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Previous: >>486985938

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki Douji Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Yuyu love!
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It's been so long but finally we're getting an announcement of an announcement and you know what that means? I can hold out hope that Vlad Lancer gets the rate-up he richly deserves.
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Mombro here
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Kama Love!
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Lip love!
>grailed robin hood
im thinking he's based
coffee bath date
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I have one free slot after reaching Lv. 159


Will add anyone so long as you'd use my servants and play regularly. Don't care if you have meta supports or not.

Will remove you if you don't login for 10+ days but if you put your message as something about how you'll come back I'll keep you longer
after 5 years of playing i still don't have Lancer Li...
I'm gonna miss the beating up women weekly...
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Should have used your rape ticket if you wanted him.
Mom Love!
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is time to let go bro
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this is so stupid I actually laughed
fucking kek
I don't get the difference, what does the 'n' mean?
Yeah, well prepare to have that joke 30 more times until it's completely beaten into the ground.
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Yeah, I'm thinkin
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Oh. Oh wow.
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>it's literally a plot point
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did you come back because you're tired of twitter groomers bro
I love Nurse...
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let her cook
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Jerk off to them?
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I came back on a whim and just drop in and out more or less at random now, was curious if /alter/ would be less boring now. And I'd say it is less boring than it was when I decided to take a break from here, not sure if that's only my perception or what. But hey.
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Already bros.
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Are the Summer Valks worth using as Arts Loopers? I've been looking for an Assassin I can use to keep my Castoria overworked.
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Oberon love!
Its because Sam calmed down and you weren't here earlier in the year when the cucktard was fully out of control
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>EXTRA content without Melt
Cannot say I miss those times.
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buy her statue
>red lister giving out rules like he's Sardine
lmao even
Here's 5 reasons Skadi is not stupid and in fact very smart:
>she wears glasses, smart people wear glasses.
>she's a queen, rulers of nations tend to be very smart
>she is a Caster, the most intelligent class that include doctors and mathematicians
>she has rank EX mana
>her color scheme is green and purple, aka the "Thanks Doc" colors
>Extrafags are also Chinafags
What does it mean?
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its almost exactly as low quality minus someone spamming bondage plus retards spamming ai pictures doe.
I mean, I get that it's supposed to sound like grumbling rather than humming; but it's still a weird plot point
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Sent, Oberon in all.
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I see, sounds like I made the right call then. Happy to be with you bros again then yeah.

Ah shit, I missed someone posting bondage? That's mighty unfortunate.
no, i wanted (Yu)
High social credit scores.
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I've got my eyes on another upcoming statue
Skadi is so smart!
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Why is she looking at me like that?
I looked up the prices for all Proto Merlin figues, all are too expensive for a europoor like me
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Was out of phase for your earlier post but I sent a request with Miyu in all if you're still taking.
NACbro here, hope you're doing well!
I love the Hakuno(n) super generic NPC look.
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I must pay the price...
I used my rape ticket on Li.
>NACbro here,
what the hell is nac
Everyone in that trailer was surprisingly dark looking in their expressions.
Isn't that a familiar conversation branch!
I laughed too because I noticed the 'n' as well before going to the next line.
well, i didn't
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>what the hell is nac
S nac on deez nuts
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>tfw we still don't have Sir Kay, Sir Bors, Sir Ywain, Sir Gaheris and Sir Ector
>original Extra
who the fuck cares besides umufags
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You have to wonder why Summer Skadi is in EX tier when she's really only a slight upgrade over Caster Skadi and she's EX-.
old thing bad new thing good
They wanted it to make it look like an actual jrpg and not an eroge h-game where you dump your semen into Tamamo 24/7
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Post supports I guess.
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I remember you, yeah. It's going. Hope you're doing well. Can you resend me the invite?
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>Male Hakuno look startled
>Female Hakuno look like she just saw some trash
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i dont want to i guess
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>A slight upgrade is in a slightly higher tier
Really activated my almonds...
Good moming
Mikonfags, and all 2 Ranifags.
>and all 2 Ranifags.
Hey, that's me.
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You should try that thinking thing humans has.
>Slut support
This makes no sense...
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Its noon stop sleeping in
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please be nice
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I do.
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Kama Cream...
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I care. It raises the chance for the anni servant to be an Extra alt.
>grailed Jason
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38 slots open
>anni will be CCC Tamamo that can go full Amaterasu mode
Cant wait
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>meme list
Good mothernoon
Sent, thank you. Too, still surviving. Some stuff breaking down but still trudging! Though I really need to making exercise a regular thing.
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Hey I'm the other one.
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The tier increase would make sense in a vacuum, but Summer Skadi is nowhere near as good as Castoria or the sheer enabling that Oberon can do. (You) should try activating your thought keys for once!
I'll probably end up buying extra/record just for Nero because she's got tits and an ass that won't quit.
You answered your own question
Accumulation of things, Ruler Skadi provides more for the current looping play style, but it's also the fact the field of Quick servants is significantly better than it was back during Caster Skadi's time as well. So because everyone improves a little, the effect snowballs with the sum of it all.

Splashing with Buster and having an offensive NP also makes her more dimensional and workable with different things, like you you can give an Arash some decent Buster and attack buffs before NP'ing with him, or card'ing/Buster crit'ing is also an option with her.
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Did you liked our AX panel?
Yes, it was as cringe and akward like a expected. Lots of silence
Still wild to me that we got Jinako before Rani (or any other Extra master for that matter). I don't think she was even that popular when CCC came out.
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If the OST is half as good as the first one it'll be worth it just for that
i love responding to lucksucker and his disgusting esl survey posts it makes me so horny
reminder to report and [-] all ESL surveyposts.
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But you are mistaken
It's clearly the best in slot for every card type + the Omni enabler (Extra)
Maybe your keys weren't as thoughtful as you thought.
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i am scared of Extra's soundtrack because whenever i listen to a single track i end up playing it on loop for hours
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She's voiced by Yuuki Aoi, that's a money maker. Probably a level of convenience too since she can voice all her characters at once during the pre-2015 recording sessions.
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What next buff she will get bros?
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Mind posting the new meme list?
>neutral damage
>can buff herself or others for massive damage
>aoe np
>buffs both buster and quick
>gives 15 star regen for 3 turns
>can have 2x summer skadi, 1x skadi, 1x oberon or any other support
>50% np charge that also gives higher buster crits
Gee, I wonder why she is rated so high. Your thought keys seems broken.
That's a lot of people
when is skadi's banner? august?
Skadi is so innocent and cute this event bros...
Yes, yes, however...
It's just really good
Also nostalgic
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Thursday or friday I think.
Looks like Nightingale is fucking Skadi's butt here
I wonder if anyone in this general is in US West like I've never seen
>doesn't count
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buff to her plot backstory
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Try not to kiss your screen challenge(IMPOSSIBLE)
24th 21:00
It's been radio silence afterwards, hasn't it?
Appmedia simply has an anti-Scathach agenda. Do not trust.
Mash sexo
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Try not to kiss your screen challenge(IMPOSSIBLE)
No pic because I can't and no code because no spots, though there's a couple of people I could remove due to inactivity
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WHY is the POPE so CUTE?!
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old pic
already 120 Arc.
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Try not to kiss your screen challenge(IMPOSSIBLE)
I want summer Nero to get buffed.
Both 4* Nero and Bride already got some really good ones.
Very easy
oops meant for >>487009451
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Nero Regalia when?
Low test
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Try not to kiss your screen challenge(IMPOSSIBLE)
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>Skadoo is in the shop now
>she's actually projecting herself from the castle
Huh, interesting...
I'm not here that often anymore so no, sorry aniki.
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Nightingale asks if you would want to get your prostate examined.
She is holding a strap-on harness and larger than average but not unreasonably large dildo.
Would you?
Why is your Yang not Lv 120 bro?
Sorry I dont want to kiss old men and prostitutes
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Try not to punch your screen challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]
What if the Master of Chaldea was BETRAYED by Douman and TRAPPED in Skadi's summer arctic funpark?
i lost
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spaghet pls
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Try not to kiss your screen challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]
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Try not to punch your screen challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]
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Try not to kiss your screen challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]
>NP2 120
The only true post here.
I tried to rape my screen...
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Try not to kneel before your screen challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]
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What sins does Abby have?
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Not today agent Smith, not today.
She wears clothes around me.
Just pretend you didn't see that.
>he doesn't know about the super secret boss mysterious lancer lambda that will show up
They also have Douman talking about how he betrayed them and still at the shop as well. Story might not be good, but the little details are nice
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Added. Impressive Oberon!

I'm not sure what you mean.

Cute Bakin! I'm a little tempted to swap my Vinci for her.
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Here's your pizza you ordered!
You are impersonating a different poster.
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Try not to kneel before your screen challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]
Honk honk
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Try not to hotglue your screen challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]
i think you uploaded the empty template bro.
ok stop
this is getting annoying
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Try not to honk before your screen challenge
I'm enjoying it personally. Also really digging all the nice backdrops and map udates.
why would you pour glue on your screen???
I'm not, I'm the one who posted the supports and I just accepted the Oberon response.
>he posted an empty picture
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Beni Rabu!
organize your folders, you are uploading templates and empty pictures.
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Try not to open your mouth before the screen challenge
I wonder if this is a hint at a future rank up quest for mhxx? She doesn't have AED. Maybe her invincible will get upgraded someday?
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Coffee or wine bath?
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skadi has ligma...
can we get an MHX buff?
>shes already had so many buffs
please just one more
please make her relevant
give her a battery or something
Wrong type of noodles, mom.
Reminder that this artist appreciates ntr
Actually not and I can approve that. That anon is in my FL tho.
I bet it would take weeks to get the smell of either out of your pores
Bathing in either would be a bad idea
Both would dehydrate you very quickly, and overdose you IE get you super drunk or overly caffeinated to the point of shaking and aggression.
If they've got a decaf coffee bath I'd hazard that one.
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We're firm believers in the "death of the artist" doctrine here.
Try not to kiss my screen challenge? I failed that one already.
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Bleh... forgot the pic.
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why does fem merlin get an essay every other arrow glazing her??? its fucking insane that half the event's screentime is taken up by her
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Try not to kiss your screen challenge: Impossible!
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Choose something scarier next time, this one is stupid looking
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NTA but you asked for it
to make her being the twist "villain" more suprising
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>already hit pity for proto merlin
>10 and a half hours until I hit pity for ibuki
luckletbros...our day will come...
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Never opening a spoiler ever again
omg Douman is so sexy, I want him to fuck me in the ass
Remove iphone bobfag from your friend lists.
How's the event going bros?
So is ati actually sick or was it just a larp?
I think I remember this one, its from a Korean scare comic right
Give me a good reason why
Ahem, nemo sex, and with that I slumber again for another 10 thousand years.
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>less than twelve hours away
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Abby sex
Yeah it's super old.
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Good! Other than my Skadi funds being drained by this succubus.
How to get an Abby gf IRL
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Ati was betrayed by Douman
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A lot of people seem excited for Ibuki but I hardly see any saber Ibukis on my friend list. What gives?
bro you got herpes now...
I remember going to this site for the first time. Scared the shit outta me, pretty good.
>spent 1SQ rolls on Avalon
>got my first Osakabehime
>generally enjoying the story
>liking the auto-generated QP and mats
Pretty good! Currently sat on 750 SQ for Skadi, so hopefully she doesn't fuck me up.
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stalk middle schools
furfags are not that much of a majority in fate
This was a really fuckin gay thread to wake up to.
I'm other news, they may not look impressive next to all the raitabortions' and skadi's honkers, but Gareth's tits are actually pretty huge for her tiny frame. She's got the body of a bulimic Vietnamese teenager with the tits like softballs. If she were wearing a more provocative swimsuit I think she'd be even better assets than sei's bangin' bikini bod.
This has been morning though with everyone's favorite black armor sperg. You may return to being schizo now.
Terribly sorry Skadoo, as soon as I saw you, I just couldn't help but come so quickly...
Abbyfags are scary...
Gareth’s a knight, why doesn’t she have visible muscle?
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Even a little bit goes a long way with exercise. Buy some adjustable weight dumbbells at home, they're not expensive and you can do a bunch of exercises with those. Or just walk more, touching grass really does do wonders. Added and locked, bro.

Thank you, that's a nice support for you too. Locked.
Coffee will stink after about a day. Will also be kinda sticky.
Wine might stink depending on what wine. But is still certainly be sticky after a day.

They're both bad choices to bathe in.
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cutting board
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>roll for small Medea
>get np5 Ibuki before 1 (one(uno)) Medea
>96 sq spent
> need proofs of hero
> there are no proofs of hero in this event
Am I soulless if I already have every servant there with the exception of summer Ibuki and Skadi who aren’t released yet
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Onee-san loves you, anon
What does a mighty chain do?
she's cute
Yes. But only because of Arjuna
Yeah that shit is hot as fuck bro
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grants a chain of might and + 20%crit for all cards
i think im fucking wrong and high as a kite
It gives all the bonuses of all starting chains. So basically more damage, more NP generation and more crit stars and crit chance on the same chain.
Same reason as artoria. Nips are fags that can't appreciate a strong woman who isn't a 8 foot tall bodybuilder.
You can probably count the number of toned or better female servants on your fingers. Even some of the most physically fit Legends like scathach are still soft and smooth when they don their summer fits.

Muscle definition scares the average nip male.
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Yui a cute, Milly a cute.
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Helldyste bros
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love me oni
>actual fag calling anyone else a fag
As expected of the jetcuck
It really does. I've somehow ran the fitness gamut and happened again upon the bottom so it's a matter of making sure I stay on the wagon. It's surprising how good you can feel afterward but that delayed reward can be a hard-won prize sometimes.
And you too, bro!
what the fuck?
Yes, unless you're a sis and that's why you like Super Poo. Or if you're big fan of Case Files and that's why you rolled for Reines.
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When you start a chain with a specific card, it grants a buff to that chain

For Buster it's a 50% damage buff (additive, not multiplicative), for Arts it's 100% increase in NP gain and for Quick it's 20% higher crit star generation (and as of the recent anniversary patch, also a 20% increase to crit chance for the cards in the chain.

A Mighty Chain is any chain consisting of all three types of card and it grants all three of these benefits.
2 years for a bond 15 is pretty average
fucking finally
I think if you do a brave chain, the quick card can be the third card and it will still give +20% crit chance to all your cards.
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Bros...she's so beautiful...
shes pretty boring
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well anon have a proof of a hero on my tab.
no need to thank.
don't have to announce that buddy
When is Takeuchi going to release Grugtoria's design?
Yeah, as long as it's a mighty chain. Doesn't have to be a brave chain either, just having all the different types of cards does the trick.
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>playing World again
>mfw these fucking Zorah Magdaros quests
Just let me get to Iceborne bro get lost

Still it's better than the tower defense stuff from Rise.
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you need to update that
>Skadi crying in the news ticker
Are we the bad guys?
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Little Kama...
skadi has too big tits
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>You can probably count the number of toned or better female servants on your fingers
Is it time to appreciate Medb and Cnoc more?
Her abs and thighs often look like she works them out a lot.
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they are perfectly average
Those are some pretty built thighs
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okaerinasai anata
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Trailer came out just today. The end of the trailer does say more to the revealed on August 4th. That's the day of FGO Fest in japan.
>golden rule body has AAA-cup tits
nasu is a girl confirmed
>"Announcement! There will be an announcement!"
Oh shit, I just assumed that was the ancient trailer we got ages ago.
Why is she fat?
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>we want the Barghest audience
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you know what confuses me the most?
Nasuverse fans that have no interest in romance, history nor lolis
like what the fuck even got you interested in this franchise? why did you stick with it?
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10 hours in Paint
it almost looks like skadi's tits are a layer above the text box
All chains do 1x - 1.2x -1.4x damage

Buster card first slot makes cards 2 and 3 do 1.5x damage, making it 1x - 1.8x - 2.1x
Arts card first slot makes cards 2 and 3 generate +100% np. Not multiplicative, additive. So a buster card which has a base np gain of 0% will be able to gain np where it normally couldn't no matter how much npgain buffs you have.
Quick card first increases all cards' crit chance by 20% and boosts cstar drop rate by ?50%? 100%? Not sure on that one.

Mighty chains, 1B1A1Q in any order, gives all of those effects regardless of card order. They are an all-around turn improver, but not specialized for any one thing. If you want np, AQA would still be better. Damage, BAB would be better. You only really use mighty chains when you can't make a better chain. It just opens up more opportunities to get a little more out of an otherwise meh hand.
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They are fucking perfect...
Because if you like chuuni shit this is the franchise for you, the whole thing is one big chuuni wet dream
whos the father? im virgin
I did this.
Is Lady Avalon ever actually confirmed to be the Prototype Merlin or is that just what the playerbase assumes? Could she actually be someone else, like actually being Merlin’s sister or an impostor pretending to be Merlin?
>golden rule body has AAA-cup tits
>nasu is a girl confirmed
Isn't the other example of Golden Rule Body Lolivinci?
No, it was Altera before her buff
torpedo tits
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Servants who love you for who you are?
There is a voiced line hinting she's Prototype Merline if you also have Arthur.
She has aids, statistically speaking
Skadi is beautiful lads...
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>another small chested woman
Flat lands are good civilization!
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Where is this art from?
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>Nasuverse fans that have no interest in romance
What? All he wrote were boy meets girl stories.
I miss the "book about your fav" posts.
>Why did you stick with it
KINOko Nasu, very simple.
Merlin's himself says she's part of the multiverse in the event intro.
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Skadoo's tits are so big they will arrive one day earlier than her rate up day...
I like how lolis carved out their own ecological niche there kek
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>Could she actually be someone else, like actually being Merlin’s sister
No, Merlin doesn't have the sister. They make it pretty obvious in her lines that it's an absurd claim, but to go along with it anyway.
>or an impostor pretending to be Merlin
It's clearly Merlin. Her being summoned in the Pretender class probably has something to do with her not being chained to Avalon like regular Merlin is and now that she's present in our world. Maybe Alaya doesn't like the fact that there are two Grand Casters at the same time. So if her identity were to be revealed, she would be forced to disappear from our world.
how do they not spill out?
Age gap too wide. No thank you.
Its Joever, fellas
Fuck off poltard
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That's literally her 3rd ascension profile.
The ESL in this image always gets me.
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She's literally Golden Rule (Body) EX
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lust provoking image
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Why is skadoo shorter than scathach? Being fatter with bigger tits obviously comes from her inactivity
Merlin did have a sister actually.
Stupid hag intentionally weakening herself just to get MCs dick hard.
>he doesn't lazy
It's Aruover...
The gravitational force of her breasts making her shorter?
Tits that big wight you down.
Whats over?
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Wait a second, this isn't /bag/!
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Simply irresistible
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I'm Steven van de Velde and Abby is the 12-year old girl i met on Facebook.
She should have been Magi Mari.
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Holy SEX
i used like 2 bronze apples, anon. you get a fuck ton of these ice bars if you just use the CEs.
bros i think ibuki looks hotter than skadi...
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Oh, I just learned about major news from /alter/ again....
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Circe is so fucking cute, bros...
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Was Drake's tits always this big?
I wish I could tame and domesticate this oni into being my housewife.
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I miss Lisette
>look it up
wtf I thought abbyfags were just larping...
Makes sense, tv tropes says that in summer 8 Merlin says that she will actually disappear if her true identity is ever revealed and Castoria uses her fae eyes to confirm that it isn’t a lie
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20% boost to crit chance will proc a lot more often than it should. Going for QAB every time is worthwhile on the not-so-off-chance any one of those attacks crit.
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cute brat
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what's with that face
I feel like every time Wada draw Drake, she looks more and more like a hag.
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I NEEED to protect this smile
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Yep. Outside of FGO originals she only looses to Lip.
Yeah I've heard she looks in a mirror and draws whatever she sees
Lady Avalon is just Merlin from Arthur's world. Merlin can change his sex at will.

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>that face
>"Prepare to be blown"
The edit makes itself.
when she sees an American shota.
>WADA is a woman
>Sakurai is a woman
>Nasu is a woman
hmm... really makes you think...
My favorite
valkyries are for (goredolf)
Joewari Da
THAT doesn't make sense because she was fine in Arcade. I think that's just cope.
>reddit spacing
>Merlin can [HEADCANON]
Nothing makes me think!
bravo /alter/
if it ain't sourced with direct quotation then it's just someone's headcanon
Big fat sweaty skadoodles
I rally like the theory that it's a Fou pretending to be Merlin. Foulin. In Arcade she was called a Beast of the Planet, which is Fou's former title. Also do note that Kawasumi voices both of them, the Chaldea Fou and Lady Avalon.
sakurai charcters are for sakurai favorite?!
I kinda do. He was funny.
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Indeed. My posting was slow due to multitasking and I got beat by a full minute.
Imagine if it's a recursive case of Merlins imprisoning a Merlin into a Fou and then getting imprisoned themselves all the way down and this is why all Fous hate Merlin
its because sakurai voices both merlin and proto arthur
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These four pairs have a four way team battle HGW. Which group do you think is going to win and which group do you support?
SSR Beni-enma
SR Atalante
SR Mochizuki Chiyome
SSR Britomart
SR Tlaloc
SR Stheno
Welfare Dobrynya Nikitich
Would you like this summer?
Kill all Merlins.
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lol the entire website's going to be on one board now, cool.
I'm sorry, that was me. Thanks for making the edit!
How much is Arc jobbing here for Extra?
Cu wins anyway.
>t. Oberon
I think you're the only person that's brought it up here actually
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Nursery was broken as fuck in EXTRA so she wins. I support giant Drake titties.
I didn't make the Erice edit, someone else did. I was just saying they posted it a minute before I commented someone should make it.
I don't care about Erice enough to bother.
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Imagine giving Melu a foot massage.
What's everyone doing while waiting for Ibuki since we're now all out of AP and the good nodes aren't up yet?
I started using Linux recently and I'm just trying to google everything because I have no idea what I'm doing.
What a cutie...
Nobody's going to be able to actually find and fight the Robin+Nursery team.
i am gigabased
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hey wait a second...
My mother and sister forced me to give them foot massages since I was a child and it ingrained a burning seething hatred of bare feet.
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easiest skip of my life
teeny weenie
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And afterwards she returns the favour by massaging your penis with her cute feet…
they are all Takeuchi's wives?
>source: his prior post that he copypasted it from
Excuse you, where is Jack
Does oberon work with lady avalon?
Arc is actually still pretty decent as a Berserker.
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Need blonde girl summer. Astraea, Eresh, Vritra
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Summer Ereshkigal!
Yes, Oberon only specifically targets Merlin.
Servants that would pass the torch?
>still no Jack
I'm upset

But I'd be happy about Beni and those two as her SRs on the same rate up are cool too.
Soft lap, comfy nap
Maybe I should use my free SSR ticket on Drake...
If it is in the Moon Cell, then the NR + Robin combo is unstoppable. Side note, it interesting that Alice is the only master besides Hakuno to make it into the art.
>Merlin can change his sex at will.
Kind of, but only through illusion. Merlin from Arthur's world is a girl while Merlin from Artoria's world is a guy.
>yeah that's the problem, gotta follow that shit all the way down to the kanji
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Yes. He's a manwhore. It's ok if Merlin has tits.
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Arc is actually a massive jobber in Fate/Extra. Her master's eccentricities nerfed her a shit ton, see pic.
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Ereshkigal AND Lip!
And even Medea!
The others can be whomever.
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Kinda miffed we didn't get the hood as a costume.
We need Summer Avenger Nobbu, for all ascensions
>"But we already have Swimsuit Berserker Nobbu"
>"But with first ascension she'd be the same charact-"
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gogh kino = gino
Can Ibuki loop with Merlina and support Castoria?
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>But with first ascension she'd be the same charact
While also adding Xu Fu, sure.
Kama Kama Kama Kama Kama Kameleon!
This segment was the best.
Holy kino...
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idol goho = ioho
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Two Piece is real!
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me, I'm goredolf
Even with Guda as her master and Chaldea’s mana backing her up, the Arc we summon has her Ultimate One skill nerfed to D, which reflects the limitations of her being a servant, right?
I will cut Bob in Two Piece if you know what I mean
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With your dick, right?
what happens now?
>Servants of Red
>Literally no priest in red but Jannu
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he needs a skin like this
Yes yes of course... hehe
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Isn’t this a hint that Lady Avalon is not Merlin? If she was Merlin, just using an alias and pretending that’s her name still wouldn’t change the fact that she’s a Merlin, but she’s not affected by Oberon…
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We wait for 90++ nodes to open
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THE face is truly a money maker...
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>defeats your favorite servant with a single kick
>Entire ability to be (You)+1
I feel like Nasu doesn't know how this would work and where she'd get the power to do that if faced with a greater than planetary foe
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we roleplay that summer erice is erice-anon
What servants like coconuts?
I decided on Ortlinde two years ago
I'd run with Skadoo in my arms too...
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Ea gg
post based
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I don't want to! I want them all!
Apfel Schießen GG
I'm not posting my support, bro
I'm tired of waiting!

His section was pretty fun.
For me it's da jokah
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His passive only targets "Merlin" allies and not "Merlin-type" allies. Even if Lady Avalon released as "Merlin (Prototype)", she wouldn't have been targeted because she's not "Merlin".
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Mind you, the news page doesn’t mention this but each Valkyrie will have a different valentine scene + CE as well
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Servants for this feel?
To be fair, it's not his responsibility.
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>"I have to summon her!"
>It's just jalter
should have been scheherazade who immediately screams about not wanting to die
Need giant pirate oneesan hag titties
holx shit skills at 10 AND all ccs?
Aya from Touhou.
Ashiya Douman
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>Want Green Valk but like Thrud
It's also useless. No matter what he does people are going to be assholes to each other, especially taking into consideration the infinite universes bullshit.
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Same but I want Ortilinde.
i'm so hot bros...
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>get some new friend requests
>no one replied saying they sent one
bros... pls....
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I didn't roll for priest. I don't like priest. The only priest I'd get is YOROKOBE.
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Peak reddit moment is finding Lv.100, 10/10/10 skills and CCs impressive. That's the minimum here.
post their Friend request, I want to see the rats.
Just check THE list.
I'm the Kiara
Kiara in All
cross reference all of the /alter/bro registries to see if they match anybody, if not delete them
Don't accept anyone who doesn't announce their All to you.
There isn't a single boss Jalter can beat that QSH can't solo
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Well, /alter/?
>mothman dead
>castoria too
Hey sis, come here often?
>novelai sub ran out
>can't generate a lot of Drake stuff now
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Need bros, just say who's in all.

You can do it, I believe in you. It's much easier to go back to exercise and lifting if you've done it a lot before.
This dude is based. Literally the japanese ozzy osbourne.
It pains me that I have to skip him for the sake of summer bob.
Plus in Fate there is an absolute... well, fate. Even if he changes the course of history, the event he prevented will eventually happen again since it needs too. That's why with Himiko they are specific to say she can alter fate, but only very little and only for one person to very few number of people.
Ortlinde for Geirskogul
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Who starts a conversation like that? I just sat down.
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>They removed Berserker Arc's heterochromia
Have you noticed it's always the latelets and veterans that demand you announce your all?
Himiko may be able to alter fate, but is she willing to stay the night?
Nice tits slut, can I have some milk?
someone make wheel decide for valks
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Very much.
>split grailing
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The 3rd one is a little bit suggestive
Extra Arc was fucking garbage, thank god
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>sigurd and bryn appear
Happy birthday, bro. Did you have a good one?
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Sakurai just can't help herself
This anon gets it.
No bro, I got drunk and I'm pretty sure I made out with my uncle
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Little Kamcert...
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Thanks sweaty, it's been good!
Hildr is kinda cute.
Based. Did you and your uncle play cave explorer?
i got a gangbang run on me, and i think i got herpes
>SSR Ben-
chotto a minute
Well as long as you had fun...
They sure can't, they event threw in Tesla/Edison memes at the heian sauna park
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Summer bob and Melu for me and hopefully barghest too. Still rolling on Yorokobe.
No but we played Fate/Grand Order Cosmos in the Lostbelt
Why couldn't we have all six in one, like the Lancer Valkyrie?
Was considering getting him but Merlina squeezed too much sq…
It's ok schierke you still are /ourgirl/
>SSR Benkei
Ew you smell like greed
>jumbo buttplug
>nipple weights
>drug ampules
which valk is which?
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>120 Baobhan Sith
I'm impressed and can't wait to catch up.
>realised my Kama was 9/9/9 as I was making the image
I'm dumb.
Would unironically be pretty based ngl
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I want to roll merlina but i'm waiting on skadi and gyaru dragon
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Eric Bloodaxe
>Hildr is worst valk
>but she comes with the joker valk
Nasu knew what she was doing
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ngl this looks like something a free AI prompt website would spit out
BA is doing Alters now?
Might try for np2 ibuki and hopefully np1 skadi. Then I'll just save for Draco.
>he knows
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yes anon?
Only one before now, but they just introduced a new one into the story too. But that one is so ridiculously cool that I'll be pissed if that one won't be playable too.
Oi don't you have a bank to rob with your other self?

>NP goal?
Ibuki Douji and Zenobia
I really hope they don't start introducimg hags in BA honestly its the only gsme that still appeals to the tasted of people liike me and I don't want that yo go away like it happened with summer Wu and Ibuki a 1
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with better lore justification and plot interaction than Fate Grand Order, yeah
Kuroko my beloved. I'm happy to see both her and Hoshino as limiteds
Yep, cringe post
Wolfseggs??? In MY /alter/?
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blue archive is entering phase 2
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Yep, based post
According to you
She fucking raped me.
Skadi is really in 4 hours? That's great! LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Its so disgusting if they keep this up I might quit even tjo i've been playing since day 1
I can't say goodbye to my wife Hina tho so I hope they reconsider
Asstraea in all
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You guys will have your ice cream catalyst ready for summer skadi, right?
talk about FGO, not worse gacha games.
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>skadi in 4 hours
Don’t eat that hotdog.
>today is National Ice Cream Day
>Skadi's rate-up not out
That would have been the best catalyst, it's a shame we just missed it
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Still the queen
I'll get some the day
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usagi love!
kamatard spamming report like crazy lmfao
For me it's Drake(Racist)
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Shan't, it will tip off the desire sensor. Last time I did that she didn't come in all my 1000 sq and 50 tickets
Are you mad your shitpost got hit?
What would be the best Blue Bell flavor to buy for Skadi?
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I will buy ice cream for her.
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What's the catalyst for Wu?
Cookie Two Step
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amputated cat limbs
Fried dog meat
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What is objectively the best ice cream flavor and why is it mint chocolate chip?
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Torture devices. Wanna borrow a few?
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Nice i can do both of those.
shitpost? why are you seething?
>What is objectively the best ice cream flavor
It's liquorice thoughever
I'm gonna use her books AND a keychain!
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Oh no!
I dropped my magic tome!
*shake shake*
Could you help me pick it up, Master?
*wiggle wiggle*
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What does her event have to happen so late next year? I swear they keep pushing gudaguda further and further back.
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Cookie dough ice cream.
It's vanilla
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>50.000 bond points for 5th bond level
What did Lasengle mean by this?
it means that she needs 50k bond points for level 5 you fucking retard
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It's certainly best I've had-
I don’t speak Spanish.
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Titmogging is fucking hot
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Just because she's a succubus doesn't mean she's in love with you
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If I fapped to Medb, would that work?
That she's basically a sociopath that won't genuinely like you for a long time?
But aren’t succubi supposed to be uuh easily to bond with according to their lore?
That’s what confused me.
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I like lemon...
no, you're a retarded coomer
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It's vanilla. Yes.
They're bond points not "I'd bang you" points, dumbass
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It's Vanilla by the way. Always was.
it what world do you think that demons meant to abuse and manipulate your feelings of affection to drain your life force would be "easy to bond with"?
They are all about pump and dump
Brutal reality…
Enough of name-calling, poo-head
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Added the ass, nice support.
Sex with a servant that loves you= Making love
Sex with medb or just someone you caught on a club or something= Just plain sex
Dumb girls really are the cutest.
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i was just trying to get asclepius....
For me, it's black raspberry
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BBBro speaking truth to power.
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Gonna scoop vanilla the most out of that.
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Do you "bond" with your dinner?
I like cookie dough or other ice creams that are vanilla based but with a bit of cookie inside to much on. Not oreos though, oreos are bad cookies.
Raspberry Ripple
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I think farmers would.
>Do you "bond" with your dinner?
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i want Illya to lick my sensitive parts with her tiny tongue
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You don't?
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taigong in all
Lemon+Chocolate is godly
I can't believe they bothered making so many videos of it only to cook and eat the fucking thing
Japs truly aren't human
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Servants for this feel?
what's the last day for skadi's rateup? I still have ti save a bit...
God Shiki's art gets me so fucking hard.
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I really appreciate it, and I believe in you too. I'm pretty sure there's at least some residual remains haha. See you around!
I enjoy playing Fate Grand Order
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arigathanks gozaimuch
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I do love me some Shikibuses.
got wood
I mean they should deceive and manipulate, form some kind of false-bond to prey on you. Doesn’t it works like this?
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Just use "that"
people ate the animals they lived with for like 10k years all over earth
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do Sorbet count?
*doesn’t it work like this?
I mean saving mana
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>I mean they should deceive and manipulate, form some kind of false-bond to prey on you. Doesn’t it works like this?
For weak ones, I guess.
Strong ones just kind of show up, mind rape you, drain you to death, then leave.

Anything more is just playing with their food for fun.
Yeah I bond with my /alter/ bros all the time.
Wait they actually ate him?!?!
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uoh Illya's childlike tongue on my adult private parts!!
Are you married?
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i forgot why i deleted you but i remember you being on my list
Makes sense
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There’s a giant flying bug the size of a thumb flying in the laundry room…
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Added and locked. Very nice support.
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No, they ate another pig, he lives. It was a prank channel.
No. Try searching the word online.
thanks obersis
glad to see you're back again
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max renovate on qp and exp, got a CE drop
basically all you could ask for

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