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>What is /feh/?
This is the general for discussion of the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game.

>Event Calendar

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Summoning Cost Simulator

>New Trailer

Previous: >>486781886
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some fates sisters lore
You seem ass hurt by his comment
Not really. It was written so badly that I could barely read it.
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Ebinku Gully. How do we feel about this, bros?
imagine Camilla being like Noire
Sothis stinks
Remember when Sakura was mauled by Faceless in Conquest?
imagine how sweaty those massive tits get in the summer heat, she would barely be able to take off her dress because it would cling to every contour of her obscene body, and you could just see every detail through the damp fabric
I like how he detailed the fat in her thighs being squished as she's sitting.
thank god komuro saved us from that fate
The body looks peak sexo
Only a fag upset that Ebinku doesn't draw Loli could hate his art style
Her face sucks.
Goo call on Sakura
It would've made her redundant if they made her just pink Elise
You must like the manface too kek
>Sakura was meant to be ripped apart by Faceless.
>Camilla was meant to die screaming and frothing at the mouth about how much she hates you, demanding what she did to deserve your betrayal as she's falling off her wyvern in the air.
I miss those old rumors. They made the game sound so much cooler than what we actually got.
Weird reply.
Kek I knew Nowifag would take the bait
>Remember when Sakura was mauled by Faceless in Conquest?

come now. everyone knows Sakura was the final boss of Conquest
Weird pic. Are you one of those homosexuals you were complaining about?
Gust is a must for speedy infantry, no?
Would've unirionically been more kino than Turdkumi
remember that brief moment we thought Gunther was the true mastermind that had played us all for fools?
>Would've unirionically been more kino than Turdkumi

final boss Takumi just gives that feeling of
>i'm fighting this douche again?

Sakura would hit different
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>did scarlet just die?
>you know it was really unclear
Yeah should've had Sakura rush to Turdkumi when he fell off that one building, and she tried to heal him, but Anakos, now released from Turdkumi vessel that's damaged beyond repair from the fall, exits Turdkumi and posses Sakura
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I never understood why there were 2 Takumis in the final battle of Conquest.
Fjorm is flat. FLAT!
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So he can take advantage of pair up
No other reason
Regardless it's literally the worst Endgame boss in the series
Would've been cooler if Anakos hacked into his light dragon genes and you fought a Dawn Dragon just like he did with Garon
>does this, complete with a unique CG image
>is killed seconds later by Anankos
I hate Komuro's writing so much.
Should've killed Turdkumi off one second after going purple, and make way for a real Endgame boss
IIRC he lives through it, and rejoins you.

But then for some stupid reason his Support tree is still locked off.
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For the anon who wanted the ebinkuu tier maker https://files.catbox.moe/24wwqt.png
>Can't open cat box links
It's over...
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This should work
having Sakura grief over losing her brother and seeing your betrayal be enough to drive her crazy enough for it
Some of these make sense but why is still like Peri or Serra a 0%?
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>0 chance
>Manuela and Reina
>Also Ophelia but put Nina in Average Chance
>Will draw Palla but only with Minerva even though this is a stupid crackship
I mean it's his choice but there's so little rhyme and reason to them.
I wonder why it's 0 chance for Ophelia, Velouria and Sophie
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Why didn't Laeradr just possess Kiran instead of poisoning him
He also has Soleil, Mitama and Selfie in Average Chance
Idk what any of these are based on, but it's definitely not age
And then we become the summoner for him
Would've been kino
Anything to stop working for Alfonse
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Who fucking knows or cares at this point.
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I was right! Ophelia was on the "won't draw porn of" tier.
Now what the fuck does he have against Ophelia? What is it? "She's just Lissa with her hair down" Is that the excuse?
He just doesn't like her I guess.
He's fucking willing to draw Cynthia porn, and that's as close to fucking a mentally retarded child you can get.
Now who will I go to to commission all my Veld x Murdock art?
And his willing to draw Selkie and that's even worse than Cynthia kek where Cynthia acts like a 10 year old, Selkie has a 5 year old brain
He's possessing Alfonse and Eikthyrnir is in on it
why do pedoslop threads always take 2 days to complete? is there a mental illness stigma that drives people away?
Yeah most normal people hate nowifag so if there isn't a trailer soon, they go do something else and avoid this place
I love Shamir so much, she's my waifu
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That guy replying to himself was funny
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Tits are cool and all... but pussy, now that's the good stuff
proof you can make a horrendously ugly design and coomers will still goon to it if you make its tits big enough
proof that your breath stinks
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And that is something Alear provides as well!
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just like...

just like...


Clapped their asses
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Imagine how based it would be if a mod came in and enforced a rule that any mention or pics of Nowi in /feg/ & /feh/ automatically gives you a 7 day ban
Why would that happen?
that would honestly be really bloody stupid
Since you're so sensitive why don't you filter the word "Nowi" and related words? You can even filter images of her.
Noire exists as a dressup doll for Severa and Nah.
Prove me wrong.
Built for rape and impregnation.
Does the nowischizo still have autistic meltdowns in response to every single post that makes fun of it?
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Kek unirionically based
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He does indeed kek
Dude just takes bait after bait like that one SpongeBob episode
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Uhh, okay?
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Oh brother, another pedophile thread!
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We need more FE girls in black bikinis
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Fates 2nd gen girls are GOATED
Um... What is going on here? Is this supposed to M Byleth undergoing top and bottom surgeries to be one F Byleth?
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Hey there, Anon,

I've noticed some concerning remarks circulating lately, particularly regarding those who enjoy characters like Maria and Nowi. Let's set the record straight: liking fictional characters, regardless of their design or background, is not indicative of mental illness. It's just a matter of personal preference and taste.

Now, if you find yourself fixated on these characters to an unhealthy extent or if it's interfering with your daily life, that might be a different story. But simply posting about them or appreciating their character traits does not warrant accusations of mental illness.

In fact, it's important to recognize that projecting negative assumptions onto others based on their interests can be harmful and unproductive. Instead of resorting to baseless judgments, let's foster an environment of understanding and support.

If you're struggling with your own mental well-being, I urge you to seek help from a qualified professional. There's no shame in reaching out for support, and it's a proactive step towards improving your overall health and happiness.

So, let's put an end to the unfounded stigma and focus on building each other up rather than tearing each other down. After all, we're all just here to enjoy our shared interests and have a good time.

Take care, Anon.
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I don't have many black bikini Velourias personally since I'm autisticly attached to a one-piece swimsuit I had designed for her but I'll see what I can dig up
stop being a pedophile
Reminder that Tranios commissioned Myrrh porn
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Get black bikini Velourias
Lol Helios is talking to himself about his shitty unpopular waifu again - NOBODY CARES BUDDY!
>sophie isn't in at all
>of the ones in, soleil is the only one without an alt
You think IS doesn't like Nohrians?
It's even funnier how he's completely obsessed and jealous of our village jester
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sure anon
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Nah, I don't really FEEL like it
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nina fag is certainly dedicated
He's your quintessential Fateswakengage slopper - he even headcanons personalities for the girls he "likes" because he knows their canon writing is god awful.
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You ever got so mad you commission art for someone you hate?
That Harunn is pretty hot
The flow of Ninas has been really dry lately though.
she unirionically looks better than her original here
But artist fucked up by not giving her the heterochromia too
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This is weird.
>she unirionically looks better than her original here
Whatever helps your mental illness
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I don't get it. Is that suppose to be Lissa with Alear's hair colors and giant tits? Who's the guy seething at?
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just a bigger myrrh
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When are you gonna stop posting old shit?
Wait why did he commission a loli to have big tits? Seems sussy to me!
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You ever wonder if ISIS regrets releasing certain units as soon as they did? Like if Femui got her summer alt within the last three years, she definitely would've been a dragon unit. Instead, she's forever a Year 1 Prflet tome flier.
What's the problem?
It's gonna be 2026 and he will still be posting shit from 2019
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goodbye everyone, make sure to shower properly
Unlike Velouria who NEVER showers
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2024... I am forgotten...
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Why are Mitama and Sophie never ever posted then? Why aren't they in Heroes yet?
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I didn't. I +10'd both her Mythic and Summer alts.
takumi originally had redhair
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Our duly elected Body Type A1 Winner of CYL!
I don't like the goat girls, now that they're unconditionally transformed 24/7, you only get to see a big dumb goat among your units instead of a hot chick.
maybe they were real, but scrapped when they had to cram a five hundred page story into three routes.
I free-rolled her on her rerun the other day. Now she's at +2.
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So rigged! So fucking rigged!
ISIS should be ashamed of themselves for compromising the integrity of CYL just so they could shill their shitty lord once he becomes King at the end of Book 8.
>next story chapter brave Alfonse just shows up and does nothing like brave Gullveig did
>he doesn't become king at the end of the book
>/feh/ still seethes and claim it was rigged for him
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Summer Femleth cosplay
Trigger Warning: tattoos
They don't have as many fans
Weird how Mitama isn't in despite the Mitamafag rallying
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Fuck off
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And then some dude in a ponytail and glasses shows up and suck his 3 inch erect cock
>next story chapter
stopped reading right there
Why did you make these
Yup yup
the Fates gen 2 girls are the best and undefeated
>Why did you make these
why did your parents make you?

see, not everything has a clear answer
Hard agree
Though 3H and Engage gave us some bangers
I hope the next game designs their girls more like Fates girls
Except for Soleil, her design isn't the best, Merrin is a better looking dykecore character
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he really doesn't like them, keep them up
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3H gave us some bangers for sure but Engayge not so much.
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I actually like Chrom/Sumia as a pairing…
I love Shamir so much

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I hate dykes so much
What about him?
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Gets female dogs too
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Would you fuck Tharja at a beach
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Yeesh, Dagr is so tiny!
was only done out of obligation
I hate tattoos, fake breasts, and women so much.
Kek based
who are you talking about retardo
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kek clapped his ass
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So who do you want for b8% this month?
You can say "a free skip."
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I never roll on those shits
Unless the Emblem characters count, in which case I only go for one copy
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harunn my GOAT
Sorry that I love my wife more than you do yours
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Too bad your wife isn't real
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Silque isn't a christkike as christkikery doesn't exist in her world
Immersion broken
Hrid won so hard
what are some females that should come with laguz friend
She's getting her holes fucked off screen by a dog while trying to do some type of church service because le quirky sneaky sex scenario
Ylgr won harder
According to this >>487087196
Silque should!
The artist has a beastiality kink
Immovable, anon
Got a commission from this artist like 4 years ago, not FE related but was great. Artist has good taste in characters.
Helbindis mistress
Then how is it Immovable when they remain affected by Drag/Knock Back? Neither name makes sense!
No that’s why it’s called laguz friend because your mom is a bitch
Ok retard
Your mother abandoned you
balls deep in a kete
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Kissing my wife Shamir
Kek I know many who ship them including this one white girl from GFAQs kek
No but my waifu is 12
>book 2 has been out since 2017
^failed reading comprehension first, assumed something from one line, now deflecting to make himself look smart^
The fact it's in character made it funnier
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Is what she did to Helbindi kek
I didn’t realize Maria Sivenkova named its assbaby spawn “Ylgr”. I guess the mushroom head does match with Ylgr Fire Emblem kek
I remember seeing this artist years and years ago on /v/ and he somehow has not improved at all
Fuck off and go watch the Patrick Star show, namschizo
Fuck off assbaby spawn go watch the Pa- oh wait the Russian soldiers kidnapped Maria Sivenkova and killed Nachtprinz and now there’s no one to pay your TV bill KEK
In addition to sucking Tamara Sivenkova’s futa dick, Raul has also improved at eating Tamara Sivenkova’s stank ass
Uh chudbros, I thought Japs were based, racist and trad, wtf?!
Based Valter kino
We can get a fellatio crew orgy with your mother
Time between this last new heroes and next banner feels really long
I keep forgetting the last two NH banners even existed. Hell, I only remember Fallen because it always happens every May.
The banners this year suck. I've only rolled on like three.
>enter SDS
Great game mode
It's such a shit mode I stopped playing like in 2022
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I love Shamir, Tharja, Noire, Morgan, Azura, Kagero, Rhajat, Kana, Sonya, Marla, Hestia, Nel, Tsubasa, Kiria, Elly, Mamori, Maiko, Ayaha, Mirage Tiki, Mirage Tharja, May, Rosa, Perrin, and Gardevoir

We should get a banner of aged up cakes wearing casual clothes and chokers, that'd be pretty cool.

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Someone mind clarifying something for me?
I hate 4 copies of attuned Peony. If I inherit No Guard onto her from Dimitri does that mean I'll be able to give NG to 4 other units?

Interesting deleted posts
When will Attuned Micaiah be rerun?
is this a kete?
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I don't want to do these
Yes, use the copy that you gave NG to to inherit to another unit and then merge one of your spare copies into that one
That should be the case. So long as you merge into the copy with No Guard.
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>guy I used to watch for these stopped making them
>now I have to watch penismaster videos
Also just want to confirm, NG has no synergy with Gambit 4 right?
From what I understand, the latter requires a 5 cd special for full effect, is that so?
Watch the Japanese creators instead, that's what I do. They're called quiz maps in Japanese.
link it
This guy seems to do it
Whenever a new one drops I just look up "クイズマップ " followed by whatever number the new map is whichever new video is shorter I watch since lots of them have map animations on
cyl is in August?
Yeah, that is also correct. For the maximum amount of DR, you need a 5CD Special.
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does D bonus doubler stack with bonus doubler 3 seal?
Muscleslop girl and sloppy tea girl? Not cute.
yes. All bonus doubler effects give combat stats, meaning they don't affect eachother in any positive or negative way.
His faces need work but bodies are tasty
I'm on the verge of caving and pulling for summer nerphuz
Cave and pull on your dick to Nerthuz instead
Slopthuz is just a knock off of Gullveig
holy shit its been ages since i been here and the spic is still, here how many waifus has he rotated by now? last time i was here he was obsessed over azura
He dumped her ages ago, he sometimes posts about a pokemon waifu which is a good chance to get him banned
work them out smooth brain
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Does this game have good waifus?
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okay I'll try it
Not me personally, I'm loyal to one waifu. But different people will pick different girls, so multiple in that sense
Yes but not these: >>487124695
Cute nifls.
Crazy IS thought they could rig an Alfonse CYL win and no one would notice
I don't think they care dude
Edelgard feet stink
I don't think she cares dude
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Post your sds glory right now.
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Lick it
Wtf bros we got smoked
Yeah, roll for Yuliya when she’s next available
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Lick it
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*deletes FEH*
where's her camel toe
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I dont care
So how important is it to grab new units like Eirika both for her and her skills? Only played for a few weeks but I feel like it's better to just grab my favorites and then grab the powerful units later.
only roll for your favorites
powercreep chase is a constant grind but your favorites can be used in PVE forever
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Will you do as your wife says?
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We love it
Kiran has a wife, he made a child with her, and some dev favorite slop who suddenly likes Kiran isn't even part of the equation. Did you post the wrong image perhaps?
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New Xane just dropped
Anyone promoting to T21 Arena or staying T20 arena? Need scores.
Skills can help your favorites be even better!
I don't even have a full run yet because F!Grima is shit
I love my waifu Shamir so much

I will defy the laws of reality and have a child with her

I want a 3H sequel where she's a mom(I'm the father) and we get to see how she handles motherhood
This is my bonus unit (I haven't completed a run yet)
>I want a 3H sequel where she's a mom
Wish granted. Cyril is the father.
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>Going to get my second crown ever when the season ends
So how's your day going?
Dead game, dead series.
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Do you need to +10 a demote to make them worth using in the Arena for scoring purposes? Even with the calculator, I'm still not sure how much of a gap there need to be between a team of partially-merged demotes and by unmerged A-Team to justify gimping myself.
I mean if you're using a shitter like Felicia you might as well max merge, just about everyone should've gotten 11 copies in these 8 years
At a glance, as a F2P guy, my highest merges are currently:
I see...
You do have manuals laying around for all of those to make them +10, right?
I've gotten way more than 11 copies of all of those in my time playing
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Edelgard killed every last one of them
Give me 30 year old magical girl Shamir
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you mean recruited the one on the left by baiting her with sweets, killed the middle two, and didn't even need to bother with the right because she an hero'd
What's up with all the deleted posts?
Oh, shit. I forgot you could merge manuals. I can +10 base Shanna, and I'm also +6-7 on a couple more characters, including Kamui, Cain, Lon'qu, Vanessa, and Subaki. Can also boost the merges of some of the characters I mentioned earlier, but none to +10, unfortunately.
Literally who?
No she killed them all. They were inferior women that were part of an inferior class. Being killed by Emperor Edelgard was the highlight of their lives
Kek sup Summerfag
You must not be familiar with namschizo
Based. Nobody fucks with Edelgard
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can't even save herself
This didn't happen
What is the most correct without any errors FE game for newfag?
Roxas would kill Edelgard
The gook and the koltchanov desperately trying to keep the thread alive kek
Who the fuck is Roxas
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That cameltoe makes me really want to roll for alear but I'm not getting yet another fucking clanne in the process
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I keked
Shouldve just been Edelgard critting Lysithea, Annette and Bernadetta
That didn't answer my question, bitch
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Inferior to Nicole
Kek based and truth pilled
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This will be the next OP
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This is one of the weirdest recurring crackships I've seen for FE, but it's at least two hot women, so it's better than most.
if you insist
Make sure you cuck that jugtroon, Nowichad
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Need more art of Shamir in fancy dresses
Need more art of Shamir skinned alive alongside Marianne
764 per match (before bonus) is way more than enough to promote
can you fuck off to the nikke general permanently if feh is dead and nikke is such a better game?
But anon, how else is he going to shill his beloved third worldie gooner game?
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Not really a weird one when FEW showed that while Caeda can shrug off innuendos from someone like Niles just fine, she's weak against Camilla hitting on her.

>Get Laguz Friend Dragon's Roar Mila in HoF
Is this actually worth something if I have a dogshit Echoes cast for LHB or nah?
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Well, hopefully a FEW2 stars all of the Brave units. Then we'd get Camilla and Eirika talking, to see if that's true.
Marth a cuck. HOT LESBIAN SEX on wyvern back between Camilla and Caeda.
Made it into Vault of Heaven for the first time
Never blessed any of my units.
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Only CF is canon chud
>Never blessed any of my units.
Anon, you're missing out on double EXP and SP
For LHB, yeah that's good

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