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>Watch EVO 2024

>Vote who you want to win EVO

>M. Bison Release, Gameplay Trailer, and Guide

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

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>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

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>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

Last round: >>487016412
Nerf Cammy
Nerf Ed
Nerf all DLC
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>Nerf Ed
Mindbroken by skill and dedication
The reason you barely see Luke now is because nobody fucking likes him. If he isnt the absolute top 1, people will just stick to chars they actually like that are also strong.
The SFV tournament is going on too and there wasnt a single Luke either.
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Shame we may or may not get anything. Capcom should just be honest again and say “yeah we have some avatar shit, don’t get hyped”
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Can the UAE Birds take back-to-back SF6 titles?
>Top players like to play the best characters to win
Whoa is almost like in a real competition where pros play for the meta and not with their dicks!
Is Tekken top 6 seriously 5 Dragonovs?
chun bros.......
tekgen would love that question
terry teaser
Yeah. This was after his nerf btw and azeucena getting shot in the head and devil jins wings being clipped
how is kuso like skullgirls and dnf getting more views than good ass sf5?
i have a slightly autistic thought but does anyone else think the only reason shoto/shoto playstyle is considered """honest""" is because they were decidedly the main characters since day 1
like if ryu and ken were grapplers who played like zangief and t hawk everyone would be saying characters with shoto playstyles are dishonest and unfair compared to honest and true grappa gameplay
Yeah thats why every tournament of every fighting game ever it is just one character, because people will always pick the widely agreed number one.
Fucking mongoloid.
>Kekken 8 top 6 starts at 7pm
Looks like SF6 GFs are going to be close to midnight
SkullGirls >>> SF as a franchise
Way better netcode and gameplay
I predict a full roster outfit 4 reveal
Don't think we're getting a Terry model just yet
Worst case scenario its just avatar clothes
Hey sonicfox
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kekken gets..shoes https://youtu.be/xU7WcqRntR4?feature=shared
If theres a character who is good enough, yes, but even the best character usually has a counterpick.
Character-autism is a sign of casual fanbase of Gacha games and not competitive.
Character-autism is Smash niggery mentality and rosterfagging. People who play for results should lock in with the best characters in the game, instead of wasting everyone's time playing with suboptimal shitters. You shit-eating coomer.
What are the chances Ono shows up even though he's no longer employed by Capcom?
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the FUCKING polack money
Because people learned to tolerate Jive, no one ever truly loved it.
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This is the future you chose. SF6 is just an advertisement platform whoring out the brand to anyone that will pay. SNK, Chiptole, it's all the same. Get ready for MK guests next season.
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Where’s SFV nigga link me
And who was the season 1 Luke counterpick? Nobody? Wow no wonder he had a 100% pickrate.
it just ended
Grand Finals just finished lol
it finished already
Yeah like remember when he won Evo and Capcup and like every major ever…. oh wait
shilling wifi with a fighting game is demonic
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>Most of SF6 revolves being around Metro City
>Not one selectable Final Fight character
For me, it's Ichimaru Gin
>i have a slightly autistic thought but does anyone else think the only reason shoto/shoto playstyle is considered """honest""" is because they were decidedly the main characters since day 1
No, I'm not a retard.
Why do all Luke haters sound like such demented mindbroken trannies
Because he wasnt the only character picked as there were other viable options, yes.
Just admit you are seething because Luke got the nerfs he needed.
If MK gets in I’ll actually suck your micro
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reminder a kimmy won the cosplayer contest!
Please please Capcom let an MK character get in PLEASE
thats a really good cosplay
>he had 100% pickrate there were no counterpicks
>there were other viable options
You'll get more guests just like you'll get more battlepasses, character passes, ultimate passes, and fight coins in a game with a $60 box price. Don't forget the FotM anime avatar costume collabs sold at additional cost.
Kimberly was trained by Guy :)
Luke was the first or second most picked character to going all the way to 10th place. Even in Master he sees less play Jamie, Marisa and AKI.
A large portion of his players were just tier whores.
Waffle House Stage is happening!
>ESL cant read
That's pretty well done. I've come around on Kimberly desu. Now the only one I think looks strangely ugly is Jamie.
they're saving em for a final fight season I bet
fan favorites like Cody and Poison nowhere to be found in WT is just too suspicious
Harada > The current SF6 Staff > Ono
Calm down bro, I already said I’d give you sloppy toppy if MK gets in lol
Harada is so fucking funny man
>seething tranny makes completely contradictory statements
>my boss is here so please don't boo marduk and fuckmar
>fuk yu chipotore
holy based harada
>go to the fighting lounge to defeat the chipotle king
holy kek i'm shocked sf6 hasn't done some stupid shit like ha with the battle hub
Stop stuffing yourself with tacos so you can actually pay attention to what you are reading, Manuel.
>kekken world tour announcement
don’t ask him for SHIT
Stop dilating for one second so you can actually think clearly, “ma’am”.
Holy shit Lidia looks great! I love tekken now.
>can’t wait to get your hands on lidia
>pass holders get early access
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Take that back
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Play Strive.
wow the update is free for everyone! (except the characters, cosmetics, stages, music and costumes)
GODDAMN I’d keep him in my home for good
neegan reveal?!
Street Fighter wins again
I have a penis so no
storyline cucks btfo again
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Somehow... Heihachi returned..
Reina flopped so hard they brought back Heihachi again
tekken pulled the heihachi ripcord
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Lmfao Tekken is the laziest shit I've ever seen god damn
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>paying for heihachi
the monks doing EWGF practice all around the temple was pretty funny though
>Only one (1) other nigga beside me voted for Punk
Fake ass bitches
sucks sf6 is likely not getting much of a trailer, and we'll get the lowest viewing figure because of the unhinged time
What the fuck is this Maximum the Hormone ass music
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Post discarded
I'm from the UK why would I not want EW to win
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>Unironic Harada dickriders ITT
Dude is a lolcow going on melties against random on twitter to the point he once got rationed by a small Lili account

Punk is cool and I like him, but Momochi is just GOATed
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>paying for Bison
>bison actually dies
>heihachi actually dies
we will never be free
i dont vote in faggy 4chan polls
cammy booty
chun-li titty
>Harada saw Capcom bringing Terry and Bison
Kek they pushed the button.
Necallibros there is a chance
>Every single one of his animations mocapped and fully reanimated
Yeah I did, you're paying for recycled garbage from 20 years ago
harada is a overrated ideas guy faggot
How are Pajeets so good at Tekken but are bad in SF?
where gill at bruh
its an easy excuse to not include a fan favorite character in the launch roster, therefore guaranteeing you more revenue when you reintroduce them as $7 DLC
They only play KoF and Tekken
Nobody cares troon
>he won't be back because he's dead in the story
every single one of you retards who thought bison wasn't coming back are just as stupid as the mouthbreathers who thought heihachi wasn't coming back.
He can't even make good ideas either.
His idea to make the female cast in Tekken different was to change their makeup and bonk Asuka in the head. But they still look all inbred.
>Those Asian thots in the front
Are they actual fighting game fans or paid plants by Sony?
leverless bros new device just dropped
Harada has the mentally ill boomer audience who sees him as their father figure. Even tho he couldn't give less of a shit about them.
Gill never died lol
Lmao no. He’s stuck in prison just like Remy and and Rufus
are we gonna get anything beyond a Terry teaser?
really hoping for outfit 4
a surprise new character would be nice too
fuck capcom
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Only SNK can into death
>inb4 muh KOF timeline
Not canon.
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>Gill never died lol
exactly. wheres he at if he doesn't even die
nah its different. heihachi had a clear replacement in reina and kuma getting his moves. bisons only "replacement" was his fucking accountant who played nothing like him
Women love Tekken for some reason.
Bros... I'm scared Tekken is gonna mog us...
heihachi was already 90% the same character as kazuya anyway
Punk is going to choke as usual. I don't know why would anyone pick him.
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why don't we get girls like this watching SF?
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Punk's EVO
He's planning and scheming. Kolin is mentioned in WT doing shady shit in Nayshall.
Fucking bring back Charlie, Gen and Gouken while we're at it
>not paying for Aika
This is my first time watching Tekken since the PS1 days
it's his time to choke again
>character who has been in literally every game for the past 20 years "dies", and not even for the first time, and people think that surely this will be the game where he's not in it
it's literally the exact same shit that only a shortbus baby wouldn't be able to see though.
capcom wants the sonic fox audience instead
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Ryus are bigger
gouken is still alive
You are about to be very disappointed
I find the same women at the local Vietnamese manicure parlor.
chat, is this real?
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Play 3rd Strike
>only 4 DLC characters are returning for the previous entry
still pretty bad but it’s better than the 100% returning characters in kekken’s pass luhmeow
Why did he get so mad at the chinese SF fans for making this
It's clearly lighthearted
its dey culcha
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>no game is safe from boomer rot
Just whores looking to make a buck. They are always at these events trying to leech and shill their OF or some shit.
they watch me play :^)
Nemo has been obliterating top players. Punk doesn't have the mental when it counts.

god bless zhen for making these stupid ass videos
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Play Street fighter X Tekken
how many hours until SF6?
I miss Rip doing SF commentary.
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Fellow Eurochads, we wont make it, will we? We will have to watch VODs.
They've brought back all three of those in the past.

Punk hates chinks
depends how long mashen 8 takes, and still gotta wait like 40 minutes for set up and ads
I do…
On my 360 and when I have free Time on my pc for net play matches becasue fuck paying Xbox live
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Why hasn't my queen showed up?
>30 fps
SF won
tekken is casual friendly and also lets you play dress up. Everyone memes about guys playing dress up in games but I've seen how long women stay in customization menus.
Punk is a nigcel who can't banter.
Remember he once called other guy a nigger on stream, but tried to cancel Hbox for having his pronoums nigga or some shit in an online tourny.
when did he get mad?
he didn't. he got annoyed at chinese fans of xiaohai sending him other stuff later on.
Punk is soft
Busy getting pounded by LTG
Every Tekken top 6 set is only best out of 3?
top 6 is still only ft2??
only top 4 is ft3
Yeah? Pokimanes rules since last year. Gotta run ads
bros if I get some fried chicken do you think it will increase punks chances of getting the win
https://x.com/Mizzimie sorry i dont respect OF whores
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I just ate some. We need this qtip to win it for God's favorite country
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how the fuck did you find them?
dale got a micro
you will throw him off his game, no coon can resist the smell of the kernels 12 spices
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Everyone knows Punk is the most talented BY FAR. The hate it because they aint him platitudes something
Fuck I thank god every day Steve stopped commentating SF
Men who hate tits aren’t human. Goddamn
hate tekken but love nina
He was commentating SF pools yesterday
yes, he was really bad and didn't know what was going on
Mizzie is a Vegas local. She's an OF whore that cosplays on the side.
>Responding to Dalecels
Dale's black ass can't even be near SF events or fuck white chicks, imagine fucking a mixed mutt SFcuck who is desperate for white cock.
Fartslam Ash???
THE Fartslam? The slayer of Booce da Gawd?

Where's his training partner Hungmule?
So James Chen and Seth Killian are commentating SF Top 6?
sajam/yipes if i had to guess
anna better
>who is desperate for white cock.
many such cases
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Terry trailer TONIGHT
>The SFV tournament is going on too and there wasnt a single Luke either.
Because why would they try hard in this instance. What is the prize exactly?
>terry trailer ends
Yipes is soft banned from commentating SF at tournaments for calling Ken a shotacon in EVO grand finals last year
he did it this year too
Yipes was on friday nerd
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Stop making me want a secret announcement, it's too unfair
It isn't autumn yet. We won't even get a full trailer, it'll be a teaser for the actual trailer coming in a month.
He has commentated already. Find a new story, anime weeb
Did Marissa get nerfed that badly with the S2 patch? I hardly saw anyone use her on stream this entire weekend.
Unironically I had a good time playing Terry this afternoon in SvC.
why are pakis so good at tekken?
Oh well, there is lots of delicious mutts, blacks and bugs in the world, so there will always be a market for white cock from women wanting to be bleached.
It will be like the Aki trailer last year, just a snippet of her world tour cutscenes. There will probably be something else though (last year we had those overpriced TMNT outfits). I am hoping they do the new costumes
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My wife.
You're smoking crack if you don't think we're getting a terry trailer
niggas hyped up for ken wearing a hat
this t8 top 6 is awful and i'm not even a tekken hater. i used to like watching t7 before kunimutsu or whatever
They all play it while not many people elsewhere care. If you had the same percentage of the population in a bigger country they would be more represented.
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>max, sajam and tasty steve follow
We're not.
post cammy 14
Insider here

Menat will be announced as a free dlc, released on the next battle pass
>Punk is a nigcel who can't banter.
He has a gf anon. I'm not sure what the "-cel" in incel means
You'll get a repeat of last year's TMNT collab trailer and nothing else.
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Gee I wonder if some schizo is going to obsessively post every day in /tekgen/ about this the way they did for SF's collab that everyone else just forgot about
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God could you fucking imagine…
Haha god I’d take back all I said about dix. Scouts honor
no only sfg gets fag fgg schizos
just because menat is a free whore doesn’t mean Capcom won’t charge for her as DLC
Ah yes, the iconic Chipotle Medallion
Wrong thread pal? But to answer your question, I don’t think so. The longer you realize SF6 winning caused a lot of mental anguish the sooner you’ll smile seeing the shitposters.
I am the one who made this post. It wasn't Menat in the leak, I misremembered - it was C. Viper. But she didn't make it obviously nor did le sixth character
Menat is fucking lame though
5 bucks says we're getting a ZZZ collab. Matz and Nakayama already had an interview session with the ZZZ dev team last month saying how open they were to the idea of doing more collabs and crossover characters in SF.
Anon if I find you irl, I’ll find a C.viper esque woman for you to fuck if she comes back
>could have had viper instead of crossoverslop
The pepper pow is kinda goated ngl. Might actually try to find a cheap kekken key now that Heihachi's confirmed.
They also had an interview saying it takes 1-2 years of their dev pipeline to make a character. Any collab happening this season will just be avatar slop. Sold at a premium, of course.
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>no cute waifu to play 3s with
its so fucking over
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Yeah we're definitely getting one at some point
And I'm unironically fine with it the game has been very comfy and fun as a F2P so far
Being a nigcel is a state of mind. It goes beyond losing your virginity.
inshallah we shall behead all gachatroons
Got anymore leaks?
Punk isn't a misogynistic chud like LTG, so it doesn't apply.
And I don't see Punk being an incel making sense. Sonicsol yeah but Punk no.
punk doesn't have melties like SS and LTG tho
Based. Women who sell their pussy for less than a Netflix subscription should be ridiculed not put on a pedestal
niggas still obsessed over punk
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>first Bison, now Heihachi
How long before Sigma makes a return and completes the trifecta?
Terry will have a throw loop, an overhead and a cancellable crMK.

people pay for this
We don't use the n-word here, racist.
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Why are they using angrybird as a guide rail for the bathrooms....
i thought we hated sf6 but holy fuck people do not like tekken 8
It's just sad seeing one guy (or more who knows) here obsses over LTG and bringing in old ass vids up or trying to antagonize Punk. Imagine trying to farm up drama like a high schooler lol.
So what time is street fighter on at?
you literally have to shit your pants and niggas gonna complain about the smell
Will EVO compensate me when I shit my pants waiting?
its worse than tekken 7
I mean, people would get tired of the same game again
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>people that don't void their bowels first thing in the morning and don't have to piss or shit for the next 7 hours
couldn't be me
may as well just go back to your hotel to take a shit at that point
i drink too much water for that
no wonder people go tranny
Punk is peak nigcel energy. Not even getting laid for once saves this dude.
i was repulsed by public bathrooms to the point that i wouldn't shit or piss in them, so while i'm out my body has been trained to just not ever get the urge to go when i'm out of the house
the only exception being sometimes if i have like a coffee or something while i'm out i might have to piss
>goobers pools were farthest away from the bathrooms
the smell is starting to make sense
I like tekken
Every tekken character plays the same and 8 added more bullshit and cutscenes
i think most people probably avoid shitting in public bathrooms if they can help it
you dont play it
Women actually shit more often than dudes in public mostly because they get stalls anyway and their periods fuck up their stomachs
Mena was right. Look at everyone else and you'll realize we have it pretty good.
work construction so I got my body to learn how to just stay quiet till later in the day. Trying to use a porta john at mid day in texas is fucking suffering. Comes in handy when I go to cons because even in multi floor building restrooms can still be crowded.
>be me
>go to US on vacation
>enter bathroom stall
>no bidet, not even a shitty hose next to the toilet bowel
how do you people live like this?
Sounds like SF6.
somehow capcom won by doing nothing and their retarded decisions worked. people dont like arslan and atiff butt winning everything.
Japanese girls use bidets….the thought is pretty cute
Shartmericans are stinky people that don't even take their shoes off when entering someone's house
which are you?
Why not add Resident Evil characters as guest characters to SF6?
I own a lot of capcom games on my playstation, I think capcom has the most soul out of all developers.
Wesker would be sick
Last year all you got was wacky ACKI's world tour cutscene where she makes racist faces
>getting my socks dirty with your floor
No thanks
Jill worked for mvc2 and Chris worked for MvC3/Infinite. I could see Jill comeback, same moveset
they adding Vergil
leon and jill would have been way more poggy than fucking terry
To think a guy over in /dbg/ wanted a SZ announcement. Like man bamco doesn't need any more reasons to piss off tekken fans.
this dragunov mauled that other dude free
is the better player actually rewarded in tekken? anyone here could get a perfect off daigo on dix
Dragunov putting niggas to sleep
Yeah we know water shooting up your ass and in your prostate gives you an election Frenchy
You're in a general that got derailed hardcore over Fuudo's wife and Punk's the incel?
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Burgers sure are obsessed with anal sex
You're the one making it weird
reminder that mexicans put their shit paper in a trash can by their toilets cus their pipes are so shitty
i wish i liked tekken
Leon could do the kimberly wallrun thing on her opponent as his drive reversal
>Having mininum self-respect to not settle with a literal cock-hungry whore is being an incel
Sick bait, got me to reply. Good shit.
some care some don't, but if you have hardwood floor and I slip on your pets hair you better make it up to me.
Chances DSP gets inducted into the Evo HoF?
>svc chaos rerelease
bring back midnight bliss costumes
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thank god this dogshit is ending quick, Edwin kino soon
Detailing an entire thread for 150 posts is peak incel energy.
i thought majin obama kept it real, why is he a salesman now
>niggas are calling rashid trash
>some labrat finds out a broken setup and he becomes top tier
>niggas are calling ed trash
>some labrat finds out a broken combo and he becomes a top tier
>niggas are calling bipson broken
ive been on nofap for 4 days so my chafing can heal so i kindly ask that you guys refrain from posting coomer shit, especially if it's lily
thank you for understanding
People going insane over a guys gravure wife off one post is incel energy lol
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Japanese mind control is working as intended
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Matz is gonna force them to bring back my wife
i liked ed a lot but i hated labbing. might pick him back up since im too retarded for akuma
The 8k combo already sent Nemo into top 6
He gets mildly nerfed next patch and his mains claim he's dogshit.
Keeping it real doesn’t keep you alive in japan(I think he moved back to USA anyways)
>sfg said akuma is top 1

sfg wrong again...
punk will win with akuma
people really downplay how detrimental having 9k hp is in sf6
Atif looks like a pajeet broski
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where are all the usual kekken names like knee and JDCR?
Those are some big ass rice grains
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>they doubted tokido
NEVER doubt the goat.
crossover costume DLC for Elena I fear
drowned in pools
No he got top 8
only top 6 matters this year sweaty :^)
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4 days WOW. That will surely save you from an eternity in Hell. I will pray for you, lost, lost soul. Every day you hurt your Creator
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no, that was daigo
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They are both washed
>that mole
i dont watch kusoges ping me when sf6 is on
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Is this an especially boring year for tekken? It didn't seem this lame last year
is this the man with the fake tits who was cosplaying Chun Li yesterday
900 HP is rough in FT2 matches.
you can see the collar of their weird fake tit shirt thing
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spoiler posts like this man good god
Is truly hilarious when actual incels, call you an incel for just having standards. Imagine settling down with a pornstar.
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bro it was proven to be fake news in the /v/ thread you stole this from
If they're going to stick with the 9k health thing they need to make him absolutely broken to make up for it. Them nerfing air fireball last month has me convinced they have no fucking idea what they're doing with Akuma this time around.
incel post
it wasn’t their fault
Canada-anon was right
Alpha post.
tgirls just leak poopoo sometimes, it happenz
How much longer until SF6?
One last set
One hour and twenty minutes if Tekken ends on time.
Strivesister, what the fuck?!
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Are they doing SF early if tekken ends early? I was going to sleep for an hour
I don’t feel well, might not be able to watch sf6 finals
that FUCKING polish money
This dude just cries at everything?
i just don't see why cdprojekt would care to advertise in a game that has 1/100th of the cultural relevance that their own game has
Give me 10 GG characters they could have added instead
as a wagie i hope tekken takes forever so i can be home for the sf6 grand final
Literally Jam
Gravure isn't porn lol
order sol
kliff (don't care if he's dead, doesn't have to be canon)
Robo Ky
Testament (male)
Is SF going to start early if Tekken finishes before schedule?
Or have they run on schedule so far
>Letting your wife be groped and show her body to other men isn't porn
Even if you want to go to this cope route, doesn't change the fact she sucked and swallowed mad dick to get those jobs to begin with.
Now reply again like a good little drone, and then come crying in threads later about people "derailing" the precious thread when they call you out for your incel cuck shit.
so uhhh Terry soon?
after tekken yeah
nah bro they will just show more chipotle ads
The cameraman squeezed her brapper doe
Poles have money now?
That was a girl
Keep it down, incel. No one cares about your obsession with cuckoldry.
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And you just managed to make yourself look even worse. Congrats lol.
Porn scenarios are not real
Can sajam stop shilling garbage for 5 seconds?
For me? Ichimaru Gin, I don't know about you guys but just the speed and extendo sword
how retarded do you have to be to not know they're showing a terry trailer
this is, what, the 15th evo since sf4? and they've done the same shit every year? how many decades is it going to take for you to figure this out?
But why would he when it's his job?

i like this version of juice
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Yeah SF6 might have its issues but it's the best game of the current generation by a mile
That isn't a good thing. These games fucking blow.
He won't go to saudi arabia but he'll shill goyslop that kills millions of people?
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Kolin confirmed
You just don't like fighting games then
what did this homosexual mean by this
Why don't you ask him bro
dear god imagine how ugly RE engine kolin would be
keep my first wife out of the slime
She couldn't possibly be worse than Clay Fghter V Kolin
I dunno, SF6 has some pretty horrific faces
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maybe on your pajeet box
how many times have you posted this image, little bro
Why does US Balrog have no fangirls?
I just want my main in the game...I don't know who to play
The funniest part of this Tekken 8 top 6 being so god awful is that this is the first time there's actual Bamco executives watching, the crowd is dead as fuck.
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play Ryu
I don't think you correctly remember just how fucking bad V looks. This isn't even one of the models that is regularly brought up as horrific like Kolin, Ken, Ibuki, Alex.
This is literally an old picture from a yugioh venue or something
At least Dragunov isn't paid DLC unlike Bison.
Funny considering they tried to design it for casuals and spectators.
do you guys think kim shaves
Harada also looked and sounded pretty exhausted during the announcement
i mean his boss is watching and the game is just clearly in an awful state. KAMI6 is going to electrify the crowd after this fuck up
Did he woke up from a hangover in this picture?
everyone gave cammy a pass since she was flat as a board in 4
The most hype game this entire event has been fucking turd strike. Modern fighters are just garbage.
Tasty steve is the opposite of hype
You could cope that it's a good thing if they were pressuring him to make it more popular and casual friendly and they get to see live what they wrought.
card game whites really are the worst of us
they do the announcement before top 6 right?
you're the same retard who didn't know they already wrapped up Third Strike finals aren't you?
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>Murricans can only win Evo at kiddie anime fighters and whatever shit SonicFox is good at
its because everything is so sterilized at least you get to see wacky shit in a game like third strike
games like sf6 are designed from the ground up to be """competitively viable""" and the watchability drastically suffers as a result because not only is it boring but it's just as imbalanced as the older games were
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>tfw liked uni2
>tfw want to display weebshit figures and artbooks in my room but know the second I do it nullifies all chances of getting a female in my room
wallahi i'm finished
No I'm not your imaginary boogieman you stupid faggot.
My wife was too nervous
It's grand finals and it's dead silent. SF6 is going to look so much better than this in comparison and you know it and it will hurt you.
Yeah because Hayao put on a show for people. Nobody was hyped during Chun vs Yun.
Will they remix Terry's theme or will he have a lo-fi soundcloud earslop theme too?
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yup, it's him alright
Only if you are a pussy or only have shit like impregnated Asagi figures covered in plastic semen (you have to put these figures in the back of the case when the hoes come over). Luffy has a giant display case with a bunch of figures, and he has a big titty wife that cheers for him at tournaments.
Not really. Make more money than her and they won’t ever say shit
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>1am SF6 Grand Finals
anon a friend of mine has several grand in figures and collectibles and has no trouble getting women. apply yourself
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dood Chun vs Yun finals was sooooo hype!!!
it's 3am here and it probably won't start till 4
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pickpocketing nephews betty suite pass
>Nobody was hyped during Chun vs Yun.
grappa players are sick in the head and insane and I love them for it.
yes actually
MOV played Elena in finals you retarded secondaries
Big Neph is a japanese icon
dixer niggas be like "ugh black vs white in chess? boring..... when is someone gonna play purple?"
He played her for a couple games, lost, and then switched.
he switched to chun as soon as he got smoked after a few games nigga
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Find someone who actually shares your interests?
While the ratio is still really disproportionate, there are girls out there who are sincerely into nerdy shit
>waaahhh cammy is bad!
>Reality: Top 2 Legend, Top 6 at EVO
This nigger is so fucking bad at this game is barely even funny.
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and got smoked and switched to chun fag
>didn't say green
one job anon
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We need more anime collabs
How long is it going to take? 6 games of 2 minutes max = 12 minutes plus 50 minutes of Cheapotle ads?
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lmao retard
>Find someone who actually shares your interests?
Do you think that's easy you stupid bitch? Women who are actually into anime/art past normalfag shit like oh I watched sailor moon once or watched naruto is 0.005% of the population
Stop being a manchildren wanting to hoard plastic and get into real hobbies like lifting, reading books, playing an instrument, gardening, having an aquarium or some productive shit like that.

Crab advice. Geek girls are sluts 99% of the time.
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Based Nee ner
ed is broken and needs to be nerfed!
When's the last time either of you went to a social event?
Reading books is as much of a hobby as watching Netflix.
>He thinks his manchild slop is some high IQ exlusive thing when 89% of OF whores are into trannime and gayming
Don't forget the wannabe femcels chicks on twitter who are vidya/anime-addicts as well.
>having an aquarium
>some productive shit
These are the same niggers who insane talking about fuudo
What do you think
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Dangerously based.
Every geek-nerdy girl I knew ended up being a massive whore who always sucked and hopped on dick at even minor-tier celebs at conventions.
The least whorish one I knew was a polish chick who was kinda of a introvert, so she didn't go out much, but was still att who sent nudes/show tits on videocall to guys on steam, including me. Even tho she had a bf.
>89% of OF whores are into trannime and gayming
>He believes this
You're beyond reproach. It's all marketing and you've fallen for it.
shut yo nerd asses up
kami6 is about to cut on
finally over
>good ass Tekken
Now that was some good ass Tekken.
sf6 coming on? time to sleep.
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My cousin dated a cosplayer chick who fucked the voice actor of Kaiba.
Maybe there are the 1% who likes geek shit and ain't degenerates out there, but I don't like playing those odds.

>yeah bro it takes some high IQ to appreciate muh souls games and chainsaw man! nobody likes EVA either! 2deep4u! Females could never enjoy these hobbies like men do!
kys. Animu-game slop is literally engineered to socially stunted people, and girls of this generation are barely non-retarded.
You literally see girls geeking over anime characters and convetions. Blowing their own money on shitty ass tranime merch.
I hope Evo gets sued. Virtually every participant bought 3 days passes with the intention to be in the arena for the finals, and there's nowhere near the capacity. Unless you rushed in there before noon to sit for 7 hours plus just to be able to watch Street Fighter, there's thousands of people shit out of luck and basically scammed.

-t. at Mandalay Bay watching from my hotel room with a 3 day pass because I didn't want sit and watch anime games all day just to watch Street Fighter
The rage art after the low parry wouldn’t kill but it would have given arslan a melty. Should have done it
something being beyond reproach means that there's nothing to criticize about it not beyond saving/beyond helping
the early bird gets the worm, lil nigga
Who's the Arslan Ash of Dix?
now its time for one of the based birds to win to make the trannies seethe
ok I should've just called him a retard then
The birds are drowning little sand nigger
Xiaohai is taking this
It's going to be EW vs Punk
no one in sf has ever been that dominant in recent times. jwong in mvc2 is similar. i cant recall who won the most evos in older sf games like st.
People like to shit on Stacies, but the average Stacy got enough attention growing up to the point they don't feel like whoring out.
Anime girls are usually the introvert-weird chick of the class who feels like overcompesating for their insecurities and lack of social life in highschool by slutting it out with cosplay.
I'm confused what you mean..? People are excluded from the arena? Isn't the arena literally the point of the event
he won because he had almighty allah on his side
xiaohai is on plane back to china
as long as it makes troons seethe i dont care who wins
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>Xiaohai is taking this
This nigga posted a pic of elon musk and he wants to pretend hes "non-retarded"
They should refund people damn
why does aris talk about food
He's out and has the coof lil bro
They better show costumes and not concept art again
imagine the smell
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>Xiaohai is taking this
just fat boy things, i work with a bunch of fattys at work and like 3/4s of our conversations are about food
do I have time to go get food before sf6
he is a fat stoner fuck
Maybe Mr.Wiz should come back and run evo again
yeah they're going to play like 10 minutes of ads after 8's over
Yes, it starts at in 25 mins.
cheez is too old for him now...
Too much work. Gotta wait for the next chiptole check to clear before they can show actual content.
oh no someone protect EW
My darling
My own thesis is similar, but is more like geek girls were not necessarily ugly, but they weren't part of the "cool girls" club at school, so they started watching anime and feeding off the attention they get from those people.
Theres some exceptions though. Some sluts I see were never ugly, they just vibed with anime for whatever reason, because like I said, anime specially nowadays is made to sell to anyone.

Said the dude who still is in the phase of finding geek girls some precious rare unicorns, instead of lowtier sluts.
Go buy overpriced anime figures that are made outta nothing but cheap plastic already.
you'll get avatar costumes for some gacha cross-promotion
is tekgen ok?
I'm nta timmy. I dont hoard shit nor do I simp for egirls. Im just pointing the obvious: youre a retard, too.
elliott rodger type nigga talmbout his thesis
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>Believing in this choke artist
i get home at midnight eastern. am i likely able to catch the grind finals at that time live?
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>Go buy overpriced anime figures that are made outta nothing but cheap plastic already.
kek I will admit the figure market is a scam even tho I own some nendoroids and one scale figure.
You can see them dumping the price once a figure doesn't sell as expected...
If/when Punk wins, I’ll be using your throat to wash my balls.
so Pokimane sold Evo already?
when are they gonna reveal my gf
i'm getting old
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They didn't sell the passes that way....

There's only capacity for like 2 thousand people and 15,000 people entered evo and most had 3 day passes that included 'access to the arena'; only a small amount of total pass holders can get in and it filled up before the end of the first game's finals today. there were hundreds of people lined up at like 2pm to enter and now all these people have to settle for a viewing station 'watch parties' where pools and day 2 games where played.....
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@EUbros status?
that FUCKING france money
how many fucking evos will there be? its devaluing the evo titles
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>n-n-nta! I just randomly felt like defending some cuckass nigga!
Yea whatever loser. You totally ain't the cuck retard bawwing over your manchild hobbies.

Of course is a scam. It is fucking PLASTIC.
wait. is LA EVO confirmed?
I told you niggas Remy was FUARKING sick
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This is stupid
She had to pay off a lot of people after the allegations
>its devaluing the evo titles
EVO is the thing that really matters, all regional evos are equal. So really it's just Tier 1 and Tier 2.
No EVO East for DSP to reclaim the crown
they have the money to expand all over the world yet still barely pay the players anything
it’s an awards show luhmeow
*over 10,000 people entered, by bad it was 15,000 bracket entrees among those who play in more than one game
no one is going to france for evo
It's just a HoF ceremony. Not sure if there are actual tournaments.
not working tomorrow
france is a lot more accessible for most of the world than USA is
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>no EVO Canada
they aren't equal
japan and france will not be as prestigious as the main vegas one, yet people will always claim menard is a champion because he won evo japan
>The chipotle shirts were real
Holy shit.
guys is fchamp ok
>no Evo North Korea
Why live
especially if you are a refugee
We are right next to the fucking states plus have 10x fewer players
France is one of the most saturated shitholes. High prices everywhere due to taxes. Ugly ass city full of frogs who can barely speak English.
Might as well host on Brazil for the memes and being cheaper, just as much as third world as France.
I'm here for Slime Fighter 6.
Did you not understand the post then decide to reply anyway? The main event isn't regional, it's the T1 international tournament everyone is expected to show up to. Everything else is T2.
>no Evo North Sentinel Island
why exist
All those other EVOs will have only anime fighters, Tekken, and SF.
Will evo france take up one of the five cpt offline slots?
You guys have...................................sayff what are you talking about?
i was forced to enter canadian borders during a layover flight and vowed to never return
I hope Ibuki never makes it in
>EVO so artificially inflated now they have to migrate the event to Europe to try and make some hype

Irrefutable, Truthpilled, all that good stuff.
A bar so low, ants have to limbo under it.
Why would they go to New India?
There are 8 offline events this year and a total of 10 offline qualification spots with the addition of Super Premiers. Hopefully more next year.
im a neet baby
I want to ride Booki!
CPT should go back to when you have to actually go to other tournaments like Combo Breaker, CEO, Red Bull Kumite, and other regional tournaments to build up qualification points for CapCup Finals
Are the trailers coming first?
>almost 10pm
>top 6 still hasn't started
VOD it is
How is it artificially inflated if the physical attendance keeps increasing?
can't believe mena drowned in pools, was he really just a scrub abusing blanka?
Glad you didn't say Makoto.
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Brazil to Singapore is a 24 hour flight. Fuck that.
Trailers are shown before the first match of top8 historically yes. Unless you pull a strive and play it after GF at like 1am and make SFV play at 3am lol
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>13 minute break

they seriously can't just start it a few minutes early
I hope vega and mika make it in!
Yes, he played both Luke and Blanka, who were both broken in season 1 and are now simply high tier.
your post wasn't very clear
>EVO is the thing that really matters
with these new ones you would have to specify EVO Vegas or LV
It insists upon itself
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Sup, Juninho
Nemo used Blanka in some clutch match ups to make it the top 6.

I think his problem was Luke actually. Luke was never as good as people said and now he's really mediocre. Mena is going to have to drop him and likely will after this.
you could have figured this information out a lot earlier by just looking at the schedule
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>Luke was never as good as people said and now he's really mediocre
if he could and still can carry a shitter like noah he is very good
Bonchan and Noah made top 8 with him shut your coon ass up
>Bo3 in volatile ass game
Bo5 pools and Bo10 Top 8 and forward. Is not 2016 anymore, with this much money in the line you can finally treat this as an actual competition instead of a coin toss.
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>Luke was never as good as people said
does anyone have the punkdagod drawn as a manga character pic
The guy who mains a twink with a BDSM CA vs the King of Choke. Who will win. Place your bets.
You guys also said Ken is bad now, and he performed just fine in Evo.
Its almost like you just shill for characters you like and dont actually have objective opinions.
does anyone have the punkdacuck drawn as a wojak character pic
I can't believe the legendary UMA, menaRD, and dookie drowned in pools, I guess they weren't really ever good
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it's coming home la
Calling it now: Big Bird will win the whole thing because Rashid is broken. Super 2 gives him free rounds. Any round where he gets two super 2s is basically a free win. And to add too all that he can combo off of overhead, has a real reversal, and has an uppercut that hits cross ups.
I thought Uma didn't even go
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He lost to Bison, the most broken and overpowered character in SF6 yet.
>You guys also said Ken is bad now
Phenom propaganda
>two week long tourney
>people at home are already fighting the timezones
>You guys also said Ken is bad now
are these guys in the room with us now?
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>You guys also said Ken is bad now
look like they are about to drop an electronic album
My heart says Punk/EW will take it but my brain say Big Bird or Momochi
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No one said Ken was bad except twitter trannies. everyone on /sfg/ knew Ken was still top tier
I lost my pools losers finals to a kookily Rashid.
Probably a top 3 character that definitely needs some nerfs.
Way too much people and Evo is a sponsor/ad money making machine. It's just me but I like sub 1200 entrant events.
>90 seconds rounds
Even with 4k people this would end in like 3 days max if you take your sweet ass time.
Start Friday, end Sunday.
classic 4chan deflection. Yes, this general constantly posted "worst shoto" yet people chose him over Ryu and Luke in most cases and did just fine.
based ty
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You guys actually want Punk to win? I thought we were being ironic with da alfa stuff.
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kenape downplayers are not people
"worst shoto" is a meme because all shotos are busted
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>he's not a proud member of the alfa academy
idc who wins as long as it makes the trannies seethe
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>mfw the downplaying worked
I like doing USA USA USA chants but I'd like Momochi to win as a first choice. Zhen would be okay too, he's funny.
I’m fine with either my ALFA or Walker winning.
This is an Alpha Academy general, vappa.
Well, who do YOU want to then anon
ken is barely top 15 retards
with tokido out punk is our next guy
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What keeps happening to Daigo?
Why is he never in finals?
He's old and tired
I freaking love Chipotle
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Nigga is old and an alcoholic
He picked Akuma, who is currently a bottom 5 character
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lost the v gem
He's gotten old, his reflexes aren't what they used to be. His time is kind of over.
Daigo is a brand at this point. He's a good player but he's not there to win anymore.
I like Punk even if he can be a bit of a bitch. He's funny and I love his playstyle.
yeah I am supporting Endingwalker
Alcohol and spicy food ruined my man
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he seems actually bothered by losing this time. sad
Seriously though, what's Rashid's weakness? Nothing. He has no weakness. He is designed to have no weakness. Even Bison and Akuma has weaknesses. Meanwhile Rashid is designed to be a solid shoto but with a bunch of bullshit neutral skips, mixups and conversions added on.
>Do nothing but slurp fast food noodles trash and beer all day
He got 10 years best before he start getting nerve damage from alcohol and can't even hold a controller without shaking anymore.
>his playstyle
>he plays like every other Cammy just slightly better
People actually like Scammy "gameplay?"
punk is not gonna choke this time. he has been playing very aggressively the whole time
muh anti air that loses once every 100 jumps
they just informed him that no alcohol is served at that establishment
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He picked Akuma instead of Ryu
enough chipotle ads jesus
Wild how LI Joe blew up from that SFV Evo run.
LI Joe got that Urien suit
Does avatar costume shit really make money for capcom to push that shit hard
>Old EVO
Prestigious FGC event
Chipotle ad simulator with some tournies on the side
what the dog doing?
Sf5 Guile was his jam. Six Guile is good but the game dynamic is radically different. His Ken and Akuma are good but other mains of those can style/twitch react better than him.
they had gootecks as the host for evo in 2016, but gootecks with no mike is a charisma singularity
LI joe is a much better choice
someone post that one image of you having to stand up and yell CHIPOTLE before being allowed to play SF6
But we can't fucking have Bo5 sets before Top 6! Think about the poor sponsors!!!!!!!
at least we didnt have ryu and ken wear chipotle shirts unlike tekken kek
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>views already above tekken at 100k
>Sorry, we're all out of free burritos. Thanks for playing!
it's joever
Can a burrito serve as an onahole?
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Wow he looks like shit.
what's wrong with his face
terry looks awful
jesus christ this game is aggressively ugly
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wow, ken with a hat really was underwhelming...
now imagine mai
Alright I think most characters look fine in dix but Terry looks pretty horror engine-d
LMAO why is his face like that
dios mio... el RE engine...
>crowd cheering and excited
but.../sfg/ said everyone hated terry
They definitely outsourced his model to pajeets
That face is actually kinda busted
thats it?
He's so FUARKING ugly
? tekken had 104k or sumin too but i wouldn't be surprised if sf gets more
Criminally Based. The crime of being in the right side of history.
Had too much integrity to accept the slime unlike the boomer faggots and nigcels that /sfg/ worships to this very day.
Terry's face looks weird though I was expecting worse.
He looks ugly
>Didn't ask if he was okay
Lamest, gayest trailer and his face is completely fucked up
runback citaaaaaaay
>el bogardo sin luz..
I fucking told you it'd be a teaser of a trailer you fucking buffoon.
thanks i hate it
Embarrassing for SNK how much better Terry looks here than in CotW. He still has the weird nose there, I hope they at least fix that. It's Tekken's Geese vs KoF's all over again.
i hate terry and wish sf never added guests but he looks fine, you guys are imagining shit. just reminds me how sick cody would have been.
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>crowd is cheering louder than tekken gf for terry trailer
>views already tied with tekken's peak (105k vs 106k) and the games aren't even started yet
hey is the vtumor fag from last thread still here? go ahead and cope about viewbots like i knew you were going to do anyways
He looks uglier than Manon lmao
Nah he's the most entertaining street fighter player and it's not even close. And he actually has skill, not milking a top 8 he made 10 years ago like LIJoe...
who will commentate
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>chat asking for gameplay
Who’s gonna tell wm
granblue won...
It's up
holy fuck that was corny
>they keep putting mena in these videos when he keeps drowning in pools

whole game does
Terry looks like a rush job. Yeah, you can tell they started working on him at the last minute.
Unsurprisingly Terry is ugly as fuck in the horror engine
they shouldve just copied leons model from re4 and put a blonde wig on it
>available now
that’s just the game right? or is terry available now?
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max is gonna freak
jejeje el RE motor de horror
Wish it was Rog instead
Luvcheez what the fuck
Aleks Le isn't allowed to say nigga
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Terry Bogdanoff
Autismwalker HYPPPPEEEEE!
EW is such an awkward guy I kind of want to root for him
bluds wanted 3 character drop on each month like it a Tekken game
You’re dumber that a tekjeet, Jesus
Ending Walker still looking like a tranny
holy mother of soulless slop, that trailer was hot trash and indian as fuck
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It's time Edboys
>coomer face
It's been over for like a decade I don't know why people can't move on. Momochi and Tokido have been the best Japanese players for so long now.
honestly world tour mode is kind of a game changer, I totally want Terry to be my mentor
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Ken > Ken with a hat
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this game is awful
Meanwhile in PS2 land
why is punk wearing a bathrobe lmao
What the fuck is this lol? Looks like something that was made by a modder.
Did this nigga steal his hotel bathrobe?
Daigo was doing good at the end of Jive
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I am really disappointed, much as i love Terry. Street Fighter just really doesnt need guest characters.
They tried to do Patrick Swayze and it looks awkward as all hell
he looks like a drag queen that got plastic surgery to look like a woman
Jerry Hogard
What the fuck is that.
Why did he say nemo's name like that? He's known this dude for like 12 years
Terry looks fine.
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surely Mai won't look like this
Wait it literally looks just like him then
Get back to me when those other Cammy's can whiff punish everything.
Ending looks like he'll troon out first chance he gets
Neko eyes Terry
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You KNOW he will take this
Zhen is the blackest nigga on that stage
why would mai look like terry
is this guy supposed to be joe from street fighter 1
Did Capcom just take his COTW model and slap that shit into RE engine?
the sir ordered a terry bogard model yes?
>Capfags coping that Terry looks like shit and 100x better in COTW
You love to see it.
Do they serve alcohol at evo? If not they should start.
it's over
I'm not dumb enough to trust this dude won't choke in the big spot like always.
Fucking white boi lookin ass nigga, yeah cotw won.
especially after stealing Tokido’s spot
Either make his face more robust even if it has to reach sleek n Tears levels of chiseled or dial the schnozz down
Punk is going to choke as usual.
it's vegas i'm sure you're never far from alcohol
i look like this
at least used it as the base for sure
Kookily ass Rashid doing whatever he wants....
>Yo yo yo what's good IneeduChun69 thanks for the six months

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