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Read the General problems FAQ before asking questions. If you still need help, post your specs (HWiNFO screenshot), OS, emulator version number and details of what's wrong.
Please contribute to the wiki if you discover any inaccuracies or have relevant information to append.


>Where do I get games
>What is the best emulator for...

Check out the wiki for the emulator you're using if you run into trouble, there may be a solution there too, often including recommendations for optimal game settings.

Previous thread: >>485399029
>his computer doesn't support AVX512
do new CPUs even support this anymore? i thought it was a complete fad that only a select few CPUs even supported
New AMD CPUs do (the ones coming out will have full-width, so it'll be even better), Intel just dropped it because they fucked up the implementation with their e-strogen cores.
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rip stenzek and refraction

thats your brain on intel goyslop
>Intel just dropped it because they fucked up the implementation with their e-strogen cores.
AVX-512 is the least of their problems, their entire lineup is broken, with chips failing and having Pentium FDIV tier bugs.

Anyway, by the looks of it they could have figured out their E-Core architecture is outright flawed lol
>e-strogen cores
>rip stenzek and refraction
what happened?
I farted
They held hands, looked each other lovingly in the eyes, and jumped off a 15 story building
So i wanted to get into the OOTMM randomizer but it says to use P64 though there was a controversy awhile back with the P64 so I switched to Roseline's Mupen GUI, is that emulator good enough for it?

Also the MM and OOT roms I have are not compatible to generate the seeds on the official ootmm website.
So last thread we had news stenzek and refraction were govanified, and we got a full blown schizo meltdown all over the place, and the nigger OP makes another generic emulation thread.
Chipsum is this you you boring fuck?
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PCSX2 will be saved.
qrd on the word govanified


now you're wondering: why?
don't ask me
apparently you'd have to be mentally unwell to contribute to emu dev in the first place
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trans rights are human rights
trans wrongs are human wrongs
Trans schlongs are in the garbage can.
Oh. I think this is the third time he has nuked all of his PRs/deleted his fork.

What part of the blog post triggered him and who wrote it? Sad he took ref with him since I was looking forward to RT in RT support.
Schizo introduced 100K+ LoC for Apple support he never merged, then ghosted again. Waiting for everyone to blacklist him from their projects and communities.
So trannies forced out the competent devs and took over the project?
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>stenzek after sapping the life out of another group of devs and then leaving
dolphin warned you
their logo is so shit
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I stopped paying attention to that drama because there was a ton of circumstantial evidence that proved it was him, but it's nice to see his fanboys can't deny it anymore without clearly being schizos.
Are ports like opengoal the endgame for emulation?
It's not emulation, and no. The only good decompilation project is CSE2.
That's the only approved way of killing yourself: the old love double-suicide.
>What part of the blog post triggered him
Nothing significant. Just mentions of something he created/perfected, but he wasn't given solo credits, instead sharing it with refraction. It pissed Stenzek off, because he made the bigger part of the work, although the blog post was written like it was a 50-50 contribution. Once again, his ego caused drama and here we are. I don't know if refraction being on a central figure in this misunderstanding also made him leave.
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now is the perfect time to merge the magicgate PR they have blocked for years
Stop the harassing start the emulating
I haven't posted in these threads in a while, does that schizo russian who was obsessed with AI upscaled parasite eve textures still shit up these threads
yes but not as often
Trying to get a game to make my controller rumble.
>Retroarch, flycast core
>Bangai-O, which is compatible with the jump pack
>Using an xbox one controller, which is xinput and has rumble motors
>Under core options > controller expansion slots, the VMU and vibration pack are both enabled
I don't know what I'm doing wrong but when I play I'm not getting any rumble, it's the only game I have on retroarch that supposedly supports rumble so I don't have anything to test against but other games on my PC make my controller rumble normally. Is there a universal option I'm missing or something?
I also checked and in universal settings, under input > haptic feedback/vibration, it's set to 100 percent, so I'm still baffled

Fuck its bad enough that he causes all this drama but for the drama to demotivate refraction and cause him to leave too? Thats a big blow to pcsx2. He is prob one of the most active devs
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So createdvd is what should be used for PS2 and PSP games instead of createcd, right?
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I was watching the Bio Senshi Dan episode of GamecenterCX and he plays a Video slot machine token game with sexy women in it called Love Chance Gold. Has this ever been dumped? I can't find a single mention of it online or in MAME. Let alone a ROM.
I never once got that one to load HD textures, and the instructions on the site are outright incomplete, claiming they'll work after just decompiling.
Connectix PS2 emulator and hps2x64 are going to save us
stop harrassing me
check the drivers in the settings, controller should br sdl2 or xinput. I don't know what else it could be. If you want a small game to test rumble maybe try pokemon pinball for the gameboy?
Dumb question: is rumble activated within the game? I know older games generally default rumble to off, and the user has to manually turn it on.
Bye then lol
I booted up my bios in PCSX2 to change the system time but it didn't save on subsequent boots, how can this be fixed(the time in my PC's BIOS is correct)? It's such a small detail but I'm fuming that the time is wrong in smuggler's run 2's main menu
Can't they just fork PCSX2 and make it the best one? That would be epic lmao
your comment made me lose IQ points

anyways, Hans is coocking the final solution of PS2 emulation
You cannot lose what you don't have
What if this is reason stenzek quit, that the rest of the team are considering integrating this into the mainline replacing stenzek's work

Hans will upstream his final solution to PCSX2 whenever he feels like its finished enough
and once it is merged, you can probably select between GSdx and paraLLEl-GS
man that would be cool
>Hans will upstream his final solution to PCSX2 whenever he feels like its finished enough
>and once it is merged, you can probably select between GSdx and paraLLEl-GS
you really believe that they will accept a possible PR?
he would better make a plugin for the superior v1.6 because v2.0 sucks hard
emulated bump
you're mom sucks hard
Anyone got a list of all the "DX" hacks for Game Boy games? (The ones that add color). I want to download them all even the shitty ones
Probably if they wanted to.
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gpucode just posted this in the shad discord.
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pic from a youtube video of how it looks on real hardware. Very close, but there's a few issues like shadows and some textures have the color channels mixed up.
This is a good game with a lot of charm that I think deserves an English translation. It's fucked up in Duckstation, you can see all that graphical garbage around the boxes but still fun.
only on fridays, faggot. and it's NOT today.
>make a plugin for the superior v1.6 because v2.0 sucks hard
you poorfag favela monkey don't have an opinion or voice
Prove 1.6 is superior to 2.0
Looking at the issues fixed in the recent versions of pcsx2 is weird to see how 99% of them are things that should have been added before naming it 2.0. It seems to me they just wanted to get rid of stenzek asap. That reflects bad on them even if stenzek is a weirdo.
>1.6 bettur than 2.0
nigga this isn't project64
resulate with love
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>Widescreen cheat by literal who vs Widescreen mode by AAA developer
did they remaster it?
heh... thanks. Glad you liked it.
What the fuck is this? Russian folk music?
If I'd be in their position, I too would want to get rid of schizokek as soon as he stopped being useful
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>Unreal Championship 2
>Status: This title is playable, with minor issues.
>The unskippable cutscenes:
The cutscenes are actually skippable, it's only tough to get the input to not be dropped, and you might get a "controller disconnected" error.
nah, you really can't lose what you obviously lack
doesn't explain why refraction also quit
> It seems to me they just wanted to get rid of stenzek asap. That reflects bad on them even if stenzek is a weirdo.
You can't expect common sense, decency or class out of this place or the emulation scene in general, fuck you.
Hans will never do that. Danny turned him against everyone who doesn't work for glory of the Libretro.
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There an upscaled texture pack if that's what you mean, faggot.
Not a bot, btw.

Rush the rock arcade source port

Found out about 1G1R sets. Now I can have reasonably sized N64 & GBA fullsets instead of downloading all the games I want individually like a retard.
>fuck these 2004 devs for having a shitty handle on widescreen when 4:3 was still king and standards/expectations were hardly set
It is good to know that official widescreen modes were often shit in the 2000s, though. Less excusably, it would still get bungled in the 360 era in titles like Hitman Blood Money and Bioshock. Probably due to dev starting in 4:3-vision and suddenly
>oh fuck we need a quick fix to make it look 'normal' on wide screens
There's a fighting game based on manga characters created by a Japanese war criminal. That's fun. He apparently has a popular memoir where he talks about torturing Chines POWs that's read in Jap schools.
Eh, Japan was turned into a toothless American amusement park after their civilian centers firebombed and experimental weapons were dropped on them. Americans thought this was appropriate because "eh they're nips they aren't even human lol" and somehow thought this was an appropriate counterattack for military target Pearl Harbor. I think we can let bygones be bygones regarding Japanese transgressions, dude. We got the bad WW2 ending anyway.
Did you know during the firebombing of Tokyo a lot of Japs jumped in the river to get away from the firestorm not realizing the water was boiling? That would have sucked.
>America goes whole-hog kill crazy on based actual-civilizaztion Japan filled with useful/artisanal/creative people
>we'll never nuke/torch Haiti or an African country
So fucking gay.
They should all sign military contracts to fight in the SMO in exchange for russian visas.
Thanks, dude. Arcade PC conversions are neat. Especially ones that didn't run on x86/Windows originally. Stuff like this is probably the only chance Hikaru has of running properly. Demul is Russian slop and MAME is lol tier at emulating 'modern' GPUs.
The game was released on PC back in the day, though.
is there a list of games which no-intro and redump and all the other datters are refusing to catalog?
In what state, though? I imagine it was more like an upscaled N64 version. Can't be arsed to look at the moment and compare, though.
I've since been arsed to look. Right off the bat there's no car shading. I'm sure the geometry, particles/alpha, and draw distance are all nerfed but so far the rest looks okay enough. Still, it's not a perfect port like a modern source compile would be. Hardly anyone ported shit perfectly back then because simple things on one platform were expensive on another or it was hard to get certain effects working on all GPUs/drivers.
this, but ironically
No source code?
doesn't matter if his project is upstreamed to the pcsx2 git
or if he forks pcsx2 and integrates his project into it
>Danny turned him against everyone who doesn't work for glory of the Libretro
and where would that be, schizo tranny?
didn't work the first time, won't work a second time....
At this point I'll take a pcsx2 retardarch core with a paraLLEl-GS backend over the total slop pcsx2 has become
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Let him cook.
Is there any accuracy advantage in using Mednafen vs. Beetle-PSX, or are they the same on that front?
kys zoomer
Hi Daniel
I believe Beetle-PXS is almost 10 years behind upstream Mednafen, either way DuckStation is the gold standard PS1 emulator.
Same back you mean, as in behind Duckstation.
It had proper widescreen in the menus.
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Dammit I'll say it: the ""Transgender Pride"" and so-called ""Progress flag"" are both tacky garbage aesthetically. Truly, Rainbow cultist bullshit Indeed. Such blind stupidity, herd mentality, and hypocrisy.
This game fucks up and has flickering textures if you use HW renderers at native res. Probably won't add it to the list though since there's already another game on there with the same problem.
Swanstation works ok for me, if accuracy and a complete lack of bugs is important then I'd go Mednafen for sure, and Duck for upscaling/enhancing
In my quest of trying to find a hall effect controller that's actually decent, I found this cool website, maybe that'll help someone else.
You can rank them by latency ootb
it's called ds3
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The phrase "bottom feeder" doesn't do it justice.
Nope, pcsx2 is still pozzed goyslop though
hi schizokek
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Any cons to Nobara Linux? Wondering why it isn't highly recommended in the wiki.
Can we fuck it?
yeah, because you're slow as fuck in the head, you 60IQ favela monkey
Why is Back-Ups fucked so hard? Shit barely functions.
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>only recommended distros are gnome distros
Odds: Samurai Jack: The Shadow of Aku
Evens: Samurai Champloo Sidetracked(is there an undub patch?)
i was rolling for what to pick based on the last number from the post's ID, not asking the thread...
anyways found the undub on archive.org
That was intelligence test, right, Ivan?
for the love of god do not even think about using gnome
as for recommendation, just install Endeavour OS if you can't bother with installing Arch manually, tho there are scripts that automate the process
then get you emulator from the official repo and AUR and you're fucking done
and don't use flatpak even if the masses are shilling it to you
What’s the problem?
new: https://github.com/unofficial-issue-tracker/mednafen
Is there any way to pay, say, kings field 4 with a mouse and keyboard and actually using the mouse to look around?
Audio is fixed in Tozan RPG. Graphics are fixed in High Heat Baseball and Addie No Okurimono with HW renderer. 3 to take off the list, 1 to add. It took 3 days and over 50 games checked but I finally found another broken piece of shit. I had to search the bowels of hell but I found something.
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Check the controller settings. You need to bind the mouse to the right stick manually. There's also https://github.com/garungorp/MouseInjectorDolphinDuck , but I couldn't get it to detect games. You'll have to play around with the settings. The first thing I did was max out the sensitivity. It won't work as good as native. Expect inexplicable spots where it suddenly slows down.
Is there any way I can recover a MelonDS save file? A power outage erased my Dawn of Sorrow save file for no reason.
Restore it from your backup.
Pray that Windows did a shadow copy, right click, properties and previous versions
It didn't. Had to cheat to get back to my previous level, but I have to replay the entire game again. This isn't the first time this shit happened to me, how the fuck devs can't even fix something to prevent this thing from happening?
Get a UPS or move out of the favela.
You can fix it by making a savestate every once in a while.
DuckStation is better than both on the accuracy front.
Better than even...
How do you deal with games that require rotating the analog stick like Tenkaichi 3? I don't want to risk breaking my DS4.
It takes me 1 hour to beat DoS and I'm not a speedrunner.
that's a non issue if we aren't talking about a n64 controller
>GNOME is not good when it comes to Linux distros these days
Oh, why though? NTA BTW. In addition, what is better to use than flatpak that is still being updated regularly?
Fix what? Your unstable power supply? lol
lol it's funny how Ryujinx dropped their progress reports after yuzu died, not a single one since
They really haven't done much to improve emulation since then, either. Like sure, there have been a lot of commits. But it really hasn't improved compatibility.
Of course they did, they fixed a bunch of game specific bugs, made some actually display graphics and implemented their current interface, also massively increased performance in some games like Pokemon Arceus. Just look at their changelogs.
I guess they just don't bother with reports anymore because they don't have to compete with yuzu for popularity anymore.
papermario alone could have got one of these reports with how many stuff was broken lol
Forgive me if this is retarded, but if you were to somehow force pcsx2 to render at 2x vertical resolution and use bob deinterlacing/line-doubling, then throw out half the lines and scale it back down to 1x res, would you effectively end up with a 480p image? If pcsx2 had the same kind of fine-tuneable downsampling that Duckstation has, would this be possible?
Alps Hen works in Duckstation. You're now free to emulate this awful awful game at your leisure. I'm pretty sure it doesn't boot in any other emulator.
Though I'm not sure about that garbage in the menu. I'll have to check real hardware.
wait is ps4 emulation now playable with bloodborne?
You are forgiven.
Why wouldn't it work?
They were struggling to get any out before Yuzu went down, anon. They would commonly go a month without really doing anything and have nothing for progress reports.

gdkchan insists on being a dictator for everything even though they obviously don't have time to work on Ryujinx, and Mary was a cunt to contributors for some reason. They both had mini meltdowns when they started to get a bunch of outside contributions at once, too.

gdk's passion has mostly been focused on Apple and support for other ARM devices the past year. Right now it's Windows ARM + Adreno GPUs.
You know, he has said he doesn't care about accuracy and only speed and compatibility. Doesn't that essentially mean Duck is made specifically with piracy in mind? Mr. Hypocrite.
>You know, he has said he doesn't care about accuracy and only speed and compatibility.
That was only when he was pandering to the 3rd world android user market. I think he's done with those absolute subhumans.
another retard trying to change Megaman to Mega Man for the GBA Battle Network games that actually use Megaman. baka
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>Japanese art book, not an actual game or English region
>MegaMan.EXE (ロックマン.EXE, Rokkuman.Eguze, Rockman.EXE in Japanese)
He's a program without spaces in his name. All the BN games use MegaMan instead of Mega Man. I believe they started to switch to Megaman with the X series, too.
It's just a bad localization. There's meant to be a space.
Literally does not matter if your head canon is true or not. That's how it was released in the EU/US, therefor that's the official title.
People are allowed to correct mistakes. In the English language there should be a hyphen.
>they started to switch to Megaman with the X series
it began with X4 on the PS1 and continued through the final releases
That's not how official release titles work.
Did you google it? It's only getting into the menus. Emulating PC hardware is a hugely mixed bag, it seems. PCem will not let you upscale to 1080p with current hardware whereas Winlator can run most modern x86 games from the past 20 years on ARM with playable framerates. Someone's going to claim the PS4 does not use PC hardware.
>It's only getting into the menus.
They just need to implement some shader functionality that the game uses and it will likely get in game. The emulator is already very mature and can even run P5R nearly visually flawlessly >>487068592
>very mature
It runs how many games in a perceptibly perfect state again? Let's not swing that around wildly, lol
The pieces are all slotting together now after years of work. The emulator couldn't boot any commercial games just two months ago.
I'm excited about it too, let's just let it get there.
Mortal Kombat is wrong bros
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It's not.
That was spelled incorrectly on purpose, not because they fucked up.
It's called stylization, just like what they did when they localized MegaMan. Pocket Monsters was also localized as Pokémon, it's not a mistake.
>gdkchan dictator
>Mary cunt
how can I not picture men with long wigs....
>They just need to implement
oh! yes! they "just need" to that...
>The emulator is already very mature
Next thing you we know you will start pumping youtube videos.....
you're both right and wrong, it's Rockman in Japanese and Mega Man in English but the official westernized names for the BN games is Megaman.
Anybody is free to try and correct that pull though.
Interlacing shows odd lines on one frame, and even lines on the next frame

So regardless of resolution, you only see half the lines displayed on any given frame.

Advanced CRT shaders like CRT Royale actually have interlacing support that emulates what TVs did, it only shows odd/even lines on any given frame

The best method of dealing with interlacing is a shader like this. In still screenshots you only see 240p big chunky scanlines, but in motion it effectively looks like 480p with mild flickering.
I'm not your bro, bro
That pic is almost a month old.
Don't those shaders just use regular deinterlacing methods like bob/weave/adaptive? I always thought that's what the options were for deinterlacing types in crt-guest-advanced.
I'm trans
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Why can't chudman read my Persona 3 iso
Why are you using CD compression to compress a DVD game?
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i dunno this is the program that was recommended. tony hawk works fine so i don't think that actually matters.
this is the batch file you should be using for ps2:
for /r %%i in (*.iso) do chdman createdvd -i "%%i" -o "%%~ni.chd
does this decrease the filesize further? the games I converted besides P3 seem to work just fine on emulator so I don't feel the need to re-convert them unless there's a benefit
there was an issue with ppsspp and psp-games converted with createcd iirc, so better be safe than sorry.
It's not and not much has changed since the posts.
psp games aren't cds or dvds they're a weird third thing
other than >fedora it's probably the best baby's first linux distro if you're genuinely too stupid for arch, and it's the only one I would use out of these because it's the *only one* without locked root
any links to that shader? is it on RA or reshade?
royale? it's everywhere
>It's not
22 days is not almost a month? Fucking retard.
I took the screenshot exactly when I posted and no, it's 3 weeks and that code is still not merged yet. The emulator is far from mature, you are just retarded and probably doesn't even know what a shader is.
>3 weeks is not almost a month
Please, stop being so disingenuous.
Not him but it would have to be years after that post let alone a single month for shad to be considered a mature emulator.
Tourist here. your sticky sucks cock. That is all.
Whats sticky?
We can't fix your illiteracy.
shit is so bad even tourists think the OP sucks ass, grats original poster now you're the emugen idiot of all times
orgy of samefags
You have to be 18 to post here, retard.
>implying its unbelievable that people would jump on someone for being stupid
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I've accidently used the createcd command for PS2 games before and pcsx2 didn't have any issues. Though once I noticed I started to make sure to use createdvd for PS2 isos instead just out of sheer autism to do it correctly.
Since the createdvd command uses smaller blocks for compression, the chd size will be bigger than when you use createcd.
For PSP isos I still use maxcso.
Starting with version 0.263 and up they increased the block for createdvd.
are you the newfag that was asking for a "thread theme"? lmao
Yes, he's the retard that made the duckstation issue list and keeps trying to put in the OP, and is now getting salty as fuck that people aren't following along and including it. That's what the 'thread theme' actually means.
last time I've emulated switch was like two years ago, used to download shaders with emusak
now I see it's discontinued and I should use ryusak
oh it's also discontinued
what the fuck do I do then?
try playing the game, bitch
I'm not playing with stutters
Then don't play.
look, more samefags
it's to be expected actually, ever since r emulation dried more and more plebitors are nesting here, of course in the process making it the same dull and boring fagfest r emulation ever was.
There's a shader pack on the wiki.
There's only 3 or 4 posts ITT that aren't mine. It's just you and me bro
>you and me
AFAIK, it's a 100% me. Go steal someone else's thunder.
that was just me again btw
There's no drama so the gossiping bitches that haunt this thread aren't interested.
So... whatever happened to RPCSX? Did the nekotekina faggot give up?
He gave up after 2 months. And everyone else gave up over 6 months ago.
>doesn't explain why refraction also quit
He spent a long time on upscaling fixes too.
speaking of PCSX2, why is Vulkan/OpenGL now inferior to D3D11 on the accuracy front for some games now? I felt like replaying the Ace Combat games now that some of the more infamous emulation issues are fixed, but the Vulkan renderer now has flickering seams in the skybox when it didn't used to, and Software rendering also has a flickering cockpit view for AC04 specifically. Literally the only renderer that "just werks" is D3D11 (and probably D3D12 too but I didn't bother to check).
>I'm pretty sure it doesn't boot in any other emulator.
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That's on a build from 2003.
Also boots on other abandoned ones like AdriPSX, pSX, PSXEven, Xebra
I play emulated games at 8x native resolution with widescreen hacks, hd texture packs, and Retro Achievements enabled
Why lie?
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Is there a fix for this bug on Crash the Wrath of Cortex? Fog (?) only renders correctly in software mode. It shouldn't have random rows of pixels. No disabling of interlacing or deinterlacing settings made a difference. Issue happens on both the latest PCSX2 and the last version of NetherSX2.

It's a bug from 2013 that was supposedly fixed at some point, but I never saw it fixed.
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I take that back. Software mode (or Vulkan SW, how it's called) in the latest nightly does NOT render it correctly, but it does in the last NetherSX2 (or AetherSX2) version's software mode.
Vulkan software screenshot: https://files.catbox.moe/tq0smt.jpg
Trans rights now
>first batch of updates since sketch and his tard wrangler quit the project
>games now run at 70% speed
let's not die
That's just one game and it must be a bug, in general vk/ogl simply have better blending.
I still use DX11 for lag reasons however.
Kill all trans right now
Me too but also in HDR
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which project?
pcsx2. The only two people that knew how to print hello world had a gay lovers quarrel and quit.
have you updated your driver? i just stuck with dx11 renderer and didn't update because i'm scared of something breaking in other older dx9 games(i know dxvk exists but that might break shit too)
hello is this the resulation central
No, this is the Army. We're the brigade of General Emulation.

Pretty sure theres been tons of little regressions. A lot of the commits stenzek does is really speedhack stuff or game compat hacks
Transmission right now? What frequency?
Hailing on all frequencies.
41 kHz, tune in
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Will they add librashader support to pcsx2 now that schizokek is gone?
Doing some tests. Will see if it's viable to implement. Only time will tell.
forty-one percentile
Are you for real or just joking?
Just let me disable updates real quick haha..
Various songs from soviet films I suppose. Anyway I dont know any of them.
Why doesn't any emulator support the Lightspan memory card?
I have a question regarding Shader cache, so I tried importing my Pokemon Scarlet Yuzu Shader cache (121mb) to Sudachi, but the moment I start playing the game the cache gets reduced to 80mb. I tried doing it a few weeks ago as well when the Yuzu cache was at around 80mb, when imported to Sudachi and ran the game, it became 37mb. Any idea what's the reason behind this? Why can't I keep the entire cache?
they probably changed something, ask them
It's a cum activated touch screen. The controller mic also has to pick up the sound of you jerking off
>replying to the braindead zoomer attention whore
Anyone have any experience with getting Ys II to run on Neko Project? Boots up with no music and the very limited information out there makes it seem like its not just a problem I have.
>want to play roms on phone
>sd card stopped working on phone suddenly so not enough space for roms
Any way to play roms from a cloud server regardless what emulator I'm using? Like a cloud app where the storage is treated like a regular folder on the phone storage?
Also why don't any cloud-based storages support just appearing as local storage on the device? Are we still in fucking medieval times?
I don't even use cloud services anymore. Just set up Syncthing. It helps a lot.
The Russian PS1 and Dreamcast bootlegs by RGR Studio.
There are other, unlicensed PS1 discs out there.
I don't think they're refusing. It's probably just a pain in the ass to find working copies since they only accept perfectly accurate dumps. These games were made extremely cheaply and there's no official list of all of them.
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Poccnr only got two officially licensed games?
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As I suspected this is a bug. On real hardware this menu disappears all at once, in duckstation and mednafen half of it disappears and the other half stays on screen for several seconds.
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Speaking of PCem, it just randomly decided to move the vhd to the root and removed the extension before I even got video or audio drivers working. I'm not aware of any "move disk images to root but don't boot from them" option.
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This random action creates problems. The disk can be mounted again, but can't be changed back to dynamic. You can extract the files out with 7zip it seems, but you can't add them back to a fresh vhd because they aren't found anywhere and 7zip doesn't support that. People on the web assume it can be found in %appdata% without checking at all. It's not the case. It appears to not exist until it randomly appears in the root folder, at which point it is no longer found by PCem or dynamic.
Are we really having this discussion again?
Did you reply to the wrong person?
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Didn't this dick licker quit? He's back already or just stopping buy for some quick drama.
Where is Derek “Turtle” Roe?
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After this, apparently creating a hard drive in a different format made it save like it's supposedly meant to, with no extension in the root folder of PCem, and the drives are actually created. The only thing that will give it an extension is manually typing it in. However, it permanently broke CD-booting, even after deleting the config and nvr/cfg files, which was an issue seemingly spotted 3 years ago. https://archive.is/dgi5n#selection-1971.0-1979.249
But just never fixed.
How generally "stable" would you guys say RPCS3 is nowadays to someone who hasn't really followed development? Wondering how feasible it would be to run Infamous. Am I in for a headache?
He's a Twitch streamer now
Its a mixed bag.
I've beat a few games with not many issues, most ran perfectly. Just check their wiki for configs and info about what's broken
If it is listed as playable than it is ok. Anything else is too much hassle or random.
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How the fuck am I supposed to play multi-disk Famicom games? There's no clear instructions to swap disks on any emulator or any clear place to download working merged disks. Every relevant google result is just some faggot going
>Ugh, that's a lot of work and there's only like 7 games that use multiple disks, why do you want play those anyway?
Just when I thought I was finally free of it... There's no escape from madness.
Do you use the neo kobe roms?
It works well. How fast depends on your CPU though.
Yeah ive tried 3 different roms and 5 different emulators. Neko Project 21/w has no music in Ys 2 for some reason.

I eventually got it to work in the Neko Project Kai fork for retroarch but I hate retroarch. I would prefer to get it working in 21/w
What the fuck? So they literally all quit but now when people say they're going to contribute and add useful features they bitch and say no improvements are allowed? Is PCSX2 considered completed now or something?
Weirdass behavior.
desu that's a shit "feature"
he/xe only stepped back from making contributions but he/xe will stick around to collect the donation bux
HE HE HE, NIGNOG! That xe/xir/they/them as a ""gender identity"" garbage is Kike-invented Frankfurt School propaganda. Adam's apple is FAR MORE COMMON in men, and biologically, MEN HAVE THINNER HIPS, WHILE WOMEN HAVE THEM WIDER. Bill Nye sold out to (((Blackrock))) cash and clout.
Has anyone ever attempted a dynamic recompiler on a 16-bit or an 8-bit system?
Yes, people have done dynarecs for NES and GB. Ends up being more hassle than it's worth.
No, I mean ON such weak systems.
what the fuck is a he/xe? Just say they and you will look a bit less like a retarded byproduct of public education
today I found out about sodium64, a SNES emulator for N64 written in assembly
it seems to work quite well for the games I tried, quite impressive
Man, they go full schizo over the most random shit. They just lost another contributor though kek.

Truly appreciate those that manage to put up with the mentally ill because I couldn't do it.
Neither could 99% of the population. It's why most of these losers are unemployed.
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There's gotta be something else wrong with these sort of retards besides just autism. Because I know autistic people and none of them act like this.
>lots of words when they only needed a few
>clearly shows they were hurt and vulnerable still
why do this? honestly you don't even need to respond, you should just silently ban them again. willingly becoming a lolcow smfh.

fwiw, the animefag's response is the worst in that thread. essentially told them to fuck off and mocked them, then closed the request and blocked future prs.
In case anyone else crawls through 4chan archives for info like I do, I'm reporting I found a solution. I found that puNES supports swapping FDS disks mid-game. I was even able to move my Mesen save file over by just renaming the file extension and could continue from where I left off just before the disk swap.
If all of the developers capable of actually doing anything for PCSX2 have 'left' and are just playing community tyrants, why not just fork and rename to really fuck with them? I could see Stenzek doing that when he's done playing with Dickstation.
>Automatically switch disks for FDS games
First Google result.
Bro, I found and read that, it doesn't work. It doesn't come up with any option to select another disk and just has the game repeatedly fail to read the disk your playing over and over. That's why I said no "clear" instructions because it isn't clear, but I think that option is under the assumption that you're playing a rom file that has both disks merged together, so it will automatically detect what part of the file is the second disk and switch to it. I especially think this because there's a github issue from several years ago where someone asked about disk switching and the Mesen dev basically told them to fuck off and use a merged rom file instead.
It appears Mesen lies about support and has no way to manually load another disk afaict. You can just combine the disks and then Mesen will detect them.

I'm not sure how to do it on Windows but you can grab coreutils and do coreutils.exe cat disk1.fds disk2.fds > merged.fds
Copy /b d1.bin d2.bin combo.bin
Well, like I said in the other post, I found that puNES actually does support it so I'm just gonna go with using that for the game I'm playing. That github issue I mentioned had a link at the end to a puNES issue marked fixed that referenced it, and while I didn't see anything about implementing disk swapping specifically in the comments I decided to try the emulator out and found it actually had it as a feature.
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Can ares not switch disks either?
Judging from a quick look it doesn't look like it does. I only see an option to switch sides.
Infamous will run slow regardless of your config.
Has anyone managed to get mapper files to load on DOSBox X? Asked this question years ago on the vogons branch thread, got ignored. Apparently it has its own custom mapper format, .map. .Txt mapper files can't be converted just from renaming the extension. The one I've been trying to load is this one: https://www.nexusmods.com/tesarena/mods/1
Music in Ass Nukem is fixed in duckstation. The tracks loop properly instead of getting to the end and never restarting. Another one where I think this is the only emulator it works correctly in.
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>Scalerize, you were previously blocked from this organization and banned from our online platforms (including your multiple alt accounts). From my understanding your previous account Scalerize was also nuked from GitHub due to your conduct.

>You are once again blocked from our org, and a report will be made to GitHub. You are not welcome here, you have blatantly disrespected multiple of our team members and have burnt bridges indefinitely. Do not come back.

looks like schizotek infected all the other trannies with his schizophrenia
you can't even react with emojis in that dumpsterfire of a thread
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Why does duckstation say I have time in games I've never played? Is it because they have the same serial as something else?
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