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Previous Thread: >>486160814
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Soon in COTW
Fuck you, Oda!
This thread came earlier.
I've been looking at some KOF Destiny uploads on Youtube recently and saved some alt costumes for characters.
I came earlier too
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Not even a link to the current tournament?
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Evo finals
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ET needs coaching
Mexico's last chancery right now on EVO.
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>Vice forgot her haircut appointment
>Mature likes to tease Vice
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More like ET and Xiaohai are old enough to be coaching others, christ, every year we get xiaohai dominating and ET jobbing first rounds and come up cleaning Losers bracket.
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They look like men
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>Shit that you can do in KOF98 or literally all versions of 02

They fumbled this reveal so fucking bad
Usually would ignore this type of /v/ tier bait but in this case, Oda really just drew them on Kyo's (Vice) and Iori's (Mature) base. Vice has Kyo's shoulders and eyes and Mature has Iori's chin and eyes.



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little girls... TOO??!??!?!

>Verification not required.
To be clear, the order of progression for Preecha was
into final Preecha.
Wow, Xiaohai vs ET final, what were the chances...
>Vox originated from the very start as "Grant's disciple"
>Vox took much less iterating than Preecha
The absolute state of Gaidel.
careful the last cp nigga last thread got nuked in 30 seconds
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>The absolute state of Gaidel.
We already know what he's going to look like.
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Cursed image. Don't open.
Hotaru is legal now
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And both with Isla and Geese kek
That was it, less hyped than any of their previous years.
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I prefer this design without the socks.
Well, that was all EVO's run of this game.
>3 fucking nil walk down
What no daimon does to a mf
That's honestly not a bad look
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Yeah it's a really good look for King that's also keeping within her character design.
What a shit grand final. It even seems like Snk watches the previous Evo finals and decides: "okay! let's do less hype for the next one!"

SVC Chaos of all things is back
>Mature and Vice return to KOFXV in December
>SVC Chaos is back TODAY
>Kevin revealed
Not bad for SNK's EVO outing.
>shows Kevin
>not Kain, Mai, or even Joe instead
>Unfinished Mature/Vice concept art trailer
>SVC Chaos
>Kevin Rian trailer

SNK fumbled this EVO so hard no wonder they're lower than MK1
>The most busted games in the MvC & CvS series are getting rollback
Now we get to experience horror worldwide.
This means CVS collection is already on the horizon. Also CVS3 is highly possible now.
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Yay? I feel like someone a little more exciting could have been shown off, especially since these trailers are so short.
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SNK AAA company in 2033
>Hmm hmm hmm!!
Kevin's back!
I didn't expected to play SvC this monday.

Less when I never played before.
You have to show off the obvious characters sooner or later, and Kevin has infamy for being top 1 in Garou:MotW.
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Pretty good, Kevin and his stage looks nice, happy about SvC too, time the be obliterated by to goddess.
Also who is this?
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>no shotamaru trailer

i sleep
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>kusogekino available for the masses
Warms my heart knowing that a whole new generation will readily be able to experience SvC's charming jank, Sassy Ryu, and Good Guy Akuma
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>Zero is fucking top tier in this game too
>not a waifu
Not interested.
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I understand, I just feel like SNK should have shown off someone with a little more wow factor by now.
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>Literally zero gameplay for Vice and Mature and not even their models are shown
>Announces port/remaster for worst CVS crossover game
>kills hype even more with showing Kevin for COTW
Somehow I knew it was going to be Kevin the moment I saw the stage with ostriches. Dunno why. He's not even Australian.
Because they were never planned and most likely got the greenlight after the SNK world tour finals.
Kevin looks so bad lol what the hell
>Marky is on the background rooting for Kevin
They could have at least shown another character.
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Why is he so pissed off?
Looks like an ostrich to me, anon.
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Would be cool if they did a physical version because this art looks amazing
Also, why is the schizo melting down again?
How so? I thought he looked rough but watching the Youtube video was a lot better.
>Kyo can't even get into the crossover art of a game he was in
They never confirmed that Freeman, his partner's killer, is actually dead.
His look will be tweaked like all fighting game characters do. In all honestly it appears the top of his head only lacks some crushed blacks in his hair.
Red Arremer sexo
>Diet Flavor Ralf Jones
Just give us Mary back already
>No Kyo on the picture
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>ROM rerelease of a game on Fightcade w/extra features
>ROM rereleased of a game on Fightcade w/extra features, Capcom
Quite cheap, I will bite.
>Ryu and Terry faceoff instead of Ryu and Kyo
It has to be some kinda inside joke at this point
>only lacks some crushed blacks
I know he's an American cop anon, but what would be the need for that?
Yeah but SvC Chaos sucks and is less shilled.
Is it me or is Vice's head weirdly small
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Between Jenet and Kevin, I feel like COTW is making the characters look more mature.
>SWAT officer and keeper of the peace stationed in South Town. With trusty companion Marky in tow, this hard-hitting lawman scours the city’s streets in pursuit of the sinister Freeman—the man who murdered his best friend in cold blood. Kevin’s moves are inherently explosive, wildly energetic, and supremely effective; indeed, no perp has ever been able to walk away from them scot-free.
SVC Chaos is infamously known as "the jank one" of all the Capcom/SNK crossover titles, a game that came out in the throes of SNK's bankruptcy.
Kasumi finally got acknowledged
Anti-Freeman fags in shambles

Are you implying that SVC was a great game that peopel loved?
>Tessa from Red Earth
Kevin actually looks really bad, like he's from an early KOFXV trailer.

Well no shit everyone in Garou is coming back (besides Grant).
Heresy. Legwarmers are the best part.
>I know he's an American cop anon, but what would be the need for that?
Kevin is a fantasy cop not a real cop.
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Say what you want about SvC Chaos, but I had fun messing around with it. Terry having a deadly rave was nice too.
Athena gon get dat devil dick
One of my biggest issue with SvC Chaos is that the new sound effects for hits sound like a wet noodle. It's basically SSF2 CPS2 weak sound effects. Destroys a lot of the enjoyment for me.
More like she's gonna cut it off. Goddess Athena isn't a whore
Where was all the hype during the 98UM/02UM rereleases from the FGC? Games that didn't have any rollback functionality at all and aren't even on Fightcade to this day.
Cool, the only MotW character worth a damn.
>Athena isn't a whore
lol. lmao, even
What do you mean it's 20....
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Did you buy mango?
Didn't take him for the karate type. Lol.
Now post this on /v/
Very cool. Now give 2003 this treatment (or better yet, any of the Atomiswave games)
>no Bao in Hugo's hair

Anon, Asamiya is more wholesome and virginal than Goddess Athena
Kasumifags can now shut up
Why is this even a fucking trend, this shit should have died with Ubisoft.
>Where was all the hype during the 98UM/02UM rereleases from the FGC
85% of the FGC don't care about KOF nor SNK as a whole. They do however worship Capcom so they care about their 20 year old game re-releases much more.
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>Ostrich Slug running away from a cop, the it starts chasing the cop a bit after
I'm really liking the stages in the game. Makes me sad that other than the Metal Slug one that was great, XV didn't have much stuff like this in them
Freeman trailer could have saved this Evo for Snk
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>Tfw it's another hint about a new Capcom vs SNK game after all these years
It's now or never.

Iori's cousin
Ralf's cousin
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Game's a real mess, for sure. Which makes discovering its oddities most of the game's charm.
>iori's super counter inspired by his '96 ending
>whiffable throws that require meter
>balrog's sprite being a trace over of Heavy D's
The hitbox viewer should be fun to mess around with for a little while
Figure they do this just to cover for any lines that might've slipped through during the days of '90s-'00s translations. Like how Heidern calls his opponent a faggot in his Portuguese winquote in King of Fighters '98, or Robert saying something like "I swear she was sixteen" in the English verison Art of Fighting 2.
>Mai and Chun-li acting as besties instead of rivals

Sure the times have changed
Wojaks really need to fucking die.
Like jesus christ, it feels like memes in general just died when these things and pepes where introduced.
will you guys be on SvC online?
You have no idea...
Where's Geese mogging Akuma for being a wimp succumbing to the Satsui no Hadou?
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Now Japan edition
Let it not be said that SNK didn't take risks with the SVC Chaos roster.
>MMZ Zero, Demitri, Tessa, Hugo, Red Arremer, Violent Ken
>Goddess Athena, Earthquake, Shiki, Genjuro, Mars People
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His Orochi power is being invisible.
Max was playing the game with the director and doing a kind of interview right now. He's probably gonna play a bit more
yes or no I don't want to buy the game to play alone
>he can masturbate in the same room where Leona is without getting caught
Truly a final BOSS
People here only play arcade mode and complain anon
because white people must be offended for everything now
This probably has to do with the religious themes the game has
pls tell me this is leona's pls tell me this is leona's pls tell me this is leona's pls tell me this is leona's pls tell me this is leona's pls tell me this is leona's pls tell me this is leona's pls tell me this is leona's pls tell me this is leona's pls tell me this is leona's pls tell me this is leona's pls tell me this is leona's pls tell me this is leona's pls tell me this is leona's pls tell me this is leona's pls tell me this is leona's pls tell me this is leona's pls tell me this is leona's pls tell me this is leona's

sauce pls
so will you be playing
Maybe we can expect another announcement at that China event?
The original Match of the Millennium took some risk as well. SNK wasn't afraid to try a strange pick.
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After 15 years I think I like them more with pants. Or at least I'd keep pants Vice and give Mature the dress, to differentiate them visually a bit more.
Nah, Originally CvS cover would be Terry vs Ryu, but SNK was promoting KoF 97/98 at the time and chose Kyo as Ryu's Rival and Terry being Ken.
Not right now since I just got SF6 on the sale and I'm alternating with XV.
I still want to get it to try some weird characters like Zero from MMZ and Mars People so I hope there's still people playing when I get it
CVS came out in 2000
I might be in the minority but I liked Vice & Mature's KOFXIII outfits the best.
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all the above negative posts are all me btw
Oh boy, more XIV asset flips!
Not until she's in KoF which will never happen because there's not pre-existing 3D assets for Shin Cheappon Kekaroo to reuse.
No, because they get their long skirts this time.
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Very based
Ah yes, the three sacred treasures: Iori, Chizuru, and TERRY
Simple model edit, 99% of the work is already done. Just hope they don't include the XIV costumes though given how SNK handles them.
It sucks that instead of being tossed into an abyss and never showing up again, Chunni, Pissla and Gaytenkun are probably going to take up roster space (33 whole character!) in XVI as a team.
>Simple model edit
My nigger do you know how difficult animating flowing dresses is? It doesn't excuse the fact that they shouldn't be taking 6 months for them to get added but that's more work than most of the base game or DLC. If it were an easy decision, they would've still had dresses in XIII and XIV
It's 6 months for two characters to release simultaneously.
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>Oh boy, more asset flips!
Like most KOF games.
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The new Art of Fighting game will be called Art of Fighting: Fatal Fury
A lot of the work IS done in terms of main rigging from XIV, unless they really did toss out every animation to reanimate them from scratch which I doubt. It's not an easy quick copy+paste like the retards in this thread think it is but they're going to need a lot of polish to keep up with the rest of the game. It's also not as much """content""" as the slop pass from SF6 so it comes across as not very exciting for the future of the game

But point still stands, the dresses still mean it's more work than "just a XIV asset flip" unlike what Daimon, Kensou or Oswald probably would've been

It'll be called Like a Fist of the Dragon and Tiger
Animating them? XV is using cloth physics, not hand-made animations.
Do you have the full ver for the clothed one here >>486889816
>My nigger do you know how difficult animating flowing dresses is?
Maybe but that won't be a thing in this game.
And yet KOFXV Jenet has to cheat a little bit and use her animation smears to cover instances where she'd be using her dress for an attack.
This is the "full" pic. Sorry.
No need to apologise, thanks
So who gets in the new AOF game? I assume the Kyokugens, Kasumi, and a good chunk of the AOF1/2 characters are likely (I could see Temjin and possibly Mickey being left out though).

Personally hoping Lenny returns.
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poor povert indie snk-kun please do not bully ;_;
I'd pay for a Muimui asset flip in XV.
I don't see any AOF3 characters being there though, considering that the game set before it and in a Southtown.
Perhaps Kasumi, Karman and Jin would make sense?
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No Kyo on the artwork. I will say I do like that this game's roster for having more variety there compared to the Capcom games which mostly focused on Street Fighter and King of Fighter. Especially for including characters like Zero, Demitri, Shiki, and Goddess Athena.
Technically, that was just recycled artwork of Wild Ambition Terry and Alpha 3 Ryu. The Japanese cover, which was also the back cover of the American version, had Ryu and Kyo facing each other.
Does this count?
Who would be considered strange aside from maybe B.B. Hood?
I don't know how anyone feels about SvC Chaos' soundtrack but I always liked this theme.
if Bengus and Shinkiro make a new one, it will be Terry vs Ryu and Kyo vs Ken
I thought Love Heart was Liz for a moment.
Kasumi's popular and one of the only AOF characters to make any impact outside of that series so there's no way they're going to leave her out, even if they don't care enough to put her in KoF again. Jin I can maybe see getting in because he's a meme among the Japs. Honestly, Lenny and/or Roddy would probably make plenty of sense in a Southtown setting anyway.

"Wasn't" is the keyword. Modern SNK left characters out of XIV because they were "too obscure" and made sure only popular characters were in XV. Modern SNK are pussies too afraid to take a chance because Maximilliandoodoo and other influencers might not recognize an SNK character that wasn't in CvS or existed before KoF XIII.

>considering that the game set before it
How do we even know that? All they said is that it would be in "all its 70s glory" so AOF3 is still part of that.
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Anyone else read the SvC Chaos manhua? I have some of the volumes in English.
How do you know it won't be Terry vs. Ryu and Iori vs. Ken?
Because it would be hilarious that Kyo was demoted in CvS
>How do we even know that? All they said is that it would be in "all its 70s glory" so AOF3 is still part of that.
I mean, AOF3 is set in 1980 IIRC.
Honestly, I was baffled that they didn't set the new AOF game in the early 80s, considering that this was the old plan for the franchise.
You mean he hasn't already. He hasn't made a guest appearance in any games. Even Kula got to be in Dead or Alive 6 before that game bit the dust.
>if Bengus and Shinkiro make a new one, it will be Terry vs Ryu and Ryo vs Ken
Ryo's rival should be Dan.
Most of SVC Chaos's soundtrack is unique enough. Train Station, Power Plant, and Nude Place are bangers, with a shout out to the shrine and the temple.
He's locked in by Yuri.
So, if Mega Man was in a Capcom vs. SNK game who would his rival be?
>inb4 B. Jenet.
Would lick
But, where?
Doesn't look bad.
Needs a bit of polish in the background and the character.
I can't get any easter egg in the background tho
Probably Marco from Metal Slug
Someone already pointed out the Ostrich Slug in the background.
'70s isn't literal, they just mean that overall aesthetic which carried over well into the '80s.
It's kind of ironic that SvC Chaos won't be released on Xbox considering back in the day it was exclusive to the original Xbox in North America. The PS2 version was only released in Japan and Europe.
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Just saw it in my second view.
There's also this guy with the red t-shirt that has a mars people
I'd love to get that cover in high res
Is it complete online?
IRC the complete collection has never been posted online and it was never translated.
I don't think so.
Roddy, Nicola, Cyber Woo, Maxima (the original one)
Take your pick.
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There's a dude with Mars People shirt on the front and besides him there's this kid with this shirt.
Also this character on the bridge >>486873150 but it's impossible to even try to guess with this resolution
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One of the Top Hunters? Maxima?
Yeah Sony of America were real assholes back then (and still are today for other reasons) because they had a hateboner for 2D games. Hence why 2000/2001 and 2002/2003 were only allowed to be released as bundles. Meanwhile 94 Re-Bout and this game were outright rejected and moved to Xbox instead.
Terry = Ryu
Iori = Ken
Mai = Chunners
Leona = Cammy
Rugal = Guile
Takuma = Gouken
Mr Karate = Akuma
Mai makes a better Chun than Chun.
If she's not getting fucked in the meanest way possible don't bother showing this to me.
SvC will be on GOG too, I guess I'll grab it there instead and make my own disc/cover
And then that was cancelled.
And fool the shotafags into thinking he's playable? Sure, why not?
Fair enough. As long as it will be radical, hot pink infested, with night stages with lots of neon and OST inspired by new wave I don't care about anything else. Well, maybe give a new fighter rollerblades.
I wonder how Nako would feel about him what with her eventually becoming a nature spirit. I think he'd make friends with the MS crew though.
Was the OST used in the SvC trailer a new arrangement? I don't remember it being in the game
It's the song for the credits.
Chun in Mia's outfit is pretty hot. If they're both together don't let them near any boys though.
Dam autocorrect
Now I get why that anon never heard it.
makes sense i don't remember considering i got filtered by the final bosses 90% of the time
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There's a big dude on the far left of the stage but not a single second of footage of that part of the stage without the comic book filter, so I can't really tell if it's another easter egg or just a random npc
She did wear it well in the CvS games
Athena also dressed in Sakura's school uniform in CvS2.
If SNK will bring back Quan's concept in future FF/KOF stuff, would you want her to look like her MotW2 design or her SVC tag design?
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I found the perfect SNK rival for Bad Box Art Mega Man.
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Bring me the Midnight Bliss kino
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What about the other Athena?
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I've got bad news.
That works too.
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Or, if you want to be a bit more artistic.
nta but and I don't like him that much but I'm glad he will be in the game, I hope they bring everyone from MotW back other than Grant that's pretty much dead.
It's like he's trying to pull his best Chris Redfield.
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besides joe and his apprentice, do we have any idea who the other scrapped characters here are?
Considering that Marco was looking for Yamazaki in the MotW that doesn't mean much.
Looking at the new ones on this pic, evil Kim would be cool, don't care much about anyone else.
The funny thing is that I don't even really get a 1970s vibe from AOF. Definitely more of an '80s vibe that lessens with each game, especially considering shit like Robert's F40 that literally didn't exist until 1987. The music and character designs (like Crawley's AOF1 mullet, Yuri's aerobics outfit/gym, Jack and Lenny's looks, and the like) are pure '80s too.

Really feels like all they should have done was just soft retcon the game series to take place in the mid-'80s.
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why is lee pai long here
Bad box? Athena is cosplaying Deana Troi in the most and fuckable way possible and killing giant alien bugs

Here she is Hawkwoman
Because Art of Fighting and Fatal Fury share the same continuity.
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Plus 80s were the Golden Age of Kyokushin / full contact karate

Because background cameos are non-canon because Lee in this timeline would be around 90 and probably dead.
A lot of things in MOTW were meant to be followed up on in the sequel. We're probably getting Yamazaki too, if not a successor to him.
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>midnight bliss geese and the brown blondie from the scrapped garou sequel have almost the same outfit
deep lore
Funny how all the Combat sports had this explosion during the 80s that grew into MMA.
>mature and vice back
team yagami rides again
Flashbacks to the old doujins of them fucking Rock.
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woke SNK
Its always athena to.
Where are you seeing this censored poster?
Now I wish I went to EVO...
Probably PSN
The English vs Japanese trailer, such as their thumbnail. Plus the US Steam store page.
>Poster cut off at the bottom, so Athena hidden from the neck down
>Mai's cleavge covered
Eh, could be worse. Tessa went unchanged on both posters.
I remember that interview where they said they originally planned for Terry to be on the hero team instead of Beni. Would have made way more sense.
nothing is censored ingame
stop going schizo about front cover
That's a worrying trend if the front covers are getting censored, alongside the dumbass disclaimer.
it's okay if snk does it
>"2003 was a different time, so please don't be offended by anything you see in this game"
Something something Midnight Bliss something something go to heaven to meet God and get slingshotted back to earth something something
It wouldn't be the first time either. For example, the Neo Geo Pocket Color Selection Vol. 1 US cover is censored by covering Morrigan and Mai, with Marco and his gun outright deleted. Yet the game came out fine.
Don't you know you're supposed to panic and start a crusade like a good culture warrior?
Weird to see these faggots here too and it's funny that they are exactly like the SJW faggots
The majority of Steam reviews are something to the effect of "even if it's jank, please support this game so we can get rereleases of CvS1 and 2, maybe even CvS3."
there are remastered ports in steam that dont even launch
Yeah, I don't know if it's pathetic or amusing that these idiots can't tell Capcom had nothing to do with this game.
I suppose it's more proving a point that people want a Capcom/SNK crossover by giving them arguably the weakest of the crossover games and seeing it perform well.
Site is filled with these idiots, some boards more than others since they feel their opinions need to be heard.
You're about as subtle as a brick to the face redditor.
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Max scores a sitdown with the SNK devs.
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Your boogeyman isn't here, faggot.
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I NEED to squeeze that belly.
Yeah, it's filled with idiots throwing tantrums because a single curved line erased.
Dipshit, I remember the days when SNK would take Mai's jiggling out of US ports of KoF and this was before terms like "woke" and "SJW" ever existed. Probably before you were ever a sperm in your dad's ballsack.
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>SNK would take Mai's jiggling out of US ports of KoF
I was JUST about to post this kek
Holy fuck, the first time I saw that in the arcades it truly broke my heart, such a giant fucking downgrade goddamn.
It just looked so... wrong.
Why does SNK continue to give this loser so much attention? He won't play the game. He won't get other people to play the game. He'll play it or a day, get destroyed because he sucks, and go back to whatever the fuck it is he does. Remember that this retard spent years campaigning or Rock in KoF and when they finally threw him a bone and put his husbando in the game did this asshole play it? Nope.

They should just ignore him and his faggoty fanbase. He does nothing for them.
For the record, this SVC Chaos rerelease features Mai's full jiggle.
I hope the guy in the bottom left makes it in in some way. Dunno why, but of all newcomers he's the one who piqued my interest the most. Even considering his stance screams boxer and I don't really jive with those.
Oh good. It doesn't look like shit.
Max is king of the casuals, and Rock is his baby. The only thing that could convince Max to drop FF:CotW is the same reason he dropped Garou:MotW - Rock being shit tier.
Don't forget he also has a hateboner for female characters generally, especially the "notorious" ones such as Sylvie. Remember how SNK gave him exclusive sneak previous of DLC characters such as Kim, but even they knew not to bother to have him preview characters like Najd, Sylvie, Hinako?
>hateboner for female characters
What makes an adult male behave like this? kek
I've always found it very strange.
>I remember the days when SNK would take Mai's jiggling out of US ports of KoF
what us ports of kof, ps1 95 and dreamcast 98 because those didn't remove it
he doesnt like cute anime girls, that's pretty much it
Which one is your favorite?
What a faggot.
>hates female characters because they're icky and gross
The (supposed/professed) reason is that he doesn't like "moe anime girls" more or less and licks STRONK WAHMEN types. The actual reason is that he's mentally and emotionally 10-years-old.
Yeah, he likes Baiken.
hes wife said no
hes a cuck like James Rolfe is
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I wish SNK Heroines had the short skirt female Iori from this game
Are we sure a CvS3 cover won't have Terry and Luke front and center?
Miss Karate's granny milkers
Capcom is hellbent on making that fucking faggot the face of Street Fighter so yes, if CvS 3 happens that is definitely a possibility.
Good Lord man, a CvS 3 made by current day Capcom would be absolutely cursed.
classic goeniko
feel like svc chaos generally had the worse versions of midnight bliss sprites, i miss akuma turning into a maid and guile turning into a bikini babe
I remember Capcom Fighting Evolution having Ryu turning into the Indian girl from the Street Fighter 2 animated movie.
he also doesn't like Shingo, Kensou, and Chris
I'm sure I will feel retarded for not remembering but remind me, who is that blue-haired girl to the right of Chun?
He doesn't know that much but he probably plays and likes SNK games more than a lot of people here
yep. capcom fighting evolution has the best midnight bliss transformations, a couple of these even came back as costumes in sfv, like anakaris and rose. best version of demitri's own form, funnily enough, vampire schoolgirl was inspired
It's Bishamon.
I will say I find Hugo's Midnight Bliss hilarious since it's just him wearing Poison's clothes.
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bishamon, but she's a reference to yukiko from dororon enma-kun
I feel like Sasquatch turning into a Yuki-Onna would make more sense.
I see, thanks for clearing that up
She's cute
I think the CFE ones are generally pretty shit and lazy (like Guy's head being pasted onto Maki's CvS2 sprite). SvC's are pretty good for the most part. Vega, Bison, Sim and Guile's are all great. Terry's got used in Heroines and Iori's should have been as well, and I liked Kyo's being Cosplayer Kyoko.
>What about the other Athena?
They're not bad, you lot just can't appreciate the darker artstyle that's all. Also they were a product of their time where that art was cool.
Marketing has always been a double edge sword of controversy.
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That just looks fucking dumb.
It's not even skin tight.
man, what is up with these watermarks?
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How is it possible that neither Capcom nor SNK have managed to make a cuter character than Chun-li or Mai yet?
It's been 30+ years
Athena? Yuri? Sakura? Kasumi? Akira?
Because you're a boring person who likes boring things.
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All great.
Still not Mai-tier.

How the FUCK is Mai boring?
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>that Firebrand
Imagine if one day we get Goddess Athena in KOF?
I would rather her having her own game. We had Athena using her clothes on SNK Heroines recently too
I never actually played her games, is she like, a different form of the Athena we play in KoF or are they different characters?
Can't wait for SF6 Mai to be flat
different characters
She's not going to be fucking flat. She's going to be ugly.
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To be fair, we know the SF6 Terry/Mai are based on their Real Bout counterpart, where she doesn't show much cleavage. But there will be controversy of her being censored anyway.
Idk if what Harada says has weight to it, but he once wentioned that if people really want something they take snail mail into consideration over anything else. Maybe they'll get what they want if they write letters to Capcom.
>we know the SF6 Terry/Mai are based on their Real Bout counterpart, where she doesn't show much cleavage.
Yes, what a convenient excuse for them.
That would've been hilarious.
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Jesus, what's happened to Ogura's art?
>are based on their Real Bout counterpart
Aren't they just FF? I don't remember them talking specifically about RB other than it being the favorite game of the devs
Did Mature ever actually lose an eye or was the eyepatch just for cool factor?
I always assumed it was a scar from Iori killing her but then XIV showed it was fine.
You probably like nothing but main characters and marketing centerpieces.
KoF Athena is her reincarnation.
Whoops you're right. But I wouldn't be surprised if their movesets are based on RB. Plus the Mai art they showed looked more like her RB self too.
She only wore the eyepatch in XII and XIII, and it was thought to be a remnant of Riot Iori's attack on her and Vice that killed them in '96. But in KOFXIV, she dropped the eyepatch and was clearly fine.
>is she like, a different form of the Athena
Not even the same character, she's just a distant descendant of popstar Athena.
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Goddess/Princess Athena (Athena) and Athena Asamiya (Psycho Soldier/KOF) are two different individuals. The closest it comes is that Asamiya may or may not be the reincarnation/descendent of Princess.
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IMAGINE applying "popular BAD" hipster faggotry to taste in female characters lmao
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There's nothing interesting about an egomaniacal whore obsessed with her boyfriend. Unlike Chun Li, Mai is only popular thanks to her tits and her skimpy outfit.
Should've been FF3/RBFF1 Mai costume. It's the best one.
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There he goes again.
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>obsessed with her boyfriend
You do realize those 2 things contradict each other, right?
That's the anon who hates Mai because she's, according to them, a Stacy who apparently has no value beyond her body and is a raging bitch to everyone around her except for Andy, whom she treats as an obsession more than a love.
I hope someone rips the full clean art from the gallery of the re-release
>FF3/RBFF1 Mai costume. It's the best one.
Footfag detected
You're not wrong though
that looks like tizoc
well not like it matters every fgctuber is more or less just like him at this point only thing people interested in the game needs to realize that max is a phony when it comes to snk games and probably should take stuff he says with a grain of salt
Bottom right was probably Gaoh, Gato's dad
I've seen people say the two guys in the suits are Hopper and Ripper but I think that's just speculation, they don't really look like them
I actually never noticed it had almost open feet, I just like her dress with a skirt cut plus jacket combo more.
Basically, I feel like Mai is supposed to be more classy somehow, even if I'm an easy man that is easily baited by designs like Goddess Athena or Arabian Moon (from Irem's Superior Soldiers)
By his own admission, Max only got serious about SNK with KOFXV.
Nice sword fight, Snk.
serious enough to play it once every blue moon?
Damn I thought I was the only one. Yeah, something about a scrappy paperboy taking up boxing is really cool.
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Sex with Rimu
>vice with garters and short skirt
puro sexo
I agree to disagree.
Man, we missed out on the good shit.
>no dickgirl version

Not censored here
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As long she is not a charge + stances character like Chun li... Give me a shoto version of Mai and i'm beyond happy...
CVS2 is only better than SVC:C if you like 6 buttons fighters, roll canceling and all SNK characters being low tier.
For me it's Yuki-chan Sasquatch.
90 isn't too bad by fictional chinese kung fu master standards to be fair
SVC chaos is only better than CVS2 if you're a fanboy who defends KOFXV having broken matchmaking over a year and 2010 visuals.
Would it have been the better game?
One of the cotw devs at evo said that guard cancel was one button in smart style early on but it slowed the game down way too much so had to remove guard cancels from the scheme. What does he mean here about one button because isn't guard cancel just canceling a just defense which is already one button? I don't understand.
Maybe he's talking about cancelling the just defend into a special with one button? Would make people scared of attacking
Whose this hottie? should i play this game?
She's Mai from Fatal Fury anon and yes
>they are exactly like the SJW faggots
sjws: want everything censored if it doesn't make them hard/appeals to straight men

me: doesn't want anything censored even shit that disgusts me (yaoi and related stuff), want things from the past (sexual content) brought to the modern day with the only change being enhanced graphics

we are not the same, stop making that retarded comparison. You'll never see me advocate for censoring Shion's femboi butt but I bet you can find dozens of sjws on twitter hoping capcom censors Mai in SF6.
But couldn't you say that someone with good execution can just do the same on the legacy controls?
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Left or Right?
Andy pls
Same SvC Chaos energy
Left. Firebrand’s V is on full display.
Can you post the left version on its own?

Also left
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>New art from the recruitment page
>They are actually following the prototype/idea they said they had a year ago
Can't wait to see some Yashakino bros...
Kazunoko playing SvC
>forgot the link
Right because i have a better view of my wife Kasumi
Wtf is that based beyong belief roster?
Athena's muffin top...
The fuck is with that faggot-ass Rugal?
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Not necesarily
Bitch can be fucking other guys for her work while still being in love and thinking about her boyfriend
Wait, they censored Mai's cleavage but not Tessa's?
My favorite is Match of the Millenium.
The princess is a fat bitch
Are the Athena games any good? I always wanted to try them and Crystalis so maybe I should the that 40th anniversary game
OG Athena is kinda kusoge but Psycho Soldier is fun
Good enough, I'll wait for a sale and get it with the SvC card game
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It's from 2 days ago
So this is the concept art for the AAA game? I'm getting some Nioh vibes.
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This is the new Samurai Shodown, so I think they are following the concept they had that they shared in this interview.
Since Yashamaru seems to be the main character looking by the art and the interview, it's probably gonna be completely different from something like Nioh or a Soulslike game
they're so focused on mai that they forgot tessa? lmao
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the classic
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>make fun of sfdix's four nonrecycled characters a year dlc package
>have to take half a year to put out two recycled characters from kofxiv
>You play as Yashamaru
Yeah I'm thinking hard pass.
this kek dimelessmaru
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>broken piece of shit, capcom: YOOOO HYPE LETS GOOOO FOOTDIVE TAKE ME FOR A RIDE DOOD!!!!
>broken piece of shit, SNK: this game is bad and unbalanced shame on you SNK
I don't think anyone is defending a game that takes away meter for whiffing throws.
But they're defending the one with X factor and lightning loops.
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The one who inspired SNK Heroines
Doing X-Factor and lightning loops isn't the most bare basic gameplay even if they're both degenerate, whereas throws is something you do even in extremely casual gameplay from time to time.
>now its real men's turn
lol this is like some kind of smash kiddies meme
B-but that's true...
But Marvel 3 isn't in the collection?
One button specials are far faster to do in the heat of the moment compared to even a DP input. You see this in SF6 a lot where games can slow down dramatically because 1 button DPs stuff out 99% of jump ins, or even doing any strings/blockstrings just gets answered with a instant super. People do CR.HP to anti air sometimes and it used to be known as a mexican uppercut to do so.
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Doujins are not canon m8
Mai is LITERALLY interested in Andy and only Andy, it is one of her defining traits.
>Doujins are not canon m8
then defending mai having a futa dick in kofxv
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What the fuck does she do to get money then?
A kunoichi's job is to get info. And she's not the type of beign a stealthy one but the prostitute type.
Cosplayer Kyoko should have in that game but the joke is that she's R63 Shingo instead of Kyo.
No one really asks about the finances of a ninja house.
>What the fuck does she do to get money then?
Charging royalties from appearing in other series.
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You shouldn't
Maybe Andy does the same type of job with old bastards as Mai do
It's weird how he keep his beautiful long hair so shiny and taken care of
if they were in the usa the irs would come knocking on their door and possibly a karen from the hoa in their neighborhood
notice how they haven't really shown anything off of jenet lately other than the usual splash image
I guess they want to keep their focus on the newcomers. Manface Jenet and her huge tits would take away the little attention that Preecha and Vox have
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Shaggy Vice
Kyo is the new hipster icon.

Starting from today
Maybe Mai actually kills people.
If Yashamaru is actually the main character of the new game it can be really interesting. I don't remember an action game that you play as a Tengu so his movement options should be cool
samsho side tourney
>If Yashamaru is actually the main character of the new game it can be really interesting.
Maybe on Planet Retard

This also makes me hate him even more because it makes it seem like he was created for a hypothetical spinoff which just makes him feel even more out of place in SamSho than he already does.
Tell him DOOD. Kyo just doesn't have the HYPE!!!
X factor is a one button press what are you even talking about

MVC2 is as much of a piece of shit.
what's wrong with yasha?
X-Factor is still a mechanic that completely changes the course of a match, where a throw is just a basic option, there is no comparison there. No, this isn't defending X-Factor at all but comparing the 2 is dumb.
Yeah, I guess another generic souls slop using a guy with a katana is more unique and interesting
My entire initial point is that neither games is balanced or even well made. SVC gets shit for being broken when MVC is just as fucked balance wise.
>There's nothing interesting about an egomaniacal whore obsessed with her boyfriend.

Mai's an exhibitionist not a whore.
I'm surprised that X-Men vs. Street Fighter doesn't get more shit for it's completely busted madness.
Refer to>>487017065
He sucks
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Thanks, anon.
It's just a retard shitposting
see you in 2033 copies sold

Kek the last pic

You know, whenever SNK gets to reveal the DLC for COTW I hope they copy ArcSys and just reveal all of them at once instead of drag the reveal with silhouette bullshit
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Silhouette is hype. Fuck you.
The Terry of Fighters XVI soon
Charlotte wins. Good reset.
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Vive le France
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They won't, current SNK is beyond incompetent. They'll coppy dressing all female characters in burkas and hoodies since the only things they copy now are stupid shit (burnout).
>Tekken is resurrecting Heihachi
Surely SNK would keep Geese dead in Fatal Fury h-haha right?
Nightmare Geese bro
If Injustice 2 could get away with The Jonkler by putting him in a dream sequence then we can too
Yeah >>487058591 means SNK can get away with keeping Geese dead without them needing to waste a slot by "reviving" him. At this point I really don't know why we would ever need new fighting games though if every game is going to have the same roster
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>first bison, then heihachi
>At this point I really don't know why we would ever need new fighting games though if every game is going to have the same roster
Because the games play different? 3/4 of the SF6 last season were SF5 characters, the first character of the season was also a SF5 one and no one really cares. GG also also do it. People just want popular characters.
The only reason people care about that is because nobody wants to play SFV or Xrd
Because it's a new game and it plays different. Kim not being in the base roster of XV is a big example. He's pretty much in every single game, he misses one and a lot of people start asking for him as DLC.
The only way to put non popular characters in fighting games nowadays is by having them in the base game
Rugal bros, he's stealing our gimmick
I'd be okay with Geese coming back if he gets to call Rock a pin-headed son of an ice cream maker
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just bring every dead boss back
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mr big's not even dead, is he?
Geese with a halo like in Dominated Mind would be kino tho
Shermie the semen demon
XV brought back Orochi Team, Goenitz, and Rugal. Should we expect Krizalid, the two Zeros, and Igniz to come back in the future?
no because they aren't popular
Krizalid probably has a chance, I don't think much people care about the other NESTS characters in general.
It's ironic because I remember seeing some Terryfags claiming Kyo took his spotlight.
No, Mr. Big is not dead, to our knowledge.
/ss/fags love Bao, though.
What gimmick? He's left for dead in '94, blew himself up in '95, was made worm food in '96, and deader than dead in '97 but he came back in a dream match when KOF was here again because rules didn't apply in 1998.
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pretty big
>Goenitz and Rugal
Not canon like all the non-team DLC but we know they're alive again because that was the whole point of XIV.

Wouldn't mind it, depower him a bit and put him with Whip and Foxy/Diana/a new character.

>two Zeroes
Clone can stay dead but I think there's something interest if they had the real Zero as a sort of neutral character using his resurrection and the destruction of NESTS as a way to get a fresh start. Alternately maybe have him start some anti-NESTS group and act as a more neutral/neutral good version of Heidern and the Ikaris. Would give K' and the other NESTS characters something to do.

He's lovable so of course.
How long until KOF or Fatal Fury get guest characters added to them? It's probably inevitable at this point.
Technically already happened with Nak/the SamSho characters in the last two games. If you mean non-SNK then it's obvious a Street Fighter character (obligatory boring choice of Ryu or Chun-Li) will be DLC in CotW.
I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being Luke.
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Fatal Fury was, in fact, the first to do it. Art of Fighting's Ryo appearing in Fatal Fury Special makes him the first EVER crossover character in fighting games, even if it was only an internal crossover.
We all know it'll be boring because Capcom will probably insist on it being one the marquee/face characters when you could do someone like Makoto who's popular, seemingly has no plans for being included in SF6 and you can even tie it to the idea that MotW was basically SNK's 3rd Strike.
I'll take any sf character but that dark ninja mongrel.
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>Capcom will probably insist
That's not how this stuff works.
Why would you think that? It's Capcom's characters so if SNK wants to use a Street Fighter character Capcom can tell them who they can and can't use and if Capcom insists on Boryu, Chun-Sleep or Puke then SNK's only choice is use them or no SF characters.
We know that Capcom specifically requested Luke to be added to KOFAS when the first crossover happened
So, if Guilty Gear character gets added to KOF XV is Arc System going to insist on Bridget?
Because unless they want the character they won't put him in. Why would they pay money to Capcom to put a character they don't want in their game? Capcom can sugest characters or deny tho
Because they think that having an SF character would sell SF fans on the game and we already have examples like >>487067183 where Capcom forced shitty marquee characters onto them. If we see an SF character in CotW it's going to to be Ryu, Chun or Luke and SNK will have to either take it or leave it and we all know they'll take it.
nta but i'd have thought it'd more along the lines of both companies (and the developers) discussing who they think would work best for a number of reasons rather than capcom descending from the heavens onto the saudi deserts and shitting a luke into kof's roster
like obviously it makes sense to go with more recognisable and heavily-promoted characters but surely there'll still be a discussion there
to be fair baiken was in samsho
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I hope Chun gets added to CotW
Would be nice having an actually cute version of her in a current gen game.
True. Granted, Baiken does makes sense for that type of game.
Gacha isn't a fighting game, and it isn't just a single character that gets added to these games. They probably negociated that if they had Luke they would allow other characters too, or they just wanted him there because he's the new protagonist.
this is also true tbqh
also i guess arcsys has a different corporate structure from capcom so that might be worth considering too
Capcom would have say on which characters SNK could and could not use and you know they're going to insist on either the two "main" characters or the current poster boy. That's how this shit works. Interesting choices when it comes to guest fighters are never considered, it's always the poster character.
Of course they have to say which characters they would allow, it's their IP, just like for SNK but since it's good for them to have their characters in other games they don't care that much.
The point is, if they don't want to work on a character from the ones available or think it isn't worth it, they won't pay for it.
Chun-Li is a much more fun answer given her playstyle would actually be unique given SNK has always had their own (better) Shotos. Plus SNK doesn't have many good Chinese girls to pick from outside of Mian
Yes, I unironically think she could be fun to play in that game's engine. Also, assuming Mai returns, they could play up their whole friendship/rivalry thing they have going on in the crossovers.
Just use Menat as the guest character.
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Grant is confirmed dead, so that gives me hope they wont be pussies about things. They've always been more loyal than most companies as well, so I have a shred of hope he'll stay dead.
I hope he comes back.
Killing characters and keeping them unplayable because "muh story" in a fucking fighting game is dumb. DUMB
It's kind of surprising that SNK waited so long to bring the Orochi Team and Rugal back to life outside of the Dream Matches.
Isn't Menat just Capcom copying Carol from Savage Reign?
Man, remember when Soul Calibur V dropped a lot of the characters and replaced them with their kids or apprentices and everyone hated them, so VI rebooted the series and brought everyone back?
Because they stuck to their guns, even after admitting that destroying the New Faces Team in the same year they debuted was a mistake and that how they treated them informed how they treated other newcomers going forward.
SNK used to have integrity and balls. Post chinkvestment SNK has none which is why they rushed to resurrect all the dead characters and rejected characters for being "too obscure." SNK never gave a single shit about obscurity as a reason to include or not include characters in KoF. If they did, Hwa never would have ended up in XIII.
Hwa Jai came to KOFXIII because he was an easy palette swap for Joe.
What the FUCK do """integrity""" and """balls""" have to do with this?
If story negatively impacts the GAMEplay part of your fucking FIGHTING GAME then it's retarded and should be scrapped/rebooted.
What if Kuzushi Howard has been Geese all this time?
You saying they should have brought them back sooner?
Geese is not coming back, go play KOF.
Nako and Samsho are as much of guest characters as team Fatal Fury.
I think KoF 99 and onward would have been better if they had become staples as of 97, yes.
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I'm already ranting like a motherfucker over this that I'm dreading Geese being resurrected for COTW. The whole point of KOF is that you can place characters like him in there and do what if with people that would have conflict with him. Please for the love of god don't fucking do it.
IIRC, weren't Kyo and Iori originally not going to be in '99, but then they were included as secret characters? Kind of like how SF3 originally wasn't going to have Ryu and Ken.
NESTS games are worse than '98 but max comfy. Great rosters and aesthetics thanks to Styleos' designs/sprites.
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>XV brought back Orochi Team, Goenitz, and Rugal. Should we expect Krizalid, the two Zeros, and Igniz to come back in the future?

That's because the Eight Heads of Orochi aren't your typical humans, plus cosmic entities trying to fix the timeline glitch Ash Crimson created which resulted in their souls being released.
basically yeah, the idea was that their story had run its course after the final battle they shared at the end of '97 but the main things that came up during location testing for '99 was "where iori" and "where kyo"
I want to KISS Angel, in the belly
I heard this version isn't too bad considering the console limitations.
Jeff Bogard is alive again. Every dead character is alive.
Also, Leona's dad too.
See you all in Nice.
Leona's dad has long been confirmed back from the dead in her ending.
>Strive showed popular characters and cool guest one
>Tekken showed Heihachi
>SF6 will show Terry and probably something else hype(though game sucks)
>SNK showed........Vice and Mature concept art and...........Kevin.........
And a whole-ass game, what?
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>20 year old port/re-release of a shitty game
Are you being serious right now? And no, SvC Chaos is not good. Just wanted to state that before you come with some bullshit.
What's the most ridiculous headcanon/fanfiction shit you've ever come up with because everyone has inevitably done it.

>Malin is either the granddaughter or grandniece of Lee Pai Long and her fighting style is just her own interpretation of his.
Announcing new characters for two separate games and a shadow rerelease of a previous title is somehow fumbling the bag for you?
>Yuri acting like a womanchild all the time is a coping mechanism for dealing with the trauma of being kidnapped all those years ago.
>Terry looks 100x better in COTW than he does in SF6
SNK won.
Who's the artist
I don't think he looks bad but he looks like... Luke?
Here's the Terry trailer.
>SF6's director said Real Bout 2 was his favorite (non street fighter) fighting game
>Terry can be seen beating up the ultimate jobber Lao from said game
Seems like they're putting a lot of love into this, I'm happy with it so far.
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Don't talk shit about Preecha ever again you fags
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Oh hey, he's fighting Lao.
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>Blue Mary is now Black Mary
I didn't expected his trailer to appear this fast
It's not bad, but it's hard to make him look bad
Looks like shit kek
>Iori killed his girlfriend at some point, that's why she's never brought up in his new profiles
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That's actually a nice detail
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Jesus fucking christ what is that
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Who's this?
Also, the spectators are all player avatars
The regular npcs in world tour don't even look this bad.
So we're getting a Pao Pao Cafe in Metro City?
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I think the Arika one looks 100 times better but animates like shit
I thought they were cosplayers.
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western release version
if this is what cvs3 would be then no thanks I'll play mugen
They're just nods to the Fatal Fury cast like the fake Chun-Li and Dan.
Looks like you'll be able to use FF's costumes and clothes parts for your avatar.
Obviously they'll never be able to look as good as the actual characters
Fuck the realism meme
Now how will Mai look in this game?
After this I don't think anyone wants to know
A Pao Pao Cafe branch in Metro City would be the likeliest choice. It avoids having to make a road trip to South Town itself, and it gives Terry an excuse to travel, since PPC is a South Town flagship brand.
Reminder that the same people who criticize SNK's graphics play this
if ada wong can look nice in the RE engine then mai should be fine
but i have very little hope after looking at sf girls
>Andy is gay
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Lao was robbed in RBFF2.
At least he got in First Contact.
>/v/ will still defend Capcom despite this
Kinda scared about Mai now but I'm happy with the references
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And he's a member of the Lillien Knights nowadays.
yeah but the re and sf teams are very different
RE6 Engine is a joke.
They're cosplaying the South Town legends because they're not actually in South Town. This lends more credence to the "this is a Metro City branch of the Pao Pao Cafe" idea.
Makes me wonder what other clothes they could add for Mai's DLC.
It also explains why the Mad Gears are there as well, since they're a Metro City staple.
Andy, Geese, Kim, Billy, Yamazaki, Rock, Hotaru, Jenet? And that's if they stick with just Fatal Fury.
Isn't there a manga that has midnight bliss in a chapter? I've seen a page but not the actual chapter
They already showed off Andy, Joe, and Mary customizations for this trailer.
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You mean this?
>A Pao Pao Cafe branch in Metro City would be the likeliest choice.
>"Terry is Pao Pao Cafe's special VIP guest for this store's opening"
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Imagine the reaction if this was in an SNK game
I didn't notice Andy.
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It's FF2/Special Andy. Note the flames on the torso.
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Yes, is there a full chapter scan out there somewhere?
The only one I could find was in Spanish. Which is where I got the picture from.
Where did you find the Spanish scan?
Andy, Billy and Duck King already appeared here >>487081901 >>487079986
Those are just Mad Gear goons in the band.
I'm kinda surprised because I expected a Train Yard
Yes, but those clothes are quite similar to them
That doesn't mean they're going to half-ass it if they specifically say they're making Duck King and Billy cosmetics.
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It's just a reference dude. They also had a guy dressed up as Robert before the game launched
But we can clearly see they went out of their way to make real items for Andy, Joe, and Mary. You can't just say "they have a character with Billy cosmetics" and not expect me to look for the actual "NO SMOKING" jacket and Union Jack bandana.
Stop simping on Athena, Kensou. She'll never love you. Also she has some mileage already by her talent manager
Holy fuck man
I can't believe retards bitched and moaned about "m-muh clay" when they called SFV ugly, yet those same retards will tell you with a straight face that this shit game looks a lot better.
He looks like an "Aw Shucks" kind of fella.
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And the music record owners.
And the concert's owners.
And some fat politicians
I think they'll add more with Mai either way
Don't really care about the Asamiya one. Goddess Athena is cute and pure
That's the idea. There will be two waves of Fatal Fury avatar cosmetics.
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That looks like garbage too. COTW is the only time Terry looked good in 3D besides Smash.
Kyo? too?
Kyo is loyal to Yuki
Tell that to the fujos.
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The arms make him look weird but the face looks fine
Agreed that's the best version other than Smash
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You stop this shit right now, Athena is pure. PURE
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Purely slut
She totally psyche these guys' balls deep inside her pussy and ass
>Jesus fucking christ what is that
Capcom's Horror Engine doing its thing.
Because the comparison to SVC is CVS1 and 2 not MVC
they need to switch the SF and RE devs
>Should we expect Krizalid, the two Zeros, and Igniz to come back in the future?

I don't see why not, tho I recognize Krizalid has more the vibe of a "Playable fighting game character" than the other two.
That's why I find it weird when people want Orochi playable because to me, he doesn't feel like he should be playable

Rudra is his name. He's an NPC in World Tour. IIRC he's one of the new leaders of the new Mad Gear.
NTA, but CvS2 is kind of broken too, isn't it? Like roll cancelling for example, which made some characters like Blanka the best in the game, but people loved it the point where I believe people got upset when it was removed from the Gamecube and Xbox versions.
Yes, but roll canceling also took a bit of time to be known.
By that point it was already a pretty beloved game with a fairly sizeable and (desu kinda boring) liked roster a pretty big variety with all the grooves and whatnot
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the fucking thumbnail makes it look like he has completely black eyes
I feel like A and K-Groove get used the most. Especially on teams with Bison, Vega, Blanka, Sagat, and Sakura.
I defintively see a fair bit of C-groove dudes when I turn on some CVS2 tournament desu, but I'm not going to pretend to be a specialist at the game.
>Lucia tries to arrest Terry in some mistaken identity
Maybe it just depends on the type of tournament. I think a lot of the SNK characters get more use in Japanese tournaments than American ones.
>People asking for Geese for COTW
Unless they are bringing Nightmare Geese for just an extra non-canon secret boss fight, do not actually bring him back. He's alive in KOF timeline. Just leave him being alive there. Also, at this point with Bison and Heihachi, this would be too PREDICATABOO!!
Nightmare Geese will probably happen.
If not launch I don't see him not being a DLC
I figured he would be at least DLC even before Bison and Heihachi were brought back.
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>Nightmare Geese
Make a Nightmare Krauser.

I want to see the return of Gigantic Cyclone
I thought it was Gigatech Cyclone.
Yup. CVS1 is a better game, really.
Wasn't Krauser death an assumption and not a certainty?
A-Groove is fucking cancer to play against but let's not get carried away...
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If you listen to the voices that announce the game's title in each Garou trailer, they sound fairly close to Kong Kuwata and Richard Epcar, aka Geese's respective Japanese and English voices. So he's pretty much locked in to make an appearance either in the story or gameplay.
While we are at it, bring back Laurence Blood also.
And make him like RB2 and focus on the Ole sidestep move.
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I think Alfred will be in Fatal Fury as a DLC character.
I find it weird that the PS1 version of Capcom vs. SNK Pro came out after the PS2 version of CvS2 did.
Can you imagine if they bring back Michael Max.
Someone is a fan of KOF Destiny Terry...
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I unironically want her back...
Terry will most likely get Power Geyser and Buster Wolf as his supers, but what will his Level 3 be?
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Can we have Saigado as the new character designer after COTW?
She'll actually be old enough to be interesting in CotW
You want him to turn all the guys into shotas?
Only Rock.
What if they added Laocorn from the movie as a character into COTW?
OVAs are not canon, so Laocorn and his posse aren't expected to be a thing.
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Why are grifters like this? These guys have never and will never play an snk game in their life yet they pretend to care about whatever the fuck a skippable "DEI Trigger warning" is.

This obviously isn't just a right-wing thing and there's a good amt of left-wingers but I love snk so this really pisses me off more than the skull girls shit. (Shit fighting game)
>DEI Trigger warning
It's that "this game is presented as it was in 2003, so don't get offended by anything you see" warning.
thats just a trigger warning Idk why they put "DEI" other than knowing it'll rile people up more and using modern online conservative buzzwords. It's just lame.
They just want clicks to get money or make some shitty like a patreon for you to support the "cause", people like this don't play games. Not different from sjw fags that did this same shit for a decade or more
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If they're saying this they must be really annoyed at how retarded those people are.
People pointed out the differences between the NA and JP posters and assumed they also made changes to the game itself.
How old will that be?
She'll be no less than 25
Too old...
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Maibros....I'm a little terrified for /ourgirl/...
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She is going to look fucking ATROCIOUS
Someone in these threads told me that SNK would not allow their girl to be mangled, but after seeing the version of Terry that I assume they greenlit, I now know Mai is going to look like SHIT.
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As >>487103874 said.
Terry could honestly look worse.
Yeah I guess, but that's still not encouraging in the slightest.
Nigga that's Jerry.
Then Xiangfei is too old to begin with. Stick with Kula
What game so I play bros, I never played any of them before.
Snk heroines? KofXv?
Which one is alive in Japan
XV is currently the most alive game the only other ones you should bother playing are 98 and the 02s on Fightcade or make friends
How old is FEXL again? I feel like Terry looked better there.
i know it has rollback but is it crossplay?
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So you know how we've got an anon here who is always telling us on how SNK can become more popular like Capcom if they did this and that. Does this mean making characters look rough as fuck is a sure way to that success? Or is the anon full of shit and the reason Capcom gets away with it all is because it's the Street Fighter brand?
Capcom has some kind of mind controlling black magic at their disposal, that's the only explanation.
They have successfully mindbroken their consumers to the point where they will actively defend avatar costume shit and 30 dollar 4 character passes because "the characters are just much higher quality than before"
Characters like this >>487104928
It's because the Capcom fighting game fans are afraid of Capdaddy shitcanning the fighting game division forever, and then moving solely onto RE, and Monhun. This was a paranoia developed around SFV's-MVCI's release.
He is clearly full of shit, period.
What's the name of this cosplayer?
He killed himself in the movie and the official guidebook confirms it, while in the game his fate is unknown.
Nightmare Geese exists precisely for that. The worry is if they'll actually resurrect him for real instead of just using Nightmare Geese.
>Killing characters and keeping them unplayable because "muh story" in a fucking fighting game is dumb. DUMB
Dead characters can be playable but the entire point of MOTW/COTW and by extension Rock Howard is the aftermath of the death of Geese. If he properly came back it completely undermines the 2 games and Rock himself.
Yeah, I don't give a shit if they actually bring him back to the story, you are right that it's much better if they don't, I just want him to be playable.
I don't understand why Tekken 8 -had- to bring Heihachi back to life to make him playable when they LITERALLY already had Kazumi in 7 as a playable character who was dead in the story.
Andy and Mai are both trained killers who teach others to become trained killers. Put two and two together anon. Come on.
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So, this is the face of SNK huh? KEK
>it's ok when they do it
Your reading comprehension is fucking abysmal kek
>Or is the anon full of shit and the reason Capcom gets away with it all is because it's the Street Fighter brand?
Overall, yeah. Saying SNK's issue was not copying all these other companies always missed the point, cause everyone is doing a pretty poor job new or old. From T8 battle pass controversies, to 2KXO project L whatever its called admitting the launch will be lean. These companies rely on their brand, social media presence and sometimes promise of money to make up for it. What SNK need is to be more ambition in general. Find the thing which defines them (good gameplay sadly does not count) and be a better deal so it can actually compete. They do have to put in twice the effort for various reasons many self inflicted.

Its why I'm kind of sad that they haven't announced anything big about Garou yet outside showing it looks nice and plays well. That's great for me but most will stick playing the game they hate cause they are stuck in plato's cave.
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Heavy D! is from southside grand rapids, picrel
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No fucking way. This must be an evil plan by Capcom to ruin Terry's image and harm Snk in some way as Terry has become more popular. I mean, come on. Even fucking Maximum Impact did it right 20 years ago
Is liking veins a tittylover thing?
there's no way that can be true. i think SNK is no longer the rival compared to the old days. if anything it would be tekken.
and if what you say is true then that's way too cruel, but people will just point at capcom for being at fault since i've been seeing comparisons on how other games like smash bros have done it right.

also for mai, there's the DOA games for comparison and since that game is like top coom material.
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Same energy

The movie was never canon. As for confirmation in the main game canon, we have Memories of Stray Wolves.
Pitch me your Art of Fighting sequel
What could even offend someone in fucking SvC of all game?
okay, broad strokes because i'm not exactly a game designer or anything but
>still a 2d fighter, probably uses 3d graphics now though
>system & mechanics are influenced from aof3 and that game's feel - hence, a big focus on movement, poking, oki, juggles, etc.
>setting is early-80s south town (1982?), the idea being that it's a kind of connective tissue between late aof & early ff
>characters are a solid mix of aof mainstays, like one or two ff characters, then some newcomers obviously
>ryo, robert, king, lee pai long, yuri, eiji, kasumi, lenny, and rody for base? plus cheng, jubei and jeff (with a moveset inspired by the bogard brothers) from the ff series. then maybe ryuhaku and karman as secrets, plus a couple of other newcomers fresh to the series
>story could probably be based around the howard connection still influencing south town despite geese having fled to japan, probably controlled by his aide (who'd likely be original, as billy's only about 16 in 1982)
Either something in the dialogue, or a caricature of the God.
Akuma talking about smacking a baby as a joke, midnight bliss or the god thing
I've always found Krauser killing himself retarded.
i guess maybe the art depicting balrog as some sort of rabies infested creature from the depths but beyond that probably just the religious undertones or *maybe* the midnight bliss stuff
Doesn't Iori call Chun-Li a slut in their intro together?
You can't appreciate kino
ratio system is trash
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I think the funniest thing about this is that some kyofags actually got mad
i'm just nerdily upset that the pose is for burn nucko
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Kek i told you guys
Good job anon
Crooked Terry Bogard stole the cover art from Kyo Kusanagi!
This is as big as women should get. I looked her up and she had great natural knockers too.
SF6 doesn't have a realistic artstyle
Engines don't have artstyles
SF6 mogs every other contemporary in quality control. You're blind if you can't see that. They can get away with blunders like this and the shitty coin system because of that.
>SF6 doesn't have a realistic artstyle
Nigga shut the fuck up, you know exactly what people mean by that, stop pretending to be retarded.
Also yes, the engine change is definitely partially responsible for their ugly ass game.

I don't give a shit, Dix is still a hideous fucking game with shitty game mechanics and awful value for your money.
What pissed you off about Skullgirls? The justified reaction to the censorship?
So how does Capcom go from having one of the coolest iterations of Terry ever with CVS to one of the worst? He literally looks better in KOFXIV, let alone XV
The Capcom that made CvS is long, long gone, current day Capcom is a greedy, trash company with only a fraction of the talent they had decades ago.
Engines don't have artsyles
>hideous fucking game with shitty game mechanics and awful value for your money.
Did it have broken matchmaking too?
Ah yes, the ONE (1) game with cartoony art style that they have made on their meme engine completely disproves the idea that it's clearly more suited to realism and pseudo-realism shit.
>Did it have broken matchmaking too?
How the fuck would I know? I have no intention of buying that piece of shit.
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>Even shitty disgusting hobgoblin Terry from another Company still mogs SNK's biggest Evo reveal.......Kevin......

Even more grim.
Precisely. I dislike the CVS games but they were still decent/classics. However after CVS2 several years later, they gave us Capcom Fighting Evolution and we all know how "good" that game was. Sure we had SF4, TVC, and MVC3 during the fighting game resurgence era, but those weren't made by Capcom.
>SF6 is more popular than CotW
You don't fucking say
>dislike the CVS games
I mainly hated how awful the SNK characters played like. For example with Kyo, his movesets were insanely nerfed with his rekkas and R.E.D. Kick.
Not that guy but yeah, Kyo, Iori, Benimaru and Athena fans have ample reason to hate CvS holy fuck.
At least Geese, Yamazaki and Hibiki were very strong.
Still cannot begin to comprehend why they thought announcing only Kevin was a good idea. Gato, Billy and especially Mai would've gotten them more attention. How the fuck is CotW coming out next year when KEVIN was their 2024 EVO reveal?
If memory serves, King was pretty bad too.
So bad I literally forgot she was in kek
Kind of reminds me of years ago when Capcom revealed Abigail for SFV at EVO. Though, there was also everyone pretending to be surprised by Jedah in MVC Infinite.
Abigail reveal was fucking HILARIOUS, holy kek
At the moment I was extremely disappointed but honestly, he turned out to be fun as fuck to play.
They really should have dropped Freeman as well if they really wanted to show Kevin. Especially since Kevin's description soft confirms Freeman anyways.
Do you think Freeman will still be 2000s edgekino or will they update him to modern edge standards?
People are inevitably going to make comparisons between Freeman and Claw Iori now, so be aware of that.
MOTW returnees are very unchanged, and Vox is already super edgy. They're absolutely gonna make him an edgelord.
>Claw Iori

Anon nobody actually plays XIII. If they do, they don't even bother because regular Iori is in the game anyway
And he's one of the best characters along with Mr. Karate.
It takes a whole new level of delusion to trick yourself into defending SF6's visuals
I said this last thread, sure, they need to get the obvious characters out of the way but Kevin’s not massively popular outside of the fact he was bullshit in MOTW.
He's a cop, so at least chat immediately got all the "ACAB" jokes out of their system the moment he was revealed.

>What's compelling about Kevin?
"He's South Town PD SWAT, hunting down his partner's killer."
Simple, easy to understand.
Which is an issue when there's still 5 other obvious characters they need to reveal and the game comes out next year. If you're going to reveal an obvious character, at least pair him up with someone else so your reveal doesn't come across as flaccid. He would've been a fine reveal for SWC like Marco, but for EVO it just feels like SNK were caught with their pants down
We're at the point where the Kim brothers are considered a surprise reveal, since we have no idea if we're getting them or father Kim, or both.
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No Mai no buy.
i really just want them to announce one of the old guard fatal fury characters like duck
>Duck King gets announced
>he is no longer a street dancer with a mohawk and bicolored hair
>now a serious businessman, owner of a music company, in formal wear
>the duckling is all grown up
Do you rike?
That would work for a cameo or side character appearance more than a playable one, especially if you want to take away a lot of his goofyness.
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Honestly I would've loved to see them or Freeman just because they weren't in the initial teaser like everyone else

She's in and 30 years old

I would also love this because it would help it feel more like Fatal Fury and not just MOW2 after so many years

He's a drunk that bums at Pao Pao, Memories of Stray Wolves already established that
Probably hard to break dance wearing a suit.

>He's a drunk that bums at Pao Pao, Memories of Stray Wolves already established that
kek really?
I don't want to imagine Mai's face but Andy will be fucking straight
The outcry was justified; there was no reason to cut content. You misread what I said.

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