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>Patch Notes

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 21, 9:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Uqopacha, Wachunpelo Instance 1 | Dawntrail Sightseeing Log Meetup >>486916153
• July 28, 6:00 PM CDT | Sephirot, Tuliyollal Instance 1 (12.9, 15.5) | Tural Thread Throwdown >>485962949
• Aug 3rd, 4:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | /xivg/ Mahjong Open Tournament >>486892289

Previous: >>486953527
Any late night retards up?
miqo'te status?
god I love folklore fishing fiddies
sex with _____
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my femra right now
How are queues for the normal raids atm?
Is it already dead content?
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yes but only for a couple more mins
femlala btw
male midlanders
Anyone else wish they were a woman in real life
Every time I see my cute and attractive female character getting attention and praise from male characters, I wish that I was born a woman too since their lives must be more fun and easier
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I mean it's peak OCE hours, idk if you'd ever consider 8PM late?
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Should I level all classes to 90 before I start DT or should I just get into DT?
I'm honestly not really interest in DT's story because of Wuk Lamat
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Need wife like this for my femra.
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what a surprising coincidence
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speeding the msq on my maloonie alt so i can get raid drops before the week reset (i wont even play hard content on him)
miera or malera fanta
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>sit down
>suddenly another femlala runs in front of me and sit spams facing away
what did they mean by this?
why does she have a horse tail
Miera if you like girls and want to plap me
Will your WoL ever settle down?
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que sera sera
queues might be slow now since it's sunday and loot is locked, but people are gonna want some left side gear from it still.
I love femezen so much it's unreal
sphene's armpits
Miqote are actually horse girls with cat tails normally. Vanilla miqote ears are horse ears. Science has not explained why.
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I love maleroes
Won't we have another custom deliveries before savage patch? Can always buy materia with them though
How do I attract hrothgals
You don't need to, just run DT, skip CS if you want, the story isn't completely abysmal, it's about a 6/10 as far as competence goes, put it on the level of SB as far as expectations
Have a large penis.
like this: pspspspspsps
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laid bare
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malera always
>put it on the level of SB
expectations too high
I could buy materia, or I could use them on crafters for that materia instead
why the fuck does every fucking monk player drift brotherhood by 30 seconds every 2 minutes? i feel bad that their job is garbage until i run into one of these retards in pf
the shonen hate engine did a real number on people when they're saying this before playing it
am i the only one that ended up liking zero?
golbez too, but he better do tons of good to repay all the bad shit he did
has nothing to do with shonen
I just hate trannies
Honey B. Lovely roleplayers.
>kills you in frontline
>femlala voice 4 /laughs on your dead body
Be dominant, most of them want to be treated like a smol kitten. One of those "tough exterior - soft interior". Just give them a few sharp commands and they crumble pretty easily. Most hrothgals will agree
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>hot catgirl
>nasally nerdy voice
>clearly passionate about the game as shown in videos
never wanted to rail someone faster
Wow I also love maleroes so much it's unreal!
me too
post-ew was kino compared to wuk lamat and her story
Boring msq that pissed away time on food and garleans.
I liked Zero a lot.
wish I could've given her a hug.
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good pic I think
I liked her although reaper is cooler than paladin
which femlala voice does the WAH when you use /surprised
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people just suck. im amazed by how hard people drift Dancer buff sometimes when it's such an easy job.
she's cecil
I use that comparison because it's a low point that many people point to as far as FFXIV's MSQ. It's a bit cheap and shit, and doesn't really matter all that much. Does give a little bit of worldbuilding I guess, but nothing that's meaningful. At least there's no fuckwit that runs away every time you beat him
she's trying to establish dominance, don't let her sis!
There are many rumors about him being a cute twink.
Redpill me on SGE, i never got why every guy who plays healer plays it.
yeah, I just think it's a downgrade
I like zero but 6.x msq was catastrophically brought down by really awful low points (buuz arc) and by making the wol's role completely insignificant
right looks smarter
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> Give biofem a ton of gil like 15 mil plus
> Legit a drop in the bucket for me since I rake in 30 - 50mil gil a month without really try hard for it
> She legit begs for the gil since she spends it all on Pure White and Jet Black dye. Like 15mil in two weeks for that much dye.
> Before we she heads off to bed, she says mentions she happy that she can buy...whatever it is she buys (dyes) in VC.
> Me: " Yeah, Tell Sugar Daddy anytime you need more gil."
> She get upset while I'm laughing my ass off. Her: never call yourself that again."
> Why are biofems like this?
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bullies that hate me
it's very easy
Voice 1.
It's so weird to me how all of the tall female races are like this. No matter who they're played by, men, women, or troon. No matter how tough they act, even the bitchbreaker futa roes and buns turn into absolute puddy when treated like that. I think every single tall female character is a massive sub and the dominate one's are trying to hide what they really are
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left is peak generic suncat bimbo if you're intot that
someone post edda vincents NTR
True, 4IQ is like 33% improvement over 3IQ
my wife... she's the best
And then you woke up
It's the easiest healer to play and you don't have to depend on your party's ability to use mitigations or your cohealer to use shields. It's my go to job to clear new EX trials in PF.
right is my wife
go right
She's fine, she was fine in JP, her biggest sin is being attached to the trainwreck that came before and >garlemald
This game has a new era of retards worshipping the past, before it was HWwombas crying at SB, now it's Shadowbabs&EWtodds screeching that it's not muh ancients.

It's shell shock mainly, retards who can't see we've returned to HW & SB era quest design & structure.
nice larp/humblebrag/lie/failed joke
happy for you or sorry that happened
the buuz part seemed fine to me
and zero becomes a little wol because of us, felt like we were building a strong and dependable future ally
my catboy can't find that screenshot fix but he's been baconing the narwhal ifykwhm
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SGE is the job for boys who look at this pic and think it's amazing.
even better!
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having only played whm before picking up sge, i like that i can press a couple of buttons every 20-30 seconds and literally never have to worry about healing
easy+can carry pretty hard in casual-ex content.
Is frontlines popping on Light? I forgot my daily roulette
>>486963913 this, SGE is the only non girlfriend healer option.
this is my wife
Is Yanna wife material?
I want an eb who dresses me like a whore because I am too much of a pussy to do it of my own volition
its easy, good and looks cool (for a healer)
garlemald was pretty terrible
literally every time i interacted with them was wishing that i could just kill them all
as a maleroe, thank you
Post more Black Cat please!!
it's amazing
No, you only need 2 or 3 jobs at 90, since you do MSQ on 2 or 3 jobs since it's too much exp for just one. So you're already set.
>pban clear aerial
>not one but two 7/11s
hot damn
t. SGE main
>no markings on left
might as well play a fiddie then, go right
my sunnie wife I love dearly
Why is yoship so opposed to the scions or WoL killing badguys now?
my lala crush just friendzoned me
He's gone into clickbait mode since late late EW desu, but still one of the more tolerable raid personalities.
my sunnie gets double teamed by her and her sister daily
I want an EB to do that to.
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How am I suppose to remember to turn on OBS for random ass shit form a Mongolian basket weaving forum?

Eh, forget it... no point of playing chess with pigeons anyway. Take or leave it for what it is.
he played xenoblade 1
appal and miau ruined any interest i had in playing SCH with their shitty whining and awful opinions
the buuz arc was way too long and drawn out for very little payout
it's useful narrative wise since garlemald can do its thing but it was just insanely boring for tons of people because nothing happens except us trying to convince them to let us use their tower
wol also does almost nothing for the entirety of the 6.x quests, none of the big bad enemies we kill actually die until zero does something
we fight golbez and even after winning we still accomplish nothing, the fight was entirely pointless
we fight zeromus and even after winning he just lol respawns and we need to be bailed out by everyone else
yshtola and urianger were more useful than the wol is throughout the entire questline and they only showed up halfway through
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my eb wears nosehooks
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clear plastic aerial brings it down a notch for me
Even if nobody like malezen, I like my malezen and that's what matters :)
Yeah, I know how you feel.
Before EW they'd maintained a solid roster of characters and interesting stories to be attached to, after EW they're a mess of blithering fools, their empire was stolen from them, relegated to being whiny icecels. Any time they're going to feature in the MSQ it's gonna drag it down.
They need to dedicate one post game patch to punting Alisae & Alphi back to garlemald, have them drop in the next patch with the line: Garlemald is fine and nobody ever has to return to that hellhole.
Easy, is what im hearing. I dont get it though, healing isnt hard, and is the role itself.
One of the most annoying content creators. I cannot stand his voice.
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the best character in the game is a sage
rubicante and cagnazzo die to the WoL
personally i would have prefered if they all died to the final days
you think he'd be cool with me plapping his sister
So, I find it quite fun, there's a good mix of healing and DPS. It's also quite a proactive healer, as you get to do more damage when shields break
>into blacked
what a shocker
anyone know what the new orchestrion rolls that drop from subs sound like?
their deaths don't feel particularly significant in the grander story, doubly so because they were basically just sent out into the source to die
I should kick your fucking ass for repeatedly posting this stupid bullshit.
only if you plap him first
if my catboy life's a game of inches
Then my catboy dick has been the biggest
And his goal's to fuck the world
Until that motherfucker's twitching
Um, i can see it.
>look like 90% of the catgirls instead of looking unique!
yeah there are a few of us in queue, join up
Holy Moly! Call the Achievement Hunters, because my Baby Behemoth Just Made An Ecliptic Meteor In My Pants!!
Miera with my femra as the other party
>Literally who 1 and 2
Who cares? They had as much significance as any generic dungeon boss
Thoughts on "clear for alt" parties?
Fuck off she's mine.
this is a good moonie
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I see something
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zenos was a dungeon boss
are you saying zenos is weaker than cagnazzo? fuck off
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my femra
ight brody
imma let you know
they hella based
sex with your femra
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No way bitch
when do we start?
Fat Cat Fact #233

Fat Cat families have very close bonds
Tanned catgirls.
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>power levels
he is
God I love face 1 suncats so much
Looks like a shoujo manga protagonist
zenos wasn't a generic dungeon boss doe
i'm in need of catboy dick.

t. catboy
I give them 3 pulls.
Where are the balmung tourists hanging out atm
I wanna do nice things with femlalas
But she already won my heart...
he was in stb right
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just realized, all the other modbeasts in the raid have heterochromia or two toned eyes, she doesn't
fuck off
foku never actually owned a scouter you're thinking of bardock

see above
Can you make good gil selling the new food and pots that will be unlocked next patch, or will the market be over saturated and it will be hard?
>professional fighter
>same physique as quicksands catgirls
>jobber in her fights
>wife material
lmao even
banger song perhaps
ugh fuck femra
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that's so real
yes you can, people are stocking up and many dont bother with CUL because how many items they require
WHM can't do anything to keep the party alive if they're dying to damage from full HP due to vuln stacks or lacking mitigations.
AST takes too much effort to do the same as the other healers.
SCH takes more effort than SGE to do the same thing.

SGE is your lazy and easy option to win.
thumbnail looked like a big bald head with a weird tuft of hair on top
Y98bxouod dkbseebif If Honey B. Lovely '.ere unobtainable, but that's a cope more than anything
Die screaming.
You'll likely make more gil selling the mats to crafters trying to get rich.
Okay I'm in queue now, no pop yet
why would you buy that many good HGs and not paint or topcoat any of them
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>Y98bxouod dkbseebif If Honey B. Lovely '.ere unobtainable
can i have yours...?
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what is there at the top of the dome
I want to see her naked
fuck yeah
Time to activate my burst phase!
*uses phlegma, weaves psyche, phlegmas again*
it is not outside of the dome
some people like clean plastic, i know people that don't even sticker their armor (water stickers or normals unless it the necessary shiny part)
that was cool as fuck do it again in 2 minutes with a pot
>tfw no f3mra for my f3mra

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Yes, I can't sleep but I'm going to try my best. If I don't go to bed in 2 hours from now I'll stay up and level.
It's everkeep. If you remember from the story, the top is clear skies so it's not in the dome.
Time to activate my burst phase!
then why can't we see it from the outside
tzera deleted herself.....
Small family company.
why do some sidequests with cutscenes and unique rewards use the basic yellow quest marker instead of the purple one?
like the tataru grand adventure ones
whm has benis and caress so it can to some degree keep people from dying from max
ast has extremely powerful cooldowns and it definitely is not that much harder to pilot than the other healers if you have a basic grasp on healing
the dome is tall
that fucking sucked
what happened?
we literally can fly high enough to see the top
>using DRK in savage
>raid leader says "okay everyone, now enter 2min burst"
>start furiously smashing Edge of Shadow
>clip at least thrice
>everyone else has already used their big 2min attacks
>I start to sweat
>activate Delirium
>"uhm anon, what the heck is that?" the cute tranny WHM asks
>I tell her it's Delirium and it can do anything Inner Release does and it restores MP!
>"ok tanks, SGE just died, use any healing skills you got"
>I start crying and die to the tankbuster
>my gear breaks and I run out of potions and food
I don't believe you but will check when I'm online again.
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Now we have yuki
Why did Tzera schizo out? qrd?
i fucking hate this doll head cunt boss so much
erm why not just use delirium before burst phase o_O
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everkeep reaching outside of the bubble implies they were not in the 30 year old time bubble
also they cannot breach the bubble, that would had instantly stopped the timeline split
moonie got the slopknockers
moonie got the jiggle jiggle skin
moonie got the portable baskin robbins
moonie got large breasts
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she is pure now
just check her lodestone
jerking off to this
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give me a whole game with this mood
those are just the outskirts it's more of a combination of bubbles and the one we can see is the smallest one which is why it's not present in the initial bubble the layers are horizontal it's like the proposEd colonies on Mars
gobbies and mobbies should get along and trade tongueflaps
oh fuck off
are there any miera on aether who wanna plap my hrothgal… or maybe girls who want yuri…
we keep them separate for our own safety
i remember the neptunia games kinda felt like that
haven't played one in years though so i could be wrong
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>Proves that canon wol is a male midlander
How does it feel playing a non-canon character all you non middies?
I wouldn't know.
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i need to go find some more on twitter later
wak lamutt reality distortion field
Yoshida said fuck you, we spent all the money on NFTs
laziness from the devs most likely.
the question we should be asking is where the fuck is zone 6 because it shouldn't have clear skies and normal whether based on what was told in the story.
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is Ninja or Samurai more fun? i'm a massive weeaboo so both seem fun
To make you mad and it worked huh
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yes but sleepy
Does she want to be plapped because she wants to be a good girl and leashed?
I wouldn't hate it if you let me know who makes this sorta thing
yes, but trying to get through living memory msq made me sleepy so im going to bed
Teleporting from
Solution Nine
The Doman Enclave
sorry anon but fantasias are canon
we're still canon characters, but we're also fantablobs
Zone 6 is just floating in the air in a shard that is both cataclysmic and idyllic at the same time
nobody knows until they decide to come up with an answer
that person has only made one so far
Now playing: Cyan's theme
weird post

no ty

dm me
plot twist:
ardbert drank a fanta before he started adventuring
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I hate how relatable this is
stop skipping cutscenes cunt
how do I find a free company? im playing on raiden
I really enjoy NIN
>sit down next to a middie
>a maleroe joins and sits next to me
>another malera joins
>we all sit in silence next to each other
we are now brothers sitting in silence
why is this post marked as mine
I didn't make it
DM you how
they ever said that there are multiple bubbles
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>have to pick which quest chain
which chain is better?
why are you happy
I love you now
why do her eyes look so glossy
you do both eventually
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he's steiner
bought a name change and server hopped
kept it similar tho adelbert to ardbert
they both suck, but the one that isn't the giant bird is slightly less shitty
my catboy has a thick woober
especially with other catboys
warriors of the data center LIGHT
let us queue for frontlines when the eorzean clock strikes 6pm / 1800
urqopacha is canonically first
Where is that exactly?

They're very different. Try both.
pelupelu if you played x-2
birds if u want to be introduced to potentially the best side character in the whole xpac
you have to do both, Pelupelu first seems to make the story flow a bit better
kill yourself i'm not joking
bro has 3d glasses for eyes
How many insecure men are going get pissed off and tilted while progging and reclearing our Honey B (Savage)?
How is it a proof exactly?
I don't see it
if she still has the fucking byakko orbs I might
statics going for world first will be melting down as honey b lovely sings her song in the background
>playing XIV savage
>when you could be playing XI and alt tabbing back in once a week to do Echoes of Vana'diel
as if most of them dont turn off the music
Depends if the fight ends up like P7S where all the mechanics are backloaded

It'd turn Honey B Lovely into a psychological fight
then why let us pick?
final fantasy 14 horsecock
we like this
just spent like 2 and a half hours figuring out where i was messing up playing my job and the answer was that i needed better gear
>then why let us pick?
Other expansions did it innit.
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That's such a worldbreaking deal to add in
this woman pitnotized me
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It's [redacted] in [redacted]
I hate this fucking place
kill me yourself, coward
I was hoping this would be more xiv horsecock....
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The music that starts as soon as you tell robo sphene you're shutting her down goes very hard.
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Im looking at my kitty’s cdata with anam and i just realized her lips look wrong to me they make her look bitchier now instead of retarded and it bothers me
K coming to [redacted] to [redacted] you in the [redacted]
idk figure it out
Play SAM if you like the idea of being the biggest melee damage dealer in your party.
Play NIN if you like providing an important raid buff and use spell looking attacks.
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Catboys. We love them.
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the gayest race
Play NIN if you like the idea of getting your nuts crushed by mechanics during TCJ windows.
Hey guys I'm feeling unwell, Miera being sick is not fun :<
>not horsecock
actually disappointed
what would the lightning feel like inside?
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>turn off bgm
>turn on my dadrock spotify playlist
No shitty tranime music for me.
yeah a lot of miqo'te mouths got made really weird looking
Now she can be the retarded bitch that chokes down my Sunnie+'s nut butter
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Are you going to call out and scream the names of your attacks?
You need to do both quest chains, but it makes more sense to do Pelupelu then Hanu Hanu.
I need friends like you...
my catboy those balls now
she looks like she has sweaty non-stop week-long breeding sessions with bunboys
Akimbo, stop being a bigot, it's not a cute look.
Pretty much all confirmed shards we see share the same race as their source counterpart
Is she really that dominant or are you just pretending?
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>when you could be playing XI
Don't scare me with such horrifying thoughts
cute, but we all know you listen to anime music when no one is looking
That's part of the fun of NIN, TCJ in the middle of a movement mechanic and a quick shukuchi to safety to make you feel like the main character
Its rlly bothering me now i gotta check my other cdatas i hope my bunny and my fiddie still look ok
I hate futa
I'm not a fan of the we like this joke, it insists upon itsself
It gave me the same vibes as the Hopes and Dreams/Save the World mashup.
my moonie is the gravemind of /xivg/
the gravemoonie
how tall are you
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Why did yoship suggest doing the myths of the realm story before dawntrail
>know 2 melee players that are incredibly parse-obsessed and not particularly good players
>they get very angry when their parsed gets cucked by a bad fight pattern or tight snapshot
>Honey's orbs and their jank hitboxes and suspect uptime are going to make them have a full blown meltie at some point for sure
In my head its hilarious to think about. But I weep for their statics having to deal with the fallout.
Was it ever said somewhere in the lore?
that's not helpful...
well which is easier for ex and savage? i wanna raid this tier
do we like my femrar
what? what does that even mean?
Five feet and five point five inches of whoop-ass.
i didn't make it sorry anon....
me when i see honey b lovely
NIN is one of the easiest jobs once you have mudras down. You get the benefits of both melee and range, and a very easy rotation where you spend 40s just doing 1-2-3 so it's easy to focus on emchanics.
Only thing easier is dancer and summoner I think
like 5 foot eleven
SAM is definitely easier.
t. SAM main
Trying to trick people into playing the worst alliance raid so they get sucked into it for roulette if they want tomes?
I wonder why...
If they phone this fight in on EX like they did for Endsinger I will be so upset. I want to jam to this track while farming her glorious mecha wings mount
Friends who enjoy the same porn are also good
>/xivg/ shits on blackedfags all the time
>except when it's a horsecock futa because ???
was heavensward a small scale story
its a perfectly cromulent meme tho
horsecock futa is based
So that they could unlock the best leveling method for DT.
futas are imaginary creatures like vampires and werewolves
rubbing Akemi's thighs...
196 and i play min height cat girl
I'm a horse and I self insert
We like Futa Horsecock here bro
similar scale as sb / dt I think
not an immediate world ending threat but still a major problem that needs to be resolved or else it could get out of control and kill lots of people
can't beat the horse gock....
thats a european thing they are always talking about horsecock for some reason
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Goon mornining
lol like what if y'shtola had a horse cock and she was naked and it touched your nose and cheek a bit
never posts here btw lmao
The alliance was important for the future story.
It's like is Vietnam a small scale story? It's just a little island but it's a big part of American history.
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>tfw no one wants a sunnie wife
Instant suck
Best party comp right now?
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>DT MSQ already feels like it is fading into memory
>all that is left is lingering disappointment
>no energy left to even think about it or analyze it
it is all gone, like dust in the wind
American education
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does my femra look cute
bro vietnam isn't an island
shit eating tranny abominations. kill yourselves.
she looks like she installed LED lights into her eyes, so yes
Continents are just big islands
I don't get a fuck
this is not a flattering angle
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fuck that MSQ man, the content is good and that's what matters.
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This is what the arena will look like when all of those resources are spent.
>face 4
umm... no.
instant sniff
i do but you have to cheat on me
i'm 6"3 irl. i have one min height femra (pale) and one max height (dark skin)
faces got fatter, lips got bigger, eyes and skin got glossier
confusing graphical "update" in some regards
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anyone else do this
God, I fucking wish. Lisa Frank mods for PCT would be so kino.
>what if
...................................same thing that'd happen with any y'shtola shit, she gets murdered, her soul trapped in a crystal and used to power a thermocoil boilmaster XV.
I love it!!!!
looks like white version of mithia vyvvnvyvnve
please extinguish this character's life immediately
Does the precum get in your mouth sometimes
>no urge to even shitpost about it
bit grim
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Glam for this feel?
Which femlalas are free use?
I do, but they are all loose whores.
Mine if I had one ..
yeah it drops in there and like her balls touch you too
ruined a perfectly good song
i sigh sometimes but i never unmute
I am but nobody ever approaches.
>this name actually isn't taken
What the fuck someone jump on that
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>mrw reading this
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huh? I post here all the time
all the pvp ones but only if you can win
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ex2 isn't fun.
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good morning fellow fiddie
Nobody wants to be called "femra"
ex2 is fun
It's not even fun to watch streamers play through it, unless it's something like Zepla having a panic attack. Random D-list streamers were getting over a thousand concurrent viewers when they finished Endwalker because people wanted to relive those moments over and over. But nobody wants to relive Dawntrail.
wow this looks a lot like tzera! but someone said tzera deleted their character and their lodestone
someone else said this was yukimi but yukimi is a femra, so... i don't know what to believe anymore!!
it never got old...
i should have taken pictures with him when i was around him in the story
American education never fails to give rest of the world something to laugh about. Thank you.
nothing in this game is fun until you've committed everything about it to memory
yeah its pretty boring and the music is ass
I want to plap alisaie
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Do I dare farm...
play nin if you want to be literally naruto, sam if you want braindead job. bc of viper it might be hard to find a static at this point that would take in sam. Also sam in general arent used for week1/HC prog. Nin rn tho isnt a in good spot. but the god thing about nin is it shares gear with viper
go for it sis, get those wings
Its funny that Etheirys as a europe, asia, india, australia and a north/south america but no africa
this game isn't fun once you've committed everything to memory and there's nothing else to learn
>none for Femra
>page exists for Hrothgal
This says a lot about society
People get turbo triggered in ex2 if you use congaline looking waymarks even though they're just as useful in the everyone stacks together strat
Okay, I'm approaching right now.
i wouldn't say that. i think learning is the most fun part, at which point the fun level drops off a cliff as you wait for everyone else to catch up so you can see the next mechanic
shut the fuck up tranny
Honestly extremely based of them. Says that the EoV raids may just be S+++++++++
imagine if they made her bgm linked to sound effects so you couldn't mute it as easily
no abuse/no filth/no vore/no death/no maiming/no hyper
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Sup, got a the top so went and did the logical thing and paired it with 2B legs.
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nah i don't let anyone hear my frustration, i just vent in a private cwls and tell others what i would like to do to the subhuman retard nigger faggot greeder who's trying to parse in prog
I wanna see her naked
Eorzea isn't africa
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/hug fiddie friend
Oh no, guess you'll just have to believe everything you read on /xivg/ and be stuck in turmoil!
discord I guess
That's not where your heart is you fucking stupid potato
what about hand holding, size difference, headpat
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even easier to grape now
>Origin of all life on the Source
Yeah it is
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Eorzea IS africa
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what if I were to claim the name and instead use it as a profile for Cirina (+)...
Femra is dumb 4chan meme word
Hrothgar is a lot better with wider appeal.

I don't like conga waymarks. You have lines on the arena already.

lol how retarded do you have to be to think that's tzera? they look nothing alike, schizo
gimme discord uwu
When my moonie raises her left side of her arm the floor of the left side of the room starts glowing and when she raises her right arm the same thing happens. What gives?
its very good..
Except it literally is and your headcanon is as dumb as you are.
What new mechanics do you think they'll add for the first savage fight? I think it's pretty obvious they'll do something like P1S gaoler's flails instead of half room cleaves
You'd be a faggot.
she looks like she frots with malera
last tier i just said out loud "you are bad. how are you are so bad." over and over to our pranged when he kept wiping us to the very first body check in p11s when we were already dozens and dozens of pulls deep
Please not the bee eggs...
What do you think the mount will be from the savage final boss?
The electrope wings she spawns?
what about being picked up by a taller male, being teased about your small size before being brought closer and closer into a kiss.
Next expansion: we sail west and discover a new world.
You are doing /showleft and /showright.
Probably extend the dash into left/right as being 4 separate dashes in sequence, and sometimes it's a pbaoe instead of left/right.
just when i was about to go to sleep and figuring out what to crank to beforehand
thank you
I feel like you guys aren't understanding how inconvienent it is, but I guess you aren't roleplayers. If you're just fucking around, then it's perfect. But that's going to be annoying if you really want to put /c/femra in your search info, or if someone wanted to look you up easily, and they can't by your name because you chose "femra"
We already have wings
I suspect the mount will be
An electrope square
my moonie is blue and only wears blue because she likes being blue
Will savage keep the wings theme? I thought that was just for the extremes
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is most of ilssabard just like the burn?
You know that attack that knocks a single person into the air and damages the floor? It’s gonna be that but with 4/8 people
it's for use on f-list rather than in game, hence why I mentioned using a canon character rather than using my own wario of light
a bloonie
I hope for 8.0's MSQ that they dont feel the need to have some big twist turn for the late game, like going to Meracydia but it turns out the latter half is us going to the 11th shard or something
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That's too bad~
It's not there because you stole it anon~
oh no its that eden raid with Cloud of Darkness
>eden 2nd tier had a man horse, that ended up being the savage mount
>arcadion 1st tier has a woman horse
It would be sexist for her NOT to be the mount, right?
e9s like tiles where she keeps breaking them so you have to move to safe tiles
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Are EX trials possible with inconsistent/intermittently horrible internet or would I be too much of a drag on the team? I'm usually OT if that matters.
i'm in eorzea (real life) rn btw
But it is supposedly mostly just mountains
Probably, she CAN clone herself
i have never done end game content before
how much harder than the trails are they?
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Highlander craftswomen
Demiozma but made of electrope
ew gross put it back what the hell
i hope we get ilsabardian beastmasters and not turalian beastmasters
might wanna be DPS on EX1 considering the tankbuster
EXs are harder but not super hard, if you got a good group you can clear them in one lock out, there are also guides out now a lot of groups follow to speed it up, but the first exs of a trial are never super hard
def devour 2
i predicting "cracked" glass will have a timer until it breaks either by itself or if someone is standing on it
for the half room cleaves, they'll make her shifting to a direction faster, then maybe either add a diagonal shift, or she shifts + rotates
why havent the leakers posted savage shit yet? there should be everything but m4s p2 in the files right now
Trails in the sky is pretty easy game so it's harder yeah.
The last Arcadion raid is as hard as P1S was, you'll be fine.
Yeah but then you'll have to have your name on there somewhere and when you type in chat it's going to be "femra"

I'm probably just autistic but that would bother me during roleplay, instead of it just being the name I'm using
okay one last FRONTLINES on LIGHT
queue at 4am / 0400 eorzea time, friends
I'm going to bite you, you know.
Why is this azem nigga so strong anyway
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instead of instant death the floor smash is integrated into the fight like the fall guys stage. the collab was practice for this tier.
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holy shit
for what, should I really be that wary about a lalabite?
No? Are you stupid or something? You're gonna grief your party every single time you DC. Don't do content with others if you know your internet is garbage, that's disrespectful as shit.
I'll queue!
If you're talking inconsistent as in "everything freezes for 5 seconds before updating suddenly", you probably should stick to normal mode content. I used to have the same problem (cried to the government and that lit a fire under my ISP's ass) and I just felt like raiding was griefing (because it was, you will wipe people)
if they do this, it would be amazing, but the only way is, for her to be not attackable during this phase
funnest gamemode in fall guys andwe didn't get it...
all my flist profiles have gimmick names and femra seems like a prime name to me, although I legitimately have never linked any of them to my xiv character
there is none, SE has caught on
>collab with a dead game
Was that also part of the plan?
imagine this shit with chocobo racing netcode
We, as the main character, have a party of friends roughly between 4-7 odd individuals, and thus cannot lose as long as we think of them in our darkest moment
why doesn't the anti-fiddie spammer go after highlanders too?
no post yours
That's a thinker innit
Guy got cucked by a fiddie at some point in the past and he's never let it go.
grapes and autism
they don't pretend to be biofems irl.
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I hope its like the fairy mount but with Honey B Lovely and players her music
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how hard was that?
i have only done the msq required stuff so far
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me. im a late night retard. i just caused 6 wipes in a raid lockout. i think i've got brain damage.
EB to watch ESA with while we turn our brains off and craft/gather on the side?
It will be an outrunner recolor
thoughts on trading?
I forgot that I finally fanta'ed to femlala on my main for the first time.
Not gonna change back, nope, refuse to give them extra money.
jesus christ
>someone tells me they enjoy raiding
>they have no raid gear on their level 90s. No raid glam
I hate fake sprouts
Easy, it was my introduction to savage raiding
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>everything freezes for 5 seconds before updating suddenly
That's pretty much exactly what it is. Guess I'll stick to normal content until my ISP gets their shit together, thanks

>Are you stupid or something?
Yeah actually
I'm still convinced Ilsabard was one big practical joke by someone on te dev team that went too far.
When I look at Werlyt, yeah, it feels like one.
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It seems a real shame there aren't more multi-person mounts where each race/gender combo sits differently depending on which seat they're in
Can you get decent 5G?
When I had internet problems, I used some program that bridged my land internet and 5G together. When the landline dipped, it would seamlessly swap to the other and I was able to raid fine.
It'd only use a bit of my data on the 5G that way, is why I didn't just use the 5G.
it's still weird to me that Thavnair is included in Ilsabard and not it's own section in the teleport list
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Big scary snek down! :3
That dungeon was horrifying >.>
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It's always tanks in need...
The game was made running, one time the plan might had been just to make all expansions about slow march into ilsebard, one region at a time
God I love vore
i aint from eorzea im from lemure mafia
Can't wait for you to get to Dawntrail! so you can stop blogposting about every single thing you do in the story holy fuck no one cares
please understand
Watching the hulk hogan roe guy having a breakdown over HH being a republican is peak xiv brainrot moment
Why are you such an attention whore
Glad you're having fun, anon.
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I'm still kinda early in the DT MSQ, but how do female Mamool Ja look like? I haven't seen any in the game so far. How exactly did Gulool Ja Ja breed the offspring Zoraal Ja?
post pics NOW!
Did you skip cutscenes?
It's not NA hours but if you are NA file an FCC complaint if you've already had your ISP out to "fix" things and nothing happened. They jerk you around if you go through their support lines and never fix anything, but once you get Uncle Sam on them they start treating you like you're a god
Knowing a grown man who eats shit is making these posts is horrifying.
Once he gets through the story or finishes leveling or whatever is to start blogposting every dungeon he does afterwards and passive aggressively talk shit about other plays the entire time.
I don't think they even mention Gulool Ja Ja's wife. Maybe they can asexually reproduce like some lizards.
If you can remember what that program was called that'd be awesome
Evil semen demon, back to hell with you, succubus...
this shit sucks bro


there are a couple hanging about in tuliloltulilyiolloal, but there's examples of them in cutscenes to come as well
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what makes you think the midlanders do?
They just look like normal mamoolja but with black feminine beady-ish eyes for the hoobigo, or softer eyes in the case of the boonewa
We meet some female mamool ja, one is even voiced iirc. There's no difference in their in-game model
to troll, that's literally it.
anon thats not "having a breakdown" thats just virtue signaling
gulool ja my son
>finish picto burst with potion later in a fight
>feel like i did good damage
>the sudden, horrible realization as i see tech finish go up while im in the middle of doing 0 (zero) damage for the next ~16s because I have to paint my little paintings while there's no movement reqs.
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It's not even new info, kinda surprised.
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Explain how he's not having a breakdown
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Freaking misleading merchants
Graffiti wife
How do I get excited about anime like I was when I was 14?

I thought Naruto's tournament arc was the greatest thing I'd ever seen in my life. I watched Bleach filler arcs and thought it was good. I miss those days...
this isnt a breakdown as much it's him trying to make it ok for him to keep the gimmick thats the only reason people care about him
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I feel sorry for the Mamool Ja who had her guts rearranged by Gulool Ja Ja's big one.
my smooch wife
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At my fucking limit with these bell pepper prices
Enjoy the spectacle, try to not over-think things
the ears are pulled back for maximum aerodynamics
They're just playing the game and posting about it relax.
How is this a breakdown? I feel like you screaming people are having a melty is more projection of your own character where you flip the fuck out over the smallest things and think they behave like you.
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fucking middies cant help but smelling each others arses
Why is it whether we go there's someone trying to rip us off? Are we just the eternal tourist of the world?
It was "speedify". It's not free but there is a trial.
https://alternativeto.net/software/speedify/ can try these too. A lot of them seemed convoluted when speedify was simple and worked well.

How is that a breakdown? It's just like finding out that Orson Scott Card is a piece of shit and stuff. He just sees it sucks and is moving on.
Are you schizophrenic and imagining some scenario of someone having a breakdown in your head, a scenario that is no where in that actual image and just imagined by you?
that fact that you think this is a breakdown and not see it as an easy low hanging-fruit to virtue signal tells me you're wayy to invested in this.
it's not a breakdown since nobody ever thought hulk hogan was some kind of liberal
dont be I'm sure she had a great time that freak
>Base your entire character gimmick on some celebrity
>Seethe and shit the bed when his politics don't align with your own
Not a meltdown btw
At least we aren't Estinien who falls for the scam
>Are we just the eternal tourist of the world?
took bro 5 expansions to figure this out
Uh oh looks like you're having a meltdown
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>How do I get excited about anime like I was when I was 14?

I personally can't anymore. That being said, I get my dopamine rush from regression/revenge manhwas now.
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Anon, you don't have to keep pretending. We're all anonymous on this board and nobody knows who you are.
Why don't you come exorcise me yourself, anon~?
zaroolja was cloned
finally finished the fates in all areas
now to grind my soul into dust getting all the vouchers
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Feel like correcting this cheeky brat smile.
What did HH even do?
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Lobotomy maxxing.
Or as I like to call it: Extreme sleep deprivation w/ cosy bathtime.

You don't sleep for 3 days, on hour 71 you run yourself a really, really hot bath 38-40c and you top up for an hour or two until you're into day 3. You then leap up really fast and start consuming the media you need to feel good that requires you to not think at all, no subtext or deeper themes and you binge that shit for 12 hours you will feel like a fucking god. Sleep for 6 hours, wake for 3, sleep for 6 and start the process again.
It can be tough but you too can enjoy Jujutsu Kaisen, Shadowbringers or Endwalker.
oh ye don't leap up really fast out of the bath or you will die, your heart will give out or you'll pass out and break your neck, step up, try not to fall down and make your way through to your computer while lightheaded

or just take some time to enjoy non shounen shit
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pic :3
you don't, 14 year old you probably just consumed whatever anime you could get your hands on most being aimed at 14 year olds, instead look after anime or shows that are more for your age range and dont mindlessly consume things
unfortunately the jobstone didn't come with art lessons so she can't paint for shit
probably the best speech ever in a political convention https://youtu.be/TbzNiwRz4gU?si=CqGnxLkRNHnBLrZQ&t=160
appeared at the republican convention to endorse trump
the weird part is that it's been known for ages he's a piece of shit, why is this guy only now wanting to distance himself
It should be legal to kill people like this.
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Watch old anime from back before it all became generic slop. Seriously, I got to show a zoomer Cowboy Bebop not too long ago and it was a great time, loved the second-hand excitement of them experiencing the setting and getting attached to the characters too.
i wanna colonize this cat
meanwhile democrats in theeir convention be like: "here's lizzo"
i only turn on my mic to cough
guess all the racism slipped by him
larpers man
>push to talk
get proper noise gate asshole
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Why is he so cool and hot? >.<
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I want to be free of sub 100 tank gear so bad
does he not remember hulk hogan ranting about niggers like 10 years ago
>idolise a person
>make it your entire personality
>never go out of your way to learn anything about them or their political views to check they don't massively offend you
huh, bit weird mate, bit weird
right but like

let me get this right, that was the straw for him with the hulkster? He cruised through the last 9 years blissfully unaware of the racism on his sextape, the big lawsuit with gawker and all and him being ejected from the hall of fame righttttt
I guess it's possible to be that much of a fucking retard
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Yeah bro i'm really invested in this and not the guy who's entire gimmick is based on someone else now has problems with it
Probably just knew him as funny memey guy that'd be funny to cosplay and never once looked into what his actual opinions or personality outside stage is.
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>I guess it's possible to be that much of a fucking retard
You'd be surprised about some of the specimens out there. Twitter is like a public zoo you can visit with just your browser.
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1% chance to get a house please enjoy it
Mathmatically, the majority of players entering for a house will literally die or the game will die before they ever get one.

He got a bump for a while for taking down Gawker.
kys tranny faggot that erps with shemales
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Housing has been broken for a while, idk why they don't open more wards
I kinda wanna spin kick the cup out of your hand but you're a lala so could hit your head instead..
..then there's the way you're holding it, nursing it down.
I'm gonna have to break your wrists and I don't like that.

Could you drink it on a table with a really long straw so I can feel better about the violent crime I want to commit against the coffee cup? most of the coffee can fit in a long straw so you won't really lose anything..
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Have you had a good time so far?
The amount of wards should vary by world population.
They set a number that is fine for JP servers, so don't see the problem.
Any couple DPS on Materia want to queue up Trials roulette or something? For fun.
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If everyone could have one people wouldn't care so much about keeping them, and thus would care less about keeping their sub active.
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Post a picture of your gunpla kits
There are literally thousands of untouched plots next door on Dynamis that they want people to free-transfer in and use up first.
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I liked it.
what? why are you combining these 2 situations together???
you being obsessed to what some eceleb is saying, to the point that you think they're having a melty has nothing to do with what the eceleb is being obsessed about, are you per chance retarded anon?
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No one asked, but this is how much exp I got as a level 99 on Aglaia with all the bonus I could get my hands on
they're unpainted, not line panneled, non stickered and my sword impulse broke a knee joint somehow and i couldn't be bothered yet to 3d print a replacement. no way in hell im posting that
If I could unsub for 3-6 months at a time without losing the house then I would. The distribution vs server pop & supply for large/mediums is so off too that you're incentivised to keep it up if you ever get one.
I have subbed to XIV by rota in the past to avoid demo but only paused my XI sub once for just 12 days during the entirety of EW.
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>>486971484 commit war crimes with your EB
Uh just post pictures of the boxes then
You're a tranny. Shut the fuck up.
uh oh roegamaniac melty!
For the last time, Khagan, I'm not trans. Sorry for your lots.
I normally ignore you cuz you most likely have no clue who I am or what I do, but I have to ask why the word "shemales". I legit haven't seen that word used in like a solid decade. Are you stuck in some kind of tranny hating time capsule or something?
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good morning sirs
Someone yesterday asked what Honey B. Lovely sounds like in Japanese, so here are her lines without BGM or sound effects in the way:
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what have they done to catgirls
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Does anyone know a bard armor that is actually made of steel/armor-like?
Heavy armor + bow is an interesting combination
Hey you.
Yeah you
cunt face
yeah that's it it's you the cuntface yoshida spotted ya mate
anyway mate here's the thing

your plan was fucking stupid yeah, you don't like hearing that but it's a nonce plan for nonces like you
server pop is different in other regions and moar servers was never the solution, splitting the playerbase didn't work you didn't implement cross DC PF/DF so you killed servers, there's no reason to ever go to dynamis or whatever the thirdie indian DC is on EU yeah, more servers, more servers, plan for the future, yeah the pop will drop, sub fees will drop, great job
you know what you coulda done instead right
instanced housing or fix your pissy wee software limitations, hire some programming talent tho nobody really wants to work for an idiot do they now who thinks more servers more servers aye that's the solution it is, let's open up 8 empty servers on dynamis when the culture and limitations of the game say they're better off on aether or any other DC at all

dynamis failed
resign now you toady looking man
You can pretend like you don't erp with shemale catgirls. It doesn't make you any less of a cringe tranny piece of shit.
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mine feels fine
Same EXP as the vanguard... 3 runs to get to 100 from 99
I guess the advantage being you could phone it in as a DPS in an alliance raid for levels without ever thinking
Based even if this last season was questionable at times
Prestige ballad armor from the PvP shop is one option for pieces
ngl i like the southern belle accent more, i wish we had more good american voices
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>Leg piece are the same color as my gal's fur
I thought she had no legs for a sec
it's gonna splash all over if you do that. you'll have coffee in your shoe and sock and pants. it will be all over me too. just wait until the cup is empty and then you can do your thing.
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Did someone say Sphene pits?

The exp doesn't scale with level. It's always slightly over 11 million with armory bonuses, rested, earring, food, and fc/squadron buff.
That's why highest level dungeon is better at 93 or 95.
This is the real reason people like it. If you phone it in in a dungeon the same way people do in an alliance raid, you know people will notice you in particular and think you're shit for not pressing your buttons. Which is fine.
anyone wants to become my first friend on Alpha, Light
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>you know what you coulda done instead right
>instanced housing
What, you no like island?
No but what the fuck is that bolo tie
I know it's supposed to be the american heartlands but really now
I think of it as a transition season, it has it's amazing moments like A-train redemption, Butcher's demon, Ashley becoming a supes and Kimiko but then also how Hughie was treated and other shits, can't fucking wait for season 5 though
thanks anon
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Here's a plot twist for you:
Despite proving himself to be a mentally ill basket case, everything that Target, Lionel said involving Xeno and others was true this whole time.
The truth will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.
My biggest complain as a whole was Frenchie, what the flying fuck was that "arc" of his
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I liked the side and role quests more.
He was learning to forgive himself but they also have to use him for the plot device
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I had sex with them, sorry.
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mercenaries through and through. they will stop helping you the moment the dungeon is over
God I love fiddies dressed in any way resembling this
This tends to be the case with a lot of schizos
ugly troon
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Yeah, the first part of the recording I forgot that Voice would also pick up Player Effects sounds, turned those off after the second line.
>literally who
you are either a woman or a zoomer
My fc friend
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Inside you there are two fiddies
*facefucks you with my sunnie's +*
that lala: sovl
Do I need to keep my gear up to date while leveling crafting/gathering jobs?
That's fair. I don't think the MSQ is going to be to everyone's liking, but I enjoyed it for what it was. The role quests that I did were pretty good and I really liked a lot of the side quests, too. World building and setting the vibe for zones is really important and I think they did a pretty good job. The music was also pretty kino and the battle theme slaps.
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I'm bored waiting for DPS queue...
I'd love to know why you clearly care so much about what people do and who's a tranny or not.
builded for my malezen
You can get the scrips gear of an expansion and it will last you until the next.
No one cares about a 17 year old girl getting fucked by a grown man.
why not just simplify BLM so that you are either in fire mode or ice mode
Just up to date enough. It's a waste of time to buy every upgrade all the way up, but when you get to a new expansion's job quests and the stats jump up, you'll want to pick up something good enough for the next ten levels.
Idk man I love blm on an aesthetic level and it's actually fun when you're allowed to just stand there. If you're not a gigabrain 1% or not completely familiar with the fight that stupid timer will shit on your flow
Here's the problem, if there's actual proof, why hasn't the police been engaged, isn't that a more effective strategy than like, bitching about them on the internet?
It's cute, that's what.
Everyone ITT wanting to fuck lalas and underaged characters had me convinced otherwise.
>Darker skinned Krile
Holy moly!
How the fuck do you actually get Furious Backlash to proc? Every time I press the button I keep taking full damage a solid second after but apparently that's not enough for my shield to get consumed. Actual dogshit PvP coding.
thanku sir
I love moonies so much its unreal
Glad you liked it.
I did too except for like that 20 minutes near the end, starting toward the end of the final trial. Never really felt so deflated as that, I think. But there was like 50 hours of content and story before that that I liked a lot.

idk about the gloves, but still cute.
Pretty cool glam but be careful not to light your hat on purple fire.

Uh using a mix of new scrip gear, and scrip gear from 10-20 levels ago, should be fine. Like at 80 I added on the 80 left side, but kept the 70 tool and 60 accessories, and that was still fine to craft the GC dailies and beast tribes. They made crafting a lot easier multiple expacs in a row so the gear checks are much softer on older stuff.
Before that I was using level 60 left side and at 70 just upgraded tools.
blm isn't complex it's just that if you fuck up the rotation once it's over, se acabo, vorbei, might as well kill yourself
I just pay attention to my shield bar. When the yellow is gone, backlash extra damage procs, but it's pretty bad yeah. Same issue as some guard instances where you're taking full damage even though you pressed guard well before their animation queued on your end.
>idk about the gloves, but still cute.
the reasons for the gloves is that I have nothing with better stats atm, I should take the time to glamour them or something.
you cannot balance jobs around playing perfectly
The police dont really care about pedo cases unless the pedo in question is making significant amounts of money off of porn.
BLM is simple, it only feels complex because it has a strict timer and is a caster, once you get used to it it's standard rotation is as 1 spammy as a healer.
>*downloads every cheat and addon he can get his hands on to trivialise the raid*
>"If everyone does it then it's not cheating"
Raiders are mentally ill
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dude you're a pedophile and a tranny sexpest creep. kill yourself my man.
is there a cheat plugin for blm or is the job too galaxybrain for even a computer
Proof? Oh wait, you got none. I wonder if I can pursue libel charges from these posts alone.
well blm is suffering particularly in these extremes because there's just too much movement going on and when savage comes out it will be even more of a problem (even if you play the job perfectly it still does very lwo damage)
i'm sure slapping a 4% enochian buff will solve the problems it has though!!!
Prosecutors love easy cases, makes them look better because they get good metrics. If the internet detectives have everything solid and nailed down, then actually providing all that evidence to the authorities should be an open and shut case. For shit like this it's why we have due process
I've been raiding in this game since ARR and I'll legit tell you that most high end players don't want a hard challenge, they just want ways to tell others they're better than them.
Glam is very important. You should.
I recognize the chest and headpiece as level 60 crafted. But it's pretty nice looking and I've seen people wear it as glam well.
Anyway I should sleep.
TOP already proved it
Ultimate raiders will literally shit their pants if they dont get 2 ultimates per expansion, prog it once, shit their pants, download cammy AM etc instantly and then never talk about it ever again
>dude you're a pedophile and a tranny sexpest creep
Why do you come to 4chan of all places and get surprised when it's full of the dregs of humanity?

You will never clean this place up, half this thread is on a list, go back to twitter if you can't handle associating with the scum of the earth.
movement is fun
if I have to choose between fun encounters where you move a lot and BLM, I'm sorry BLM gotta go
....hmm ok if you say so.
Deal but the empty cup goes on your head instead :D
Actually I got those as MSQ rewards today!
Have a pleasant night anon.
Ok you say that because it feels good and easy to say but that still doesnt disprove the fact that no one cares
I felt a little deflated as well, but I think that was intentional since the theme of DT as I interpreted it was unshackling yourself from the chains that bind you to the past and weigh down your heart, and letting yourself move forward while carrying the memories within you. There's grief and sorrow, but the sun always rises, and spring always comes.
i just want the rewards
i like the framing kits and weapons and titles
What assholes, no wonder the WOL just uses friends and colleagues in the future rather than relaying on such 'fair weather' sons of bitches
zoraal ja gavbe me super cancer and some of the hiccups really soured it, but i had fun
i think bakool jaja would have had a better run if they didn't make him some retarded anime subplot villain in the first half
my femezen only glams combat outfits
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Because we are better. Also 1 clear andys don’t count as real ult raiders.
is there a way to block certain mod creators on xma? i want to stop seeing upscales for this fat male body mod
>Someone asks for my help
>If I don't solve their problem in 0.01 seconds they go "Oh never mind, give it here"
I'm going to punch you in the throat if you do this to me one more time.
With how limited the glamour dresser is, I think that you have to do that just to get by in most cases.
That being said, post elezen in combat glam
I want midcore content that isn't a gay baby jail savage raid or ex, planned content
they almost had something for that once but what was it huh if only I could remember
It only got worse in EW when they handed over alliance raids to noobs and the thing was easier than HWs raid series
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>Really wanted to like VPR in PVP
>It's actually so fucking ass it's not even funny
VPRbros...not like this...
>he never cleared an ulti on the first two weeks of launch
where do we post our /c/'s
>wants harder content
>doesnt want to do ex or savage
so you dont want harder content
the pendulum will swing back hard and it'll be fucking busted after the 7.1 buffs, trust the plan
no, that shit's gay
stop trying to gaslight me to get into your gay baby jail and develop new content
I've entered the thread
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uninstall ffxiv
>I want midcore content that isn't a gay baby jail savage raid or ex
Every time someone says this they cannot articulate what exactly they actually want.
more like midcope
exs are not hard just go and do them
It's because all your attacks are GCD.

You're stuck there waiting to press buttons to do damage meanwhile the DRG on the enemy team is shitting on your face while backflipping across half the map.
I didn't say they were hard.
Im like 70% sure Zenos isnt actually dead and he just pulled Mastery of Dynamis out of his ass because the writers have proven time and time again that they cannot let go of the past.
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>reeee i dont want ffxiv gameplay!!
>no i wont go away to play other games!!!!
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>datamines show no minion
>skipped Stormblood story themed Ultimate
anyone want to download this mod and do coercion / blackmail ERP with my femlala?
my meena wears dresses and thigh highs :3
it basically always boils down to "I want a midless grind I can spend hours on even if its not fun or rewarding"
Yep, the MSQ coffers from that point on are crafted pieces. White pieces with that HQ symbol are always something that's craftable, I think.

Oh I just mean the whole Wuk breaking in thing, that cutscene, and wuk and sphene after the fight deflated me.
I like the overall storytelling and message of DT. I like that they actually reference a lot of American history like genocide, human sacrifice, and the like.
The grief and sorrow part was so much more effective than they tried to tell in the past. It mirrors Emet's kind getting wiped out, and after his defeat saying to remember him. That moment really didn't hit for me, but this time it did even though it's extremely similar.
I loved Zoraal Ja SO MUCH at the start. I thought he was supposed to be like an antihero...
but nope. That character had so much potential. I guess you're supposed to infer character development with the 30 year skip but ugh.
We do get Gulool Ja out of it which could be great in post MSQ. Will see I guess.
Bukool Ja Ja at the start was fine to me. Even the Vidraal part. Just wish he got more development in the middle.
Pat you're such a shitter it's unreal. You talk a big game but you always bitch out.
I only find success using it to stall. Some games I get to pop off but usually its go in and land two GCDs, someone sneezes, I have to go behind a wall to pot, rinse a repeat.
i love her so much bwos
Stop calling my character Ashley Banks she looking nothing like her.
that's exactly what raiding feels like
just chillin at the beach
Midcore just means content that you can turn into casual content with 1000 hours of grinding so shitters can lord it over noobs.
Just don't let attacks snapshot your Snake Scales, silly :)
Take full damage and die before the lifesteal even has a chance to come out :))
SB themed ult should be/should've been the Auspices and I'll die on this hill.
I'm going to make him moan
umbral calamity expansion when
then whats stopping you from doing them? you wanted ""midcore"" content right? it's there
I can:
I want hard dungeons with varied mobs in the pack with mechanics, mixes of magic & physical mobs, elemental weakness' etc. I want something other than square or circle or squircle jay baby jail battle content that's included in the box price. I want to get lost, I want to talk to other players to figure things out, I want things to not be a linear X = Y situation.
I want content when people can group up, work on goals, where you can use items or spawn things under set conditions, overworld content, drop in and play content, content that requires you to do more than just press the same buttons as designed.
>Every time someone says this they cannot articulate what exactly they actually want.
Yeah, bit of a miss there there really then huh.
I guess I want gameplay and RPG mechanics in my RPG game.
play with better people or ones that are more enjoyable to be around
what's the etiquette on doing EXs blind (e.g in practice or duty completion lobbies not farming ones)? i'd rather do it blind but also i would feel bad for dying a lot
i have 1 person i can do it with but other than that would need pf
Well we need to actually determine if law enforcement has been contacted, if not, then you'd go higher to the mayor of the area or governor of the state. A whole "hey this is a predator" is something that everyone can get behind putting behind bars.

So if there's actual proof there but it's not acted on, then that's a problem yes, but we need to determine if it actually has happened or not. The whole "iT dOsEnT dIsPrOvE tHaT pEoPlE dOn'T cArE" line is reductive at best and stupid at worst.

We all know how well vigilante justice works, mindlessly screaming on twitter about how bad man did bad, it only creates more problems where reputations are fucked without an actual due process to understand if anything illegal actually happened
ok so this guy wants a different game got it
>I want hard dungeons with varied mobs in the pack with mechanics, mixes of magic & physical mobs, elemental weakness' etc. I want something other than square or circle or squircle jay baby jail battle content that's included in the box price. I want to get lost, I want to talk to other players to figure things out, I want things to not be a linear X = Y situation.
>I want content when people can group up, work on goals, where you can use items or spawn things under set conditions, overworld content, drop in and play content, content that requires you to do more than just press the same buttons as designed.
You want FFXIV to be World of Warcraft.
Oh my God I wish they had handled that with a little more care. They really wanted to tap into complicated familial relationships in DT and they sort of hit it in some spots, but Zoraal Ja was a bit of a mess. I think Bakool Ja Ja would've been a bit better if they hadn't made him so cartoonishly evil in the first half of his arc. I still went into "protect the baby" mode when he did that little whimper after his dad disowned him for failing, though.
sniffing malera bulge uoh
and how do you plan to do that anon...
put "Blind prog" into the PF search desc
That sounds either Variant Dungeon or Forays like Bozja or something, we already have those
>what's stopping you from doing them
lack of fun mainly, stale battle content with very little replayability, variety, mechanics or design choices
>you wanted midocre content
No. I said I want midcore content that isn't a gay baby jail; I then quantified and explained that Savage & EX are the gay baby jail.
I think that's basically Bozja and Eureka, right? I'd call those midcore content.
Yeah Bozja and Eureka.
I can articulate it.
I want to feel like something happens when I press my buttons. I don't feel that in most normal dungeons, alliance raids, normal raids, trials.
A few exceptions are like Warrior of Light and that one Alexander I forget which. The new dungeons are good, I like them.
In Bozja I feel this. I'm doing like 5-10x the damage of other people. That's fun.
My Meena wears short-shorts, tights and a hoodie
Fuck off back to wowg you faggot
lmao even
none of this is "midcore" content, it's literally just changing how dungeons are made and stuff thats already in the game, at best you describe Eureka or Bozja.
i make new
he should consider hitting on my meena
i just feel like if they wanted to play the "b-but he was desperate" card they could have done it without him being ....... the way he is
nd yea i felt the same about zoraal ja - genuinely thought he was going along with sareel ja for the sake of an ulterior motive but nope lmfao

yeah this is exactly how i feel about bakool jaja - he won me over by the end but did he REALLY have to have the 1:1 personality of a jobber micro villain.......
Mhmm, should he also consider pinning your meena against a wall and smirking at how much he whimpers?
>Load into dungeon
>A 3-person pre-made lalafell team is the party members
>They do a little jig before they leave the dungeon
hello my husband i've missed you
Nope. XI.
Though not variant sadly.
>Can't use a semicolon
>Literacy failure
grim innit
A very intense frotting session
as long as it's in a wholesome, loving way...
Post it more times next time
>black rose halts aether
>rejoining of the first super-charges black rose
>black rose kills the wol
>but wol can hold the light-aspected aether of a bunch of lightwardens without dying
isn't this a plot hole? How is a buffed up black rose even potentially a problem when wol can tank ass loads of light aspected aether
someone make a real thread please
I think people who play Monk in CC should kill themselves.
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>can't refute my post so turns to shit talking minor grammar mistakes
yeah I thought so
>another faggot ff11 player that wants this game to be like their game

i just got extrachat
how the heck do i verify? i click the button then nothing happens
can we discuss something
You first. You stole my game and turned it into a snorefest.
I mean sure, it's always loving and wholesome when you're wearing a cute collar and doing as you're told <3
What do you wanna talk about, little buddy?
no, light is stasis, it slows down aether makes it still, which makes Black Rose work better because it's a direct poison, meanwhile the light WoL absorbed slowly worked it's effect on them, but its not poison, it slowly transforms them into a lightwarden
how smelly do you think wicked thunders sheath is?
just did
Black rose was designed to kill, it makes sense to me that it's more efficient in what it does than just raw aether. The light aether would have killed the wol if they didn't rejoin with ardbert pretty much right when they did.
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wish I had friends to play this game with
haha it is white so it is cum
cum joke
WoL full of cum
Shut the fuck up. Stay lonely worthless useless little fag, you will never have friends to play ffxiv with.
I don't blame you for skipping Ishikawa's snorefest to get to Bozja buddy. but it is explained in the cutscene, it's explained in the last sixth or so of the MSQ.
dumb nigger, XI was a great MMO and had a massive cult following, it was also the highest grossing FF title for over a decade.
The mass appeal of XIV made the bigwigs at SE tell XI's director to make the game more accessible and butchered it in the process.
It doesn't take an astrophysics degree to notice that XI only started to make big turns towards accessibility after XIV 1.0 and the middling reception to ff13
zoomers don't want hard games
get with the time gramps
go play it then
this is a different game
>xiv players forced to read read read read read
>they can't read
nani the fuck manuel
>didn't read the post
XIV ruined XI
Both the initial massive critical failure, and the bounce back with mass-appeal wow cloning
Is gathering legendary fish good for anything?
no one wants to read your garbage
Even retail still contains fun game mechanics and great quests fwiw. Dumbed down it may be but it's still building on one of the best battle systems the series has had.
XIV on the other hand has streamlined every element out of the game and applied that to it's content & quest design structure in all forms. Sad really.
hello me
>XIV ruined XI
i hope yoship pisses on your bed just before you sleep
Enjoy your dumbed down DEI trannyslop. I'm pleased to inform you that the Japanese take decades to adjust to anything in popular culture so the next 5 expansions are going to suck harder than this one.
damn buck
you gonna break in two when .1 hits aintcha
Shadow - Innocence
>Enjoy your dumbed down DEI trannyslop.
i will
damn g'raha tia really throats that icecream
he throats my sunnie+ just as well
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No pictured: dying inside

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