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D23 2024 Disney World pins edition

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KINGDOM HEARTS collections (I.5+II.5, II.8, III + Re Mind (DLC)) available on PC, PS4, XBOX, Switch (Cloud)
The final chapter of KINGDOM HEARTS Dark Road is available now as a free update for IOS and Android devices.
2003 Lost Kingdom Hearts Pilot Animatic (archived copy): https://archive.org/details/kingdom-hearts-pilot-animatic

Two new Kingdom Hearts games have been announced: KINGDOM HEARTS IV and KINGDOM HEARTS Missing-Link.
The KINGDOM HEARTS Missing-Link closed beta test for Android and IPhone devices has ended. Pre-registrations coming soon.
The Kingdom Hearts series are now available on Steam.

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KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ Dark Road is available on iOS and Android, or you can watch the stories on YouTube.
Union χ[Cross] scenes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPCJnwphQDQcJOkD9OsmxxMHX7YHE4WP2
Uχ scene compilations: https://roboloid.github.io/khux/theater
Dark Road playthrough: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhcSrKyqhfh6KtymEp7GpkwvLVK2Cu-Vp

PC Version Mods and Patch Manager

Previous thread: >>486073586
It's going to be revealed in Missing Link that MoM grabbed Moogle's data and send him to gothic Scala As Caelum to keep an eye on Player
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Luxord has really grown on me. Didn't like him and first but the Days manga and his scenes in Re:Mind have made him one of my favorite Org members. Really interested to see who he is and what he's really up to.
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Funny I was exactly the same. I always liked Demyx but Luxord's design felt bland and he didn't contribute much besides gambling puns. Wasn't as much a nothingburger of a member as Lexaeus but he was pretty low down when it came to screen time and dialogue. 3 gave him more intrigue and I think they tweaked his design slightly to look less like George Michael with a spray tan.

Just to give an idea of how underused he was he was the only org member who's name was never actually spoken aloud until KH3.
KH3 was shit
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Oh fuck ate those new Kingdom Hearts pins?
Wouldn't it be funny if we went three years without KH4 news?
It wouldn't. What the hell are they waiting for in regards to both that and DQ12? At least the DQ3 HD remaster finally got news.
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Dark data?
>Hearts can exist anywhere
>Even inside of data
>Where there are hearts there is darkness
>Therefor where there are data hearts there is dark data
>larxene gets ice cream
what flavor?
Liver pepper.
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Wait till FF7R is done. Can't expect news till then.
I have a question, is KH1 STEAM version bugged?

I can't get to advance after I beat Riku ad Hollow bastion, I get the new gummi part ant the Waterway and when I return to him to install it propts the cutscene with Kairi's grandma and prompts me to re enter hollow bastion and repeat it all over again, I have done it twice.
So you can return to Hollow Bastion through the warp hole but it's just like you entered it for the first time or what? I don't think I understand the problem exactly but this seems to be a serious problem. I didn't encounter such a thing on my playthrough of the steam version.
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>finally get to play KH2

>ugh, yeah, gotta play that long as tutorial first
>ugh gotta do nothing in Hollow Bastion before getting into the Disney worlds
>ugh gotta progress way more before even getting roll
>ugh gotta play Land of Dragons
>ugh gotta play Atlantica (again)
>ugh gotta play Pride Lands
It's amazing how long it takes for KH2 to get good and how it still has so many abismal lows, it's not until the endgame when it's finally top tier
>ugh gotta play Land of Dragons
Yeah Land of Dragons fucking sucks. Atlantica and Pride Lands are optional at least.
Beast's Castle first visit is tedious as hell too. That whole segment with pushing the dresser, followed by slowly guiding Cogsworth & CO through the undercroft.. but not TOO slowly or Cogsworth will fall off, and its back to the start of the room.
I think the worst world of KH2 is 100 Acre Woods, it retreads even more than Atlantica and in KH3 it's just some weird afterthought, hopefully they finally boot it in KH4.
if I return to hollow bastion is like if I didn't fought Riku, it resets, but I keep the keblades and the trinity mark.
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I don't like using summons but I have to use each one at least once for the journal, right? So what will the battle report say if each summon is used exactly once? Will it show the first one I used, or the last one?
Weird, I've never heard of any bug like that
>give aqua shrinking potion
>now have pocket aqua
>drink shrinking potion
>Aqua has no pockets
>she has to keep you in her spats
the opening of the game leading into the first cycle of world visits is such a fucking nothingburger, you have no fun tools, you're immobile as shit, you're asked to stop and watch menial irrelevant cutscenes every ten seconds like the game doesn't want you to play it
the last 30% of KH2 elevates it from being a fucking 6/10 game
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When will Nomura give realistic limits to nobodification? In KH1 losing your heart means death, in KH2 if you have an exceptionally strong heart you gain a second chance in life and get superpowers too, then in KH3D that second chance leads to a third chance as long your heartless was also beaten by a keyblade wielder, you just return to how you were originally as if nothing happened (at best you will be bedridden for a while but that's infinitely better than just dying), which effectively means you can even let yourself get your heart stolen by a heartless everytime you return to get your superpowers back and be sure that no matter how you die next time, you will go back (as long it's not dying from old age I guess)
Just look at Luxu, the guy "died" after Bbs and started living as a nobody, a decade later he got killed and returned to normal, then killed himself again to go back to being a nobody for the keyblade war and currently we don't know for sure if he faked his death or just died, came back to normal, and then became a nobody again. Both are equally possible, because why wouldn't he prefer being a nobody? It's literally an extra life, he's basically unkillable
It's been years since the last trailer and any substantial info already. Anything since has just been "development is proceeding smoothly" which is code for "we're not talking about it yet until the marketing cycle officially starts up". D23 would be a good place for a world reveal and I don't think it's too soon for that even if 4 is years off because we got a Tangled reveal in 2015.

I'm gonna be surprised if 2024 closes out with no KH4 news whether Missing Link surfaces or not. The only explanation for that is a serious delay or they just want to reveal the worlds a lot closer to release. But that just makes the draught worse.
>Losing your heart means death
Not even then, unfortunately. Apparently, recompletion was always in the place. You just wouldn't know since Nomura decided to place this info in some interview.
In KH3, Saix talks as if its not a guarantee you will come back. Could be a translation thing though.
Source? Having played KH1 so recently I clearly remember how the characters talk about it as the same as dying, even Kairi is about to say "dead" when Sora is turned into a heartless
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Nah I'm pretty sure Nomura said the same thing in an interview. And even though that's never happened they do say Dilan and Even are "unstable" after recompleting in DDD. Not sure what that even means, they never explained it.
Probably just means that they haven't woken up yet. Basically that even if you get recompleted there's a chance that the heart and body fusion will be too much for the person.
The story reason why they're in comas and vulnerable was that Nomura was leaving the door open for them to be taken and recruited as part of the Real Organization but he walked that back with Xaldin, you do see his chess piece though. He might've been another reserve. In-universe I guess it could be that Xaldin and Vexen were more deeply consumed by darkness yet they also seemed very regretful so the recompletion process was rougher reconciling all that. At least in Even's case. We don't have a clue about Dilan in canon but his character file story is like the most regretful of the apprentices and feels like the polar opposite of Xaldin.

Might have something to do with them not being former keyblade wielders too. Maybe members like Marluxia and Larxene have that bit more strength and recompletion is smoother.
Yeah, and it really would have basically been death for Sora...because there's no other Keyblade wielders in action besides him at that point and he's rapidly losing himself.
From the Director's report:
>When a Heartless is defeated, essentially, the owner of that heart returns to life somewhere in the Realm with the body that had once disappeared. Some facts about where hearts go were also established in KHII, but those were exceptional circumstances brought about by the Organisation. However, there is the rare case in which a body changes into a Nobody. If that has happened, without the vessel it ought to return to the heart will go into a suspended state.

>When a Nobody is defeated, it's a little complicated. If the heart has been released they will return to their original form as mentioned above, but if the heart is still dispossessed by a Heartless, the Nobody will be swallowed by darkness. If their heart, wherever it is in the realm, could be taken back perhaps they could return to their original human form.
This would explain the instability thing maybe. Vexen and Xaldin's Heartless hadn't been destroyed at the time of their defeat so their bodies were swallowed by darkness and that made the recompletion harder.
I just replayed it and the did the DLC for the first time last couple weeks and I really enjoyed it
Data is information, negativity is darkness, dark data is simply malignant information, a simple record of heartless is darkness in and of itself
She'd get a lemon ice, obviously!
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>because there's no other Keyblade wielders in action
Wait so even people that don't turn into nobodies return if their heartless are destroyed? lmao literally nobody fucking dies
Also what about Scar?
>Yen Sid's Tower is between light and dark, Twilight Town is closer to the dark, Castle Oblivion-Land of Departure even closer and The World That Never Was even closer than that
But... Land of Departure has days and nights, how can it be closer to the dark than Twilight Town, that is so inbetween light and darkenss it's stuck into perpetual twilight?
It's almost like becoming a heartless different from death
>it's almost like losing your HEART doesn't mean dying
Yeah and that's weird
Why does there need to be a "limit"? You say this is used to prolong your life but if you have a keyblade you can do the same thing anyways by just possessing another body.
>In KH1 losing your heart means death
Pretty sure that wasn;t the case even in KH1
why? If you get infected with a virus that doesn't mean it's impossible to cure
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Why is Roxas so bad at talking to women?
Losing your heart the metaphysical essence is so obviously different from losing your heart the lump of meat that i almost think your trolling
Some would say that losing your essence of being should still be something fatal. I get where he's coming from (had the same mindset one year ago).
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2024... I am forgotten.
Your soul don't come out when your heart comes out. Soul is your essence of being.
Ive always wondered what the rest of thr world Land of Departure in on is like. Did Terra and Aqua come from some random other city there?
>Soul is your essence of being
the heart is the essence of being. The soul is the animating force. Losing your soul means you die, but losing your heart means your soul is still in your body and you are alive
Anyone got the BBSfeels wojak? Aquafags and Terrafags are fighting again
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I think its fucked how Xehanort or any other sufficiently powerful Darkness user can seemingly cause a world to "die" with a flick of their wrist. Just what did he do to Land of Departure? The dark orb Xehanort conjures up is identical to the one which destroys Destiny Islands, but the most Xehanort's seemed to do is snuff out the sun/stars/moon? Its beyond dark when Aqua makes her way back.
I don't think it's really destroying the whole world. Fucks up a large area but not the whole world. As for the sky we've seen that certain attacks can change space on a localized level like with magic hour and aqua rearranging the castle.
If you get infected with a virus that makes you lose your heart I'm pretty sure it means you are fucking dead mate

I know KH uses "heart" as soul (and "soul" as mind) but I'm pretty sure you are smart enough to understand why being rip out of your soul and having your body vanish should also mean you are dead.
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Days is making me tear up, I feel so fucking bad for Roxas. It doesn't matter how many times I play this game, I still get sad.
>tfw no kh1 kairi gf
I'm sad that we didn't get this scene animated in the HD collection. This one and the previous missions were he questions the organization goals and why he even bothers going back to the ORGXIII castle are pretty great scenes
Damn it's almost like making you sad is the literal singular goal of the entire game
Yeah it works.
I dont know about KH1. but in KH2 i didnt use summons at all, so the battle report showed ”most used summon: chicken little 0 times” so it most likely shows the first summon in the list if you used them all equally
First of all becoming a Heartless/Nobody isnt death. But keeping your human form is exeptionally rare, so you more likely would become a dusk or something. And even if you keep your form, you would still need to be in a group to not fade away.
He had no way of leaving the realm of darkness at that point
kingdumb farts amirite
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Do I need to use every Limit for Jiminy's journal in KH2?
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I think you do.
>kairi swaps outfits with namine
>namine swaps with xion
>xion with kairi
More like lewdity.
That would just make Kairi keep her clothes and have Xion and Namine swapped
I'm getting filtered by the toy mechs in Toy World on Proud HELP
Boop them
So...why do you want things to work that way exactly, anon?
Roxas should kill Ventus
Just started playing Jacks game for the first time today, i will destroy Chaos
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*sigh* she's going to be Strelitzia, isn't she?
>n KH1 losing your heart means death,
the secret reports in 1 specifically state that to not be the case
oh wait nvm, I forgot she was the voice of Olette in 3
I want to be between her spats and her thigh...
I hope KH4 is 120 hours long and 70 hours is all slice of life character development
I respect this anon’s strength.
based, i played it when it got on PC last year, base game was cool but then i got burn out by the dlcs being "grind a gorillion missions to advance" in true koei tecmo fashion
>i got burn out by the dlcs being "grind a gorillion missions to advance" in true koei tecmo fashion
One who knows nothing can underatand nothing. You see grinding is gamings TRUE essence
Sounds shit. Kingdom Hearts characters are weak. 358/2 Days proved that when they could have had a real strong cast of characters and they fell flat on their face.
There is something deeply wrong with you
You’re wrong. I know now, without a doubt. Video games… ARE FUN!
I want to get into Kingdom Hearts because I remember playing KH2 and BBS when I was a kid and having a lot of fun (both on normal mode) but KH1 on Proud is a slog.
Should I just skip 1 and play 2 on Critical as my first playthrough in 15 years?
If you're filtered by proud kh1 crit kh2 is not for you.
It's not really filtered, it's more like I don't think KH1 is that fun personally
start using magic, summons, items and abilities instead of spamming the attack button, aka everything the game has, and it'll be fun
Doesn't that depend on what build he chose?
So, you have come this far and still you have nothing. All Fun must fade, every Hour return to Grinding
My one friend chose sword and dropped staff. Limits were a blast to use, but spells and summons hit like wet cardboard.
some people really take it personally when KH1 gets (rightfully) called out for having clunky outdated gameplay
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>He's been triggered.
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>completely original blend of RPG, action game and platformer
>one of the first 3D action games Square had ever developed
OBVIOUSLY they nailed it first try and had no issues at all
aqua hanging around, playing dress up with young girls again...
Hold the fuck up are these Coco and Zootopia worlds? Wtf is this a leak or what why isn't KHinsider or any of the other KH news sites talking about this?
KH2 Kairi is peak sexo
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>opens with an eleven hit unavoidable combo to check if you have Once More
Nothing personnel, Kid
cause they're just pins for d23, there's like 10 of them or something and only those two are for worlds not in KH, and the other that are about worlds in KH have completely new designs
tldr clearly inspired by KH but not KH related
>Days hater
you subhuman garbage, you wouldn't understand characterization if it bit you on the ass
>not wanting more character development for everyone
Something is wrong with you bro
>character development
Nigga Days has some of the worst, most one-dimensional character work in the entire fucking franchise
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>Days Schizo
>That one fag that bought a Xion bodypillow
Daysfags are routinely some of the worst fuckers in this general. How do they manage?
>Not immediately starting the battle with Dark Impulse
How do you think he'd feel learning the society he founded devolved into a bunch of purity spiraling retards?
Can't have Dark Impulse at that point
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Merch news:
A new Kingdom Hearts pin with the Space Paranoids Donald Duck design will be sold exclusively at this year San Diego Comic Con
Forgot to mention that the pin also glows in the dark
>More Tron merch
Fucking based
>SDCC exclusive
Glad I'm not a pin nerd
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>KH news confirmed at the SDCC????!!
Is there anything sadder then people who go into KH exclusively for Final Fantasy then go like eight characters in the game?
Rainer pence and omlette didn't know how good they had it
Days has the worst character work in the series. For an organisation with 14 characters it felt like there was only Xion.
What about that anon who tried to name his son Roxas?
>Ansem Roxas Rivera
So in order to obtain the random end finisher, I am currently holding a controller underneath my chin so I can hold both analog sticks in opposite directions. So how's it going with you guys?
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>Haven't watched a Kingdom Hearts stream in literally years
>Click first streamer that pops up
>immediately reads chat message about how Kingdom Hearts is too complicated to understand and she agrees
>only on BBS
Everyone gets filtered at the "Ansem but not really Ansem" bit, and decides to give up from that point on.
Imagine them going swimsuit shopping...
The weirdest thing is that you ask them if they playee FF there's a really high chance they haven't. I don't understands 99% of normalfags opinions or perception on this game.
she’s only interested in young boys
And on top of that, the FF characters are so radically different from their FF incarnations they might as well be OCs?
See there's no problem with laughing at the camp in kingdom hearts, there's a problem with assuming that the series is nothing BUT camp and can't do anything serious or cool.
>KH3 sucks because it's not a crossover with Final Fantasy anymore
>Nomura adds them to Re:Mind
>DLC doesn't count and are greedy cashgrabs
>Kingdom Hearts games usualky have Final Mixes which are more expensive
>Doesn't count
I dont understand normies
People who haven't played FF are able to see it as it is in regards to FF characters in Kingdom Hearts. They view them as actual characters so when they get removed for arbitrary reasons it sticks out as being bad.
Since there are two conversations going on at once I realized something that really bothers me.

People will say KH3 sucks because there are no FF characters anymore and that they play KH for FF and FF crossover. And they will say that Kingdom Hearts is too convoluted. But everything about its story comes from Square Enix and Sakaguchi telling Normura he should write it like a Final Fantasy game. You can't even say its because other Square games aren't a continous story anymore because we have Drakengard/Nier and Final Fantasy 7 compilation and remakes.


I really don't get this one. Its not as if Mickey is like "Say fellas, did somebody mention the gold plated ak-47?" y'know? Him saying "door to darkness" is entirely plausible in any Mickey media outside of Kingdom Hearts
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But I was one of those people. I played KH 1 to DDD, then 7, 8, 10, then KH3 then 4, 5 and 6. (I never had a playstation as a kid lol)

They kinda get phased out over time for OCs. Which was Nomuras reason he said in an interview so it never felt that bad to me.
It's funny getting into KH as an adult and seeing how the crossover people speak about isn't really there. Like the "it was cool when FF and Disney characters interacted" and it's basically just Merlin and the Olympus gang that that happens with.
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Bitches need to read Italian comics
As far as I remember these were the only ones who crossed over and interacted with Disney characters directly:

>Cloud and Hades KH1
>Merlin and the TT guys in KH1
>Merlin and the TT guys in KH2
>Auron and Hades in KH2
>Gullwings and Maleficent in KH2
>Zack and Hercules in BBS
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Getting massaged by Aqua...
I almost completely stunlocked Axel to death during the fight in the mansion. Is that normal?
It's pretty glaring comparing KH2 to KH3. With all the many visits to Hollow Bastion through KH2 where you get to see the FF characters, the FF characters in Twilight Town, and Auron in Olympus, and then when you get to KH3 and the game goes
>Sorry, the FF characters in Twilight Town are all away on a pilgrimage!
>We're not showing you the restoration committee at all until you buy the DLC!
In-universe the amount of time that passed between the two is like a month and now every FF character is gone aside from a couple of statues. That foreshadowing in KH2's credits about Rinoa? Too bad. Never getting addressed, it will always be a hanging plot thread.
Not forcing yourself to add new FF characters is fine. But trying to avoid the old ones isn't.
Even comparing DDD to KH3, you see a whole lot of TWEWY in DDD
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I think this is part of the problem in KH's perception. Fans are either some of the most defensive fuckers you will ever meet (understandably so, ofc) or self-effacing to the point of second-hand embarrassment. The matter group is less annoying to normies so they wind up coloring public perception these things.
Aqua on an early 2000s gaming magazine swimsuit edition!
When you really think about it, the two Ansems is literally one of the least confusing or difficult to grasp elements of the KH plot, period
It's not that it's confusing to other people (mostly). They just think it's a stupid blatant retcon.
I think what often trips people up is the introduction of the names Xemnas AND Xehanort in addition to the fake Ansem twist.
Oh I didn't read the rest of your post. You complained there wasn't a thing then complained when they gave you the thing. DLC doesn't count for KH3 but needing to buy KH2 twice for more money doesn't count and the better version is what people judge it on. There's no way to win.
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Do you think Ventus should go back to this hair cut to differentiate him from Roxas
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Keep seething over the best KH girl and her boyfriend
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reminds me a bit of class 0
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Life or death?
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>Marvel world
>Donald is dressed as PK and Goofy is dressed as Super Goof
so kino you know it won't happen
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I always thought it was less that he said that and more the shot of him standing at the door we get immediately after. He looks so ridiculous.
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Is Aqua a good girl?
For me it's the angry eyes texture that kills me
He looks cool as shit, sorry you find him cringe or whatever nonsense people come up with because they're miserable people
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>He looks so ridiculous.

So had Zane continued to voice Ansem, would Terranort have been voiced by him or Epcar?
Cloud and auron also interacted with hercules
>Merlin and the TT guys in KH1
>Gullwings and Maleficent in KH2
I dont remember these. They only mention the disney character but im not sure they are on the same screen ever
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>This desperate for validation
It'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic.
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>And he was a good friend
>Constantly abandons player-kun
>Falls for a little bit of amateur acting
>Sends player-kun to his demise
>DLC doesn't count for KH3
Less that it doesn't count, but that it isn't the same. Being stuck in a room with them in Remind doesn't really fix the problems KH3 had.
But the problem you had was that there are no returning FF characters so then they returned. I will never understand.
This is the actual reason why Im actually happy that we don't get FF characters anymore. None of them have the same stories origins or character arcs so it just makes them inferior versions of preexisting characters. TWEWY was actually the best Square cameo because it was more like how they use Disney in KH. Especially after 3 with post movie worlds.

Nomura will probably add them in KH4 after the backlash though.
It's a matter of understanding nuance. It was good to see them again, but it was still just one room so it didn't really solve the problem. Just having them stand around in a single room doesn't change the larger issue and is just a quick bandaid fix.
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Remember to sit back from the TV or God will punish you with the fuzz.
You get to fight leon and yuffie in the coliseum too which is nice
It's not goalpost moving, it's just approaching things honestly. Imagine if after saving Aqua in the Realm of Darkness she did nothing in KH3's story afterwards, didn't even show at at the KBG. Would you be satisfied if after the doubtless constant complaints they had Aqua be the character you visit the Hollow Bastion gang with for 5 minutes before you play as Sora and added nothing else for her?
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How is it a janny deleted my post almost instantly but we get shitposters shitposting and shitposting with obvious bots constantly? One time I went through an entire thread reporting every single shitpost and jannies did nothing. Not to mention your obvious bait. Hmmmm
Not to mention the image spam started directly after your post.

I know what you are.
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Don't look at me, I didn't report your post. If I was more schizo I'd say that you deleted your post yourself.
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>He's at it again
Are we certain there isn't a better place for KH discussion?
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We should make a discord.
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Yes. It's the only way to stop all this.
Ir's hard to believe but Discords are even gayer. We need to return to traditional forums. But a singular forum, where everyone is anonymous, except for post IDs.
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if by "stop all this" you mean "create an even more autistic group of retards that will try even harder to kill the general" then yeah it is
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>that will try even harder to kill the general
Why would we need the general if we have the discord?
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because i don't want to use discord duh
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KH does basic "This guy was actually pretending to be this other guy" and it makes their brains explode from confusion. No wonder people whine about it being complicated
If there's no good space to discuss Kingdom Hearts, shouldn't we create it instead of doing nothing?
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Plus it just gets old that the same fucking clip is shoved in like out of context compilations and is basically painted as the "LAUGH NOW" scene that even first-time players are basically conditioned by their chats to see it as THE FUNNY cuz this fanbase just isn't fucking funny in the slightest with how many overdone jokes they refuse to let go.
Then feel free to make one and leave.
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How's he gonna recover from the Kris controversy lol
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Aqua's womanstink...
Are you the image spammer trying to get people to shut up?
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>if you don't want to kill the general then you're this guy that is killing the general
weird tactic dude
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The general is less important than Kingdom Hearts discussion, which the image spammer tries to snuff out. Only he would be against a Discord as he would be able to be dealt with instantly if he pulled his bullshit. It'd result in the image spammer spamming the general to an audience of no-one while everyone is in the discord.
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no, i'm also against it cause i don't want to use discord, simple as
and also because, based on previous experience, generals that go off and make a discord only breed a group of ex-anons that for some reason they become hellbent on killing the general they came from literally every single time without fail. I don't know what's in discord that makes them do that (besides duh the name itself, "discord") but that's what happens
just look at how many generals are on /vg/ and how many have a discord in their op, or actually how many say "there's no official discord for this general ignore people that say that"
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>The general is less important than Kingdom Hearts discussion
to you maybe
>which the image spammer tries to snuff out
literally how is discussion being "snuffed out" by images being posted. Hell, we're having a discussion right now as he keeps posting his pics, unless of course images being posted will stop you from replying to both me and the other anon but i very much doubt that will be the case. And before you go "you're him!!!!" no i'm not, guy's nuts and stupid, especially when he posts "art" from people unable to draw the kingdom key correctly somehow
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missing link doko
I want it. The dearly beloved is badass.
>Defending the image spammer
Only the image spammer could do this.
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I still wonder how Kingdom Hearts 3 in Luminous engine would have looked eventually. Unreal is often just soulless even though they really tried.
>which the image spammer tries to snuff out
No, the person snuffing out discussion is the terminal autist who spergs out any time someone tries to discuss the franchise in a way he disapproves of

Watch, I'll activate him right now:
The person we fight in the Secret Episode of Re Mind is not Yozora, it's someone else inhabiting Yozora's body.
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I just realised they changed the Kingdom Key’s keychain from flat to rounder in kh3, but smash still has the flat keychain
It'd be funny if these worlds were in KH4 though which is why they were included but Disney doesn't communicate with Square Enix so they've spoiled it and don't even realize.
>None of them have the same stories origins or character arcs so it just makes them inferior versions of preexisting characters. TWEWY was actually the best Square cameo because it was more like how they use Disney in KH.
I thought the FF cameos in 1 worked well enough because of how they tied into the story but it did feel like more of a marketing choice since they're practically OCs. It does do a disservice to their original FF counterparts because they have barely anything in common with them. Leon is just some regular joe who grew up in Radiant Garden and didn't do anything amazing as far as we know. If you're going to bring these guys in their backstories should measure up to the FF ones more.
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they change in-between games, even from 1 to 2. Pic related too changes (i mean the smaller darker circle)
also, smash uses toys/action figures as base, it's the only game where the KK's handle is thinner than how it usually is, cause that's how some toys have it
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I wonder if Xehanort ever learned about what happened to his mother
>Xehanort is descended from Ephemer
>Ephemer ditched Player so much it was embedded in his blood
>Xehanort's mother ditched her own child
Cursed blood line.
>Xehanort ditched Ventus
In Days they made Xion copy Roxas so Xemnas could ditch Roxas.
>Vanitas ditches his Unversed all over the worlds
An entire family of deadbeats
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Not a fan of discord. UI is such a clusterfuck and group chat goes by too quickly making any actual discussion a lot harder. 4chan is just right to me. And I don't know why you'd want to tether this place to a discord server because it just makes one or the other redundant. It's a dumb idea.
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>smell kairi
>smell namine
>smell xion
since they are all the same, do they smell the same?
bitch did you even play chain of memories? yes they smell the same.
>Venden: My replicas are perfect! Soon they will replace, not just replicate. Given a heart, they can smell just as real as any human!
Vexen sounds pretty based
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There's nothing indicating the Land of Departure has anything else of real note in it. Was probably uninhabited before the keyblade wielders built a castle there and those training grounds. Eraqus probably brought Terra and Aqua from Scala when they were very young. Wonder how much they know about Scala and if that'll ever come up. You'd think Eraqus would've told them about his home and potentially theirs too.
>Upgraded his replicas
>Gave us Demyx time
>Saved Ansem
>Gave us Roxas kino
>Gave us Xion back (with enhancements)
>Gave us Namine back
When did you realize Vexen was the most based character in KH3?
>When did you realize Vexen was the most based character in KH3?
Chain of Memories.
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Better question is who designed Castle Oblivion? Brain? The cards remind of the X when it was still a browser game. That could be a connection.
My brain is so rotted I thought I was looking at a fat ass yellow man bending over
Canonically the cards and medals both are "fragments" of the Book of Prophecies.

Whether that means a scrap of a page or some kind of trinket the Book spawns is never specified
How would you handle a Fullmetal Alchemist world?
We were going to get their child selves on BBS and Laguna but they got cut got OCs. (They were already getting phased out and OCs prioritized way back then.) But I wonder if it would have helped flesh them out or just be fanservice that mirrored their original stories a little bit. Either way it wouldn't have been much or as good as the originals

The worst character for this is probably Setzer and it kills me because besides Moogles he's the only oldschool pre FF7 character.

Also its hard to believe Squall and the FF7 guys all jobbed to Maleficent but I guess it was the Heartless.
Tie it into the lore of the foretellers obvious since they are named after the sins and MoM is clearly some sort of alchemist producing chirithies in flasks.
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I beat Days yesterday, and now I'm moving on to BBS today, how is your series replay going?
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I haven't played KH at all this year...
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KH1 is perfect for the summer.
I completed KH and CoM 100% already, just putting the finishing touches on KH2 (completing the gummi section 100%) and then I'm onto BBS. I'm having a blast (again) so far.
'Bout a quarter of the way through KHII. Back on PS4 I busted ass to Plat everything quick as I could but this time I'm chillin'
Still speeding in terms of playtime but like session times are lower and sometimes I skip days
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Command Board my beloved
>Father is one of the Darkness
this thing sucks ass
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You were raped by Captain Dark weren't you?
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It's still so bizarre to me that the best strategy is almost always "Spam magic cards and roll really high, ignore all the mechanics." To the point where the two characters that mimic this strat are incredibly annoying to play against.

Meanwhile, poor Ventus here...
I like to stun lock people who have higher GP than me.
NTA but it made me fall asleep on more than one occasion
Oh so like what happened when I watched the Re:Coded Movie.
Exactly. Or like what happened when I tried playing MoM despite loving rhythm games.
Maybe they would've fought some Unversed? They don't get a ton of action to prove themselves in the actual story either. The most the FF gang got to do in that regard was at the Battle of Hollow Bastion in 2. Cloud was built up the most because of his status in Olympus and the Sephiroth rivalry.
Or when I played Days.
Steam version when? I need a good night's sleep.
>Steam version when?
Wasn't it shown on SteamDB? I would hope it would be before next year. I want to get rid of EGS.
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>get Stroke of Midnight
>activate Ventus D-Link
>Land crits all day long in Terra's early game
Nah Mee Nay?

Nah Mine.
Ney Mo Knee
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The biggest crossover aspect is Donald and Goofy going to all these Disney movie worlds with you. Imagine if Disney suddenly decided they didn't want that anymore like they changed the summons in 3 so we get ghost hologram Donald and Goofy following Sora.

Namine's boyfriend vs Xion's boyfriend

Who wins?
>walk up to namine
>pick up and walk away
>When you walk away
When you Namine.
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Why does this quote go so hard?
It doesn't. He's an idiot because Roxas is alive and well right in front of him. Maybe if he hadn't closed his hearts to others he'd have been able to feel Roxas' presence within Sora.
good one anon
Fuck off DiZ, stop spreading misinformation
whats the little blonde girl gonna do?
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Give birth to my children.
>Nomura says he wants to fight the city
>Some poor dev makes it happen
>Shows Nomura
>Lol you actually did that? I was only messing around!
I need more stories like that one.
>Hmm maybe I should cut Xion from the data fights... I'll go talk with the team.
>But Nomura-san we've already built over half her fight...
Thank God he decided not to scrap their hard work this time.
I think the other abilities would have more use if you're actually playing against other players. The problem with cpus is that they never really go out to attack you unless you're in their path. So you can mostly just ignore them and go for the bonus from running across the entire map.
Guys just finished KH3 and have some question.
>Why did Xigbar order Luxord to look for the box if he didn't want anyone to find it? And more importantly shouldn't he know where the box is already?
>What is that card Luxord gave Sora?
Why would you play KH3?
>he decided not to scrap their hard work this time.
Wait when has he scrapped something that was already done?
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Here's your new heartless enemy type, /khg/
The Roxas tutorial is one of the best parts of the entire game. One of the highest of the highs.
Take it slow. Run around a bit. Don't trust rush through it. Savour it and pretend you're Roxas trying to soak up as much of your last days of vacation as you can.
Retard alert. There is a retard.
Xion and Namine look so good.

Aqua a shit
This is a good thing and it makes the characters fun.
Leon is one of the best Kingdom Hearts "OCs" and is absolutely pivotal to Sora's character progression in KH1 but everybody just ignores it.

Seifer made for an amazing soft antagonist for Roxas. I need more of those two squaring up.
Go post on KH13 or KHinsider, fuck all of you "guys discord should subsume everything" niggas.
Make sure to post any and all fan theories in the /khg/ IRC.
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Not even kidding, an IRC would be infinitely better than a gay discord.
>Namine wearing black.
Namine's dress suddenly seems much more revealing when its Aqua wearing it?
>She likes Days
Pathetic fujo.
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Imagine having such a shit language you can't tell how to pronounce something you can read lmao
That's cool and kino the first time and maybe if you haven't played KH in a long time but when you are just doing a replay spending hours pretending Roxas is a person is tiresome
"Naminé" is obvious to pronounce because of the accent.
If you know a real language yeah, anglos pronounce it as "Námine" instead, just like they call Pokémon "Pókemon"
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I don't like Drive forms so I'm not leveling them up until I get Limit (for the dogde roll), where should I go to farm exp for them later? I want to recall Beast Castle was good for Valor and Wisdom at least but what about Master and Limit? (I also don't remember if Limit is unlocked before or after Master but I don't care much honestly)
Limit's best place is the Mushroom XIII Agrabah.
Master is getting drive orbs from destroying just outside the first camp in Mulan, or if you really want to wait, Cavern of Remembrance has an orb that you can whack for drive orbs.
I seem to remember grinding Wisdom's early stages at least in Timeless River by swapping between stages, but if you're willing to wait, you can grind a lot of Wisdom EXP in The World That Never Was if you grind all of the shadows that appear before the Roxas fight that IIRC turn into Neoshadows for all other spawns when you fight Roxas.
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>I don't like Drive forms
I feel like Nomura kept a few Org members on the back burner so he could use them as he needed in the future. Luxord showing up in the Caribbean twice ended up being good foreshadowing for his role in Unreality.
Why does she make you so mad
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Xionfags are desperate
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'Tis their fate.
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>Go post on fujo central or the dead forum that migrated nearly everyone to discord anyway
Seriously, who molested some of you people?
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KH13 has always been shit and KHI is a dead forum.
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Based black guy
I knew the brown cloak would become a deliberate design choice some day!
If I had it my way, we'd all migrate over to KH-VIDS.NET
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So when do the famous Reaction Commands get good? So far some are flashy and it's nice but it's literally a QTE without challenge because it's always the same button and you just have to spam it, it's literally "press triangle to do damage/progress into the fight"
Mostly it's a spectacle thing, but some of them are timing or positioning based. And on harder difficulties you can't really afford to just mash triangle preemptively. Boss fights tend to have more deliberate ones, especially near the end of the game.
>Seriously, who molested some of you people?
Must have been Ansem
>you play guitar with demyx
quadratum slice of life kino
you WILL busk with dyme
>Kingdom Hearts: Sitar Hero
Didn't Nomura say when KH2 was coming out Luxord was his favorite member? It was between him and Xigbar iirc. But he was sad he didn't get to use him much so that right there suggested he might've had more in store for Dr. Lou.
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you know what else was good accidental foreshadowing?
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>you and her will never engage with paopu themed Sora and Kairi wedding rings
Make sure you play Don't think twice when you do so.
Well You usually dont engage with wedding rings anyway
an entanglement with kairi
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Some sort of side quest in a Star Wars world where the Moogles get into a trade war with the Jawas would be funny. Jawas show up all over the galaxy now, not just Tatooine. They've expanded their operations like the Moogles, they'd be a threat.

KH needs side quests. Not even that many just one or two well made ones per-world to add revisit value beyond collectables.
>fat ugly bastard eats all the paopu fruits
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>be a cook
>collect all paopu fruits, and put pieces of them into food you sell exclusively to girls
>get a harem that are tied to you forever
I don't think you understand the concept of sharing
Its a simple concept really. Its when people share things for Me
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>The White Room has eight empty spaces on its walls where pictures hang before
>only six drawing are not pinned to the wall
What did the two missing images show? Why did DiZ remove them?
Is it true KH3 killed the lore? So many plotholes.
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>thread slow
>"something something KHIII bad"
Shut up retard
It didn't kill the lore so much as fall victim to the issues already present. DDD and the implications of time travel were already dire, the various plot threads of the mobile games would be difficult to reconcile, and the long delay after KH2 was going to cause issues at the best of times. The engine change and fights with the disney properties also really hampered development, and that made the presentation even worse.
What? You answered your own question so you either are trolling by pretending you played the game and know the answer already or never played the game before but getting your opinion from retards.

Either way no.
>and the long delay after KH2 was going to cause issues at the best of times. The engine change and fights with the disney properties also really hampered development, and that made the presentation even worse.

None of this is lore or plotholes though what are you talking about.
It definitely did.
It informs the lore. Larxene's reason for being in Arendelle was incomprehensible because the Frozen team was difficult to work with and it made the world go through multiple rewrites. It's not "lore" on par with what the fuck Eraqus' brain damage is, but it's a core part of the game's composition.
Is there any documentation on this? Not that I don't believe you, I'd just be interested in reading about how fucked up the development was.
Thread wouldn’t be slow if KH3 wasn’t bad.
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>Get Experience Boost
>Whittle the bosses down to like one hit and then let them drop me below 50% before I finish them
>Accidentally die a few times but the bonus experience is worth it
>Level up every time, hell yeah
>Somewhere around Pride Lands I decide to look up how much experience the bosses give
>What I thought was leveling up was actually just Sora and friends gaining new abilities after beating them
(This was months ago but I never got around to posting it)

Yeah I heard the Battle of 1000 Heartless was considered the best non-boss fight in the series and when I played it and just spammed reaction commands for a few minutes I was like "oh... okay"
The thread is slow because there hasn't been a new game in years and the news is nonexistent
>there hasn't been a new game in years
This applies to other generals except their most recent game wasn’t dogwater, so they’re not slow.
It's formatted like shit but https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/02/11/kingdom-hearts-3-the-challenges-and-rewards-of-working-with-disney goes into how anal a lot of the disney teams got. It doesn't have the spicier rumors I've seen, but it has the broad strokes.
It insists upon itself.
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the lewds
>grope xion
Will he finally submit to the Darkness in KH4?
sorry anon ill schizo post more when the next missing link trailer comes out or something. ever since khux ended i've been a bit lost without master ava's guidance
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How much do you expect to be shown in upcoming KH4 trailers? Do you think Luxu will appear in any of them? My eyes are twitching I’m foaming at the mouth going feral waiting for more Xigbar…
This reminds me of when a bunch of KH youtubers were whining about abortion on Twitter
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WOW sorry for thinking upcoming trailer content would be something worth talking and speculating about in here guess you all want this general dead
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Wizard Upskirt!
Hugs and smooches from Aqua after a rough day.
How do I cheese command board?
I recall people saying to ignore most of the mechanics but nobody goes into detail
I stun whoever is ahead of me.
Okay, so like magic cards have the ability to give you extra dice, just use those to zoom around the board really fast and collect stuff from each checkpoint. You'll still land on several empty spaces to buy and you should win fairly easily as a result. Like this:

Darkness confirmed.
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I'm tapping out of BBS crit bros. I cannot fucking take this shit. 2 critical was just as kino as i remember, but this one is gonna give me conniptions. Gonna normal mode it and just move on with my life.
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you just know
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It was Olympus time trial shit then 212's arm phase actually. First time those little cunts one tapped me was pretty shocking though. Maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and grind melds instead, but I'm just too fucked up right now. Been a while since I was this mad at video games.
Aqua takes care of Sora
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KH sisters, news?
The leaks are saying that Olympus gameplay will be shown off in the opening ceremony for the 2024 Olympics on Friday.
212 is a bit of an asshole but I just D-link him to death. I've been making use of D-links heavily this replay and they just melt everything.
Luxu might be the endgame villain. Or maybe they'll give him a break after KH3 and save him for the next game along with MoM. But MoM judging by the teases so far and the fact he's the leader means he'll have some role in 4, remains to be seen if he'll be an actual boss.

Maybe we do fight all the Lost Masters in 4. But then you wonder what they'd have left for the next game. I guess the True Darknesses. They have to give us some data bosses for the DLC. It's already going to be less than the organization if it's the seven masters tops.
Would you like it if we went back to Symphony of Sorcery in a later game amd now that it's awake it evolves into Fantasia 2000?
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She's in KHIV
Is there any way to stop the random crashing on the steam version? I'm running a 2070 super and BBS seems to be the worst out of all the games as it crashes just about every hour. The other games have had random crashes, but more rarely. I've updated my drivers and verified my game files. After looking online, it doesn't really seem to have a fix from what I can tell. Does anyone have something that helped them out, or will I just have to save very often and hope?
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>finish 2FM critical mode
>ready to jump to KH3 and play the re:mind dlc for the first time
>realize i should probably play BBS and DDD first
there's so many god damn fucking video games dude
didn't mean to respond to that post sorry anon
I'm dealing with it too, thought it was just because I had pirated. No, there's no real fix. Save literally every time you see a save point.
Fuck that sucks, you'd think with the EGS release that they might actually iron out these problems. I just know I'm gonna do some annoying command board or shitty superboss and it's going to crash right after. Really not looking forward to that.
the inclusion of any live-action remake would be a deal breaker for me
The ONLY way i would accept live action remake worlds would be if they made ”KH kingdom hearts”, a gritty and edgy reboot of the series with some punk elements and aged up characters
I haven't watched it but the Johnny Depp Alice in Wonderland film looks cool aesthetically, wouldn't mind visiting that.
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Bring back purple on Kairi.
What >>487424493 said, D-links and Shotlocks are fantastic in this game. Also! You should be getting certain abilities as soon as possible: Once More, Second Chance, Leaf Bracer, Both types of Hastes and the Reload Boost are practically a must.
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I think Nomura actually mentioned he'd like to add the White Queen from that in an interview. But I can't find the source so dude just trust me
I haven't even seen Fantasia 2000 but my instinct says yes. Fantasia was one of the best worlds period and we need more surreal and abstract Disney like that.
With you there, it predates the cynical cashgrabby modern stuff and just has a neat aesthetic.
I don't know anything about the Maleficent movies but they seem kind of interesting on paper. Can't imagine many anons have actually watched it but that's another one that I think probably adds something to the original. KH could do with some dark gothic stuff centered around a pretty important character. All the rest can go to hell though. Jon Favreau is a fuck 8384382228 dead creative ideas
Fantasia world but none of the characters can talk and their movements are synced to the music
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>no Star Wars world where one of the bosses is a battle mech called OM-GA
My genius is wasted on message boards.
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Betwixt and Between is not a normal corridor of darkness, is something that can connect all kinds of worlds even the ones that should be off limits like datascapes and other embedded worlds.
It's the reason why Sora & Co could enter TWTNW through the data version of Twilight Town or Malificent could enter Jiminy's journal in coded.
It's probably connected to the retconned realm of nothingness. Strange how so many KH2 concepts were retired in later games while almost everything from the first game was left intact.
>retconned realm of nothingness
Im pretty sure it was mentioned in terra’s character story or something. So it is still a thing
Sadly it doesn't, check the Wayfinder Project if you don't believe me. Only Ansem the Wise talks about it in his Secret Reports, I think in report 6 it's made pretty clear it's something different than the realm of darkness yet in BBS and all further games only the realm of darkness remains.
I'm pretty sure the realm of nothingness was never a real place, and it was just a localization hack job.
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I wish we got to know more about Yen Sid's relationship to Xehanort and Eraqus.
Here he mentions it, even comparing it to the RoD
It's like with Kairi's grandma, for every game some backstory is expected but never delivered.
A fully realized Dark Road could probably have covered so many questions like the origin of The Land of Departure, how Yen Sid became a Keyblade wielder etc. but they screwed it up.
I've watched both, I think. Maybe just the first and a little of the second near the end. I don't really remember much aside from Maleficent being the one to save Aurora because of her true motherly love instead of the prince.
I hope we get the new 101 dalmatians, where Cruella wants revenge on all dalmatians for pushing her mom off a bridge.
Kairi's grandma is just a meme in the same vein as Sora's parents, with Yen Sid I'm inclined to believe he didn't train in Scala, or at least with Master Odin so he met Eraqus and Xehanort sometime later. Missing Link actually has the ability to help clear some stuff up that DR could have, specifically regarding the Land of Departure. Maybe we won't ever discover more about Yen Sid because Disney doesn't want them to, which is fine, I guess, wouldn't mind seeing him actually summon his keyblade though.
ah cool, that's from the Character Files short stories which were done people the authors of the novels I think, I didn't know they officially translated it.
The west actually has an expanded version that covers Remind since it was released later.
I think the live action Disney stuff worked better when they functioned more like the early MCU where they'd lean into the director's vision more or tried to do a different take on the existing tale like Maleficent, Christopher Robin, Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland and Kenneth Branagh's Cinderella (coincidentally also directed the first Thor). But then as time went on they just became these formulaic company mandated blockbusters they'd churn out each year. But obviously Beauty and the Beast, Lion King and Aladdin all crossed 1bn dollars so they won't stop now.

desu I think Hunchback, Hercules, Treasure Planet and Atlantis would've been better choices for live action remakes but I don't have much faith they'd make anything halfway decent out of those anymore. They lend themselves better to that treatment though as either being a little darker and grittier or being more action oriented.
Are you sure? I couldn't find any information on that. In the official translation hosted on the web archive I couldn't spot anything new:

Also the English book is listed with 244 pages while my Japanese edition has the exact same number.
Make it Star Wars canon that the Empire took control of FF Omega and it's a KH4 boss.
I just checked a youtube book flipping video autistically for differences and there are none, it wouldn't make sense either since ReMind was released before this book, the KHUX finale isn't in it in either version though and Dark Road is missing completely.
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Could be a translation quirk for Ansem's reports in 2 but Terra's character story years later also referenced this place so I'm not sure. But we already have overlapping areas/realms like the Station of Awakening, Final World and Astral Dimension so it could be a real thing, it's just not clear if it's a realm unto itself or if it exists somewhere in the Realm Between. Which is kind of like how I think the Final World or at least the Station of Awakening exist under the Realm of Sleep umbrella. There's a lot of sub-realms/layers I guess.
The localization is fine (I have checked) and it's not a retcon, Ansem is just describing the Realm of Darkness from the perspective of someone who has never known what that was, let alone seen it.

He's also on or near the Dark Margin as we have no evidence of him exploring the Realm of Darkness, so there really is just nothin' there.
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I OCRd >>487474917 from the book so yeah there wasn't an expanded version. There was something weird going on with the Xigbar story though so maybe that's what anon meant. They released a preview version of his page and the story was slightly different to the one that we got in the book, he quotes the fable about the black and white goats sending letters from the Luxord Olympus scene.. His whole story is very strange desu like what does Kanemaki know about the Black Box to even come up with that monologue?


I don't know if this is a situation where because that goat story is a Japanese thing the localizers omitted from the official English translation. But then that just goes to show how the different teams don't communicate because the localizers for the game kept the goat story intact. These are the kind of inconsistencies you get between different KH projects when it's different people who're involved.
Fan translation of the Japanese page:
>You understand that judging a book by its cover is the height of stupidity, don't you? Maybe, it's possible that the way the Box looks is the same. Is the Black Box actually black? What kind of black? Was it ever actually black? Stupid people only look for the Black Box. That's why they don't know what kind of box the Black Box actually is, or what's inside.

>"Suppose the black goat sends the white goat to find a letter that he hid of his own volition; with what purpose has he done so?" Only one person has ever asked me that. I think it's likely that that person was the type to have some doubt as to whether the box was actually black or not. Or, it could be that they "knew" something else. There's a big difference between "understanding" and "knowing".

Official English translation:
>You do realize that judging something by its shape or
appearance is the height of stupidity, right? Take a box, for
example. Is a black box really black? What shade of black? Is
it actually black, in the end? The dimwitted ones are simply
looking for a black box. So they don’t even know what kind
of box it really is or what’s in it. There’s a big difference
between “knowing” and “understanding.”

>Now, as for that box, do you want to know why it’s gone?
You want to ask something? But there are limits to what I can
say right now. It’s that difference between knowing and
understanding. And, of course, there’s the possibility of
secrets that no one knows, like the contents of the box. You
could say it’s a surprise.
It's wild how many KH characters haven't or barely interacted with each other. Yen Sid and Xehanort could've had one scene. Him showing up to rescue Sora from the Real Organization at the end of Dream Drop Distance would've worked so he could have a face off with him like he does Mickey. I guess they wanted to save his big moment where he gets off his ass for 3.
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Kh3 sisters.....
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Not reading all of that
I managed to fix KH2's crashes on PC by disabling the framerate sync and setting the framerate to unlimited, but now I'm playing BBS and it is just freezing non-stop. And it's different from KH2's crashes because the game is still running, it just freezes constantly (usually right after a cutscene). They really fucked up this port.
Works on my machine (after the patch)
The wiki says that it happened, which is why I thought it did.
That's a lot of words, but basically melee sucks in KH3 compared to magic and it's way more of a stat based game than 1 and 2?
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>melee sucks in KH3 compared to magic
I agree. KH3 is the only game where I turned into a wizard that could rival even Xehanort. Other games I only really go for cure. There's an insane amount of synergy between the various equipment abilities.
Abdullah wants us to read word vomit from one of the internet's most dedicated KH2fag that's not himself.

If that's the TL; DR, then I don't remember stats being the thing that helped people beat the true Data Org or Yozora. Plus, isn't the optimal KH2 strat just stacking combo plus + using a mid game Disney keyblade? But I'm just repeating what I've been saying for years.
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Holy mental illness
Reminder to report and ignore shitposters
Or use the official /khg/ filter
It will filter low quality posts like these ones
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I'm not really in the right mindset to really understand what the guy was saying but those were my takeaways from what he was saying.
Basically that most of the damage output comes from your typical RPG stuff instead of decisions made in battle and that critical instead of harming the big guns in KH3 only really nerfs the basic melee and magic attacks with melee in particular being affected compared to magic. But then magic also kind of sucks compared to Simba.
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I swear these people just make me resent KH2FM sometimes.

It really is the most overrated game in the series to where people actively overwrite memories of the Vanilla release with it.
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>almost nothing adds up
And here I thought Nomura was a genius
To be fair, vanilla at this point isn't relevant because FM versions have been around for years. I don't think the FM changes actually take away the criticism that were present in vanilla, though.
The castle in KH1 is actually where Villain's Vale is in KHII, they scrapped Ansem's castle for parts

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Why should vanilla be relevant when FM is available for everyone now? If you're saying that people should take it easy on KH3 because Remind didn't really alter KH3's main campaign, then I think that the fact it didn't do anything is still a decision and that it's relevant to compare them.
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Holy shit I forgot about that.
I saw a really good video on youtube from someone whose name I forgot that had a theory that was basically

>By obscuring the truth so much like MoMs identity and the black box both became fictional/unreal which is why MoM and the Black Box disappeared

Also my own though but a lot things innKHUx have religious analogs so the Black Box might be the Arc of the Covenant. Which had the 10 Commandments (and incidentally Moses staff which parted the red seas which was referenced in Fantasia and KH3) so I think the KH equivalent of the 10 Commandments would be the Nature Taboos that Sora broke which sent him to unreality. And MoM is trying to do something to alter the rules of the universe so no worlds fall to darkness which happens in every worldline keyblade war or not.
You have to admire the audacity of declaring war on a fundamental force of the universe
I wonder who wrote the Daybreak Town party's characterization. They never received names aside from Mog, people who only played UX only got half the story, but their fates were still shown in the end, when they could've been completely forgotten about. I sincerely doubt they'll ever show up again, falling asleep and hiding within Dream Eaters is a sort of narrative and relevancy death for them, but someone had to care enough about them to go that far.
>You will never ride the yellow reconstruction tubes
I've seen it become a talking point for massive KH1 fans
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>they picked big hero 6 instead of the incredibles for the superhero world in KH3
like don't get me wrong i like BH6 but what were they thinking
It wouldn't shock me if it was off the table because the Incredibles team was working on Incredibles 2 while KH3 was in development, and they didn't want to step on each other's toes.
>No flowmotion running on water sequence
Criminal. Truly.
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Because it's a fusion of East and West just like KH itself. They even made sure to make Gogo the most emphasized human after Hiro because she's Asian. Plus they clearly used it to prototype Quadratum. It even had day and night.
>They even made sure to make Gogo the most emphasized human after Hiro because she's Asian.
I'd argue it's because she's the more popular BH6 hero. Nobody is gonna cry if Honey Lemon or Wasabi get a little less screen time, they're not as cool.
Wasabi is the only black person Sora has met
What about my guy Sebastian the crab, or even Simba?
There's white Jamaicans so that's not conclusive. As far as Simba though, I think race as a social construct has requires a lot of societal scaffolding and inter-community relations that just don't exist in Pride Rock.

All the same, much to ponder
desu i like honey lemon more than gogo
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Good taste
>Love Gogo
>Despise Xion
Its just that simple.
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Little Darkling girl Ana has been accused of saying "fug" and "darn". Such accusations are baseless.
She should explain the secret reports I found in a chest in her room then.
But... they're both Mimes, Anon.
Actually they're girls
Nomura does not care for The Incredibles
Equip all magic commands (The commands you equip affect the cards you get in command board). select the lowest score requirement for each map, then just spam triple dice. For the number of win requirements just replay the keyblade map since it's the smallest one.
All i got from this is that KH3 is, in fact, an rpg
Skill based RC are really only on bosses. For mobs, it's mostly just spectacle.
In the beginning Kingdom Hearts was created as an RPG. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
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>ven roxas and sora go to Disney land
Who gets lost first.
Ven. That's why Scrooge said he needs adult supervision.
>The castle in KH1 is actually where Villain's Vale is in KHII, they scrapped Ansem's castle for parts
Even if this was true why not build it up correctly from the get-go? Half a tower is taken apart on the back-side.

What are these? Shouldn't they be on the other side?
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>Even if this was true why not build it up correctly from the get-go?
... What?

The castle in KHII is in the process of being rebuilt.
This is how it looks as of KHIII.
I'll save this general
Roxas is only 2 years old, he dosent even know what a theme park is. He will be escorted out of the park by security after assaulting a cast member dressed as a villain
My headcanon is the KH1 Hollow Bastion castle is like the original foundation that'd been slowly built on top of to look more modern and was no longer visible by BBS. But when Radiant Garden fell into ruin and Maleficent took over the facade crumbled revealing the older castle beneath. There's also a lot of pipes and machinery that could've been added once Xehanort gained more influence. Or Ansem and his Heartless did that.

I'd like to see some KH1 areas of the castle again in a future game because whenever we revisit it now it's the KH2 Ansem Study and Heartless Manufactory in the basement. Should acknowledge the older version still.
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The Black Box gives me Schrodinger's cat vibes. Like maybe it became a thing that both equally exists and doesn't exist, trapped between reality and uneality until something summons it to one or the other, something to do with the Astral Dimension maybe which we're told is made up of mental energy, so Luxu hid it there. Could be that's a place where things can get lost there and become pure ideas. They transcend and become fictional like you said.

I like the simpler theory that it's going to be used to capture the 7 lights within the Princesses and the remaining True Darknesses in order to reforge the original X-blade. MoM could have more abilities with the original that was shattered. Xehanort's was kind of artificial when you think about it? He wasn't using pure light and darkness to forge it. Idk if there's really a difference we'll see.
I think Nomura wanted a more open world sandbox thing like Caribbean. And there was the heart/data connection with Baymax. I guess you could do a similar thing with the Omnidroid which is also a robot but it's a cold killing machine giving it a heart would be weird. Incredibles would work best based around the film's plot. Jumping from Nomanisan Island to Metroville. Something a little more linear like Olympus and Kingdom of Corona were. Plus they already had two Pixar worlds in the game, three might've been overkill for them.
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>Incredibles would work best based around the film's plot. Jumping from Nomanisan Island to Metroville

Pixar disallowed film plots.
The teams behind those films did, not Pixar collectively. Big Hero 6 didn't follow the movie plot either and that was Disney Animation. It's a case by case basis.
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It was the most recent movie they could use (was revealed in summer 2015 when the movie came out late 2014) + three Pixar worlds could've been "overkill" or some shit
Doing my KH2 critical run without drives, summons or synthesis and holy shit why are ALL treasure chest drops fucking shit??? And no boss drops items either?? In KH1 synthesis items are a powerful extra on top of all the stuff you get by beating bosses and opening chests but here you either use synthesis/shops or you get absolutely nothing man
What are his chances to appear in KH4?
I think one day Sora will go to Neo Twewy Shibuya and be all cel shaded and shit but it might be 20 years from now because that fucker still hasn't thanked namine
Fair enough
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You didn't read my whole comment, there is a whole tower on the back side of the castle (seen from the marketplace in KH2) taken apart. If you moved the building from one place to another (Villains Vale to Radiant Garden) you would built it up piece by piece and not by moving it completely and just then begin to take it apart. There is also not a single evidence something was moved on this way at all. The only thing Villains Vale and Hollow Bastion share is the Heartless emblem, nothing more.

Adding to the comparison the BBS castle is closer to the KH2 castle than the KH2 castle is to the KH3 castle, which is even more strange.
Low, but not zero.
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Delete this
I hate you
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Something something the residents hazy memory of their home and not remembering it's name after it's destruction caused it to have an inconsistent appearance until it's full restoration post-KH2.

Or a wizard did it (Merlin).
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Captain Dark is the real hero of KH.
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KH1's castle is simply a completely different castle, especially since it's surrounded by water and the inverse waterfall which are also nowhere to be found in KH2 (or bbs etc). A small retcon of "Ansem had more than one castle" basically
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Nah it's the same exact place just without the water from KH1

>then why the other differences??
Have you checked KH1 Agrabah and compared it to how it is in KH2?
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Ice Cream Beat isn't really as annoying as I remember it being.
>it's the same exact place
>but everything is completely different
idk man, that's by definition not the same exact place. It's still the same world of course

same reasoning, it's just a different side of Agrabah

>halloween town
given those two have their plot basically repeat, especially atlantica, i'm gonna go with retcon again

tldr we're not supposed to think about it anyway, what i'm saying is purely my headcanon and not an actual explanation of anything
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You guys need help
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anon i hope you realize those lines make no sense whatsoever, like you're saying that one twisted tower became straight for no reason
>straight for no reason
Not him but you know the concept of remodeling exists.
I hope you realize the twisted tower is literally the only fishy one and every other one fits perfectly with stuff you saw in KH1, just removed during the renovations.
The twisted tower can be explained easily tho: Disney magic. It was Maleficent's base after all
yeah they just completely "renovated" that one tower while everything else is still destroyed, complete with all the broken pipes coming off of it.

usually a theory is disproven when even a single fact about it doesn't make sense, that's my point. It's easier to just accept their different designs and that's it, it's not gonna be explained anyway (if not with a "a wizard did it" kind of explanation at least), we're not supposed to think about it
>yeah they just completely "renovated" that one tower while everything else is still destroyed, complete with all the broken pipes coming off of it.
Well it's obvious looking at the castle in 2 that the entire thing is undergoing renovation, but the tower from 1 was likely added by maleficent so it's not surprising it'd be the first thing to be removed.
>a different side of Agrabah
No, you literally go to the palace's gates and they are completely different, the path to them is different, even the stone the whole city uses is different.

>retcon, we aren't supposed to think about it anyway
That's exactly the thing anon. Same exact place, it just changed because videogames
One of the towers being twisted in the wicked evil version of the castle ruled by a literal Disney witch doesn't strike me as "doesn't make sense"
again, what you're saying is that they completely removed one tower to put another one in its place but said tower is already broken down and has broken pipes coming off of it and all that stuff

so basically your theory is that they didn't actually do any work on the castle but the castle had been magically changed (i guess slightly) by Maleficent and then magically changed back when she left?
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KH1 isn't a castle, it's a cathedral.
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I thought this much was obvious, but evidently not.
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The stained glass windows and chapel weren't a dead giveaway?
Why exactly Ansem had a chapel in his castle is anyone's guess. What do the people of Radiant Garden believe in? Reminds me of the church in FFVII and how that's not really explained.
I have never in my life seen the stained glass at the top of the Lift Stop

In fact I'm willing to bet it's impossible to see on the PS2 version since it had no vertical camera movement
He knew the Disney villains would be looking for a place to shoot the shit.
The FFVII church is abandoned and in disrepair, also in the slums which suggests it's a relic of the settlement that Midgar was built on top of

As for what was worshipped there, the closest thing FFVII has to a religion, that we've been shown, is planetology.
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I was guilty of not noticing until years later too.
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>no Toontown or Club Penguin world
I was just surprised the remake didn't delve into that more. I haven't played Rebirth yet but I heard they do kind of get into the lore of Jenova and Minerva as opposing goddesses though so maybe the church was built to worship her. Kingdom Hearts doesn't have any like original gods besides KH itself. I could see the Princesses of Heart being worshipped as abstract figures like picrel in some worlds. Maybe the people of Radiant Garden call them the seven maidens etc. It is the City of Light so maybe they know some of that shit. Kairi's grandmother knows the old legends.
It absolutely does have vertical camera movement in first person view, did you never us it?
Who the fuck uses the first-person view
I would go apeshit over a ToonTown world. No, not Disney Town. Its not Toon Enough.
People who like to look at the kino details in KH1, like the scale in Traverse Town item shop actually registering weight when Sora steps on it. Absolutely revolutionary.
>no Kingdom Hearts Club Penguin party
But yeah a Club Penguin world would unironically be better than a Frozen one. People would say it's random as fuck like Chicken Little but I think a lot of people would be on board for that.
I've always wanted to know what the rest of the castle looked like based on the outside with the giant windows. That's something with KH1 in general that captured my imagination first playing it. Thinking what's beyond the locked doors and invisible walls like the hotel rooms in Traverse Town.
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I remember watching a theory video somewhere about the Master of Masters' heart having been wounded by Darkness similar to Ardyn who's infected with the Starscourge and that's what causes it to spread to all humans. Like the Arthurian Fisher King who's pierced by the Lance of Longinus, falls into sin and his kingdom becomes a wasteland until a chosen one can restore it. He's also the guardian of the Holy Grail so MoM could've been like the guardian of the χ-blade/Kingdom Hearts and was wounded by that. Or maybe it's both MoM and Luxu;
>Noctis and his father Regis may have been inspired by the legends of Pellam and Pelles, known as the Wounded King and the Fisher King of the Lancelot-Grail rendition of Arthurian myth. Like the father and son who protect the Crystal of Eos, Pellam and Pelles are the last in the line of royalty sworn to protect the Holy Grail; Pellam gains his title due to having suffered grievous wounds to his "thighs and loins", signifying his inability to properly honor a sacred charge to pass on the legacy. He is forced to remain in the castle, while his son Pelles journeys with guests and partakes in fishing. Both suffer from the curse of their realm becoming barren wastes until the coming of Galahad, who is said to heal the wounds of both and reverse the curse. Regis mirrors Pellam in that the use of the Ring of the Lucii and the Crystal drains his life, while Noctis mirrors Pellas in that he journeys out into Lucis with his friends and shares with him the pastime of fishing.
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I'm starting to hate Sora kh2 model face, honestly, he looks more baby than kh1 Sora, he even has a faint blush and is blonder than before
To be fair to the blond thing, its on purpose to show how roxas has rejoined him. Agree with you on the babyface tho
That has always been fucking stupid because Sora wasn't blonde before giving birth to Roxas, so regaining what he lost shouldn't make him more blonde
That just shows how roxas was more than half of sora. Sora didnt just go back to the way he was at hollow bastion, he got something else, as shown with him crying at HPO
Blonde Sora is best Sora.
Is this actually true or is it one of those fan theories that everyone kinda agrees/don't mind?
I remember reading something similar like a decade ago
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That doesn't work because Roxas only gained individuality spiritually (well, heart-wise as this franchise would say). KH1 Sora was malepregnant with Kairi and gave birth to two blondies (one of them almost albino looking) and then when he ate one of them his hair was also more blonde? Well not even that since Sora's model is more blonde even before joining Roxas anyway

lmao it's so dumb they even tonned it down in the Final Mix release, vanilla KH2 Sora was even more blonde
It's pretty good. Lighter hair Sora is peak.
>That doesn't work because Roxas only gained individuality spiritually
It is the same logic why terra, xigbar, and saix’s hair become white after xehanort’s heart is in them. Hearts can cause physical changes
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That's a DARKNESS thing not a normal heart thing and doesn't explain why Sora's hair was lighter before Roxas rejoined in after the prologue and why Sora's hair goes back to normal in UE4 games. Even if you use technical limitations as excuse (wouldn't work since they can just have two slightly different Sora models one for the scene where Roxas finds him sleeping and another one for later) there's zero reason UE4 Sora can't have a more blonde hair until Roxas comes back in the keyblade graveyard.
Just accept it's fucking dumb
>Just accept it's fucking dumb
I cannot because to Me it makes sense
Sounds like you were filtered.
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Pretty sure it's the latter.
Adding onto the technical limitation thing, they clearly were able to darken Sora's hair in FM just fine.
>download the 32gb KH1.5+2.5 patch on epic
>my save files for KH1 and KH2 are gone
I think this is because I played using the Re:Fined mod. Fuck me. Jesus christ
haven't been here since we got the Shimomura pickle news, did I miss anything?
any ML news?
>did I miss anything?
Some new merchandise here and there, One leaker got exposed as a liar so all those KH in fornite or KH cartoon show / movie leaks are 100% fake, Disney expo is going to sell Disney world pins (the OP image) that are heavy inspired by KH world designs.
>any ML news?
>all those KH in fornite or KH cartoon show / movie leaks are 100% fake
that's the best KH news I've heard all year
the only way to make that better would be a confirmation that there will be no marvel capeshit in KH4

Does anyone have a picture of the room the Princesses are in Hallow Bastion KH1? I can't find it or remember it exactlu but it's actually an evil church room and its driving me crazy.

Gizmo Shop in Traverse Town looks like a Cathedral too (but not the interior obviously)
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Like this?
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What did they mean by this?
The funny thing is the white hair thing is from Twin Peaks. Leland's hair turned white and he after he killed Laura while BOB posessed him. Which Incidentally mirrors Ventud, and The Darkness posessing him murdering Strelitzia but a lot more tame. Also Strelitzia's appearance in Quadratum is very Laura Palmer. 'I am dead and yet I live.' Japan fuckin loves Twin Peaks so Im pretty sure at least some of this isn't a coincidence.

Somehow despite both being written around the same time Twin Peaks The Return and KH3's endings mirror eachother too but this has to be a coincidence. Sora and Cooper fucked with time travel to save someone and disappeared (both use that phrase) into another reality which was more realistic and modern to us than their main universe.

There's so much good 90s and 00s shit in KH.
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Riku’s gf can’t be this cute
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But Roxas' can!
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I just realize if you give Xion green and Namine blue, them and Kairi are essentially the PPG
Would Maleficent be Mojo Jojo?
If Vexen is their father that would make Repliku Mojo.
I think Ansem would be a better fit for Professor Utonium. Then Xemnas can be Mojo Jojo to make the Rowdyruff boys (Sora, Roxas, Ven). Repliku WOULD make a good mojo
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>Kairi - red
>Namine - blue
>Xion - green
so Sora, Donald, and Goofy
Please don't. Why not Namine Aqua?
Aqua calling me a good boy.
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this feels like itd be 2005 found footage of a fucked gameshark cheat filmed on a large crt tv through a handheld camcorder. how horrifying.
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>I'm dumb enough to think it's not dumb
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>Mickey, Donald and Goofy
>Hayner, Olette and Pence
>Ventus, Aqua and Terra
>Sora, Kairi and Riku
>Roxas, Xion and Axel
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KH4 leak fellas
Namine should replace Axel, and Axel should be with Isa and Subject X (Skuld), but Axel, Saix and X should be to Roxas, Namine and Xion what Terra, Aqua and Ventus are to Sora, Riku and Kairi. Either that or what Mickey, Donald and Goody are to them.
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It's annoying. Honestly after even KH freed from the clutches of EGS, I expected less of this shite. Feel free to edit anything into the screen.
Oh for fucks sakes 5 seconds later I saw bad cgi yaoi. I just hit latest in the KH hashtag.
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>the Sora of the group is Roxas
>the Kairi of the group is Xion
>the Riku of the group is... Namine
No, it's just Sora, Kairi and Kairi. The Riku is the Riku Replica but uh..... he's kinda dead, and gave his body to Namine, so...
>The Son is Sora
>The Heavenly Spirit is Kairi
>The Father is Riku
I can't believe Sora is Jesus, and Riku created the Kingdom Hearts franchise.
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Don't mind me just skimming through psychology I'm too stupid to understand to make sense of KH.

>For the latter, the “one” was not a number at all, only the “two” was. “Two” is the first number, because with it separation and increase occur and provide the basis on which counting first truly begins. With “two” an “other” enters in addition to the “one,” a phenomenon that makes an impression to such an extent that the word “other” in many languages means “second.” This “second” or “other” refers to a “one” that differs from the “one” that is not a number. With two, namely, one emerges from oneness, which means nothing less than that the separation has reduced and transformed oneness into a “number.” The “one” and the “other” form an opposition; not however one and two, for they are simple numbers that differ only in their arithmetic value and nothing else. The “one” attempts to retain its single and solitary qualities, while the “other” strives to remain an other compared with the one. The “one” does not want to release the “other,” because it would thus lose its own quality, and the “other” rejects the “one” in order even to survive. To such an extent, a tension of opposites results between the “one” and the “other.”
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>Every tension of opposites requires a release valve from which the third comes into being. The tension resolves itself in the third inasmuch as the lost “one” again emerges: “unitas ex semet ipsa derivans trinitatem,” in the words of Tertullian. The absolute One is innumerable, indeterminate, and unrecognizable; only when it appears in “one” does it become recognizable, for the “other” required for this recognition is missing in the condition of the One. Three is, therefore, an unfolding of the one to recognizability, that is to reality in space and time. A “one-next-to-another” is only possible in space and a “one-after-another” only in time. Three is the “one” become reality, which without the resolution of the opposition between the “one” and the “other” would remain devoid of any quality in every determination. That this formulation is a fitting parallel to God’s Self- revelation as the absolute One in the unfolding of the three is immediately apparent.
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okay this is really bothering me. am i retarded or is Vanitas' battle theme from his remind battle NOT in the official soundtrack?
It's not, but I think that's because it's the only theme that just re-uses his theme from earlier in the game.
Grab Namine legs
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>mfw I’m not good enough to draw the ships I like yet
I just want to contribute to the thread but I’m too busy to draw and write when I want
its a different remix though?
So, uh, is D23 officially deconfirmed for us, or are we just taking the pragmatic approach?
Gonna poo yourself if you don't get news?
Dragon Quest and FF7R3 probably need to drop first most likely
The problem Kingdom Hearts has is that FF, DQ, and Nier all need to come out first.
>NI3R before KH4
I'd be cool with this I think.
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Cutest ship imo
Sad to think we night never get a continuation of The Return. But then Mark Frost might write a book about it somewhere down the line if Lynch doesn't go back to it. That whole ending is kind of similar to what happens to Sora though you're right. The small town girl getting murderd and it getting swept under the rug too. It'd be closer to TP if Lauriam really was the killer since he's actual family.

They sort of followed through with this Dark Road though? I can't remember specifics but I thought it was left ambiguous whether Maleficent really killed Hoder or if it was Baldr's Darkness, because we know he killed the other upperclassmen there. And Baldr has the white hair by default.
The Return was pretty definitive in my eyes
I don't see where else there is to go
Doesn't it symbolize passage to eternal life or something? Snakes usually mean something like that. Heartless are basically immortal though right? Like they can just carrying on existing forever as hearts? Or do their wills fade over time like True Darkness?
There is the reading of it that the story ends there which I like. But also iirc Lynch said that it can continue and that the "golden age" will always be out of reach in his endings. So he doesn't ever want to Twin Peaks to have a definitive happy ending but he imagines Cooper did get home etc. I guess it's kind of like if Nomura had no interest in showing how Sora and Riku got back to Destiny Islands after 1 but he said they would eventually, but he prefers the bittersweet end on screen.
>xehanort, eraqus, and ???
who completes this trio?
yen sid dude
>"They can take your world. They can take your heart. Cut you loose from all you know. But if it's your fate...then every step forward will always be a step closer to home."
>"The heart resides within the soul, which in turn is guided by fate to its rightful place. The choice is yours once more."
Even if Kingdom Hearts was randomly cancelled one day. As shitty as that would be. We kind of know how the story will end. I'm pretty sure Nomura said somewhere he always had the ending in his mind too. If he ever gets there.
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Hard to sit in the third chair when you're fucking dead lol.
Anon the three of them are dead
Actually in the universe of Coco which is the universe of Disney which is the universe of Kingdom Hearts, you don't die until you're finally forgotten in the world of the living. Xehanort and Eraqus are still fresh in everyone's minds, so they are fine.
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Eraqus is the steward of the Realm Between, Xehanort is the dark seeker and the third throne is for the Guardian of the Realm of Light/Chaser of Light which would've been filled by either Aqua or Terra.

In that tradition I'd like to think Aqua is the new steward, Terra is the dark seeker given his experience with darkness now and Ventus will train to be the chaser of light.

Just making this shit up but yknow. I like the idea that dark seeker was an official keyblade wielder position and you'd explore the world keeping watch over the darkness and studying it.
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>halfway through 2024
>still no KH4 since the initial reveal more than 2 years ago
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Would also apply to darkness and light. Since according to Xehanort the latter emerged from the former at the beginning of the world. Nothingness would be the third thing then? Even though technically that should've existed before light and dark. Maybe it emerged in between the sepatation of them instead.
Don't all souls just go to the Underworld in the Hercules world?
Actually in the universe of Coco which is the universe of Disney which is the universe of Kingdom Hearts you die and become a beaner skeleton then just stop existing if you are forgotten in the world of the living. Xehanort and Eraqus are 100% dead now, whatever you want "dead" to mean
The desert of no news.
>In Japanese mythology rabbits are connected to the moon
>Angelic Amber dolls all have rabbit ears and Pure Rabbit logos on their boxes
>Quadratum's moon being important somehow
If those dolls aren't foreshadowing something in KHIV. Maybe Onyx, Ruby and Emerald mean something. And who is Angelic Amber's namesake we never see her? Amber is orangey but there's not a doll like that. We're running out of things to talk about help.
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We have Ruby and Emerald weapons but no Onyx. Onyx Weapon was an old urban legend back when FFVII came out though.
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Do you think Vanitas will be relevant in the MoM arc? I feel like there is something that is not quite finished with his story
What gave it away?
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>"Angelic Amber" is Strelitzia
>"Mysterious Onyx" is Skuld
Close enough.
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What genre do you think fits each member of the Guardians best in protagonist roles? Like, I imagine nothing big changing with Riku or Roxas as protags, but a system like COM's seems a better fit for a character like Aqua. Terra strikes me as the type of character that would do really well in a game like Monster Hunter. Ven or Kairi would probably do well in a turn-based system similar to what we saw in Re:Coded.
wanting to superimpose Twin Peaks over this (Heavy spoilers if you haven't seen it):
Eraqus is Harry Truman
Xehanort is Dale Cooper
Baldr is Leland Palmer
The darkness inside Baldr is Bob
Hoder is Laura Palmer
Odin would be either Mike or the Giant (I haven't watched Season 3 yet)
The Cadeceus was carried by Mercury who symbolizes teavelling between the world of Gods and Humans, and Ansem was doing his thing to travel to the place in the world of Darkness. There's also sending Kairi to another world and the whole theme of travelling to other worlds. Or it could be from Hermes Trismegistus and inspired by what I sais plus alchemy which seems to fit KH too. Also the wings on it are of a similar design to the Ultima Weapons and reteoactively the Xblade filaments, and the Heartless heart seems to be inspired by the thorned heart of Jesus imagery.
I love how everyone fell for this in the /v/ thread
Unlike /v/ the people here have actually seen Coco.
self own
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It would be funny if we go to the moon and it had bunny rabbit people like FF4
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Could be something similar to the Maenad in FFIV even where they come from the moon to gather the crystals.
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Would be kino. I'd kill for anything FFIV related, it's my favorite one.
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I always liked the Dragoon nobidies were based on Kain's pose.
I somehow misread Kain's name as Kairi and- actually they look pretty similarly named, the fuck. Especially with the apostrophe at the end.
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Just take your meds schizo.
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I think Roxas would feel at home in a hack n slash like Devil May Cry and Xion in a survival horror like Resident Evil.
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>travelling between the world of Gods and Humans, and Ansem was doing his thing to travel to the place in the world of Darkness.
Well Ansem was searching for true nirvana.
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>I haven't watched Season 3 yet
You're gonna love it.
Nomura wrote the dialogue for KH3s Toybox and the ayy lmaos mention Nirvana too. Assuming both were localized right. The ayy lmaos were kind of a parody of a cult too.
Who is the most breedable KH character?
>telling xion no more sea salt ice cream
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I think it's time for another series plat run
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Now add the hat
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Canonically bred during KH2
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Yeah, she carried my child to birth.
Sora's DaD confirmed
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I got lost in FF8 lore videos and realized maybe the Lunatic Pandora inspired the Black Box. In KH3 Maleficent misinterprets it as the literal Pandora's Box and someone said it contains hope like the Pandora's in myth and Lunatic Pandora gets its name from the same myth. It has an association and is named after the moon and the moon seems important to KH (KH is moon like) and the KH3 secret ending has MoM put his hands around it.

It has a gigantic fucking crystal pillar inside that fell from the moon and can cause monsters to rain from the sky from the moon. Most people don't ever realize what's inside it so it's a bit of a mystery and a mystery in game until you piece it together. Its also a black box.

FF8 mind junctioning is similar to KH time travel. Your mind/heart can go back in time but you can't influence the past. Actually this is similar to what happened to Kairi's heart in 1. Laguna implies Squall gave him inner strength in the past too like how Kairi was Sora's light. KH3 ReMind references FF8 time travel in an easter egg.

Sorcerer Hyne split himself into a magical half that went on to posess women (Ultimecia) and a physical half (Ultimate Weapon.) So I wonder if that could have inspired Nobodies. Maybe even something to do with Yozora who doesn't seem to use magic.

Squall and the war Trojans lived next toa beach like Destiny Island kids (Selphie being in both games. Irvine was supposed to be there too but got cut.)
*war orphans

Also my point us maybe whatevers in KH3s box might be inspired by FF8 too. If not...i just think ff8 and kh lore is neat
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I forgot that monsters in FFVIII come from the fucking moon

People really get on KH's case and act like its lore is such a sin when VIII existed years prior
I never played FF until after Kingdom Hearts and there are lore concepts in KH that go all the way back to the fucking FF NES days. That's not even counting all of Square's non FF games. Playing them after KH is actually really fun because of this though.
Honestly FF7 lore is pretty nuts too and that was the most popular one.
Yeah, the fact that no matter how much they add onto FFVII they never even try to explain the literal alien woman who arrived inside a meteor is kinda strange

Also the Gi who are also literal aliens, like how many fucking alien species are there
What's there to explain? Gaia isn't the only place in the whole universe of FFVII with inteligent life, Jenova is one of those beings from other world, that's all.
Hell technically nearly every human from FFVII descends from aliens too, the original inhabitants of Gaia are the cetra, the other humans come from Spira. There are aliens, get over it
>the other humans come from Spira
That can't be true because, at least as of Rebirth, the Lifestream of Gaia only accepts native life. The Gi and Jenova are explicitly rejected, as would any other off-planet lifeform such as colonists from Spira.

Also the FFX connection is very loose and not particularly reinforced by the in-game materials.
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The FFX connection is canon no matter what we think about it and by the time FFVII happens the original spirals are already dead, their descendants (the ones that join the lifestream) are born and die in Gaia
But the only reason this is "canon" is from an interview with Nojima where he just broadly summarizes a loose connection that he has separately said shouldn't be taken that seriously
The reason it's canon doesn't matter, canon is canon
I'm just saying I think you're taking a passive musing from only one of the FFX writers far more seriously than is reasonable
>the literal alien woman who arrived inside a meteor is kinda strange

The alien woman who is literally based on The Thing (1980) which was never explained either. Explaining it could ruin both of them. There's more franchises than not that try to explain stuff like this and end up ruining their stories/lore/characters
I wonder if the original versions of true Darkness is ever explained, or left as a mystery
The Thing is one film set entirely within a remote Antarctic research station.

Final Fantasy VII is a 30+ hour game spanning the entire fictional globe with an expanded universe of three/four spinoff games, a movie, and a three-game remake project all of which make a concerted effort to deepen the world's mythology and clarify plot events.
Except for Jenova.

Just because Jenova may or may have been inspired by The Thing doesn't mean that FFVII has the same narrative goals as The Thing.
Who said that FFVII has the same narrative goal as The Thing? You're just making things up
That is exactly what you're implying by drawing comparison to The Thing.

If you don't think they have the same goal, then why would explaining Jenova ruin it, and how is that different from The Thing?
I'm NTA, you're just making up schizo headcanon and trying to imply he said things he didn't.
You sure? 'Cause it kinda sounds like you are that anon and are extremely butthurt that you don't have a more intelligent defense of your idea.
Yeah i'm sure, pseudo intellectual retards like you are impossible to talk with anyway because you're always just making up what the other person is 'actually' saying.
If you took anything that I've said as trying to be "intellectual" then you must have a room temperature IQ.
>That is exactly what you're implying by drawing comparison to The Thing.
Literally pseudo intellectual 101: let me tell you what you really meant.
>confronting a dishonest idiot with his own words is "pseudo intellectual"
No, it's called reading comprehension.

If that's NOT what you meant, then tell me what it DID mean.
>confronting a dishonest idiot with his own words is "pseudo intellectual"
That mentality you have, is the pseudo intellectual mentality. Everyone else is just a moron and they don't know what they're saying, but don't worry you'll tell them what they really meant. You must be insufferable IRL.
Good job avoiding having to explain what you meant.

Too bad I'm not stupid enough to not notice.
Whatever helps you cope man, i don't care. Keep telling yourself that you're the smartest guy in the room, i'm sure that'll work out for you.
Wow. You're REALLY transparent.

I've seen more convincing swerves from middle schoolers. Next time you can't come up with a good rebuttal, just don't reply at all and save yourself the embarrassment.
Sure thing bud.
Because KH tells a story across multiple games instead of being self contained like the majority of FF games. I really think that is what makes normies freak out. The idea of a video game (where they're normally not paying attention to the story) having multiple entries telling a continuous narrative.
No, it's because of all of the contrivances in Kingdom Hearts. Video games with stories told over multiple games just have the problem of people wanting to not start at the beginning, which is something Kingdom Hearts hasn't really had to grapple with much.
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The moon is very foreboding in VIII. Even in Kingdom Hearts when you reach TWTNW there's something a little eerie about KH hanging in the sky above the city, the track "Sacred Moon" adding to that atmosphere. We know Kingdom Hearts has destructive capabilities but it's pretty much portrayed as this thing of pure light and good. It'd interesting if there was darkness in there and part of MoM's plan involves extracting that, thus altering the laws of the universe or something. It'd make sense in a Yin Yang way that within the deepest darkness there's light but within the brightest light there's darkness. To your point about the Lunatic Pandora containing the crystal pillar from the moon, maybe the Black Box could contain a fragment of Kingdom Hearts or the darkness inside it which MoM can use to draw the darkness out of it like the Lunar Cry brings monsters from the moon. It'd make sense to me that if all humans hearts were infected by the Darknesses expansion over time, Kingdom Hearts itself could've been too. It's counterpart the X-blade does contain 13 darknesses, it's not pure light either.
he was ansem
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Bnuuy Wizard
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Wait... is every scene MoM appears in framed as some kind of flashback? Besides 3's secret ending and 4's trailer I guess.

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