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Welcome to the Anime Fighting Games General!
Here we play, learn, and discuss Anime Fighting Games.
If you're a fan of Arcsys, Team Arcana or Eighting, you've come to the right place!
Please keep drama, game wars, early threads, and interpersonal drama out!

Various game info, beginner friendly: https://pastebin.com/yT5CpLgr (embed)
Various sale info: https://pastebin.com/p0hAb85H (embed)

Additional Resources:

Previous: >>484544831
The Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising tournament will be held on July 27 at the new time of 2pm EST. Sorry if this is an inconvenience but something came up.


If you got questions feel free to ask.
Who are the easiest waifus to play? Is Ferry easy to pick up and play?
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>want to improve at MBAACC now that i have more free time
>moved, so have to use wifi
>can't deal with house infrastructure to use cable
What should I do? Is wifi okay if you're (not) close to the router?
According to the game from easiest to hardest females.5 star being easiest and 1 star being hardest.

>5 Star
Djeeta, Anila and Katalina
>4 Star
Zeta, Beatrix, Charlotta, Yuel and Vira
>3 Star
Zooey, Cagliostro and 2B
>2 Star
Narmaya, Ferry, Metera and Nier

Hope this helps.
Thanks for the list. I'll start from the bottom and work my way up.
Give it a try and see how many people complain before giving up at the starting line.
if I win, can I squish your butte?
Is The Rumble Fish 2 alive on fightcade?
It's not very commonly played.
I used to play it a little, but only with people I knew already, never really were many out in the wild.
If you wish to play it some time tomorrow, I probably can.
I'm mildly curious because of the aikido looking girls and the gym girl with the bokken.sword
I see. Both of them have some pretty good techniques, but I think the wooden sword eyepatch girl is better? Can't remember now.
My favorite character was Garnet, the nurse.
Is nobody covering BBCF at Evo this year? Am I just blind and retarded?
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FunkyP was streaming up to Top 6 earlier
Might stream top 6 tomorrow as well
>a Nurse who uses her legs to attack
They knew what they were doing with this game.
>hiding in a SoulCalibur VI stream
damn what a way to get filtered
thanks anon, hopefully I can catch the top 6 tomorrow
wait, /afgg/ is back?
please keep your abominations like scrubnigger and fear cointained to this thread, thank you
welcome back
>no Moarch
Guess he couldn't make it this year?
Seemed like no one cared about the BYOC tournaments this year, what's going on?
Could be either stricter regulations or they want to go vortex gallery route
anyone here play lumina
You'll find better luck at /melty/
Why is Granblue considered an anime fighter when it doesn't have an universal airdash or double jump
What's the point of this thread when there's already a Granblue Versus general, a Melty + Under Night general and a Guilty Gear general?
Sometimes get games discussion and lobbies for games that don't fall under that umbrella.
Same audience/playerbase as anime games because of the ArcSys logo.
But also, it has chains and long flashy combos. It used to have pretty strong guilty gear oki off any hit, too
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Nitroplus Blasterz
Arcana Heart 3
Chaos Code
Street Fighter V
Samurai Shodown
Soulcalibur VI
MVC2 (Fightcade)
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (RPCS3)
Aquapazza (RPCS3)
Tatsunoko vs Capcom (Dolphin)
Vampire Savior (Fightcade)
Ultra Street Fighter 4

NA East

Would anyone like to play for about 30 minutes?
No, wifi is never ok. kys
The alternative is associating it with games like Street Fighter, Tekken, MK, etc. which get triggered being in the same thread as anime. Better to just keep it in here where people enjoy the discussion.
Any more announcements happen yet today?
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Strive DLC leak
>no Jam
Bros... also that Dizzy redesignn looks way too conservative given her previous designs..
I can't believe they chose to add a guest character over Jam.
Rrat is in GBVS, bueno
they put that mouse girl you guys like in Granblue Rising
>Belial won
>Percy was 2nd
>Vikala and Sandalphon announced
I won.
what is the appeal of vikala?
Cute idol-like design with unique weapon
I'm more surprised they put in the girl from the upcoming anime
Since the game's story is over it kind of makes sense that they want to cross-promote what comers after. Too bad the design is boring (like most of Strive's designs really)
What happened to dizzy
That was a pretty silly grand finals in strive
I'm watching Tekken
Any good anime game tournaments left to watch instead of Tekken?
I think they might all be over now
>France EVO
What are the chances of EU side tournies out there?
At least I got to see the end of DNF Duel. It looked like SM's damage output got nerfed a decent chunk but he can't still compete well enough
Pretty high, I'd wager?
Can't wait for the afgg meetup at Evo France
fuck frogs
Is there an anime game where you can't easily negate chip damage?
Guilty Gear has Just Defense and Faultless
BlazBlue has Barrier and Instant Guard
Melty has Bunker

What's a game where chip is a serious threat?
Give me one reason not to buy Arcana Heart right now.
It's $6-11 so why not
Only downside is delay netcode
Go for it!
It's cheaper on key sites i think but if you want to support the skeleton crew of Team Arcana go for it.
Now that the dust has settled, how do we feel about Evo 2024?
Was a good showcase of other regions finally catching up to Japan and Japan needing to hit the books harder now that we have universal release schedule, easier ways to share documentation, better netcode to practice for matches, etc.
Blazblue just play Amane
>b-but barrier
Yeah then he runs his gameplan and kills your barrier in 3 seconds
Now you take a shitload of chip and are in DANGER state for the next several seconds have fun
I was gonna link you a video but
>video is private
what was it a video of?
Games with dangerous chip.
I tried waybackmachine but it was no use.


Here's the next best thing though it doesn't have as many obscure games.

It was pretty fun.
oh wow, that's pretty severe
Friendly reminder the the Fighting Game sale ends at 10AM PT today
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When's ST?
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Is there an input shortcut to not get a DP motion when doing this in Uni? I am doing 41236A and still getting a DP motion.
Unfortunately I think they made DPs easier to hit which comes with the caveat of making it harder to do your pic related. You just have to drop the input after the dash. Maybe you can buffer the hadou input in the middle of the dash animation. What character is that?
Kaguya, I ended having to go back to the middle of the stick.
Do we like chip kills?
I think it's cool in games that have long health bars or tag/assist games with multiple health bars.
Surprised they picked Evo LA when it's on the west coast like regular Evo. I thought they'd try to bring back Evo East in some way.
What game(s) did you all buy?
I just refunded UNI 2 ama
What did you dislike about it? What did you like about it, if anything?
I liked everything, but when I started playing online it just fell apart for me
The game is just kind of random. People are able to stop time and DP to react to things etc etc it's just kind of too much

Rather play something with more neutral, going back to Street Fighter

Thank you for reading my blog
I wanted to buy BBCF but I forgot to, and I even reminded myself to do so today. I was actually excited to play against other people, because I've been practicing with a pirated version of the game, reading stuff on dustloop and watching videos about the game. Now I probably have to wait 2-3 months for it to go on sale again or something. I want to kill myself.
God has spoken.
how did fighterz go at evo i was busy and couldnt watch
I forgot they even had it. I missed most of the community tournaments, but I guess I'll check them out today
delay netcode
discord fighter
So you didn't bother to learn the core system mechanics. Good job retard
You could try a key site. Seems to be pretty cheap on G2A and other similar sites
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Pretty good team diversity.
there were a lot of mirror matches last year, glad it didn't happen this time
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So how do you guys feel about Versusia?
>Bought Uni2
>Like Uni2
>Never going to get a win in it but at the same time, actually enjoy it enough to bother going online and getting fucking mauled
>Game is so dead despite being fairly new
>Hate Granblue
>Hate Blazblue
>Hate Strive
Guess I've finally blundered enough financially with fighting games that I can quit em'. Sub 100 wins no matter the game means I should've quit ages ago...
Cool design, I wonder if she'll be broken or not. How does she stack up to Yggy.
They probably won't make her busted on purpose.
That being said, I'm worried she may be susceptible to instant overheads due to her large size.
My best guess is that she'll have tricks to get around her inherent weaknesses like really strong parry or something along those lines.
I thought this game had ridiculously imbalanced tiers, did they finally fix that?
I didn't buy anything........
Ruby Rose in BBTag
2B in Granblue Rising
Lucy in Strive

Who's gonna be the next ArcSys crossover guest?
Is there even a pattern at this point?
Do fighting games not have joke characters anymore?
Closest I can think of is Neco-Arc in Melty Blood Type Lumina due to her low health but she can still run a heavy gimmick game. In general modern fighting game devs seem to want to make more balanced rosters where even low tier characters have opportunities to shine.
You know what's a joke? The way jp released. What a fucking clown character. You know what else was a joke? Happy chaos. Really funny retart enabling nigger character. Glad arcsys still has a sense of humor too.
only serious business now
Characters are too expensive to make for that
any xrd frens? ive been playing the shit out of it and its fun as heck
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I'm Jakub!
I like it
Xrd was good other than danger time
A lot more non-East Asia players won Evo this year than usual
Has the rest of the world finally caught up with them or do the new games just favor a different skillset?
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every game has a gorilla party rng mechanic now
favorite character?
blazblue newbie here, what's the recommended button layout for stick? I have an 8-button stick
I feel like it's a mix of new system mechanics heavily favoring rushdown (which Japanese are usually averse to in favor of outplaying their opponents with patience and whiff punishing) along side with global release dates and better netcode making it easier to make a level playing playing field for practice and information sharing.
Typical arcade layout is best.


Then use the remaining buttons for macros A+B, B+C, and A+B+C.
any reason you recommend that over
Feels more comfortable to play with arcade layout IMO (light, medium, heavy with drive on the bottom) but if that other layout works you do you anon. I think it's known as Type B but it's been awhile since I played.
Thanks, and what does the A+B+C binding do? Or is that just so you can hit macro+D for overdrive?
It's Rapid Cancel (also known as Roman Cancel in Guilty Gear). Very useful for canceling out of unsafe moves or continuing a combo where you normally couldn't if you have the meter for it.
I'm surprised people still keep picking up BBCF
I wonder what it is about that game that attracts new people?
it was on sale lol
To me it has an aesthetic that feels like it's missing in modern anime games (the grungy 2000s VN look). It makes it stand out from the pack though it's a double edged sword as a good amount of people thing that it's too over the top due to this.
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can't wait
how will sandalphon play?
He has wings right? I can see him getting some kind of float.
And elphelt.
And johnny.
And raven.
And millia.
And zato (forma de sign).
And chipp (forma de rev 1).
And yrc slowdown.
And charge blitz.
And jack-o.
And ram (forma de sign 1.0).
And ram (forma de arcade 1.0)


Masterful game design truly. Remember the retard balancing everything was a faust """""player""""". What a fucking buffoon. Can't believe how dogshit every dlc design was too. Not a single interesting concept came out of xrds original characters.
A Potemkin player is balancing Strive. Is that any better than a Faust?
who balanced dbfz
Is soive a better game? Ask yourself this question with full sincerity my lil nigga.
it's more balanced
If those were jokes, why didn't I laugh at them?!?!?
The cruelest joke was dnf duel
Still implementing the various systems and mechanics into my game. Have basically everything done now except guard crush and stun, which I need to learn how to implement still.

I know they're possible in 2DFM, as I've seen other games do them. Probably just requires messing with variables.
...good evening?
Rather saddened that BlazBlue is just a Chinese gacha franchise now
got air techs working.forward, neutral , and back tech if you don't finish the air combo.
extremely rudimentary now, as I have not properly implemented the combo system yet.
but I do know how I want it to work, basically
tomorrow I've got to fix running. in its current state, you don't inherit momentum from the dash into your next attack. may need to put an empty movement script before attacks with the 'add' property and see if that works.
Before this, I couldn't act out of runs at all. just added a cancel script and Basic Divergence so I can also jump now.
Korean now too actually lmao.

Random thought, since you do have momentum in your dash does that mean it slowly increases in speed or is there a set dash speed per character that just drops on attack?
Sounds like production is coming along rather quickly. Will we see a pre-alpha build soon?
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Should all afgg have air-dashing?
We learning Golden Fantasia bros? It got a patch
Well what kind of patch is it? Last I remember playing it didn't seem to support lobbies and instead used IPs to connect to eachother?
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Air-dash into air-throw
I get that Mori left, but I'm surprised things got to this point.
It feels like ArcSys are either trying to branch out with the IP again or don't know what to do with it themselves now that GG has dethroned it as their big break original IP thanks to Strive Renaissance.
Are 360/720/1080 easier to do on stick than on leverless/keyboard? I can't for the life of me figure out how to do a 720 on a keyboard let alone a 1080.
Does your keyboard have good anti-ghosting? If not, it can be difficult and you may need to get a mechanical one to get better results.
Otherwise, the secret is that you don't have to do a full 720
Much like how you can just do a 270 degree spin to get a 360 (412369 or 632147), you can just do a 630 degree spin to get a 720 on keyboard. On that note, you typically want to buffer it during a dash or something to get it easier and not jump. Or buffer it during a jump.

I can post an example later, but busy right now.

Also, here's a trick for you since you're on keyboard: You can just do a half circle forward or backward, then tap 8 + button to get a 360. At least for me, tapping up is faster than inputting a 7 or 9 at the end there. Maybe that can help you as well.
I played it once
I liked the grappler girl
Probably easier to do on leverless/keyboard but definitely more fun to churn the stick.
The latter. It has a set cap it cannot got past. I'm going to try to fix that today by studying how others have done it in the past.
You actually can have a dash with increasing momentum if you choose "add" instead of "replace" and then you move like Mario backwards long jumping over time and get faster and faster.
Probably not soon, but at the rate I'm going, it will be some time this year.
I actually could release what I have now, but it wouldn't make any sense and would just be a bunch of broken concepts that are not properly implemented yet. For example, I haven't implemented pushback on most hits yet so plenty of 1 button infinites, no damage scaling yet so KOs can happen way too quickly, some hitboxes are obscenely large because I'm still testing them, no character select screen so it's just a character fighting their clone (with a single palette) on a placeholder stage, still getting the jump and air dash movement down, haven't timed things to have the frame data I want yet, haven't really incorporated meter yet, just the super bar and basic supers, and so on and so on. So it's not really much but a concept at the moment.

Thankfully, once I'm done polishing up the first character, the second one won't be as difficult to work with, as I'll have a basic template that should be workable for reuse. e.g., I won't have to guess about how to code techs or throws or things like that.

I will likely release something for people to try once I finish Winifred's concept, but ideally, the 2DFM "Alpha" that I try to present will have 3 characters that I want to present to people in hopes of garnering interest as a proof of concept to get others involved on the project. Maybe 4.

Those characters being Winifred (shoto), Gwendolyn (Mobile grappler), Gretel (Setplay/zoner), and possibly Julia (rushdown).
>the 2DFM "Alpha" that I try to present will have 3 characters that I want to present to people in hopes of garnering interest as a proof of concept to get others involved on the project.
That's probably a good idea. Give people a general taste of what you're serving and insuring it won't feel too homogeneous
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Alright, I have the recording now.
That felt a bit difficult on the default layout.
I'm used to the hitbox layout. Not sure if you're able to easily remap keyboard in BBCF or if it requires an autohotkey script, but I'd probably recommend trying out a similar layout to hitbox where you use space as jump.
Doing it with up key/W as jump took me more than few tries.

In case it requires it, here's an AutoHotkey script that replaces W with Space

But yeah, if you can get a hitbox, may want to look into that one. I find it easier to do 360s and 720s on hitbox than arcade stick.
How do keyboard players play offline?
XIM converter
Is Marvel vs Capcom 2 an anime fighter? Or should I say /afgg/ applicable?
I imagine it has a fairly different audience, but there are some concepts from airdashers that also apply to MVC2. Good air movement, chains, strong oki, et cetera
>strong oki
lol. more like with the right team you kill all 3 characters if you get one hit since you can't block 2 separate times on incoming.
I thought true unblockable guard breaks were rare in MVC2? Can you really kill all 3 characters on incoming in a single sequence with no counter-play? I know UMVC3 has that on a very specific team, but didn't know MVC2 also had that.
Thrax can do it, any ironman shell can do it, msp can do it. cable is killing 2 characters every time he gets 5 bars, and every major shell besides thrax is only REALLY playing 2 characters. People opt for a reset most of the time instead of trying to do full romneto loops, but like a full rom into sent dhc is a kill 99% of the time. Maybe sent lives but everyone else is toast lmao.
They really should've balanced Sent's super. That thing lasts way too longer gets too much damage on hit.
most of them don't play offline
So what games are /afgg/ up to these days? Granblue and Uni2?
It looks like a lot of people here are still playing BBCF
UNi2 update soon. Granblue update in less than a month. Anime chads are eating good.
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Is this a mistake or is there some uzuki lore that I missed out on
Probably a typo.
I wonder how common those types of things are.
They usually have a guy check over them, but I guess that slipped through.
>the polycula is being exposed publicly
oh nononononono....
Japanese to English machine translation fucks up genders a lot, usually mistaking women for men
That's pretty accurate, yeah.
I remember when the Skullgirls demo came out on PS3 many years ago, it only had Filia. Which, I get since that was their only complete character, but I remember a bunch of people were confused as to why they only had one character in the demo. I think that's why games like Them's Fightin' Herds showed 2 characters in their proof of concept Alpha for their IndieGogo.
I'm getting way ahead of myself, given that those were already using some finalized assets and I don't have even the pre-alpha ready, but those were the first two examples that came to my head.

But yes, I want to at least show people that I have more than one archetype planned and hopefully the three I picked show off that the game has more than one type of character and gameplan.
Okay, Redpill me on which games I should buy or not. I mostly plan to buy them on PC :
- Blazblue Central Fiction
- Blazblue CrossTag
- GranBlue Fantasy Versus Rising
- Persona 4 Arena Ultimaxxx

And that's it. My biggest fear is the lack of people online and no rollback.
All of those have rollback now.
You can check Steamcharts for all of them, but the most popular in general I think is Granblue Rising, especially since it has crossplay.
The least popular is probably P4A since it's older, but even it still has some people.
May have to join a discord for some of those to find beginners, however.
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>UNIST 2 Players
wtf, I thought that it was a discord fighter. How is it so high?
I might go with Unist, Blazblue CF and Granblue.
It had a pretty good showing at Evo and that got players interested
>I thought that it was a discord fighter
A new character just came out.
This is a decent time to try it out, but don't expect the current game population to persist.
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Have you guys noticed what's going on in the greater afgc the past few days? Why are these gays just as catty as our old names?
>- Blazblue Central Fiction
Decent amount of people in public lobby hosting (not the big arenas but the player-made ones). Execution can very depending on character and there's alot of system mechanics to keep in mind but if you're dedicated it can be a fun game.
>- Blazblue CrossTag
Discord fighter tier, have to venture out to find people to play with regularly. Fun crossover game if you like tag/assist fighters but execution is dependent on how well you can synergize yout eam's assists with eachother for grimey neutral or combo extensions. Easier to pick up and play compared to everything else on the list due to less system mechanics bloat but also feels limiting for individual characters due to decreased normal buttons.
>- GranBlue Fantasy Versus Rising
Decent amount of people playing in both public player lobbies and global large room lobbies. Cross-play to benefit from as well as beat em' up story mode and Fall Guys mini-games mode. Execution is closer due BBTAG due to a more limited combo structure but also has the caveat of system mechanics bloat which takes away from it being a more grounded fighter. There's a free demo version that let's you play with 4 characters (Gran + 3 on weekly rotation) online if you want to try it out.
Ranked sees decent amount of players at peak in NA region but otherwise discord fighter tier with little to no public lobbies. Execution is similar to Blazblue in that you have your easy characters and hard characters and system mechanics are pretty important to learn in order to take advantage of different positional scenarios due to a tug of war going on in the middle of the screen where if you win gives you massive benefits until the end of the next tug of war.
- Persona 4 Arena Ultimaxxx
Discord fighter tier, close to BBTAG in player count. Easy to pick up and play for most characters but also has alot of universal inputs to keep in mind as well has very gimmicky characters to consider. Surprisingly complex.
In that case too much estrogen has them acting like childish women (which is most women). I for one am glad we're still talking fighting games in the last 2 weeks or so that we've been back.
surprised Granblue is that low when Evo just happened
I'm playing VF4 Final Tuned a bit. I used to primarily play Vanessa, but these days, I'm playing Pai.
Isn't that close to double what they've been having? It'll probably increase next month when patch drops.
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GranBlue has rollback or not?
It does. All of the games on that list have rollback.
Rollback AND crossplay!
AND bluepilled
I might give it another shot when I have time
If ASW offered you a job as a playtester on new games, would you take it?
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The practical joke is for the entertainment of the prankster, not the victim
Do fighting games really need crouching hit only combos?
If I get paid maybe, why not?
Which games do that?
BlazBlue has crouch only combos
Is that universal or character-specific? Sounds strange. Then again Arcsys also had weight-specific combo routes before so I guess it's not that strange after all.
It's universal in arc-games from what I've surmised with google searches. Character in crouching hitstun have a few more frames in hitstun compared to when they're standing. This leads to certain combos only being able to be down while the enemy is crouching, probably for the sake of adding an extra layer to mix-ups, though as a tau main, whose bread and butter combos rely on the opponent crouching, I find it to be greatly annoying.
I'm not a big fan because I have to look out for the confirm constantly
I like counter hits, but I don't like counter hit combos
I wouldn't play strive even if you paid me....
I suddenly remembered " saw the name and dodged accordingly " and burst out laughing
dea dthread?!?!?
Ye, maybe it'll get busier during the tourney on the weekend
Silent saving us as per usual...
So afgg is destined to always either be gay or drama with no other options?
Since when is this thread either of those? The last thread basically ignored that too. Let those trash heaps do their thing. Better to have a slower thread that sees some activity and lobbies while staying on topic than attract trash heaps and their orbiters / trolls baiting them.
Whoops, meant to say "dead or drama" with the latter in reference to how afgg used to be
Honestly they gays and drama re closely related so you aren't technically wrong but I'd take slow over hitting bump limit with /fgg/ schizos spamming their insane reposts over and over again any day.
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Okay, I'm kinda excited about Garou 2 now.
I like his moveset but no bandana irks me. Crossing my fingers for alternate costumes option.
Now that you mention it, I'm surprised that KOFXV only had a few alt costumes
Good night, bros
Have a good night anon-kun
>bouncing back to pre-update numbers
It really was a one-and-done thing UNIbros..
honestly feels like bloat to me
I feel like Uni is sort of difficult to get into with its various rules and combo routes
SFZero2 had a comeback mechanic that gave the guy who lost the first round +1 damage to all hits....
Chun & Rolento likes it...
uh oh fggxisters
I remember hearing about that a few years back. I'm surprised it took people so long to notice it even with the home ports having training mode.
people are probably working
that's my guess, but no idea if it will go back up after work
too expensive to produce
Old Melty > New Melty
I gotta admit I do like the old OST heavily over the new one. The levels in general are also better looking and sprites more soulful.
What makes you say that?
Silluellyu > Bell Figs > Maelis > Viddy
Silly is legit schizo. What a fucking tool lol.
Now he looks like Ray from Chaos Code.
>BD 1080p
>for 4:3 ratio footage
I think people get Blu-Rays for SD anime because they have a cleaner image than DVD without the need of extra post-processing and they also can store more episodes on a single disc.
>they also can store more episodes on a single disc.
This I'd believe at least regarding the long-running shows for. They're still selling seasonal shows on BD at 3-4 episodes a pop to maximize profits
I just played BBCF with /v/.
I tried to use Tager, but I kept messing up and I forgot the combo you guys showed me that time.
Losing all my notes in that HDD crash really messed me up.
Probably would have lost anyway, but still mildly frustrating. I guess I have to recollect all of my notes by hand.
Unfortunately, there are decent players who lurk /v/. There's a high ranking Litchi somewhere on /vg/ too, but you'll never get to find them because they're too busy trolling threads about games they don't like or play
The skill level is quite high in those lobby threads funnily enough. Part of the fun in playing fighting is discovering tech though so it might be a nice refresher to go down that path. Good luck in your journey
The highest level blaz player I know just spends his time shitposting in gacha threads and the yuri board.
Is that really unfortunate? I actually enjoyed playing with them. I was more disappointed in myself, if anything.
That's true. I'm rediscovering a lot of things I had forgotten that I think I can apply to more fighting games.
The misfortune is specifically that you have to go dig through /v/ for them
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There's apparently a major tournament going on in Malysia right now, I had no idea.
They have KOFXV
Silly is still around? I knew them from the first like 6 months of Strive.
He's CONSTANTLY posting in the /trash/ /dft/ threads...
I got SKD and ground tech working the other day.
Today I'm working on jump cancels.
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Which afgg has an israel fighter?
I can't think of an Israeli character in fighting games in general.
I can think of Jews like Harley Quinn and Magneto, but that hardly counts since they're American and German respectively.
We have Jewpuncher but I don't know about jewish punchers
If you count Fight of Gods, Jesus and Moses.
Well I like it, but I guess it's not really a hard requirement or anything.
New games let you skip neutral pretty easily and then force more guesses since you got past the hard part
Not required but I think more of them should have pre-round start movement for the mind games.
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sex with girly men
video games?
Video games. Tournament soon
Is there a reason everyone waits until the very last minute to sign up for silentone tournaments?
in most cases they just forget or avoid singing up until the day incase they cant play

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