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First Degree Burn, the OP Edition

Resources and FAQs: https://pastebin.com/ZU4uUREV
Guilds: https://pastebin.com/zCUYwWF0

>Am poor! What do?
Daily Checklist - https://fast.farming-community.eu/farming/daily
Currencies - https://fast.farming-community.eu/conversions/overview
OW Farming - https://fast.farming-community.eu/open-world/overview
Salvaging - https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/overview
Alternatively, get a fucking job and swipe.

>My build is absolute shit! What do?

WvW Restructuring
Gate/guard-tapping removed (git fukt)
AFK Farmers get kicked faster (git fukt)

Warclaw double jump
Homesteads and land spears
Janthir and Titans maybe
PvP and WvW rewards update https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2194238192

GW2 Summer Sale!
Account Bound Swim speed!
We wait for Wilds OF Janthir

Update history: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates

Latest Patch: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/148500-game-update-notes-july-16-2024/

Latest news: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/the-bear-necessities-a-peek-at-the-lowland-kodan-and-the-story-of-janthir-wilds/

Homesteads: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/a-first-look-at-homesteads-exclusive-preview-from-pc-gamer/

Speed Relics for Turbogays: https://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/gw2-hacks-bots-cheats-exploits/

Daily Reminder:
Femcharr INTO my basement
Plants into field (kale needed)
Asura into soccerball
FHD into T-3 fractals (they're fun trust me)
MHS into board
Buy the fucking invisifeet
Previous: >>486290641
Great Grand-Mother-great grand-daughter threesome with Soo-Won and Aurene
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Post your character's theme song
>be necro
>everyone dies before you
>their deaths make you more powerful
Someone pls explain this to me
Eparch meta. Rift team wipes because they don't move or watch the floor and die.
Thanks. What makes the necro tank it all and get stonger
>What makes the necro tank it all
Double health bars through death shroud (not actually pictured)
>and get stonger
life force generated per death to feed aformentioned double health bars through death shroud (still not pictured)
Vampmaxx Reaper. You use Blood Bank, Soul Eater and anything that will help you gain HP (dual swords work really well) to have a near permanent maxed barrier.
>armstice BRAP-tion
Not necessarily the character theme, but the meta theme:
That sounds fun
Especially in metas where nubs die
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playin' Minecraft
R u comfy
Asura should be in minecraft
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yeah, now I am now that my anxiety's down
herdin' a cow and sheep while waiting for night to pass :3
>tfw my heal skill isnt for me, its for everyone else
Thats good stay safe anon
I like this necro footage
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Glad to hear it
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Eparch was a big guy
it's shit, desu
it's awesome, desu
bladesworn was cool until they made it a ranged kit
look, if you wanna play memsworn, that's on you
just don't come crying to me, because i will just make fun of you for playing memesworn
this game is nice for upskirt inspecting cute FHDs
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>PvP rush not in the op
Pveasy wins again
Should I be trying to do everything in the area like vistas, hearts, etc or just wait till later?
Do you get faster mounts than the rapter
If you are a completionist then do it, it will only help you out later when you want to craft legendary weapons. If not, then don't, you'll have to do it anyway whenever you want to get legendary weapons.
Yes, if you haven't done PoF, you don't have the masteries for it and also Beetle, Griffin, and Jackal exist.

here you go farmers
the new PvP (that means PLAYER versus PLAYER to you pveasy trash) mode will be ludokino
If the new pvp mode doesn't drain my balls it's trash
where can a futarat drain her balls?
I recognised that ancient femsura from last thread but cant remember her name
>"new" shitpvp mode
>is still the same old retarded canned shit mode
call me when they implement a pvp mode with real shit
oh wait they have that, it's called wvw
the tournament isnt the new pvp mode you retard
>our development philosophy is to buff boonballs and nerf boonstrips in order to give an advantage to shitdo's shitters
whatever it is the only way it's not going to have spvp stats is if it's a br
it's not like it's going to be functionally any different from it since its still shitcanned retarded shitpvp canned shit stats canned shit traits canned shit runes canned shit sigils canned shit skills, until you out in REAL shit in your gay shit pvp mode YOU CAN FUCK RIGHT THE FUCK OFF
fucking calling shit new when its the same old tired canned shit still
>having an absolute schizo meltdown
reaper spear dead on arrival. no way anet is going to keep an aoe TWO (2) boon removal and a THREE (3) boon denial debuff that can only be removed by timer or just feeding boons into it
Imagine not only getting spvp's sloppy seconds but then also being proud of it and getting a big attitude about it
uncut smegmy norn futacock

look at all the crybabies crying about their dead game mode
>waaaaah nerf willbender
>waaaah anet only caters to their partners and private discord
>waaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaah
>that delusion
and you gaynet retards try to project schizophrenia onto me, get a clue you fucking retards
>pveasy meltie
>wvwanker freezie
Anet should cater to me, who almost exclusively solo roams and trims zerg tails, and give Earthen Synergy back it's 3k damage
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futarat is here to plap!
ditch the well and take plague signet next time champ
mad how orr has more of a gloomy and oppressive atmosphere than all nayos without needing to be pitch black and all one color.
>waltz into rata sum with my short skirt on
>msura boys flock towards me starry eyed and drooling
what's a girl to do hehe
msura are all gay
then why did i have to walk through precum trials all the way to the bank?
certified woman moment
precum doesnt work like that you dumb incel bitch
not my fault you don't know how your own body works. cope and seethe.
tits or gtfo
You don't know that. Maybe ASURA males do precum like that?
no i do know that because im an asura male
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this game is way too hard
have you done your daily beat up the bigot, /gw2g/?
i beat him up in the bedroom
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Last thing my warrior saw...
>temple of febeeb
I am sorry, participation rules me and I get lost in the sauce
>standard enemy models off
and WvWers demand people treat their clownery as serious PvP...
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How do you have so many buffs for someone who plays so much wvw?

forgot to blur the previous, soz
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too late anon, the cats outta the bag
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Oohhohoho you're blue. I see. Yeah it's a lot of buffs from my converters for candy corn, snowflake/zhaitaffy.

Left to right: Util, birthday, guild banner, food, tracked, banner, sigil, christmas buff (zhaitaffy/snowflakes), water aura, util buffer, banner, bloodlust, , banner, banner, food buff, banner, karma buff, item finding buff, reward track buff, armour buff.
With this i also have the neck infusion for wvw reward track and the guild buff




Hehe, and that's another guild I use against angry duelers to piss them off more
pls not dagger mirage
pls tell me you aren't a massive faggot, wvw rat
Only when I want to be really annoying. Power mirage sword(dagger for being annoying)+pistol/gs

besides, there are so many more worse builds than mine
cele dagger mirage is for pissbabies who cant play the game except against afkers or the people the daze lock
pretty poggers, ay chat?
Nah full marauder here, I only run full cele on my harbringer to make people miserable

Weapons (Though dagger+pistol is insane on power, sometimes two ambushes with that is enough to kill someone) are berserker
Loool wrong (YOU) one but yeah, cele dagger is so bad, super predictable.
>go to forums
>frost citadel whining and crying about how they're getting farmed
>also frost citadel:
>has 50 thieves and need 10 thieves to gank 1 person
well maybe if you had any skill and didnt play bitch mode class all the time you could actually fight back
cute rats
they'd look good getting fucked side by side
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Secret /gw2g/ guild? or japanese?
instant report
Possible but unlikely.
based warrior-killing rat
i didn't know there were gobblers for snowflakes and zhaitaffy, are they really even worth it? candy corn gobbler already gives everything you could possibly want...
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Zhai/snowflake gives the Festival Gobbler Boost which is a 25% increase to wvw reward track so I think it's worth it, I mean I only wvw as well so why not.

The only worthwhile buff from candy corn is the 50% increase to wvw reward track
cant' imagine how much time they spent individually removing model pieces and adding animation for it
initially it was much flashier and slower but i guess they sped it up
wasn't paying attention at the time since i had all the armor boxes i could ever need from raids
zhaitaffy gobbler feels like shit to use because it consumes 25 instead of 5 of the item
At least some of us haven't sold out yet.
>25 zhaitaffy a pull for the gacha chance at a 25% buff
does it even really stack with the candy corn 50% buff? fuck, either way that's fucking expensive and a waste
to be honest with you i don't even use candy corn buffing, i just play wvw and don't give a fuck, because i'm not in wvw for the loot, i'm in it to make pveasy poopsocking pissbaby boonball faggots cry
I meant to ask you earlier poopsock anon, do people actually poop in socks?
I use candy corn and snowflake, dunno why I got the zhaitaffy but it was many years ago
And yes they do stack and you can with all the boosters get up to 125% increased wvw reward track, at least according to the wiki here
poopsocks are for losers who cant afford a SHIT BUCKET
>tfw you bought a nice toilet seat for your shit bucket
pveasiers do
true, pveasiers at least have the dignity to poop in a sock
wvwlets just shit their pants
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Game needs more emotes. A photo mode would be nice, but I know that's asking far too much.
we use toilets, because we can afford to step away from our pcs long enough to shit, unlike pveasy poopsockers
>he says while wall running like a faggit
no you only get up to change your pants
how many shit smeared pairs of track pants are on your floor?
>wvw zerg guild named BBC
>all sitting in a discord call while repping that tag
>pressing 1-2-3 while following the colored-triangle-man
>unironically sweating their ass off fighting a group of randoms
I did not think it was possible to be bigger subhumans than maguuma
unironically have more respect for the magcloud now
cool projection pilpul, hymie, call me when shitpvp unshits itself
Maybe in gw3
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I can't imagine GW3 is going to happen anytime soon. At least we finally got our swimsuits.
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>ebarg meba
>half the squad is dead afk or leeching in the corners
Thats a good pic lol
Did you carry the squad in the meta to victory
I was try, but try was not enough

I ran the meta 3 times today and failed all three. First time nobody did rifts, second time the dps on the boss was way too low, third time there were too many leeches and dead people, both subs were honestly failing and it was the worst attempt out of all three easily
Wow, I'm sorry. I've failed it also, not today, but other times. It always feels terrible. I'm like 9 out of 12 victories though. As long as you yell at people to do rifts and do better DPS, its fine.
Can any of the mods interact with chat?
At least your toon is cute.
Are there any dedicated guilds that focus on clearing metas? Just curious if thatna thing
There are, and it works better
>MentisWave is a charr rev main
*pops* noice
post musky futarats!
Uh anon post more of her,finally a hot fhd
kill yourself
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The bikini is basically cheating though.
post rats, it makes catfags seethe, which makes me smile
you need COCK
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>none of the skyscrapers, skybridges, or parking structures featured on the loading screen art made it into the game
imagine what hoelbrak could have been...
That seems out of place.
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No way!
I want to love guardian but jesus christ i cant find a single build to play that's fun AND strong for soloing shit in open world.

Figured a power willbender would be fun but it's kinda squishy, this whole profession feels fuckin squishy, even those firebrand builds feel like im really working to survive.
what's the d stand for in fhd
I felt kind of similarly and wound up really liking Power Dragonhunter, even though it seemed kind of boring before I played it.
what setup? dragonhunter is the elite i've spent the least amount of time with for a similar reason, it just kinda looked boring. The only thing i've really tried on it is that LI hammer build just to see if it really worked,

Was kinda tempted to do something with greatsword and traps with the relic of the dragonhunter.
fhd stands for fugging huge donkey kongs
>want to
I just use the standard GS/LB setup you'll find on SC or whatever. You can swap utilities and stuff out as needed if you want different stuff for solo play.
I like her face,post more anon
>Mag is so powerful they can exist on most matchups
Blobcels the Cloudchads are dabbing on us... Alliances was supposed to save us
Which skin tone is that? Show sliders
They climbed from T5 to T1 and haven't lost even once. Boonball is fucking shit at anything but surviving attrition and focusing on strictly PPT, because with enough boons you can ignore cloud and kill lords.
Holy shit. You definitively need cock.
>because with enough boons you can ignore cloud and kill lords
this isn't true in the slightest, with a professional cloud
against inexperienced, less cohesive, ameteur clouds, sure
but against a REAL cloud brimming with chiseled veterans? hah, your best boonball shitters are absolute fodder
So I got back into GW2 when end of dragons was coming out. I play the game in ebbs and flows, and I've found myself flowing towards it, to finish the second expansion's story. I picked up 1+2 for dirt cheap and beat expansion one in like a week or two, think I got far in 2. But now theres a 5 coming out. Jeeze.
What's the rundown on the expansions past end of dragons? Flying and shit yeah. Who's the big bad chungus now?
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What sword skin is this?
Serpents ire meta fucking sucks why did they have to make that gay thunder shit mechanic. No wonder everyone hates it
>see they added a bikini to the shop
>see the preview on my cat
>gives her a bulge
transparent try on haul appearance package when?
How the fuck have I never seen this before
>150 statuettes
Nevermind, mystery solved
charr are hyenas
I really wish I had never learned about hyena fem dicks
made for big barbed cock
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Skin tone is "Light 3" but it probably looks different due to the ReShade I'm using. Too lazy to show sliders.

Sorry, humans only.
home nodes are so weird. like i know on paper they're a terrible investment. but it just feels nice to have them, you know?
they'll be a much better investment when homesteads are out and they release the "gather all" chest.
that's just qol though right? it takes what, 5 minutes to clear a full home currently?
That doesn't change the fact that it takes literally years to get a return on the initial gold investments for nearly every single node.
just buy gold, ez.
That's fine. It just doesn't make sense to waste gold on gathering nodes.
How do you deal more dps with scrapper compared to mech? I'm using basic zerk gear and I only deal 9k with scrapper and 15k on mech with a hammer on the golem.
hit buttons faster
>its another 'anon treating this game like its his stock portfolio' episode
You buy them for the convenience, not for its economic return. If only you guys were this economically conscious irl
>STUPID FUCKING RETARD NIGGER offers Analytical Charm in two tabs: one for 20 Deldrimor Steel Ingots and the other for 20 Spiritwood Planks.
oh cool I just wasted 20g
Honestly, what is the convenience? You are harvesting some assorted crafting materials or LWS3-4 currencies. The former you can just buy with the gold you earn from actually playing the game. I can somewhat understand getting the LW currencies, but even that can be acquired with minimal effort when you need them.

The Advanced Leather Rack node is selling for 180 gold on the TP. Now figure out how many pieces of leather you could just buy with that amount instead when you need them.
just swipe for gold
>t. chaim cohen
Thanks cutie,this thread needed someone like you,I finally have a reason to check it
A lot of your DPS comes from boons and traits.
the fate of goonwars 2 is to be decided in this livestream
what livestream?
What's it like to feel the gentle touch of an FHD?
Like bags of bloodstone dust.
Can I cum tribute her?
default permission is yes for fhds
>Now figure out how many pieces of leather you could just buy with that amount instead when you need them.
Im not doing your math homework for you.
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I'd suck her cock
i'd watch
do you remember which body type you chose? it doesn't look like the bimbomax one
After EOD we fought demons, and the big bad was a demon king. You ally with astral wizards from different time periods to overthrow him. Started off kind of good and then tapered off real quick.

Looks like the big bad for the next expansion is the White Mantle again, and it seems like they're going for sort of self-contained expansions rather than some vast plot like the Dragon Cycle. I think.

(Also to call SOTO and Janthir Wilds "expansions" is a bit of a stretch. They're living world seasons that you have to buy now, rather than just logging in or gem converting if you miss the window.)
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That depends on the node, and it gets sped up significantly with Volatile gathering tools
yeah, that last point is sorta what I was worried about. Them not feeling like full fledged expansions. I mean if they go on sale I will grab them, I think. 25 bucks isn't that bad if I get several hours worth of gameplay out of them.
I will stand corrected that it doesn't take "years" for most nodes, but I am still firm in my belief that the juice isn't worth the squeeze.
what do i do with my 10th character slot from jackoff wilds?
got echovald, NK, bjora and crystal oasis covered already.
Fair enough
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Top row, third column. You are correct in that it is not the curviest option.

That would be really gross anon haha
>White Mantle
Apparently there will be titans as the main enemy so I fully expect them to asspull a previously-unknown lore-breaking gateway to the Foundry of Failed Creations (after totally ignoring both the Door of Komalie and Mouth of Torment).
Would be neat to see if they include any Shadow army, Shiro'ken, or Margonites if they do go that route though.
the titans were kryptis all along
What a well-crafted fhd. Kudos to you.
thank! I think the bikini looks better on the one you chose and didn't want to fall into the booba trap when making mine
nice work
sacrificial weekly FHD to get to level 10 and then delete for black lion key
i literally never gather anything, ever, that takes away from killing boonball shitters with my fellow cloudchads
What do we know about GW3? It's confirmed to be indev, right?
what about really tall humans?
clone and skibidi
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>its another zerging slopfest
zerging is the only way to play, tard
if you wanna roam or smallscale, go play pvp and leave the REAL FIGHTS to the good players
>zerging is the only way to play
You actually played this slopfest? lol thanks for confirming for me its shit
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Any GW1 vets here?

I am torn between making a mesmer and an elementalist. I have been told mesmer does more braindead pure damage endgame, but a good ele can outdps with good use of PvE skills and the like. I hear that mesmer lategame can be summed up as esurge+CoP, whereas ele has more variety. I hear fastcasting and its associated CDR put mesmer above ele. I hear so much and given no proofs (and desu I don't trust the retards in the guild I joined, literal stay at home moms some of them, which is cool and all, but if they are the same as in any other game I have played their opinions are based on what some dood told them 20 years ago).

I joined some endgame content on my current character (warrior), and there were indeed a lot of mesmers doing pure damage, but that still didn't really put the issue to bed for me, as it was all the stay at home moms and retards playing these mesmers (and theyd still fuck up, draw aggro and die, to the point I legit consider myself better than them after a mere 35 hours or so). Seems to me that in very specific endgame settings where you want reliable quick pure damage that doesn't scatter, mesmers perform better. Anywhere else eles would strike me as performing beter due to the lower cooldowns allowing more consistent damage output over time (e.g. HM missions, vanquishing, non-SC dungeoning). Also, from what I have understood (HM) pve mobs have shorter CDs and have hex resistances, so al lot of mesmer interrupting and hexing goes to waste.

As last point, and again still a shitter noob so maybe I misunderstand, but all the things you'd want a human mesmer to do a hero mesmer would do better (outside of CoP spiking), whereas for an ele the opposite is true.

I'll gladly be corrected and would appreciate some feedback. I really don't want to rely on this guild for advice, because it is quite the time investment to get a character to the point where it plays in a way that it will play as for most if its its career.
>expecting me to read all that shit
wow are gw1 fags really so pretentious?
First off , >>>/vm/1339092.

To answer your wall of text:
Whoever told you that is garbage and probably copies a build off PvX wiki and only plays that.
You can do so much with both professions if you stray a millimeter away from the "meta" builds.
Normal mode or Hard mode, playing mesmer or elementalist is no problem. There are actually skills in the mesmer line which BENEFIT from hard mode bosses' innate resistance.
Humans will always be better than NPCs, no matter what. If all you want is to have heroes spam Esurge then by all means, go ahead and let them, but they'll just as easy spam Thunderclap or Searing Flames.
Basically your guild is shit, I'm guessing LGiT based on how terrible your info is.
I personally prefer playing mesmer to elementalist but you can decide for yourself.
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Well, there's one problem...
Personally, ele all the way. Ye, in stuff like Urgoz you'll piss people of if you start searing flambe'ing mobs, there you want the mesmers on their snooze builds to do the damage. Everywhere else, so indeed general PvE, I find ele a lot more fun. You still want mesmers in your team casting shit like panic, but like you said heroes do this better anyway so why bother. Eles can do things like cast GDW on multiple characters (not even rits can do this without bringing specific vases to iffset the silly high costs of spamming GDW) EVBsoH works on ele spells (on every tick of damage for an AoEDoT spell ) but not mesmer spells. You also get some really cool spells in the likes of ride the lightning.

Mesmer is a class that excells in pvp and in speedclearing. Everywhere else I prefer an ele. Also, do note that even in speedclearing eles are useful, just not as spikers, you'll be bonding/healing (which is kinda boring admittedly, but somehow when my runs fail it is usualky because the bonder fucks up and the tank(s) dies)

Long story short, go ele unless you realky really want to be a CoP dps in speedclears OR get a kick out of interrupting spells (just because a hero does it better doesn't mean you can't enjoy it).

I wish all the gw2 fags would hop over ti gw1 fo4 PvP. GvG is magical compared to everything gw2 has to offer.
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>elementalist slut thinks he's better than a mesmer
>im on 4chan and i must troll
Like other anon said. Mesmer if you want to join the afk gang and circlejerk over who is doing the best dps (toolbox dps meter is b r o k e n btw). Ele for all other PvE content.
In PvE? Yes, hands down. Your imqge is ironic as all those spells prove my point. Player mesmers in PvP can be gods. In PvE they never do better than heroes thoughm you are never getting those perfect panic casts. The consistent interrupts etc. A couple of ele/rit bosses are easier with a human mesmer camping them instead of a hero mesmer.
That's one of the best aspects of it.Âż
Thanks for the redirect and info.
ladies and gentlemen, the esl has arrived.
I am not too much of a gw1fag but my build that got me through most of the content was:
>mesmers for energy manipulation
>necros for anti-res
>everyone basically is a monk with low cost skills so I can use Light of Dwayna when too many go down
>and genetleman
the feminist has arrived
>Humans will always be better
fucking human supremacists reee
JW better not have any white mantle I don't want to see any gayfag whitemantle human supremacists shitting up my RP locations
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Ahem. Male mesmers and eles walk like they have a broomstick shoved up their ass. So they are out. Female mesmers have some of the worst looking armor and a shit dance. Also terrible options in the character creation. This leaves female ele as the true choice.

As literally any profession can clear ALL pve content, the only thing that matters is looks.
>everyone basically is a monk with low cost skills so I can use Light of Dwayna when too many go down
Ah, yes, you must be my old guild's monk. "WHY AM I DYING?"
"Did you bring a heal?"
"No, we brought YOU"
"Yet you are dying, so you should have brought a heal"
>Guild Wars 1 is very much alive
Cracks me up every time. Its a mantra they have to tell themselves every time they open the thread
I wrote out a whole bunch of bullshit but I'm just going to sum it up for you and say that heroes are dumb and humans players are ALWAYS better no matter the profession.
Just because you like playing elementalists better doesn't mean they actually are better.
To be fair, with how the game is designed it barely matters. It is a great game even if it were offline and for MP you at mad need 7 other people. It is my go-to coop game to this day. Hundreds of hours of fun for you and a friend or two and no need to find strangers to fill the rest.
I hate other people
is gw2 for me?
No, gw1 might be though.
Hey the overwatch general is the other way
I had ogden healing and SUCC'n energy.
literally my min-sized fsura with literally anyone
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Beat the first boss lady and walking that soul road was fun!! We ended up killing the three minibosses and now it's time for Dhuum. Now I know how glitch asura feels...
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it's a curse that never goes away
finally, rats imprisoned
>asura in the cum jar
Post her
S-someone help her...
>someone asks for help
>get there
>its a human player
>pretend that i got there by accident and quickly leave
fuck human players, go be boring irl. oh wait you're already doing that.
imagine being so boring you need a tail or plant ears to seem interesting
so from what I understand, the goal of this WvW update they've been working on for the past 50 years is to make it more balanced
to be frankly honest, the devs who made this should kill themselves or at least retire from designing things
if that was their goal and they still managed to create even more cancerous servers like this Tombs of Drascir shit that literally contains the biggest cancers known to humanity
the collection of all the losers in this game playing cheesy one shot builds, abusing bugs, and being toxic faggots in general
even worse than maguuma
almost controlling 50% of the maps while the others have 20% and 30%
and you take 50 fucking years to release this absolute fucking garbage
you should kill yourself if you had any respect for your ancestors

liek I come back from vacation
and shit is dead
no one is playing because one server is raping everyone else
I've never fucking seen this because all my life I played against maguuma
I'm used to the magcloud
but the shit on Tombs of Drascir? how the fuck does it happen
lowlife sweaty "boonball" players
hacking roamers
cheese builds
even maguumen weren't as cancerous because at least you could play other maps than EB

meanwhile my server has 2 or 3 guilds full of boomers who UNIRONICALLY still use teamspeak in teh current year
I like those guys but it was sad watching them get raped over and over and then calling it
haven't even seen them today
Okay anon I'm only going to jerk off to her,shes too hot
trust hte algorithm you fag
it's going to take a bit to properly balance
anet cant use all the data they've gotten for the past 12 years
they can only use data they've gotten from the past 5 weeks
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is there an Ai out yet that can do asura feet
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tranny game
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and yet here you are crying about it
train a model yourself, you have the data
erpfags deserve the noose
send tweet
care to elaborate why you feel so strongly about what other people do with themselves in an online space?
i-it's turning h-h-h-him gay
they are doing it publicly in my presence
it's vulgar
>i-it barely matters!
i literally warned you and them and everyone else that this is EXACTLY what was going to happen BECAUSE of how inherently retarded memelliances conceptually is, from the very utterance of its meme
>let's take away servers and player agency and the ability for them to actually be able to balance it out themselves and make everything guild stackers and randoms forced together, what could go wrong?
also the goal is not, was not, and never was for balance, the goal was to kill off wvw because gaynet can't afford the data that wvw uses up in their shitty scamazon pleb "services" internet plan and they think wvw players both do not spend any money on the game and that the wvw population does not affect their precious pveasy population in any way shape or form
they are going to learn a hard lesson from this
people are GOING to be fired over this, and rightfully so
a kike and their hubris is forever inseparable
why would they get fired for accomplishing their goals
because, in this case, accomplishing their goals comes with unforseen consequences
they already had to panic break the glass on slutmog because of it
what consequences
this sounds like copoe for dead game mode
?? I'm on Rall's Rest and having more fun than ever, I get constant fights around SMC and never have to worry about population because EBG stays queued for five to seven hours every night.
But it doesn't for me. 16 years on and I still play it with by and large the same group of people.
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You don't understand, some people don't play for their own fun, they just have a need to ridicule other people having fun. It is console war kiddy type stuff. Either he is underage or his development was stunted. Basically picrel.
how do i find a guild that does raids and shit
Ask in map chat
please tell me how i can get a hold of you to cum to these, i need to be your friend
thanks for the screenshots anon
from head to toe she's perfect for masturbating
Is dragonstorm the only meta that revokes your rewards at the end if it detects you afk during it?
Who is she
>im gay and enjoy being gay with other gay dudes, its so much fun being gay lol maguuma 4 life
is there a tempest fractal build
or is it just weaver cata only
Rall's Rest is probably the worst group I've seen outside of EBG. Literally zergs 50% more than our group, still gets run over every chance we fight. Only thing they have is numbers, can't protect everything on the map...
Fresh air power tempest
I finally crafted my first legendary, HOPE. And I just noticed, why is there like 4 gen 2 legendaries that are annoying as hell to craft compared to the rest?
hot launched with 4 g2 leges and HOPE was one of them and all of those have rp quests tied to them as a time waster
doing those was "too much work" for anet kikes so rest of g2 just have huge resource sinks instead
Debating on giving gw2 another try, since I'm getting that mmo itch again. Is it more interesting then xiv's dawntrail? Because last time I played xiv's version or warrior wasn't very fun, and I just wanna be a big guy that smashes stuff
well depends what you want to do really?
>open world
gw2 wins hands down
gw2 wins
gw2 wins
>instanced raids
xiv wins hands down
>instanced one group content
both games suck tranny dick
depends on your taste
I am also considering getting into GW2. How is the game? How is the leveling experience?
I mainly just wanna experience fun fights like trials in xiv, or something similar to alliance raid. I just want something cool to farm again. Because xiv doesn't have any fun normal content since the last time I played
Speaking about leggies, does anyone else keep ascended items still? I find them more useful for quick swapping weapons from the inventory since it's cheaper than another equipment tab.
Unless I'm misunderstanding how to use the armory.
>How is the game?
pretty good I guess
I have played every mmo in existence and this is the only one where I have FUN
unironic FUN like you would have in a singleplayer game
>How is the leveling experience?
I only levelled 1-80 once at the start years ago as a f2p but it was one of the best levelling experience in an MMO
probably even better now desu there are always people around doing events and shit
you get a shit ton of level boosts in wvw so I never had to level again
I just played SotO and somehow had much more fun with its story than I had with the Wuk Lamat expansion.
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>>instanced raids
>xiv wins hands down
Really? How bad are gw2's raids? Can they really be worse than "barely story-relevant boss standing in the middle of a square/circle platform using the same mechanics but in a different order"
Schizo of the obscure didn't feel as fun as trilogy, not sure why, I just didn't enjoy it. the Xpac itself was pretty good, I just couldn't get into the story
GW2 raids are objectively better than XIV for the exact reason you pointed out. And considering the combat formula for GW2 isn't as sterilized as XIV, there is plenty of room for mixups.
The problem is that the most recent GW2 expansion had a grand total of two raid encounters and both bosses are exactly what you describe. GW2's older stuff is quite good, but they're not making much of it these days and the recent quality hasn't been great.
Ascended items retaining their stats and sigils does let you technically swap faster than legendaries allow, but also I have a main with six equipment slots and no inventory space.
Power Tempest
Alac Power Tempest
Alac Condi Tempest
Condi Tempest
what's his fucking problem?
it's over. Black Desert has bikinis.
I paw your thigh, you moan
desert canaanite carthaginian genetics
>And considering the combat formula for GW2 isn't as sterilized as XIV, there is plenty of room for mixups.
I know you're not specifically talking about class gameplay but I figured I'd ask, is it true there are no procs/rng in any profession's gameplay? Is it all just strict rotations?
Some professions still have chance proc traits I think, however rotations are not strict in GW2. As long as you can pump out 10-20k dps, you can clear almost all content.
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>Enter WvW
>There's a tag
>Invite only
soulless horror is peak raid encounter design, im glad you could experience that and see it through
it means the people you are raiding with ain't half dog
>Enter WvW
>There's a tag
>Invite only
>Join the disc
>Get the invite
>Have fun instead of being an autistic man baby that has 'does not play well with others' in red on their shirt
I'd rather not play WvW than join your club of homosexuals.
you didnt have to reply
but you did
and you proved my point
>enter wvw
>join tag
>join discord
>3 hours of the horniest fuckers I've ever heard
you had no point, only a retarded strawman projection, seethe cope and dilate
more events should function this way
>join squad
>join discord
>commander tells to not kill obj and cap points solo so everyone gets cred
>also the commander
>I need a thief to solo the sentry so we're not revealed
>shocked when zerg goes to cap sentry
Commanders really need to make up their mind, play for objectives or play for rewards
are they better (skimpier)?
How do i tell the difference between a female human and a small size norn?
I need to know for totally non-racial-bias reasons
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abs (fhd dont do crunches)
Easy, norn can't get pregnant from a human no matter how much you try
reminder to just do nice things for people anon, it will make you feel good
the tallest human is still shorter than the shortest norn
norn can have body tattoos
norn have different hair options
norn have access to norn cultural skins, humans have access to human cultural skins
norns are generally thicker, more muscular
humans get barbed, norns peg cats
the raids are good, the player base is not
the problem with the thread lacking fhds is that fhds come and post but there's no other fhds so there's no competition so they leave after a while and while over the years we have had many fhds, they all have come and left and this is a fact
jk the game (anet) is just incapable of keeping fhds around for a prolonged period, this game is meant to be a come and go affair
>implying theyre not just itt lurking
It’s true, my FHD cums and goes
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FHD here. What color do i dye this? (Mesmer)
i love mesmer cuties, please post
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i really wish this game wasn't gay andnretarded and run by jews
it really could have been the greatest mmo ever made, instead of ending up the absolute worst mmo ever made, this is why i am dedicated to total kike death
Cool. You can bitch about it in >>>/pol/
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Sorry i dont have those colors.
you did good
you will be BRANDED buy the die >:(
me as the chair
me as the anklet
me as the sweat forming between her ass cheeks
me as the charr load deep inside her
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what the sigma
Yeah the game is pretty solid except for story/writing. That's why I listen to audiobooks or podcasts while playing.
this is why tags cost money.
the more tags, the more DPS
spotted HOPE
People who range attack Braham in Dragonstorm ought to be executed.
>play at 1500 on bear bow
>braham leaps to me
>move 1500 away
>braham leaps to me
>salty tears in map chat from (You)
skill issue
Yeah it was REALLY fun! Took us a little bit, but we got there eventually!!
How bad are gw2's raids?
We are going through raids right now in order and I have to say, they are VERY fun! Like, I don't think I've ever gotten a rush like after killing Deimos or Soulless Horror. We all cheered in the voice chat!
I think people just confuse the content with getting angry because it's too "hardcore" or something. I'm pretty bad at the game, and if I can do it anyone can. The actual hardest part is getting into a good group/guild, willing to improve, and having a pleasant attitude!!
no, it's not solid at all outside of the story or writing either, it's utterly and COMPLETELY fucked now, and it's fucking hilarious taking a cursory view ofnthe forums and seeing endless waves of people stating as such acrosss multiple of gaynet's official forums, meanwhile chaim cohen goes on stream with a shiteating kike reptilian grin on his face as if he isn't killing the fucking game, it'd be laughable if it wasn't sad for the fact thst a bunch of retarded idea kikes literally ruined the hard work of upstabding white men with their degenerate kikery
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Based cohen schizo is back, baby! LETS FUCKING GO!!
>it's utterly and COMPLETELY fucked now
Can you elaborate on that
Speedrunner culture dominates raids because of a few different factors. That speedrun culture gives raids a reputation for being hard but the truth is its the speedrun crap that makes them hard. Dhuum is super easy but you'll often hear people carry on about how its one of the hardest bosses. It's only hard when you follow the speedrun strat.

Keep an open mind and don't be afraid to go off-meta with your strategy when something isn't working. The first clears are always the most exciting.
>its the speedrun crap that makes them hard
I agree that speedrunning content unnecessarily and impatience towards people who haven't been grinding the content weekly for 5+ years makes things far more difficult then they really are. I only did doomer normal mode a couple of times but I don't remember it being really hard or anything and it certainly doesn't require 6 cvirts to win.
what's the name of that bikini piece?
here you go anon open wide for the airplane! Breezy Swim Top Skin currently on the gem store
>hey player, we're toning down sex appeal from gameplay-obtainable skins. But you can buy slutmog from our Gem Store! Because we're hypocrites.
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After making my first legendary I fully fucking regret making an Asura and am actually so close to making a Norn just for the better armour + weapon models
Is there anything important that's character bound? AFAIK it's really just bag slots and hero points right?
it's because their parent company had a few bad quarters in a row
>wanting to play a bikini femnorn
>with the sword that screams "HEY LOOK AT ME!!"
like pottery
bag slot, hero point, map complete, story completion, soulbound relic, birthday cake
>>wanting to play a bikini femnorn
I'm not a faggot nor a coomer, I have 0 intention of playing a w*men or using the bikini shit, I just want to actually see my fucking weapon
Map complete will be a pain in the ass and story completion I can just carry on from where I am now and it should be fine. I'll probably swap over once I finish LWS3 then
NCSoft has been nothing but a detriment to the game
>>with the sword that screams "HEY LOOK AT ME!!"
did you gaslight yourself into thinking legendaries are lowkey
some pieces of shit like most of gen 1 are almost embarrassing to use
Watermommy GS
You play female Asura for the superior voice lines and animations, also cuter in general. Stop being an attention whore.
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how do i stop myself from doing the same 3 or 4 daily activities and instantly logging off after?
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Option paralysis is real.
How can I stop creating characters, play them until lvl 30ish and then thinking "hm.. this other race/profession combo could be cool as my main character"?

I have created and deleted so many fucking characters I can't even begin to list them. I have never played the lvl 40 story missions, only up until you join one of the orders.
Is a human male guard really that cliché? Are norn males really that unproportional looking? Are sylvari males really all edgy fans? I don't want to play as a cat or a jew.
Go with human male ele. D/D and staff are great to level with.
Wait, what the hell?
Is that a new update or a bug of some sort?
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Don't @ me ever again
At this point my problem is being obsessed with having "a main". I want my first ever character to be the one I play the most, first one to complete all maps etc. Now I have watched hours of YouTube videos about "how to pock your class" or "all elite specs explained" et . I've probably watched more hours of videos on yt than I have actually played the game. I am crippled with fear of making the "wrong" decision, my first real character not ending up my main. I don't know why.

Isn't ele supposed to be super hard to play? My research suggests that an ele osmt really suited as a first character.
>the most recent GW2 expansion had a grand total of two raid encounters
>hm.. this other race/profession combo could be cool as my main character
how the fuck can you think that if you know nothing about other races/classes
>I want my first ever character to be the one I play the most
you already deleted that first char so who cares, just play whatever you like bro
t. only played human mesmer for 10 years, all other chars are banks
I played core mesmer for ten years then switched full time to holosmith.
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there's always room to change your mind but you'll never actually enjoy the game unless you stop with this obsession. also, you don't need to fear dropping off a half-leveled character without deleting it outright, that character can serve as a mule and trading post character.
As another anon said: i recommend playing elementalist since it's pretty fun and challenging. i started out with the cliché male human guardian and when he was about lv 30, i stopped leveling him and created a msura elementalist and i've had much more fun playing him since the first level than i had with the guardian.
You just can't have the mentality to play ele as a "single element mage" since the class' gameplay revolves around swapping attunements and adapting your overall playstyle. Plus, melee or short ranged weapons are much better and fluid than ranged ones. Staff is nice but it feels slow as hell.
I personally hate elementalist and probably would've quit the game had I made it my main (I was torn between mesmer and ele when I started, chose mesmer and loved it. Made an ele alt and hated it so much that he's now just a mule/ alt park). But seriously... stop fucking watching youtube videos from D tier e-celebs and just pick something and see it through to the end. Are you a fucking zoomer or some shit, literally need to be spoon fed through youtube videos on how to properly enjoy something? Jesus christ.
raid lego armor, newfag
Are you a fucking zoomer or some shit, literally need to be spoon fed through youtube videos on how to properly enjoy something?
My absolute feel. i only watched videos on youtube about GW2 gameplay after i cleared most content and still refrain from doing it unless it's to learn a meta or some shady collection to unlock something. my first 1-80 run was completely blind that I only realized i could dismantle items with salvage kits when i was around level 50.
I actually started an elementalist but got discouraged after seeing the elite specs and how they are seemingly even harder to play than core. This obviously came from watching videos and not actual experience. Maybe I need to step away from it all together for a few weeks and get somewhat of a fresh start. Cheers

I know this is borderline retarded. I keep thinking I don't want to waste my time on a character I'm not gonna want to continue playing, start another combination, repeat and waste tons of time in the process. I need to get my head out of my ass and just do it.
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Janthir Wilds probably won't get a lounge, what with the housing?
Honestly, how could they top Thousand Seas Pavilion.
>I don't want to hurt you, but you need to leave
>I can't control what happens if you don't
Sounds like you want to play any kind of thief besides spectre. Easy rotations and brain dead class. Only issue is that if people are super picky they'll kick you since you offer nothing in a group environment unless you play spectre, and it's fundamentally different.
Yeah it's flashy, but it doesn't fit my character. How about some medium armor that I can equip?
You'll never be able to realize if you're willing to commit to a character if you never actually play it properly.
That's impossible without reaching max level.
When you watch rotation guides, they prioritize maximum efficiency and that requires playing the class and it may seem overwhelming at first but when you get to play it yourself, you'll see that it's not THAT hard as it seems. Of course, Ele requires some quick rotations but there's always low intensity builds out there.
Take a break from youtube content and enjoy the game itself. There's literally no penalty in leveling a character, plus, you get to max level so quickly that doing it again with another character is no big deal and you may do it even quicker because you already know the process and may have some boosters available from your previously leveled char.
You can have up to 69 character slots, hold onto one character to the end first and make a new one after. You are not even getting to the cool skills
>having any lounge other than mistlock
Sparklefags and subspace niggas aside, there's no reason to have any other one in terms of efficiency.
dhuum is the hardest boss when you lfg for dps and you get 500, 2k, 1k and 3.5k ap showing up.
the clip has all three armor weights mixed, you even bigger newfag
Listen up you retard monkey faggot.
The webm shows a character with heavy, medium and light legendary armors worn at the same time.
This is obvious to any non-braindead, non-newtard player, however nobody in this thread noticed it.
There are therefore 2 explainations:
1) tardnet added the ability to mix and mach weight since I quit the game and these shit threads 3 months ago
2) the webm depicts some sort of bug, exploit or game mod, and nobody is this newtard-filled thread noticed it.
Given nunet's incompetence and the average IQ of gw2g posters, expecially (You), it is now obvious to me that the second case is in place
Just found out about the rewinder gizmo
Any other gizmos I should know about? Most guides are not updated past LS2 or 3
Are you Mindfang?
Recharging Teleport to a Friend's cooldown was recently lowered from an hour to 10 minutes. Alongside rewinder, perma lounge pass and the various salvagers, it's pretty much a necessity to put in your shared inventory slots for QOL.
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>decide to take a break from wvw, kind of burned out
>opt to make a piece of leggy armor from SOTO instead
How the hell do people do entire sets of this? I feel like I'm losing my mind doing the same rifts, metas and convergences.
they pay for it
convergences drop a 'key' item that you can use to open boxes you also get from convergences which gives you kryptis essence
>do wvw
>have access to wvw armor
>How the hell do people do entire sets of this? I feel like I'm losing my mind doing the same rifts, metas and convergences.
its because they're braindead and can't comprehend what it means to suffer
i forgot to mention you can buy the keys from tp. they're like 7g
Well, the good thing is that I have a lot of the materials already, I guess I got a decent chunk of them when working on my masteries. But rest assured I'm doing ONE piece of obsidian armor and then gtfo'ing back to WvW to complete the rest.
kinda retarded
what are you getting? the fag crown? guess it's better than https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Hero%27s_armor_(light)
>tfw team creation lockout today
>still 2 more days with shit link
>gaslight team chat into thinking relink is today anyway
people are so dumb
Pants, I already have wvw head piece and chest. And I'd never actually wear the default skin wtf, I dont think there's a single piece of good looking light legendary armor
hey now
raid light is decent
you only need to do them once per day, unless you have thousands of ectos saved up, its not worth doing them more than once per day, its mostly just auric basin and tangle depths, istan is good if you can find one and dragonfall but that one requires keys, otherwise you hit bjora for eternal ice
i'd like the medium armor pve hat but i just don't care enough to do it
I like the skirt split on legendary light legs
if they're going to let us dress like strippers they need to give us some better damces
how does it make you feel that wvw is the game mode i play when i don't want to put in any effort?
>he puts effort in for the easiest game mode
cry more while i afk blob my way to all the wvw rewards
cry more while i afk blob my way to all the pve rewards
i'll be crying with laughter as your fragile ass never stepped foot inside a raid
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now either show your logs or show how much mc you paid.
>moves goalposts
pveasys really are fragile
that's what i thought. but keep thinking clearing w1 in 2 hours every week means you've conquered pve.
___ ___ ok retard _
if you wvw you admit you're just too shit to pvp.
xiv is the better game by a billion percent, i'm just unemployed and can't afford a sub.
I'll return to pvp when they return my celestial stats
But what if I want to play braindead celestial bunker builds that have been nerfed out of PvP and then act like I'm a badass grizzled veteran because I can (usually) gank people running dolyaks and flipping camps?
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instead of gatekeeping on 4chud, why not just play what you enjoy?
took you that long to generate a response to "just have fun, who cares bro"
truly the pveasy brain
I am playing what I enjoy and putting stinky pveasies in their place
sorry bro i'll keep my eyes glued to 4chud all day like yourself so i never miss a post again.
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>xiv is the better game by a billion percent,
It isn't. Yes this is my character.
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Back to your own general diaperfag
you do know what game you play, right?
WoW is the one with diapergnomes.
oh sweet summer child..
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someone post the asura diaper cult guild i don't have the picture
Play ele
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for me, it's
>pvp armor
>uses a website in light mode
I'm sorry for your eyes
>dark mode
nice meme
swimsuit fhds pregnant with charr cubs
>based mode
nice meme
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I don't need other weights they disappoint me
finally a good post
swimsuit msura swollen with charr semen
>pveasy armor
never seen it in my life, standar models are always on, i can't see your gay pveasy sparkleshit, seethe and cope
Ill just stick with regular old vanilla FHD on futanorn and futa FHD
>How the hell do people do entire sets of this?
pveasiers aren't people, and the key is that they poop in socks like pajeet street shitters/animals, this allows them to grind coomvergences endlessly without having to get up and use the toilet like a white man
ff14 is better than pveasy
shitpvp is too shit to play
if you play shitpvp you admit that you're too shit to play wvw, shrimple ass
woah you took my post and said the opposite! very creative (and wrong as well lol stay filtered)
mazel tov on your strawman pilpul, chaim, too bad it will never be a deflection of how shit deadpvp is
>its this 1 persons entire fault pvp is dead,
>this person who is jewish according to me
>its definitely not the shitty community and ranked droppouts farming unranked and new players turning people away from the game mode before they can even really get into it
dont engage with the schizo bro
>everyone I don't like is a schizo
>grind coomvergences endlessly
>can only do 3 per week
any pics of femsuras in bikinis?
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you are now on a watchlist
Asura are adults not children no matter how doll like and cute you make them. the only pedo is the one trying to project
okay, nonce
'small race = child' is the lamest low iq normie slop take i've ever encountered in years of playing mmos.
but why tho? last time I saw there was nobody on Mr Beast's team interested in Asuras
>lalafel are a pedo race but asura are not
>go to wvw
>try to roam
>see an asura soulbeast
>not immediately filled with arrows, must be a shitter
>go to stomp this noob
>dodges all my attacks
>cant heal because poison bullshit
>keep healing any shitty autoattack i manage to land
>get crit for 6k twice
>dead from condis and power damage
what is this gay shit
i miss the days of sic' em soulbeast not whatever this pure cancer is. are they hacking? is it a bot? i dont fucking get it
>lalafell baby chair
>acornbabby vs gremlin
start by turning on standard enemy models
>go to restaurant
>5'11 man needs a higher seat to reach the table
is this a child?
>terminal skill issue needs standard models in order to play the game
oh no no no no
who said this? the ghost in your wall?
>elevated seat = toddler booster seat
fought this ratard too. gotta be hacking. they have perma fucking evasion it feels like
>get beat in fight
>don't learn from it
Everyone who kills me is hacking.
Everyone I kill is a turboshitter.

>Convergences in Janthir Wilds

>The kodan cubs huddle closely around the village’s Claw, their eyes wide with awe and excitement as he begins to recount a harrowing tale. It’s a story of bravery and strategy, in which a band of fifty fearless Tyrians embarked on a daring mission as they ascended the mountain. As the tale unfolds and you take up the challenge in this encounter, you will find a strong ally in your warclaw mount, which will aid in this new adventure!

>Listen closely as the village’s Claw weaves the narrative—each encounter promises unexpected challenges and thrilling surprises.

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>in terms of efficiency
Joyless cuck.
You're what's wrong with this community, no fucking fun. I'll be enjoying my fishing and joyriding (skiff AND griffon).
>its this 1 persons entire fault pvp is dead
correct, you're the one in charge of it, you're the one responsible, you're the only one in the position to fix it but you refuse to, thus making it your fault, everything else you rambled on about are symptoms of the problem, not the cause, because the cause is you, cope cohen
you got me, its ya boi CMC. and I have a very special piece of information for you anon. One that will change how you see pvp. I'm putting it in a spoiler because it's just for you

Go Fuck Yourself, LOL
this but unironically real and true
why does he sit in it like he's depressed?
Could you cool it with the vulgarities? It makes it hard for our team to receive feedback. Thanks.
Keep them away...
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white hair makes you look like a granny desu
Cal here
with the release of Janthir wilds will be a new shield skin in the gemstore
for 10000 gems, you can get a shield that looks like a credit card
I would unironically buy it.
something's missing between those tits
a heart
should female asura have tits?
the continued shitification of WvW
fuck cal
fuck roy
fuck all the other homo devs who cant fix simple mistakes

go into the world.. vs world and make content worse.
stop promoting your channel
stop being retarded
please put these in OP for turbo gays
they shouldn't even exist
well tits on female asura don't currently exist outside of art and erpers
asura shouldn't exist
Asura should join a productive and meaningful workforce. BSMT. Join today!
do you accept futasura?
femsuras give off a pleasant peach like scent when they're the most breedable
Would you like a redirect to an inquest representative?
wait is this seriously how they do it?
I fucking knew it
Everytime I whisper one of these faggots they say "i was already in here"
my ass you exploiting little cocksuck
this sounds so based. I cant fucking wait for these convergences to auto fail because retards cant not be afk
Asura are the best and one day they'll rule Tyra, The Mists and the subspace.

They already live rent free in many heads
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in an absolut world...
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>be me
>spend $3000 on entire gem store credit card set
>laugh at poorfags in LA
>/m "We should hang poorfags that'd be hilarious!"
>Your account has been terminated for violating ToS.
>speaking in map chat
I'm not sorry chud
femsura's control my orgasm with special technology
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>tfw don't have $35
wait it's just a skin?

My reddit friends told me it was a p2w legendary shield

fuck I sold my anal virginity to afford this and it's just a skin
What's your ID? I want to add you to my guild so we can laugh at you in person
What's your ID? I want to add you so we can FRACTALS
get a McJob and quit after three hours
Try 4 hours.

How do the p**rs live like this?
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i could work one week and buy 20k gold
I used 800 of 900 gold for other stuff, because I thought I would have the money when the package released. But things came up, so I can't spare the funds.
hate engineer
love elementalist
what's my freaking problem!?
>unapologetic coombait
they're really in dire straits, huh? How does this look on Human, Sylvary, Asura?
You are based, simple as.
the game has too many instanced lobbies. It makes the world empty.
I just came back to the game and reset my password and now my account is locked.
Launcher says to contact support but to submit a ticket I need to sign in. But I can't sign in because my account is locked.

Did I just get my money taken?
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We didn't beat Dhuum... but we got pretty close!! We'll get him next time!
email em you bitch faggot
>bitch faggot
alright I won't play the game
idc that much
>i am a bottom
the post
i'm a cute bottom
Good luck next time!!!
Imagine being a grown ass man taking selfies of your digital (female) avatar with exaggerated excitement and exclamation points for (yous). Imagine being born a man, the superior gender, someone who has brought humanity to untold and unprecedented heights from our humble beginnings as apes, but you're such a genetic failure that you play as a virtual girl and yearn for the same attention that women crave, no different than the social media whores who post asinine shit on social media for likes and attention. You are a disgusting little cretin, sir, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Better luck next time on Dhuum.
you'll never do anything meaningful with your manness, anon
>muh skiff
>only ONE zone where you might want to use it
Retarded game design.
You enjoy having normal skills split into five slower but equal when combined skills
imagine a world where we could fish from the backs of our skimmers
it would be our world if not for the need of another filler mastery to bloat a half-baked expansion
Femsura drinking a horsi potion and then infecting every other femsura in the red rat district of Rata Sum by selling her bottled rat milk at a stall
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New player here, bought the first 3 expansions during the summer sale.
Do I play human or norn male? Which one is less frowned upon?
play a Sylvari, pussy
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I didn't try thief until now, I might actually give this a go.

You are absolutely right. I always kind of thought, that I need to look at the elite specs of a profession, rather than the core, because I figured that's what I'd play for the longer time. So my thought process was: I need to pick a profession I will enjoy the most elite specs of, and because my playtime is severely limited (married, father of two, work full time) I need to decide on one (1) profession and that's all im gonna play. I need to rethink my whole approach of the game I guess. Would you say leveling the core profession to lvl 80 will give me enough of an insight to be able to make an informed decision? If so, I'd probably level up a few professions to 80 and see what I like best. Sorry for my rambling.
Blood legion female charr, Reeva as sparring partner, honorless gladium sire
I don't care much for the veggies. Charrs look somewhat alright, but theyre not really my thing.

I don't know what that means. All I'm getting is Full-HD
>Would you say leveling the core profession to lvl 80 will give me enough of an insight to be able to make an informed decision?
it depends

most elite specs are only a slight twist on how the core profession plays, and leveling can be a gradual way to learn a core spec without being overwhelmed please read your tooltips, but some elite specs are totally different

>scrapper is core engineer with some unique special skills they can choose to use or not
>holosmith is core engineer with some skills replaced with a new powerful bundle
>mechanist replaces all the defining features of engineer with a pet that pushes its buttons for you

female human daughter
Thank you for the reply. I see what you mean. I got the feeling that this is the case, that's why I started to fall into that pot of overthinking this. There are multiple professions that I'm interested in, but comparing the elite specs of those is somewhat difficult for me to do since I have no experience with them. Just to give you an example: I really like the concept of the Herold, sword and shield, mostly passive bonuses, can work really well as a solo player. I don't care much for the Renegade or the Vindicator though. Meaning: if I choose to play Rev I'm stuck with only one elite I'm interested in. Guardian on the other hand has two elites that look appealing to me: firebrand and willbender. Firebrand seems completely different than core guardian, so playing a guardian to lvl 80 might not give me any idea if I really enjoy playing the firebrand.

See what I mean? I'm completely overthinking this and I haven't found a way out of it yet. My plan now is to step away for a few weeks and maybe it'll become more clear to me what I even want to out of this game. Again, I'm sorry for my rambling on about this. I feel like I'm spinning in circles with this.
I'm not gonna play as a chick
There you are commander, I've been looking for you. There is a poem I like that I wanted to tell you about.

>Darkness pays Orr a visit.
>With billowing robes of blackened silk,
>She beckons us, arms outstretched.
>I see my brothers walk forward, greet her as a friend.
>So many fold themselves into her embrace.
>And even over their cries, and the roars of the beasts,
>I hear Darkness call to me with a promise.
>But I close myself. I will not join her yet.
>Another call is more beautiful...

Though the last line has unfortunately been lost time time, I've spent countless hours meditating on whether this "another call" might refer to Zhaitan's necromancy, or something else entirely. What do you think it means?
I don't need to live out my sexuality through some online game, but you do you. Godspeed
i prefer rhymes
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Commander here is a verse of mine:
It's about Orr so spare me your whine.
Zhaitan smells like poo,
of course so do you.
To cleanse Orr, it's what I go through.
i said a rhyme, not a rap
Norns are cringe as fuck, literally the worst race. Both voice actors are terrible (Matt Mercer for male and some granny who can't voice act for shit for female), their entire culture is boring an uninspired and basically boils down to big stronk shaman vikings. I swear to god they should've had kodan as a race instead, but nah, fucking NORNS. They suck.

Human is the way to go.
Messing with me? I'm straight outta the grove.
On the Wyld Hunt for Orr's treasure trove.
Pale Tree mother fucker gave Caladbolg:
My gat outside of Moriarty's Hold.
Some say it's a sword; I made it a gun.
Commander's my bitch. We like to have fun.
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>doing last story mission because missing the throne POI and mistakenly think that map completion awards gift of inner nayos
>dont really remember any of the mission despite doing it at release, what, a month ago?
>its 50% unskippable dialogue and 50% trash mob killing
>realize i must have alt tabbed the first time around, hence why I remember nothing
>get the POI and leave, only to discover i gotta do the laterns achievement to get the gift of inner nayos
>sitting through all that shitty dialogue for nothing
Honestly though, does anyone actually enjoy the story at this point? I also absolutely hate the unskippable dialogue, I understand the necessity of it for group content based on dungeons, but by god can we get the fucking splash screens back for solo content? Standing there staring at speech bubbles for five minutes straight is retarded.
think about the time and manpower spent making all these shitty solo story mission over the years...
>Do I play human or norn male?
Male/female human is what every cosmetic is designed on, so a human will always look best if you want to look great.
Norn is by far the worst race, and male norn is trash. The race in general has shit low-res tattoos of which very few actually look good, terrible voice acting and sluggish animations, and males have a horribly deformed body with chicken legs and shoulders so huge they make most pieces of armour WoW-sized.
If you're only going to play one character, you should definitely go human.
>Which one is less frowned upon?
Human is the most popular race, norn is somewhat in between with females being picked much more often than males.
In general, the only race with a bad rap is charr because of furries.
>How can I stop creating characters, play them until lvl 30ish
If you access the PvP lobby, you can respec to any elite specialisations you have available, regardless of level requirements or hero points. You won't get the same experience as PvE or WvW but you can get a feel for how an espec plays and what you can expect from it.
>Is a human male guard really that cliché?
Human = best fashion
Guardian = current developers' pet class, two out of three elite specs are top tier, can easily cover most roles in a party/squad
>Are norn males really that unproportional looking?
Make one and see for yourself?
Talk to a banker or open a crafting station, then click on the wardrobe tab and you can preview all pieces of equipment.
>Are sylvari males really all edgy fans?
Salads = cringe
Rats = lolsorandumb xD redditards
Cats = either edgelords or furfags
>I don't want to play as a cat or a jew.
Then your options are human, big human and green human.
I'm >487401248
Wait, what? Is this true? With all the hours of videos I watched somehow this never registered with me. You may have solved my issue, I can't even begin to thank you enough. I'm gonn try this tonight when the kids are in bed.
>Characters are adjusted to a level 80 character:
>Primary attributes set to 1000
>All specializations unlocked
elite specializations unlocked for the respective expansions you own
Have fun!
Like some other anon before me said, most "beginner's guide" videos are hot garbage and give very poor information on how to actually play the game.
Also check out the action camera setting, it makes combat slightly more action-focused even though it makes you less effective.
we don't play males in this game baka
>Cats = either edgelords or furfags
It's usually both
This is amazing news, thank you very much! I feel like this could be the breakthrough I've been waiting for.
if you have level80 boosts, you can use them and theyll give you a trial period in which youll muck around in silverwastes until to decide to confirm it
Rev or mes for a retard? I maxed out my engineer with all three specs and a mix of exotic and ascended gear and I could not get the same dps as mechanic over the other two. (No food or buffs, standard 4m golem) it gives me 17k dps as mech, the other two? 12k scrap and 15k holo, I want a class thats ok at wvw and not arthritis like gameplay for pve at least.
you're the problem, you realize, fucking retards like you who keep paying gaynet to ruin the game further and further
you want skippable dialogue back? you retards need to stop giving gaynet your money then, that's the only way ncshit will ever crack the whip on gaynet's retarded faggotry, when it affects their bottom line
but of course, you and the several hundred other retards who play this dogshit dead mobile game won't ever do what you should have done back since hot, because you are eternally retarded golem thralls of the kikes
think about how they kept being able to afford to, all because you faggots kept retardedly funding them over the years
golem numbers don't apply to wvw, stop even fucking using them, retard
jesus fucking christ why are you fucking retards so actually retarded? paint chip eating window licking rain catching in mouth absolute fucking speds
>implying ANet wouldn't rather shut down than let players skip their GW1 fanfic
literally every other class is easier to play than engie, and engie is condi because you pay the grenade kit tax
mesmer is fine, you shatter a lot; i like mirage and axe is neat; virt is just pewpew with greatsword or bleeding with daggers, chrono is mostly support
rev has some neat elements
gaynet doesn't get to have their drathers, they are fully owned and operated by ncshit, ncshit can literally just fire all the retards from the top all the way to the bottom of gaynet and replace them with white men at the drop of a hat
it isn't even like gaynet is even the ones making their cashgrabspanshits anyways, it's all outsourced to korea anyway like a simpsons episode's animation
but the rest of the game is fun for the most part, why are you here?
the fucking hell it is, jesus fucking christ, pveasiers are absolute mouthbreathers
its because the game lives rent free in his head, sad really, cant move on and has zero respect to stop torturing himself
Is that a mod?
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please take your meds and go play some game you enjoy
Nope, Anet's last mini "expansion" crashed and burned so they hit the panic swimsuit gemstore button.
You say that like it's a bad thing, games should pander to their players.
hopefully the next one does even worse so we get stringkinis or just thongs and pasties
that should be companies in general, you know, sell products that people want
meanwhile I'm waiting for an item to be back in the fucking gem store
what item
I hope next one fails even harder then, I want my plate things
leather straps
The further they get from the woke bullshit that infested EoD the happier I'll be. If it takes them constantly failing then so be it. Remember when they released the tattoo skins that flattens the character's chest and takes away any butt definition? Motherfuckers had a moneymaker right fucking there but since it was released during EoD it had to be toned down on the woman sexualization. Ain't NOBODY wearing those fucking skins anymore, yet you're guaranteed to see a female avatar wearing a bikini on literally every map.
is my fhd a slut if people can't see what she's wearing?
>give people what they want
>make money
WOW, maybe capitalism works after all...
i'm about to capitalize on putting my fist thru ur dumb asura face
maybe if you worked at aner we would have been able to purchase the bikinis back when southsun dropped
it took them 12 years to figure this info out
>Not So Secret jumping puzzle
what the fuck was the dev's problem here
didn't any of the anets 300 idea guys ever go to some business uni or something? you'd think they teach you that the first day there or something
not likely
their track record speaks for itself
Colin Johanson was a mistake.
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almost exactly the same except buttcrack traded for thong (not seen on screenshot). black desert also has a bunch other sexy outfits that come close, like with tight boyshorts and hotpants, one class also has an armored bikini. the game had actual bikinis before, too, but not made for combat. also, unlike gw2 it's moddable so it all kinds of nude mods since the very beginning.
The game is successful though. 100k Players daily across all regions.
>not a faggot
pick one
I always play as /s/ sexy beautiful woman in all games so I don't have that problem.
Tribulation caverns is just worse
Everyone's favorite jew cal cohen x whiny piss pot
no charr in BDO, though.
those cowards at anet would never
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The schizo cohen poster is on the verge of a mental breakdown bros. Dude is absolutely cooked, cohen and anet living rent free in his head and causing him to spaz out and add "shit" "gay" "fuck" etc to nouns instead of writing like a normal human being. Imagine being such a little schizo that you lurk the general of a game you hate only to freak the fuck out because other people mention some valid criticisms while still enjoying the game. Imagine hating a singular person so much that you get Cohen Derangement Syndrome where anet dev bad infects your every thought, and you can't help but post every few minutes remarking on this shit.
>1 result found
Did you draw that yourself?
I commissioned it from the furry discord
How come there isn't a cheese for mastery XP for EoD? I loved how for PoF i could just get volatile magic in the LWS4 snow map
Which furry discord?
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as decreed by the great hebrew god, in this situation 2 people must kill themselves:

1. the dev who designed a spec that can stealth 24/7 and thinks it's fine

2. the diamond legend monogamer who has only played GW2 for the past 15 years, gets to diamond legend (I think its rank 10,000) and plays perma stealth sniper
it's always fun to completely humiliate "god of wvw" trash who are just barely above the pveasy shitter
t. spvp chad
It goes without saying that the wvw player bell curve peaks at bronze rank
no one downed him once in the ~20 minutes he was harassing people right next to our spawn
there's literally no way to kill him
all you can do is ignore him and walk away by using a few defensives, which to be fair is easy to do
I despise thief so fucking much, worst designed class in this game it needs a FULL rework literally from the ground up
you could, you know, play the non-dogshit gamemode where permastealthing and running away is just throwing the game
Are legendary weapon effects (projectiles, footsteps) tied to the weapon or the skin?
what's going on in the mind of 40k+ ap players who don't have a single legendary
Why do all heavy armor pants cover my butt
I hate it here
ofc he's a char
or they could just rework thief to be fun to play and not cancer to play against
you would think there would be more deadeyes in WvW considering it's invincible and can do whatever it wants
but those types of players play willbender instead because at least it's fun and interactive

I used to main rogue in WoW and even I couldn't handle being such a bitch always retreating and being a parasite in general
I want more homesteading news. I'm going to be pissed off if there is less than 300 decorations on release like they promised.

The mats better be generous too, especially if we can craft older raid statues.
Theyre keeping it under wraps because, like everything else they've released in the past 5 years, its gonna be an underwhelming dissapointment.
I don't like grinding and I very rarely need to change my weapons stats.
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25k is the peak of skill in GW2. its all downhill from there.
it is maddening how true this is.
you should play a game like clicker heros then instead.
Bastion of the Penitent is supposed to be the easy raid, right...?
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fuck me bros
fuck pveasys who get spear easy because they have 5 million essences leftover while i have to grind your shit mode
this is so lame goddamit cal
>or they could just rework thief to be fun to play and not cancer to play against
git gud
>deadeyes are le invincible
skill issue
>willbender is fun and interactive
yeah so is sticking your hand in the blender, you can do both at once even
>i used to main rogues and i was a boohoo poopants playing sub instead of chad outlaw
>craft legendary backpack with rift essences
BEST decision
Give me $70 and your account details, I'll do the grinding for you
no thanks
>no wvw reward track for essences
So that means the backpack is going to be the open world legendary just like the armor
you've never killed a single deadeye
kill yourself
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I've killed plenty of deadeyes because of their over reliance on their gimmick/ most deadeyes are so reliant on the dodge roll into stealth their brain becomes pic related when you root or stun them
yeah and then next expac will be 2 rings and then you'll be able to get all legendaries in pveasy and wvw and pvp will be deleted because they're shit and no one needs them
I like the direction where this is going. Can we also ban all the WvW and PvP players while we are at it?
just make the gen1 spear for cheap if you want a Lego spear? you're going to just transmog over it, the only good looking legendaries are gen2 anyways, and don't fucking argue with me
Keep the account, give me $140 and you can grind on my cock
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another victim of the sniper class... sad
>t. foxyloli
can always spot the 4chud
post it
how big
i fucking called it
no way would they force players to play a dead expac to get obsidian
Someone explain this to me? I just finished Soto yesterday
tl;dr you can get your obsidian armor in soto or JW
I'm scouring the Riverlands for a place of special significance. It might be related to Vlast. Anything come to mind?
Soto essences will be JW essences, you can do either activity for it
more proof that soto was shadowlands tier
Ascended weapons are far easier and more convenient to swap to than the laggy slow UI fiddling and constant skin/stat/upgrade resetting of legendary weapons. I've played the game so long I have all the ascended weapons I could ever need too, legendary is just a downgrade at this point. Armor and trinkets full legendary though, obviously.
fat norn ass heavy brapper massive dumpy crushing and suffocating
or you could just, play the hard counter to all stealthers
>you would think there would be more deadeyes in WvW considering it's invincible and can do whatever it wants
no it isn't and no it can't, learn to play skissue
>if its OP, why are you not playing it?
The question that completely destroy turboshitters.
legendary spears have existed in the game since gen1, even i made one a decade ago, it was the very first legendary i ever made because when i got the precursor it was too dirt cheap to be selling
>this game is just like league of legends now
except for the successful part and the played by millions of young adult females part, and the ran by competent devs part
>ran by competent devs
neither game has this
>they hit the panic swimsuit gemstore button
They hit all the panic buttons: spears, raids AND housing. If Janny Wilds flops, we might even see playable Tengu next year!
>Ain't NOBODY wearing those fucking skins anymore
They had also some bad cases of clipping though.
I think they've mentioned that the gem store stuff is handled by a different team than the normal game content.
>whiny piss pot
I don't know about "whiny", he kisses ANet's ass at every turn to keep his affiliate status.
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Anyone on dwayna wanna play with a gay rat wvw? NA obviously
>I'm going to be pissed off if there is less than 300 decorations
Expect 50 with six different colours each.
They haven't even bothered releasing a preview outside of the PC Gamer one, right? We're less than a month from release, do they think they can build hype/fish for preorders with a shitty live one week from launch where Indigo talks about avoiding spoilers while Cal consumes water?
>the only good looking legendaries are gen2 anyways
I actually really like Predator and Flameseeker Chronicles.
Rubi does mention "Obsidian for SotO, Legendary spear for Janthir Wilds" so I wonder if they won't add something to still force the players to buy SotO for the Obsidian armour.
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How important is meta builds and their variants? Say I wanted to play tempest in fractals would it be fine? For some reason the meta websites never have tempest builds for fractals, which makes me think is it really just full disgusting meta faggotry or is it really that bad?
Guild Wars 2 is healing.
you can use your pvp gold to buy g1 spear though which will probably still be way better than what ever nutrash they'll come up with
>don't know about "whiny",
Every stream he complains about how GW2 isn't like Wow
its because fractals are relatively short, so people prefer power builds; unless you can unload a 30k bleed like engies and virt can, and tempest looks like a lot of support and condi builds, you could probably run some of the raid damage ones, but support build pale in comparison to guardian and rev for fractals
there seems to be a fresh air power tempest build that's pooping on shit
but i dont see it anywhere on sites
very weird
i saw it on metabattle under raids
>let's make new stuff require tens of thousands of a new currency
>let's also not add it to the wallet
What did they mean by this
Make amalgamated essences
or you just add them to wallet
I cannot express how much I don't want to waste ectos just because they don't consider a currency a currency.
>whos this lord hizen guy
>spear video
>why not
>pveasy crybaby faggot who hates anything that doesnt shit quickness and do big nummies
Im so tired of pveasy content creators and their retarded takes.
You wouldn't tale a retard seriously irl
Playing without quickness does feel like ass
Quickness and alacrity were a mistake
People are tired of using it because its outdated and cliquey
Vallun is a faggot and jen is a tranny

Nobody wants to share builds anymore and you arent likely to find anything good that a shitter can play on youtube.

All said, if you have a functioning brain, you can figure out FA tempest
Ok retard
>join game when all you needed was 30k for raids
>dps is now up in 40-50k
>screeching monkey pve retards have a melty when they dont have quickness and they're not doing 50k damage in a 30k game mode
>pveasys want the game to be so easy they don't have to play the game mode they "love so much"
>t. mr pve man shit on your favorite spear and you've come here to whine
just checked the video
so which profession are you? ele? ranger? rev? or are you just malding because guardian spear is bugged and anet wont fix it because it's a "good bug"
>guardian spear does mega damage when used on downs, groups of downs or asura
>fresh air
>the rotation barely incorporates the fresh air aspect
it's an air overload spam spec what do you expect you mong?
its not tho
>start air
>overload air
>play 2 other elements before going back to air
>FA gives air a 0s CD because you have 100% crit
As someone who hasn't played since PoF, I'm curious of how pozzed the game is currently, I read some truly horrifying things about End of Dragons. So what's the propaganda levels at this point and is there anything cool to do in the game?
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i dont know what to say
just read better?
>t. can't press his buttons to hit 40k
>in my pveasy!?
Fresh Air is literally the cornerstone trait of the build, how is it not a Fresh Air build
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>never bothered to get a legendary
>check the grind required
>mfw you have everything because you've just been collecting
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So given that Untamed was an utter failure, when is Anet releasing a spec that can actually match the fun and power of GW1 pet ranger builds?
>this elite is bad because i cant play it
here is your metabattle membership, go make more shitty takes
They said specs were still on the table with mini expansions, but I just can't see it happening
This doesn't happen btw
untamed is a very well designed spec played on a high level by some of the best players of the game, sorry your pveasy ass can't handle actual gameplay
I'm not saying the spec is bad, but it's not a pet-focused spec at all despite that being what they advertised it as.
Pets are supposed to be the ranger's main profession feature, yet 90% of available pets are useless and the strongest thing they've done with it is the Soulbeast mechanic which REMOVES the pet.
Hell, Engineer has a better pet spec than Ranger does. It's fucking pathetic.
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Also they should probably just turn pet choice into a cosmetic choice like it was in GW1. Let players select a skill/stat combination.
we still dont have elonian drakes, and they got rid of the scaled drake skin
i wanted ranger rifle, it couldve been the preparation weapon
>can have plant dog
>can have a fleshlight plant
>can have literally potatoes that you left in the cupboard
>no juvenile hydra pet
Hydra are canonically made of corn
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>Still no plant dog jackal skin
theyre not potatoes, theyre onions
also not scarabs, or skale, or skelk, or any of the other creatures from the first game, like bladed termites and armored saurus
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>bro just pay 15-20g to get rid of a stack of red, less than half a stack of green and 50 yellow essences
Fuck ANET for fully embracing the inventory jew
>playing wvw
>roaming like a chad
>tummy starts gurgling
>defend camp
>if i go take a shit these enemy faggots will take my camp
>give in and go take a shit
>faggots took my camp
>start buying adult diapers
>can defend all the towers and camps
>can steal all the towers and camps of toilet-losers
mock me if you will, but this is peak efficiency
Back to /ffxivg/ with you
keep seething
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is this some sort of IQ test? what the FUCK is thsi shit
I middle mouse clicked every single one
literally says the same shit
holy fuck what is wrong with the creatures who make this game I just want to play with the new weapons
Gw2wiki is poorly maintained its not wowhead
Buy all 5 to get expanded arsenal. Youd have to scavenger hunt them in pve otherwise
All 6*
I feel like I'm being trolled, not gonna spend all that currency on this
reddit told me it takes 30 minutes to do the PvE way
>he's wvw poor and doesnt understand how gizmos work
Its funny because theyve taken quite a few things like dungeon tokens and made them currencies. Then further bunched all the dungeon tokens into a single currency. Theres really no excuse for the essences
They dont even need to do that, look at the mordrem plant dog jackal skin.

Also saddleless mounts are the best because you (and others) can upskirt your characters with ease
based, truly the hero we need
now if only you would play during sea hours
>poorly maintained
Are you fucking retarded?
>Think about farming lego gear
>realize i dont swap enough to justify such a grind
oh well
it would be nice to be able to try builds without killing myself though
>do a gen 1 scavenger hunt for crafting
>poorly written articles
>no pictures
>no images
>no info
The wiki is only good for loretards
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Samefag xivg troon groomer
>what is wiki on gold
literally begging people to help, but all they do is update new easy shit
Pretty much. Ive gotten more frustrated with the wiki than The Game. Faggots are too busy trying to take the perfect picture of a female human holding a weapon and then cropped down and resized to an image for ants
I kneel
Find me an out of date article on a relevant gameplay mechanic.
Wiki of Gold is an incentive to get people to add useless pieces of fluff to story articles so that speedreading fucks who play with volume disabled can actually follow the main story threads.
cheevo articles are out of date.
>HOPE leggo crafting
>megadestroyer kill
>no cheevo item
>wiki says by the chest
Literally had to do fly bys over the lava until the cheevo popped
I could go on with more from legendary crafting but there were too many to count and remember.
The page says that collection achievement is fucky, which is Arenanet's fault and not the wiki's. That does not mean the wiki is "poorly" maintained".
Looks like you're an ESL nigger who can't read and doesn't know the meaning of the words he's using.

>Item does not actually enter your inventory.
>If using the Synergetic Generator next to the chest doesn't work, try again at the location where the Megadestroyer died, even if that puts you in harm's way by entering the lava.
>If none of the above work try dying in the lava then rezzing at the waypoint and run back to chest and try double clicking again.
Explain to me why I would go to the article to open up more tabs when there's perfectly good checklist with API checking right here. This is where the information should be at or at least have a footnote. Those exist.

>t. never clicked on the one line sub-articles
Why the fuck would they put an entire page into a fucking table.
And using footnotes to add notes per table item on that page would just create a huge unclear fucking list of footnotes at the bottom.
Just click the fucking links if it's not immediately clear, it's not that fucking hard you lazy-ass ESL pajeet currynigger.

And you still have yet to provide a single shred of evidence that the wiki is "poorly maintained" when this game probably has the best wiki of all games out there. Everyone else is stuck with Fandumb or Fagstralife garbage.
the entire rotation is just "overload air -> hit one hard hitting skill in another attunement -> immediately back to overload air" on repeat what the fuck do you think a "real" Fresh Air build plays like?
I will not read your articles
I will not endorse or visit your sub-articles stubs with one to two lines of text.
I will complain about the wiki.
>i will use a summary to do x
>what do you mean it doesnt explain how to do everything
>how could i happen this to me
lol, lmao even
I got one in the spirit of the thread with deadeyes and wvw babies.
>Target Painter Trap
What does "marked" do?
How long are they revealed?
Why are people still complaining if the solution to a class is right there?
>Last updated 3 years ago
>See Also: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Target_Painter
The item and the skill you gain from using the item are different things, so they have different pages. Amazing, right?
When 90% of articles are like this
Why would I ever imagine anything useful on a stub when they're almost always like this.
because the wiki is being maintained, you stupid nigger, people are being through about information so if you need something specific youll find it on pertinent pages, not general lists, retard
>Target Painter Trap
>Use to gain a Target Painter trap. This trap marks up to 50 enemies when activated. Costs 5 supply to deploy.
>Target Painter
>Unpack a target painter. This trick marks up to 50 enemy players in the area for 30 seconds. Costs 10 supply to deploy. Cannot be avoided.
Found the ESL pveasy. These are two different items you dumb fuck
I will stand in red circles
I will refuse to read
I will not rez (You)
Great! So how long does it last? My condi build will take some time to kill the deadeye
the only group content ive ever done is 1-25 fractals
are strikes easy to get into
How did you fundamentally fail to understand the most basic concept of the build? How do you exist? Do you read? Can you be bothered? Why is it still possible to get horrible slop while scraping players anywhere near the top of the barrel in this game?
Open world should all be bots, it would be better.
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i wonder what the crisis might be
but I'm not clicking this low iq disaster clickbait thats fo sho
it's actually a good video, but stay ignorant. easy for you that way.
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what's his endgame? I swear this has been in lfg for weeks.
thank you for not spoiling it
I will stay ignorant and happy playing the video game
ever crossed your mind that they might not be a man?
The new links are in, and anet fucked it up again. My guild is spread across 5 tiers
I actually need to run some T2s and have the motivations
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i wonder what kind of person plays a character like this
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A very based person that I wish I was friends with
How can you tell it says creation in progress for me still
>no invisible boots
A poorfag
I already have a sylvari Necro and a norn Engie at level 80. I am now leveling my HUMAN MALE GUARDIAN.
I created this character years ago, I had no idea they were a meme until reading through this thread lol
>bikini armor is now a thing in trans wars 2
goon bros we're so fucking back!!!
>le biggest GW2 crisis is...
>..."some Blish HUD modules"
>doesn't even bother saying which ones outside of a comment where he namedrops Timers "among others"
He makes a good point about ANet being unwilling to provide better tools for the players, but for the most part he just seems salty about scripts.
>when is Anet releasing a spec
Next expac if Janny Wilds bombs.
thats my boy [PNOY] shinobi
he makes zergcucks mald with his CHAD cele deadeye
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End of Dragons was so pozzed it sounded like a parody at times.
>the Ministry of Purity was faaaascist!
>I'm a mostly friendly agender engineer ;)
>jade-powered dildos
>beat up le bigot
Aside from that, since PoF the game has introduced a handful of "they/them" characters: for one, Jormag is suddenly referred to as non-binary (which is pretty funny since he ends up ACKing himself). The aforementioned agender engineer is unfortunately still around though, together with a trannorn (of course a FtM) who lectured Braham about privilege at some point during the Iceboring Saga. Then there's (You): the coomander is now a "they/them" too because that way ANet can save money on voice lines for each gender.
Speaking of the Icebrood Saga, remember that Rytlock had a magic sword that was powered by the god of war himself? Said magic sword won't even melt ice anymore, and Rytlock needs help from his wizard girlboss wife. In fact, the whole Saga is about Rytlock being sad that his wife's son was brainwashed by Pawnald Chrump, while his wife is strong and independent and becomes the new Blood imperator.

In general, the poz has been somewhat dialled down since EoD and SotO "just" had the usual case of us helping a bitch kill her boss and take his place as country leader. The next expansion is going to have a race of black Kodans, essentially pic related became a reality.
Can't belive you guys scared off the cute bikini fhd... I already miss her
>the Ministry of Purity was faaaascist!
but it was
>I'm a mostly friendly agender engineer ;)
>jade-powered dildos
which is different from your battery powered dildos how?
>beat up le bigot
he was and he did (get beat up)
You should post your own FHD (or femcharr since its femcharr friday)
she's eternal in my goon folder
>of course a FtM
My bad, I meant the opposite. It's a man with a babyface, fabulous violet hair and iirc makeup. Unlike Worker Aids Sya, "they" doesn't go about telling you how stunning and brave "they" is, though.
I'm so tired of you stupid motherfuckers
people getting upset over eod should really replay the whole story again and discover it's always been this way.
so grow up or get out.
Norn women have broader shoulders, and different hairstyles.
and a huge clit
for any who thought this was an erp question, based on your answers
its not
it was to filter human players im not giving them free shit
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sure why not
Share the folder
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what is this
a picture for ants?
what is FHD? Female Human ____?
there's a very over powered strategy to umbriel. it's called using map chat to explain the phases when they happen.
>I made it in someones goon folder
It's an abstract feeling.
>for any who thought this was an erp question, based on your answers
The fuck? I just answered a question man.
>i wasnt horni mom, trust me mom
>it was to filter human players im not giving them free shit
racist cunt
That's pretty hot.
how does it feel knowing something you created caused me to ejaculate all over my keyboard and monitor
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make a mess
Never tell anyone the secret cheat strats of Using Condition Cleanse and Don't Stand In Bad
honestly, you'd be surprised how many people don't know about the eye mechanic for instance. most people in public haven't done the fractal before.
It's not even that punishing in the slopvergence, it just inflicts fear
then they fear into a red axe or death aoe and go down and lose all their essence.
I will post again later just for (you).
Surely they brought a stunbreak???????
zip it and upload it somewhere,I need to complete my collection,remove the asura though
New thread >>487763393
INTO my basement with you

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