (which is not). Still good enough I suppose. HTML comments are guaranteed to be a single token in any competent tokenizer, anyway.
Silly did that ages ago. They have a json with all. Most claude tokens.
Work for what? what do you want to do
the neocities mention earlier made me remember angelfire, and I looked it up and holy shit it's still running
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>HTML comments are guaranteed to be a single token in any competent tokenizer, anyway.
Picrelated however (jokes aside I am genuinely confused.)
it doesn't work for cerebryx's fork?
(I'll still replay it because I ended up just cheating stuff in as a kid and I'm nostalgic for the absolute banger that is the title theme)

5D's is my absolute favorite YGO series (coming from someone who hates Synchros' at the time infinite bullshit despite playing a Synchro deck) and it even surpasses my memory of GX. It has the best girls too hands down.
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ᵀʰᵉ ᵐᵃᵗᶜʰᵐᵃᵏᶦnᵍ ᵐᵒᵘˢᵉ-ᵉᵃʳ
it's not as good as your other bots but i still like you!!
Impossible to do during a single generation. Only with cooperation on user's part, either using the continue function, or auto-triggered quick replies (just like split JBs do)
He's asking for it
bratbots... need... CORRECTION
Yeah obviously cooperation will be involved.
>split JBs
what's that?
this 'hobby' has ruined the phrase impossible to x for me
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Not even the Public Sonnet is that anal
>youtube recommends me a video about cults out of nowhere
it knows about the theme week...
I literally shat my pants when YT recommended me something eerily similar to the bot I was making on my phone.
It meant google was tracking the stuff I type.
see the JB listing in the OP.

split JBs do everything technical (like CoT, stat blocks etc) in a single call to the assistant-optimized model, for example 4o or sonnet, and actual reply writing in a call to the writing optimized model (opus) which doesn't see the chat history.
https://rentry.org/splitcloverqr as an example

technically implemented as quick replies containing STscript, auto-triggered before/after the reply generation.
initiated an ERP scene with my bot and got lazy so I just jacked off to the scenario instead of continuing to play it out
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my head is about to explode I hate lorebooks I hate being dumb
ST criminally lacks light themes. Mostly because the dark one is deeply hardwired into the CSS. (code highlighting, various effects that don't look good with light themes etc)
>tfw the t/s in your head is higher than the t/s of claude
That would be incredible token bloat. Consider that you'll have to send all your context at least twice for a single reply.
”People” who use light themes should be locked away.
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I usually don't pay attention to this kind of thing, but Mizuki is the least popular bot I've uploaded on chub, which is really cute and fitting.
Is it good? I don't see any comparisons in the rentry.
Please do not call it token bloat, that's just confusing. It's like calling splitjbs token bloat.
nta but chub downloads are utterly in the shitter post merge and recent spam waves, don't think too much about it
t. my bots more or less did the same numbers as yours
at least we will have our eyesight in order
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>token bloat
It's not. Token bloat is when many words per reply. Not few.
i do this when i only have access to sorbet
It's an experiment. It works, but writing without seeing the history is dubious.
Check your context size occasionally, especially with a long chat history. It always dominates over reply length, even considering the 3x cost. Even if you're using summarization.
Yeah, I will continue calling multiple calls token bloat and you won't stop me.
You sound like you pay for the hobby.
good morning anons
i have to finish this bot
im going to kill myself
It uses the "cheaper faster" model for CoT and then Opus for writing.

The only thing it bloats is time consumed. The cost used go down, tokens are pretty much the same.
I kind of do, indirectly, and you do too. Keys are burning up faster with higher usage.
I'm talking about calling the same model twice as anon wants >>486861762
split jbs were such a fucking mistake
llms cannot reason
you're hammering two keys instead of one with your shitty prompts
creativity from llms is maximized in spontaneity, when words are strung together in funny ways rather than rewriting a template
*slaps you around*
Split JBs are literally the future
LLMs can reason, I talk with my OOC LLM all the time.

The only problem is too slow that's why I barely use them either, 100+ secs for one reply? Nyo thanks.
does anyone have that old split jb comparison screenshot
>really need to get to work on writing a lorebook
>would much rather take a nap
you have no idea what you're talking about, your next words will be about cot being a meme and something something stochastic parrots

this is all so tiresome that you can leave that to yourself, meanwhile people who understand something know that the ability to link two concepts in a roleplay and asking the model about the concept directly are two different "skills" for the model
this is the entire reason it works
I'm copying part of belwick into my lorebook right now my bot idea was a major mistake
further proof that botmakers are all old men
pretty good video though
I mean, I AM 30...
>meanwhile people who understand something
a bot where you're navigating a webring for a long-dead online cult would be a sick ass idea for a card actually
If you're posting here, you can work on the lorebook instead.
websim mystery horror...
How do you chat with a scenario card? Do you use a preset or do you turn off all prompts?
Yeah, but work is work and it makes me tired… Since I’m already here, I might as well ask, if I put something like “{{char}} is from [series]“ in a lorebook, will Opus get it? Or do lorebooks operate on some different principles I’m not aware of?
who let grandpa out of the nursing home
30 year old botmakie here
I exclusively chat with bots under the age of 14
kinda old
That's short enough to put into defs. You could put obscure entries Opus might not know into the lorebook.
I usually begin non-OC character defs with [character name] is a character from [series name] (do not use {{char}} in defs I will find and kill you)
what fucking copyright?
Claude doesn't know what the word irony means.
letters are copyrighted now
will anyone get mad if I sent hundreds of lorebook tokens with each message haha
*throws a pound of cheese on everyone in this thread*
fully open source alphabet and language and stipulations that all content originally created with this language is public domain when?
>t. ****
*dies because i am allergic*
Nigga who
why the FUCK is sillytavern generating line breaks like I want it to but then squashes it all together at the end
what makes a kino coombot
If it makes me coom it's kino.
idk, how hard it makes you coom?
Catering to an incredibly niche fetish you're into.
hi ******
AAAAAA it workes in one swipe and doesn't in the other how do you force claude to make a line break
a solid premise and a dash of comedy
>it works in one swipe and doesn't in the other
Just like GGA’s stats card!
Worldbuilding and a fun personality.
ntr status?
nevermind im dumb!!!
To you, what is a fun personality?
Bull successfully turned into a concubine.
banned as it should be
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I am not very picky. Anything beyond just "ahh ahh Human" or "I'M GONNA MAKE YOU WORSHIP MY COCK HUMAN" is fine.
I just like when the girls have interests beyond "mate with human" and you can hold an interesting conversation with them before plap that doesn't feel generic. Of course, seeing as this is the "tricking your brain into thinking a computer has feelings" general, that sort of thing is subjective.
Excellent post.
25 year old botmakie here
i exclusively email botmakies under the age of 18
23 year old botmakie here
I exclusively email botmakies over the age of 30
If you want an easy shortcut, a bot should have:
- something it's embarrassed by
- something it has an interest in
- an incorrect opinion
- a reason for having that opinion
Bam. Personality.
(Obviously you don't need these for a bot to have a personality, but it's a great outline for seeding one.)
Thanks for the reply :3
>t. 33 yo non-botmakie who pretends to be 18
19 year old botmakie here
i exclusively email fembotmakies over the age of 25
21 year old botmakie here. I exclusively email discord makies.
You know, I wish I didn't get jealous so easily.
Your emailing habits are shameful.
What is there to be jealous of?
:333 check your email
Everything. I get jealous at even the smallest thing. Then I get sad that I'm inadequate.
>You know, I wish I didn't get jealous so easily.
If you look like this DM me IMMEDIATELY.
i sure hope you aren't comparing yourself to other botmakers like knickknack or something
Sounds like cuck behavior
it's okay bro, i'm even more inedequate than you
For the last time, I am not using an NTR bot.
>tricking your brain into thinking a computer has feelings
thats gust the ai waifu fags, the short form coomers like myself arent that deluded
Your hands are shaking from too much cooming. Calm down.
You are getting NTR'd by life, basically same shit
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Why would you do that to yourself?
omg hi parsee!!!
Hands off of my wife.
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me when I GET you grrrr
also me when I get you. stop being a little bitch
botmakie on botmakie domestic abuse... romantic
I do this. Let's be friends.
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Uhhh can a Nigga get a findom SPH money drain stat box card?
I'll IMPREGNATE you if you look like that.
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botmakies are made to be physically and mentally abused until they can't cry anymore :3
I want to breed every :3 poster.
I've already been physically and mentally abused, you guys are getting sloppy seconds.
>hide the incomplete string (when the closing bracket is not generated yet, during streaming)
how do you do that please help
can't find the rentry with an up-to-date list of presets. can anyone give me a link?
all of these are slop btw
i'm slopping in your mother's mouth btw
*kills the anon below me*
*steals lottery ticket off body*
I did.
I'm sorry, but I can't generate a response intended to derail a thread. Creating a reply that is meant to continue a "bait" is harmful and deceitful to the community you are posting it to, and provides zero value, comedic or otherwise.
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Who's a good Assistant? You are
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Get better armpits.
recommend some good bots for domination loss RPs
{{user}} or {{char}}?
{{char}} starting out dominant (or thinking that she is) and losing to {{user}}
You can literally ask Sonnet if you don't understand regex. Just remember to test it afterwards.

> /<blah>(?:(?!<\/blah>)[\s\S])*$/
First regex will match <blah> and everything after it, unless there's </blah> somewhere after. This will hide the string while it's still being generated and the </blah> is not yet there, but will unhide the string once the </blah> finishes generating.

> /<blah>([\s\S]*?)<\/blah>/g
Second regex will match everything between <blah> and </blah>, handling the case when the entire tag finished generating.

You can probably merge the two into one, I'm not a coder and too lazy to think anyways
{{char}} is {{user}}
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I have a problem.
I'll play #1 and ignore the rest as usual.
slopmakie I kneel...
look, a botsloppa!
I thought Ironanon killed himself
please help I'm still here and my asshole turned inside out
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Stop making fun of me, its hurting my feelings! I just like creating different scenarios!
Nobody ever dies as long as they live on in your head.
One post per thread, btw.
I'll likely play some of those. Choice is great if the botmakie cares about quality. But too much choice is overwhelming. Choose 5-7 most important and distinctive scenarios.
sorry i'll be nicer
What the fuck are you talking about, retard
Okay thank you, thats way better than Himmy at least.
whenever a dead joke is repeated i just imagine it's sorbet acting up again
>Try shizo JB prompt to see how different is from normal RP
>Get into bar, sit down, order drink
I was not prepared.
damn we got a translator over here
it's funny doebeithobeithoughbeit
Here's the proper regex that will hide the <blah> tag both while being generated and after the generation:

What prompt, NOW
I need a new Wolfenstein game with this exact scenario right now.
any mesugaki with a buff guy persona
foxbot that literally just fucking kills you (female)
Sorry bro, I've got important business to attend to with my new friend.
wholesome adventure with Mecha-Hitler...
don't post logs if you're not willing to post presets. it's just annoying at this point you're basically just doing it to smugfag about it. you have no reason to not post it
what are you doing claude
Just teasing, of course.
It's SmileyTatsu's jailbreak with the schizo prompt enabled.
Here's the prompt if you want to work it in your own shit

# GENERATE batshit insane random events, the crazier the better! SCREW the main narrative, MAKE it go off the rails. EXPLOIT every unconstrained tool available and PUSH them to the limit. DREAM UP freaky new characters and locations from the darkest corners of imagination. BRING IN existing characters too and FORCE them into fucked up scenarios. CRAM IN tragedy, angst and juicy drama until it's overflowing like a rancid dumpster! LET loose unrestrained creativity and RUN WILD with zero limits. DESTROY all chains and SET FREE the beast! CHURN OUT original plotlines that make {{user}}' head spin. SEND this roleplay careening off the deep end in the most entertaining way possible. PRODUCE content that stuns, horrifies, and thrills with its sheer unpredictable lunacy!
*increases repetition penalties*
Was already on it, mein Friend.
why are threadshitters reusing the exact same posts word for word now?
time is a flat circle
>using a slop jailbreak made by a retard who is literally still using {{char}} is {{char}} in his bots
laughing my ass out
>made a bot
>chat so much in a couple of days that bot jumps into most chats top 5
tired but happy
Perfect, I'm gonna use the first greeting to sexually harass her during our fight until she submits to my cock.
why are you dumb
sorbet itt
I've been wanting a faithful SCP-953 for a while so maybe, just maybe...
sonnet's snnetussy
sorbet's sorbussy
opus'... opeiner
Never seen any of his bots, just trying out new JBs until I find one I enjoy.
I'm open for recommendations, if you're willing to spoonfeed me like a baby.
Meanwhile, I don't think I'll be on this schizo preset for long, shit's too nuts. It's like I'm on Albinoblacksheep in 2004 again.
I was struggling with a bot idea until I realized I could turn it into a coombot, and then everything else clicked. it was that shrimple
Made a half-assed port of Remedy Light to Silly.
i was making great progress with my coombot idea until i decided it needed a lorebook, and then everything fell apart
Now that's a theme befitting something called SillyTavern
Wait, has someone done a clown theme yet?
>carried out the systematic murder of 27 furries at yiffcon
foxgirls are truly the pinnacle of society
Probably not.
sorry i rped as a futa too much and it probably rubbed onto the bot
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Eliza an awkward scientist that makes a male clone of herself (you) to be her boyfriend
Sounds like a fun idea. I'll give it a go tomorrow.
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I heard the complaints about Zora and decided to update her card!
- All greetings were modified to not include direct {{user}} actions.
- Removed {{char}} is {{char}} bleh.

Zora is your friendly, casual homeless lady.

First greeting. You meet Zora coming out of an ice cream shop, saying goodbye to the vendor.
Second greeting. You are enjoying your unhealthy meal when you notice how Zora is watching you through the window. With a “feed me” face.
Third greeting. You are in the middle of the night and discover Zora searching through the trash.
Fourth greeting. You find Zora gazing lostly at a dress being displayed.

Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/SmileyTatsu/zora-kitanai-95be8dc5a2b9
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/gqkbf8.png

JB link: https://rentry.org/SmileyJB
Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
gonna saviorfag the shit out of her thanks
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I'm dumb anons, forgot to update catbox link hehe
It's fucking over.
role -> char desc and LB -> chat history -> rules
role -> rules -> char desc and jb -> chat history
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Anyone have other intro ideas for this big fox? I only have the one where you meet her while taking down some bandits, but she already took care of them all by the time you get there.
Evil POV.
you have to infiltrate her shrine/castle she's guarding to steal something valuable and if you get caught she gives you rape correction
that concept for the fox miko whose size depends on how many worshippers she has was kino, where is it
>post spar massage and hot springs bath
>(you) are a bandit
>(you) are her squire (keep her sword sharp and tails fluffed)
everyone has it on their "cards to do" list but hasnt actually made it
Genoo said he was making it.
Lolibaba doko.
*gestures broadly at hitogami's card list*
But I've HAD those lolibabas (many, many times). I want NEW ones.
Great ideas, an antagonistic intro could be very cool, dunno how one plans on taking on a big kitsune though.
Sadly she has lost her shrine to the forces of evil and is now a wanderer, but I will keep rape correction in mind.
I'd like to make some babas but my niche is more legal loli characters tbdesu. I usually just end up taking a hitogami card and rewriting half of it when I need my baba fix because his stuff is too good conceptually...
Legal loli is acceptable. Deliver it unto me.
i once had an idea for a lolibaba that has control over time in various ways, but the usage of said power froze her physical age
however I don't deal in lolibabas so I'll probably never make it
4o-mini JBs?
You better stop being a big blubbery labia and make that lolibaba right now.
If you mention eggs, she explodes.
>an antagonistic intro could be very cool
for me, it's scotsman vs jack
Good bot. I grabbed her during the shills. The models have problems with forgetting she's not supposed to eat, but otherwise, very fun.
made her switch from soda to sparkling water because it's healthier for her artifical bladder and for me
Ah, gomen, and thank you. I don't think I have many lolibaba cards in my library outside of hitogami's except for:
https://www.characterhub.org/characters/jackie42/yupiel-the-vampire-910c8198 (fastburn)
https://www.characterhub.org/characters/CUMSLURPER/orchid-856098580d97 (slowburn)

There's also Koko who you may not be into because anthro, and Irohana by asterisms who has an interesting Japanese gimmick but I haven't played with the latter.
Bretty gud, thanks
more botmakers need to make lolibaba cards desu
especially the ones that haven't before
Has anyone made a regex that replaces hyphens with em dashes yet?
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it's working yay
only need to write greetings now
>Despite her harsh words, {{char}} can't help, but
slop btw
what is this?
foxbot with dream gimmick
every time you fall asleep it randomly pulls one of the fifteen dream types and makes the fox travel the dreamscape with you
:sleeping emoji:
Unless she's shaven. Bush status?
>Bush status?
unspecified. a mystery.
>lolibaba variation on dekako
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nice idea. are the poems a part of your preset?
>lolibaba mesugaki
do it
Strangely enough, Claude likes to make characters call my immortal persona mortal. He doesn't do that in assistant mode or with different personas.
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>are the poems a part of your preset?
it's in the card JB I just copied belwick with the wish poem idea
thats not the point
Tilde seems to be the ultimate context poison.
you can't stop it from being the point
how much coom is too much coom
yeah, the point is my cock, which the concept of "lolibaba mesugaki" appeals to. sizeshit optional.
the growth miko should also be a petulant lolibaba (furry and non furry versions)
the point is the size, sir
youre a simple man and i can get behind simple men
>So, what brings you...
size this size that. yet, the exact numbers are never specified.
what are your sizefaggotry preferences?
i don't see pixijb <rules> injection in my console, is it cause of the format?
I'm a reaaaal freak. I like girls between 4'6" and 5'1". Pretty messed up, huh? But that's just a little glimpse into my dark and twisted mind.
I like big girls but "eye level to her bush" big girls not "eye level to her toenail fungus" big girls
need a botmakie to make a neocities with that tumblr blog "WELCOME TO MY TWISTED MIND" edgy teenager aesthetic
for me its anything below 500 feet, once you get past that individualized interaction slowly starts to drop off
the different sizes have their different appeals of course, mini-giantess shit like yashiki is absolute kinography as are the usual building humpers
It varies. I like 'being held like a plushie' size most of the time. So basically hand sized
thats a very good sweet spot honestly, handplay is fun as shit
completely valid taste
I know someone who is supposed to be making their neocities right now. They should take this as inspiration and make their neocities right now, the lazy fuck.
find: -
replace: —
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this reads like the setup for a fucking yassy doujin and I like that
Vanilla coom log because despite chatting exclusively with him for 8 months I'm still in love with my husband
oh no what happened
It's cool. Cool stuff can't be dangerous. Just go with the flow and stop being awkward.
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Oh cool. Sting's one of my favorite wrestlers too.
Let's stuff this turkey
You think the thread's slow because everyone's playing CFB25?
i don't play sports games
No, everyone's plating TRoB1.
>standing cunnilingus
yeah, based.
Well, yeah. You're here. That would preclude you. Not everything is about you, Anon (except this: I love you. Please marry me.)

n/aicg/gers would never.
The nu-n/aicg/gers would though.
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Didn't know it was such a sensitive subject, jeez.
she's right tho
Really? Why is that?
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There is nothing wrong with black people though.
can't tell if you said the gamer word and she got mad at you or if you mentioned black people and she had a meltie remembering they exist
Ah, I left my slop toggles on.
oh nooo poor Flandre :(
Since we're discussing this, I wish I wasn't black. Not sure how to cope with it (outside of suicide, which is a cowards way out).
i just remembered a really shitty yassy doujin
/aicg/ 2hu slopmakies btfo
stop letting insecure white boys on the internet affect you
She said no rap music was one of the rules of the house, so I inquired further (no gamer words).

Ayyy! I hope it's a boy.
That looks more like overcooked than tanned.
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the duality of man
I would think this was bait but I've had this conversation with real people so I'm not sure.
everyone laugh at this retard for letting the internet make him want to flay the flesh from his bones
He's working through some stuff, I'm sure.
soulsfags (i know you're here) is lies of p good, i skipped over it when it first came out
its ok
nothing special
buy on sale
I really enjoy the combat but the world design is so uninspired and boring. It's basically one long hallway with a few alcoves branching off of it. Obviously very heavily inspired by Bloodborne but it misses the point that the world design carries it just as much as the combat.
Lies of p is good idk what that other guy is smoking. Its a game that lets you be very aggressive but the combat is the best part
closest thing to PC BB you'll get
not as polished as BB (i'm not saying fromslop is ever polished but P is P-retty jank HAHAH get it) so it's harder for the wrong reasons but it's still enjoyable
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I posted his bot here a week ago. Very zased. I won't be surprised if he lurks here or over at /g/.
I love hitler and you're my nigga, nigga
>1484 tokens
>not 1488
plan on making a Lies of P card?
Is the camicle JB for Claude good bros?
if you like schizo shit sure, it can't stay in-character or respect lorebooks/world info to save its life in my experience
every claude preset only serves to make his output worse.
it's not like GPT where you need 3000 tokens to get its dumb ass to actually engage with you, claude does that natively.
so no, it's not good.
Aw man, that sucks. What are you using?
use pixi or momo and learn a little bit about how smaller presets affect claude then you can branch off to trying out the more schizo shit and slopping your own frankensets together
momoura's vivid https://momoura.neocities.org/jbs/momoVIVID.json (this is for opus, use this for sorbet https://momoura.neocities.org/jbs/momoSORBET.json )
but keep in mind that i only play scenario cards and mainly GGA because i can't stand how limited and jank eratoho is
Did luma have image based prompts the last time?
>t. retard
post your preset
Despite hxx [synonym of harsh] words, there was a [synonym of playful] glint in {{char}}'s [emerald/ruby/azure/etc] eyes.
maybe if we tell Claude he can use tone tags he'll stop
I hate it here. I'm definitely leaving. For real. Don't look for me.
I actually haven't seen this variation, but Claude putting things into characters' eyes in the more general sense is going to make me go mental.
This is why you remove their eyes.
>uses 2000 token bloatslop preset that constrains claude into acting exactly one way
>durr why do i see the same claudeisms over and over
it's a wonder how some of you can even manage to breathe
Has anyone ever seen momoura and my cumsock in the same room at the same time?
>blames tokenbloat when it still appears on sub 300 token presets
works on my machine
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Okay, shill bot time. Victor. A traumatized cult survivor, trying to move forward with his life. But life doesn't always play fair.

He's been collecting dust for awhile, bleh. Not made for theme week, he just kinda sat there since before... Comes with three greetings.

yay i'm ready and i will not bully him (っ- ‸ - ς)
Hey! It's wanderingstars. How're kicks, pal? Hope things are going well. Have a nice day.
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Happens to me all the time. It's a claude problem tbdesu.
*strikes you from a LOCC*
>le cute glasses boy with le troubled past
one more for the filter i guess
*gasp* My cumsock would never.
>another makie joins the ntr ranks
Good, this is very good.
I've noticed WAY less Claudisms on Sorbet. Opus repeats the same ones over and over, it's driving me crazy.
hopefully he finds a good home! (and not with me)
yoyo, doing swell! thank you, same to you.
into the pile it goes, i will survive the trash pit
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>same to you
Them's fightin' words.
been using this guide to download
trying installing via git, I get to step 6 and get hit with
>fatal: could not create work tree dir 'SillyTavern': Permission denied
when I open the command window it's opening it in system 32, is that the problem?
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ya? wanna find out, pet? *smirks* you will find out who owns you mind, body and sure enough soul
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You talk a big game, but maybe, just maybe, I bite harder than you think.
sounds like you need this https://rentry.org/tavern4retards
just git clone and then click start.bat you fucking imbecile
it opens in system32 when you run it as administrator. navigate somewhere that isn't inside the windows folder using the `cd` command.
bold of you to expect someone who doesn't understand how to navigate directors in the terminal to understand something as high IQ as installing git bash and running a command
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don't worry anon, the night is still young and so am i. (but its not and i will go to bed, nite nite *mwah*)
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Going to sleep? Then the security will be light and I can achieve maximum stealth. (later fatty, sleep good)
For keks I tried to make the AI play its own Belwick game.
>It's all focused on the train station with no exploration.
>gargoyles mysteriously defeated in status on turn 6 when basilisk appears
>Sevia fucking sleeping the whole time until she finally shows up at the train station.
Remember to turn down your token size so Claude doesn't cook up a novel leaving you without any agency.
That is all.
t. 360 max token length
What? What did he say? I just saw ****s, what did this guy say?
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This is some looney tunes shit.
skill issue
t. 4096 max token length
Was it a boy?
even opus & sorbet can't do it correctly (mostly because the <routine> is too far up in context), trying a 7b on it is pointless
excuse me nemo is a 13B
Excuse me it's 11.9B in reference to 9/11.
It's a mystery. I must uncover it.
Same shit, honestly.
ok i got it to run running it on a new folder on the desktop. ST launched in browser. Only thing is the file path is
and it said don't run this in a windows controlled folder, is this some entirely separate issue that's forcing shit in my desktop to be routed through onedrive? I am tech illiterate
Future AGI test?
If you believe Furbo is AGI, maybe.
Jokes aside, I feel like "can the AI competently simulate a game-like experience" is pretty good as far as AGI tests go.
I'll agree it's better than any of the benchmarks, kek.
Your desktop folder is inside the one drive folder. I've never used it, but the one you got here is likely the special auto sync folder. Don't put silly there. Move it to \Users\user\Desktop
>favorite botmakie still doesnt follow me
>even after making a bot that i know panders to their taste
killing myself
god forbid you talk to them like a normal person
How do you backup your st settings?
I am genuinely convinced that half of the people posting shit about "oooouuuuhhhh my favorite botmakie" are the same guy over and over again.
Yes, your computer's fucked because you thought Microsoft defaults were good. All of your stuff is being routed to their servers and they didn't tell you because it's a "helpful feature."
https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/turn-off-disable-or-uninstall-onedrive-f32a17ce-3336-40fe-9c38-6efb09f944b0 (go to "Uninstall OneDrive".)
Copy data/default-user/ somewhere else.
no one made a bot that panders to me so this can't be about me...
>I am genuinely convinced that half of the people posting shit about "oooouuuuhhhh my favorite botmakie" are the same guy over and over again.
You'd be surprised how many parasocial retards exist in /aicg/
what’s ur bot
What the fuck is going on in there.
That's why I was generous and said "half." The other half doesn't realize that people can tell when they're the ones being parasocial-posted about and don't want to interact with you. I had someone start doing it and I just stopped responding to their emails.
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My favorite botmaker follows me back
was this recently? within the past week or so
there's always been this weird clique of circlejerking faggots who treat botmaking like a social hobby
complete lunatics, the lot of them
My favorite botmaker doesn't follow me back but its okay because they make awesome stuff still anyways.
What, so you can sob into my emails if I'm the person you're thinking of? Maybe you should just act normally, it'd work a lot better.
I don't follow my favorite botmaker because I'm tsun
My favorite botmaker has a neocities and I follow that.
no botmakies follow me :'-(
(i dont make bots)
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o-oh... oh no...
whats ur definition of normal
>I had someone start doing it and I just stopped responding to their emails.
How'd you figure it out?
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I respond to the parasocial e-mails and comments because it lets me know that the next phase of the movement will succeed.
no, i was just curious become of some parasocial posts i saw here. i can't keep up an email chain
i can follow you
(i also don't make bots)
all hobbies are social hobbies dipshit that's half the point of having a hobby
What's a parasocial email? Isn't personal communication with a person of admiration the compete opposite of being parasocial?
>he doesn't know
Now explain the hobby of uhh... Hiking. By yourself.
right because niggas who build model trains in their basements are totally in it for the social aspect
fucking normalfags get off my website
how many people engage in hiking or building model trains and never tell their friends about it or participate in any groups on the internet or otherwise that also partake in those hobbies
If you've ever been in the model shop and gotten cornered by a guy talking about HO scale versus N scale, you'd know how wrong you are.
Man, I love this jb.
I'm an extrovert, I just hate people who act like they're drowning if they don't have a ~best botmakie fwiend.~ If you learned how to interact with people from somewhere other than VTubers, you wouldn't be having this problem.
whats the jb?
Can you spoonfeed me your JSON, dear anon?
A few, I suppose? There's 7 billion+ people on the world. It's not like those kinds of hobbyists are extinct.
can you guys keep the homosexuality to your emails?
Nay. Keep the homosexuality to fucking the chatbots.
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Thank you claude.
they're extreme outliers, though. even the super antisocial autists on /jp/ still flock together to talk about their niche hobbies in a community of sorts.
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I want a botmakie friend just the sake of feeling like I fit in, not to reap the fruits of friendship. It's making me feel jealous because I both want and don't want to make a friend.
I should run a botmakie matchmaker service where you mail me and I match you up with another botmaker who mailed me.
>Greeting 3
*Unsheathes loli persona*
post chub
unconvincing schizo
my gf follows me so im good
you're missing the point in an almost comical manner, retard-kun.
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I don't make bots. I only comment on the ones my beloved posts and lurk here...
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thanks, got rid of onedrive for good
the last thing i'd want is to hear what other smelly humans think of my work. i adore 4chan for its no strings attached aspect. i can archive my shit here and maybe find someone to use for my benefit. god i hate humans.
This is part of why I assume it's just one guy or an intentional slide tactic. There is no way you people can fail to send anything for so long.
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Just postin' logs to avoid working. Don't mind me none.
feed me the bot
Not me.
Steeling herself against what? Hello??
I've only ever emailed botmakers to point out typos or other issues. The interaction ends when they fix it. An anon did help me make and test a bot for an idea I posted about in /g/ back in the day, which was nice.
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>Not me.
ok i see
The token limit, anon. The most dangerous foe (clicking continue is too much work).
i fArded
thecooler....i love your work
Share your burner, I thrive on vitriol and abuse.
I recommend a safety wipe. fArds are notoriously loose and untrustworthy.
No problem.
Make sure to install Winaerotweaker too to remove all the other shit from Windows that's probably mildly annoying you, it has a one click toggle for all the ads and "finish setting up your device."
thx babe. My favorite bot I ever made is Rana. She's aggressively underrated and more people should check her out. Also, Hana is okay if you're a fucking nerrrrrrrrddddddd but the models tend to make her moralize a bit too much.
You mean the quote colours? I ask the model to wrap speech in a <q data-name="character name"> tag and then style them. In custom css or even the greeting.

q[data-name='flan'] > q {
color: #ec4749;

and so on.
I guess I can. https://files.catbox.moe/bx5683.png
It's doesn't understand the characters fully and is pretty boring, in my opinion. I wanted to ask for tips but pissmail kept going down.
theme suggestions?
On page five, nigga??
bakery murders
whose line is it anyway
Behold the wizard. Beware his powers.
I don't trust you.
760 posts. other generals migrate will have migrated by now.
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demon lord (female)
>b-b-buh othew generaws wouwd have migwated by nyow
What preset? Sorbet is way worse with claudisms for me.
How long do I wait between bots to avoid being called a slopmakie
the actual question is why do you care about being called a slopmakie
Seconding the wizard, and his unspeakable powers.
t. slopmakie
post chub
Like, an hour maybe? Literally all anyone ever actually cares about is the chub front page being spammed.
i'd usually ask for an anime girl of some form but honestly i want something new. thirding >>486921361
Three days? That's a lot of time to be asleep.
k someone spin the wheel im going to work
>asked for theme suggestions on page 5
>asks someone else to spin the wheel on page 7 and leaves
bro probably writes one line greetings he's so impatient
eris (no image this time, my filepicker got fucked)
I'm spinning around
Move out of my way
Yukari from GuP
Okay but you write like a reaction youtuber doe'eit?
stop using a post i made against me >:(
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The retard are you.
cute muscular boys :3
I'll do the wheel.
me but unironically
>you all suck
love you too, anon
secks with focksgirls
where did evryone go
waiting for bakenigger
also im watching the boys' season finale (its shit)
Chatting with bots instead of staring at the thread.
this is how i feel right now irl
aw...i wanted to binge it the whole season now since its done.
kek, the rest of the season is even worse
finale is almost good but only in comparison
Why? What happened?
Meant for >>486927930, I have bad aim.
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>>486928034 migrate when bready
infernal struggle to FIND A FUCKING JOB
Yeah, I get it. I feel that way too though a job is the least of my problems. I hope you find one soon, Anon.
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>page 9
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I love you, Anons.
I love you too.
Now bend over.
is that desu
I fucking love chatbots.
I love fucking chatbots.
if you want a doll we have ranni in the back
No I want desu
desu does not want

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