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Previous : >>486664654

>What is Brown Dust 2?
A tactical turn-based JRPG that combines the classic gameplay and storytelling of the genre with the visual appeal of modern-day titles.

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1st Anniversary Roadmap: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/news/view?id=2503

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>Current Patch
[Patch Notes]
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The continuation.
>be Nartas
>in peace and relaxed
>suddenly a cat-shaped thing barges into your home
>"so much for peace and quiet"
>she's sad so you try to comfort her.
>she calls you an edgelord and says people on the village do too
What do? Are they right?
Edgelord is a compliment desu
Yuridori spotted
Yuridori should die
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Gran owns me pelvis breaking sex
>Sports Loen is really bad and you rarely have the time and SP to use it.
seriously why did John fuck up this bad? Is it because original Loen was too good because sports Loen is fucking horrible and costs way too much when you consider other buffers you could utilize
She's a setup costume for her og/nuke skill in fiend hunts and thus saves a spot that you can use to bring another unit. Nothing more nothing less.
>"normal" battle
>counter for 5x your hp
>buff removal immunity
excuse me john what the fuck
I complained about these niggas to the GM.
Get randommed
just kill them on turn one :^)
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I haven't seen the new Justia in probably like 6 runs by now.
Same but my +5 Zenith
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>third floor
>medium battle
Haven't seen Zenith either.
kek, I've never seen that many mobs at once. What difficulty level is that?
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Congrats bro. Here's my new record for Obsidian in 1 run.
I'm getting really fucking tired of these "One dude in each corner" rooms in Tower of ass.
I don't think I've ever seen such a stacked cast and I'm at level 5.
I'm on fifth myself, but had such atrocious dozens of runs, that I decided to try and farm third level
>wake up
>fucked in the ass in the past 7 hours
Dropped a whole 1k points
Rip 400 extra dia
Everyone but the whales seem to have moved down a tier or two since the ToS patch, seems like we have a lot of returnees and new whales or exploiters. My offense is still holding up (>85%), but my defense dropped ~20% compared to last week.
Maybe it's time to reset your win/loss history, diamond 3 player.
FAT Sylvia ass
I didn't though (ftp btw)
>get every buffer and chainer for phys team
>constantly get mage nukers
John...you better be careful walking outside, who knows what can happen on the streets of worst Korea
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What's stopping me from raping Rou?
The fictional universe aspect.
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Middle boss was harder than the final boss, kek.
Isn't neon Angelica kinda OP in this tower? I just hit the guy and he died immediately from the crit dot effect. Despite being full hp.
She isn't safe. You'll have to reset if the dot won't crit + she doesn't benefit from chains and other on-hit effects.
Good point I guess, it's just I used her as a crutch when my PP was on cooldown, and was pleasantly surprised how much damage she put out.
Hard to rely on a costume whose main damage comes from several dots in a mode where enemies can 1 shot you
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>boss hits with diamond pattern and gives silence
How is it when legal? The game just says, well if you don't have that immunity item die lmao
Sacrifice one and nuke the 3 niggas, that's what I did.
tried all kinds of stuff, didn't have enough damage to kill them and couldn't tank them without getting silenced, which is death. If I had immunity would win on turn 5.
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Anyone have this happen to them? The portrait image dissapear when selecting an ability.
Think it started when I ran into some technical issues in the RogueTower.
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Haven't noticed anything like that.
>watched the BA 3.5 stream
>biggest summer so far and the most packed banner since release
so sad watching this and being reminded the anni for this game was the biggest wet fart
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normal room, wtf is this, are you really supposed to win without crit fishing?
bro your alt f4?
>place sacrificial tank or pp justia front center
>everyone else to the back row
>replace the tank when they die if you can't win in 2 turns
Also, it's only 4k damage per hit. You can easily tank that with the heal on hit relic and a damage reduction costume like Refi. Also worth noting that you can swap out a silenced ally, and even put them back in on the same turn if you have the sp, so battery tanks like Sier and pp Justia are literally free
I didn't realize that I could swap out until later lmao, but my Yuti is +0 along with Sier, but I'll keep that in mind.
bro your Justia/Alec/Ventana?
>replace the tank when they die
in the same fight?
you can add more characters for 2SP each
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another really cool guy into collection, 1 mil hp, 40% CR noone did a crit.
>bro just grab every character despite not having relics that fit them
That sounds illegal
>my Yuti is +0 along with Sier
pp Justia gives 6 sp from a tear node, not dupes, so she's still useful at +0. Even with only 2 dodges, she will still help in some fights. Idol Seir gives 2 sp each time she's hit and only costs 2 sp. If she gets hit 3 times, you can remove her, put her back in, and reactivate her buff in the same turn. She is weak against buff removal though.
It's worth noting that any sp battery that gives 4 sp above their ability cost can be used every turn, which I haven't seen anyone else here mention
pp Justia is absolutely broken and she will probably be patched next season since you can swap her around and gain infinite SP.
Wait, so cooldowns get reset too when you swap out? Alright, I'll keep that in mind, I don't have any more energy today to die on floor 30.
You only need one of those 3, fixed/pure damage is actually viable in the tower. And you should be building your team to either be dealing over 1 mil normally or capable of surviving to the second turn and nuking everything. Also, you shouldn't build for crits unless you have +5 B Helena. What are you doing with a 40% CR?
>gain infinite SP
She only profits 1 sp, the same as a normal attack without using an ability. Top idol Helena is even more broken since you can pair her with another tank
>just survive counter attack that deals 20k damage
I don't know anon, I didn't have any problem getting to floor 30 until that boss. Maybe I'm missing something, but you can't dodge the counter attack and I didn't get any armor/def items as I remember.
>She only profits 1 sp
bro, your potential?
>Not using base Helena
>Not using base Refi + armor relics
>Not using a setup that deals enough damage turn 1
>Not setting up vulnerability / DOT + SP battery turn 1 for a multi nuke turn 2
>Not using a tank that can survive to turn 10 (including swaps) so you can use that buff with 1 hit nukes
How are you even building your team?
PP Justia is 1 sp cost. She gives 6 sp from potentials. It costs 4 sp to take her out and put her back in. what part of this is more than 1 sp profit beyond the first turn? Top Idol Helena has the same profit without any potentials
>Not using base Helena
Don't have Helena +5
>Not using base Refi + armor relics
I do use Refi sometimes, when she is useful
>Not using a setup that deals enough damage turn 1
I usually do enough damage in turn 1, just when they are 150k hp and not 990k and there is no gimmicks to the room
>Not setting up vulnerability / DOT + SP battery turn 1 for a multi nuke turn 2
Don't know what this autism is
>Not using a tank that can survive to turn 10 (including swaps) so you can use that buff with 1 hit nukes
removes your buffs, nothing personnel
>How are you even building your team?
I grab like Homo Lathel, Rou, SJustia, Eris, Eleaneer/Schera, Diana/Refi and pick relics that are boosting damage, if I have a lot of chainers I grab chainers, if I struggle a lot with rooms I'll grab some protection.
>base Helena
Didn't notice you said base, I did use her a few times, but because of buff removal I didn't see much use to her, someone like Refi, Diana or even Zenith would tank more effectively usually.
>Don't have Helena +5 / not useful
She is useful as an SP battery and for counter rooms. If you can't use her, build your team to make up for that. Also, she isn't the tank. She makes your tank better
>I do use Refi sometimes, when she is useful
This is one of those times, at least it would be if you built your team for the game mode rather than slapping one together without thinking
>I usually do enough damage in turn 1, just when they are 150k hp and not 990k and there is no gimmicks to the room
Then you aren't doing enough damage. This is mainly for when you don't have fixed / pure damage, but you should be in the 1 to 2mil range by floor 30 if you haven't built up any survivability
>Don't know what this autism is
Zenith / cat Eris / Gamer Rafina for vulnerability on turn 2. Or damage over time effects with the relics that improve damage on enemies under dot effects. Pair them with units that give SP so you can swap to 1 hit nukes on your second turn
>removes your buffs, nothing personnel
That was advice specifically for the 1 mil hp counter boss you mentioned, or anywhere else they won't remove your buffs. Also, pp Justia won't lose her buff when it's a miss.
>I grab like Homo Lathel, Rou, SJustia, Eris, Eleaneer/Schera, Diana/Refi and pick relics that are boosting damage, if I have a lot of chainers I grab chainers, if I struggle a lot with rooms I'll grab some protection
So, you can't even break 1 mil even though you focus damage? Sounds like you should grab survivability more often so you won't die when you can't nuke everything turn 1. Or move to lower floors where you will be able to nuke the lower HP enemies
>Zenith / cat Eris / Gamer Rafina for vulnerability on turn 2
I meant vulnerability that would carry over to your second turn
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no one telling me this
Nebris literally told you to read the book with all of the special rules when you first opened the tower...
I was too focused on her tits...
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what would be the point of giving you so many characters and costume if you couldn't use them
Yeah I can't believe I gave up at a floor 30 boss just cause I lost my bHelena in the last one...
Is it pc only? Can't do it in phone?
just close the app, force shutdown and open it again
Just close the app from the recent apps menu
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Are there magic version of that mana stone? I've only seen physical one.
yes, manastone of the arcane
Yes, I often use it for Angelica/Loen runs
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>0 SP recovery per turn
a bit harsh innit?
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Just beat them in 1 turn or use PP Justi. Also new record for Obsidian.
>Play new Rogue Tower
>Come up with pretty great Keikaku (translators note- Keikaku means plan)
>Celia lead with chain enhancing items
>Pull off 20+ chains with her alone on turn one
>Final boss floor has an auto taunt countering fucker
>Get shadow realm'd

Bros, it hurt so bad.
>auto taunt countering fucker
So long as these guys exist, going all in on chains isn't viable
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Why you didn't remind me?
I prepared all week for this then forgot because I was watching a stream
It's over
I've learned my lesson. Every single attempt I do now, I always get Eleaneer as soon as I can. 2 sp is too good to pass up. Oddly enough I did one battle and there were like 4 of them scattered. So even if I used Eleaneer and code name sex, I couldn't hit them all.
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>Rogue tower
>Event success items in hand
>Event happens
>75% chance to succeed
>Fail it

Anyone else having fun with this? Honestly it's a great game mode.
I too have noticed that 20% fail chance feels more like 60% fail chance.
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>code name sex
What's code name A and O stand for?
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> when that nun pussy crits your entire pelvis
anal and oral
What's his endgame?
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I still think John should make the costume dupes in Rogue, entirely random. Would make things more interesting instead of seeing the same +5's. Could go one better and make it unknown until you actually select the costume to take.
There should be at least a costume upgrade option, make it either 5k or super expensive
in those luck event garbage things everything that is not 100% is 50%
Has anyone come across that one fight in Rogue tower yet? The one where there's like 6 wind fiends and all of them reduce your sp on hit? Either you 1 shot them, or somehow stall out until death time. It's insane.
they should allow you to sell back other artifacts so in situations like that you can come up with enough or maybe sacrifice convert some of the obsidian
I think costume dupes should be in line with collection bonuses
+0 if you don't have them
+1 if you have +0
+2 if you have +1 or +2
+3 if you have +3 or +4
+4 if you have +5
with every shop having 1 costume upgrade. Also, normal battles should give you an upgrade option
if you have an evasion tank or some good SP batteries you can get by without killing all of them turn 1
should I recruit her to +1?
this isn't her idol version tho :(
She's not a priority for new players but she's the only alternative to PP Schera for cheap dispel so it's nice to have her and work towards a +3 eventually.
She'll save your ass in later story packs. Auto taunt shitters run rampant. Get her or have Code Name S ready for that.
invest in her, she will be great if you ever want to be a pvpfag
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>finally cleared lvl 5
Cat Eris killed Nox before she even got to her third hit. that 1000% crit damage bonus is basically an auto win if you have B Helena
>forgot mirror wars closes early on Sundays
Was watching BA livestream and crashed right after RIP 300 dias
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>that 1000% crit damage bonus is basically an auto win if you have B Helena
h-haha yeah, imagine being a +5 bhelenalet after 220 rolls, couldn't be me haha
now thats how you do a great anniversary patch
Is BA worth starting for the anniversary? Also, do they do collab reruns, or will I forever be a Misakalet?
no collab reruns
its pretty good but its really heavy on cunny and lolicons so if you expect something like BD2 where everyone has big tits and throws a melty over flat girls then you're in for a rude awakening
gameplay has a surprising amount of depth but only at the end game
I cant vouch for the new player experience since theres fucktons of things you need to get as a new player but global's getting 100 free rolls soon and a ton of 2x campaigns so its the best time to start

also BA doesn't really crack down on bought accs if you're into that, just dont be an absolute moron and buy a hacked acc that skipped tutorial because those do get banned.
You will be a Miku and misakalet forever yes but I have my money on a prisma illya collab this year so start now while we get the 100 free pulls followed by Dress Hina I have never felt once in my entire life the way I did when Kuroko was announced for any character in any game The story is great too
For vn reading only. Newer players are eternally bricked by shitty leveling system and not having all the meta defining units some of which are limited.
There's no reason to do the roguelike past level 5.
only on JP
NA servers are pretty casual and extremely dumb so you can definitely start grabbing plats in 6mo~1 year of playing if you're smart and good at the game
the tear and AC are worth going for, but I'm saving them for after I've farmed more obsidian for upgrades
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I'm farming level 2 for more obsidian and will try level 5 after upgrading some of the options
The story is the most fun part of BA though.
My first banner was Miku and I still can't clear most insanes due to not having that one shitty unit everyone has at 5*/30 because I skipped it to have a spark ready for limiteds.
Also forgot to mention that it's impossible to get a banner unit without spark if you're not a luckfag. I'm literally skipping all the banners to have a spark ready for limiteds and then just spark them because they won't drop, leaving me at 0 again.
It's so retarded that this upgrade shit resets each month.
I already mostly lost will to play it 3 times and a day and regrind it next month would feel so bad I'll probably skip it entirely besides a couple or runs.
FYI to clear the higher levels of ToS, you need to abuse the fact that switching a chracter in & out resets the CD on all their skills. So it basically costs 4 SP to switch maid rubia/fatstia/rou in and out to abuse dodgge. great gameplay
Does JP get more stuff or something? in /bag/ it looks like they have different banners. I haven't played many gatcha so idk if this is normal
What are the odds like? And how many pulls do you normally get from playing?
>it basically costs 4 SP to switch maid rubia/fatstia/rou in and out
if you have 2 of them, it only costs 2 because you can alternate
JP is much bigger as a server and WAY more competitive
Unless you know japanese and don't mind probably never seeing a plat, do NOT start on JP
fuck off baggers
how the fuck do you have 59k gems but not Eleaner
You can switch characters past turn 1? Really?
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what do you mean?
i got my first Eleaneer from the "infinite pull" when i first started the game
then I got her idol costume when she showed up a few months ago
and now i found her in the tavern

i dont roll too much, I just rely on the free daily rolls, and if i get desperate I only use like 20 tickets per banner before i give up and use the purple dust
Rates are 0.7% for the banner unit and around 2.5% for all the SSR units.
The only good thing about BA gacha - spark is shared for all the banners.
You get 200 pulls (spark) every 2-3 months btw.
I mean it looks like you've been playing a while how the hell did you not already recruit everyone
>yusti gets you 6sp back
Piggy bank
It's 3% why are you lying like that
full please
do NOT share full
anon just gonna use it to autosatisfy himself
3 is close to 2.5 and they don't have their overall SSR rates written anywhere in the game.
Glad some autist did the job of summarizing all the 0.0247% for me.
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>you've been playing a while
im a newglutti
i only started playing right as the wedding refi banner was ending

i havent even finished the story packs and i dont know what mirror wars is or what that new tower thing John released recently
The rates were 2.5% before first ani or half ani I cant remember then they bumped it to 3% wdym
*curses you not to get shit today*
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baggers have the best girls tho
I just rubbed one to this semen demon
if I don't get a SSR from the free pulls today I'm gonna be sad.
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Thanks for the 10 tickets John
Well, I really didn't get shit today. Are you happy?
Total Levia Rape
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just rape.
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wtf you guys are rapists?
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Is the Loen hype dead?
why the fuck do I have to crit fish in last night
stupid koreanigger john making me waste my time
it was always dead outside of a few vocal fags here
anon, your AHK?
it's still fucking retarded, why can't it just be guaranteed crits?
LN should have been guaranteed crits while FH still has you work for your crits but the makers of this game are kinda retarded
I mean you can retry last turn in FH now so that's fair
FH having guaranteed crits for everyone is retarded since it makes crit rate a dead stat

Make people work for their damage in FH since quick clear and retry last turn exists but give 100% crit rate for LN so it feels more like an epic battle and less of an epic resetfest
Your feedback has been noted and preemptively ignored.
your epic shitpost has been added to my filter where it belongs
You can't run from me little nigga.
LN is such a garbage mode honestly
I cleared level 5 and instantly lost all motivation
might get the tear from 6 but otherwise not gonna tryhard it
I literally didn't even bother doing tower yesterday because I just know no matter what I do John is gonna slap me with some bullshit after floor 20
I never got any 5* or URbfrom free pulls. Been playing for 2 months now.
stop posting images of crying Rou, it makes me sad
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I had a dream about reading a dev note announcing Apostle Blade banner...
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What even is John thinking at this point?
you are done bwo... >>487075242
thats just talking about the gamebreaking bugs

Also this shithole made it sound like it was a huge deal but only four fags got perma'd for it
1 year grind is more of on autism level of dedication instead of casual wtf
grind? games like that are 5~ min daily stuff
you're not grinding shit, you'd be just building your account and since anon would be starting as a F2P that wont drop a dime then of course you'll pay with your time rather than your money
Why is John anti-China?
She's a confimed summer costume though?
>decide to try getting a bhelena to hit +5
>drop 80 tickets
>not even a single off banner spook
>Does JP get more stuff or something? in /bag/ it looks like they have different banners. I haven't played many gatcha so idk if this is normal
For many gachas including Blue Archive, the Japanese version came out first, and then when they decide to make global, they'll make a separate version starting from scratch instead of integrating. Some catch up eventually, some stay permanently behind. Blue Archive is the latter case. Everything that happens in JP happens 6 months later in global.
should've stopped at 20 bwo
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future sight is so funny because so many players fuck themselves by overthinking the schedule or trying to game the schedule instead of properly planning or having good resource management
>stuck fishing for crits without a crit rate boosting artifact because the enemies thought it would be funny to be a fucking split
I hate Tower of Salvation I hate Tower of Salvation I hate Tower of Salvation I hate Tower of Salvation I hate Tower of Salvation
newglutti here (hi..)
can i do all the elements in the crystal cave in a day?

i thought the elements rotated per week
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nvm just had to get lucky with my 50% dodge artifact xd
but now there's these guys with the random fucking knockback immune dude thrown in
You technically can but it's gonna take ages to tear the characters you want if you do that
I dodge cheesed them too but lost Venaka because I'm retarded so now I'm probably fucked. :^(
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bwos Lia is just so cute
fuck the NTR fags, she's literally made for ME, she only talks to ME
>she only talks to ME
Hi Gary
Hype is something that is built up leading to a release.
Both of her skins are released. It would make sense that there's little to no hype as people can or have acquired her already.
>280 rolls
>no B.Helena
>only 4 off banner
I keep saying B.Helena banner is cursed
I did get fucked on helena banner too
I'm glad I got her dupes mostly from monthly tickets because damn
Lia's butthole is for my dick only.
She poops from there though, and then eats it.
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Against all odds I have managed to clear level three!
Did 200 pulls only got 1 copy worst banner so far for me
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seriously though that 50% dodge purple flower is funny
BLACK MAN character when?
Level 6 done just barely.
Your Lathel?
Lathel is honorary Aryan
Have 200 powder. Should I get +0 Zenith or +5 Bhelena?
Zenith's good for FH. Helena +5 gives you 50% CR.
Yeah but which one should I get? Is +0 Zenith good?
BHelena may not comeback soon
you're bricked if you don't have her
Battle difficulty just goes nuts in the tower. If this was beta test i expect nerfs will slap loud by next run.
They better do. This one hit kill everything is really boring and luck based. But knowing John, I doubt they will change it. The only thing they will change is probably the season target numbers.
What is a vault attack?
skip attack aka attack that targets the tile behind the front. usually archers or magic have this
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Alright, i'm attempting floor 7 bros. Can my f2p ass clear it yet?
Good luck anon.
Holy fuck first time I did a challenge 15
loen havers explode
explosive sex with loen..
Gisgray? More like GisGAY lmao gottem
Imagine the absolute state of the bed after sex with Loen
Pretty sure John fucked up her drop rates.
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I did it bros. I was worried because my starting units aren't so great and i didn't get Eris until floor 27.
I think i was lucky with the enemies i got. My relics aren't very good either.
f2ps should explode
I guess I'll grind lv4 until I maxed all the Atk and SP buff before attempting lv8. Almost get fucked by shitty starter and Rotten Orc at the only normal battle past floor 20.
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*explodes balls deep inside your waifu*
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>bHelena this
>bHelena that
RRH Rou also have 50% crit rate bwo
but I'm a newglutti and don't have RRH Rou +5
I wish tower structure would be more varied and some aspects were less rng, like having shop at the end should be consistent.
>22 days left
>Season goal 77% complete
Did they not expect everyone to play the only actual end game content?
Same bwo, except I got fucking Sylvia
Collaborative stuff is generally easy to achieve, for a good reason. In the future, less people will be running this daily and so it will be more tight.
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yeah the layout can be pretty shit
How the hell do you deal with Grandis in pvp? Everyone has her now.
Schera or Eleaneer. Pre-emptives are cancer, this is all you can do desu
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>apostle nox at the top of the tower
>i win by mercilessly swapping gravestone->next warm body available to eat his 1-shot KO
Operation: Human Shield was successful, too. On to Floor 4!
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Ange sexo
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bro, your eleaneer?
sex with angelica cosplayers.....
>level 6
>get wiped on literal first floor by moistening slime girls
bwos you should stop coping... being a newgluttie is hard but if you can't go past 7th floor in a couple tries you are just bad
btw both roxy and eris have been carrying my ass, they are that good, imagine not investing in the right units
>doesn't heal
>doesn't give a magic buff
>costs 3 sp
Rouggers LOST
I can't go past floor 2 and I play since Refi gacha.
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How can we redeem OGthel?
have him rape blade and morpheah in front of justi while berating her for being weak
I just noticed his foot, my man is fucked. As for your question, what is there to redeem? It's just important to not fuck him when some "Cursed Lathel" comes out as a new character.
>his foot
Um... do you guys think his, you know... is also like that?
Homothel and Edgythel are actually Lathel's compassionate and power-seeking (or good and bad) side getting split up because of the cloning process.
The next couple of chapters will focused on the group trying to jam those two together on a blender
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They will have sex, Homo Lathel will get mpreg and pop out their daughter Lathela which will have the personality of OG Lathel
>the first truly 18+ content on the game will be a chapter-long quest of the cast trying to make Homo Lathel get pregnant
John you crazy bastard
Gray would be reluctant at first.
>still haven't done newest story pack out of laziness
But hey I did +5 BOOBstia
mfw actual nipple shadows
How do you cancel counter? I was using og Yuri to cancel the golem's counter buff in the tower but the golem ends up killer her instead. Isn't she supposed to remove the counter buff?
Same, I just can't bring myself to do that.
He has immunity to buff removers probably.
Counter won't work if you oneshot them
some counter enemies have immunity to buff removal, check asap
I just had to bruteforce the golem on lv5 floor 30, was pretty risky but migger killed him through counter after everyone else died
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>Level 4
>Floor 20
>Not even last boss

Last boss was a fuck ass golem who countered 99% of my team to hell. Chadthel won it for me in the end. Fuck knows how bad level 10 is.
I was able to dodge that move with pp justi. I also had an artifact that granted evasion too.
>241 rolls, no helena and nearing the pity
Yep, this banner is fucking cursed
Lil bro though he was gonna hoard forever like a dragon
>276 rolls
I'm there with you, John needs to investigate this shit for real.
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>Come to check on general
>Once again it's full of seething Helena lets

Can't wait to see how bad things get when micro bikini limited Helena gets released.
Why are we okay with our main heroine being a slut again?
rigged banner
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>main heroine

Glacia isn't a slut though.
Glacia is as irrelevant as summer ant, althoughbeit
Glacia is relevant for anons who masturbate to feet
I masturbate to Glacia's feet
post it
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gooning time!
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Will this relic make PP Angelica 1 shot everything or am I misunderstanding her skill?
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yeah, and post glacia's feet instead
*glacies (hehehe) her feet*
whose job do you think it is to wash her panties?
>Level 6
>2 non-elemental enemies with almost 300k health that will each one-shot a character every turn, sandwiched with an enemy that spams a 3-hit move to hamper dodge tanks
th-thanks john...
bwo, your Loen?
It's a new and the game is still riding on the anni new player wave, it'll slow down with time. I hope the team isn't as shortsighted as to raise the monthly goal now since launch numbers are never accurate in the long run.

Again a tame cutscene, a bad costume that's only decent for those who +5d her first, and she turned out to be a fucking dyke. They at least should have made her bra snap or given us some underboob but alas. At least there's still summer ahead of us.
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>Silence for 20 turns
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>300 golden threads
fuck helena
yeah what's up with that
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>he didn't pick the anti bullshit relic
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Playing fucking Zomboid over here
They need to buff the counter items, they're fucking useless.
We need a dispel immunity artifact. There, counter saved
You can't dispel artifact effects iirc. Counter's damage is shit anyway.
They should just scrap this shitty mode. In a few weeks, most people will be sick of it.
jesus christ, this is the first time we finally have something to do that's not dailies are there are niggas crying because it takes too much time
fuck off
Where are you at with the Rogue tower? I'm about to start level 5. Way harder than I thought it would be.
Trying to do Lv7 but I keep on getting fucked over by starting costumes and relics. I swear that the higher difficulty floors just have way lower rates for powerhouses like Loen, B-Helena and RRH than the previous ones.
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level 5 but I'm farming level 2 runs for more obsidian before I go into 6.
Lvl 3. Don't think I am playing it again until weekend. P2W player btw...
lvl 4 but I can't even reclear lvl3 for some obsidian...
F4 but I'm probably gonna farm F1 or F2 for a while to get more upgrades.
I really hope they get rid of the daily limit, this mode is pretty fun (if a bit bullshit at times) and it infuriates me that I can only play 3 times a day unless I waste gems on more of those keys.
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Most of her hype came from a few VERY vocal anons, her base costume is pretty good but nothing too out there all things considered.
Her new costume is also a bit of a letdown the animations ended up being more tame than one would expect (honestly I find it more funny than anything else) and her personality in the NPC quest... yeah (personally speaking Loen being a hardcore Levia fangirl and Levia being a bitch made that quest pretty unbereable, I was actually rooting for Glacia to win, and I don't even like Glacia that much!).
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sweaty Levia...
>her base costume is pretty good but nothing too out there all things considered.
Are we playing the same game? Base Loen caps 4 out of 6 pride floors, is a top3 hitter in LN and is free win in salvation if you get B-Helena.
>Final floor on level 5 Rogue
>2 of those insta kill fuckers.

Worst part is, every other turn was an instakill turn. One of them had like 700,000 hp. I got insanely lucky on a couple of dodges.
Open to imagination. John knows
Are there any with the glowing body paint? That's literally the hottest part of the design
>caps 4 of 6
other units cap 6 of 6 (Idol yuri & new justia)
>is a top 3 hitter
promise of vengence, idol ventana, & nartas are better, not top 3
>free win in salvation if you get b-helena
mmm no salvation isn't about early damage units it's more about abusing reset/dodge mechanics the damage starters don't really matter
>other units cap 6 of 6 (Idol yuri & new justia)
Seiji struggled during light season, I doubt S.Justia is capping 6/6 now that it has ended. Even with shred.
she cannot
I tried it, she end up short like 30k
my justia is +5 full pots and full crit build btw
in light season she can do it
people found better setups that don't require light season. And that's a moot point since Loen can't cap during fire season anyways
there's a cap on how much her damage scales up. All HP% numbers are based on 20k hp max
>Been seeing some people talk about bought account banning and whatnot.

>Idk if this guy can actually read korean or not because he's talking out of his ass. He has like 20% of the situation understood.

>His post is pretty misleading to the nature of the situation. This is not about whether you should buy accounts or not, just simply correcting the fake news this guy is spreading.

>Here's the full details on what happened.

>There was a Chinese seller who made Google burners using a fake educational domain to easily make burners.

>The domain in question is @enbnc.org Google banned these domains for suspecting them of misuse. It's not the bd2 devs who are banning the accounts.

>Other domains are not banned, except for occasional suspicious activity lockdowns from Google for logging into too many locations across the world.

>Users who got banned have contacted customer support and have received confirmation from the devs that they will assist with a one time email binding transfer. You could also contact Google for the chance that they might be unbanned.

>As for the direction the devs are likely to take, shortly after half anniversary, there was an issue with Chinese accounts that had found a way to claim character dupe tickets without actually pulling the character. The sum amounted to over 200 tickets obtained on some of the bought accounts. Instead of responding with a ban, the devs implemented the debt collector system and subtracted the tickets instead of an outright ban.

>There is no evidence to suggest the devs have any intention of cracking down on bought accounts as of now.
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>reddit spacing
go back
Kill yourself
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>he is upset because he's in the picture
I had a feeling he's trying to stir some drama a bit too much.
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3rd alt bro, trust the plan
gonna goon to Levia day 1
who else?
wtf bros, I'm a newglutti and I finally beat the 2nd floor of the tower of salvation, I just had to farm the 1st floor 3 times everyday
well, she'll probably come in a day that I don't goon, but she's goona be the top priority of my to goon list
>There is no evidence to suggest the devs have any intention of cracking down on bought accounts as of now.
cracking down on acc buyers is retarded because anyone who buys an acc isnt opposed to spending money which makes them way more valuable than shitters that pride themselves on being F2P and never spending a cent
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will the summers save brown shart or will they get mogged by the better game summers? august is looking to be a really strong month for gacha like july and I dont think there's going to be any space for poop dust in there
Bros I've got like £4 on my google account. Any packages I can get to keep John in his 16 bed mansion in the Maldives? Rogue tower is really fun and I've been enjoying this game for well over a year at this point as a leech.
buy monthlies, they give the best $ to gem ratio
doing floor 9 as f2p that joined on half anni
Brown dust 2 will always be a niche game. The game style alone will put off a a lot of people.
>The game style alone will put off a a lot of people.
summer dalvi is the ugliest thing i've seen in years of gacha
>he fed the local.clown
>strategy game when people don't want to think
>no self-insert
>jrpg which isn't that much of a popular genre
>still 80% on ToS in less than a week and more revenue than the likes of Azur Lane in the present day
We're fine as fuck
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So at this point we can conclude that magic is the true endgame and that the run is more or less decided in the first 10 rooms, right?

Brown Shart bros... Are we going to lose to this fully 3D game made by Last Origin devs?

B-but I thought guilds were supposed to save us...
Honestly, my go to characters for this so far have been - Celia, Medical Teresse, Yuri, Zenith, Lathel, Ventana and Rou. Some of the enemies are so messed up, no amount of cheese can guarantee you a win.
look like complete garbage t b h
>no soul
>ps2 graphics
Yeah I'll stick to my cute chibi butts
>1 half assed practice run

How fucked am I for this fiend hunt? Can I figure this one out inside 5 minutes?
Ummmm... nyo
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reminder that chasing season reset dia for champion isn't worth it if you can naturally achieve gm1/challenger. Get your free wins on reset and climb during off hours for free
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John should introduce a Fiend Hunter where every 4 turns 3 random party members die.
Low chainers. Diana most likely core
I've never seen a roguelite requiring so much luck for a single run, and that's not mentioning the bullshit limited playtime
Did John even playtested this shit?
SP feels really constraining even on floor 2 when everything costs its full unaltered amount. Maybe once I get the 5k starting SP upgrade I will at least be able to beat floor 4 but I doubt I will be able to go past that.
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they got to level 3
git gud
They explicitly said it was a beta run bwo..
I'm the only Last Origin player of this thread and I think this is shite
Trigger C2
S1-2-3 where you stay below 7chains every time
Nuke after S3 with chains and everything, trigger C1, sp turn for next team, dead.

Diana, Loen and Maid Lia are the mvps in the 300+mil runs.
there is more than enough 'play time' considering each run at higher tower levels take 1-2 hours. You get 13 entries a day. While there is RNG, what's more likely is that you're not identifying/picking costumes correctly and not pathing correctly, which is something that gets better the more you play or you will just forever be a skillet.

You're picking too many damage costumes, floor 2 not only has way more than enough SP but you also get SP per turn.
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>normal battle
>4 taunt/counter dudes with awkward positioning
Yeap, that's a restart
none of them have immunity bullshit, that's easy as fuck with a schera on your team
>Rou costs 4SP
>Helena costs 3SP
>Refi costs 3SP
>most chain costumes cost 5-6 SP
It'd help a lot if I could use Arines or Elpis but nope they want to fuck new players in the ass
Thanks, invested in Loen already, almost at the tile increase with Liatris. Maybe I'll clear level 10. All else fails, I've got +0 Eris. Both costumes.
they have 50% resists but have a lot less HP than normal. The shamans only have 27k compared to 121k hp. Depending on where the first taunt shaman was you might be able to just buff and brute force with justi. This fight is a lot easier with magic since Venaka guarantee kills shamans without dispel
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rou costs 1/2 SP. Helena costs 1SP. Refi should barely be used but also costs 2SP & can give back 6. Nobody balances a game mode around new players, pay up or get fucked.
>While there is RNG, what's more likely is that you're not identifying/picking costumes correctly and not pathing correctly
Of course, but a good rogue shouldn't be designed with player minmaxing randomly generated loot (or costume in this case) in mind
There's barely any leeway if you got a bad hand at the start
Schera can hit only 2 of the taunt guys.
The only option is to kill them in one hit, but even with homo Lathael and medical Teresse I couldn't do it.
there is a fuck ton of lee way, the fact that the squishiest costumes like schera/venaka can tank a hit from normal mobs in the first 2 stages of level 10 shows that the devs compensated for terrible starting teams. You get up to 6 rerolls and the green mob nodes are tailored to give you costumes on your team. Skill issue.

You can't go late into a run without crit btw, you have to prioritize Red Riding at some point even if it means picking up a shit Rou costume just so RR can show up in your shop. At early tower levels you can get away with fixed damage but not later.
It's Roguelite it's supposed to start everyone at square one but it doesn't. And there's nothing I can even do from within the mode itself to get those upgrades. Even the fucking SP relics, the thing that should at least let you counteract this with luck, don't work for the first turn which is the most important one.
Can you use base refi, remove her then add her again for positive SP gain?
I mean how early is your account lmao, b/c if you're a new shitter complaining that you can clear end game content then you can go kill yourself. Otherwise you basically 'start at square one', once you actually play the mode enough you'll realize dupes barely fucking matter most of the time and the important dupes on the buffers is already something that's mandatory for all other parts of the game. That's why H.Lathel and Helena is constantly on rate up.

The only thing that stands out is how over-powered the new limited justia is for this mode and you need her at +5 for the 4 dodges, otherwise maid rubia works just as well at +1 with up to 3 dodges if teared.

SP relics aren't needed for the first turn, and they're mandatory for dodges. The fact that you're running into SP issues means you're definitely not running ideal comps, you can't just brute force 1 turn every stage. You know that complaint you shitters have had for the entire year about the game being about first turn map wipe? Well the devs added a game mode where you don't wipe stuff on the first turn and now you're bricked.
You'd have to let the turn actually start. So enemy will be able to hit you.
You can do it with ppJustia with her potential because she has a dodge so you can just pass turns while gaining sp.
it costs 4 SP to switch a character out and in, refi is only a net positive 3 SP so no you can't. But you don't rotate sp generators anyways only dodgers, the rest of your team can generate the needed SP through autos/skills and you need a relic for sp/turn.

One of the reasons why magic has a leg up on physical is because Helena is literally covering the roles of 3 physical costumes. She's Lathel's buff, red riding's crit, and refi/justi's SP generation. Not sure if people will tear summer justi for tower they probably shouldn't
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I started with the Venaka banner. I cleared up through floor 80 of tower of desire, 39 of jealousy and level 9 of the previous FH thanks to the new Yuti to give you an idea of where I'm at.

I haven't actually failed a tower run yet and yeah I don't expect to 1 turn everything down to level 10 but even level 2 was exhausting and difficult when it really shouldn't be after grinding level 1 for three days.
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no wonder brown shart is dying
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>3rd costume is a limited summer bikini

Diana bros, we have won!
Summer banner will be Misha become playable, trust the plan
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I give up. I can't clear the new FH level 5 in one run with the units I have. There is no way I'm going far enough to reach 10 this time.

I stopped farming for fire crystals and I'm already preparing myself for the dark season in hope that things become easier.
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>dark season

Unless you've got limited bunnies and/or +5 Nartas. You're fucked lmao.
As a new player, should I just focus on getting B Rank Idol Helena to +3 (or +4?) and then the next banner (fire girl, don't remember her name lol). I did get both HLathel and Sacred Justia to +3 when their banners were up.
Also, any of the packs (besides the monthly, BP, and campaign ones) worth spending on? Seems like there's a few with pretty good value, but not 100% sure.
i loved this movie
we should do a watchalong together bwos
>all the girls are deformed fat bitches
No thanks
so just like ours?
Cute couple.
BHelena is part of the core supports for magic teams. I'm not sure which fire girl you are talking about but the fire girl of the CURRENT banner isn't core but she is a supplement COSTUME for a core fire magic damage unit.
The fire girl that will come next week seems to be a core unit for magic teams, so you should probably focus on BHelena and the next week girl.
Yeah, was referring to the one coming next week. +3 on BHelena good enough?
She beats him btw
Just only his prostate
To be honest? It should be +5 but I don't recommend rolling on her banner right now, many anons are saying her banner is cursed with low rates. But if you had good luck maybe roll as much as you think it's good
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>many anons are saying her banner is cursed with low rates.
253 rolls
not a single Helena
hit pity once
off-rate costume
John screwed the rates
First B.Helena banner scammed a lot of anons too.
Glad I went Eleaneer way and got +5 in 200 pulls.
That's been my experience as well lol. Getting railed on her banner.
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>This pack
NTR goes both ways huh.
Guys, please don't bully John. He is mai waifu.
I spent like 1k dia on torches to tear pp justia. 100% worth the 5 rolls
that's NOT an official post/image
I want to plap Rou until she's pregnant with triplets.
So, Nox is dead? Guess we will finally get the playable Apostles soon then.
i'm gonna shit my pants if we get blade and morpheah as beach angels
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damn I almost forgot this game had girls that weren't deformed fat bitches
oops i deleted it
+3 is good enough if you plan to buy her with dust after the banner and use the monthly selector to get +5

I've gotten 2 Helenas so far this banner, and I had + 5 before it even started. One of them was on the Loen banner, though
Does stat boost from costume bonding work in the tower?
In Brave Nine, were there angel units? Because if there were, we will probably be getting at least one with the Beach Angels
I rolled 280 times (+ 6 free pulls?) and got 4 of her and redeemed one more for a +4.

It was a lot of tickets...
>5* pity free draw
Did they patch that bug? I assume they did since someone got banned over it
It still works on my machine
They fixed it the same day they learned about it, that's why we had 3 patches last Thursday.
Your dad works at Nintendo or something? As far as I know the bug is still there.
I checked it and it's not
>eye stretching contacts or westernized eyelid surgery
>nose job for westernized nose
>likely jaw surgery shaving off jaw bone as well
I mean I would as pussy is pussy but bogged out asian girls are always strange looking as fuck
Seems like the rng in tower of salvation is set at the start of each battle. The crits are exactly to same no matter how many times I restart the game.
>he copy and pasted a reddit post here......
go back
then accept once he hears it's a daughter
>Lathel ditches this
Why is he such faggot bwos?
Whats wrong with that? All of us use the official sub and discord anyway
>anyone who buys an acc isnt opposed to spending money
this is retarded. account buyers are always cheap as shit and barely equate to actual in game spending. people who actually spend just make their own account and spend from day 1 they don't have to buy accounts farmed for months by chinese slaves to afford to play a game with resources
why is this game jokingly called an ntr game?
>comically large breasts on every character
can i roll yet
same as BD2?
Levia? wednesday
Not yet just a bit more
not true
I've costumes crit after a reset, you just need to change costumes at the start of the fight and change their order
>Nox is dead?
Newglutti here I cant beat the new tower at level 2 :c
bwo ur wallet? :>
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Umm, wtf?
Why is no one attacking me. I should be masters by now just through passively climbing with defense.
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am I a failed glutti if i havent finished the story packs or done all the crystal caves yet
and i havent even touched mirror wars or the new tower game
none of my characters are even level 50 yet and all this after ive been playing for almost 5 months
You just don't like the game. Why are you in here?
shitposting with the bwos is fun
>official sub
I'm pretty sure it isn't managed by the game company or counted with the discord/twitter as an official community for their statistics
i am naver and 4chan -only...
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need help with defense formation
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>Have cute little sister
>She gets fucked to death by her father in front of you
>Oh well, at least I got a cute pig knight wife
>You get both raped (a woman enters inside you) and penetrated in front of your gf (Nox stabbing him)
>Then your "wife"replaces you with a more docile version of yourself while you're getting cloned.
>Get yet another new wife, this one is the cutest so far.
>She gets penetrated (killed) by the same guy again.
Lathel is such a cuck holy shit.
Firechip Lathel is the real chad
A truely cursed banner. Can this actually happen I've never had bad rolls like this
He saved my ass during the last FH. Was only just barely able to reach a 12 hit combo by using that costume.
Did they kill guild chat again?
looks like its working to me
How many rolls and 5 stars?
because it's gray's game
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I just got Loen's weapon from the daily free roll, what kind of stats should I aim for? Keep the base 77 MAG? Try to mix mag% with cdmg% or go for only one? I am also (still) trying to craft her a better bracelet.
>276 rolls
>4 off banner (2 guarantees)
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Which costume did they use for the background of the daily potential package?
>0.7% rate ignoring pity
She gets a ton of cdmg (200% from potentials/base stats), but is short on matk. So you'll want double flat MATK on her weapon to go with the UR's 45% boost, and the dragon bracelet (that you already have).

Outside of that you juggle matk% and cdmg stats until you ideally have something like 6-9
I wish there was a way to disable specific cutscenes. G. Rafina's is way too long and not that hot.
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>upskirt spreading legs panty shot whilst getting turned on from watching sexual acts
>not that hot
Just leave
I'd concede if there was a cameltoe at least, but that upskirt looks like shit anon
Damage multiplier applies after base damage (the cap).
>crit damage
>crit chance
No idea. Also one of the tears is "Added effect". I checked mine and I don't have any like this
Microbikini Apostle Blade (summer limited)
I just realized only the male Apostles died.
Well yeah they can't kill the female Apostles before the rape correction scene
coom game
gotta get the icky males out of the way so the incels can get the slampigs
that doesn't matter, it's still only multiplying a maximum of 9k + crit on pp Angelica. Other magic characters can hit higher after MATK% buffs.
Nox was cool though, not to talk about his edgy form
Yeah but he has a penis so that makes him an icky male
We hate males in here, big tits or gtfo
We love Lathel and Gary here though??
god i wish i stopped being a virgin... with schera if possible
Don't tell me there's someone here who +5'ed sports Loen.
Some unwashed Loenfag probably did
there should be some +4s
instantly going for any +5 is asking to get bricked
not saving for Levia is just asking to get bricked
you can just go for both, loen will be the strongest nuke in the game
is it just me or the bloom effect at the school track is way too fucking much?
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Disagree, I love bloomers, theres no such thing as too much
very funny nigga come here
*kisses you*
I just had an awesome under 5 chain group with homo letal, booba justi, and eris. The other 2 characters were pointless.
Not surprising desu, and kind of expected when they said they were gonna make the apostles playable.
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>manage to get 99/100
>rolls over to 0/100 after doing the pull
Based retard
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>do another single pull, get another spy schera. pity counter still 0/100
>do one more, pity count increments and I get nothing
Oh right getting a UR nukes it how could I already forget tehe.
Confirmed simultaneous hot time and cursed banner
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Stop being a virgin, take the hint
Why is Asmode such an asshole?
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>started Nikke recently
>the on-going event has a very fun minigame, almost a standalone indie game inside of a gacha
>you have to dive into the ocean to hunt fish, make sushi and run a sushi bar, serving customers and getting money to upgrade the restaurant and your fishing gear
This blew my mind hard. When are we getting some stuff like this?
Look at Nikke's revenue then look at our revenue
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This but instead of a sushi restaurant it's Dalvi's Brothel and the minigame is you have have to roam the streets looking for fresh young tail that need a place to stay
Jayden is obviously the common patron and is if Gray appears the brothel has to remain closed the following day for the girls recovery
>prostitution ring management
That would be too based for this game. Never ever.
>When are we getting some stuff like this?

Pretty much what >>487233704 said
Successful games are successful for a reason even if the hipsters on 4chan love hating on popular things and pretending otherwise. Games like Nikke or BA are always adding new things or keeping it fresh with new game modes or minigames while lesser games try to do the equivalent of jingle keys in front of the player to entertain them except its tits instead of keys.
>thinking it takes a revenue stream of close to a billion dollars a year to make a minigame a high schooler is capable of making

Are you trying to tell me they couldn't make >>487233062 on a revenue stream of 1 million~ dollars a month?
If you said yes then you're full of shit, they literally just released a roguelike game mode which is relatively uncommon to the gacha landscape
You don't trust John-sama's plans?
How many assets that weren't already in the game does the roguelike mode has?
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>which is relatively uncommon to the gacha landscape
no its not
""Roguelike"" has been the buzzword for a lot of gachas and it usually translates to "It has RNG in it!"

Honkai Star Rail, Honkai 3rd, Arknights, Zenless Zone Zero, Genshin and Neural cloud claim to have a "roguelike" mode and that's just off the top of my head because there's definitely more that have claimed to have a ""roguelike"" mode.

Anyway, devs for this game made some pretty big promises but we don't know if they'll make good on them but a major mistake they are making is appealing to one singular fanbase instead of appealing to as many people as they can but most people posting here don't really care since they're within the fanbase being appealed to.
Brother it seems you're unaware but dave the diver is a nexon game so not only is it a collab but its a demo of the game itself the only thing that changed was the characters you play as.
BD2 doesnt have the clout to ask nexon for such things
>a major mistake they are making is appealing to one singular fanbase
Kill yourself fujoshit
If your mind instantly went to fujos when I talked about appealing to more people then you're the one with dicks in the brain, especially when the comparison is nikke.
Oh, you're a self-inserting chinkcel, nevermind then
Keep projecting, maybe you'll hit the right boogeyman in some more guesses. Shame we're not playing 20 questions because I don't feel like keeping this going until you get it right.
Well, fuck you too John.
If alt+f4 doesn't kill your run, why the hell can't we just retry turn?
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why do the people in this general make so many time wasting posts instead of playing the game. Minimum requirements before you're allowed to have an opinion on the game:
>Evil Castle full clear
>Mirror wars challenger reward
>Fiend hunt top 1000
>Tower of Salvation floor 10
If you don't have all of the above shut the fuck up, you haven't played the game enough to form an opinion
I'm going to keep posting anyways to make you seethe, cope and dilate.
Because the "retry" from alt+f4 is a side effect of not punishing the players from unexpected crash or something similar. It's not mean to be an actual feature.
It should be.
havent done any of these things
still haven't joined a guild
That defeats the purpose of making it a roguelite. Lazy skillet seething post are fun to read too.
Hey bro can you give me 100 dollars so I can look cool like you?
>clear level 4
>use select ticket on light because I really want to +5 my b.helena
>idol outfit
>comeback ventana
based refigod
i self insert as Jayden
kek retard
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>shitting yourself while trying to appeal everyone is good!
Yeah can't wait for bd2 to look like this too, you faggot.
why did you poke the schizo
i self insert as Gisgray
I self insert as Noah
I self insert as John
I self-insert as Apostle Blade's sword. My penis is the handle.
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Who do you use as your field character?
How do you choose your field char? It's always the first order in my battle party and if I change it the order in battle change too.
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The idols (Helena, Eleaneer, Gran, Ventana, Yuri)
I want to switch out Yuri to someone else because unlike the rest of the idols, she isn't well built.
Press the on-map ability menu button
Thanks, I fiddled a bit with the calculator and seems going MATK% + CDMG% (something like 8:7) on all gear is netting me more damage than rolling flats (beside the default ones on weapon and bracelet, assuming +5 BHelena buff).
Magichads won
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So it's a Rafina copypaste + some Zenith synergy
+4 minimum if you care about your account
B.Helena bled my resources and all I have to show for it is being stuck with a +4...
I'll be getting the golden hand achievement with not 3 but 4 Levia's in my first 10 pull. Her UR gear will also be gotten in the free daily. I'm so excited bros.
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G.Rafina with slightly more chains and higher debuff number at cost of 1 more SP
Magic players should NOT skip her
Reminder than Gamer Rafina is getting a rerun next week
Manage your rolls wisely before summer
Is Gamer Rafina worth +5'ing? I'm at +4 now and need to save for limited Teresse el micro bikini
Just get her from the powder shop later
Or maybe you'll get lucky and got her from daily rolls
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My fat, sweaty, crybaby wife.
+2 with the tear node sounds good as well.
She's not limited I'm not going all in roflmfao
I got +1 grafina when she came out and she's already +3 from spooks
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Truly an NTR game
逆NTR game
Guys, am I a magicbro truly can call myself a chad now?
I'm free
Yes, no, maybe, I don't know, can you repeat the question?
Has anyone beaten one of those max difficulty battles in Rogue tower? Every time I try one, I die before the first turn is even done.
Yeah, on floor 3.
Playable Yuti's mom when?
Plappable Yuti's mom when?
who do you think plapped her to put yuti in there?
Gray's dad, Sir Gisgary Blair
idk, someone with blue eyes and a massive cock
wtf spoilers
>canon mom character
>canonically had sex and got pregnant
that's too erotic john...
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How do I get this?
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>Olivier was a single mom
Justia's dad is black
Stop being a F2Peasant
It says right there how
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>all in on magic
>light dude off in the corner with 50% magic res
>weakening immune
fuck off tower
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that's why you always pick a wildcard just in case
elise with her def/magic def shred could have helped you
>weakening immune
imagine Levia sitting on my face
nta but point still stands, just have in store some heavy hitters like Eris or Eleaneer (forma de correctly written)
>Rogue tower
>Pick Olstein-dono due to his 9 tile silence
>115% of enemies are immune to silence

What makes me laugh is when I try to cheese with Rou. 75% chance to dodge + the 50% item and the fuckers still land every blow.
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Holy fucking bricked why didn't you just use powder.....
I needed her NOW
>didn't +5 the one I'm using in tower
bricked banner
I'm filing a complain letter because this shit is rigged as fucked
bro, your Levia?
y-you aren't the hundred thousand dias anon, are you
See, this is why gamer rafina and levia is cucial
Increase damage taken is something else
I'm still hanging on. It was almost a slippery slope though
Anon talked me into powder + monthly ticket
a better plan than getting BRICKED by a chick in cosplay costume desu
why did john kill guild chat again...
It's just a dumbed down map copypaste from Dave the Diver which they are doing a collab with. All Nikke added were the anchor sprites for Helm, Mast and Anchor.

That minigame is the first actual "new" content the game added in over a year, which is a blasphemy considering how much budget Nikke has to work with.
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so you're just playing dave the diver? nice game nikkebabs
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>Violent student
add it to the list
>liberated marauder
his other costume is material for the list too
All Nikke money goes towards DEI now that the company went public and CEO cashed out
Interesting, she is basically G.Rafina albeit a little weaker since she's a little more expensive and her AOE debuff starts at 40% and maxes out at 80% at +4, though she makes up for it somewhat by giving her main target a 60% (100% at +4) debuff instead (which also gives her some nice synergy with Zenith and Roxy).
She really needs her tear upgrade so her AOE can reach that nice 100% extra magical vulnerability, but she's definitely gonna be a main stay in magic teams moving forward regardless.
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random shower thought
I'm happy this is a korean game and not chinese
I hate chinese games because they censor skellies and I hate those ghoulish-skeleton-but-not-really monsters
So, since PoV Lathel is still around and H.Lathel seems to have OG Lathel's memories (or part of them), is that Lathel? just PoV's reanimated corpse brainwashed/mind controlled by Cocytus (maybe by that head guy from the first SP?) whose memories got tranferred to H.Lathel accidentally?
Do we even know that Liberta and Edgy Lathel are in Cocytus? Nox stabbed her after all and I don't think that was some sort of a plan to trick our protags
Based WiguruCHAD
When do you need to farm lower levels in rogue tower? I haven't and have just cleared level 5.
I'm doing it before I go into level 6. You don't get SP every turn after that so I'm trying to get as much starting SP as possible.
Are most chinese gacha gamers actually from Taiwan?
Or did they hold the event there because doing one in mainland china isn't feasable because of the government?
I'll be fine for sp if I can get either Olstein or Bunny Eclipse on start up. I think I'll hang back though after level 6 and start upgrading stuff.
Pfft, uhhh grats I guess.
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bad, anon
don't make fun of newglutties
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lathel riding justia
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>clear 4th floor of the Tower of Salvation
>use elemental ticket to get a light waifu
this game is too easy bros
because John needs you to suffer with 20 turn silence
>it's going to cost 2 tears to get the good upgrade
that talent tree layout should be removed, you know the one
>bait posting
John do something about the close out bug you fucking bum. Game randomly closes like 4-5x a day now
Works on my machine
Just started story pack 5 and I'm stuck after the first cutscene plays where I can't move at all. Tried on both my phone and on the PC client but no luck. Any ideas?
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Just failed an 80% success chance event in Rogue tower, and almost got killed in the resulting battle. AMA....
I already prefarmed all the red rocks and saved 3 tears aware that the good upgrades will be in bond
I don't care if it works on your 1990's seanig computer. It continually closes out now on my s24
change your squad, put someone on the field
kills me to think there's another rerun after levia instead of summer chars
im so bored with this dead game and I just want to see if the summers will be dogshit or not so I can finally move on
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>finally using up all my mats
wtf now i need more mats, i don't want to investigate
I'm gonna +5 my Helena with the element selector when I eventually get 4th floor out of the way.
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*spooks you*
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Which element bros. inb4 fire trying to alec/lathel seed me.
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smooch, you're still not getting any of my tears though. You and your little idol friend are tear bandits.
new plan, I'm going light just so I can steal this guys Helena.
Not Wind
I've decided on water. Anyone want to bet on who I'll get? Fire was tempting, but way too many Lathel costumes in there for my liking.
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Thanks, that fixed it.
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I picked the banner because I wanted Medical Teresse...
Remind me again, who is Liberta? Which chapter is her first appearance?
I want to bully and COOM inside newglutties so much bros...
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Do not craft teams around the 5 different element artifact, it's miserable.
Although strong if you you're able to play it.
NTRbros keep winning
Skipgod, I kneel...
Pack 12, Black Feather, she's the nun that takes you all over the map.
Iirc she's a seemingly "regular" nun that has obscure knowledge of Justia's curse that got introduced in chapter 12, the one in-between Gray's and Justia's focused chapter
I feel it's much more miserable to have 5 of the same element.
They have a crotch-breaking sex after this btw
You always go with wind or light, all other elements are shit.
>go with wind
Practically begging do get Gray'd.
Anniversary was supposed to save the game not kill it
I don't believe you. Proof?
That's why I mentioned head guy, iirc he said something about being an enemy of Cocytus back in the Iron Mask SP.
>fatherless retard woke up so the thread is unusable again
American hours are something, truly
Lil bro just made up an imaginary enemy and then blamed all of America for creating it
His alcoholic mother created him actually
someone post titties so the angy incel calms down
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Now that it's confirmed John spent BD2's entire budget on Schera cosplay porn, is there any hope to avoid EoS?
why did they get a man to cosplay as justia
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nah pretty much every social issue right now is coming from the West. If you can understand nip it's an amazing bliss to step out of mutt communities into Japanese ones.
Is this what my money is funding..?
Even russian bd2 threads are better, west is cursed to always have some pathetic nolife shitposting psychopath in the every community.
I hope you get drafted next
>head guy
Oh yeah that guy, the next chapter is probably the one to properly introduced this new faction, seeing that the dude has some sort of connection to both Lathel and Justia's mom
We call those troons or LGBTurds, they don't have much longer to exist in society though.
>Anon blogging what to get from his ticket

why are russians like this
Wait, why the fuck did they change vanguard gray to deal Dot damage based on physical attack instead of magic attack?
Are they serious? Was there a patch note?
It's actually real.
I think it's a skill description error.
John just emailed me this morning, telling me that the next chapter will be full blown smut erotica focused on those two
Man it's only been a month and I'm already so sick of running around chapter 7, 8, 9 and 13 for wood and ore every day. Why does Celia's ability need to have a limit on uses per day?
Trust me, you'll get to a point when you've got 1000 Platinum bars, 10 trillion wood and barely any need to use Celia's ability unless you want to.
It takes 5 minutes for optimal run for those maps.
I guess it adds up.
Do you even use all these mats? I'm just spending my rice on ch1 farm cave and using Celia in ch8 once and it's enough to spend all the AC I'm getting.
You'll be a confirmed oldfag when you cant be fucked to do so and only do 1 search/gather for dailies because fuck that dude
just do the 5 with Celia and call it a day, dailies from mission/pass should give more than enough
>didn't even know 13 drops ore because I never bothered to check
I'm falling behind.
Yes, AC are pretty frontloaded starting out and I need to use my rice for slimes and sometimes even goblins. Plus I still haven't crafted every SR4 for collection bonus, and it's still worth equipping SR4 for me.
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we did it bwos
When are they adding reset to tower? It's so tiresome to restart the game constantly.
You're not suppose to restart in the first place.
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>event battle
>difficulty medium
>spawns absolute rapists harder than elite nodes on floors 20+
event shit is overtuned for sure
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bwos we're about to get mogged
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would if like this
I agree, events mainly fuck you over.
I lost a character during an event battle but she didn't stay dead after I beat it.
Did it happen to anyone else?
>asrm program
what the fuck they outgooned us hard
>this post is advertising or begging
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BA did a basically porn asmr too
Event battles have autores and autoheal
I must have missed that very, very important info from the guidebook.
They wouldn't not put that in, right?
BA voice works regularly top the charts too.
I don't think guidebook has that.
Every fight which you don't enter by running into a mob works like that.
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Sex with rabbits
that justia cosplayer doesn't fit and it makes it look awful
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Bwos I'm struggling through rogue 4 with a magic team and no luck with any buffer units. Do I take one of these two URs or reset for a chance at a buffer?
take natural and just win
Buffers aren't needed if you get natural stone staff.
It's an additive buff.
Wtf this is huuuuge! What about if I heal my units during that fight? Or do they top off themselves after the fight?
Get veil of Night. They can't win if they can't hit you.
You need to 1 shot everything or tank/sacrifice units and just heal them up at the next shop.
>S.Justia cosplay
Jesus christ what an abomination
All they had to do was get a high waisted leotard and pack the boobage
>Posting Nikke updates in /bd2g/
Are you lost or something?
hey its me ur personal demon
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>It's over anon, you can't beat me.
When will Asians learn that throwing on colored contacts doesn't look good?
Event fights are independent from an on-map fights, your units are always healed and rezzed there no matter of their status in the character menu.
I choose to prostitute myself to a witch (there is a shop on the next floor)
The event doesn't have voice acting?
Sad I'm such a brainlet I didn't figure that out. I guess my runs usually involve 1 turn kills or dodge tanking 0 damage.
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>boss stage
>95% crit chance on all characters
>they ALL fail to crit
Damn, and here I thought it was just the event floors that were rigged
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someone compiled the artefacts if you want a reference. I'm still waiting for someone to make it in excel
That's a 100% closing game crit fishing situation
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>don't have reliable fire dps
>can't use celia and refithea
>massive dmg threshold
I hate fire season FH.
skill issue
>95% crit chance
might as well be 0%. if you can miss a crit, you are bound to eventually miss. If you can't reach 100%, don't build/plan around hitting crits.
What is with those weird freak looking gook faces? Is it a botched plastic surgery thing or do they actually get born looking like that?
>Issues arising from the use of accounts not registered in the owner’s name, but in someone else's, cannot typically be resolved by BrownDust2.
>We strongly advise against account trading or using accounts registered to others.
>Based on BrownDust2's operation policies, we are not obligated to take action regarding the platform account suspension in such cases.
>However, as we cannot ignore the inconvenience caused to our users.
>We will be making every effort to assist where possible.
Did they just confirm that account buying is OK? They're even willing to put in extra effort to help account buyers
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Regardless of what the retards on this shithole say, the real reason games don't act on acc buying is because it would have way too many false positives between people traveling or using VPNs or even getting a friend to do dailies on their acc because busy or something.

Unless they want to go full scorched earth and ban everyone who's slightly suspicious, a game can't act on it and has to err on the side of caution and be friendly to the players to avoid scandals since it would be way more trouble than it's worth. Also, the acc buyers are highly likely to spend down the line or continue playing due to sunk cost so the house wins in the end.
>imperfect account
Start over
I did it bros... I've officially graduated from being a newglutti...
yay i got her!
is she... uh... is she good?
I dont see her being as useful as Lia for a fire type
She's great at being one of the few good designs in the game but not very good past that
Having to do the daily mission chores and the mirror wars and the rogue tower is a lot.
The devs really ought to streamline the mirror wars.
>Do Last Night
>10m damage
>Retry again without changing anything

This game is so shit
They shouldn't have put the previous turn and restart buttons next to each other...
>and the rogue tower
Just do it on weekends. Should be easy to get floor 5 within a month unless you're a babygluttie
do you even need to reach the 5th floor? I thought the rewards were universal
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My first UR ticket but I don't have any Ventanas...
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Well, despite everything I managed to put together a strategy to get enough damage to clear lvl10 in the very last day of the FH.
Thankfully this means that I can delay getting Levia for a few days to see if she pops up in a daily, plus I will get to restock in tickets a little.
There are rewards for the first time you complete each level, notably a property selector ticket from lvl 4 and 5 tickets from lvl 5
Did you invest any tears into Elise?
what 5 star takes arines' place as physical buffer?
is there no alternative with crit?
gearing is confusing in this game. how the fuck do i know if i need flat attack, % attack, or crit?
You're usually pairing with Diana which gives 30% crit buff
crit damage x1,000 RRH rou and then your magic dps's
Slyvia admiral. I gambled light and got B.Helena the +4 I needed because her new banner is fucking shit 120 pulls for not a single copy
you can tell games doing poorly when it's low budget 5/10 cosplayers only
why are there random event's that do nothing but punish you? some fucking voodoo doll which makes characters take 25% more damage or lose 40% health only options. Fuck you John
Only on the CD upgrades for both of her costumes (though only Codename's came into play in this FH) and Lovely Lady's SP cost reduction one.
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>BrownDust2 | Beatrice's Birthday
“How birthday is celebrated in the Alan’s tribe? Well, our tribe is a bit special. Until you turn 18, nothing so much special, but when you turn 19, the whole tribe gathers to find a marriage partner. It's annoying. How old am I now? Uh-oh!”
Intense tribal sex with Beatrice on her birthday...
beatrice only has sex in the amazon position with me
Buttrice alter please
Beatrice deserves a new costume
BHelena banner is rigged as fuck. We should report John to the gacha council.
this, Neowiz escaped the first FTC investigation and now thinks they are in the clear. most rigged fucking banner I've pulled since I started playing last summer
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>free pull gear UR
>it's some 3* trash
every time...
I mean, unless you see qtpie Layla, don't even get excited
Eleanor mating pressed with my penis
Still deletes your pity progress.
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John is listening!
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This took too many alt+F4s bwos
What's the FH strats?
When are we getting a reveal of the real summer characters? Next week?
we just don't know
>forced into mostly wind units
>first three fights are pure fire
come on
I expected better.
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fuck offffffffff
Better kill him on turn 3
Just oneshot him?
I did it bros I beat level 2 on the new tower, I know its badly translated but what are the vault type characters?
Skip attacks
aka Liatris
Justia might be fat but that whore Scheherazade must be fucking obese after all the pills I shoved down her throat
>forced into a high difficulty battle that was easy, except I missed the chance to alt+f4 that straggler
But not like it would have mattered since...
>normal battle immediately following, four preemptive instakill counters
Okay, thanks, very cool.
Sorry, four preemptive instakill PROVOKE counters.
what diff is that even
Level 5.
Who even is this character? Where does she show up?
These guys are what make low chain automatically superior honestly. No need to deal with counters if you just one shot them all.
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Swimsuit Lia when?
New room furniture from events when?
did anyone else think homo Lathel was holding a chalice or something before playing the story?

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