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Spess battle edition

Previous thread: >>485318796

== News ==
Civilization 7 announcement trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pygcgE3a_uY&ab_channel=SidMeier%27sCivilization
Sins of a Solar Empire II, eXplore & eXpand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek4ychg1saI&ab_channel=StardockGames
Homeworld 3 got released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ojRQyBqtOg&ab_channel=Gearbox
Battle Realms crash bandaid & optimizations patch: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1025600/view/4190113130386739163
Old World: Behind the Throne dlc trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9ptnblA3u4&ab_channel=HoodedHorse
Manor Lords release trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7MnkE_qxj8&ab_channel=HoodedHorse
Galactic Civilizations 4, Ares 2.5 update changelog: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1357210/discussions/0/4357870948660444461/?snr=1_5_9_
Distant Worlds 2 Game Factions update: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1531540/view/4193487660197795680
Big Endless Space 2 update: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/392110/view/4137190765280856899
New Falling Frontier trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJd684i-A-g&ab_channel=StutterFoxStudios
Nebulous: Fleet Command June development update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evdY2V8WVk0&ab_channel=EridanusIndustries
Plan B: terraform has got boats now. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1894430/view/4264427597920580820

== Pastebins ==
Alpha Centauri (new 14/06/22): https://pastebin.com/QgEvG3ET
Free and open source games pastebin: https://pastebin.com/8nRQckSN
Stellaris: https://pastebin.com/hPfrhazx https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Stellaris_Wiki
Stellaris DLC guide: https://rentry.org/STDLC384
Endless Space 2 + Endless Legend: https://pastebin.com/yu57huWm
Civilization: https://pastebin.com/eeL9tyaW
/cbg/: https://pastebin.com/ZSLVg9kT
Workers & Resources: https://pastebin.com/XaWF8mE6
Post it please.
>Would have been great if they created gacha board and send those generals there.
unironically, I think that /vg/ is this way on purpose, to fester the gacha brainrot
gachatard gets exposed to even more gachas in the catalog
normal non-gacha person comes in for some other game or just looking for games in general
but the catalog is always full of gacha, and that's basically free advertising
and gachatards are probably more likely to buy figurines and such from j-list (which used to be a major part of 4chan advertising, but something happened)
Please, don't let us die so soon.
Gookmoot gacha conspiracy.
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this place would probably be Hell to live in
>No street connections
>It's medieval Kowloon
but there's streets everywhere
It does look pretty grim. All those clone buildings, no gardens, no parks. Have to set aside a whole day just to get some firewood from storage.
nighty night, anons and spider security guards
Post what?
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>tfw want to play Aurora again
>tfw cant fucking decide what theme and type to play
Close enough.
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Damn, missed some Song of Syx discussion, what a shame.

This picture doesn't make sense. Why is the word coming out backwards?
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Night. I'll try to find something to post.
I wish there was caveman2cosmos on civ5
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I hate people
The pngs.
Good morning, sirs.
I want a girlfriend to spank me hard and often.
me too
And what do you offer her in turn?
It's sad.

The satisfaction of touching my butt.
just convert them yourself from your favorite LoversLab Stellaris mods?
Its literally everything from forums plus some of the lewd Stellaris mods from LL.
Anything good in the Automation sale?
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So, how are y'all doin' to'ay?
He's not the god of spelling, give him a break.
Still trying out my new PC.
Was surprised to see that despite being top of the line, I still can't run Distant worlds 2 on biggest map without the game telling me I would run into stability issues in late game.
Because apparently 32 gigs of ram isn't enough for that, and I need at least 48 gigs.
Mowed the lawn, now relaxing.
>apparently 32 gigs of ram isn't enough for that, and I need at least 48 gigs.
Modern gaming and its consequences.
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Trying Ur Quan Masters.

That's the problem with mangas translated super quickly.

That's odd. But sadly predictable.

On a Monday?
DW2 was the first time my brand new six months old PC wasnt powerful enough to run everything on max..
It hurts.
>On a Monday?
Yes. I'm on vacation (technically unemployed because somebody thinks it's worth to save a bit of gov's fugazzi paper money by letting me go during the summer). Not that I complain - I have savings and don't have to work under this shitty heat.
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>Because apparently 32 gigs of ram isn't enough for that, and I need at least 48 gigs.
lmao @ Recommended
Odd. But yeah, I can get that. I spend 45 minutes on my bike to go to work, I arrive there ready to kill everyone.
16 is perfectly fine for mid galaxies.
>tfw Remnants of Precursors have option to get like millions of stars and bring any pc to its knees
So given it seem gsg has become pure shitpost spam as of late, let me ask here; what do you guys think of the latest stellaris dlc?

Honestly not sure where I should post this
Stellaris is crap and no amount of DLC's will save it.
Stellaris is /4xg/ material.
Trying to find some comfy and slow paced tactic or 4x game to pass time.
Haven't tried the latest stellaris DLC.
So no clue how the cyberpunk dystopia addon is.
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That game is pretty good.

I hate Stellaris. I wish it got taken down a peg.

Something turn-based?
I like stellaris for the ambiance, but I dislike how 99% of events are basically nothing but a flat stat boost with fancy text introduction. I think ill try to make an apocaliptic galaxy and just survive the onslaught.
This general was always a thread for Stellaris. It's a 4X game, not GSG, no matter what Paradox or the shitposters tell you.
>what do you guys think of the latest stellaris dlc?
Okay, I guess. A lot of people say Astral Planes is not what they expected.
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Joke's on you, Alien, my ex smacked me harder than you ever will! I am a son of Dorn, I can take hits!

>This general was always a thread for Stellaris
It was a thread for AoE2. Which I suck at.
>It was a thread for AoE2.
Among other games, I meant.
>Which I suck at.
Don't worry, anon, you'll git gud sooner or later.
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Finding Earth was embarassingly difficult.
>hey a red planet
>okay, so the red planet? It has a slave shield after all
>it's mars
>okay, the blue one

>Among other games, I meant.
Oh, then of course. The /civ4xg/ committe that I speak for forgives you, then.

>you'll git gud sooner or later
Nah. Too many games too play, not enough time to become an expert in all of them, and too easily distracted to focus on one.
3d and fancy graphics were a mistake
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Mercury... That's the first, right?
Closest one to sun? Yes.
desu I wouldn't call anything with 32 gigs today a top of the line pc but it's still kinda ridonkulous how much the game demands from the machine at big galaxy sizes.

Machine age is alright but you shouldn't be buying the DLC anyways if you have to ask this and honestly probably not play the game either. The only reason to actually buy the DLC today is if you are absolutely gigantic soi and just purchase everything at face value no matter how garbage it is and hence have all the other DLC as well. The game needs all the DLC to function so you may as well use the subscription if you have to ask about specific DLC and are into spending money or just download the DLC like a regular person.
Dont be worried, I've never brought a Paradox GSG because I abhor their marketing practices.
Then what's the point of asking about the DLC? Just get it like usual and there you go
you bitch!
Let's start at the beginning.

>Stellaris DLC
- Extremely overpriced.
- Low content.
- Mostly the same, click next anomaly sites, with different names depending on what DLC they're from
- The stories for this non-gameplay is 100% stolen from things you've already seen or played.
- Paradox expects you to keep giving them $20 every few months like a drug addict.

>Stellaris Subscription
- "Wow, I'm paying less..." No. It turns out, you're paying them not to own anything, even if you get access to all the DLC, and the latest is always missing.
- This is a strategy to make you eventually not buy the older cheaper DLC, but buy the newer more expensive DLC.
- They'll earn more in the long run.
- "Oh, so I should just buy the DLC". Don't be a retard. Them offering a worse deal doesn't make any of the DLC a good deal. It's the difference between paying $300 for a broken game with unfinished, buggy gameplay and a terrible laggy AI made by flunkies, and paying $450.

Paradox games get pirated because it's the only sensible thing to do. If you pay for any part of this, you are getting fucked over, you're are joining the people they are working out how to bleed dry for DLC and games built off of a dated engine, with very little actual gameplay.

>Machine age is alright
Let's see
>more story trash
>more pointless RP fluff giving the illusion of depth
>virtually unchanged gameplay
This is not a $25 DLC. I can buy a $5 expansion pack on Steam for games that came out 10 years ago, that have more gameplay AND story than all of these DLC combined.
You faggot made me download Shitlaris again and try few lewd mods.
Fuck you, kindly.
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>go to the moon
>scan biological entities
>several responses

>Fuck you, kindly.
You wouldn't be the first.
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>pass over nodes
>get stuff
Okay. I might have to read the manual to know what the fuck I do.
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The Ur Quans were not on the moon.
Which is good, since I have no idea how to shoot.
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Because I was curious what anons thought of it, simple as. Ie if it added anything flavorful or whatnot.
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Oh hey Pluto is still a planet.
Game must be very old.
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Oh gosh the music.
Go to https://store.steampowered.com/app/2645580/Free_Stars_The_UrQuan_Masters/ and PLAY THAT GAME OR I WILL HURT YOU
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That game has awesome music!
It's like i'm back clubbing in the late 90's/early 00's
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Remembering why deity is such BS. This civ only has one city with 3 tiles but is making 200 gold per turn. This was before they used a worker to unpillage their land.
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>warhammer dwarfs
>using rope
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Good night now.
Don't let the thread die or I'll post spiders instead of posting artillery pieces.
I lost the campaign since I forgot I had score victory enabled and the turn before all my civs got nuked.
Remember to fuck any sexy blue aliens you meet near bugsquish.
This and the cleopatra scene in Centurion were my original computer-based seed-spillers. Land's End catalogue was my preferred paper seed-spiller
Just did.
That sounds like a threat.
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It is.

they are billions clone but good???

Asking, not shilling, not buying games this newly released.
Welp. RIP you.
is this the wc3 thread
For you? Anything, baby.
What game are these cute things from?
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Final Fantasy XIV.

Two tips :
- shitting on a beloved game isn't a good way to advertise your own, especially when it's the one that started the wave of "build castle to resist invasions" kind,
- your formatting makes it obvious you're new, which does NOT amuse us.
I think they are billions is flawed in its execution. It's a very trivial all or nothing game with barely any strategy, either too easy or too blandly solved at higher difficulty levels.
If you've played one game you've experienced everything it has to offer really.
It doesn't deserve to be beloved.

But the premise has promise which is why I'm asking about a new game on the market.
Age of Darkness looked nice but embarrassingly hid what to its credit They are Billions keeps track of and it similarly didn't really go anywhere.

Diplomacy is not an option looks alright.

From Glory to Goo is the game in the genre I'm next likely to try, but that doesn't stop me from being curious about what else has come out recently.

If by formatting you mean reddit spacing or whatever the kids are calling it, I've been doing that well before /vg/ was a thing.
>first game of a new genre is flawed in its execution

>Diplomacy is not an option looks alright.
Oh, you're an ESL.
Debate closed.
They had the gall to release in early access and used all of that time to adjust their product not at all.
A game made ten or even five years earlier would have an excuse, the devs of they are billions may have intended to work hard on a product but they shipped in EA, got viral success due to a starved strategy market and custom TD map nostalgia, made their money and subsequently did not care about their product any more.
But enough about Cataclismo!
There is no need for this shit flinging, anons.
I think the anon shit-flinging might not be plural
Yeah, it seems like the TABAnon is winning, and the shill is losing her composure.
I don't think there is a TABanon here, one person is talking shit about it and the only other thing said about it is agreeing it is flawed.
>I don't think
That much is obvious.
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Shouldn't you win the battle first before getting the celebratory fireworks out?
It's okay if the fireworks happen in the enemy camp.
>Tfw I just learnt of the Ur-Quan lore

Poor super worms on steroid
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To work, have a good day.
Am I crazy for thinking the Kwer-za were reasonable in the end? Their ultimatum, while kind of extreme and authoritative, was in retrospect incredibly fair and lenient, either you duck n cover and let the big boys rumble, or you join in the party, because the only other option is extermination. Its like the war in heaven crisis of Stellaris, fanatic xenophobe vs hyper materialistic, and humanity happens to be a primitive civ that was on the path to unlock interstellar travel when the Ur-Quan shown up.
Just remember No Androsynth stories.
Don't fry into a French fry, Spiderfag. Or I would say this, but it's about as hot here as it is in southern France, despite here being northeastern Europe.
Yeah, the games themselves seem like a cool concept. Too bad there's no good modern version.
Should I actually consider the Stellaris sub thing? I can afford it for the month I'd play it before canceling. Or is that me the fool?
Nah don't encourage their shit, just own the base game and steal the DLC. Simple as.
You can do that with a legal copy?
Is there a certain way or just any "aquired" version of the DLC will do?
It's 42°C here, help
It is happiest days to not care about Androsynth anything.
Where the hell are you, in Sahara?
Just pirate it, which is what I do whenever a new update show up.
South Portugal, it's hell in the summer.
Bit weird, considering that oceanic climate should make it a bit cooler.
Fug it, guess I will. Kinda awkward since I got the starter pack as a birthday gift last year but until I get an income again, I can't really afford getting DLC.

Guess that just means no sick cheevos, lol.
We get a lot of heat waves coming from the sahara desert, usually temps range from 30-35. Every year it's getting worse though
Low or high humidex?

If its dry, then consider yourself lucky, because at least you can sweat, here we get high humidex (~90~95%) temp that go in the same range, and its so godawful, your clothes get all sticky from sweat, can't even let a breeze in because you gotta keep what little coolness there is inside, drinks get warm super quickly, ice last minutes, etc.

Aint nothing like working in a chop with no AC and no fan in these kind of temperatures to make you thanksful it only last a few months a year.
It's low. Feels like an oven, the air is so hot it almost feels like it's burning your skin.
True, humidity makes the heat feel worse. And cold too.
Dead spider storage.
Dead fried spider storage
Dead archived fried spider storage.
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>people itt hate spiders
Don't hate them. But might be scared of them?
When we talk about spiders on /civ4xg/ we mean something else...
Nighty night anons and spiders.
Not the spiderbro! He didn't do nothing!
What? I didn't say that he do anything...
No you don't. You love page 9 you SLUT
love when this plays in the background
How do I not get rolled by indies / enemy summons as senator
most games that are first in their genres are flawlessly executed or they wouldn't be genre-defining, think simcity or doom for example
Hire mercenaries.
Don't pick a fight with more than 5 people.
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any strategy game I can play as him?
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AI has never upgraded their default warrior unit even when they have max research at this point, since they never got Iron.
Stop trying to get me killed.
You lots make me doubt my plan to visit the US.
I like the older civs since it's much faster with the turn times even when maxing everything out. Civ6 can really be annoying if you don't have it on an SSD.
No. And that's the tragedy of the game, you end up feeling like they are reasonable.
They just aren't, and you suffer for it, but for them, they are.
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>star Gladius game
>slavers wipe my starting army in 4 turns
>only have one town left
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>meet an eclectic cast of characters
Modern devs have conditioned me to think "le funny randumb xD" character writing when they say shit like that.
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All right.
Let's try Spacebase Startopia.
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...I don't like it.
Feels small and cramped. Every second I pass playing it makes me wish I was playing Startopia.
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It has some interesting ideas, like every room lowering your maximum energy storage, but since you only have one energy storage facility, it feels more like a way to cap your building than a real issue. Also, you might notice I have no docking station or cargo hold?
They're built in by default.

This is like if you picked Startopia and took "mmmm my players are dumbasses, how do I dumb this down for them?"
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>Startopia had food, sleep, washing needs
>they all needed their own facilities
>Spacebase Startopia has food, drinks, sleep, washing
>it's all done in the same room
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>happy aliens give you prestige that you use to unlock some stuff
>other stuff has to be researched
...dude, enough, I don't need a piñata to be motivated to try to make my aliens happy.
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>right clicking on an alien brings you to him
>but right clicking off doesn't reset your camera to its initial position

>aliens use hashtags in their thoughts/blogging
Okay I hate it.
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>buildings that are active move a lot, pumping up and down
You know, I feel almost offended by how that game feels obligated to dangle keys in front of me to keep me entertained.
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>still need aliens to operate some of the buildings
Anyway, going to nap a bit, I'll post more about this... thing if I have the courage.
But honestly, I'd rather get fucked than play this again.
Are there any reverse-civ/4x games where you start with an empire and your goal is to infiltrate its leadership and steadily dismantle it until it becomes a collection of poor, unproductive farms and villages swarming with barbarians?
There's that one game where you're the awakened evil trying to subvert the world into your evil dominion.
There's at least a couple of games that are actually about infiltration, but they are less 4X and more GSG.
Might not be exactly what you're asking for.
Shadows of forbidden gods. It's an interesting game.
heard about it, sounds interesting
but I don't want to be that evil
world domination is cool
mass death and/or perpetual suffering are not cool
IMO, a great mod or fangame in a similar style, would be to use or rip off the Land of Night from Succubus Quest
a dream world where everyone is getting ridden by succubi forever
bad end?
happy end :)
t. just finished the collaboration event in MGQ:Paradox
>Under One Rule stellatis origin
>If you go full liberal, democract and shiet, you can make your leader an immortal demigod whose talent is incomparable and cannot get ousted with massive happiness bonuses
>If you decide to go the imperial/muh facism path, then you don't even get offered the option despite it making more sense for it to in such in that context

Can't figure out if its the dev biases seeping throught, or if its some kind of low key jab at do-gooders, but I dont believe it to be the case given how its mostly just a huge boost with no real consequences.
I think its the dev bias because its common for these people to have the whole "only shitlib/democratic way is true one and should reward the player" thing.
Chuds keep playing the game wrong and making authoritarian theocracies with psionic god-emperors. So obviously it was time for democracies to have their turn.
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>girlfriend doesn't want to fuck
Well I'll get fucked by Spacebase Startopia then.
One of the objective good ideas of Spacebase Startopia, I have to admit, is the reliance on the biodeck. The game now feature air filters to keep the atmosphere breathable, but they use filters/O2, who is generated by the plants in the biodeck.

And also, ressources are now used in factories in general, rather than being just for shops or trading.
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>entire deck is red
Yet as far as I can tell, it doesn't really matter where you put your atmospheric filters, so long as you have enough.
Is the new Startopia good enough to pirate?
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They replaced my Star Wars cantina by a Honor Harrington cat café.
I mean, I like cats, but NO.

I do not think so. It feels generic, like Karlypso's average city builder, but with a Startopia skin.
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bla bla bla crates rot when left unchecked
Also you now have a real inventory. But I hate the new teleportation effect. It looks like Corvo blinking.
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I do not like the new system. Now, to beam something up, you click on it. But to unbeam/beam something down, you click on it, then click somewhere, then reclick on it to unselect it, lest you accidentally teleport everything back in the recycler.
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The biodeck.
>to harvest something, right click on it, then click on harvest
>you get told what you'll get if you harvest something, in advance
>even leaving your cursor on the terrain selection tells you what will grow.
Wow, something else that is good and doesn't need me to spam F1 on everything.
Through I'm annoyed the terrain selection is flat, rather than being tied to the temperature/humidity. Instead, you just pick volcanic/jungle/whatever.

Through honestly, at least you're told that some aliens prefer one biome over another. Startopia never explained that, so that's another thing to Spacebase's credit.
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>every sector of the biodeck produces O2
>the quantity depends from how many plants you have
That is odd, usually that game explains everything, but here, it's just "it depends". It's like asking fucking /domg/ for a straight answer. That general is gayer than a Call of Duty room.
I do appreciate that the Biodeck has an use, since growing plants in space has me very curious in how that'd work and how you can optimize it, but it feels more like a gadget here.
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Oh, so the hippies are replaced by plant people. They plant new... plants. I'm not a poet. They plant new plants, and they passively harvest the existing ones without destroying them.
I'm playing distant worlds universe on fully manual/suggest and while I've gotten the hang of most parts of the game I don't really understand how to make an effective combat ship.
I've been trying to fight these pirates that love to hang out in my system but they just don't die. and I don't know how to look at the enemy design to understand why they aren't dying.

The first problem I encountered was not doing enough damage to shields. 14 phaser cannons couldn't take down the pirates shield fast enough to do anything. I didn't see energy going down so they weren't firing faster than the reactor could keep up, no clue what to do there. The second problem, I switched over to impact assault blasters and put 20 of them on. They tore through the enemies shields but once the shields were down they were doing nothing.

Are the pirates just super teched up or something? They only have shields around 600-800 and they don't really do much damage either, they have a hard time just fighting a mining base. They just aren't dying, so it leads me to believe I just don't understand how to destroy a ship.
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>By the way, Commandante
>Dryads will build their house in the biodeck so they don't need to return to the work deck
Okay, I get that it's a desire to makes the whole game more straightforward by removing distractions, but I can't help but feel it lowers the skill cap. Not like you need a lot of skill to play bloody Startopia, but still, the of stuff that is simplified makes me suspect you aren't supposed to make money off tourism, but off trading.
And I don't really like that. If I wanted trading, I'd play Caesar 3 or something. I like Startopia precisely because you can make mad dosh with very limited trading.

I think pirates start with better tech, but it's balanced by them having no planets and only a space port.
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>irradiated land
>plants growing there produce minerals
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Ha, this is the real change of this sequel.
The factory is entirely automatic, but now uses raw materials from the biodeck, or processed goods.
Which means... why do I even have aliens onboard? Can't I just kick them all, save on food, drinks and showers, and have everything automated?
Can they start with just better armor/damage control/shield recharge tech or something? They don't really seem super teched anywhere else, they are basically just cockroaches. Their shields are low even though they recharge really fast, they are outran by my destroyers who have a cruising speed of 20, their weapons are okay, they would win a 1v1 against my 14 phaser ship if they actually stuck around to fight but they lose handily to my 20 impact assault blaser ship. I just can't do hull/component damage even when I take out their fast recharge shields.
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I should bitch about the factory's animation feeling like keys dangling in front of me again, but I actually like it.

I dunno sowwy.
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>preferred deals have a star
Selling these robots put me in the green.

Gotta say, I really disliked how Startopia didn't have space between hundreds and thousands, but apparently it's a French-only thing, so makes sense that hicks didn't know about it.
For its flaws (smaller scale, feeling dumbed down), Spacebase Startopia AT LEAST adds dots to make your energy easier to read.
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This is interesting.
Some techs are unlocked through prestige, aka whenever tourists are happy, but some have to be researched through laboratory.
Since there's no tech tree (through there's still a tier system), rather than spending materials/bough items to progress your tech, your research instead costs energy, and will generate radioactive wastes, that have to be treated in the factory, sold to some traders, or dumped in the recycler, which will take it at half-health and require immediate repairing.
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Yeah, see the percentage at the bottom? That'd the building's health.
Maintenance and repairing are the same in Spacebase, compared to Startopia in which a building could be filthy but working fine.
The state is also very easy to check, since it works like a healthbar.
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>criminal posts on his own blog that he's a criminal

Also, that's my last screenshot.
General opnion:
>too simple
>too small in scale (hostel has 4 slots)
>seem more focused on producing and trading than tourism
>way too small
>music... meh.
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Typical Dragon ball Super shenanigans.
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Fun fact: apparently the Plaza Fountain in Startopia, just like the benches, is completely and utterly useless due to a bug.
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>say something
>look for source to prove I'm right
>source disproves me
It's not the first time it happens.
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At least I think the benches are indeed bugged, I can't find them here.
So everybody has to stand then? Wonderful.
nighty night
just typed in Millennia in the archive search, and results are just unrelated stuff
they picked terrible name for the game
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So i know someone did the whole Stellaris "Bring the end of the cycle and bounce back from it" but what other 4x games could have a "challenge" like that?
Like Terra Invicta and "defeat the aliens after triggering WW3" or something like that..
>If you decide to go the imperial/muh facism path, then you don't even get offered the option despite it making more sense for it to in such in that context
That doesn't feel right, unless I0m misunderstanding you. I did a One Rule one as not-Imperium, and I'm pretty certain my ruler was getting those unique traits.
Can someone recommend me a game like Space Station 13, but it's a colony sim?
then maybe its rng, because I went the imperial route after a democratic run, and I never got the event to make my leader immortal.
A space station 13 server about a colony.
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Tch, only 1/4th.
As far as I can tell, it doesn't matter what you choose. Either way, your ruler gets sick, and if you have enough resource, you can choose to plug him into the not-Golden-Throne.
Did you not have enough resources? Did something bug out?
vanilla stellaris
yea or nay?
Now that I think about it, after the ruler gets sick, the game makes you pick a choice in two different events. It's only the second event that allows you to make your ruler immortal, but you only get that second event if you make the right choice on the first event.
>1. should we let the ruler die, or should we try to find a way to save him?
>2. should we let the ruler die, or should we connect him to not-Golden-Throne?
Maybe it was that?
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Heck that?
If it's your first time, then go for it.
Otherwise, get DLC or mods.
I mean pirated Stellaris with all the DLC's.
Mods are a pain desu..
Guess ill try it.
just creampie the dlcs
does it even still work?
i dont care desu.
Id get entire game, play for a while and probably delete it because its slop and go back to Aurora, DW and others.
Basé et rougepilulé.
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so uh... why did they decide to ruin cities skylines by fucking up the best part about it, the workshop? i'm a big csl1 head with thousands of hours and this shit sucks man. i finally got into the game after trying and hating the base game without many mods (I had move it and anarchy basically) by doing
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.... a fully custom build (pic related) but ive already run out of decent looking buildings and ive done like half my downtown. there are basically no real custom assets on paradox mods, this is an actual holocaust akin to Simcity (2013)
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>warthogs can drive up hills
What? What? What? How? Why?
Warthogs and have nades thrown on the back of them and soar over ships to land unharmed on top of the enemy commands like some kind of makeshift missile in the games. Only going up cliffs is a nerf
There are barely any custom assets on paradox mods because custom assets aren't officially supported yet. The only things on there are what people have managed to cobble together without an official asset editor
That said, the death of the workshop was the worst choice for skylines 2. There's no reason both mod platforms couldn't coexist, especially now that console support is likely never coming.
Yeah, but... I'm still surprised.
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Thank you?
A discussion on /v/ had someone mention "difficulty in moving units across the map" amidst a bigger discussion about micro/APM ruining the genre, and it got me thinking...

What games are out there that play more like you're legitimately a remote command? Where logistics and thinking ahead are crucial because there are only so many commands you can execute in a given time-frame, or they're delayed to a degree because of communication limits?
Sorry to be clear this was a discussion about RTS specifically.
Doesn't RUSE have something like that? And not to my knowledge, but I can imagine a game where you have a cooldown on orders you can give, so you need to make sure you're giving clear orders, like attack move instead of just move.
I think such a game would be most realistic as turn-based, because in most large-scale situations, you would have days to plan things out, hours to adjust the plans, and minutes to react.
So the time it takes to think things out shouldn't be a crunch factor.
>there are only so many commands you can execute in a given time-frame
RTS? Probably none. I've thought a few that matches the rest of the description, but they're turn based.
None that I know. Ironically, the closest I can think of is autobattlers where you set up the initial position and maybe a strategy for each troop/unit, then they do their own thing.
I like the idea of giving you more time, but not too much. See something like Legends of Runeterra (PvP CCG that leans more Magic than Hearthstone,) which has back-and-forth turns where you have a lot to consider every round. It gives you time to think in each turn, but only so much before it starts to "rope" you like Hearthstone.

That's one way to do it, but surely just a slower-paced RTS where executing your commands is a commitment and you can't just "re-micro" units once an order is sent.
Yeah, shit like CCGs and TFT are what come to mind. On that aside, man I want there to be a less-RNG competitor to TFT.
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>try again
>this time, the warthogs all drive around instead of up
I don't get it, was it a bug?
Good morning, sirs.
>executing your commands is a commitment and you can't just "re-micro" units once an order is sent.
They'll just APM harder. Giving units orders that take minimal time to complete so they don't get cucked by the commitment.
>unit walks 5 steps
>unit walks 3 steps
>all while base building
Tearing my hair off over Halo Wars because something weird happened, while raging at Spacebase Startopia. How you doin'?
I just woke up...
What happened in HW?
I assume it's the warthogs acting inconsistently.
What >>487523362 said, warthogs are weird. Earlier, they climbed a hill, no problem. I tried to redo it just now, and they didn't.
And I checked, I had no skulls turned on, they were all fully upgraded...
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To jail, bitches.
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Holy shit, I did it.
I collected 600 000€. Had to build 6 fucking Watt-o-matic (Energy Collector in English), but I succeeded.
Praise me, mortals.
>I collected 600 000€.
If Startopia, fool. Dummy. Donkey. Donut.
bump general
Trying Tlatoani. It's finally on Steam.
And fucking hell I'm pissed. I failed the tutorial.
Because tutorial is like "hey put houses wherever you want" then it's like "now place clay pits, hope you didn't put the craftmen houses too far, lol".
>Where logistics and thinking ahead are crucial because there are only so many commands you can execute in a given time-frame, or they're delayed to a degree because of communication limits?
Aurora. The distances involved, they long time it takes to produce the ship vs quickness of combat, the order delay when playing on "inexperienced crews"..
>none of the changes in Stellaris static modifiers actually work in game
>no matter which difficulty level player bonuses/penalties i change nothing is reflected in game
Manure Lords
>Stellaris is broken
Business as usual, I see.
AoE2 is so stressful, you need to be doing 5000 things at once
Yup. But it has really fun civs, though.
Yeah for an RTS where the general gameplay is the same for every civ there's a surprising amount of depth and variety

Yes, the only RTS where I liked the campaigns is the OG Starcraft
AoE2 is like my frame of reference when I judge RTS. It does a perfect job at proposing a lot of civilizations that feel identical to the newbie, but have a lot of differences and allow many playstyles, without being one-trick ponies and thus easy to counter.
Like, Franks are good at cavalry, so a smart enemy will spam spearmen, but nothing forces you to make knights. You can even not make any at all and counter his spearmen with the axe throwers. It's something I love.
It used to work last time i did it the exact same way...
I wasn't super hot on where they took the story in the long run, but SC2's Wings of Liberty was pretty sick from what I remember. Did you try that?
>A discussion on /v/ had someone mention "difficulty in moving units across the map" amidst a bigger discussion about micro/APM ruining the genre
Let me guess. Starcraft and Koreans?
>ywn have a cute spider wife
Why even live? Just to suffer?
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Life is in the service of life.
Nobody in this thread will know the answer, we only breed so that our kids may have a chance to find out. We are the path on which the future will be reached.

Well, except me, because I don't plan on having kids.
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>spider mesugaki childhood friend
Too bad about her being a cuckqueen.
I guess childhood friends always lose
I haven't read the LN. Is that bad?
Sid Meier's Civilization IIIX
Oh yeah? Call to Power 2.
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Game for this feel?
>inb4 mount and blade or battle brother
Suck at fucking in M&B, and Battle Brother filtered me when I pirated it. Left the road looking for easy loot, met monsters, instant wipe.
>Battle Brother
Oh god Legend mod for that is brutal as fuck..
>can easily defeat rabble and raiders
>meet some higher tier dudes
>he does some bullshit ability and kills 3/4 of my 15 people band in one turn
I uninstalled after this..
Mount and Blade is easy if you turn on computer blocking assistance. But that might make it too easy.
If you don't want that then use shields, missile weapons and or be on a horse. Then even manual blocking doesn't matter as much unless your shield gets broken or you are in the tournament. Or maybe lower AI skill at fighting in the settings. I'm bad at manual blocking in that game desu. Otherwise it's not that hard. Bannerlord is even better for me in terms of grinding renown.

Battle Brothers is not too hard, but I got bored of it when I realized that for some monsters you will need specialize your gear and tactics a lot. Which then means I end up fighting same spiders, those man-eating monsters, zombies and bandits, goblins, maybe alps and schrats sometimes and nothing else, because others often just fuck me up too much and they are not worth the time, effort or gold.
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Bleh. I'll stick to modded M&B. Thanks lads.
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kek, I love simcity 4
What going on here.
>missile base
>next to toxic waste facility
>toxic waste facility is powered by windmills
>both facilities are isolated from the actual city
>there is just one road as you can see here
>protesters keep running around the road but otherwise do nothing
How many people here actually played Call to Power 2?
Dunno, I played it as a kid, so I was not very good at it as might imagine, but it was my "we have civilizations back at home" game and I have not played others.
Aurora 4x but not autistic
>protesters keep running around the road but otherwise do nothing
Distant Worlds.
nighty night
Haha I see.

I did, because I'm based.
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tried to make modpack with sapiens mod for use without the steam
it took the whole day
eui broken as always
at least found out how to get it work and made 2 archives to just extract on top on cracked civ5 folders (i own the game btw just dont like steam)
one for vox populi modpack and one for sapiens
Any ways to reduce game ending population lag in Stellaris that doesn't involve just genociding 90% of the galaxy?
Yeah. Genociding 95% of it.
>Any ways to reduce game ending population lag in Stellaris
>that doesn't involve just genociding 90% of the galaxy
Someone on Reddit pointed out the possibility that ships might be the problem because the lag continued even after they deleted the pops, but suddenly disappeared after they started removing empires.
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Fuck did I do, again?
What happens when my own pops are causing the lag?
If I killed the pops, would the lag stop?
I was more thinking if things like migration controls helped at all.
You needed to do the Bane meme thing.
for you
I only like the colonizing and terraforming aspects, but that's only a fraction of the game.
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It has been 20 turns now, 5 Civs are fighting at Babylon, and there has barely been a dent. Catherage sent 5 canons over and they won't even use them against the city.
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>Catherage sent 5 canons over and they won't even use them against the city.
Nihil novum sub sole.
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hopping back on for the first time in a year or so. I feel like I remember how to play mostly; I've got some nice chokepoints, a nice chunk of what I think is valuable territory, and humiliated my religious zealot neighbor in a recent defensive war, but my economy is tanking. Is there anything obvious I could be doing differently?
No idea. You got more into the than I ever did.
Philosophical question
Does spore's civ and space stage count as a 4X
I guess. But cell and creature stages are the soulful ones, even if it's all half baked.
Still mad btw.
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>Stellaris, 2326
>Rise of the khanate
>I control probably about 30% of the galaxy, have three 20k fleets, and have the highest council position in the federation
>mass my fleets at the border of the khanate, prepare for war, and put the eliminate khanate proposal into vote
>it is at this exact moment a sector defects and pulls an 18k fleet out of its ass
>Since all my forces are at the border, it takes a while to build another fleet
>these jackoff rebels are unfortunately unabated for a while, while my fleets on the border suddenly lose a ton of their power somehow (do ships defect from my fleets to make a rebel fleet, and somehow teleport to the rebel sector?)
>whatever, have 50k alloys, mobilize a combined 20k in fleets,
>another fleet I had forgotten about was parked at a starbase and was wiped out, but caused 2k in damage to the rebel fleet
>it's now or nothing for the khanate as I stand nearly alone, as empire after empire bend the knee
>whatever, I can delay them while I solve the problems at home, and even if they take some territory, I can wipe them out after their losses
>both my numerically superior fleets lose their engagements
Well fuck me running I guess. How the fuck do I stop planets from bitching? Every single fucking one seems to have unemployment problems for no reason, and I'm building as many districts as I can. Is there some sort of micromanaging I need to do? It's just fucking insane to me that I can dominate the fucking galaxy for a hundred years and then everything goes to shit at the same time.
Also, is there a fucking way to make faster ships? It took four goddamn years for a fleet to traverse my empire, so reinforcements never arrive in time.
The guy that makes the Planetary Diversity mod for Stellaris, wtf is wrong with him? Why is he so fragile? I know he has steam comments disabled, but even in his discord people can make simple statements and he treats it as a personal attack. Are the guys who do Gigastructures this fragile?
Make hyper relays in your systems like a highway.
I've never used sapiens how is it different than vox populi
Do I need a certain tech for that? Is it a megastructure?
classic mod author behavior
Can't post screenshots because I am phone posting from bed but I think it is a tier 3 physics tech? It should be on the tech tree of you just search for it.
Alright, I'll look for it. If I have Wormhole traversal and L-Gate research I should be up to that point then, right?
Ah I figured it out, it's Overlord content. I don't have that.
Why didn't you just pirate it all?
Or, at most, buy the base game to download mods more easily (you can use SteamCMD without buying Stellaris though), and then use the mods on a fully pirated install?
Mix-and-match of pirate DLC and non-pirate base feels weird.
Buying the DLC is a bad idea.
Leaving any DLC out is an incomplete game.
Technically yes, but why talk about them when they're boring?
He changed something in his mod, it is working differently and it feels weird now. I guess people asked him why and he sperged out. But it's just my opinion.
So, why you hafta be mad?
I'm a lazy bastard today.
I enjoyed the space stage, best part of the game.
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i dont know but it looks neat
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also it has fish
Spiderfag is probably watching Olympics.
nighty night then
Explain the dragshow...
It's physically impossible for the french to not be fags for more than an hour.
Can someone help me with paratroopas in HOI4
it's a fork of an old version of VP so probably not that much difference, I wanna try it at some point
File deleted.
it was fun while it lasted
and let live
And let die
Spiderfag's been real silent after that Olympics drag show dropped...
Because it's been a trainwreck of epic proportions.
I do like christoids schizoing out over golden bull Zeus, but the rest was pure cringe and in some cases cuckoldry.
I mean, the cyberattacks and the railroad being vandalized...
Is France even a country anymore?
I dunno, are the US still a democracy anymore, or is it an oligarchy pretending to be a democracy?
I didn't know about that. Who attacked the railroads?
We don't know. Probably just people angry about the games. Or Palestinians angry about the Israelite delegation being here.
Hard to say, nowaday get mad about everything.
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Do I have enough maize?
The intelligence agencies of loads of countries probably all bumped into each other down there, all with bombs in hand. Then just agreed to say nothing and returned home.
Geez man we just don't know who could've done it's not like they had to specifically get certain groups of individuals deported out of the city in advance because they knew it would happen it's such a mystery
Probably came, saw how much of a mess it was, and left, reporting "but boss, 't's loik kiking a grot!"
I know about pre FTL empires but can pre Sapients become sapient in Stellaris and advance normally throught the ages?
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They can. And they will.
The real question is, why should you allow that threat to your freedom and security to bloom? You should crush it right away.
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Thanks for lying, you faggots.
Oh shit, I've been mistaking it with Spore.
And I think even in Spore, they never do it on their own, they need a monolith.
I mean it makes sense.
Typical Stellaris game is like 400years tops and it takes millions of years to evolve from pre Sapients to sapient.
Well, fuck. I've been looking for that Kohr Ah gif for too long for a failed post.
Yeah, sometimes pre-sapients turn into stone age pops, then it takes like million turns for them to advance to bronze age.
>relocated the poor gaseous shmucks to a safe planet
Ngl feels good to not be a cunt.
i sadge
All I say its aint the last you heard o em, and you'll understand why their previous contact decided to cut bridge with em.
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Production is so damn slow!
What gaem?
>playing Stellaris on cheats because i dont care about gameplay, just want a dumb clicker game
>two neighbours blocking me
>somehow both are "overwhelming" in 2/3 of categories
Ah yes, i forgot to disable "advanced" empires..
Tlatoani. It finally made it to Steam, but as beta only.
>gaming PC died over a year ago, finally built a new one this month
>want to satisfy my citybuilding itch with some Cities Skylines, haven't played it for nearly 2 years
>decide to browse the workshop before I actually play the game, see what cool new things have been uploaded or which mods been depreciated or obsoleted
>already have 1500+ subscriptions
>hours pass
>found a neat collection of new roads, half of which I was already subscribed to
>hit the subscribe all button
>brief moment of inattention and I click the blue overwrite my existing subscriptions button without thinking what it actually means
>keep browsing for a bit longer before returning to the front page of the workshop
>what the fuck, why am I not subscribed to Harmony anymore? Or TMPE? Or any of the really obvious major mods?
>start to panic
>check my subscriptions
>the only thing I'm subscribed to is that 40 item collection from earlier

I don't even have any saved games I could try loading to force my old subscriptions to come back, I never used to save to the cloud when I last played. Why in the actual FUCK does that overwrite button even exist? Why is there no warning prompt when you click it that says "hey retard are you sure you want to lose all your existing subscriptions?"

>cant rename/set homebases for fleets with no ships in Stellaris
>which means you basically have to remember which fleet you want to sent where and name how until at least one ship gets built
Fucking why.. jesus christ its so fucking stupid and unitntuitive even on small number of worlds let alone galaxy spanning Empire...
Looks fun. Wishlisted.
Are you saying you can't even win with cheats?
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It's free so far, try it.
>steam baths
Hold up?

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