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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
Yes. It's required reading for any game dev/gamer
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
https://pastebin.com/G1P4WqiB (embed)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
https://pastebin.com/vZ9nxmbh (embed)
(old /rwg/ OP)
https://pastebin.com/Q47AZ2KV (embed)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>486648251
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Can't believe you forced me to bake.
Also, rats.
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all quiet on the western front
It's over...
cute rat, here's another cute one
chinkshit yay or nay?
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A new future samurai has been born to the colony
Name suggestions? Something appropriate for a squirrel samurai in the frozen arctic.
Blossom sounds good.
>psylink 6 pawn decked in cataphract gets shot through the heart by a lancer
>corpse gets obliterated by diabolus
story hates the woman
mods for making natural latex mattresses?
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Blossom it is
It's biotech ratkin for the squirrels and alpha biomes for the walls/floors
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nvm it's over
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What the flying fuck is this, OP?
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with everyone else dead, kraut resolves to kill as many insects as she can before she has to abandon the base
What kind of shit do you need to do to get swarmed by this many insects, ignore an infestation for 3 years?
it's time to leave, but not before releasing the prisoners first. she might not have been able to save her friends, but maybe she can still save these guys
this makes infestations absolute hell
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forgot pic because im a braindead moron
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Kinda wish Too Deep Infestations were bigger...
You mean using them as decoys to escape, yes?
>The 465 size coffee cup tower
jesus christ
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two prisoners managed to escape, but not before being caught by the bugs right outside. kraut's mercy killing baldwin rather than let her get captured by the bugs
at this point, yeah
that's just a tall shelf with various food and drink. bulk goods traders sell a lot of coffee apparently
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after five months, hill 400 is now abandoned.
that's the end for this colony and kraut's story.
what mods are you using?
I should probably give megaspiders more armor penetration
would be fun
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31st for anime
Any mods that add visible limb damage or decapitations and more descriptive logs? Something more detailed like DF shit?
logs button on the colonist
>visible limb damage
would require visible limbs, which is haram according to tynan
decapitations stop rendering the head on the corpse, but there's no head laying around
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eventually, kraut follows a road taking her to an undeground city where she becomes part of the main council that oversees things thanks to her prior leadership experience
the relevant ones are
rimworldwar 2
ve security
absolutely more cannons
yayos combat
and better infestations, apparently
>What is your craft
I don't understand the question.
>what are you and or your buds working on?
I'm not actively working on anything because I still need to finish Elden Ring and my 1.4 playthrough. After this, I'll be updating my first mod to 1.5, which will require a complete rewrite. I also have a text file with a bunch of mod ideas.

Why are you doing vector art in Paint.NET? I know that there is a curve tool in it, but it's so much more wonky than something from dedicated vector software, like Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator.
as in, art, programming...
>an occupation, trade, or activity requiring manual dexterity or artistic skill. the carpenter's craft. the craft of writing plays.
>no head lying around
is there a mod that replace the skulls on skullspikes with actual heads?
Oh. I've never been employed, but I'm a programming student. No other skill, beyond minor proficiency with Inkscape.
in this context, it probably means what your modding skills are
do you know the XML particularly well, do you do c#, do you make art
>minor proficiency with Inkscape
so a master-class artist for /rwg/
I made A Dog Said 2, so I'd say I'm pretty good with XML, not that this is something to brag about. It's just data entry with extra steps. As for C#, I'm not a great programmer since before I started modding I have only coded what my university told me to code, never had any sort of a passion project prior to that.
Is there a mod that lets you disable certain quests? I don't want any quests that are just giving me pawns to join my colony. I'll populate this entire colony with just Snowdrop's children.
>Why are you doing vector art in Paint.NET?
I did just download InkScape the other day after having it recommended to me, but I haven't really learned it yet, and I don't wanna lose the momentum I have with his latest release I made.
Probably gonna watch a tutorial or two before going to bed,
>Is there a mod that lets you disable certain quests? I don't want any quests that are just giving me pawns to join my colony
Why? Are you scared Snowdrop isn't as loyal as you think she is?
I know about the log, is there any mod that makes stuff like the logs and art have more fluff?
Interesting. I have leant Inkscape specifically for making mod textures for Rimworld. I also tried Adobe Illustrator some time ago. It definitely more professional in a lot of ways, but I don't like that the node operation tools are hyper-specific, while in Inkscape you have a single node tool that does most of things.
Dynamic Population might help here
also, shrimply reject those quests and generate more quests using mods/devmode
VE Event let you disable joiner event
Thanks game, I didn't like that corner of the map anyway
If anything Snowdrop would cut them down screeching over them calling her a cringe larper which she totally isn't by the way
aieee... realistic darkness is pretty spooky. Wish it was even darker though, but not to the level of unnatural darkness
oh, simple enough
What stops sappers from just digging into your base?
A bullet through their skull.
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What happens here?
I think they try to avoid active turrets if you're trying to reroute them into a better place so place them in your vulnerable areas
why would the archotech build artificial breasts
Because he could. Would you not do the same if you could do whatever you wished for at a whim?
Sure a traveler may have died, but now I can go get my mechlink and claim some dropped silver.
Legacy feature from back when the archotech was a coom picture generator.
>I wasted cloth making inefficient tribal hand and feet wraps when I could of just made parkas
brb killing myself, we will never survive the dark winter
are there any dedicated feet covers beside pants? i mean some clothes - like robes and tribal wear- cover everything but what clothes only cover feet?
Don't worry I will take care of your wife for you
>even a transcended machine can't fully refactor out legacy code
programmer bros, it's so over...
Another run straight out butchered after laying the regular carpet in the barracks. Is the effect THAT big?
on wealth? no, it's manageable unless you only ever build immense rooms like 75% of anons do for some reason
Floors Are (Almost) Worthless mod
>are there any dedicated feet
yes but it breaks the overall balance of having to compromise between insulation and armor values
better to use something like https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2596988484 or the vanilla combat reloaded xml patch that does almost the same thing imo
(also no, vanilla offers no way of covering a pawn's hands or feet likely because tynan expects you to eventually replace limbs with bionics)
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all by myself...
Well it wasn't small, 10x6 or smth like that, I tried going with a nice barracks approach rather than individual rooms. It's just the pure hike in difficulty of the raids that immediately followed that completely boggles my mind - first there was a very intence sapper pirate raid which left most of the combatants wounded, then immediately after that there was a raid of 30 naked barbarians who just swarmed into the holes from the sappers, overwhelmed everything and kidnapped all but 2 pawns, and before those got healed 10 mad boomrats invaded and finished the job - I was stupid enough to not connect the hospital to the main building with food reserves, so the survivors got cut off - it was either starve to death or die from the scratches, I chose the latter.
I never got a hike this big even after electrifying everything (it was a tribal run). Maybe Cass just decided it was time to die.
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>absolutely more cannons
wart thunder player wehraboo tranny with an anime avatar made this mod, I don't even need to check
>wehraboo tranny
that's some powerful mental illness
In a survival situation, you make use of any resource you have available. With a little ingenuity, semen has a number of valuable industrial applications.
yep its pretty dumb with all the different munition types. plus half the high caliber shells dont even explode. i had to change that myself
>individual research projects
What would Rimworld be like if everything was an individual project?
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cute little things
>Ywn party in the fungus room
Why even live?
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forgot pic
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No dying
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No one is dying here, only lots of births.
either you're really bad at the game or playing on a really high difficulty and should lower it
>While wealth is clearly a primary driver in the raid point scaling, the effect is often exaggerated and certain causes of wealth blamed unnecessarily
>Put simply, it takes a significant amount of wealth to noticeably affect raid sizes. Often, it is colonist count and the normal scaling causing the actual problem
>To re-iterate: Wealth management should not really matter when playing on Strive to Survive or below, beyond "not growing massive fields of psychoid" or "not getting money for the sake of hoarding money"
Sell me on tribal and medieval playthroughs, /rwg/. Why should I change the world and factions like I'm trying to reinvent all of human civilization while half the planet has more advanced tech falling out of the sky? If you don't, how do you fight back against actual raids and sieges instead of pretending they're nonexistent?
What's the VOID of Rimworld 1.5?
>Sell me on tribal and medieval playthroughs, /rwg/.
You get bored in like an hour and move on to better modlists.
You should get the Litters for Biotech mod so you can have twins born. Imagine.
Why did you curse me with this knowledge Anon? You know I'm going to install it now that I know of it.
>Either have to deal with an unchangeable rare 1 in 100 chance for twins or debug add a litter gene for an excessive two to four children per birth
Frustrating but manageable, I'll stick with the chance of rare twins. I've used a mod to remove the fertility malus from lactating, meaning Snowdrop can get pregnant at the fastest every 18 days
Vanilla Events Expanded lets you disable most events, including all of its own events.
Its based.
Where's Katya and everyone else? Where is my wife?
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You are a long way from the jungle my monke raider
I've already disabled joiner incidents by making a custom scenario, what I want is a way to disable charity quests that only offer pawns
I ended that colony (check near the top of the previous thread) but everyone is still safe
Oh that's good. Now we can retire and have baby pawns together. Good ending.
Its cringe.
qrd on superclotting?
ur mums cringe
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Basically closes up the wounds/passive self tend
And its uberfast to the point pawn is pretty much safe from bleeding out.
It rapes your performance
I meant more the 'kills your tps' aspect.
Why would it kill tps?
Why indeed.
Maybe the book has the answer.
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>accidentally murder a bandit faction leader
Stupid slant eye downing my wife with lightning, have fun dying in this frozen hell. Nice heavy SMG and clothes though.
>not setting her up to be your chuuni wife's archnemesis
But she could be Anon's wife. Consider saving her
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giddy up bois
is there a proper biotech adaptation for the wife races that normally use HAR yet
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i want to have a colony of flesh eating harpies. what mods should i use.
aw how cut
it's got a gun!
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the orcs are riding ghouls now wtf
how can i start the game with precisly 2 colonists?
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cliffracers manhunters again

scnario editor
i miss kraut
is there a mod with a premade scenerio for a couple?
She got rightfully killed by the red army
Don't miss that criminal, she killed a lot of innocent people
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this is the smart way of playing a card game. Don't even look at the table, you can't be outbluffed if you don't know your own cards

bro just pick a regular scenario, go into the editor and reduce the number of colonists
You can use Character Editor for that
You can have jewish crow people instead, or a harpy mod not updated for Biotech or just install some shitpile gene mod and make your own xenotype. You should be able to make winged carnivore people with either Alpha Genes or Big and Small
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Digits for moyo.
Mods that add age of consent precepts?
>impid moyo
what do you fags think about norland? is it worth it?
no she managed to escape and now lives in a corporate colony plus she set those prisoners free so there's that
new to porn mods, if I want to make a colony where everyone is married to each other and have gigaorgies in RJW would the Polyamory Bed work or is there something RJW specific
Its literally less detailed, less finished Medieval Rimworld with no mods.
Might be fun for a game or two but if you want medieval go for The Guild 3.
Pawns stage orgies and fuck on their own, its a setting in RJW setting menu.
disgusting slug monster
Is it cheating if I disable food poison in the difficulty options
food poisoning is a stupid feature but just make a nutrient paste dispenser if you don't have a level 5 cook
I had a level 10 cook and a kitchen with sterile tiles, and the butcher was in a different room
Not really, this shit is annoying
I'd rather my pawns get wounded in a gunfight or something instead
huh that's weird that never happened to me but i only play in strive to survive difficulty. i know that harder difficulty setting increase your food poison chance by a lot
Okay that's kind of awesome.
Made for big human-purist death squad.
Not at all, its an absurd mechanic that needs to die.
People die to food poisoning all the time in un/de-civilized shitholes which the rimworld is.
>rebuild doors and corners makes clerestory walls require electricity research
did these fags not google "clerestory" even once while making this mod?
>appeal to reality
People build 2+ story buildings with cellars all the time too.
moyos have really long, flabby pussy lips that seem to drip down from their crotches. it jiggles when blown by a slight breeze
Yes it is.
>live in a poor country
>often cook in worse conditions than my pawns
>never get food poisoning
Its a retarded mechanic, deal with it.
The fact that butcher table adds this much to fp chance is retarded all on its own.
Well, your pawns rip the meat apart with their bare hands and never wash them either, so it's hella realistic y'know...
thats because you are a native. try going to another country your immune system doesn't know and live in the same conditions.
>Child born and raised in the colony gets food poisoning
checkmate atheists
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pawns in rimworld cook food that scales the maximum temperature they cook with to their skill level. it never actually gets hot enough to kill bacteria, parasites and whatnot if their skill level is low. for example, a skill 1 cook will cook food at a maximum of 30 degrees celcius. a cook with a skill level of 10 will cook food to a maximum of 60 degrees celcius. legendary skill level 10 cooks can cook up to 100 degrees celcius, but that still isn't hot enough to kill most microorganisms which is why food poisoning still occurs.

why? we never know, despite fire being an insanely powerful and HOT force in the rim universe that can heat a room to 1000 degrees instantly if some curtains catch on fire for 2 seconds
That argument only works for crashlanding pawns and not fucking tribals/other people who have been born on the planet.
I distinclty hear knives and being chopped up. So no.
You can recruit natives tho.
>I distinclty hear knives and being chopped up
That's just pawns making those sounds. Ever heard of scat singing?
pawns have no arms so they cook food with telekinesis
it's why they can mine raw rock with no tools
>42 year old light brown grandma (she had kids at 15 and her kids had kids at the same age)
>traits: beautiful, kind

Do you rescue her or let her bleed out?
bleed out of course
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Ded one looks weirdly like Pochita.
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finally a pawn worth recruiting
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would you?
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>want to play rimworld
>know my old modlist is buggy as fuck so i need to trim and reconfigure my mods
>new mods came out that made old mods obsolete so have to also look for them and replace/remove old ones as necessary

why is this shit so painful? is there a good base set of mods that are guaranteed to work well with each other
>fuckable milf
>good fourth wife for that piety bonus
>do i rescue her
why not just start fresh! delete all mods exept nsfw ones or others you might have trouble getting from steam and regather mods as you go.
Android Bros
>Bunuffin strikes again
Absolute mad man.
is this for android tiers or the vanilla androids expanded
I thought you guys needed to know

Someone on the Discord is making *another* sexy Mechanoids mod.
>still no TX Series remake
what about apocalyptic cars mods
Or fucking sf vehicles for fuck sake....
>gorilllion real life tanks and trucks
>not one fucking dune buggy/sf truck/rover
/k/troons that make these mods don't think that rovers and buggies are real, sorry
for a minute i thought you meant mods for fucking your vehicles
and i thought about the transformer girls
the last time i did that it was misery trying to find all the old mods i really liked but wasn't present in my runs
the orcs are evolving!
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they've got magic too
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Growth vats for some genetically modified soldiers and such. It was my first time using biotech, so I severely overestimated how much I'd need them. I never did use them because of all the children two couples were unleashing upon the colony, and all the raiders I got.
i set everyone to age 10 times as fast so i can actually have a colony that feels like it lasts decades.

i wish i can set it even higher honestly but then game mechanics stop making sense
Anon I modded the game to make years last ~365 days and even that wasn't immersive enough for me.
That's cool, but mBiotechy is an absolute piece of shit for only letting you change biological age and not chronological.
>pawn aged 18 years
>year on date only increased by 3
makes me mad
With Biotech all the "time flows faster/slower" mods are severly impacting the kids raising because its either too fast or too slow..
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rip macy, colonist of 31 years, died to a heart attack (due to cholesterol). too bad her husband is still recovering from surgery to attend the funeral. she will shore leave be missed.
on that note, if only there was a way to move occupied sarcophagi. i'd have someone do a throne speech before moving the sarcophagus to the graveyard
I stopped playing since before the release of Ideology and came back after 1.5.
It isn't that hard, retard-kun.
>update to 1.5
>187 mods need update
Fug :D
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>>update to 1.5
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What The Hack is better than Biotech 'noids.
Everything that Biotech added is just half-assed "Oh shut the fuck up about new features, here's some slop to fill in the gaps" from Tynan.
Not that I blame him for this approach, if people are willing to buy this, why put in effort at all?
BnC/RJW is better than Biotech kids.
Rim of Madness Vampires were better than Sangoufags.
Xenohumans than Xenotypes.
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One of the things I like about RimSort is that it ACTUALLY allows you to prevent Workshop mods from downloading updates unless you specifically tell it to do so. You can pick and choose which ones you update, or just mass update all.
>Rim of Madness Vampires were better than Sangoufags
At least they were proper vampires. Hell, they actually fucking died when exposed to direct sunlight.
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Rats saving Rimworld again.
>proper vampires die when exposed to sunlight
yeah, about that, this part of vampire lore is only like, 100 years old.
>only 100 years
original vampires are only weakened by sunlight not killed by it.
oh yes right forgot about canon folklore rulebook
This but unironically.
Folklore is great and has actual crazy shit. It's an endless well of inspiration.
Glad we have one definite canon interpretation of it sourced from professional folklore writers who wrote and licensed original stories that were later distributed across every country by the folk tale retelling association
that too
You do shoot blind healers, dark scholars, and assorted charlatans and satanists on sight, right anon?
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>requires newratkinplus
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Is there a mod that makes genepack assembly less fucking shit?
it's constantly checking for wounds to close up
you could set all genes to 0 metabolism and 0 complexity
I think it's an option in Tweaks Galore
>stack good genes
>wtf why are they getting hungrier
That's the not problem. The problem is the -5 cap.
there's a more complexity mod also adds a higher(lower?) metabolism cap
anything more than -5 would be free because it doesn't stack higher because the code is not designed for it to go higher
That's not a vanilla feature.
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I have a problem with low temperature in my base and i don't know how to fix it. I have three wall heaters set to 50c and its still not enough. Outside temperature is -50c. Do i need more heaters? I had vent in my freezer i thought it was the problem but destroying it didn't help.
Assuming they're all connected to power, the probable issue is that the entire space you're trying to heat up is too large for just three heaters.
At -50c, you'll need a heater for EACH room.
try putting more doors in the corridors.
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thanks i fixed it.
>Rat caravan approaches my colony
Guess we won't be starving to death this winter
Have you kissed your female pawn today?
>selling horse meat
how often do faction sites trade stocks refresh?
30 days.
Is there that adds tiaras or makes the coronet look better?
Trading with random visitors always feels so strange.

>"Yeah, those are some nice travel rations, cannon barrels, and medicine."
>"Here's 10,000 cigarettes, 19 different pieces of cloth, and a steel crown"
How would you make it fun?
Make it anime
remove the retarded superpower shit, biotech and the superhero genes mod are superior anyway.
Just keep the vaults and nothing else.
But sitting in vault never really turns out to be any fun, even discounting how retarded vault doors are.
Way more variety and randomness in the vault layouts - they get old very quickly.
Remove superpowers gatcha - there is enough gatcha in the main game.
So why exactly would an archotech feel inclined to allow my pawn to cast lightning bolt due to them having a fancy tumour in their brain?
Exploring vaults is interesting. Make them more like high tech dugeons with traps, automated defenses, etc.
And some people find sitting in vaults comfy.

The point is that the mod should focus 100% on the vault content, which is the only interesting part.
pyscasts are explicitly connections to an acrhotech
Rimworld's combat system is too shit for an interesting roguelike dungeon delving minigame.
Nerf the ancient tech a bit. Make it on par with high end stuff but keep the solar flare bonus.
Just give Ancients psycaster abilities instead.
Because he thought it would be funny. If an ant started shouting your name out of nowhere and asked for something inconsequential to you, like a drop of water, would you not entertain it?
I need mods
What do you already have?
>If an ant started shouting your name out of nowhere and asked for something inconsequential to you, like a drop of water, would you not entertain it?
I would give her much more but first we'll need to be boyfriend and girlfriend then maybe get into something more serious like marriage
It's fun enough with combat mods.
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>didn't read the ideology of the new guy that I assigned as a doctor
I think I screwd up
Why the fuck is it that every single motherfucking time that you have a raid, your pawns ALWAYS, and i mean ALWAYS will be in the worst fucking state possible?
>Using my future sight, i have decided to wait to eat and sleep until the worst possible moment, so that i may break in the middle of a fight and wander into machine gun fire because it's been 7 hours since i ate a meal!
what am I supposed to be seeing
Vanilla Furniture Expanded is an easy one, but some of the beds don't play nice with dressers from other mods.
Uncle Boris' - Used Furniture for military furniture.
Reel's Expanded Storage has great storage, if overpowered (you can tone it done) storage solution.
[LTS]Furnishing has some great options.
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>down to 136 of 187 mods needing to be updated
NIGGERMAN gaming soon, though the custom edited mods might take a while to remember what I even changed.
Remember that some mods only need you to copy paste a folder and renaming it to 1.5 and adding an "1.5" line in the about.xml to be functional.
This is why I put anything I hand-edit under git.
>Run and Gun
>an ai pathfinding mod that doesn't make them digthrough literally everything
I am too incompetant for that sadly.
>It's an "raid completely wrecks your colony's mood because they decided to make several of the insane waster raiders related to your colonists for literally no fucking reason"
I'm starting to remember why i fucking hate this stupid game.
I will never buy this piece of shit game, it lives and dies by it's community.
>crash land from a spaceship
>somehow my older brother was working as a dentist for tribal raiders on a backwater planet

it's for The Story™
Its one of those cheeky little "fuck you" moments, Tynan decided to throw into the game.
This shit didn't happen before.
The whole basegame is one giant elaborate troll.
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>start run as an offworld marine
>apparently that character has a sanguophage daughter who is older than him (not chronologically) and also an high ranked noble
It was a thing since the start.
And i always hated it. Like simple fucking toggle "do you want to generate random relationships with starting colonists" would fix that problem.
But then again it took tynan three fucking DLC's to add the ability to save custom difficulty levels..
What a story Mark
>save custom diff
Unironicly that got me to update to 1.5 I have horrible restartitis
I have it too but fortunately i play on difficulty that is easy to set up everytime i restart.
Is there a way to save world gen presets or is that also in 1.5? Setting up world factions so tedious...
I dont think so.
Maybe Faction Control mod has that in 1.5 ?
what is the mod for the genitals
>Someone actually made the mod I wanted
Ah sweet autism time
>from the author of ratkin weapons+
the balance... it's going to be out of whack...
>he doesn't feed his pawns corn, make them drink corn syrup, wash it all down with corn bourbon, build their houses out of OSB board made from processed corn chaff, and fuel their vehicles with corn-based ethanol
From sunrise till sunset, may the name of Grain be praised. People should submit to the yoke of Grain. Whoever has silver, whoever has jewels, whoever has cattle, whoever has sheep shall take a seat at the gate of whoever has grain, and pass his time there.
Anyone use Melanin can be extracted on 1.5? Is it actually out of date or does it work without issue?
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The what now?
The mod that let's me steal peoples melanin of course.
nvm, didn't recognize RJW
do you have this shit automated if nobody posts in 1 hour?
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this map is sexy
Another squirrel child born healthy to my colony.
Any good name suggestions for a future squirrel samurai?
I need this polar winter to end already
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The tooltip is telling me that big map = bad.
Should I thrust it?
This game runs like SHIT, trust it.
What's a good rimworld alternative with the same sort of base building but bigger populations?
What's a good rimworld alternative but good?
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Songs of Syx.
You should thrust into your female pawns in big maps
>tfw kenshi jank unironicly runs better than rimworld with large populations
It baffles me honestly.
no, it's bullshit.
What ruins tps is having lots of animals, that's it. So if you're going to be playing on a desert or an ice desert it doesn't matter.
I'm looking for something in the area between Rimworld's 10 people and SoS's 10,000, though.
I don't know why but my game's performance crashes when it rains or snows but I don't see any optimization mods for it unlike fires, is rain really the cause? Or is there something that triggers rain that kills my game?
Big map = bad only because pawns take longer to go from A to B, making their needs tank as they do things. Other issues include having cultists at the border and sieges be more difficult to reach.
Just don't build a giant city, you can be a comfy rural backwater. Unless you want more interactive mechanics like the pawns have in which case you are SoL.
does kenshi have cute anime girl mods?
you can fuck the shek
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Despite being made by a British dude, Kenshi is very popular among Asians.
I dunno bro Kenshi's a bit boring.
Stop mining copper, you fucking retard.
Done I see what you're doing
Also I think it's time for me to stop breeding Snowdrop constantly so she can actually start chopping trees and harvesting crops. Just for a little bit
you already know the name of the third one then
>friend can never get into kenshi
>ask him why
>he mines copper
I tried playing kenshi but I need quests, I can't just "set my own goals", I'm too uncreative for that shit.
Even in ribaorld I have mods that add endings and more quests.
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If that meteor destroyed my gestator I would of been furious, 200 steel was only barely spared destruction.
>If that meteor destroyed my gestator...
I agree Snowdrops death would be a significant loss for the colony.
Here's your goal:
Find and kill Cat Long.
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>just started the game
>get into a social fight
>become a vegetable
fucking stupid niggers. i ought to execute both of them
what is this soulless naming scheme
Anon is half chinese.
She's going to give birth to their replacements, and then some.
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They worship female supremacy; they don't deserve names. Here's their first female once the conversion is done
>Tons of disliked xenotypes: -4
>No fires nearby: -5
>I am a disliked xenotype: -6
Might be a racist fireworshipper, so most mental breaks will be firestarting, and their -15 mood is pretty much constant unless you start putting torches everywhere.
Shouldn't risk having your doctor be a mentally unstable pyromaniac, might set fire to the hospital after a bad raid.
Conversion? So they're trannies?
Ideology conversion, right?
>A pantsless Revia traveler appears both missing a kidney and having one in her inventory
Story status?
Just because that may be true doesn't mean you should say it
>update FSF tweaks
>should be loaded after rimjobworld
uh based?
me every time I do ice sheet
Why are you mentally ill?
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>Start mining
>A new area is revealed!

remember to name the one with the hulk body gene Bunny
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Was Lolium ever updated?
Nah that's a North-East cliff, the edge of the map is completely stone.
dead btw
>four ears
Its trash.
butifel bringa...
they'll grow out of their baby ears
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I refuse to double wall my freezer, it looks fucking ugly.
Blame the xenophile human father for not understanding the dangers of miscegenation.
sorry to tell you this, but if you shave snowdrop bald...
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Insult my beautiful wife and children again and I'll fucking kill you
thanks doc
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>it looks fucking ugly
Pic related is actually how the body should be designed to survive a car crash with minimal injuries
Can I really not color IMOZOU eyes unless I install the facial animation mod
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how do I get good at large combat battles.
play starcraft
I just pause a lot, place one group in set positions and control a smaller task force
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anyone know what i should place here? the dining room would have been great, but its too far away from the outdoor recreation.
Where are the meals stored?
there's a fridge in the kitchen full of nothing but burgers
You'd want your dining room as close to your burgers as possible.
kill the fat fuck
im more concerned with their access to outdoor activities since no one really spends time outside anymore. anyway, what should i replace the old dining room with?
If the weather is good enough, you could have them dine outdoor year round.
Choke points
Remove effective cover that enemies can use (Cut down trees and move chunks, leave the bushes)
Place obstacles to slow movement
Place bait for raiders to target first (awful sculptures made of wood, night stands, beds, any furniture that can have a Quality modifier that you won't mind getting destroyed)
Let your pawns use you captured raiders for melee practice and let the raiders escape to train shooting.
dress your pawns in high quality clothing made of devilstrand to mitigate damage and prevent them from catching on fire.
High quality ranged weapons have increased damage and accuracy, also prioritize weapons with stopping power of 1.0 and higher.
When you have enough pawns you will need to start varying their weapons (Don't just give everyone sniper rifles or miniguns)
Understand weapon roles, Miniguns are for crowds, Sniper rifles are for picking off distant targets, assault rifles are for mid range, and heavy SMGs are for targets that get past all of those. and lastly your plasteel longsword/ Uranium mace is for your Nimble, Tough, Brawler.
Use cheat mods like Embrasures, Vanilla Expanded Clothing and Armor, Vanilla Psycasts Expanded, More Vanilla Turrets, etc.
the balls
>prevent them from catching on fire.
afaik this only works if you have a mod like
>Stop, Drop, And Roll!
You have to wear only devilstrand and plasteel or things with 0% flammability, if you are wearing anything flammable or get sprayed with oil (fucking imps), you're getting grilled.
I don't think you can stop yourself from catching fire through armor in vanilla means, even the smallest fire damage will ignite you and ruin everything once in a while
minimize the ratio of wealth to pawn
if they have some mental breaks occasionally, that's okay, as long as they don't break anything critical
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it's too far from the office, plus we already have a burger joint. besides, this dining room is more of a party spot than an actual place to eat meals in.
he'll die of a heart attack soon, don't worry
>here on the rimworld, you can create anything you want
>anon creates the most boring and mundane form of hell
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>winter has begun
It ain't looking too good. I somehow managed to research batteries and build the main infrastructure despite all the breakdowns but that temp is wild
No, no. The brown one.
He's just playing the prologue to his pawn's story before he gets on that starship.
I mean, he had to earn the money somehow to board the ship in the first place.
Who knows, might be fun to see the mental break that forces his boss to give him that vacation on that totally not doomed spaceship cruise he's definitely going on
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she just got a new heart, unfortunately. and i dont know if synthetic hearts can get heart attacks
nope, they keep working until they either grow too old to work or die. there is no end to their work
This is a bad idea, horrible even. But want it so much.
Give me a better name for it than fucking Ivorydoer
It's shite
bump btw
I don't remember Kyoto being that cold
Negro Pacifier
It's Kyoto after the two nukes triggered nuclear winter
>spending all your metal and components on individual heaters
>geothermal vent is right there
shiggy diggy you stupid fuck
Does RJW add any interesting mechanic/depth to the game? Or is it just for coomers?
>ywn be robust
Considering removing Apparelo 2.
The clothing ain't that good, quality wise.
I played with it a little bit and all I saw was my productivity dropping because they kept fucking during work and losing sleep during night and one of my downed pawns getting raped before she got kidnapped, so I would like to know the answer as well
it's just for coomers
the only thing scarce is wood you braindead ape
heat defense lowers chance to catch fire, another thing to add to what anon mentioned is phoenix armor which is unique since it dramatically lowers your chance to catch fire as a special modifier
>strong shooting but weak melee damage
>ok I should rush and melee them then
>get blasted with fire
>run around like a dumbass
>get brain pierced by an arrow
Imps must be obliterated
brah your shields?
There are no shield belts 2 quadrums into the game
bro your trap hall?
your killbox?
It was just an early 6 imps so I thought I could handle it in standard outdoor combat, I learned my lesson
Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer
Nah, I'd win
Snowdrop owes me sex.
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what did the Quebecois do to get excluded
No she doesn't, fake voucher, stay away from my wife.
You'd freeze to death in the propane lakes before you even reached my colony you fuckers
I have a voucher too.
Snowdrop owes us sex. Move aside.
any mods for loli incest?
>any mods for loli incest?
You can try modifying RJW age restrictions directly
Fucking lmao
I can't believe loliumdev is fucking dead
yeah because you turned it into dining chairs and a research table you braindead spastic
shiggy fucking diggy
is there any way to make imouzou faces work with yttakins and sized apparel? any mods for turning them into kemomimi pawns are welcome too
>any mods for turning them into kemomimi pawns are welcome too
you can literally do that yourself, everything you need is in the base game so you can just edit the xeno directly
there's a lot of biotech addons to add more tails and ears and horns and such
The mods that depend on it do, I can't play without the menustration mod+milkable colonists fork desu.
it adds interesting mechanics and depth but only for things related to sex and bodies. so yes, but also only for coomers
>is there any way to make imouzou faces work with yttakins
I've recently converted its biotech defs to 1.5 spec. I'm not at the PC right now, search the archives for "0x0.st", should be within the first few results I'm sure.
aieeeee..... I keep trying to pull out but Snowdrop keeps leg locking me with her tiny body, what am I meant to do?
Aren't you unfortunate. My pawn and her furry husband have been at it twice a day for months now and that 25% never tripped. I intend to keep it that way, I'm too lazy to make space for a nursery.
Last time I've checked there were 4...
Chances are very high your special kinks all have their rimjob submods
>her furry husband
research fertility procedures
Get robots out until the kids growup
what mods so i could hook captive female pawns in a barn to a milking machine do the same to our daughters and recruit/eat our sons??
Don't solar outages kill all those hydroponic plants?
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any new interesting (not tranime) mods?
You need milkable colonists, Milking machine, rjw MC addon, rjw ex, rjw ideology addon they should be available from the OP loverslab link
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Will the owner of these drug horses please come claim them before I gun them down.
Vanilla /pol/troons Extended
what bloatmod adds these?
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kys corintroon
I know you're a nigger, but workshop and start reading. This isn't the yugioh general
The time window to claim these horses has now closed
The german dog xenotype mod It is quite bloated
nta but
I'm pretty sure I've seen the roaming caravan animals event before
before Biotech came out, even
two genders
>large nose
>genetically depressive and paranoid
"""German""" xenotype, sure
Yes, and you will never be a woman, /pol/troon.
Should I change anything to Biotechrats if I want to use them with the default FA face? Hair offsets, for instance.
>he took it personal
why don't you answer the question instead of spreading mental illness?
>spoonfeed me mods
Looks more like Italian fascisim
is there something about the other race mods that keep them from being raped in rjw?
i had a dungeon in dev mode filled with milira and dragonian comfort pawns and a rapist pawn that went into a random raping spree, but he all he could do was wander around
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>steel meteor falls from the sky
Finally, I can make some fucking progress
What body mod is that?
i have milkable colonists. i have milkjing machines from my minotaur mod, would that suffice?
i have rjw, how do i apply addons on it?
Make anon sleep on the couch
File deleted.
just to be clear, when you said 'tranime' you meant 'transexual anime' aka anome mods that include futa, gender change operation on pawns and traps/reverse traps, and not all anime mods right?
clean your room
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I am now allowed to play the game
What mods do you use to do all of this?
Mod for table work for example
you are brown
go ask on fag95 and don't come back
sword demon balgo
i think its ntr but im not sure
Ah fuck. Nah I'm good
>>Gender change operation on pawn mod
>capture enemies
>if girls send them to the rape dungoen
>if boys, remove thier pp, give them vagoo and send them to the rape dungoen
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Mmmmm no!
In the past the issue would be that .any HAR races spawn way below their defined adult age and thus were children
You need rjw milkable colonists, the steam version is not compatible
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>dont like corinn
>other corinn haters out themselves as blacked fags
I now feel obligated to tolerate corinn
Black milkers
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there is another way
He didn't reply to that post
so i need
all 3 files?

how do i apply this mod?

> rjw ex, rjw ideology
what are those?
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>two days later mod list updated to 1.5
It's time
i use the normal faces without animations but thanks for sharing anyway
Change ancients into faction? Integrate superpowers with biotech. Powers are genes with 0 metabolism and you get weakneses but you can also remove bad genes. Besides that superpower gimmic, why not use it to get normal genes or archotech genes?
Add maybe more stuff related to mechanoid wars.
Cat ears on sides is clearly the best but it's never done.
rjw doesn't change pawn graphics

i hope you die in a fire
oh fuck i meant >>487115045 for >>487103693
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>ghost rat anomaly
ok that's cute
>voidnigga rat knights
>bloat weapons and paladin armor looks off with default rats texture style
>999 pen weapon that cuts off limbs
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Useless visitors. They don't even attack the mechs
Autocharge turrets have too much range. Simple as.
You can look at what I did in `1.5/Defs/GeneDefs/GeneDefs_updated.xml` and replicate the changes, or maybe even just copy over the file. I doubt they're different between animated/non-animated face versions, given that none of the genes in there are actually animated.
you're thinking of ebony
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>raiders come to save the day
nice. my colony was starving too. tonight we're eating bacon
Scratch that, seems that the yttakin faces are exclusive to facial animation version.
Should still be possible to patch them in, though not as easy as copying one file.
>CE updated to 1.5
Please, i don't want to fall asleep at my keyboard due to gun autism, not again!
so use Vanilla Combat Reloaded instead
no i want to sate my gun autism
plus, killing cosmic horrors with a KS-23 is fucking rad as hell
You mean AKM-16 with 19.86 Full hollow jacketpoint slug pellets?
do not pellet the slugs
https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2019227986 for office desks
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2437337542 for burgers
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1541536041 for office attire
and other ve stuff
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Mistakes were made.
I'm gonna pellet slug womb with semen
This base makes me physically sick
>strip out the fag and galaxy brain sliders and associated comps from Individuality and put it in the game with a different packageId
>game crashes in devtest because some other mod is still trying to load the Individuality comp after detecting Individuality via assembly metadata
>rebuild it with a different assembly id
>now the game crashes because some transpiler clashes with VFE that would previously detect Individuality and activate a compatibility patch
What's wrong with it?
>afraid of perpendicular lines
Someone get a wooden stake for this one.
>all these trash mods behaving like trash
you deserve everything you're suffering and more
name three non-trash mods
Wall Light
Poop Wine
merkava mod never
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im tempted to go on a recruiting spree to fill these bedrooms
i like your colony, anon. it pleases me autistically
I'm calling for putting commieblock building autists in /rwg/ concentration camps for reeducation
Please, I don't want to build rectangles anymore.
Educate me
But anon you'll be put in it for building it.
11x11 square rooms next to each other in a 3x3 grid.
What would you put with twisted meat in a recipe for neutroamine? I would probably put the research it is attached to as the serum one.
your diamond houses?
>square building
>but diagonal
I'll build diagonal walls when Tynan implements them.
>remove my butchered Individuality from the modlist
>the transpiler STILL keeps throwing
>try to delete the assembly
>unclosed handles prevent me from doing so
fucking jeetual studio shat itself so hard it broke the filesystem
everything is in the end truly squares..
A square is no place to keep your female pawn in, you know?
Twisted meat and chemfuel? I could go with that. I remember there being a mod that let you turn chemfuel into neutroamine I'm pretty sure
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First step to spreading freedom
There have been a few, but you're looking to do your own take, right?
If you wanted yours to work with those, you could make the twisted meat recipe faster to produce than the pure chemfuel one. Say that adding monster mash to the formula makes it easier to process.
If I put a prisoner as a comfort pawn in RJW so my colonists can rape them, do I have to toggle something on my colonists or do they just do it randomly? Only one of my colonists assaults my prisoner, I captured another one just in case and she ended up violating both of them several times a day while the others just masturbate like dummies
Yeah just making my own take. Anomaly allowing some otherwise craftable items to have craftable variants seems like a good 'reasoning' to have such a thing. Already did another mod with the same idea. Wouldn't add a variant neutroamine though. Just have it make neutroamine
once you toggle it on your colonists should use them whenever they feel like it. be careful since it gives them the 'rapist' trait though, and theyll eventually start raping other people. also im not sure about this one but colonists wont rape comfort pawns of the same gender unless theyre gay.
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Whoever made the brothel colony add-on for RJW - i kneel. Aside from adding obvious coomer material it actually contributes massively to the storyteller aspect of the game. Did you know that it only takes about 5 days for 3 semi-professional whores to drive an entire settelement into bankrupcy? You don't even have to bring food, they can feed themselves by bying the food with the silver they earned. Now i am finally able to respec my agridomes into growing crops instead of psyhcite. My colony spent last 2 years raiding tribals in search of attractive women to enslave and pimp out, the profits are immense, human trafficking rules.

Also, post colonies.
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My wife...
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Huh, so it does work like that. Wonder why only one of them did it, they're all girls and the prisoners were boys and there are no significant trait differences between them.
Oh, so the rapist after several rapes option being on was the default. I messed with the debug options early on and there's no revert to default setting, so I thought they were all cheats and just turned off everything there. Oh well, the boytoy prison didn't work too well anyway so I guess I'll do something else with them. By the way, what does this RJW Parts option do?
Is that just the RJW - Whoring mod or is that something else?
No it's RJW - Brothel Colony
i genuinely don't know, but if i had to guess it probably has something to do with multiple breasts and/or genitals
Nice, sounds fun
Alright, thanks anon
Ratkin gets a lot of fan addon mods. Nice
unfortunately rimworld doesnt have mood debuffs for repeating the same tasks over and over. i mean there's already a system for pawns being tired of recreation needs, is it possible to bastardize that to implement pawns being sick of doing the same work over and over?
Yeah, a variant (meatamine) just seems unnecessary. Different recipes to make the same synthetic thing fits with the simulation aspect. Chemfuel is the closest thing to oil, so should be able to be processed into other industrial chemicals.
I wonder if it would be any good if you could recycle go-juice and wake-up back into neutroamine.
>no sort of balance
I knew it
Unlike the other thing I made an anomaly variant for, neutroamine is actually used in recipes. Basically it would just be extra xml work to patch recipes that would use that variant or whatever. Plus the other thing I may make it have slightly/additional effects, but it functions like the original except being craftable for now. But it is the 'end' product with it not being used for anything, but its one time use. Plus it is meant to fit with another item type added in anomaly
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rate my colony
where's your female pawn?
I think I'll nerf EPOE's bionics to something like 115% efficiency and have advanced bionics take their place in the 125% efficiency spot. I don't like advanced bionics being able to even remotely approach what the archotech can do, so a mere 15% efficiency gap is a no-no. plus nerfing bionics across the board sounds good since Just a Flesh Wound makes parts that can't scar or bleed much more attractive already
thoughts, fellow game designers?
>reading the github description of the mod
I dont get it - how is that different from RJW Whoring and just having few girls on ho mode?
I get the specific work type and precepts but thats something we could get in RJW WHoring..
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Are traps gay?
Should regular male pawns be attracted to a feminine catamite xenotype?
RJW-Genes models them as mechanically female but this seems off to me.
Should being around particularly high-beauty pawns of the aforementioned kind gradually turn straight pawns gay?
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>Are traps gay?
>Should regular male pawns be attracted to a feminine catamite xenotype?
Depends on the youth and horniness.
>Should being around particularly high-beauty pawns of the aforementioned kind gradually turn straight pawns gay?
>Are traps gay?
the traps themselves can be gay but that doesn't mean you have to be gay
Holy sex
You can whore out your colonists at the faction settlements and there's also a bunch of ideology addtitions such as precepts, memes and 2 roles, and you can also choose the whoring rewards
>author says they likely won't update it
fund it
My next run will be a classic naked brutality scenario with a stranded soldier becoming a warlord of the rim.
As usual, lots of slave-wives and prisoner to fuel my war camp.
The question is simple: should I get waster slaves or they aren't worth it and should be exterminated like the filthy mutants they are?
oskar wasters are really cool
vanilla wasters? probably don't bother
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Need Hussar Tomboy Pawn
Yeah sure but still i dont how its something that couldnt be handled by RJW Whoring submod in the future.
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commieblocks inside a mountain
Are top/bottom/switch (or w/e) preferences essential qualities or are they context dependent on who is where on some topness spectrum?
Is that the Sims 4?
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no, it's rimworld. why would someone post the sims on /rwg/?
yes, yes it is
Fuck off, /tsg/.
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>Also, post colonies.
I think I'm done with this playthrough
maybe I'll make the mistake of updating to 1.5 next
But you haven't even posted that much. How dare you? You need to blogpost your colonies
poor mountain
when people are complaining about bloat, what are they saying exactly? having a whole bunch of stuff they never use?
I'd feel gross for doing that
Unfocused content. For example, the old VFE Insectoids mod added a bunch of plasma weapons in addition to enhancing insectoids. That's bloat.
I make a mod that adds purple, pink and red grass for you to decorate your base with. The mod is called "Vanilla Colored Grass Expanded" and is centered around adding colored grass.
I also add three weapons, two vehicles, five xenogenes and seven types of meteorite-related events.
Autistic faggots count everything as bloat.
Actual criticism? something not fitting the theme and purpose of the mod i guess.
I just started playing and was curious what speed everyone plays on? I like how things seem to get done faster on 2x/3x but I also feel like I'll miss something if the game is whizzing by super fast, though it auto pauses if shit goes down.
I'm not sure
i just let it x1 and enjoy the scenery. its relaxing that way. i do turn it 3x at night time or while waiting for a specific task to be preformed that im annoyed it hasn't been preformed yet.
I basically let the game run in the background while i do other things.
4x most of the time, 1x while focused on something. Sometimes 2x if I need to pay attention but not too much.
How bad for tps is SizedApparel, really?
Yes, rjw ex is rjw extension, the milk machine is equipment that automatically milks your hucows, i think the ideology addon ive used was coffees one, rjw genes for genetic fuckery is also nice
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About as bad as animated faces, with the bonus of one or two gigs of memory usage at rimworld startup. Any sort of animation is expensive on the rimworld engine
How fucking massive is that?
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This >>487159771, another example is fetid corpses adding a bunch of random shit just for his custom scenario.
>>487159929 That's a meme you dip
ok, i was fearing those 4 files might overlap one another.
how do i apply the mod i got from git?
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Pretty big i think it's an Mi-26.
Pretty big, bigger than the similar behicles that use Vehicle Framework I think.
Its not.
There are more than few faggots who will look at weapon pack adding weapons and unironically scream about bloat.
You know what's real bloat?
you didnt have to make fun of my weight like that, anon
Have you kissed your female pawn today?
I'm literally playing with dolls anon
So did you?
>Artificially impregnate one of the colony's whores for shits and giggles
>Waster triplers
Post the lucky girl anon
paused when i mess with menus and assign meals surgeries and such
3x when in the early steps to make sure something isnt going horribly wrong
4x when colony has basic needs covered and wont explode suddenly
1-2x for combat
is there a single scenario where deliberately picking donkeys over horses makes sense? if not, how do we fix them?
>where deliberately picking donkeys over horses makes sense?
I think donkeys have smaller penises so if your white female pawns are a bit more tight or just starting out then it might be a better pick
horses been buffed so no.
anyway donkies need less food so you can have more of them to milk and stuff.
>is there a single scenario where deliberately picking donkeys over horses makes sense?
if you like donkeys or don't like horses or both
Donkey should ignore some if not all movement penalty when travelling through terrain on the world map.
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Nevermind they got killed by a zzztt
nutriet paste yum yums!
>Exotic goods offers a plethora of new meats and food to try
>Still insistent on bug meat paste
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You should be able to recieve development points from other ideoligion's rituals if you set the diversity of thought to appreciated and above
people will support you if you point that out to tynan on twitter
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Zey some how successfully tamed it, next up it is a wolf which went less than great last time
nice cougar, great to pair with female pawns
I'm partial to using the animal giantizer from big and small on them
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We now have a Wolf
Put in a folder, but dont double nest
I think those unfloored areas underneath doors might spread dirt, and/or reduce walk speed a little.
Yeah they do. Also they're ugly, which is worse.
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It's up.
Finally I can use embrasures as glory holes!
how strong are embrasures even, ive never used them
Not as strong as a killbox. Unles you make an embrasure killbox...
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Imagine a sandbag that you can't walk over.
It's basically this and the game design's can barely handle it.
Remember, this is the kind of defence Tynan wants you to use.
that looks like the kind of defense I usually use and I usually get bored and start over before it stops being enough
maybe I'll give them a go for once, godmode is always fun once. I'm using ce for my first time too so can I set up lmgs or something in there?
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I found that the best defense with using embrasures is a setup like this and have a small handfull of pawns in each pillbox
that's exactly what I had in mind yeah, except uglier because that's just how I like it
hell yeah
I was about to install medieval overhaul not knowing *mbrasures were included
>he eats paste made of bug and not Longpork
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Yeah... I got bored of the coom mods. RJW probably uses up a lot of TPS anyway
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My squirrel collection grows ever larger
Just tame pet squirrels instead, holy shit.
mod for cute statue?
How big a performance impact is HAR framework? I saw a mod that adds ears and am tempted but I don't plan on running any aliens so maybe it isn't worth it?
Oh hey that's my son (fucked the squirrel when anon wasn't looking)
More Sculpture by Bichang
also a good mod is Retextured Sculptures
>riders keep burning part of my base every time they attack
>change outer walls and floors to stone to stop fire spread
>wealth is higher so raids are bigger, they're better equipped and i can barely hold them off now
fuck this game encouraging turtling and focusing only on getting weapons
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Based pillbox defense tactician
Embrasures will be balanced once vehicle ai is released trust in the plan.
I wish there was a smarter version of Search and Destroy so I could just watch the game play itself for me.
How are you shooting through the walls?
Corin looks better with longer hair.
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Nta but Embrasure mod
You think?
Anon you could lower your threat scaling
Are you perhaps unable to read?
anon probably doesn't know the word "embrasure"
>Jaguar compliments Okamoto on their hard work
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this is the current state of my pillbox setup
why do two of the Kurins have bubba'd guns?
Did she get a bionic replacement leg?
i should just embrace my lack of soul and do this
reminds me
You can always add some decoration and make it your own. Like putting up a poster in your prison cell.
>mod discontinued
>fine, whatever
>the author disabled the comments section
I am seething
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is it okay to have anomaly enabled if I don't particularly plan to engage with it?
how do you even take care of three kids and only have 2 adult colonist in rimworld, how do you get any work done or fight raiders
It adds literally nothing from what I can tell and just bloats your game without it.
I just got a sanguophage crashing on my base. What sort of colonist should get the genes? I have one or two of every job filled out, and at least one colonist with 15 in any given stat.
I also have 3 child colonists…do I make them a sanguophage LOL
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Got myself a nice caravan animal, though only usable during the "warm" summer
Snowdrop cares for the kids nearly full time, the completely barren map means very little wasted time walking, and low colony wealth/mechs makes raids easy to deal with
so you just take things extremely slow pace the whole time? maybe I should try doing that instead of just expanding as fast as I can because I keep getting scared that the raids will just keep on getting bigger even if my wealth doesn't grow significantly
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any ideas why information (i) no longer displays the package/mod a given item is from?
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Depends on the mod.
yeah, the issue is that I'm no longer getting "content source" on anything
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It's funny how easy it is to spot filthy deserter terrorists.
*based deserter freedom fighters
>play normally
>game keeps sending mech clusters with those cannons that one shot you
>on a rare occasion when it's a normal raid, it's fucking fox girls that jump from the other side of the map into melee range with 20 skill
this shit is gay
*dead "based" deserter """"freedom fighters""""
There will always be more.
Ever since the 20th century, empires will fall.
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Does 'play normally' to you means playing in Losing is fun with Randy or Phoebe and overpowered mods?
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Do you reload saves when one of your pawns dies? Coyote scuffed taming a Mega Sloth and got BTFO by it so I reloaded a recent save and removed it from the taming list.
>overpowered mods

name 5 and then 5 more

so that I can eventually install them
I reload saves when they die to the worst of luck rolls, I continue when it's my own fault like your case
No. In my story there is a benevolent Archotech that revives whomever I want once every two quadrums.
Anons are always going about how Revians or some other fox girl mod xenotype are op in melee for a bunch of reasons.
I've never had someone really die one of my long term colonies.
I should probably start playing in higher difficulties than Strive to survive Cassandra
I don't think raising the difficulty will raise mortality rate, taking higher risks is what often causes death
I absolutely reload when something stupid happens. Like losing a caravan due to it completely disappearing off the map, or a pawn ceasing to exist after trying to jump away from one of the vote abnormalities
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>The Ludeon Public art assets zip file doesn't contain icons and promotional material for Biotech, and the Royalty ones are limited, unlike Ideology and Anomaly.
I modified the file so Deserters wear Flak instead and add a new Pawnkind called Deserter Commando that only appears in Raid and Quest.
It's actually just strive to survive on Cassandra. Those mechs are pretty annoying to deal with when they spawn before you get armor and explosive stuff.
Miho has melee fox girls that teleport to you
bros what does this mean
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>vote abnormalities
Dumb american politics meme, don't engage the /pol/ack.
it was just a joke, I'm not a /pol/ack
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Spooky ghost!
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post female pawns as proof, or else
I'm trying to tell a story, so it depends on whether or not I find that outcome storyful enough
I play on strive and have to savescum all the time
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Guilty Gear
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>started with a sun lamp
Guh is this vanilla and is it because my region is perma night?
Built for Big Roach Cock
Eva? Dead and buried.
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I rather like oskar now
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What are the add ons in red, I see these on a lot of screen shots

What mods are you using for your pawns

That weather looks pretty intense, is that also an add on or part of the game
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Is that a tank and is it underground?
Yes, and yes.
fuck this is going to be a bitch to type out

'mech work tab' 'simple warrants' 'rocketman' '[NL] facial animation' 'dubs mint menus' 'character editor' 'better error log'

Biotech Ratkin for my wife and children

It's the propane lakes from Alpha Biomes, it's cold as fuck here
>character editor

I used this add on for all of 5 minutes becasue with the amount it lets you edit it seems kinda like cheating. What's the main purpose people use it for?

Is that DLC or an add on?
Just be a giga chad and post the entire rimpy modlist with no explanation and let them sift through it.
I asume you mean the mapgen, and yes it is a mod called geological landforms.
Character Editor is a cheat mod but I use it to check out the stats of weapons/armor and to save pawns.
You also can use it to save pawns for quick restarts. Also it is only a cheatmod if you use it in that way, I try to make my starting pawns as weak or strong as I want them to be for the run I am doing.
>adding mods for future use from steam (biomes and such)
>added a collection
>some weird option saying to replace or just add
>figured "replace' meant it would replace the items I was subscribed
>it literally replaced ALL of my fucking mods with the ones in the collection

Thank fuck I only had like 30 mods. Who the fuck thought that option was a good idea? I checked reddit and a bunch of other people were saying thew same thing.
>day uno
>sheet ice
I can hear you laughing Randy you mother fucker
Thanks for all the mod names bros. There's a bunch of races I want to try but they require DLC so what I think I'll do is finish this vanilla play through then buy all the DLC at once, add a few races and wing it from there.
Tynan doesn't deserve the money. https://www.gog-games.to/game/rimworld
>archotech arm surgery
>medical 10
>manipulation 165%
>glitterworld medicine
>hospital bed + vitals monitor
>sterile (0.51)
>catastrophic failure
I love this fucking game
Sex with the new DLC girl
Sex with Charlotte
Sex with Esther
Sex with Marine
Sex with Femcel
Sex with Katarina
Sex with Glowie
Sex with Kraut
Sex with Saki
Sex with Eve
Sex with Nurse
Sex with Aurine
Sex with Kealana
Sex with Mint
Sex with Snowdrop
Sex with Katya
Sex with Toxos
Sex with Stream
Sex with Snickers
Sex with Dudina
Sex with Corin
Sex with Hilda
Sex with Alboio
Sex with Erin
Sex with Kylar
Sex with Layla
Sex with Ryane
Sex with Uskos
Sex with Cindy
Sex with Sappy
Sex with Sera
Sex with Mink
Sex with Harper
Sex with Setsuko
Sex with Zen
Sex with Doris
Sex with Amalia
Sex with Rikki
Sex with Date
Sex with Brooke
Sex with Allie
Sex with Auric
Sex with Zamora
Sex with Lena
Sex with Flynn
Sex with Impids
Sex with Highmates
Sex with Hussars
Sex with Wasters
Sex with Dirtmoles
Sex with Baseliners
Sex with Moyos
Sex with Ratkin
Sex with Anty
Sex with Revia
Sex with Askbarn
Sex with Slime girls
Sex with Fox girls
Sex with Cat girls
Sex with Bunny girls
Sex with Moose girls
Sex with Dragon girls
Sex with Dog girls
Sex with Monkey girls
In rimworld.
I usually download everything to try it out and if it clicks with me I'll typically buy it.
>non of my pawns made the goonlist
Same but for me with Rimworld it's a case of "This man has put in the bear minimum and simply doesn't deserve any money for a game that is essentially built by the community" this will become increasingly obvious as you play the game more.
>the surgery installing a peg leg has failed in a minor way
>colonist died because the heart was destroyed
any mods to make this make more sense? or anything to keep them alive afterwards, i do have a spare heart
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I know this is /rwg/ but any of you play this? It's listed as a combination of Factorio and Rimworld. I saw a few streamers doing sponsored streams today which I thought strange since it's still in EA and released in 2022. I tried out the demo and it seemed fun but also pointlessly tedious and kind of "lacking" if that made sense though that was only the tutorial so maybe that's why.
Get better pawns fucko
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Hoping the bugs freeze to death so I can get some water, shits scarce.
Is there infection in the game, like a surgery area wasn't clean and the wound gets infected? Maybe the pawn needs an amputation now or maybe they die.

Is there epidemics?
Infection is random, but the chance of it happening. Reduces with the cleanliness of the room, and maybe the bed used.
There are no epidemics, diseases will happen just because, and affect a varying number of colonists at the same time. Vanilla diseases cannot spread.
It's okay. Cosmoteer is much better for "I want to play Save Our Ship 2 without horrific lag and jank and an actual goal" though.
Wounds have a set percent chance of being infected, which increase with difficulty or how unclean the area where the pawn was tended.
Diseases are completely random.
you don't just pick a favourite pawn and give them absolutely everything you find?
>Sex with Setsuko
>Sex with arrogant violent crass vampire samurai with incest fetish
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>incest fetish
It's not a fetish, it's a lifestyle. Outbreds wouldn't understand.
Oskar and Sarg owe me sex.
>Outbreds wouldn't understand
Yeah, on the account of not having their DNA be so tangled it's a mobius strip
>Sex with Snowdrop
That is what I'm doing yes
i hate that surgeries are hardcoded to have a min fail chance, and cooking food has a tiny risk of it being poisoned
hey come to think of it, are player cooked packaged survival meals safe from food poisoning or not?
no they're not safe
tynan is a wigger
One that can fight the best, he'll be a beast
>That is what I'm doing yes
Snowdrop owes ME sex
>only safe food is meals bought from a trader, pemmican, and p*ste
Snowdrop owes every anon sex.
I don't think pemmican you cook yourself is safe either
A perfectly canadian worldview:
>The only good food is one that we import from other places, and gluten-free fast food
how can you fuck up meat, fat, and berries mashed together
>DNA be so tangled it's a mobius strip
Is this the secret of the Nanaya clan...?
That just means that your female pawns might not be as attractive as you think they are
they might not be female at all
Oh shit i suddenly have ectoplasm in my pants!
Snowdrop is child sized
But she's an adult, so it's fine.
I like it
>Did she get a bionic replacement leg?
No. Hilda just made her a new one
No filthy bionics in her system
>Snowdrop is child sized
Clearly not squirrel-girl-child-sized, seeing as her kids are still much smaller than her.
>Hilda just made her a new one
With a limb-regrowing psycast, an organ growth chamber, a healer mech serum, or...?
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>fire at boomalope then leave it alone before he goes after me so it can bleed to death before an event fucks me over
>before it dies it joins my group
>gets on my pen and dies exploding my ducks
what the fuck, I hate these guys
he fucking knows your sly tactics, died with an honorable jihad bombing
Considering there is no wood left on my map or in stockpiles, one solar flare would be devastating
Stay away from my child sized wife you fuckers
She owes us all sex.
Mech serum
>no wood left
I can give Snowdrop some wood
I can warm up Snowdrop with my cock.
Everytime i come here every now and then i find y'all being horny as usual
Im open for a betrothal agreement with one of her daughters, i have plenty of wood
What's with the freaky clown babies?
that's how squirrels look when they're bald
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Snowdrop still refuses to allow pullout. All of these kids are going to drain the life from her.
Instead of a swordmaster she is a good mom.
This isn't gonna end well.
>Woman wants to make a career
>Finds out being a mother is way more fulfilling and fun. Ends way happier than before
Who could've seen that one coming
She can do both, training with the blade between caring for the kids.
My base is right next to a field of crystal horns(arctic crop), so she won't have to go that far to gather more food.
Death during childbirth is the ultimate story.
Make it happen.
Taking care of kids takes a lot of time. Her skill in katanu will suffer
>{0} Requires Level {1} {2}
what is going on here
what would each of these girls be into? we already know corin fucks horses but what about the others
I feel like it's more horny than before
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>we already know corin fucks horses
But this is not true. That's mechan*id and rebel propaganda that you're spreading. It has no basis in reality.
>cheat crops
It's true and canon, stop coping, troon.
Everybody bloody hates you!
It's so nice for future food to kill each other, time to speed up the process
Hell if I know, some mod is probably bugged out
It's balanced by the lack of any other resources besides crystal wood(which can't burn) and hitting -70C in the winter
snowdrop probably has a breeding kink. when anon won't be enough to satisfy her she'll most likely start letting herself be bred by tribals
Has Oskar and his cult given up on developing vehicles? I don't really feel like playing with them until enemies can use them as well.
i heard her full name is mori callicorin
>so obsessed with balance he can't enjoy something fun to use unless enemies have it
Did you avoid psycasts too, until there was an AI psycast mod?
Anyone know the mod name for those combat bots? They look rad.
This person is blaming oskar for some reason for the framework itself. So yes they probably did
No, I avoided them because they kinda sucked. idk if you'd call oskar's psycasts balanced or not, but they're extremely fun, especially when I got to cast big storms at mechanoid hives
I don't really care to know intricacies of how much work is he doing vs what Phil is contributing, sorry!
I discovered instead of plantskip, you can use time bubble to grow plants
aaaaaaaaaaa why does it render heads behind pawns bodies
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It is not
I-is that so is that so...
It isn't Anon-kun
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They're completely right to because phil was one of the monkeys roped into working on oskar's dead-on-arrival dont starve ripoff, and paused all vehicle development for several months to work on it.
And when I say dead on arrival I mean dead like holy shit lmao
Phil is contributing? Nigga the framework is his baby. You are still obsessed blaming him for a mod he neither started or 'runs'
So modders aren't allowed to work or something? You going to blame walmart when a nigga disappears because he focuses on work for awhile? I literally only know this game exists because you niggas keep bringing it up
watashi is cute
Is there any way to skip your classes on history of modding? I don't blame anyone for anything, I only care to know how's the development going.
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the latest animations for rjw were conflicting with facial animation
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>oskar isn't the reason that vehicles mod development is in limbo!
>so oskar is the reason but it's ok now!

it's going alright actually, development recommenced and a release candidate for upgrades was released a few days ago
the rimthunder chinks are performing black magic on the code and have managed to implement towing for artillery pieces and cars, just waiting on a framework update to make it look less jank
A new bread!
The Dead Man's Switch.

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