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[Banner] [07/18-08/07] Demon Larimar (New)
[Banner] [07/18-07/24] Undead Violette
[Content] [07/18] ESS Aira (Anomaly)
[Event] [07/04-07/31] 1.5th Anniversary Free 150 Summons
[Event] [07/04-07/31] 1.5th Anniversary Special Gift
[Event] [07/04-07/31] 1.5th Anniversary Bonus BINGO
[Event] [07/04-07/24] Wedding 2024 Event: Merry Happy Marry! ~Bride Battle~
[Event] [07/11-07/24] Eden's Got Talent S2
[Event] [07/18-07/31] Mini-event: DJ Soul S2
[2x] [07/10-07/23] Arena Coins

[Banner] [08/08] Undead Sigrid (New)
[Banner] [08/29] Beast Onyx (New)
[Banner] [09/19] Chaotic Linzy (Thanatos) (New)
[Content] [07/25] Guild Raid: Charite
[Content] [08/08] ESS Jacqueline (Anomaly)
[Content] [08/29] ESS Aki (Anomaly)
[Content] [09/19] ESS Lizelotte (New) (Anomaly)
[Event] [08/01] Summer Festival Event: Gaon Summer Festival ~Gaon Martial Arts Festival~
[Event] [TBA] "Date a Live V" Collaboration Event (currently JP-only)
[2x] [07/24] Labyrinth Coins
[IRL] [09/01] 2nd Savior's Day Live Stream (planned)

>NA Guilds

>Newbie Guide

>"Information Source" Spreadsheet

>Active Coupon

Previous Thread: >>486290235
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Q3 roadmap
School swimsuit Eve...
JP roadmap never...
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Undead pussy!
they kinda don't need it anyway since they have clairvoyance through GL/KR schedules, though the spring event being released few weeks ago instead of like summer pt 2 kinda says they wouldn't stick to the seasonal schedule when they can
so how good is larimar? no one seems to be talking about it. her ass and bond story dominate all discussion
Good DPS with fantastic debuffs, she shines more on PvP/PvE than raids but you can make her work there too. Amazing Liz partner.
She is broken in raids. She will match the dps of your highest dps carry while increasing their damage. Basically if your Naomi does 1billion damage Larimar will do 1billion damage too.
so which is it?
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She's really good
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Larimar sexo
Amazing loving ending. 10/10 girl I love my cute sexy larimar
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Her damage is quite pitiful on her own. But she has a skill that collects the whole teams damage during her curse and then inflicts it on the boss which is as broken as Daphne's skill. She fits on any team for this reason.
all you had to say was dps daphne
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What was she thinking, dressing up like this around the Savior?
Can that echoed damage 'double dip' buffs and debuffs? I.E. is it affected by buffs on larimar/debuffs on the enemy, or is it a flat amount of damage that ignores all modifiers
No idea but it can't crit for certain.
it's not a true echo, the stored damage seems to be effected by her attack stat and bosses reduction
bros i thought it was platonic??
This faggot has been messing with me for weeks now.
I've had someone like that for 6 months and he has never won a battle, I don't know what drives him.
He must be seething now that I created a perfect counter against his team.
From what I gather she's a bit harder to use in PvE due to her kit, but excessively good in raid content because of her damage amplifier potential, becoming better the more OP the rest of your team comp is. Seems like a very solid investment even at low ascension/arti but higher upgrades will help with her survivability.
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>breasts general
>flatties save dick
this game needs a photo mode with poses so I can jerk easier
At least we got the pantsu camera, that's a step up from before.
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>linzy true love
It's just one of those stories where both are obviously in love but don't end as a couple.
My personal opinion is that they are just like Yuria, inevitable but they won't become official until after the world is fixed.
Do some of you literally need the girl in a wedding dress at the end to pick up that she romantically loves you? I'm starting to understand why some other gachas feel the need to be so explicit about love in their bond equivalent stories.
Everyone is becoming more autistic these days(me included).
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good night /esg/
night jammie
sleep tight jammie
Immigrant spotted! Night jammie!
>panties pandering
>daphne matter
>love based girl
>sexy wins
>catherine swimsuit become canonically
>anon sucks clara
>fanservice expansion
is there a list anywhere of souls who "target highest attack"? I know aki, melfice and larimar
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But they're both already O5...
Linzy and Naiah. Then some only do it on their ultimate like Sakuyo, Xiaolian, Mephi, Naomi and someone else I forgot.
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>Play through Claras story
>It's another gossipnigger npc soul ruining everything episode
Death all to all npc souls. Savior has the patience of a saint, I would have executed them long ago. I'm looking forward to doing Larimars if it's true you end the world.
Seriously, the love stories that have any npcs in them tend to be the worser than the ones that solely focus on the souls. Prove me wrong.
not wrong
>Catherine, now Clara
Total Gossipnigger Death needs to happen.
Beleth was right after all...
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>Only cares about (You)
>Would senmetsu all npc souls who get uppity if given the chance
Does this look like the face of mercy?
Wait does she btfo gossipfags or npcfags in general? Why can't Catherine and Clara do the same?
Been a while since I read her but iirc in her bad ending if (You) didn't stop her should was about vaporize and delete some npcniggers. It's a bad ending because she didn't get to do that. Her story is that she only cares about (You) and it causes friction with others.
Any tips for clearing challenge 15?
Maybe I'm a brainlet but I can't deal with that instant wipe gimmick, it feel like there is just not enough time to use a main skill for the third time and once I reached 15-5 I can't kill everything before that
Souls that increase speed like Yuria, Vivi, Jiho and souls that increase mana gain like Talia will help. The trick is just don't spam your skills, only use when your stacks are down to 5, even if it means auto attacking for a while. Using a skill at 10 stacks is a waste.
It worked thanks
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I'm always aroused whenever Soonie gets defeated in battle and her bloomers in come full view.
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No one can stop me
I'll probably update the Rentry after the wedding event is over and give a bit more detail and formatting to several sections. Any other suggestions for it?
more butts
I was considering getting a custom header but I can't think of anything simple but fitting enough.
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I'm now done with everything other than the depths
it just takes too long
Are the JP community excited for the collab?
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>vivi's love story in august
canon soon bros
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Yes but only in her normal ending. But man is it kino.
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Does Date A Live have and holding power nowadays? I know it got a new anime season a while back.
dont forget in all routes you still get to see a faceless soul die, either you let larimar execute her or she stabs herself to death
I know seanigs and chinks love DAL to death, at least. Fanart gets decent enough engagement on xitter too.
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Reset Aira!
Just be late, it's the thought that counts. Don't turn it into a competitive chore.
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good morning /esg/

>day 18
>box 16
>1500 gems spent
>2 sold-out boxes
>4x 40 artifact tix
Sexy reset! Delicious pawjob
>Aira pawjob
>Aira paizuri with the top on
>Aira tailjob
>Aira pawjob (feetpaws)
>Aira hotdogging
>Aira mating press
Morning jammie!
Good job undeadbro
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flattest soul
>22. Wishlist – Discussion tomorrow
>26. SD character costumes – Okay
>30. Mansion preset – Okay
>32. Outing repeat function – Yes
>38. Automatic progression for frontline and gate – In development
Some nice things but I really wish for a better summary
Not too sure about a wishlist though, that would really be a final blow towards ever rolling on non a/d/c banners.
Right now I get one copy then stop, if they add that I would just wait and get them with my blue tickets.
Unless they limit it to green tickets, that would be close to worthless instead
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Wishlist is very concerning for a game like this which is already too generous as is with how easily you can get all the Souls. I don't like it.
SD character?
These >>486911480
Thanks. Yes, that would be nice.
I'm surprised they'd put in so much modeling work into something you almost never interact with.
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Do we agree or disagree?
She's SSS tier for both my heart and my dick, that's all that matters
I don't want to argee with P*ydwen. But that is pretty much what has been said in here, okay support in 5v5, broken in raids.
pretty much. her main damage comes from sentence which only targets highest attack in 5v5. it can spread to other targets but they need to die. so you ahve to pair her with someone like aki to utilize her sentence at all. so she's basically more of a support in 5v5, with her debuffs and stun
I see no issue with their review or ranking of her.
When are we making our own tier list with blackjack and hookers?
I want to wrap Larimar's hair around my cock and bust a fat nut inside it
I wish I didn't have to skip dominique to be able to afford rolling for larimar. I should have better prepared.
>Rebecca > Joanne > Bryce > Melfice > Violette > Nini > Velanna > Garnet > Petra > Otoha > Prim
Done reading all undead stories.
I'm surprised about how much I liked Rebecca and the twins, I'm not into lolis but their stories were just that good.
>Petra that low
>Petra below fucking Garnet
What is wrong with Garnet?
She is a perfectly cute and nice girl who is deeply in love with you, her only issue was committing a bit of mephiside but the Savior has show that can easily be overlooked
Petra herself is cute, but her love story wasn't very good on the love side of things; it did give lore though.
They do plan to get buried together after the savior dies and that is extremely romantic is a really weird way.
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shes autistic please understand
I'm really curious about what Aira's love story will be like.
She appears in the movie that plays after a true end so I assume her story was planned to be released early but it got a full rewrite after the devs decided on which direction to take the game in.
shit taste
I am praying it's good. I don't even care if it's not SUPER for you, I just want it to be satisfying and not just a nothingburger.
Aside from Otoha, are there any other souls that counters Daphne's invulnerability?
Anyone who can dispel buffs.
>Anyone who can dispel buffs.
Like Liz right? I'm new to this game.
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Yep! Her dispel is on her subskill though which might be a little unreliable since you can't control it like a main skill and it has to go off AFTER Daphne lost her health and her buff is active.
Tasha can dispel on her Main skill, Jade can do it as well at level 181 so those are more reliable. Check the ones the other Anon linked as well for ideas.
I love how Mephi always runs up to you when she's visiting town. She's so cute.
That's because she's your highest bond character (bond Lv10 and up) visiting at the moment, for me it was Melfice today.
It's funny once you get high enough bond with everyone and they just swarm you the moment you go to town.
That's cute
I agree, I wanna watch her tummy bulge and pat her head
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give me my super drunk pirate back
Booze is bad for you anon
>Aira shows up at the start of the story and asks Savior to play with her but he says no
I hope they will do like Larimar's and show what happens if he agreed to play with her.
The true end shows your litter of cubs with her
Was Clara always so erotic? Her facial expressions are super sexy.
when are they going to fix hazel? she's so fustrating to use. even with 2 lightning users and careful skill use her lightning rod still falls off.
I can only assume no one else is using her because it's driving me crazy
It took them a long time to fix Miriam.
I don't expect it anytime soon. Even with her issues she's still good, while actual bad souls took several quarters before they were finally fixed.
Cheol Hui said in the surprise stream that they are discussing their next balance patch, so hopefully Hazel will be part of that patch.
I use her. I have just resigned myself to restarting the fight 7-8 times every raid until Lightning Rod stays on. Sometimes it's just out of your hands, like when Charite becomes unhittable, it will always fall off. The alternative is just take the dps loss and don't ult so you can spam her special.
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I wish this game was more popular so I didn't have to try this shit myself
maybe the sukoyu nip will do it
I believe in you Anon.
29. Hazel balance patch
– Not for the time being
People asked for it but it doesn't seem like they plan to give her one
There are other souls in greater need of adjustments.
hazel's issue isnt a balance issue, her damage is good. she's just unusable in auto and you cannot use her main skill without breaking her ult. she is the only soul in the game where you are punished for pressing her button
There are many like that. Larimar must wait for her curse before using hers or she loses massive damage. Kanna has a huge dps loss if you don't want for her debuff also.
really not the same. the difference between manual and auto hazel is often 100m or more
What you get for going off meta.
share card so I can increase her bust size to 200%
do NOT give him the card
Give him the card
Low test
Based. Give her ark-sized breasts
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good night /esg/
night jammer
sleep tight jammie
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Finally managed to clear Stage 9 of the weekly dungeon. One more comfy clear added to the list.
Sweet dreams!
good job jammie
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hey /esg/, retard here. I couldn't find anything about it, so I was hoping I could get some help.
Do keepsakes not matter in Event Challenges? They disabled the button for it in team formations after all.
They do, I have no idea why you can't change them there.
Same bullshit happens on battlefront challenge mode forcing you to go back to the lobby to change anything.
cant you just hold down on their portraits to change keepsakes too
No, they are blocked off even there.
if something is disabled it's usually because in the past there were certain exploits people used in modes involving those menus. I dont remember one involving the keepsake menu but it's possible
I watched DAL after the colab announcement. It's not good but I can see the appeal in Kurumi and why the CEO chose it.
Thanks for the blog post
at least it wasnt persona 5
Given the DAL setting, it's literally one of the most fitting collabs we could've gotten.
>when you could use the same team twice in dual operations if you loaded the team from soul presets
Good times
You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.
That's like a walking nightmare.
SMT collab featuring only demons, the humans are the most boring part of the series.
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How do Molds work?
Do I need to gather mats to craft an Origin keepsake?
you use them to upgrade an eternal+ leppsake
>started the vn
>best girl wont even be in the colab
whats the point
>she's just unusable in auto and you cannot use her main skill without breaking her ult
Hazel's Ultimate applies a lightning rod that does very little damage on impact but massive damage over time to everyone around it. But if Hazel's stacks ever drop below 5, the lightning rod is gone. Hazel on auto will mash her skill even on low stacks, killing the rod and her damage, sometimes instantly.
sounds like miriams issue, they fixed her eventually
she just need a team of lightning users if you want to auto, it's shit damage but it wont drop
cool story
Good work anon
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Reset Claire missing her glasses!
You were both late.
does score matter at all in DJ soul or can I just hit one note and let the song run to the end
good morning /esg/

>day 19
>box 17
>1500 gems spent
>2 sold-out boxes
>4x 40 artifact tix

Yeah just AFK if you don't really care about your score, what the mini-game counts is the number of unique songs in the current playlist you've played at least one
>update phone
>now can't open the app
uh, shit.
good morning jammie
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>day 19
>box 26
>12350 gems spent
what is your endgame? why spend so much on boxes, do you value artifact tickets so highly over new souls?
I do prioritize upgrading my current girls over getting new ones. I also spend 50 gems a day on battlefront to level them up faster
I think I got too used to the KR voices, JP just doesn't feel right.
The game is weird when I don't hear everyone call me Kuonja-nim and all the other nonsense I can't understand.
At least JP is helpful on older love stories where the localization was pretty awkward.
Same. I was eagerly awaiting the JP dub since launch day, but I've gotten so used to the KR voices I can't swap.
The way they say "Savior" just grew on me. I wouldn't change it especially since the voice direction is solid.
Honestly sticking with KR, they really grew on me. Especially Talia, it just wouldn't be the same if I switched to JP.
>It only takes a single day for Kanna to become a gold digger
>The first thing to pop into her mind was shooting the savior with her love gun
Her bad end might be the most horrifying I have read if it goes in the direction I'm thinking.
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It's Savior's princess for you
True ending savior gets shot by it but it doesn't do anything cause he already fell for her cute
>be human
>finally land on Arkenine
>get shot
I just finished Linzy's True ending to unlock her theme.
>Larimar ultimate fix
Will this save her?
She needed saving?
Her ultimate has way too many gimmicks for the little damage it deals
Her sub really should've been her ultimate.
It's a bugfix, so no.
I applied to Pits but wasn't accepted... and there is no place in Jammies... is there any other /vg/ guild for a newplayer such as myself?
Did you put in /esg/ in your profile?
yes I did
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You might've made your profile private. Other anons have had problems with messages not being visible.
I will check later, but I am sure that I only have private the blank card I can design myself, the default profile is un-locked
If your name starts with P then your profile doesn't have a custom message of any kind.
Damn it... I edited it like 3 times yesterday just to make sure. Yeah that's me. I'm gonna try to fix it again today afternoon. I have no idea why it doesn't show. Sorry for the trouble.
seems to be an issue for multiple people recently so it might not be your fault
still not worth using it when she needs to be paired with a hypercarry at all times
Seems like both the profile message and the self-introduction box preset on the card do not display properly for others. Safest way is to just use text boxes on the card.
>Walled by artifact stones
I never thought it would come to this. I should have been buying them instead of artifacts... don't let it happen to you
My wife!
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Guys what do?
Miriam is so cute
I just copypaste some youtuber... Is Larimar broken?
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good night /esg/
sleep tight jammie
as people have said, she will only do damage if you have good damage. which means she will be bad for new players and perform the best for whales
Should be one of the easiest ones, probably just come back later if you're a new player
Gnight Jammie!
Night jammer
same problem. even souls I dont use are hitting eternal and my stash has vanished
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Reminder that you shouldn't vote for Catherine because she belongs to the people and not savior.
Voting Yuria because I want a better outfit for her, eyes are too small on the 2d icon of her default outfit though the default outfit's 3d model is great
Voting for twins because although I know they're not gonna get anything my unwavering love for them shall remain at its strongest.
Voting Aira so I can touch fluffy tail (more).
Voting Mephi so she can have a speedy recovery and come back to us soon.
Her Ark-sized breasts are taking longer than expected to install.
>rad game love beast
>cath souls dog damage
>clara enough sure endings
>wedding put 9ark already undead
>getting yuria soul collab
>ass real needs idol
>devs idea romantic
>fanservice expansion complain guaranteed
>keepsake clearly debuff costumes
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Based. I'm still voting Renee because I like her and hoping her love story won't have any npc niggers in it.
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I went all in on Otoha. I know she'll never make top 20 but hopefully it can show that at least someone wants her to appear in more than just her own love story. An event or ToO would be nice.
Renee will soon receive her blessings, tomboy bro.
independant souls dont really have much reason to show up. she could've appeared when kanna went to get a swimsuit made instead of a faceless soul tho
Having shorter hair doesn't make a girl a tomboy.
The roadmap banner makes her look like an icy elven princess.
her outtings have her obsessed with beauty also
She's top cute, a shame she's a bit too deranged for my taste, I really wanted to fully like her.
At least she gets fixed by the end of her love story.
I really wish that instead of that chaos shit we got normal alts with sequels to their true ends.
her kuudere side is top cute. her psycho side is bad and it annoys me that her 2d art is that part
Not to mention whenever she gets gifted something she goes "Oh, is this because you're going with someone else?". Like, come on.
mephi marriage
mephi love
mephi funeral arrangements
mephi on her way back
mephi replaced utterly by Beleth
mephi's ark-sized breasts
mephis normal sized breasts
The voice of sanity itt. Why does an artificial Soul need tits anyway?
I like her jealous side. She even asks if you voted for anyone else.
If you people meme bigger breasts on a potential alt for mephi there will be hell to pay
euthanize all breast enhancement dev supporters
euthanize and desecrate all mephi breast enhancement dev supporters
On second thought, her being artificial gives her an actual argument for having her breasts enhanced as opposed to Catherine's weird random boob growth.
This minigame is horrible to play
The timing is all off, I have to press buttons way before they reach the mark to count
I tried messing with the settings but it feels like there is no difference once I get to a real song
playing on mobile device or emulator? I hear it's so bad on emulator many people do it on their phone instead.
phone but a less than high quality one.
That's curious because on GPG I have absolutely no issues with it at all. It was perfectly smooth. I just fucking suck massive ass at it but that's a skill issue.
I can perfect some master level songs on actual idol games so it shouldn't be a complete skill issue.
Goof thing you don't need to play for the gems, just listening to the song without interaction is enough
Emulator's gonna vary a lot depending on hardware and which emu and settings are used, ech.
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Reset Eve!
bursting out of her schoolgirl swimsuit eve soon
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good morning /esg/, patch notes drop later today (probably, unsure since Charite raid already came with last Thursday's update, JP's definitely getting one though with the DAL collab details)

>day 20
>box 18
>1750 gems spent
>2 sold-out boxes
>5x 40 artifact tix
good morning jammie
Anyone have details on the collab units? Are they going to be meta?
Collab units in gachas are rarely ever meta unless they purposely want to incite as much greedy FOMO as possible seeing as they're typically never reran again after the event.
Even when they are meta there is no guarantee that they won't fall off immediately and leave you with a massive hole in your savings.
looking at you blue maid from the Emilia anime.
They stated they weren't going to be so you should expect side grades at best.
There was some basic info about their main and ult skills.

Thanks I guess it's safe to skip unless they give out enough copies in the event that it's easy to Origin.
Collab units are apparently "high investment low value" according to Cheol Hui, so I would at least assume they're already decent at Epic with diminishing returns for every ascension tier.
Or they'll remain meta for 9 months and completely destroy pvp. Looking at your Artery Gear.
They also said that ascensions won't give them as much power, and your maximum level doesn't increase by reaching origin. They're high floor, low ceiling, so they should be functional at the ascension level you can get for free via event copies
this is my experience with colabs. seems like that wont be the case though
Goddamn, that sounds really player friendly, but are 9ark going to go broke
>"high investment low value"
The opposite of that, high value at low investment.
>They're high floor, low ceiling
I do question that translation, it just sounds like they will be worthless late game.
It comes off as out of place when no epic soul is really worthless
They're going to screw up balancing them and at least one of them will be broken.
My expectation is decent units with some gimmicky sidegrade skills. Hopefully good enough to get more people to play this game since that's the ultimate goal of collabs.
They just need to not be shit, which shouldn't be too hard since a lot of the meta souls Japan doesn't have access to yet.
>Hopefully good enough to get more people to play this game
I could get a few of my friends to play the game if not for their choice of characters.
Origami, Kotori and the twins would have been 5 more players easy.
Maybe nine ark weren't the ones who selected them because I'd like to think they would have picked better. I guess there's always hope for a part 2.
they picked the main girl and the fan favourite
>the main girl
And there is your problem.
Main girls have negative pull.
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Thank you, Erika!
But Mephi...
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Well, fellas. I made it to Box 19 before the event ended.
How far did y'all get?
about halfway through box 30.
There's one more day no? You might get lucky.
Box 26 currently, by far the luckiest I've ever gotten. I usually end on like box 15
Flat Mephi > Ark sized Mephi
Speaking facts in here
box 1 because I only started playing just now... :(

also! I just finished Velanna love story and HOLY SHIT! I wasn't expecting this! The scene after credits... it is the first gacha I played that shows actual romance with characters and actual intimacy... will there be more? This was my first love story
most of them are some degree of romantic, not all though.
NTA but he is talking about the kiss scene afaik[/spoiler
I love undead pussy
Good night, /esg/
Hers is nowhere near the most romantic; though sometimes the devs decide to fuck over a specific character's love story and you're kinda just shit out of luck if it happened to a girl you really liked
what do you mean, your entire message is super vague and cryptic
Chaotic Yatogami Tohka (STR/Warrior/AoE)

>Main Skill: Don't Get in My Way!

Wielding a sword that can even cut through space,
deals damage to the surrounding area based on the nearest enemy and gains 1 stack of the <Final Sword> buff effect.
If she has an ATK buff effect, she deals additional damage based on her ATK,
and if she has a DEF buff effect, she deals additional damage based on her DEF.

>Sub Skill 1: I'll Protect You!

Deploys a protective area for allies, granting a buff that increases physical/magic resistance to nearby allies for a certain period of time. When this effect ends, her own ATK and DEF are increased for a certain period of time.
If she has an ATK buff effect when the skill is activated, she heals herself. If she has a DEF buff effect, she gains a shield buff that absorbs damage for a certain period of time.

>Sub Skill 2: How Dare You!

Unleashes a series of furious attacks, dealing damage to the nearest enemy.
If she has an ATK buff effect, she deals additional damage based on her ATK,
and if she has a DEF buff effect, she deals additional damage based on her DEF.

>Passive: Spirit Armor - Type Ten

Further amplifies her power.
If she has an ATK buff effect, the damage she deals to enemies is increased,
and if she has a DEF buff effect, the final damage she receives is reduced.

>Ultimate: Final Sword - Halvanhelev

Unleashes the true power of the Massacre Princess to annihilate enemies.
Targets the nearest enemy and deals damage in a straight line area, combining her ATK and DEF stats.
If she has the <Final Sword> buff effect, she consumes all stacks to deal additional damage.

1, 3, 5 stacks: Deals additional damage based on ATK for each stack.

2, 4, 6 stacks: Deals additional damage based on DEF for each stack.

Patch notes (JP): https://kakaogames.oqupie.com/portals/2463/articles/63234

DAL collab details (JP): https://kakaogames.oqupie.com/portals/2463/articles/63421
shut the fuck up
There will be a lot more romance and intimacy over all, but hopefully you don't like Catherine
No maint this week, just as I guessed
You forgot the pick-up banner stuff: https://kakaogames.oqupie.com/portals/2463/articles/62125

>collab banners use separate tix, presumably expires by end of event
>Guaranteed Tohka on 60 pulls, 120/180/240/270/300/every 100 pulls after gives 1x Dimensional Essence (collab units don't use dupes for ascension, requires "universal" fodder)
>No. of ascend mats needed are the same as normal A/D/C
>"Unique Abilities" (collab units don't have Artifacts since they're not Souls technically, is automatically ascended based on unit's Ascension tier)
>Collab units DO NOT get added to Alchemy banner post-collab, but Dimensional Essence will be so you can ascend them if you weren't able to get them to O+5 by end of event
>Same as normal Chaotic units, not available outside of their pick-up banners
>Collab units don't have Love Stories/Soul Stories/costumes, but you can raise their bond lvls regardless
>Collab units don't affect the Limit Breakthrough system (they don't increase Origin lvl cap like normal Souls)
>Collab units you didn't obtain will not show up in the Soulpedia post-collab, but they will be there during said event
that model looks great
why can't they release global units that look that good
Wouldn't say it's "great" given that it fails to have that translucent effect on her skirt that's part of her design ever since the first DAL LN volume. Weird too since Nineark does know how to do transparent designs like with Erusha.
Why so rude?
sleep tight Jammie
Tohka short preview
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Velanna's love story is one of the less romantic. But there are love stories that aren't romantic at all.
After Naomi(included), all love stories were about love/relationship, but the last three don't have one or both
>Collab units don't have Love Stories/Soul Stories/costumes
Completely worthless, I hope they don't waste one of our months on that shit.
I wouldn't be surprised if the event didn't feature the Savior at all now that they have shown themselves too scared to even let us interact with them in some platonic soul story
Should have just given us love stories but had them take place from the viewpoint of Shidou (Date a Live's protagonist)
Well it was saviorfagging (ironically) her from depression a bit and there was a romance at the end with clear intimacy.
So which souls have romance/intimacy and which don't?

Also I'm starting to feel bad for Mephi for romancing other souls...
I hope they do so I have a month to save gems for better souls
>So which souls have romance/intimacy
Every Soul that released after Naomi(inclued) and before Dominique(excluded) There is romance in Larimar's love story, but you don't end in a relationship. Also, it's a 'what if' story like Eve's
Other than those, Aki, Claire, Haru, Xiaolian, Cherrie, Talia, Dora, Garnet, Nini, Rebecca, Prim, Mephi, Nicole, Ayame, Jade, Flynn, and Vio.
Dunno about Petra, Naiah, and Manon.
I'm sure I'm forget some...
>I'm starting to feel bad for Mephi for romancing other soul
You aren't cut to be the harem master Halloween's story
all love stories are what if. don't trick the newbies into thinking this is some harem game
Welcome newcutie! Hope you have fun! The other Anon covered the romance options, but even the less romantic stories tend to be cute.
If we are going to argue about this, it's better to read the archive
There is nothing to argue about. All love stories are self contained and unrelated. They all start with "What if X messaged Savior on Evertalk to meet up".
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all love stories are canon
so who to believe? it seemed like Velanna story was somehow in the middle of the main story
thanks, so basically most of them are romance focused. thank you for listing this, and I'm gonna check the Halloween event soon, probably this weekend. I am still in the process of doing main story and racking up affection with my favorite souls
Yeah that's what I thought. And if Velanna is one of the >less romantic then I can't wait to see more of them

Also I have an issue and I don't know if this is a translation issue or the game is just made like that. It seemed to me that, while going through Velanna's love story and Evertalk, that her evertalk messages are... pretty random? and completely unrelated to what was going on in the love story itself.
You are going to throw arguments at me, I'm going to throw arguments at you, and nobody will be convinced.
It won't be clear until the devs say something.
I won't reply again
How about at the end of Edith's love story when you get married, her sister Hazel sends a letter threatening to come meet you to find out who married her sister. And then in Hazel's love story it's never mentioned and you just start a relationship with her instead.
The devs already said savior is the harem master last halloween, all love stories are canon
>so who to believe?
Until the devs say something, you choose what to believe. Unless the love story explicitely says so, like Eve's and Larimar's.
>I'm gonna check the Halloween event soon
I miss the wolfussy
>completely unrelated to what was going on in the love story itself
Most of the time they are a mix. You get 2 chains of evertalk between love story's chapters. One of them is random the other about what is happening in the love story. Sometimes they don't obey this rule. It's confusing.
It really is! In other gachas the mobile messages were always connected to the story, and here during the fight with Velanna I suddenly got a message from her asking about book reccs? Like what the fuck, there is life and death situation going on here, why are you asking me about books?
main story is seperate from love stories. some of the "what if's" will offshoot from the main story but nothing that happens in the love stories will bleed back into the main strory
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That happens a lot. But they also mention stuff that is happening in the love story.
Eversoul is a multiverse game, all love stories are canon just not in the same line as the main story.
Catherine gets flooded with memories from events, ESS and her love story during the main one you skipping retards.
The reason why so many souls like you are a bleeding effect from their own love stories.
dont even ironically start multiverse shit or i'll uninstall
You can just read 8-11
isn't the multiverse true? I'm just a newplayer but in the uh evil soul subjugation there was stated that evil souls are from alternate timelines?
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>The main story doesn't happen in my timeline
>The love stories I did plus the events happen in my timeline
Feels good to be the lucky savior while I watch that idiot suffer
Yes, but canon obsessed people won't accept anything until it gets mentioned in the main story, which it did so they really should shut up now.
>evil soul subjugation
Yes. All Evil Souls, but Adrianne come from universes where the savior fucked up.
ESS Adrianne comes from the main story universe
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And there's not one universe where Catherine will ever be yours.
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What? So the story I am playing isn't the main universe? What the hell? This really kills any motivation to read the story... I thought we are the main hero of this
way to go marvelfags
>confusing and discouraging newcutie on purpose
I thought we wanted to keep the thread alive and bring in some new players, is this the way to do so?
Trial by fire, the newfags must be strengthened so they can survive against the gossipniggers
Go with what you think it's true. But what this anon >>487275632 said really happens in the main story.
If you want to be the savior there while mixing the love stories you did. It's impossible but...
>I thought we are the main hero of this
I wouldn't want to be that guy.

Most of the love stories are designed in such a way that they don't affect each other because they can't control whether the player does some or none of them before doing another one.
They could program some alternative paths, but I guess it's too much work with little reward.
Beleth save me!!!
Okay now I really am confused. so is this: >>487276463
true or not? it kind of defeats the whole purpose of playing the story
what gossipniggers?

also plot aside, I built by team with my wife Velanna, Aki, Daphne, Mephi and Clara. I managed to get them all to Legendary+ with Mephi getting to Origin+2. I think this is pretty solid team as it does well in every content so far...
I thought Eversoul was going to be an exception among gachas I play and have happy, wholesome, and overall positive story
bro in most of the bad endings the girls die horribly, it even happens in some good endings too
>it kind of defeats the whole purpose of playing the story
It's a gacha game, so the main story will only end when we EOS. The only purpose to read it is for entertainment and to know more about the game's lore.
NPCs that appear in some love stories to mess with you and your partner. Don't expect anything good coming from them.

>Velanna, Aki, Daphne, Mephi and Clara.
You are missing the race buff (three or more of the same race). When possible, change Clara to Jiho(with artifact) or Beleth(Beleth>Jiho)
>happy, wholesome, and overall positive story
All events and true endings are like this
I don't have neither Jiho nor Beleth, that's why I went with Clara, but I will look out for them! Clara seemed to be good healer to keep my party alive
Race buff is really nice to aim for, just don't gimp your team for it. Having a balanced team that works together does more than some stat boosts. You can take advantage of those if convenient.
>Petra, Naiah, and Manon
Naiah and Manon are romantic.
Petra is extremely autistic about it but I'm pretty sure its supposed to be romantic too.
Sure, Clara is good enough at the beginning (heal+stun). Later, you will want to have a healer with built-in debuff removal unless Clara's artifact is legendary+
Naiah's love story made me lothe her default costume. I will never go back to it while she is holding that thing. Actually worse than gossipniggers.
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>Petra is extremely autistic about it but I'm pretty sure its supposed to be romantic too
kek. How so?
I heard Naiah's love story is immersion breaking. You have a dream about your innermost desire, and it isn't about sucking Ayame's tits.
iirc she plans to share the Saviors grave once he dies.
how is that not romantic? I'd die happy
Creepy af, but romantic at the same time
Surely people who only care about DAL will join for the colab, see the characters are incomplete compared to the others and just quit? I wonder what the retention numbers are on colabs in general.
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good night /esg/
sleep tight jammie
they usually offer a good spike with a large drop off. colabs are just glorified ad campaigns after all, they're worth it just for the people who stick around and keep playing
I don't see DAL bringing in many people for the global version. Maybe some compile heart fans from /nepgen/
Good night Jammie
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Was it necessary?
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maybe i should pick her up
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Do you need more than 1 copy of Larimar for her to be useful?
if you just want her as a debuffer she only needs enough copies to survive. but increasing her ascension will improve her damage
Suck my dick
stop being a faggot
canon bi souls:
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Hmmmmmmmmmm nyo
I'll give you Claire but where's your proof for the other 3
and Karen isn't a soul
Canon cock hungry souls:
Everyone in the game plus everyone that's gonna be added to the game in the future until EoS
Canon non-cock hungry souls:
Collab units
I knew this was coming. The whole of Aurelia loves Larimar
Honglan love story doesn't count. It was written before the yurifaggotry purge
Did they change Honglan's story? I only read it on release and never paid much attention to her after that
>Did they change Honglan's story?
Too much work. They just added an epilogue and called it a day
It's still shitty
excluding the yuribait, it's not that bad as a character story, but pretty much only one episode is just Savior and Honglan, he's the camera in this one
>it's not that bad as a character story
I didn't like the whole bunny thing. Her ToW is a better character story. It explains more things about Honglan and shows more her present and past personality
Yeah. Because souls just get reborn over and over marriage is an uncommon thing in soulsland so for the few who decide to spend their eternity together they have quite a number of practices, like not opting to revive and burying your soul stone together with your spouse's, which is what Petra was opting for in her true end, wanting to be buried together with you once you die.
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The random messages are my favorite part of the love stories. They're a nice peek into the Savior and soul's relationship that doesn't pertain to the love story's plot. While it seems jarring to get it after an intense event, it's not chronological and meant to be taken as a convo they had on a calmer day where they didn't meet up.
I believe in the happy ending
>Love is not a one-sided thing where just one person gives. Both people should receive from each other.
>It may seem like common sense to some,
>but if it weren't for you, I might have forgotten that.
i hope she can give me back all the gems i wasted so i can spend it on someone with a love story
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was catherine just using us
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I love Love Story discourse.
Almost done with all of them, only a few more left, though admittedly I'm not that invested into the remaining ones so it's harder for me to get them done.
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claudia's story makes more sense after seeing aurelia
>they're all so powerful they're bored of life
>but you don't end in a relationship [with larimar]
Dog if that true end doesn't do everything but explicitly state it then I'm afraid for your media literacy
I can't tell if this is trolling or not
With all they showed about her past and shit I though it would be something like "Oh with the way everyone treats me and shit I wish they could treat me like any normal soul oh woe is me" type beat, not "I fucking love being an all powerful angel this shit rules."
realising all the angels are as fucked up as undead
>needing to hypnotize beleth
i'm pretty sure you could just ask her to do anything and she would, just because you're human
This. She's so devoted I'd feel bad about even trying to hypnotize her into anything.
Beleth love!
OP Five > OP One
The numbers don't lie
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>page 10
live like velanna
Evil women...
If Evil, why hot
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Reset Jade!
My sexy wife!
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Gee, thanks free summon
gold digger
A proud one. In truth, I would like Jade even if she was poor. She is sweet and caring
My biggest complaint about bryce and melfice is that they cost me like 600 dollars to get to o+5
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>day 21
>box 16
>1500 gems
We were on the verge of greatness...
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would've prefered her normal form
>no alt skin or love/soul story
I still don't know why they're bothering with a collab if they're going to half-ass it like this
good morning /esg/, take a look at my final voting for EGT

>day 21
>box 19
>1750 gems spent
>2 sold-out boxes
>5x 40 artifact tix

can understand how underwhelming this is since this is the game's first ever collab event, can only hope JPbros tell them the whole thing's just really lacking and they should do better if ever they plan another one in the future
14 sovlful votes only. Sad.

Dunno about alt skin but I don't want the NTRfags cropping up and shitting up the place. Isn't the anime some sort of harem stuff already?
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The votes are in!
based twinsfag preventing EoS
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I had to spread a few around as a treat.
>Dunno about alt skin but I don't want the NTRfags cropping up and shitting up the place.
It's fucked either way. The retards that shitpost about that would just use the lack of love stories to call us the cucks anyway.
Our only saving grace is that this place is pretty dead, even if one tries they wouldn't get much attention and leave after getting bored.
Ended with 26/40 left on box 31. 0 gems used.
I'm tempted to drop a few and see if I can get that last set of tickets but Larimar sucked me dry and I really need to save up for Linzy.
The collab characters feel less valuable than a normal one.
Roll for an average soul and you get a fully voiced story and a free costume to go with it,
Roll for a collab and that is all you get.
If it was more valuable then people would complain about regular Souls not getting the same treatment or about missing out on the limited units permanently afterwards. Collabs upset everyone to some degree but it's the best way to get some new blood into a game.
I thought they were free events? If you have to roll then yeah they're a rip.
You got to roll but the event will give a few uncap mats for free
Need to roll them first, then subsequent dupes are converted into universal mats to Ascend either one of the two
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Was trying to do the event challenges at the last moment.
For challenge 2 (4 invincible Nameless) my idea was to have Lute and Chloe in front to taunt with Joanne, Honglan and Ayame in the back to damage but it's super inconsistent. I figure Claudia would do better but mine is just Epic and not even in sync. Any other ideas?
Nevermind, leaving only Chloe in front and putting in Rebecca did the job. Thanks me! I can always count on you!
Good job anon, I think I just used Daph, Yuria, Viv, Naiah and Talia.
Naiah did nothing
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>day 21
>box 28
>13650 gems spent
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Summer Petra skin bugged out in JP and leaked bride Petra's 2D art instead lol
That's her bond costume, innit?
Man, it's really a shame that they won't have costumes nor love stories. What a shitshow.
she isn't evil, just depressed...
bwos? I got 700 jims from discord event? I don't even have a discord, wtf?
It's what everyone in the server gets as long as people on dicksword actually participate in community events and hits the required goal
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>join the discord server
>the stickers from that server are ass
Dunno why I'm still there
even if I'm not in the discord?
is it even worth joining?
>is it even worth joining?
Fuck no.
That Soonie and Mephi one are good
The mileage for the collab is a bit weird. It's 60, 120, 160, 200, 250, 300. Then 100 each time after.
Watched a skill animation video for both Tohka and Kurumi and idk...

Their skills just seem to lack some sort of oomph to them unlike our normal units, the models do look pretty but by the end of their animations it makes you feel really underwhelmed
I agree, plus they look pretty gimmicky to boot. Might pass on these two.

New Dev Notes previewing stuff coming on August 1
>Summer Festival Event
>World Boss max lvl modified from 5 to 50 (previous lvl 5 boss HP + kill rewards -> new boss HP + cumulative rewards up to lvl 20)
>Claudia ToO + special rerun banner
>Main Story Chapter 8 Pt. 2
>Additional graphics settings
>Outing keyword requirement change (Soul Lvl 20 -> Reach Bond Lvl 3)
>OpEd Shop item rearrangement (only one listing for each item, can buy multiples of the same item instantly)
>OpEd reset time changed (9am GMT+9 -> 12mn GMT+9)
>JP versions of some vocal themes will be added to Lobby playlist
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Man, wanna try my luck on Claudia but I really can't when I prepped for Eve and Chaos Linzy already.
It's all about that account value.
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Don't forget to lock in your votes today
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Locked and loaded.
>Outing keyword requirement change (Soul Lvl 20 -> Reach Bond Lvl 3)
That's nice. I don't think Level sync levels count so I always just level anyone new I got to 20 first.
i've been waiting for that change because i'm too lazy to level units to 20 and then reset and sync them
Thanks for the dyev nyotes!
I feel the same. Especially with Lize rerun probably coming up later too. It's too tight.
>5250 gems
>box 25
Luckiest I've ever gotten
where is the kurumi stuff? not seen her model yet
Someone uploaded a video of them using both Tohka and the "trial" Kurumi in event stage on dcinside, but my internet isn't the best rn so I can't load said site. I'll at least put up a screencap of her in story tho.
I want to fuck the clock
It's bad end like Catherine
It wasn't platonic. But those stories aren't canon anyway so it doesn't matter.
they won't care if tsunako isn't involved
good night /esg/

don't forget to submit your EGT votes before reset in ~10 hours
Does it even matter? we already know that the most boring pick won.
Really showing them that love storyless bores are perfectly acceptable as long as they are busted.
It matters to me to know that my wife got an extra pile of votes she wouldn't have otherwise! I hope we get full vote counts at the end.
sleep tight jammie
Just be thankful Aki didn't win a second time.
But she will, because the japanese will vote for her in their own poll
>Really showing them that love storyless bores are perfectly acceptable as long as they are busted
This game's future is fucked
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it's fine because larimar is busted, hot, interesting and will win next year
At least Aki is a fun and interesting character. I can see people voting for her because they genuinely like her
My cute genocidal wife is perfectly balanced for a post launch Demon
Too much competition coming up, and that's for the souls we know about. She has no chance of winning
I hope the director uses his pick to select Mephi. She deserves another outfit
With ark-sized breasts
I know she won't win, but I couldn't bring myself to vote for any other soul when I imagined her flatness in an idol outfit.
her chaos version might win next time if shes meta enough
Sure, but normal Linzy is the soul that got me playing the game. Also if chaos Linzy really does have breast expansion, then that will just ruin a vital part of Linzy's appeal!
We should get at least two more Chaotic souls not including the DAL collab ones by 2.5 Anniversary. She may be considered old news by then
we've already established that all that matters with this playerbase is strength
newfag here, what should I pick for my second eternal keepsake selection check? int speed seems to be in demand but I not sure if I should pick something for my tank
also is there any setting to keep track of sub skill activation? needing to keep pausing and checking the enemies debuffs is a pain
Yes, and 2025 souls should be stronger
Int Speed is by far the highest in demand, other than the only important things are really 1 str attack (for Rad Catherine) and two Dex Crit Damage sets (or 1 crit damage + 1 crit rate and then switch over to 2 Dex crit damage sets later on)
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any hints on what weapons sigrid will be using? it's not going to be more swords or daggers is it?
Tyrfing is a sword, for what that's worth.
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2 weeks for more undead sexo. Can't fucking wait.
Titty linzy can suck both my nuts, I'm not rolling for her.
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would be nice...
Basado, I hope we get rare love stories soon
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The most based man in this entire thread.
A knife ear fucker I can respect
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Should I start Blue Archive? I'm worried that after this game I won't enjoy just being a platonic teacher.
As someone who's been there Day 1, it's about to enter the most absolute dogshit half of the year so far, so up to you.
it has some very cute girls but I never got into it, I found the school setting kind of boring and dropped after a few months
It's my other main gacha and I think it's pretty decent but your mileage may vary on a lot of aspects. At least the community gatekeeps most faggots out because of the underage school setting.
I quit ba after eversoul came out because it's tedious in comparison
My dick between her tits
>inb4 a small knife
>What weapon is the rogueish looking soul who holds a blade, and whose artifact is a mythological blade, is going to wield?
Why ask such stupid questions?
there are a few souls with sword artifacts that aren't using swords
I still find it really funny that Flynn's artifact is just an RPG.
I'd love to get her ToO and find out she was used in Iraq or some shit
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Reset Linzy!
I hope she's a defender. really dont need another assassin. infact any h/b/f/u should just be non-dps at this point since they'll never compete
I wish we could select multiple cgs to rotate as your lobby screen like we can do with the music.
There are some great ones but the UI is way too horrible for me to bother swapping them around.
good morning /esg/

I know my EGT picks probably won't win because metafags outnumber us waifufags but let's hope for the best
I'm really surprised that Yuria lost.
I was assuming she would get both meta and waifu votes.
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Morning jammie! Hope you're having a good time.

I was gonna overhaul the Rentry a bit more today but I got carried away adding too much info and my head hurts from writing too much. I'll finish it up tomorrow.
good morning Jammie
>"Potions" are really important to souls as they help suppress the "pain" of a long life.
I never took Yuria for a potionholic before.
Erika is really nasty for making a business out of this issue.
Yuria is boring from both a design and personality standpoint. She shouldn't have made it in the top 3.
I hard disagree but opinions and all that.
I do think idol is a bad fit for Yuria and there are better picks for that costume, still dropped all my votes during the second part on her as the only soul I'm completely against winning is rad cath.
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Petra Love
shit taste faggot
I pick Edith.
I also picked a shitty soul to vote for
Erika love story was a little weird, she really feels like a young kid.
Even other childish souls like Manon and Melfice still had moments where it shows how much older and experienced they are compared to the savior.
Whole time it felt like an older brother trying to help their socially retarded sibling.
Talia's love story JP voices are broken.
Nothing at all is said, I even tried deleting all voices before downloading them again but it didn't do anything
Seems the DAL collab story voices are also broken since there's no single voiced line based on what I've seen from stream footage yesterday.
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I need to breed undead pussy
how is the collab stuff anyways? you just get 1 copy and a generic copy is added to erika summons after the event? so you can technically go from epic to origin+5 as long as you get just one copy before the event ends? (even if it would be super expensive)
There are 2 dupes in one event shop and 2 in another, so it looks like they give out 4 dupes. The dupe material is currently in the Erika summons as well, so presumably you can O+5 them if you have more money than sense.
Could always try suggesting it in CS inquiry, I wish we got a survey this time of year since I have a lot to say and suggest myself.
I voted for my wife Velanna. Is there any chance she gets new content?
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hmmmm maybe
How do you know the best outing spots for each Soul? The places that unlock a keyword usually work, but some of them are actually bad.
I think the spreadsheet has their preferred place but I just go in blind and thinking which would be their favourite spot. Sometimes the soul will tell you "I like this place but please take me here at night" or something like that.
One of the spreadsheet pages in the op has their preferred places and preferred keywords.
What the fuck Keith
Beasts badly needs a healer who can also cleanse from their own faction. My beast team gets fucked over by challenges that requires only their typing since I can't use Yuria with them.
Humans have Beleth and Jiho.
Fairies have Talia and Erika.
Undeads have Prim.
Clara with leg+ artifact
Clara can clease. But what beasts actually need is a ranged healer because both Clara and Seeha run into melee which causes a lot of issues with congestion on ESS.
Yeah but Clara's cleanse is locked behind her Legendary+ artifact.
How is JP liking the collab?
It got them to 40k X followers recently, at least
they gained 3.6k followers this month
I got my first copy of Ayame from the shop
What do I do with her?
The amount of int souls that want speed sets is really stupid.
Half of my guild raid team need it
>Almost 2m while skipping
What the fuck, Larimar almost doubled my total damage.
Not even Liz or Cath caused such a big jump in damage.
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good night /esg/
sleep tight jammie
>Haru poster already dead
nyoo I liked him
good riddance
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I liked him...
pour one out for a real jammie
Good afternoon, /esg/
I love Undead pussy.
good afternoon jammie
Afternoon jammer
When do units get added to Erika's whack ass gacha?
I'm missing one Larimar copy to get her to Origin.
right after their banner ends I think
>losing to my rival on charite because I refuse to ever use idolshit naomi
you win this one
based retard
How does the Naomi Larimar team work? Don't you need a shield provider or is it just ignoring that entirely?
naomi gives a party wide shield with her main attack
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but Naomi is a shield provider
I could've sworn I read her skills and didn't see that...
Its on her artifact, when you use her main it gives the whole team shields
Look at her artifact
Ooooh!!! Thanks bros. I always forget to check that whenever it's relevant.
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no problem bro
>My Larimar is dealing almost a billion damage by herself on charite
Damn she's broken. Did they not test her?
Canonically she's like Yuria level strong, makes sense she'd be Yuria level busted
she's not doing it by herself and they don't have to test demons, they're allowed to be broken
It's not by herself. And she better be strong, she's a demon
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Supposedly there is a good charite Sakuyo comp, anyone got her to work?
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I got 1.5b with a Jade team which was fun, I always liked her
What does a Jade team look like?
Jade/Aki/Yuria/Dom/Larimar. Not optimal but fun
don't have one to test but yuria and larimar with some mana drain seems a safe bet
larimar's artifact is currently bugged, she loses her mana drain from leg+ if you take her artifact to eternal or eternal+
That's what I get for investing early.
apologems soon?
When I put Sakuyo and Tasha on the same beast squad team, I have no idea who should be ulting.
Who should even use her ult on their team?
probably your struggling healer until the final ult which should be naomi
just try a run doing both and see who does more
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someone has to pay for all the tiles anon
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Are you really going to say that to this cutie?
but I can't use my elven sluts properly. charite's always a write-off for me..
so instead of getting 2 bikinis events this year, we're getting 1 and the kimono event that japan had? fucking robbed
Collab also contributed to there being only one summer event, and it involves two bikinis going to idolshit characters
They really don't need our money.
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Reset Haru for our fallen jammie!
good morning /esg/

...might actually consider going 300 on larimar now instead of sticking to my 120 gamba
do it. if you're not going to roll for OP and cute tall flat chested girls then who are you going to roll for?
My naomi/larimar team cannot do enough mana drain without Eve. It is suffering.
good morning Jammie
I'm almost tempted to drop another 100 on Larimar.
Unfortunately I still need 4 copies for Eternal while already being at 600 mileage, she really doesn't want me
Daphne really avoided getting any true bad end.
Sure the story paints it as bad but I read other romances where someone sacrificing their power to stay with their loved one was the happy ending.
Finally updated the Rentry and just generally added a lot more info and pictures. It needs one more section and some image formatting but it should be more in depth on specific aspects.

Good job, hopefully we get a ton of newfags to take advantage of your hard work
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Lary's bretty gud
What's the purpose/importance of low rarity Dominique
Am I bricked for having her at o5/eternal+
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Daphne's true end still makes me grin like an idiot. It's stuff like this that keeps me going.
Nice! Just read through it and I think it's comprehensive.
Minor note though, under Souls and Progression: Souls, where you are discussing Souls' factions and characteristics. The way this sentence is phrased feels like it could be taken as classes limiting keepsakes, not characteristics. Am I reading it wrong?
No, I got her to Et+ within 200 rolls and cashed out. She should still want high rarities for her own personal damage.
Also, how are you controlling the bosses mana with only Larimar? He always hits his ult before the mana drain succ. All I can think of is that I have speed on Larimar and it's throwing timing off
Dominique gives a mana gain debuff, among other things. I was using Eve too till I tried a team I saw on arca. Are you using speed gloves boosting Naomi? If you find yourself molesting the whale too quickly, you could also withhold firing off mains untill it does it's first succ.
I'm also running speed keepsakes on Larimar, everyone is on speed except Naomi who's on CD (atk if getting the speed boost is finnicky, of course).
I think I might have to, because I was at like 600x before the first suck and it made surviving really damn hard(impossible)
I'll try again later and report back
The arca page I was talking about, should anyone want to try it out too.
Yeah I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but he always hits his ult at the lightning storm. Just don't think I'm meant to do this one this time around.
Did bretty good.
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see >>487613815 if you have larimar's artifact at leg+ or origin she will also mana drain. her and dom are enough together
Anons I'm tempted to max out the DPS collab unit with the heterochromia. The way I see it, it won't be too strong but it also can't be too weak, and I just need 1 more DPS right now to max out my synchro slots because they delayed Hong Lan and Lizelotte for so long.
post footage if you do, we still haven't seen her
Why is /esg/ suddenly copying meta teams? When did you all become so cringe
when we lost our whale who used to post comps for us
i've been googling eversoul [boss name], copying the team, and clicking skip since launch
I'm missing too many meta souls to copy but there are only so many mana drainers, a lot of comps are going to be similar
what is the timing on joanne to make the shields line up?
Big boobs hold the hopes and dreams of men. It's impossible for Daphne to get a bad end.
You're very right, I rewrote that part and left the two backwards. Good catch! I'll fix it soon.
good night /esg/
Night jammie
She's not out yet, right now only the purple hybrid bruser type is available.
If Mephi gets a chaos alt what would you want it to be? Support/healer? Tank? Caster DPS? DoT/Debuffer?
ark-sized breasts
She should have breasts the size of Daphne and Ayame
sleep tight jammie
She should attack by throwing mini mephis at the enemy
Seeing more stuff with the mini Mephies would actually be really interesting to me.
At this point they should just make all A/D/C dps and leave the supporting roles to the other races or people aren't going to spend on them.
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it's funny that so many people passed on dominique and now they are learning how broken she is
I passed because I know I'll get her to Origin+ eventually. I already got two copies without rolling once on her banner.
I rolled because she was cute but it was always clear a character who gives 20% to all casters would be vital in any caster teams. Always amusing to see pr*dwen get it wrong though.
>shit love story
no reason to pull
>shy mess who tries her best
100% reason to pull
I wanna molest her until the day I die.
I always roll with my dick, and larimar and thanatos linzy takes priority.
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too busy saving for awakened mephi
With a flatter chest than her normal version
I hope she awakens something in me.
Awakened Mephi as the 2nd Anniversary Soul.
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this is why dick rollers always win. no girl is suddenly going to get hotter after her banner ends and leave you with regret for not rolling
I need to fuck Larimar's plump ass.
Waiting for Koikatsu anon to deliver.
With ark-sized breasts
with normal-sized breasts
That ass is so mesmerizing
Mephi's body is perfect the way it currently is.
cold and decaying?
torn apart?
completely fine and headed back to eden?
In my basement?
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I feel bad that I don't use her as much as I used to
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Miriam is still cutest and sexiest elf
I dunno... Dominique is pretty good...
Sorry anon but I gave up. Her clothes are too ridiculous. Just have to hope the Sakuyo/Eileen guy picks her up.
Nyoo.... Just say it's an alt outfit!
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How're you doing this evening, /esg/? Did you remember to squish your sheep today?
I'm gonna squish you, Anon.
I'm doing fine, I'll probably procrastinate on the raid with >auto until tomorrow, too much gacha stuff overlapping.
thanks I almost forgot
I wish Lute was real.
I wish girls were real.
I wish real girls were fake. They're less scary.
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Reset Naomi!
boobs too big
i wish we had got the gyaru slut noami instead
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good morning /esg/
Good morning, jammie
good morning jammie
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>setup works perfectly in practice
>fails instantly in live
Unless you aren't supposed to be hitting main skills outside of dom/titslut then I don't know. He always hits his ult through damage a fraction of a second before the big succ.
I love those little messages that come with a soul birthday.
Wonder what they will do once their second birthday comes by, it would be lovely if they get a brand new message instead of repeats.
I know PGR did different messages every year but they have a really small roster so it's more manageable.
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Larimar keeps breaking the contribution.
doesn't seem like she was tested. I doubt they intended her to become the most powerful soul when her animations look so weak
They got her backwards, sentence should've been her ultimate and not just a subskill.
I'm trying out a few different teams and just skipped the already set Larimar one
The skip with ults off dealt more damage than what I do while manually playing
how is beleth shielding that on her own?
Badly. Ayame had to be the lowest health to get a shield then the highest health to get targetted by the suck. It worked better in practice, my final score was lower and took too many tries work, had to waste a few ultimates on healing.
jpbros whats the verdict on tohka? how is she compared to aki
>Setting Beleth's ultimate as 1 makes Team Larimar final damage quadruple
>Bryce ultimate as 1 leads to more damage than anyone else including Lize
>Using Rad Cath's ulti at all is a demerit
I really should have bothered to do more than just copy teams before now, sorting ulti priority makes a big difference even while skipping.
All that work just for every single team to massively under perform and deal 200m less than it ever did on practice sure made it all worth it
I'm a brainlet so I don't understand why Larimar's damage is so high
Shouldn't she only be doing 30% of Hazel/Naomi/Whoever's damage?
I squish my sheep every day. She must be groped at least 10 times
Sexy reset!
boobs too small
do you think Savior ever fantasizes about putting his dick in that opening
It's 30% of all damage it received during the 10 second uptime of the curse, so it's more appropriate to say it's 30% damage of everyone attacking Charite within those 10 seconds the curse got inflicted on the whale.
I'm not a JP gro. But I will put my opinion on it anyways. Doesn't look too great as a character at first glance. But hey maybe the multiples are absolutely through the roof. And the artifact is never shown as usual in the patch notes that can make or break souls
I have the twins and Larimar on the same team and that team shits out DPS like crazy. I can't wait to get both Bryce and Larimar to Origin.
The worst part about this boss is that Manon dies to damage way too easily. I dislike not being able to use her, dislike it greatly.
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Post em
somebody leak jammies dance party RIGHT NOW
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Super secret leak
Don't go about posting this anywhere else.
>even manonbro has fallen to meta
fairies just have a rough time on charite, unless they're as busted as dom
Odd, I can't find her artifact, was going to screenshot it. Do I have to own her first?
Do you know, I don't think she has an artifact. On the stat preview page, instead of saying "with artifact" it says "with unique ability" instead.

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