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>Setting up Netplay
- Melee/P+
- 64/Smash Remix

>Quickplay-enabled Latency Mod (2&3f default)

Previous: >>486067158
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Krystal will be a playable character in smash 6
Genuinely what can Samus do on FD in Melee
Every time I’m on unranked, I LRA+start every time FD comes up to get a new stage. Lamest stage in the game and makes fun matchups unfun. I play Fox btw. Only time I don’t is against Marth so they don’t bitch out when they don’t get their free win
It's unironically fine if your punish is solid, plus it makes edguarding way simpler, although the lack of platforms still blows. I still like it more than stadium cause the ceiling's not as low, but if you missile a lot then it's a pretty bad tradeoff.
And this one's more of a trade secret, but SHFFMC makes FD broken vs Marth
FD needs to be taken off the stage list. melee is a platform fighter, where are the platforms
people who wanted Ultimate Deluxe should be committed
another 5 or 6 years of this shit would be unfathomable
Only casuals would “want” it. Doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Each successive game has had to up the ante with crossovers, you can’t top this one. Competitive is a complete afterthought and nothing more to the devs. Wake up.
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Can he get a new moveset already?
More spindash
Gotcha. Most matchups feel winnable on FD, but it just feels hopeless against Falco since you have no plats to play around him with.
do you know the fox and sonic upair comic someome here posts sometimes, I feel the same way about stinky smashers.
I would smell armpit stench from a guy at a local, and if the guy is ugly, the smell is gross. but if the guy is hot I would get close to get a better wiff. what's the science behind this?
>Competitive is a complete afterthought and nothing more to the devs.

What exactly do you guys need from the developers to say that "the Smash Bros developers care about the competitive scene"?
Unironically having less content. No spirits, no squad strike, no smash down, no special smash, etc.
If they removed all the fun modes casuals would leave.
removing the option to turn off items
Oh, hi, Sakurai.
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Darkstalkers in Smash when?
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No, because on top of this, you Sonic faggots keep begging for broken jank for your S-tier.
Fucking kys.
>Reasons Morri won't Smash:
Do we really "hate" Terry?
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Incineroar bros, we're eating good!
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Surely this is the one that solves it
Why are these larp negro faggots still spamming the Timmy/Timantha meme?
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Just one final push!
Bayonetta is rated 17+.
TF2 in Smash when?
Bayonetta still got censored.
Transfeminity 2
This retarded argument of "I don't care for a better online/engine/balancing! just keep the cast!" would make some sense if Ult's cast was something outta a dream, like KoF 2002 type of cast where it truly feels like some ultimate edition type of shit.
Ult's cast is full of dogshit forgettable characters, the FE spam, the boring echo fighters, the lack of reps from other franchises, and even from Nintendo's franchises as well.
Yeah Ridley is nice I guess but I wouldn't lose sleep if he had to go, much less for Dark Samus or the 9 different flavors of Marth.
I love fan smash games, hopefully the devs behind it are nice and welcoming people who aren’t into young anime girls
Oh. That’s porn of underaged anime girls…
Well hopefully they keep that stuff to themselves and not put that kind of stuff into the files of the characters they make.
Um guys? They have Super Smash Bros. Ultimate already.....it's been out for like 10 years......you can online without all theae downloads.......are u ok......?
I'm not ok
No thanks to Sega and then Nintendo.
the point would be to fix what doesn't work in ult, as in to nerf steve to the ground, for an eventual ult deluxe. Not just "Ult with literally no changes but on switch 2"
and that's beyond adding new stuff on it
also forgot to add, there's also what >>487039553 said but twofold cause if casuals get a switch 2, which for all we know is retrocompatible, and the new smash game has less character than ult then they'll just keep playing ult on said switch 2. And comp autists will just keep playing melee, so basically there would be no one left to play the new game.
I am assuming nintendo is not blind to MK8deluxe and its dlc success either way
Are you too stupid to acknowledge the CERO ratings boards?
I empathize with all of hax's shit more than the average person (on twitter at least lol), but it's a bit tragic that all he really had to do was wait a few more months for leffen to semi-retire from the scene. Obviously you can't read the future for something like that, but still, it's sad to think that this shit probably all could've been avoided, regardless of whose fault it was most.
If there's any silver lining, the technicals crowd isn't gonna shut up about this and, as long as the same douchebag TOs are active on twitter and replying and bitching to anyone even half involved in the scene, it's just gonna make the outside crowd + bystanders even more and more bewildered. Their collective 'holier than thou' pride-fuck reaction is gonna cost them plenty in the long run
>is gonna cost them plenty in the long run
the scene can only ever attract people the same as them so i don't think so. The "holier than thou" thing is mostly them just going like "transphobia is the worst sin ever!!" and ,like the rest of the punch a nazi crowd, they're quick to just say you're a transphobe and that's enough to ensure you're never gonna set foot in those places again
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he's so powerful. this is why I kneel
Shadow in Smash when?
he's already in smash though
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Ok this has to be the one that goes through
>unethical for the scene to knowingly allow me to go forward with this decision
hax actually just cannot make a good case for himself can he
like he really shouldn't have been banned for this long but he's not helping himself at all with this kind of shit
Hax is a literal schizo manchild freak, He shouldn’t be allowed back in the scene regardless of anything. He needs help and a fucking job. No wonder y’all sympathize with this freak
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based dupe
Holy Trvthnvke
Reminder to celebrate the duplicate poster.
Assist Trophies don't count, Waluigi.
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Same thing with Megaman. If Hero and Sora get to have more than 4 specials, then so should he. Also, his Final Smash sucks.
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>doesn't even delete it to correct it
that's why they call him the king
Lol you fags always get something per game, sit down.
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the Guilty Gear fanbase has finally reached Ultishit levels of filth.
Gacha games that are NOT F/GO, because Fate fans are shit in Smash when?
They also mass trooned out like melee did
How does it even get that bad? Holy shit.
The chair likely already look3d like that. It's probably just rust
>Holy shit.
literally? i'm not into scat but I wouldn't mind ZeRo shitting on my chest
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no it's genius, he's saying
>if you want to be so controlling then why haven't you stopped me? Uh? UH??? It's your fault actually

i like that this got community note'd
>no it's genius, he's saying
>if you want to be so controlling then why haven't you stopped me? Uh? UH??? It's your fault actually
okay so i might be retarded but how exactly is that genius
like at best it comes across as him outright claiming he's not capable of being responsible for his own actions, which could effortlessly be twisted by to's into "well, he should be banned for the safety of everyone in the scene"
unless you're being sarcastic? in which case i apologise for not recognising that
look i don't think hax should be permabanned or some shit like this, most sane people would agree he's served his time by this point
simultaneously he's really not helping his case by constantly shitting out documents explaining that because at this point it's obviously not going to get through to the sociopathic cunts keeping him banned
like if they're willing to essentially nuke relationships between the mexico and us smash communities over fucking hax then a google doc isn't going to do anything let's be real
don't get me wrong i don't think this is fair on hax by any means but it's difficult to vouch for him when the to's can just retort to anything with some variation of "well um he didn't follow our instructions so we're totally justified"
I don't get his thought process for chadding out like this.
>oh well I'm a pedo so might as well at least not be a fat slob anymore so my victims at least got abused by someone attractive
>gets canceled from smash
>becomes a chad
Really gets the neurons jogging.
Someone post Hbox's own progress from latin fuckboy into a depressed slob from years of playing smash nonstop.
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Hentai games in Smash when?
Already happened, Mega Man Legends/Zero and FE Shadow Dragon is in Ultimate.
Where the fuck is he
he really is really hot now. if he were just a little taller, he'd be perfect. I still wouldn't hesitate to be suffocated by his ass though
Is there anything as stylish as aggro Paisy in Ult? It makes Meta Knight's string's look dull imo
Damn this place is fucking DEAD aside from rosterfags. That's sad
So is it a photo from evo or not? I don't trust Twitter trannies.
if you play any of these you are hard carried

uncatchable, unreactable, one of the best punish game in the roster, lose one time in neutral and take 60%, bitch shouldn't be killing until 130% since she combos you 2 times and get you to that after all.

Links, samuses, snake
Can't approach them, you are always on disadvantage when playing against them, proyectiles that are so good that you can spam them the whole match without any problem, not even reflectors help since you are always throwing shit that will cancel a reflected proyectile anyway, and their normals are fast as shit too so don't even try anything that's not safe or prepare to lose a stock.

Lucina, marth, roy, cloud: lingering deceiving hitboxes, retarded, and again deceiving,frame data, deceiving length of swords (specially cloud), when you play against them you are always saying "why did that hit, why is that attack so fast, why does that hitbox last so long" they win neutral with anything they do, in a game that tried to be more precise than it's predecesor these characters stood in the past.

the indisputable king of the game and the tryhards choice, nobody likes ROB as a character and it's in because Sakurai thought it's cringe backstory in brawl is something deep and think gamers feel the same, easiest character to master and get results with it, if you don't win as ROB it's because you are throwing, also, hot take NAIR, DAIR and BAIR should consume fuel.

Minmin, Kazuya, Steve:
you are playing a one player game when you chose them, it's your world king do as you want.
Samus doesn't spam a wall of projectiles like Snake and the Links do. She's a different character.

I agree about ROB's ability to carry hard but no, people do like him. Representatives for ROB were existent in Wii U and I like him. I assume people hate him now simply because he's picked up by sweatlords.
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Why is Ken 13 places below Ryu?
Shakunetsu makes Ryu more well rounded and consistent and Ken's higher mobilty doesnt make up for the two's disadvantage and trouble vs disjoiints/range issues
SDI and general awareness also makes Ken not as consistent in advantage although he can blow people up, so can Ryu to a lesser extent with upair cancels into Shoryu or a good read at the ledge. Tatsu also makes it so that Ryu can get kill confirms from max range DownTilt unlike Ken who's limited to close downtilt/jabs into Shoryu.
that's the simple truth. the character is not bad, it's just not as good as a character that's similar. it's how Ryu fags complained that he's bottom tier because he's not as good as Ken. so now somehow with a few small changes he's a broken top tier. weird how that works. at the end of they day, everybody will be downplaying their main, and saying their worst matchup is a broken top tier.
You forgot Awakening and Fates
Bro, your Xenoblade 2?
? Not an argument.
You can't argue with him. He wins every single game. He's a porsche with no brakes.
I lost to a fucking retarded ryu just holding shield and then up smashing out of shield
God this game is so gay
thefranChise looks like the chud wojak
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Holy shit, Smash 6 looks ugly.
you never see that Z drop ledge trump in top tier Peach play. WTF that's brilliant.
You are pathetic
Being healthy, strong and attractive is always better than being fat, weak and ugly, regardless of any other circumstances in your life
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based. imagine the smell of ryu's 3 day unwashed balls
Melee is the most fucking infuriation fighting game ever made, I swear to fucking god. Why do I continue to subject myself to this bullshit?
Also kill yourself dupefag
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Does anyone else feel like the average skill level on Slippi unranked is constantly getting higher?
ermm.. welll uhhh..... well.... umm....
>melee is a solved ga-
What thee hell
what a stinky game
a bit of both, but yeah i believe he wanted to say "you knew you were gonna ban me for this later but let me go with it anyway, just so you could ban me later, instead of stopping me"
it's not
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I'm going to my first local tourney today!
Damn I actually believed it because I've been to tournaments and they smell like shit
Nice if someone stinks like shit you should spray them with a can of axe, good ice breaker.
I used to get extremely drunk and high at every single local I went to and 1 time right after smoking I just sprayed axe in the place because I was high as fuck because I thought it smelled like weed and I'm retarded and then I immediately realized everyone might think passive aggressively calling them stinky or something, which they weren't, they were all pretty normal. Also puked in the parking lot 1 time.
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How worried should I really be about this?
There's pretty much a guaranteed chance that someone stinks, and throughout the day people getting sweaty and shit like you're in the fucking gym or some shit. I even caught a whiff of shit from someone that was hella cool and seemed totally normal, i guess some people are just too lazy wipe their ass enough plus they start sweating, or something.
I play peach and I have a really hard time getting down when someone is beneath me; especially marth. The only thing I can think of doing is mixing up my air-dodge timings, is there something I'm missing?
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of course but ranky stanky unwashed autists are present in all "competition" environments, even the most normies ones like sportsball. i've met people """"joking"""" about eating white mold off their walls when they were kids. The joking part is that i think they still do, or anyway never fully realized how bad it was
do you know the fox and sonic upair comic someome here posts sometimes, I feel the same way about stinky smashers.
I would smell armpit stench from a guy at a local, and if the guy is ugly, the smell is gross. but if the guy is hot I would get close to get a better wiff. what's the science behind this?
Wtf at that last part
will pay someone $20 usd in bitcoin to comment the following on this vid:
(the video has 0 comments and 2k views so spinda likely deleted them all. this will prob get deleted too but do it anyways preferably on a secondary acc)

For my chudbros out there, lets not waste any time here. (Yes, I did my research)
0:19 - woman
0:48 - woman
1:24 - woman
1:48 - tranny
2:10 - woman
2:24 - woman
3:29 - woman
4:00 - tranny
4:38 - tranny
5:13 - tranny
6:38 - woman
7:33 - tranny
8:19 - woman
8:31 - woman
8:52 - woman
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hot people properly groom themselves, ugly people do not
and by properly groom i mean finding ways to not stink that work for your body, but also (given some people brush this off) showering EVERY DAY and using deodorants help a ton, i dare say they do most of the work. Exercising and eating well also helps, but i met huge fatsos living on a liquid grease diet that still managed to smell good no matter what, and yeah "genetics" is also a factor but it's 1 factor out of 5 (or more), no use blaming it on genetics if you shower once a month or never use a deodorant.
I can kinda excuse teenagers given hormones and growing up and whatnot, but if you're past like 25 and still smell like rancid sewage it's on you buddy, put in the effort and find out why you smell like that and you'll likely solve the issue

if you mean the spoiler then idk man i still remember them describing using their fingers to scrape it off or something like cotton candy
just a reminder that people like the mcpoyles, or worse, actually exist out there
Jet skis with thick Daisy, Peach and Rosalina in bikinis for the next MK
Come on Nintendo do something good for a change you cunts. Instead of removing 20+ year old games from rom sites.
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SMT 1-4 protagonists with a switch gimmick in Smash when?
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I remember one time in 4th grade I was getting so tired of wiping my ass so 1 day I just wiped a few times and I was like yeah that's fine, then later that day some kid said something like "do you know how to wipe your ass" cuz I smelled like shit, then everyone was making fun of me and shit so I always made sure my ass was extremely clean forever from then on, oh and the next day the kid like put his face next to my ass because he was gonna make fun of me for smelling like shit in front of the other kids, but I didnt smell so he just looking like a fucking retarded freak for sniffing my ass. But anyway that was 1 day in 4th grade, idk how the fuck you get so far in life without anyone ever telling you that you stink and/or never doing anything about it.
This is powerful. We finally have a defense to his devastating blows. We fight fire with fire. This is how we defeat him.
kill yourself dupetranny
That's not nice of you to say to the most liked poster here.
those roasts were kino wish they would come back
>but I didnt smell so he just looking like a fucking retarded freak for sniffing my ass.
i don't believe you, any kid would've just said you smell even if you didn't
Well everyone around could tell that I obviously didn't smell and it's not like I always stank or anything, that one time I just got lazy and immediately paid for it. Plus it's not like I was a bullied kid or anything, we were all friends but we were fuckin assholes to each other. some kids really got it bad though, i wasnt one of those kids that was like really picked on besides that time, and later on in that same grade my friend was being a cunt and kept talking shit about my mom but i tackled him on the pavement and then basically never really got fucked with much again.
uuuh donkey kong back air?
LIVE thread LIVE
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If I stopped posting for while, would you guys be more willing to participate in discussions?
I apologize for being too powerful.
Life is short
Tranny loving literal mother fuckers killed melee
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what gives you that idea?
Wow if he showed them some trannies they'd be scared for their lives that he's gonna rape them and be traumatized
Game pitch: Pull Out

It's like Punch Out, but instead of wrestling, Little Mac has grown up and is fucking whores from all over the globe. His mission: don't impregnate. The women all seduce him, the Indian with her belly dance, the Russian with her intoxicating alcoholic vagina juice and the Brazilian with the jiu jitsu vagina grip technique, but you must pull out before Mac ejaculates. The final boss is Samus
trve lvdo
Peach is the referee and has a bonus scene
secret boss is Donkey Kong
you heard me

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