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Serana Edition

>Patch Notes

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>Found a problem or have a suggestion? Use the "Contact" button at the top right of the site.

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>/tesg/'s characters
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Mazetism: https://pastebin.com/L7cBYDrM
Cira: https://pastebin.com/jerJ7QGf
>Lore and Lore Accessories

>character sheet workdocs (svg + png)

>/tesg/'s sister threads:
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>>>/tg/tgesg/ - Elder Scrolls Lore General
>mega treasure trove of RUASLEEP and pre-AE USSEP patches, as well as OSex/OSA archives:

>minimal starting modlist geared towards returning users
>comprehensive combat mod list and guide for anyone
>gear list for gear people

Elder Thread: >>486737819
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Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic
Resurrection spell when
EnaiCHAD has it as one of the standing stone passives
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/ugly lass/i
/for this feel/i
/Screenshot 2024/i
/mean by this/i
True but that only works on yourself right? It'll have to do.
Yeah, it's every 15 minutes irl, kinda op for a guaranteed lifeline every fight.
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"Luv the pic
"Ate the edition
simple as
how can join the club?
I kneel..
Apocalypse already has that tome. Better get your restoration spell cost down though.
Obsess over a vanilla character as a replacement for the human intimacy you'll never receive.
Or a /tesg/-made character.
Faendal mistook you for a racoon and got the fuck out of there
A well placed, but well deserved barb.
you forget the secret sauce
otherwise I would be the ysoldafag
why her though? you got a thing for drug dealers who are infatuated with cats?
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I... I love redheads
and she's the first one I saw
then Elisif as my second fav
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how common is it to get fed up with trying to fix problems and just go scorched earth and redo fucking everything? i'm about at that point now
Can't speak for other anons but not that common for me. The thought popped up a few times over the last 4 years and went away as I found the solution to it or skyrim just fixes itself.
I'd like to suggest patience and to keep at the process, but it'd be hypocritical to say modding hasn't driven me to fully uninstall games and not go back to them for years.
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usually with skyrim modding by the time i get it fully working i'm already sick of the game so i just stop playing. I followed a guide this time so I thought it would be easier, but the guide was missing dependencies so i tried to add them and apparently fucked up somewhere along the way.
Cunnyrim chads stay winnin
Sprucing up my mod list for the first time this year, did we get any good solutions for populating the game world with all those fancy skimpy outfit mods besides making our own SPID distributions?
I do that shit like twice a year and almost every single time I just end up in the same situation because there’s so many mods I don’t know what’s what, and loot can’t sort for shit and everything is dependent on everything else.
I removed some shitty quest mod and it apparently had six different mods with soft dependencies on it and it took me seven hours to find out which ones they were because none of them listed the mod as a master but would cause random crashing without it because I clicked some option in the fomod seven months ago when I was planning on doing said quest.
Anyone have the Ninirim pharaoh outfit for LE UUNP?
So to increase tit size, I really have to open bodyslide externally and manually make them?

How are you meant to have various heights and bodies (tits) across NPCS?
hello anon
I noticed that you posted /cunnyrim/i
but all what I see is a hag
urgent clarification is needed
use your brain, go back two threads
You want real cunnies you sick fuck?
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yep, it isn't too hard anon. you can even go past 100% if you manually type the text size.
Thanks, figured it out with a post 2 threads back. As you said.
Use Autobody/Obody set up with different presets by race, plus use presets with a wide range of variance between low and high weight, and also use CBPC for NPCs meant to have small boobs so they don't jiggle something they don't have
Does Seranafag like this Serana?
he likes that one the most
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Does the cheese put out?
It's about that time for a seranafag melty
He matured as a person thus he won't engage in a long argument. Solve your boredom somewhere else
he certainly hasnt, hes just spread himself thin with all the games out now, and their accompanying forums to terrorize. lucky for us.
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>40 minutes late
My routine is all sorts of screwed up now.
Idk what it is you're smoking but I want some
I did that a lot when I first started because I got too greedy
just playing the game and modding as I go helped me calm down and focus on installing one mod at a time and immediately testing it
learning how to manage mods and their conflicts is important long-term but there isn't much straightforward info about it desu
>install & enable a mod
>check mo2 and xedit conflicts
>solve them by adjusting priority, making a patch, or hiding/removing parts of the mod
>add any good plugin conflicts to an xedit mod group
>clean up and organize things modularly
I usually skip the last step desu but creating separate mods for patches, using mo2 separators, adding suffixes, and even notes can help a lot when looking at something forgotten months later
muddling through muh plethora of mods with search filters is what I end up doing most of the time thoughever
Lars has his eyes on the prize.. though I don't know what that prize is
what is this character and how can i get it as a follower
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whatcha doin /tesg/
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going insane
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scorched earth
Trying to figure out a good pack of mods for adding guns to the game, since I have a follower that was meant to pack a gun but never bothered to get her one
Drinking a pineapple juice and vodka cocktail (I call it a 'Yellow Fever')
Driving and texting as usual
Is this that one vampire poster?
I'm about to go bodyslide crazy.
send best cbbe bodyslides.
"Stump looks different."
That's a mother having a midlife crisis
I've been reformed
finishing up todays news and about to raid the wine cellar that is my fridge because im a degenerate. another day spent putting off modding skyrim and playing other games instead.
In the Popeye’s drive thru
When I get home I’m gonna play rocket league and then maybe get comfy in bed and play Skyrim on my deck
trying to go through a little todo list b4 bed
added parallax to road meshes, changed farmhouse door and wall texture
currently trying to add helms to sons of skyrim's guard outfits
editing rmb's spid thingy to not use its helmless outfits didn't seem to werk and now that I'm investigating xedit it's kind of confusing all-around
Some of these highwaymen aren't very smart.
How dare you give me the drunk munchies like that
Will Sifina get nice and meaty in the future?
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Looking at the climbing and traversal mods right now, I'm not sure this stuff actually enhanced the game any when I was testing it out. All it did gameplay-wise was make me stop to watch my character doing canned animations in dungeon hallways that used to be seamless, or add complete dungeon bypass shortcuts I didn't want to use.
Thoughts on climbing mods, tesgers?
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dicking around in blender
>Thoughts on climbing mods, tesgers?
'ate them
they are janky
Cool mechanic if you're making a new worldspace but obviously the base game simply wasn't designed for it
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Just did that quest for the guy in riften jail that asks you to find her ex gf so he can kill her.
I told him where she was and went back to find her body or anything and there she was, happy and alive.
What the hell todd?
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luv Todd
luv Skyrim
luv mods
luv Mara
but most of all
luv Serana.

Simple as.
>Thoughts on climbing mods, tesgers?
Return to Daggerfall
Hey Seranafag, do you have any thoughts regarding your stalwart fan recently lashing out and spamming kiddie pics in response to people making fun of you?
So did serana have multiple copies of her clothes in her tomb or she asked a tailor to make her matching outfits?
yes, the second law of waifudynamics says the total sliders of a preset either increase or remain constant; they never decrease

simply climb w/ invisible markers is nice to have when you want up a smol cliff without walking all the way around or strafe spam jumping
never got into the hand placed marker or ladder stuff tho
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Her outfit is pretty similar to Valerica's and a couple other "vampire nobles" so I think they had it as a sort of uniform. I got mine from her castle. She has lots of fancy and/or comfy dresses though, she doesn't really wear that anymore. And when we're away from town she has armor.
Hey Seranafag what do you think about this Serana? >>486911350
>completely ignores the question about his fanbase and the cheese pizza spam
Taking notes, taking notes. Seranafag doesn't care about such reprehensibility.
>whale tail
Why should he.
Personally it's a fine addition to any mod list and with SkyClimb that dynamically places parker on available ledges, you can pretty much use climbing to access areas that you aren't meant to be in any worldspace, modded or vanilla, and it's pretty fun exploring outside of the beaten path.
Does someone know how to edit ESP files? A guy added all the meshes and textures but forgot to add all the info to the ESP....
I dunno, Seranafag typically tries to put on airs and act as though he has a moral fiber.
Serana? Oh yeah... how could I forget that magical summer of '92
You are trying to instigating him? A wise man once said: "leave the king the fuck alone"
I guess it might be fun if I could climb anywhere in exterior areas. The hand-placed climb spots that weren't vibing with me are mostly in dungeons and didn't feel like they were enhancing traversal at all.
get real
you never told us what you are doing
I'm trying to see what he'll say about his pedo groupie. So far the silence speaks volumes.
Seranafag has proven to be the "king" of absolutely nothing good.
Seranafag is indeed the king of /tesg/ as he's the only poster who can start a 14 hours argument and keep everyone in check to listen and learn from the king.
Did the original elder scrolls general website host mods or nah? I have an incomplete archive of the website and I'm on the verge of deleting it.
whoa ho ho hoo are you pulling my dick with that one
Of course, with vanilla dungeons they are not designed with such mechanic in mind and hand placed markers aren't an ideal solution.. Modded new lands and dungeons however can facilitate that since some part of them unintentionally supports climbing as an option. You can probably get around quite fast with climbing some area in Vicn's Coldharbour, particularly the depth in sewer area.
Switched over to linux and sitting and wondering if I want to bother setting up morrowing on linux or not.
Whose the queen then?
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I am up
Not a fan in any way. It just comes across as haphazardly placed objects that exist for the sake of making you watch a canned animation under the guise of immershuin aimed at the type of buffoon that'll suck off any fotm mod until distracted by the next shiny object. It offers nothing compared to simple things like a need to jump a crossing or environmental traps that actually affect you. I'm also no fan of it in it's increasing popularity in the proverbial big budget movie game where every other moment it feels like you gotta shimmy some conveniently placed wall or squeeze your butt through a small gap, it's just padding taking place to fill the illusion of designed content.
>Whose the queen then?
Delgado $nakestone
>try some of Geldis’ sujamma
>get so blackout drunk that the game crashes
What did bro put in that drink?
>gifs u can hear

links mostly I think, lots of follower links got lost because the archive of the site didn't include them for some reason
anons tried recover the missing ones a few times with what they had on-hand
Yeah that's pretty much what I was thinking, in less sugar-coated terms.
None of these canned activators or expanded dungeons actually task the player with observing or reacting to their surroundings. They just place a wall in the way and tell you to press E.
I like to imagine he is dancing to crab rave, also its weird seeing a gen 1 pokemon, knowing its name phonetically, but not remembering how to spell it.
what knuckle dragging supernigger at bethesda decided to give orchendor teleport + pre/post teleport immunity + 100% magic resistance + self heal

i checked the uesp page to see if this was vanilla behavior because it was so retarded
why yes i alt tabbed and waited 60 seconds just to bitch in /tesg/
just use lightning bolts nigga
Probably the same genius that made Malkoran pack a unique version of Ice Storm that deletes 300 HP in a second flat despite being a quest available at level 12
Unironically why I like playing Breton, you don't have to really worry about magic resistance at all and when you get an item or spell that gives you 100% magic resistance then you virtually an unstoppable force unless you come across a character who is pure martial.
id rather they made tougher encounters than easier ones but those two are pretty funny in terms of escalation from bethesdas norm. me and beavis understand your frustration.
setting up my new rig
I'm so fucking addicted
>mod the game with 200+ mods for the past month
>"ok now I'll finally play the game"
>see another armour/follower/quest mod pack and go through a Matryoshka doll style download spree
>"ok finally I'll play the game"
>repeat step three again
I'm going insane when will it ever be enough
ride that high until you cant. its so very hard to get it back.
thank you for the commiseration bros i had to cheat to win

i don't mind tough battles but I don't use a levelling overhaul and was using a suboptimal build for RP reasons. my altmer battlemage was getting his ass kicked because the sword strikes couldn't kill him due to teleport immunity and he'd heal whenever he teleported somewhere else. obviously the magic didnt do shit, and im only level 18 or so
Question, can I just download a collection that doesn't have DynDOLOD and apply it myself afterwards? I heard you no longer have to download all the billboards and stuff with the new version, so it should be simple, right?
Went with the 4060?
This is me right now, I'm looking for a cool animation replacement. Something cool and flashy
Is this Yara? If so, that's been one helluva character evolution
>worldspace transition tweaks or terrain tamriel extend(optional)
>a clear map(optional)
that's kind of like the order of operations and options you have
some handholding here https://thephoenixflavour.com/bg/tool-setup/sselodgen/
and tips & trix here https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/SkyrimSE:Grass_LOD_Guide
Does tesg prefer pure or mixed classes? The way my game is set up pure classes tend to be more powerful since their primary damage skill levels alongside the enemy levels, but I still play mixed classes from time to time. The only exception to the pure classes = more power rule for me are nightblades.
Where are the toilets in Skyrim?
when im self inserting like a jackass, i usually play a more hybrid type class. if im roleplaying something else, its generally a specialist as im gunning for a certain playstyle.
looks like em to me
I couldn't find it. I made a mess.
as is the custom when visiting there
Is there anything I should know before playing the vampire dlc for Skyrim?
look where most buckets are placed, it will all make sense
wouldnt want to spoil the *experience* for you lol
expect vampires
There's new stuff, obviously, but nothing uncharacteristic for the base game (compared to, say, fallout 4 far harbor having like the same number of skill checks as the whole base game)
>it might actually take 17 years for a new elder scrolls game to come out
Are you serious todd?
get mihial's falmer vampires and snow elf zombies mods. you'll thank me later.
but skyrim came out 3 years ago
based coma anon managed to kill his reading and typing skills upon awaking
I tend to follow racial bonuses in skyrim when it comes to class
some races lean toward pure and others mixed, more-or-less
Gonna sort a few things out in my mod list, get rid of things that haven't ben used since forever.
>links mostly I think, lots of follower links got lost because the archive of the site didn't include them for some reason
Okay, well I'm gonna just delete it then.
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it looks cool at least. never tried the airship thing or waterships thing.
The airship was a recent addition and I like it enough. It's gonna stay unless there's a new version that uses SKSE instead of papyrus to move this thing around.
I figured
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I'm stealing from Games Workshop
skyrim is best at low levels given you always eventually bercome a warrior mage assasin archer anyway, so roleplaying is better between level 1 and 20 anyhow, so i would always start a new save and new mod setup when i feel like it.
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Would be great if someone made actual total overhaul of the game, tied this to dexterity stat and/or climbing/acrobatic skill and designed world with this in mind.
Otherwise it's a gimmick that sticks out like a sore thumb
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It's neat enough and doesn't conflict with anything, so I keep it installed and only really use it to fuck around with
The small dungeon that comes with the EVG mod is pretty meh but it includes a smug little alfiq that verbally abuses you, so it's a great experience if you wanna feel like you're browsing tesgee and there's catposters on the loose

What kinda info is missing in the ESP ? If it's something simple like an armour/weapon mod then it's a simple 5 minute process with the CK (make sure you have the CK fixes mod installed before attempting any of this)
>choose the .esp as active
>pick any vanilla record that's close enough to what you need (something like glass sword or iron armour); for wearables you gotta make an armour record as well as an armoraddon one
>copy it by renaming the ID and changing all the values you need, making sure it points to the new .nif in all necessary fields
Dunno if this is what you needed, but if you got questions just ask

I've noticed a recent uptick in SPID distribution mods on the Nexus, so you likely don't need to write your own anymore
There's also Skypatcher now, but there's far less mods patched to work with it and it's harder to tweak
bosmom shitmom
yarti sharti
chey *vomits*
you mean to post this in /aco/? lol
rent free
I haven't kept up with Skyrim modding in a while. Has Community Shaders surpassed ENB yet? Last I checked, ENB still looked far better. I'm just asking because the performance isn't that great.
lmao even
No and it never will you retards. Just use ENB. Get a proper computer.
>Get a proper computer.
Computation machine is expensive.
Nowhere close to ENB. Right now ENB is getting better cloud effect and some more while CS is playing catch up while offering worse look for the same effect.
Partake in professional employment and acquire currency
I already partake in professional employment and my acquisition rate of currency is at 12,60€ per hour.
Then save money for a few weeks dummy.
I cannot, for I have maney bills to paye.
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ENB shills will die crying and shitting their pants once the TRUE PBR build of CS goes public
how do i get this serana without making an Alcohol Tobacco Firearms account
That's the neat part, you don't!. It's intentionally gatekept from fence-sitters like yourself
are there any mods that add hotkey sets so it'd be easier to manage posing? i just have way too many mods that need hotkeys, and i can't keep all of them on the same buttons..
You make 2k a month in Europe, even with your bills you should be able to save for a nice gpu in a short time unless you aim for a 4080 or 90
what ENB should i use
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fuck the alcohol tobacco firearms community
lazy fucks good for nothing
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I want to (finally) play Morrowind and want to know The Essentials™ and less Essentials (especially in regard to combat)

hope a kind anon replays..
>Patch for Purists
That's it.
Bros. Does Synthesis work for Loonix now or does .NET Framework still fuck shit up?
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Call me a faggot if you want but I genuinely didn't know that there's a dead giant crab in White run hold until yesterday.
that's okay, faggot. No one thinks less of you for it
my hometown Markarth should get a lot more love
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Correct, kill all vamkek
in what way? theres all sorts of bullshit quests involved in that town.
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noooo... he turned my beloved wife Ysolda into a drug dealing capitalist! ACK!
I actually really like these character expansion mods. Glad he isn't afraid to use AI for the voices too.
Why are you trying to game on linux
Unfortunately the way the AI keeps emphasizing the wrong words for the context is a deal breaker for me on these mods, like so many AI products the output is still "good but not good enough"
Maybe I'm just so used to shitty XVAsynth mods over the years, but the step up in quality with Elevenlabs is huge. I can easily look past a few flaws in the way it sounds. What really triggers me is shitty grammar more than anything, which this modder doesn't have a problem with, and he's from China so that's saying something.
Xvasynth was indeed atrocious, but those were so bad I refused to use them because that would be assaulting my poor ears
The issue with Eleven is that they all sound like poorly-directed voice actors who were just given lines to read and no instruction on how to emote, like how everyone dunks on Farengar Secret-Fire's line delivery
The thing with 11labs is that it does have emotion, but there's no fucking way to control it at all. They expect you to just keep hitting generate until you get something passable which ends up just costing you more money. XVAsynth has much more control over the ups and downs of tone and delivery.
Breed a vamp
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Die monster, you don't belong in this world
i remember this doujin. it didn't end well
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>no way to control it
>he didn't actually use it when it was free, or otherwise was too dumb to realize that long spaces, capitalization, and punctuation greatly affected both the manner of speech and the emotions it gave off.
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Nah, i'd win
Yeah obviously. It still always takes multiple times to generate and try new things, costing you more money. My conspiracy theory is that they purposefully make it more obtuse like this instead of letting you tweak individual words, so you end up spending more.
Does anyone but the most brainded clueless NPC niggas even use anything newer than 1.5.97 unironically?
I am building a new load order and in the downloads section there's so many AE versions that it seems like a fucking nightmare especially since Todd bullodzes everything every 2 weeks when he releases a new CC paid dwemer gear re-texture out of spite and makes it a new game version.
In comparison SE can be made compatible with everything with minimum effort, no one touches it anymore and is basically feature complete.
What's not to like apart from having to fight Steam to prevent it from updating this shit
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l can't tell if you're being genuine or not.
That used to be the case a year ago, but now it is slightly different (despite AE being subdivided into three main groupings as modders refuse to update) as the majority of the basic mods have been ported over and any of the abandoned (non-scripted) SE mods will work anyways.

The new gist of the matter is that if you have SE and an SE modlist then there is no point to updating past it.
If you are starting fresh then you can either downgrade to one of the less current AE builds or SE, or stay on current AE and build your modlist.
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Which race is the likeliest to have THE fattest ass in TES?
Most people aren't in deep enough to care. Anyone seriously into modding as a hobby will for sure stay on 1.5 indefinitely.
Vermin Sload sounds like a Star Wars name. Regale me, what's /v/ about appreciating big booty? Or perhaps you would have preferred an image that didn't remind you that other games exist, like this?
>you can either downgrade to one of the less current AE builds
meme answer. Anyone who updated past 1.5.97 but decided "ehhh I think I'll freeze updates right here at this arbitrary patch 1.6.?? for some reason" is a cuck and I hate you. Either stay on 1.5.97 or the most recent patch.
because non-humans like large posteriors on average, and the majority of /v/ermin are either non-human or from non-human countries.
And other games are off-topic.
The image was just a visual aid, but I am absolutely interested in creating a Rainbow Mika look-a-like and that is my entire goal. Regardless, I think you and your opinion both belong in an unmarked landfill. Have a nice day.
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For me, not at all
This shit takes too long to put together and I am too greedy and too lucky to ever do that shit
I never follow any advice never activate shit one by one as I do not have the time for that
I activate shit all at once, I just activated 50 mods 5 minutes ago
It almost always just works
Do oo they all work as intended?
Couldn't care, as long as the key features i actually wanted work right and everything else kinda feels right I am fine
I will then declare my mod order complete, proclaim
>it just werks
And proceed to drop 10 mods per week all at once that break shit and then I randomly get lucky and fix it and the process repeats
I will never learn, you can't make me

My favourite past-time is, moving SOS around in the load order by accident until it's fucked completely and I have to reinstall it and 5 other mods
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I agree, it is a pasta from a whiles back.
I also have this one if you like?

AE brings only some minor content with it, which would be compatible with everything under the sun if it weren't for the fact Todd decided to update the .exe just so it could accommodate the windows store. By doing so, AE is not compatible with SE's SKSE, which means that all SE SKSE mods will not work with AE. The good news is that every other mod does work just fine with AE without needing to do anything. The reason the most common advice you'll be given regard AE is to downgrade is because there are a lot of minor SE SKSE mods that will never be updated as well as .NET Script Framework a major mod backbone for quite a few mods, meanwhile there is no functional reason to use AE. The new .exe does not bring any features or optimizations, contrary to a very misguided reddit post, it does not runs better in any measurable way. Even the Creation Club content, the only thing AE was even made to ship with, can be safely run on SE with the exception of "The Cause" which only requires AE's .bsa files to run normally. There are no mods worth anyone's time that are AE only. And if there are, they will likely be few and far in-between. There will however be plenty of SE only SKSE mods as most of those authors aren't in the scene any longer and the source is not available. Again, the entire problem lies entirely with SKSE mods, everything else works fine. The best of both worlds patcher https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57618 will downgrade your AE without you needing to think too hard. There are simpler methods linked in the OP as well, if you haven't upgraded yet or made a backup of SE. And if you still need the pre-AE USSEP you can also reference the OP or use Nexus's archive https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/266?tab=files&file_id=209150
NTA but what he said isn't an opinion, it is statistics.
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The three Skyrim patches modders have to work with:
Oldfags who refused to update principally because of shitty marketplace bullshit, and the fact that AE offers literally no improvements to the game. (still fully supported over two years later and Creation Club mods work perfectly fine on it) New mods will make versions for it going forward, as it's established as the patch for serious modders.
Updooooterfags who must UPDATE to the current patch no matter what. Get with the times dude! All mods will be updated for sure (they weren't). W-wait what do you mean there's another patch? I'm staying right here forever! Screw updating bros. I'm freezing updates!
>1.6.??? most recent patch
Normalfags who are new to modding. You can count on modders to make this patch work for any new mods going forward, and some old mods may be updated, possibly maybe who knows.
Which one of these sounds like a stable modding experience?
Average Rally fan vs Average Elsopa enjoyer
Which Daedric Prince is the one the swimming mayne who flies into the ocean?
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Oh I see what is going on, a newcomer has entered the thread semi-recently, and still believes that Thread Quality = Thread Speed.
what is blud waffling about
Not very surprising, it happens every time a TES youtube video is made or a TES thread is made on /v/, which is nearly daily.
I think I’d like to be the Jarl of Falkreath it seems like a chill job innawoods. I would also like to have sex with Khajiit women.
vagueposting, ignore him
how do you guys manage the insufferable namefag?
asking for /bgg/
trash general and your namefag is impersonating him
he's not even there right now, you big mong. just do what /stag/ & /cp77g/ did.
When Jarl Elisif gets made High King she can get wambo slambo upside her pussy.
bully him relentlessly, call him all variations of retard and that him liking used/damaged-goods women is fucking pathetic.
That's how /stag/ got him to fuck off.
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already too late, he's like a tick
I wish, no it's him

>just do what /stag/ & /cp77g/ did.
what did they do? I didn't know he was in CP77 too, let me guess "Kerry Eurodynefag"?
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Checks out
>already too late
My condolences.
>what did they do?
he didn't stay long enough to establish a name.
he was already a sarahfag in starfield before game even came out
I want to play skyrim again, but the base game combat is too shitty and clunky
overhauls only seem to try to turn it into dark souls, which is fine I guess, but it doesnt fix the clunky swings or hitboxes
I'm in both threads and he's fine in both. one of the more helpful and positive people in both. this drama shit always feels so fake and forced. not to mention off topic
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this Seranafag Defense Force post you always make is fake and forced, little poofer.
it's literally on nexus
>but it doesnt fix the clunky swings or hitboxes
precision does
kinda weird to see the same exact kind of samefagging, but in two different threads
If my Skyrim Grandpire became a Living God then that might be enough reason for The Last Dragonborn to come back and finish the job.
This but unironically. The average jaded 4channer won't get that, unfortunately.
you've quickly adapted to the average /tesg/ poster's nooticing powers
>precision does
Is this something that just adds actual hitboxes to weapons instead of it being "aimed"?
I've not touched skyrim in a long time, since like 2019 infact
which reminds me
over 10 years ago, when I uploaded audio files of Serana in Italian because the namefag wanted her to speak a language similar to imperial
I made a mistake
forgive me /tesg/
is /bgg/ still a shithole filled with Shart & frog simps?
Yes, it does exactly that
You may have just saved skyrim for me
Finally third person will be playable for once
Will likely stick to first person anyway but the thought counts
Skyrim combat is fine you just need to play on legendary the whole game so you actually go from a little piss baby who can’t even look at a bandit for the first 4 hours to the chosen one. Skyrim is a macro decision game not a micro one, modfags have no idea why skyrim is good and think it should be dark souls.
I recommend doing no enchantment runs personally they do nothing but break the game, become a purist.
grim, it's why I stopped checking it around release
Swings are slow and clunky and just have very little impact, it isnt necessarily a damage problem, it just feels awful
Very few games have good feeling melee combat nowadays
Skyrims really fast weapons feel better because the impact is night identical to heavier weapons, so it doesnt feel as bad
>become a purist.
I did a unarmed no fast travel run once. It took around 300 hours but it was nice
Seranafag was around 10 years ago?
Always. Namefag is over 40 years old
Pretty endearing if true no way I can spare the same energy over a video game character.
>Will likely stick to first person anyway but the thought counts
if you're a first person chad, make sure to get comprehensive first person animation overhaul (cfpao) aka the only good 1st person combat anim mod.
I'm getting excited again which is bad because that usually leads to 4 day modding binges
Name one cool character in Skyrim
We had waifufags in the early 2010s who were in their early 40s and late 30s. Literally 50 year olds now
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erik ho pusher
That's genuinely pathetic.
>Everyone will be 50 when TES:VI will be out
Once we mocked Mai. Now we're all Mai.
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Yeah when Skyrim came out I was in my late 20's. Had two long and involved if unfulfilling and soul-crushing relationships, got a job which amounts to a career I guess even if it's not what I studied for and a monkey could do it, lost all hopes of writing the next great American novel or even the next great American webcomic and just accepted my fate as a drudge with a relative amount of financial security thanks to living below my means, and now I'm approaching 40.

Know what the one constant there has been? Skyrim.

Skyrim beats all that shit and it keeps me tethered to sanity. When the next TES drops when I'm 50 it'll be much the same... or it'll be crap and I'll just keep playing Skyrim.
take your chips and cash out before it's too late,.that's what I'm doing
>wanted her to speak a language similar to imperial
>I made a mistake
Yeah the fucking mistake is that she's not a fucking Imperial. How do people not know her and her parents are Nords?
Is there any mega/torrent/pixeldrain, etc links for big modpacks like Wildlander?
You don't see how many retards inhabit this place?
I think the problem with enchantments is that they are amazing for feeling your wizard/spellsword powerlevel go to fucking godlike tiers which is very good
But the game does not really put you up against similarly godlike enchanters/spellswords so it never feels like rising to the top level, and just feels like becoming too OP.
Enchanting should take longer to max, be harder to max, while keeping the same power ceiling. You should also sometimes run into these maxed out enchanting monsters so you can have something to rise up to to beat as a purist.
Just make sure to somehow lock these top armors so you can't cheeze it and get them at lvl 1, lock them behind maxing out the enchanting skill perchance.

Any mods that do this? I am curious now how it would feel in gameplay
Where to check them?
Well they're on Nexus too. I'm remembering that mod that made Balgruuf an Imperial because it was the only way the mod author could justify him siding with Tulius over Ulfric in their head.
the usual places, stop being lazy.
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Yep, it was a weapon. Guess I'll download the CK from steam and put it on my GOG folder
Oh shit I was installing these the other day, nice Ysolda is out. Thanks anon... haha another mod to install
In complete, "serana" and "valerica" are very latin-sounding names.
That said, Harkon is two letters off from Haakon which is one of the most generic viking names right next to Olaf and Bjorn.
>Breed a vamp
T. Molag
I do not remotely feel bad for installing mods that make elves look like cute weeb elves with very wiggly ears
>Oi, cunt. 'omelanduh stole me wife's son
godspeed anon, if you need help just ask
no idea how anyone is using that follower, her outfit turns into vertex explosions and trying to remove it in CK doesn't help, just causes her to crash the game.
been thinking about remaking her in racemenu but slightly hotter so i don't have to deal with all that.
i know, i shoudl fix it, one day...
oh yeah so how's that coming along? havent checked on it since summer last year.
Idk most popular usual places don't have them
I fucking hate combat animation mods and wasn't able to make DynDoLOD work, fuck it my game looks much better than vanilla anyway
>I fucking hate combat animation mods
My brother, you get to pick the animation
GIN BLOSSOMS, assholes. This is called GIN BLOSSOMS. Also known as "alcohol flush reaction". A reddening of the fucking nose, sometimes accompanied by the cheeks and neck, due to a reaction from alcohol consumption. Even vanilla Skyrim NPC's suffer from this because Nords are implied to be heavy drinkers. This is NOT "Tumblr nose" you faction-obsessive fucks.
I'm sure one day I'll switch to MO2 (i made the mistake of starting with vortex) but i already have more than 100 mods so it's not going to happen yet and everything is working except this fucking mod that doesn't let me do half of the stuff I should be able to https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73106
>over 100 mods
lightweight, you won't survive the winter. Switch to mo2 before you hit 500.
thought you were in the /v/ thread eh?
Don't give a fuck who asked. Sick of seeing it anytime a character here or in some replacer has even a slight reddening of the nose. Consider yourselves educated, not that it means a goddamn thing. Memes trump knowledge around here.
>only slightly more than 100
lazy fuck, you can easily just copy the mods over and just shift the plugins around.
This is why people make fun of vortex users.
I know where the fuck I am, and I haven't been to /v/ in two years. Or are you going to pretend "tumblr nose" doesn't get thrown around every chance people get here too?
>Sick of seeing it anytime a character here or in some replacer
>ctrl+f tumblr
>1 result, your post
Hmm, seems like you're getting agitated from some other thread somewhere else.
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if you had access to racemenu irl, would you use it on your own mom?
Did serana drink a bunch of gin in that coffin or did the mod author ape a popular make up application for e thots? Hmmmm....really blossoms my gin....
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>Or are you going to pretend "tumblr nose" doesn't get thrown around every chance people get here too?
Yes you retarded tourist.
Stop fishing for drama that doesn't exist and kill yourself, as that shit hasn't been said in over a month at least that's how far back I just went through the archives
blud is fighting the ghost voices in his head
>dyndolod crashes 45 minutes in
see >>486992467 and >>486993134
Time is an illusion. Hatred is eternal.
Blood having a similar effect to overindulging in alcohol on vampires would be interesting.
>17 years to hear feedback and design the perfect game
>Todd will still make stupid as fuck game design choices
Okay, okay, I'll install some armor mods, the Ysolda and after playing a bit I'll switch to MO2
Could they have written a worse guide for obody? Fucking hell. I still can't change shit.
I think the guide is okay, worked for me and I'm the guy who usually has problems
worked fine for me
So, skyrim is not going to receive more updates, right? Please stop...
The issue is absolutely me trying to apply this to a MO2 pack and something is not reaching the "production" game from the staging folders. I can see the list of presets in game to apply, but none of them do.
>install only the base engine fixes all the main mods I want need + suggestions from the guide
>game won't launch
>skill uncapper is throwing an error
>I just switched from vortex so go to the archive to double check if it's installed correctly
>it's not there
>its in some MO2 virtual folder
>does it fucking deploy it on the fly?
>ill just switch it to deploy physically
>MO2 doesnt support it
Am I really having to pick between a retarded vortex which needs to be worked around to activate some mods and MO2 which supports it but does not let me see what it's actually fucking deploying and where and just
It's not fucking it up?
How am I to get Nemesis working?
Last time I only got it working through some random fucking issues through manually editing the files in the folder
How am I supposed to do it if it's in MO2s magical fucking pocket dimension at all times and I have no guarantee it's doing what I want it to
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>modpackfags still retarded
>all of that
you might actually be retarded, anon.
I figured it out, typically right after I whinge to other people.
What do you mean deploying? You install skill uncapper and can see it in mo2's virtual data folder tab on the right pane and you'll know if it's running by testing for it. Nemesis is installed in mo2 like a normal mod, then you run the executable and personally I have all behavior data that it generates dragged into a separate output folder that I created in my mod list.
I used vortex
>install mod packs
>main menu is now a fully animated dragon
vanilla chuds seethe
>install modpacks
>3 minutes into game
>MC gets raped by a pack of wild redguards
vanilla weaklings seethe
He really is trying too hard.
You run xEdit and Nemesis through MO2, what's the problem here?
Everything that's checked on the left side is what's being loaded.
It's actually this one, comes with standalones. The adoptables might need ningheim race assets.
I also converted the LE Cute Serana on the workshop which seems to have been cut out from the above link. This one has the hairstyle from the OP image.
There used to be a matching voice mod but I can't be arsed to find it. Probably backed up on ATF.
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Quiet Khajit
What gooncave are you from betas?
I used to mod Fallout 3 by directly dropping stuff in the data folder.
How are people having such a hard time?
Why are you doxxing me, chud!
but you can't use racemenu on npcs
you would have to first become your mom then export it to overwrite her facegen
Gang, Bethesda has unionised
Tfw no werewolf mom
Yeah, then I'll use SOS to give myself a massive dick
nice self report shrimpy
anyone remember there was an anon here that actually has sex dolls? that's next level waifu shit
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Is it worth holding off on doing the civil war side questline in skyrim in order to do the "peace treaty" stuff in the main questline?
normally I've always completed it for the stormcloaks or empire by the time I reach that point in the main quest, so it gets bypassed
So, there's a downgrade patcher for the 1.6.1170 version, Right? Right?
It's faster than fighting for either faction since you can skip dialog and memorize the correct options
I'm a redguard too
Chocolate elfs own me sex
just download the old steam depot files
I'm never using vortex again. I installed a mod collection using it, deployed, then decided to delete the mods folder since they already been deployed. For some reason deleting then didn't free up the storage amount they occupied (despite their backup I made on my HD did take the space) and I can't help but think I forever lost 60GB worth in my SSD and who the fuck knows where it is.
Careful, anons, modding carelessly can fuck your PC up.
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I agree that vortex is garbage, but anon....
using vortex is like a bimbofication curse
it makes the user dumb
>mod collection
brain issue
Do I look like a know what a large reference in a non-master plug-in is? I just want see my gat dang house from this gat dang mountain
clean your plugins bucko
Are there any morrowloot esque mods that don't require USSEP? I'm on VR so I can't just patch it back, if there's a way to get it to work on VR that would also be fine, but I fucking hate that mod, its like herpes.
gah dangit bobby fix those dirty edits boy
why do you even want to use morrowloot?
>bandits in his game are level 100 and use ebony armor
I dislike level scaling. If you know of any alternative mods, please tell me, even if they don't to the exact same thing, as long as the address the level scaling issue somewhat, and don't require USSEP, I'm willing to try it.
read the OP the recommended USSEP and patch for it is there
afraid you dont have a choice because most mods require it anyway.
OWL if you want zones deleveled
Artifacts (no longer on nexus) and Reliquary of Myth if you want shiny shit placed in the world
True Unleveled Skyrim synthesis patch + NPC Stat Rescaler
or unlike what this >>487014164...anon...is suggesting.
You could just make an empty esp and name it after the USSEP to fulfill the requirements for almost everything that "requires" it, as it being a requirement is 9.9/10 times just from the mod author being a lazy bitch.
morrowloot does nothing about level scaling

bandits don't get ebony armor is skyrim larping /v/edditor
trailblazers is really good, I should've been using it way earlier
really? I get the "..." boomer treatment over something thats been solidified in these thread's OP's for ages but your retarded advice is better?
yeah go and tell that to 99% of mod authors, see how it turns out bub.
He's implying that you're arthmoor
i'll shove my full keyboard up his hole for it then
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> the "..." boomer treatment
>been solidified in these thread's OP's for ages
>for ages
Christ you zoomers and gen-alphas are rock-IQ creatures.
It's a well known method of circumventing requirement of the USSEP and USLEEP before it.
It wouldn't work if what the anon said was true and mod authors weren't just being lazybones.
>"don't install modpacks"
>"fuck you and your gatekeeping, /tesg/. I'm installing a modpack"
>"wtf nothing works"
Does anyone have any exp with setting up morrowind for linux? Weirdly enough I found openmorrowind is a maintained repo on my distro (mint) lol
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OpenMW should just work.
nah, new players should always use a modpack
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I've yet to encounter a modpack less than 100GB.
Everyone point at this dude with the small mod folder and laugh!
brother, I have a folder with 700 mods and it's only 75 Gbs
700 mods is basically vanilla plus
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that's cute and all but what does that have to do with the storage size?
xlodgen and dyndo are 20 gigs by themselves. Also not sure how you're hitting 700 mods without touching retexture and new mesh mods that are several gigs each. Do you have a bunch of redundant patches and 200 "new sword" mods?
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>have not played in a few days
>forgot what i was going to do
>20 gigs by themselves
christ alive man, what resolution are you working at?
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yeah sure
>xlodgen and dyndo are 20 gigs by themselves
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I have so many good memories from when I installed custom quests, loli mods and other japanese followers on skyrim and a few other follower weaks, it actually felt like having a party ready for adventure
1440p, it takes 3 hours to run the xlodgen, texgen, dyndo gauntlet
since you're a /tesg/ user the most likely option is fapping to your weird fetish and sharing it with everyone else
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how the fuck do you people have such huge folders? my mod folder that contains like 8 or so games worth of mods isnt even 8gb
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>xlodgen and dyndo are 20 gigs by themselves
>two bloatmax programs that only matter to screearchers are fucking huge in size
whodathunk it, good thing I don't care about such silliness.
how much vram do you have??? are you using the most powerful CPU on the planet?

You do not need to have them at that resolution
>>two bloatmax programs that only matter to screearchers are fucking huge in size
is this how you LEddites cope?
oh it's just this retard again
But do I install mw on wine or is the procedure different?
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Look man, I just run the programs I'm told to. If there's a trick to setting the game to a smaller resolution in the launcher then running the trio, I'm not aware of it
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>how the fuck do you people have such huge folders?
you collect mods as you go, everything really. we live in age where most mods are flagged light so you don't have to worry about hitting the limit too much, plus things like good Internal SSDs are dirt cheap nowadays
n'wah you said it yourself that they are 20 gbs, that is fucking large for no meaningful reason.
No wine, you just need the Morrowind data files, and OpenMW will ask you to direct to their location.
If you hover over the different settings you get a tooltip telling you what they do. You're going for the highest settings, which is why it takes so long.

I don't blame you for not knowing, though. Sheson's website is a fucking nightmare to read.
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anyone know if there is a story to go with Pinewatch?
Just some high elf woman spending her long life digging and studying some nord place while some bandits found out about it and raped her to death and claimed it as a base?
Well you would have to install morrowind first to get the data files won't you?
20 gigs is fucking nothing for xlodgen and dyndolod
you'd hit that with two new lands on good quality LODs and textures without seasons
>checked my mods folder out of curiosity
>455 items
>88 gigs
>most of that is the HD PS4 VO's and something else i just forgot
genuinely how the FUCK do you make LOD files take up more space than HD voice lines?
You only need to download Morrowind, you don't need to run it, so wine is unnecessary.
yes and for what end result?
How the hell have you managed to generate such unoptimized LODs
>uhh its unoptimized because....IT JUST IS OKAY
this nigga is the type of retard who converts mkvs to 3gp just because it takes less space
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>xlodgen and dyndo are 20 gigs by themselves
I hate how modpacks are either:
1- modest 30 to 50 GB worth packs that pretty things up slightly but are basically vanilla+, not adding new stuff(weapons, quests, armor, etc) or overhauling game mechanics but instead just making the game how it should have been on release.
2- at least 300GB worth 4K, enb-injected screenarchery bullshit and that revamps the game so much it is basically a different game. Bonus points if it's a HARDCORE SURVIVAL modpack that takes in account the size of your character's balls for stealth and inventory weight.
I just want a middle ground, for fuck's sake.
using up that much space when it shouldn't is unoptimised.
No nigga, that shit is too large
That's why you should just get TOYMY
is 20gb too much space for you?
How are you going to determine how big my lod folders should be without knowing my mod list?
Considering mine is 8gb and includes multiple new lands mods, yes.
imagine being a spacelet
Considering that my own is 10gb. Yes
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>retarded anons are arguing against an equally retarded shitposter over fucking dindulod and LOD sizes again.
This episode has aired too fucking often, I'm calling the cable company.
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My fellow Imperials, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as Emperor for the remainder of my term. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for General Tullius to be the leader of our Empire.
Imperials — it’s time to come together and beat Ulfric. Let’s do this.
Which race of females is the most fragrant
I love how every time it gets called out, the bait shifts to a different subject again.
>ywn huff armpits in a redguard+orc sauna
>arguments I like
>arguments I don't like
>shitposting retards
>downloaded darker nights
>having fun
>but then realize my armor is disappearing if i zoom like 4ft or farther away
it was fun but the mod has to go
feel a little called out there, sport?
want to go on and talk about sniffing females now?
Which waifus are most sniffable?
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pic related. I mean it's literally in the name.
I have dyslexia, not sure if it matters
Why? I didn't use one
I installed skyland AIO, what city overhaul do you anons recommend to use along that?
Easier, if you see a mod you want you can drop it in most of the time without issue. If users reach a point where the mods they want to add cause issues, then they should learn the tools
>just now found out that bound battleaxe is a thing
talk me out of a nord shaman
Conjuration is boring and damage sucks ass late game
Conjuration is fun and damage sucks ass late game
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here you go have fun.
I just realized that every waifu with short, red hair that's been posted within the past five years has her tummy exposed by default.
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Potema Septim for Empress
A Lydia a day keeps the doctor away.
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What in oblivion is THAT!?
I believe that is what some call....a collar
I think Serana wears one of those.
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no no, you see, Serana wears a choker.
a sexual item, and hers has the face of her object of worship, the one that raped her into being a vampire.
That's hot, now her mom please
Oh, you're right.
Seranafag was the one wearing the collar.
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god dammit anon, I'm drinking here.
Porn thread is on page 11, someone bake a new one so we can continue arguing about shit waifus
I'd rather have it die and take Goblino poster with it
Cabal is mad because the /aco/ has been taken over by their enemies
>no sunday bunday
What a shame.
How many ass shots and repeated ass shots do you need before it gets trivial? Speaking of pictures, why doesn't /tesg/ have a booru to post character pictures on?
there used to be one way back
What happened to it?
I will never tire of booty.
How do I make a new thread
I don't see you posting any
My booty pics are too spicy for you, anon. You'll have to find an anon who posts safer booty pics.
Where's Niimesposter, Wrasslinanon or Bosmom when you need them? I want bare butts.
I wish bare butts was an entirely safe play to make.
A pedophile by the name of Zix convinced the general to abandon that booru and make a new one that he would be admin of, essentially so he could post his pedo shit which wasn't allowed in the original one. All the pictures were ported to the new booru but almost nobody actually uploaded anything new there because by that time everyone got into tumblr, and not a long time later we started the nsfw thread in /aco/. And then discord happened too. So nobody gives a shit about boorus anymore.
If any of these boorus still exist I doubt you'll find pictures newer than like 2016 or 2017 in them. But there are others like R34 and sankaku where someone not from this general uploaded a ton of newer pics he must have grabbed from the /aco/ threads.
>All the pictures were ported to the new booru but almost nobody actually uploaded anything new there because
Forgot to mention most waifufags didn't really want anything to do with that pedo faggot and his skyrim CP site, too.
this name seems familiar somehow and I'm not sure why, I wasn't around then.
I went with a jk's + dawn of skyrim patch when I used cities mods for the first time
it added lots of clutter to see with a couple new routes and areas but didn't change style very much
other than dawn of skyrim being more leik laundry of skyrim which made me want to into laundry mods
it is mesh and doodad heavy thoughever so fps might be kill if you're own a slow cpu
Zixaphir was the full name
I think the only regular who was interested in the new booru was another pedo faggot by the name of Marisa or something like that. It's been a while.
Bosmom only posts bare tits
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racemenu cant fix brain damage so no. plus shes already an angel.
Didn't like atlantean?
with how OP smithing and Alchemy can get, this is a silly post to make.
i literally cant. conjuration archer is one of my favorite things. if damage starts to suck just start the fortify 2h damage fuckery.
>with how OP smithing and Alchemy can get, this is a silly post to make.
My mods fix your gay exploit
I'm using it w/ riton landscape atm and liking it but I've been focusing on the outdoors and farmhouses desu
haven't touched the city bits yet
Little Woofer, I'm starting to think you may have a thing against the Empire....
we know shartmore
The very same object of worship she praises the player for also worshipping.
Depends which cabal you mean. Many of a certain cabal already post there.
im not talking about the loop dude you can be plenty powerful doing it the "legit" way
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check and mate
with molag
who are some cabalfus
Niggly Wiggly.
be the change you want to be anon

if only the main quest didn't shove dragons up muh buns until after the civil war
now that I think about it, timing is everything might've had an mcm to adjust dragon attack frequency
I'd rather hoont them at word walls
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bro your unbound reborn?
>all these cool hd legendary sword mods
Where are me maces
I love my wife's big brownie buttox
oh ye
rather than frequency I think unbound had mcm settings to begin the dragon attacks and word wall spawns
thanks anon
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>Dunno if this is what you needed, but if you got questions just ask
Yeah I edited the esp with CK but now my sword don't want to leave my hips. I hit people with an imaginary sword. Any idea why? I followed a guide and I did every step
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it wasn't like this
suddenly more skyrim/modding threads are pumping on /v/
My warlock shadow priest void assassin could beat all of your characters, probably
I'd piss on your warlock shadow priest void assassin
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bros I just want a wife
not those bimbo looking whores that makes you horny 24/7
just a wife
>no snow under the roof
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>he doesn't want his wife to make him horny 24/7
Harkon? He likes to watch
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I noticed it too
any knowers that know something?
then im afraid youre going to have to make her yourself
but it was like that?
I wouldn't knoow, I haven't visited that shitheap in years.
that's my salve privilege
I nooticed that once the shitposting here died down the number of threads and shitosting therein increased dramatically.
it's because bethesda unionised
nothing is happening
carry on with your waifu postin'
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showed up in whiterun to talk to amaund motierre and I get the fucking in my time of need prompt
What is this am I feeling?
They should make a video game set in a rugged, mountainous region, where you can trek across snowy tundra and misty forests. There would be dungeons to explore, monsters to battle, and towns to visit with stories, factions, and quests to uncover. You would define your path and who you are based on the activities you focus on, like swinging a sword, using healing magic, or sneaking around. I think it could be a pretty cool game.
we know who this is cropped or not
Skyrim currently exists
pfft yeah maybe 10-years ago
the industry literally can't even nowadays
Your wish has been answered, and the monkey's paw curls. TES6 takes place in Skyrim.
Oh monkeys paw, I wish for a fully implemented female reproduction system
thats a good way to get the ovaries moved to the male anus
Your wish has been answered, and the monkey's paw curls another finger. Full sex and pregnancy are in TES6, but so is a radiant world event in which you can get cucked.
Big ass scorpion
Oh great monkey paw, I think anon meant for him, not the game
this is just a direct upgrade
hearthfire already added cucking into skyrim, but not pregnancy
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>getting cucked is an upgrade
Why would you not only be a cuck, but admit to being one on here?
>hearthfire added cucking
what the fuck are you talking about
I do believe they're referring to adoption of children.
the word cuck has lost all fucking meaning I swear to god.
seemed to me he was referring to the fact your spouse can get kidnapped
>hearthfire already added cucking into skyrim, but not pregnancy
They're not talking about kidnapping in this context at all
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We just don't know.
I've had Wyrmstooth installed for all these years but never got past the intro because I can never be arsed to depart for an entire different worldspace
Are there rewards and such worth coming out here for?
>Why would you not only be a cuck
nice reading comprehension, friendo
>what the fuck are you talking about
your wife can get abducted from hearthfire homes by bandits

badass invertebrate detected
>your wife can get abducted from hearthfire homes by bandits
that's not cuckoldry
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>mormon end game is literally CHIM where you created a new universe for you to rule
The fuck
>erm, ackshually, there is no circumstantial evidence to indicate that the bandits are raping your waifu when they abduct her. Source??? Do you have a source for your claim???
cuckoldry is when someone fucks your partner and you enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it it's not cuckoldry.
Whether or not she was raped is irrelevant.
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>my vidya wife has been kidnapped
>I really hope they're fucking her
Leave your pathetic fetish out of this
>forgot my spouse
Who is, coincidentally, an Imperial
That's so many words I can't be bothered to read. Consider a career as a novelist instead of shitposting.
>Consider a career as a novelist instead of shitposting.
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>desu that's debateable.
A Lydia a day keeps the depression away
>not posting the best one
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I think the obsession with the dog waifu is as unhealthy as the hate boner anons have for those hagfus.
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I like that they kept the revered dragon weird in this mod. Now it looks like a spinosaur.
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I think it's like 2 people max
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Personally, I just have a boner for the hagfus.
What's Skyrim like for you anons after all your quests are completed? or is that new character time?
Recommend me some heavy armor, this one was cool https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/98609?tab=description but I'm looking for something without a skirt or something that looks similar to that
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Skytroon moment haha

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Its more than two people because I'm the original anon that was making edits and I was gone for about 2 to 3 weeks.
That's a lot of Lydias, too bad is the wrong Lydia though :^)
I don't get it.
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There must be at least 3 of us if my noticing skills are not failing me.
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Perhaps but why does this matter? Cream rises to the top and Lydia and Octavia are just top tier :^)
the pipeline
Average Kaidan fan vs Average Auri enjoyer
>at least 3 of us
>urge to mod from vanilla again to apply slightly better organizational skills
>considering reinstalling windows on a slightly different build just for a classic theme
must remember it'll take weeks to get back where I started
must resist the f r e s h
I have so many customized versions of mod files that I'm well past the point of no return for fresh installs
It's ride or die, baby
*taps the sign*
an interesting point. i wonder what that anon thinks about dudes who make waifus but dont post them.
>Implying that if your waifu was easy to get that it would be "better".
Women want to be wanted and waifus are no different.
We call this "maintaining the illusion" anon
>waifuposter hates sexual comments
They love to play tease with each other but nooo don't fuck my waifu in front of everyone. I won't blame it on orcposting, the culture around sharing followers has changed and the reason is pretty fucking gay.
The hag shitfus are unironically the most 2013 waifus ever created here.
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I know I'm not the only one nooticing.
Imagine how much shit is stuck between her cheeks. Also this isn't cheese.

dragons were in vanilla
>baitpost doesn't make sense
I, too, am shocked.
So, All of the CC was made by more or less the following modders:
>Trainwiz (local autist of Wheels of lul fame)
>Kris Takahashi (3DNPC)
>PrivateEye (Heavy/Royal Armory, Pit fighter)
>FadingSignal (True Storms, Skysight Skin (wtf), a bunch of rand but decent textures)
>and Elinora (Breezehome, uhhhh, the main clothing pack for Fo4)
Is that all?
>over halfway through 2024
>still not beyond skyrim release
>no skyblivion either
>or any big projects
Is Enderal going to end up the one DLC-sized mod to actually release?
I don't remember, it could have been anyone, really. She'd probably agree to any sort of relationship if someone bought her a sweet roll and didn't chase her out of town, Necromancy doesn't generally help when it comes to making (living) friends.
Everyone must love being reanimated because nobody who has brought back as a thrall has ever complained. I think.
I love Serana, especially with SDA and AA.
>Skysight Skin (wtf)
Dunno if he's gay or not but that's literally the best skin for males
>old no grass in objects broke quests
what the fuck. maybe thats why I kept having weird issues
Who is her husband?
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>sudden urge to revert back to realore
Only with a certain setting that defaults to on, wasn't it?
I don't know but I was having weird unexplainable issues in my test saves. I wonder if it was because of this
>>PrivateEye (Pit fighter)
thirteenoranges made that, privateeye put it on nexus with 0 changes
>Pov you just arrived to morrowind
Also a ton of the old CC stuff was made anonymously
Trainwiz made like three things
none of them trains
Or good.
get new material
estrogen meds more like lol!
true ;_; ... why did people have to make it all so weird?
porn addiction is a plague

what the fuck is that
you need help lmao

idk if this helps or just makes it worse
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improves your graphics with kino
cabbageniggas discord trannies seethe
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might go back to nat one day. though i forget what made me swap to another enb
Time to leave the shithole that is the Reach and go back to white, homogenous Whiterun.
i wanted a bit of better performance, with NAT i get 47~60 fps in exteriors, with cabbage i get 50~70 fps outside but looks slightly worse.
>Make character you find sexually attractive
>Other people also find your character sexually attractive
>Want your waifu to "still be yours" while not scaring away the attention of other people who find your waifu attractive.
Maybe it isn't such a "female" thing as it is a human thing and it just so happens to be expressed through women or wafius? I'm sure there are men and husbandos that do the same thing that we aren't really aware of because we don't really pay attention to those parts of the internet.
Chud moment
they cute

I liked nat3enb but it was -10 fps compared to rudynat3
currently trying out sh2nat3, not sure how it compares performance wise but it doesn't seem too heavy
>white homogenous shithole, The Reach
:( "this place is... le smelly"
>white homogenous shithole, The Outer Reach
:ooo "northern hyperborean atmoran civilisation at its peak"
The skin requires manual adjustment but either way, it's still the perfect SE ENB imo. Night time weathers in particular were balanced to perfection
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So I've been playing for a while with my synthesis patch to truly delevel the world after
reverting to my stable modlist.
The good news is that it seems to be stable after 15+ hours of gameplay, I get the
occasional crash on dead but I don't think its related to it.
Combined with True Unleveled Skyrim it makes the early game quite hard.
I love that it gives you a real reason to use followers, I still need to tweak things around a bit
to get the perfect balance but I like it.
Though it makes it easy to get ebony equipment as basically all draugr will
drop ebony stuff, you need to restraint yourself from using it, I tell
myself my character only uses self made equipment.

I do want to add more diversity to enemies, I wonder how hard would it be to go
through leveled lists and duplicate certain NPCs to add custom spells and equipment.
Like bandits with crossbows or only conjure familiar spells but maxed
conjuration so they spawn two at combat start.
for >>487093620
that was janky but in a really soulless way and i felt literally zero satisfaction watching the clip

and no, im not reading all of that shit
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Bretons: Justifiably Smug for over 4000 years
what does enb even stand for it sounds like a fetish acronym
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Has anyone actually ever bought off the CC?
You know who
cute natural beauty
that sounds neat
I'd want only deathlords and dragonpriests to guard the ebony stuff
have you looked into mods like lawless & obis for banditos

I assume the b stand for boris but it could all stand for slav stuff
actually no its not based

fuck her stupid shitty scars all over her face
fuck her slightly large lips and her slightly large chin
fuck her stupid boobs
her stupid fucking outfit
her stupid armor
her stupid fucking ears

gutter wench
Full time hater jesus not even Synthia is hated that much
Holy based
I think it's probably just for fun that they roleplay the characters as woman, because they are capable of having an imagination. You people who complain about men playing female characters really don't seem to grasp the concept of of roleplay, huh? You just want to see troons everywhere you go.
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It appears my superiority has led to some controversy.
how do i get such shiny white teeth
try adding some contrast
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>I'd want only deathlords and dragonpriests to guard the ebony stuff
The thing is, now all draugr are deathlords lol

I just checked lawless and obis and while they look like they would do what
I want, it seems they would be a compatibility nightmare with all the
patches and stuff, that's why I prefer making a synthesis patch.
But lawless description claims to have a plugin to '... change it so that bandit spawns only choose the highest leveled version appropriate to the spawn difficulty'
Which is exactly what I wanted to do, I couldn't do it by changing only the leveled
lists though, I had to change all placed NPC difficulty too, so before doing anything else I
will check how that mod works.

What about this one?
Awesome webm.
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and i remember why i didn't use it more...
you'd get showered in fake love and lose your valuables/your life, or have a lifelong friend/companion if you can tolerate months of verbal abuse if you associate with them.
brief summary of this character? i like his set up from what i can see of it. i have a Redguard healer i remake from time to time.
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my character's lores are all over the place desu, but i do have some for him.

he's a former native of hammerfell, but fled due to his father being wanted for the death of an infamous gang leader with political ties, and he had to spend his young adult years in the woods. he spent years looking for the rest of his family before realizing he'd most likely never see them again.

of course that pic above is him in his 40s once he finally settled down and made a new family.
thats cool man i appreciate the reply
going back to NAT from cabbage, it just works and is better
I need woke mods to install to prank a friend. recommend me some
how can I install the CK without fucking over my downgraded install?
good question i wondered it myself
Install the ck and downgrade the ck itself nexus has patchers for it

Beware i am retarded so caveat emptor back up your shit
Actually thinking about it i may have had to steamdepot download the file i wanted. One of those 2 is how you do it. Either way i almost ruined my save but didnt just by fucking with the ck and scripts, lucky i had a backup. Other side of the coin some poor moron had the ck delete his entire skyrim folder trying to uninstall it just last thread or so
any touched by dibella cheese wheel posters?
git woke https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59250
he'll woke pissing himself
Is there a comprehensive list of patches for Static Skill Leveling Rewritten that changes the effects of various Skill XP bonuses and penalties from vanilla systems and other mods?
>verolevi AIO is a vortex collection
Isn't there Mo2 collection plug-in?
testing rudy, is damn fast but almost no editable
poody haha
with the wife and the friend
you need nexus premium to use it
Sadge. I love Vel's stuff but going through ~30 pages to get everything is pain in the ass.
Need me an SE ENB that's close to Caffeine in terms of how blue everything is.
Saw that.
I fucked up.
Does everything fit if I just play Unslaad after Vigilant, skipping Glenmoril? Getting tired of the wait.
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goooooooooooooood morning /tesg/ how r u today?
california was awesome. had a layover in vegas and it ruined new vegas for me (because the real vegas is massive and beautiful)
been on tesg too much and had a dream about niimes

wasnt even sexual she just got married to an altmer farmer and gave up being evil
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I always maintain that if Jesus Christ was like my pic related and dropped in a fantasy setting, he would just be the biggest gigachad. The gigachad of gigachads if you would.
>if jesus weren't jesus, then he would be cool
you could conceivably say this about anything
fellas im starting to think myth is too damn cute to be my self insert
I mean yeah they're all part of the Anniversary Upgrade.
plus four of them are free since 1.6 launched (Saints and Seducers, Curios, Survival mode, and Fishin)
Eh, fine, I guess.
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Dear anons, are asses strictly the purview of browns and blacks? Is it shameful for whites to appreciate such a thing? Are boobs the only way for the civilized gentleman?

She's pretty cute but the messy hair was better.
Whoever pushed the idea that it was is a retard. Cellulite ridden monstrosities are obviously bad, but every man can appreciate a nice round ass. Tit man though.
>ruined New Vegas for me
>because the real Vegas is beautiful
The Vegas in New Vegas is stuck in a time capsule reflecting its appearance in the 50's and 60's, and all this after the fucking bombs dropped. Don't be facile, you're one of the few people here I actually respect.
I like balls, myself.
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ain't nothin wrong with liking fat asses(but not too fat)
>too fat
No such thing as long as the rest isn't fat as well.
massive tits need large areola
Based bowls player.
anon, there are limits
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I love this game so much
Only if puffy
the problem with new vegas is that its scaled down way too much. real vegas is massive. also obsidian made the mountains too ugly.
of course its heavily scaled down. they had to make it with consoles in mind.
i hate consoles i hate consoles!
And Skyrim is scaled down well past the point of any sense of realism. It's an entire province, and according to lore supposed to be larger than the region of High Rock. If Skyrim was Daggerfall's size, there would be vast emptiness. You kind of come to appreciate the idea that it's this desolate, frozen wasteland when you realize just how few towns there are in comparison. If we assume everything is stuck so close together for the sake of expediency, then most of Skyrim is wilderness and savage brigands that still worship old, non-Imperial gods just as a matter of fact, and the whole reason you can travel from Whiterun to Windhelm in a matter of hours is simply a game conceit..
How can I change models of vanilla armors with armors from mods?
Hot and lewd daughterfus?
Time to update my filters.
Filter fags try not to be an attention where challenge (Legendary)
You seem to be upset by its efficacy.
filt her? I hardly know her
more like pitiful
Do any of you fuckermothers know of any good bow mods that would be Bosmer-friendly? I'm looking for something that's not made of wood but still looks really cool. And by "cool" I mean "likely". A lot of bow designs are over the top but that's to be expected when the fucking thing isn't made of wood. I have had an excessively hard time justifying my Green Pact respecting Bosmer using a regular bow, even if it's acceptable as long as they buy it from someone and don't make it themselves. By the same token I'm looking for arrows without any wood components.

Man I love Wood Elves but how the fuck are they supposed to be self-sufficient.
imagine actually having filters. weak.
Does she have more than the one expression?
GYATT Myth is looking thick as heck
Filtered fags try not to be mad about it challenge (Legendary)
That's how I feel about you
Mods for beating NPCs into a visibly bloody pulp?
i like em thicc, i like em sticc, but i like myth thicc
I'm afraid the khajiit chefs mostly just make skooma here.
Yeah I bet that dick is pretty thick too
This. It's almost like people here don't see how ironic it is that they get so triggered they have to remove people's posts entirely. I might not like things some people here have to say but it's kind of a bitch move just going "stay out of my bubble I refuse to see your posts". Like, what if they actually say something WORTHWHILE? You'll never fucking know.
Serious question: how many characters do you have that are Dunmer? Lately I'm feeling bad that I have like four Nord characters.
i dunno anon, i think she's better without the dick. i get more aroused when she just has the pussy.
Three. Talmasu's originally from Morrowind, the other two were first created in Oblivion. There's been others but none that carried forward. It's not a concern one should have to be honest, you make what you like and if you think you have a nice thematic you want to form around that you're golden. The concern of "I must make so and so to pad out a roster or so-so must be this or it won't fit" has always been dumb to me, much like spending all one's time planning out a character before playing. Characterization forms in no small part from playing the game with your chosen themes and style for said character.
When did myth get her pp cut off?
>no more futa
Myth's redemption arc???
Well, it bugs me because I plan these really interesting characters (to me) based around racial thematics and lore and then I say "you know what I'd rather play a Nord that does (x)" and I do that instead. I like their lore and the feel of their race (because frankly they're as close to a "joke" race this series has ever had) and any time I deviate from that I just don't have as good of a time. You wouldn't think that would be the case considering everyone says it's the same game no matter what you play, but in my experience, that's never been the case. Liek I LOVE Dunmer, but I feel like it's so much more interesting experiencing their culture as an outsider rather than as someone that's part of it.
>what if they actually say something worthwhile
I avoid filters for precisely this reason, but
>saying something worthwhile
Ditto for Seranafag.
i still like futa but myth isn't futa anymore, doesn't fit her new (lmao) face
>what if they actually say something WORTHWHILE?
They won't, which is why I filter them out in the first place. Try to keep up.
what like texture replacers? they're just NIFs and DDS files, no need for ESP
>the cure to homosexuality is women becoming more womanly
Adam22 looking ass boy
>i think she's better without the dick
I won't judge you but then again I'm not super into futa anyway as in I prefer a gooch don't show me a fucking axewound that's just weird. But if you have a preference for the character you should stick to it. Recently, I've started to divide my characters definitely into "male" or "female" instead of always trying to put a dick on everything just because I think it "works" better. Some characters have that female energy. Some don't.
Wasn't she an elf too or did I imagine that?
>"you know what I'd rather play a Nord that does (x)"
wow, so wait a minute, you just play games for fun instead of acting out racial exchanges? That's fucked up, yo.
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Looks the same to me, man. But then, I never thought she had a bad face. What did you change?
Yeah and sometime you need you need to get your hands dirty
Yeah I'm literally the scum of the earth.
im just a tourist but holy guacamole is there a modlist for stuff like this
im bisexual, and trans.
true, i think the genital mutilation is gross. i dont have a particular preference but girls are fucking hot.
breton, i just removed the ears
thats the joke
CLERIC has one. It's a great mod. Makes me feel like I'm playing one instead of a JRPG white mage.
> is there a modlist for stuff like this
yeah, actually, have you looked into TOYMY?
When did /tesg/ become a bunch of fucking furries
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There's value in that too. I've no strong feelings on Nords besides them being a joke race that was played down some because it's hard to make a full game around Morrowind Nords but there's stuff you can do with that. I've got an Orc character who's the half sibling into a Cyrodiil noble family so her siblings are all Imperials and she's raised along side them, always a little bit of the outsider to many people looking in despite being as part of the family as can be and that formed a lot of her mashups and gear to look not very "orcy".

Something like an outsider raised by a Dunmer or Orc family has potential for that kind of thing pretty well, being unique as they are so you might end up with a character that's got a bit of a chip on their shoulder and always trying to prove themselves into their wider adopted families. Likewise for me at least, I greatly enjoying making mashups that really focus on that specific character's makeup and not just basic racial or cultural lines, there's little differences for each character with how I approach resources into a mashup and even the clothing they wear. An adopted child might really blend their gear with their adopted culture and ethnic cultural norms to make something unique visually, as well as overall character design.
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It is.
She should consider casting it on her face because it's fucking BUSTED
>all that text
>character on par with a Loverslab waifu
Uh huh.
Update the follower then never thought I'll be supporting Myth though stranger things happened in this general
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Appreciating canonically looking Mer is an acquired taste...
I was just being an ass I think she looks neat, anon.
she'll be coming to nexus soon (TM)
can you post in /aco/
Can't wait to dismember her after beating her bloody.
Dumb question but if i change the color of my Folkvangr grass from brown to green do i need to generate my LODs again
if you're using grass lods yes
Yeah, if you use original Folkvangr LOD color or generated LODs prior to installing the green one. You should be using the matching terrain for green grass as well then run generate LOD again.
>everybody suddenly pro-Myth
Fucking mercurial hypocrites.

Alternatively, it could've just been one guy trying to be obnoxious as hell about it because they had beef with the poster.
Sucks to suck :^)
myth has no dick now. We like myth now
If that's all it fucking takes then maybe more guys should get The Chop.
What a no-more-futa does to general
We love Myth in this general
I just said I want to beat it bloody.
DickMyth was better. Now that the dick is a myth all (my) interest has evaporated. Could've been a really pretty man but now they're just a mid-tier girl.
I like how this response is so predictable now its not even offensive anymore, great job normalizing transgenderism
Let's not be hasty now.
literally. The biggest tranny fans are the ones forcing the conversation in here daily.
Thanks, but honestly self-mutilation is pretty cringe. Girls with penises and guys with vaginas should be normalized.
dont get the chop :(
just bee yourself
Dumb question but are the saves that openmw use for the windows version different to the saves used for the linux version? Does this mean I actually have to emulate openmw in wine too if I want to continue my save?
>polite discussion in absence of myth's usual egregious shitposting means we're pro-myth
Stop being a braindead tribalist faggot I guess lol
>guys with vaginas
No thanks. The former is mildly acceptable if it's cute and can contain its neuroses.
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Impossible. This is 4chan. And /tesg/, for that matter.
It's okay to not want to fuck something, you know. Doesn't mean it should fuck up it's natural anatomy more to appeal to your sensibilities. I mean does it REALLY matter to you if some Duck Dynasty-looking bearded hillbilly in flannel has a vagina or a penis? Would you actually HIT THAT either way?
femboy erasure is real!
The zoomers here panic if they see a tranny like how the Christians use to panic when they saw a depiction of satan during the satanic panic. Its either that or they are so weak and insecure that if they don't push back on it they feel like they'll end up transitioning or something?
>Would you actually HIT THAT either way?
with a baseball bat, maybe
>In case only the grass textures have been changed or different settings in TexGen are used, update the grass LOD billboards with TexGen, install the TexGen output, then start DynDOLOD in expert mode, select the desired worldspace and click the Rebuild Atlas button. Then merge the new output with the existing output, overwriting all older files.
>does it REALLY matter to you if some Duck Dynasty-looking bearded hillbilly in flannel has a vagina or a penis?
Yes, it offends my aesthetic sensibilities if said hillbilly possesses the former.
>I mean does it REALLY matter to you if some Duck Dynasty-looking bearded hillbilly in flannel has a vagina or a penis? Would you actually HIT THAT either way?
Calling it now, in Hammerfell you'll have to have canonical sex with a lady who looks like this as part of the main quest.
>everybody suddenly pro-Myth
Not me, the poster is cancerous garbage and the waifu is 6/10 at best.
>implying I'm not replying to a false flag designed to generate anti myth sentiment
>implying at least 80% of the posts saying anything good about myth aren't by mythposter himself
Nothing is real.
dont worry, my new self insert is a femboy :)
hot, would you like to bathe me in the shower and get plapped?
only if you're shaved
myth is the most attention-thirsty waifutroon since bri and bri was really, really thirsty
what makes a man end up like this?
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I trust everyone here is gaming?
I don't understand what compels someone to mod a game until it looks unrecognizable. No one would be able to tell, oh this looks like the original game but modded. Can somebody explain?
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be serious this time so we don't have to pick between 2 awful choices

WHAT is the next bread edition gonna be?
That's your job :^)
who gives a fuck?
who gives a shit if it looks like the original game?
Going through Vigilant, which is why I asked >>487127669
explains why his taste is so garbage and why he's constantly online and annoying. something all troon & troon sympathizers seem to have in common.

now back to the topic at hand, elder scrolls games. most sackable elisif replacer?
I'm playing Alien: Isolation
There's an anon in here that mods Skyrim to look like Dark Souls, and I have to say it looks a lot better. Almost like a completely different game, which is kinda cool
sharti shitmom shitia edition
Who's Bri again

Was it the other dickgirl
you vill be shaved and sucked every day
you vill be happy
No one said this...
>explains why his taste is so garbage and why he's constantly online and annoying. something all troon & troon sympathizers seem to have in common.
>everything I don't like is a problem
To you, sure, but you're also still sitting here and reading it for some reason.
damn, dat ass
>you vill be shaved and sucked every day
Good girls get plapped and plapped hard.
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it's been so long since I seen such boring edition...
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>come back here for the first time in like 10 years
>it is now a tranny discussion forum

I just wanted to ask which are the best Morrowind sidequests...
The ones with trannies in it

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