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Joja Edition
Share farms, mods and such. Keep it Clean
Previous: >>485194137
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They're multiplying...
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Nice to know I'm not alone
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I see you too, brother.
What's his stand?
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What is the plural of Jas?
You add an extra ! at the end for each Jas. So for that image it'd be: Jas!!!!!!
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Good thread.
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Nothing new happening for now. We got a few days ago, some news from Shino and how they're working in Ashley mod and how they will more content and "content" to her, Resette and Mado. In Nexus, there's the usual random daily mods uploaded and one spacecore update. Aside that, nothing new.
Wasn't there drama about spacecore not being updated due to identity meltdown or something?
No, Spacecore is fine and just got an update with a bunch of extremely nice modder-only features.
I think the drama was related to the spacecore modder and something he did somewhere else. I don't remember
Modding should be open source, too often it's solely in the hand of those who are just one bad day away from a total meltie that makes them delete everything.
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Like how happened to Weather wonders. He's back now tho. Then again wait for this is stupid as well because some of this modders are annoying selfish idiots who think they're the last coke in the desert. Just take their mod and change it unoficially. Even if can't be posted in Nexus, it can be posted somewhere else.
Is it the end of this general for good(or until the next update in 10 years)?
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It's weekend. There's nothing new to talk about and people might be right now playing games or something else. Things aren't this slow always and yesterday the thread in /v/ was pretty active.
that's fine but at the end of the day the thread was in page 10 when I made that post
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Plenty of times it happen. As long as I'm around I won't let the thread die. You can post too as well if you have a topic or talk about a mod.
I see absolutely zero reason to keep it going, all the discussion and OC is on /v/ anyway. The only argument to prolong this general's existence is that it has somehow avoided the usual /vg/ rot, probably because we're all /v/ fags anyway instead of board natives.
It's a good thing this isn't upto you. Also many other generals do the same. You don't like it? Close the tab.
>I see absolutely zero reason to keep it going
where else will i release the npc mod that i started earlier this year and tell myself i will surely finish even though i haven't touched it since april
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>the npc mod that i started
Post screenshots
>absolutely zero reason to keep it going
There is that anon doing those super sexy npc mods so we'll be alive until they're done in a year or two
Ah yes, he's taking a break from it. I hope he come back soon. I need that Haley in my game
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Or he could post them in the /v/ threads where people will actually see them, the general users included.
Yeah I don't want him to end up burnt out from titty overload.
Does /v/ not just delete the stardew threads now?
We just had a thread that archived naturally at 415 posts.
It depend if the biased janny is around or not
Only the ones made by the goblinism devs.
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>Carolchads are so incredibly powerful they even secretly rule Stardew threads from the shadows
if I'm gifting stardrop tea on someone's bday I can stack that with another gift, right? and if so, does the order matter?
iirc order doesn't matter because the tea doesn't count against the limit
Note that it "only" has 3x effectiveness on their birthday instead of the usual 8x
Do you know where else can I get that special tea aside the ticket machine?
I've never received it from another source.
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I don't have the desert unlocked yet. I thought maybe the desert festival or Mr Qi
Raccoon quests and fishing mastery chests from what I rember, pretty late-game stuff
Useful for characters like Leo or SVE Lance, I guess
When do you usually get burnt out? For me it starts around mid winter year 1 and then it gets really hard to keep playing by fall year 2.
Somewhere around the middle of year 2, because that's when the wine operation is fully online and no further unlocks feel as impactful
It's also when I start to get into the late game content of SVE and all of that is just so... mediocre
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Immediately. After 400 hours I don't even like the game anymore, all mechanics directly related to the farm are insanely tedious to me and I wish none of it existed. I only play the game exclusively as a pseudo-dating sim now.
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So far no yet. I play a little every day or two and I'm not tired yet. Slow progress because I play slow and comfy
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>Post screenshots
i've got the portraits, sprites, dialogue, schedule, and home location done
i'll do the events eventually, i swear, and some day it'll be done but not today lmao
Are you for real? This seem interesting. I hope you finish it soon. And remember if you feel like you can't continue it, you can share all you made here in case someone want and can finish the mod. We have talented modders here.
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Slow Comfy map so far
>No one has ever made a better Stardew game
Its wild to me that after all these years and all these sales absolutely no one has even attempted to copy it properly. Especially the lack of any coop which is the most important part.
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That's because none of this people think the same way Ape do. He's a 4chan user, anime enjoyer and a HM fan. What are the others? The AAA devs only think in the money and they're restricted by their overlords. And the indie ones? Most of them have an agenda. They want to force the woke content or the "mah representation" to the point they become the same people they hate and want to fight. None have the same passion. Most of them never played a HM game either.
>They want to force the woke content
Not every indie dev is a tranny.
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That's why I said "most of them" . Also do you know a farming game without woke or biased content? Post it. Hint, if you can't be a white character, they're surely biased.
I've tried like half a dozen clones and none of them scratched the itches stardew does; the only one that's come close is sun haven, but that just doesn't FEEL as comfy as stardew, and its NPCs are a lot shittier. I disagree that the coop is the most important part, as that's an extremely recent addition compared to the overall lifespan of the game, but I would still say that it's a necessary feature if a game wants to "outdo" stardew valley.
This is correct. Ape really is just a special dude in the sea of indieslop; he's a bit like Notch with the whole "make games for fun that I would enjoy playing myself" attitude, but with less mid-2010s culture warrior spaghetti.
I would like a Chinese knock off where you farm asian vegetables and live in some kind of rural ancient china. Instead of a mayor you have the emperor.
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>ancient china
Very niche. It's the same as how in korea is popular the Murin and what not. But western don't get it and don't care about it.
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Huh I can't find Morgan or Ashley in the flower dance event. No even Constanze. Something changed.
I wish I was as passionate and devoted as Ape. I lose interest in my projects after just 3 days of work.
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A bit difficult to explain, but here we go: 1.6 introduced a new thing to let modders have unique placements for both odd year festival layouts and the new even year festival layouts. The one problem with this feature? Once you have one, just ONE mod using it in your mod list, all custom NPCs not using this feature will disappear from festivals on even years. And the modding community has agreed to use it starting with big mods like SVE and Ridgeside. Since none of the anon mods NPCs use it yet, they won't be present.
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>all custom NPCs not using this feature will disappear from festivals on even years
Like....one year yes and one year no? No biggie at the very end. Tho MorganAnon and Shino made sprites for the dance and maybe they don't know about this.
Yes, they will show up on Y1 and Y3, but not Y2 and Y4 and so on.
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Images you can listen
How is it? You can hear?
>Latest run
>Get a seed in the middle of spring
>Get another in summer
>Then 5 cabbage after that
>Another seed right before the start of Fall
I don't know what it is with this seed, but I usually have to go for skull caverns to get it.
Yes. "Images you can hear." would be the proper way to write it.
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Got it. And it's true, english is my second language.
Near-fluent ESL here, I can only wonder what absolutely horrendous posts I unleashed around the site over a decade ago. Thank God the ESL term didn't exist back then.
>Note that it "only" has 3x effectiveness on their birthday instead of the usual 8x

but still for a higher total points than something else would give, right? plus I don't yet have access to any Loved gifts for this character (Kent) anyway, so that's mainly why I was gonna burn one of my two teas on this. but I was thinking I'd toss in a Liked item along with it
Yeah, it's worth a full heart each so it's three hearts on their birthday, I just mentioned it to make sure you weren't expecting to shoot up eight hearts from one gift
I'm on my first full run but I also stopped playing as much midway through Winter in Year 1. I took like 8 days off after playing nearly every day in a row before that. I got back into it now, but I'd forgotten Strawberries were from the Egg Festival and not Pierre's like the other berries, so that fucking blows. The season will be half over before I can even get them. I'm just starting to set up Quality Sprinklers after hand-watering stuff previously. I'm also gonna be using more Fertilizer after mostly ignoring it before. Hoping to wrap up the community bundles partway through Year 2 and get the Greenhouse. I still need some animal stuff, Apples, Rabbit Foot, and most of the Quality Crops (god what a miserable bundle).
It definitely existed since before 10 years ago. I remember being a kid in the 90’s and there were special ESL classes in grade school
ah okay, eight hearts would be crazy. thanks for the info.
Internet denizens didn't take to calling people ESL as an insult back then, I think he meant, perhaps because SEA users weren't as common
I remember lurking for at least a year before I even posted because I was so afraid of my english being piss poor
I suppose it did help a lot to already have the bundles completed by the middle of Winter Y1 so that I could move on to unlocking Ginger Island instead of simply farming the mines
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Maybe it's simply perfect? Any copy can only be worse.
Legit might just be a matter of passion, Ape was motivated to make Stardew because Harvest Moon/SoS had been phoning it in for years
Even after Stardew hit the big time, SoS and Rune Factory haven't made any titles to surpass their best classics and the coattail-riders keep leaving the job half done, like when Squeenix made Harvestella and then decided the whole courtship mechanic didn't need to exist
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The farming minigame in Yakuza Ishin! gives you part of that vibe. Just you, your new daughter-wife, and a little house to live in while you adopt animals and farm your way away.
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>small mods uploaded
>shoplift mods because why not
>more FS mods
People sure love clothing in this game. Well, the day just started
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what's wrong with this guy he should just have stopped updating this game so he can work on the haunted chocolatier in peace
He's a good boy that wants to leave things in as good a state as he can.
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He love the game and have passion for it unlike most game devs who only care for the money
He forgot to capitalize the "i"
has this general always been here?
It's been here since 1.6 dropped with anons keeping it alive, it used to exist in the past when it was the hot new shit but fell off over time and no one bothered to keep it alive before
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Yes, you can come here if you want to share info or ask about the game if there isn't a thread in /v/
Jolly good. Well, I got ginger island and stuff now and begin forging. Just beginning doing Qi's challenges but don't think I'll make it in time. Just looking for more iridium ores.

When is the next update?
Well, based on this post here that anon brought >>487138308, nobody flippin' knows
We're waiting on a bug fix update to resolve a small number of issues, including a big one to fix the farmer's sprites in cutscenes, and console versions still don't have even the base 1.6
And it sounds like even Ape has no idea when those will be ready if he doesn't have "any meaningful news" to share
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Holy SOVL...
>Only a good pc can play it
>Impossible to port to consoles and mobile
>Unable to mod it
The perfect incel-bait.
Do you know that don't apply to Clint? He have a proper profesion. He interact with clients and the people in the valley. He go to the bar as well and he even have knowledge and a permit in handling explosives? Clint is not an incel. He's just extremely ackward and sometimes cringe. But he didn't do anything illegal or evil. Many people just love to make fun of weak people like him
He wants Emily but even with a wingman he can't get her in a thousand years.
Incels by definition want some puss but can't get it.
I like Clint, but he is an incel.
those first two points are sovl-positive though
hey anon, what does "incel" stand for
here's a hint: it's a portmanteau of two words
it means intracelular!
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https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/26228 Interesting mod for marriageable npc characters
>Interesting mod for marriageable npc characters
You're contradicting yourself.
I don't get it
Oh man this is pretty cool, being able to create and customize your own paintings is something I never even thought about.
it stands for (cl)in(t)cel
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Why this sound like sarcasm?
Because you are AUTISTIC anon I'm sorry you had to find out this way but it's okay I still love you.
It'd be cool if Ape added some kind of sub skill tree for artistic things like playing music or painting. We could at least get a camera to take photos in certain locations for a unique painting to hang on the walls.
Oh wow, this is just sooo cool. Creating and customizing your own paintings? Gosh, I never even thought anyone could have thought of something so groundbreaking.
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Why are you having an orgasm?
one of the features I'd like is music discs like in minecraft. Mostly because I just wanna hear more concernape music.
Your jukebox, bro? There's a ton of songs you almost never hear in-game anyway, like the cool Wumbus song.
More music from CA would be great, maybe changing the music between year 1 2 and 3 before looping back to year 1 could be possible.
>There's a ton of songs you almost never hear in-game
Oh I never knew that. I don't just mean rare music though. Song specifically made for the jukebox of different genres would be cool. (Unless that's how it already is.)
>I just wanna hear more concernape music.

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It's actually insane how much SVE has cucked the modding community when you think of it. For one, modders may not use any of the vast spaces in the vanilla areas like the forest because SVE uses ALL of it for dumb, retarded, cretinous edits. And not making your mod SVE compatible might as well be a death sentence for its popularity.
ape was the original bill wurtz?
I only like SVE because it made people like morris and gunther actually apart of the town. Other than that I think it's just bloat so I avoid it.
newfag here
>look up sve
>adds hot witch
>can't marry her
shit mod thanks for the warning
Can you date/marry Lavril with Polyamor mod now Lavril adoption doesn't work anymore? Or free Love do that? Or none works in her at all?
Pretty sure there's a mod to marry morgan.
I vill NOT download ze mods which add new characters and locations
SVE is absolute shit. Insane how popular it still is.
>can't marry her
That's supposed to change in the next big update.
I was gonna make a character mod but then I realized that there really aren't any niches to fill for characters.
Explain yourself
I mean that the cast of characters is already fairly diverse. It's hard to make a new character that doesn't share quite a few traits with another already existing one.
If you just want to fill imaginary niches instead of creating the character (You)'d like to see then it probably wasn't going to be very good, anon.
I highly doubt that. Vanilla characters are bland unless you help with a mod. In other big expansions half the characters in it are abandoned. Even if that's true, you could make a character from other series to join the valley. Depend of the character it can be more popular than some npc out there.
Can probably lean harder into character archetypes for a custom character considering most vanilla ones are more stable or "realistic"
Just don't step on the heels of the ones known for actually having a characterization like Haley and Shane and you're good
You'd also be top tier if you managed to make them still interesting after maxing out their heart points, though I wouldn't know how to do that myself
It means terrorist, anon.
Yeah, there are already loads of people. It doesn't need more.
>there are already loads of people
That's only depending of the player mod list. Then again he can always make a mod what can improve an existing character. Plenty of abandoned characters out there.
Mod to turn the mermaid show into a brothel boat?
There's a mod already what add a brother in the valley. Lot of s*x items too and what not.
Does he fight you for Grandpa's inheritance?
Oops, that's a typo.
SVE added Andy and I really like him, we need more bitter old men in this game who slowly warm up to you
Ezekiel from Ridgeside is that but he warms up to the farmer way too unnaturally fast. As soon as you hit 4 hearts he's basically a completely different person.
Bad writing? At least he doesn't seem abandoned as Trinnie and the other kids or eldery.
Honestly I feel bad saying this since no matter how shitty I don't really like putting down other people's creative endeavors but I genuinely cannot bring myself to download Ridgeside
The NPCs look so mediocre and unappealing I just don't want to go through the effort of interacting with them.
Is it worth even trying out
Stay the fuck away from it. Out of the expansion mods it's easily the worst.
>real world nationalities hamfisted in, including hawaiian, italian, mexican and japanese families (probably more too)
>metric tons of faggotry SVE could only dream of, such as Sean, the FtM tranny who was voted by the RSV community into a full marriageable character and Jeriq, a zesty nigga who flirts with you in literally every single dialogue of his
>the entire mountain ninja shit which feels like it belongs to a completely different mod altogether, not to mention the lesbian mountain goddesses
>miscellaneous retarded additions to vanilla lore such as Lewis having a lesbian sister who's the mayor of Ridgeside and your grandma being a stronk powerful epic adventurer
sounds very tumblrcore
Andy was plenty friendly to you from the start, though, only person he was ever flat-out angry with was Lewis
Dude even gives us some free strawberry seeds as a welcoming gift
Man that is weird, I really don't mind the inclusivity stuff since it almost always comes off as pathetic "Look at me aren't I amazing!" brownie point begging from the mod author. But the whole mod being just a bunch of in your face race and gender stuff seems like it'd be even less fun.
SVE That pink haired chick is annoying enough crying about her mental health issues I couldn't imagine a whole town like that lmao.
Yeah true I know Andy wasn't ever mean to you but I always got the impression he didn't think highly of you and expected you to just leave. Maybe I'm mostly thinking about his last dialog when he tells you how he felt about you and how he current feels about it.
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This is all true. But I use the mod anyways for the 30% of the good content in it. All normal and dateable girls are cute. The bantering between the eldery is funny ( prob because it was made way in the very beginning when the mod wasn't infected by the woke yet ) and ofc the characters I wish they could be saved one day in the future.
I wish I could date TWO Emilys at once.
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I got just the thing for you.
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I feel like playing again. I played once with no mods. Should I grab any?
My beautiful wives!
>I like Clint
Open your shop later you fat fucking fuck.
would clint call himself an incel
Thankfully there's no such lingo in this game, so the question is meaningless.
No. Vanilla is best.
Worst cast I can put in something when I get to the island right? That's when I quit last time.
but would he
someone once said.. people love Shane because his story is relatable but hopeful. People hate Clint because his story is relatable and hopeless.
They only have that difference because the game contains events to improve Shane's life and not Clint's, though
If Clint had won the bachelor vote he probably would have been written to grow out of his shell and become more outgoing, and if Shane didn't have his events to face his depression he would probably have killed himself
That's the thing, clint could never win the bachelor vote. Why? Because of who he is.
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Clint is a better man than Shane. He's strong, have a proper job and profession. He doesn't drink until pass away. And he doesn't make anyone else miserable from his own action.
>But he's fat and ugly and don't know how treat a girl
Appareances, age and what not win over logic. Many such cases.
What farm are you playing on?
>put in something when I get to the island right
yeah, put poison into whatever the fuck Podunkian was snorting
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hello frens what's recommended for a first time playthrough? should i just jump in vanilla?
That's what most recommended yesp
Yeah, vanilla, some cosmetic mods are fine if you want a different look
You will, likely, run into some things you wish were balanced better or some mechanics that worked better, which can motivate you to find mods for another playthrough
Something looks wrong with your Jas, I think you should get a refund
(insert jas mods here)
I believe that Clint's ancestors all actually hated being blacksmiths and passed their craft on to their sons as a joke before fucking off to Zuzu. Clint being unable to propagate the family line is actually a blessing in disguise as it will end the curse plaguing his lineage.

At least, that's what I'll tell him when I marry Emily.
Should make a mod where you leave Emily as a single mother so that Clint finally has a chance.
Wish I could go live on a farm. Not enough money, though. Being a dirt farming peasant is really expensive. It's only something the elite can get into at will.
https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/26293 If you like stupid hats
Why doesn't clint settle for pam?
I know you're trolling. Fuck off, no one should "settle" with that piece of crap of character.
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Are we talking Clint or Pam here?
Or both?
I doubt Pam would be able to put with Clint.
Pam of course. She's universally hated by most players.
Come to think of it, is Penny destined to grow up to look like Pam?
Pam is fat and broken from all that beer she drinks and Penny loathes the stuff so probably not
Nah. Don't underestimate how much alcoholism can change a person's appearance.
All those retards hate her because they want the bus open at 6.
I wonder if Lewis would have ever called someone to fix the bus. Surely it was embarassing whenever the Governor came to visit and saw that bus there rotting away.
I mean, that's the local bus. The bus stop still works. Other buses and cars can arrive and stop there if needed. Yes, is an inconvenience, but we're talking about a local bus from a little town in middle of nowhere. I can totally see Lewis leaving that as no priority.
I always assumed it was broken down for a few years but according to lewis it's been broken down for a decade. With that in mind, it's been broken down before Vincent and Jas were born meaning that Pam has been without a job for a long time. How the heck was Penny bringing in the money?
>it's been broken down for a decade
That doesn't make sense. Are you sure that's vanilla? if it is, then is Ape mistake. A car without repair for a decade is garbage, won't work every again. Rust, the nature, and everything else would eat that, turning it into a piece of rusted scrap. No to mention Pam job issues. I'm sure that thing broke betweem the farmer's grandpa death and the farmer arrival. I would give it a 1-3 years at most. It can't be a decade.
Certainly vanilla. Though, I guess Lewis could've been exaggerating. I wouldn't put restoring a decade old bus above the Junimo they restore other complex things in the community center like the boiler room or the fishtank.
>keep it clean
>reeks of projection and pedophilia
How do the Junimos know so much about mechanical engineering?
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>He doesn't know how /vg/ works
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>More and more male only mod updates
>More and more male only mod updates
Are you gay?
He's a cute girl, just like you.
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She need more love
kill all pedophiles
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>kiss all pedophiles
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>Renault mod
29 June 2024, 4:52AM
yes, i'm currently away in london but it will be released asap
>Nothing yet
I wonder if there's any hope. Or all was a lie from this company.
I bought 300 garlic seeds and forgot I never once upgrade my watering can..
How forget that when you should be using it everyday?
I was eggmaxxing until year 2
>next time that farmer starts calling you "beautiful" and "so mature for your age", use this
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It's funny because, in-game, Jas would have to set up that situation first by asking the farmer if he thinks she's beautiful.
post the real one
>they see Jasfags' mod folder
Make sense when suddently Jodi and Vincent want the farmers D
mod when la
I put 70 hours in this and I don't remember anything about pam or penny. Or leah. Most of the villagers really.
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any marvel mods
Try asking >>>/hm/, the Heroes - Marvel board.
Riverlands, forest, or hilltop farm?
I picked riverland as my first time playing....turned it into a mainly fish farm.
not asking for any male mods
I didn't remember there was a solid gold shrine in Pierre's house. Holy shit dude.
Congrats on getting bamboozled by Ape's shit writing. A bunch of character's are religious enough to visit a shrine but nobody ever brings it up aside from the odd mention of Yoba because ???
Pam and Emily are are the only townies that are really religious iirc but I'd say the bigger question is why the town's equivalent of the church is in the general store's back room
That and the Tuesday hag meetup seem like they would have belonged in the Community Center, and if the CC had them it should have never become unused and derelict
The shrine room belonged to "the previous owner" and Pierre kept it because people in town still use it.
Krobus also worships Yoba and does a vow of silence every Friday.
>Pierre kept it because people in town still use it
I always assumed it was because he wanted more traffic through his store and his family making comments about hiding away were them disapproving of the disruption it caused. Pierre could ask Robin to install a second door around the side so people wouldn't have to walk through the house, but it was more important to funnel them through the front where the goods were.
It's really hard to like Pierre genuinely.
That's pretty much how it is
Wonder if Morris gets less hate because his mustache-twirling villainy is too on the nose to take seriously
They're both merchants. Merchants get the stone.
Yeah, Morris is just a caricature, not a character, so there's not really anything to hate. Pierre is much sneakier in his greed and players have to interact with him much more frequently as they play the game.
That aside, I quite like SVE changing Morris from the moustache-twirling cartoon villain to a workaholic who perhaps naively believes too strongly in the power of capitalism
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Due to not being a real character like Gunther or Marlon, you can't really get to know him. Morris is a neutral character just does his job for Joja, whose greed is expected of a big corporation, but will help you if you pay them. Pierre, on the other hand, is just a greedy asshole with no redeeming quality.
When doing a playthrough, you may as well do nearly everything in the Community Center (because doing the bundles rewards you and is fun), then side with Joja and turn it into the Movie Theatre. It's the best outcome, Pierre being closed on Wednesday means nothing at that point and Clint doesn't leave his shop every Friday. The Community Center doesn't even get used after it's repaired anyway, but the Joja Mart and the Movie Theatre do.
I really like Morris' event where you bump into each other still working at 1 AM.
Completing the Joja Mart should turn the store part of Pierre's place into a warehouse
That's a thing?
is SVE canon at all? I'm still new.
No, it's just the biggest content mod that focuses on Pelican Town itself
The stuff focusing on the townspeople is fine enough but it starts to go really off the rails with the mediocre fantasy shit later
In SVE, it's one of his later events
Are similar problems present in East Scarp?
Some of its NPCs are like that and a bunch are le quirky but it's nowhere near the level of Ridgeside
However, if I remember conversations here correctly, I hear the creator and a bunch of authors are making yet another expansion that looks poised to rival Ridgeside in that department, and roll a number of East Scarp characters into it too
How do I view shit down in the mines?
Is the profession choice permanent?
Dunno what you mean by the mines question but there's a later unlock to change professions for 10,000G a pop
Morris is in a weird place. The original version was even worse but Ape thought it was too much so he reworked him to be a true believer instead. He didn't remove the coupons scene tho.
I wanted to give SVE a chance for making side characters relevant, until I read that he'll eventually become mayor if you keep being friends with him
That an the other shit about the mod
I was floors 30-40 and it was literally too dark to even see the rock nodes.
I reached the ice section and it's much more legible.
Lewis or Morris? One embezzles and lets the CC dilapidate the other is a workaholic (in SVE) who wants to drag Pelican Town into the present while also pissing of that cuck Pierre.
Morris I meant
I never saw the golden statue event, b-but it should be fine
I did like the earlier SVE things where you see that Morris is working hard as well. I don't know if it was vanilla or SVE, but I recall running to the mines on a rainy day, and just seeing him outside, alone in the cold, trying to give out Joja coupons at 7 in the morning
Ah, yeah, that's kind of a uniquely clunky part, darkness doesn't come back after that
You have a chance of finding a ring that emits light before that part but if you didn't get one to drop you basically have to stumble blindly or pick up the torches that spawn on the level
Soulful mining
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You don't get to flash apparatchiks coming out of the dark solving their mess for them though.
>yeah uh so this ruin was our CC
>be a shame if it was gone wink wink tap nose
>well, I'll just leave it unlocked for you haha
God damn lewis and pierre are worthless.
It's pretty close to reality believe it or not. But yeah those are some of the reasons why they are disliked by the players. I think the top three are Pierre, Demetrius and Lewis. Pam forth place because most people consider her a piece of trash, but some people know or have acquaintances like her. Common in usa.
Being fair, Carolyn/Jodi aren't exactly pillars of the community either. Robin should be a better mom to seb though. And probably poison/leave demetrius. Speaking of which I don't remember at all if Marnie interacts with shane at all despite living under the same roof.
Talking about "pillars of the community" again huh? If I tell you that Evelyn is an important part of the community would you believe me? She's the one who takes care of all the plants in town. Since flowers are the main decoration, she more or less takes care of the aesthetic of the town. At least Caroline handles some social events (like the aerobics days), what does Jodi do? She goes to Jojamart.
I think she does but very little. I meant, she have her own issues and responsabilities, like the store, Jas, the animals she raise, the other animal who always lose his pants, etc. She doesn't have time for Shane and he's an adult so yeah. It make sense the interactions are little to none.
Jodi is a mom so she did increase the town's population. That's more than the majority of the villagers can say.
Actually she did not. Vincent was already born when they moved from Zuzu city to the valley.
Any reason given why they did that?
I don't remember. It was either because Kent stopped working as a garbage man and became a soldier or it was to flee the terrible urban lifestyle for their kids.
Jodi is an army wife. Her contributions are to the empire itself.
Regardless, she still contributed by moving them there. Without her, Jas and Penny would have no future husbands
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Nice bait
?? If this was friends of mineral town, Sam would be your rival.
But this game is not HM. That's another thing I'm glad Ape thought it was stupid and he never added to the game.
>But this game is not HM.
I know, but it's obvious who would end up with who if it was. He probably didn't add the mechanic because he didn't want the player to feel rushed.
I think is more like for the same reason why in the old HM the games are separated by the player gender. Have a character be a love interest and the rival in the same game, would bring a lot of programming issues.
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All Joja apologists deserve their eternity of doing the wagie dance in hell.
Joja is good for the local economy.
While the town is in middle of nowhere for sure, it have a decent economy. Specially during their festivals when people from outside come to the valley.
That's only one festival in the fall though.
Gaming development. Ape won't waste time and resources in add random npc to every festival. Tho he did in the new fishing contest events.
>haughty bitch lots of people on 4chan thirst after
Lady Bow would've been a much better base for Haley imo
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>get urge to replay
>oh they added a smoker to riverlands, let's try again. I like fishing
>10 hours in
I can't fucking do it lads. The map is just so fucking ugly and shit. I'm gonna nuke this farm and restart, AGAIN. Never again.
Don't you talk shit about my wife.
riverlands is the only unique map anon
I can't deal with all the shoddy plank bridges. I feel like some louisiana redneck.
Man I cannot fucking stand the plank bridges, I'm honestly upset Ape hasn't let us upgrade them into something nice or at least given us the option to craft our own bridges
if it ain't broke..
I feel the same about the hill map.
Try the beach farm. Much better looking and is a fun challenge.
Surely there's a mod to replace the planks with something less ugly?
Are there any mods that lets me marry a goddess?
There should be, tho I don't know about any
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If there's any, sure is woke or gay. I don't remember any straight female goddess
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I found the real stardew valley on google maps.
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I would like to see these places during each season.
Anon there are millions of farms.
Yes, but this is specifically the city Ape took inspiration from.
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>Find the dialogue about the bus
>Lewis say "decades", plural
This is bad writing. Either is Ape mistake or this was added by SVE or other mod.
>"cc_Bus": "@, did you hear? It seems the old town bus started working again overnight!$h#$b#That old thing has been dormant for decades... This is truly a great mystery."
It's vanilla, but I agree that it's really fucking weird. People in town were outright stranded there before you came.
It's in the base game. He probably did mean years.
Of course even then it's ridiculous.
Haley talks about going into the city to buy clothes but we have no idea how she gets there. I believe she still gives you that dialogue when the bus is broken too.
As I said before, the bus is broken, but the bus stop still works. They sure all just need to do is wait for some random bus to appear there. Prob some bus what pass over there like once or twice some days
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You're right. A working bus literally drives us there at the start of the game.
But the new bus would crash into the old bus.
Sam's show too.
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The bus is broken in just the right way so that functioning buses can pass through it harmlessly
Are the critical hit skills worth it?
I remember someone said no sure where, the raise attack is better because the critical hit doesn't happen always.
I'm pretty sure crit just can't be stacked enough to any meaningful point where it'd be strong enough to forgo other stats
https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/26335 Challenge
>joins Joja
Wow that was easy!
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>I don't know bros, I get so bored after the first year, what to do
>proceed to take the easy boring dull route
Yeah I wonder why
How do I get moss?
trees with moss on them. if you don't see any then just wait for it to grow.
harvest it with a scythe as you see it

on green rain day spend the entire day harvesting bushes and such. a good harvest will get you enough moss for everything you need, approx 500
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Does it even spawn spring 1? I can't see any. Does it despawn the next day?
Something like 10% chance per tree outside of summer, doubled on rainy days
I think you're meant to be extremely limited on it until Green Rain day
My (pregnant) farmer just drank a beer with Shane. What the actual fuck?
Relax, the farmer's built different
All that forest magic, yknow
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Still can't account for the "decades" comment though
Even if we take that to mean the bus has only been broken down for the minimum of 20 years, that would mean Pam has been out of work and drinking herself to death since Penny was a young child, and likely for much longer than she even held the job in the first place

It's probably just something that fell through the cracks because Ape had been working on the game for years, but it's kind of funny to recontextualize Pam as having lost her job when she was like 28 and then just never bothered doing anything ever again
Suggests Pam was drinking while she was pregnant which explains why Penny looks like that.
That still doesn't make sense. Pam doesn't seem the type to do another job, if she was jobless the whole time, how she payed for all Penny childhood and even the beers she drank that whole time? This is all bad/lazy writing
I know it doesn't make sense, I'm saying the ridiculousness of taking that situation at face value would be funny
How the fuck do people complete CC year 1?
Do you all know the game by heart including which fish you need to get where and when? Not to mention things like 5 gold parsnips without fertilizers or the sprinklers/stamina to mass plant them.
Barring the few, rare memory-genius exceptions, most people do it with guides. There's just no way you would figure out yourself that one particular type of fish only appears in the mountain lake, in autumn, in the afternoon, while its raining.
The part about fish, people either use the wiki/Look Up Anything, or have done it before so they remember which bundle fish is more complicated
I dunno why you're lumping 5 gold parsnips in there, RNG is typically forgiving enough that you easily reach that without needing to plant more than your starting stamina bar can handle
>complete CC year 1
First mistake. The CC wasn't meant to be completed year one
It's ok, the valley had subway.
Gold veggies is determinated on day start so it's savescummable but even without savescum, you can just plant a ton of them, they take a few days to grow so you'll get 5 gold eventually. Fishing is done in a day or two. The rest are not season-locked or are just passive (like foraging). Fruit cave for community center rush. Because trees are slow and expensive. Traveling merchant for random items, twice a week, that's enough for all the harder to get items.
Looks wholesome. Where is it?
"Extra Crushed"
t. Ape
child support?
Child support is a help, no a "I'll pay everything for you." thing. And no child support give money to drink in the bar-
I doubt it's that expensive to live in the valley. Pam could also easily live off of the villagers kindness. I also think we need to consider if Pam lived there for decades or moved in recently. If she did, Penny isn't a qualified tutor.
Gus offer to give Linus food so he probably fed Penny for most of her childhood too. Might explain why Penny can't cook.
Penny is a genius. She doesn't need qualifications.
auburn washington
Pam is extremely poorly and in debt. One of the event with Gus is about making her pay her debt because the bar is going under. She doesn't pay rent and only pays for food, eletricity and water pretty much. Which she gets from Joja with 30% and 50% off coupons.
Funny enough, she's extremely good at fishing but it's never shown in game. Just through dialogues.
I can't even feel sorry for Pam, she doesn't change her life at all even after the Farmer funds a new house for her. Still drinks like a fish and her home is a mess.
What's there to feel sorry for?
Pam's fine. Only bad part is that good for nothing that ditched her and Penny.
She doesn't even bring him up.
>I'm gonna pray to god to cure my alcoholism.
If Yoba is incapable of curing her alcoholism then he is unworthy of worship.
Her alcoholism is all part of Yobas plan to make Penny have a poor upbringing so that her self-esteem is low enough for beta Farmers to feel they have a shot at her.
Why won't Clint just go for Penny then? Is Big Blue Cunt that alluring?
Praise Yoba!
Fuck off with this question. No one here will agree with you.
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Emily is a devout Yoba worshipper in her own way. He would never forsake her by setting her up with Clint.
Agree with what? I'm new here. Does this general have a Pennyschizo or something like that?
You ever had a big crush on someone? It's really hard to move on and "just go for someone else." Beisdes, two awkward quiet people aren't going to get into a relationship.
>Does this general have a Pennyschizo
Yes. You just replied to him.
I wouldn't personally mind it if marriage candidates married eachother if you didn't reach enough hearts with them by end of year 1 or 2.
On that subject I also wouldn't be against some dying or growing older either. I know this all goes against Apes vision though.
I wish Jas and Vincent got at least a little bit older by year 3. They're the most immersion breaking.
Yeah, no everyone is into that and we know Ape is a harem supporter.
>if you didn't reach enough hearts with them by end of year 1 or 2.
With how easy it is to gain hearts you'd need to go full hermit for that to happen
End of year 1 seems best imo, but I know some players do go hermit mode and then would complain when their fair maiden didn't remain a maiden waiting for them forever.
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From the thumbnail I thought she found a little elephant
I like playing match maker, but haven't bothered with the mod that adds rival heart events.
In HMDS rival events only activate if you reach the appropriate friendship threshold for both characters.
Seems like the simplest solution. Just stay a heart or two ahead on your waifu than your rival.
Maybe need to have toggle for it in Co-op though.
Doesn't seem like there's any point to adding in rival events if they don't end in them actually getting hitched
But yeah back when they did them in HM they also had some really late year requirements, like FoMT didn't let them get married until year 4, so not only was there little risk of getting cucked most players probably didn't even know they could
Yeah, another thing I'm glad Ape didn't add in his game.
>put down smoker on pier
>willy walks out, breaks it, and it falls into the water
Big oof. I sure hope you restarted the day
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They'll arrive to the valley soon
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People like to discuss what the villagers lived like before the farmer, so here's a different question: How would everyone's lives changes if the farmer simply disappeared after a year or two? How much would the businesses and everyone who relies on (You) for support be impacted?
Kinda depends on your playstyle. For example in my case Pam would probably kys herself because I give her alcohol almost everyday when she arrives to the bus stop.
Outside of people you grew close to, I can't see all that much happening compared to if you never showed up at all. Most of the young people only come to appreciate the valley more at high friendship so if you disappeared the town would just continue on its original slow course of erosion as half of the young adults in the valley move out for greener pastures.
since when did Stardew get a general on /vg/?
yesterday desu
It been here for months.
>Another Spacecore update.
The man spent the previous night protecting Marlon from a bunch of sharks and came home to see you desecrate his pier. How'd you think he was going to react?
Besides Nobeta I don't give a fuck about any of these characters' original games but I gotta say this guy's art is cute enough to make me welcome all of them showing up in Stardew
I hope we can get the mod this august
Years at this point.
Farmer would become legendary if he pulled that off right after buying Pam a house
Just comes in, makes bank for a couple years, buys the local schlub a new house with the earnings, and disappears
Some might suspect him to be Penny's real father, in that case.
>these first 15 posts
Yowza this thread came in hot.
How do I farm fiber?
Mine levels that spawn grass, I suppose? There's no real fast way but they should be infinite in supply at least
Plant fiber seeds.
It's his pier, fuckboy.
I'm not made of sap or clay.
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>there's only room for one smoker on this pier and that's ME
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any good DC mods?
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Thanos actually did become a farmer at one point.
Who did Thanos marry tho?
Are you the same one who asked about Marvel before? Lucky you all you keep your good heroes. Disney won't make another Capt America, or Iron Man or Thor movies anymore. Unless they can turn them into black people. Or women.
wrong person you're thinking about
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Is there any point in raising her friendship level? She doesn't seem to send you any gifts or recipes and she doesn't even have any heart events besides the sewer one.
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All change of you use her mod
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If you use her mod Marnie opens the shop earlier after a certain point, allowing you to go in as soon as the day starts.
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>realize lava eels are worth a bunch
>bring smoker down to the mines
>run out of time, go to sleep
>next morning, it's gone
>think crab pots might work at the very least
>character tosses them all into the lava
If both Jas and Vincent have 8 hearts, you get a heart event during Spring that gives a perk raising sale price of spring onions 5x.
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>new info I didn't know
I see. I usually avoid vincent.
It is the only event Vincent has and the only reason to raise his hearts high.
Unless you have Vincent marriage mod.
You have to for Perfection, character is useless otherwise
It doesn't work for 1.6 for many reasons. PYTK, TMXL and many of the vanilla changes. It's abandoned right now.
who in their right mind would use that mod
People who wanted more after Jas mod.
Someone fix it
big doubt
The qualifier was "in their right mind".
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Forget it, Kana. It's Pelican Town.
This is another one of those things that you unlock and then wonder when the hell you'd ever have use for it
Year 2 at the earliest to buff items you wouldn't bother to forage as soon as Year 1 salmonberry season arrives
It's got a small bit of utility. Makes sense for something you learn from kids.
You may download its older versions prior to v2.0. Thats when it went from Nexis wokeness to full woketardism
Just before the spirit realm update
Nah it's literally useless, who the hell wastes time out of their day to go down to the sewer grate to pull spring onions in Year 2?
Me when I go harvest the sewer crab pots.
The key is that it's not enticing enough to go out of your way for, but is a tiny bonus for something you'll probably do without focusing on.
You had to go out of your way to put a low-value tool in an out-of-the-way area, where said tools don't even give any benefit over leaving them in a much closer body of freshwater, to even have the thought of foraging onions
Yeah no, gonna say that's completely useless
>Funny enough, she's extremely good at fishing but it's never shown in game.
So thats why rewards you the fishing channel
>She doesn't pay rent
Which owns the trailer they are living in?
>Pam has been out of work and drinking herself to death since Penny was a young child,
Penny is canonically "Teen" age range its even weirder
The mod was buggy terrible written except for that book event
I collect trash and pot fish. It's nice to look at the big numbers in my fishing shed.
You strike me as a fellow that also likes to look at otherwise useless big numbers.
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Well, you're just not making a very compelling argument about utility by bringing up some insanely fringe personal autism kind of use case, is all
>small utility
>tiny bonus
>not enticing
I didn't say you needed to get it or that it added some new viability to other play styles.
Just nudging against hyperbole.
Has anyone made a mod where you can make Linus become a decent person with a decent home, or is he a forever beggar?
Linus isn't a beggar. He's just a wildman.
Regardless, not that I know of. A mod to have him and Elliot move in as farm hands would be neat.
There are some mod to replace his tent with a cabin but I don't know if any are updated.
Honestly I'd like a mod that changes his characterization so that he's not high on cope about his shit life and realizes he's just a bum who's one bad winter away from freezing to death
If he really was one with nature, living off the grid, he wouldn't be digging through the goddamn trash
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Going off of these beta sprites, It's likely Linus choose to live the way he does. His line about "I'm not hurting anybody. I feel good about what I'm doing." only reinforces that makes it sound like a lifestyle choice. Otherwise he'd probably make excuses.
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>he's just a bum who's one bad winter away from freezing to death
Play the fucking game.
Ahem. Cope.
There really should be some mod to get him off his depression, it just looks like he gave up. Atleast Unabomber hunted and stayed far from any civilization, but Linus just collects berries and food from the trash can while wearing worn clothes. I understand the city for burning his tent down, why would anyone even let someone who makes the city's image get dirty stay for so long? Anyway, if there was a mod that lets him stay off the grid with a house on the farm it'd be a nice touch.
No sure if vanilla or SVE but you can't do that to him because apparently he want and love the choices to be alone and live in the wilrd.
It's the vanilla version. Guess he loves getting his fingers bitten off by rats while he's sleeping.
Living in nature is different from being a filthy hobo digging through the trash, I think is the disconnect. Really, all he needs is to replace that event with something more attuned to nature. Maybe involving him getting filthy digging in the mud if you want to maintain the fact that he's doing something not socially seen as acceptable.
He's coonmaxxing.
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>teleports behind you
>usurps your existence
Heh... nothing personnel, old man
>grange display
Get fucked pierre. "Your produce" my ass.
Hmm. When did the woke epidemic even get this bad? Stardew's Nexus used to look a lot like any other Nexus page back in the day: extremely horny
You should get a letter from Marnie if you raise either Jas, Marnie, or Shane's affection high enough.
Is SVE worth it?
Just perfected a mostly vanilla run and now trying SVE but I can't seem to get into it.
>grandpa's farm is shit, too little space for crops
>sophia is a bitch to befriend and it feels like I'm walking on eggshells around her
>mines are way further than they used to be
>grass everywhere slowing me down
>constant lag spikes
The issue is this doesn't work if you don't have the village key to let you enter anytime.
>grandpa's farm is shit
Grandpa's farm isn't mandatory
>Sophia is a bitch to befriend
Maybe the anon mod to reduce her quirks is enough for you. I don't know if it's been updated though.
>mines are way further than they used to be
Mine carts will make the mine distant a non-issue.
>grass everywhere
Free grass tho and looks nicer.
>constant lag spikes
Been long since I last played SVE, only recall some slightly longer delay when sleeping.
There's an option in the content pack to put the mine back where it normally is.
Maybe misremembering but I could've sworn it worked, is that another new 1.6 bug?
>I finished perfection and want more
Holy shit dude, how long did that take you? Post farm. What mods were you using?
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It took me embarrassingly long to reach perfection because of all the cooking and crafting recipes.
I don't wanna post farm.
Just some dialogue and event expansions so nothing that changed gameplay.

I'm disappointed too that despite all of SVE's added content, it doesn't change gameplay enough to be fresh again.
Alright then just tell me if your farm was one of
A) A beautifully organized monument to profit
B) Tasteful scenic beauty
C) Literally just weeds and trees reclaiming it and a farmer doing lines of raw ground coffee for sustenance
D) None of the above.
>Unabomber hunted and stayed far from any civilization
I thought he married Jodi?
Barely any mods can really do that to a game. Your first time is special, you can't ever get that back, but the memory stays with you always.
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You've convinced me to just post my farm instead.
It's an ugly starfruit wine empire because I can't decorate to save my life.
This is year 8 too.
>constant lag spikes
It only gets worse
Does this game have some kind of bug with skill levels? I'm 100% certain I've picked the level 10 combat skill, but it's still stuck at level 9 and has been so for months now. My Foraging skill is also stuck at level 9, but I never got that to 10 as far as I know.
I use a mod so I can't tell you if there's a bug in the vanilla
So I got this on Steam a few weeks ago and mostly just playing blind with wiki for some misc points.

I do however enjoy making needlessly convoluted ways of lazy farming... so I was wondering:
>If I use the super Retaining soil that only turns unwatered when the plant is removed, can I just make an infinitely watered indoor Pot empire of something like Blueberries? (Or Cranberries, Corn, etc)
Sure it won't be "optimal" income but it seems like it would be optimal laziness.

Also Haley Best Girl.

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