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Previous: >>486880840

>Ellen Character Demo - "Uniform, Shark Tail, Scissors"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOW8XhUce38 [EN]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDjLXFAgsmA [JP]

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo [EN]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I [JP]

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began" | Zenless Zone Zero"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 [EN]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s [JP]



>Official Twitter Account:

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Signal/Pull Tracker:

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

Thread template (use this when making a new thread):
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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>enters your thread
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Listening to post hardcore with my emo shark girlfriend.
I really hope they give Zhu an outfit for when she's off duty
I cant be seen going on dates with a cop in uniform...The Sons of Calydon wont think I'm cool if they see this
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wheres the /zzz/ tierlist
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I'm rolling for the rat so I have an in with the cops for the Sons of Calydon
Kill yourself
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Are there guides for which discs agents should use/build? I fucking hate this system. It's way too convoluted and I don't wanna engage with it at all.
>pigs wont think you are cool for hanging with pigs
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I hope your stash is ready for ass
1-5 jerk off to Ellen
6-9 jerk off to nekomata
0 jerk off to lycaon
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Fox Love
my multiple accounts are ready.to.GO
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What is the point of having some discs having only 1 main stat?

Why does the first one need to be HP, and the other DEF?
What purpose does that fucking serve.
I'll be honest, I have no idea how I ended up with 8 monochrome. Does anyone else have this? Looking at everything you can buy, it should be an even 0, shouldn't it?
I just spammed the fight over and over until my middle one RNG'd into attacking the paperboo since I've been dumping every item and buff into him
Alive yourself
Be glad that it isn't random or you would have much more to grind for
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I better get 20 more pulls until Zhu
using THAT is not desired
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Getting sharkwife pregnant... (two wombs)
discs are what makes this game fun
so many different builds to experiment with
Bros my fingers hurt. How do I macro ellen?
When does Zhu release?
next time read, is that easy what the fuck anon
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lol imagine 6 pieces each with 6 possible mainstats each
then imagine trying to get good mains AND subs on all 6
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>0 jerk off to lycaon

do better
why do you faggots keep replying to the /trash/ faggot?
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oh I just realized I must have manually made 2 of them into polychrome at some point and left myself with 8. There's no point in leaving it as 8 mono, right?
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>Wuwa gave the same amount
>>Wuwa gave the same amount
>>>Wuwa gave the same amount
Holy shit....
Zzz drones are THIS deluded...
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>average ZZZtard
>filtered by bangboo quest
I lost all hope for the average Mihomo players
When in doubt, farm woodpecker
Even has an antenna for guidance.
>roll for Zhu yuan
>get w-engine on your 50/50
Don't reply to the anime posting /trash/fag /wuwa/jest shitposter
Report and ignore
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Sorry I just don't agree at all. It's just stat boosts and status effects. I get no enjoyment out of modifying those at all. I just like simple action games that allow me to fight fun enemies.

I don't even know what that is but okay sure.
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That's off model
Wake up, because the event banners specifically dont have W-Engine S ranks on them.
>Character banner
>lost to W-engine
I reply to my own posts to fake the perception of public aprp2aproval.
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shark bwos?
What could have been.... Why don't we get big furry wolf-girls that will protect us....
Hello me not speak many English got two Bangboo who else other one get! ? Me got that sharkboo and me also got amillion. Who what or is the best next one? Me think of butlerboo or may perhaps get rocketboo? What does that think of it all?
Much better pairing than with the pink-haired chick. I want to see fat ass cop sitting on her face.
new to botchan?
isn't it like standard banner *does* include w-engines in the S rank pool but limited doesn't?
it tells you in bold colored letters what buffs they give, why would you use a guide when you will have to read even more
honestly I can't tell if this is an edit anymore
do you have a good thread filter? I'm tired of autists, they must be silenced.
She's so fucking sex
im a brainlet so what disk set is better for piper in a piper nicole neko team? right now im using the anamoly 4 set. i’m on piper 80% of the time and switch to nicole on assist parry and ex so she can do her corruption (i need anomaly set on her too right so she gets it easier?) neko i just go in when boss is stunned to dump her dmg. does the physical set boost assault dmg too? because piper gets assaults like crazy.
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oh it's one of the discs. Okay.
So poly is for limited or standard banners, and mono is only for standard, right?
This os definitely not the game for you then.
Because if you like fighting tough content the game.is going to expect you to engage with this system ALOT
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I'm watching (You)
You could probably just filter out every mention of every other hoyo game and wuwa and your experience would improve immensely
Depends what characters you want to use, the bangboos all have different uses that fit in with some teams more than others
I cheer because i have found a bug and will get compensation from Dawei
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which void hunter is still alive?
>does the physical set boost assault dmg too?
Yes. If you use Piper as main DPS, physical 4p can be better than physical 2p/anomaly 4p.
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>kroni woke up
Good fucking thing he shitposts exclusively on US time
Keep using the anomaly one
Use Fang metal for Nekomata and the general buffer set for Nicole
The one that have that have Energy regen 2pc effect
>daily trust dates are largely platonic outside of watching a movie together in your room
>daily trust dates with corin are aggressively sappy and romantic
what is mihoyo trying to imply here
Kiana and Ely
Piper on anomaly set.
Neko on Physical DPS set.
Nicole would be better on Swing Jazz to buff the shit out of everyone else.
>does the physical set boost assault dmg too?
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That's why I'd rather just use a guide for that shit. But fair enough. I don't think this game will hold my attention for very long now that I've just finally cleared through all the main content. But I suppose we'll see.
>are aggressively sappy and romantic
Sappy yeah, romantic? Not seeing it. The closest is the ear-cleaning one, but thats a classical maid activity.
The dullahan guy
Monochrome purely exists to be turned into polychrome. Every system that demands a currency using polychromes even if theres a convoluted process of converting the chromes first into tapes in the case of rolling.
Monochrome's only additional function is that the paypiggie options in the 24 hour store require monochrome, including unlocking the one that gives you extra stuff for paypigging 10 or so IK levels.
It depends on the characters you have. If you for example have Grace, which is electrical damage, you could get Plugboo. Or if you want to get Zhu Yuan you could roll for Resonaboo
>>daily trust dates are largely platonic
I disagree, you and the character might not be trying to fuck openly but they casually refer to it as a date and flirt
for your main 4 disc set should be on partition 3 4 5 6 right?
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Discs unironically feel like shit and not worth the hassle.

Its fucking stupid they don't even tell you the types of mainstat every disc slot can give you.
Or the sub stats.
Can you have a sub stat that matches the main stat???
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The missile knows where it is...
What's the best battle pass weapon?
hey ZZZbwos, we in genshin have multiple cat girls, how many do YOU have hmmmmmmm? thats right only one. we have THREE. Three is more than one
put that in your pipe and smoke it
A guide won't really matter because it would expect you to be content with the bare minimum either.
Substats are there to keep you jailed for the games life
Actually we have 2
Nekomata and Jane Doe (she said so)
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>Can you have a sub stat that matches the main stat?
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>daily trust dates with corin are aggressively sappy and romantic
Proxy is canonically for meidos.
So I dont get why people refer to the limited banner as "paid" if you dont need to pay to use it
all of them are shit
why bother when character signatures are better
>B-but it's random!
swipe harder
i just hope that he's a crypto baron or something, wasting so much time shitposting must be pathetic for a neet.
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We have rats though...
>236/240 battery
Almost bricked myself by wasting a battery charge!
Do we know what other events are happening before 1.1?
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>he doesn't have Neko
oh nononono
Hopefully he forgets where he placed his ozempic one day and never wakes up
>but they casually refer to it as a date and flirt
Thats just a language thing. They didn't find a better way to translate terms for "meeting of friends at a appointed time" even IRL people refer to that sort of thing as "date" all the time.
there's no rules with rng, you're gonna find good pieces for any slot, will just have to make due and shift pieces around when you get get a good drive.
>So I dont get why people refer to the limited banner as "paid"
Quote me anyone who has called it that outside of the context of whaling on it.
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Nigga get a job
oh okay thanks for the info. i’ll grind out the sets i need once i get knotlevel 35
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Why the FUCK is she so cute?
>even IRL people refer to that sort of thing as "date" all the time
In the west date definitely has a romantic connotation to it
Jane Doe would never lie to you!
aight thanks bru
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Aggressively cute post
My Shark GF is just embarrassed
oh yeah... well... we uh, we have a playable fox girl!
What do you say now hmmm?
But they do.
Go to the bardic needle at IK40 it's more straight forward than hoyo's other games.
We may only have one catgirl but the game is filled with cats. Petting one is mandatory for main story progress and for your weekly you have to take pictures of cats chilling in your neighborhood
The only Ether DPS until 2.0
get her now
the other Ether characters can't be converted into DPS
Thats what I said. But its just a connotation and a artifact of the translation not coming up with a better way to translate it.
they need to make a furry hag with a body like this holy shit.
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How do you feel when Neko spots you and does this face?
she isn't, at least not compared to other NPCs
Im not gonna make it...
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>Nividia GPU driver update
>Game runs like shit now
>Neko on the lookout on which account to brick with her appearance
Why the FUCK do you have shit taste
Nah. You can build Nicole to proc Corruption fast to remove Shiyu Defense enemy shields. Those shields are the only real "requirements" in the game. Once they're gone you can treat anything like a regular enemy and DPS them down however you want.
I think she's going to steal my wallet.
>In the west date definitely has a romantic connotation to it
He's right though, people say "date" non-romantic all the time. Whenever you have agreed to met at a time but its not professional enough to call it an "appointment". Language has moved on bro.
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You can do it bwo
>she sees your dick
You had zero at launch, Keqing is a fraud.
>When she sees your soft pity
The EN dub is actually pretty good for ZZZ, basically the only game ruining voices are
I'm probably gonna switch to EN after the H.A.N.D arc. Meanwhile in genshin you have to dodge
>Paimon (already impossible)
>Hu Tao
and holy shit that's a lot of horrible voices to make EN worth the trouble.
Nekomata is a fool who does no damage.
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hes right though...
No! Keqing is a honorary catgirl!
what's up with Nvidia driver update anyway? Everytime it ask for update, my performance took a hit. Did they disable something until you update it?
Koleda is still one of the best voices in the game. So cute
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My date with agents are romantic.
Your """dates"""" can be platonic.
I still wished we could change language for specific agents. It'd be so much better.
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>qingyi comes with anby
there's no chance the rat comes with Piper right? I want to C6 Pipes but I dont want to brick myself with a rat
overtuned bullshit
I'd genuinely have this girl replace the soulless eye'd pink hair bitch from section 6. Just take her design wholesale including crop top and replace the bitch that looks somehow more like a generic npcs than the actual npc
>They haven't unlocked the secret date sex dialogue with every character
Low chance they actually put two characters with the same element and role on a single banner
Why do people hate koledas voice? Is it just not the typical kawiiidesu enough?
Any AMDchad already updated drivers? How does it run now
Live your truth, queen!
>Ben Bigger
>is smaller than wise
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Finally reached Shiyu 10!
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Farming discs just feels awful.
They cost 60 stamina.

Absolutely horrendous.
fuck off i like the pink hair OL
Nigga she sounds like bart simpson.
Sis she sounds like someone crushed her windpipe, probably actually is to be able to pull of that kind of voice.
I like Soukaku's en voice, the little screams she does are cool
is Nicole really that good as Anton's support or is that just her somehow nuking the robot?
What are your times on each team?
I like Section 6 because they're all ugly as fuck, gives me plenty of time to save for actual characters. Especially since their cutest member is an A rank that I already have at C6.
That's why they are doing with qingyi
Pretty good chance. Mihoyo likes putting a cope version of the character on the banner.
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welp, this was kinda fun, but it seems like i'm going back to star rail
Don't know either. I always let her finish every sentence just because I like it so much.
She just needs to have better eyes. I realised its THE reason she looks like a bland soulless unfinished npc.
her eyes are just purple blur. Meanwhile every other playable character (aside from Ben, Billy and Anton who all have uniquely designed eyes) has very expressive and deeply designed eyes.
The biggest difference thats easy to show is Rina vs Yanagi.
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ok seeing this pic and speaking of the censored characters. how in the earth did soldier 11 get censored but piper didn't. just look at those fucking cunny thighs
Not seeing the issue still tbqh.
Does anyone else find it concerning we have no thread culture? Like when Star Rail came out that Clara posted their micro penis. We don’t have any good lore yet. All it is soulless rehashed memes used by other games.
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remember tomorrow to tune into evo sf6 finals for the annoucement
I mean, at least you won the 50/50....
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Jane is going to break the game when she comes out. All the tards rolling Midyuan are bricking themselves when the real GOD is coming out so soon.
we have Lucyfag proxy posting but that's it
how do you get the grey things on the left?
waterkuma fired is pretty funny
also dont think dick pics count as thread culture...
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EN sounds like a goblinoid
JP sounds like a shounen character
this is my roster and im still playing, coward.
oh i see what you mean.. that would be such a easy fix too.
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Why would you ever roll in the weapon banner when the standard banner IS the weapon banner.
I'm rolling both
I don't think Soldier 11 got censored, I think they just thought she was too similar to Anby.
Was rain the hacker that fucked us at begining? Or was other different?
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I love him.
Why are there two threads?
Does anyone have the tweet saying that ZZZ's animation looks unconfident or something like that?
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Can Corin be part of thread culture too?

she sounds like a modern CN tomboy
>no good lore
What about Vanillasushi?
genshin refugee? weapon banner in hsr/zzz is goated
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Saving until end of service
Quick someone post their cock to create thread lore
She is a cute little goblin.
So it sounds accurate.
Because is 75% and is just 1 promo weapon not like genshit or others, so I take my chances
Do a standard 10 roll for fun
no it was someone else, they got raided by cops
piper grace lucy. Can someone explain the rotation?
>all this TV rant in the previous thread
I understand how stale they may look in streams\videos but that's a pretty good window for variety. Even in the main scenario this can be gimmicked out pretty cheaply for the devs. To the grindmaxing bros, it's understandable how even your favorite thing becomes nauseous after repeating it without breaks. All I care the game gets more focus on other meaningful content instead of hiding gazzilion chests behind micropuzzles or genshin "dungeons" which feel as bad for that matter. Speaking of content, how does the game manage to weigh 50 gigs without openworld? I refuse to believe it's all because of multiple dubs.
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>back to star rail
to do what? spend your energy in 5 minutes and close the game lmao
Apply anomaly 1
Apply anomaly 2
but that would ruin my "ZZZ without rolling" youtube series!!!
Standard banner already gives nothing BUT fucking weapons.

I don't see the point of ever going to the weapon banner, if you want weapons stick to standard.
I have such weirdly awful luck with the bangboo banner...
lucy ex
build up electric
spin with piper to proc anomaly
back to grace to proc electric
repeat step 3
do it again
I'll wait until 300 tickets so I can do it all in one go while getting my selectable unit.
? But u choose the S ones there
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I am currently jobless and leech off my real estate returns. Is this game for me?
I know and I only got 2 with all the boopons in the game currently
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Don’t open this
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>Not getting all the cops
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All my luck has been channeled into the bangboos banner against my will
Lost the 50/50 on limited and it's pushing me to hard pity
Standard gave me knot engine at hard pity after the beginner guarantee
Bangboo banner has given me several S ranks within 10 rolls of each other
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I'm getting both. I'm not falling for the seeletrap, therefore im skipping ellen.
>Jing Yuan lmao
He is still used more than seele.
>Apply anomaly 2
after getting to 30 power on piper you wanna stay on field and keep applying more assault with normal attacks until the buff falls off
isn’t the rat coming out AFTER stun loli? yeah im getting ass cop and ass rat simple as.
You need 3 teams bwo
>not rolling and using the standards
>currently the most powerful units in the game
>waiting 1 year+ to roll them after theyve all been crept
I respect it, but I cant say I understand
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idk about the robot since I haven't done it yet but it was just Nicole setting up def shreds and ulting on Thanatos for the first half with Anton providing decent enough DPS with the DEF shred
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>pulling to brick your piper
never ever
c6 piper will clear this stinky rat anyday anyways
not bad desu
but he should be wearing some frilly victorian boxers
it's a mhy game, it's way too stingy to actually guarantee all three so going for ZY risks not being able to get the two actually good designs
huh, I guess Ben can do wonders when the 2nd one hits like a truck
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Everytime I hear this bitch talk my desire to fuck an autistic chick increases 10 fold
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Belle is knotted...
I didn't use Ben at all except to keep his shield up
i rolled 50x on ellen and still have more pulls than u what happened bro
Last I heard it was going to be Sethiroph and Corrin.
That's pre-release shit and I wouldn't be surprised if Piper ends up on it. Piper's mini-Jane and could be the "consolation prize" and being the same element is beneficial for anomaly teams with the way the disk drive works. Jane also wants a second anomaly to enable her enhanced core passive if you don't run her with a cop and Piper is the only 4* anomaly in the game and won't have run up to that point.
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Oh shit, almost missed some of the rewards. Barely caught it because I decided to play some more snake game for fun.
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I'd like to purchase this.
I want Lycaon how long will it take for 300 rolls to accumulate


i have thunder metal 4pc set. *As long as an enemy in combat is Shocked, the equipper's ATK is increased by 28%.*
If everytime i apply shock, i have to change to lucy, maybe i should use some other set? and which one?
Also which bangboo? preferably A rank
Is Jane Doe some kind of double agent Revolver Ocelot type character or
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So would a team of Zhu, Qing, and Nicole work? Qing being electric instead of Ether seems odd.
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Cooked or cooking?
holy fuck… i need to draw more anby
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I tested switching out her eyes but I might just be alone in this. I honestly feel like just giving her more vibrant alive eyes instantly fixes her
if Mihoyo's going to be as jewish as it is right now, *maybe* you'll get the present for christmas.
6-8 months if you don't convert to monochrome
She's a dirty, stinkin' rat. Of course.
>want soldier 11 for my FIRE team
>get stinky ice wolf
Jesus fucking christ
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>weapon banner
>EVER being worth it
you are literally cooked, brainwashed by bad business practices
>went for copies of Ellen and her weapon instead of saving for the booty cops and rat
Why would you do this?
i’m sorry bwo.. just reroll
Yea it doesn't really matter because Qing is there to stun enemies and Zhu is kinda a quick swap DPS anyway
i think it took me like 240 days or something of that nature in hsr
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i have 34 rolls on the ellen banner. Tried to get anton but got spooked by grace. I havent done SD 7-10 on this account either and im only IK37. This is my first reroll account, my main was cursed so I decided to start over so I also missed like the first 7 days of commissions.
>1 stunner
Hope you like robocop
element variety is not bad because disorder is solid, she still gets the buff due to the other cop.
what sucks is that anby goes right into the trash in like 3 weeks.
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I wonder how large factions will get since its confirmed that present factions will get new members in the future
convert to monochrome?
Stun with qingyi then unload shells on stunned enemy with Zhu. Is it so hard to comprehend?
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I want to cum in Corin's bloomers and make her wear them all day at work.
you can keep the 2pc thunder metal
run 4pc freedom blues to proc shock in time to trigger disorder
im using the A rank electric bangbro cause grace applies anomaly slower than piper, but ultimately it doesnt really matter since the bangboos kinda suck without the b skill active
why do people ask this when they clearly put money into the game? these images are only interesting when posted by F2P. just buy more rolls bro lol.
Is it better to run Crit or Freeze resonia in Hollow Zero with an Ellen team? Ideally you'd choose both but which takes priority?
You can turn the limited banner currency into standard banner pulls, I don't recommend it though.
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I could tear those apart so fucking quick
>rolling for the cop faction when sons of calydon and most likely section 6 characters are coming
easiest way to brick your account
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You should roll for weapons because they have higher rates and are basically guaranteed at 75/25. It lets you play what you want more freely, and building them easier.
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Right now the biggest with more or less confirmed members are NEPSEX and Calydon, with 5 each. That seems to be the target number.
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eh. She's still going to be the only stun for a long time for people like me that arent getting Qingyi.
>Hollow Zero
doesn't matter
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Sorry but I'm not wasting my rolls on cophag.
Nor for Anby upgrade.

What the FUCK am I going to do for the next 2 months.
you shouldnt have started over because cursed main accounts have the sweetest of turnarounds, that's just how it goes.
Same, she actually sold me on the game. Like wtf, and she's one of the blandest characters in game. How did the devs known how to pull my strings?
>an autistic chick
Would she act apathetic or overenthusiastic during sex? inb4: depends on whether it's Nicole bidding
Just quit nigga
Saving for sons of kinodon
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hi /zzz/, i got up to shiyu 8 but now i'm stuck deciding what i want to upgrade to really push through content. is there an upgrade/farm priority around 35-40 (character levels, core passives, skills, w-engines, disks)? i feel so lost. i also haven't spent much of my battery stack.
the cop is cute, sexy and the only Ether dps in the game, there is zero reason not to roll her
>are basically guaranteed at 75/25
i lost my first 75/25 on ellens weapon, so it's definitely not guaranteed and i've seen plenty of anons posting their losses
>Would she act apathetic or overenthusiastic during sex?
Apathetic and slightly confused, until she breaks into her sloppy o-face.
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Didn't really like all cops are bootylicious or skaven
Game needs to add more of them and less DPS. Will probably be getting the furry in a year when I finally get 300 normal pulls.
umm this doesn't look like an F2P box...
What retarded logic is that?
Weapons offer NOTHING in terms of gameplay, specially S ranks one.
A character will ALWAYS be better.
You CANNOT use a weapon by itself, weapons and copies are literally "microtransaction" that makes your game more easy when the game its already easy.
You are a retard that has to cope with the fact that they got you, brainwashed you into believing numbers are worth it.
I lost mine too and I wanted to die
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>there are anons in this gen right now that are planning on skipping THIS
I thought were were straight here?
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Just finished the main story so far and I gotta say I'm kinda disappointed, I thought they would cap off the release story content with some big "hoorah" moment, but it was just the same shit joke villain (who is somehow STILL around) escaping once more, no set up for some actual antagonists (the evil corpo also has no real characters so far), all just still random, faceless mob enemies who don't matter. The twins were cool, I wish the entire twin tower arc was focused on them and that they were not just a vehicle to save some npc hacker girl and catch an airship. Too bad they also suffer from what all the special ethereals so far suffered and that being that they are just mindless monsters who just happen to be "in the way" for the (so far) very filler feeling plot.
>elf unrelated
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where shota agent
i’m playing 2 accounts main i need ellen on. 2nd im saving for cop. simple as. i probably will have to swipe for ellen already missed my 50/50 and i doubt i get 70 more rolls before her banner is gone. i’m already level 30 and most freebies are gone
HUGE value from 60 energy
The painful reality is most autistic chicks are fat as fuck.
i may be straight but i'm not helping my luck through THAT
if she'll come so will i, if she won't then it's either going to be on the rerun or never because of eos
Im F2P+ ;)
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No it was properly cursed and I didnt want to wait around. I got Koleda, Koleda's and the Furry's W Engine from standard. Failed Ellen pity at 76 to Koleda M1 and went to 86 pity to get ellen. 72 pulls for my first bangboo and I accidentally selected amillion so that was the wrong one as well.
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Now class, this is why you NEVER roll for weapons! It being a 75/25 just makes the feeling of loss more palpable!
If we get story updates quicker than the other Hoyo games then I’m fine with it.
Weapons are better. They are cheaper and don't take ages to build. What are you gonna do with a character you don't like? Use 2 months of stamina to build and then bench forever 1 month later? This game only uses 6 fucking characters. Pick who you like and stick with them.
She's gorgeous...
she is cute and sex but the other units are cute and sex too. her kit seems bad so i won’t roll. if i get her randomly that’s cool but i wont spend precious resources on her. simple as.
I just picked 6 characters to fully upgrade and then I'll branch out. Don't farm discs until 45 unless you're a latelet and won't hit 45 before shiyu reset.
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Shiyu 10 conquered, but it can be better I will now gear up my Nicole
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But she's a gross cophag and her design looks like shit.
Why did they make her such a brick, though?
>Class/Type of a mandatory free unit everyone will have build by then
>selfish stunner but 'needs' a attacker in her team anyway
WTF is this kit? She's really just made to be used with Zhu and Jane and nothing else.
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The best villains are the ones you think are joke villains
>activating gremlin mode
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ugliest character in the entire game
i got ellen's weapon 9 rolls after i lost
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Is nekomata actually a brick
I already have koleda
Nah she's cute
Awful dub voice though
Why can't we buy signature A-rank W-Engines from the gadget store...
agreed, her and Lycaon are the only ones I have at level 1 because I'm not using EITHER of them
She's a cute little imp.
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holy shit taste
Soukaku a qt
thank you for your retard insight in a two week old game
You say that when shitters are complaining about runs taking 30 minutes
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My girlfriend is so stylish
Bro, your ice team?
No, because you can use her as main dps to clear SD17.. But she will become a brick.
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>Not rolling for who makes your dick more erect
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corporations are... le evil
murdering military traitors in cold blood is.... le good
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I'm going to stick my dick in a rat and there's nothing you can do to stop me
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>LC looking good for the 5-star cones
>that mess when it gets to the 4-stars
Not gonna have an Ice team until they release Ice characters I actually like
i feel she is. i have her and saw her weapon and m1. she’d be actually strong with those but why the fuck would i want a unit that needs all that to be good? 3 s ranks to make a brick decent? fuck that. she is getting carried by my piper right now but as soon as i get soldier 11 or ellen im dropping neko
No, being the worst 5 star doesn't mean she's bad. If you want to talk about bricks, go look at Genshin's standard 5* Qiqi.
Anton is walling me on Shiyu 9 do I invest in discs for him because he does no damage.
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Yeah because wow, those 2min of gameplay where you see your actual units is going to be all super duper amazing.
She has less going for her than other dps but she'll clear content well in the near future
You won't even be playing this game in 6 months since you'll be stuck in the gear treadmill with 0 well built chars since you refuse to focus your resources.
she desperately needs at least one dupe and her signature weapon, something that other S ranks don't (that much, at least)
They want you roll on the weapon banner. This game is way more aggressive about it than star rail. All the new A characters will have tailored w engines so it encourages you to roll for them when you want to use them.
>i’m playing 2 accounts
mental illness
Counter point: Not every one wants to play the same comp until EoS and they can still play their old characters whenever they want if they choose to do so.
Weapons at the end of the day are just numbers, while characters... , well, do i really have to explain?
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yes, i prefer playing nekomata, how could you tell?
if you're a metafag then don't invest in anton unless you have at least c4 and his sig
as cool as he is, he's one of the worst A ranks
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the future is bright, if these animations are anything to go by
>is legally blind
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No, Shiyu 9 is just harder than Shiyu 10 and the first 3 stages of Critical Shiyu. You'll just end up wasting your resources even if Anton is M6. Best to get Grace up to 50 and with good discs instead, if you have her, you do have her right?
eh the game is fun. it’s the only gacha i’ve ever played and this way i won’t spread myself thin with trying to get everything on a single account. simple as.
I should have saved for Jane Doe...
The secret is to Nicole more
just get lucky
>He got nerfed on launch cause he was so broken in beta
Yea, I'm thinking you're retarded
too zoomy & flashy for me, my boomer brain can't keep up.
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*fixes your game*
more aggresive? Starlight engine its more BiS on some characters than the S rank standard ones, and its farmable.
Anomaly teams prefer a 3* weapon and support/ stunners also have good f2p options.
>as cool as he is
hes a construction man and he works with a drill, thats literally as uncool as it gets.
True but I'm okay with wipeout outros and character menu animations.
I rolled for shork engine because he chomps the screen when you go the equipment screen
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have my soldier 11/lucy/piper team somewhat built and they kinda feel like shit. do i really need to use the bear?
Damn you're gay
Shitters need to be told what teams to make, how to build and what resoniums to pick because they love the game so much that they want to minimize their time spent playing it.
Also, according to the show love on the spectrum, attractive autistic chicks just want neurotypical gigachads like normal women so there is now hope.
I'm not rolling for stat sticks over character wich offer different gameplay and extra story content, retard
>brickomata already obsolete
holy shit… she is after stun loli right??
She's cute af
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Jesus fucking christ all the community numbers for this game are dropping like a rock. The online count for both subreddits COMBINED is even less than HSR's. Genuinely worried about impending EOS because of how expensive this game must be to develop.
I have C4 and his sig R2, he hits below 1k with Nicole and Anby it's embarrassing.

I have no Grace just Neko and she can't quite clear her side with two minutes left because I can't quite get anomaly disorder consistently with just Ben and Lucy
i guess i'll focus on maxing out skills and bringing most characters up to 40 then. i did a little bit of disc farming and i have some very preliminary sets atm. tfw been playing since day 1. how do f2p progress so fast.
do this for someone that needs it, like soukaku.
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Correct, physical Anomaly coming right after robololi
You might suck
Are you triggering disorder properly? You want to go Assault - burn - assault for max damage
a lot of gacha shitters have this mental illness
>uhh how can i play the game less
like bro you don't like the game, you're a gambling addict looking for their next hit
You can roll 1 char + weapon a patch if you're lucky, every 1.5 patches if you're not. That's enough variety considering you can also use all the B-rank supports and need 1 month to build a new S-rank anyway. If you roll for characters faster than you can build them you're just bricking yourself.
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This but with Qingyi
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>rolling for piper upgrade
Interested to see what Mihoyo will do, with HSR it was Sparkle into Firefly wife

Genshin still hasnt scared them yet as the characters they are shitting out are still awful.
You exclusively use him with grace when the enemy is shocked.
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Yeah.. we'll shoot a 'video'

Have you ever wanted to be a model? Im a photographer you know..
what feels bad about it? piper should be on field almost always. lucy for buff and make sure you have your fire buff ready. you get it off a chain attack, ex special, ult and it gives you shit ton of dmg without needing to time your hits.
From posts I've read online about autistic chicks, she would be asexual for maybe years until she trusts you enough to finally have sex then she would become hyperfixated on sex and beg you to fuck her 3+ times a day.
Kirara is sexy but genshin's designs have to much flowing material in front of the character
Bear gives 16% CR and has good daze. I don't know why people keep parroting the S11 + Piper team since S11 requires burn to be on the target for her Core Skill, which gets consumed the moment you trigger Disorder, which is the whole point of that pairing. Much better to put Piper to use with Grace for Shock/Assault Disorder.
It was in the ballpark of $500 million to develop, so only $50 million at launch means it has a LONG way to go to break even, not including forward costs.
yeah i dont really know how to play as them so im just going by first impressions.
I want to pressure this desperate streamer into doing lesbian porn in the backroom.
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honestly don't care what she's an upgrade/downgrade for, I want her now
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>rolling for piper downgrade
Jane / Grace / Seth will be a viable team, right? It could be years before I get Rina…
The animations themselves aren't all that, but it's the hit sounds in the real video that sells it. It's hypnotic. She was a complete skip off her shitty design, but those sounds...
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i should draw rat wife sex..
What color are her nipples?
This is cope for not pulling Ellen, isn't it
>no Grace
There's your problem she is basically mandatory for Anton to do well, I'd even argue Rina is too.
stop replying to the schizo
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>Genuinely worried about impending EOS because of how expensive this game must be to develop.
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>using subreddit numbers to doompost
That's how you know that you've reached the bottom of the barrel.
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>player count dropped
Piper is the solo phyiscal in a disorder team if you run a physical with Piper Nekomata is still the best option as she doesn't need help procing assault but she is useless once assault actually goes off.
S tier billy
A tier nicole anby
Z tier everybody else
Bwos.... is it true?? I heard Qochin and Gwelachi talking over by the mizu cooler about them firing waterkuma........ I'm really worried about the longevity for the game. After pouring $500 billion dollars in development, how are we ever gonna recoup our loses......
That but with Miyabi
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Jane, Grace, Seth/Rina is her best team so you're more than fine anon
please do
I am only rolling for Jane Doe because of the rat pose she does with her hands
It's so fucking cute, animal girls acting like their animals is the best!!!
You are overstimating how much it takes to build a character.
I have played both genshin and hsr, pre-farming is basically the REAL end game.
>if you're lucky
that's gambler mentality, you don't roll on weapons banner precisely because you cannot realistically get every character you want, now imagine having to roll for both weapon + character?
Better to be safe and save for when you are getting unlucky.
i think it's fine, the scope is smaller plus you can argue the TV stuff, the thing people love to hate, saves money
the animations having so many frames and being animated at 60fps is definitely big though
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it's hi3rd all over again...
i have zzz fatigue
>don't feel like doing hollow zero (my rewards are still there)
>don't feel like doing event
>don't feel like doing trust quests
>don't feel like doing battle quests
>don't feel like doing tv quests
>don't feel like doing mewmew quests
im level 41 btw not a wuwa or hsr or genshit shill
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>Nicole can't afford 200k Dennies
What the fuck.
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>It was in the ballpark of $500 million to develop
Can you provide a source?
Isn’t the only playable Penacony native Robin? And even then she was adopted into the family or something.
Why is she ALWAYS glistening with sweat?
>american hour doomposts
at least the SEA ones are high effort
Jane wants a Anomaly or Police agent in her team. Jane/Piper is gonna be the core and I'm not seeing Nekomata being the BiS 3rd member for that.
Ellen's kit is not fun.
Ass Cop waiting room.
ill keep these pointers in mind as i continue to build this team. thanks.
Wow, the Ellen dropoff is real. My Grace team is doing better in higher Shiyu floors.
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>nicole that high
>open store
>drink coffee
>scratch card
>log off
if after a couple of days or a week you don't feel like playing then drop the game completely. If reading this check-list already makes you sigh, then drop it now
just spent the last 2 hours jacking off to nicole, is the game any good or should i stick to gooning?
roll for her weapon, pigu
ellen isnt broken without the wolf
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Here I found it
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Penacony is a gas giant, no one is native to penacony. They're just dog whistleing to add black american characters.
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For me it's inviting Corin on a date and then dumping her
Where the hell did you find so much content with Nicole to pull this off?
>The online count for both subreddits COMBINED
You would know that wouldn't you?
$500 million argentine pesos
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Fuck off go jerk off
Uh oh trannies are malding that they can’t press dash hold left click to gain enhanced basic attacks or visually comprehend how to use Ellen’s EX chain attack and call her a bad character from their own incompetence
Assault -> Burn -> Assault is inefficient and a DPS loss as opposed to Burn -> Assault -> Burn. You're wasting DPS on the Burn portion as you're trying to build up Assault again, you want to frontload the entire Burn proc into the Disorder which wasted S11's Core Skill and makes it shit-tier. Until there's a Fire Anomaly you shouldn't be running this team.
I'm not overestimating at all. Go look at what you need to max all skills and get a decent 4+2 disc set. I got every character I want + their LC on HSR, and can max score or 0-cycle content with E0 5*s because I focused my resources on the characters I like instead of spreading out without a plan. You can't compare it to Genshin since the weapon banner there is ass.
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I am a Top G
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Give it to me straight.. is she going to be wearing a hijab and her cow tits reduced to B cups by the time they get done censoring her?
about as horny as you can get for an actual game
>Ellen's kit is not fun.
It's very counterintuitive after learning the core gameplay but I love that, we need more characters with such unique mechanics that force you to learn new playstyles
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Agent Stories Tier List:

>S Tier
Lycaon (everything is perfect), Rina (schizo granny kino)
>A Tier
>B Tier
>C Tier
>D Tier
>F Tier
Soldier 11, Grace, Koleda (all boring characters, shit pacing/setting/combat/story)
>penaxony was initially a prison colony
>therefore its inhabitants must have been black
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Why so lowres, bwo?
>Shit take tierlist
Enjoy getting powercrept.

>F Tier
your post
I want more Belle incest doujins
NTA but C1 sigless Anton is fucking dogshit with Anby + Rina. Shiyu 7-10 was a pain. I should've built Piper and Lucy, really
>putting rina over S11
Holy shit taste.
you KNOW she's not keeping those colossal torpedoes unless she's covered head to toe
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>spend all rolls i could at knot lvl 40
>still no Piper
i fucking HATE getting 4* in hoyo games
and i didnt roll a single Lucy too, thanks god i could get her from the shop at least
I hate discord niggers so much, I will only run mono element teams until eos
There’s no way she makes it into the game looking like that. Jim PlayStation will make sure of that. Sorry bro.
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None of the Penacony characters are from Penacony, they are all tourists/immigrants
Black Swan - Garden of Recollection
sparkle & Acheron - Edo Star
Aventurine - Sigonia
Robin - Halovian home world
Boothill - tourist
Firefly - Glammoth
Jade - Pier Point
The actual people of Penacony, the low working class of Penacony, are all completely black.
billy's boss ain't going lower sorry
What the fuck core skill are you talking about
S11 doesnt need burn to be on the target at all
The way disorder works is that the damage is based on the damage of the first anomaly triggered. Piper's massive anomaly prof. means you want her to start the disorder every time during the target's daze
who is this semen demon?
>B cups
This would be ideal... wait, what are B cups by the ZZZ standards? Grace?
>not limited too:
Wow, stopped reading there. They fucked up before they even got the ball rolling.
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kneel to me
>no new sidequersts at 44
wtf is this shit
otto was cute
koleda story is better than rina's
They unironically think this
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Anon, I...AIEEE
Her kit becomes a lot more fun when you realize that you aren't actually using her basic attacks 90% of the time.
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I wish I had a Wise to tease
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fuck you.
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>heartfelt story about the brutality of a mental degenerative disease
S11troons cope
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do NOT open
what does an original chip do? how do i use it?
I want to cum inside Grace.

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Holy shit
You might as well reroll at that point.
Sorry I meant the 4pc Fire disc set not Core Skill. You're wasting the 28% Crit Rate by consuming the Burn in the optimal anomaly order. Trying to fit Soldier 11 into that team is still dogshit and a waste of what Piper can really do.
does Lucy's chain attack proc her buff? or do I have to chain into her last and then hold EX
I can see it...
genuinely impressive
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>Roll Ellen banner and grind until I get the guaranteed S agent
>all my friends already got shark
>missing the point entirely
what part of PRE-FARMING is the real end game do you not understand? After you built your characters you have NOTHING, i repeat, NOTHING ELSE TO DO.
>an max score or 0-cycle content with E0 5*s
who gives a shit about that when you can do the same WITHOUT LC?
Having a big roll saving its way better when you truly become unlucky.
Right about Lycaon and Rina. S11 is the only fully deserved F tier, hers was a clear cut below Grace and Koleda as bad as theirs was
the more I play the more I want to fuck Belle
Chain attack procs it, you don't have to switch to her
What battle Pass weapon is the best?
wont be rollin zhu yuan because her ass is unironically too fat and too distracting while sprinting
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>reach level 34 quest
>literally 0 sub quests
>0 invitations remaining
>no exploration quests
>shiyu S ranked to 6, A for 7
so what, do i just do hard versions of story quests? do those give knot exp?
I got Lyknot on the standart banner guarantee. Want a joke? Ellen's banner dropped Koleda on me.
at least you can get the pubsex rep
run her with pink cow tits and anby
ez clap
>Belle: "hahaha, smell my feet Wise! you like smelly feet"
>Wise: Belle, stop, I'm trying to watch a movie
>Belle: "the movie's boring, Oh!! I just had a great idea, what if we make out and make kissy noises"
>Wise: "I....I don't see how that's funny"
>Belle: "You haven't even tried! It'll be hilarious!"
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Just run electro then?
I think running the 4 piece elemental discs is stupid in any disorder team anyways
Also I run every single Piper team anyways so
I will run Piper S11 Lucy, Piper Koleda Lucy, Piper Neko Lucy and Piper Caesar Lucy all the way until EOS and I will NOT pull the rat
Grind until you get the ellen guarantee so you can have wolf and shark
No, the only thing you can do is dailies and wait for energy regen, I love timegating so much
at M2
>can do the same WITHOUT LC
You're not doing any prefarming if you keep rolling for every new character. And the end game is disc (relic/artifact) farming, not prefarming. You're a retard stuck in the treadmill if all you do is prefarm.
They already have the objectively best toon why would they waste their pulls?
Not enough of it.
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don't install this pantless mod
>they are not saving 360 rolls for the idol faction
I was driving to the super market and I accidentally peed my pants so I can’t get my dinner now FUCK
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Wild for it being an A rank disk
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the more i hear about this soldier 11/lucy/piper team and how to play as them the less inclined i am to stick with it. shit sounds confusing.
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Ah, I was wondering whether this fucking loser had any track record. Good to know.
>do those give knot exp?
They don't You finish them off for polychrome. Don't believe me? Check it yourself on the mission screen. I'd go dailis->drain battery->do dates for the time being.
>Just run electro then?
Original anon is specifically asking about Soldier 11, anon. The whole conversation is in that context.
>my soldier 11/lucy/piper team
this is dogshit
What site/place to see these stats?
Yeah, I run electro on my S11. It isn't mandatory to run the fire set anon
Running s11 without ben or koleda is a brick team
is this edited?
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this bitch likes me
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Offensively BASED Kiraraposter
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>hard mode story mission
>20 polychrome
Absolutely shameless
Only bottom left since she has no kids yet
What standard character is the most likely to survive a year of HSR-style powercreep? Grace? Rina?
Damn, that blows pretty hard ass.
I guess one could megawhale battery recharge with monochrome > polychrome conversion but I don't think I hate myself enough to even consider doing that.
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I have an important announcement to make: I do not care for the rat.
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Whoa! Did you make that image yourself?
Now call yourself a stupid bitch.
Kirara eats wild rodents uncooked
first gacha, frogkek?
They're being spreadsheet warriors. The actual team doesn't require "optimal" rotations or shit. All you really need to do is set up burn and anomaly without proccing either and then proc both quickly.
Umm rat bros? Explain this?
Unironically Lycaon
That’s a mouse. Easy.
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looks like its time for big ben
I have not rolled for any LC in hsr and i have max end game every time, you don't need proof for this, the whole community knows its possible.
>You're not doing any prefarming if you keep rolling for every new character.
The fuck are you saying? of course you can,
You can pre-farm as soon as you finish building your teams, which everyone does eventually.
>And the end game is disc (relic/artifact) farming, not prefarming
this reaches and end too tho.
Yes please
if they keep this design i’ll swipe.
my gachas give at worst 1/3rd of a pull per quest/stage, not 1/8.
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same, I much prefer the vanilla break-chain-burst-repeat playstyle than anomalyslop
She wants a different anomaly type for a disorder team, if she's as strong as Piper she will be able to proc assualt by herself. Once an anomaly is proc there is a cooldown for that anomaly meaning both are useless in that phase so you want a different element anomaly or Nekomata taking advantage of the assault window.
>trust event referencing a blacked meme
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You should look at the polychrome rewards that you get in total for finishing them all, not just an individual stage. The real worthwhile rewards are the disc mats to craft sought after main-stats on pieces you wouldn't necessarily want to farm (like Swing Jazz or Woodpecker Electro) and for disc EXP mats.
looks like the chinks are starting to draw Hugo more now
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how do i use the signal tracker? i linked my account, verified the signature and still nothing after an hour
Oh god that retard's still alive?
you jump scared the fuck out of me fuck you. my heart ack-
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I'm talking about 0-cycle MoC and 80k PF (and 7.5k+ AS), retard. Not just getting max rewards. If you want to settle for mediocrity be my guest.
>this reaches and end
It doesn't.
Play the game and level up
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Help me bwos!
which gacha?
An upcoming playable character. Don’t think we have a name yet.
I wouldn’t get your hopes up, she’ll almost certainly be censored.
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it's Lucia
I gave her nihility and she told me to kill myself, so not that one
something something g-something city
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i will now save for lucia
This is my first gacha game and I've seriously spent all of my free time either playing or fapping to the girls. I think something is wrong with my brain
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Yeah, same. This is actually her 2nd time paying me a visit.

Thanks bwo.
Has anyone taken the initiative to not play for two weeks to see if there's a returning player bonus like in Genshin and HSR?
Maybe check on an abandoned re-roll account made at launch?
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mite mite!
are you sure you did everything? i managed to get to 36 without being gated, i still have most character quests to do too. i think i did use 2 batteries as well
I only want the robot. Maybe several copies though, especially if it's a support that can turn DPS.
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>OPTION A: She gets to keep most of her cleavage but gets reduced by about a 1/3rd in size (Nicole)
>OPTION B: Her size remains intact but gets completely covered up (Grace)
pick your poison
>remove Shiyu Defense enemy shields
Bro is still stuck on stable Shiyu...
I don't like that Nekomata shakes her ass every time she uses her ultimate
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No,it's completely normal.
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I ran out of xp books when do I get more
sorry youre gay
good news, theres seth and harumasa coming soon that you can groom
The future of the refreshing stages are going to be shield breaking checks. There's no way you unironically didn't figure this out the moment they were introduced.
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>is sharkgirl
>has shark written on it
>is nekogirl
>has neko written on it
>is ratgirl
>has rat written on it

Taking the piss, much??
She better be covered up and not like Grace but Ellen on her banner iykwim.
>2h and still counting
Whoever said that Prophecy commission is good, fuck you. If I wanted to play an rpg slop, I'd play it and not an action game.
Does SD 17 boss become unparryable after his health is half gone?
that girl with the sign in lumina square leads to a chapter 2 interlude combat quest... damn...
how are your friends adjusting to your new interest /zzz/?
when you spend stam and farm them
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They should raise the HZ weekly limit to 30 runs.
Good to hear
That's literally the best thing about her
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>incestuous siblings
>Belle has "IN" on her head
Hard story missions not giving IK exp is dumb and I put that in both surveys they sent me. Even just 100 a piece is at least something.
one said he was interested but he says that about every fucking game and instead goes back to shit games like LoL every day for the past 3 years
only other thing i see him play is the solo leveling gacha
Amerimutt hours as dogshit as always. Praying for your societal collapse ong
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You misunderstand. I don't like it because it gets me horny and I have to jerk off every time she does it.
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Don't worry, they already made back all the money they put into ZZZ

Source: My C6 shork
Desu that is unironically better than purely elemental damage reduction like most other games get
at least this way you can field 1 character built to trigger anomaly ASAP and then 2 of whatever you want.
Rape while whispering in her ear that I'm going to replace her missing father in her life
Shitters will run 30 runs every monday and then go crying about #kill_TVs even more
Wait until you see the flamethrower lady with "FIRE" hair clips
Just in case you weren't sure what element she is
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My friend who got me into star rail tried it and didn't like the combat, I'm trying to get him to come back for hag cop but he's playing some korean shooter slop that came out recently instead
One of the sexiest Koledas Ive seen
Very nice
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bruh free my mans from the pits
option A is always the right choice because bust size has to be proportionate to the body or else it looks comical. Nicole is much sexier with her current curves than the pre release stuff which looked too much like a cheap renpy porn model. Frankly Grace is just over the line of too big for her frame and its a little distracting in the talking head scenes
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anon you should mention family while having sex
that's a massive turn off
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>is autistic soldier
>has DANGER written on it
Maid Fofo!
In that case, based
She has huge daddy issues, she would get off on it
Am I going fucking insane? All I see is a fucking watermelon
>its a little distracting in the talking head scenes
I thought big booba affected men the same way irl.
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I can't unsee it now. I also don't know what the fuck it's supposed to be. I see the arm, but I can't tell what the balck lines are supposed to be or the sphere it's inside of. Or on.
>Sick off my ass
>Can't install zzz on my phone
>Even if I gathered the strength to walk to my pc, I need to manually farm mats
Why can't they add an auto for farming
Oppai loli is based
Flat is still justice and all that but a little girl with giant tits is also too good
They are wrong, her real danger is hidden under the dress. The absolute area is sacrificed without stockings, yes, but yoga pants ass is also a solid option.
Just don't get sick brew
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Next roll, for sure, don't give up.
It was over before it began.
Just level ben and only use his counter to farm
Making Koleda call you daddy during sex!
I love Tingyun so much
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Bros.. I play ZZZ-GI-HSR and I do a little upkeep in WW just for hell of it. What am I?
Bricked account, reroll.
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I'm spending more time on the animations for looting and pinning than anything else.
>tiles containing beacons and sedatives always give 0 pressure
>spend 1 beacon to retain a beacon to the next floor
>do this enough times and you can freely walk around
>+1 beacon per floor lets you bring one sedative tile with you for free
>13 sedatives in my pocket
I think it's supposed to be a transparent beach ball. It's squished between her arm and her side.
nah the proportions are freaky and gross
fuck you.
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imagine the smell...
a gamer
GANBATE ANON-KUN! GANBATE! Lycaon is the most essential Ice-unit besides her! It's a sign! You will ascend to the Meta-Comp! Keep rolling!
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beach volleyball
Seems fine to me, I try to maintain multiple gacha but I've hit my limit
Dropped GI, still play HSR and this, but also play blue archive and nikke but i've gotten burnout on BA so now I'm down to three
I just dipped at 25. Maybe one day.
Quizes give give 2 pins so if you pin them you get your pin back +1 extra
>Rina S
>Soldier F
what happens when theres a new patch and actual content drops
do you just grind for 12+ hours
censored designs...
im ngmi
What happens if you keep helping an explorer after he's reached the point he would turn into an ethereal? Has anyone brought the first one all the way to floor 99?
Hoyo games patches drop within 2 weeks of each other so they never overlap
It just tells you not to waste it and he turns into one anyway.
The correct choice is to drop HSR because they have stamina storage.
This was easy.
Never had any problem with pins. Just make sure you always bring a blue tile every floor, and always avoid battles to save time.
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Oppai loli is a falacy, only the shortstack archtype works with that build. The PURITY of loli cannot exist within the realm of giant bahongaknockers, and to force it to do so is the greatest sin upon the cute and funny.
what do you mean? it's not like I do everything in one day, I just play until I get bored. with HSR in particular it's until I get bored of the drivel, it took me a while to get through penacony cause of that. Nikke story updates take a bit and the events are time gated, and BA events don't take long at all
HSR takes like 5 minutes though.
Oh it is easy, it's just time consuming.
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I'm not having fun...
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Where the fuck is co-op
Where the fuck is pvp

Is this shit gonna take a year+ or could we see them within a few months
i started late missed my 50/50 and only have 5 rolls with 70 until my ellen. i did get lycoan tho. would i be able to grind hard to get her or swipe the only way? what free vpn can i use to get mono for cheaper? and can i buy the monthly and pass with a discount too or no?
HSR is just a shitty VN with number generator at this point. You dont play it when patches drop. You read it.
Which means you can do it on your phone while doing something else.
stop fomoing
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1v1 me in Snake Duel, nerd.
oppai loli is way better than flat bitches. a flat bitch needs the nicest of asses and thighs to cope for no boobs
im at 165~ f2p so you should be able to
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I want to trade my Lycaon for a Kot
I don't need this stupid fucking furry I don't care he stun shits in 1 second I want to look at Kot butt
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Behold: innocent, country bumpkin oppai loli
You can just grind bro the game has 2 pities if you can reach IK38-ish.
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How come the first time there's one of these games I like it's a flop
The issue with using Gacha monetization to put money back into making good games is that Gachafags have unfathomably shit taste
I would rather them have deliberate co-op content than being able to join someones' world and 99% of the stuff to do doesn't work with co-op or doesn't give rewards
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im in the same boat and was looking to drop genshin but i just got navias axe which i need to level up and i need to get kirara's costume.+ i got nilou's paddle so i may as well level that up and stick it on her and before you know it natlan will be here.

i want to like wuwa more than i do, but it feels really janky and unpolished at times.
This happens every single time, even gachafags have more self-control than moba and fpsfags
what does this even mean? i've seen people use this term. are some accounts simply marked for shit rolls forever?
i've unlocked absolutely everything for soukaku and i'm still pulling her in both the exclusive and standard banenrs every 10-pull.
I would agree but sometimes a little girl with violent breasts does it for my soul
The purity combined with the sin is what makes me LIVE
It'll flop even more with designs like those Section 6 niggers then the devs look back and make more Ellen designs.
It'll be my win. Trust the plan.
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You have genuine shit taste for defending this game.
It is legitimate shit, and its the greediest gacha out of any other by a LOT.

The reason this game is dying is because there is NO generosity, who the fuck is going to log in and play an event for 1 fucking pull.
Not only that, you barely even get to see the units you rolled.
because most players have completed the story and the new character doesn't show up for a week.
i cannot imagine playing league in the year 2024
>Wasted his luck on dupes
If you end up swiping, make a free Tunnelbear account to visit Hoyolab's ZZZ top-up website with a Japanese IP. You can buy everything with a discount like this including monthly and BP
I got a tenner to throw on standard bros. What will it be?
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looking at normal non erotic art of Lucy make me hard

is it over for me?
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Incorrect. Properly done oppai loli are the purest while being surrounded by flat sluts.
>couldve had 3 separate characters
lol you lost
I've only known mutts and koreans play league
Oh and also aussies
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I've asked for unique designs and fun characters in every poll so far. Now I pray.
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>gachafags problems with the game lie soley in how the gacha mechanics are handled
This is what I mean
Your least favorite A rank
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Reminder to never buy the BP unless you are desperate for boopons, its a total scam otherwise.
We're all around the same level, 35-40
and uhh we post incestuous screenshots of the game and fanart
I really think they just felt the need to get the characters shown in cutscenes out into the game and once that's done we'll see a lot better designs
a single dupe for an A rank ball that you don't use
A fucking w engine because the pulls on standard are fucking rigged and controlled by big channels
you have no idea how many times i've asked my friends to try a game with me just for them to say they like it but still drop it after a day
one goes back to LoL like i mentioned, the other goes back to FPS and BR games, so yeah
>hes in a general shitposting for a game he genuinely hates
I sometimes go to the halo general and do this because im still bitter about how microsoft ruined something I loved, but this game has been out for 5 minutes. Just go outside at this point. Its beyond pathetic
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Why does Grace have a zipper on the middle of her notBra?
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>Forgot to login yesterday
>Remember just now because i saw Ellen porn on Twitter
>Just the thought about booting the game up and dumping batteries is annoying since theres literally nothing else to do anymore
>Remind myself that this is a mihoyo game and shit will just not change in the future since the formula works

Well this is the end of the line, it always ends up like this with hoyo games for me, daily chores are so annoying i just lose interest

Maybe they introduce something fun to do or a new character catches my attention but right now this shit is just too plain for me to be doing the fucking Shiyu stages weekly.
I think what pushed me over the edge was the fucking stupid Snake pvp event that gives ONE fucking pull. like fuck you i aint even bothering with this shit.
Ben Bigger in a ball pit.
This game will be dead before the end of next month if they don't add auto-battle/skip
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Based and cultured.
I like my women built like a 12 year old boy
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I thought it was over when I saw Nicoles w engine (this is now 4*) but C1 Piper saved the roll
My Shark wife is future proofed for at least a year.
>removed her ZR
this should be a fucking crime
steam release, it gets pretty hot inside of it
A shitty cope engine that you can craft in the store.
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I'm buying it so I will have a stockpile of resources to build any characters quickly in the future

plus it's only $7.5 ish with VPN
Piper M1
Less community this game has the better.
Gig and hsr communities are dog shit and if they all want to avoid zzz.we are better off for it.
Bless zzz for filtering out women with high octain action and no open world slop and little ship shit
C1 piper is too good you won
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>Shiyu stages weekly
Bro downloaded a 100gb game just to make a screenshot of uninstalling it. The absolute state of falseflaggers
holy fuck ellen's banner hasnt expired yet? Aiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Why did people tell me Ellen’s gameplay was more complicated. It’s just ammo building and spending and a special like literally everyone else
not without her weapon.
How do I stop being in love with Ellen?
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I'm missing two quests here, what could they be? I already finished chapter 3
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I just got knotted 40 times and now can take up to 50 knots at a time
I know it's merely a bait but
>high octain action and no open world slop and little ship shit
Holly based.
Oppai loli is good when the boobs are bigger than her head

she who is innocent having a degenerate body without knowing it is pure sex
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Would you look at that...
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>do less damage when adds are on field
>big nigger collision box keeps forcing your target cam on him and pushing adds away
>small niggers keep running away and shooting lasers from range
Side 1 is so FUCKING annoying
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grace is built for robot men
Jokes aside, is ZZZ similar to the first Honkai in any major way?
>Lost 75/25
Weapon banners are fucking evil
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Pretty much I suppose, its definitely one of the worst aspects.
I guess we'll have to see if Mihoyo is willing to pivot and be more generous or to keep letting a ship sink.

There is a ton of gameplay issues the game has as well.
Its definitely one of the least "just play and have fun" sort of games.
it's the other way around
robots are built for grace
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>future proofed
>in a gacha
No, but it's similar to the 3rd one
Sweaty footjobs from Grace or Nicole
>has piper
Nigga just spin them to death.
The target cam is so dogshit, once you lock on the game shouldn't be allowed to automatically change it targets unless you manually remove the lock
He still got it in an average soft pity amount of rolls, except he has two balls. I hate luck niggers.
What exactly was the bait here?
>Weapons offer NOTHING in terms of gameplay, specially S ranks one.
Steel cushion gives backstab gameplay bwo
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Awesome I finally got a disc for my Koleda!
she has backstab gameplay anyway thougheverbeit?
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how important is to fill this? i wanna bring my favorites but sometimes they don't synergize
>ironic lolicon
Careful anon you are going to enrage the "Explain the core passive of Anby" schizo. He is going to have another melty.

Ellen combat is a masterfully crafted dance of juggling complex combos that consit of

Left Click x 4
Hold Dash
Hold Left Click
Left Click x 4
When skill glows purple, you press the Skill
If Skill is still purple you press it again to do an AOE
Skill has iframes so you can avoid getting hit
When ULT glows Orange then you ULT asap

No other game has this much depth on a character
If you actually mean the first honkai then lmao no not even close. If you mean Hi3 then kinda. A lot of Honkai’s gameplay is built around quick swapping between 3 characters but there’s more focus on rotations and getting your timing perfect.
I feel you bwo, I've tried hundreds of times to get them to play something different for once and it has only worked a dozen times.
But once they lose interest (usually after one or two weeks) they go back to dota.
I don't even go to VC anymore I only hang with them IRL every other week
Ellen is literally the most complex character in the game to play. That doesn’t mean much but it’s true.
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name one good game.
why is the /trash/nigger still here?
I said at least a year bro
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How are you going to spin when the big guy keeps forcing himself inbetween the 2 adds, piper's spin radius is too small
depends on which core skill it is
the nicole one is whatever outside of zhu teams, but not having lycaons or ellens active is like shooting yourself in the foot
Your friends are based ojisan
>call youself a stupid bitch
what the fuck is this ESLshit lmao, No one talks like this. At least make it less obvious ya brownies
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I'm having fun.
Is 18% impact even good?
I don't really understand how good or.bad impact multipliers are.
Like would kileda just like energy regen more so she can ex skill more?
Anyone have that screenshot of the dialogue options being "can you speak normally" or "should i call you a therapist"
stop mashing and walk around lol
then he just chases you and puts himself inbetween the adds again
is 360 rolls what I need to guarantee that I get all 3?
if I roll for ass cop and save after that I think I should be good right?
Fuck that event. Everyone lags or has no idea what they're doing. The game itself is poorly designed too, where causing a single death in the last 10 seconds is all that matters.
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NTA but I run an impact disc and I run steam oven
I think she really wants both stats so if you run fossil you should probably run the energy regen
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Fossil or Shrimp as 4* stun W-engine?
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How is it looking bros? I wanted to spend max 20 rolls on a weapon for Ellen and I somehow managed to luckshit it in less so I'm really happy about it
>not having lycaons
fuck, dude is so cool i wanna put him in every team
technically you need 465-540 but thats assuming abysmal luck and you losing every 50/50
The first 1:50 should be spent trying to make the enemy as mad as possible so they tilt and perform worse in the last 10 seconds that matters
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Everyone is going to seethe at the 1.2 katana bow boy being the most fun character in the game and I’ll be rejoicing
holy based luckchad
>but no lycaon
I hate this fake Deadpool faggot so much
Fossil if you're not a shitter, shrimp otherwise.
I think Steam is so much better
Fossil is just not consistent I don't like it.
playing as a gay twink is not fun
Heh, I'm not even going to C0 him, so he will be completely absent from my game.
Rolls are too previous to be spent so frivolously.
savefags are retarded roll who you like
I don't think all 3 of them would be S rank though. He'd probably just need 2 guarantees, and the weapon guarantees too if he wants them.
Not impossible if he is a real dual stance character. Will still not roll for him though.
I think it’s hilarious when someone with a massive lead kills themselves in the stupidest way possible, myself included. It’s not like you lose a lot from losing so there’s no point in tryharding.
Ellen isn't going to be powercrept in a long time. Let's compare her to early Genshin characters since it's another action game by hoyo. The first few patches of characters had dumb, useless garbage in their kits, like Diluc getting reduced stamina on his fucking charged attacks which he never used, they had useless constellatiions like Venti getting a fucking enhanced charged shot which he also never used, and they didn't even have signature weapons. Of the weapons around at the time, they were very suboptimal and didn't have much in terms of the stats you would actually want(crit).

Meanwhile Ellen? All of her mindscapes are useful and gives her extra damage. She has a great weapon that gives damage percent and crit, the two best stats. Her passives also give these two stats as well so even if you don't roll for weapons or mindscapes you're good to go. She's built to last.
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I don't particular mind the change; her original thigh highs were incredibly plain, and her original model had basically the same spats that Anby has now.
The change to S11's current model provides for better eyecandy in comparison in my opinion.
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>Haven't played Wuwa or HSR at all today
>Can't stop playing Snake
This is so dumb because it's literally a waste of time at this point.
>having to coldly calculate on which characters they should roll or not instead of thinking with their dick for a bit more than a roll every Shiyu Defense season
I aint ever rolling for weapons
that shits a waste of fucking rolls
why would you reply to the trashfag >>486897825
what is hard about it?, the way i see it, its only useful for one or two stuns maybe, which could be good later when everyone is properly built, instead of now where no one of importance can get more than a B
this was me but for hsr bird game
>1.0 limited dps
lets do a real equivalent
hows seele doing?
Soldier and Zhu Yuan are the best so far other than Billy
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Having fun is never a waste of time anon
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And shots of the beta model for comparison.
You guys know you don’t have to justify your rolls to anyone. There’s no need to get delusional about it
It's not really Seele's fault the game shifted from one, two powerful entities on the board to at least three or four. The game simply doesn't revolve around single-target damage dealers anymore
Turn based game. Not comparable.
It's not a waste of time if you are having fun. This is what gacha should strive to accomplish.
Piper's AoE is big enough for side A for Nekomata to finish off every smaller add one by one pretty quickly after Piper's Special EX.
I actually like this way more, you’re right.
You should stop citing Seele as your example for launch characters that got powercrept. Seele still clears the hardest content in the game at e0s0, and she has no competition.
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I haven't paid attention to the meta in months, but my monoquantum team with Seele as my lead DPS is still working exceptionally well.
>she has no competition
I still use diluc
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which one for my c0 Elle that I just got?
She is literally the only quantum 5* dps in the entire game aside from Jade. Both of which clear different content.
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Butler is for Wolf. Shork is for Shork
Now you'll say it's 500 million Yuan instead of dollars
>thinks Soukaku is ugly
shit-tier taste
>won 10 games
>lost 1

I would say skill issue
>She is good in quantum content!
>Acheron ignores weakness with her ult
>Boothill implants phys weakness on his own
>Firefly implants fire weakness on her own
And most of the other dps can clear quantum content better than she can.
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Just roll better bro
For other damage dealers you dense fucker
implode then explode, please.

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