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Previous >>486934332

The First Descendant is a third-person looter shooter powered by Unreal Engine 5. Become a Descendant. Fight for the survival of humanity.
Descendants have unique abilities to tackle both solo and co-op missions. Up to 4 players use varied mechanics to defeat giant bosses.

News - https://tfd.nexon.com/en/news
Official Download Page - https://tfd.nexon.com/en/main
Steam Page - https://store.steampowered.com/app/2074920/The_First_Descendant/

Game Info Spreadsheet (Drops, Checklists & More) - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NDQkP9O5rBdy97LByML2HWhn5OQtG9Fhm6uagC4msX0/htmlview
Module Combination probability - https://now-nexon-com.translate.goog/service/tfd?page=6832648b-7e71-48af-bf4e-8d5ce4bea41f&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=es&_x_tr_pto=wapp
What a terrible image. Start over.
i hate that all women in this game have fat asses its unrealistic and ruins immersion
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I hate Valby's face
i would have never played this if the women didnt have huge fat asses
she looks like a little boy
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We LOVE asses here vappa
Just build base Lepic, is this guy worth anything or is he MR/Fire fragment fodder?
Besides HP/DEF, how should I build him?
Freyna is the prettiest lady in this game. Bunny sucks.
no reason to build the base when his ult is the easiest to research in the game and strictly better
i wish gay people such as yourself would stop coming here
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is magsize better than reload? reload works the same as cooldown so the more you have it the better it gets up to almost instant reload but i think with +crit -30% reload it becomes unsalvageable better off just getting big magsize to magdump and roll away
where's the list of mods that can only be made through combining?
mag size is better than reload because you can reload cancel any gun with a failed grapple/roll/skill
depending on the gun you can cancel the reload anywhere from like 50-70% of the actual bar
How tries after you get Ult Bunny BP after beating stunning beauty? I'm on my 25th run.
how s-tier enzo build looks like?
WHERE i farm best red mod for enzo?
what was that wave of ESL just now
smells like shit and curry
Not what I asked, how do you build him effectively?
you still have to wait, it only cancels if the remaining reload time is shorter than roll animation
with concentration priority cuckcage reload is almost 2 second holy shit its so trash you reload more than you shoot
3 crit modules, -cd, -mana cost, attack, battle, hp, def or hp
Why not do outpost/reactor for 10% chance? Especially if you have Sharen.
>bunny is supposed to be the sped le zoom zoom
>but Viessa does it better for cheaper with her ice legs
when to use Skill power vs Skill power MODIFIER?
you don't, you build ult lepic effectively
grappling midair is way faster than rolling so even if the reload time is shorter than the roll animation it can be much longer than the grapple fail animation
use both
How do i look up where weapons drop? I wanna get blue weapons to finish mastering them.
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did i win fellas
Two stupid questions
1. Should I use my energy activator on my level 40 Valby, or just wait until I have a level 40 Ultimate Valby, as she's releasing soon?

2. What exactly counts as a "skill attack"? Is it any skill that does damage, or are skills that do damage over time not counted?
Just wait for ultimate, you'll never use the base version again once you get the ult.
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Frey is kinda hot bros
>How do i look up where weapons drop?
valbros i'm about to squirt
freyna is super hot
bunny is the only cute character right now.
what happens if you cancel research?
you can buy 3 of them off the gun vendor, otherwise just get them in normal mode while doing those character/gun farms that are normal only
"Kinda"? She's probably one of the hottest designs in the game right now. Too bad she's a walking STD though.
That is pretty good but I think the sanguinification one is better
if you dismiss a descendant, do you have to research them again? do they keep catalysts?
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Rate my Ajax
>the bunny enjoyers have left
>all that remains is autistic homos
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but I'm right here?
modifier when the numbers on your skills warrant the digit addition. e.g. when a skill deals 1500% you won't get much from additional 50%.
is ult ajax any good? currently building him, 20 hours left though
still worse than kyle
only real difference i've noticed is having more DEF so i can take resistances on my components
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I play this bitch too much
I wasn't aware of this, thanks
sorry i meant normal bunny enjoyers, not smelly neets with way too much time on their hands
>tfw maxed out on Shape Stabilizers before getting the 20% fucking drop you want
>mods that can only be made through combining?
wait what?
I dont play with whores
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>tfw not single part acquire today
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>tfw %3 bunny code drop
>there is no way to exclude red module from dismantle junk marking
really annoying when you have less than 4 but when 2-3 of them are dup
just mix those dups with other dupes in the combine menu
the drop rates are pretty shit
i really dont think the vaults are that bad
you can find resources of where they are, just go there and do them on your enzo. or if you dont have enzo and not confident, just do the white and blue ones and skip the purple ones, they still drop the resources Ults need
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modules like this and few other
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what did he mean by this?
Can someone help me kill this stupid void boss in white gulch twice? I am trying to get Enzo and this boss is way too overtuned. I have two of the AMP so I can run it twice.
my ass is just like ultimate bunny's
which third world country are you from that youtube recommended you this nobody's channel?
sure post id faggot
what's ult sharen and ult freyna going to be like?
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I'll never get tired of this
Ult Sharen better be the hottest (and they better give her skill mods that make any skill besides cloak worth using)
oh buy i have the game for you then, you could be playing Concord right now!
Have fun and never come back
Why are people being weird about this game
>never tire of base male instincts
yeah any hetero man will be like that
I just sort those by tier so all the reds are on top
When is Gley getting her signature costume
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remember when ultimate viessa actually looked good and you could see her nipples if you clipped the camera through her boob
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I wish this gun was better. I like the look and feel, maybe higher base fire rate too
Damn that's way better, was that beta?
do you guys meld your modules or just dismantle dups?
That'll be $20+tip
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Yeah I remember taking screenshots of the ass after tutorial
then after the game came out and was confuseed where this character went
that looks way better than current ult viessa wtf
I'd wait for more data, but melding 4 of the same "group" of mods CAN give you something in the same group (Malachite, Xiantic, etc)
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Isn't this pretty good for cage?
Combining is the only way to get the Shot Focus module right now
where'd u get that
ultimates made ugly on purpose, now you have reason to buy skin to fix abomination that is ultimate skins
any afterglow build for sharen?
is it worth taking the ammo convert mod?
Why you all take cage? i have terrible recoil compared to Python, and mediocre dps.
Because the cage AOE makes it a better general use weapon
action reaction rifling reinforcement weak point sight and first shot
Is it even worth checking reactors or even dismantling stuff during valby farms? Feels like I am gonna miss out on kuiper and gold.
ok... I'm gonna do 10 more runs for Polymer shards to open my next 5 Jayber Enhanced Cells 20% relics.... I SURE HOPE BY THE TIME I'VE OPENED 30 I AM ABLE TO ACQUIRE ONE SINGLE 20% DROP
You have Bunny and Valby for aoe.
Why the fuck you build your weapon for aoe, when only purpose is kill bosses?
i don't bother personally, you get showered in anything you do anyway
i don't believe in you and hope you don't get it.
>outpost 3 min cd
> well so i quick go to Albion and back
>now outpost have 4 min cd
>outpost is cleared in seconds
>takes 5+1 minutes to spawn again
and how am i going to level my other shit?
Am i supposed to play bunny for everything that isn't a boss or what
Only if you plan on building Ult Viessa, right now the reactors that drop are Frozen Singularity and one of her Transcendent mods turns all 4 of her skills into Singular skills, you'd want crit rate/crit damage
electric conductor + bunny.
thanks anon. i think im only missing that first shot mod. it's apparently a gold module.
I don't like playing those characters.
Just join to defense/void experiment/kuper mines/gold farm etc activity and chill when Bunny carry you.
Is it THIS hard to get?
if i go for viessa now i should have her baking by the time ult valby comes out
Are you Ajax main?
>another gay
jesus christ why are there so many of you
No. I play Lepic but I want to main Enzo.

How am I gay?
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safe to invest in enzo right? surely they wont print ultimate m*le any time soon
>only playing homos
no need to lie, we can tell
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My wife is too beautiful and gets stares from every man. What should I do?
You will still have your shit wasted ont they do
>playing game fine for a few days now
>boot it up and run through old mystery dungeon
>pc freezes and reboots itself half-way through
what the fuck
Got the same video recommended
i carried a lot of people on hard intercept the whole weekend. It's either they start shitting up Obstructer and above, or Frost Walker becomes easier to farm.
Time to kill many Executieners
so is the best way to get this combining 4 rare cerulean descendent mods?
Is this really necessary, when it already takes so fucking long to get all the parts and research them
one last attempt to get you to spend money
7800x3d but there was no message about overheat and the room i'm in is cold as fuck because i have the ac on
I don't think I'm autistic enough for Gley
Do you keep duplicates of mods?
i've keeping dupes of basically all the descendant mods but not for weapons so far
no point. but only combine same rarity levels to guarantee that rarity or higher. I always scrap blues and occassionally purples. always combine duplicate red/yellow
look at event viewer
>spamming AMP 99 for bunny
>get energy activator bp from stabilizers
>keep getting the 20% drop without it
>eventually run out of void shards and now need to farm more
This keeps fucking happening, how do I get the RARER drop and the drop right below the one I actually want?!
ebin, but I wanted forma
>activate bunny run
>puts me in combat with nothing
So is Hanged Man's attack where he targets everyone with a pillar of light just an instant failure? Because I can't see how to dodge or avoid it.
yes he wipes the party
yes its an instakill because you failed the boss mechanic. in the middle underneath him are these tubes that fill up with fuel. when it's almost full, someone on your team needs to pick up the cube underneath him. This will turn him immune and constantly strike lightning at the holder. they have to run and survive while the other 3 shoot his mouth and break the part so the fuel goes down. once you reduce the fuel, might take 2 breaks, then you return the cube to attack him normally again. if the fuel maxes out, you get insta killed.
not a clue, personally just spam combine with random 4
I keep dupes of blue and purple, because sometimes the upgraded ones are too expensive for builds, but maybe my builds are stupid. Red and yellow I combine.
Not sure if just lucky, but I often combine 2 red with 2 yellow and almost always get a red one
same I never paid attention just combined any dupes. but now this information released and people claim you have to combine specific mods to increase chance. I just hope, and expect, you can get anything eventually just by randomly combining
I'd imagine the mod will be available from some drop later
honestly not that bad compared to warframe
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why is this valby all lubed up and how can I make mine like that
Then the fight I had was glitching or something, as he used the party wipe while I was holding the cube.
Is it true that you shouldn't mark the items you want
I should be studied for how many 20%s I can miss
>Valby farm for 2 sessions
>Already have enough for most core mods.
damn, that shit is a massive time save, i just wish i could be farming mats or decoders somewhere that isn't dogshit for everything else.
you only get that effect on low settings on valby because her legs turn into liquid.
post the webm
change "effects" under graphic options
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Kyle is fucking fun.
Surely the bomb sniffer is fun too.
>do Valby farms with another Valby player
>lvl 1 lepic joins
>don't revive him
>he leaves
>Bunny joins who just runs around in a circle being a useless collector
>lvl 1 Freyna joins
>I leave because shitters
can you faggot leechers go elsewhere? I'm not reviving you so you can slow down the rotation nigger
that nigga can FLY???
>ultimate Kyle will have ugly helmet like Lepic
sad, really
I keep mixing up Kyle and Esiemo
She's a literal fish person.
>I suck
weird flex
I finally got Body Enhancement and I'm not actually sure I want it. Without it, I'm at 86k Def and 10k HP, using Void Charge, which makes my stomp and pulse one shot most enemies in missions. I'm running Overwhelming HP, so I don't even have shield. So really Body Enhancement would only help my DEF. Which is already pretty high.
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>3 valbys farming the spot in pubs
>afk behind the wall levelling my shit
>kill the boss once the shit is levelled
Brap-queen has a perfectly normal ass.
go be a nigger elsewhere? and learn how to read nigger
Isn't def the base stat for damage on Ajax so you would want as much as you can get?
This place is filled with AFK leeches who claim anyone who has an issue with leeches is just "bad"
What's the point of the long ass cool downs on infiltration anyways
I'll say it again for the people in the back
Not as a base. That's what Void Charge does though. It increased his two damage skills proportionally to his DEF.
Budget Thundercrash from AliExpress
I've noticed
yeah but he actually killed stuff with this thundercrash and that was without an exotic to boost it
i cant even tell the ult descendants with their icons...
>had a good valby farm group going
>instance/server disconnects
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Some dude went full Robert Pattinson with his Enzo.
What weapons are worth energy activating?
I have every character in the game and I don't know who to build
once i finish leveling ult lepic, yujin, esiemo and jayber I will probably be MR21
I do like Kyle and my Ult Bunny has 8 formas already. Ult Viessa seems like she will be able to do any actually hard content in the future, boss or dungeon.
kek, i think he was going for dante.
in your post you bitched and whined that you can't kill white enemies on your own and need help from other players
ergo you suck
weird flex
nta but youtube has been recommending me a lot of low view videos for half a year or more
never bitched about killing the mobs bitched about lvl 1 shitters dying to mobs dumbass learn how to read nignog
Realistically speaking, how long would it take to farm a full energy activator?
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depends if you have a blueprient or not
ive got none in 100+ amps
redpill me on enzo
So where does one go to level characters? I need to level Blair to farm polymer shards but I know for a fact I'm going to be eating dirt if I go to the Valby farm, would Kingston defense work?
A hour if you have the blueprint.
kingston defense or sterile farm
lol lmao
every time I want a 20% drop I get at least 2 energy activator blueprints first
>infinite ammo
>free 30% weapon crit rate
>free bonus weakpoint damage
>all those OP buffs can be applied to teammates
>can utilize any gun in the game just like Gley
>can be tanky because he doesnt rely on skill for damage
he's on par with Gley
Go leech at abandoned refinery, i always enjoy it when i have a dedicated mission starter leech
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I just want to run some dungeons man, why does fucking nothing drop from them
>"shield recovery in combat"
>shield recovery still stops when you take damage
great so it does basically nothing
Damn that's so much better than what they released, i guess they change it cus it looks a bit too much like bunny
HOLY FUCK I JUST GOT 2 ult gley parts on first try
Give them to me
theres a reason everyone says to build hp/def
that happened to me on ult bunny too.. then the last part took 3 days
How do we power level our character and weapons in this game, ive been doing this mission for like 3 hours and my bunny prime is only lv 34. Is it gonna be this slow every time i forma ?
Hanged man is about to make me uninstall. It's not so much that he's difficult, it's just that he's impossible without a group who knows what they're doing, and no one seems to know what they're doing when it comes to fighting him.
nigga just do the cube yourself
have you tried telling them what to do?
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valby power
For weapons at least, once you have valby you can do the outpost farm with her and get crazy xp
go the the bunny cave
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I just wanted a Catalyst Blueprint. ;_;
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>stop shooting
>boss hp stops moving
wonder what 3 retards in my team are doing
Im not building a valby normal since we know her prime is coming out really soon
What is the bunny cave ?
I take valby and pub it up with another valby and do the gold farm. I'm not beholden to any particular reactor to one shot mobs when there's another valby
voidshard in fallen ark fortress
Then no one shoots the mouth. I can't do both
your AMPs bro?
they must be 200km from the boss
you can be in combat without taking damage.
>63 runs for Freyna's cells
>got everything for Sharen in an hour
what the fuck
> >63 runs for Freyna's cells
anon.. her cells all dried up...
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can we not ungrateful post?
>Expecting randoms to listen
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Soon, I will be able to far for real.
Thank you, I'll try kingston or abandoned refinery later. Sterile Land gets a bit tough towards the end so I'll avoid that with a level one descendant.
which reactor is best for Valby? Non-Attr + Fusion or Dimension?
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Been very comfy lvling up weapons while catching up on some series.
Once I beat it, I started getting groups that know what they're doing more often. I think matchmaking for this game tries to match you with people that have a similar amount of clears for the content you queue for.
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My aim is too bad to deal with hanged man immunity phase.
be the cube runner then
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Is Nexon even trying? Warframe will add a romance mechanic.
He is. I'm just starting making a build for him specifically because he needs shields + def instead of just HP + Def like the rest of the cast. I kinda scrapped all the shield stuff I had because I didn't think it was good back then.

isnt it required to keep moving as valby tho?
how did we go from badass space ninjas to this
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Shape Stabilizers are rigged. Every single time I've used one. I get the item with the highest original drop rate, which is suppose to be "reduced"
Nta but autopiloting as valby isn't the most highest diff operation out there
To be fair it's still typically the highest rate roll, just less so
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damn, TFD is not so bad afterall
fuck just let me hold 100k of these modules
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Crazy gamble from 4 pinks
they never should have added operators, its all been downhill ever since baka
>Want Piercing Light
>1 single amp is dropped from dungeons
Guess I don't want it anymore. Fuck void shit and fuck Gold missions
I wish there was something you could do with extra descendant parts. But I also hope they don't, because that usually means doing gay shit like building the entire character again so you can unlock higher stats or something.
The parts are there to allow you to get them back quicker if you dismiss them.
Ah, I guess that makes sense. I'm just going to probably unlock slots if it comes to it.
i've been farming devourer for almost a week for transcended mod and i still havent gotten the one i like....
No point to keep any of the descendants if you have their Ult variant.
Why are ultra precision the most common out of all of them, i need to dump my other decoders
dimension, her ult doesn't CC bosses so you don't end up using it
>shit like building the entire character again so you can unlock higher stats or something.
this is reserved for trans descendant
meant for you
find out what type of bsod you're getting. alternatively, download bluescreenview and have it analyze your crash dumps
Formas are unironically way better to craft here than wf
>>487010976 >>487014079 >>487015036
>>487019364 >>487021238 >>487021498
on the korean nexon site for the game, drop and combination rate percentages for mods are published
So why did no one tell me you could beat hanged man by just having a serious damage output? I just completed two intercepts in a row without anyone picking up the cube. We just had damage him faster than the cube built up.
transcendant bunny will be completely naked
>literally asks "why does shooting the cyber demon kill it"

do valby/kuiper farm and just combine the mods that do drop for you
thank you. she's going to finish cooking in 10 hours, so I'm trying to farm the right Reactor
>She's fully and canonically naked but her model is permanently motion-blurred cause she's moving 2fast2furious all the time
Has anyone been playing on one of those new 4k 240hz oleds? Have you got any burn in yet?
>requires a second gpu to render so much ass
bros, i can't even
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so whats the last affix i should be looking for? seems good enough as it is desu
anybody else crashing when just looking around at character equipment?
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What does the circle mean?
It's the one-time story version of the mission
story quest tha you can't repeat
weak point damage. for me it was gold Toxic attack
but the whole crafting is clunky as fuck, tons of menus with confirmations + fucking cinematics on claim, and you have to run back and forth between crafting stations while in wf its all in one place
TFD mogs the complete shit out of that game jfc. Every single character is good looking at a minimum. Being in a hyper fururistic world where everyone is attractive os so much nicer.
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>10000000x the health of anything else so far
>if you're close to it it activates giga healing mode which heals itself to full of you or any other mobs around (they are spawning every 2 seconds)
>if you're far it spams homing bullets that go around the cover pillar
>if you don't shoot it within 5 seconds it starts regen to full regardless of anything else
TC has really bad WP base.

Go for chill or something
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is there a specific quest that drops weapons to dismantle at a faster rate?
Just join a valby farm
I will do this
It used to be alot worse when the fucker had the sequential orbs to shoot.
my valby is still in the oven
this world chat is scuffed as fuck
messages come in chunks like every 5 seconds so you need to send at the very last second or your msg will be washed away and ignored
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/tfdg/ bros... you're not MRlets are you???
that's not something you should be bragging about
What quests do I need to complete to unlock hard mode? I just finished the main quest and it's giving me a vague "complete the mission to unlock hard mode" message.
be a parasite
only lvl 17 right now. did you get a bunch of descendants to farm xp? or weapon xp helps a lot too? not sure if i should keep farming descendants or lvl weapons
just fortress storytline
speak with tutorial robot maybe
beat hanged man
>hyper fururistic world
TFD is set in the medieval period.
I have every descendant except Ult Ajax and Ult Gley, but I leveled a shit ton of weapons with valby farm and haven't touched Yujin or Jayber yet they're still lv1
Burn-in on OLED is cumulative. It would take tens of thousands of hours in SDR for that to happen.
actually it would only take 750 hours on the new oleds :)
I've typically avoided Nexon games but I'm hooked, how protective are they of their copyrights because I've already ripped ult bunny and will 100% print and sell scale figures of her
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What are the best missions to farm each enzo part?
Descendants, descemble
no bsod. it just froze and rebooted itself.
played another game for an hour and that was fine. kinda iffy but i think it might have been a surge.
I am...
No, I got to hard mode without beating hanged man.
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How do you get the second thing?
enhanced cells: 028 (outpost)
stabilizer: 040 (outpost)
spiral catalyst: 037 (mission)
code: 035 (outpost)
hope you have Sharen
The amount of interest it got from the live stream was insane that shit was almost as high as just chatting. The boy band virus infested thing look weird as fuck we will see how it plays out
The ones that give you AMP with the highest % droprate obv
>Transformer noises as all of Sharen's limbs pop off
I'm worried
Is Blair bugged? I've done 100 dungeons with the 20% drop yet nothing
Have a character with matching Tech type skills
>100 dungeons
>Boss is resistant to ELEMENT
>Grouped with people who bring that element
And this is why I do private. Fucking Nexon forcing it for certain bosses.
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So what is the highest DPS gun? not counting meme shit like weakpoint revolvers, i mean just holding down left click
you need both anyway, descs are 50k exp, purple weapons 20k, gold weps 30
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mating press
All skills have an Elemental Attribute and a Secondary attribute.
The secondary attributes are Fusion, Dimension, Singular and Tech.
Characters are aligned to 1 element but their 4 abilities are usually half and half between 2 secondary attributes. For Sharon that's Fusion and Dimension.

Honestly it's unnecessary to go beyond element and having this crap but it is what it is.

a single person with a good weapon can beat hanged man no matter what mouthbreathers are on the team

it means you need to specialize and can't do absolutely everything perfectly on every character except, like, bunny
gley skill4
>>487038042 (Me)
meant for >>487037029
Tamer but it's the ugliest gun in the game.
tamer skin fucking when
Note to self, actually check the modifiers on a mission so you don't get stuck at MG walk speed for the whole thing as Bunny.
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Can I use skills or do I need to shoot with it?
just broke the 200 hr mark
If you're referring to Monitor Unboxed, that test was conducted at 200 nits, which is well outside of SDR range. But you're right in the sense that it seems these Samsung QD-types aren't especially good for longevity.
the entire point of getting an oled is for HDR idk why you keep bringing up sdr
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Enjoy your fag fantasies I guess...
What do I want on Vestigial Organ for Gley?
Based aesthetics enjoyer, I also hate the fact that using it halts you into a crawl whenever shooting. Mobility is king.
speaking of tamer, what is the best tamer mod set up? people are always saying how good it is, but mine just never feels that great
they should get some of the people from the blue archive team to work on this
>start the game thinking jeremy is some fag DEI shit
>Actually fucking based with the best and only good cutscene in the game
redeemed playable Jeremy when?
105, god what a miserable dungeon
I love the fact that it keeps getting even more outlandish. Didn't have preggo frame in my bingo card, neither did I have a T-80 boss fight,
should i just speedrun 70 gravewalkers to get the 300 colossi challenge over with?
A high-end LCD would reach higher peaks and APL, so if anything it's the exact opposite of what you claim.

I've personally used a C9 since it came out as a monitor, and the response time, contrast and lack of blur are the primary reasons for doing so. Obviously you're not supposed to leave things with static content on at max brightness for thousands of hours. That's a limitation of the technology and also common sense, frankly.
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its drop disabled by nexon for your account
buy with plat
HDR is not about brightness, it is about contrast which is what oled excels at
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Explosive ATK
Bonus vs faglossus
weak point damage
and element roll
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What's a decent early descendant I could farm to all in for hard mod bossing?
I have Ajax, Sharen, Enzo and Freyna. Still got an energy activator leftover from campaign and been thinking of farming ult gley but it's just too slow without a proper bossing setup. so maybe ult Lepic (heard it's a bit easier to farm)? or normal Gley?
i miss challenges on mastery rank ups
just clicking a button to rank up doesn feel as fulfilling as completing a test and being praised by space mommy
i'll take 3 more clicks over having to farm very specific cancerour rare drop ontop of the millions of common ressources
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I fucking hate this meme of subdividing a section of the model and calling it legit.
at least it's fodder for combine
what's the go to ult bunny build for just farming?
in wf i had mats literally thousands of formas because they drop everywhere in regular play, here it feels like you have to target farm it because there are a fuckton of mats that only drop in very specific obscure places
they gotta fix outposts, the 5 minute cooldown shit is insane, reloading back and forth isn't enough
>finished the story 7 minutes ago
Goodbye /tfdg/ uninstalling it
only had mine for about a month nothing yet, use it the same as i use any monitor
>Freyna is the prettiest lady in this game.
agree on this, too bad her kit is shit and she's a useless descendant not worth investing into
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You know what

You're alright Lepic
He's Megaman
Sharen mogs they all
My cutscene crashed the game AAA
Technically SDR and HDR has the same contrast with an Oled, namely infinite.

But no, the idea that HDR has nothing to do with brightness is just absurd. It's a large part of the specification, and is also key to how different HDR-capable devices are certified. The certifications are literally named after brightness...
You only need one hand. Just activate her skill and get used to the D > S > A > W > D rotation and you can do it easily while watching something else.
Tamer with a high FPS. (fire rate is tied to FPS)
i'm going to just call you a retard and move on
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You missed out on some funny faces
What's the point of putting cover in the areas if they're just gonna give the bosses homing bullets?
I hate the way dead bride moves around
>targeting someone else
>move in
>she moves away from ME
>level to tank shots
>go near her when she targets ME
>she moves away from ME
>she uses the teleport 4 times, ending up right next to me
>it's to use the dome
I'm fucking killing the developers
I'd like to use my shotgun build but it clearly doesn't work so I switch to tamer
>no dmg
I have been filtered by the Frost Walker. I'm going to sleep, defeated.
Don't hit your head on the way out you nigger troglodyte.
I suggest you read up on how the OLED technology works, how VESA certifies monitors for being HDR compatible, and how brightness is measured on an OLED before you ever decide to open your mouth on the subject again.

I accept your concession btw.
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man i can't wait to use this ultra rare mod for my builds
>VESA certifies monitors for being HDR compatible
Remind me, what are those certifications called?
What's that? Display HDR 600, 1000?
Are you really going to stick to the notion that brightness has "nothing" to do with HDR? Really?
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I need something to watch while valby farming.
Damn, this game runs so bad on my machine. It takes forever to load areas and for some reason, whenever I fire a rocket launcher or do a high five, it always lags. Is there anything else I can do software wise to make this shit run better? I already updated my drivers to no avail. I have a 3060 and it's on my SSD, the strange part is that even though I set everything to the lowest possible settings, it still runs the same as if I had everything on ultra.
>kyle dash
>99k damage
>kyle dash with 20 tamer stacks
>100k damage
incredible damage boost that only lasts one second
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fuck, I'm gonna need to catalyst and/or reactor this bitch to effectively use the farm, aren't I?
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at least i'm getting good mods i didn't have before but fuck, did anyone here manage to get shot focus? is there some esoteric recipe to get it?
I meant Python stacks
DLSS - Balanced
Max fps limit 60
gotta turn on FSR/DLSS if you've got hardware that slow, goy
welcome to the future
Combine 4 Rutile (I think it's R) to get higher chance of Rutile back
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i only used a potato on mine and i can solo farm optimally but i need the yellow reactor bonus to oneshot
The "HDR" certification is meaningless unless the display has either per pixel brightness control like an OLED or has a mini led backlight array that can control brightness through FALD. Why? Because it creates contrast. A display that just gets bright with no contrast is not HDR.

The reason why most LCD displays tap out at HDR 600 is because they can not reach anywhere near the contrast of mini led or oled. Any "HDR 600" display using edgelit dimming is technically not HDR anyway; it's a shitty gimmick that VESA allows because they want money more than anything else.

Anyways, I digress. You're a retard and you should read about a subject before talking confidently about it.
i still dont know where to turn on dlss...dont see that anywhere in game or in my nvidia softtware...have a 4070...
what, you don't like standing in a circle for 3 minutes while 3 mobs come at you at a time? AREN'T YOU HAVING FUN?!
bleh, reactors are the more annoying ones to farm
I already have several catalyst's worth of mats while the current one bakes
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which one am i suppose to pick
>need Balanced Plasma Energy for Ultimate Ajax
>both in-game and the spreadsheet say Fortress Infiltrations (either)
>do 4 hard mode runs, 2 of each
>don't get a single drop
Is this another case of everyone being wrong, or am I just that supremely unlucky? I apparently have 30 of the damn things, and I know I ran the normal Quarantine Zone a bunch when I was farming Nazestra's Devotion parts. So is it a case of it only dropping from normal version, or did I get these from somewere else?
Depends. DLAA is the most GPU intensive, but it makes the image quality less blurry. If you want to use raytracing and ray reconstruction, you'll probably need to set DLSS to balanced or even performance.
Is that from bunny's quest?
The game is CPU bound
the guide says mission monster so it comes from an elite mob (yellow or orange name? probably yellow). did you clear all the mobs or possibly sip some during the "move to operation zone" parts?
What's the best spot to farm energy activator blueprint?
Unbreakable void Chad/10
Would easily dick down any combination of women in the game if he was any less of a gentleman and a true leader to the descendants
Yes, I know everything you just wrote and none of it supports your position. I'm literally certified by ISF and used to work with this shit.

Of course contrast matters. That's not the topic. The point of contention is your retarded assertion that brightness is irrelevant, period. Now you're pivoting to the notion that brightness is irrelevant without appropriate technologies to preserve contrast, of which OLED is one. That's correct, and _I_ accept _your_ concession. :)

You're still wrong about the idea that OLEDs "are for HDR", disregarding all other advantages that are preserved while working in SDR format, but frankly entertaining these exchanges is pointless since you clearly know a few things about the subject but is largely unable to sensibly communicate about it.
>want Enzo
>have to farm fucking Hanged Man for best shot
Just kill me.
Hold hands with Valby.
that's a lot of words just to say you concede
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Outposts are some of the worst gameplay loops imaginable.
what descendant is good for solo farming hard bosses, I'm tired of retards that can't dodge AOEs and it's even worse in hard mode
I had some friends stream it, the 1999 gordom freeman cardboard standee in the mall was pretty cool but I'm so sick of seeing the same weird walk animations and seeing the debs flub the tank fight finisher was a bit funny
I'd play a new dark sector game but I just can't care about warframe anymore
>the retard has begun using strawmans
Embarrassing. Stick to mindlessly farming this gook game and stop talking.
I'm THIS close to just throwing potatoes and forma on regular Gley because I can't get any of the Ult Gley blueprints to drop
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Surprised with the numbers, it's normal for most games to lose a good chunk of players after a week or two specially in the genre TFD is but it has been slowly going up again and stabilizing at 150k, these numbers are impressive specially as is not taking into account PS and Xbox. If it can keep going like this after the one month mark and stabilize above 30k after 6 months I think Nexon will keep this going for a while
is it fine to all in on the normal version? the ultimate version has low af drop chances and only from hard bosses, I actually started farming them for her in the firstplace and I realized I should get something to farm them better first
You are a week late.
I make a habit to vacuum up every room before I move on, and special resources make an audible noise and have an icon when they spawn, so I'm almost positive that I didn't miss them. They just didn't drop. I swear to god if they only have a CHANCE to drop, when I need 100 of the fucking things, I'm going to lose it. I still have to farm the 100 Fusion Plasma Batteries, that only drop from two Outpost elites, one of which has a shitty two-phase fight so its slow as shit.
IMO just use the activators on the normal descendants you need to farm the better things, otherwise you're stuck hodling all your consumables using shitty characters for a miserable farm that you'd have to do anyawy
Point out the strawman, retardbro. Let's go!
Had to get the last word in, huh? Well, I'm sure your mother loves you and will give you a medal for "winning" an argument that you managed to conjure by stating baseless nonsense and then backpedalling hard.
I think there's a 100% chance to drop in Normal mode
So do a test run on Normal, kill the elite mob, and reset the infiltration/outpost
probably a side effect of once human droping the ball with seasonal shit, i don't understand how people can play seasonal stuff, feels like a complete waste of time
dont try to play this on the Ps5 holy it runs like shit. legit slide show at random as well
my zaps do 1.02 million damage now. i'm...i'm strong...
I have no idea how do i get stronger in this game when i have to fight those bossses that are just a stat check wall how am i supposed to upgrade my modules if the character and the weapons have module limits should i just use one or two maxxed modules?
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well, i probably maxxed all the mods i wanted and have some money left after barely a few hours of farming, it's probably over this week.
Sadly you gotta download the PS4 version on the PS5 to make it run well
It benefits Nexon too much to keep the game consistent, or even see marginal growth or cyclical upticks with seasonal events. It was a pretty easy formula to capitalize on because loads of studios have been trying looter shooter since it's such a simplistic game mode, but none of the western cuck devs were intelligent enough to make the main selling point sexo characters. (also not just more anime styled bait)
that's a lot of words just to say you concede
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>two ult left to grind f2p
>all on ps5
yeah, you are right, besides if I continue like this I'll get burned out, it's just that energy activators are so hard to craft, I already have like 5 formas but still only 1 activactor left and only becuase it's from the campaign, and I used the other one on a Tamer which helped me to solo bosses along with Ajax so far up to pyro, but it's slow as shit
>got 2 6% in a row
what will happen to me
To add to this, the skins are selling like crazy, it sold more than ER SOTE a week after launch and has steadily climbed up and a week ago it surpassed DOTA and has now climbed to second place
The scaling in this game is ridiculous. We're going to be doing damage in the trillions eventually.
Balanced imo
wish they added an autojunk filter for substats, even better if it disassembles on pickup
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i love the shard mines
god i wish that were me...
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Do people actually run around in circles for hours?
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forgot pic
The worst part is stopping and dismantling every 2 min, and waiting to get out of combat
>also not just more anime styled bait

I would have preferred that over generic unreal engine models with no artistic personality.

While I like some asses n thighs the game offers I think overall it's bland as hell
I just dismantled my Eternal Willpower that had 2 formas and an activator on it by accident because i've never unequipped it up to this point. Its fucking over fuck fuck fuck
At least you're not one of those retards farming the one in derelict covert
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im going to scream
kyle is so fun
Did you get your medal yet, or does your mother find you as annoying as I do?
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Thanks to that you should have less shitters with unmaxxed mods, be grateful.
reverse image search says lewdpenydraw
I thought formas and activators were tied to all copies of the same weapon
can I leech off you bro?
Doesn't matter, if. You pick up a other random one it still has the forma.
You only lost the guns perks
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what the fuck is up with this reactor boss, it has more hp than a colussus, rotating immunity eggs which were supposed to be deactivated and no adds to regain ammo on
Destiny 2 refugees that are done with the game because 1) the story is over 2) the lack of attractive characters and 3) a consistent narrative focus on a gay relationship between and old man and a robot.
I haven't touched virtually any scifi or future themed game over the past few years, so I would consider the overly detailed techy aesthetic TFD to have a personality. Maybe you could call it dry, but think it does have a style. Adding new skins which still keep it in mind is important, unless they want it bimbofied and casualized into oblivion like Lost Ark has done.
I don't dismantle in it for the gold
what is the best spot to fart vault keys? im guessing some short infiltration with multiple elites, but which one is it? i once got 3 keys in one dungeon but forgot where it was.
FUCK i just spent a forma and activator on my fucking python cause i thought i was fucked
python is a good investment so i dont see the problem here
It's every non-elite reactor boss unfortunately. It appears they don't scale like in void intercepts so they have health pools designed around there being a group.
Hopefully the devs decide to introduce scaling health for them but I can see why they might not.
How do I powerlevel gley?
retards in my teams always run out of the circle and skim through their shit for like 2 minutes after every mission
go to the valby gold farm location and leech should take about 20min to go from 1 to 40
Where is that?
You need a reactor with cooldown reduction and skill duration and pump her full of HP and DEF mods on top of cooldown reducing ones(even at the cost of skill power). You want her infinite ammo to be on a 100% uptime.
I wanted to play it on the console as well bing chillin in my sofa but nah is not doable idk how you could grind that much with such terrible frame rate, FPS drops and the character animations doing weird shit to no drop FPS
And then?
just play the game and they will come
goon to her legs
and then go to the valby gold farm location and leech should take about 20min to go from 1 to 40
Don't worry it will take some time to do it.
Defense Line: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
>idk how you could grind that much with such terrible frame rate,
I know PC is the way to go I am just to lazy to invest into one. I have played plenty of games with worse grinding
the ambush in steril lands rockfall
do i have to go on leddit or pedocord to find people to do shit with in this game
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Here's the build I've been running. HP collector can be replaced with anything you'd like, Focus on Non-Attribute is there just for the cooldown reduction. No Transcendent since I haven't found any (yet).
Its probably not S-tier due to how much you need to invest, but it's allowed me to keep 100% uptime on Enzo's ult (AKA infinite purple ammo and +ATK and +Crit Rate for your party).

As for Code Breaker farming, I'd say running any mission with a lot of elites (White-night Gulch, Mountaintops, Border Line of Truth comes to mind), while also packing a component with a consumable drop rate trait.
>weakpoint damage
>on a weapon that can't hit weak points
yes it can
No it can't you fucking retard
Not at all. For farming you don't need hp/defense. Just put a non-dimension focus for the reduced CD and then put a non-dim mod for extra damage and whatever you have for range (optional with 4 valbys)
>activator on a fucking vestigial organ
now that is a paypig flex if i ever saw one
yes it can
It can't for fucking braindeads like you that shoot rockets exclusively at the ground thats for sure.
yeah and that build is shit compared to her other one LMAO
>Skip as much dialogue as I can
>Tabbed out while Guide is talking
Was this translated by ai? It's not just Guide being an ai itself either since other characters are guilty of the same thing. It just sounds so unnatural. Do they speak that way in Korean as well?
what do you guys do all day to be struggling with activators and catalyst
quit farming gold and go farm legendaries you'll get plenty
I don't speak Korean, but they do say 'Ironheart' and 'Vulgus' fairly often. It's just bad writing, which is what I'd expect from a f2p grindfest looter shooter. The story is just as ignorable "I don't care let me shoot things" as Destiny or Warframe.
if you're still doing the normal mode progression or just starting hard mode: a few core modules at high/maxed level is better than a random set of level 0 modules. for descendant modules you should do increase HP and maybe increase Def to max at least, and depending on who you're using add something for skill cd/duration

weapons would be rifling reinforcemen+ action and reaction, then maybe reload/ROF depending on what weapon

if you're progging thru hard mode bosses: get a better descendant for bossing or look up an OP build for one you already have
i'll do that after they reduce the outpost cooldown, ain't touching dungeons until my bunny's done cooking
>kills towards bunny's evo suit don't count if you have high voltage
lol, lmao, why not? You'll probably get another potato and enough formas before you have her ult completed unless you get lucky.
works on my machine
this was an annoying fucking grind
it doesn't i just tested it
Is it even worth it?
What do you wanna do?
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I wonder what it would feel like to stick your dick in that
Best common bullet weapon acording to clickbait
lets you keep the debuff up but i think you only NEED 3
could be wrong though i farmed 5 too
no, but i'm autistic about ultimates not being complete until they are 5x
I don't know, Destiny had a pretty decent story before D2. This is just schlock. I just want to know why it's so hard to refer to something as "it" or "them" after referring to it once or twice.
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what do you even do with this?
Last i checked it's not used in any craft
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soon...my beloved...
I really hope they optimize the game and fix the memory leak. It looks so good, but I wanna run constant 60 in combat.
I think they were used in the beta when reactors had 8 lvls to upgrade.
they fixed the memory leak in 1.0.3
>someone goes down in the fight
>rez them
>I go down
>everyone just walks around my body while the boss isn't even looking at them letting me bleed out
>oops that was the last life now it's failed
>free catalyst at mr 12
oh shiet nigger
you get a free one from the bunny questline as well
fuck you anon i was finally going to log out but NOW I HAVE TO DO THAT TOO
i really hate the outpost/reactor loop
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>got 2 super gley parts on first hard colossi kill just progressing the questline
the other 2 part would take 100 hours to grind isnt it
I only revive female characters sorry
>Finally build gley and spend some time making an infinite ammo build
>Actually having fun doing hardmode bosses and dungeons with unga bunga launcher damage
>Check the modules/parts I want to farm
>Its all outpost AMP drops
its ogre
Recommend to rerun magisters lab and listen to the dialogue in there, I swear 9/10 sentences contain the phrase "the ancestors data" including the absolute gem of a sentence "the ancestors data is not to be underestimated"
Also shoutout to all the facilities in this game. Forge? Nope thats a facility. Factory? Plant? Manufactory? Laboratory? Nope, all facilities.
The writing of this game actually made me appreciate good writing in video games a whole hell of a lot more
i need one from a fire void shard but i have no fire characters xd
>farming fortress all on my Valby day letting nooblets leech off me to get their levels
>think karma will be good to me
>go to fortress with my Gley
>all i get is 3 retards running after a retard Freyna taking turns dying
uh anon i think you posted the wrong picture
At least blair is a 20% no craft one, if you didn't start viessa you're cucked out of a lot of good spots
I am gonna kill myself.
That may be a fault of the Korean language itself. If you watch enough anime you'll notice that Japanese doesn't have words like it/they/them/this/that/those/these/him/her/his/hers/their/etc. So they'll refer to what they're referring to directly by name. Korean is probably similar if not the same in that regard. As far as the dub/translation goes, nobody's getting paid to localize it, just to do a direct translation without losing (too much) context.
I don't know what to tell you. 90% of the Guide's and Alpha's dialogue is based on the Ironheart and how
>A. You must Find the Ironheart
>B. You must stop Karel from collecting all the Ironhearts
>C. You must Use the Ironheart to seal the dimensional wall
>D. You must Destroy the Ironheart
>The Magisters will not like how humanity destroys the Ironheart
All without hardly any use of pronouns for THE IRONHEART. The ironheart is that important, you see.
The game's lore is interestingly confusing though. mankind was supposedly having a war with demons before the colossi came through the dimensional walls, and now we're fighting Vulgus. Where the fuck did the demons go? are they extinct?
The main difference between Warframe is that at least in Warframe all your needs are right there within 3 feet on your ship. here it's
>okay need to adjust a module
>have to teleport to Albion
>have to waddle all the way to the other side of the map
>THEN you can talk to the NPC you need to edit modules
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Be glad that Nexon never hires American localizers. You would get they/them pronounce on Bunny.
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>krekkov trap posting
Worry not, things won't improve.
>he doesn't know
the homo exposes himself
Fair point, but at least there's a teleport closer the the npc hub
Pretty sure it all boils down to just bad translation, it's all run through Google translate with zero thought for localizing it.
Don't worry, thanks to (you)r feedback, Albion will be bombed In version 2.0 and all of the NPCs you have to talk to will be combined into an abomination type Vulgus, so you can reach all menus at once.
You rike? I know You rike.
>faggot likes to be inefficient
fembrain at work once again, if you are not doing outposts, you are just wasting your time
Who do we think gets the next evolution skin?
Patch next week will improve void system or so devs promise
fucking faggot
they already annouced valby for next patch
Really? If I stay on a map for too long I start having some FPS issues and have to load into an entirely new map. Saw someone comment about it too.
Did they? I only saw that they're adding ultimate Valby
nah, Destiny kept their shitty hub area since launch and Albion is Destiny copy
So I decided to just go do the Fusion Batteries first, because that should have been at least relatively fast and easy. Apparently the two-phase boss is the wrong outpost, so I started alternating between the correct ones in hard mode. Guess what? THEY AREN'T GUARANTEED. I went 4 resets and didn't get one drop. Sure, you get 3-5 in hard mode compared to 2 in normal, but at least normal is, what seems to be, guaranteed. Not even resetting the outpost timers is guaranteed (or even intended). What retard thought up this bullshit. I need 100 of these fuckers.
They fixed the FG memory leak. I guess there's another one.
login in warframe try to hook walls
login in tfd try to bullet jump
fuck fuck fuck
>Valby gets out the oven in 3 minutes
What's my build lads?
I hope you're a fujo.
just cooldown and duration to make E have 100% uptime
th8ere's a nazi joke in there somewhere
budget or full autism?

cause i only have an answer for the latter
I probably missed out on like 20k kills because I had HV on.
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well considering picrel, the former
holy fuck just looking at all the neat things locked behind outpost AMPs I'm gonna have to forma this BBW sharen aren't I
Is supply moisture good on valby? turns out I have it so I guess I'll use it
anyone got a good Nazeistra's Devotion build for colossus?
well, if you ever want to go full autism this is the farm build, replace MP Conversion with Time Distribution and MP Collector with Decimator or Lethal Infection for bossing
solidfps has a nice budget version, minimal investment

still some investment
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Is that not a bit much...?
isnt zapping people for over 2 million a bit much?
Why would you waste so many resources on her when her ult is coming out soon?
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Bunny LOVE
bunny is my wife, back off bud
i think its superstition
i dont have it and i have been combining purple, descendant cerulean modules for a weekk
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Imagine cornering her in a dark alley with three of your /tfdg/ bros....
she'd run through you like a-train
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Outposts or dungeon missions for ultimate Gley?
Oh yea totally.
None of us would do anything.
And if we did, we'd die
outposts so you can tab out, fap, make coffee, otherwise fuck around
hm bosses
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>Imagine cornering her in a dark alley with three of your /tfdg/ bros....
Nigga really think we're pullin up like like Flash' rogues
will i like this game, if i hate warframe, destiny and am gay?
i like this game and am 3/3 but i do not know if it means you will like it
>average Yujin enjoyer.txt
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i'm so lonely
Whichever ones have the higher drop chance for the component you're farming. i.e. if the AMP you get from an outpost has a 6% chance when opening and the one from a mission has a 10% chance then go with the mission one.
What substats do I want on a bunny reactor?
She looks like she fucks me.
just a few catalysts and an activator, wanted to fuck around with her properly and get modules ready
god i wish my game looked this good...
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Here's a farming and boss Valby with no investment.
Boss one can have some changes, like adding more hp/def mods. You can switch MP Accelerant with Battle of Stamina so you have even more HP.
Get a reactor with skill duration up, try to get 1 external component with in combat mana regen and your crit buff from the tran mod will be up 100%.
>Ults take AT LEAST 2 days and 6 hrs to cook.
Easily the worst system they lifted from Warframe. Fuck off with this shit.
It's not weird to hate blacks
im gonna cum
its ok anon the process can be A C C E L E R A T E D
There better be a goofy Easter Bunny costume next spring.
The guys are pretty hunky too.
this game any good as a looter shooter or is it just waifu/fat ass simulator?
there any weird pay to win stuff? is it focused on group play or mostly single player?
tranny can't plan ahead
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>click bait losing players fast!
fuck these faggots.
I'm gonna accelerate my foot up someone's ass because of this damned wait
the obstructer is so bs, I was doing fine doing all bosses solo but NO, now need to watch retards ignoring the energy balls or using ultimate coomer and get Insta killed
It's an okay looter shooter, more content is planned for at least the rest of the year, starting August 1st.

There's no real p2w, partly because its all pve, partly because literally every character and weapon can be crafted. There's the standard "pay to speed things up" crap, but it's not too bad. I'm only about a week in, haven't spent a single red cent, and I have 5 Descendants and 6 Ultimate weapons. It kind of alternates between co-op and singleplayer. Very much "drop in, drop out" multiplayer.
Don't know. I feel more korean MMO than looter shooter while playing this.
For what it's worth I have more fun playing this than Borderlands 3.
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fuck this shit
Been playing for awhile on high+dlss with no problem so far, but ive noticed that whenever i was farming while watching an anime on the second monitor ill get a mini stutter which is cringe.
What caused this? CPU or GPU? I know its not ram because i got 24gb
My spec:
R5 5600G
RTX 3060 12g
24g ddr4 3200mhz
The game installed on 512g nvme ssd
Which setting should i lower first?
I just bring my range maxxed bun bun and do all the orbs solo it trivializes the mechanic. You just have to hope the retards can do damage and not die.
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I have the same issue, tried medium and the visibility at high to fix it but still happen but a lot less
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trade you for some of these
SOMEHOW, for some asinine reason or bug, normal has 100% drop rate of those kind of materials. Hard can potentially give you double the amount per drop, BUT IT'S NOT 100% DROP.
This is the case on hard for outpost mats, yellow dungeon mats should be near 100% though.
Bite a bullet and see less polygons is the only way?
>Beat fucking PUBG
Don't know if there's a lul on content or what on PUBG, but that's a fucking achievement
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>pve is king
Damn, I wish to reach your state. Trying builds and it just drains my gold. Doesn't help that I build around a transcendent mod, don't like it, try another, for 3 times.
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5 slots for research is fucking criminal. I'm just gonna have my thumb up my ass for 2 days straight
grind out your purple weapon masteries
The loots ass. Its not like diablo destiny or borderlands where you find a kickass gun.
Its ike you find gun parts and craft. Then feed dupe to power up. Then you reroll it for best perks. Its very korean mmo / warframe.
The shooter part is adequate
How many hours do you guys have so far? Im just a little over 70 hours and i feel like i still have nothing
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i am trash and only mastery 19, only 8 characters no ultimates and have never been to valbys xp circus
How badly am i fucking myself over deciding to upgrade normal gley. Not cause its a pain to farm. Just that i like the labcoat better. Straight up normal gley looks better.
236, I never idle either.
damn nippa
It's important to set goals for what you want in a game like this
I play on Ps4 pro.
Everything looks like shit visually most of the time, but I'm used to this from gaming in the 2000s.
I should be about 100 hours in. no ultimate descendants yet but I have 5 regulars including Sharen and Valby. working on getting Enzo to prepare for the Hard mode farm
i kneeru
My problem with a lot of western devs. They want to give representation to "minority", which is great I think. But then they make it all the focus and there's no semblance of balance between "majority" and "minority".
you can't delete modules outside of that one dude?
30 hours how you guys have more than 100 hours lol
we have no life
bwo as soon as i arrive from my wage slave cage I run this game nonstop until 2am
182 hours
When I enjoy a game I dive deep into it and play it crazily for 6+ hours a day, I love having a wide expanse of content to chase
No matter the game, I'll go ham

I hate drip fed content
I haven't had a job since 2018
I'm farming AMP 74 and 75 right now if anyone wants to join.
This is me
>verification not required
You're asking this at 4chan of all places?
post id nigga
Most of the people here are either Warfaggots player, ex destranny, or Glue huffing POE (path of estrogen) player theres some bdo retard too i guess
Im also an ex wf player that stopped playing in 2018
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>her facial expressions every time she looks at (You)
Goodluck mate, that outpost is a fucking doozy.
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gonna hit 300+ this week I was playing ff7 remake before now this is my focus
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anon....why did you put that evil on me?
Basically >>487019457. The game is fun, but everything else around it is designed to destroy your will to farm anything without spending money at some point. It's the fact that they know you're aware that you could spend a week farming her just to have to wait 2 fucking days to actually use her anyway, ASSUMING you don't already have the main mats crafted.

From what I've heard, it's not as dumb as in Warframe. I mean in terms of having reactor timers and stupid shit like that all in-between grinds. They have longer crafting time(?), but we have this stupid grind levels. I'd rather get what I need to make the thing I want and wait a while, KNOWING it's done... then do all of this. Fucking reactor waiting... holy shit.. and just to get a 10% chance to open loot box that I need to farm materials before I can even fight the boss to open said box to begin with...
How the heck do I get my webms to look this good. When I try to keep it below 4mb it looks like dogshit
I want my sexy santa bunny with upskirt red panties when I run.
cant stop thinking about bnuuy bros
I can farm it pretty quick.
Warframe relic lootboxes were eaiser to get eaiser to open and a hell of alot more fair.
Not sure what happened to the party
I don't even play Warframe, but I've had enough friends talk about it in passing to know it's not this bad. This game is directly engineered to be unfun about everything but the actual gameplay.
electric boost and either range for mobbing, or cd for bossing i think
At least i didnt fall asleep playing this game, unlike wf.
I legit dozed off a dozen times when i "played" wf and farming for stuff
I hope CD here means Crit Damage
I downloaded warframe but the combat is boring
warframe relics are thrown on a big loot table so farming for specific primes is usually locked behind grinding 20 minutes on unfun gamemodes just for a slight chance at getting the relic you want. At least in this game you can just straight out target the relics you want to grind
t.LR2 former warfarm player
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This recon mission and reactor stuff is the worst thing ever. I'm on my like 10th time with 2 other dudes and we've all only gotten a bunny amorph drop 1-2 times so far. This wouldn't be an issue. Hell, going 20-30 wouldn't be as annoying if I didn't know I have to deal with the reactor RNG next... AFTER I fucking farm the materials to start up said reactor. They better change this if they want normies to stay.
>They better change this if they want normies to stay.
those same normies are here for the costumes if they don't like the grind they will pay up.
>Implying they cater to normies
They expect normal faggot coomer to just swipe
got ult bunny and ult gley with 95hrs on steam, how are you guys?
bruh i am pretty normalfag with a gf and a fulltime job and it took me 3 days to unlock ubunny once i started focusing her
Only autistic neet on 4chan would bother to grind the game, so they wont bother with how grindy this is
>Open a few AMPs
>Energy Activator
>6% Blueprint I don't want
>Energy Activator
Come on, I want the middle option, not the low end ones.
That sounds godsend compared to outpost farming for hours or days and getting nothing
Can they turn it down to 3 flames not six?
>about 280 hours also did a bunch of side stuff
got ult lepis/ ult gley and ult ajax left to grind out
It's the 3-5 different steps for farming that kills it for me here. I'd rather do 40 runs knowing the eventual drop let's me move on to the next mat item.

I doubt too many normies are gonna toss out $50-$100 USD. This game (Nexon) is being super shit with their prices. $5 gives you 200 instead of 500, and so on. It's scum down to every last aspect of this game.

I'd take a bet there would be plenty more purchases if the prices were less inflated out the ass. Think about how much more people they'd get to swipe if it was $25 for ult bunny and $50 for the larger ult bunny bundle. People would buy the module expansions too if it wasn't around $10-$15 per slot right now. A hairstyle is like $6-8 dollars.
So, yeah, this is something I noticed on other dungeons, but a lot of hard mode dungeons have less, or even ZERO 'Elites' compared to normal mode. This is the case for Quarantine Zone. I think because hard mode shits out enemy modifiers, they replaced all the 'elite' enemies with just regular big enemies with a lot of modifiers. Because 'elite' yellow names can't have modifiers. And because they aren't yellow named, they can't drop the dungeon specific resource. Hell of a fucking oversight, Nexon.
>lets remix the mission parameters for hard mode
>the remixed version removes all the "eliminate the appeared target" missions
>can't get the special resource
Which forces you to do normal mode for the resource. More and more things make me think 'hard mode' was a complete and utter last minute addition.
its the exact same shit. spend an hour doing 3 runs on a tedious mission and get nothing
>try to grab flame
>it disappears
nice boss nexon
it ¨only cost $500¨ to upgrade the inventory limit so you dont get it full in 2 minutes, fuck Nexon
Did you really spend $500 to do that
heh time to pay up goyim
you dont have to pay you can just increase the inventory limit and when its at max it shows how much caliber it cost then you just do the math
Are you getting a teleporting problem anon
Do you even get anything from destroying boss parts
Their defense goes down every time one is destroyed. They're also weak points, so you do more damage hitting them to begin with.
The satisfaction of removing a boss part... like removing a scab from your wound
I just called in sick because i want to grind this game.
Am i fucked bros?
I'm baffled every time. The enemies spawn so fucking slow. One by one.... people have to realize this is a terrible shard spot, yet there's always like 3 people farming it. I don't get it.
How do you get the +130k? Is it a gold boost?
I feel like a dev made that shit as a joke enemies coming out one by one like a clown car
I'm definitely getting a "shit isn't resetting" issue.
I managed to get 3 peices of Ult Lepic while farming other shit, is there any reason to even unlock regular Lepic?
Because Lepic is EPIC
>is there any reason to even unlock regular Lepic?
Not really unless you want more mastery rank
yes since you have a job you can just bypass the grind with money
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Do you already have a fire elemental user
Your mom and Blair
I hate my job and today i have like 3 tender negotiation files that i gave to prepare and submit, 2 business meetings and hopefully 1 bullet to swallow directly into my brain stem
So I chose to call in sick and let my tomorrow self to deal with it
ahhh I cant beat the frozen kani
>cant do hangedman
>half built gley fking ignores the mechanic
there is no balance in this game
>cool mods come from hard mode
>cant beat hard mode
>finally get absolute zero
>doing the mechanic at all
sign of a shitter
That's can't be right, my mom is a toxic user
balance is boring as fuck
the perfectly balanced game is grey blocks of equal size shooting each other
balance makes choice meaningless and makes life bland and shitty
but i dont like gley gameplay
you can beat it with 3 of whatever the worst character is
3 blairs yeah you could beat it with 3 blairs
LFM 091 have Sharen
LF Valby farm have Valby
LF hangman carry
Can someone help me with Executioner hard
Man I love big asses
Need help with Dead Bride 1/4
Valby farming MUST HAVE VALBY
How do I increase my DPS???
Need a bunny to sit on me
LFG outpost farming 2/4 (we have sharen)
How help farming Freyna parts. Whisper me
LF cute egirl to spoil :3
Someone carry me for Swamp Walker plsssss
Come join me chill farmin = idiot.twitch.tv
Wow this chat is bad lmao
Any Valby farmers I can join? (I don't have Valby)
LFG Molten Fortress 3/4 don't join if noob
Can anyone help me with a story mission
some jayber share your build with me
jaybers aren't real
>bunny never uses electric field to kill bubbles
>ajax shooting the immune boss instead of bubbles
>gley using infinite launcher memes and never hitting any of the bubbles
if I had that fucking air grapple I'd just use bunny myself reeeeeeee let me out of here
just so you know, they are planning to nerf the Valby farming. just not right away.
Nexon changed their statement from getting the other farming spots on par to making the outpost run be on par with the other farming area.
>Nexon changed their statement from getting the other farming spots on par to making the outpost run be on par with the other farming area.
are you serious? guess i better start farming this for the next 12 hours
im only 30 hours as well, 4trannies are not to be underestimated i guess
glad that I'm done with the farming for now thanks to that anon who pointed out I could do the same with absolute zero viessa
no, they didn't. Literally just check their website it hasnt changed
it still says they're going to raise everything else up to it
just farm 100m gold and move on. It should take like half a day of continuous farming. I'd even suggest to only dismantle modules and let reactor/component/weapon pile up since they are easiest to farm.
100m gold is like 50 mods...
would the excess equipment drops interfere with gold and kuiper drops?
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>the guide preparing to enter your name into the rng blacklist when she hears you didn't buy caliber
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Game is becoming fun again now that I'm out of outposts, void sharts and reactor hell. Getting 2 morphs every run is nice.
I'm not even close to full build yet, still in the 300k zaps range.
whats in slumber valley?
she knew i was complaining about the colours being sold, so its spaming me with the same drop over and over again
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Should I keep rolling? How are people getting crazy DPS numbers with their Thunder Cage and Tamer.
one of ult gley parts I think
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First one too, with the stabilizer I also got.
bunny doesnt need grapple to kill the bubbles. you can just move or jump beneath them
Piercing Light is just for gley memes? I can't run it with anyone else?
crit is a waste on tamer

weak point damage%
atk against colossus
(element) attack

specifically on big MGs like tamer, magsize is good too
But I did buy cali why am I in the blacklist?
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Bros...where can I find grind this thing BP really fast?
Failed reading comprehension. Go back to school zoom zoom.
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>do special op
>people always leave at lv 14
>buff everything else to match
>tH3y aRe NeRf1ng iiittt!!!
really negro?
kingston hard mission
either reward
then go kill executioner
Okay so what HARD MODE stuff should I do first

I just did a couple of missions to get a lvl 100 Tamer and some random 100's to level up my Ultimates like Thudner Cage

But now what
World chat during the first 3 days was the best.
ult valby teaser WHEN?
not really, it just lags your game with so many of them on the ground. you actually need to choose between dismantling and looting them or continuing without looting
After i'm done fucking her
anon, sorry to ask this to you, but are you sure you arent retarded?
ngl the game actually froze on me after valby farming for quite a while. never happened before.
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Hard Mode gives out Reactors like fucking candy, how do you even Sort this.
I hold Ctrl and Scroll down on each one
Get annoyed when the window glitches out up and down constantly but see if there's 2 yellow sub rolls
If I see nothing, dismantle all
unless im target farming i just trash them all. cant be assed w/ all that junk
I've never had so much fun mindlessly grinding before while listening to music.

Bunny, Valby, Viessa just running laps in that Fortress Infiltration mission.
can't wait for the next battlepass weekly challenge so I can remove the helmet from ult viessa
My game is blurry af how the fuck do I get okish screenshot
kingston, normal.
Turn your sharpness up
Dude I fucking cant
I used to be able to clear my shit down to like 15 and run multiple dungeons and missions

Now there's like 80 equipment in my bags, 60 of them are Reactors, after 2 Hard Mode missions
its also influenced by your external components. so check to make sure to not have equipment drop % if you dont want so many
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This seems pretty cool but I have no idea what's going on since I've been skipping the story.
Not him, and he is retarded here. Still, this does bring up an interesting question. How will this affect balancing going forward? Will they just raise the requirements of things in the future or what? This sounds more like it's going to create inflation for gold and kuiper. They should have just avoided hotfixing it and said they'd give people who rushed creating Valby some time to use it, out of respect. Patch it in the next update and call it a day. They can globally rework kuiper/gold or the module system instead. As nice as this is, doesn't this create more problems? How about NOT making it so we have to spend hours running in circles like this and give us better ways to gain EXP/Gold/Kuiper that doesn't expect us to also buy those boosts.
Worse is you can't easily junk yellow. You have to manually do each one.
For me, it's the Legion of Darkness.
Thanks for the tips bro my damage doubled but i still can't get past the boss solo the time runs out at 50% red bar and queueing with pubs nobody deals any damage to him i guess i'll just have to keep grinding until i'm able to clear him solo
>We NEED the Ironheart
>Actually Ironheart BAD
>Okay let's DESTROY the Ironheart
>But we'll SAFEGUARD this one by storing it inside (You) until we can destroy it
I think this is where you are at now
how about you stfu
i have liked enemy designs in all these games way more than the character designs and wonder why i cant paypig for a vulgus version of any of them
>Finished researching Blair, pretty fun
>Decide to run normal Dead Bride since I had one Amphorous mat left for it
>Get Enzo's code
This game knows
Make me.
Don't forget that the Magisters are probably pissed at us
Where the fuck do I get gold sensors and processors
If I don't have all three weapons equipped, will the gun(s) I have equipped get more exp?
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>Viessa's thighs
>Mounting: actually using the weapon
>Equipped: just gotta have it in one of the 3 slots

Or do I have this reversed
wait 1 day and 2 hours
Kill hard colossus.
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>Fallen Hope
>When poison, explode at a chance
>Expect it to have good status chance due to wanting to inflict poison
>Roll a purple attribute chance
>It's multiplicative
>4.55% chance to inflict poison
So it's only useful on Freyna, got it. How shit.
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>anon notice it too
>every mission in these last couple zones of far have been every mission type mashed together that you have to spend forever on because they just love you having to do 5 objectives in one
>go here
>kill some dudes
>hack that
>now blow up these pillars
>now collect the things
>now collect these other things
>kill waves of dudes as you hack
>now the boss is here kill him too
One mission done.
Based Mr. Freeze poster
It's not useful on anyone.
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I bought into the potential of Enduring Legacy.
I hate how massive the aiming becomes, and it takes a while to go back down as well. There's no mods to stop this from getting so large.

I used an Energy Activator on this, I'm a huge idiot. You'd only want to use this on a Collosus up close.
I got work tomorrow bwos i already called in sick yesterday i wanna call in sick again tomorrow. My ult gley finishes cooking 1/3 into my shift. cough cough
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Almost there
has anyone mathed out the modules for a farming/mobbing Bunny build?

everyone seems to have a different setup
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Go to sleep anon...
yes you are correct smart guy
any chance she's a fire attribute?

I need a female descendant that's fire and I'll have all
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you didn't test it out first before you potatoed it?
ill bake soon
>loading this model in my favorite vr porn game
>can play with her ass all day
10 more days...
We're not even at bump limit
I mean, now we are, but we weren't
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TC goes Brrrp brrrp
Need to reroll substats though

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