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ZAMN, SHES 13 YEAR OLD? edition
>Patch Notes

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 20, 6:30 PM EDT | Marilith, Plot 56, Ward 2, Shirogane | Monthly Male Meetup, watching The Wolf of Wallstreet and Fight Club >>486287059
• July 21, 10:00 AM PDT | Crystal, Balmung l Solution Nine ( 11.2 , 5.6 ) | Evo Watch Party Grand Finals >>486795924
• July 28, 6:00 PM CDT | Sephirot, Materia, Tuliyollal Instance 1 (12.9, 15.5) | Tural Thread Throwdown >>485962949

Previous: >>486891639
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is there a fucking plugin for gathering too?
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AETHER is the best DC
first for femra abuse
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ngl this post made me want to get back to leveling a bit more
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Cactuar, Aether.
I let my retainer wear my old gatherer gear and he looks so adorable in it
>harvest a billion collectable materials to turn into scrips to turn into items I can sell for cash
>stop by MB
>the collectable materials are worth more than the scrip items
huh bwuh
I'm a botting cheating femlala
tzera is not yuki.
prove to me that you are better ffxiv player by posting your jobs level.
also don't crack my secret identity.
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nice reflection
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New roulette meta dropped
Golem, Dynamis
first for making gentle love to femra after beating them bloody
you can assume theres a plugin for anything in this game now, modders have no selfcontrol and will automate anything they can and if you say its bad and hurts the game they will say "it's just QoL"
post the male meetup
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ummm based
Spamming Aglaia makes you good at XIV?
anon why are you schizoposting tzera? why are you a hater of tzera?
it's time

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My tranny chasing malera standing next to the discord astroturfed thread sissy bimbo of the week
There sure is, there's also one for FATEs, one for duties, the list goes on
sex with miqo for the sole purpose of reproduction
Care to give some names?
just checked and it turns out viera are in fact winning
This you?
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oh yeah? well my femroe looks kind of like this (her armpits aren't shaved)
Nwûl tash.
Dzwol shâsotkun.
Shâsotjontû châtsatul nu tyûk.
Tyûkjontû châtsatul nu midwan.
Midwanjontû châtsatul nu asha.
Ashajontû kotswinot itsu nuyak.
Wonoksh Qyâsik nun.
please tell me your not a male char....
brother if they could fully automate combat they would
kanchelle always seemed so disgusting
even without knowing who he is
there is something about his character and screenshots
I will make CI EB me
>(her armpits aren't shaved)
we were close to greatness
Unlocking the purple scrip folklore books is misery. Surely there's a better way than collectables giving 220 a node while 1 book is 1600..
Only if you're a cute femlala
Fiera wife...
its to late for me..........
I wish I had friends to play with
I am, sorry bro
no i called CI first
same bro
Back off chuds he's mine
Tzera is a worthless tranny piece of shit who needs to kill himself.
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I like this spot, it's chill.
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post femezens
>learn about tomestone.gg
>this is obviously gonna lead to drama and even more toxic pf
>checks who made it
>it's Kihra
this motherfucker seems determined to ruin the game and appease the worst of the worst log fags
We'll let them decide
where is the diaperfolder trannychal?
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Post the male meetup up right now.
But I love her
Who asked?
it tells you who uploaded the logs too its kino
I will never be one...
ocean fishing can give 700+
custom deliveries 1200+
we're never going to leak the male meetup to you
Or what?
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have you two tried playing together?
blue malera
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10:25 CC ET Dynamis
shut the fuck up schizo, go be useless faggot somewhere else
You did
wolfkin! /pet /pet /pet /pet
post tomestone.gg profiles
>set logs to hidden
Not my problem.
Holy shit, is that the fat hrothgal wife I've been waiting for?
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I've arrived just in time to participate
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Adamantoise, Aether.
>another nigga mad that someone is happy and staying in their lane minding their own business
oh my goodness gracious i love this femra ... i wish to smooch...
I unironically thought he was alright, and even didn't care that he schizos fiddies all day and all night, but then he started posting private pictures of him having E-sex with people, and I just think that's fucked up
I hope someone messaged that guy so he doesn't interact with him anymore
why did they give a turtle a helmet

are they stupid?
>Post Female Midlander
>Post Male Midlander
Fascinating, those fantas in my inventory are making me think
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no thanks
he really is a dumbass motherfucker isnt he?
fag die
view of what it's like to be HORSED by the lightcord
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after like 3 expansions of not tanking outside of dungeon and alliance raids i have returned to extreme trial tanking
t. blm main
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Maleroe husband
Roesband, if you will
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Middies and femlala? ( pure form, not lewd)
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Always has been.
i'm gonna go beat the ol meat
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Every CC match my ninja abilities grow stronger...
im f+ but its not for you anyway
if even 1/4th of this is true this is probably the most pathetic poster of all time
sorry post some gock then maybe i'll consider it
You don't wanna see
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>schizos fiddies
What does this mean? QRD please? I always assumed his character was a dyke so I just ignored him like I ignore all mesbians.
my crush!!! how are you doing today?
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The dream. The perfect ending. What everyone should strive for.
We love this. Me on the right.
mirin' those parses king
yuki is a virgin
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tfw no promiscuous EB to satisfy my adultery kink
wow she's very pretty
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Why is this so completely inaccurate?
Says it was updated just now, and yet these prices from a few mins ago in history don't match at all.
There's 2 hours of price history here that doesn't match the recently updated prices or price history graph on universalis at all.
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why does it say i only have 181 mounts
The dream. The perfect ending. What everyone should strive for.
We love this. Me on the left.
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You got it, boss.
this femlala is probably at the male meetup looking for a midlander
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How do I update my hair mods on penumbra?
It doesn't count seasonal or promotional stuff.
it lets you sniff out prog skippers better
great tool
where is the meetup i would like to join and say hi
Post midlanders
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I like my blue
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Theres some guy who has been spamming "kys tranny" at every fiddie that posts a picture for like 4 years now, maybe longer? People found out it was him because he keeps making mistakes like accidentally posting his picture with his posts, or making a whole album of diaper porn with stolen character data, and then accidentally leaving his name on it
oh i didnt realize it was supposed to be like a leaderboard tracker kind of thing
yuki is a virgin
tzera is not
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>sails up while docked
>0 reaction to wind either way
Now I know what irks me about the tuliyolal port so much
I'm trying to find a mod for the collegiate set and they are all different kinds of broken. Textures, shape or both. I thought DT had only affected body and skin mods but do clothing mods all need to be updated too? I tried that one mod that replaces the Omega-F set with the clothes of the M1 boss and that one is working just fine so it does seem like a DT issue but if there is something else going on please tell me.
sex with the pictomancer
thanks you're too!
he says until PF starts locking out people for not having top of the line parse, it's a bad tool that will only hurt the PF
Install textools and fix it with the patcher.
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I would never. I have too much respect to attend a male meetup as a femlala.
I love femezen so much it's unreal
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E-Bee a femlala!
E-Bee a femlala!
>accidentally posting his picture with his posts, or making a whole album of diaper porn with stolen character data, and then accidentally leaving his name on it
This has to be someone else trying to make him look bad right? Is he really this retarded?
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>all those mcdfs from himcesses I've collected are broken
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>legend players zone into instance of any kind
>80/20 chance they are either silent chads or loud assholes
why is this
please stay there when dcs open
Yeah and textools has an updater tool you can use to fix them.
Stop trying to force wowfugee kanshit as the fiddie schizo.
>nice glamour

what the fuck do I say
literally a false flag and looks nothing like his posing style at all
mi femlala es su femlala
that's hot though
Why are there only a limited number of houses? Why's that a selling point for this game if you can't even have a house...
somewhere theres midlanders feeling the same as you
Please behave.
I'll be using this femlala for nefarious purposes
Hey thanks :)
>older futa lady on young boys
So uh where can I contact this Kanchelle to get my miera bullied?
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BJs don't count right... haha...
thanks bro

make sure to add the bro to scare away any self inserters trying to pretend that you might be a woman
Thank you
Housing was never a selling point of this game.
"thanks" and walk away
Please /tell her to ask if she'd let my male midlander DRK worship her soles
I can read all of this but the kanji, what does the kanji say? help
what do you mean
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"thanks you too (lying)"
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is it too much to ask for a cis woman playing a male character that wants to eb my female character played by a man
what races are most plapworthy?
god i hate these pornsick threads
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I'd rather use ffxivcollect.
>BJs don't count right...
they don't, actually.
They fixed the problem of only doing ARR content in roulettes by making it so you only do Heavensward content in roulettes
I ask them for ERP...
I blew someone
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Hosting a Mahjong Tourney for anons. Over 20 million gil in prizes.

Saturday August 3rd, 4pm EST
Rafflesia, Dynamis Gold Saucer Mahjong Lounge

Please add to the next OP unless I am able to do it first.
• Aug 3rd, 4:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Dynamis Gold Saucer Mahjong Lounge | /xivg/ Mahjong Open Tournament https://files.catbox.moe/pq74ah.jpg | >>486892289
Maybe throw in a "Yours is nice too" if it actually is and isn't just artifact gear or the coliseum shawl
deagledad420 on discord, Kanchelle Loreux@Adamantoise in game
sorry we're not your personal army to hatejerk about some random niggers you ran into in the wild
i need a hrothboy played by a cis woman for my hrothgirl played by a cis man
nah he's retarded and has the entire blankposters living rent free in his head.
i know
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my moonie vipist looks and acts liek this
This is a super cool meetup idea, based Alter. I can't Mahjong for shit but I hope your meetup goes well
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2:45 CC ET Dynamis
how do you get that big nigga
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Talked with a cool malera from primal who is locked on dynamis right now. I forgot that was an ongoing issue.
hello my wife
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learn from the master
Go back to r/talesfromdf fag
No. Titfucks don't either so come give one to my shota.
>I have too much respect
thank god i'll never have this problem
why would you do that
>nice glam

are you all autistic?
the parkourdude thing stopped being funny after the reveal
People have been using a plugin to check your logs the moment you joined their party / before they joined your party for years now. Nothing will change.
Based but i'm really bad
No, that's an acceptable response to a compliment.
I like your outfit.
I'm playing CC on Dynamis, Anon. Maybe you should join if you wanna play with your crush... and get ruthlessly stabbed in the back <3
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>are you all autistic?
he drops from the valley of tenders
Where do you think you are?
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>the 2nd dye changes the tie color
damn I liked the red tie
Grrr... Bratty catgirl needs correcting
/pet /pet /pet so cute!
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Me too. Hope to see you there.
Mahjong is like 90% luck anyways. Just learn the basics and try your luck.
Don't EB me, I will only ever want to be around you just for sex. And once you give me what I want, I will just ignore you till I am horny again.
woman post
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I am a fiddie on the moon :3
I hope everyone had a wonderful day <3
>buy a mount
>forgot i already owned it
are you? you're not entitled to a compliment just because you give one to someone else.
Femlalas don't like lalaboys.
Good luck with that lmao
>no self mits
easy breeding target
I can't join my love I have to go ocean fishing for scrips...
Where do i get you (for sexual intercourse with my final fantasy fourteen character)
>are you all autistic?
Have you seen what people say unironically here?
It's an MMO general, obviously
This but do EB me (I'm a femlala)
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Tips on making a minmaxed xaela bull?
i am
LOL bro the autist here is you!
Maybe me having too much respect for the male only meetup to show up is a better way to put it.
Either way, I will not be going, as usual.
how was the experience
when i did it it was hot as fuck ngl
it doesnt count though
I remain unhorsed
>"nice glam"
>"please cum down my throat please!!!"
It's not hard
Is it just me or is there just not a lot of options for weapons for the new jobs? I know that they're all starting at higher levels, but you'd think there'd be content for glamour at least. Like, it'd be cool to have Scaevan twinfangs be like, chainswords or whatever.
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It's Ki , Kinishimasen - I don't care
Tentative thanks. I'm the one on the right.
Xeno skin
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Good to know, and you'll have to find me ingame sometime!
He said he needed some healing...
It was pretty hot, and quick too
>"nice glam"
>"asdasdasdas {/thumbs up}"
it's not that hard.
Name and server then. Lets have it.
is that what I'm supposed to say?
Since Tzera isn't Yuki, that means Yuki can have non-incest babies with Tzera's brother.
>on the free trial
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/pet thank you anon
Golbez has 0 characterization, its really disappointing
Surely he had something in his original game?
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This is so fucking funny I'm gonna shit in my hands and clap
need a bf (best friend) NOW
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will we ever win
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>Run into someone doing the same quest I'm doing
>We both mount up and head to the next step of the quest
>I guess he has the Shaaloani riding map because he overtakes me
>He sends me a /tell saying "too slow :p"
>Even just a year ago I'd have sent him a friendly /tell back or emoted at him or whatever
Now I just ignore people because nothing good ever comes of giving your fellow man the time of day in 2024.
cute tummy
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As much as I would love full south rounds I don't think anons wanna be playing and waiting for hours depending the number of rounds it takes to get to a single table.
Meet with me before we start I can sign you up and save your winnings for when/if you buy the game.
I'm better than you because I'm waiting for beast tribe and foray to level in less time instead of wasting more time on it now for no reason.
No one needs more than 4 combat jobs at 100.
Try not to break anything important up there. Enjoy! The bunnies drag on a bit, but they're pretty cute.
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Behave yourselves.
i am a giant fucking retard
>agrees to a titfuck
>doesn't post shiny tits
The bullying will be twice as bad whenever my lowlander gets his hands on you.
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i'm ready to get my ass whooped
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I don't care about Yuki anymore.
Apart from being Cecil's brother, not really. He was a generic evil guy until it was revealed who he was and then he face turns at the last moment. If anything, this game gave him more backstory.
letting the badboy xaela on the left plap while the one on the right watches
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Get your ass back to /mjg/ you have a league to win
Built for throatsloppies
sure bf (best friend)
he singlehandedly saved male hroth stocks
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What race and what DC?
Golbez will be a Mnk main just like in the after story
no worries!
does anyone remember if we had 2 hours before savage dropping in 6.0? or what will happen on 30th?
Sis I'm taking you to rehab.
I need a gf right now!! (goon friend)
fucking the darknight
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i hate her because she looks like one of my friends that got me into this game then quit after like 2 months
EB my fiera
Please just let After Years die
Where did all the hypnofiddies go?
my team left
have fun
what the hell is an hypnofiddie
which version number
Wait a minute

Who the fuck is Gulool Ja's mother?
thank you anon
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I need a gs right now!! (good sleep)
They swapped onto their mains for DT because they were all low level alts.
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I would really like a fat hrothgal wife
please don't do any of these things to femra
that looks average
You can be cute and a retard
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Luv Tepeke reminds me of my wife Kaori
Rubicante being Rubicante is all youre gonna get anon
Yeah they started testing it in EW to see if people would be happier not having the pressure to rush through the normal raid/turbocraft day 1 and the feedback for it was positive so all tiers now have a small delay between normal and savage
I'm nostalgic for the days before they massively simplified tanking
a dumb fiddie that loses to hypnosis
Please do all of these things to my femra
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i just say ty ty
Are there hypnofiddies in this thread right now?
Sometimes I remember that femezen from this thread who really wanted to meet me in the game, but I never showed up. And she went to bed without learning my name, just like I did her.
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apparently the popoto artist also spams chat in WoW too
bro getting mogged hard
i don't get it
am i healing wrong if i make sure that everyone's full health all the time?
should i just say fuck it and do more dps?
Femra Love is Alive and Well!
cynicism is a reflection of someone's own mediocrity
i want this thighlander to break something important in me
the bullying of the fangless
the QUEEN of fakenice
i thought they had gone back on that though? since we no longer get the 1 week of stuff
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>Every single new mod on Xivmodarchive is a Penumbra only mod
Is Textools just fucking abandonware at this point? I'd use Penumbra but it looks like such a headache to install and use. Can anyone give me an easy guide on how to install and set up Penumbra?
why are they doing this in the dead baby cave
1hp means they can still fight. As long as nobody dies, you should be DPSing.
what an adorable pic I love it
My femlala will never, ever, EVER have an EB. Ever.
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you can use pmp in textools now sis
How's your dad
This pic reminds me of that white-haired femroe in a good way
Why not?
you know textools also supports .pmp mods right?
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I just spent 8 mil on materia, and I'm certain that's probably only half what I need to spend to actually pentameld.

why did I do this I'm so stupid
>given the random and non-biased chance to test man's own friendliness for himself
>assumes the worst and refuses to participate
>comes to the conclusion that nobody is good
Couldn't imagine being so doomerpilled, I hope you find happiness anon.
Mine will, and it will be on the battlefields of love! Or CC or wherever
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i am
a highlander
who does not look like a dyke
It took me 70 mil
Hmmm....nay, I think I shant.
Especially this long after launch
What UI mod is that?
Whatever the fuck that means.
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Suncats deserve it
I'm real mean
Because they're also real mean
{Thank you.} Wanted to finally mess around with the face bones a bit more...
Rather than looking for an EB, my femlala is always om the lookout for potential FBs…
Penumbra is actually easier to use than textools. At this point textools exists only to update mods or make new mods. https://reniguide.carrd.co/
Going to commission my character beating the shit out of Honey B and each punch gives her a heart above her head
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You ever make one of these?
I saw a gpose with you sitting on top of a giant cock
post more of this...
What should I put in my miera's search info if I want people to know I'll plap them at a moment's notice
Thankfully no
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i've done enough interphos now to fully gear my right side to 700, with just first timer tomestones

please just give me my card, sphene
Because it seems that no matter how hard I try, I just can't find a partner that wants to actually spend time with me, and loves me for who I am... everyone says so many wonderful things about my femlala, and I'm grateful. I have a lot of wonderful friends, and I love them dearly. But when I see some of them having such a wonderful time with their EBs, it makes me feel incredibly lonely... I wish I had someone to share my life with...
Sorry, anon... I guess that was too much of an answer...
Thanks for buying my materia cute femra-coded viera
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me too i made a promise with a hrothgar but he's been playing wow and elder scrolls online instead of finishing shadowbringers
do you use a custom shader or are you still on gshade
That's a breeding.
Isn't this the anon that jacked it with his dad?
who is this
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Every box of mine would just be this image.
Yes, there's no reason to be healing people if they're at or near full, or if a regen will heal them to full before the next iteration of damage. GCD healing should be your absolute last resort.
There are turboshitters ITT who will cry about the heckin toxic raiders for saying you shouldn't spam Medica on people with 95% HP though
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Prove it
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I don't need you to fuckin' tell me how good my glam is, okay? I'm the one who made it. I know how good it is.
My femlala says this
if everyone else smells like shit you should take a shower
My soon to be EB, please show her some respect…
Your rava and every other viera look exactly like this
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that's unfortunate anon I'm sorry you had to see that.
*raises paw*
I think healing should be an easy job. I'm not that good at the game but if I heal I know if I die the party dies, or puts a lot of pressure on the team. you're more likely than not going to be playing with a casual player like me who enjoys healing so while there might be some cutting edge healing players the vast majority is not. thank you.
*put down paw*
Bros next tier there is going to be an Elezen you have to fight and his beastmode is going to a giraffe
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Hrothgal butts on my face!
I'm sorry sis. This kind of thing has happened to me too...
Prices are going to go up in a week so it's now or I wait another 4 weeks.
Give me back my fucking gil
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I have been using one of the ones in this pack https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/87921
I do still use gshade, yes
Seriously I've the site to download Penumbra is a goddamn clusterfuck. What am I supposed to even do here?


Guides just say "go to this github link to download it" and I'm met with all these different files. Everyone says it's easier to setup Penumbra but I never had anywhere NEAR as much problem with Textools. That was quick and easy. What the literal fuck is all THIS though?
These "inspirations" are definitely sourced after the fact
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Thank you <3
Thank you! I won't break anything I promise! :3
>top right
Cock rehab?
This post said nothing
why would you agree to such a picture.
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do we really have to post it again
>someone else saved and used this image
I'm sure you will do fine.
No, I think this thing sucks.
when are you posing sophie getting drone hypno'd
>>you can use pmp in textools now sis

How? Everytime I try to download a .pmp mod it downloads as an Internet link and tells me I need to find some tool to open it, but never says what. Is there an option in Textools to enable .pmp installation? If so where?
You're just now realizing it's possible to rip people's characters and do this without their permission, or are you also trolling?
no i actually have a personality
gomenasorry, I already spent it on the air-wheeler
I’ll forgive if you sit on my massive cock too
Brown Azusa is built for hard rape

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Is there any reason to do the Hildi quests if I don't find them all that entertaining? I know there were Hildi weapons in EW but have they been outscaled with DT?
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almost all of them will be
very few people are consciously thinking about other characters when they make their own
some of these charts are just "shit i think is cool", others are based off of examining why you like the things you like about your character and where those interests started (and will thus also probably amount to "shit i think is cool" but more consciously)
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Male meetup in shambles, female characters have broken through
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>What am I supposed to even do here?
scroll down to Installation and follow the instructions
To the anon who requested more socks. I think I'll do lots of gposing tonight to keep my mental state in check

Does anyone know if animation mods work yet?
put the repo link into dalamud and install it like any other plugin, the manual install isn't recommended since you'd have to manually update it each time as appose to clicking a button in dalamud
there's a potential situation where dt relics could be linked with hildi quests
retreat indoors and expell them when they follow
yeah but I just put pictures of my ferrets on it instead
What the fuck did you think was going to happen when they openly put it in the OP?
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Does anyone want to do the EX trials in like two hours
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what the
Relics are for the most part for looks. Occasionally some are best in slot for ultimates. If you do not enjoy the content you don't need to do it. The only other thing you would be missing out on are some blue spells.
gluk gluk gluk
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mine acts like this, i shant be posting anything more lewd because there is someone i wouldn't want to disappoint in the thread at the moment
umm bro the advertisers? don't you care about moot?
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I know Sphene's secret.
Hm, guess I'll do them just in case then
there are a handful of trials for the hildi quests, if you dont like the humor its better to skip them as the trials, while fun, are ass when you get them in the roulette
also blue mage spells
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11:15 CC ET Dynamis
My femra had her drink spiked in the Drowning Wench and is right now shivering naked and blindfolded in a cargo container on her way to Tural as a yet another victim of the Eorzean sex slave trade.
There are literally instructions IN THE LINK YOU POSTED you fucking retard. Fuck man
So go make more gil and pay me back wtf
The relics are so easy to get, and no they aren't outscaled they're your best weapon from 90-99 and you should have already gotten them before doing DT.
Also it's your best weapon for Criterion.
Isn't it still the best weapon for older ultimates until new relics come out?
AND you need to do them to unlock some trials for blue mage spells.
So... lots of reasons unless I'm wrong on something here.
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I miss job quests so much it's unreal
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What do people like about you as friends, but would prevent someone from liking you more? Do you have something quirky?
Do you not know how to use a computer?

Right click the file, choose "open with", "choose default program", find the textools.exe, there you go
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She's bought by my catgirl and turned into a loving wife
but anon.. we are no longer 4channel.org, futa is fine.
I hope you die as roughly as dizzy did
For some reason this picture always stays up for awhile. I think janny hates korkana or something
Why don’t you just take a boat to Tural?
If there is a new foray it'll be attached to it instead
only if youre okay with a healer that kinda sucks
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I try to, at least.
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I'm working on it
me too anon, they were my favourite part of leveling jobs
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Damn miera stealing our women.
According to how Penises function, the veins would grow proportional to the penis
That there are no ample, visible here would mean the dick has no blood flow
holy fucking wife
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Waiting for first dungeon unlock
She doesn't look impressed
I'm genuinely not sure... obviously there must be something wrong with me... I'm certainly not a flawless person... but I feel like I'm worthy of love too...
what if the new foray is linked to hildibrand quests
What a curious sight
I cast regen and fix your ugly scar and then give you a smooch
Name and server for love correction
What would that entail?
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elmo please jerk off and stop ruining the thread with your garbage again
lol your 660 relic is NOT going to beat out a 690 weapon
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it's so over...
hrothgals don't date ftm trannies
I don't want to post my name, but I'm on Crystal...
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nigga elf
do u think if i just mass invite randoms to my fc they would farm credits for me
May I plap?
Lotta fish on Crystal, you'll find someone. Im on Balmung.
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what? qrd?
Just buy cerelium tanks. In the grand scheme they cost pennies on the dollar.
in the name of the male meetup post boys now.
i can tell this post is fake because au ra dont exist in the new world
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Its a tattoo, but i like the idea of it being a scar
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lol t's 665, not 660, and has more substats for the ilevel. It should be around the same as the 672 weapon due to the substats. Close enough to not bother replacing it.
690 weapon isn't until 100. It scales down. But I should have said 90-98 since I meant until your AF.
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Dalamud? I need ANOTHER fucking tool to use this shit? I have Xivlauncher already, but I don't fucking know what else to do.

I followed the instructions and got led to some gay modbeasts "guide" site on how to install it, then got told I need Dalamud, which I was then led over here:


Which has absolutely no clear download link for Dalamud, again another site with tons of different files that are not clear as to what is even what.

I;m genuinely gonna lose it. What the fuck do I do here? Why is this so needlessly complicated? Why is there no simple step-by-step guide? Why am I just sent in cirlces accross various github sites and third party websites? How the fuck is any person supposed to reasonably figure this out? Textools was nowhere NEAR this much of a headache.


Bull fucking shit.
is universalis dead because everyone with plugins keeps price checking things
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>Doesn't think. Hypnosis is hot
This is like the easiest modded game in history
if you have xivlauncher you have it

do /xlplugins in game
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I-is that the famous mega-celeb?? Woah! It's just like being at the Grammy's!
highly likely everyone is mass ddos univeralis unintentionally so yes
when will glam and penumbra be fully released, I'm scared to do the test version
Hello yes now come to Primal
Just come to the meetup if you wanna see them! Surely you're a male toon, right?
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CC 2:25 ET Dynamis

Going to be my last one
We don't know theres a lot to fix in the background
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You know what the problem is:
You got it set to M for moonie, when it should be set to W for woober.
how much do people charge for it usually
There are currently WELL OVER 20,000 people online in the game right now, including the dumbest catgirls in the world, who figured this out fine.

It's dead because it's poorly programmed and doesn't cache well enough.
What if you set it to both
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I'm so emotionally dead I read this in vauthrys voice and have been crying laughing for a couple minutes now.
Thanks for calling /ebow GL
>cudi reference in my xivg
He mde porn with his femra and shown his dad a bunch, to which they've both jacked it to
Rou is really creepy
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Hey sis, sorry was busy. With how fast you replied, it seems you had to pre-typed so I can assume this is something you were waiting to get out. I hope it helped at least.

You said you're grateful for your current friends and experiences, and I believe you, but you still explicitly mentioned that their happiness makes you feel incredibly lonely. It's human to compare but you really need to not let thoughts like that affect you, or at least try to minimize it. Everyone's experiences are different and that just may mean your timeline to whatever you're looking for is at a different stage. Don't take for granted what you have now and destroy yourself being unsatisfied; if you love yourself enough to feel that you are worthy for love back in return then it will most likely find you, however long that is.

I'm no therapist though, I'm just calling it as I see it. I don't have an answer for you other than to continue trying to be and show others the most honest version of yourself. After all, we're online, sometimes that barrier is too hard for some to overcome.
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Thank you very much for the calls
is it the return of hektor
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I usually charge like 250k-1mil per stack depending whos asking. I'm not short on company credits, I just like making people with shell fcs pay extra.
anon you have dalamud from xivlauncher, you put the repo link in and boom the install button is there ingame. Stop trying to manually install shit
Do not put four moonies in the moonie condenser.
>infested femezen
i can save her
I'm on the level 68 quests for Stormblood. How much longer until I get the knapsack?
Gosick was so fucking good and underrated.
Bunboy envy is real.
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This robe makes me laugh
>>Right click the file, choose "open with", "choose default program", find the textools.exe, there you go

I right-clicked it, there was no "choose default program" option, I only had "find another tool to open with" and had to dig through my PC to find Textools, clicked on it, then all it did was open Textools itself. Nothing else happened.
I contain mild amounts of melanin
are you retarded or just trying to dick ride kork
he gave roxy permission
i am on primal, what male races do you like?
i think i will just slowly build up credits by turning in all the junk my retainers bring then instead
he's just european, he's harmless
Ok you have to be trolling
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envy this
how the fuck are you struggling with credits
POV: Youre about to get femra'd
Cumming on a hrothgirl's tail while she's too busy crafting to notice you.
Why are you bothering to attack me, but not the person spamming schizo stuff in the thread?
my bad otis that was too funny not to /sweep
Why are watching movies and playing other games so extraordinarily popular in the Final Fantasy XIV community? I thought we were supposed to play the game after the expansion came out, but is it already too late? Are we ALREADY in our watch movies phase?
Malera, melezen, hyur, maybe roes? No miera, lala, or cats though
I'm calling the Wood Wailers.
you owe my sunnie+ sex.
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woah hey./...
any behe niggers with an FC i could join?
what the fuck is this
Same except lalaboy.
This is easy to say, but it really does hurt when everyone around you is in love with someone and you know that there's no one who cares about you in that way.
We already did everything and savage isn't out yet.
ARR pvp gear or the recolor of it that was crafted in EW
/pet /pet
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You synthesize 3 sacks of dark rye flour
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>so many ideas
>but don't want to make anything until I finish MSQ
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Thank you for calling! *forehead smooch*
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What the fuck is this "repo" link? All I fucking know is I go to Xivmodarchive, try to download a .pmp mod, and it downloads as an Internet Explorer file and can't be opened. Now you're telling me I need something called a "repo" link and I actually CAN'T manually install it (even though I literally have to get the mod from a website which, you know, requires me to download it) but apparently I can't actually do anything with the download and need put a "repo link"

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I don't get it... shouldn't they all be taking off their shirts and comparing their abs and shoulders and pecs like my doujins said...? They're just sitting and sitting at a campfire...
I have been playing since late ARR, and I have not found anyone yet. It will never happen. I'm past my prime anyway, nobody wants an older femlala... I just want someone to share my life with...
I'm more than aware of that but I try not to mean it as hollow advice.
>there's no one who cares about you in that way.
It's entirely self destructive to internalize this even if objectively, this is true in the moment. What good does it do to constantly remind yourself that you're in this state instead of focusing your attention elsewhere positive.
200-300k per stack seems to be the going rate. Varies by data center. You will have to ask anons or join a sub discord to find sellers tho.
>Wuk lamat screaming
>completely drops the accent and she just sounds like a dude
how did the VA get this job?
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i am lazy i have enough to last a little while tho
that's unmodded bro
binger moment
we run a train on one of the lalaboys after the movies end. stick around.
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you're thinking of miera or maybe maliddie meetups sis
play jp
peak binger moment
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Do you feel silly?
embarrassing post
That wasn't on purpose?
I thought they were telling us she used to be a male hroth
I've been searching
after that meltie yesterday. That is a very common name. I sometimes see 5 of them online, not in a duty, at the same time on Balmung.
alright just stop replying to him it's gotta be bait
you're clinically retarded. there is no hope. just quit the game and go live your life some place else
stop being so horny
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A comedically ugly PVP set you can buy with wolf marks
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>haha zero likes spicy food thats cute
>The joke gets dragged on for several minutes and a skit
By being trans
Surely this is a shitpost. Someone can't be this dense as to not simply scroll down on the penumbra guthub and read the installing part
oof.... deleted...
yukimi sajo was an ebin here and i don't know why people are pretending otherwise
This nigga calling others gay with this shit saved on his PC
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cat fangs
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I refuse to believe this is an actual thing that could happen, it's multiple levels of fucked up
EXCEPTIONALLY embarrassing post.
man, ARR and early HW were something else
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oh my fucking god dude
Nobody is pretending, just nobody knew that was her name, she was just that lizard that blankposted all the time
I miss Zero after DT

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it's rumor mill shit
KR has talked about his dad liking his femra before though and he's a bit weird about it
Boy are you going to hate tacos
where do I make futa sexpest friends
point and laugh at this nigga
the tacos serve an actual narrative purpose though
Sis, spend your wolf marks.
You're not putting yourself out there. Like I keep saying on here, if Lalas openly identified themselves as wanting a eb they would get people interested in them in like a day. But thats why you're not posting yourself.
wife material
It's made up because shitposters get so mad they cant make fun of him and he stops posting, he just keeps posting no matter what, and they just hate it lol
Post more of your bun and I'll consider it
Yeah the weirdo posted about it a bunch before, usually he'll say he was just trolling or lying to save face
thoughts on my moonie using the free fantasia to go from a height 49 moonie to a height 13 moonie?
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You in the game, xivg?
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this is the repo link, it's at the bottom of the github

Once you have the repo link do /xlplugins in game, go to settings-> experimental -> enable testing builds -> scroll down to custom plugin repositories -> paste the repo, make sure it's checkmarked and make sure to hit the save in the bottom right

Then you go back to /xlplugins, go to all plugins, search for penumbra and install it. Might need to restart with the testing build in order to get it
it's real and he cucked his eb and forced him into a poly relationship
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>rumor mill
sorry sis if you want that to happen you gotta learn possession and get the job done yourself
I want to plap. A moonie
just spam your character in this thread (be femra, c@, or lala for extra points) and keep lewd posting futacock
Who would you comm?
stupid. Just use glamourer until you need a fantasia for something more than 1 thing nobody will notice
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in all fairness, like the other guy said: it's usually an amalgamation of things/characters they like
it's not like most people specifically go "i am going to make my character's hair red because THIS anime character has red hair .. "

yeah we're back
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yes, but not for my main character
I play hrothgal, I don't envy your FTM tranny ass lmao
This. I don't mean to dog on other lalafells but god damn are lalas the most vague, skittish, non-committal people here.
calm down trannychal
Any time someone decides to call something modtranny garbage in the future, I will remember this post and laugh at how little they know about the game and continue to disregard their opinions.
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dynamis queue CC at 7:30 EZ
smooching this bunboy with my bunboy
what did they do to get comms?
only if I can pat your moonie
I suggest you don't click on this link

my moonie has never changed appearances besides getting a bigger tail
I almost want to bet $500 you're going to get a reply trolling you that he fucked it up somehow
never have and never will
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that ED1 still goes hard. i member we used to have a little anime watch group way back when where we streamed the shows on justintv to watch stuff together. gosick is probably one of the best shows we watched then, good times.
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I'm bitter and don't comm anyone.
t. been playing for 5 years and barely touched 600 comms
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They have those things up there too :O
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Huh...? I have said I want one in the thread many times... how do I put myself out there properly...? I thought it was unattractive if you just post like... "need EB" in the thread... This is so complicated and confusing...
i want to do more CC, i dunno. i just got here
Can Valigarmanda be done without watching a guide? As in can I do a blind run and be fine?
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I love those tall guys, you can get him as a mount!
Lucy Dusk @ Golem post
With the testing build I wouldn't blame him. I had a friend unable to download it because the install button required them to right click on install instead of left click on it. I doubt it's trolling though some people just have a hard time with modding
me on the left
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Remember this every time someone disparages mods
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Ok so I apparently have Xivlauncher / Dalamud. I launched the game via xivlauncher, and can see the menu ingame when I type /xlplugins. Ok how do I go from here to adding a specific .pmp mod I downloaded?
right 100%
LD Post
now go take a bath with a toaster, lolcow
yes easily, did it earlier with a pug, it will just take a big longer, but you can still do it
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5 ponytails and lunalu
Blatant lies
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i won
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for fucks sake
If you know how to read tells, sure. Plenty of people just ignore mechanics then complain the game's too hard.
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but what about DN?
Is the elephant picture supposed to imply you're an indian? Is that why you can't comprehend this
>give a detailed explanation about how a shitposter is lying
>"Uh no actually that's a l-lie"
You know you have to then explain the truth or make up some elaborate story to make it sound like we're lying, otherwise we won.
normal? obviously
extreme? yeah if your group will tolerate a bling progger
kinda based honestly ngl
I thought Saars were good at tech
I am not LD...
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Yeah. They appeal to my dorky roleplay cravings.
The window that comes up when you use that command is how you download and install shit. You don't need to put any files in the folder yourself.
I'm the coolest male midlander ITT
Thinking about blocking everyone on my in-game friend list and leaving every discord server again
No they are not, there's just a fucking trillion of them
>have to travel across worlds to check mb prices
surely there must be a better way to do this right now.... ;_;
Any nigga who's been here long enough knows the truth, I ain't gotta prove shit
>the instrumental of ED1 playing during that train scene
>pure kino back when i was a teenager
take me back...
i dont know a DN with a ponytail
Who's that UGLY nigga at the male meetup?
I gotta try and make new face before I put much time in pictures.
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Are we watching pirates 2 tonight Mike?
talk about femlalas
I look down on anyone who enjoys PvP in XIV.
yes i'm doing all my roulettes like a good wageslave trying to hit omni-100
Absolutely not
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Only do it if you feel like you should. It’s nice to take a step back from the madhouse and take a breather.
prove it, post him
Average male character IQ
>run dt benchmark
>performs extremely well
>play dt
>framerate plummets from 60 to 40fps in cities

I am one
Prove you're not some faggot that can't handle being alone for more than 5 seconds. Block them. Ghost them. Burn all bridges.
Do it bitch.
femra love is alive and well- stop talking about my fucking dad lmao
I look down on anyone who enjoys Savage in XIV.
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Actually you're looking up at me as the life slowwwwly fades from you
I'd just make a new account
What glams are for dabbing on the poor?
Not any longer. I logged out as I'm conflicted about my character's look, and I do not want to continue the msq until I resolve it. As I enjoy taking pictures during cutscenes and as I progress, I would like to do so with a character preset I like. Now, I don't like how the DT update changed how certain features look on my existing preset. So I made a second preset where I used a different face option. And I am now conflicted about which to use. I like both, the original because it's what I have been using for the longest time, so there is a sentimental value to it. And I also like the new one a lot, it is a pretty face with features that look slightly nicer than on the existing preset. Anyway, thanks for reading.
just gonna keep ignoring when people do provide.
Sorry sis, I don't want to e-date. Most is lewd pose and some matching outfits and stuff
Bpdemon, do it, you're doing them a favor
Because the benchmark doesn't account for how bad performance in MMOs are when you're loading up 200+ player models also on the screen, its not like it matters if it dips to 60 fps while you afk goon in Limsa
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femlalas and middies really are made for each other, both act like they're some special club but also so humble compared to other races, while they lust for other races, you can't get a better match
need one to report to the male meetup ASAP
What's his verdict on the graphics update
My bad i'll try to have a little less fun
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dynamis queue cc at 10:45 ezt
cpu bound game where rendering other players takes the most cycles. they don't test hard enough for it in the benchmark
you need penumbra first, which is a custom mod that needs to be added via a repository
you will find an experimental tab under the settings button
-toggle the "get plugin testing builds" option
-place this link in custom plugin repositories
-hit plus and save
you may need to restart the game before you can turn on penumbra, but it will show up now, you will need to right click and press "receive plugin testing versions" and it should be available for download
[17:46]You cast your line in Moonie town.
[17:46]You attempt to lure large-sized moonies to your woober.
[17:47]You make a second attempt to lure large-sized moonies to your woober.
[17:47]You make a third attempt to lure large-sized moonies to your woober.
[17:47]A gentle giant stirs beneath the water!
[17:47]Something bites!
[17:47]You reel in the gentle moonie!
[17:47]You land a moonie with fangies  measuring 155.1 ilms!
[17:47]You cast your line in Moonie town.
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Not yet, doing the usual Saturday night semi-drunk karaoke / Audiosurf, except my vote is heavily outnumbered tonight so it's all Ariana Grande and Sabrina Carpenter.
Speaking of Saturday nights, is the Broken Choker reopened yet?
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Ok I did literally all that and went to search Penumbra, then read this:

"This plugin is outdated and incompatable. Please wait for it to be updated by it's author".

Are you fucking serious
One item each from a $18 cash shop set. That outfit will cost $90.
Tell your dad to stop posting about himself ITT
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my femlala will never have an EB...
Yeah, I'm back home and prepping to lock into EX2 for the rest of the night.
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do you?
>Do Alliance Roulette every day since release
>Have not gotten anything from Shadowbringers once
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No. I won't be logging back on till about next week at the earliest. Next month at the latest.
Uuuuuoooohhhhh lolifell erotic
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i was told my cpu was good/slightly above average
try restarting the game completely
I want to EB one that glams like that
do you have the seaofstars repo in your repo list? cause i do too and i cant get it to work. try taking that out? ill try in a bit too
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God like pull
I know kungfu
Ok here's a femlalas https://files.catbox.moe/6dzslz.png
Need this fiddie sitting on my face in PvP again
i am
on Primal
queuing for Malikah's Well
I am 33 years old...
I just found a femlala perplexed by a login screen.
I will still uuuuuooooohhhhh
Same i think thats whats fucking me
She forgot her login information.
>do you have the seaofstars repo in your repo list? cause i do too and i cant get it to work. try taking that out? ill try in a bit too

No I just have the link I was given by this anon


This is all I put in

>Try restarting the game completely
I'll try that.
Why knot? you don't mod, are you just waiting for dc travel?
Love me some Hiyo pics
nevermind it popped
it's not real, don't believe the schizos. They're probably wowfugees anyway.
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Deciding what I want to do today...
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Yes, very.
right click on penumbra and select "Receive plugin testing versions", then re-open dalamud
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Fiddies were made for Sunnies
I'd sooner use the 12 gauge in the corner of my bedroom to paint my wall than be that close to anyone affiliated with the lala cabal
Logging in rn but I'm exhausted from being outside since six in the morning so I'll probably just PvP or do my dailes or something
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It's nice to know that you're thinking about me.
He looks like he fucks fiddies
panties should be censored
I am running roulettes and realizing how leveling GNB and DRK first has completely poisoned my relationship with damage-dealing gapclosers now. Overcapping Onslaught like crazy.
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Wuk Lamats coronation didn't feel earned at all.

And I don't mean she's not good enough (she isn't) I mean from a writing perspective it was so rushed and didn't have sufficient buildup to make the payoff hit hard. I spent like 25 hours with Wuk Lamat during the Rite of Succession and it felt like I was 3 episodes into a 26 episode anime series by the time she's being crowned Dawnservant. Nothing really actually happened.
EB the purple haired brown lala
Farming alone on primal
I am the Anakin Skywalker of xivg
anything is an improvement over pictomancer skills
that being said i am still not going to unlock it
Putting you on my to-do list
its been a thing for a while. yea, its super fucked up but its entirely true. typical coomer brain degenerate behavior
Amazing how you've posted three screenshots of your character this thread and they all look the same.
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sex between this man and my femra
Ex, yeah. Shouldve mentioned that.
I work for a living.
You WILL do your daily roulettes.
You WILL grind FATEs while you queue.
You WILL commend your tanks and healers
And you will LIKE it.
blow your fucking brains out tranny freaks
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just realized i could do this
destroyer's stead from the heavens' ward weapon set
magitek earphones
woodlandwarden top
seigneur's gloves
educand slacks
faerie tale prince's boots
May I plap?
It's like they set up a perfect opportunity for twists and turns to make her actual journey to become dawnservant begin after the coronation but the writers weren't clever enough for it. Dawntrail is full of missed opportunities like this.
Calm down trannychal, try to clear p12s.
it's because they basically put two seasons of an anime into the MSQ, meaning they had to rush the first part so they can get to the second season and give it more time
Yeah well it's not going to get any better

This entire fucking expansion is simultaneously too long and underdeveloped
nah i think ill just bot lol
what do expect from someone who jerks off with their dad over their own xiv character
>can't handle being alone for more than 5 seconds
I have 100 people on my friend list and never talked to any of them

If you play anything other than a Hyur male, you are not the Warrior of Light

If you play anything other than Tank or Melee DPS, you are not the Warrior of Light

You are a side character brought in from another realm. You are not the canon Warrior of Light.
Missed me



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Now dye it the same colors and see how sweet you look!
I'll never understand this fetish, or why they're so heavily associated specifically with futas
Like you can't even put it in you, there's not a single hole in your body that it will fit in
Uhhh based???
join the primal cwls
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed. There's a bunch of good ideas in here but virtually none of them get any time to actually develop and land. Yet, it feels as though nobody ever shuts up, and every single point is belabored for 15+ minutes. It's truly exhausting.
you are a gorgeous femra i want you so bad
good, i don't want to be the main character anyways
been having the opposite issue because I leveled PLD/WAR first and I keep using the gap closer under no mercy
no idea why they didn't just standardize it fully
Not those anons but this worked for me getting glamourer, thank you
the absolute worst opportunity is the fact the Wuk and Krile are both adopted children of a man from another race and they never knew their birthparents.
And they never once speak about this and bond over it, not once.
The whole expansion is incredibly lazy. Everything is surface level. Everything interesting is either half-assed or outright ignored.

Dawntrial is shockingly poorly written. Shocking because I thought at least someone would be hovering around the new staff to make sure they didn't fuck it up this badly
But what are we doing?
I am a femlala pictomancer and I am the warrior of light
i will queue aglaia
i will do my dps rotation with one hand while watching higurashi on my other monitor
i will get my 70% exp in 15 minutes while bottom dpsing
and i will like it.
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Alright I tried relogging, nope, still giving me the message that Penumbra is out of date and the author needs to update it. Considering that people are still actively making Penumbra mods, it must be working so why the fuck am I being given this message and being prevented from installing it?

Holy fuck, fuck this gay mod. Why can't modders just make everything Textools compatible instead.
Yeah it's called not giving a shit
It's the body morphing from such a massive thing that adds to the appeal
Correct, I think of myself as just a random Scion who has the echo. The YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE story is just stupid for an MMO.
my moonie doesnt know what a bra is
Thank you.
I don't believe you want this, /pet
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I have mine still.
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I look down on anyone who enjoys PvP in MMOs.
Rin post
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It's not a meme. The dude a creepy little fuckhead and he talks non stop about his fucking dad. Sea monkeys are actually fucked up disgusting human beings.
Holy moly I want to stick my dick inside this fat ass lala
T-that's right I'm not a warrior of light... I'll try to not get on the way of the real heroes... I'm just a dumb little healer
i should buy jet black dye and pure white from the mogstation and just dye it all jet black and white alternating huh
im a broke bitch anon i have to give a shit
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i am the warrior of light actually
>bottom left
because why the fuck would anyone want to use textools
absolute piece of crap software
EB my femlala
did you try right clicking penumbra and selecting "receive plugin testing version"
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Does anyone need DoL materia on Balmung? You should just buy it and not bother checking other worlds for prices.
I fixed my issue of not being able to download a plugin. When you search penumbra right click on it and select the testing version
had you included honey b lovely in this post i'd have obeyed
now idk.. ehhhh..
Uuuuuooohhhhh, call me nonny...
Be a good little bee and buy it.
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talk about malera
Horn mod?
>Check MB for southern seas skirt in Dynapiss
>Check MB in any other DC
What the fuck is wrong with you people in Dynamis
nonny means nonce
Mating press
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Maybe because textools actually fucking WORKS
Yeah, and?
What are you baking?
i'd hardly call having to jump through ten different hoops to enable a single mod functional
penumbra works on my pc
um... but i don't even know your name... let's start there...
>did you try right clicking penumbra and selecting "receive plugin testing version"

I tried and there is no such option when rightclicking, I just get

>Mark all as seen
>Hide from installer
>Reset plugin data
My little lalaboy legs are trembling at the thought of everyone taking me at the meetup.
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What the fuck is with this guy
do you have this enabled
The only people who will do that are the creepy gay sexpests
Is there more than one? Do you have the "Testing Available" table under The "All" in "All plugins"?
Talk to friends ingame and do things with them. It's gotta be way easier to work your way into something starting as friends than it is to meet under the pretense of finding love immediately based on a heypost, right? As another lonely anon who wants someone to share their life with, nothing makes me hopelessly pine after someone who will never like me back like them choosing to spend time with me.
It doesn't really make sense, but when you get to be a certain age it feels like every additional day you spend waiting is another onto the pile that you'll eventually find yourself regretting when you're even older and even more hopeless. It feels like if you don't worry about it now it'll only get worse.
What happens if I update AceLib?
which doujin

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