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Previously on /coopg/: >>486301924

EDF6 will surely save /coopg/ edition

This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Helldivers, Vermintide, Darktide, Valheim, Deep Rock Galactic and EDF.

>Latest News/Updates:

/coopg/ dedicated server is up. see thread for more details (ded server)
Ashlands PTB:

Helldivers 2:
PATCH 01.000.404


Crafting rework info https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/introduction-to-the-itemization-rework-dev-blog/96314

Vermintide 2:
Versus mode soonTM

Deep Rock Galactic:

Remnant 2:
The Forgotten Kingdom DLC released:

Payday 3 (dead game but whatever):
Patch 1.2.0 Boys in Blue(balled)

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>Future games
Killing Floor 3
Den Of Wolves - TBA
EDF 6 Western/PC Release - July 25th
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA
The Forever Winter - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
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Space Marine 2 will save us
I hope the horde mode is actually good and challenging. The multiplayer in the first game was fun as fuck so if they get the PvE and PvP modes right this time around it'll be a 10/10.
>saber interactive
look at world war z, don't get your hopes up
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I would commit an unspeakable warcrime to have duelling swords on the other classes.
Never played it, why was it bad?
Dueling sword are balanced around psyker having no melee talents... they will just let everyone use the already generic guns on every class instead of only two, stuff like the chain axe, bolter ecc.
Psyker with braced auto will instantly become my new favorite class if so, Scrier's Gaze DD mowing down absolutely everything in front of me while running at full speed and not even aiming will be pure adrenaline
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I'm still hoping/coping for vet heavy swords and a good Vostroyan set with a helbore skin.
Whats another 2h weapon they could realistically give Ogryn?
Power saw

Heavy Flamer
Heavy Bolter
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this list >>486817579 has most of the stuff i was gonna suggest. uh, necromunda weapons are also pretty good for the job - power fists, a crushing claw (like those jaws of life firefighters use but on steroids), a chain-flamethrower would be cool too
I think any new weapon that doesn't recycle old animations are bound to feel like shit since the designer left
Duelling sword ogryn.
>he uses the pummel as a club
Didn't he leave before the new weapons got added? I personally think the double barrel and bolt pistol feel quite good
>he uses the blade as a toothpick
he left after the tree rework

after eating the basic scabs
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The amount of people who go into maelstorm missions with no armor pen or krak grenades is depressing
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So the eviscerator build now is Rampage + Bloodthirsty after Shred + Perfect Strike got dumpstered by the Invocation of Death nerf?
Has there ever been a copeg poxclick striketeam?
I want to play with copers, I've only ever played helldive and killing floor and both of those were some lovely times.
I'm convinced your average Damnation player is too retarded to kill Bombers. Even faggots with the Auric Insignias are too fucking stupid to kill Bombers.
Carry me senpai
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Auric survivor title is the hallmark of the ultimate shitter. Most of them got carried and use the disconnect mod so deaths dont count, and I swear I see people using this title doing way more retarded and goofy shit than anyone combined.
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I'm tired boss.
people using it are either complete dogshit or god gamers that delete anything that move and it's usually the first
fucking DRG dev niggers not testing their escort mission, the new phase removes 70% of the fucking drilldozer HP in one go
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doesn't make it less dogshit
It was created explicitly to punish smoothbrained knife ears from afk'ing on top of the dozer
Based in my book
so I don't repair the drill ? Nice mechanic you got there, totally owning the libs
god damnit poole, stop hoarding the space vax!!!
Dildoing swords are gay. Chainaxes are cool and serve a similar function
I would give my soul for a large and long saw.
I -think- some constructions tools are used as weapons of war in 40k, that's the genestealer cult shtick IIRC
So totally plausible for Ogryn
>and serve a similar function
Notice how I said 'afk' and not 'repair', retard?
function: killing baddies
I really just cant enjoy anything below than auric damnation now. Im afraid i might have incurable brainrot.
so why did fatshark remove the regular disposal unit mix from the game?
last time anon made a claim like this it was proven false so i don't believe you
How high would win rates soar if we could filter/block crossplay/people who buy cosmetics?
This game would be smooth sailing all the time.
>switch to shouty vet
>winrate in auric damnation skyrocket soars
Jesus fuck you guys weren't kidding. This is broken, what the fuck. How do you even feasibly nerf this without completely gutting it?
pc players exponentially outnumber console players, so the majority of the shit players you'll encounter are pc players
>consolenigger doesn't per capita
All the Toughness regen trees are the best in the game and thanks to Fatshark's "balancing" idea they've only gotten more appealing. There is no reason you should ever take Voice of Command out of your build. It's good and its value only skyrockets the harder content you tackle.
I want to play HIST/mael carnival this system sucks ass
despite being 20% of the population, xbots cause 80% of wipes
Combat axe buff when
why do the Achlys and Antax axes exist when Rashad is in the game? help a noob out, they seem like the same thing but worse
bugs 9
It's already S tier
fatshark tries really hard to have three variants per weapon
Achlys should have sweeping heavies
Antax used to be the better option for extra cleave, but the brutal monentum buff made it obsolete
Agreed, its number 1 when you start from the bottom.
If you think combat axes are bad then you are a retard. Plain and simple
shock maul and pickaxe anims are super scuffed and broken
theres some mentally ill darktide obsessed shitposter in here who doesnt even play it but keeps posting shit like that
Thanks to your tips I just finished my first malice game kind stranger!
whenever you see anyone here accuse eachother of playing malice you just know it's some retard who is new here and doesn't know literally everyone plays histg/maelstroms only here
you nerf it by removing yellow toughness which is way too powerful, overtoughness was a mistake it lets you tank a burster explosion and other big dick damage stuff without taking ANY health damage
This coming from the retard claiming combat axes are better than 90% of the melee options in the game
not him but they are. you are shit if you disagree, or just lack critical knowledge in which case why are you trying to argue this instead of asking for advice on how to make them good?
headtaker + BM and they're by far the most braindead easy weapon in the game while being in the top 5% of killing shit
just had someone ordering a skull crusher despite the daily special being backbreaker.
how's that?
give it a 3minute cooldown like VT2 merc
That would be a start but it really isn't the reason shout is OP, it's the fact that shout is so insanely spammable that makes it broken. They just need to (and I think will in the next round of balance iterations, look what they did to Zealot) gut the cooldown reduction talent that reduces cooldowns by 6s every special kill, it's obviously way to powerful and allows you to shout every 10-15 seconds in high diff games where specials are everywhere.
How fucking bad are you at the game that you struggle with using combat axes in aurics?
>This coming from the retard claiming combat axes are better than 90% of the melee options in the game
It is, you mongoloid. If you struggle with using the rashad with brutal momentum then you are complete trash
Its utter garbage
You are the only garbage here. Stay in malice, retard
I've been saying this for a while now those CDR talents need to go. They started with zealot crit CDR so I think they might see it too. There's just no way to make this game balanced if abilities are spammable, especially not if they're this strong. They simply weren't made for the new balance that just throws elites and specials at you like candy, it ends up literally making auric easier than malice (if you were to do both with level appropriate equipment)
boy i love dropping 500,00 dockets to get one good weapon then have hadron completely brick it
>this weapon I gambled for millions that has subpar as, shit range, shit boss killing capabilities and any real cleave on a condition that I also installed a weapon switch mod for is...ACTUALLY LE BEST IN THE GAME
You're griefing if you bring that shit in monstrous mael, you can (you) all you want but I could make webms of the retards obviously from here being unable to pull their weight picking this shit.
kinda your own fault for engaging with this dogshit system before the overhaul hits
shut the fuck up already nigger nobody cares about some sub 100 hour shitters opinion
>uhuhuh people here are bad
I've played darktide with anons from here (ages ago) and they were by far the only good players I have ever come across in this game
yeah you're not wrong
The combat axes have very good damage into Unyielding enemies actually. Spam heavies into anything Unyielding or Carapace, lights for everything else, and it all falls over quickly.
>(ages ago)
Your experience comes from when the game didn't have a hard mode? I kneel
>this weapon I gambled for millions
Same can be said about every weapon, retard
>shit range
Like everything except heavy swords, crusher and evis?
>shit boss killing capabilities
It has extra unyielding damage in heavies but i don't doubt that a shitter like you still struggles with it
>any real cleave on a condition
It has great cleave with BM. Only less than evis and heavy sword. But you don't know that because you don't test things before forming opinions about them
>I also installed a weapon switch mod
Nice strawman and cope. I'm just better than you
it's really funny you specifically point out monstrous specialists because combat axes chunk the fuck out of bosses
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Combat axes are bad? I guess that makes my scores even more impressive
the game was harder back then retard newfag
We were playing maelstrom back when players were much, much weaker. Good job outing yourself, shitter
Name the best melee weapons for each class. I want to see just how retarded you are
The games literally only gotten easier, dude...
Nta but there's only one correct answer and it's the knife
>Same can be said about every weapon, retard
Not every weapon needs 2 obligatory perks to work.
>Dude I kept hitting the yellow thing on the BoN's back in training mode its actually so good at killing bosses ackshually!
Nta but the answer is
Rashad combat axe, eviscerator, knife
Power swords
Shield, mk 5 shovel, karsolas pickaxe, mk 3 club
Who cares?
>power sword
>idk shovel
>Not every weapon needs 2 obligatory perks to work.
It's called "blessings" and it only needs 1 obligatory blessing. Practically ALL weapons need 1 or 2 blessings to make them much better and BM is common and useful in all tiers
Nice try, though
>Dude I kept hitting the yellow thing on the BoN's back in training mode its actually so good at killing bosses ackshually
I'm guessing you're getting desperate judging by your increasingly retarded arguments
>shit boss killing capabilities
being god tier at killing bosses is literally the reason they're better than most melees
you don't play the game you just shitpost in this general to get (You)s
Nope. Knife has shitty range and needs mandatory perks which makes it the worst weapon in the game
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auric is absolutely abyssmal this evening. Kinda like it and hate it at the same time.
If you're wondering about how this combat axe argument started refer to >>486850112
I guarantee you any moment now he's going to go
>heh enjoy playing darktide forever then you retarded shills
You are trying to sell me an axe that does marginally better than non-boss killing weapons in monstrous mael where you want dedicated boss killing weapons.
just use whatever axe you like wtf
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>isnt better than the entire team combined

absolutely pathetic and shameful. greencircles use to mean something.
>the combat axe is the worst weapon in the game
>it's not the best monster killer in the game

How about you just admit that you are wrong, bad at the game and retarded rather than carry that goalpost for several miles?
>the axe is top 1, S tier, and BTFOs bosses
>huh actually I meant...
Concession accepted.
I shouldn't be surprised that some who's as retarded as you is also bad at reading
Dude, you're getting so mad you're forgetting to type words.
Chill and remember that even if I will kick you out my maels if I see you with that shit, its not personal.
The axe is S tier and btfos bosses. Nobody ever said it's the number one wep in the game
>wahh but it doesn't oneshot bosses like the thunderhammer
yeah but the thunderhammer also doesn't kill 5 poxwalkers per light attack and kill armor all the same and stunlock crushers with heavy attacks
>loses the argument
>switches to trolling
You were really hoping i wouldn't notice
>pretending anyone ever gets kicked
the biggest larp of all. post your penance screen if you're not a pussy
I won the argument when you moved the goalpost retard.
>no u!!!
Brilliant retort

I suggest you stay out of arguments in the future, you're REALLY bad at it
I want to side with the rashadfags against this retard but I can't knowing copeg unironically thinks martyrdom is good.
>reddit spacing
You can think rashad is good and martyrdom is bad. Copeg is not one person
Martyrdom is great unless you're duoing then you probably want inexorable.
explain how martyrdom isn't good
I get a fuckton of damage and attackspeed which makes the game safer for me
I also get toughness DR out the ass and zealot has good toughness regen talents. For the occasional fuckup zealot has a death resist talent anyway.

I feel incredibly tanky and kill shit hard. Why is it bad?
>That guy again
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Reminder to take the Chaxe IV pill (swallow it whole with Martyrdom)

Mashing lights into Maulers, Crushers and bosses rips and tears
I love that shit, you can make it oneshot gunners and shotgunners too. Feels good
I'm glad you feel it too, kindred
I took the pill long ago back when it sucked, now it absolutely fucks. It's the best chain weapon and shits all over the Eviscerators.
where does the game actually play the regular disposal unit? the assignation missions have the imperium mix. i mean the regular disposal unit track
That muscle mommy fetish is so fucking shite
People living out their gay fantasies in a socially acceptable way is all
>but it's a woman
yeah a woman with a body not attainable in real life unless they inject male hormones. I've hard all this shit before, all the cope is 1:1 the same as liking dickgirls

This is alos why people cheer at the new girl marines so much, one more angle to live out that gay fantasy through and force it on everyone
It would be fine if they ever wanted to dominate and ruin the muscled women and the dick girls, but they always want to be submissive towards them. It's a red flag if a guy likes that stuff because you know that you're going to have to top.
Aside from being visually repulsive, I just can't pretend. I do muay. There's an amateur girl with a good positive record at my club. I have to go extra extra extra light, even in touch sparring, because one bad duck and she's gonna feel a slow-mo knee that was for her core. Yet this girl probably beats up 95% of the women out there, including that girl who became viral for posing with abs.
Maybe its just my autism speaking, but I just can't pretend women are strong. Big muscles or none make no differences.
It's not autism it's just reality, and anyone who ever playfought with a girl knows this
physically weak women has been selected for in the human line for longer than humans have been humans, so strong women are exclusively a coomer fantasy
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Nooooooooo stay out of my aurics stay out of my aurics stay out of my aurics
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you WILL carry me and I WILL get my weapon XP and you WILL enjoy it
pretty sure aurics and normal damnation will have same
It's amazing how many people don't seem to realize that chain failing maelstroms gives less dockets overall than just staying on Heresy. And the problem is only going to get worse from now on.
You will carry me bitch
and we're under space communism so we get paid equally, thank you come again.
You get more dockets and XP for every modifier a mission has. Hi-intensity gives more than regular Damnation and HISTG gives more than just hi-int. Maelstroms can give you a fuckton if when they have like five modifiers.
I'm guessing mastery XP will be independent of modifiers like plasteel rates or whatever
They already said it will work just like how we earn XP and dockets in their most recent blogpost, it's not going to work like earning crafting resources.
Women aren't strong. They don't even have the same cluster of cognitive methods as men. There is no overlap.
oh then
Noob where, which is harder? High intensity difficulty 3 or low intensity 4?
Slaughterer and head taker I presume? Could you send a build?
cool story bro
low intensity 4 because it'll be full of retards who are stepping into 4 the first time
High int 3 because you'll be effectively playing solo. Low int 4 is filled with professional heresylets that know what they're doing most of the time.
I don't care about teammate difficulty, I mean the enemy.
All enemies below damnation are a joke
Probably around the same, heresy low int will be a little bit more cinematic with less hordes but have harder special spawns and elites to compensate, thats it
Yeap. I don't use the charged up attacks at all. I just use push block attack into heavy 1, or chain heavies for horde and then I mash left click for everything single target. Build is whatever martyrdom setup you like.
Why are Auric title/insignia faggots the first to quit in regular Damnation
Thank you kindly
because thats how they got the title
Because only bads play regular Damnation, even if they wear Auric shit.
Clues you in to how they got it
the title even warns you that they're ASS
people post friend codes from time to time, I run into west coast coopers randomly but I usually just quick play. Harder to do lobbies since everything is on dedicated servers
i use it with a rashad, what now anon?
there was unironically a discord but my account got banned because the resident homosexual joined it and reported every account fot saying nigger. Was fun while it lasted though
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>not a steam group
not everyone plays on steam so thats not possible
>steam group
>not an xfire clan
Tranner's discord?
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no it was a makeshift discord just for playing together and nothing else
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>hey guys let's use vc, you guys using mumble or teamspeak?
>no discord?
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imagine bringing zealots into this as if raCHAD is a zealot exclusive weapon
Im not installing any of this kike shit when I can just use discord in browser for voice
>nooo they track everything you say
i dont care i make a new account every time I play a new game anyway cause i forget the old login data
At least teamspeak still sees some very minor usage for shit like ArmA I guess. Mumble though...
God, I avoid Hi-Intensity Shock Troop Gauntlet like the plague. Shit is cock and ball torture. Hi-Intensity Damnation is just comfy enough for me while still having a big enough risk for things to go south very fast. I luv me comfy gaming.
>Shit is cock and ball torture
Stay out of my high intensity shocktrooper gauntlet

about 95% the first, in my experience
I used to feel the same but gradually moved up. I think it's normal to hang around hi int for a bit until you get bored and move up to histg and maelstroms
At this point I wish there were multiple auric maelstroms up so I could play only them without having to repeat missions
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thank you lord for our daily shopclick
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>nobody in team have paid cosmetics
>does really well
>have 1-2 paypigs in team
>constantly down 2 players
why are shitters always paypiggies?
I'm daring you to upgrade it
I've been Plasamanning for a long while and haven't gotten bored of my Vet screaming "Show me that ugly grin..." before vaporizing everything I see after I smonk. Even put on spotting for my teammates because I throw smokes a lot because of gunners. Hi-Intensity Lights Out is one of my favorite modifiers because I get to be very helpful in spotting the conga line of Ragers or Maulers for everyone, or seeing where in the horde or wall the Burster is. Though the extra Daemonhosts make me nervous.
standard monetization psychology
step 1: engineer a sense of not quite belonging
step 2: sell a sense of belonging via cosmetics

if the swedes were any good they'd have their matchmaking algorithm specifically rigged to have shitters that smell like money get carried by cosmeticGODs to establish the unconscious connection of cosmetics -> skill but i bet they fucked that up like everything else
Just like you can't teach a pig to fly you can't teach it to carry auric damnation. Matchmaking algorithm is powerless here since it still has reality to work with.
I like them. Certain Maelstroms are what I'm finding are real CBT.
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you did your best hadron we all appreciate your hard work
Wow she actually didn't brick it. Can't even bring myself to call you a retard over this.
flak & transfer peril to start guaranteed it would be decent anyway
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>all this sperging about combat axes
Antax enjoyer here. How is the Rashad's pushblock attack during a horde? Is it better to just do lights instead?
And how is the special attack? Does it stagger ragers like the Antax does?
>no brutal momentum
Rashad's pushblock attack is the same as the antax has and i recommend using instead of always dodging. Save the dodges for when it really matters
Special isn't as good, still stagger ragers but you're better off just using the push attack.
Before they nerfed punishment it would stun ragers with just the lights, not to mention kill them in 2-3 hits.
Way too slow

I usually just shoot ragers in the head
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anyone wants to play barotrauma?
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I can't be the only one who finds this type of mission peak comfy when it's on malice/heresy, right?
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>extra barrels
>it's malice so you know lots of innocent retards are going to be fighting immediately adjacent to barrels and won't notice a """""stray""""" shot lighting them up in the heat of battle
Thank you.
>>no brutal momentum
I used shred because of Invocation of Death. I haven't bothered changing it after the nerf because I don't want to engage with the crafting system any more than I have to.
the solution to that would be to give the consistently best player on the team some random drop aquilas every so often :^)
No thanks. I'd like to keep being able to spot bad players in the crowd ;^)
>get netted
>random teammate gets you up immediately before you even finish falling down

>auric damnation
>get netted
>not a single teammate gives a fuck even though it's safe to get me up

what causes this?
This is it. I'm going back to malice.
Change headtaker to BM
where's the edf lobby?
two things i can think of
>they're "punishing" you
>they're actually clueless

so autism and stupidity
if there's enough players, maybe
or everyone else is avoiding it since edf6 comes out in like 4 days
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fuck elf pickers
Auric faggots dont actually care about playing with their team, which is why you see so many knife shitters everywhere
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I don't pick up knife zealots and I don't pick up *tank* ogryns
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>it's shitter hours
That's enough for tonight
>damage taken
>mission failed
Yeah, we all died
>near two hour's old post
It's been on my wishlist, worth a buy? pls keep in mind I'm a newbie who arrived as a result of Helldivers 2
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>get netted
>its the first special of the game (45 minuets have passed)
>horde shreek warning
>ohhh shit better help him soon
>6 pox walkers spawn for the horde
>Xbox controller DC's
>spend 10 mins looking for battery backup
>finally get back
>lost 1/3 my toughness
>get friend back up
its that ez
yes, it's not at autismo as other sim games (without mods) and it's quite unique
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I laughed
with damage dealt being that light i'm surprised
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I am bad at psyker, I hate all the staves. When I have a gun or dueling sword in my hands I can handle situations, but the second I have to lean on a stave I fucking suck and fuck up the fight and either die or cause a wipe. I hate it!!!
venting shreik+warp siphon is scrub proof and good with every stave.
holy shit Tranner is such a fucking hamplanet lmao
Funny. I was the last guy alive 4 times before we wiped. That's how i took most of the damage
so how do you take damage, for martyrdom purposes? stand in a barrel?
this game is insanely boring if it's not an intense auric
The damage source can come from anywhere
Don't force yourself to lose health for Martyrdom stacks. That's how you go down more than you should. Play normally and all the chip damage you take will only reward you.
if you're not good enough to fire barrel yourself down to one bar and work with that, you aren't good enough for martyrdom
Don't waste all of your talent points so you can occasionally benefit from it

Git gud, lower health and get used to playing that way. Otherwise the crit build is a much better option
Look, not everyone is as good as me, I'm giving the average player good advice on how to play martyrdom, some advice you two could probably use. I've picked up too many pretenders today.
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nothing crazy, just a histg heresy mission but i've never had to try so hard to carry a mission. i was level 10 using a 137 tac axe and a revolver.

creating new characters and jumping into higher difficulty missions with grey weapons has made me fall in love with the game all over again. you forget how hard the game can be when you can't kill instakill everything on your screen
Stop giving bad advice, shitter. Leave advice giving to your superiors
Stay out of my aurics. Just because you see that you have all those wounds doesn't mean you should be so eager to use them all.
>Stay out of my aurics
Don't like it when i carry you?
Your advice is bad because you are bad. You can act all uppity but you ain't fooling anyone
I will remind you again, stay out of my aurics and especially my maelstroms. Back to heresy with you.
>repeating yourself
Out of steam already? I recommend that you keep your mouth shut next time if you don't want your cheeks clapped again

Now piss off or get pissed on, shitter
>Wants to clap my cheeks
>Wants to pee on me
I said stay out of my aurics, not turn me on.
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>turned on
That explains it. You get into arguments because you like it when you lose and get humiliated
let me tell you brother, being fat is okay most of the time but once it's summer it's hell jesus christ I'm sweating so much
Being fat is only ok if
>you are a sumo wrestler
>a powerlifter
>a strongman
Otherwise, you need to stop fucking eating
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I can't stop!
Then you have to pick a sport >>486930928
I pick casual e-sport
You disgust me
What if it's your fetish and you have a mildly successful only fans from being bbw
As if being a fatty wasn't disgusting enough already
Son, i am disappoint
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chainaxe b like
I'm going to play now, you better not be in my aurics.
Good. You need the practise
Is EDF 6 any good?
It's EDF5 but more and with a time travel plot
If you liked previous EDFs you will like this EDF
NTA but what about if I don't have any experience with EDF
you are cordially invited to my aurics
So could you. You know, you could always practice on me anon.
5 is probably going to get a full price reduction and be even cheaper during sales. it's better to go with that to see if you like the game than start immediately on the newest.
if you want you could just pirate 5 since they have working multiplayer
>boot up darktide
>load into mission
>realize upon loading in that i dont feel like playing anymore
>close game

fuck, it finally happened to me, it's over
Not to worry. It's not like Fatshark was going to release any meaningful content anytime soon. You've all the time in the world to come off your burnout.
As someone that never played World War Z, how can you tell which nids' are real and which aren't?
weird fag lol
I accept your concession.
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>heresy game where everyone was competent and having a good time
wait a minute, I thought I was playing darktide
>upgrade to a very good setup recently
>vermintide 2 still stuttering
Is there a specific setting that makes the game run like shit or something? Anyone here get smooth 60fps?
Fatshart are just incompetent
Seriously? So you just can't get a steady framerate?
works on my machine unironically
i did nothing special either. maybe look into how the game uses your cores or sometging i know darktide struggles with that
In the case of Dorktide I just can't run it at all, it either crashes on startup or flat out slaps me with a BSOD. Some kind of known issue with 13th gen intel hardware that hasn't seen an update in over a year.
fucking LMAO
lol you got the shitty indian intel cpu with shit caked into it
sorry to hear it
The question remains though, out of dozens of games I play, why is darktide the only one that does this?
read into it theres shittons of games affected
>the silent poxburster bug still happens
whole team got jumpscared around a corner and brain froze because no bip
The only listed models I've seen associated are 13900 and 14900, but mine is the 13700.
there are literally two current games on bitsquid, if HD2 isn't having issues you can narrow it down from engine not playing nice with hardware to fatshark incompetence.
I've got 400 hours in HD2 without a single BSOD, it's crashed a few times but that seems pretty standard for HD2. I didn't have a single problem with Darktide when it launched and for about six months after until I dropped it. I tried to get back into it about a month ago and it just does not work. I've managed to load into the Mourningstar once only.
I haven't played nonauric in around a year
I haven't played sloptide in around a year
sounds like they broke it, unless configs or mod files that don't get removed with a steam uninstall are hanging around and fucking things up. though in the case of an old config causing issues that's a fatshark issue for breaking their own config system
prove the emperor is alive

i'll wait
he possessed guilliman and performs acts of miracle. And most of all he protects
Your one year sober badge is in the mail and should reach you shortly.
His corpse apparently sheds tears, so that means his tear glands are functional, which means his body has at least one ongoing metabolic function, which means at least some component of him is by definition living.

but apparently that's ye olde lore
how is a dead man going to eat 10000 psykers daily?
No, according to this general you can only have fun when the rest of your team are glue-eating you have to carry the whole map (usually it's themselves)
I never modded the game so the only explanation is fatshart, old configs maybe.
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I won't be able to get on until the evening time in my timezone, but is there any interest in Risk of Rain 2? Finally just started to get decent at it, was curious how multiplayer worked like
there's a RoR general on /vm/, almost no one here plays it
I stopped because every single character plays exactly the same by the end of the first loop and your performance is directly tied to good RNG
The waifus are top tier though
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last 3 aurics maelstroms was this one mission
God damn it, why the hell do I keep forgetting /vm/ is a thing? My bad, hope you all have a good day
modanon fixing his mods never ever
very tempted to buy barotrauma on a key site for 10 dollars. I presume it's best played with ppl on vocal ?
just had a run on /vm/ a few hours ago, only 2-3 people out of 6 used voice chat, the rest were using text. there wasn't enough players so the anons there decided to have a weekly saturday night going.
I see, pretty sure I red your post on /vm/. Other ppl spoke highly of this game. Thanks for the infos, and the mod list
1500 hours and i just learned you can jump back to the third medicae in dreyko from the top of the stairs
I have learned recently you can jump back from that area after scanning part right to the area right before scanning
sorry to hear that, but coomer mods are not needed at all and were honestly kind of trashy
nude mods are trash, but skimpy mods are sovl
only if they didn't exaggerate the proportions
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hey I'm one of those guys
never thought I'd get posted on /copeg/
sex with artificer
now we're talking
sup Poole
why were you hoarding the medkit?
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guess it was that easy
flechette isn't even good on the super shotty thoughever, dunno why people care about it
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>/coopg/ is ded for real this time
you won't be missed

which hammer is the good zealot hammer?
Reckoner greathammer
I don't really feel the power of "both barrels" blessing. Granted it's on tier 3 but there's barely a difference in reload speed
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>shart tide still fucking dips in some maps with hordes
the game is designed around fsr or whatever its called even on top tier hardware
/gsg/ died too, maybe we should merge with them
Don't use multithreading the game doesn't work nicely with it, and turn down ragdoll number.
Don't talk about hardware and software if you don't know anything about it please.
we already have helldivers and edf refugees. This should have been strictly a tide general.
dont be a retarded faggot the game is optimized around ai upscalers thats why it cant keep a stable 60 fps without em even with a 4080 on 1440p
retarded tech illiterate nigger
>Don't use multithreading the game doesn't work nicely with it
What the fuck, for real?
Nah that has been fixed ages ago, he's talking out of his ass.
>dont be a retarded faggot the game is optimized around ai upscalers thats why it cant keep a stable 60 fps without em even with a 4080 on 1440p
First FSR is not an AI upscaler.
Second Nvidia cards use DLSS.
Third the FPS drops like crazy during hordes because so many bodies and effects and game logic events creates a big strain on your CPU, not your GPU. So upscaling won't stop your FPS from dropping.
Again don't talk about hardware and software if you don't know anything about it fucking cretin.
I dont give a shit if it's called fsr or dlss nigger it's fundamentally the same shit and fills the same role in optimization. I'm fully aware they're not called the same thing and don't work the exact same and you're not smart for pointing it out . you reek of someone who googles this shit then comes back with "ackshually" statements to make
>uhhh it's CPU heavy
no it isn't nigger I hate this meme there are zero performance analytics that back this up. It's legit just some niggerbabble that people keep parroting without any sort of evidence behind it. By far the biggest performance drop in this game is when it loads lod models from up close poxwalkers or groaners en masse and thats all gpu
>doing research makes you pretentious
lol, lmao even
>no it isn't nigger I hate this meme there are zero performance analytics that back this up. It's legit just some niggerbabble that people keep parroting without any sort of evidence behind it. By far the biggest performance drop in this game is when it loads lod models from up close poxwalkers or groaners en masse and thats all gpu
Then explain why your FPS drops if a horde approaches and you're not looking at the horde. The LODs are not being rendered by the GPU, so why does it drop? It's almost as if it's high load on the game logic (processed by the CPU) when there's 5000 things happening around you instead of on the GPU.
yes it does if you do it solely for the purpose of going "ackshually" at someone who is actually more knowledgable than yourself. It's peak midwit shit. Legitimate dunning kruger things.

>Then explain why your FPS drops if a horde approaches and you're not looking at the horde.
it doesn't, you made that up. You can literally go into the psykharium, spawn 50 poxnigs and turn the AI on, then look away and look at them and you will see the fps dip and peak depending on how many poxwalkers are very close to you
This is also why FoV settings in darktide HEAVILY affect performance, they actually make the lod shit camera dependant meaning that if your FoV is lower it loads more poxwalker high detail models since they're closer to the camera with low FoV. Again you can go test this yourself it's super easy.

Now sit the fuck down tech illiterate retard and take your own advice
>Don't talk about hardware and software if you don't know anything about it please.
>You can literally go into the psykharium
That's because fucking nothing happens in the psykhanium and the burden on the CPU is incredibly light there. That's why you can spawn 100 poxwalkers there and have your FPS remain normal but when you try to fight 100 in a map your FPS will shit itself.
>yes it does if you do it solely for the purpose of going "ackshually" at someone who is actually more knowledgable than yourself. It's peak midwit shit. Legitimate dunning kruger things.
>I dont give a shit if it's called fsr or dlss nigger it's fundamentally the same shit and fills the same role in optimization. I'm fully aware they're not called the same thing and don't work the exact same
lol, lmao even
Thank you for accepting his concession while I was sleeping <3
>50 poxwalkers strain your gpu in the psykharium but not in the real game
methinks you lost the thread buddy
it's literally the same shit end result just one is nvidia property and locked to newer cards and may or may not work slightly better with less artifacts
stop, muh sides cant take it
ah I get it the pretending to be retarded shtick after you lost the argument
what the fuck is this, I just said that the game runs like shit
Works on my machine.
then go fuck off and make a dorktide general, coopg existed long before 40klick
dont use more than 8 worker threads, increase your fov and if you're using your 4080 for 1440p or above and still get bad frames then consider using an upscaler, they really aren't so bad anymore
this is all the info you need just ignore the shitposting
It’s Darktide
You should using the upscaler regardless
no, its just funny because you contradicted yourself and instead of doing nothing, you double down when caught, and then tried to walk it back. i have no horse in this race other than laughing you, which makes it even funnier because youre angry about someone laughing at you, instead of just walking away but you cant, because im living rent free
if you're literally running a 4090 for 1440p tops without raytracing memes you can forgo it but ONLY then
crazy that there's a dumb nigger in this thread claiming that the game is CPU heavy when it wont even run above 40fps on anything but a 4090 without upscalers
>dont use more than 8 worker threads
In other words don't multithread.
i never contradicted myself, I initially said "fsr or whatever" because it's all the same shit.
don't latch onto stupid shit just because you lost the argument, accept that you just had a midwit moment
i just told you have no argument, you stupid retard, im only here to laugh at you
i think you should learn english before you try to post like this
Jesus Christ it takes so much stone to make earthern walls, am I missing something? I tried that technique where you stand on the wall and raise the edge, but it looks like they heavily nerfed the efficiency of that, likewise with the revised method where you stand on the ground and try to raise the side of the wall. Had to spend 20 min hour boating in all my excess stone from my quarry and that just killed my enthusiasm for the day
No one can admit when they are wrong
That's how you get arguments like this and the combat axe (S tier) argument
Some are arguing for sexual reasons
valheim really needs automation for stone and wood in particular. I like woodcutting and getting stones in the early game but it gets way too fucking annoying way too fast
i'm gonna go make my own tide general, with blackjack and hookers
in fact, forget the general
Need that Greydwarf murder farm. They drop sap, stone, and wood.
Yeah but it's cancer to set up and it's not really fun having to afk near it.I just hope they lean into the dvergr magic shit or something and let us actually automate it without doing a scuffed hobo pit setup
What's the way to do that now? I know a while back the nerfed the original way of doing it.
do you not still jsut dig a pit under a spawner and put wolves in it
Yea I suppose 2 star wolves would just rape them. For context I haven't played since the way to do it was putting a bonfire under it, because back then bonfires didn't take damage when they did damage.
>auric damnation is starting to feel too easy for me now
Is it over for me?
Coming back to VT2 is Grail knight just a glass cannon melee dps? He is a pure melee doesnt have any passive damage mitigation, cc or panic button at least the new longsword with auto block is kinda good i guess?
I thought the recon lasguns were mediocre but they're actually insane with Onslaught. Good golly I've been waltzing through auric damn with my VId. This thing is a mini plasma gun. Thanks for the tip reddit.
Wood is fine because of The Elder's power and the domino effect, but yeah agreed with stone
I mean you can get lots of stone from mining under those pillars in the plains and the gravity makes it all collapse, but that's 2-3 biomes of progression away for me right now
I might also set this up if not for >>487008057
Getting 2-star wolves is also a super pain in the ass. The way I saw to do it was with spikes, but those sumbitches break after like 3 uses and corewood is a pain in the ass to farm since god forbid spikes drop their materials when they break like everything else
Thank you for the help in getting them nerfed again
Fatshart doesn't need my help to nerf the fun out of the game. They already signaled that the crafting update is going to be a blood bath. Swedes gonna swede.
he has stagger thp, a second melee slot and access to shields
you do the math ratbrain
>Getting 2-star wolves is also a super pain in the ass
It is. But fortunately you only have to do it once.
So is Darktide good yet or should I wait for the itemization update that got leaked to become real?
The actual gameplay is good; it's just everything else that sucks. Talent trees aren't phenomenal, crafting/itemization are atrocious, the non-paid cosmetic selection remains limited to rags and gimp masks, and so on. But again, the gameplay itself is best in the genre.
Game has great bones just like before but it gets repetitive unless you're really into the gameplay loop. Except where it took 30h for the game to get boring at launch, it takes maybe 50h now. Then you get sick of it for a while and pick it up again in a few months, repeat the cycle.
It's fantastic. I have 2000 hours in it which is my 3rd highest played game ever.
>is Grail knight just a glass cannon melee dps
second or third best survivability in the game, can solo nearly any situation on cata
>passive damage mitigation
hes untouchable with bs+s combo
>panic button
you dont panic with bs+s combo
The efficiency was nerfed years ago but its ultimately still cheaper than building a genuine stone wall that isn't invulnerable. What kind of absurdly big compound are you making that a few plains rock pillars can't supply it? Digging an outer trench can increase the relative height of the wall from the outside, you can use that to save on resources.

nigger what are you doing, use a portal
So the key is just to spam the bs+s push + light for stagger chain and inf thp gain?
>nigger what are you doing, use a portal
not that anon but i remember valheim had an extremely retarded system where some stuff couldn't be transported via portal--typically all of the stuff you'd WANT to transport, like ores and shit
of course, he could just install mods to remove that garbage
This one's for the anons in the thread who played the space marine 2 build. Is there any sort of meaningfully difficult combat between points of interest? From what I remember about WWZ it was basically just walk to event zone where you kill a gorillion zombies then walk to next even zone on repeat. In darktide/vermintide/left for dead the game can choose to crush your balls at anytime whereas WWZ had these same moments of scripted action and non-action everytime.
What are 1 and 2
>inb4 MMOs
The gameplay sucks and so does the crafting
I don't know how anyone can spend hundreds of hours on this unless they have crippling autism and bad tase
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What are the probabilities that a fresh lvl 30 (+8) zealot in full deluxe edition gear wakes up the demonhost?
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you already know the answer anon
Destiny 2 and Payday 2. Almost tied with Darktide is Killing Floor. I like games where it's satisfying to kill stuff over and over.
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It still has its Live Service cooties like RNG stats on weapons, they're going to release an overhaul to the weapon stat system later this year. The RNG on stats I utterly despised even in Vermintide 2, and it's just skinnerbox retention shit because they're not confident enough to keep you hooked on their gameplay loop. Otherwise, game's fun. Fatshark should let us color our armor (no monetization) because I want the right shade of blue for my Guardsman. When I was young, I saw Dawn of War's Army painter and I thought: "This is the future of gaming." Imagine my crushing disappointment every time colors are monetized in a game.
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here's what I think: the lack of an army painter is a GW directive.
it was in the first two dawn of war games, but that was it, and it was a long time ago.
space marine? well, you're not painting an army, but you could paint your marine
total war shogun 2? you get an army painter
total war warhammer? no army painter
gladius? no army painter
battlefleet gothic? no, uh, fleet painter
darktide? the game where your characters are all random worthless nobodies you should have the most freedom customizing? no army painter
it's some directive put forth by a retarded boomer suit, he thinks it'll cut into sales of models or something, it came into effect some time after 2011, I'm certain of it.
>This is the future of gaming
We saw the future, and greedy kikes decided it was too good.
>Why give it to them for free when they'll pay $5 for a color set that they can't swap the colors around for? Those retards will buy it.
I hate suits.
you will now become one of the posters who call people whining about nerfs dumb faggots
and to be fair they are
is suits the latest antisemitic dogwhistle?
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I'm gonna be really sad when space marine 2 doesn't have a painter
Nah, it's been a term for a long while for the Execs, because they wear suits. Also carries the connotation of being a soulless asshole who only cares about making money no matter the cost. GROWTH, BABY. GROWTH. LINE GO UP!
Thanks, doc
Age of Sigmar game has army painter
Mordheim has painting too
/coopg/ dieded
evo is on so I can't divert attention to shitposting, sorry
for a class that's mechanically the same, Zealot sure does feel like shit to play in DT compared to VT2.
Darktide Zealot is way squishier and less safe than VT2
Darktide zealot would destroy VT zealot and it wouldn't even be close
sounds pretty antisemitic to me
Considering there's 3 different berzerker types and no casters, the bad guys in Darktide feel more like khorne than nurgle. Khorne would've been better - less fat.
khorne would have been exactly the same except they'd be red and have less dialogue
if it has to be called an antisemitic dogwhistle it's probably because semites really are behind it
no casters is a fuckup for sure but nurgle definitely has hopped up hot niggers with axes aplenty. Ultimately nurgle will always be the best fit for these games because the AI has absolute brainrot, but the game wouldn't work if that wasn't the case
>hmm, this class that supposedly sacrifices safety for damage isn't really unsafe at all
>how should we fix this in the next installment?
>option 1, don't have a class that does this at all because clearly we can't do it right
>option 2, have the exact same class, but make it so no one will ever want to play it
>option 2 seems best
I dont get how zealot is supposedly squishy though
You get 50% DR on crit, stun immunity, 15% DR thru an aura, a pretty low cooldown 50% toughness replenishing charge with 2 charges that gives you actual iframes against poxbursters etc which can be spammed with the right build, attackspeed bonuses for safer meleeing, a talent that just lets you perma sprint for the evasive effect...
Furthermore to lesser effect but still notable he has another 30% DR with one keystone and a LOT of toughness regen with another, he can get scuffed barkskin, he can make himself break out of dog pins, LOTS of impact talents so he can stagger elites almost as well as an ogryn...

And if all that wasn't enough and you still somehow die he has a 5 second resist death on a 2 min cooldown that heals you back to 25%

I'm simply not seeing how this qualifies as a squishy class. To me Zealot is fucking tons of fun because you can just be on the attack 24/7 and have nothing to fear
Martyrdom zealot, Darktide allows damage through toughness, VT2 does not allow damage through temp HP.
I honestly dont remember the last time I went down playing zealot and I play martyrdom chaxe 80% of the time
it really isn't squishy if your attackspeed is that high and you have enough toughness DR to keep above 90% against hordes
but I'm responding to his kvetching by being antisemitic, what's wrong with you
without those kvetching big nosed suits, darktide would've released one year later fully finished
you might think I'm joking but this is the unironic reality of game dev in 2020+4
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How would you describe each class in Darktide? For me, its:

The class focused most on smoothing out runs. Many versatile ranged and melee options, excellent team support and "oh shit" buttons that can turn bad situations around quickly. My main so I am biased but I think they're the best class and have been since launch.
The class most capable of pulling off a clutch. Second-to-none mobility options, a wide variety of powerful melee weapons it uses better than any other class, strong crackhead energy when played aggressively (correctly).
The "win more" class. In a team that is acting cohesively and pulling their weight they shine the most, capable of easily deleting large swaths of hordes and elites without breaking a sweat while also having good support options as well, although bad players lean too far into the supporting instead of killing playstyle. Conversely I think they are the worst class in clutch situations in that their abilities are significantly less capable of upending a bad situation instead of enabling your team to rampage harder.
The strongest class at specialization. Melee ogryn is a monster, the most durable and capable of handling any kind of mixed horde you can throw at him, crunching anything and slapping around the heaviest elites like toys. Ranged ogryn is similarly oppressive, Point Blank Barrage is capable of trully insane amounts of damage and deletes bosses, although they require a team that will allow them to hoover up vast amounts of ammo. I don't respect toonkers.
Shooty guy with shout
Melee guy
Keeps dying
Melee guy but slow
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Just the best. I will not even notice there's a team. I push every poxburster, dodge every hound and mutant, never get vored by the Beast and never netted.
>The other plays
glue eating retard, I suspect there's a secret facility somewhere breeding this kind of turbomongols
Knife Hobo
Lightning Hobo
Rock Thrower 9000
the class fatshark actually wants you to play
>Everyone else
also there I guess
>fatshark would have somehow put in 2 years of work in 1 extra year of delay
And that's being optimistic thinking the itemization rework will fix everything.

Trivializes the game for the team if you have 2 of them.
Trivializes the game for yourself.
The guy you're babysitting who thinks he's carrying but in reality he'd be accomplishing more with another class. Most likely to put the team in a bad situation, most likely to take credit for saving it or to blame the team when it goes wrong.
The anti-zealot for self-loathing players who will quit when they blow themselves up and always think it's their fault the team got overrun when in reality they didn't matter either way.
>2 years of work
They haven't done a single year of work yet, much less two years. That guy is coping super hard. Suits didn't fuck this game, snow niggers did. Swedes are the most absolute lazy pieces of shit on the planet. I've seen shitskins who work harder than them, and I'm not even counting the time swiggers are on vacation.
I mean consider that actual full time development is not what they're doing right now. Devs crunch their time into games that are being released, and then tune down the hours afterwards and teams get taken off to do other things
In other words, consider that Darktide was built from the ground up within 4 years. Do you really think another year of that workflow would not have been absolutely amazing for the game
VT2 allows damage through tHP, that was fixed years ago.
Please talk about helldivers 2
the scab only maelstrom missions are nuts holy shit
more like Fart Smellers: Poo
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I shan't be talking about helldivers 2 until the new warbond releases or illuminates finally show up.
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What if they never planned to release the Illuminates
I'm not going back until the 3rd faction arrives. I nolifed HD2 nonstop for 200 hours this spring and exhausted everything the game has to offer right now.
damage to green health despite having white health still available?
no? are you dumb?
Then I might just never talk about it again.
I hate the new map
>start is guaranteed 1 death from barrels
>very tight spaces
>ground and floor is very cluttered in most parts of the map which prevents smooth movement and sliding
>middle section usually takes forever and i just spend it reviving or being away from my team to take out gunners
Weren't there invisible things shooting blue projectiles at people?
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on so many other armors it doesn't do this, though

also good to see they still haven't fixed the disappearing thigh guards and shoulder plate that clips into the shoulder after being shrunk down
The Darktide info about the itemization rework is nice and all but there's still no date listed.
Let's be honest. A group of 4 rejects could easily beat 4 helldivers
it's an interesting matchup, 4 people on welfare vs 4 people that work but probably don't want to beat up retards that spend 80 hours per week playing darktide.
Didn't expect such a seething response. YIKES
lmao this guy actually took it personally
>zealot comes running
>4 helldivers drop artillery on zealot
>zealot still running on until death
Game runs great
>slide through the game, dodging hits, sniper shots, gunners and shooters
>hacking everything to death
>sniping specials left and right
>can't be touched
Game runs bad
>bad hit reg
>slides don't register
>can't switch weapons
>press F, nothing happens
>F F F F F F
>waste both ability charges
>lose way more health and kill less
I don't like the fact that my experience varies day by day because of performance factors that seem out of my control
dedicated servers are only as good as the swede that coded and deployed them to a cloud host
I hate the pox gas modifier. I can't do shit to prevent the gas from coming and most maps are absolutely not designed with this modifier in mind. I keep getting it on throneside and it's a shitty fucking experience
just ignore the gas these maps have like 50000 med stims
not saying its a good modifier though its literally just easymode
where is my fucking jeep
There are safe pockets from the gas all over every map, learn where they are. Dipshits like to try to rush through all the gas for some reason instead of using the safety pockets.
chorus, shout, bubble, or just existing as ogryn near anything in slapping range are good counters to it. I find it annoying as well but it does make for some interesting and shitty situations
It's fine on some maps, but on throneside it's absolute shit

Going back out of the gas is pointless because you'll just have to go back in and get gassed, so the only way out is through which just means you end up in another gas zone with even more enemies. My team is always doomed by the time we reach the vacuum capsule part
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fuck jeeps, join the edf and get a subaru sambar
what about the useless trucks scattered around the map, i can fit a fencer in the back of those on 5
anon, a subaru sambar is the white truck
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>>press F, nothing happens
>>F F F F F F
>>waste both ability charges
Get the mods for guaranteed wep swap and guaranteed ability activation.
There are mods for that now? I'll look into it
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Having these very forgettable mission names was a retarded decision
Seems you forgot to remember to forget
It makes perfect sense for a game that uses tilesets to create infinite procedurally generated maps. Actually fuck that DRG's name generator is a hundred times better too.
Would Darktide have been good if the cast of characters were pre made ala Vermintide?
only if none of them were from fucking cadia
yes, darktide would have been better if fartshart hadn't abandoned one of the two things they did well in the previous game, in my opinion
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You've seen the characters they'd go with. You tell me.
The only map I can actually remember the name of is
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nope, then we wouldn't get these legendaries
They effectively already are.
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sorry anon, games workshop are brits so they've fallen for the retarded haitch bullshit their schoolteachers started in the last 80 years.
No, but the game would've been vastly better if you had one voice per character, the character was named, but you could customize appearance
please please please disable the fucking TAA/upscaling. you don't have to live like this.
>wholesome chungus ogryn
>magical space nigger
>zealot fanatic
>bro disable the upscaling on darktide!
not everyone has a 4090 nigger
>limited to one character per lobby again
nah fuck that, stopped playing v2 since my buddies always played the characters i wanted.
just stop being poor lmao
but more seriously, I play without AA of any kind at all
>would you rather smear your screen in vaseline and have everything leave trippy afterimages that make you wonder if you're hallucinating
>look at jaggies
Modern AA was a mistake
just run games at 8k
really that simple.
>have everything leave trippy afterimages that make you wonder if you're hallucinating
does that still happen when inspecting a weapon and spinning it?
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More like CACAdia!
Why do the other make fun of cadia when it's like 9/11 times a billion?
9/11 is funny
>Cadia is destroyed
>everyone devastated
>make one warp jump
>enough years have passed
>Its already funny
that just makes it a billion times finnier
spectating console players is wild.
Its like im watching old PC gameplay where they're using the arrow keys to look around.
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yes I play with FSR2 ultra performance, how did you know?
Have you ever made fun of 9/11 to a 9/11 victim's face?
Did you hear about Cadia meeting a black fortress?

It was destroyed!
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it was a national tragedy
My face is a 9/11 victim
it's unbelievable how slowly they move and react

surely they aren't actually thinking that slow, it's just because they're playing at 20fps
imagine the ultimate showdown but instead of 5 minutes it's years of "this fag showed up then that fag showed up", the joke ran too long for a shitty rock out of millions.
Starcraft 3 Co-Op when?
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I just want blizzard to fucking die already, stop fucking over warcraft and starcraft already.
>stop fucking over warcraft and starcraft already
nothing compared to their continued desecration of diablo's corpse.
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why isnt this just called /darktide general/
Because threads disappear once they reach page 11
so you're saying darktide by itself isn't enough to sustain a thread, despite the majority of this, if not most, threads being darktide?
because darktide general would be called darktide general, not /darktide general/
it would be /dtg/-darktide general. you put the abbreviation within the slashes faggot.
Yes. It also attracts vulnerable people whom can be groomed into playing darktide
yeah ok calm down autists thats what i meant
i swear
How long until the Helldivers general recedes back into us and we get stuck with more Helldivers vs Darktide arguments? Will EDF cause a big impact
edf6 will be the synthesis that saves coopg for two months until the crafting update releases
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is there gonna be another valheim server
>Will EDF cause a big impact
yes, the few of us playing it will shitpost constantly starting thursday. we're even getting squid aliens before heckdivers.
They could probably beat 400 helldivers. The rejects have ultrasmurf tier plot armor despite getting treated worse than penal legionaries. Meanwhile helldivers are less trained than your average sand nigger.
>shit ton of content
>lots of webm potential
>doesn't gatekeep players (except for third worlders)
yep, co-op gaming is so back at least until space marine 2
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>Reinstall after 5 months and grind for a little while
>Get a new PC 6 months from now and start playing when crafting is less fucked

Decisions. How are the new weapons?
the DLCs also have story content and voice lines this time around
maybe if you stopped jacking it to anime kids you'd stop being so unhappy all the time
Ogryn's pickaxe seems solid based on what I've seen. Otherwise, you'd be better served using your older gear.
i think i just need to consider myself filtered from nu-darktide. the gunner spam combined with the somehow even worse spawning system is too much for me to put up with. ONE little faggot unmarkable gunner in a dark corner on the opposite side of the map just eats through 160 toughness in the blink of an eye. it's just fucking nauseating to deal with. i'd rather go back to pre twins days where the game spawned 60 ragers out of nowhere.
Karsolas pickaxe with headtaker, slaughterer, carapace and unyielding or elite damage is really good

Shock mauls are fun and interesting, but not very killy compared to other options

The shotgun and bolt pistol are seriously lackluster when compared to other guns and
>when compared to other guns and
They got him
it's like a candle jack post but he didn
oh shit sni
shotgun's fun, karsolas is probably meta
Karsolas and shied are now the best ogryn weapons
Remember that fucking retard mongoloid who used the single target pickaxe and relied on slapping hordes with the kickback? That's the kind of braindead people who disagree
Assuming nothing goes wrong
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>What kind of absurdly big compound are you making that a few plains rock pillars can't supply it?
It's not absurdly big, it's like <15x15 2x2 walls. I haven't found a plains biome yet since the only boat I have is a karve, it's been storming on and off on the ocean every time I go out exploring, the wind is always blowing the wrong way, and I don't want to run into serpents
Also the only black forest I've found so far is small, and didn't have more than 6 cores in the whole thing, and I'm too lazy to tear down my smelter to make a couple of portals when I have to go to my quarry to ferry back some ore anyway
I think there's an option on world gen to allow ore transport, but then there's no reason to make the boats so it feels like cheating
idk anon
Besides the plains, the meadows open areas tend to have plenty of rocks. I might be a bit spoiled with an endgame character and being able to slurp up all those smaller rocks in very quick succession, but it shouldn't be too hard for someone still with a bronze pickaxe. But then the issue becomes why are you focusing so much on a secure terrain wall compound at this stage? Your raid spawn chance slows down dramatically when away from player built structures, so go out there and look for more cores.

I haven't seen a serpent in ages, its just not something to be worried about when they take so many hits to destroy even a karve.
>the wind is always blowing the wrong way,
No matter how much they deny it I remain convinced to this day that they hard coded the wind to turn against you after a semi-random amount of time.
the game still spawns 60 ragers out of nowhere
and thanks to all that, my executioner stance catachan claw build is no longer a meme
no, because theyre theyre going to add some maulers and crushers into the mix too and a couple shotgunners just to fuck you even more
Skill issue
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died before they even aggroed

vetchads run this joint
>why are you focusing so much on a secure terrain wall compound at this stage?
So that I won't have to do it later. I also haven't done it before, and my last playthrough I had shamans and blobs sneaking into my base somehow to gas chamber all my pigs
>I haven't seen a serpent in ages, its just not something to be worried about when they take so many hits to destroy even a karve
Normally I'd agree, except when the wind is against you and you're stuck paddling. Again, during my last playthrough, I ran into this exact situation, tried to turn around so I'd have the wind at my back, but the serpent somehow ended up under the boat and flipped it, tossing me into the ocean to die. Maybe I'm being overly cautious, but I don't want any repeats of that until I have a longboat or a harpoon.
It certainly seems that way, but I've been pretty lucky so far. Wish the boat retained more momentum so that tacking into the wind was more viable, if not labor intensive
>Wish the boat retained more momentum so that tacking into the wind was more viable
Every time I try to tack I feel like it punishes me by moving the wind around even more.
San Francisco update?
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>recorded on the same day
dude are you me?
he's not playing as chains though
I have a decent amount of hours in Vermintide 2, got max gear on a couple builds, avid legendary player, really loved the game. Recently just got into Darktide with a friend, and I can't help but feel that Vermintide is just the better game. I miss the characters and dialogue, and the stages were all much better designed and fun, having a nice story that patched them all together. Darktide stages have a lot of empty running around in generic dark areas that feel like stage fluff to me, whereas everything in a Vermintide stage always felt meaningful and fun. Combat is more fleshed out, but it was simpler and a lot more refined and consistent. I really hate the specials in Darktide, it's like they just immediately spawn next to me and I'm netted instantly with no window of counterplay to them. The netters in particular are the most bullshit, just netting me through fucking everything even if I shoot them first.

What's the general consensus on Darktide vs Vermintide? Am I alone in my opinion? A lot of the Steam reviews are negative, but I think they came from a while back in pre-release. I'm still having a lot of fun, I've got my first character to level 10 and I'm working on making it up to the highest difficulty. Anything I need to know now about the game or classes beforehand? And what's the best Psyker melee?
There used to be a mod that allowed you to change every aspect of boat behavior including the friction amount that slows them down. Didn't get any updates years ago and so we're stuck with the mods that technically increase wind power only.
Why didn't you queue up with me?
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busy farming kills in the toilet like everyone else
how's the music?
only 2 good tracks
>only 2 good tracks
fucking grim
>Darktide stages have a lot of empty running around in generic dark areas that feel like stage fluff to me, whereas everything in a Vermintide stage always felt meaningful and fun
While VT2 is superior in a lot of regards, this is just you playing on lower difficulties, an issue VT2 also had. Both these games are a horrible experience while you're leveling but turn fun when you have a functional character and the stages are packed wall to wall with enemies.
>Anything I need to know now about the game or classes beforehand? And what's the best Psyker melee?
Psyker sucks the most until you unlock the later talents but this also makes it one of the best to level first if you plan to stick around. Dueling sword or force sword are best.
>Psyker sucks the most until you unlock the later talents but this also makes it one of the best to level first if you plan to stick around. Dueling sword or force sword are best.
Thanks, I'll use my forcesword then. For skills, I'm experimenting with Brainburst vs Smite atm, seems Brainburst is good for armored goons and Smite for hordes, is that right? Also, how do I use Pyskinetic's Wrath properly? It just seems like a really weak and useless Kruber shout to me (it at least has a short cooldown).
>double barreled shotgun
>fires more than 2 shots before reloading
I hate it when games go this kinda shit
only true heisters would understand this
brain burst is for any priority target, smite is for turning the game off for a while every now and again to make sure your team doesn't have too much fun

psykinetic's wrath can save you if you go over 100% peril and start the pop animation, it goes through walls and floors so you can de-dog teammates 20 meters away, and creeping flames can wipe packs combined with other sources of soulfire (mostly purge staff)
don't sleep on the duelling sword, it has the enormous advantage of not generating peril at all meaning you won't accidentally blow up
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vermintide is kinda slow compared to darktide, a lot of combat encounters are extremely fast paced and require a lot of snapfiring on top of pinpoint precision, while being surrounded by a horde, which is dangerous because of you cannot remain healthy since toughness is not temp hp and you will bleed a little everytime youre hit while below 100% toughness
specials arent an issue, and theyre less of a problem than in vermintide, because youre not going to get nothin personalled by leeched, blightstormers arent going to long bomb a cast, assassins arent going to jump across the map, except for snipers, but theyre snipers its in the name, and maybe bombers, specials arent going to come at you come unexpected locations, and they all approach you on the same level, so instead of looking at every advantage point, you only really need to see whats moving faster and what is taller, and theyre very noisy so youll know when theyre coming and thats on you if they catch you
>Great Mines
so we finally unlocked the anti-tank mines?
Which of Drillers new overclocks would you guys say is best? I'm having a hard time picking one, but so far Combustive Goo Mix is my favorite I think.
did those dumb swedes/danes/norwegians ever fix landmines not syncing between players so you'll die from a random explosion
>never played zealot
Easily the cryo cannon nucleation. Combustive Goo is definitely the most fun but you're just really team dependent with it because the only way you can proc it reliably in pubs is with a specific EPC build unless someone else is running a heat based build or you double up on drillers and one brings the flamethrower.
it's peak hours in my region
why can't i find any aurics/AMs
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Thought to give it a go and rolled this bitch first try, I hate martyrdom players but it feels like a sign
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It would be better for atmosphere in theory, but in practice we would get cover diversity squad. And inability to duplicate classes was annoying in Vermintide, because unlike L4D where there aren't any differences between characters, in Vermintide they are massive. Gameplay should be more important than story.
Fatshark fucked up customizable characters, but frankly it's not even a concept worth pursuing. Backstory customization doesn't matter and would take too much effort and money to make it work for a very, very little gain. It's also so retarded, because Fatshark wrote 3 different characters with male VAs and then hired additional 3 female VAs per character and only made them repeat lines of Males. So you can't even actually have complete and unique 4 player Guardsman squad, because two personalities will be this same. What an absurd fucking waste of resources.

They should make 4 predetermined characters per class. Those characters would have actual names they can use to talk to each other instead of those nicknames. This backstory and character customization shouldn't exist. 4th character would be actually unique too. They wouldn't be Rejectsâ„¢ who shouldn't have any chance against professional Traitor Guard army, but established elite Inquisitorial Operatives of a Radical Inquisitor.

Same thing should happen in VT3. Some classes should be merged, others added, skill tree should be expanded to look like in Darktide. Aside from playable main characters of U5, who SHOULDN'T be relegated to be npc shop vendors, we should get additional 3 minor characters per class. They wouldn't even need to have as much effort and voicelines as main characters, just exists to have an option to play as thematic team compositions like WHC + 3 Flagellants or 4 State Trooper. And we should get Ogres too
you can just use momentum if you don't like martyrdom
Region issue. Move to the west.
>Move to the west.
no thanks, i'm not trying to get my kid transed or turned into a black/migrant crime statistic
then no aurics 4 u
I just want to put my face between those milkers she has such a stupid face life is so unfair
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>warhammer fantasy-tide
>warhammer 40k-tide
what else could be made into a tide game?
tolkien tide
warhammer aos-tide
But they live that. It isn’t a game.
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Is this general dead yet?
>When I was young, I saw Dawn of War's Army painter and I thought: "This is the future of gaming."
>custom paint
>custom banners/sprays
We were living in the golden age of gaming and didn't know it. Now you have to grind or pay for goyslop and big brother is watching to ban you if you say anything double plus ungood in chat.
i want to be clear: if i ever get offered the chance to be a party functionary stomping on the throats of the little man, i will do it purely because you faggots deserve worse
You don't even get invited to parties.
making me the perfect resentful bureaucrat who lives for the job
>f i ever get offered the chance
You're a "little people" forever anon
You need to dodge slide the trapper net. As a dt secondary when I tried to go back to vermintide I just couldn't stand the boring weapons, terrible animations and the shitty movement. Keep playing until you at least reach Diff. 4 that's where the game actually starts taking form. WIth psyker assail is broken on the lower diffculties but it might each you some bad habits for later
Star Wars easily, it too features melee combat despite being set in space and there are many factions suitable to horde behavior
Lotr could work, but using Fellowship would be too limiting in terms of maps and characters and making donut steels in Lotr always turns out cringeworthy
AoS would work obviously
cooking mamatide
Dynasty Warriors-tide
After summer :)
>What's the general consensus on Darktide vs Vermintide? Am I alone in my opinion? A lot of the Steam reviews are negative, but I think they came from a while back in pre-release.
Nah, the recent reviews are at 55%. The game just isn't very good, and most of the updates haven't been great either
Any chance darktide adds squats?
Darktide has a higher ranged combat focus, so unless you know how to dive aggressively in melee, you'll need your gun a lot for the mook shooters. I do think the combat is a step up from vermintide, speed is addicting.
it would only exist as a mod that digs up and repurposes any leftover code for bardin
*after summer vacation and after-vacation rest of next year
Are shotguns good in darktide? What class uses them best?
Friendship ended with Catfish, Strawhat new best friend.
>Are shotguns good in darktide?
They are pretty ammo ineffecient
>What class uses them best?
Ogryn, by far (kickback)
ogryn players who use the hsield to TOOOONK may be the absolute worst players in this game
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even fartshart saw Catfish was incompetent, and you really have to try hard to achieve that
>sorry we're not ready to work yet we take 1 month to recover from our holidays
>phew that small conversation was exhausting! time for an early lunch!
a community manager
I haven't seen that in my aurics in a while
They're retards but I don't really blame them, I blame Fatshark for making the shield the way they did. Just the fact that the shield plant special exists leads Ogryn players to believe they should use it, since why shouldn't they use the weapon the way it obviously was intended to be used for?
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post the real Catfish
Gorgeous, 8/10 in England
The shield plant has a bit of limited use, but it would have been better if it didn't have it and instead had better block efficiency
*step up to the mic*
>noisy crowd
>audience goes quiet
>Crowd gasp
......IS LE BAD!
>thunderous ovation
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Post the real catfish
Please talk about Helldivers 2
how do I upvote
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>Yeah I'm kind of a "special" girl haha I like a lot of geeky stuff I think I'm a bit autistic I'm so much into those things.
>oh wow what are you into?
>oh ok well that's kinda mainstream now, what else are you into?
>that's geeky I guess? but not very unique

Jesus Christ
you had your time, with your stupid devs, dumb balance patches, and unoptimized gameplay that crashes on a dime
that time is over, for now
aos-tide where you fight goblins
It has its uses sometimes
Greentide was pitched before. I think it would be perfect. Or even playing as green skins would be cool too.
Against chaos spawn and to block monster attacks, sometimes against many snipers at once and might also block poxburster damage too. Can't remember
40k orcs fighting nids
Love orcs. I think with an AOS-tide it would be good for some variety that's sorely missing from darktide - I would go for a group of characters who are actually very opposed to each other and would actually probably kill each other if not for being in gobbo hell. A vampire, a chaos warrior, an ogre, an elf and dwarf would be enough to cover most niches
Strawhat finally learned how to pooost. I guess catfish got locked in the basement during spring and strawhat had a thousand angry nerds to fend off. But now we're actually getting announcements and fluff devblogs.
If you can't dodge crusher overhead you can quickly TONK to deny the damage completely.
>no multiple models for chaos spawn
>no nurglings
>no plaguebearers
EPIC fail fatshark, EPIC FAIL.
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I would have stacked bodies to have gotten a version of the shield with the devil claw parry instead of the plant with an overhead mace slap. It should reward aggressive play, and parrying crushers to slap their head with the mace would have been great.
Fatshart please hire me.
Spamming the heavy jab at their heads will keep a group lf crushers in check. Maybe a parry that knocks them on their ass would be more ogryn-like and funny
Also meant for >>487156351
We get it, you hate women.
Desu. I've grown comically addicted to the claw and deleting groups of mixed horde ragers from existence with the parry, and I wish we had more weapons like it.
The parry is powerful but the weapon itself is kinda weak or else i'd give it a proper go
>I've grown comically addicted to the claw and deleting groups of mixed horde ragers from existence with the parry
literally me
I used to use the heavy sword religiously, but I picked up the Catachan back when the Karnak twins released and it hard carried me through my pub rando secret hard mode clear; I haven't looked back since. Nothing feels better than dabbing on half a dozen ragers simultaneously without moving or taking a single point of damage.
Are there any mods to increase the amount of loadouts I can save in darktide? 5 has been plenty for a while but with the new weapons I find myself wanting 6 minimally.

At the same time, why are weapon customizations saved on a weapon basis and not a loadout basis? I have two loadouts with the same weapon and I want a unique style for each.

You'd think with all the expensive cosmetics they'd make it easy to use them effectively.
Yes look for the increased character slots mod, it does that too
Might finna get copclickers 3
gotta go get 2 cavities filled in 20 bros, im so friggen scared of the dentist.
Same. I keep putting it off but I know I'm gonna need to have at least 2 root canals. Take care of your teeth anon, you only get the one set
thanks rejects
don't be nigger I recently went to the dentist the first time in my life and had to get two wisdom teeth taken out
the only thing thats even remotely uncomfortable is the syringe to locally anesthesize and even that just stings a lil bit and puts a tear in your eye kinda like when you pull on a nose hair on accident. Otherwise it's kind of a relaxing experience
...is it crazy to run Scrier's Gaze on Psyker when using a staff? It seems VERY meant for gun Psyker.
You could try taking the weapon blessing that reduces peril when headshotting and mostly left click
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i didnt go for 15 years because i had a bad experience when i was a child.

Had this abomination festering in my mouth for 5 years b4 i took action. They pulled it a month ago, it was great, no pain at all. All my childhood trauma transformed to spooks of the past.

15 years and just a horrid poxwalker tooth and two cavities... pretty decent imo.
Jesus Christ, that must have been hurting. How the fuck did you deal with it?
>Otherwise it's kind of a relaxing experience
The thing that bothers me is the incredibly high frequency of the drill. I often wear earbuds to drown out some of the sound, but you can only do so much about bone conduction. If they did the anesthesia right there shouldn't be any pain. Until later
It's not impossible to use with a staff since staves speed up your quelling speed a lot, but it is definitely much easier to blow yourself up when using SG with a staff.
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I would get headaches almost every day and would just take advil. this worked for a long time but the week b4 i went in to get it pulled, i was in excruciating pain.
Was like a hot rod was being inserted through the back of my ear and into my jaw. I coldent play games, i couldent shit post, all i could do was claw at my face nd try to hold in the screams. I started drinking beer all day and they helped, alot.
wouldn't recommend ignoring dental problems and just hoping they fall out on their own
Especially since Nurglings were already created for Vermintide.
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surprised they got it out in one piece
Fallout-Tide. Call it something like 'Fallout: Wasters' or some stupid shit like that.

>Multiple enemy types to pick from (Raiders, Super Mutants, Enclave, Feral Ghouls, Robots, etc).
>Lots of pre-existing locations to pick from (Capital Wasteland, New Vegas, Boston, The Pitt, etc).
>Lots of weapons and characters builds/classes to make (Power Armor Paladin, Sharpshooters, Meele brawlers, Buff/Debuff Tinkerers).
I think AOS greenskins are much better than other iterations
I heard about a guy who was stuck in a cabin for 2 weeks without any hope of assistance. He had developed a dental pain like yours and he decided to kill himself rather than endure it for the full 2 weeks
I'm afraid it's terminal.
>fatshit is dropping the locks
I'm gonna put carapace on my rashad and unyielding on my columnus
I never liked the bong soccer hooligan schtick. Most of AoS looks like absolute shit but the greenskins remind me more of LotR orcs.
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Have any must have cheat mods been added? Last played during the boss event months ago.
>AoS greenskins are good because they're not warhammer greenskins
Yeah, someone who doesn't like warhammer is probably the last person I'd ask about warhammer.
Yeah, your setting is shit. Cope.
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I don't think that's a good idea.
Is AoS profitable at all? Obviously nobody cares about the video games, but is the tabletop version popular?
It does well, but it's 4x less popular than 40k. Everyone who likes Warhammer is a massive faggot who likes big butt buddy Marines. They want no women in the hobby, only big burly men to fuck because they're massive faggots.
Gay sex being the first thing that comes to your mind has some implications. One might even suggest it's projection.
any news on it?
I havent played since before they changed the skill tree from the 3x5. Is ogryn rumbler still good?
It is, though it's certainly not the most popular TT wargame.
The issue is that nobody plays AoS for the setting, just as a wargame, pretty much everyone either acknowledges the world is trash or just doesn't care. This means any AoS video game would need to have unique, exceptional gameplay to entice anyone to play it, they can't be carried by interesting characters or lore or aesthetic.
I found that if I keep saying it like that people into 40k get really angry. I just want someone to fight with.
Still good. Adhesive got a boost, now it sticks to all ogryn and monsters, as well as getting a damage boost against them. Just has a tighter ammo economy now with the Vet Survivalist cooldown. Also lost some utility with the enemy stagger resistance increases; can't stagger lock monsters or juggle crushers anymore.
Yeah but not as good because
>no more +1 per elite from a vet, uses percentages now
>survivalist got a slight nerf to begin with so now everyone is more ammo horny so you cant spam it as much even then

Power wise it's still pretty much the same though, but if you enjoyed spamming that shit prepare for ammo drought unless your team isnt yoinking any
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You're correct
Yes. It's a quarter as popular as 40k - which makes it the second most popular wargame ever made. Warhammer fantasy was so unpopular individual paints sold by GW profited more than the entirety of it. Most of the enjoyment of Fantasy came from the (exceptionally good) tabletop roleplaying game, which also filled in most of the lore you have nowadays
I love AoS and I love marvel movies. Sorry, I just like actually cool shit where everything is powerful. I don't care about your lame fantasy shit where the Orcs aren't even impressive skilled warriors.
>liking age of smegmar unironically
Amusing that someone saying they like age of sigmar is genuinely indistinguishable from bait
the enjoyment of fantasy came from the setting itself.
That applies to every warhammer game - they all have terrible rules except mordheim
Applies to every tabletop really
the fuck is with their heads
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>get trapped while saving other trapped player
>it's safe to go get me but everyone is spread out
>i call them retards and tell them to get over here
>zealot finally comes and frees me
>in end game screen he mentions how usually it's the retards that get downed
>i point out that i did over twice the damage he did
>he doesn't have the scoreboard so he pretends like it's not true and we keep arguing
Not my proudest moment
do some squats or pullups thats what I do when I get heatenings and itll pass
It's alright. He did free me after all
They're wearing moon shaped helmets cause they worship the moon
try doing some curls and then pretend youre pulling his head off it always helps me
>retard gets trapped
>angry because we're not fast enough to correct his fuckup
>starts going on about MUH damage when he slowed the game down just to get maximum horde kills
jfc I hope its not one of you here
Slicker than your average chaos killer
but how did goblins get anime in the first place to become weebs?
how the flipp am i suppose to get all psyker penances when you can only do it in a private game and you need 2 people to host a private game?
im autistic af, zero friends. this is ableism and harassment Can i sue fatshit in sweeden for hate crimeing me?
Speaking of trappers, I had my proudest moment ever in shopclick
>holdout point where you have to do data interrogator
>Dude goes to do it
>I'm the only one to protect him
>trapper targets him on the opposite side of me
>Realize my bolter would be too slow to stop him and we'd have to do it again
>lateral dodge right between the trapper and my ally decoding and take the net for him at the last moment
I really should've recorded
it would be cheaper to hire a lawyer to play darktide with you than to fail suing fatshark
I hate that part of the mission because most pubs will get tunnel visioned into fighting the endless waves before the interrogator, then during the interrogation they'd split up and get raped by the waves of shotgunners/gunners/ragers/maulers, then after the interrogation, half the team decides to waste more time/ammo/HP trying to clean up the remaining mobs before grabbing the codes
I've done the same but with mutants
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>pick ogryn
>pick one of the absolute strongest melee weapons in the game
>only do light attacks
And he toonked a daemonhost too
i like warhammer fantasy roleplay
1d100, fate, resilience, critwounds etc is neat
Any turn based game is inherently flawed by being turn based.
That daemonhost could have hurt someone. Thank your tank.
These are the players who whine that the heavy hitter penance is too hard
I didn't realize that was a penance before i had already finished it. Only took a day of playing normally
>is never able to reach 5 heavy hitter stacks before teammates kill everything
>can never regen toughness before taking health chip damage
they probably think they have to hold their heavies until it lets go by itself because of the crunch talent. i commend them. it's true ogryn roleplay
method acting is beyond mere roleplay
zealot needs a BIGGER sword
power claymore never
why would they give the knife class a sword?
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duel knives
dueling swords
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I have hopes in the crafting rework
>40000 years in the future
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Zealot needs two power swords, so I can fulfill my death cult assassin dreams.
kroober spear on zealot would be absolutely diabolical
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Power Halberd soon
I want arbites
I want shield and power sword
I want an ogryn/zealot hybrid
I want it NOW!!!
>power claws
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Should've warned them about going full ogryn
sorry, chud, power swords are a GUARDSMAN weapon
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you'll take your pointy bits of metal welded to a bent rod, and you'll like it
retarded! all retarded!
can i get uhhhh a power billhook and a power griffonfoot
All human shotguns need a 20% damage increase
All ogryn shotguns need a 200% melee target cap increase.
sorry but there are no human shotguns, the crafting rework is giving them to all classes and psykers are subhuman mutants.
haha upvoted!
t. The guy who thought he could clear hordes with kickback slaps
As long as humans get the kickback too
>lvl 898 ogryn
>using the shield
>not spamming heavy 1
how can people live like this?
there's some weird bell curve for skill and level where anyone above like level ~800 is likely to just be completely retarded
three days to EDF6
consider this: doing H1 H2 perpetually looks cool and 'flows' better
But does way less damage
Please talk about Helldivers 2
Get your own general, hellsissy
why don't YOU talk about helldivers if it's so interesting faggot
yeah didn't think so
anyone playing the latest no man's sky update?
No man's playing that game lmao
What if the ogryn
have you considered that not everyone chases optimal paths? you're asking a lot of normalniggers dude
>block cancelling or sprint cancelling every time to spam H1s
>just holding down the button and letting go while eyes glaze over and mind wanders about last night's sportsball event or that marvel movie
>playing helldivers 2
>shielddiver keeps blocking
>pummeldiver keeps stunning
>throwing knifediver keeps running off on his own
>get overrun and die but they won't call me in so I can carry them
Stay out of my helldive.
>have you considered that not everyone chases optimal paths?
Uh, yeah. I have witnessed it myself plenty of times. I think killing in darktide is fun so i do the killingest thing i can do
I don't like the new shotgun, it gives me a "fuck you/delete" option in melee, but I don't need that in melee
The most effort I'm willing to put into complex gameplay is alternating between heavies and lights with the mk3 ogryn shovel. anything beyond that is too tedious/spastic for me to bother with.
It just isn't good
It makes sense that somebody with level 800+ wouldn't be paying a lot of attention to the game. It's the only way to put that many hours into darktide without wanting to kys.
>mk 3 shovel
How about you go the even easier route and get the much better mk 5 shovel?
then try framing it in your mind that you are instead styling on these shitters by getting massive damage numbers in your scoreboard mod. you can lord it over them that you are much better even though they won't ever know it unless you sperg out and tell them
I like the mk 3 more
>unless you sperg out and tell them
Only in spergiest of situations

People at must have SOME sense of the fact that the shield is good. You rarely see the worst weapons being used and i don't think it's because everyonehad the scoreboard
It's B tier. Mk 5 shovel is S tier
Mk 3 is mediocre
Mk 5 is very good
>People at must have SOME sense of the fact that the shield is good.
Yeah, but if I look away from the mirror I don't exist anymore so the shield is bad. *chirp*

Look I'm not arguing against your point. I'm simply stating that you can't expect literal retards (me) to understand what is and isn't optimal. They're very obviously going to be using the shield because of TOOONK IM TOONKING LI'L 'UNZ and not because it's a mega ultra babbykillin assaultnigger-removolzo XTREME69 stronk wepon.
>game is hallways
>shield blocks hallways
>can now shoot through teammates
ogryn shield is sounding pretty SS tier for vet mains
I am aware why people don't spam h1, but anon was talking about +800 lvl players. I only almost 400 on my ogryn and i have deeply considered how to use all of my weapons and i don't think it's unreasonable to assume that someone who is so deeply interested in playing ogryns that they have reached levels beyond 800 would also be interested in doing so in a more optimized manner to get some sort of progress out of the hundreds of hours they have spent
yeah but i can personally outperform your mk 5 with my mk 3
Very, very unlikely. You would be the first one to outpeform me in probably 800 hours
>i don't think it's unreasonable
And my point is that it is. You're expecting too much from, again, normal ass dumb fuck retard triple niggers. I'm with you that I'm also introspective about things because I like performing well in anything I do regardless if it's vidya or IRL.
I reiterate: these people (me) are fucking dumb and they get through life by just coasting along letting their betters improve upon their lives for them - always stagnating, never changing. That guy will be the exact same whether he's at level 5 or at level 6,000,000 holocaust.

We can agree to disagree.
still possible, and i probably would
It could always do this for plasma/revolver/voidstrike but nobody got their panties in a twist over it
>I prefer 3
kek, true
What perks and blessings on your mk 3 shovel?
Mk 5 is mk 3 put with better moves and better special. I recommend it to mk 3 users because it's just a straight upgrade
I don't think, I know. kickback heavies are great for toughness regen. can even take on ragers with it.
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kickback attacks do damage to 2 targets and the rest dont get bleed applied
it's handy for stagger before you swap to your melee but if you actually use it for hordeclear you might have autism
how do you regen toughness as an ogryn?
hit stuff with heavy attacks
you take the skills that give you toughness for heavy attacks and the ones that give you damage for heavy attacks and then you do heavy attacks
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more violence
Toughness on single and multiple enemies hit with heavy attack and then pick a weapon with good heavy attacks. The best ones are
>karsolas pickaxe
>mk 5 shovel
>mk 3 club
You can basically use the same heavy attacks on everything with these weapi s so you'll always be generating toughness
>kickback attacks do damage to 2 targets
I know. It's still great for toughness regen when I'm stuck in the open and shitters aren't clearing the ranged enemies.
>and shitters aren't clearing the ranged enemies.
You can count yourself among those shitters
why not just move towards the ranged enemies and kill them yourself instead of doing weird stall strats? Whenever you're not killing shit you're deadweight in this game
depending on build,
hit things with heavy attacks
brace your weapon
two of three skills
Inspiring Barrage on three ranged weapon types
confident strike on quick light attack weapons
stack toughness regen and stand near teammates
stop being so vague
>can even take on ragers with it.
So you know it doesn't even kill a single groaner but you just pretend like you can kill ragers with it? I can't fathom someone being this useless
round peg into square hole
recite the Swedish National Anthem
>Say, can you see
>We stand on guard for thee!
>Blanda Upp!
If you can't kill anything with it, that's a skill issue. Aggro a swarm of ragers, they can't even touch my health, and they bleed pretty quick.
It's not a stall strat, lmao. Isn't it ogryn job to keep melee off vet and sparkles? That sounds like a job for zealot, rushing ahead and dying alone.
Why are the battleaxes so shit in comparison to the atgeirs? The atgeir has more stagger for some reason, more range, similar damage, more speed, and the bronze ax is even better for chopping down trees since it doesn't take 1/4 of your stamina to swing

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