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Hot cold stuff edition
Crownfall Act 3 is also still a thing:

Esports: https://dota2.com/esports
News: https://dota2.com/news
Patches: https://dota2.com/patches
Updates: https://dota2.com/news/updates
Lore: https://liquipedia.net/dota2game/Lore
Liquipedia: https://liquipedia.net/dota2
For League players: https://dotabuff.com/learn/lol
Bug tracker: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/issues
Wiki: https://liquipedia.net/dota2game/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dota2

Personal game data: https://steamcommunity.com/my/gcpd/570


Previous: >>486771236
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Fellas I love adult women with big breasts.
Flayers hook
Fellas I love big breasted, slightly brown, slit eyed women, with black hair.
so how's ringmaster guys
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Tuesday's gone with the wind....
>playing ls for the first time
>team a shit
>whatever, afk farm until radiance, then infest our antimage
>leave for a bit
>come back, i'm still in AM, he's on a godlike streak, i have 23k gold, and megas are up
wtf is it that easy? im gonna main this nigga
Marci is so out of place in the dota universe. Another trash decision, just like innates and facets.
I don't necessarily disagree but she is just a human female, there isn't too much out of placeness available
The ringmaster
Whatever happened there
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He put a ring around my thing and currently owns my girlfriend
Who we rooting for
honest question, what makes a 'good sven game'? i'm really trying to learn more about how to be effective with sven and i'm trying to figure out what an example of a good line up enemy team would be for him
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First pick support him
do muthafuckas even still play this game??? og better be capping, this midass slop lmao
on jah this shit is NOT IT cuhh
mason is not like us
don't worry babes i'll be back soon to save you
mason has lost like 350mmr.... he seethed hard and turned off the stream...
Deadlock won.
>actual retards and psychopaths
>children and boomers
>sweatiest tryhards
>smurf pool
>account buyer border where they get dropped to
>immortal draft dodgers
>win traders
where are her organs
In 1 week me and mason will not be playing this garbage but an ACTUAL good game (PoE)
>waifuslop artist is bad
color me surprised!
Alright, give me a picture of you and I'll color it
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mason went offline to play deadlock in the sub only discord stream where you have to prove you are in deadlock to watch
>watch someone play deadlock

Would rather fall down a hole.
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So recently I've been playing pos 5 Tinker and I'm thinking I'm onto something with this. Out of these 5 wins 3 were stomps, all unranked.
i'm a man
valve turned off forced 50 for 4channers
who asked
>women can't be slim ok?!?!?!
jfc someone put americans out of their misery
not me!!!
Cope more plantation nigger, high level Deadlock is way more fun to watch than high level Nudota 2
I just started playing. I left a game because of an IRL emergency and got hit with a 30 minute ban. Are there any large penalties levied again me right now, or does it just start with a 30 minute queue ban and nothing else?
Just don't leave too many games or you'll get removed from the playtest
i wanna see the grand final be GG vs Falcons
Nvm thought this was the Deadlock thread lmao
what facet am i picking for furion, only for ratting. does big tree take towers faster than little ones?
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diamond kaigamers ww@
sex feet lina cum toes cm sniffa
Yemen to nuke Riyadh so I don't have to watch the same final that's happened 10 times in the past 2 years.
Haven't paid attention to competitive dota in years is gaimin really elite or is everyone else just garbage
i think the 3 best teams are GG, Spirit, and Falcons
seems like they're always placing first or second in all the recent majors
Quinn is just too good!
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overheard kids talking about dota. maybe we actually are getting new players because they most likely weren't even born when dota 2 came out.
fuck off, psg. you already made this post before.
this but unironically
The whole scene is garbage. There's 2 good teams and everyone else is just varying degrees of shit.
There could easily be a dota revival if Valve gave a shit about advertising and catering to new players
It's so funny how it's literally never me when you post this stuff

I own more value of art books than you do electronics but keep on with that self reinforcing anonymous narrative. It embarrasses you for everyone's entertainment, clown
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Agreed. I fucking hate everything about her. Literally just, le random epic woman. Innates and facets are whatever.
Prove it.
To who?
Did you notice her body is like 50% larger than chaos knights and twice the size of cm
>dota revival
never gonna happen, if anything gets advertised by valve it'll be deadlock
what the fuck are you talking about
Deadlock is going to crater and get plug pulled

Dota has a captive audience and will double in strength if they simply implement guild based leagues with prompt bans for players caught cheating in league play

In effect league would become the "real" ranked since MMR is totally meaningless, gamed and unfixable without complex systems
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Why would you point this out. Fuck you
I just sharted myself literally
Heroes for this feel?
Explain why a second is wrong

Yet another case of ESLs calling shit ESL

It's indians that do this btw d2g.
nta but it's informal and the goy posting the image is an autist
English doesn't have formality based rules, incorrect answer. A second is perfectly fine, you just don't speak English with anybody from an English-speaking country so you have no fucking idea brown ass Indian vishrapest

This is why they shit talk me so bad they want English practice
you have the assburger my frienderino
wrong. it's the same as people thinking should've is actually should of not should have. its just wrong
Do not redeem saar
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My cute wife Shendelzare Ophanim Semyaza Rhamiel Qaddisin Tatrasiel!
Explain why it's wrong. Use technical terminology for the English language. Identify yourself in front of the thread. Your opponent is me, PSG.

You are alleging it is an error in diction and "a" cannot mean "per". Is this correct? Do you die on that hill? Post your steam profile, hand picture and response.
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you're literally pretending to be retarded for le ebin trolling if you're from an english speaking cunt tree.

it's supposed to be "mana to a second", or "mana per second".
>mana to a second
esl indeed
Breh the stomach just won't calm down I have become possessed by RTZ
I fear I will stain my gamer chair like this
Riot Games is already making their own Deadlock clone, which confirms that it has plenty of potential to be a big esports title, Valve is not going to cancel it
>Dota will double in strength
holy plantation nigger copium, Dota 2's peak playercount was in 6.88, since 7.00 it's been slowly but surely going down and will never go back to its former glory, especially not with Valve heavily reducing the amount of content the game receives per year in these last few years as well as kneecapping TI prizepools
>it's supposed to be "mana to a second",

Holy shit you're ESL bad but that's not what we were talking about, explain why "a second" is wrong
it's not wrong
If you thought "a second" was wrong and tried to argue, hopefully before thinking better and catching yourself, you are identified as indian and banned from typing in /d2g/ ever again

*we don't want to talk to you* -- we view you as below us. We don't want to interact with you. We think your people are filthy and rapists. You have the smallest brains by volume percentage of body size in the world. You have the smallest penises by volume percentage of body size in the world.

Go. Away.
Which female hero should I draw next? 69 auto wins.
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Let valve cook
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Deadlock is dead on drop. It's not going to be what icefrog expect. She really have no friends to tell her no.
Draw riko drawing enchantress.
draw bloodseeker but like a girl
Female hero pls, anon san.
96 is close!
this is a totally normal post and not coming from an unhinged person
someone post door vs psg
The ESL won
Female hero, why you do this.
and shrines, removing side shops, shards, gold comeback mechanics, synergy damage, 'jumpies', removal of type damages, reworks of heroes -> undone, removed ability, reintroduce ability, rework again and who knows what else
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As requested door and psg vs rain and some guy. Rain on the batrider.
Keep coping Sean Vanaman, you will always be Bruno Carlucci's lackey and will never accomplish even a fraction of what Abdul Ismail has in your life, you are nothing but a soiboy faggot whose literal we wuz kangz game got canned when Gaben purchased your dogshit-ass company Campo Santo
>Not coming from
>Indian speech pattern

I thought I told you to fuck off, paki?
i'd rather shoot myself than duoq with some dotard
>being proud of only speaking one language (barely)
Americans are truly subhuman.
He's like the last person to queue with me and he's immo 318 now. Do the math
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>I thought I told you to fuck off, paki?
I can speak your language too

That's icefrog greatest disguise. She is smart enough to create this fiction person. Abdul Ismail. Only a woman will create dota and hide her identity for her own safety. She probably used to ran a lanshop for dota and cs. And understood the gamers by making money off them. Just like how She is making money off the paypigs in dota2 now.
I can assure this general would be x10 better if PSG was range banned.

are the pakis in the room with you now?
ti1 and ti2 games are pure kino
how did we fall so far
I'm White, unlike amerigolems.
You don't hadda worry about that I'm prob fixing to leave for a while, game is very unsatisfying to play
Why did valve make roshan completely impossible to do before 10 minutes
because level 1 meme rosh comps were getting out of hand.
Nice larp faggot, it's well-known by now that IceFrog's real name is Abdul Ismail thanks to the Valve vs. Blizzard court documents
because lvl 1 rosh is lame.
>hurr 1 hero starts at lvl 5 or everyone on one team starts at lvl 2
What if it was just a stand in name.
>name is niggardlyniggard
>get muted for the rest of the match even though i haven't said a single word
You should know by now that icefrog is smarter than most people. Why will she go, if she is anonymous, who is going to say that's not icefrog. And how will you know? She get some guy to stand in, make him sign a non disclosure, pay him off with a 3rd party or via a LLC. She now creates a illusion, forever hidden.
All publicly available evidence such as court documents and the testimonies of former Valve/S2 Games employees points towards IceFrog being Abdul Ismail and not a woman, if you have any contradictory evidence then post it, otherwise you're just a larping faggot shill paid by Sean Vanaman to muddy the waters because he's buttmad about Deadlock
I accept your concession, Sean Vanaman. Keep seething that your fellow employees would rather work on Deadlock instead of Nudogturd 2 which has been ruined to shit since you and Bruno took over in 2018 because unlike Abdul, you niggerfaggots know fuck all about good game design.
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>have to remote access Dota 2 to my mom to clear Dragon Chess
Firstly, not going to argue about why I know icefrog is a woman. Secondly, who the fuck are you bantering about. I'm a nobody.
How the fuck do you get high scores on Dota Bejeweld and Ikaruga of the ancients?
Yes you're a nobody, you're some random chucklefuck shill paid by Sean Vanaman who refuses to post any evidence for the outrageous claim of IceFrog being a woman
just focus on getting 5+ matches with the purple pieces. nether swap turns pieces of one color into pieces of another color, which means a single nether swap could chain you into a 50k+ point combo
for ikaruga, literallly the only thing that matters is maintaining the combo so all you can do is keep playing until you memorize the enemy spawn positions
it is well known that IceFrog is Bruno, he changed legally his name to Abdul Ismail just to keep the mysticism around it
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I still 100% believe this is the case.
My arguments.

>Most Dota 2 personalities around TI2 claimed to have met Icefrog
What I believe happened
>2GD meets Icefrog and sits down to talk, discovers he's actually pretty funny and charismatic
>Convinces him to be in front of the camera and just call himself Bruno
It's something 2GD would think up, he's that kinda guy.

>Bruno's Reddit account is from ~2007... and is named "IceX"
>Bruno has openly talked about loving mangos before mango was ever added
>During the TI4 EUhub, chatters asked what his history was and he just made up some random fantasy story about running from the mafia instead of giving a real answer
>Several times community members just shooting the shit have openly referred to Bruno as Icefrog then realizing the slip quickly played it off as a joke

It's real.
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>rtz flatline
>puppey flatline
>kuroky flatline
>33, quinn and sneyking left to fight it out
If ti is another weu club finals dota is officially dead.
Fake, icefrog is smart. From the mind of the person who created heroes like phantom Lancer, manta style, rikimaru, TA and PA. You truly think she wouldn't use illusions in real life to throw idiots off.
I am Icefrog.
Do better.
Stun duration are all fixed at seconds
1 str = 1% stun duration reduction, caps at 95%
I need you to gut mobility and stats gain across the board, increase all cc duration, and make nukes actually hurt people again.
Also delete pango.
this but also slow reduction for agility and mana cost reduction for int
congrats on the worst post and suggestion ever made since 'techies was a good boy bring him back he dindu nuffin'
Yeah and passive dodge on agi and cdr on int.
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i've ran into more smurfs this week than i have the past 5 months
what happened to valve banning people for smurfing?
how do i get a gf like ephey
Shadow Demon's Disruption now banishes your hero to the Demon World like in Animal Crossing but its the demon world
Lol smurfs are only in ancient and divine i seen know so many immortals that just enjoy the games in divine and ancient more because of the immortal draft
why do people buy immortal accounts
buy one from her father
you don't "buy" women
they are not property or objects
crazy how zeus goes from big damage to literally no damage in 15 mins
>ban pudge
>sf gets through
>ban sf
>tiny gets through
>ban tiny
>necro gets through
>ban necro
>pudge gets through
>You can't guarantee a ban on a cancer hero because uhhh REASONS
>You get a 25% chance though because we didn't have enough RNG gambling in this faggot game
>Hope you enjoy playing with them or against them!
>tiny doesn't get banned
>at least he's on my team
>goes 2/16 then abandons
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League is better than Dota for the simple fact that in League you actually get to interact with the opponent you're facing and it's not just the two of you doing denies and just leaving to go farm camps after you're done with the wave.

Every single creep in a Challenger ELO matchup is contested, every single move can be a feint, every single step can mean that the other guy will flash and do a quick combo to rape your ass back into Valhalla.

Meanwhile in Dota you have: hard carry farms lane, hard carry goes do his jungle camps. Enemy team appears botlane/toplane, hc uses gate and goes to the other side of the map to farm some more camps, repeat that for 60 minutes.

Barely any real interaction. What a gay game.
>he cant hit a 20 min treads -> bfury -> gf timing
sex with hoodwink
Dota 2 is a meme for the simple reason that the kick you get from winning a game is no better than watching a movie or eating a meal.

Games are the same everywhere you play (except if you decide to visit some Herald shithole). Matchmaking has made sure of this. You will see all your favorite heroes plus some new players were the games won't be so great. You will be playing to catch up and still feel you missed a ton.

Dota 2 is a religious experience at best. You will long for the shit that you planned to see. In real life though it won't be so great. Those awesome YouTube videos that were taken from specific angles to entice you are nowhere to be seen. You are stuck with mediocrity and your now delusional mind that has high expectations.

The greatest thing you will get is boasting to your friends and relatives that now thing you are some kind of pro player while you sob inside for the time wasted.

The matter of fact is that in your near vicinity there are far greater games to play, which you haven't even considered playing. You can get there in a click in few seconds and still feel that you are playing another game. You won't do this though because you fell for the meme of Dota 2.

If you are miserable playing Dota 2in your own rankyou will be miserable at Immortal. It's never about the rank. It's about you trying to escape from your own self. And you will fail time and time again. Just ask all those douchebags that reached immortal the world only to find out the whole thing was meaningless.
>nightstalker offlane
>is american
>has no balls
>never initiates
>dies to any carry past 30 minutes

Why is this trope so common?
Been looking for game-dev platform options guaranteeing a built-in multiplayer audience, and I read-up on the Arcade dev protest from a couple years back that enumerated a list of what seem like egregious pain-points to deal with for both devs and (more importantly) players.

I'm curious if many (or any) of those were addressed and fixed, as I don't want to put my efforts into a platform that's on its way out. I know DOTA2 is still very popular, but I'm under the impression the vast majority of daily players are playing the MOBA part.
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What If Valve Made A Soulslike Instead Or Licensed The Dota IP To FromSoft?
Oh, to be clear, this idea would be a passion project. Don't care about money (I know about the de-monetization stuff.)
>Half a dozen games, someone euthanizes

>Your Tiny goes mid
>Zero points in the tree
>Loses the lane to another melee hero
Just bought a new account after a year long hiatus.
Anyone here tryna give me a new phone number for ranked?
I heckin love Soulslikes!!! Elden ring! Elden ring! Elden Ring!
6.69c = Demon Souls
6.84c = Dark Souls
7.00 = Dark Souls 2
7.36 = Elden Ring
.1% of what Gaza has gone through
Do I need to remind you that Israeli women were raped and murdered? That Israeli infants were burned alive?
Abdul Ismail = Real IceFrog who worked at S2 Games before being hired by Valve, left the Dota team in 2018 to work on Citadel, which became Neon Prime and is now Deadlock
Bruno Carlucci = Fake IceFrog, took over Dota in 2018 and has since taken a huge shit all over the game's design across the last six years
yeah and then they started a war whats the deal with these people
>we get megas by 27 min
>cores think it's a good idea to farm against tony, LS, oracle and not end immediately
>lose 30 min later
I want to strangle every single retard that picks core and just afk farms not knowing power spike timings or how impactful heroes are at what stage of the game. It's not even account buyers, the people playing core roles have no fucking game sense beyond farming.
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>I get a gleipnir
>I use it
>Someone dies
>Even land a 4 or 5 man one
Who thought it was a good idea to allow everyone to get a 2 second AOE root
if you really wanna fuck around then get it on necro. pair it with meteor hammer for maximum nonsense
I drew a Bloodseeker persona maybe?
>build a bunch of teamfight items and auras and stuff
>build solo pickoff items and no team oriented stuff whatsoever
wow, so it is my team that's holding me back
what about Dark Souls 3?
also, i think Dark Souls 2 is underrated
the patch when they removed the iron talon or shrines
Well you can draw but you sure take some artistic liberties, should have kept the mask at least. Still I am interested to see what Ench looks like
Only a fraction of the suffering that the Palestinian people have endured.
Elden Ring made 800m+ since 2022, dota made 870m+ since 2013. Elden Ring is very well made game. Dota is still a work in progress, but icefrog is on the right path, facet, new maps, she just need a bit more. Dota will be the first MOBA in Olympics.
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Aw man the games start 2 hours later today, I woke up for nothing
Elden Ring is honestly awful and i don't get how millions of people get memed into finding DUDE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DIE 200 TIMES PER BOSS TO LEARN THEIR MOVESET AND GET 1 ATTACK IN AFTER THEIR AUTISM WHIRLWIND ATTACK fun
honestly baffling
Dota 2 requires you months before you get good at the game. You don't see the irony huh? It's not because it is easy, it is because it is challenging that is why it is fun.
It's called being an addict
If you get really good at dota you can actually make money off it, if you spend like 200 hours memorizing bosses you get ???? idk a fucking aneurysm i guess
Souls games are artificial difficulty. Dota is a skill you master over time.
ok now show your hours and winnings
i just find enemy mobs to farm while i watch youtube videos, then when i'm overleveled, i go and beat the shit out of the boss in like 4 hits with my ultra greatsword
Treating souls games as "le difficult" is the wrong way of playing, I guarantee this anon >>486959275
enjoys the game 100 times more than an average retard that just treats it as a boss game where you should hope for the boss to not do the correct moves on 50th attempt
>make money off it
>like how?
>Doto is also a game
>Doto is also artificially difficult
What are you even saying???
he did not beat the game
china and na dying doesn't matter
eu is bigger than ever
elden tards really shuffling to justify how dying 5000 times really be the peak of fun
>Your opponent is me, PSG.
> Post your steam profile, hand picture and response.
Imagine there are people who play 50 time on a single hero and still bad at it.
>do well with hero as bad player
>do crazy shit(relative to regular performance)
>do bad with hero as bad player
>feed like shit or just exist with 0 contribution
now compare to elden ring
>do good
>play roll simulator
>do bad
>play roll simulator but it takes 10x more time
riveting gameplay
elden ring wouldn't be such a boring bad game if it gave you some fun tools like the bloodborne dodge
imagine griefing in a 13yo game when you could be playing any other game
if you dont like dota wtf are you doing playing this garbage
this game is my life
if you ruin my life, i ruin your game
it's the only powertrip i have in life
just stick a fork into an electric socket instead
that's one hell of a powertrip if you ask me
Elden Ring is fun, 800 million+ worth of fun. With the DLC, it is probably going to over take Dota in revenue.
Marci anon, podrubai stream, zaebal
unlikely. dota is at least twice as that. but even if it does, dota revenue is impressive nonetheless
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I am going to PLAYYYYYYYY
>800million+ worth of fun
guess how many flies enjoy the taste of shit every day
dota 2 revenue in the past 11 years is great, 870m is a lot. I'm just saying Elden Ring within 2 years made 800m, there's a good reason for it.
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eu (russia)
ba dum tss
>eu is bigger than ever
big if true
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I hope they skip whatever letter patch they have planned and go straight to a real one, I feel there's too many facets and innates that need flat-out changing to be wasting time on trying to balance them through minor changes
yes russia and the rest of cis is part of the continent europe u fucking retard
big changes only after ti lil bro
I don't think so, even with them bringing it forward by a month there's still enough time, also they don't give nearly as much shit about TI as they used to
these 8k players ive been talking to swear that if you can get vlads + drums + AC on Visage before 21 minutes, then you pretty much just win if you 5 man with your team
i just dont think that works for getting mmr in my 3k bracket, maybe if you have human beings for teammates then it works, but i think maybe the orchid aghs build is better for getting mmr
The sad part is that Demon's Souls and Dark Souls were great games but then normies got on the internet and had to ruin it like everything else.
Err... I mean if Valve made a Dota Souls I would want to play as Bird Samurai!
so aka next year got it

most of these facets are placeholders like how talents were when it was first released
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rate my 7.36 stats
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Get out
why is monkey king have highest ban rate this tourney?
Simian stride facet is too OP. Mother fucker has too much mobility.
because gelipnir is op and monkey abuses that shit
oh and he has a facet that makes him traverse the entire map in like 30 seconds
Probably because he's annoying to play against rather than actually being strong I think, he's also a flex pick though I don't know how often he has been support
melee characters oneshot couriers now
Immortaltrannies dont buy wards, dont tp when u get ganked, dont ping misses, dont rosh, dont smoke, dont take advantage of timings etc.
Anyone who pretends the game is playable at higher mmr is either a delusional troon or a pederast jew
Well I don't want Falcons to win but I want GG to lose more and Liquid have proven they're not up to it, at least Crit seems like a nice guy
Sh1t is a drug abusing homosexual faggot with no soul
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I kinda want Falcons to win just because I think it'd be funny for Cr1t to come in first place at another tier 1 major after leaving Shartify, lmao
I like falcons
I hope they win
kino team
>pos 4 picks nyx
>all he does is walk back and forth to triangle to press w on creeps
>im forced to solo vs morphling weaver
yeah i could see this loss from a mile away even though we fucking first blooded the weaver he didnt buy a single fucking sentry and just prioritized his fucking jungling
>no soul
so just like literally every human on the planet?
cool man
>riki pos 4
>doesn't contest a single range creep
wow didnt expect that
>esportsing during blogging
making my shed
No Liquid stop you can't win
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hey its that marci mid faggot
>Final day
>Still held in a small hall
I was promised unlimited Saudi money
Why the fuck is the production so shti?
>beat falcon only to lose 3-0 to gaymen
All stuns now last 5 seconds
Stun reduction capped at 95%
1 STR = 0.8% stun duration reduction
1 AGI = 0.2% stun duration reduction

All roots & sleep now last 5 seconds
1% magic resistance = 1% root/sleep reduction
>get's tier 5s and become immune to root and sleep
the budget went to ephey
I know we spam campo santo a lot here but morphling being picked as flex/support and baiting the AA counter is peak camposanto
>Hero gets changed/released
>Meant to be played as core
>Epic Campo Santo overtuned them so much that people can just play them as 4 and it's basically a free 4th core
Every time. Every time.
Actually the budget went to jenkins costumes
Hope Valve blows this shambolic production out of the water
All of those sponsors and all you can muster is a shitty hall with a LED stage
It's a shame that the best TI production is wasted on the smallest prizepool in the 2020s
lol Fogged just flat out hating on Pango, he's right to
I know this episode
Im just glad its not TI Quinn will win
>liquid shitting on falcons
?? The best TI production was 100% TI6.
>Lindsey Sterling dressed as Windranger as the opening
>Full actually cool performance for announcing monkey king
>Entire drum squad brought in to play for the drafts for the grand finals
TI6 was peak Valve trying.
What do you want exactly, who cares what the stage looks like unless you're there, can't even see it during the game
Im surprised they even allow liquid to get top 3 considering they hate saudi and Insania not only hates them but absolutely despises them for murdering his uncle.
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havent followed this game for 4 years, can someone explain what the fuck were valve thinking?
no wonder i keep seeing comments about all the pros leaving to league
I wish with prize pool going back to TI3 they just reverted this shitshow of a game to that patch as well.
People will try to tell you Valve got greedy, but the real answer is that they're just fucking lazy as hell and gave up.
The only thing I can say is that at least we still get updates, even if Crownfall is just a glorified cavern crawl.
>no wonder i keep seeing comments about all the pros leaving to league
this did not happen
>all the pros leaving to league
even if dota is entering its twilight you dont need to lie
14m went to Riyadh Masters instead
It's Iran that killed his uncle though
To be fair Saudi and Iran is just both sides of the same autocratic murderous coin
The pandemic happened and Valve suddenly had the consciousness to stop the TI battle pass
A serious answer would be that Valve ramped up other divisions like the Steam Deck and the development of Deadlock
In a big picture sense, e-sports in general is dying because its not good for their investors who are still hurt by the economic slump made by COVID
ephey crush my balls
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where do I use the free 20EUR I got from comrade XI for signing up to his chinese betting website
That is how esports slowly die anon
No in-person event implies that the community is so small that even a bingo hall would deny them
should have bought dota+
the issue isn't what the arena looks like, it's WHERE
and saudia arabia is not exactly the most accommodating country when it comes to, literally everything
It's still a $5 million tournament, I imagine they knew there wouldn't be much interest though the crowd looked reasonably big yesterday, Birmingham had a nice venue and active crowd
riki crowd, lol
i have dota+ u nigger
>Just realized Valve hired Sumichu of all people instead of anyone in the Dota community for their e-sports manager
No wonder e-sports took a nosedive post TI10
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so valve are just copycats of riot and blizzard now, i feel shame for this company, they were starting trends back in the days, now all their projects is just copying business of their competitors
>their investors
they made 150M of TI2021 compendium, their investors were regular people, who were increasing their spending on entertainment during covid, not the other way around
free game no bitching
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fucking retard dtidn't even get shard
i fucking cant
Dota was the exception because it was crowdfunded by the audience every year
Every other e-sport that isn't FGC instantly died post-covid because sponsor money dried up
Hiring a fucking retard that stopped the crowdfunding model didn't help either
deadlock ate dotards lunch
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Pros shit on valve too much so they just cut the entire prize pool because they hated them, not even joking.
its over for falcon
People have already forgotten, but pros were literally saying that they deserved a bigger cut of the battlepass and calling valve greedy lol. Pretty funny that they did this
I don't believe that and I've seen no proof that it's true
Pros shat on them because they hired a literal who who's only experience is the shitshow known as GDQ and make her in charge of he entire DPC
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>a fucking retard that stopped the crowdfunding model
whomst? who should i target my hatred towards?
yeah well it's not like there's going to be a notarized statement from valve saying why they stopped it
She's now running the Tekken FGC scene after getting shitcanned by Valve
Then how do you know it's true? Yeah it's possible but I find it far more likely Valve is just moving away from Dota
statements from other valve employee(s) saying they quit csgo for the same reason

they really dont like criticism and WILL abandon the project because of entitlement from players and their corporate culture allows them to do so

yeah they're probably moving away from it which is why nobody forced them to continue, both things can be true, killing dota 2 esports and then making deadlock esports have a huge prize pool is a smart move as well
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CK has 37% winrate at Riyadh and just below 50% winrate in every dotabuff bracket and 51% winrate on dota2protracker.

Is he serious? I can't tell.
valve isn't a corporation, retard. it's a small business. corporations let you buy stocks and shit.
i dunno, seems like a diversity hire, i doubt they would allow her to make big decisions like removing crowdfunding system from the biggest esports event
She was literally in charge of Dota's esports for a significant portion
She might've pitched the removal as free brownie points for the people who still bitch about loot boxes/battle passes
Not sure if bait. It's a private corporation which can be just as big as public ones and still has stocks.
the only thing stopping them from going public is gaben being alive and in control of the company
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Anyone know what Secret are up to? They dropped out of the chinese tournament coming up and didn't bother to even try to qualify for Elite League, seems a bit odd
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>balanced, competitive game
Team Liquid has a extremely low winrate on Dire.
>just moving away
seems like just moving away from easy money aswell, their new shit obviously gonna flop like everything else they released the past 10 years
deadlock plays way better than anything riot and blizzard made
I think they have so much money that it's no longer their main focus or perhaps they know something we do not, I wonder how much Crownfall has made them compared to a Battlepass
and instead of spending the money on something good (or something that will bring them even more money, like every single other business) they spend it on keeping their staff occupied i guess, almost like they are a pretend company
I dreamt the US presidential election was happening and the candidates could double down like in dota. If you double downed on florida and you win it. You get double the votes, otherwise you lose votes
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Wonderful, might as well skip the finals and just give GG the win
double down but if they're wrong the enemy candidate can take a shot with a pistol at them from 200m away
Marci fighting Troll there was pretty cool
What a fucking throw call
No rax no rosh
holy fuck
Phew what a hold
Liquid you retards
glad i decided to watch this match
that was a butthole clencher for sure
they're playing like they're bored retards in legend that just want to fight mid and not do lame objectives
That Marci portrait/set looks too anime.
Lmao another 2nd place for Liquid a total suicide watch for this team
And they raped pretty much every team in 20-30minutes, except maybe tundra.
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Marci power, and another team falls to the honeypot curse
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Liquid will win the doturdbowl. Saudis on suicidewatch
BBC Blitz’s life time subscription of BLACKED PORN secured.
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>13 year old game
fix ur shit valve, why is random team symbols showing up as shaders
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Oh boy can't wait to see how these finals end!
Liquipedia says that the next game starts in about 2 hours from now
is that accurate?
i'm just wondering if i have time to play a couple matches before the next game starts
>can't win the oil money TI
Not even the threat of being turned into a Saudi prince's plaything was enough
time to turn this shit off lol GG is going to win congrats to quinn and the crew
>Auras are meta again
>Ammar refuses to buy auras
Holy fuck Ammar was literally useless in that last teamfight
Blinked into macropyre then died without doing anything
It's a fixed schedule so it should be
why are these womens wearing ugly man suits wtf
why are these retards all dressed like they're in dick tracy
MBS is reserving the mandatory exotic dancer dress-code law for 2032, please understand.
To be fair shitter should be the one buying auras on that team considering how he gets carried every game.
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heres your mid bro hf
I'd like to crush ephey's key if you know what I mean bros
If you have problem with innovative meta I suggest you go play LoL
its 15 min he hasnt pressed ulti and the enemy ta is 5 levels higher
They are in saudi pretty sure ephey had a dress on that showed her legs and tats and she was booted off lmao they are not playing over there
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does he look like quinn
I didn't think of that but you're probably right. It's such a massive nerf for her it can't be voluntary.
Where the fuck is Slacks and why the fuck are we getting that faggot purge instead
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wait is lol also dying?
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>not a pink cube or the error message
its over
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FUCK I WON >>486985884
tried my hardest to grief.... enemy too bad
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this shit is so different than the netflix show, i wonder how a valve helmed anime would be like
more like reddit
>this will revive our deadgame
Lina made my penis erect.
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im gonna demolish the next game dotards
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where do people make posts discussing games nowadays then
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>CM in game
>Maidenly, calm, thoughtful, playful

>CM in comic

Whoever writes the comics literally have only one writing style. Dota's world started dark and mysterious and then Valve turned it into "LOL YOU HAVE TO HAVE A PERMIT TO GO INTO A DUNGEON ISN'T THAT FUNNY?" type shit. It's like they wrote TF2 and just decided to make the rest of their games like that. Not a surprise considering the guy who wrote Half Life left the company out of frustration.
An even bigger shame because Artifact was supposed to be the opposite of this but of course it bombed.
telegram, twitch, facebook or whatever people use
reddit also has a trash algoritm nowadays only showing new posts in the app and there's nothing you can do to change it

PSG here

That's memory corruption on your video card. Have fun!
Lol he says as he's phoneposting like a retard
neck yourself
Psgoat kills frix in a fistfight
dota 2?
more like stompa 2.
every single game is one side completely stomping the other, it feels like only 1 in 10 games have genuine balanced gameplay.
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i dunno seems pretty recent but the numbers are sad compare to what i left the game on
That's how unranked feels for me but ranked is fine
lol its funny how all the org that leave dota always end up crawling back eventually

Dota is prestigious
In my life i feel like a ranged creep
one thing i remember about r/dota2 is the constant endless whining and begging, maybe this is why valve decided to facilitate the game's demise
how come pros never pick Axe?
i think he is a really strong hero fundamentally
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He was getting picked a lot and then got nerfed hard so it put people off, he probably also does vibe well with the current hero picks either
Leoric was picked by Falcons the other day.
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Meant to cross off AA and WK as they got picked, it's funny how Dreamleague had half as many games but more heroes picked, I guess cause everyone was trying anything
call me a jerk bros but if i'm a pro dota player and i see jenkins with a microphone i turn 360 degrees and walk away
This but with svg
Where do you see the stats anon? I want to see the current best/worst heroes of this patch
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Just because the pros are picking them doesn't mean they're the best, Hoodwink is NOT the best hero
this but cap, no cap fr fr
But she is the sexiest hero.
This bitch getting nerfed back into the stone age
Is high ground still ridiculously difficult to breach even in pro games or is it just a pub problem? I swear the glyph change did fucking nothing, people still want to overdive at 20th minute, die, make the game even, then the opposite team overdives and a game that was supposed to last 30 minutes at best lasts 50.
It's still the hardest part which it should be but from what I've seen the games are a lot stompier that it isn't a problem every game, I believe they will make Fort refresh on Tier 4 falling if it hasn't already been refreshed by a barracks though, multiple times I have seen teams go straight for the ancient after the first Tier 3 which probably shows how much they value a lane of racks
buy auras you faggot
>get 95 str
>become nearly stun immune
lmao what
This ceremony might be hype if we hadn't seen these teams go against each other a million times already
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Why is she so perfect bros?
On a side note, I hate Mortred players so much, seems like it's so hard to make that hero not pick up after the second item.
I do not feel invested at all with any of these teams. At least I hope liquid wins so the bald man does the seethe.
Quinn has been chewing gum every time he's on camera
>the bald man
Who? Boxi seemed like the one with the least hair
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anyway, 2nd item? she seems useless with 4 items. i guess if your mid and carry are that bad at farming, just gank her a few times, bro
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>literally a year since TI
>still no birdman or circusman
uuuuuuuuhhhh dotards?!
hes prob talking about the biggest crybaby of na
I love the crystal maiden announcer pack, her voice lines are cute and funny
"enemy's top barracks dropped like... some stupid hot thing!"
mason is playing?
vanaman convinced other valve employees to let dota rot out of spite
new snowflake hires, such as sumichu, probably think dota is to patriarchal or some shit
old valve is dead
Ephey voice ASMR.
>pango shit picked
how hard can it be to counter pick a brood and chen huh
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Anyone know why the files from the new wiki don't embed properly? No way am I going to the old one
>unzips penis
the sups tho
Cope and seeth, valve never cared about you
why would anyone save this image on their computer to like actually in a folder somewhere in your fucking computer
oh my god
has pos 4 morph been played in this tourney yet? been waiting to see it in a live match
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I think it's cute, what of it
They played him in the Falcons series, several times before that as well, can't remember when exactly
>buy a team in every e-sport
>make a competition for the best org
>some orgs only compete in 1 max 2 games
>win by default
I have to be missing something what the fuck is this even about.
what an ugly man
They're gonna nerf this web shit so it doesn't work if she's not near them
What did liquid think with tidehunter and pangolier?
see told ya
(e)sports washing
Scared of Brood
1h 20min finals
Fucking Scepter on Beastmaster already lol
>falcons lost
Time for liquid to choke to gg again.
So with GG win we can all agree Peruvians are the best at dota?
remember pgl wallacha finals, dotards ? good times wasn't it ? right now i feel like I'm watching ti4 finals
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So...better luck next game hopefully
some valve employee on a power trip
Sumichu only worked at valve for months iirc
She got a pity position after internet trolls did a heckin sexism on her for that TI.
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>be dotard
>pick aura dotamon
>build aura items to go with your aura dotamon
Dotards, explain youreselfes right now
Why aren't gaimin slowing down rather than going aggressive like at min18?
For months. Valve doesn't keep useless people around. In effect, I'm certain that she was hired for her connections and then they turned out to not be that useful to valve. She has no actual worth as a developer or anything, but she has very valuable connections
it only works if you have competent teammates
Auras are based.
because unlike inbreds in pubs they know that aegis and 5k gold advantage = nobody can do shit
this is how dota used to be. dts would early game push with beastmaster all the time, and the chinese were good enough to not feed and stop meme pushes to go late game
basically, skill issue
pick decent lanes and heroes with creep clearing abilities. protect ur carry.
valve should do an experiment not updating dota for a whole year. then you'll never see either gaymen or shitquids in the finals ever again
Does Venge have the only natural friendly aura now? I know they removed it from SB, WK and Beastmaster for some reason. Well I guess CM counts too even if it's global
>still 3 games of lpq left

tfw forced 17% win rate
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>ti3 prizepool
>ti4 meta
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Bros what's with this sad music when they're talking about puppey
My based bois ti3.
>tfw go aura items with Jakiro(pos 5) as well
am I going overboard
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I just wanted to say I love playing this game. It brings back a lot for me. I love the art, sound effects, voicelines, gameplay, and comedy of this game.

Whenever I check something or watch something from the community, I always see people showing hate towards this game. It is almost impossible to see a positive comment anymore.

I just wanted to say I love this game. I love spending my hard-earned money for supporting it and getting some nice cosmetics.

I know there are a lot of people like me in this game. Lovers do not feel they have to share their voice to the community but we also exist.

I always support the criticism towards the game but the hate is different.

Thank you.
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Luna, drow's got one but it's pretty trash until very late

There are facet based ones like enigma's damage reduction or Primal/Windranger's active movespeed ones too
I don't know why these games are so shit. Is gg's playstyle just anesthetic?
man, for some reason, whenever I have to lane against an invoker, he always gets so many fucking denies and last hits against me
I can't tell if it's because they're smurfs, if they're just autistically good at CSing with the hero, or what
the sound his right clicks make really irritate me too. just hearing that sound as he gets a deny just pisses me off, idk why, I can't explain it
fuck invoker players, you autistic faggots
Sven with shard has an aura on his E as well.
They're the definitive aurablob team, and aurablobs are meta again
Oh yeah great let them have Chen again, this will end well
Hmm today i'm gonna give away Chen and Brood
So I will never be able to get the Alleria, Traxex and the Mirana arcanas/personas ever again?
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Quinn finally going to get BIG money
Fuck you entitled piece of shit
Valve is awesome. END OF STORY
they made a concious choice to pick top 20 heroes from the patch to snowball the game. their opponent don't get to play their best dota cuz the lane gets cheesed and then they get deathball'd straight to the throne. anyone who praises their gamestyle should try speedrunning
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Tiny Brood makes me lol

Unless they were marketed as never being available again when they were released there's a chance
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Needs less clothes
F U C K.
Y O U !!
>they play to win when money's on the line
don't hate the player
oh i hate them. don't you worry
>write lengthy text
Anon, you know doto used to be good. Until the prize pool is gone, mainly because icefrog got brainfog or some shit. Probably because of covid vaccine.
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Let's go Liquid
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sf is just too strong mid
this has been available several times
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These tornadoes are on point
i still haven't read sk's new spell
I like that OD Pixel and Fogged are not the grand final guys anymore, OD kind of gets annoying after a while and we’ve all heard fogged talk, Cap and SVG are better as well as sunsfan and synderyn
So nisha just cannot play sand king at all, huh
no but really, how did cap cement himself as the grand finale caster?
was it the shitting myself posts?
Cap is a snake that literally shits himself. SVG is fine or whatever.
Oh Liquid
stab enough backs and you end up front of the line
Started on the game a couple months ago.
I really don't care for these two.
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hey sisters
>it's another gg 3-0 shitquid
Nisha is so fucking bad it’s honestly pathetic how bad at sk he is
>liquid shit losing against invoker 5
Cap is the most detestable dota talent after the Tobi cancelling.
Either Cap knew Tobi was a creep and was happy to turn a blind eye on it for years, or Tobi was unjustly cancelled and Cap knifed him in the back for the sake of his career. Either way he's a dumpster tier human.
Well I guess Durkadurka is worse but nobody gives a shit about that blackhole of "talent"
Any finals involving these stomping teams are awful, can't even count on getting one good game out of them
It happens so often where my cores will shit their pants and desperately try to kill a stacked enemy ancient camp even though it's only been stacked once. They'll ping it and freak out about it when it's only like what, 120 extra gold? Like if it's stacked at least thrice I can maybe understand risking death for it, but why bother if it's any less.
Which still prerequisites that all over teams drop to them.
The absolute state of dota's pro scene.
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common liquid-gaymen grand final win trade
Christ, Puppey that was so retarded I actually lol'ed irl.
>tong fu, fuck you
Nishas fist game on sandking in his life
All of this started when they tried to go high ground with a tower still up in mid, also i don't know how much sense it makes to pick sand king against shadow demon in that lane.
Shadow fiend.

SF was last picked.
I like SVG analysis mostly, I think it’s the best analysis to listen to if tuning in. Cap is a dud in retrospect
yeah but they picked sk after brew, they actively chose to put that shit mid

also it is very funny to note that tiny went complete untouched in draft
no pick, no ban from either team
I'm probably biased against him because of his diction. Kinda like overacting. Sunsfan is dumb as a box of bricks but I actually like his flavor of useless since he doesn't repeat his canned phrases ad infinitum like lyrical.
puppey is low key a racist
Guess GG will be 5 million richer.
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tiny is actually weak and needs a buff
>esports stats
what's liquid's goal here
defend for 30 minutes, lose, tire themselves out for game 3?
Cap, please.
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just carry harder bro, this is 100% your fault
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>attack of the ancients
>Nishit crying
Just come back to Secret you stupid polack
truly mentally ill faggots
just like crystal maiden players
Fuck Cap for slowly killing the Dota scene by killing the old guard
BTS got a bump after Tobi got cancelled but they got shitcanned by Cap's cabal as well
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lmao this guy
>wake up
>play a couple dota games
>have fun, gain mmr
>remind myself i need to work out
>get back exhausted
>no desire to play dota anyore
why shouldn't i just play dota 12 hours a day
>team of cuck porn lovers
>forever cucked to second place, forever
you love to see it
I think gone are the days of small org teams winning these tournaments which will spell the death of the esports dota scene. The same teams being top 3 for years now is a sign of stagnation regardless of winning. Every bracket predictions have the same strong teams win and they turn out right. All the hype gone whether it’s spirit GG, Shartquid, falcons. Soulless dota Tundra was fun to watch this tourney at least.
Isn't falcons somewhat new?
they're all lucky luminous retired
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>Soulless dota Tundra was fun to watch this tourney at least.
Fuck off.
You'd expect the skill of all the top players, let's say in the top 100, to be somewhat similiar
Gaimin gladiator is pretty glad now. Team Liquid trash without miracle. I'm going to sleep. Ain't staying up late for doto no more.
I just feel like the game itself is more railroaded and directed so each team feels the same. Covid killed audiences and the game got more procedural. Ammar is actually one of the best recent additions to the pro scene in the last few years
mental illness across the board
>Lulquit made it to the finals, only to job 3-0 to Gaymen Glads again
Kek is the Gladiators management bribing Liquid or what?
>becoming a tranny makes you lose weight
Should fatties convert?
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We place our faith in Tiny, may he settle his quarry
>I think gone are the days of small org teams winning these tournaments which will spell the death of the esports dota scene.
When was the last time a small org actually won a T1 LAN though? Speed Gaming? TNC? And even then these were fluke wins at best.
>Muh OG and secret
Founded by top players who poured TI prize money into them.
Absolutely nobody would willingly join the megamind boom stack even if they hadn't experienced megamind firsthand.
Is that sunsfan?
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lol they're mad
GG really deserve to win a TI at this point, they have been very consistent more or less for years now
>no carry picked
yeah, liqshit lost
I don't understand this Clock pick.
tin man battle plan
the gears are in motion
>tiny beast for your frontline into the aurablob
>to cover for fucking honeypot fiend
>MICKE on a hero that needs to press buttons
bg no re

"let's lose fast so we can get drunk away from the camera"
It's just liquid trying to go home early
good into weaver, seer, sk, stops bh
whats the issue
tofu trying real hard to keep liquid in this series.
Manta dodging with illu rune is quite based
od stopped trying after tobi was removed so now everyones equally mediocre
lol what
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Another boring 3:0 grand finals. What a fucking garbage game.
>einfach nur ein kleiner HUSO
can someone translate? some chimp left it on my profile but I can't speak whatever third world monkey speak this is. google translate thinks it's german but it won't translate the HUSO part.
huso = son of whore, usually said by turkroaches in germany
sauce nigga
God I wish that were me
so i was correct to assume that human hands did not type that, ty
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There you go, over already
Micke contribution?
why is liquid shit so shitty?
GG couldn't have won without him
Remember when Dota matches were close and not one-sided stomps every game?
Gaymen is the vegan team and licksquid is the interracial cuck porn team, right?
shitquid delivered yet again.
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Feel like this is the only face I see from him nowadays
amazing finals
great dota
GG got liquid by the throat, they can't help but choke against GG
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maybe if you spent less time watching blacked porn you could've drafted better there Blitz
No those matches were usually outliers
3-0 counter/streak for major tournaments?
>60k viewers
All that oil money for what? and don't get me started on the shitty production issues.
>major tournament
>still the same thread from 24 hours ago
And people still call me retarded when I say that 7.0 killed Dota
But it was a mega event with so many games and the largest prize pool ever!
BLACKEDbros... we fucking lost to GG for the x time.
i pretty much only interact with dota by watching the big tournaments and mason streams these days, game has been boring for at least 4 years now
Why yes, I remember TI4, where 4 games in the semi-finals and finals ended before the 20 minute mark.
it was fine until this year
saudis are just desperate to diversify their economy
We are now 5/2 for Tier 1 tournaments, Wallachia being the only one that went the full distance

To have one of the sheik's sons realize his dream of being the host of the event along with Tsunami.
not true, /d2g/ legit peaked at TI3 and has been steadily decreasing since then. Think we've more or less bottomed out at this point though.
wouldnt be surprised if no ti sticky this year
TI will have 70k viewers
I find it hilarious when nostalgic retards pretend that when the game where you spent 85% of the time farming around a huge empty map was better, the game has never been as complex and overall better than right now.
Quinn my Dota hero.
You reveal your own ignorance
I will never understand how lol esports gets so much more attention than dota.
Like gameplay and balance quality aside, it's everyone else jobbing to China and Korea each tournament, to the point where SEA in dota has more success than EU in lol.
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ok great now put the fucking ringmaster patch out
All heroes used to take skill and had their timings and peaks that you had to play around. Now everything is a carry that shits value like its Overthrow deathmatch going on. Its a big BROOOOL meme
a true resting angry swedish expression
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September if Ringmaster is part of Act 4 which it probably is because Imperia isn't actually evil (what a twist)
Who would have guessed that a game based on fighting is more interesting than a game based on farming
hasn't deserved one for 5 years and it's only used by /vg/ in general to spam porn
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i dont CARE about this GAY EVENT I just want to see a NEW HERO
the honlocksmiteaosfluence comes
Play Stormgate. This game is unbearable now.
Riyadh wasn't nearly this dead last year. You had actual banter left.
But why would you want a broken piece of shit hero insta pick/ban everygame?
yes, we agree
i really think its the repeated delays of the things we were expecting (ringmaster and balance patch) but getting more featurecreep and non-TI BP instead. the patch only got half decent recently too.
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My brother in christ the game is already like that after facet patch. Whats the difference
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How tall is tsuwunami?
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>dogshit team refuses to push when the enemy is dead and just farms their own jungle
>we finally start winning
>I go afk farm jungle so we lose
I really couldnt let my teammates get that MMR
The patch is not helping, the production isn't, the delays aren't, but I'm not sure why the games are so fucking bad everybody seems checked out - audience and players both.
he isnt
What a stinky tournament from start to finish. 90% of the games ended under 35 minutes.

I think the biggest issue for me is that you usually know 100% who wins just by looking at the draft. It didn't use to be like this.
Because carries as supports is shit.
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Just here for Ephey.
what the fuck is a carry?
Click on the "carry" tab.
Is that who the Arab host guy is??
Just spent 5 minutes completely emptying my bowels in explosive diarrhea and it was more entertaining than that grand finals. Literally had to take a power nap and missed game 2 because it was so tiring.
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I can't believe the most interesting match of the tournament was nouns elimination, sad state, had a lot more fun last year, I do not have high hopes for TI which was already bad enough
Riot just puts in money into marketing while Valve does zero.

Most of the viewership is also Chinese and Korean viewers so they're getting their money's worth.
>nouns elimination
kek that one was actually fun. weaver carry while troll becomes pos3
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>Most of the viewership is also Chinese and Korean viewers so they're getting their money's worth.
Most of their viewership is chinese bots pumping the Tencent corporations fraudulent ad revenues up, just like the bots playing their games.
Riot's main focus has always been marketing their game and brand, while Value just focused on the game itself.
>focuses on the game
>spent dev time adding candy crush and ikaruga instead of fixing the game that runs like shit, hasn't even bothered to balance out shit even though we've been in the same ungodly brool STR hero meta for months now
Just like TI1-3 dota? Soul is back?
I remember watching multiple 2 hour games at TI1.
>Nooooooooooo I want to stay farming for 50 minutes and then one shot enemies, Gabenman help meeeeeeee
avg duration is 35:50 for TI2 and 3. Later on average is closer to 40 minutes
>Another 3-0 GG/Liquid finals
Jesus fucking christ.
This is on Falcons and Tundra for choking too.
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Inshallah my quarry shall be settled
Just lost a game and uninstalled.
>mason invoker
lil quinnao won another honey pot tournament huh
lets see if he can show up at TI this year or choke again
Friendship ended with Dota 2
are you saying imperia is a puppet of ringmaster?
Can you really call what tundra did choking?
The blunt rusty shank of allah hasn't been relevant since he funded nigma.
Riydah major has bigger price pool than TI
who cares?
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Being 100% serious here.
There should be a hero like the picture that wears the flag of whatever country the player is from.
He could have a body slam skill, that is a short stun and shockwave around the spot.
A drop kick that immobilizes your character for a moment but essentially force staffs the enemy away.
An irish whip on teammate or enemy that sends them on a charge at a direction (teammates get a stun on theirs if they collide with the enemy.)
Ult be a elbow drop. It scales both with range and damage based on highground compared to enemy. If you blink onto the ward spots you'd be at max scaling.
Most importantly though your patriot wears whatever flag you are playing from, and has taunts from that country.
>biggest tournament of the year
>thread hasn’t reached the bump limit
It’s over
Deadlock won, it's over nudotards.
it's been over for years
thread is in headless chicken mode
I can't wait for TI to be even more dead.
tfw forced 20

There is not anything exciting about watching pro dota anymore. It's corporate shit sponsored by fucking gambling companies. The minute shit like "bet boom" was allowed it was over

Not to mention what has been stated before but you guys don't realize ruins the excitement: the statistical probability that almost no new players are recruited into the scene is 0. So what you have is a base of stable personalities swapped around

What you are watching is advertising, not competition. It's a commercial for the brands sponsoring the teams. Who fucking cares.

Give me The Summit or give me nothing. We experienced great great stuff with this game but it's just in the past. It's not interesting anymore. They can't even balance the game right anymore.

My idea for guild-based leagues would save Dota 2.
Did your bought account get banned already?
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Nah just trying to get out of lpq to work on cabern
Deadlock won.
Abdul Ismail won.
Nudota lost.
Bruno Carlucci lost.
Sean Vanaman and his paid shills lost.
lil bro couldn't play more than 2 games before he was drawn back to the abyss
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Don't really get to play any kind of real games on this account, it's very tiring

This guy is an actual brown Indian
every loss is 100% your fault, you just need to carry more
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She is so cute bros.
>who will win, the dunning-kruger retard or a bunch of streetshitters
Im done with the event, now what.
The event is not done with you, the last arc remains.
does she have wikifeet page????
idk who mason is but i shitpost about him because everyone else does and it makes me feel like I'm part of the gang
I finally won as jungle-only aura/support/pusher antimage

Tfw I stacked a camp 5 times in this game and despite pinging it at least 5 times, nobody came to take it. No battlefury ..
he's right
You didn't win, you got carried. Only mmr slaves think these are the same.
Nah it says I won right there

Go ahead and push the "psg is an MMR slave" angle, that one has legs for sure
fuck this game
what are some good gamemodes in the arcade to try?
>getting carried is the same as winning
lmao ok
you can only play bar fighter against your friends? what if you dont have any, and the ones that you have stopped playing dota long time ago
You can tell how interested everyone is in going back and forth about this with you
>go on a 10 win streak
>100% confidence
alright then
>remember it
>look it up
>can't find anything but the stream
Seriously, did they not separate VODs? Is this why none of them are linked on liquipedia?
remember terrorblade?
Yeah I got his arcana this week on the event, I don't even play carry.
Is that a support?
please stop griefing
he won though so thats a winning strategy :) winning is the only thing that matters and getting carried is valid!
dota 1x6 is intresting, but it's not really great if you want to chill out
i remeber, he was the most busted carry for a while.
not fun times
>playing am
>filthy rich because i played aggressive like a mongloid but i got super fed off it and freefarmed the entire map
>buy aghs blessing because im 6 slotted and don't know what else to do with my gold
>blink in an illusion into their team sieging my mid tower
>phoenix necro and troll immediately ult it
>win the game off that fuckup
finna buy this more often
Terrorblade, whatever happened there.
this game became even more scrubby over the years, omg.
you gain tp when you die automatically? enemy mana bars visible? map changes to protect mid and make side lanes static? no roaming allowed. creeps only spawn later? no jungling allowed..
jesus christ
jungling from level 1 is objectively bad and making it almost impossible was a good thing
if you don't want to play with other people play diablo 2
>Winter Wyvern literally just chilling out in a library reading books all day
>Crystal Maiden just comes in and shits all over her and acts like an asshole
Comic CM is so fucking unlikeable.
hm maybe.. i just liked the variety, the possibility of doing it
like pulling creeps, which seems to also have been removed, at least early
pulling creeps hasn't been removed at all
it just sounds like you haven't played in 4 years
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>Lina tries to diffuse their emnity but CM's such a cunt she can't help but ruin that
>Lich wants to be left alone but CM's a pedant and refuses to

for what purpose? "quirky" asshole girls went out of style in media over 10 years ago
>pulling creeps hasn't been removed at all
it has. you can even block the enemy creeps cuz they wont aggro to you.
again, at least early in the game
CM is canonically retarded, it's not her fault.
If by the early game you mean literally just the first wave
and btw, you are right, i havent played in like 6 years or w/e
what if the terrorblade passive was
>terrorblade gets metamorphed for 50% of the duration after buying back
you can still aggro the first wave before they reach the tier 1, it's just suicidal most of the time
>wake up
>GG 3-0'd Shitquid
>Lich wants to be left alone but CM's a pedant and refuses to
That one wasn't really that bad because Lich was tossing more people into the pit and possibly making more Liches, CM wanted the sign up to stop him from having to do so
how to know when to get radiance vs battle fury vs stattik shiv (i cant remember the name of that item)
always buy midas because you cannot last hit
Radiance is a defensive item
Battlefury is a farming item
Maelstrom is a component item
Midas is a grief item
but midas is fun
it gives me gold
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i used to be rank ancient now im getting stomped by archons after coming back to dota, wtf has happened
does diffusal still work with AM?
Everyone got better and the game got harder
dota is always evolving as a game so of course you will get stomped if you take a long ass break
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How do you decide when to go agnostic or elitist as invoker?
>Everyone got better
this has ruined vidya in general imo. games are more fun when no one knows how to play and everyone is experimenting and just having fun. the instant a meta is developed, the fun dries up and competitive niggers come in and ruin everything.

dota and lol peaked in the early 2010s when you could experiment with retarded meme builds and still have fun without caring about winning or losing. now if you try that, you get reported and thrown into low prio hell.

this concept is also what killed rts games and is what is currently killing fps games. something like cod or dota or counterstrike will never truly die off, but you will NEVER go back to the glory days of this genre.
Midas is a good item... on Ogre Magi that multicasts it.
Yeah but ogre magi players are fucking stupid
>they get a midas
>afterwards, zero items that can be multicasted
very cool!
The only good item to get as Ogre support is guinso, but it is a collateral item, you rush Midas then you get either aether lens or travel, then a shard, depending on the match either guinso or tarrasque.
Let's face it, there are not many good items for multicast, if you get dagon, it doesn't hit the same target, at least, I never noticed it hitting the same target, it always splits towards other targets or creeps nearby, I had good experiences with guinso hitting multiple targets.
If you use a force staff on a creep it can multicast on an enemy hero
Anybody know where I can find rips of all the tokens and other Crownfall assets?
Really wish they let me purchase the Traxex arcana/ Alleria and the Mirana persona.
I do not believe someone would sell an account for me that had these items and nothing prevents them from reporting the account as stolen afterwards and taking it back because, what the fuck am I going to say, "I bought that account", it's probably prohibited under steam ToS so I'd be fucked either way.
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I got my second rampage (7000 hours)
i never got one (500 hours)
mirana persona looks the same from top-down except you can't use any cosmetics, even the dragon knight one is better
If you click really fast between all her different clothes she gets naked, but you have to do it really fast.
yeah right
like ill try that
but im gonna try it not because i want to see just to prove you wrong
like idc about seeing her naked
i really dont
im just doing it for the laughs really
really just to prove you wrong
Boner King came back once but you had to pay out the ass for it. So there's a little hope.

I'm waiting for the Companion Cube to come back.
"universal heroes" was a mistake
should have been void heroes
Unironically should have been a 4th stat. What would it have effected though?
it shouldve have remained how it was, int str and agi
is valve going to balance dire side before TI? There's clear advantage just in terms of roshan and mid lane/jungle
getting 3 tokens on candy crush is impossible.
Nah it's not that hard. I did in 4 tries.
just came back to dota. can i get a quick rundown on the event? do i just play the characters to unlock paths? also, act 1 2 or 3?
Yasha Kaya AM is kind of a cook.
Start at Act 1 unless you want to be super fucking confused.
Just play the game and you'll get the tokens you need to progress through the story. Playing different characters makes it faster, but I'm a 3 hero spammer and still breeze through the event because you can trade in tokens to get other tokens.
Each Act has a $15 pass you need to buy to unlock some shit. You can collect coins while doing the main quest and if you get 10 coins you can get a discount to halve the price of that $15. It's pointless to buy the pass before the discount. The discount also works on the two arcanas and the chest (bundles, not individual).
Play heroes and get tokens associated with them, then use those tokens to progress in the event
There's a thing both in-event and in-select that tells you what tokens you need to progress
as for acts you're best off going through each until you hit the candy shop and then progressing based on what cosmetics you want/whichever has the closest candy bag
Mana void was really my only offensive weapon with that build
They should've gotten rid of int and given mana+regen to Agi and magic resist to Str
>pick sven
>offlane and mid both lose their lanes hard
>cant farm ancients because the enemy controls that side of the map
this is why i fucking hate playing these heroes with innate farming steroids like Luna, Sven, Medusa, because i can never hit my timings because no one stacks and my teammates lose their lanes so hard that i can't even farm the triangle
thanks dotards. good to know i can just spam the heroes i like
>both sideslanes feed hopelessly out of control
>its my fault because i built a slightly offmeta item
very cool
a sven got thru yet you didn't play him as a support and collect your free win?
playing the god king chad on the dress wearing support sissy role is just wrong and i don't care how viable it is
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queue up dotards
get a job
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i have a job
ever heard of pto amerifat?
oh i guess you'd just call it vacation huh
>teammate pushing lane without vision against several invis+blinks like a retard
>they get caught out
>run in to save them
>get focused down with multiple ults and CDs
>dumbo lives + other teammates catch up to join in the fight
>they win
>sit there watching teammates push multiple towers and farm and have fun
>repeat a couple more times until we win
I'm happy we won. But I wish I wasn't the sacrificial lamb every goddamn game.
once again mr torteshitilini doesn't have a guide for sven pos 5, the most popular support on d2pt
This game would be so much better if all the heroes were hot ladies instead of generic fantasy monsters straight from the unity store.
doesnt have one for marci either, but i guess that is not as good as sven.
if u dm him he might do it for u though
He does have a guide for Seven, the S tier hyper farmer from Valve's next hit game Deadlock.
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how do u lose this hard mid to marci
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and we've got an inter on our hands because this nigger picks us with the invoker again
hecking love dota 2 man
voker got his first point into wex at 5, marci can just leap on him and kill him whenever he's near her ramp
cold snap forge spirit???? how can u even lose last hits
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mid marci thrives on ranged dorks with shit ms not respecting/knowing what her power spikes are and being hyper aggressive. the voker probably ate shit because marci hit 2 first, died, then either played scared or retardedly got combo'd over and over. cs at 10 min is like 60 for marci and 30 for the voker. it looks like the latter
re-read and try to understand >>486957367
dota has you fighting enemies that play by the same rules as you do, which means you have to be faster and smarter to win.
ER has you fighting against FFXIV raid bosses, except they never stop attacking and they input read trickshot you when you think you're finally allowed to hit them back. a well designed game would allow you to beat any boss first try, by virtue of having a good enough grasp over the game mechanics.
having to learn an enemy's moveset by heart and literally dance to the dev's tune in order to beat them is not good game design, and i genuinely believe half the normies hyping souls games actually gaslit themselves into it because their favorite streamer plays them and they want to be part of the hardcore gamer culture
What if they made a matchmaking pool for white people only
would not happen to quas wex invoker
that would be based
id settle for english speaking only though
When your entire team feed and you have 15 kills and 3 death. There's nothing to learn but forgiveness.
How can you counter break? I'm getting fucked really hard by it on Bristle.
maybe Euls, but idk, im just guessing
>playing as an ancient creep
How is turbo not a better way to grind the acts
Nigga I'm at Archeon. Semi carries just work better cause your team on average is retarded and you have to carry game
I have 100% winrate with str morph (1-0)
turbo lasts as long as a normal game anyway and normal still gives you shit for losing
New Void facet: Facetless. Does nothing. You become Facetless Void.
turbo is brainrot and you compete with people that dont even play regular dota. Games are only like 30% shorter anyway
monkey king tree climb face is such a gay league of legends addition to dota 2
when dota plus was the only way to role queue it was this, best dota 2 period ever

I dont know why they removed this, it literally made the game 10x better for paid customers
>turbo lasts as long as a normal game
no it doesn't
this nigga is STILL trying to get terrorblade buffed

give it a rest dude
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get farmed, ugly
I prefer this scoreboard
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it was so good
what compels a nigga to pick warlock mid
Dwayne the warlock johnson
>win teamfight
>tell team to push
>they go back to jungling
>win another teamfight
>i solo push the towers while team goes back to jungling
>win another teamfight
>team keeps saying "rosh" and pinging rosh pit even though everyone is just jungling
>go solo rosh
>get aegis
>the whole enemy team comes to kill me
>team still jungling
>enemy medusa is six slotted
>can't win anymore teamfights
>go to pressure their rax to split them up so we can win fights
>team still getting picked off one by one even though i force 2 tps to their base
what a dogshit ass game, literal subhuman teammates that think we'll win if we just jungle against a medusa
yes, great idea guys, let's split up and jungle after winning a teamfight even though i've got a 20 minute AC and boots of bearing and we can melt towers in 5 seconds
unfortunately until you get to divine everyone defaults to doing nothing and passive farming/defending their side of the map so you just gotta either a) pick gay heroes like medusa like yourself that infinitely scale b) stop playing carry and be the one backing up your carry doing what you did last game
That gush effect still isn't replicated correctly in source 2. Game looked better prior to 2017.
PSG here this is why my Dota 3 has a zone like pubg. Jungles close off as game goes late
what compels a nigga to pick warlock 5
thats why you play turbo

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