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Nigel -Edition

Previous thread: >>486716105

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on missiles and radars

>Guided weapons statistics

>Vehicles with thermal sights and their generations

>Customizable HUD overlay

>Info on release dates

>Someone sending you runes?

Remember: Drink up

>Dank Bants
First for Fox3s ruined the air game.
The Ajax is the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep. I dream of the Ajax. I love the Ajax. Ajax.
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i just peepee poopoo my pants...
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Play France
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Daily humiliation ritual for lowIQ clan, the best war thunder has to offer! (and thanks for baking)
>they changed the pfp you get from the drops
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What''s the point of R60s? They just get flared every time.
Should have made better missiles Ivan
Australia gameplay
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You didn't think they'd give the coomer-bait away in the first round, did you?
daily obsession post

Sooo, what will be the point of the bulldozer blade then?
buy an ad
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You guys told me this thing sucked? I just got a nuke with it that I couldn't drop because we won on tickets too fast.
>lowIQ trannies seething already
well that was fast
the Mig-23ML is such a piece of shit now, glad I grinded out most of the tree with it before the nerfs.
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As if the camo wasn't enough of a blunder...
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alright, who's gonna tell'em?
if I remember a post on reddit correctly, only the ammo boxes won in the vote, so no camo meshes or trenches, only dozer blades will remain with that functionality
just like like real life!
Thank you for the AI slop Anton, very generous
da fast helmet with a brim

and comtacs that go outside the helmet lmao
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Only trannies care about AI

MUH HECKING OPPRESSED STARVING ARTIST FRIENDS (aka white version of black people saying they are entrepreneurs.)
Eternal reminder to fly the harriers!
ah ok, coudln't find the poll results thanks fren

I would've be down for trenches if maybe they only worked with TD's and/or kept it to only on cap points or something to encourage defending the objective, but building it anywhere was a bit much
French and germgods... its our century...

>low iq shitters needing to farm premiumtards to do even slightly well
It was cool in command and conquer ig
>Eternal reminder to club harriers!
Will do!
t. creatively barren tranny
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How to fix US win rates
i don't even fly it to do well. thee Harrier is just a cool plane and has been one of my favorites. clubbing the F-4S swarm is a bonus
that reeks of a troonish_niggervenger alt
>da fast helmet with a brim
FAST XP/LBH have a brim
>and comtacs that go outside the helmet
They're on the wire brackets that attach to the ARC rails
The stuff that looks like a headband over the top is probably supposed to be velcro for strobes and shit
AI will eventually be indistinguishable, and at that point you will lose.

All artists will have to use AI to compete/adapt, and voice acting will be totally owned by neckbeards who learned how to use synth/modulation well.
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but wait there's more
>Give us the advantage in every single area or it's not balanced because ... it just isn't okay?
Like was said last thread Americans should just play pve games
Removing most 4th gens from air assault has been a disaster. The number is shitters has skyrocketed and the level of carrying you have to do now is obscene. I just want my booster
wow I'm not reading all of that
Defyn als je dingen zoals "chimping out" zegt dan is het wel heel erg duidelijk dat je hier paalt
it's not like you have anything better to do
I dont speak femboy, what are you saying?
Brazil tree when?
I speak femboy, and I agree.
nakadashi squidley-chan
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Mutts will be getting absolutely mogged next patch

t. knower
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Does the game have single player missions with bots? Does it have user created missions or something like this?
I am tired of the normal p2w mode where the ones who have the maxed out tank/ammo win.
And I am only at 2.3
nope ))))))))
>Does the game have single player missions with bots?
It has a pacific air campaign narrated by Steven Fry or some other bong I can't remember exactly. Not free though even if you can even get it anymore.
There are user created missions.
You are playing against people with thousands upon thousands of hours, with encylopedic knowledge of every tanks armor layout, with tons of expierence with everything where it will pen where to hide, all the gay sniping spots, good sound metagaming etc.

You just have to get your ass handed to you for a long time, premium/stock tanks aren't that bad until cold war.
there was *some* experimentation with that concept, but it's forgotten and riddled with bugs now
expect nothing more than multiplayer part
War Thunder was made from this;
it will be the A-4M because American CAS planes sell like hotcakes
Somehow that giant monstrosity will turn and climb better than the f111 fully strapped wont it?
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I wanted to ask about this. I feel that many times I get bit by something coming out of a clipping wall.
I guess they are not cheaters but have sniping positions.
Shame, it could have been so great as a game series like Dawn of War. Like full on campaign with different countries + multiplayer stuff.
That's cool. I had it on PS3.
Just keep grinding, And spend 20 dollars on some GE to buy some rank 3 premiums. Don't try to play this fucking game F2P its just not worth it.

The game is not P2W, but if you want to have any sense of progression you will need to shell out a few bucks.
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I was fishing but now I will play france
buy some cheap lowish tier premiums and you'll be fine
I'll have a look. Sounds good. Shame I lost the sale last week.
They are pretty much the same size and yes it does climb faster than the f-111, also weighs less when fully loaded.
The sales were only for top tier stuff you have no business in.
You are right in the valley before you start to understand game mechanics, play arcade, learn where you can pen which tank at what distance. Exercise some basic caution, learn how to position. There are countless guides on youtube.
Premiums only start to become a problem from rank IV at most, but more likely rank VI.

There is a sp mode for planes, it hasn't been touched for years and is broken now thanks to balance changes affecting those planes too as they are in the techtree.

WT Live has user mission, but they are user made. One of the biggest drawbacks of the game is the complete lack of singleplayer, the old test drive was fucking horrible too. The best part of the game is world war mode, where it's a preset selection of vehicles (unlocked and maxed out for everyone) for both sides, usually 1 nation against another, in a historical setting.

Another option is custom battles, but you don't get any unlocks there and you need other people to play with you.
man i've been getting stomped match after match this week i don't remember being so fucking bad
are you implying that the aardvark is not a giant monstrosity?
These are those golden units at the right ?
The game gave me for free a Bf109 gold the other day.
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Good, I would have done the mistake to buy an F4 or something crazy.
Yes sir.
Tell us what nation, we will tell you what cheap premiums to get
I started with Germany now. I am 1.3 on planes and 2.3 on tanks. I seem to do better with medium and light after a few upgrades.
I'd love to manage the tank destroyer but that fat cow has no roof and it gets raped by that regular transport truck with the heavy machine guns on top.
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Is the 8.0 AMX 30 worth using? Seems smarter to stay at 7.7 for rank V but it looks sexy before it gets all the modernslop defenses slapped on top of the hull.
They do have a point about the Stingers, though.



>new player
>/wtg/ instantly starts shilling premiums to them
Anton thanks you westoids)))))))))))))
Buy the PzIII N, its a lot of fun.

Pz IV J not too bad either.

IL2 to go with your pzIII N
paypiggies at their finest
keep coping poorfag
I get a cut when they buy it.
>5 minutes to get a GSB match
I hate you niggers so fucking much
Iranian F-14 for Russia
regular AMX-30s
but BRENUS is my beloved
Are you retarded or just 12?
>poorfag lashing out
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A man's gotta eat.
>jump in a heavy
>see another heavy
>shoot him
>he shoots me back
incredible gameplay!!!!!!!!!!
kino but unironically
>Avatarnigger hours again
anime and that's stupid fucking little girls driving tanks cartoon was a horrible nasty mistake.
heavyniggers get the rope
well shit...
Still got a whole day worth of stream tomorrow.
haven't seen many lowIQ players in jet tiers recently... what's going on bros?
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This is now a BRITISH vehicle thread...

You may ONLY post british vehicles...
the bovrilmobile...
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as per your request sir i shall post the best vehicle that britain can possibly get
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>post Duce just because i felt like (she's cute)
>the obsessed troon shits and pisses himself
>ruins your line up
nothing personal kid
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>this made russian bomber pilots piss and shit themselves
No, being Russian they just do that anyway.
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Duce is cute
>posts off topic pic
>gets told off topic
>screeches something non understandable
--> /a/
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Only the best tank for you sar
Does not look very Italian.
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British tanks are so fucking cool
These Pnzs are very sexy.
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Well she isn't Italian she's Japanese
I saw one of these for the first time in years last week or so, half the lobby was surrounding him rofl
Doesn't look very Italian
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Give CV90 FRES
Give CV9050
Give Strf9035
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I know it hurts your amygdala.
Play War Thunder maybe.
I'll do just that now.
i dont think duce is supposed to have that much meat
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Italy is pretty cool all the minor nations are I love minors!!!
bloody brilliant sirs!
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you will never achieve this level of kino without playing Great Britain
>Get matched with America on my team two matches in a row
>We win
>The people on top of the team are .5 k/d mutt mains
What is happening?

I'm getting progressively worse at the game, used to score 5/6 kills per death but now I struggle to kill fucking turms' from the front and I can't do well even in the leo2a7. Man what the fuck has happened to me?
wr and k/d do not determine if your team wins
its 100% guaranteed by pure luck
>gets called out for off topic
>"you're dumb" ... *2 seconds later*
>"HUMPH! I'll just go play the game then!"
I accept your defeat. LowIQ not sending their best kek
you're more focused on IRL stuff and healing
congrats brah
tfw caernarvon used to be 6.7 and it's solid shot actually worked. good times
based treeline poster
Yeah there's no reason to drag up your 7.7 to 8.0.

Play it on its own, or with the premium one. Or use it as a backup vehicle for your 8.3 lineup.
Fucking hate when Gaijin completely isolates a vehicle in BR like that.
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Give me the rafale before my premium runs out in august and I will never post anime again.
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F-18 For Sweden When!!!!!
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boris looking good last winter
you're probably just not seeing me, I've been playing the whole time (like shit)
grippy my beloved...
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You're getting tired of the game
Take a few days off and you'll feel better
It's really terrible for France. I don't even want to use the AMX-13 and EBR.
I will just use it on its own when I have it, I do more for my team in a plane anyway a bigger lineup has usually just meant more deaths.
We just need more cold war kino to fill in 8.0
fr. M60, Leo 1, swingfire, etc... gajin is an fuck for doing that shit, and post WW2 vehicles particularly suffer from this
hello ma'am your breasts look heavy let me hold them for you
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EBCR Jaguar for France when?
>mutts dominate with the ufo f16 for months since puccia has missile buses and minors get fucked in the ass
>gaijin adds the gripen so minors can compete
>mutts shit and piss so hard an entirely new mechanic (ARH) is added and mutts given the most OP shit so they stop crying
gotta keep the paypigs happy
What BR could the Kike Battlepass SPG even be? Its slower than the M109 but has more armor at least for the body.
>250lb bomb lands directly on Leopard
>it's the 64.99 pack Leopard
>his k/d is 0.7
>only damages tracks&barrel
Am late, but they booted a fuck ton of people from the squadron after this happened for some reason too lmao. That's why w4rtg had such a big influx of spergs for the past few weeks
>be cas tard
>be retarded
many such cases
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This was peak gameplay
>making things up to justify your mutt boogeyman
are you okay, anon?
why arent there any noobcoaching videos on jewtube? am i supposed to just eat shit for 1k+ hours? seriously these goyslop how2aim videos with the subway-surfer-tier gameplay in the background are less than helpful. i'd rather go hop in the repair queue instead
>climb 5km
>dump 6 rb74m
>6 kills
>spam flares for 10 minutes to achieve immortality
I miss it so much
WT has a high amount of revolving players since it's free and has high-ish learning curve, so this noobslop shit is always popular

Its retarded passive aggressive bullshit.
"If we move it back down, it will be kinda strong."
"If we move it up, people will completely chimp out because it will be unusable."
"heheh lets go in the middle ground where it actually goes up in BR but because players are forced to uptier it one way or the other )))))))))"
There are a ton of guides and stuff, what were you looking for specifically?
Is france really that bad?
if this was a simple artillery shell, he'd be dead
How's the newest Harrier doing after BR change? Is it worth spading and crewing?
Who is saying that?
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I'm actually retarded
just anything with coaching desu, doesnt have to be a specific br, just something that is informative, that maybe i can take into my games as well
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it can absolutely handle being at 13.0
There is dynamic campaign and custom missions which you can play by yourself. There also multiplayer custom battles if you want to duel or just chill and explore maps. You cant progress and earn rp and sl in any of those though.
how do I tag enemies in this shit game
You don't tag enemies in this shit game.
You can use scouting if you're a light vehicle.
Just play arcade and look at them
>scouting if you're a light vehicle
only a light vehicle? why?
Shut up racist
because it's a fucking wall hack and shouldn't be a thing in the first place
i'm talking about the red arrow that appears on top of spotted enemy tanks
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>he plays shitaly
Stronger germany 2, you mean
Correct. He's right in that it's a wall hack. It lets you track enemies through LOS and gives you and your team an unfair advantage on them for 0 risk. Additionally, it allows for the reduction of spawn points for CAS, meaning a problematic system is even more problematic than it needs to be. Scouting is cancer and should be removed from the game. Want to communicate the location of a player with the rest of your team? Use a fucking map ping.
Why would you play stronger germany 2 when stronger germany 3 exists?
Because of the roof .50 and spikemobiles
fair enough

but it wont give me points
Posts like these always make me think I'm in bizzaro-/wtg/
Every Gripen I've ever encountered has been pitifully EZ to kill
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I'm drunk (I never drink alcohol but today I've drank three bottles of Moet Chandon)
vehicles for this moment?
not touching them until they add Matador
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Why did Italy not see the same boost from Hungary that Sweden got from Finland?
They are both copypasta trees past 1945.
Because Sweden's WR started getting memed. It's a case where retards followed the memes.
Dead general
Dead game
posted it again!
Thoughts on playing the Su-27SM right now?
you know what's the best part, xe does it for free
>Thoughts on playing [RUSSPIGGY SHIT]?
I don't think about that. Imagine thinking about doing something like that.
no thoughts, head empty
Thoughts on playing?
It's over.
>seethed again!
>Available Special Tasks: 79
just take whatever looks easiest to cheese fast and do it as fast and quickly as you can stand
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Wait they removed the Tiger skin from the Twitch drops?
Why the fuck?
It's next weekend retard
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Well why the fuck would they add a worse skin for the very same plane they used on the last drop?
why do you keep posting it so much
Dad went out to get the camera.
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Damn, France 7.7 is something else.
Sometimes it's easy as cake and other I die 3 times in a row without a single kill.
Why are RP gains in ground so terrible? Like fuck this shit. I have premium and a full paypig premium lineup and its still SLOW. Like 15k RP a match, for 5+ kill games over and over again.

I get 15krp for just killing like 1 person in ARB or killing a base or killing 10 ground targets, i have matches were I can get 40-50k rp without boosters.

Meanwhile in ground i get not even half that if i get a nuke. Like what the fuck.
>Like 15k RP a match, for 5+ kill games over and over again.
>I get 15krp for just killing like 1 person in ARB or killing a base or killing 10 ground targets, i have matches were I can get 40-50k rp without boosters.
post them then
Performance has very little to do with rp gain it is largely a function of time spent “active” in the match. A good vs mediocre game lasting 15min will have a fairly small difference even including the skill bonus
>40-50k rp without boosters
I've literally only ever reached those numbers after killing a couple people, bombing a couple bases, and ground pounding all the high-value targets like light-pillboxes WITH like 300% boosters.
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>paypigs complaining about the grind
>Performance has very little to do with rp gain it is largely a function of time spent “active” in the match
this. doing well can boost it obv, but time spent is the main thing that gives RP
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>mutts complaining about the pantsir
should have made a better AA system
>plane fags crying because they cant play planes in the tank gamemode
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Oh yeah baby.
Surprised they haven't patched it after so many years.
Comet 1
Leo 2A4
Leo 2A6

The only actually bad vehicle the Finnish tree has is the Charioteer. The Vickers too but who cares.

Turan 3
Leo 2A4
Leo 2A7

Thats it. The 2s1 is fun but its not great. The ZSU-23-4 is fine but the Sidam is better (which is weird to say but its true).
It is simple, if the US is not on my side I do well.
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Thread's pretty dead when I'm not around huh.
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are there any SL grinding methods better than just dunking on people with prem zero/yak forever these days
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what's your fucking problem?
so how many decades until sabres and fw190s get fixed cockpit textures hahaha
you fag
you shot me down
Where you gonna shoot down that chang in the b17? If so my b

T yak9u
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just spent YOUR taxpayer dollars on premium
what's the point cap for each 15 minute EC interval?
and I have names turned off in game too so I didn't see you
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which burger planes 2 play
F8U-2 into F-5E
or 104a
Cute and poetic but I really wish they gave the name to a better ship.
i mean she was built as a training cruiser
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I realized last second with the tailwag.
He shot me down too
Sorry fren
It's fitting and poetic like I said. Still I wish she was built as a heavily armored ship that did well in war thunder.
I got in a turnfight with a zero after that.
I died
and then in the next match I ripped my wings off because I was diving too fast wtf.
holy fuck
heritage issue on your part
I was playing jets earlier.
Getting a Bf 109 to do 780+ km in a steep dive tends to cause its wings to 'fall off'
>99999 extremely high quality skins for 109k4
>almost none for doras
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>Bf 109 K-4
holy potato
>french tank gets APHE
>it's put into 8.0

Could be higher for all i care.
Hear me out...
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uh oh bros
>level 2
you got this bro
>brits get APHE!
>but it's at 2.7...
>Brits best MBT is a Indian Russian tank
>Russian bias isn't real
>Mig-23ML is 11.7 while the Phantoms are 12.0
>worse plane is at lower br
>this is bias
>mig-23 is worse than the F-4J(UK)
Sure, slav HIV beast, whatever you say.
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So let me just get this straight
Britain has
The Worst Gripen
The Worst Phantom
The Worst Harrier
And the worst Tornado
Why would anyone grind this tree? Next thing you know the Italian and German Eurofighters will be better too.
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I was going to say something about France..
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>SPAA with guns and multiple 10km radar missiles along with a strong radar and thermals
>Type 81
>SPAA that just shoots a bunch of IR missiles with no gun, or radar
>literally just a gun
breaking out the trackir just for comfy looking around the cockpit on the way to bomb bases
>undodgeable harbinger or casoid death
>sad piece of shit because it can shoot a coupel apfsds darts
some of their tanks look cool despite being dogshit
they are playable
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Wut 4 in
Would Andou in front of the other two
or maybe Oshida since nobody mentions her
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should I finish spading germ bombers or jap bombers

t. disease haver
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any bomber that had a flight engineer should have autoinstructor and autotrim on full real controls
Don't wait to love until you're too old, and don't wait to brake until you're out of landing strip!
I dont get the point of this post
AI gunners should have a +200% accuracy buff in non-SB to compensate for everyone having mouse aim
>bf-109 doesn't climb and loses every advantage to American jug: the post
At the time of its creation, the D3A1 was one of the best divers in the world.
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>that pic
New reserve German air unit..!?!?!?
It's better to fly badly than to fall well.
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Want to rewrite history? Try the Dynamic Campaign!
german ones are cooler and more historically relevant
So what are the positives of japanese tanks?
did they ever end up giving boats the funny rocket aiming system? I'm playing a Ya-5M but I dont have it, unless i have to do something in the settings
crazy they had the perfect platform to rollout their mlg 100% accuracy AI Radar SPAA and decided to put them in Realistic Normal Battles before anything else
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peak reddit behaviour
not war thunder
the best tank on russian soil
>instant replies
>You're not allowed to reply on image board in certain time frame
i was not aware of this
you're under arrest
sentenced to 100 years of playing the brit tree sub 7.7, ground ONLY
fox is 7.7 :^)
sub 7.7 means below 7.7 :^)
Is there a way to rename the crews now that you can move them around?
what is the point cap for rewards in EC per 15 minute interval?
Bout tree fiddy
whats this pages of history bullshit
is there anything worth doing it for
it gave me 1 day of premium once
Music for trying to get "Song of the Nibelungs" and "beware I'm coming" with the swedesherm before the brapplepiss ends?
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What the flip? What'd I get this chud instead of the cute lady?

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If they add a "First in Moscow" decal and pic related to the game (not premium) I will grind the US ground tree.
That's your government issued girlfriend but yeah next weekend, they mixed it up.
why would you grind the US ground tree for a picture of a french tank?
>chink bot hours
Anon that's the t69 that's has been labelled t42 for some reason.
T69 will be 7.7 )))))
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im scared
Occasionally get a day of premium or an okay booster. Unless you're grinding something related to the vehicle selection, don't bother with it.
anon, dont play right now, its chink peak time
youll jsut run into cheaters and your team will be full of bots
what's the best time? i am in PST
late afternoon/early evening will get the most americans online, usually teams are pretty forgiving.
5:00 PM is when you start noticing them, and by 6:00 PM is when matches becomes completely unplayable
either get on early or play super late at night, since not even changing your game server will completely avoid the Asiatic flood
Play naval EC
well that's too bad. i am a neet that wakes up around 6PM
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>get into get with Bo Time
>didn't even realize it until he crashed while trying to bomb someone
i only notice it on weekends, ie friday and saturday which is saturday and sunday for them.
sneed is unable to dodge radar missiles he died to the radar missile from an F-4C
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>get into get
is there any way to bind mouse to yaw instead of roll when using relative control
what's a sneed?
Serbian dog
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holup does WT seriously not have any bindings to change RWR sensitivity/volume in game without optioning the options menu lmao
even slavs that designed the fucking SPO-15 realized they should include that shit what the FUCK gaijin
this is sneed
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the battle sounds in this game sound nothing like real life recordings
i need sleep
IWCSM or whatever the sound mod that isn't frogshit is vaguely okay
has a fair amount of janky sounds like gepard guns, but it adds decent bullet cracks which make the audio feel way better
>watch a youtube video from 5 years ago
>the sounds are 10x better than what we have now
is it all free? i remember the most popular sound mod being put behind a pay wall for aircraft
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wait how the fuck didn't this thing get flairs

are the french stupid
yeah that one died a long time ago iirc
RCSM is the one i meant, the other one is the frogshit
Is there a way to use "drop bomb series" while using weapon selector?
thank you, i will check it out. i remember being amazed by the epic thunder mod when i first tried it so hopefully this sparks the same feeling in me
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>that ping pong sound effects fiasco with forum mod
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Is there a button to accidentally turn off the RWR or something? I don't understand what this tomcat's master plan was? I see a lot of people flying stupid around this BR, but I expect better from people in the tech tree planes. I can understand someone flying poorly, but I was expecting an attempt to be made.
Su27SM is the best jet fighter in the game
Maybe they were just overwhelmed with dealing with everything that's going on. Sometimes I just zone out the rwr in the initial merge while I launch fox-2/3s because i'm too busy picking targets while I get swarmed
This was after the initial clusterfuck. He apparently was returning to the battlefield after RTBing for a fresh load of missiles and only a handful of players were left on either side. I'm surprised nobody fired off an order to try to hunt down the last stragglers.
What do you expect from a mutt?
I sort of was expecting him to throw his mouse across the room.
What does cheating look like in War Thunder?
Usually it's just wallhacks and aimhacks. Tracking/shooting people through five forests.
seeing people through obstacles in ground battles, and i imagine there's leading reticles for air RB
theres is no cheating in War Thunder™
Turning AA Nords into R-73s
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was it autism?
>wake up
>get 150% booster
>use 150% booster
>full uptier
>predator vision full bush chinamen everywhere
remind me to use boosters in the evening
What's the point of the Comet? Solid shot is risible, the APDS might as well be removed since it's literally useles and everything else about it is either mediocre or terrible
Solid shot is kept bad on purpose so Russians can laugh at the Anglo Saxon, in real life it worked perfectly well.
I wish gaijin didn't copyright strike the cheaters video it was kind of funny to watch
this, HESH too
I need a rank 5 french aircraft to grind stuff with
with the amount of SL he grinded in air sim, 100%
>the guy bragged about it and that's what caused him to get banned
grim, You'd asume gaijin would have some sort of system that would flag players with disproportionate stats and performance
Meteor F Mk.8 or S.O.4050 Vautour IIN (late)
M.D.450B and M.D.452 are meh, workable but lackluster
F-84G-26-RE if you want to do nothing but rush bases and hunt bombers
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>look into beginner tanks
>/wtg/ recommends Panz III N
>I like it
>test drive a few tanks
>I have the most fun with this
>realize it's a Sherman but in China
Brother, your M4A3 (105)???
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>play naval in hopes that the water would at least cool my mind down in this heat
>all the botes get me even hotter
bridges and decks erotic...
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Idk why but it copy pasted this from my comment yesterday for some reason
One or more of those will probably be free in the next war bond shop if you can stomach grinding to level 80
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what's the point of a flat shooting gun that can pen an angled Tiger from 1500m?
inactives get kicked after not getting any activity for over a month or two
have a succulent Sunday /wtg/
So the game just gets unfun after 7.7?
in terms of gameplay?
entirely subjective
in terms of the grind its about as much fun as being sodomized with a cactus
but if you pig up (enough) its more akin to a cucumber wrapped in sandpaper
You get shot from a logn range through multipel LoS obstructions. They changed the kill cam so it's harder to notice because so many cheaters were being so obvious.

Also perfect SPAA tracking at 2-3km below radar AA tier from non-console players are very obvious.
It's an overnerfed vehicle because german mains cried that another medium could pen their panther UFP. That's not allowed.
boring cope

after 7.0
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isnt this a flecther with a different coat of paint?
try google
it is a fletcher, yes
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>Swedish T80U in GSB rotation
>Just looked out my bathroom window while taking a piss and saw the elderly widow who's been my neighbour for 15 years, in his back yard wearing a dress
Vehicles for this feel?
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>Chinknigger with a keyboard spam name clearly indicating its a bot account using a F-4S premium is able to radar track you with AIM-7Fs no matter how hard you turn and notch and spam chaff/ flares

When the fuck are these mongolian rapespawn being confined to a fucking taiwan only server?!
ok sneed
What are these weird vehicle names?
Fuck off chuck. Chinksect scum are the plague that actively ruins any semblance of fun war thunder might be.
>fail to notch a fucking sparrow of all things
>start stomping your ogre feet about the chinese
wew laddy
just realized relative control is actually better than hotas in sim
You tell me you ginormous faggot. Shit that lets you dodge anything below a fucking magic missile somehow doesn't apply to 7F sparrows fired by chinksects.
5.3 is the sweet spot IMO
How does AA fire looks like from a plane? I've always asked myself why planes don't even try to dodge shit and get fucked instead, surely the Ostwind 2 shots can be seen by CAS
have you tried notching instead of just throwing your mouse across the room like a chimp?
I HAVE tried notching to the point my spaded crew fucking blacks out, and it does absolutely nothing to stop this horseshit.
Why do soviet/russian/chinese vehicles have such terrible gun depressions?
Grind is only shit if you don't enjoy vehicles, you can get a full lineup of the next tier if you spade the earlier tanks and the cash to buy them.
>t. F2P without premium vehicles
I presume tanks with gun depression are more expensive to build
Low turret roof
Because the maps are unnaturally small, bumpy and vertical.
Small turrets. Large guns.
culture of low height autism + >>486980205
Because the slavtards and chingroids that ape them make their turret roofs too short or placed their cannons too high. Thats literally the reason. The gun can't point any lower because its would be pressing into the roof of the turret.
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The water, it does nothing...
It's 15c where I live
barely 20C here
74% humidity :(
bro your ac?????
>Sneed likes to brag about his k/d but literally cannot comprehend basic ARB maneuvers
man, i'm a grb main and this is embarrassing.
You don't really need more than 5 degrees unless hill humping is a major part of your doctrine.
god i love being SWEDISH :)
are there any aircraft with MCLOS missiles that also have radar
asking for an important friend (my keybinds)
Thanks for letting us know, Mohammed.
why is the WT TAA implementation so fucking bad holy shit
even KSP has better TAA these days
>T-90M has 6 degrees
M8, hill humping is everyone's doctrine. Not using cover is for retards who like burning tax dollars.
Some mid high BR US aircraft (F-4E, F-8E, F-5, F-105, etc.), also there is the future potential for A2G radar modes to propagate to many Strike / Attack aircraft.
F-14 is still ridiculous at it's BR, they just don't give a shit.
You ever notice how flat most of the steppe is? If you need to hull down in an awkward position they have dozer blades.
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>large sinai
fulda gap isnt flat
nowhere near as elevated as the didney worl is in the game
>spot enemy Ajax AFV
>drop my bombs on a friendly CV9035 instead
>asb great
>gsb even greater
you guys don't happen to be one of those RB trannies don't you
Eastern Europe (and Europe at large outside the few mountain ranges) is generally pretty flat.
Bullshit. It used to be flat, not anymore.
not talking obesity rates
Germany has nothing I want after WW2.
why is xess in the settings if i'm not allowed to use it
Nigga 9.7 lineup is quite kino.
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>see enemy Strf9040 BILL
>strafe friendly bong with my A10 instead
yeah, German tech tree ends at 6.7, i wish the Kugelblitz wasn't 7.0 though, i cannot tell why it'ss that high when it's just a Wirbelwind with a roof and inferior to the Ostwind II in every possible way
Gaijin is retarded, there's no saying on that. But fuck, the community of this game is even more fucking cooked
>Should we add gimmick buffs to the least useful vehicles in game?
>gimmick buffs
what does that even mean?
Southern italy here. 40° here 0% humidity. No AC because we don't really use it. A little sweaty but not suffering
Useless fluff that doesn't actually address the core issues with the vehicles in question.
lern 2 notch
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1,a trick or device intended to attract attention
1;make (an element in a role-playing or video game) more powerful.
>Yeah as a M113 TOW you can now use a brush to entrench your vehicle!!! But you'll need 20 seconds to do it of course ))))))
And the "community" votes no.
such as?
I would say it ends with the King Tiger, but close enough. I was talking more about Air though
what vehicle are you talking about
King Tiger, Ferdinand and Jagdtiger are all 6.7, which is also the last fun BR
We are talking about this. This mechanic would've applied to SPGs and SPAAs that, currently, are the most "worthless" ground vehicle archetype in game, barring some exceptions
I hate Summer and I also hate the climate change.
camo nets sound cool, but those votes are probably because CAS niggers don't like any kind of counter to their spacebar
which one is the most useful?
>live next to the beach
>see topless women the whole day
Feels good being a MED BVLL
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Worth it for 50% off?
sams cant intercept gbus
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Exactly this. Nobody play a shitty italian uptierd M113 TOW launcher because it fucking sucks, so nobody cares about mechanics that could not even make it better, but just bring some novelty to it. But yeah, shitters are so scared to lose their free kills because a single fucking thing is not catered to them, so we'll need to scrap it.

Gaijin should stop with this fucking democratic vote shit on the only good ideas they have because they know well that most of the people who play their game are mouthbreathers
does he know?
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you only see them fucking cuck. I bet you spend your days in war thunder by looking at previews in the hangar
Because giving 90/53 detachable pic related that it could reload from would be too much of a hassle with things like Crocodile already in the game.
not even the 90% would be worth that piece of shit. Just use a KV2, it's about the same (you even have turret traverse)
>fag16 and fag15 players still bottom tier despite having the biggest handholding in war thunder's history
It really is a miracle how mutts manage to be so
unimaginably shit with such handcrushingly handheld stuff.
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If you went from RankI to RankVIII via base bombing into a fuckin F-5C or F-4S what do you expect? They can be only food, even in the most giganigga handheld vehicles with handheld (literally) missles. Why do you think they did remove multipathing? So mouthbreathers could score a kill or twoo with the SPAMRAAMS that would've required a LITTLE BIT of skill if it wasn't the case
I don't think they should ask these question, if players want to be able to field engineer, then it shouldn't be limited to one thing because of retards.
Erm... sweaty... we just want historical accuracy... if gaijin wasn't so russian biased then they would be able to beat any other aircraft even if a braindead shitter was flying them...
top tier is USA vs USA every game without question so its impossible for US to get an over 50% winrate, kommyhuct
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I give up on french aircraft. They are all shit at rank 5
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>the russian mind cannot comprehend this
i like the interceptor vautour but it's very much an acquired taste
not sure what to tell you if you can't make the ouragans and mystere iis work though
>posts russian technology
>gets called out
>INSTANTLY resorts to boogeymen and off-topic IRLshit /k/oping
Why are they like this?
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>mutts ITT think that people who shit on muttAIR and mutt players don't have the whole mutt tree spaded
I don't have anything spaded because I don't buy brakes.
That's the saddest part, simply IMAGINE """maining""" a single Air tree in 2024.
>/k/ boogeyman
mind broken
look at his stats, he is also worse in his American planes than his rossiyan ones
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I tried it. Killed a bomber and got cl.6 on my ass that gained me so I had to crash to the ground to deny his kill. Is it faster than sabres on full modules or can u outclimb them?
>russian tecnology so good russians can't use or replicate it
so good you bought it from them

war thunder?
>both was build
>remove markers
>force cockpit view
>keep controls
There I saved ARB
bruh that's how to kill war thunder we already talked about that
>captcha: TWAT8
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they don't want you to know about this one little trick
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can muttslop do this doe?
why does kommyhuct cry about top tier all the time despite only having a handful of games in each top tier vehicle
^totally not obsessed btw
now try it in an actual match
>gets easily baited into confirming its him
ty misha
but he is not wrong, it's you every single time
>built in self-destruct to prevent capture by western pigs
russian engineers truly thought of every outcome
The pilots was completly drunk. It's well know.
Stop posting this shit everytime i talk about YAK41 Blyat!
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Wait until you learn about the Luft '46 stuff they planned to add years ago.
>reddit squadron hours
Out of all the boards on all the generals on this site /wtg/ consistently distinguishes itself as the most autistic thread i've looked at
OFF TOPIC but if you care about twitch drops camos\PFP the stream starts in 5 mins
What is the stream about?
It's for some reason Brazil time, why there's so many huemonkeys in this game right now?
They won free internet on Sundays? Why they only play USA?
USA teams already shit, now with monkey invasion is getting worse.
Even jannies don't come around here no more.
>OFF TOPIC but [War Thunder related post]
what did he mean by this
My miner's already up though.
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at least it isn't 95% pornography and 5% autism like every other fucking /vg/
sport in question being 'who can hide their cheats best'
Every general has their own schizophrenic retards, ours are very tame overall
No one cares about twitch an shit you fucking mutt nigger
>literally the only on-topic post in hours
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JAS39 Gripen is the best aircraft in the skies.
war is peace
freedom is slavery
off-topic is on-topic
on-topic is off-topic
her penis
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gaijin why the FUCK am I not allowed to increase object lod distance/grass render distance/etc to make the game look slightly less bad, the settings are already there and it would take all of 2 seconds to increase the maximum value it accepts ANTOOONNNNNN

I did when I was grinding viggen yesterday, it's actually surprisingly viable as a super ghetto all aspect for headons (assuming the other guy doesn't have actual all aspects lmao)
>warthunder E-Sport
Didn't know this was a thing, link?
95% coomerkino and 5% actually discussing the game (no nameniggers or pseudoidentities) would be the most based outcome, fags crying about coombait are about as annoying and as useful as fags crying about /pol/ everytime someone does something they dont like
eurosharter and rafail will thrash it
swiggertranny spotted
>WTC in the picture
place name?
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A bunch of kroks bullying each others with cheats and a lot of krokcode and ghost shell.
Yesterday's highlights was everybody and the hosts were laughing because a team spawned 4 italian top tier tanks and according to them they were "disrespecting" the enemy team. Really makes you think about the fact that even officially italian top tier is shit when an Ariete AMV has the same effect of a M22 Locust
>they fixed the homosexo icon "mistake" by changing the article and twitch description

bamboozled into watching full time next week
never watched it myself but ive been told its boring as shit to watch competitive WT
>image more than a year old
>top BR in tanks is still 11.7
What makes you think that?
What are the best rank4 and 5 japanese aircraft for grinding in arb?
dont talk shit about asunaposter
if it wasnt for them i would've never discovered the fun that is sweden ground
russian memes everyone
kill yourself
nope & keep crying
shut up you milky licking faggot
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It's SHIT, but you don't watch it. It's literally 4 to 6 hours of 2xM1A2 and 2xMerkava shooting at 2xM1A2 and 2xMerkava, and in the meantime some french fuck tries to sell you some lootboxes and premium T80. I'm neither kidding or exaggerating
the swiggertranny (formerly known as asunaposter) is a tranny, as in an actual man who pretends to be a woman
he just doesn't want to offend xir by using the wrong pronouns, please understand
i mean, if you want some skins, premium days and boosters just open it in background and do your things, but for the love of god don't watch it
No one takes the underlying images seriously in the intended way, the memes are making fun of the inherent absurdity of the images, completely asexually.
Crazy how it took longer for the UK to modify ASCOD and make their AJAX (the worst land vehicle ever made) than it took Sweden to create the CV90 (best tracked vehicle ever made) from scratch
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>not watching the KINO _ru stream instead
i will see for myself and corfirm or deny your words later
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thank you. I know most of /wtg/ gets it.
you know i know which asunaposter you meant and you know he will never be a woman
>the gay porn is ironic bro
>"that dick looks mad tasty let me suck it bro"
>"no homo btw bro"
Sirs pls answer
why 2m1 and 2 merkava?
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yall ready for tomorrows boatblog?
TF2 is nothing but ironic in 2024
Literally, yeah. Did you forget we live in the age of post-irony?
i don't speak niggerbabble though
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>30 seconds in the stream
what the fuck i'm so confused
you dont need to if you just watch it
Ki-84, any of them but the Ko is the best for its br
>rank 5
Kikka or F-30
F-40 is also cool but F-30 at 8.3 is criminal
me too, why do you go 2 merkava 2 abrams exactly? This would be way more fun with WWII
because they are meta vehicles (at "high" level nobody falls for the russian bias psyops and people don't cry about abrams. It's the common US playerbase that's retarded)
but i thought the t80bvm was unkillable? lvl 16 jimmy hernandezberg told me so after he failed to kill one frontally with his m1 click bait....
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>shitaly so shit competitive players spawn arietes to disrespect the enemy team
they could spawn whatever they want, it's just that those vehicles are meta. Yesterday they were ""trolling"" by spawning centauro120 and ZTZ99
It's a whole new level of brainrot imho
this doesn't make any sense though, why not go 4 merkava then?
Because these events always have a certain roaster of vehicles they can choose from
They always, ALWAYS go for Russian vehicles, so they probably changed it up so it's less boring
shut the fuck up retard
T80BVM is the best tank in the game
T-80BVM isn't part of the russian lineup allowed in the tournament, kommyhuct
They can, don't know why. I saw a bit yesterday and sometimes they did 4x abrams or (for trolling and disrespecting) 4x Ariete.
you're a dirty little lurid rancid liar
Shouldn't they be using a mortar vehicle like Sturmtiger or some shit? Literally no downsides
Esports ended on Quake 3 Arena.
Stop lying you bunch of dogs. You can't accept that high tier players (read: cheaters) think that the best tanks in the game are Abrams. Because you MUTTS suck in it
A6M5 Ko for SL grinding
J7W1 if you want to have actual fun, just play it like a jet with turbolasers and don't turnfight
Ki-84s are pretty solid, ko is th best overall since the later ones don't quite keep up with the BR raises
non-prem zeroes are zeroes, they all work alright since even hat higher BR everyone still tries to turnfight you
A7M2 and N1Ks are objectively sorta okay but feel miserable to actual play, fuck them
kikka is decent, better than 262s but kinda gets bullied by postwars like all the other early jets these days
sabres are not very exciting but pretty solid, kinda like zeroes in that you fly around slow as fuck and wait for someone to come down and try to dogfight you and then you dunk them (albeit with insane roll for reversals instead of pure turning)
i like the kika
where did you find the roster?
it'll be 'french'
probably the sistership to Marceau, Kleber, or Guichen
kommyhuct melty
arma footage
How exactly is the 4M meta in any sense?
>competitive War Thunder
I didn't know they played gacha games competitively.
It's not, there are rules not mentioned on the tournament site because literally no one uses it
It makes no sense that russia was picked 0(ZERO) times
It's probably just the "least bad" vehicle, other than the Abrams
for abrams they say mobility and fast reload (and they are extremly strong for this) for merkava they say survivability. I know about abrams, dunno about merkavas honestly, never played them
>only top tier slop
no wonder it's shit, they can't even bring a SturmPanzer II or a Ho Ro for meme indirect fire kino
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That's not right, yesterday in 1 match a guy picked up russia, another guy picked up china, another one picked up germany and another one picked up UK. What i didn't see AT ALL was sweden
because sweden isn't allowed to use their strongest shit so why bother
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I just understood by watching WHY the fucking merkava:
The SAP bug that overpressures anything that it pens, even tracks.
The fucking STATE of these ""esports"""
Swiggers have shit lineup
Although so do vatnigs, the only good tank they have is the BVM and the mid T-80U
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This is tuff to spade.
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You deserve this number you beautiful hero. Ariete was really rough on me as well, i'm sorry you are going through that.
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Wait what the shit.
That's the first time I've gotten digits since 2015.
I kneel...
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Post the F-16 carrier landing
you know the one
it's almost as if sweden isn't handheld anywhere outside of /wtg/'s head
>watching the English (aka normal) esports stream
>hear ESL babble
that's an easy tab mute
I think that's because they have a shitty lineup without the most op broken shit ever conjured in top tier ground
122s aren't broken
no shit retard, you are replying to swigger bait
Ty sirs how bout ki 83? Im used to hornet it seems similar
wait until (in a couple of minutes) they try to shill out skin lootboxes and top tier premium packs
>during writing edit: it's happening right now
it's fun-ish, but you will have Ju 288 for teammates and the engines cook themselves after a while
There's no difference between Arcade low tier and Realistic top tier
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in 4 wot
new york city
aaaaand here it comes the lootboxes shill
The second best fighter jet in the game after the Su27SM
getting slapped from vastly superior american jets. Also bro your SLs?

super mario looking ass
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No, dying is the acquired taste. You should be flying the Ouragan anon
this western homos do not undestyand is not gay fuck man in ass, is only punishment for bad behaviour
You were right, it is shit, they should be playing WWII tanks and the teams should be of 8 people instead of 2
At least you didn't get coerced into buying that premium T80 pck anon
Thank you Anton for the AI slop, most generous.
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sneed made this because he dies to skyflashes every game
Tell me you fly American planes without telling me that you fly American planes.
>t. sneedger who got filtered by an AIM-7D
>Notch and chaff
>Works for the enemy
>I do it
>It doesn't work
Also fuck the Gripen I can barely lock it from more than 10km away.
Dumbest jpg I've seen in some time on here.
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post epic gamer moments
holy mother of based
>nigger takes out my gunner
>commader takeover circle appears
>commander takeover is done
The best tanks are 2a7s and 122s, which gaijin clearly realizes since they aren’t in the roster
>3rd worlders can't comprehend BVR tactics
nah, Gaijin is just so lazy they can't be assed to fix the lineups
germs don't even get a 2A6 lmao
sneed post
how bad was sneedy melting yesterday?
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>amerinigger keeps mashing the button to reset the seeker so fast that it can't finish acquiring a lock.
Many such cases.
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It was a bong.
With the amount of absolute RNG bullshit that happens in this game, why are people still surprised when bullshit happens?
why does nano organise his little discord raids here?
Quit lying Nigga.
J7W in the 2nd worst Jap plane after the Ki-109
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checks out
>2-3+ K/D in almost everything
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>you didn't pull up so his radar caught you
What did he mean by this? The other ones are all legitimate techniques for defeating radar guided missiles that a shitter is dismissing due to a lack of skill, but this one just sounds like someone was trying to troll him into climbing above multipathing height. Is there something that I'm missing or is it just alt+F4 tier troll advice that the shitter couldn't differentiate from legitimate advice?
>marder kills an M1 AIM
I've seen it all now.
m22 has killed everything
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The rear of the abrams is a joke. If your got a slightly higher pen MG you can kill them.
>what are blowout panels
>where are the blowout panels in the abrams
Why do you always get the same 6 maps in a row now in Air RB?
In ground RB I've had a circulation of 4 maps making 90% of my games lately
>Rarely work
>Rarely work
>And when they do you have a tank with MAYBE 1 shell in the gun
He's dead either way.
>that a shitter is dismissing due to a lack of skill
guaranteed he has better stats than you
okay sneed
>t80's are the best ifkyk!!!
>most peoplespawn M1a1's or kike shit
what did comp players mean by this?
server kaboom
That most of the germoids and mutts playerbase are utterly shit at the game, and M1 Abrams that got buffed into valhalla are actually extreme good into almost all the situations. This said, they are using those because Leo2A7 is not in the roster
They all have great aim, and know where to. The passive advantages of russian evaporate in that kind of environment.

It's like buying body armor on pistol round in csgo. 2gng
you mean strv122
>receive 500% sl booster
I'm scared bros the last time I activated one I got into a match where I had to fight napalmratte in a lubeck
Is a catchall for defeating missiles at BVR ranges since notching will defeat pulse doppler radar and the chaff will confuse older SRC radar.
Multipathing will defeat every lock, but there is still a risk that the intercept route to the false target will bring the missile into proximity fuse range of your plane or the missile's warhead has enough explosive to damage you when it misses and hits the ground.
>you didn't pull up so his radar caught you
Sounds like troll advice to me.
>you didn't chaff at the right time bro
pre-chaffing before the opponent shoots is a great way to spoil the attacks of early radar guided missiles. Pulse doppler radars shouldn't be vulnerable to this trick though since they shouldn't lock chaff.
>totally dodged them
Didn't even mention tactics that situationally work like barrel rolls at supersonic speeds, cranking, going cold, pulling the missile down into thicker air, or physically blocking the radar lock with terrain such as mountains/hill/canyons.
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bro the servers LITERALLY just died, what do you think caused it
>activates 500% booster
>spawns into a frigate
bro? Are you ok?
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Ah shit
These niggas really expect anyone to believe 170 thousand people are playing this shit? lmao
Servers down?
He was in the Lubeck I was in a Moffett and he assraped my entire team faster than I could assrape his
noooooooo anon they are up and running with 100k players all in matches right now
why do you think like 5 people JUST mentioned them being down?
surely its nothing
I'm running 169999 instances on my VM, you are the only other real player
You don't get outside anon, do you?
you are not very smart
like, at all
thats not a question, that's an observation and a fact
why does R (my commander view keybind) suddenly toggle spike missile lock-on? when I rebind the key it doesn't give the warning that it's bound to anything else
pls halp server is dead anyways
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Reminder these are the only 2 types of bushes to use. Low brightness/contrast, and aren't the neon FUCK me signs like the tropical or bright green ones are.

You should also overhang and posistion them to completely break silloutte and make it extremely difficult to tell what the tank is from the front.
don't be a dickhead anon, sometimes people complain about servers being down while i have no problem playing
even now i'm still logged in the game
we are SO back
Bushes are not about camouflage, retard. They are about obfuscating the edges of your turret/hull, in order to bait shots of your opponents when peaking corners/hills. The best bushes for that purpose is the normal one and the big palm leaves. The yellow one is decent, but too small.
reminder that if you use bushes you should kill yourself
imagine making a game about recognizing the vehicle to hit the weak spot and then add a pay to win option to completely hide your tank's figure
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Wrong, those palm are so out of place you are more camod without them, you might as well just be using pic related.
Why so aggressive anon
Everyone that's not lobotomized will see you whether you have bushes or not.
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>bushlet cope
lmao just slap your 6 huge bushes all over the front of the tank
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look at this shit, it's not even bound to anything yet R is hardcoded as missile lock for some reason
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>tankers didnt do exactly what people in WT do with bushes and branches

Just look at the shit coming out of the 3 day special operation.

The only thing is people shouldnt be able to cover the driver or gunner optics/ports without not being able to see shit like in sim.
turn the tv on
doesn't matter what channel
banana leaves.
sparkler as a finishing touch
Servers are down huh
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I don't have a tv
I'm assuming that it is referring to the fact that missiles that have an INS system (IOG) can remember where you were and fly to the last point they were tracking you.

And as such can hit you while Notching if you don't also change your altitude, if they don' end up locking chaff, so changing your altitude is also a useful precaution.
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if you don't recognize what vehicle is coming towards you from the engine sound 200 feet away then it's a skill issue
>"""""player"""""count drops to 140k
>battle number rises by 3000 despite servers being dead
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joe biden killed war thunder servers
let that sink in
Stop noticing things Pidor. You don't want to end up in Gulag right?
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I need only 1 decoration

The guy doing these voiceovers now sounds like such a homo.
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>aim-120 coming at you
Maybe, but I wouldn't expect iog to successfully score a hit in the terminal phase. Only to keep the missile roughly flying in the correct direction while waiting for a radar lock to reestablish.
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Bushes aren't that useful
is that a fucking panzer 2??
Wrong, bushnigger
I only play undeadable memebunkers or niggershit with railguns
Either I'm going through you no matter what or I was never going to go through you
your bushcope has no effect on me
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there's nothing wrong with bushes besides the fact that you can't get them for free
You can buy a full set of bushes to use on every tank for like 10 dollars. Stop being poor.
>single-handedly carrying germutt team
>die with just 40 SP short of a nuke
>respawn, kill 2 more tanks and retake a cap
>spawn nuke
>run out of tickets because germutt team refuses to do anything but feed the enemy
Germutt 8.0 is fucking impossible.
same but russia
i swear to god only literal 80iq niggers play this nation
I had some fun with the comet, it's -12 vertical inclination let's you be a dick hole in a good hull down position, and the turret design means very little pokes out for the enemy to shoot at
Kinda problematic using a smoke alarm beep in that context in your videos SPOOKston.
nah it's about principles, i ain't paying for shitty bushes like a cuck
The pt76b has the be the worst piece of shit ive ever used in this game
>200mm heat nigger pen gun that works in full uptiers and has a 6 second reload is bad

T80BVM is the best tank in the game
it has a stabilizer
Do you even play Russia to claim that?
i do, a lot
Do you even play Russia to claim that?
Well I think that's bullshit, if you played ANY russian tank you wouldn't say that even in a bad joke
Why their Gripen is the worst?
Do you even play Russia to claim that?
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I ran out of prop strikers to spade.
whats at the other end of the straw?
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I do play Russia, a lot :)
T80BVM is the best tank in the game, better than the Strvs by a wide margin, if it weren't for the mid reverse there'd be literally no reason to play anything else
leading edge flaps yet to be added.
Thai F-5 should be 12.0
>T80BVM is the best tank in the game
Heaviest Gripen with worst Fox 3
it is
A few years ago their apache could troll tanks with first spawn starstreaks. But not anymore
>the best thing the bongs had going for them was abusing a game oversight
>Stop being poor.
What is it with you 12 year olds and constantly spouting this? Maybe not everyone is retarded enough to spend money on a shit game like warthunder
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I see you Anon.
Andou is an alg*rian nigger.
Built for BBC
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>getting a match without a single Chinese name in it
why is the F-14 not 12.7?
Please I really need some help. I tried to rebind my keys to a new joystick and I couldnt find the headlook settings I used to use.

I Have a Hat switch on the top of my joystick. All I want is the setting to snaplook my view 90 degrees to my right when I move the hat to the 9 oclock and hold it, same for 3 oclock and 90 degrees up and down. For the life of me I cannot find that fucking setting anywhere. Its not freelook, I dont want to look around using mt Hat switch as a cursor, I want a hold to snap setting that goes back to center nose when I release it.

I know this shit exists, someone PLEASE tell me what the binding is called and where its located.
>napalmratte in a lubeck
why was he playing a four year old event boat?
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Andou is an cute alg*rian nigger
Because its terrible? The F-4EJ Kai is soooo much better!
Literally keep up, anon, its common knowledge
I got shot down by an AI jet
Why isn't there Girls und Props or Boats? Strike Witches doesn't count.
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Strike Witches
Please someone answer this
Ships at least have way too large of a crew for that to really work, which is why they went the Kancolle/Azur Lane route
5.7 btw
Haifuri exists for boats
dunno about anything for planes other than shit witches
All the boatgirls are currently too busy draining my balls to make a show / manga.
Too many girls died after being shot down for it to go on.
>too large of a crew
wtf is mfd
Multi-function display.
muh fuckin dick
what does it do was the actual question
>check this anime
>it's about magic girls instead of girls piloting planes
into the trash it goes
its a display with multiple functions
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Nice digits
Nice tanks
Great post
you so his you didn't pull up radar caught
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Did I just use the last of my flares?
UHOH Time to crash into the ground
I'm just NOT going give you a kill,
you're still dead
he won
They're armed?
womp womp
Will this game ever simulate the irl EW systems that many of the planes already in the game have irl?
Only one Russian planes
Russians don't have EW systems on their planes so you won't have them in your planes either racist
remember it was US planes that got A2G missiles first, and were the only ones with them for a very long time
so stop crying about Russian bias and how they won't add something if Russia doesn't have them, that is simply not true as evident by pass additions
Sorry, but you were hit by a tiny bit of shrapnel a while ago giving me the kill anyway :^)
No one wants anti-fun mechanics like that
Uh nope!
You just wasted all your missiles on me and nothing connected
whoops like you got reported for passive behavior
sorry not sorry :p
>gripen becomes a nightmare to fight against
>passive behavior
Do they even check such reports?
>outdone by a growler
I do have a magnum growler soooo...
Captcha: TRYJR
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How do I grind with french 5-6 tier? All I see is planes belowe mediocre
I don't think so
what are they gonna do? wiggle their finger at you and call you a bad pidor?
unless you're obviously botting they ain't gonna do shit
wasn't that one for sim runway spinners?
I ground the air tree in ground battles
I demand new thread
Baker's on a smoke break
make your own bread
You're dead. I won, You lost.
>u-um but muh kill cred--
You're dead, That's all that matters to me.
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Yeah, That's all your posts have been. Coping. While you twiddle your thumbs in the hangar waiting on crew lock, I'm smoking the rest of your team.
In other words they have basic skill and the general playerbase using Abrams don't

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