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Groupie Bait Edition

Previous Thread


>Official Site:
>Special Delivery:
http://fnafar.com/ (defunct)
>Security Breach
>FNAF: The Movie: The Game
>Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted 2
Scott's Twitter

>Writing Archive:
https://justpaste/ dot it/5NAF_Writefag_Archive
>Voice Archive:
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Do you guys think the anniversary will actually bring us more long-term activity or will it be like HW2 again? Looking at what we'll be getting it's:
>Fanverse stuff, which /5N@F/ doesn't care about.
>Interactive bookshit, which might be neat since it's gonna be free and digital so everyone can read it and take their own paths, but /5N@F/ probably won't care much about it either.
>SW announcement which in the best case scenario is for the Festival game / HW2 DLC, but even then, still just an announcement.
>New Scott interview, which people will talk about for like one thread.
>Mystery collab, which could actually be huge if it's something like Fortnite like people are expecting, but we won't know until the time comes.
>Five Laps at Freddy's Demo. Sounds really neat, but it's just a demo.
>Into the Pit, the biggest release and the big day, which many are already not expecting much from due to being based on bookshit.
I feel like we'll just end up talking about all the stuff that came out for like a week or two before we return to 10-day long threads of nothing but reposting art from Twitter and waifuposting about the same four characters. I hope at least some OCfags who haven't been here in a while remember it and come back to celebrate even if just for a day.
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the pizzaplex is like disneyland but instead of being the happiest place on earth it's the happiest and faggiest place on earth
im still sorta expecting one bombshell drop from the anniversary that hasn't been revealed yet, but yeah it all depends on how substantial these releases actually are. like Five Laps could be a huge mindfuck misdirect but it's also probably just going to be a cute little Fury's Rage/Freddy in Space sized game
I'm curious on what % of people still in these threads came here from/after SB. It feels like that's most people here now, or at least a big portion. What year did you start browsing /5N@F/?
if there is enough things of actual substance i'm sure there will be interaction, at minimum when theirs a full game releasing their will be something to discuss, i remember their being a fair bit of discussion around the time of Ruin and HW2's announcements so we can be more active when its mainly announcements
10 days until the anniversary kicks off, are we excited?
I'm looking forward to it.
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>unsupported url
Gonna see if this works on any other booru site.
Now if I were William and I saw the business end up having to pander to gays for quick money? I would've been mad as hell over it like him.
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You made her angry
i didnt mean to please dont crush my nuts again boss baby
Too many goddamn homosexuals in my pizzaplex #NotMyFreddy's
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Too late
>auditory evidence of my attempt to fight back (i succeeded)
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Ruined Roxy looks so cool. Damaged and beautiful.
Is the first-person shooter formula compatible with FNAF?
probably would make for solid commentary if in-universe there were a movement to protest Fazbear Ent from people who grew up with the old Freddy's, with the entirety of their anger being directed at the "wokeaplex" and not the fact the company has blood on its hands
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sure why not
it's like Christmas but Santa is a texan republican
i'd kill for an RE7/8 style game in the fnaf world
I always like the visual dichotomy between the clean robot ballerina and the decaying cyborg in a fursuit. The designs compliment each other really well.
at least Scott is probably having a good day
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>l4d music
other than that, looks very good
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Bonnie and Freddy are probably thinking "damn bitch get out of our way"
Dammit, I guess it only works on some boorus then. There's another anon working on a backup, but idk what he's using.
Lmao, good post anon
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Here's a few examples
And who can forget the original
I'm sure we'll get some discussion once things of actual substance come out.
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Was looking for a "Freddy Fazbear praying" reaction image and I ended up finding this gem of a product
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Why does HW2 Pigpatch look like he's dying?
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Apparently this new Opera ai is sorta cracked at fnaf stuff
Underrated comment. Scott is so based.
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it's interesting because his original texture looks more like felt when you look at it closer, wonder if that was the intention
3rd person action game with Roxy
so let me get this straight.
The timeline of the Steel Wool-era games is:
Help Wanted - Security Breach - Help Wanted 2 - RUIN.
is the next major entry going back in time to the 80's, or a direct follow-up to see what happened to Roxy and Cassie
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I know some of you are into this stuff so I might as well also say you seemingly have to type "CircusBaby (from Sister Location)", because "Baby" on its own gets flagged lmfao. still kinda dog water as all AI is but this looks to be the only one that has the animatronics down
Been left to rot
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I'd like to leave this dystopian future, please.
SWShit should not interfere with the old timeline at all, their style of games is so distinct from Scotts you might as well call them a different genre for a different audience. No original timeline shit.
I see it as little more than a toy to dick around with until the lawmakers inevitably crack down on it, the quality is still just absolutely not there no matter what people say anyways. treating AI with any legitimacy is canonically what got the pizzaplex all fucked up
>treating AI with any legitimacy is canonically what got the pizzaplex all fucked up

>it wasnt SW trying to bring back afton and fucking up the whole attempt at a new story while trying to also do vanessa and mimic
Steel Wool really ought to just make their flat games sit and survive games, they'd be a lot more polished and the Help Wanted series shows they're good at the classic formula when they set their minds to it. Ruin sorta bridged the styles with how you had to juggle one single gameplay loop but even then things could be better
I was referring to the chairman drinking the AI kool aid and firing the entire creative staff, which then lead to mimic getting his balls deep in the plex's mainframe or whatever. but yes there's that too
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This is decently impressive, but also literally nothing that couldn't be done with two models in GMOD and a paper layer on multiply.
I get that but the last pic isn't made with Opera, it's a Blender pic making fun of it.
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is that really what happened?
shit story/10
People really ship Baby and Ballora? I thought they despise each other.
did she hang herself?
guys.... I found phentanyl bonnie in my fnaf 3
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Vannesa under the Vanny influence advocated to fire all other security staff, I suppose but don't know why this extended to the entire staff at large (paints a fun picture for the Help Wanted 2 premise at least)
>fully integrated AI browser
I feel like if you browse 4chan you should already know this, but a company that provides both the browser and VPN especially will have the documented evidence to link you to your search queries and prompts. Don't do anything to get yourself in trouble thinking you have a saftey net. Companies have 0 problems handing everything over to the police to cover their own asses. With something like tor you at least need to contact different organizations to acwuire multiple pieces of evidence to link you to online activity, which is still possibly tracable, but requires over double the footwork. Protect yourself wisley.
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are these channels just taking the piss
If your channel is popular because you use someone else's works then you rely on them for the content. If the well is dry then you have to make due.
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Ship not necessarily, but people like them together either from the "mother daughter" angle or from the "they're the only two sane people in a madhouse" angle.
I am one of these people
>I thought they despise each other
Isn't that the whole point of shipping them then?
I thought the point of shipping was to get your rocks off. How is shipping two seperate tortured souls so fragmented they forgot their humanity that are shoved into robot husks anything else? Yes, I am no fun
Five Nights in Jail for Humping the Fembots.
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he's got his spooky face on
>I thought the point of shipping was to get your rocks off
I can't wack off to shipping because i can't insert myself, i like when it makes cute art though
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I got a Meta Quest 3 yesterday. Any tips or tricks I need to know for FNAF Help Wanted 1 and 2? Also its pretty sick that they remade the first three games in vr. Springtrap be looking a little goofy.
Guys I'm worried, will the FNAF anniversary give this thread enough steam to last another year?
Or will it be like HW2 where the general gets talking when it releases, then drops off when there isn't much to discuss?
The anniversary is just Fanverse, an interactive novel, an unknown collaboration (which will probably leave the fanbase disappointed if it isn't Fortnite, a Steel Wool announcement (which could rage from a continuation of the mimic and Cassie saga to something else entirely) and a racing game. It doesn't seem that interesting.
I just wanna play Into the Pit
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i think worrywarts like you need to just accept that FNAF will never have peak/high steam ever again, because its a fucking 10 year old franchise for games that were simple to begin with so there's hardly anything to talk about
coupled with that fact 99% of anything interesting to talk about, ran out YEARS ago, and has been thoroughly talked through
people who make these statements about "muh steam" wouldn't know the first thing to talk about the second the new topics dry up, you just have to accept that things fade into obscurity/stop being regular conversation topics, and that's okay
if this is such a problem to you faggots, go and take initiative by making fan content, like all the trannoids and children already have. The fan initiative thing was a genius idea on scott's part because it solves the steam issue,

but he'll never be able to solve the fans issue. RIP.
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Pic related will give us stuff to talk about for years.
Fnaf canon died after security breach. It was already pretty shaky at this point but at least it was a consistent timeline more or less.
Now they hard retconned a whole game (SB, by being basically imaginary gregory comics in the grand scheme) by the time of ruin and now I feel like nothing is anchored down anymore, anything could change or not mean anything at a moment's notice. This may or may not be a factor in less direct fnaf discussion, but it feels that way to me.
Either way more people now have to accept alternate canons (books, movies, comics, etc, the whole shabang) for the potential of more /5N@F/ general thread steam because game fnaf canon is arguably just as nonsensical at this point for reasons I've already stated.
I don't know why you guys are even assuming the announced anniversary slate will be all there is to it, Scott is known for spoiling us with surprises. There's still that one made in clickteam game they haven't said a word about since the teaser last halloween (Five Laps is being developed in Unreal Engine, they're almost certainly unrelated things)
woops, meant for this >>487178658 as the second reply
(Also with book games like ITP/Into the PIT coming out, book content will be more relevant in the fnaf scheme anyway whether you like those portions or not)
>Fnaf canon died after security breach
No, it died after the fazbear's frights book. All of this stuff of "alternate canon" doesn't matter if it has questionable implication for the main canon. It's exactly what stopped the timeline from being somewhat consistent.
Yeah but the games never included fazbears frights content, it was clear that they were seperate content until recently. RUIN is the shit that broke the seal because it completely broke the logic of the FNaF universe and merged the books with the games, it's literally the reverse of what fnaf stood for. Taking a silly concept seriously and it working, swshit takes stupid concepts and treats them without any seriousness or regard for the already established world.
What I meant is the main fnaf game timeline. Not involving Fazbear's frights book content or the like.
this also might just be cope but back when ITP leaked Scott referred to it as "an anniversary game" when the slate would have you believe it's THE anniversary game, on top of that you have Sterf saying there's something about August 9th he can't talk about. I said Five Laps is almost certainly unrelated but I could totally imagine this "demo" ending on a teaser for the other game, it was always odd that they were developing two seemingly separate things simultaneously. plus I find it hard to believe something like a FNAF themed racing game would warrant a demo as opposed to a full release, like I doubt they'll have a mario kart sized roster or track list
Is Poppy Playtime beating fnaf and will it become the new face of mascot horror?
Security Breach is fucking kino. It was my first fnaf game. Herp derp.
Depends if the movie sells more at the box office or not. Poppy Playtime is good but the only fuckable character is Mommy Long Legs.
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>Just a play on the word Innard
>Innards as in insides
You'd be surprised of how obsessive some fags are in trying to shove alternate canons in every single new thing that comes out of the new books, theories, games, etc.
there's a piece of me in every body
Any tips for beating Graveyard Shift?
I don't think the ability to walk through walls via an AR mask that has a variant of an ancient 80's robot code inside of that is disguising itself as William Afton because it witnessed the murders and we didn't know about this until recently and has transformed itself into a virus that can spread to other robots and also Freddy is sentient and gay for another robot which means robots in this world are treated as living beings which means if they die they actually die and cassies dad being tormented and placed inside of a staffbot being forced to witness cassie put on the magical AR mask who then proceeds to disable the expensive floorbots that happen to contain fragments of animatronic souls isn't an alternative canon anymore.
Poppy Playtime isn't even the Sonic to FNAF's Mario, more like Gex if anything. Bendy can be Spyro and Hello Neighbor is probably Bubsy.

I know it's regained some integrity in recent times but Poppy Playtime is just contentslop in the eyes of most people outside of the mascot horror bubble and Japan apparently
I hope we get an actual confirmation if Fazbear's Frights and Tales From The Pizzaplex are canon to the games timeline or not, them being or not in the games timeline isn't the problem for me, what bothers me the most is the fucking ambiguity if they take place in the games continuity or not.
More comprehensive than the books, thank you.
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how can scott not be tired of this shit by now
....what? Cassies Dad is a staff bot? What the fuck?
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Imagine if the funny 7th kid from the Toy Chica Highschool Years cutscene actually lingered into Spring Bonnie and that's why we never saw that kid and that's how Afton is kept alive even after getting springlocked and going through two fires.
In Help Wanted 2 it's implied the protagonist is a parent and a technician working at the Pizza-Plex.

From Ruin, we learn Cassie's dad was a technician working at the Pizza-Plex and used the same tool the protagonist does. His favorite character is Bonnie and the HW2 protagonist can find a Bonnie mask, at which point text pops up saying "this seems familiar..."

In one of the HW2 endings, the protagonist gets attacked by Staffbots and then the game cuts to the scene in Ruin where a Staffbot gives Cassie the Vanny mask, except now you're seeing it from the Staffbot's perspective. Using the Vanny mask in Ruin shows that there's a brain inside the staffbot.
Personally I feel the thing that separates nu-FNaF with Scott's lineage is that it isn't rooted in anything "real". Like there's no real horror lurking underneath the surface, A killer that has killed children in a mysterious way, with barely anything surfacing about the ordeal, with a shitty court case that ended up empty handed is something that could actually happen, and has happened before in real life, the sci-fi and paranormal is just sprinkling on the real terror behind everything. Steel Wools story focuses entirely on implausibilities that are almost entirely goofy and downplay the horror, the main antagonist is an evil AI that kills teenagers (something you'd see in a shitty slasher, it has minimal relation to the real world), the Pizza plex isn't a small business that a neighbor could own, it's origin isn't even explained, they are a megacorp that owns entire mines, oil companies, and factories? mind the mind control bullshit, it's like it's a completely different universe.
>the ability to walk through walls via an AR mask
Good god, we never really got a lore explanation for that, did we? I was gave it a pass at the time because I assumed it was going to get explained in a sequel, but they blew the opportunity with hw 2 and considering the next game will probably be a prequel, it will take a while for us to learn what's up with that
You mean because of Fallfest? It doesn't necessarily mean it will be in the past.
you have eaten a cheap ass tostinos frozen pizza and have become impressed with the food as it is your first pizza, but have yet to taste what a real brick oven pizza is like.
Thats very disturbing.
That's fucked. Why does Fazbear Entertainment do this shit?
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>get borged
>have to be a lame ass staffbot instead of a cool pirate or hot-ass bear
god's hell pales before man's own
Charlie my beloved
>Roxy was destroying Staffbots because she was mad she lost in her own racing game
Steel Wool should've rescued literally any other robot in the game instead.
I hope Roxy suffers an even worse fate in the next game so Cassie has to actually kill her for real this time
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At last, justice has been served.
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i would hardly call roxy rescued, she seems pretty fucking miserable. would you say lisa garland is rescued just because she persisted in some way?
Same. I'd say she's in the same situation was Jack after Jetstream Sam mutilated him during their first encounter. They just need to make her reveangance a thing for the cycle to complete.
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>FNAF: Revengeance
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I mistook his arms for the faz-couch at first
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Is there more to this drawing?
Monty fucking Bonnie off-screen
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I find it confusing when people say that The Mimic has no sentience when the encounter with it proves otherwise.
Why would it toss the Freddy Talkie at Cassie if it isn't a taunt saying "LOL you dumbass you fell for it"?
That scene was cool. The Mimic is clearly an artificial intelligence like Freddy or Monty but more sophisticated in that it MIMICS.
Biggest mistake they can make is turning him into just another serial killer who murders in the shadows and blah blah instead of making him a menace to the whole humanity like Skynet or AM.
Sounds derivative and boring.
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>turn FNAF into a worldwide scale doomsday plot
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Or we can simply milking the same formula with Afton to death and limit the new main antagonist of its full potential
>What is Desolate Hope
Newfags, I swear.
I don't deny I would like to see more animatronics fighting each other, but for something like Desolate Hope, it really needs a big buildup.
Not necessarily apocaliptic too
FNAF already had a cool artificial intelligence that could mimic voices.
Miketrap-era animations were peak because like, could you get something like this unironically in the present? Probably not.
I remember how William having to fend off his robot family as an infirm old man living in his house was a pretty common idea for FNAF 6 back before Willtrap was confirmed by Scott in the comments section of a youtube video. Could make for a nice fangame.
What was Scott even thinking with making mike purple? how did he not know that it would be confusing.

Honestly I actually think miketrap is a cool idea even if it underplays springtrap being williams punishment, and fucks with mike more even though he's innocent.
I remember being in the FNaF SFM community back then, I spoke to all the people who were pushing out all of the shit like this, they were more carefree times and you could make whatever you want, now I have an actual job in 3D and everything feels like a sloggy chore. And I can't return to FNaF or basically any other ongoing series in general without being reminded there's nothing to do except discuss how good they used to be.
FNAF probably has an excellent classic-style survival horror game in it, if they could just avoid the horrible glitches and bugs that turned SB into a complete joke.
Why? Monty was too far gone, as far as Steel Wool are concerned, and is probably 100% dead
Glam Chica is just a disgusting mindless zombie now.
Daycare guy more or less got rescued.
Monty I can agree but Chica can still be fixed somehow. Daycare can still do stuff and Roxy is still out there (now trapped underground with Cassie and most likely soon to encounter Tangle)
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If Abby does something like this in the 2nd movie, I swear to fucking god.
Let's be honest, you could replace the Mimic in Ruin with the Tangle and nothing would change, both Ennard/Molten Freddy can mimic voices and is already under the pizzaplex.
In my opinion, the Mimic works best as an explanation why William is back without actually bringing him back, instead of making him his own thing.
Have him be a boss you can fight with an animatronic, not just pressing a button and hope for the best
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It's a portmanteau actually
>Endo - "beneath" or "inside of", but also, the prefix of endoskeleton
>Ennard is INSIDE of someone in place of their INNARDS
>the montage scene of FNAF movie 2 is abby putting the animatronics back together
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This is how humans look in fnaf. Its the same style as Gregory or Vanessa in Security Breach. Am I crazy for thinking this?
How proficient do you think Baby is on her skates?
I mean the series has had a variety of different art styles at this point, i'd say it depends from game to game. Even Cassie as seen in HW2 looks to be a whole different level of stylized from the humans of Security Breach/Ruin, I don't think there's any one definitive look
>How proficient do you think Baby is on her skates?
Terrible, constantly falls flat on her ass.
It was led by a ghost girl and leter got mixed up with even more ghost children.
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I'm reposting this art without permission because I'm a sick fuck.
>This is how humans look in fnaf
I've seen people here and on Deviantart make better humans, before that poorly drawn comic was even a thing.
what Scott saw in her to the point he almost made an enemy out of the entire fandom just because he wanted to keep her that bad is perhaps the biggest FNAF mystery of all, rest in piss
Looking at the bright side, at least it wasn't made by fiszi
i know what the problem of this is immediately but it looks better to me
when the talbert nonsense was going down Scott took to freddit as he does and while he was there he had the brilliant idea to add onto the fire with a separate post addressing the concentrated effort to get Pinky fired that was going on at the time, essentially he told everyone to hush up because "people change, pls forgive and forget" or whatever. this got people so riled up it ended in Pinky voluntarily leaving and Scott making one last passive aggressive update in which he was like "she's gone. you won. have a good weekend"
Pinkypills is based. Scott is in the right. Forgiving is what any devout Christian does. FNAF is a christian franchise.
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I'd agree but in her follow-ups to the ordeal she had 9000 IQ defenses like not thinking that drawing an underaged character naked would taken the wrong way or knowing that 18 was the age of consent in the US, so im not sure if she actually holds herself accountable for her "mistakes"
>she had 9000 IQ defenses like not thinking that drawing an underaged character naked would taken the wrong way or knowing that 18 was the age of consent in the US, so im not sure if she actually holds herself accountable for her "mistakes"
But she's right now.
Listen, I hate loli art too. But Pinky didn't draw loli art, from what I know, Pinky was cancelled for drawing underage porn of Disney princesses. Specifically Snow White and Moana, who look like adults, yet technically "underage" because of their canonical ages.
Complain all you want, but I believe Pinky did nothing wrong.
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I love Cassidy Tucker!
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she shines too bright a smile
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No such thing, silly Afton.
Maybe you should get out more, you vampire. Sunshine's good for you!
this is so fucking retarded and pretentious
the one, and only, rebuttal that is needed is "they're fictional characters you fucking retards, find real problems"
this whole faggoty "umm well TECHNICALLY-" just makes you look actually guilty
I'm glad Pinky left because her art is dogshit.
No, some art should be banned, ie lolishit. But ruining people's lives because they drew porn of a fictional 16 year old is retarded. What even if the difference between a 16 year old drawing and an 18 year old one?
That and because she masturbates to her boss while drawing him. I don't care if she's female, that's creepy as fuck.
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>this pedophilia is bad and it should be illegal but this other pedophilia is okay and nobody should have their life ruined over it
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did that artist really need three fucking watermarks?
idgaf if you draw loli unless it's characters that are based off real kids (i.e abby or blonde boy)
it's a moralfag way of thinking, but just don't be a shadman, simple as
So fast she'd make Sonic look twice.
Alright boys, hear me out;
Update to Circus Baby where she makes honking noises when you grab her tits/ass.
True, but also give her attachable hip handles
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Great idea! I approve!
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SCOTT, my leige, your approval humbles me.
Five Nights Furiously Fapping to Freddy
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Cassie's moms.
They got it going on.
Nightmares are so based
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Deathrock Chica, my beloved
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More like deathdrop dumb chicken
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New FNaF game leak, thank me later.
How could you spoil such an important plot point
What a stupid line in the sand to draw.
Do you think there’s any chance the next game will be freddyland and the park has a specific area at the end of the game based on the fallfest carnival? Carnivals and amusement parks are kind of similar,
Hey guys I made another green text story about my characters.

>Brady opens the back door, only to find someone rummaging through the dumpster. Mellisa told her there was a bum in the back, so Brady had to bring out a slice of pizza so the bum could leave.
>"Um, excuse me," Brady speaks with a quiet voice. "Are you hungry?"
>The bum is too fixated on rummaging through the dumpster to even notice the "chef" with their offering.
>Brady decides to walk up to the bum to speak a little louder. "Hello, sir?"
>The bum lifts their head and finally looks at the Employee, revealing to be a lady.
>"What ya mean 'sir'?" the bum calmly asks Brady in a low, raspy voice.
>A small moment of silence fills the air as the two chickens lock eyes for a brief moment. Brady fixates on the bum's pink hair and the messy eyeliner. Is as if Brady knew the bum some time ago, but can't quite put her feature on as to who.
>"I'm sorry I thought you were someone else," Brady explains, looking down at the pizza slice. "I uh, wanted to know if you would want this so you don't have to look through our trash."
>Brady extends her arm to offer a cold slice to the bum. The bum looks down at the slice, somewhat tempted to take it. With a blank expression, the bum shakes her head and then continues to dig through the trash. Is as if there's something important underneath.
>Confused as to what the bum is looking for, Brady looks down at the multiple bags to check out what's going on.
>"Did you lose your purse? Keys? I can help you if you want."
>She gets no response from the bum.
>"I-I said, do you need any he-"
>"Ah-ha!" The bum explains as she pulls out a fresh bottle of whisky, unopened.
>Brady soon realizes that that bottle belongs to her. She keeps it underneath the dumpster so the boss doesn't catch her with yet another bottle. If Brady doesn't do something, she'll probably get "fired" and lose her other hand.
>The bum sits down next to the dumpster, laughing as she's about to down the whole bottle. Brady sits down next to the now joyful bum and looks at her with a nervous smile.
>"H-Hey, that's a nice find," says Brady. "Do you always find goodies like that when you dumpster dive?"
>The bum opens the bottle and takes a swig before replying.
>"No, I don't need to but I've been eyeing this idiot who keeps leaving this stuff in here for a while now."
>"Wow that's great..." Brady replies, more nervous than before. "Hey, c-can I have some?"
>"No go find your own," the bum replies with a snarky demeanor.
>Brady realizes how dumb this might have been. Perhaps she can just lose this one bottle and just get another whenever her next shopping spree for frozen pizzas may be. So, Brady decided to change the conversation.
>"Hey uh, you said that you didn't need to dumpster dive often," Brady starts to ask. "What did you mean by that."
>The bum takes another swig from the whisky bottle and says, "Well I just live off of welfare. Working would just get in the way."
>"Of what?" Brady replies.
>The bum's eyes light up with excitement at Brady's question.
>"Well, I go to these parties every other Saturday and it's just amazing. Way better than most other days of the week."
>Brady is puzzled by this explanation. The bum thinks working will get in the way of parties that only take place on Saturdays.
>"Wait, if you party on Saturdays, then why don't you work on days in between?" Brady asks.
>"Because dumbass, jobs aren't parties." The bum says as they return to their snarky demeanor. "You go every day to a boring place for something you don't wish to do and then..."
>Brady starts to tune out the bum's words. Every point that the bum makes just boils down to "I wish I could party all day because everything else is boring".
>The bum notices that Brady is dosing off. This annoys her just a little bit because her long-winded speech about partying was probably for nothing.
>"Hey, Hellen. Are you even listening?"
>"It's Brady," Brady replies "And yeah, I was listening."
>The bum looks at Brady, judging the honesty of that statement.
>"I know you are trying to say that because you want to appease me, but I know you don't care." The Bum says as she gets up and stretches her back from the sitting. "But that's ok it proves that I'm much better than you are."
>Brady looks at the bum, feeling more distant than the first few minutes before.
>The bum decides to talk to Brady one more time "I'll be here for another bottle if there is any. Just know that." Then she walks away.
>Brady just sat there for a couple of seconds pondering what just transpired. That bum was a terrible person but she kinda looks familiar. Probably just a coincidence.
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So did Ennard's mask ever come from another animatronic before it was just a wall decoration?
If you had to make a 5th animatronic for the pizzeria simulator gang what would it look like?
withered phantom funtime balloon boy
>for the pizzeria simulator gang
What do you mean? Like, is it the Scrap animatronics, the Mediocre Melodies??
>is it the Scrap animatronics
I feel like this is a cheap answer but some Golden Freddy variant.
Scrap Ballora.
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real ones know Steel Wool's humans are actually just a refined version of Scott's style for human models
Five Waps at Fetty’s
Was it?
I like thart waaaay better
Why did he not just get someone to make those into the comics?
No he really did molest Willy’s mom
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Would you prefer FNaF World update 3 or FNaF World 2?
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Roxanne World.
the bullet
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I want to push her gently and watch her do a little dance in place as she desperately tries to balance three quarters of a ton of clown ass on fucking rollerskates
She should balance three quarters of a ton of clown ass on my dick
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Either Logbook chica or scrap fredbear
>scrap fredbear: should’ve given us at least one game where we finally have cc try to kill mike
>logbook chica: watch this video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dWRU2zUK980&pp=ygUNTG9nYm9vayBjaGljYQ%3D%3D
what's this even supposed to mean
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>Major Fracture Detected
>he dosen't know
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Best boy
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The classic fnaf games haven't had a discount for years. Can at least we get an 10 year anniversary sale?
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>be me
>huge Roxy simp
>playing Help Wanted 2 in VR for the first time
>Get to the Roxy dress up level
>Holy shit she's so big and intimidating in VR
>She tells me she's a star
>Demands me to look at her at all times
>Scaroused feelings dwell inside me
Its such an absolute and strange feeling of horror I cannot describe in words. She's so big looking in VR. SHE'S THE BEST.
give her a kiss
Nigga you gon' die.
Worth it.
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I want Glamrock Daddy to step on my face.
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Fnaf World 2 i think its better to just have a new game so you aren't constrained by old design choices
personally i'd kill for a Princess Quest RPG
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>Princess Quest RPG
i made some sprites with other MCI kids as party members (fritz the mage, susie the florist)
if i'd make it, it would be some RPGmaker game
Nigga I already said almost the EXACT same shit a day before you, it's like at the start of the thread.
>i think worrywarts like you need to just accept that FNAF will never have peak/high steam ever again
People thought the same thing before SB though, and that gave us months of non-stop activity. Granted SB was pretty huge in many ways, but still.
>fritz, possessing foxy the PIRATE
>not a thief
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fritz is always headcanoned as a nerd or introverted, so i made him a mage to give him that kind of *adjusts glasses* sort of feel.
think of it as an autistic mci isekai
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That role is saved for Gabriel
The FNAF 2 pizzeria seems kinda kinda shady, if I bribed an employee do you think I could take Toy Chica out back for a few minutes so I could bang her?
Hah! I get it!
New gregory x cassie dropped

imagine caring about this shit
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At least we, fnaf fans, will have the honour to say our movie came out before the skibidi toilet movie. Our neighbours at Bendy and poppy playtime might not have the same privilege
Sorry, wrong image
Yeah, of course I don't give a shit, I was making a joke dummy
What the fuck is this timeline
the movie taking as long as it did was probably a blessing in disguise, FNAF has been out of the cringe culture hemisphere for some time now
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ive never been one for cringe culture in the first place but FNAF is so tonally ruined for me it was hard to take any of the movie seriously regardless, it felt like an extremely high budget parody
maybe FNAF 2 will pull it off, though, springtrap is an inherently more villainous... villain
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On a side note thats unrelated. Can someone explain to me exactly WHY FNAF is such a rabbit centric franchise despite the franchise being named after a bear? We have Bonnie, Bonnie, Spring Bonnie, Afton, more fucking Bonnies, Vanny, MXES, Bunny Staff Bot from Ruin. Is it literally all because Scott had night terrors of Bonnie and presumably made Spring Trap a rabbit because of that?
>FNAF 2 will pull it off, though, springtrap is an inherently more villainous... villain
Isn't movie 2 going to be FNAF 2-centric, though? Can't really fit Springtrap into that, unless it's done like the first movie and he shows up for five minutes at the end.
Imagine if Afton had used Fredbear's suit instead.
The bears would have their rightful place as the focus of he franchise.
because fnaf 3 happened and rabbit suits became synonymous with the killer and main antagonist behind pretty much everything since fnaf 1
I feel like now that the first movie has gotten humanizing the kids out of the way they'll subvert it by making the second movie's bots more villainous, I could see characters like Puppet and Mangle especially amping up the fear factor. Scott is probably very conscious of the fact that's what people found lacking, and I imagine he'll want to pull another FNAF4 (horror-wise)
i hate modern fnaf, but making the namesake of the franchise a good guy for once, i think that was a good idea
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OG fredbear was already spoken for (golden freddy) and too set in representing the dead kids' crazy ghost shit. OG spring bonnie was the only other option for a dead guy who died in one of the original ye olde tyme suits
freddy had his time as the big nasty in 1 & 2 but of course its game over once the actual killer of the kids teased since game 1 showed up
Glamrock Freddy? Yeah. That was cool. He's such a bro.
>guy with ADHD can't focus enough to actually have proper work ethic and finish the game
many such cases
what a curse
so he's officially, unequivocally, written on the papers, stitched in his underwear retarded?
what a shock!
If mimic is the central antagonist of the coveted Fallfest game then they have to bring the Vanny meter idea back in some fashion, him constantly hounding your ass sounds terrifying and I can't imagine he'd be one to roam around aimlessly
we're FNAF fans, retardation unites us. you're either extremely autistic or gay, commonly both but never neither and if you think you're neither you're lying to yourself
why did the artist draw him so hot
Like others have said, it's because Fredbear was already associated with the 5th dead kid, so Scott made the killer use a Bonnie suit instead, and since William became the central point of the series from SL onwards, rabbits became the central animal.
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/biz/ idea: casting Jeremy Irons for the more serious versions of Slick Willy
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Is this an edited photo or is Emil better at modelling humans than Scott?
that's me
Lol, I've recently been imagining that they will end up making the withereds the good guys because of the first movie and turn the toys into the monsters that do the horror moments instead, that would be hilarious
>Abby is anti-gregory
max kino.
toys arent happening, they're obviously skipping straight to springtrap
Damn right, she's the protag we should've gotten in SB.
>give me your face
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But the first image released when they announced the movie was them making mangle.
Besides, I still want the movie to be a prequel. I want to see William actually do something before being springtrap, where he will probably completely change personality. But I'm afraid they won't take the risk because it will be to complicated for the absoluteliest of normies to understand that it's a prequel. It sycks because that way they could get away with using the original withered designs amd also appeal to fans who know fnaf 2 the game is a prequel and to casuals by making sure you don't need to watch the first movie before this one.
woah ive never seen this, i didnt even know they teased any making ofs for movie 2.
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If they make a Toy Bonnie, then that means there will be a physical Toy Bonnie for me to find and fuck, and I don't need that on my plate right now
They can still cram FNAF 2 and 3 into the same movie by having it turn out that Springtrap is manipulating the Toys from a safe house that he inexplicably bursts out of at the end of the film, kinda like how he just randomly appeared in the first one.
By the Blumman himself
Michael clamps Williams testicles to a car battery and let's it go wild, all the while music man is playing horrific fucking music as specified by Michael, not only that but the balloon children are slowly inserting tooth picks under Williams nails and will use BB's sign handle to hammer them in
>and its set to release Dec 5th next year
Oh yeah, we're getting the Toys. This'll be one hell of an interesting movie.
I have a gut feeling that the sequel will negate the "magic" the first movie had for me
But if they utilize mangle really well (although it'll be hard) it will be absolute kino
Here's your plan anon:
Between now and december of next year, become an extremely popular fnaf youtuber, then, when dawko and co. get invited to visit the set like last time maybe you can go as well. When nobody is looking bring bonnie onto the corner and masturbate on his face. May be you can even find an extra prop replica of his head or something to make it easier. Additionally, make sure that it isn't a costume/there's no one in the costume like in the last movie to avoid charges.
You could also apply for a job at the production crew or blumhouse, which would make this much easier. You could also try to become an extra, but then you would have to move to the hell known as New Orleans where the film will be filmed, so I hope that's a sacrifice you're willing to make
>Dec 5th
Missed opportunity to not release it on Nov 11th, FNAF 2's tenth anniversary.
eh they probably don't wanna rush it.
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So... the new interactive book has revealed Glamrock Chica has a child like Freddy and Roxy. And is this guy.
That's less than a month, they'd be fine.
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Look at this drawing of the totally real Foxy the Pirate
She is disguised as her uncle
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>a fnaf fan not worried about rushing another project
you really don't learn huh?
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Except giving SB MORE time was what fucked it up the most. People keep forgetting that the reason it got delayed wasn't because they wanted time to polish things, but because they wanted to make the game bigger, which led to scope creep (iirc either Scott or someone from Steel Wool said the game got twice as big as it was meant to be). Ironically, it would have probably been a way better game had they not delayed it and released it in 2020 as it was originally planned. Longer (and bigger, for that matter) doesn't always equal better.
whats this format with the derpy face
ive seen it floating around recently and im just wondering where it comes from
Are the toys possessed?
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So apparently there was a Polish FNAF book ad that had Eleanor look like this?
Who draws this disgusting shit?
Poland has a lot of FNAF stuff, since it's big with teens
There was an incredibly cheesy AD from a polish book publishing company where Freddy Frostbear gives Detective Larson a copy of the Freddy Files
As well as a cool animated version of the Fazbear Frights covers before the movie played in cinemas
>that Frostbear ad
It's like a Youtube skit for a sponsorship
"Wow, thanks Frostbear, now I can really know everything about FNAF lore! And so can you, if you use the code LARSON to get a free trial! Thank you Scholastic for sponsoring this video!"
>using ADHD as an excuse
Don't let the circumstances of your birth define the course of your one and only life
Almost definitely a photograph
Probably something public domain or historical
What are your honest thoughts on Kane Carter?
I wish he could stop being terminally online
I think its snively from sonic
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So apparently a company called Jada Toys is dipping their toes into the FNaF merch scene with these upcoming figures. At least they don't have top teeth?
It was originally a Dungeon Meshi meme comic.
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His games are fine and he does have the passion, but he's too far up his own ass
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Why does everyone in this general want this robot to fart in their face
i never said i wanted her to fart in my face, just ride my dick like a seesaw.
He should shut up and make games.
Reminder that Scott unironically hired as an official artist a person who draws like this.
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Do FNAF VR fan games exist? If so does anyone have any recommendations? Help Wanted 1 isn't working properly on my Quest 3 thru Steam Link. It stutters. Yet the pirated version I got of Help Wanted 2 runs like a dream....
Holy crap that anatomy is completely fucked lmao.
It'd be hilarious if the eyes don't move because Bonnie looks so derpy. If these aren't overpriced and are easy to find then I kinda wanna get this Bonnie. He looks so herp da derp.
somehow the longer you look at it, the worse it gets
I know it kills the horror but I'm glad they made it a cheese-fest of a movie, like a Willy's Wonderland but kid-friendly and on purpose. Can you imagine how it would have floundered if they tried to make a FN@F movie serious?
The Mimic we see in RUIN was built by Edwin Murray. It does not matter if you like the books or not. Stop being retarded
He's too hot, Afton is supposed to be goofy and slightly repulsive so imo, Shaggy is perfect for this role.
These are all that I know of. You can also find them on the meta quest app
What do we think about jazwares taking over the FNAF licence?
Hopefully we can get figures that actually look like the characters. I'd kill for Glamrock figures that are actually accurate.
Thanks anon.
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Unironically what was his problem?
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Foxy if she was a tranny
>fart in their face
No, we want her to grind our pelvises into paste.
Could be good, afton should be like a schlubby dad though
I wish i had your spirit about it because i fucking hated the movie
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He always comes back.
>Can you imagine how it would have floundered if they tried to make a FN@F movie serious?
Well maybe, the biggest of casuals would't have liked it, maybe it would've been slightly less marketable. But in the end it would have ended up a much more respectable product artistically as long as didn't border onto self indulgent and pretentious.
It also fits much better with the original vision of fnaf 1, but ever since this franchise's mid-life crisis (fnaf world) it's been getting progressively less serious to the point it's becoming a parody of itself. Fnaf doesn't need to take itself completely seriously, but if they will be silly, it should be closer to the level of sister location and less like security breach
His daddy beat him and he's still mad about it.
>the biggest of casuals would't have liked it, maybe it would've been slightly less marketable
I think it might go the other way. A more serious movie might not alienate as many viewers. Having the Game Theory guy say his line and abandoning the killer animatronic premise that was in all the marketing doesn't really create new fans of the franchise. Maybe if they aimed for a horror movie/horror-comedy it would've been better received.
>Can you imagine how it would have floundered if they tried to make a FN@F movie serious?
It wasn't even a good movie and yet it was the 3rd highest grossing movie of 2023, if anything, if it was actually good/serious and had something to differentiate itself from the 2 other cheesefest animatronic movies it probably would've been even more successful
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>Those girly ass nails
I don't think anyone in the thread has considered circus baby yuri
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Aren't you supposed to give Chica a new voice box in Ruin? I never did that in my playthrough. Was it an optional thing you could miss?
Yes it's optional. You get the voice box by beating Chica's minigame in the bakery
That's cool. My only gripe with Ruin is how linear it is. I only came to appreciate the opened freedom Security Breach has until my second playthrough. In fact the game feels like it encourages you to play through more than once. Not sure I can say the same about Ruin however Ruin knocks it out of the park in the horror department ESPECIALLY in the audio department.
At least scissoring might be safer than Circus Baby applying all of her weight directly on top of you.
Security Breach is an alien isolation-like and it doesn't quite go the whole way like isolation did, but it's still fun
If datamining wasn't so rampant nowadays, i would've loved to have "GTA SAN ANDREAS BIGFOOT SIGHTING REAL" videos on youtube with Security Breach.
The game is so open, and mostly empty unless you get detected, and it would be so cool to have some kind of cryptid myth inside the utility tunnels stalking you or something.
Reminds me of all the crazy Pokemon urban myths that I heard from kids at school about 18 years ago regarding games like Ruby or Sapphire. You use the rocket to get to the moon to catch Deoxys, yadda yadda.
It’s technically xmax in july today, should I draw freddy frostbear or della and if so, what should they be doing
I personally grew up hunting for UFO's and Bigfoot in San Andreas, so having something like that for Security Breach would be cool

Of course with the fnaf fanbase, the only "myth hunting" videos are kid channel slop like "WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU FIND GOLDEN GLAMROCK FREDDY? OMG HE IS REAL"
I dunno what i was expecting ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I guess the days of hoaxes are over
Closest thing i found was this
Playing through Graveyard Shift and currently having a nerdgasm over the tech, does anyone know what the audio for switching the CCTV is from? All the electronic sounds seem very familiar to me (having regularly visited a surveillance room in an apartment complex in the 2000s) but I just can't pin my finger on what devices they are in reality.
Women find this hot??? I figured he would still look like enough of a withered old corpse even if he is not the outright bumbling glutton from earlier in life
Might be better off cast as Chief Burke instead if he ever makes an appearance.
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I always come back
I love that he says this in the same game where he walks into a trap and then dies permanently.
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But then he came back as a trapped glitch.
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>Poppy movie got a deal with Legendary aka the ones behind Dune and Kong
its over bros...
Now that I realize it, FNaF movie and Blumhouse both belong to Universal, who also own Illumination and made the Super Mario Bros. movie.
Someone post the Elizabeth from the character encyclopedia with an outline of her anatomy.
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looks mildly terrifying
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What the scallop
this is what you get for hiring so-called "professional artists" from DeviantArt (not even joking) as your official artists.
beef jerky that somehow still has a beating heart
Listen man, I hate Jews too, because I support based and pure Christian media like FNAF. But this "Zionism and muh Israel bad" nonsense makes me realise how easily how easily Hitler came into power, thanks twittertards.
But I couldn't care less about politics, if the figures look like the actual characters, I'll buy them.
Based. Imagine a fnaf alternative universe set in wwii with nazi animatronics haha
Sneaky Willy's back at it again?
Should we get more explicit good guy animatronics, or should that be consigned to the dork age of Security Breach?
Christianity is Judaism
We already got that with Glam Fred, Roxy, and Helpy in Ruin
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I do not trust helpy. He has an evil aura around him, its a feeling.
Helpy is literally The Mimic. Like unironically.
>But I couldn't care less about politics
lmao even
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how does he keep getting away with it?
is there anything this guy can NOT do?
I would bet $50 that this guy is Mexican or Brazilian
>We never got scrap Ballora and Foxy
Wasted potential
Molten Freddy should've just been the Molten Amalgam and have it switch between Ballora, Ft Freddy, and Ft. Foxy's faces and voices depending on who's talking.
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I found ludo...
I found kino of the highest order. BEHOLD.
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>is there anything this guy can NOT do?
Be a good villain.
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So apparently the VIP book has a full body sketch of the little pig himself so here. Official full body of him.
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Helpi is perfect and has done absolutely nothing wrong
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You're confusing him with CHADp bot.
I wanted to come in and ask if phone guy is the only reason people thonk FNAF2 is a sequel, but I remembered there had to have been a Foxy at the origonal Fredbear's because Michael was wearing a Foxy mask and Crying Child hallucinated nightmare Foxy as well. For fucks sake I am almost about to give up piecing this together.
So Afton
>committed the MCI
>put kids in FNAF1 animatronics in a functioning state
>they became withered and/or scrapped for the Toy anis
>remnant from MCI anis gave life to the Toys as well as kept the withereds alive
So did the Toy parts go to repair the originals and then FNAF1 happened, or am I confused on who's parts went to who's animatrons?
Does this mean Sister Location happened before 1 and 2 because Funtime Foxy becomes Mangle? No, that can't be because F Foxy went from Ennard to Molten Freddy, SL has to be between 3 and Pizza Sim.
*I wanted to come in and ask if phone guy is the only reason people think FNAF2 is a prequel
Oh! But the MCI children's carcasses were still rotting in the FNAF1 bots bodies, right? Were they actually killed before FNAF2 or between FNAF1 and 2?
did Cotton Hill write this?
They removed the bodies at some point. Phone Guy mentions the old robots smelled bad and also that there were rumors at the old location.
>nightmarrionette with Jack Skellington's stature
Oh shit that's cool
you know lots of studios auction off their assets like props after films are done. If you keep an eye out you could jump in on such an auction if they do that for the FNAF assets. Though the suits I'd wager would also be likely someone's trophy for after the film is done shooting.
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>glam chica has a speaking role in the new book
chowdaheads, we're so back
werent there bodies inside the fnaf1 bots during fnaf1? Is that the 2nd wave of murders?
No. The newspapers are about the ~1985 location that Phone Guy mentions.
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I don't know what gave you that impression boy. I just want the dang titties on the big fridge clown girl to honk you hear me?
I'd listen to this guy.
He killed fiddy men.
If they still owned the rights to crash, they probably could have had a whole part of their theme parks dedicated to video games
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FNAF Fortnite collab August 6th
trust the plan lets go
Map bot my beloved.
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She's made for Ike or something. I dunno I only read three pages off Reddit
could the original plotline of security breach be salvaged through mods? there should be a vanny restoration of all the stuff censors cut
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Sad to say, the modding community for Security Breach is totally dead. Rotting carcass.
The only sliver of hope is the Blast to the Past / The Remains mod, which has been in development for a fuckload of time, and they admitted that a lot of shit from the cut content wont be implemented
it's highly likely, that emote is confirmation of a fnaf collab at least
thanks for the info
the pizzaplex and glamrocks are so cool, people should be making new games/mods with them.
HW2 is great
How long will it take for the franchise to heal from the failure of Security Breach as a game?
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It just needs to bring him back and give him a proper showing.
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kek, nice to see more lefty content.
Is anybody else excited for Funko Fusion? I'm buying it only for FNAF.
I wonder what Kellen's classic Freddy voice will be, will he do a version of his Glamrock Freddy voice or will he do the "90s cool guy" voice from the unused showtime.
If we're being technical, Fredbear's UCN voicelines ARE his Freddy voice, they just got distorted to kingdom come.
what will funko fusion be about?
The average Pixar movie but shitty bobble heads

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