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- This Week in WoW:


>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Post

Previous >>486863947
Ion does it again
>He's already having a melty
Rent free.
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when she sees *it*
Based mossad
Fem humies were made for hung fem humies.
opinion discarded
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So what's the /wowg/erdict?
Will 11.0 save the world of warcraft ?
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Even murlok.io has some cringe femhuman smugly mocking my masculinity
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So, uh, worgs, right?
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that's why the story in this game fucking sucks
Millenials were a mistake
t. millenial
Why did you post early? XD
i'm not going on twitter, someone tell this guy he's retarded
people are seething in the comments lol
Because it's early in the morning duh
When it comes to an ever evolving story like in video games, he's right. Their job is to make it so what the devs want to do make sense. Idk what's so controversial about this.
last thread not hit bump limit and i was waiting to post the thread ackshually
Good riddance.
He's unironically 100% correct.
minor retcons are fine. chronicles completely changed the timeline of the events of mop and bfa. why would anyone get invested in your world/lore if nothing really matter and everything is subject to change?
Quickly scrolled through his feed.
He's a certified faggot retard reposting all the bossqween nigger faggot faux-anime shit.
Thank fuck he's gone, he's likely been in league with Danuser.
He's even reposting shit from the Roux cunt.
Yeah and then you end up with SL and DF.
Need worgie wife
Qrd on wow? Havent played since 2018
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It's over.
>hi, former historian here, do whatever you want with history
Is he retarded?
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> you now remember Forsaken heritage quest & all of its Girl Bossing (tm)
This jew got a hair transplant?
What do you want to know? prepatch is this upcoming week, and next expansion is about a month from now
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Nah that one was fine. Worgen one though..
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>you now remember
Never done it, qrd?
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Blizzard has slowly been taken over by jews (Ion Hazzikostas), troons (J. Gill), and women (Holly Longdale) and WoW now reflects this.

Since you last played in 2018:
>Male and Female gender options were removed, replaced with Body Type 1 and Body Type 2.
>White NPCs in Stormwind have been turned into niggers because of le hecking diversity.
>Game Director Ion Hazzikostas, who is half-jewish, endorsed BLM on a Shadowlands development stream and also gave an interview where he said he didn't want White male résumés.
>A new race, dracthyr, was introduced, with a shared non-binary dragon model for both genders or body types as Blizzard now calls them. Only shoulder armour and belts show up on their dragon form because the niggers and trannies who work there don't know how to code.
>Blizzard has hired multiple anti-White authors to write their books.

There is probably more that I am missing but those are the major points. If you are a White man, Blizzard has been very clear that this game is no longer for you.
thats a seethe
Oof that's a proper early day melty
you forgot to mention that wow still has 7 m subs despite you seething about it every day
When she sees me taking my clothes off
1.) Samefag.
2.) You have no proof that WoW has 7 million subscribers. I would be willing to bet that, no matter the number, it is WoW Classic comprising the bulk of that number, not retail.
3.) Are you a tranny?
All true
Samefag lmfao. Try harder. Or put that phone down and find a hobby
didn't ask
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i asked
*tugs at collar and fans face* erm... yikes... *swooshes tail nervously*

Why didn't you answer the question by the way? Are you a tranny?
Oof, big mad because 7 milly.
Holy shit i downloaded the client and game and you can literally make a nog human, i dont see myself playing this game thanks for the info
Also troon colored haircuts...
>Refuses to answer the question for the second time.
Tranny confirmed.
>7 milly.
Proof: none.
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I'll bake a new thread if i'm awake when this one hits 750.
you could make once since 2004
Nice bait
Does this really look like an even remotely healthy hairline to you?
This is the kind of shit only someone who doesn't play the game would care about. Sad!
It's so back.
All me
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chuddiest chuddy ITT
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>He's actually melting
Poor guy!
Yes, because any normal person has stopped playing due to tranny & nigger fatigue. The only people left playing are trannies, women, and addicts.

This isn't proof.

New returning player here.
What realm should I play on?
Looking at the classes I'm torn between Frost, Holy/Restoration and Protection.
What set him off this time?
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>says this
>gives money to sweet baby enix
man, the lolcow can't catch a break
Hardcore won. SoD won. Cata won. OG won. Retail is dead.
he's the perma seething tranny fantasy player that doomposts itt all the time
just laugh at him
Didn't get to make the OP.
The Woman Within
The highest pop RP server in your region, even if you don't want to RP. People are just friendlier and more talkative on RP servers.

>Frost, Holy/Restoration and Protection
Which classes are you talking about?
nuffin betta than startin the day off wiff a good ol melty right ere
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We need a remastered WoW

> HD assets from Legion & beyond, remastered HD armours from Vanilla to WotLK
> Classic-TBC-WotLK era game, MoP & Legion expansions with better story bridging
> rewritten TBC & WotLK storylines
> stories as whole are written to be more brutal, male leads & focusing on races' societal struggles (e.g. Kel'Thuzad's journey from a mage to the grand lich etc.)
> DHs available in TBC, introduction rewritten
> Monks & Pandas are not made available
> Only WotLK era races & class combinations + some Cata combinations & rewritten DHs
> extra Cata combinations: Hunters for Humans & Undead, Shamans for Wildhammer affiliated Dwarves
> Humans can choose their affiliated kingdom, including Kul Tiras (KT rig not available)
> Broken as optional model for Draenei
> Wildhammer clan options for Dwarves
> Orc, Troll & Tauren players can choose their associated clans
> rework gameplay for less of spec locked gameplay (e.g. Affliction warlock choosing Immolate as a spell over Unstable Affliction, Mages may choose to spend the Pyro proc for a Pyroblast, Arcane Missiles or a heavy hitting Frostbolt etc.)
> modern spell effects
> race specific class changes (Forsaken priests not wielding light, use dark magics to heal, Troll priests choose between Sun Loa's light & dark healing etc.)
> class specific spell skin options (Shamans healing via spirit magic instead of water, necromancer pets for demonology warlocks etc.)
> Transmog
> zones' level scaling
> party sync mode
> M+ for old dungeons - no ilvl increases but adds jewel sockets etc. to drops in higher levels
> M+ gear improvement capped at some level, after which titles & mogs are given as reward
> DID & Zandalari as "Classic+" content (Zandalari completely rewritten into a savage, dark magic Voodoo kingdom.)

We MUST completely bin Stickney-Metzen's Cosmos of Marvelcraft, and all of that cosmic faggotry along with it.
Huh? Are you having a melty?
We need you to stop spamming your shitty fanfic
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Bro you need to shut the FUCK UP
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mfw when reading that post
Is m*ye btw
Region? Are you looking to rp too?
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1.) I don't play FFXIV.
2.) The top graph's Y-axis is not labelled and is therefore useless. The bottom graph from Bellular is also therefore useless, and is merely speculation.
you're contradicting yourself >>486975998
biggest lolcow itt
dance for us some more monkey! do 78 spins
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>Errrmmm okay yes the graph totally buckbreaks me
>But it's from a source I don't like so it doesn't count
Holy seethe.
>rewritten storylines
Why would you trust modern Blizzard to do this?

If nuBlizz were to remaster WoW, it would look more like this:
>Half the human/dwarf/gnome NPC population is black
>The other half is gay and transgender
>No faction conflict storylines
>Quillboars, kobolds, etc. rewritten to be misunderstood, quests to slaughter them removed

It would be dogshit.
Except >>486975998 is not me, retarded tranny.
Who said it has to be done by pozz-Blizzard?
continues to samefag and be angry
do 78 spins for me monkey
Funny isn't it
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>"wow is de...ACK!"
Please point out where the Y-axis is on >>486975892.

Protip: you can't.

Avatarfag detected
Opinion rejected

You're not fooling anyone.
oh he actually is mad lol
You're not fooling anyone.
does any other general have to deal with a looney troon like him? someone that seethes daily about a game they don't play?
i think it's unique to wowg, we need to protect this rare animal and cage him for our entertainment
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>You're not fooling anyone.
You have no idea how bad some of the other generals are compared to /wowg/
I'm not trying to fool anyone
I am trying to make you mad so you look stupid in front of the thread
It is working
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pics like this one make him seethe inside
If you think that's funny you should see the daily retail hate threads on /v/
Now do Retail WoW vs Classic WoW.
Yeah, this. You guys really, truly, do not grasp how good we have it on /wowg/. We could have a racebait spammer making the thread genuinely unusable like /lolg/.
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>You're not fooling anyone.
Why is everyone acting like 7 million is a big deal when games like og have 30 million subscribers?
Are flightstones/gear upgrades getting reset on pre-patch day or on launch day?
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more like 30k
i think they said that bullions will continue to drop during prepatch so possibly season will run up to launch?
either way prepatch event starts a week later (30th) and you can grind gear from those
Those are steam numbers. Nobody plays OG on steam.
>instant damage control for his dead chatroom
It's so easy to make him out himself
He can't help it. He's so stupid lnfao
yeah, you should take them, looney troon
Yes and now compare it to Retail.

>7 million
No proof. Maybe 3 or 4 million at most, and that is being extremely generous. Classic also does the heavy lifting with probably 2-3 million subs, with Retail at about 1-2 million.
What's wrong with this one?
It doesn't have the 100 links!!! NOOOOOO
we need you to hang yourself tonight
you will probably anhero if blizz announces record subs when china goes live in august
Nah asmon will make a video about how those aren't actually sub numbers
They won't though, will they?

Tell me: why didn't Blizzard report Dragonflight sales numbers? First time in history they did not announce sales for an expansion.
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easy mog
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what server to play on for TWW?

I'm perturbed
does it really matter with warbands
maybe stormrage?
Bros it's so over now... Why didn't we listen?!
tww is adding cross realm guilds and account wide stuff. servers don't matter anymore. still, pick
either a "full" one or a "high" one
what do you mean?

can someone chudpill me on warbands?
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see >>486981684
warbands make everything account wide, and you will have all your characters in one place, no need to switch realms or anything
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because df didn't reach the peaks of previous expansion. once the game recovered in df, john hight felt comfortable enough to show that sub graph at the gcd.

btw there are at least 2m chinese players coming back in august
Moon Guard.
This looks so awful and amateurish compared to the preview they showed at BlizzCon.

Like, come on: the night elf on the right is being covered by the character select menu. Could they really not have shifted them over to the left a bit? What a joke.
>wahhh why isn't a beta perfect
that's an old screenshot. in the current screen some characters kneel or sit, and stand up when you hover on them
it changed a lot since these first showcases
this is how it looks now
Lol the expansion is releasing next month. Next month. Why do Warbands look worse now than they did pre-Alpha at BlizzCon? What, you think they'll go:
>Good (BlizzCon)
>Bad (now)
>Good (release)
? No way. I guarantee they will release as they are now.
>btw there are at least 2m chinese players coming back in august
I've seen the article you guys use as source for this claim. Turns out that's a translation error. It actually says that WoW will still be 2m players behind OG.
i feel like you need to do at least one m+ dungeon and a normal raid before are allowed to talk shit about wow.. god i hate asmondrones so much it’s unreal
Doesn't look much better; still worse than the original BlizzCon showcase. Also doesn't fix the problem of the rightmost character being partially covered by the character select menu.
>Why do Warbands look worse now than they did pre-Alpha at BlizzCon?
>why does a playable demo look worse than a mockup made by a concept artist?
Gee I wonder.
what is this /v/ tier post doing in this general? kill yourself truly
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This retard legit having a melty because he didn't get to spam the op with his shitty links lmao
In the midst of all these maddened melties pervading this panicked place, I'd just like to take a second to remind you of femworgens
This is true. He will now melt and tell you that's not what he's doing, like the past 5 times.
Based and thank you
>how can I make it about me
Insufferable, every single time, disgusting furry faggot
prepatch waiting room
Disprove a single part of what I said.

Captcha: MG0Y.
He's crossposting on multiple boards where there are wow threads
He falseflagged this xiv schizo btw. alll of that was maye talking to himself
Honest, probably silly, question.
I skipped Dragonflight, if I got War Within, would I still need to buy Dragonflight to do any dragonflight shit?
I cannot honestly remember how it works
Nope. If you buy tww you get df. And no, no need to do any df stuff
Thanks, on a scale of 1-10 how was Dragonflight?
dragonflight is included if you buy tww
if you ignore the trannystory it was a passable gameplay expansion
fake but I believe it
But I see something called Dragonriding is a thing - do I need to complete something in DF to do this? Or is it auto unlocked in TWW?
And for example wanting to unlock this new Druid owl form I see
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Good run... Upvoted.
>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse.

Looks like another year-long ban until I can enjoy maybe 2 months of posting images, only to be banned for a year again.

Are the mods really so retarded they cannot simply permaban the actual offender instead of casting a very wide net over the poor souls who happen to live within an x-mile radius of him? What a joke.
stop being a furry pedophile
you sound upset anon, what's the meta?
It will be unlocked in TWW. There's a month of DF left so you might as well just playthrough it. Do the campaign and the new dungeons/raids. They're all pretty good.
cant wait to slugmog my frost dk when it becomes bussin in 3 days
I stopped playing when they deleted full screen mode, technology is downgrading, its over
You and everybody else. Game is dead.
what did you make your dk?
shadowpriest is poopy because dummies voted in the wrong tier set for S4. Cleavebender spec was way better than voidform >:(
rotting face bimbodorei
Overall also looks like that because tank soloed like 50% of the fat frog boss
5/10 honestly.
I remember when the expansion launched Blizzard made a big deal about how they “learned” from SL and there wasn’t going to be so many grinds, but guess what? Turns out they actually gutted every proper system in the game so that literally all there was left to do was grind. Completely the opposite of what they said they wanted to do:
>grind world quests for faction renown
>grind dragon bane keep for wrathion rep
>grind dragon bane keep for sabellion rep
>grind sieging dragon bane keep for renown
>grind dirt piles for renown
>grind hunts for centaur rep
>grind soup for tuskarr rep
>grind elemental storms for currency
>grind storms fury for currency
>grind forbidden reach rares for zskera vault keys
>grind piles of shit for mole people renown and currency
>grind time rifts for currency and rep
>grind suffusion camps for currency
>grind dream blooms for currency
>grind super blooms for currency and renown
>grind flowers for renown
>grind azerothian archivers event for currency and rep
Not to mention the changes to the gear upgrade system, which time-gated progress and convolutedly put choke points on m+ keys:
>grind content for flightstones
>grind keys for crests
And the profession system? Hard time-gate with no catchup that also involved grinding quests and dirt piles and treasures for knowledge points.
Even secondary professions like fishing:
>grind fishing for tuskarr fishing upgrade items, only available when certain fishing holes are active
Then there’s the subjective issues with the story and characterizations of npc’s.
World quests were gutted as well, being no longer daily. And the dungeons sucked.
DF felt very bland. There were admittedly lots of things to do by the end but there was no depth. No real reason to do any of these things unless you wanted to collect mid transmog recolors. I was un-ironically more engaged during SL.
You know what? Im a third worlder
yeah the 2-minute gigaboom spec just sucks butt lol. oh well ... only 1 more month of suffering

(sp is still w just not as much w as it could've been heehee)
Worgen should have been Horde and blood elves should have been Alliance. That is all.
Trannies ruined wowpol, we could have had a bloody conflict throughout all the expansions but instead le friendship and working together against a common threat ruined it all because darpa is too busy predictive programming zoomers to join the antichrist in the battle of armageddon
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I disagree.
>WoW Itch
>Not played since WoTLK
I like the look of Cata Classic, am I permanently behind in anyway or can I catch-up anytime if I start now? I don't need to be the strongest class in the game, but I would prefer not to be laughed out of raids. How are Paladins and Priests in Cata, any spec?
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Are you ready for an absolute dwarf kino expansion?
You are not.
kino mog
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> Earthen, DEI & Nerubians
> dwarven expansion
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>Everybody hates Death and Decay
>Every single feedback post on Death Knights is talking about how awful Death and Decay is to use in any content
Surely they'll change it right? I mean they're listening to players this time right?
it would be a slippery slope, because then youll have everyone else complaining their ground aoe wasnt fixed to be retard tank immune

lmao even
Adding on to this:

TBC should have been Draenei for Alliance and Worgen for Horde. Worgen story is somewhat similar to canon: Gilneans walled themselves off after the Second War and have been isolationist ever since, Northgate Rebellion happened, now the worgen curse is spreading. However I would change this to add more Wolf Cult stuff and have Ralaar Fangfire / Alpha Prime be a major character, possibly even as the racial leader of the worgen. Story progresses mostly as it does in canon with worgen attacking Gilneas until the player character gets infected, however in this version it is the night elves who invade Gilneas, not the Forsaken. Their reason is that they have tracked the Scythe of Elune to the Eastern Kingdoms and, remembering how the worgen turned on them during the War of the Satyr, are now rectifying their mistake and declaring Total Worgen Death.

The Gilneans eventually meet Ralaar Fangfire who explains the origins of the worgen curse. They also meet the Forsaken who lend their apothecaries to help bring the worgen curse under control. The Forsaken and Ralaar collaborate to make an elixir that brings the curse under control, similar to the Ritual of Balance in canon. Night elves continue their invasion with support from the Alliance, especially the humans who hate the Gilneans for abandoning them and leaving the Alliance. The combined worgen/Forsaken force defeats the night elves, and Gilneas City is reclaimed. In this version, the worgen keep control of Gilneas and actually have a usable capital city with auction houses and inns and so on. The worgen then officially join the Horde, and worgen players are sent off to Silverpine Forest to help the Forsaken and continue levelling as usual.
As for how to tie the worgen into an Outland expansion, I would say that in this version the Forsaken elixir, while giving the worgen control over their shapeshifting, does not completely quell their rage and anger. The worgen hear rumour of some kind of plant or herb on Outland that can solve this, similar to the cut storyline from WoD. This gives them reason to actually go to Outland. Later in the story they would find this plant, take it, and be cured of their rage, while still being able to be ferocious when required. This would mirror the orcs' story of overcoming the blood-curse and would be another reason why the Horde, specifically the orcs, would seek to recruit the worgen into the Horde.
>forsaken in vanilla
>doing nice things without ulterior motive
Kino, as expected of the superior nonLGBT dei writers
I just woke up, what did i miss?
>Log into game
>Empty trade chat apart from 2 people spamming boosts
>Stormwind is a ghost town
another poor falseflag attempt. your last one didn't work either
>log into AD-EU
>trade chat (services) is disabled
>trade chat is a hilarious /pol/ tier argument raging 24/7
>Stormwind is full of comfy RPers hanging out in taverns
You picked a bad server
The guy has 1 (ONE) job and does the exact opposite of it AND still got paid? Man i'm seething, but at least he's gone. Still it's insane this was a thing
ask him to post his character
7 milly
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Why lie?
why are YOU lying?
Not him but you should posting right now
can't tell if esl or stroke
I'm a girl actually.
Well I would say their motives for this would be bringing Gilneas into their sphere of influence and basically under their control. Perhaps there could be Forsaken soldiers in Gilneas City even after its liberation, and maybe a few worgen NPCs expressing concern at how the Forsaken are sinking their claws into the kingdom. Maybe Ralaar Fangfire could be in league with the Forsaken and there could be an ideological split among Gilneans, those in the pro-Genn camp who are more Alliance-sympathetic and those in the pro-Ralaar camp who are more Forsaken-sympathetic. The pro-Genn camp would consider themselves humans who happen to be afflicted with the worgen curse, while the pro-Ralaar camp consider it a blessing rather than a curse, and see being worgen as a core part of their identity. Basically order vs chaos, man vs beast.

As for why Genn is Alliance-sympathetic despite him being the one to pull Gilneas out of the Alliance, I would say it is because Genn is secretly disgusted by the undead and starts to have regrets about allying with them once he realises how brutal they are, perhaps after a visit to the Undercity. He realises just how good Gilneas had it under the Alliance and secretly gets in contact with Stormwind. The other Gilneans find out and the pro-Ralaar camp seizes this opportunity to label Genn a traitor and overthrow him. All the while, Sylvanas is pulling strings behind the scenes to cause chaos among the Gilneans so she can use the conflict as an excuse to station more Forsaken troops in Gilneas and further seize power. Her ultimate goal in this version would be to eradicate the worgen completely and annex Gilneas into Forsaken territory. Perhaps there could be a plot with the Forsaken apothecaries trying to figure out how to raise dead worgen as Forsaken.
I missed the word "stop" before posting, sorry
What was the Demon hunter class called before legion? Did people already call the illidan class demon hunter?
Didn't to reply to that guy lol
they were called that since wc3
>Can't raise worgen corpses as forsaken
>"cure" the worgen curse
The dark lady watch over you
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need her to watch over me too..
Shamin or woyer for TWW?
i'm going warrior but enh is looking very appealing rn
>but enh is looking very appealing rn
Huh? I've seen nothing but complaining about it.
they made some good changes to it in the latest build
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>next expansion the Amani, led by Zul'jins nonbinary daughter Latiqua (picrel), will join both factions to send a strong sign against white male privilege
fat retard
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this is why you never listen to the mayecord tranny brigade

I warned you, bro. I wanred you. DoomTITANS never lie.
he's now replying to himself. tragic
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fuck off avatartroon

>i dunt get it xD

yeah stop revealing your retardation thanks
mental illness
Come to think of it, wouldn't it be funny if all Trolls started to wear scarves like Zul'jin and demand a free Trollestine?
most people seem to be leveling in remix right now. next tuesday everyone will come back don't worry.

Requires level 20
You can now ride flying mounts


Meanwhile xiv is thriving and these discord kikes say it isn't.
Delusional he shes!
buck still thinks its 2021 and that anyone is playing trannytrail lmao
where have i heard that one before
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I started playing after a very long time. I've got characters on the server of the country I'm in, but I dunno if I want to start from zero into a new English-Speaking server (probably tarren mill?) What should I do?
look up the changes and judge for yourself
that's what i did. starting fresh can feel pretty refreshing plus with warbands you will have everything you have on mains
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What if they introduced new lore that dracthyrs are still freshly created and yet to mature, so if you want your fem dracthyr can go through a metamorphosis to develop sexual characteristics?
Looks like I won this argument, unfortunate.

Wait warbands are cross-server????
warbands are account wide man.

>he thinks any tanks and healers are playing woke within after all the nerfs into the ground added more stress
>No one
>Absolutely fucking nobody
Unironically obsessed, holy shit.
What no ERP does to a motherfucker
everyone is shitting on that DEI trannyslop and people are saying that even DF is better lmao
>people who actually play the game say its a nothingburger
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can actually confirm, too

uh oh
>posting in the wrong general for attention again
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>retarded fat irishman doesn't miss the opportunity to farm some outrage
color me surprised
Sure, just remove the lipstick
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cute feet
....a score of 78 and a buckbroken playerbase that has to go through a humiliation ritual with a tranny
How does Classic with no content keeps carrying this dead horse?

>they're making fun of us again
>Unexpected side quest with future plotlines.
>Smooth, complex, enjoyable dungeon mechanics.
>Deep, sassy, memorable characters.
>Stunning visuals, jaw-dropping sunsets.
>Brain-bending raid mechanics, sweet loot.

Meanwhile, The Tranny Within:
>Lore holes like Swiss cheese.
>Repetitive, bland, fetch quests.
>Characters are generic cardboard cutouts.
>Outdated graphics.
>Just generally boring.

Dawntrail wins.
Whats Dragonflights Metacritic?
82. lmfao.
russkies can only play classic now, cause they can't but tww
stop responding to it
Guess they don't need it. Is saliva allowed?
is this what asians find attractive?
Wait, how can they buy game time when under sanctions?
>Deigns to not mention the reviews that matter
Uh oh!
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subhuman wokeslop journalists like it more but if you view the actual human being score below then it's no contest

DF is universally reviled
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Uh what? You are posting the jewish critic ratings, not the user ratings.

User Ratings.
Dawntrail: 6.4
Trannyflight: 3.4

WoW lost.
>blizzard game
>what is review bombing
even as a blizzard game it still got rated higher than trannytrail lmao
imagine still having the audacity to shill that woke slop
Wokeslop journalists liked gay centaurs.
The usual cope.
>muh review bomb
cope & seethe melty-kun

modern WoW is an abomination

for sure, the wokeshit is probably most of the reason they gave it a high score, we all know journos don't play more than 5-6 hours tops
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it's way better than trannytrail that's for sure. the online discourse is hilarious
>Still somehow has a higher score than Trannyflight
Man, thats crazy.
>has to cope with random youtube comments now
they're not sending their best!
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it was way lower until metacritic started doing damage control by deleting hundreds of negative reviews
Those are Reddit comments, you ignoramus.
>Pax DEI
Is there no escape from this shit?
it's funny to read posts like these knowing that everyone is shitting on trannytrail, including the japs, and you'd be hard pressed to find someone say something positive about it
i didn't expect 4chan faggots to be this delusional but here we are
>it's funny to read posts like these knowing that everyone is shitting on trannytrail, including the japs,
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>caring about public opinion
are you a female?
the general opinion about dragonflight from people that actually played it is that it's a good expansion
meanwhile trannytrail bombed harder than the nuke in hiroshima
>he browses reddit
you have to go back
here comes the cope
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Good thread guys.
This faggot also upended his whole family from a decent CoL area to go live in LA and work for Blizz and got fired after like 7 months.
When he was crying about it in discord and people were offering sympathy I was just cackling to myself for days.
tranny fantasy bucks got uppity again and had to be put in their place
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nice alliteration
How retarded are argentinians
Yeah that's fine
Her head's a bit small so she's probably some sort of brainlet, but she's pretty for sure
>ignoring 90% of the thread and acting like it's your pwecious safe sapce is putting people in their place? lol
this is nothing new or?
>Cares about gaming journalist reviews
Are you a tranny?
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also Zul'jin did nothing wrong
Baited for this exact reply
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you care about other peoples opinions bruh, its over you lost
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>le narrative designer profile picture
>Posts journo reviews
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sniffing night elf snatch
What is Danuser up to these days? Sucking dick for dollars on the streets of Irvine?
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df getting better journo reviews than trannytrail despite them being useless faggots easily impressed by movie games instead of gameplay, just shows how bad trannytrail is
big L right there, you can't come back from this one
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licking it after
good riddance
>Trannyflight bombed by people who actually play games
Its insane how an overdose on copium makes you value game journo reviews over player reviews.
You need to stop. Youre going to hospitalize yourself.
funniest part is trannytrail being the perfect marketing for war within
absolutely perfect
you vs an obese retarded orc.

the arena is the street outside your house. he can't swim, he's unfit, he's incredibly stupid, but he's always got an innate arcane sense of where you are, he will pursue you nonstop like the terminator, and law enforcement will tell you what he's doing is fine.

does he kill you or do you find a way to kill him?
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user reviews are always the best way to determine how good a game is
need more jaina plaps
legit "review" right there
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not even the forum shills can defend troontrail.
I want a female pandaren to sit on my face. Is that weird?
if he is obese then outrun him
not at all
damn. you know its bad when even the biggest shit eaters can't defend it
yeah but will you wait for user reviews to do anything in life?
do you also read reviews before watching every movie and series? i mean it's just some fuckers opinion and everyone has an opinion. live your life.
niggas always find the longest way to say nothing. see >>486989096 . he makes sure to drive home how many grinds he thinks dragonflight has then ends by saying it had nothing to do, vaguely giving "lack of depth" as a reason these two dozen grinds he made sure to list don't count. it's because he plays 600 hours a week. he isn't a valid source for sane opinions.
life imitates art... just like that wojack meme with him fucking the huge slam pig...
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not when there are schizo like this one
What is the cutest elf in all of warlo?
sanguinar booba
I read a mists of pandaria review (read: nostalgiafagging in yt comments) where the guy thought the pandaren starting zone was the expansion. he only had good things to say.

the spam from that one fag about racial segregation and muh faction divide is the best
need to shove my face there
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>Metzen profusely apologizes for a small background detail change that he did to create one of Warcraft's most iconic and fleshed out races
>writers don't even know what order events go in the story and the response is "just write your own story if you don't like it"
Am I supposed to be sad these people got laid off? Are we paying for a product for our own enjoyment or are we expected to just be paying to subsidize the incoherent playtime of adult children?
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i didn't even load all the reviews. that guy has probably "written" hundreds of them at this point
Yes chuddie people getting laid off is always because theof the evil nazi company, never their own incompetence! I mean we all know literally everyone out there is a wonderful and competent people, no one is stupid and retarded at all!
>Shadowlands content will be “Legacy Loot” at the start of The War Within (Patch 11.0.2)
What does legacy loot do?
time to farm then
you get loot as if you were a whole raid instead your own personal loot chance
makes it so loot doesn't scale with raid size, so you can enter the raid solo and get all the loot instead of praying for a piece to drop
So you get appearances faster, ok
Mogmaxxing continues
what did what he said have to do with "nazis", he only talked about incompetent people lol. Did you have a stroke?
i'm agreeing with him dude, you autistic people really gotta learn how to identify sarcasm
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>1 filtered post
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>1 filtered post
>t. the filtered poster
>Making shit up now
Its too late.... The copium has spread to his brain.
iridescent review
>inb4 cringe
I listen to all sort of those youtubers who talk about netflix/amazon/whatever slop shows and films.
The recurring theme these days, when it comes to the stupidly written out of touch stories, is that the studio specifically hires people who have never seen a bit of the thing and who don't give a shit about it - they come to these people and ask them to write something new.
Wouldn't be surprised if this was the case here as well.
Think she's just drunk and has really wide hips.
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>silly billy can't even make a proper fake link
holy fuck you're retarded
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What's next for Jaina?
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you are so mad lmao
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it's true. now everyone will try war within even if they were reluctant at first simply out of curiosity if anything since the supposedly "story mmo" shat, acked itself and died
adopting an orc child to cope with her barren womb and crippling loneliness
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>xhe deleted it
Is there a list of bows that have their own arrow model?
I can think of Rae'shalare, the kyrian covenant bow and Alleria's bow from the lastest quest
its not like Dracthyr can reproduce so all the smut roleplay the degenerate retards do with them is the same as every futanari troglodyte
This but a dragon egg instead.
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Who cares, go survival you SISSY
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thunderfury bow from the trading post this month
ya this one too
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Holy shit this guy might actually be retarded.
collecting these is a hobby of mine.
off the top of my head,
-mantid sonic gun from archaeology
-thunder bow from tednie post
-water blaster gun from last month
haven't tested the sunflower bow from months back. only auto-shots use these projectiles, skill animations will overwrite them. wish we could get a glyph for rapid fire to shoot normal projectiles so we could show these off.

mb and the mechagon zapper
the crossbow from Sepulcher too but the model is currently bugged
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Ooops, sorry anon
>Unrelated pic
Bruh. You lost.
Its crazy how WoW players talk about FF14 so much.
Do WoW players still have a chip on their shoulder for something that happened 5 years ago?
Its not like this the other way around. Why do you guys talk about FF14 so much on the WoW boards?
say that again without crying
>og players come into the thread and shit up the place
>oh my god why can't you guys stop talking about it
WoW chuds can't get over how OG chads don't ever give them attention
WoW isnt sending their best.
wipe those tears off and try again
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not a bow but coveted carrot carbine from island expeditions shoots carrots
>shoots carrots
trannyfurry ate your tongue?
>no u
kek, melty
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proper melty innit
>WoW player tries to spam FF14 board
>He gets blown the fuck out then ignored
>FF14 player tries to spam WoW board
>Succeeds and kills any conversation

Its wild how the game with 7 million players has such a dead board compared to og
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mfw reading this troonpost
Yeah, bro. Turn your own boards into a shitpile.
That will show those ff14 players who dont even think about you whos boss!
they're here religiously every thread lmao
your cope doesn't work
>He thinks its one person that does it
Delusional. Its honestly wild to think that FF14 players come here occasionally and treats this board like a zoo and throws chips at monkeys
Let me try it
*throws chip at you*
ESL or retarded? they come here to shill troonslop, get shat on, and proceed to cope in an unrelated board
big whoop. a shitty 4chan thread. who cares
meanwhile even normies are shitting on trannytrail
Oh shit! It actually works!
*Throws another chip*
They know theyre getting fucked with but still reply!
Sunday melties on /wowg/ ain't a finer thing.
do 78 spins for me monkey
*throws a chip*
Now hes trying to pretend like hes the one not in the cage
*releases a massive gas cloud in your mouth*
retarded or ESL?
*throws a chip*
Im going to a do a dungeon. Brb like 20 mins or so.
*shits in your mouth*
you're free entertainment
Oh shit! Hes getting mad! Okay, one more chip before I go
*throws 2 chips*
You get an extra because im feeling generous
i thought you started a dungeon, monkey?
glad to see the avatartranny paralympics are in full swing on the MMO general threads
i very rarely post my character iit thoughever
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>avatartranny paralympics
my sides
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the darkest hour before dawn
WoW actually has things to do in the game unlike XIV, so it makes sense the threads would be less active.
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Rate my goblin girl.
Alright. Now Im back
*throws a chip*
>Elden Ring DLC comes out
>Boards were getting filled like crazy and still have an active community
Youre coping
Awww! It thinks its dangerous!
*throws a chip*
You silly rascal!
i just enjoy the wow vs xiv shitposting. it's way more fun than having avatarfags spam their characters in the thread

btw, how did dawntrail manage to make even this griftlord cringe? >https://www.twitch.tv/preachlfw/clip/BenevolentSteamyAlmondFunRun-96lIYZlSviGpMNAl
>dlc comes out
>most threads are about miquella being a gay bottom for radhan
gay shit is weirdly popular on 4chan
Everybody hates Wuk.
trannytrail flopped, that's how
Can Mopmix DKs not use runeforging?
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the ability is in your spellbook and you do not need a runeforge to apply it
norf has been pretty honest when he doesn't like something
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Defense force has ZERO response to this
Ah I see. Ty.
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>this is a woman according to XIV'annies
those fucking SHOULDERS, lmao
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no one cares, we had several expansions of Horde driven plot since Cata, only stopping to do cool shit in Legion
the faction war was gay and stupid, and the horde deserves to be shot in the dicks, collectively, for pushing it forward
I wish femhroths were hot so the furtrannies here would have somewhere else to go
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imagine taking baal seriously lmao
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talk all the shit you want about wows story, it sucks
but how on earth do zeevfags cope with yoshitpiss shoving a literal tranny in as the main character
i think id piss and shit and seethe in the wow general too
holy fuck imagine being betrayed like that
thats like coming home to your wife getting stuffed by a nigger
No one cares about the lore anymore, even the biggest lore "experts" have given up, the only ones left spouting lore are the ones whose paychecks depend on it like the shills on youtube.
WoW lore is dead and its corpse keeps getting excavated and covered with new capes of makeups without disguising the smell of the rotten flesh.
before dawntrail
>"story is all that matters in mmos"
after dawntrail
>"gameplay is what matters the most"
watching them cope these last few weeks was amusing
>i just enjoy the wow vs xiv shitposting. it's way more fun than
No, it's midwit low iq entertainment
that'll be $40 + tip + gender affirming surgery
>story mattering in mmos
imagine believing this
story is the LEAST important part of an MMO
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i did the quest
did you find the hidden side quest where Beef comes out and licks their pozzholes?
It's not that meaningless but yeah, i would say the world building and lore matters more than the story itself
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Porn will keep WoW alive, just like Overwatch.
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BLT bros, it's not looking good

Real talk, I want Ramko to unify /vg/ under the banner of <No Fun Allowed> as the de facto guild for /vg/ once guilds become cross-realm (they're already cross-faction)

>t. Kings Honor Friend former GM

i will be reuniting beef with his bf in 9 minutes, maybe we can arrange something after
>yaas queen slay nothing matters we all just social constructs nothing really exist just do whatever you want fuck the rulez lmao XD
I hate these people so much
Nobody wants to play with you
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you have my spork lol XD
maybe if it's ran by an actual person and not some sperg/schizo/autist/tranny that just wants to be a Discord admin and some type of tripfag/clout chaser with a power fantasy
lol imagine being able to say nigger in the guild chat
>melee already being nerfed before the expac launched
man i can’t fucking take another MLx/caster cleave season man
That's not <BLT>
Join <BLT>
>7 million players
He's correct, but only up to a certain point.
If Person A writes history for thing Y, then Person B comes in after and TOTALLY ASSRAPES THING Y, then they're not staying spiritually true to Person A's history.

There's a difference between being inspired to make a change, and outright raping what was previously laid out because it "feels good" to write something different.

Imagine if the New Testament said that not only is there not a god, but every named individual was a homosexual who raped children, that's the level of "make it your own" we're experiencing with WoW. Just look at the J'lor ffs.
>melee complain about castercleave solo shuffle shit
>casters complain about being trained by duo melee in every single round and cant do shit

which one is it then? You cant have both
do you have any idea who you're replying to? that's koragon. the oldest oldfag to ever grace these threads with his presence. he is trying to unify /vg/ under one banner. a true george washington of our time. show some respect
>unify /vg/
nice joooooooooooooke
be sure to exclude the maker of this terrible op btw
>Koragon with the wind
>oldest oldfag
so a newfag, got it
I'd rather play with deez
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Does anybody know why 95% of WoW streams are focused on PvP and Pve?
I love both, but not in WoW. I think it's extremely boring to do in this game.
I always preferred exploring, learning new stuff, and levelling even though there's like no reward for it.
The problem with respecting the canon lore (or adhering to it if you RP) is twofold

- canon lore gets bent over backwards and repeatedly fucked with by the game devs, authors and whoevers tasked with writing the supplementary material like the Explore X Chronicles. If your character's background heavily involved the events of BFA you need to most likely rewrite parts of that now
- An unhealthy portion of both Moon Guard and Argent Dawn (the biggest RP realms in their respective regions) stopped giving a fuck about canon lore and make up fanfic-tier horseshit server and character lore that not even the retards at Blizzard would vomit onto their JIRA projects or Slack channels. Adherence to canon lore would mean necessitate 90% of Moon Guard's and 65% of Argent Dawn's server pop with their brainrot concepts (including the resident avatarfags of this general), which none of them would ever agree to

tldr respecting the game's debauched lore is an uphill battle at this point and most of those invested in it wouldn't do as that would invalidate their self-inserts
why cant it be both
certain caster cleaves arent a problem but theres no good reason why you can get a lobby on a paladin with double mage lock on fucking mugambala
its a fucking joke
likewise its just as bad to be a hunter or sp on ruins with war/dh/monk/ret
its a design issue, the system isnt supposed to class stack like that, its just a waste of time and everyone involved with the system would rather wait another ten minutes to avoid the situation
plenty of people streaming hc or leveling in classhit
nobody wants to watch taht shit unless you're entertaining or an lolcow
Have you seen female orcs?
not much to explore or learning new stuff in a 20 years old game, anon. pvp and pve have way more replayability and it's fun to watch someone skilled play
I mean the story was so good that in buck broke millions of WoW players to the point they still talk about it 5 years later so....
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>wanting to watch someone do liderally nothing
just watch the youtube videos datamining zones and shit
2021 was 3 years ago, and now people just shit on it
karma's a bitch innit
I just don't think there's much skill in a bop it, twist it, pull it / rock paper scissors - kind of game. It's just boring to watch the same stuff happen every time.
>he is trying to unify /vg/ under one banner.
that's a tall order. harder than unifying germanic tribes against the roman empire
The last good stream was that Korean in low keys
Having double your user score is karma?
Smells like cope in here
Have they nerfed TWW arcane yet? Pretty sure they already nerfed fire
>FF14 wins game awards
>FF14 has a slightly lower reviewer score than DT
Never seen a crowd this desperate for a win in my life.
even at its lowest point, wow had more players than xiv
>wow had more players than xiv
>Thread dead
>OG thread already went through multiple threads when this one came out
So where are they? Dont tell me you actually believed Blizzard when they said 7 mil, did you? Because thats kinda cringe seeing how FF14 has 30 mil.
yea i think that arcane caught a bunch of nerfs
Maybe pugging won't be full of shitters this season
lewd censor
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>awards=best community awards
>slightly lower score
metacritics had to delete hundreds of reviews to keep the score above 6 lmao
won* (past tense), let's see now while the honeymoon period ended
and it's 4 points lower than an expansion you actively mock, so what does that make trannytrail?
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>number of threads on 4chan=popularity
that's not how it works. games like lol and genshin have on average less threads per day than xiv and yet they have 30-40 times the amounf of players
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>29y/o dude
>I RP but I call it "creative writing".
>He makes threads early because he's seething at one line in the OP
>Army vet 2013-2019
>His posts never get deleted
Why are you linking an old page?
You wouldnt be.... *gasp* trying to make things up because you know you have no argument, would you????
Not a good look for you, ac6.
So if everyones deleting scores then why is Dragonflight even lower than Dawntrail ever fell?
I think i found a hole in your logic.
Who cares what you think?
You're not fooling anyone.
Rent free.
thanks for proving my point, retard.

So FF14 fell because of bot posts
Trannyflight is that low because its a genuinely shit game
This is the epik pwn you thought it was little bro....
genuinely, and unironically, why are you STILL defending trannytrail after all that happened?
every blizzard game gets reviewbombed, it's normal at this point. >>487008045
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>want to play fire like all the cool kids
>forced to play arcane because easier to perform
le sad
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Because WoW players always take the bait
nobody is taking the bait, you just make yourself look like a grade A shit slurper
is that what you want me to call you?
>nobody is taking the bait
>Half the thread is FF14 vs WoW
You took the bait
>Sick of retards in LFR
>Decide to apply for a raid guild
>You need to submit a video of you damaging a dummy/your rotation with the application
>Ret paladin
>Get declined because "my auras do not have a keybind"
so you admit that trannytrail is dogshit and you're doing it to troll?
do you really believe that people are seething about xiv here? you could have been right in 2021, but not after dawntrail lmao >>487020238
>He gets blown the fuck out
>then ignored
ironic considering it resulted in this post being made
The more they care about your UI and binds the worse they are.
If you have good logs what you're doing clearly works for you, good guilds understand this.
concession accepted
so where are the posts in xivg of him being "btfo"?
You took the bait, lad.
Its time to wrap it up.
>i was merely pretending to be retarded
every time
>you responded to my post, i win!
ah this meme
I mean if it works it works.
So really the retard here?
I play FF14 and I know DT sucks ass (The battle content is pretty good though)
WoW players are so desperate to feel like they got one over on FF14 it makes them act retarded.
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Which one is my arcane mage?
neither one is really screaming arcane mage to me
>WoW players are so desperate to feel like they got one over on FF14 it makes them act retarded.
actual projection considering youre the one who came to this thread and started shilling an off topic game
I literally said I was trolling you.
>WoW players are so desperate to feel like they got one over on FF14 it makes them act retarded.
Will never not be relevant.
cute dog
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Coming from /v/ with an interesting topic that was brought up, I was wondering your thoughts on it:
Over the thousands of hours people have spent playing while the OST is playing in the background, they think that there has been practically zero memorable songs from the past 10 years of WoW's soundtrack.

You can go back to MoP which had Jaina's theme, which was great but it was 12 years ago and they've remixed it like five times. I don't remember anything special from Cata, Wrath has Invincible and a few others, TBC has... uh, and then Vanilla has quite a few memorable songs (mostly city themes -- which frankly may just be memorable because we've heard from several hundred times).

Even the new expansion's login theme is just forgettable orchestra slop remixed with the classic login theme.

They have an entire team working on the OST, why is it all so forgettable?
Since it looks like people are apparently bringing up the other game in this thread anyway, I'd like to also mention that the new songs from there have 400k+ views (each) in 5 days. One of them is literally about a bee.
The fluff is that he's a nerd from Dalaran who got killed during the events of WC3, he's a forsaken lich now
>coming from /v/
go away
>its a prank bro
whats the troll exactly?

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Zinal Zantasy Troonteen only got popular for a while because Asmongold played it.
Asmongold didn't like it so he did not keep playing it. Now Zinal Zantasy Troonteen is dead.
FF has historically had amazing music and in the last decade the music is probably the only redeeming factor of any modern FF. Idk what you're on about desu
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Huh I'm talking about WoW's music, I know FF's is considered good
I'm asking why WoW's is seemingly so painfully forgettable now

>brings up a nearly 4 year old video
>barely beats the 5 day old ones in view count
I was comparing "new" soundtracks, anon

sorry I overwrote
tl;dr: Why WoW's music so forgettable, nobody remembers any boss or ambient themes from the past decade
i regret not playing Shadowlands
it looks really cool and the most inspired out of the latest expansions

this sounds like ass
I don't know why people repost this cringe shit. PFP is literally slop and he's flaunting his low attention span
true, xister. xiv has memorable songs
kek what the fuck is this trash. these troons pay for this dogshit?
that's something straight out of a low budget disney musical
>listened to the entire song, wrote a comment describing his thoughts on it, entered the Captcha, and submitted the post within 43 seconds
i clicked on it and clicked somewhere in the middle. that's all it took to realize what it is lmao
gayest shit i've ever heard in my entire life i feel sick.

have some real soundtrack as a palate cleanser
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>gonna hit 50 on my turtie hc character today or tomorrow
>not gonna have time to play it again between TWW prepatch and PoE next week
>server gonna get deleted by blizzard before I can come back to hit 60
it's over
>Why WoW's music so forgettable, nobody remembers any boss Japan always goes hard on OST's, this isn't anything new. Lots of famous and well known Japanese composers. But you're crazy if you think everyone doesn't have Classic songs engraved into their minds.

Also, XIV is always making actual songs, whereas WoW seems to just have more actual BGM/Ambient music.

Nah homie, we're all listening to the Bee song, not the credits song.

Genuinely gets really good.
kill yourself, tranny
>But you're crazy if you think everyone doesn't have Classic songs engraved into their minds.
Yeah I mentioned that a little, Classic's OST is by far the most memorable. But again I'm honestly not too sure how much of that is because they're actually good tracks, or if it's nostalgia, or from listening to the same songs for 20 years

I just wish WoW would try something with their soundtrack now and then, they're like the Marvel of videogame music. It's always there, it's fine, but fuck if you can remember any of it later on.
na man voss is pretty cool
Why wouldn't they be in an alliance city if they are for both factions? Is this guy LITERALLY retarded? That's like complaining about panfas showing up in orgrimmar while also being an alliance race
because wow can't add garbage like >>487034058
it simply doesn't fit. it's not the game for it.
I think combat music is really jarring and annoying so I'm glad WoW doesn't do it.
The ambient music is always great and it's my favorite part of every xpac.
You are also a retard who reads a tweet from a retarded nigger and doesn't even have the ability to question it
the guy roleplays a half-Zandalari half-Elf warlock
I wouldnt put much stock in what he says anywhere
The fuck is this tranny shit, god I'm glad I quit in EW.
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>anime music
>it simply doesn't fit
Then why are the exceptions the most memorable? Sylvanas' song, Jaina's theme, Invincible...
The songs that try to elevate the OST from forgettable background music.
I wish they'd go back to actually ambient tracks and not this overblown not-actual-but-sampled orchestra.
FFXIV has always had occasional silly music, going back to ARR.

>doesnt even know why
we can hide pants next week right?
don't you get tired of shitposting about your visual novel all day? i know there is nothing to do in that game, but do something else pls
>Keeps responding to troll comments
>Doesnt get it
This is your brain on WoW addons.
if its not avatartrannies having meltie contests its xiv cultists

whats the endgame here
That sounds like a parody on Nightmare before Christmas intro music.
It's not that it's joke, it's that it sounds like shit.
>shitposting about your visual novel all day
Anon you nigger, I'm talking about WoW's OST, stop bringing up the other game
I didn't even mention it in that post, hell I haven't played it in 2-3 years. I used it as a point of reference initially.
im actually the one trolling so my posts are vindicated.
>dragonflying in first person is almost like cheating
I heat to burst your bubble but the "orchestras" were always a marketing facade. The music has always been sequenced shit made with samples in a DAW.
must be some sort of npc programming, i can't see how a straight man could unironically enjoy listening to that. they'd have to make sure nobody finds out otherwise they'd become a laughing stock
your "first" post was a comparison between wow and xiv, faggot
Anon you illiterate disingenuous fuck, I literally said that

>I used it as a point of reference initially.
But why, it's not like the races are hard?
Did some in TWW and got gold on advanced courses without really trying.
My superpower is being able to login, look at a night elf female, and cum instantly
challenge mode is a lot harder
>they'd have to make sure nobody finds out otherwise they'd become a laughing stock
Anon... That's literally ALL video game music. All of it is embarrassing.

>"Yeah I listen to music from the video game 'Skyrim'."
>ew go away dweeb, lmao
No matter how normie, or how popular.
i'm not gonna give (You)s anymore, monkey. people have already given you too much attention
>Anon... That's literally ALL video game music. All of it is embarrassing.
video games have been normalfag shit for 20 years, it's not like when nerds would listen to ocremix mp3s on their ipods in 2002
skyrim music is goated though. secunda is still a treat to listen to
you're just coping. maybe just accept the logical fact that different people have different tastes, especially when it comes to music
i like the fantasy, orchestral, ambiental music more in my fantasy games.
imagine hearing rock or something in skyrim. it just doesn't fit. and that applies to wow too.
end of
I'm not gonna go out of my way to defend blizzard, but Russel Brower had his goodbye post back during WoD (I think?) that they're no longer employing any orchestra as well as himself.

That said, I remember enjoying some WoD tracks very much, because you could hear some imperfections in the performance when the flutes or some string instruments play.
Just a quick example here https://youtu.be/TaPsYKG5jmk?si=JcI6myoT4nR7qMjn&t=64
They might have sampled it like that, but then it means they just took better care back then.
Nowadays you can feel the synthetic shit.
Glad they swapped the menu music on beta, Troonflight theme made me gag.
>Eww anon is listening to orchestra
>Wait... What's it called? It's from a GAME??
Those imaginary girls are all cringing really hard right now, anon!
Guess that's not on beta yet.
thanks for the attention
challenge and reverse challenge are pain
Oblivion music shits on Skyrim music btw.
The MMO genre is dead
Should we forfeit /wowg/ to World of Warships General?
It was 7.3, that's when they fired him
>new songs from there have 400k+ views (each) in 5 days
Gee I wonder why
>spam all forums and trooncords with youtube links
>people want to see what this BESTEST MUSIC EVARRR is all about
>they hit play
>they shit and piss and puke out of their ears
>+1 watched though
I hadn't realized the shared acronym. I wonder if it was intentional, leeching off the term "wow"
How do the playercounts compare?
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found your comment on the video

haha, us STRAIGHT men would never listen to that kind of music.. r-right straight bros?
>muh edler scolls buzig
ugh, grow up
why does wow cause so much seethe?
it's a common opinion so it's not surprising
It unironically broke a lot of peoples minds and theyre still mad over it.
What class should I level for TWW?
I am too retarded and lazy to play anything difficult. I dont want to spin plates
Why dont they just placate tankchads and healergods?
you can't cure autism
Because they think if they quit, the game won't exist without them, but then they see it's releasing its twelfth or something expansion and is far from dead - that is what causes the seethe.
>assblasted that a game simply exists
tragic fate
Yes, it's not like that is a thing here in this general. Definitely not.
We are free from such a fate.
i dont think anyone here obsessively stalks the threads of other games like a bitter ex
>POV: you are jaina's favourite orc
mad about what?
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it's me actually
Jaina fucks tauren though
Why are Americans like this bros?
The new raid is really good and while the writing is kinda ass, its still better than what Blizzard produced the last decade
As soon as the raid dropped the doomers stopped crying really fast because its good. Now the hatdcore casuals complain about DT being too difficult XIV players are the most whiny community
what brings so many of you in here to do damage control for a separate game? i don't get it
Full pic?
to heckin own the seething wow troons sis!
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Its literally the worst song in the game and the only one i cant stand (and what angel wakes me)
>1 filtered post
Because i like both?
(Yeah i have no life)
>(and what angel wakes me)
What the fuck anon
I bet you hate Beauty's Wicked Wiles too. Can't ever like any fun songs sung by cute girls, huh? Because that would be le gay.
my condolences
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is Shaman the most canon class for Vulps?
orc, furnigger
shama and rogue, i'm also tempted to make a tank because of their racial
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what are shamans anyway? They're able to talk to the "elements" but elements seem to be people, not some mystical entities anumore. They also speak with dead spirits somehow (priests)... and turn others intro frogs (druidism).

Just separate the "class" into elementalist with earth as tank spec, fire as ranged DPS, wind as melee DPS and water as heal.

Then do a witch doctor/spirit caller class. Give them the balance class too as it doesn't fit druids either.
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when a xivbuck gets too cocky just show them this
it's not a bug, it's a feature
shaman was a catchall for several orc tauren troll archetypes and has since been expanded to many races with no art updates. balance druid is a balance of druidic nature magic + elune lunar magic.
Yeah and they should delete engineering and make a tinker class.
What other retarded ideas do you have?
they should delete cooking and make a fire based magic class which can conjure food. also they should delete alchemy and make room for a class where you create and drink brews.
I'm not a furry but this is one of the best icons imo
how about potion bombs
I really don't give a flying fuck about FFXIVs shitty jrock OST, nothing in that game gives me feels like these
>remix cuck characters are still stuck in remix even after the pre patch
cuck caged
>anon who can't read shit doesn't know what is going on
is there any other way to test your new talent tree than with 126% of every stat and capped mastery
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why is tww so KINO
Where is pic from?
art from tww collector's edition
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how do you not know what a shaman is
>but elements seem to be people
elements are fire,water,earth,air, and shamans are able to manipulate them
didn't shamans originally just speak to the elemental spirits?

also can't literally EVERYONE see and talk to spirits? you see ghosts all the time, it's common as fuck
well, he's retarded and european, so he probably just doesn't know
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thanks blizzard this is very helpful
insane how cucked that game is because of the latency lmao
god i wish i were my dracthyr
god i wish i were my human
>Throw a potion bomb which splashes up to 5 allies caught in the blast with a potion that increases healing received by 5-10% (based on crafting quality) for 12 sec.
wow it's fucking nothing
also the bombs in DF couldn't be used in m+ so they were completely pointless
>also can't literally EVERYONE see and talk to spirits? you see ghosts all the time, it's common as fuck
no not everyone can see them... if you can see them that makes you a medium
god i wish i had a nelf gf
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Post your nelf characters
god i wish you were your dracthyr
i wish you were your human
just a lil bit of fantasy and power boost anon, they're obviously not meant to be game changing
There's no tranny character in og anon. WoW on the other hand...
Got my shaman to 70 in the mop remix. Some people have grinded an insane amount and their stats are astronomical. Don't even see the point as the content is mind-numbingly trivial.
the player and the furry
now yes cause people are insanely op. still many find fun steamrolling content
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Today I will remind them.
what's the point of running damage control in an unrelated general when the normie opinion out there is that it flopped
weird way to spend your time
imagine caring about memecritic when the lowest scores complain about blizzard being racism for the existence of factions and race wars
it's the only cope he has after seeing that every public forum is on fire
Another thing about MOP is how detailed and ornamental everything is, really stark compared to SL/DF/TWW where everything is clay and forgettable..
I just hope we have a smooth pre-patch
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I'm going to miss afflicted but only when I play my monk.
Why are mopbabs so annoying?
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I unironically think the reason this thread has been spammed so much with off-topic, dooming, schizoing, XIV shit and so forth is because he didn't get to make the OP. So he is accelerating the thread quickly to 750 so that he can make it. I genuinely believe this.
>inb4 meds
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>extra cringy
>racist af
>racial segregation
>Yikes. It's 2024
>How about not
nah it's 1 or 2 faggots at best that think it's still 2021
except that the roles have reversed
well the people that dislike baker are all avatroons from mg
clearly you're a newfag too because the zeevy is an unrelated party
hes(zeevy) been doing this for years at this point
so ya, meds
Is SoD worth getting into?
>Outs himself instantaneously
Lmfao too fucking easy.
Hi retard please notice I mentioned off-topic, dooming, schizoing as well as XIV stuff. Meaning I'm not just talking about the XIV spammer. Huff paint, kthx.
>le avatroon xD
WoW needs an engineer class like GW2. Gnomish/Goblin turrets, rocket launchers, mines, grenades, that type of shit. Would be pretty neat.
didnt even take 10 minutes for you to be proven right
meltdown incoming
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yeah it's what we would call a tinker since engineering is already a profesion
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baker is the new schizo/howlah confirmed
what a based lad to make these faggots piss and shit their fucking pants
keep on keepin' on me boy
shitting on trannytrail is common though. everyone does it. even their biggest shills are shitting on it so after acting smug for so long they're getting what they fucking deserve
gaslighting won't help here
frost dk bros how we doing are we going back to shart of sindragosa?
Elementalist and Thief would be cool too.
A Druid that could do more stuff outside of animal forms would also be sweet.
I'm coming to the realization I want all the GW2 classes in WoW Classic.
..rogue and ele shaman?
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>Gnomish/Goblin turrets, rocket launchers, mines, grenades, that type of shit.
and canons
im on TWW beta and my chain heal hits for like 10% health.
they buffed single target heals so try those instead
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you are rolling adventurer right
>whats the endgame here
finally leaving this place. They say you’re here forever, but we all know that it isn’t true. People can and do actually stop coming here permanently. It’s one of the reasons why the threads have been so bad for so long: good posters genuinely leaving
Is SoD worth getting into?
if you like classic sure
If you look at the previous thread, it was dead near the end. Then this new one gets made and it immediately starts getting spammed.
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How curiously transparent.
who tf are you trying to gaslight?
It's even more transparent if you go look at zivg threads just after floptrail launched.
There were plenty with the same linkspam format and his gay little "reminder to report shitposts as pff topic!" At the top of the thread. (Shitposting being defined as any post that made fun of the dogshit tranny OC main character)
Little dude heard the word "gaslight" and thinks it applies to everything
Are you sure you're old enough to post here? I mean really, really sure?
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where is gaslight in my post.
its not.
you're a dumb nigger.
this general legit has shart enix marketers though. and more often than not there's a 1:1 relationship between the doomertrooner and the marketer.
and it's so formulaic at this point that it's comical
>doomer starts making vague doomposts on how the game is dead
>some anon shits on trannytrail
>instant damage control ensues
without mistake. so yes, you are trying to gaslight here. the only difference is that now they're on the retreat because the public opinion is too stacked against them
Well well well
Would you look at that....
>maye defense force has to blame bread maker
egotistical avatar faggotry truly ruined wowegee
In my opinion """reminding""" to report is the same as announcing it. Which is against the rules.
sounds like DF
It gets even better if you replace shitposters with shitposting
Literally caught red handed
>trying to blame og
Is that unironically what you're going for right now? I guess that would explain your bizarre og spam instead of your usual melties over avatarfags.
>report and ignore signature use
>uses the same line, every time, like a signature so you know it's him
A real headscratcher this one
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it may be relevant?
Has this game always had light coming out of windows like that?
Definitely as relevant as the hideous mountain of useless, pointless links. Those matter a lot. I gotta check out this devcast and spreadsheet!
Reminder that the 2021 ziv trannies openly admitted their goal was to get wowg autosaged and perma deleted
Remember that
>op isn't filled with links
Nah. I'm going with >>487057332
This reeks of schizo-kun trying to blame the ziv troons.
not that visible. i remember the windows in ulduar being similar to a lesser extent
NTA but even if those OPs don't have a hundred links doesn't mean it's not the same person. It's the same line and formatting.

In any case it's still just as annoying and cringe.
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Bros I got the memeflu it's over for me. This fever is killing me.
>fail at being men
>fail at being women
>fail at getting wowg banned from the catalog
>play a failure of an expansion
they quite LITERALLY cannot stop losing
To be fair ziv has no content so they wouldn't need as many links
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>it was real in my mind
>this general legit has shart enix marketers though
Bro you are an actual schizo if you unironically believe this.
i'll probably make a damage dealer adventurer
Would it be faster to get my 60 DK to cap or to make a Mopmix DK?
we know there are 1-2 "wowfugees" here all the time
and we know they're behind all the vague doomposting/final shart shilling
and we also know that as soon as anons start shitting on trannytrail, doomposting immediately stops, and instant damage control ensues
notice how the thread started with doomposting and as soon as someone started shitting on trannytrail, there hasnt been a doompost since
what are we thinking about this, lore bros

AYO WOW Gzzzzzzzzzz
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was he wrong though?
this just proves they are eternally seething ex wow players lmao
nothing will ever be like sc2g, that was something else
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can they really call themselves "ex" when they orbit everything wow
Yeah it's just shitposters. Not actual paid marketers.
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I dunno bros it seems like he was right....
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If the links are so important, why not put them all in a single pastebin file and link that instead?
Post full. And it's because then nobody will see the spam and that's what matters most to the retard.
nah they're marketers alright, just that they're doing it for free
thing is that like other anon said is that the public opinion is too much against them this time to work
i miss when asmongold was just a youtuber
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WoW was never "Just a game"
You were "just a child"
Why are nostalgiafags like this?
bitter manchildren desperately looking for a way to pretend they're children again
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>I will NEVER EVER fuck a cute night elf irl
The realization is soul-crushing.
you're just mad because he's right
Right about what huh?
i can kill monsters, get loot, and complete quests.
looks like a game to me.
Talk about WoW
Yeah but I get embarrassed on stream when I die to easy mechanics so it's not a game any more sorry

he's just watching someone elses video you retard
We hyped for prepatch
i'm patched for the prehype
not early
Just in time
patch I'm for hyped the
We should be in solidarity with xivg since we're being fucked by a different hand of the same puppet master.
the patch? i'm hyped for!

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