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Previous thread: >>486819169
Talulah thread

LoneTrail Live Action fan movie: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Rx4y1x7K9/

[7/19-8/2][Standard]6* Sniper Fartooth, 6* Caster Goldenglow (Shop), 5* Defender Cement, 5* Medic Paprika, 5* Caster Rockrock (Shop)
[7/9-7/23][Ray of Light]6* Sniper Ray, 5* Caster Warmy, 5* Mulberry
[7/9-7/23][EPOQUE]Reed the Flame Shadow, Mint
[7/9-7/23][0011 Re-edition]Kroos the Keen Glint skin
[7/18-7/28]Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow Rerun - Jieyun skin
[7/18-8/1][0011 Re-edition]Ling, Dusk, Cantabile, Mulberry, Mr. Nothing, FEater

[7/18-8/1][Standard]6* Caster Lin, 6* Specialist Mizuki (Shop), 5* Caster Corroserum, 5* Medic Vendela, 5* Guard La Pluma (Shop)
[7/9-7/23][Clear like Hearts; True like Reflections]6* Caster Nymph, 5* Vanguard Mitm, 5* Vanguard Blacknight
[7/9-7/23][Coral Coast]Reed The Flameshadow, Typhon, Proviso, Totter
[7/9-7/23][Coral Coast & EPOQUE Re-Edition]Saileach, Stainless, Beeswax; Astgenne
[7/16-7/30][Joint Action]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 6* Guard Qiubai, 6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Defender Cement, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Supporter Windflit

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Bnuuy love
Stop posting that Namie girl, she's not getting in. You're embarrassing yourselves
So is this PeePee you guys were talking about
For me it's WAmiya
My soulmate...
i love peepee!
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17 creampies
Kill yourself
Fan fig? what the fuck
Stop replying and filter
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buh buh based!
Per hour.
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Theresis, THERESIS!
Pepe as Peppe...
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Please help! My balls are completely empty but this bunny keeps breeding me! I'm dried up, it's really starting to hurt but she won't allow me to escape or even rest a little, help!!
Just fart in her face bro mmmm, make sure you get a bit of nugget on her face too. ehehe that'll show her, maybe she'll even get into it? Sucking it out like that popsicle all moist and nice
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I kneel...
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Do you think VG Reed can get another outfit?
I really want to see her in kimono.
Bro, keep your fetishes to yourself.
What happened to all the Aprilfags? Nowadays only Amiya (duh), Ray, Warmy and occasionally Kroos and Savage are posted in these threads
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No, what's the point? Probably 10-20 hardcore Reeedfags use her only at this point
Ansel too
There hasn't been anything new to post for her and I don't want to spam the thread with the same old pics I have of her. I'm still using her and bring her up on occasion, but again I don't want to just keep posting the same stuff
Nobody cares about Vanguard Reed, even Reedfags. Reedic might as well have been the OG version and nothing would change
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Panda Panda Panda
hey amiya, i think we need to kill this guy
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>finally manage to clutch a win in practice mode
>Can't replicate it in the actual attempt no matter how many times i try.
man fuck this shit i'm just going eat the sanity loss from now on.
By the standards of a 5* Reed had tons of fans even before her alt, we had like 3 years where her entire history was a mystery people were interested in too.
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Doctor was made for Closure's personal use.
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I only like Vanguard Reed's design, shame she's near useless.
I'd rather her getting the other Vanguard module, would've made more sense than whatever her current one does.
Irene sings "Big Iron"
Smug kot...
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>Over a year since his release
>Very popular
>Very powerful post-module
>No skin

What gives?
He's just trying to peddle the narrative that no one cared about Reed until she got her alter.
>Very popular
Did you check his sales? also, as you can Skade is busy lately
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waiting for arturia to get hers
>Skade busy
With what?
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Stop sexualizing Ray, she's too autistic to understand what's happening
Skade can't come up with anything
bro your 24 OP skin from the summer stream?
Hellagur has one of the highest sales in the game's history (from being a standard Operator pre-Nian) and I wouldn't call him popular
*Can see
Why is Swire cranky?
making the art for the 20 alters she'll be releasing over the next year
okay I will
Drawing Logos, Logos skin, Ulpianus, Ulpianus skin
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Art may be whatever but the chibi sprite is really cute.
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>she's too autistic to understand what's happening
I can confirm, even Kal'tsit gave up on explaining her what a pregnancy is and why her belly is swelling up.
What's the possibility that Fede will get his outfit alongside Arturia?
As a duo?
Those two looks so well together.
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I will take it slow and teach her about love
Autists are like idiots except in one field or something?
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Kal stopped docking his pay after the daughter revelation, his "services" were harder to come by ever since
i'm expecting that to be the case, given how intent HG is on making them a pair (not in a shipping way but in a sibling way)
Which IS theme should i play?
yeah, at least that's what /akg/ told me
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I want Arknights: Sea adventures! On the Jolly Rhodes you fight against seaborn pirates and discover islands full of weird things to eat and treasure
>not in a shipping way but in a sibling way
Same thing in this community
Start with IS2
>in this community
*in every community, especially this year.
Aside from being boosted by year 1 which people rolled on every banner more and before limited destroying standard banner, he was actually pretty popular. Now it's just the result of being non-meta and nonexistent in story for 4-5 years
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Welcome home, Doctor.
This is what happens when there's not enough het shipping in other games to draw them away...
Wtf ponta escaped from /bag/
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They're obviously waiting to give him and Arturia matching skins
How can a mist be fungible...
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He can solo A15 Jobtriot
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you must be new here
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>People trying to guess what the summer unit will be
So far, every single summer limited has been an alter, and in the last event, it was two alters.
Also not a single character was native to the region in question.
patternfags ALWAYS lose
it will be exu alter
trust me
Okay then tell me what it will be, Mr. Smartguy
Plume alter
Palter If you will
my wife is so sexy
It'll be new character alter aka what-if Frostnova
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Who the fuck wants Exu alt in 2024? she is not even in top 10
it's elysium alter and aya
screencap this
If sales equaled popularity then Pallas and Carnelian would be two of the most popular ops
It will be a Ch'en3. History repeats itself.
I just know it's gonna be Thorns alt
>Male limited
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>elysium stealing Thorns' spot in the light again
Damn you
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Elysium is the only one who isn't a 6* in the bro squad though
Male limited made a lot of money so...
Thorns and SilverAsh could absolutely get limited alts
>Ch'oom was hated
>Nobody care(d) about Gavialt
>Eyjalt was just a Medic

Why do we care about Summer again?
What about linalt?
Why are people saying the Summer limited is Mostima from the preview art?
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She's a year 4 op, why would she need an alt already
Hour glasses = time and a lot of sankta shilling
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Who leaked the alt?
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>fight seaborn pirates
>discover island with weird things to eat
This collab will work for you then
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Plarter more like Plapter
>Mostima alt before exusiai
there will be no alts
Hear me out: Schwarz/Ceylon alt
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what is it kin?
It will be a Schwarz alt.
Isn't the Aslan arts time based? Isn't it more Peppe, here hammer is time based too isn't it if I remember it right?
Walter is hated but there she is
Why are we talking about this again? we know it's Perfumer alt
It will be completely new, never before seen characters.
>Sussu alt
Whom asked for this?
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i smoocha da daughta
Don't be racist
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Kal'tsit alter.
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I really like Ray in IS she needs a lot of micro management but it makes every stage more fun and interesting
yeah? or what
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Surtr alter.
Yeah, even in her reveal pv Peppe is associated with hourglasses. No one wants Peppe to be the limited though.
Red.... woman?
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Here hammer's side profile is a hourglass
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She deserves an alt. She hasn't been relevant in forever
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>The flop carried by a rat
surtr needs actual content first before she's qualified for an alt
Pappe doesn't even begin to look like a 6*.
I see it easily for both
>crown, hourglass, gold brooch
I see it for peppe
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I guess she's the 6* Earthshaker?
kinda funny that a random feline somehow is more powerful than a Sarkaz merc
Endspeaker evolved too far, delete this
>random feline
900 year old consort of the Aslan king of the golden city
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y not...
I mean, a good lot of 6* have pretty unassuming E1 art.
Nobody cares about Surtr. Why give her an alt?
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Pussy peek
does anyone know how many rolls we'll get starting today until ela drops?
I like smug smiles like that.
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Completed my first medal set :)
without a guide and i only needed to borrow 1(one) Mweenar for ex-8 CM.
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Where's your rat here >>486844491
nice bro
Chong... I kneel...
That's why she needs an alt, to double her invincibility
If Peppe is the limited I'm going to be kinda annoyed, she really doesn't deserve it. Her being a 6* on the event is fine but if she ends up being a limited it feels like pure Namie bias because it isn't earned and she isn't liked.
Huh, no Elysium?
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No wonder this kusoge is dying in the west
Sex with Surtr
Finally got my last otter
what's wrong with male operators?
attracts toxic homos and fujos
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>Ulpianus and Egg2 top 3 despite not selling
Woman internet votes are worthless because they don't spend
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they're good because they make the local maleschizo have a melty
He's 17th I think
Namie is well liked in the server that matters
They buy the merch + meds
I dont know when she's dropping, but f2p get around 30-40 rolls/month iirc
Roughly around 40.
>900 year old
Grandma peppe?
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>merch cope
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>/akg/ never predicts the banner correctly
>she doesn't look like a 6*
>Peppe who?
>it's going to be Tomimi alt my pattern said so
Women have more rolls saved up since they get less banners, the solution is to pump out more males so women have to spend more
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>only like five males per year
>one of them is a welfare
>no limited males
They don't need to spend
God, I fucking hate ceobe so much
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This'll be my first Summer event. What can I expect? I hear there's gonna be a limited event? When would that happen for us?
That's over all, I'm talking among female votes
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On one hand I needed those OP for Rainbow Six and Walter/Logos
On the other god these look cool, and with how they and especially Kroos helped carry in IS3, I just had to do it
This game needs more old men and shotas
God, I love fucking ceobe so much
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Sona feet
Kill yourself
don't filter me, man...
Andoain soon
>What can I expect?
Disappointment, and seething if the unit turns out meta
>When would that happen for us?
January 16th
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>I'm begging you
Heh, time to do something silly
nice nuker tag
wait for tag reset
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free NG
He's just like the guy who did Jessica rape then liked her so swapped to cute Jessica
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wife dupe
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>What can I expect?
Zhang the leakerman blurry pics, followed by another livestream execution.
>When would that happen for us
Next year
I'm so excited for Passenger alt
Waifufags also don't spend on every female since there're clear unpopular girls yet most female banners still sold better
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She was never relevant outside of gameplay. What she needs is a full blown event or maybe an IS.
Nyo the difference here is he doesn't want the people who follow him for cute Theresa drawings seeing his stuff where he has her corpse fucked and hollowed out and having that audience pissed at him
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Yeah I do
Shu when?! This month?
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Operators! Amiya my beloved.
Logos mom
We need The Odyssey except Arknights.
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The summer limited
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What about this blob?
It's just cope when actual popular male ones like Thorns, Mlynar still sold well
But Mlynar was the top meta op back then so everyone rolled, same as thorns but he was meta for afking and IS, the game mode that literally just came out around his time
How important is aketon? Wondering how mch should I farm of it
would. would so hard.
actual meta males*
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we *smooch* the miyablob
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Would drown her in the sea?
ShawismyfavoritesecretarybecauseshetalksreallyquicklywithherJPvoice, especiallythatvoicelinewhereshecan'tstoptalking *sob*
Fuck you
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>other games
>cute mascot characters that are instantly recognizable

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Why would you do that to your wife?
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oh fuck you hooded man
how about you uh
get out of that jabroni outfit and fight me in the ring like a real pinus
I am leaving for work in 5 mins. Please give me an Arknights wife that would be the best to depart from.
....cute mascot characters that are instantly recognizable
Yeah, not much of a difference
I wish Suzuaran was bigger
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We have cutemiya
As in her penis?
Not Absinthe...
>black-tan suzu face with tongue out
that's big enough
No shit meta contributes massively to popularity. The fact of the matter is that they're still popular and sold well
Even in mihomo games males sell less, stop coping.
showing this post to vanilla
We have Ch'en.
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i can't believe they managed to make gooma of all operators sexy
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She retired 2 years ago. She's not the face of the game anymore.
sex with hoshiguma would feel like a monhun battle
Slugs are cute fuck you
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She's just transfering to Endfield and will become the face of AK again
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I'm rofling at an alternative worldline where Arknights used cute little orislugs in all of their promo material, like how despicable me used to use minions before they became the main draw.
Oi be nice to slugs
Sis? It's just a woman, calm down
pozy wozy woo...
is pedophilia an illness? can it be cured?
Personally I'd be embarrassed to post horncucks art
>No shit meta contributes massively to popularity. The fact of the matter is that they're still popular and sold well
So you're just agreeing with me here? The ones that sold really well were popular and meta, so everyone rolled. Meanwhile ops like ulpianus and executor are still well liked, but aren't meta so not everyone had to roll.
i like slugs, especially when franka and liskarm are involved
I live for the hunt
(please rerun Kirin Yato)
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Your wife is a slug! A SLUG! A BIG SLUG!
Please lose some weight
No, she has slugs filling her right now but she herself is not one
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Don't go...
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I swear to god Biggie if I catch you away from Vanilla for even just a moment its straight to the grill.
European humor is cringe
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Watch party today!
Lone Trail Fan Movie: 7:00pm EDT / 12:00am UTC (~6 hours)

Will post any changes to the schedule in the general. See you soon!
Shut up
We are not joking.
Thank you.
I'm looking forward to it.
can we watch something better instead?
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That's it Mandy. I'm sending in the big guns
>Lone trail fan movie
Im outside so Im only prepared to host LT fan movie, Anime season 1, anime season 2, or Ceobe mini series
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>but aren't meta so not everyone had to roll.
Even Ebenholz who is considered less popular and worse meta-wise so better than Egg2
Columbian hate threads on RIchan
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hey I'm as tall as Hoshi
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Ch'en the 40 year old virgin
Yeah, a petite little lady. What point are you trying to make?
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Yeah well, sometimes that's just how it is with some exceptions for some reason, like carnelian sold even more than Ines or Mlynar
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Same but 39, we were made for each other
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I'm not actually into feet, but I'll make an exception for my beloved Ifrit
her painted toenails are cute too
You guys meme on Mandragora but to this day she's the only non-IS boss who can survive all 6 shots of Walter's S3 without being outright untargetable. Have some respect
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Pozëmka breast sweat
Made up by the fact that Logos solos her without even needing someone to tank her lase for him so she's still a joke
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what a bizarre mating ritual
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Why do elememe casters float?
Soloing a boss is pure decadence
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Smooching Closure
Cute Shu
But Mandy dies in 3 shots
Casters just do that sometimes, Eyja and Ho'ol do it too
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Eyja kept doing it even as a medic
Where's this preview art?
PRTS, generate 1000 images of Theresa in a variety of revealing outfits.
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I know Ch'en being a hag is a enduring meme and all but canonically she should be around the same age as Swire who's 26, so she's nowhere near hag-age
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love em
Generating 1000 images of Theresa getting pigged..
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They're both like 28-29 during the Reunion arc making them 30 year old hags by the time of Chink Wuxia Adventures
>jobs to logos S2
nice one mandykek
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Who will be the summer limited?
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>can't add an option
Didn't read the choices except someone else
Pozymoka from Arknights
PRTS, generate 1000 images of Gavial, Tomimi, and Eunectes performing POV cock worship.
i wish arknights pandered to footfags half as much as this game
Wisadel is over rated
>OG Theresa (w/ Crown)
>Theresa being forcefully brought back from the dead (also known as Boss Theresa)
>NotTheresa (Civilight Eterna)
>IncesTheresa (from IS5 Ending 2)
>An hypothetical Sankta Theresa (from IS5 Ending 3)

Are there anymore Theresa I should be aware of?
Wisadel is over
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why are so many of the 4* operators lolis?
Who was in the wrong here?
Logos mom
PRTS, generate a thousand honey biscuits!
cuckqueen prime...
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*Shut down PRTS*
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Yellow, Red, Blue through the ages
Pozëmka is only good for her fat tits
>artist appears out of nowhere and starts drawing bimbo theresa
Surely he had a previous account, anyone know?
Top right should be Skadoo
i'm sad he draws guro
the bottom blues are just black
its always doctor's fault
fucking whore
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Blue had real problem with their E2s until Logos
>top row
>second row
>third row
>fourth row
Logos is sporting the fashionable Rhodes blue.
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I'm going to suck his dick
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No, just their head profiles don't include their blue
>Lived long enough to see Surtr, Ch'oom, Mlynar and Texalt be considered soul

What went wrong?
Pink haired devils are the worse
>out of nowhere
Nope, he was just busy drawing guro rape beforehand so you probably didn't see much of him, maybe you saw some ceobe guro posted
There's like 2, maybe 3 if you push the definition
And pink hair Zalaks?
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For me, it's Green
and I'm going to kill that whore
They're just pets
I will not stand slander of my Nymphomaniac wife
Yellow is so shit.
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You'd put a collar on her?
Yellow is the best if you ask Siege to leave and tell Nearl to call Viviana.
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They animals and devils. Stop lusting for them
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When can I roll Mephisto
Ask Siege and Reed leave,
They have negative charisma
And all of them are dead lmao
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Go back
post mutts
Thankfully never. Roll his faggot ass into a hole.
I wish I could go back...
Back to year 0
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The same people who call those 4 soul will call Walter soul to justify their own inner audience
I'll call Walter soul when she gets crept
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There is a slight blemish here but yes, it's much better
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Shiny Pooloo is very cute!!!
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Hey you! What are you doing out here? This is infected sarkaz territory. You looking for a fight? Get outta here!
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Don't think its mostima but here
The solution is simple
>make E3 for 6*s
>Give weaker ops big boosts and stronger ones small boosts
>make enemies stronger in general
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How about now?
the solution is simple
>release endfield
>EOS arknights
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This is a 18 years old. Say something nice about her
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the *SMOOCH*pill
Nice tummy
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Just powercreep everything because of a single op
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Mostima fucking sucks. If she gets the summer alt I'm gonna uninstall I swear to god.
>Just powercreep everything
Make everything more equal*
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Has my favorite equipment of any medic and probably the best attack SFX in the entire game.
two thin straps barely holding up those fat wolf saggers...
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She appears in so many coomfics…
nice feet
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mandragora is a blemish to the otherwise noble feline race
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It's okay she's honorary sarkaz
I NEED to breed Vendela
for me, it's Rockrock
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Felines have a lot of blemishes
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Ray is a good girl.
Thanks for the warning! I wasn't in a hurry to get rock aids.
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Buy golgenglow or buy permits for Chu?
Nope. All four of those have drawbacks, they were strong but nowhere near the gamebreaking bullshit that is Walter.
GG is a mid now after Logos and Nymph release
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What's the lore reason behind Savage turning down suitors? Does she have her eyes on someone?
I can see "it".
The boiler gang can really feel the thirst
I'm surprised they decided to shill a male bnuy not named Leon, for once
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I'd say buy GG
Still peak global range abuse and won't get solo rate up rerun again so go for cert goldenflow
I give it less than 6 months, even if we don't get anything stronger than Walt in that time, and you'll have multiple people say Walter takes some kind of skill to use even if they know it's wrong
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What emotional energies is being portrayed here?
>Everybody in Glasglow aside from Siege herself is a feline

What did Lowlight meant by this?
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with great toes
It's always men half her age mistaking her for someone far younger.
For some reason or another, they don't give up after Savage explains this.

Being a nice woman and all, she wants what's best for her suitors. So she tells them to go after girls their age, but part of her wishes these men turned up sooner...
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>how about I put 3 fingers inside you tonight?
>t-three fingers?!
For me horseman is still the most broken op in-game. I refuse to recognize her disgusting existence.
need even more fox
all the fox
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Nymph and Logos don't have global damage
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Feetcoded operator...
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This artist has fueled the Theresabros.
This but Viccy felines
If they can stomach the entire Londinium shitshow, they can stomach total sexual enslavement of the entire young female feline population.
>It's always men half her age mistaking her for someone far younger.

Wait, how old is Savage? She doesn't look that much older than Blaze
Are all Rim Biltonian women like this?
they already do, I've seen people claim that Texalter is more gamebreaking than her.
Even though she can't do shit to high RES units, and if you place her wrong she gets instantly deleted.
Global range is a meme
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Why did the bunny go to school?

Because it wanted to be a little more hoppy!
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Doc is putting in the paperwork to make his harem official! He gets one female operator from every race. Who's it gonna be?
I really hope it isn't, I don't want her alt to be wasted on some lame swimsuit for a summer event
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I don't get it

Stop spreading misinformation. Theresa is medium-sized
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What does Ray's milk taste like?
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Seem slike a lot of people are complementing her legs and feet, I wonder why.
In anime they don't start looking old until they're 60+
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My 3 adorable idiots
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She's roughly late 30s, which is old for bunny standards.
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*smooch and pat combo*
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>2.5 days before Ray is gone into spook territory forever

/akg/ status
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3D shu cringe kino soon
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>3D cringe kino
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Make your harem official?
We should just keep it under the table.
Please don't post so much Shu, I'm so low on rolls after Degen I'm thinking I'll have to use THAT
That's not Theresa
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Global stream
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Be gentle with Horn
oh, that..
>like an operator and anticipate their banner
>don't obtain them after more than 40 rolls
>immediately start disliking them
Anyone else like this?
I legitimately don't get footfaggotry, except when it comes to her. I don't even get it with her wearing such long pants and them not being exposed usually. I wonder if it's the farming thing
So is your mom lmao
Be rough with Horn
>Ling is the second least popular chinese dragon despite being the curviest

What went wrong?
I'd roll for Ray if she was smaller.
Shu's dfc is more tempting.
You have to be a bit gay to understand the appeal of feet
She had a dedicated writefag. Dunno if he's still around.
Feet are a part of the leg, which is attached to the butt.
Brainlet take.
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That's literally childlike cope and it's embarrassing to admit you do that.
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>head empty memejokes
>skadidi is actually smarter than everyone on /akg/ and is a great technician

Something something less skin showing making what's shown better. Shu's got a homely feel and the only thing exposed usually is her pits. So thinking about her feet coming under those open pants could do it for you
I just like Dragontoes
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Hey, they improved
I went from wanting Viviana more than anything to completely souring on her after 200+ rolls of not getting her.
What if she made it up?
typhon putting in all the work as usual
Easterners having poor taste as usual.
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>I legitimately don't get footfaggotry
You mean Poncirus!
I kneel Skadoo
Ifrit is probably smarter than me, I never passed remedial math.
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I didn't really get it until I started playing Arknights. You people post foot stuff so often here and picrel is what finally got to me.
>t. Skadi proudly acting like she helped after putting in a lightbulb
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Liking feet is normal
Not liking feet is not.
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don't open
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Ray shooting ducks is so funny
Amiya was never quite the same after Mumu got pregnant...
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Damn right
Race reveal when?
Is that an orc or a goblin?
>fingernails and toenails painted in different colors
she really is an autist innit
So much for the best tactician of Rhodes Island
Why, it's not like she got pregnant.
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Stop posting weird shit and get back to work.
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Yep, Mostimacuck shitposts for this exact reason.
As a long time footfag I just don't get it when artists put this fucking mist around the feet. I understand that you need some visual representation for the concept of odor, but it just looks exceedingly silly and bad. Maybe it's me not being all there for odor stuff to begin with, dunno.
Stop seducing me with your feet then you whore
The problem with feetfags is that they like feet regardless of who they belong to.
I bet if I posted a nice drawn picture of Hellagur's feet and lied and told everyone they were Mumu's the replies would be how much anons want to slobber all over them.
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>I didn't really get it until I started playing Arknights
Same but with pits. This game has nice pitsluts. The welfare op for Vernal Winds also has it goin' on in her new skin.
>Maybe it's me not being all there for odor stuff to begin with
Pretty much.
Nah I just think they're disgusting
That's the sound I make when licking Mumu's tummy
Decent bait for once
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It's true and irrefutable. Calling it bait is cope
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IS4 streams
>Chinks sit and think about their decisions for minutes
IS5 streams
>Chinks just mash nodes and win effortlessly
What went wrong?
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Yea but that's for feetfags who have lost all self-respect and are deep in the fetish. Personally, I think context matters. I don't feel anything if it's just a random zoom-in of a foot but, for example, if it's on a hot girl with black nail polish and an ankle accessory that draws the eye there then it's another story.
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Nothing, this is good, HG finally listened to the players and made the mode not a shitty rng fest
Enough about feet, we need big tails
Post sex
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>/akg/ is a bunch of perverted ojii-sans who are into weird fetishes like feet and armpits

Hmmmm. Naruhodo!
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Not enough feet, post more
Liking fluffy tails is only natural
but I'm young
why are is4's node names so unmemorable
Get out. Only wizards are allowed here.
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sex with Suzu
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We were going to surprise you but if you're meanposting I suppose you won't be needing these
Highmore: coughing baby
>la pluma: hydrogen bomb
god bless provence
Highmore's are better desu
>Don't get my reedic promotion on the first floor
It is RNG.
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Look at the size of it. In awe at the size of this lass.
How so? Outside of is3 shes pretty bad and even inside shes far from optimal assuming people still play it
No, I just keep rolling until I get them.
It's obscene.
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Yeah Gavs tail is HUGE
Vulgar and brutish
imagine how much she pays in custom fit clothing
not a chair in the world she can sit in.
>talking about armpits
>you try and say La Pluma is better
>Someone says Highmore's are better
They are talking about Highmore's pits. That's why there was an apostrophe S
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For me, it's slamming Delpipi up against a wall, yanking down her tiny little shorts, and having very rough sex with her, and stealing her hat afterwards.
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meta fags can't help themselves.
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What a smug mascot...
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Making mutts with Susie
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Does Typhon masturbate?
I'm Dr.dildo
Onaholes masturbate men, yes
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No, only sex with exclusively me
>Eat a sanity potion to clear the event stages for the first clear rewards
>Brain turns off
>30 minutes later realise I spent all my sanity autoing WB-3
I can never recover from this.
>eat a sanity potion
You're supposed to open the bottle and drink what's inside.
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Oh no I have no option but to get all warm and cuddly with Reddo, such a tragic fate for myself
You'll be able to clear out the shop well before the event ends anyways.
You still get a bunch of tier 1 (maybe even tier 2) materials!
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Theresa is a poorly written character who's forced everywhere without a real reason for it.
Gladly she's dead and we can move over.
Honey, it's about time to go home.
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How quickly would Nymph be corrupted by reading rhodeschan posters' collective hearts...
Fuck my wife. Now.
I don't think my wife would like it if I did that.
No thanks, bro.
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I will be her chair
Doc has a very thin head here.
Maybe later Mostimabro
Do it yourself lazy ass
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I deploy Wiš'adel skill 3 in your path

Your move
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Come home white man.
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Wife-shaped Draco spotted
Is there a full version?
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Vignabro! You got me into Alcest
Dr.Long. . .
*Active Penance S3*
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I deploy Amiya and Theresa in lingerie. Your Wis'adel is now ineffective.
I'm glad you like them!
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>The fictional story becomes reality and soothes the deepest shortcomings in the soul
What did they mean? Is not ending 2 just a sarkaz headcanon?
Yes, but they took /akg/'s approach and started arguing that everything that doesn't conform to their headcanon is not canon
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When is the last time you used this operator?
>"Yeah the civil war? Theresa's assasination? All CGI, they never happened, Kazdel is THRIVING!"
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No... Nymph is gonna learn doc has a thing for pink haired sarkaz girls!
Cute and canon
I give her love and affection daily
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Wife shaped devil
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Ray's omnibus. She's my only Block 4 operator so she's my lazy comfort pick if I don't need to arts tank with Saria
But they all are wife shaped?
statisticallly, posting Ray is triple the likelyhood a seapag
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Whats a Walter poster then?
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please learn what grammar is before posting
Get the hag
I can still see you, Ascalon.
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potato farming wife
A chad
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>unlocking Theresa's heart through CE
>she finds all the Doctor sex from the Babel era
Djall are quick to recognize lewdness. And just what is she going to think about Doctor's fondness of pink?
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>CE letting Nymph read her heart but only the good parts with doctor
What is CE planning...
Also i wonder if Nymphs powers would even work on CE
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Especially this one.
I can't stop fucking Typhon
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You better have some kind of sleepsquad to enable that.
This is the sexiest art of vigna out there
sweaty jungle sex with ashy skinned operators
Amiya could take on the crown, but she's not a pink sarkaz so there was one itch left unscratched...
I've never noticed the big clit on this before.
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Bnuy position
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If rabbits have a high libido, does that include Ray?
>Whats a Walter poster then?
We call them Hoyposters.
She is a chronic masturbator but doesn't understand it
Yes, she just doesn't understand it
Ray let's her sand beast tap that
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I have Maria and Degenbrecher raised even though I almost never get to use the whole squad together.
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Inshallah habibi, Manticore alter will be real in one week.
stop being weird anon
She looks literally built to bear Doctor's children
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Sir, we're closing in 5 minutes...
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Ok but like
When do we get Weiwei
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i'll have uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
burger set for two please...
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What does she have to with sleep memes?
Raise Blacknight, her S2 makes her a surprisingly competent vanguard all on her own
t. retail worker
Is it true Arknights global is losing popularity?
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You missed the joke...
Global never had popularity
Losing? It’s not popular on global at all
Yes. I need to work really hard here. I'm posting as 10 people at the moment.
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AK used to be popular I'd see people talking about it on Twitter all the time
How popular the game is has no impact on my enjoyment
If anything I wish it was more obscure so this we wouldn't attract shitposters like shit attracts flies
wait who the fuck is weiwei
I would like 100 simple burguers please
>can't tell Black operators apart
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Eurekas significantly more capable assistant
Red panda girl from i think the CNY stream
also a Yuji design i think
No, she's drawn by Melon.
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owes me pp steppies.
Now that Amiya is grown, we can get a new little rabbit daughter.
Holy cringe
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Oh. I thought it was something to do with Kafka being a featured 5* in Degen's banner for some reason
handsome Blacknight...
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Pick the one with nice thighs
>Blacknight has Mulberry's panda doll
what did they mean by this
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Not that Melon, Hotsprings Melon
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If you know, you know
Free Ling is basically a win the run ticket if early
would tap the one on the right
dont click its goldenglow with massive fat tits
So what did we learn today?
Why are Erato's eyes like that
I'll never forgive him for chopping off Qiubai's hair in this art.
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she's the best
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>A big GG-chan cheering on the doctor
a very big GG-chan...
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Are we ready for our next limited, Peppe-chan?!
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Like what?
Yup, I'm hyped. Skipping Ulpianus and Nymph.
wonder what the problem is gonna be this time.
why cant we just send doc on a vacation that doesnt go to shit for once.
Ready to skip
Feet are great
>hijab swimsuits
>hijab alt
>male skins
Nah, skip
>Fartooth delta module
I learned that weiwei is a character
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FSR alt, for some reason.
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Swire's "premium" lemon tea...
i dont get the hijab joke
Green and blue
coomer game communities like /alg/ and /nikg/ call any outfits that don't show a significant amount of skin a "hijab"
a large portion of the people who play these games are SEA, specifically Indonesian, which is a muslim majority country, so they are very familiar with hijabs
I think she's cute, sure.
Did I miss something did we have nyews?
Summer stream on the 27th, 30 minutes after reset
CN reset or Global reset

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