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/gtag/ What's even the point edition

Crew: https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/no_fun_aliowed_vg/ - PC only.

To join, you have to:
>Set profile to public
>Open friends list
>Go to the crew page and request to join
>Drop your name here

PS4 Community - socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/gtag_vg_-_ps4 - PS4 only

>New Players Guide:
>Import/Export Guide:
https://i.imgur.com/au4XFy1.png (embed) (embed) (embed)
>Regularly Updated Vehicle Testing:
>Vehicle information
>Interactive map

>I want my picture in the cover!
Just follow the theme, post a picture and ask to be added.

Previous Thread: >>485701365
A new #GTAOnline event started on July 18 (available through July 24) introducing the new Canis Castigator SUV, along with new Daily Madrazo Bounties available for Bail Enforcement Office owners.

- Canis Castigator available for all Players
- New event: Daily Madrazo Bounties

- Complete 3 Hits for Martin Madrazo to receive GTA$100,000

3X GTA$ and RP
- New Community Series Jobs

2X GTA$ & 4X RP
- Hotring Circuit Races

2X GTA$ & RP
- Daily Madrazo Bounties
- All Martin Madrazo Contact Missions
- G's Caches
- Rhino Hunt

- Apartment Properties
- Coil Raiden
- Dinka Kanjo SJ
- Grotti Stinger GT
- Överflöd Tyrant
- Pfister 811
- Truffade Nero
- Vapid Bullet

- Service Carbine [40% off]
- Assault SMG [40% off for GTA+ Members]

- The Podium Robbery: Ocelot Virtue (Top Tier)
- The Duggan Robbery: Vapid Dominator ASP (Standard Tier)
- The Cargo Ship Robbery: Vapid Clique (Low Tier)

- The Lucky Wheel Podium Vehicle: Shitzu Hakuchou Drag - https://youtu.be/WQ-rWHij60g?t=991
- LS Car Meet Prize Ride: Vulcar Warrener HKR - https://youtu.be/wkfHttV6lL0?t=3342 - Win in the LS Car Meet Series for 2 days in a row

- Premium Deluxe Motorsport: Enus Cognoscenti, Gallivanter Baller LE, Grotti Stinger GT, LCC Hexer & Obey 9F Cabrio
- Luxury Autos: Canis Castigator & Declasse Yosemite 1500
- Test Track: Coil Raiden, Pfister 811 & Vapid Bullet
- Premium Test Ride (HSW): Karin S95

- Premium Race: Muscle In - https://youtu.be/6u-x2VWPnl4
- Time Trial: LSIA II - https://youtu.be/8dIedlI1X6g
- HSW Time Trial: Ron Alternates to Elysian Island - https://youtu.be/hYawW2sajpU
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Uhhh... Post cars and characters?
I haven't been in the mood to play gta so again I can't really care to make a themed cover.
Just trying to keep the genral alive.
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Love the Glendale
Looks like a scrapheap. What do you love about it?
hate that only the stock grille isnt angy
I'm a big sucker for big old sedans, and about the Glendale in particular, I love how distinctive it looks in all versions
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which one?
going for slightly trashier to fit the bail bond theme
Second or fourth
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I see so many new Wranglers IRL with lift kits and le angry face grill its crazy, why are Jeep owners like that
second it is
how do i do the madrazo hit?
There's an icon on the map for it. Also, I think you have to own a bail office to do them
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10th time requesting to join the pc crew, tf did I do wrong?
Admins are gone, I think
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pc crew is dead and you'll just be playing alone anyways, like this cat.
why did you feed the cat wine?
look at him hes passed out drunk
the hand color should have been the giveaway
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please do not do that
Because that stuff is cool
Mine has the angry grill cuz I think it's funny
I hope VI has bits on the radio or something about inflation in Los Santos and regular people not being able to afford cars
driving in first person in thunderstorms is too comfy
There are games where driving in first person feels fine. GTA just isn't one of those games.
I disagree
I also disagree (with you)
Fine is exactly how I would describe first person driving in gta.
Far from good, but not bad. fine.
Now, if you try doing a driveby it goes down to dogshit.
I've never played a single driving game where cockpit camera felt comfortable to me. Granted, I dont have a fancy sim rig with full 360 degree wraparound screens and trackIR, or a VR headset, maybe those actually translate the situational awareness of driving IRL better in videogame format.
There are games that do shooting far better. There are games that do driving better. But there are VERY few games that even approach doing both shooting driving lifesim and imsim stuff even remotely as good as GTAV and by extention most Rockstar open world games.
>There are games that do driving better
Other than IV, what else?
pretty much every other open world non driving game has terrible vehicle physics
Big Rigs
Mafia 3
Cars are pretty light weight in that game, I wouldn't call it better.
driving in Mafia makes me want to shit myself
you didnt follow the instructions on how to join at the top of this very page.
hint: there are 4 steps, you only did the first 3 which is why you were filtered.
Other than abusing a mod menu, is there any way to get Benny's wheels on a non Benny's car?
i dont think so but thats the sort of benign shenanigans you should be abusing a menu for
Open world games where you can leave the car
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> there are 4 steps, you only did the first 3 which is why you were filtered.
I dropped my name on at least 3 threads, but nvm then
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so you choose to get uppity for no reason when im trying to help you and not to mention anyone can check previous threads and not find your name on any of them
all you had to do was give me your name but you are literally treating the process like this:
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ay that shit was fucked up last night right
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>he just set his profile to private instead of posting his name
How would you know who I am if I didn't post my name here?
Unless you were just a power tripping janny doing a humiliation ritual on new applicants.
Thankfully I got "filtered" and we went our separate ways.
we have multiple vengeful stalkers and chinamen requesting to join all the time and every single one of them have to be cross referenced into this general and if the name isnt found its an automatic blacklist.
these rules exist for a reason, its not for powertripping at all. this is to maintain the integrity of the crew.
Latin woman is speaking. listen and learn, Jason.
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So there's absolutely no reason to do import/export in public sessions. Awesome. I've achieved single player with external chat once again.
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Hey, I don't have to press a few more buttons to get my cash this time. Thanks.
For the daily challenge, what is a GTA race?
a race but with weapons allowed
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Hopefully this guy will leave me alone now. Had this text every time I was in a new lobby since I landed in one that deafened me and slingshot me up a bunch of levels
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Oh, finally got these to show for me. Awesome sauce.
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Anyone else resorted to a timer stealing cars at some point?
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Alright, and I end the night with enough to feel comfortable after buying the weapons locker on the Kosatka.
I mean dedicated driving games. Point was not to disparage GTA but to illustrate that a game that is dedicated to just one thing usually can focus on making that part of gameplay more in-depth and satisfying. Snowrunner / Mudrunner has way better driving but as said it doesn't fill the other niches.
That was changed Vehicle cargo does give a high demand bonus now.
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Yes and eventually I got an LSC ban for like 3 months...That was years ago, I wouldn't worry, they changed how they deal with dupes now.
Also I did with the route 68 trucks instead, the sentinels were always too far away from where I play.
They spawn literally in front of an LSC, just above my bunker and near my clubhouse so I was always there anyway and it only took like 15 seconds to sell one.
>theft autos
>get banned
I'm confused. What are you talking about exactly? I've sold a car once because I accidentally bought 2 of one.
previously if you sell too many cars rapidly you get a long cooldown for selling but lately they nerfed it even harder so you get paid less per car the more you sell
I see.
what's wrong with her now?
>Start resupply mission for acid lab
>It tells me to go to the deludamol facility
>Bugs out on "Steal the delivery schedule"
Is there something I'm missing or is this just how the fucking game is gonna be?
>not just buying supplies and telling both Dax and Agent 14 to fuck off with their shitty resupply missions
Yeah but as it stands, it's a 60k resupply that burns up for only 90k of product. It's not that great of a return, especially after having to wait so long on it.
Goddamn the Castigator is so fucking ugly and the spoiler options are so AIDS. I don't think I've ever owned a car I wanted to look at less than this one
all the bull bar and side step options are way oversized too
The rear bumper options are clown shoes
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It's not horrible looking desu just doesn't have many good ricing options
that was pretty clear from the few replies about it after release
you could have easily saved 1,6 millions
I could get used to it, if I thought it was as functionally useful as the Armored Kurama. Of course it isn't.
>ricing an SUV
>look up the Anus Masturbator on the GTA Wiki
>"The Castigator is heavily based on the Jeep Avenger, a vehicle mainly produced for the European market."
What happened to GTA cars being mixes of 2-3 cars instead of just being a 1-to-1 copy?
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>he joined a brazil crew instead of nofn
in the time you took to resupply you could have mad 60k
this, the time you spent doing resupplies could have been making more money elsewhere
unless you had friends helping you because its fun to hang out
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they're probably working with companies to make replicas that you can only buy with real money on gta6
eventually gta 6 will look like a shitty modded gta 5, with ford trucks and merdeces being completely out of place, but they're there because they make too much money not to have the silly logo because normies love brands too damn much
If they drop their fake car brands then the game will unironically be soulless
they got lazy and nobody sued them
When I die in this game from flying into poles that blend in with everything it feels antithetical to life and I have to exhaustion quit.
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probably, but players aren't the main target
In the real world, the poles would have been visible, because they would be covered in graffiti and posters about lost puppies.
Kinda. From what I can gather that cooldown/nerf thing is, is for when it's a personal, stored car. Because they either can't or won't deal with the issue of car duplication. For every personal car beyond the first in an 18 hour period, you get much, much less for them, down to a mere 5% of what you would normally be paid. See my posts here >>485839969
For fresh cars off the street without being stored, there's no (current) penalty for selling quickly, just the 48 minute (one in game day) cooldown between normal sales. Thus the timer.
GTA has always had cars that are 1:1 with their IRL inspirations, though the ratio is getting pretty one sided these days.
the bottom one doesn't have Mr Raspberry Jam stuck in the bull bar though
I was going to buy no matter what since it's fast.
new cars are too grippy
is the tow truck in the salvage yard worth it?
You can make money with it. it's just that other things will probably make more money faster. And you can just drive around with it to make your own entertainment, it won't tow anything that isn't in the specific tow missions.
>it won't tow anything that isn't in specific missions
>I can't just tow someone's personal vehicle
I'd say no.
The only thing you get is a Tonya level mission where all you do is drive to a car and then drive back to your scrapyard.
It does boost the passive safe money you get, but it has the same "popularity" system from the nightclub, so you have to keep doing tow jobs to keep it at 100%.
It is incredibly boring AND they added a cooldown so after getting the awards related to it I stopped doing them.
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Gamers are so fucking weird. How hard it is to understand that a lot of gamers want to use car X because it looks like something they drive / enjoy the look of irl or because it heavily reminds them of a car they'd like to have but is out of budget?

Yeah obviously there will be some legal distinctiveness but and creativity but for the most part they like to be based off of existing designs for those reasons. Doubly if a car is famous or iconic to a movie or tv show that fits the mood etc.
a 2021 BMW 5 Series 530i with optional heated seating in Los Santos is unacceptable
its schizo talk anyways, no car company will ever accept a licensing agreement to have their products be drivable in a GTA game for very obvious reasons
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schizo talk is project 2025 not letting GTA 6 come out to begin with.
>Trump will make GTA 5 the last GTA.
There's your schizo talk.
riding with kamala now...
>terminally online people have trouble distinguishing fiction from reality
Many such cases. Sad. Very sad.
This is so retarded. Like come the fuck on. It's retarded when lefties think police should never be portrayed positively and it's retarded here to again, pretend fictional violence equals real violence.
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why does the Cargoboob have such a hard time ascending while carrying something
Because it was nerfed. R* didn't like that you could use it to skip their scripted gameplay
I'd still rather carry the shitty bunker truck than drive it to Paleto Bay's ammunation
GTAO sounds like it could be fun for occasional job-like tasks like you describe, transporting goods around with a little comnat here and there.
Racing is fun but the payouts are shit so nobody ever plays them
wait did they really?
i knew it used to comfortably lift the rv in methd up
newfags dont know passive popping
wait so if I want to unlock discounts for police cars I first need to buy a police car for full price?
Each car has its own rules, but kinda yeah.
no you have to buy one of the original 3
When are they gonna add more modern cop cars?
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>join random casino mission
>entire crew is monochromatic
you know what, sometimes this game is alright...
I have fun with it. It might just be me. But its performance is boosted way beyond what it was in story mode so it's kind of fun to crash through traffic and haul a car back.
it's a decent money earner. When your popularity is maxed you get $20k per day for 2 days, then 2 days of 18k, 2 days of 16k, etc. If you tow a car on the day you're making 16k, it will reset to 20, so that translates to $108k for one very short mission simple mission where you don't have to shoot anyone or have any asshole NPCs ramming you on the way back (there's one scenario where you get a 2 star wanted level but the cops take it super easy, and with a mask you can quickly turn it to 1 star. also you can just get out of the car and leave it, lose wanted level, come back.
You also get paid the salvage value of the car after it's done, which is between 30-40k I think. So I think it's pretty good as a money earner if you like having tasks you do once in a while.
They did add a cooldown so you have to wait a couple minutes if you want to hop sessions after getting a target out in Blaine County
Just don't get the "newer" tow truck, it's exactly the same performance. get the beater one.
all the new cooldowns kind of killed it tbqh
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how'd they get away with a whiny Jew stereotype for a target anyway
how'd they get away with calling an in-universe bank "shlongberg and sachs"
Why is depicting a stereotype (a common thing) a no-no?
it was a different time... (2008)
Because Jews are an ultra protected minority and even calling them by their birth names is basically illegal
They're jews, they're allowed to make fun of themselves.
It's their humor that made them survive this long.
the housers are heebs??
>not even a real bounty hunt, basically a rescue mission from the start
>have to fight his battle for him and escort him to safety
>can't even taze him before putting him in the van
you aren't his captor, you're his servant
absolutely trash mission
>absolutely trash mission
that's not Leroy O'Neil
not a hard choice between rescuing a jew over being raped by hillbillies
looks like someone had a little too much incest last night
WASTED thread
Dead even
>Playan poker in Blackwater
>the other players have been bust out so it's just me and the chinaman
>the game has gone for like 30 minutes and I'm already wanting to go do something else
>got like 3/4ths of the pot
>happen on a good enough hand, two pairs, something like queens and Aces
>fuck it, bet big
>asshole pulls out an ace high diamond flush
>quit anyway because time to leave
>all that shit to walk away with 51 dollars which was entry fee plus one dollar

Do people still play GTA Online?
no, i just get in when something interesting (most likely a car) pops up; get it; customize it; do some contact jobs/heist; quit for the next weeks or months since i already have/have done almost everything
I actually started playing recently. I like stealing cars so I'm starting the import/export stuff.
Once a week or so
>can't even taze him before putting him in the van
What do you mean? I've tazed him the last couple times I've done this mission. Also this is one of the more fun bounties of the pool
once in a week for salvage yard car, well of course they can't be your personal car, thanks rockstar
>no sales yet
how so? I thought it was a weekly thing
>beautiful summer day
>chilling at beach irl
>gonna later play some GTA and go swam in Los Santos beach
Man I wish so much you could swim in RDR1. Almost perfect game.
week starts on thursday
Not for the last 2 weeks.
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whens pizza delivery missions
hmm nice bike
This, I crave more pizza deliveries. I wish there was a way to have endless pizza boy waves like with vigilante.
I'd like an UberEats like missions
2 more weeks
>your driver is approaching in a tank
the game really needs a pve setting
I want to fuck around in freemode , help people with activities, do busywork like taxi shit without exploding every 5 seconds
>deliver food
>pick back up
>refill snacks and make money
>ubereats update
>need to buy car for deliveries
>rusty yaris that burns oil
r* would never because you'd have to use personal vehicles
can't have you doing busywork without being confined to a 10hp 10 ton van
It doesn’t need to be about distinguishing real life from a videogame. In GTA, you are a bad guy. You are committing crime. For most, that’s the appeal. For some, they don’t like it because they don’t want to be the bad guy. They might know it’s just a videogame but being the bad guy isn’t what they want. There’s nothing wrong with that.
it's just empty virtue signaling by retards and means nothing
I think it’s a combination of being lazy and realizing people really want to drive their irl car or irl dream car or famous cars from fiction like Mad Max’s Interceptor or the Delorean.
Theres a lot of bandwagoners hopping on the RW train suddenly pretending that Jack Thompson was right all along.
i've been watching dr. Narco Longo and it's making me hope that GTA VI will have deepest lore in their Flordia too.

you know gtao can have a rough start but it really starts to come into it's own at the 3000 hour mark
I know you're joking but this truer than you think, GTAO goes from being painfully difficult (due to being poor) to painfully easy (once you've established your main businesses) back to moderately difficult (due to you pursuing challenges over money). Happens in the course of a few thousand hours, depending on whether you find people or not.
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>accidentally blew up the car shooting at his tires
he'll be fine
the added goons are unnecessary imo
the ramming is already annoying enough
>gooners shoot at a van they know their accomplice is in the back of
That's one thing they need to figure out for gta 6.
All the 3-5 seconds messages that appear on the corner of the screen that half the time no one notices or have the time to read during critical moments that convey critical information.
I'm glad I managed to read that one, cause losing 90% of the money from that mission would be really annoying.
I feel depressed trying to make money, and the whole game just feels vacuous. I know it's because I'm burnt out but the game facilitates burnout like no other. Just give me 1-2 mil a week as a log in bonus or something. That's not even a big ask.
if you do stash houses every day you can get about 1m from your bunker per week ez
acid gross about 200k for 3 hours, nightclub pays minimum 150k in that time
nightclub goods can also accrue during the week giving you at least 300k with just the bunker and crate warehouse linked

what are you doing to make money?
personally, I just do the time trials whenever I'm online. takes about 15-30 minutes a day and I usually make a little over $1m a week that way
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>also shoots tires but doesn't destroy car
>taze him near car
>he clips with car and dies
>it took two restarts before I figured it out
Lel I hit him with the stun stick and he fell between the car and a wall and died
>no posts about the dreamcast port
I love when NPCs just lay there doing pain noises because they can't get back up
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>a little over $1m a week
What are you grinding for? I have most of what I want in the game and few things really make it any more fun. You get to a point where you're just grinding for grinding's sake
I do actually play occasionally, and I'm not even factoring passive stuff like the nightclub or the agency. I don't buy a car every week either, so I'm constantly making a profit just off the time trials alone.
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Every now and then I'll get some random NPCs that spawned in a chair. It's a bit unusual to have the actual combatants spawn in as unarmed and unwilling to attack me. Too bad I can't hear anything he was saying to me.
it sure is convenient that every stash house has some dude who thinks it's a good idea to write the safe combination on a bright yellow sticky note and just smack it on the wall
The dead are not passing the lessons they learn on to the living.
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probably true
Why the fuck does that line have a weird pause in the middle?
But are y'all having fun doing what you're doing? Even Mr. NGMI, whatever you're doing for money, are you having fun?
Sometimes in fact a lot of times I just like cruising around the city listening to music and going to strip clubs and swimming at the beach. Mostly in singleplayer though. Online is too filled with deatmatch kids.
>Switch to Michael
>It's the "walking by pros and turning them down because he fixed his marriage" scene
>immedaitely get in car and pick one of them up
Make a self insert and >invite only session
Lmaoo yess! Even though his life ''sucks'' it also sucks in the funniest way really.
I spend most of my time in heist setup lobbies
the stash house is 5 mins and I only need to sell acid once a playsession
the nightclub and bunker are once a week sales
there's also the 3 salvage jobs she around 900k per week, daily bounty for 140k etc.
I'm +1m minimum each week with very little effort and a crippling car addiction
I wonder how Michael would feel knowing his son in his early 30s is still buying drugs out behind Burger Shot
depressing but also kind of realistic
kids a wigger pothead with trailer trash family that fell into more money than they can deal with
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Always, if something isn't fun I don't do it.
I will at least give a shot to something.
Like when they reworked the Hangar business.
>going to strip clubs
My man.
>what are you doing to make money?
Mainly acid, bunker, other little things here and there, and cayo perico.
I'm the guy who made that post btw in case you thought I was the trials guy.
I don't know anymore. I still have a lot to get for my 2nd character but everything is so expensive I lose interest. Building car collections sounds interesting till you grind for even one car.
I really don't. I've enjoyed it before but spent a lot of my time trying to get all moneymakers and got most of it, hoping for smooth sailing which never came, and by that point I'd already put in so many hours. I don't know why I come back.
Disappointed. He should be a movie director that has an assistant buying the coke for him.
Jimmy's just a wagie at our arcade.

My Michael has like 2 billion dollars though so I guess he's really stingy.
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I don't remember when or how I got the Schlagen GT, but I have to say it drives like a dream.
I think gta tube is why this game doesn't change for the better, and why it's probably never going to.
It doesn't improve, because all the crap is making money hand over fist.
I think though, that the game is bad enough in many regards that if gtatubers weren't there to hype up practically nothing every week and downplaying it's issues by walking on egg shells talking about them, it would start to impact R* significantly. I think hype is this game's lifeblood.
I like how it's literally impossible to find someone playing regular GTAO on Twitch
the sm722 is it but better
Largely that is. There's some other things that keep people playing but hype is a big factor and just from my experience I think social engineers work for R* (it's known these exist in the gaming industry) to create a mechanism to keep people playing that uses fomo and hype. It's probably why 188 vehicles got removed from online stores and religated to potential weekly appearances.
Streaming what exactly. It's not entertaining to watch someone grinding
I'm here to capture or kill Bill Williamson
it really bothers me how you can't make gray look at least alright. Be it lucid, metallic, matte or whatever, it always looks bad
Define regular GTAO
Probably means not FiveM / RP.
Black Madonna with the bangers
What is the comfiest place to chill in GTAO? Or any GTA?
Driving the big loop in Los Venturas with the radio on.
how did I just now realize that was Bryan Cranston
>and cayo perico.
honestly it pays ok but nowhere what it used to and for me it's not worth the annoying setups
I'm now trying to do driving school gold and that is even worse than pilot school gold. Even Zero's missions were much easier.
Especially the 180' and the mission with the police car is hard. And I haven't even finished the last driving school mission the one through the city. I don't even have bronze for that mission.
The valley that leads from the big lake to the pacific near the military base. It's extremely comfy during sunrise and sunset especially
I really don't like it honestly and the nerf killed it. It was the only decent paying thing in the game alongside payphone hits that also got nerfed into being just any other 50k payout. I've also no doubt effectively paid a tax of tens of millions because of that nerf, given how significant it was. It was such a pointless spit in players faces.
Je Te Eh Oh
Thematically it's super niche, robbing a tiny island tyrant doesn't really feel like GTA to me, or at least it feels like something you do once and be done.
Gameplay wise it's super boring, between the 5 minute plane ride, the atrocious setup that you literally have to sabotage because it's THAT BAD, and the awful stealth on the actual island...
Cayo is pure misery.
anyone farm chicken shop?
pay is ok but for some reason I absolutely hate the setup missions

it was really only ever worth it when you were clearing 1.8m per run
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I think the problem is that people just don't know how to have fun.
Every gta youtuber is like "how to make money" "how to be efficient" "getting every award"
If you watch any of these videos they constantly talk about how unfun what they're doing is.
I was almost typing "I don't know why they bother playing" but the answer is clearly money.
I don't know why there isn't a gta youtuber that actually enjoys the game.
Honestly this is part of the problem, it's like people don't even understand what game they have.
GTA is only about grinding money if you decide to only grind money.
I don't mind the setups. There's just too many of them. Drivses my GTA$/hr down
Any YouTuber is just trying to make money. It stopped being about fun for them years ago.
haven't played for about a year and right now downloading it at 83%. Any cool new shit they added to the game?
10 anime general repeats in the catalog
hey it's me your friend Simeon
I would love a full on Narcos GTA man. Though low grade crime is also fun.

I'd love if someone not-Rockstar did a full on hillbilly gta pisstake where the missions range from stealing chickens from cousin Earl to stealing kisses from your hot chick cousin Daisy Mae.
how will Online end for our silent psychopaths anyway?
In another timeline Playstation never happened and Sega continued doing hardware.
stabbed by a druggie outside the bail office
but we're part of the Epsilon Program so we can't die
The Bodhi pulls its front end from the LR Wolf
The game really tries to give moral justification to the Vinny cop stuff, I don't like it
>oh you're helping me bring down corrupt commissioners and drug dealers
I don't care about your social justice crusade.

You unlock a free cruiser the first time you finish the Cluckin Bell raid, and you can use that one to unlock the trade prices on all the other ones
Ok. How do I have fun? I find even acknowledging the very existence of the trash reward system snuffs joy, and the missions and heist I find facilitate an unfun experience. I think the game at a certain level is objectively terrible and this goes back to gtatubers preventing improvement. Maybe there is a good game somewhere in there but the major decisions are made around it's unfun parts and the gtatubers prop that up and there's an ecosystem of gaslighting and hype.
>The game really tries to give moral justification to the Vinny cop stuff, I don't like it
I hate it when games that are explicitly about criminals doing crime and being bad guys who do evil shit try to have their cake and eat it too.
Mafia 3 was fucking egregious for this, abloobloo I might be a drug dealer/fraud runner/gun trafficker/prostitute owner but at least I'm not RACIST
Because R* have meticulously wrung every dram of fun out of the game in their desire to corral people into the grind treadmill. GTA 4 MP only had like four missions, six game modes, and nothing to actually collect or buy but it was consistently fun for the entire lifespan of the game. SAMP was the same way. The intent of Online was to make it like a GTA single player story but with your own create-a-character and other players able to drop in and out of the world but they gave us way too much stuff way too fast and then had to put a choke collar on us to stop from using it in "unapproved" ways.

I've been knocking around a game like MSC but set in rural Alabama. End game is marrying your cousin. Run around the county doing missions for various people and living a redneck life (can't leave the county because you're on parole)
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Same way it ended for ps3/360
>unable to connect to rockstar servers
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>Lester shows up in VI
>"There was this guy, or girl, or whatever they were who somehow ran a ton of businesses all at once in Los Santos for a decade... ah but they went quiet."
End? VI will reveal ever Online player character is canon, with Los Santos becoming an uninhabitable hellhole of destruction and murder, hoards of killers-for-hire doing whatever they can to afford their next multi-million dollar car.
Shame IV didn't have an actual multiplayer so all that happened to Liberty City is it apparently flooded.

It would have been funny if they mentioned all the ground wars at Francis International Airport for the Annihilator spawn by the hangars at least.
I wonder where GTA 7 will be set. My guess is San Fierro. Colder, mountainous, very different culturally and ethnically from Vice City. They'll probably do a remaster of GTA 4 in the interim between 6 and 7, like the Defective Editions of the PS2 games.

That's just the natural state of the city, though.
>San Fierro
Why would they hop back over to driving distance from Los Santos, David Cross' character on Kult FM mentions driving up there and having to deal with some annoying dude with RC cars.
I'm not sure there will be a GTA7
Venturas? Ludendorff? Carcer City? Bullworth?
Frisco is about a 6 hours drive away from LA.

California is big, it's roughly the same distance from New York to South Carolina. SF is a lot colder and wetter than LA, summer average is like 65-75° compared to the LA average of 90+. Constantly rainy/foggy. It's like a more rugged New England, geographically. Culture is different too, LA is all about 'street' culture whereas SF is more hippies and techies. There are more Asians in SF than blacks, for example; it's the second-most 'Asian' city in the union after Honolulu. SF is also heaps more dense, more like an east coast city than a west coast one. It's got the second-highest population density of any major US city, after NYC.
Yeah, in that one mission where Trevor Franklin and Lamar drive a truck for Devin Trevor tells Franklin the drive will take about 4 hours
>Ok. How do I have fun?
Stop being so beholden to the game rules
Stop focusing on money
Go do silly stuff, hop into a lobby and critique people's fashion.
Take a trip to someone's yacht, hop in a jacuzzi with friends
Go gambling on the casino
Go on the stripclub and get people to join in
Make a silly race like that bruufy guy, 5 checkpoints anywhere on the map, who cares, just go and do it.
Play a deathmatch with rockets only
Play a deathmatch with pistols only... melee only
Stop chasing money
Stop chasing efficiency no one cares that you have 100 million in your bank account
Go do random ass missions.
Grab a friend on a bike and go kill cops until you get 5 stars
Go kill people delivering shit
Go protect people delivering shit
I feel like people put blinders on and forget that the game gives you freedom to do dumb shit
Go be creative and do things that you find fun.
That's to Paleto Bay which is mostly based on Morro Bay which is around halfway between LA and SF and about a 4h drive in real life. The area around Paleto Bay is mostly based on Norcal, particularly Big Sur.
>Go do random ass missions.
honestly more people should do this
have you done mobile ops?
have you done ulp?
have you done old ass contact missions?
have you done special vehicle work?
have you done the mission at the cove with the cargobob?
Exactly, I'm not even saying that you'll find the holy grail in random missions.
Just that if you're running cayo 12 times a week, maybe just varying shit once in a while will make you less depressed about this game.
for me it's racing to break the monotony, I just wish the payouts were better so you could actually fill lobbies
>for me it's racing to break the monotony,
ill kill myself if i race gtao players ever again
fucking degens
>Stunt Race
>Someone clearly about to try to ram me off the track
>They throw themselves off the track
The problem is the game actively punishes you for doing that stuff. If you're not chasing money, then you're losing it from daily fees and PVs getting blown up and dying and having to buy ammo and on and on.
Does it tho?
Daily fees is what? 20k if you have everything?
Just grab g's cache and you're even.
>buy ammo
look up how to get infinite ammo
you'll only have to buy rockets and throwables
If that bothers you just find a job that gives you all the weapons and ammo.
When I was a newbie to avoid buying ammo I would just run the sandy shores survival, time consuming but it worked.
>PVs getting blown up
On PC, can't relate, sorry.
Just because you have the capacity to eat the losses doesn't change the fact they're losses, losses specifically put in the game to wrangle you into a particular style of play.
>anon discovers gameplay loops
>any time I try to make a post with an image attached it just says "connection error"
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Have you considered not having connection errors?
Have you tried not being at page 10?
>Fudge settings on PS4 so I can chill in a lobby alone
>Game suddenly opens up and becomes a lot more fun
Not even gonna say it's the oppressorfags ruining it, but everything being a "business battle" and your ultra-secret clandestine business ventures being broadcasted is definitely not fun, especially when they put a glowing target and reward on your back and then stick you in the slowest, defenseless, fridge on wheels they can find.
>have you done mobile ops?
>have you done old ass contact missions?
I really want to do these but these require 2 people
Part of the issue though is the ridiculous hyper inflation surrounding anything new. For people that DON'T have 100 million in their bank account, or even 1 mil for that matter, money becomes a serious concern.
yeah idc if online vets all have 30 trillion dollars laying around, some shitbox econo-car backported from VI shouldnt cost 900k-1mil
are there driving school missions?
where do i find them?
The Grinf is a system, anon. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Grinders, tryhards, prostitutes, racers. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.
Interesting fact: Los Santos Drug Wars' OST was produced by Soulwax. That's the first time they've returned to produce for the game since it released
Oh nice so it's very recent. Here's hoping they get involved with VI
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There's a certain route to take that makes it easy. Picrel is what I remember having to do. The blue path cuts through a plaza meaning you don't have to turn as sharply and thus are faster, the green path is a bit easier with maybe a 1-2s difference in the final time.
seriously what is going on. the catalog is moving much faster than usually
/vg/ is moving fast and this thread is slowing down very hard. Summer update was nothing burger and no GTA VI trailer, it is what it is
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Didn't a new gacha game come out? zzz or something like that?
I don't keep up with it, if i'm being honest I don't even know what these games play like.
All I see is bunnygirls and chibi characters and butt jiggling while firing a gun at something out of frame.
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>page 10
Is it really what it is?
remember a summer, i think before casino update, when they were pushing hard arena contents now it's gone and forgotten content
just take a look at the catalog and the current state of Online, add how lame the weekly discounts have become
Damn, calm down schizo. Time to move on and join one of those popular threads and play the gachas. Out with the old, in with the new.
I predict another shit week.
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A new #GTAOnline event starts on July 25 (available through July 31) giving players the opportunity to earn extra cash via the new Pizza Deliveries. If the community collectively delivers 10 million pizzas, everyone will be rewarded with a "Pizza This... Tee". This event also debuts LS Tags, a new daily collectible, along with the Vapid Dominator FX.

- NEW Pizza Delivery for Pizza This...
- NEW LS Tags Daily Collectible
- Vapid Dominator FX & Pegassi Pizza Boy available for all Players

- Deliver 10 million Pizzas to receive the Pizza This… Tee

- Complete 3 Pizza Deliveries to receive GTA$100,000

2X GTA$ & 4X RP
- Transform Races

2X GTA$ & RP
- Stockpile

- Work Jackets and Shirts

- Annis RE-7B
- Gallivanter Baller ST
- Grotti Visione
- Truffade Z-Type
- Übermacht Rhinehart
- Vapid Unmarked Cruiser

- 30% OFF: Up-n-Atomizer
- 40% OFF GTA+ Members: Heavy Rifle

- The McTony Robbery: Grotti Turismo Classic (Top Tier)
- The Gangbanger Robbery: Annis Euros (Standard Tier)
- The Podium Robbery: Bravado Greenwood (Low Tier)

- The Lucky Wheel Podium Vehicle: Imponte Ruiner ZZ-8 - https://youtu.be/Iy28chr113o
- LS Car Meet Prize Ride: Grotti Cheetah Classic - https://youtu.be/FbPyt7CHWG8 - Place Top 5 in the LS Car Meet Series for two days in a row

- Premium Deluxe Motorsport: Canis Kalahari, Coil Cyclone, RUNE Cheburek, Truffade Z-Type & Vapid Retinue
- Luxury Autos: Invetero Coquette D1 & Vapid Dominator FX
- Test Track: Annis RE-7B, Bravado Buffalo S & Grotti Carbonizzare
- Premium Test Ride (HSW): Grotti Turismo Classic

- Premium Race: Art to Art - https://youtu.be/B5JrhkM6lpE
- Time Trial: Pillbox Hill - https://youtu.be/bNWcxkqBM5Y
- HSW Time Trial: Terminal to Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness - https://youtu.be/zV6rZlMLx8k
Time to go on a shopping spree for a pizza outfit or don't tell me it's a static outfit for everybody
time to go shoot up the pizza place
just in case there's something in the basement
Aim for the desktop.
I still really like the content from Arena War, but tying everything to the arena itself was a mistake.
How is it tied to the arena? You can take the cars out and use all their abilities in free roam.
not bad desu
>pizza bike
>30% off unmarked
>C H E B U R E K
>autistic pizza grind
yeah but who wants an unmarked cop car
siren enjoyers
I'd rather enjoy a siren in an actual cop car though
Did I miss out on the Pizza Boy? I don't see it anywhere
not tonight Pizza Boy
Fucking modders I thought it was up
Modders might be getting it early I guess.
There is also an old NPC vehicle from a Dave delivery mission that is just a Faggio Sport with a box scripted to stick to it.
you can't make progress outside the arena
Is there a good guide to modding GTA? I don't really care about online right now, but I've just finished the story.
That's like saying the Cayo Perico heist content is tied to CP because you have to go to the island to do the heist
Permanent 75% off on all cop cars WHEN? (not spending 4-5 m+ on a police SUV that should only be 250k).
lol never, if anything they'll get raised in price
>Buy counterfeiting supplies
>A full stock for $75k only produces $42 of product
ayo what the fuck
they gave you counterfeits, what did you expect
That's why nobody likes that business.
I don't even bother with MC businesses anymore. I only keep them running for the nightclub.
>The game really tries to give moral justification to the Vinny cop stuff, I don't like it
He's a good person by default, he's not trying to do harm like Lester and all the other psychos.
>The game really tries to give moral justification to the Vinny cop stuff
vincent is just a mega autist
>You unlock a free cruiser the first time you finish the Cluckin Bell raid
What????? I never got one, and I spent 4 million on one...
>You unlock a free cruiser the first time you finish the Cluckin Bell raid
All you get is the modern police livery for the Gauntlet Interceptor, not the the car. R* really needs to word that reward better.
>Gauntlet Hellfire: $745k
>The same car but black and white: $5.4mil
it faster...
Seriously? Are other cop variants faster?
cop variants are usually a little better
its the cop motor meme
If I had to choose between variants for some reason, I would still go for the Arena Wars Impaler. Of course you don't have that option for others.
My knee hurts. I sat with my leg folded to the side and sitting on my foot playing gta for a couple days. I can't do squats and lunges. It's all rockstar's fault, I want a refund.
Is it actually top speed and acceleration that is faster or is handling better thus making it faster in a race? Because handling I would understand because of the way GTA handles handling what with weight not affecting speed but still affects CoG.
And is this still the case when both cars are fully upgraded?
That'd pretty stupid considering we can mod the cars. You'd think that would entail upgrading parts and thus negating the cop package advantage. Guys would even get cop package parts for their muscle cars. I know the most common first step to dragging a Crown Vic is modding it with cop parts. And nowadays, the Dodge doesn't even have a cop package. They aren't any different than their SRT counterparts in the performance department. On top of that, the cop cars are heavier with all the extra equipment they carry.
fuck off to the retirement home with your prehistoric game you retards
not cool bro :/
The problem with comparing them with the purpose of races, is that Rockstar tags the cars as a type of car, so you won't actually be free to just choose whatever you want. Your car pick will have to match the tag of the race category.
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lol I opened the video muted and I can still hear the song
>What am I supposed to sayyy
I have the most incompetent politicians running my county and not even they can manage to spend $5.4 mil on a fucking cop car, even with their best attempts at embezzlement.
Let's fucking GO!

Can we compete (in a race manner) with others over deliveries?
It was thunderstorming while I was doing deliveries. Forgot this game had weather desu. Enjoy your soggy pizzas lmao
Does V even have thunderstorms? I only ever see it just raining.
There was a bit of rumbling and I saw a little bit of lightning. I suppose that's all the rain we'll get for the year.
Getting a thunderstorm in Red Dead Redemption 2 is hitting absolutely insane comfy levels. Almost makes you want to take cover irl when lightning hits. One of the top spots to weather out a storm in that game is in that one observation tower somewhere northern-ish of Annesburg.
Fully anticipating the weather in VI to be incredible.
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I'm thinking of getting the molotok, how usable would you say it can be compared to the lazer?
allegedly it's fast but how controllable is it with air brakes gear down and throttle tapping? PvE only.
I already have lazer and hydra but the range of the cannon makes it kinda hard to use for strafing runs, also they're quite vulnerable to small arms fire
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Cayo Perico doesn't double the price of everything associated with the DLC if you don't go to the island
>48 minute cooldown between each pizza delivery session
woah don't want you making too much money there
they really have to find a way to ruin the simplest of pleasures don't they
>apply a drift tune to my car for $200,000
>eh it's expensive and makes it slower but at least I can probably remove it for free and maybe even put it back on for free since I bought it once before

>removing the drift tune costs $700,000, over 3 times the cost of installing it



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>wagecucking in real life
>wagecucking in a video game
During covid I was a pizza guy and I'd take acid before work like once a week
Because of the time dilation effect it felt like I was tripping for half the time I was working overall and those 2 years felt like 4 years
Was pretty neat
Sounds comfy. Covid needs to come back just for the fun factor
I had a really hot young woman with huge tits come running out of her house all the way to the sidewalk in nothing but lacy white lingerie to take a pizza from me that was paid for and designated to be left at the door
I was like wtf. Maybe the idea of masked men showing up at her house turned her on
Why are you black?
I got floppy dong in my pizza days.
>Why are you black?
You can't ask that, It's not polite!
I'm not, but GTA is about crime and murder so why my character should be white?
>just play second life on another engine
>Play a deathmatch with rockets only
>Go do random ass missions
Are the only good suggestions
>Stop chasing efficiency no one cares that you have 100 million in your bank account
If you've played for 10 years that makes sense, but for newer players, the grind is absolutely a necessity. Just the fact that you need millions to buy a sub/yatch/avenger/business/apartment/etc to be able to do missions is already an impediment.
Your statement is the online equivalent of wearing a "stop being poor" t-shirt.
I bought the drift tune for 200k but only had to pay 50 to have it reverted. Are you sure it doesn't say 70k?
If they don't do anything with hurricanes, I'm never buying another R* game again
>Your statement is the online equivalent of wearing a "stop being poor" t-shirt.
That he bought for $300.
It's also worse for things like bunkers, facilities, and clubhouses that make you spend up to double to get a location that doesn't aggressively waste your time.
>but for newer players, the grind is absolutely a necessity
debatable. a lot of the grind is seeing what people who have a decade of time in the game have and chasing that
start small, build out your businesses, do heists and enjoy the content
rushing to have everything won't do anything for you
cool it with the antisemitic remarks
No. Not this time.
Said dong was intact as is custom here, Schlomo.
Do not speak for me.
Do i need to buy the scooter to start the deliveries?
no (thankfully)
>Start small
Start with what? Anything that makes anything, especially at a low level, is a grind.
>Build your businesses
Minimum investment for a business is still over a million, and that just opens up avenues for more grinding
>just don't take it seriously!
And then it takes even LONGER for you to ever see an RoI. We're already talking about 10 hours of solid playing for even approaching a balance on the cheapest of businesses, not including MC businesses which are fucking atrocious for time investment.
>Do heists
The basic heists require a significant amount of time to do right. Inviting randos into the mix just makes things even worse. Your soul will flee your body well before you ever finish Pakistan because all of the competent players have long since stopped doing it. Which significantly hampers how much "fun" you can have without three friends willing to run them with you.
>Enjoy the content
Which is something that's easy to say when you forget what "the content" has become. It's not doing 20-30 contact missions with a bro or solo to afford the best car in the game, it's planning out how to effectively build an empire without spending a 1000 hours doing it. It's doing chores to keep the money flowing, it's checking boxes, it's hoping to God you didn't spawn in the same lobby as someone with an oppressor and lack of better things to do, it's grinding for two days to afford a marginal upgrade to a business that makes it more economical to be less hands-on with it while you find other ways to grind.
That's to say nothing of course, of finding ways to rake up some 4 million dollars every time R* releases a new shiny toy, and god-forbid you want more than one.
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the fact that you can't throw the pizzas is already kind of lame, but something that these small indie developers realistically could have done is make pizza get cold faster/slower depending on what time of day you deliver
>deliver mid-day
>pizza stays hot for longer but tips are middling
>deliver in the evening
>pizza goes cold a little faster but more people are home, and thus likely to order more or tip better
>deliver around midnight
>pizza goes cold really fast but you have a random chance to receive a big tip or get a robbery event which fucks your route but leads you to something more lucrative
It's very low effort, no NPC comments or anything just an animation focusing at your character to hide the fact that no one is taking the pizza
ok but what do you actually want to do?
when you get all the money what are you going to do with it?
>with air brakes gear down and throttle tapping?
I've never utilized this, can you explain so I can up my flight game?
All I know about the molotok is the guns don't fire explosive rounds (unless that's an upgrade) and it's one of the lesser maneuverable fighter planes. I've only seen some videos and used it in series modes and for hangar supply, it wasn't bad but I don't know how it holds up in pvp, but for pve the missiles are probably good. I don't think they have a 2 shot cooldown but don't quote me on that.
>What are you going to do with it
Sheeeit, if only I knew that. After all, I just spend 15 hours grinding out enough cash to open up another avenue for cash (and this is just grinding, fucking around would take longer).
After that, I'll have to find more ways to make cash because with all this grinding, what I'm doing isn't making fat stacks, it's making myself able to make fat stacks in a reasonable amount of time.
This isn't the old days where the tricked-out Zentorno is the fastest vehicle in the game, now it's the Stinger, the Nero, the Torero, the Zeno, the Emerus and it goes on and on with these things costing 1.5-3 mil. If anyone was to not play R*'s game (by which I mean don't turn everything into a grindfest), then these things are absurdly out of reach. It'd take 30-40 hours just to grind out something that's only promise is depreciating value.
But let's say, hypothetically that I, a new player, wanted a top of the line vehicle to drive around. That's why I'm doing this. Then I grind for the 4 mil it'll take to trick it out over the course of say 60 hours by just doing what I want and avoiding the grind. That's great, but that's a lot of fucking time for a single vehicle, and all of the sudden, the money is gone. I can't drop that money on a new facility that's required to do a new raid or new type of mission, or any other new form of content that R* mixes in with their chorelists. I'm left with 60 hours gone, and a car.
That's to say nothing of special vehicles, planes/helis, A SECOND car, weapon upgrades (fuckin ridiculous prices), a yacht, or office/club/clubhouse/bunker/facility/arcade. Which would take another God knows how long and it starts all over when there's a new update.
Perhaps valuable https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHkbNicBX-E
it's a stunt technique, in order to pull off a manuver requiring very low speed (ie maze bank landing or forced overshoot) without stalling, you pull out the landing gear to go slower, then you hold airbrakes to slow down even more, and to prevent engine from shutting down, you let go of brakes and tap throttle for a moment once every 2 seconds or something
looks pretty controlable in expert hands
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This game is not yet ready for public release.
yeah but look at what you wrote
why do you need a top of the line car? you can do races with customs off if you like racing. is it because other people who spent that time have it and now you want it too. well you have to grind
why do you need a heli? I haven't even bought one on my second character
why do you need more than the free dodo for a plane?
why do you need anything? the entire game is working towards what you want
when I used to do 3 cayos a day I'd do one or two, buy the car I want then use the car doing setups to get the next car. it's all about chasing the next hit and at first that's hard but it's ok. the entire game IS the grind
as for buying properties for missions there are so many people looking for help that you can easily explore the content. if you're good at the game you have people begging you to help them through heists and missions. I queue for heist lobbies and routinely get into finales because of it. I do a lot of flecca finales because I'm willing g to help the lobbies do the scope out
just play what you want, sell your wares when the bars are full and just vibe

just vibe bro
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>just play second life
Second life is not a game, you can't play it.
>the grind is absolutely a necessity
No, that's my entire point, you decided to grind, that's on you.
>you need millions to buy x/y/z
you don't. you can join other people's missions.
>Your statement is the online equivalent of wearing a "stop being poor" t-shirt
My statement is that you don't need money to have fun on gta online.
Absolutely go make money and buy the stuff you want.
But if you want everything you can't blame anyone but yourself.
You're trying to speedrun 10 years worth of content and you're upset that it will take you time?
Fuck off, dude.

I like how he's a total boomer with his emoji use and ends every tweet with GTA stars
For what possible reason would I do that?
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its broken restart matchmaking
What's your favorite Contact character?
Mine is Agent 14. I love that goof.
>you pull out the landing gear to go slower, then you hold airbrakes to slow down even more, and to prevent engine from shutting down, you let go of brakes and tap throttle for a moment once every 2 seconds or something
Thanks. That will be useful.
Brucie if only because during that one Casino mission with the Skyhook you can send him a picture of it and he just goes "what the fuck is this bro"
for mission quality: ron
unhinged bullshit but fun
Agent 14 too
Lamar missions are fun but I'm really getting sick of him
10 years and they are still spamming his "nigga" videos
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ps2 gta games were photo realistic and nothing will convince me otherwise
unc alert
But there is an NPC taking the pizza.
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Simeon, Trevor
Because back in the day when I used to do their contact missions more often they had a little cutscene.
Simeon goes on a weird compliment tangent
"you've done so much for your gender, you're a boundless fertility [super awkward pause] of imagination"
and your character is just standing there awkwardly looking, then he shakes your hand and you do a weird smile and walk away.
and Trevor had a scene where he pops out the trailer window and says "there's my favorite mute" and your character does a cute smile and hands him something thru the window
Like a little fanboy.
Next time I play I'll try to get video of it.
didn't play gta toaday :?
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Thanks, game. That is indeed a very suitable location, that is also nearby.
It just locks it instead.
>trade prices
It loves to spawn helicopters and tugs at the back of the Meriweather compound.
Maybe the roleplay servers convinced Rockstar that there has to be a law abiding option available to players.
Is Hao's special works in PC online?
The shop exists, but you can't get the full set of upgrades. A reduced set. You can't get HSW upgrades, but you can get drift conversion.
That sucks. I bought a Monstrociti cause I liked how it handled in that salvage yard mission, and I was hoping to upgrade it.
I really hope this isn't a total bullshot and the npc density is really gonna be like that. Also holy brown tits and ass kino.
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We need more pizzaboysonas. Pretend you're not a huge drug kingpin and you definitely are instead working your first job during high school/college
Does it pay as well as the taxi right now?
No but it's quicker, you just drive to five points and walk up to the door.
>no, but it's quicker
I assume this is per delivery, but to clarify:
So, if you do like an hour of it, which pays more?
Probably Pizza
Not sure you can even do it for an hour, I've seen people complaining about a really long cooldown.
There are three Pizza joints that you can work at, each with its own separate 50 min cooldown
Each delivery job gives you five deliveries with each pizza paying you $2k (+ tip)
Delivering all five pizzas in the time limit will get you a bonus 10k, making each delivery job pay out about 23k.
Assuming you don't suck at life, can hit all three jobs one after the other, in the hour time frame you can net about 70k
its a relatively long cooldown when you need 50 deliveries to unlock the outfit
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You know time passes when you're not playing the game right?
You don't have to force yourself to do 50 in a row
You can do 5 a day and that's only 10 days and you're done.
I swear you people pick the worst way to play the game then complain that it isn't fun.
I hope they will also have forklift jobs so I can do forklift job for a while and then after work go swimming on los santos beach and partying with hot girls. Man I am so looking forward to GTA6 for the virtual life tourism.
Gta 6 online you will not do crime (outside of dangerous driving) and it will be the most profitable venture in human history.
Don't mind me, just delivering the hottest cheesy pizza
i want it NOW
Just jobwarp ya idiot
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I like this car more than I expected to
What does that mean?
gtao2 will deliver what the masses truly crave
>do pizza delivery
>get 5 deliveries to the furthest points away from the city
>pass both of the other locations on my route
Did no one tell them that pizza joints will only deliver within their own zipcode because they’ll have another pizza joint in that zipcode to handle those deliveries?
Why the fuck am I passing another location that should be handling that delivery? Only 2/5 deliveries were closest to the location I was working for.
Why the fuck am I driving across the entire fucking city?
Never doing another one.
Calm down, Veruca.
a "zipcode" on gta 5 is like 5 blocks
the main downtown area of this game is 2 blocks
remember, this is a ps3 game.
im getting tired of this reddit tier meme. the reason why your plane spawns outside of the airport is because you bought a zancudo hangar instead of an lsia one
You say "do what you want to make the game fun"
I do [what I want]
And R* sees [what I want] and finds ways to make it fun
So you tell me "don't do what you want because it's not fun"
You keep insisting that the right way to play is like a no-lifer with severe adhd and that's neither practical, nor fun. [What I want] is to do what I want without constant having to pay attention to meters and timers that R* loves so much because their player retention reports told them to base their game off of it.
I want to be a pizza delivery boy until I get bored of it, but R* finds way to make it not fun and it's their fucking fault, not mine.
My point is that pizza joints are zoned to a certain area and multiple pizza joints are used to cover an entire city with each handling the area around it. If you try to place an order at a location that’s too far away, they won’t deliver it and will instead refer you to a different location that handles the deliveries in your area.
There are 3 locations across the city. Why am I handling a delivery on the complete opposite side of the city that ought to be handled by one of the other 2 locations?
>bought unmarked cruiser since its on sale
>5 hours later get drag race of all police cars
>its the slowest one

i cant even sell this piece of shit off, i thought the gauntlet would handle like ass because its a muscle car
Anon here >>487718738 sums it up: fun for the players and logic are not their main concern, to drag more investors in it is. It's called Take Two "Inc.", not charitable association
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Not fast enough for me
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we need new racing helmets
that don't get removed
that stick with outfits
that work into vehicles
who won?
>R* makes it NOT fun
noticing a typo hours later is fuckin embarrasing
>drag race
fucking worthless piece of shit

imo the Dominator FX Interceptor is the fastest overall
The Gauntlet Interceptor looks better on paper, but its handling is so shit that the Dominator FX does better in most situations
It’s pretty mind-boggling that they’d add race cars and race car races but still not allow helmets in them. It’s not a clipping issue because they could have made sure those vehicles didn’t clip. It’s a laziness issue.
It's something funky in the code that just prevents hats from being worn in vehicles.
You car get a helmet in the car if you spam the outfit button as you enter the car. And some convertibles won't remove them.
Rockstar would probably just prefer that it was easier to headshot you without a "bulletproof" helmet while you were in a car.
what are some quick off-roaders that are the least affected by running into bushes?
>least affected by running into bushes
Pick a heavy muscle car.
Draugur, Kamacho, Ratel, Trophy Truck. Desert Raid, and Monstrociti
ratel it is. looks fun and speedy.
>join session
>want to buy the new dominator for my dominator collection
>no space in garage holding dominator collection
>making enough space would mean moving entire vapid brand collection from the 50 slot garage to the 3 office garages and all the cars there back into the 50 slot garage
>completely lose all will to play
sell the gtx
it's shit
they looked good for the era but anything beyond that is glass dick and rose-tinted specs
san andreas was a 4k masterpiece and you cant convince me otherwise
i can see it in my mind right now
stun baton when?
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>they looked good for the era
hm... no... the fuck!?
Rockstar games always looked subpar until RDR2
>no one pointed out I typed merdeces instead of mercedes
>You keep insisting that the right way to play is like a no-lifer
Actually I'm saying the opposite, so I'm not engaging with this post.
>Rockstar games always looked subpar until RDR2
Hell even earlier than that, GTAIV was praised for its grafix on launch, ditto GTAV. In fact, GTAV still looks fine for a 12 year old game.
From RDR1 forward they started getting even with the rest of the industry and RDR2 is when they surpassed most except like naughty dog.
But 1-2 and then 3-SA are just ugly games even by the standards of the time.
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get in the cheb.
3 VC and SA were PS2 games so you can't expect much from them anyway
>3-SA are just ugly games even by the standards of the time
Absolutely not. The cars and environments looked great then and still now and the animations in cutscenes were praised.
I wish we'd gotten more drum magazines
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underage reply
plenty of ps2 games looked miles better than any of the GTAs
go ahead and compare any 3-SA car to any GT car
compare any 3-SA NPC to any MGS3 npc
go ahead, post them, show how "absolutely not" ugly they are.
Oh you wanna talk animations? yeah let's compare animations, what year did SA come out? 2004? let's compare HL2 animations to SA.
Cmon, do it.
>oh you think they did in fact match or exceed their contemporaries? what about the absolute peak at the time?????!???
Very stupid individual
Yeah, so they're very subpar, which is what I said.
Weird way to agree with someone.
i think they rightfully dropped the idea to differentiate rifles and mgs
Dead thread.
They should have let us buy a pizza place instead
Would it function like the nightclub? Would we have to restock peperoni?
You have to make the pizzas too and they reuse the heist animation of filling your bag for putting the toppings on
the meta is lost. our arsenal is bloated for how similarly most of the weapons perform. sure, we have things like the heavy rifle and the perico pistol but how many players are actively using those weapons outside of designated missions? they may as well just add these attachments for the sake of looking cool rather any adhering to any sense of balance
RDR 1 looked pretty solid.
Agreed. True Crime NY and Driver PL look like next gen games compared to San Andreas and before. IV is when they started to get serious, arguably Midnight Club 3.
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>reinstall GTA 5 after watching some Proto videos
>load into a full session of GTA online (pc free aim) planning to fuck with the tryhards that are farming low levels for KD
>in 10 minutes not a singular person killed each other
>people just fucking around, doing cargo/heist preps without being bothered in the slightest
what the fuck happened?
>what the fuck happened?
You joined a chill session
>get three home deliveries in a row
>let acid lab sit full for a few days
I can't take it anymore it's so lame
Did you not notice the NAP you signed when you joined the lobby?
I hate the submarine salvage yard heist solely because controlling the mini sub is shit. Why couldn't they just give it the same controls as planes.
>Can we compete (in a race manner) with others over deliveries?
Of course you can't, as that would be fun and outside of the bare minimum bland rockstar gameplay.
wish someone comes up with a custom race:
>sprint, similar to Pursuits with few checkpoints and open roads
>power ups
>stunts and traffic
>faggio sport pizza boy
>early '00s scooter
>no mods
they don't even try ffs

Ps2 GTA games looked pretty middle of the road. Not terrible but not the best the platform could offer graphically. The fully 3d open world is a resource hog in and of itself. GTA : Vice City got pulled a lot by it's intentionally slightly 'cartoony' aesthetic but overall it's ps2 lol there's only so much you can do. The ps2 ''blurriness'' coupled with playing on a CRT monitor was doing leg work for GTA SA whereas the PC port that was a lot more 'clear' sort of exposed how gnarly the game looks when you get a more 'crisp' look at it.
>video about literally anything related to rockstar
>some indian using the exact same shitty AI voice
Never seen that before

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