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Welcome to the Dragon Quest General! Everything related to the Dragon Quest series, also known as Dragon Warrior, is discussed here

Sister Edition
Last Thread: >>484891354

- Dragon Quest I & II HD-2D Remake has been confirmed for the Switch and will release in 2025.
- Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake has been confirmed for Switch, PS5, Xbox Series X, and Steam, and will release on November 14th.
- Dragon Quest Keshi Keshi and Dragon Quest Champions will end their service in July.
- Dragon Quest Builders is now available on Steam, with all the quality-of-life improvements from the mobile port included.
- Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince is now available on Switch.
- Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai is now available on PS4/5, Switch, and PC.
- Dragon Quest Treasures, a treasure-hunting RPG featuring Erik and Mia from Dragon Quest XI, is now available for the Switch and PC.
- Dragon Quest X is available in English via a fan translation. Check DQX Resources for more info.
- Dragon Quest XII: The Flames of Fate has been announced. Details aside from the title are unknown.

/dqg/ Beginner's Guide to Dragon Quest: https://imgur.com/gallery/kE7vCn2
Versions to Play/Buy: https://pastebin.com/TcW5bgqv
DQM3 Resource: https://dev.metalkid.info/DQM3/Monsterpedia
Dragon Quest IX DLC/Treasure Map Searcher: https://pastebin.com/Paf0Ypme
DQB2 Resources: https://pastebin.com/ykdKc201
DQX Resources: https://pastebin.com/kE3XGQNS

ROMs/Hacks/Mods/Translations: https://pastebin.com/QbQS5i2S
Anime/TV: https://pastebin.com/a2cRRuzi
Music: https://pastebin.com/NceqwLAa
日本DQ Wiki: https://wikiwiki.jp/dqdic3rd/
DQ Art, Guide Books, Non-H Doujins: https://pastebin.com/GnaCV4vW


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It's gonna be a long wait until November
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I believe in blue hair supremacy
She won.
what would have to happen for this situation to occur
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cool and hot and hot and cute
why is Dq6 considered the "black sheep" again
Because Dragon Quest VI is one of the lazier games in terms of it's story and characters.
It had a couple good ideas with the advanced vocations but when main cast are mostly forgettable aside for Terry in a series know for it's characters then you can begin to understand it's problem.
Ashlynn (Barbara) is still cute tho
I respect the effort, but $60 seems like a huge ask when they're doing the whole trilogy.
>Same artist
All the VI art there was actually by Nakatsuru. He has a lot of obvious tells once you get more familiar with his art.
I find this such a strange complaint since DQ4 was the only game before 7 to give any real spotlight to its characters, meanwhile in DQ5 every character besides protag's father and the prince is a doormat and that game always gets a pass. Wife and children are merely plot devices and no one would give a rats ass about Sancho if the game existed only in its SFC form. Its remakes use party chat as a crutch and that's all people ever reference when talking about DQ5 characters, yet for some reason 6 is never afforded even half the leeway.
This is of course ignoring how contrived DQ5's story can be like with the time travel shenanigans or the Z dragon being stuck in a minecart. And I'm not even defending DQ6's story or characters, I appreciate DQ games for much more than those, but over the years I've only come to notice how weirdly selective DQ fans can be towards certain games.
When do we bother setting up a /vg/ league team
Well for me my complaint is rooted in my own experience. I didn't start with the Older QD games, I started with 4 in either '99 or 2000 as a kid. Then I played 7 the year after it came out and the first one I played on release was 8.
Emulation kind of wasn't a thing back in the day. So when DQ 6 finally released on the DS I went in with the expectations I had from my own experience and I just didn't like the characters and found them forgettable.
What you say is true about 5 but for others like, oh, the Japanese audience, they fucking love characters that are doormats. Also there's a little novelty in whole wife thing so that's why people like and remember whoever they chose.
A game doesn't get known as a black sheep until there are at least a few others to compare it to.
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Probably the worst DQ feeling ever.
there could perhaps be a monster that can assist you.
I'd be down to see a Dragon Quest team play.
Maybe then I could stop cheering for teams like /indie/ or the paltry few rpg series that has teams.
When someone has enough motivation to pick up the manager role.
Dragon Quest paizuri
I'm willing to help with basically everything about it but managing
I've been involved with other things around it but don't want to manage anymore
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ill just pirate it. will buy 12 tho.
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anlu more like luan amirite rofl
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Leave the Demon Lord to us!
Have they been moving farther away or is it just me?
Sir I am not an ant.
They're moving towards the demon lord. Wish them luck!
i wish they did more for The Dark Prince's DLC. Maybe put them on sale?
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>Dragon Quest VI is one of the lazier games in terms of it's story and characters.
I for one enjoyed them. There's the obvious problem of a few story beats being left unfinished in the game but I don't think they are worse than other DQ's somehow.
Why is it that only DQIII has major rom hacks? Why isn't there one for IV, V, and VI? You'd think at least IV would but the closest thing we have is a fan game for V which has you play as the daughter of Papas and a short prequel.

But then with 3 you have dozens.
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>but the closest thing we have is a fan game for V which has you play as the daughter of Papas and a short prequel.
Link? Sounds cool
Here you go,
It looks like a parody but it's actually fantastic. It rivals the original story even. It's only in moonrunes though.
The thing is, DQ6 failed to give any relevance to the characters in a game where characterization is minimal.
DQ4 gave some spotlight to most of the cast. Ragnar, Alena and the twins get their respective chapters and you get a sense of how they act and they continue to be part of the plot, while Kyril and the old man are kinda so-so. DQ5 is similar because the characters are always part of the story and they contribute something to it, whether it's Pankraz, the wife or the kids.
In DQ6, only Milly (whose backstory is completely ommited and left up to the player), Terry and Carver have some significant spotlight. Ashlynn has two or three important moments, but her big moment is underwhelming because the plot fails at making you care for her. Then you have Nevan, who only joins because the goddess told him so and he is barely involved with anything that happens at all.
Who is the biggest bro in Dragon Quest?
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Yangus, indisputably.
Carver is the OG
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Marriage with wife...
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Sleeping with wife.
I wonder anons. What are the odds that the remake has t
You married the cat?
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Welcome to /dqg/ the thread shrouded in darkness.
To spice up meena and solo’s date night
Pretty sure "t" is essential since the series name has it
thats the big twist for XII, its actually Dragon Ques
>has he big wis for XII, is acually dragon ques
Dragon Ques XII: He Flames of Fae
Oh no.
developed by fatlus
This is a vague memory from my childhood. I'm 60% sure it's Dragon Quest. What I remember is there was this weird fight with some Trunks looking dude but he had a weird turban on and had a shadow with him. I know it's definitely not the faggot edgelord from VI. Any anons recall anything like that?
Blue Dragon?
Here's a question for anyone who might know better than me.
Since DQ XII was announced over three years ago at this point Toriyama would have obviously had time and been able to design the characters. But when these characters are revealed, whenever that may be, will they be the last characters designed by Toriyama for anything? Is there something else Toriyama worked on that hasn't been revealed yet or the like?
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From what we know fro various interviews of Toriyama he loves designing DQ because he only has to do a design once then other people handle the other art. We've seen image attach for how it goes. So we likely at least have the main party and the final boss designed by him. The real feel for the loss of Sugiyama and Toriyama will be DQ XIII.
I apologize for the siliconera link but the this should answer your question. https://www.siliconera.com/square-enix-asked-akira-toriyama-design-dragon-quest-xis-main-characters/
Post cute.
Cute monsters or girls?
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Is the dlc worth it or should I just buy the base game?
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I'd like a pound of nuts.
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Dragon Quest Kart when?
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my god
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Already a thing
i know the burgundy vestment is digital purchase only. the DLC is bundled with the premium edition. the DLC isn't worth it. check game8 for more
>the dlc is with the premium edition
I know, been debating on if I should soend 60, or save 20 and pass on the dlc
But Anon, you could spend $200 and get a bunch of clear plastic blocks that have sprites on them!
SquareEnix could really use your hard earned cash.
>get a bunch of clear plastic blocks
Apparently those things are really popular in Japan for some reason.
Did you even read the replies?
They're talking about a completely different game.
I did. I was merely taking an opportunity to complain about Sqaure's stupid pricing when it comes to collectors editions. For $200 you should get something way better than this.
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Everything they put out is overpriced, the only merch I've even considered buying from them lately is pic related.
We're long past the age of Collector's Editions being worth it. The last one I was tempted by was the one for Black Myth Wukong but that sold out instantly.
I don't get why Japs love these acrylic block things so much. It would be one thing if it was for something like a chess set or they were posed in a cool way, but they're just standing there. I guess it's cool that they also have back sprites, regardless, I just don't get the appeal.
I would spend $80 for just the game and the book
fuck acrylic stands, lazy garbage figure replacements
they're basically just framed printed out in-game art
This CE is going to be pretty valuable in the future. The game cart itself includes the Japanese sub this time. Also the moment it sold out the bitching about the price vanished and now there's bitching about it being gone.
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Those Metal figures they put out are very prone to defects. No one should buy those.
The JP release has the book and it's cheap af. But that also sold out instantly, so... very unfortunate for you and I.
Acrylic standees are popular because
>take up less space than figures
>generally just on model art
>incredibly low chance of defects or breaking in shipping
Pretty simple.
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Im gonna pirate the 2 Exclusive Digital Wallpapers
If you want the collectors edition and have a proxy service you can get it on Squares JP site for about seventy dollars off. Here's a link: https://store.jp.square-enix.com/item/SE_E3868.html
If you want just the book there's a store selling that with a bonus mousepad. Here's a link to that: https://www.hmv.co.jp/product/detail/15045202
The link is for the Switch, they also have a PS5 version but that one's link doesn't want to copy.
im into collectors books than that garbage.
>all these versions that's just the book, or 4 acrylics, or just the acrylics and no book
Dumb they didnt offer this here... also wild they're dumb enough to do 1/1 conversion but it did sell anyway so they won in the end lol
neat, thanks
The JP release will have english as an option right?
It's an international release like DQM3. Multiple languages available, changeable at any time.
So yes.
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I dream in watercolour
I don't know why companies only offer the largest, most expensive versions of the CE's here. Dumb on Square's part.
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what team are you using in DQIII? I couldn't wait for the remake
First ime playing III so I'm gonna try the classic mage, priest and warrior combo. All type Bs of course.
Really hard to decide. I definitely want a Monster Master, and I'm considering a Gadabout for funnies, but that leaves me either missing out on the cool new physical skills from a warrior/fighter or playing a good chunk of the game (On hard mode, of course) without a dedicated healer.
Was planning on running a Soldier and Gadabout this time around (my first was Fighter/Cleric to Sage/Thief), but I also want to see how the Monster Master handles.
I had an idea for a party but the addition of skills and Monster Master has pretty much fucked it up. I want to see what some more previews reveal about what the various classes can do now before coming up with something.
What if instead of Dragon Quest it was called Freaky Quest and instead of trying to defeat the Demon Lord the Hero impregnated her instead
Thoughts? Concerns? Hopes for the future?
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I can't imagine that something like this doesn't already exist.
in english*
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Confess your sins, my child.
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>want to replay dq VI in japanese for practice.
>no furigana
>The real feel for the loss of Sugiyama
Let's be honest it's not like sugiyama's work was all that great for XI.
You can count on one hand how many good songs there are.
Not to mention most of the tracks were just reused tracks from older titles.
For real, I dunno. Played DQ 3 enough times that I've used everyone at least once. Still need to decide.
For a challenge on replays I was going to spin a wheel and let that choose my party.
For lulz I was considering this as a once off party eventually. First time I;d wipe would be who winds up raping them.
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I read once that ib DQ4 there are some recommended things to do in chapter 3, what's the strat for this chapter? I just got to it
That's the torneko chapter right?
I totally forgot how it worked, but you can easily get ×99 of all equipment including cautery swords.
Cautery sword is a pretty good weapon when Torneko joins you and you can sell the other 98 for big money.
If I remember right once you get your own shop you do the mini game untill someone sells you a cautery sword.
You can easily make tons of cash that doesn't carry over in the next chapters in this chapter so you buy 99* cautery swords and other equipment as a way to carry over the mad dosh you make.
I think that is the biggest thing in this chapter
What do you mean strat? you just play the chapter.
Unless you really feel like going out of your way to get a cautery sword there's nothing special you need to do.
Which DQ game has the best villain? I played 1-5 and IX but I've been watching Sand Land and I need a villain like Muniel.
My favorite is Jagonuba from X.
Personally I like Hargon and Malroth the most. The feeling of relief after finally beating those two for the first time was so satisfying. Especially after the Hell march that is Hargon's Castle.
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i fuckin hate builders' water mechanics
>i enter chapter 3, kol and galenholm
>water crystals and hot water crystals cause any layer they're placed in to fill up with water to the world's sea level
>the entire town is one block layer above sea level
>a mandatory blueprint later in the chapter requires water to be placed above ground, meaning the whole blueprint needs to be in a crater in order to work, i.e.: https://imgur.com/a/Zdq0kYw
>decide to level the town then dig one block below sea level in order to keep everything even, then start the town proper
>build the public baths as usual
>break one wrong block
>this happens
i had to completely restart the chapter because of this bullshit
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>Not owning your mistake and building Little Venice
Your autism is powerful, but not nearly powerful enough.
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Wake up dqg
go back to sleep, dog
Will the DQ XII girls be any good?
Do we take her? Moms gonna freak if she snitches...
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what about that undo button
I never had problems with the water personally
Not yet...
This. All I've got set in stone atm is Male Hero and FemWarrior.
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flattys gonna get fatty
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me inbetween them (i'm very white)
I hate when I open a cursed image, but I appreciate anon for using spoilers.
it's not cursed, though???
Oh shit the curse was late
Look behind you, there's a Metal Slime!
I have a curse for you all. It'll cost all my MP but this thread deserves it...

I cast LIGMA
tried it, no good
it puts the block back but does nothing about the water
I'll always remember the day I had Torneko trip into one for crit damage. The day he earned a spot as one of my favorites to run.
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Soldier -> Sage -> Fighter
Priest -> Wizard -> Fighter
Wizard -> Priest -> Fighter
That's my usual
Which DQ has the best town theme?
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Do I make him a fighter or a spellcaster?
You don't use him. Good character story-wise, but the worst in the party. Spellcaster support if you really want to use him.
He’s a good spellcaster. Use him if you want two Veronicas or two Serenas on your team. He’s also got some niche utility stuff exclusive to him as well if I remember correctly. I never used him much on my first playthrough but I used him a lot on my other ones. I’d definitely recommend him.
I tried to make him a fighter (Seeing the fat little old man run around with claws is funny) but it didn't work out.
A Hero,
B Martial Artist -> Sage,
A Priest -> Knight,
B Mage -> Priest
i think knights are redundant to start out with cause the hero starts off with largely the same stats and can equip nearly everything the knight can anyway
abilities might change my comp but i doubt it
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Why is this place so slow
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Spellcaster. Grandpa being a mage who doesn't die to the enemy farting on their general direction (like Veronica) while being a healer with offensive presence (unlike Serena) is his niche. Also, his Monarch costume is just top tier.
Fighter? Spellcaster? But that's clearly a merchant ( you are now back to the 2016 predictions threads)
Niche series for Westerners, no news in three years about the next mainline game, the remake of III is still about 3 1/2 months away, the fact that the spinoff games that we have currently are mostly unremarkable and there's no global gacha to circlejerk about to fill the gap,
the next release is the second remake of a NES game
the actual new entry in the series has no footage after years from its announcement
DQX still dorsn't have lrovate servers
and Monsters 3 was one of the worse Monsters titles with absolutely no variety
just be glad threads don't archive early
We are canonically a bunch of old fellas so we drive pretty slow.
/dqg/ isn't slow, it's turn-based.
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Thinkin' about those North American character designs.
Horii interview

>random Dragon Quest + plug
what the heck
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So apparently the DQ III remake will have voiced cutscenes as confirmed on their >x account about an hour ago.
I don't know If I like that idea or not, I just hope Square get a good voice cast and they don't just turn to "industry professionals" that'll half ass their roles.

Gonna be honest, I sort of miss the era of misleading box art and character designs.
Enix games of the time certainly had that but the champs of misleading art are still Capcom and Konami.
We've known that since the first previews hit youtube. I'm not worried, Dragon Quest games usually get good voice acting.
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DQXI didn't get a bunch of industry staples. I doubt that the 3make will either.
The video doesn't have voice acting in it. It's just the same stock footage we've seen many times over now.
2D-HD will probably be the first time I bother with the post-game content
is the recolored dragon really that bad?
It'd be weird if it didn't have voice acting given the Live-a-Live remake did.
Which are you talking about? Because Xenlon/the divingon is the only one that is really annoying.
Unless you're talking about the Gameboy version of III in which case the GranDragn is extremely annoying.
Speaking of GranDragn If they do put him in the remake I really hope they don't make it to where you need to get all the monster medals to fight him
kek, best post I've read all day.
Fun little interview. Horii talks about stuff I would assume he has thought about a lot for years. Not looking forward to people clipping snippets and the headline out, sharing it, causing shit-stirring retards to start going on about “DQ12 is going to be a realistic dark game for adults - how do you all feel about this??”
It's time for a dragon souls game.
do you want 5 to be hd-2d or 3d?
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3D but not the shit 'we want the FF audience' 3D they used for X's CG cutscenes, DQH1+2, and console XI.
I want something like VIII, Monster Battle Road Victory, IX's cutscenes, and 3DS XI, but in higher quality. Something like Sparking Zero or webmrel, maybe. A style that actually tries to bring the art to life.
I can hear that webm
This if they remake V it should be in full 3D with a style like XI or VIII. Expand the monster capturing by adding a little more depth from the Monsters series - add breeding and traits and things. Have your chosen wife affect the state growth/abilities of your children too. I’d want more/expanded content but nothing that messes up the pacing too much. Side quests centered around what happens to the unchosen brides could be fun, an optional quest you can undertake to help Harry after he becomes king, etc.
kind of makes sense for him to go spellcasting due to his regal costumes.
3D or nothing.
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This looks like the artist that every AI was trained on
Every pearl on that necklace is the same shape, you can tell that it's not AI and that is a deliberate move by the artist to save time.
I didn't say it was AI, I said it looks like the style AI usually apes
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Stop asking for V remakes god dammit. Literally the least deserving of all. Give IV, VI, or IX
I want IV remade in full 3D more than anything.
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It's weird to try to imagine what the hero of XII might look like. Eleven's design got so much shit at reveal, but I really like it. I suppose there isn't any sort of design that will appeal to a majority of fans right off the bat.
Alright. now here's an interesting question. If they were to remake IV, or any of the older sprite based games, in 3D what would you prefer?
Would You like if the kept the designs as faithful and accurate to their original versions as possible, or would you like to see characters get minor design changes in order to give them a little extra pizzaz.

Also just saying this before someone else does, but it's obvious that if they were to remake IV in any style there's no way in Hell Maya wouldn't be censored. We've already seen it happen.
I'd want the designs kept faithful, although there is an allowance for added details afforded by high definition (like appropriate wear-and-tear on clothes, visible stitching, etc). I'd like it to follow the aesthetic of PS4 DQXI.
The DQHeroes redesigns don't ruin the games for me, but all that added filigree, embroidery, and other ornamentation is excessive and unnecessary.
DQ XII's reveal will be... Interesting.
Because now that Toriyama is dead I feel like people are either going to be highly critical of the characters designs or people are going to go full retard and love them regardless just because Toriyama ""designed"" them. And God help you if you dare say anything negative about his last work lest you have the hyper autists screeching at you over it.
I just hope the girls are cute and the guys are cool.
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Thanks for letting me know, I was going with claws since that was in the opening cinematic
I want to tickle a grumpy mage’s exposed armpit.
I don't think that'll end well
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So why exactly did they have Horii do an interview with Hashino?
DQ and Persona are drastically different games,
wtf Horii is literally me
It's more of a general talk about the appeal of RPGs, and for Hashino's part it's more about the new Atlus game Metaphor: ReFantasio
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he just gets it.
any metal slimes in this thread just asking for fun haha
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don't forget to get your watermelon mount in DQX soon
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I don't get this protagonist dilemma. Eighto was really expressive (for a dq hero). If anything Eleven was a downgrade
Dont people like android 17? Why'd he get so much hate?
Im gonna try starting it soon, how do you get it
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Horii's me, except I travel even less.
They love to promote things in Japan by having two artists talk to each other. I think it’s a fun format. Plus Horii seems like he keeps tabs on everything. I’m sure he’s played a little Persona.
He's just like me.
3D definitely, but not with the ugly heroes designs/art style. Keep it faithful to the original art. Those designs are perfect.
Ireburn was a downgrade in HD. In 3DS he was pretty expressive.
Unleash him
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That's a lotta hoimis.
should grottos come back?
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Warrior --> Cleric --> Fighter
Cleric --- > Sage
Not sure about third. Thief to...something? Mage to Warrior? Might have a dedicated Mage on standby for Metal Slime shenanigans.
out fucking skilled
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man I want to play that 3DS version so much
looks like it has incredible charm
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Y'know, it would be pretty funny if that thing fell on someone.
Still curious about this mount. Just started playing.
Downloaded V for android from the pastebin and it's not working... keeps asking me to download files and then failing, any way to fix it?
Did you download the other file along with the .apk and place it where it's meant to go?
So what's the whole version thing with DQX? Is each one it's own story? Or is it all one long story and I'll be cliffhangered at the end of V2?
they're each MMO expansions
their own stories, and the next ones might touch on small parts of the stuff before it
He was just pretending to be asleep?
Good to know. Does DQG have a guild?
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Made it work, apparently what I was using to extract it was making an extra folder with the same name lmao
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>"for me I really thought it odd that I couldn't romance Maya when our friendship reached rank 10 when I played dq4 as a child"
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>Everyone is walking slightly to the left except for Red, who is walking directly towards (You)
as it should be
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Any features you guys wish they'd add in the 3make? I would have loved it if they made it so when you reclass a character their appearance/hairstyle/physique/etc. doesn't change, they just put on their new class' outfit. Yes I just want this feature so I can make all the girls wear the warrior's battle-bikini.
Just skills for physical classes, which is already beyond confirmed. Amusingly, the only new class they added is also the one I wanted the most, so I can't bring myself to ask for much more than for the game to be fun
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Isn't he beautiful
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Grumpy corsair cake...
So with DQ7 3DS, you cant actually get the dlc tablets in your game anymore right? I know theres the archive but thats an existing save game that you can just play and not a method of adding the tablets to my own savefile right?

If im right, then the DLC bar is entirely useless now right?
Does anyone has the "not grind to live, but live to grind" edit, I was never able to find it again
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Yes. Keep in mind you can't have all the tablets on an existing save anyway. You always had to complete some to make room for more on your save.
is he really that much older?
so cute
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Playing DQX on my switch now to grind for fun, It sucks this will never get a western release of sny kind
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the best
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Zoma gets a second form.
I always felt like he was underwhelming despite his defeat being what cemented the legend of Erdrick.
Was gonna pick Sexogre, but ended up making my character a cock goblin.
It's graigg 1000%
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>Zoma gets a second form
>It's this
>Zoma gets a second form
>It's >>487760549
>zoma becomes a fat smelly weirdo
owari da
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where were you when DQ is kill?
Got jump scared by a player, they then showed me to the slime hat person, emoted and then left lol. Their character was really cute. Wish I couldve emoted back or said thanks
How important was the DLC? Wish I played 7 sooner now. Will I be fine without it?
Do we know if Toriyama did the character designs for XII before he passed?
He likely did, the games been getting worked on for a while. Designs have likely been done for a while

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