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>Patch Notes

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 21, 9:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Uqopacha, Wachunpelo Instance 1 | Dawntrail Sightseeing Log Meetup >>486916153
• July 28, 6:00 PM CDT | Sephirot, Tuliyollal Instance 1 (12.9, 15.5) | Tural Thread Throwdown >>485962949
• Aug 3rd, 4:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | /xivg/ Mahjong Open Tournament >>486892289

Last Time on /xivg/: >>487047568
B is for bloonies
bloonie feet
what a treat
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There is hope for Duskies
you guys ignored my post in the last thread
Moonies owe my sunnie+ sex.
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they won't all talk like that the entire time I'm there right...?
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This post reminds me of Elden Ring launch where you had some fag in /eroge/ whining about how the "you don't have the right" shitpost messages were actually a secret tranny callsign
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sex with sunnies
mating with moonies
I love catgirls
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Sex with Koana.
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>needs the sexpest scar
what is that, the eye scar?
I wanted to edit in body scars but I'm lazy and modding has become some gay 60000 different programs thing now
There is one extremely cute bloonie in this thread sometimes
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skyruin barding is nice

made 2 one for me one to sell

hopeful it does
listen here no-feathers, they speak eorzean becauce it's the only language YOU know.
you might as well brag about posting on /b/
I always read their name as Horadric and then I start thinking YOU'VE QUITE A TREASURE THERE IN THAT HORADRIC BLACKSTONE in the Deckard Cain voice.
My malera just turned a femra into a single mom.
Confessions lose meaning when there's a post like this every thread
>I sure am glad I spent all that time in a shit pile, now I know what diarrhea smells like compared to solid protein shits!
until then i will have to hope this will suffice
/dote /dote /dote /smooch
kissing face 1 catboys (●'◡'●)
smooching face 2 catboys (*/ω\*)
pecking face 4 catboys (^///^)
...face 3 catboys. ._.
>I browse /pol/
i'm sorry to hear about your terminal illness, i hope you pass peacefully.
>tfw I'll never be kidnapped by another Xaela tribe during a raid and made into their Khan's slave wife
why is femra life so tough
Will i be fine if i PF as MCH for this tier? Im worried i'll get locked out
Knowledge is found everywhere. Do you disagree?
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sisyphean task, this is. turn on playlist, I must.
This was really cute.
Im so sorry to hear that. When were you kicked out of reddit?
The balance patch is not even out yet.
FFXIV is extremely good at balance, every job can beat Savage, I wouldn't worry about it.
someone keeps posting two pics a buddy of mine made and it's a bit strange
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> get back to rising stones after dawntrail
>tataru doesn't even have time to be surprised you're there nor explain how her personal journey went before you pick her up, take her to the solar and use her as a onahole to vent all your frustrations about having to deal with wok lmao
Not all information is knowledge
hnngh stinkie bloonie segs
I can't

Half of us quit before DT even launched. Others got sick of one of our number in particular who had a mental breakdown after a divorce and his rebound decided to make it everyone's problem
No ones "bragging", it's a simple statement of fact.

Again, I don't know why you're pissing your panties so hard about this topic. It's a line in the MSQ and I happen to know its origin and why Kate felt the need to slip it in. I don't get why you're so butthurt.
I am
a femlala
that people keep thinking I'm a boylala
this but malera
To be honest, I can never think of anything to confess to for these posts. Maybe I'm just boring. Might be doing them too much as well, though.
Yes it is.
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my lalaboy eated mold
kyoppi post
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Another bbc aryan soldier in the making
May I plap?
This is like talking about how you're really good at understanding ebonics because you grew up in Detroit
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cc doko?
character and song?
xivg culture deeply covets feminity
post her sis
/pol/ makes me laugh. It has funny memes.

I don't get why you guys are so butthurt, it's just memes. Do you honestly believe in the /pol/ boogeyman?
/s snae ling
zyzz, sick cunt femlala post
>It's a line in the MSQ and I happen to know its origin and why Kate felt the need to slip it in.
more like you're terminally online and see tranny ghosts in every shadow
take your pants ad show your lala pussy to them as proof
It's important for me to watch hours of trans porn a day so I can learn about my enemy.
sure where do you wanna meet up
huh, i thought for sure the wuchqmieia finale quest would be in the game at launch
>tfw I'll never be pushed against a wall and teased by a catgirl
why is catboy life so tough
Why don't litterbox links work anymore
my moonie is a ninja
does she have stealth feet
idk i just logged back in
no character but here's a song
i should have met up with that femra last night
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pray queue theleia on dynamis thanks
lonely horny guys on the internet will scrounge for every last scrap of femininity they can find
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My Miqotboi everytime a bigger ambushes him in CC.
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Casual CC eat me up inside.
It made me think and worry if I'm the problem...
based doomsday prepper
I personally think /tv/ is the funniest board if you're looking for memes
serious answer, because these things always start off as "it's just a joke bro" but they quickly warp your psyche into something ugly. don't underestimate the power of information wars.
yeah this is true
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I'm starting to hate the Shaaloani themes, not because they're bad or annoying, but because every time I come out here to fish I start falling asleep due to how calming the act of fishing is combined with the music being played. I ended up using the orchestrion plugin to change the BGM to Bee My Honey for like 3 hours because I kept dozing off.
if you play a female character as a male, you are already a step in the trans pipeline
god i hope so
Aren't you a miera simp nowadays? Don't tell me there's more femra on the level of retardation you are. Sorry anon in case it's not actuall you
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Dynamis please queue casual CC @ 12:00 ET
I love femezen so much it's unreal
Don't let it happen. Everyone is the problem in CC at some point or another.
seems possible
>It's only knowledge if it aligns with my personal beliefs
Bro come on...

HAHAHAHAHAHA are you for real? Is this a larp?
what if I play a femlala(male)
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How did you...
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Post initials of the male character you want to KILL
shaaloani bgm sounds like a meet n fuck flash song from the mid 2000s
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>slave wife
It’s called a concubine.
No. Either I get the lalas that are awful at the game mode or literal new player
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/tv/, /sp/ and /ck/ unironically have the best posters and thus memes of the whole site
My femlala makes food references draws sheep and leaves without a word too
>this was the last post before I retired my character
So sad.
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Fuck this kid and his sheep
it is over. I won
himcess pipeline
My Ma-
..nevermind, it's not important...
my femlala has become too popular with biggers so other femlalas don't talk to her anymore
Hes right though. You have no good reason to be proud of being stupid.
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Don't let it get to you.
It happens to everyone.
A Saint of the Firmament has entered the thread.
Bloonies nya
>He limits his sources of knowledge
Your loss bro.
I am a femlala who is running out of love so I can't queue CC after this
Stinky bean-eater.
you need look no further than the 2016 election to see the sheer power that memes can hold over people. yes, it's for real.
it's time to fill your heart with hate instead sis
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/sp/ during playoff season is peak
I love sportsball
>cmon dood just eat the apple of knowledge, don't you want to know all kinds of evil shit? don't be a pussy man
femra rape.... femra rape....
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when im in a "whos more a more shit leader" competition and my opponent is Hein
Hate makes me really sad and cold
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I'm not a braphog fat gay nigger pedophile child predator no pussy in a while oh my oh my I have found you niggerrrr don't chu run from me lil niggerrrr~ with a THE NEGACHIN who abuses women
Breh I need to update this, I fanta'd
is there even much functional difference between the tank jobs? or just reskinned animations?
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I am
a depressed femlala
who at least momentarily, feels kinda happy and excited for once
What a sad shitter.
I find every excuse I can to hang out with a cute moonie on my server
this happened after my lalaboy was raped. the femlalas no longer speak to me...
Living my depressed femlala dreams
I am so sad
I wish I came but I thought it was a fake bait
Your contrived rebuttal is not a good enough reason.
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i am
a moonie
who hasnt logged in for a week
one of my favorite /sp/ posting traditions is to go "What part of XYZ championship winning city are you from?" after a superbowl or championship game
>cmon dood just eat the apple of knowledge, don't you want to know all kinds of evil shit?
So you're content to stick your head in the sand and ignore all knowledge that disturbs your "positive vibes" bubble you've made for yourself?
TB, but it's more that I want him to try to kill me right back and we get into a fistfight.
u up?
This is a cool lalaboy
get back here right fucking now
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yoshi-p save me this is too hard for my neurodivergent colorblind hands!!
I will not pollute my soul with your evil. Simple as.
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Is it worth a fantasia to swap to midlander?
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what are you now
For me it was the Toom and Coom posting during the offseason when Tom Brady went to Tampa.
Happy for you sis
May all the depressed /xivg/ers who are just edgy/depressed because they're lonely find a friend to hang out with
You're absolutely off your rocker if you think internet memes brainwashed people into voting for Trump.
>bro i swear im actually smarter than you even though i know less about the world trust me bro im just really smart
>Do you honestly believe in the /pol/ boogeyman?
I not only believe it I have seen it. I have talked to it, I see it in you too.
There's nothing wrong with being politically inclined, in a way this website has been politically charged since we are legion days. It gets a bit too hazy and off topic to go too much into history and it's an anonymous website, in a way not conforming to the "mind hive" was the point so it doesn't matter.
But modern /pol/ is different to what we would call a movement back in those days, and that would be fine if so many of you fags didn't feel the need to just talk about /pol/ shit on other boards. /pol/ and /biz/ are right now the fucking bane of this website and had Moot made me admin they would have been gone without a second thought.
no, swap to hrothgal or stop posting
first difference is damage (about 1k dps gap between pld and gnb with full uptime i think)

second difference is invuln cd and the way they interact with damage, where PLD and GNB actually negate damage and WAR and DRK give you a health threshold, this can make bleeding tank busters annoying to invuln

rest is all a psyop theyre literally the same
how's your husband doing? i haven't seen him around in a bit
Virgin autistic men are so desperate they think surrounding themselves with artificial women is somehow the same as being with real women.
just looking at the scoreboard, you did your part that match. nothing to be ashamed of. everyone has limits to how hard you can carry. remember that the real game you're playing is to find ways to improve at CC, not win each and every match. that's where the fun is.
I am a femlala who despite being lonely and depressed will keep trying her best every day until I improve
i dont know nigga i'm not you and i dont know your reasoning for fantaing in the first place
i want to be happy for you but you said a nasty thing about me so instead im upset
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I really love this game's story. Still on ARR. When does it get bad like other posters say it will?
The lalafell walk cycle keeps sending me.
>/pol/ gets mentioned
>Certain /xivg/gers literally and unironically start to have a mental breakdown
How are people so delicate and fragile these days?
Realest answer
you aren't enlightened because you circlejerk with desperate glowies and 60 year facebook dads on /pol/
away with you election tourist
When the MSQ says speak to Wuk Lamat
I finally ascended to Ktisis.
...but I don't like that Glamourer doesn't let me give the Viis a bamboo cane, or a wooden spoon for spanking.
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im a evil nigga now im up to nefarious deeds
mostly during dawntrail and endwalker patch quests. some people HATE stormblood but i honestly didnt mind it, especially compared to how shit dawntrail was
I'll queue. But first, draw me a sheep.
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most powerful hypnotist race?
they're ok

DT first half
Is this Judas?
So what is it you think /pol/ is doing exactly? Why are you so afraid of /pol/?
stinky tanks
So you actually needed optimism
Got it
all they do is surround themselves with men who pretend to be women and then they fall into the trans pipeline and selfie post which ruins my fucking eyes
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if you like ARR then you'll love the other slower parts of the MSQ (SB and DT)
his maniacal laughter can be heard amongst the seas to this day........
some ppl have been utterly brainfucked since 2015, real nasty work by the dems frightening mentally ill people into hysterics.
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y-yeah so hot haha. Oh-oh, my ankle hurts, I'll be fine! I'll be right making my hrothguy pent up behind you! N-no I'm not staring.
I haven't seen this version please provide the full thank you xoxo
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Dynamis please queue casual CC @ 3:15 et
You'll have a fair stretch of the action slowing down in the ARR patches, then it will pick the fuck up at the end. Then it's all smooth sailing...

...until you reach the point we're all at, because recently they've choking the fuck out of the MSQ with the new writer sucking ass. But hey, you've got probably dozens, if not hundreds of hours to go until then.
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But you're more knowledgeable about the world than I am because you go out of your way to ignore everything "negative"? Really?
sage question

what would you say is the proper use of pepsis?
I've been using it as a burst AOE heal but part of me feels that's not what it's intended for
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What do you MEAN I can't wear the fucking Red Mage hat? I'm drinking the fucking fanta I've had enough fuck this nonsense.
You are not immune to propaganda
i hope that's positive; hoping you're both doing well.
No, I need someone as damaged as me who can relate to my pain, not some hopium huffer, I said SCRAM
Oh god its not only a /pol/tard its one that's fallen for the false puritan narrative
If only the WoL had some kind of superpower that let them understand any language.
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how much cock do you think she takes from the other scions daily?
Can you two sandwich a kiss on me?
>he sipped the fanta
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>mom made him go to the orthodontist
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i like to mix pepsis with milk, but its also fine to just drink it as it is
why are you announcing the sage though
nooo dont kill urself ur so sexy haha
Fanta to a femlala and maybe I'll consider you.
She's a child you freak
I saw the cutest f3 femra in the world just now at the marketboard, but her info said "I'm mentally ill"...
my catboy on the left
really desperate situation where you ran out of aoes and can only heal via the generic aoe shield heal
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I missed the summer glamour post.
I wish you could have temporary tans without a fantasia.
Pepsis is for "shit's fucked" situations where you really need to shit out aoe healing. Pepsis E.Prog is a better heal than Prog and you can do it while moving and then toss another E.Prog on top of that. Think of it like SCH's emergency tactics. I used it a lot on early P11S during mechanics like in then partners or group stack, out then partners.
>You are not immune to propaganda
What propaganda?

I grew up in London. I have firsthand experiences of dealing with all sorts of races. I came to my own conclusions politically based on my personal experiences in life. Or is that not allowed now? Am I not allowed to think for myself?
i am
a gay hrothgar
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(Zurvan): I am Zurvan.
I'm perpetually torn between wanting to be an approachable slut and the absolute lack of free time my job leaves me with to actually build confidence towards being one
do not make fun of my edgy tard helm
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>No instant pop
>People be like "I love miera!" and post a modded picture of what is practically a highlander with rabbit ears
This is like a Jhazda joke but even less funny because you're a tranny.
refreshing pf rn for a party with an open viper slot
I am
now a mentor, be afraid
I saw this dude outside the QS the other day
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>ping goes to 600
>down to 60
>up to 500
are we getting DDOS'd again?
Or are we getting """DDOS'd""" ?
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prickly catgirl tongues
thought it was just me
first time seeing modbeasts champ?
the only use i've found for it, apart from "whoops shielded too late" moments is when a boss puts everyone's hp to 1
If you loved ARR's story like I did, it won't get obviously bad until you hit Dawntrail. There may be a few instances where things aren't all that good, but they don't last as long or are as terrible as what Dawntrail is.
you can use it for:
setting up a pre emptive OGCD heal
when you need to spam heal and have no tools left and need HP asap but you already used e.prog
when you need to replace everyone's shield because it's not going to last for a later mechanic
might be some other stuff but i feel like those are the main ones.
I used to date Lamitt before she was banished from the village for taking bigger dick. Heard she killed herself.
Good riddance. Bed the Hume, earn your doom.
Is this the malezen rizz I hear so much about
But why can't we keep both /pol/shit AND coomshit on their respective boards? Is that really so difficult?
calm down bro you're going to make ELK MELT.
name two examples
why is she white
So I can sexual her parents then
Best way to LVL gatherers from 90 to 100?
my catboy smells like semen
all male characters' hands on me!

coom and idpol, the war eternal
pull up a podcast and just fucking grind it
no, this is like a jhazda post except youre too afraid to attach your avatar to it
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>C'mon dude you HAVE to ride the dragon dildo. Don't you want to know everything there is to know about those disgusting heretics?
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shes 22
and i argue she should actually be older because shes got the nergy of "super nice special ed teacher who somehow actually believes in the education system"
If you mark and do call outs for Casual CC ques, your a tryhard. Simple as.
post fishra
pretend I'm a new tank with ilvl 90 gear and you have to explain to me how to tank ramuh ex. I'm a console player and won't be able to text back and I don't know what provoke is or how it works.
Once again first for sweaty, stinky, hot femlala on femlala yuri!
Just your third world internet.
Hasn't it been a year since <Alter> was formed? I know some anons who made alters still post here. What stories and drama is there to share with the thread?
me on the right
Thats nice but can I fuck it?
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I think a miera couple would be good for the housing values in my neighborhood.
no deal. will continue to lust from afar.
yes, cope election tourist
>teacher who somehow actually believes in the education system
literally my wife. i feel so bad for her
do I have to be a femra to have a malera eb?
t. humie
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Wook bros...no one likes /ourgirl/
thats rude of you to say she’s a scholar
>holds back urge to puke
n-nice post sis haha
What's the best female race in your opinion
>What stories and drama is there to share with the thread?
shut the fuck up and play the game.
>Why are you so afraid of /pol/?
Afraid of /pol/? Please nigger, this shit is not scary. Do you think I'm afraid of someone becoming a living parrot with the words tranny, feminist and libtard on loop? You want to see what I know /pol/ is doing to people?
>Diagnosis: brown skin.
Here's your answer.
You guys are miserable. Sad, the world promised so much, and you're held back. Lonely, scared, and not looking for an answer. You need someone to blame. You need shortcuts to fix your life. In the process you lose the little control you had of your life to try and control other people to believe on the reality that you do, where you should have everything you want but don't get. And the result is this. Delusional zombies, worse than bots, worse than Xbox fags, worse than any /sp/ mod or janny has ever managed to be, worse than bleach readers, worse than any tripfag on this website. Because you guys keep shouting about your own reality. Your own perceived experiences, not your lived ones, and certainly not anyone else's either.
Femlala and catgirl
Is anamnesis working?
For the first time in well over 10 years i cant get interested in EVO and i dont know why.
the only drama that really happened was attention whores jumping on the bandwagon, making almost everyone else quit, and then quit themselves
Elk is so intimidating, of course I'm too afraid to post my character!
me on the left, but I'm a guy and much shorter compared to my pale femroe queen I'd be kissing on the right
>>Diagnosis: brown skin.
>Here's your answer
>paragraph of cope
so he was right lmfao
>I don't know what provoke is and what it does
>I don't know what threat is
>I can't ask questions
nothing to do here, bro is cooked
Look up the mats you'll need for crafter leveling and just watch an anime or tv show or something and afk gather it out
what's your twitter again
Otis was robbed
i dont even say hello
nngh stinky moonie sex
still waiting brother, lost your way, need some directions?
If you were to start over the game again what class would you pick?
Is there such thing as fast level up due to the class/job?
Yeah, the visual reference of face bones isn't implemented but they're all present in the list for posing purposes
I have consigned to single player
based Wuk Evu enjoyers
I'm sorry, bro. I got pre-occupied doing the first DT trial before I had to head off and shower before bed. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me? And if you don't mind, what was the post?
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I see you wearing heels a lot, you prefer wedges or stilettoes?
Bro is projecting more than imax.
please hug your wife and tell her she a good person
because if it wasnt for someone like her when i was in high school i probably would have actually hung myself in the bathroom from the anxiety shcool gave me
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>they are online after not seeing them for 2 days
holy fuuuck my dick
Nice, thanks.
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thanks for CC
Tank and healer can level up faster mostly due to the benefit of having quicker queues for dungeons and other duties.
Legit no clue why they like Erenville so much. Is he voiced by a pop star or something in JP?
What if we watched it while you suck off my highlander?
I'm going to kill that little shit with my bare hands. Hold her under the water until the bubbles stop.
Dynamis please queue casual CC @ 7:30
Fair enough. I was going to mock you if you actually did That said, fair warning: I've no interest in male characters. So don't catch feelings.
these expert dungeons are too hard
it took this party 30 minutes to do tender valley
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bunny bishie sexo
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i am
a femlala
Pretty much said all of the thoughts I had of /pol/tards on this website but was too lazy to do so. So tired of seeing that shit on my VIDEO GAME boards
Erenville (chocolate) topping the polls. K*mala H*rris (chocolate?) topping the polls.
/lgbt/ just keeps winning, sisters!
I would quit. I only managed to get caught up because I was unemployed for a year, there is no way in hell I’d unlock all this shit again.
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Thank you for CC games.
Now time to do EX1 for wings
Who do I side with bros?
The guy who spends all day jerking off with men in XIV or the guy who spends all day jerking off with men on /pol/?
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I fucking love BEES!
This taco restaurant sells no tacos
Open your eyes and see the truth
I love fiddies.
t. malera
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someone replied to my post after I complained, thanks though
The 3 horsemen of shitposting male characters
i dont remember making this post
>malera loves trannies
no because all malera are my husbands
nnnnggghh stinky sex between moonies and sunnies mmmmmmmmmhhhhhhh
foxirl or something like that
I do transbian things with other grown-ass transbians in this game and if that bothers you you need to figure out why you feel the need to prescribe morals and pass judgement on what other people do and like
post horsecock
i play as a hyur but glamourer as a femra. I can't bring myself to buy a fantasia for it (used the free one already)
thank god for glamourer so I can live out my steppe dreams
Is arcanist good?
Forcing a lalaboy to get intimate with his mount at gunpoint!
You know what? Fuck you.
do i need to have flying unlocked for the sightseeing meetup
Most of his JP VA's other roles aren't even named characters.
what is the field content gonna be this expac? i'm finally tired of the wall-to-wall hallways content and would like something actually good and not spammy.
I just reached level 35 on my main class monk, how far will the main quest take me?
Also if I wanted to start a tank class so I'm not stuck in the DPS queue hell, what'd be a fun one?
Want someone to force my male lala to dress like a girl in public.
fujos won
yumes won
biofems won
the rest of us lost bigly
yes but it's for bottoms
and I love you
you know who you are
Somehow, Remus post
My moonie does that
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Gathering in Labyrinthos made me realize how badly i miss Endwalker maps, but maybe I just need to get accustomed to DT ones.
Labyrinthos was so cool and they turned it into a spaceship storage when it could've been so much more...
How do you hide your lodestone?
t. malera
(Neo Exdeath): I am Neo Exdeath.
no, sorry
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he doesnt post anymore so theres no point in even looking for it
i click my macro that tells you nobody queues up for extremes and you should ask a player to carry you or use party finder, then abandon duty before you have a chance to reply
you might wanna consider hrt
I am a femlala who burned my crepes...
Same. I saw that it was streaming and had no intention of watching it. I used to watch it all the time before.
malelala but addicted to catboy woober
Spoiler because it’s just extremely horny nonsense
I really want to meet and cum to a lot of the cute players like tzera, zoey, that pale PLD fiera who used to post, the white freckled fiera, emilie steele, and the vampire one, but I have zero charisma, and I don’t really have any reason to talk to them without it just be me saying,”hey, cute character”
Totally organic "maliddie" posting, Remus! Keep it up!
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I know who this is
is your semen demon on Light and does she like femroes?

Tekken 8 has been fairly entertaining, Heihachi returning this soon is also nice
You can probably level up 2 to 3 jobs with just the main quest in ARR.
Your only options right now are either warrior or paladin (or maurader/gladiator) unless you wait until lvl 60 then you can unlock Gunbreaker.
Mine too and a lot
shut up rosa you fat fuck
That's Leviah Lovegood.
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females don't do it for me, so it is what it is. Such is life!
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I attack someone
I attack someone
I attack someone
I attack someone
I love frontlines
>Spot Krile's parents
Oh boy I wonder how the game is going to make this about Wuk Lamat
As a current NEET, there was a point where I could clear 20% of an MSQ in a day, but now I can barely do five quests without losing steam. And I'm still on EW. I don't want to think it's burnout.
unironically how did they drop the ball on Wuk so hard
Buy an ad nigger
I've been posting less so I shant be posting him
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It's gonna be Dungeon Dice Monsters
why is it almost always a fucking lalafell trying to micromanage frontlines with really bad calls
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I'm not SR and my dinner is ruined
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>charge in as melee DPS on frontlines
>team decides to go back
>left in the middle of a pincer being CC'd to hell
my roast is RUINED
just gathered a timeworn braapskin map
shut up ari you fat fuck
go back to your chocolate shake
I loved Dungeon Dice Monsters as a kid. Played the shit out of that on the GBA
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Mountain Zu
FARD BN4U 9P5J 79M9 9DM4

Sparkling Citrus Refreshment

Chocopour mount
Annoying, doesn't grow at all(she changes for some scenes because the plot says so and then immediately goes back), far too much focus
oh boy I can't wait to eat my cake (emet) before my vegis (lumat)!

Have been trying to ween off as many spoilers as possible before subbing after Stormblood completion. Most likely will forget about most of it or still enjoy it anyhow: both for Emet and perhaps, maybe, even Wuk.
>crepes for dinner
fat fuck
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>tell me for whom do you fight
> so i can impress that lalafell secretary enough that ill be able to absolutely fuck the shit outta her, i mean like use her like the greatest pocket pussy on the market, she will be leaking my seed for weeks, she'll be thinking about my shaft when doing taxes for weeks after
>.... how....very glib...and do you belive in eorzea?
>i believe in the fact i want that lala begging for my cock every chance she gets
stop calling my wife fat
wanna force me to take it..?
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every single lalafell player is a 105 iq retard who thinks theyre a genius (and also a pedophile) with zero exceptions
What about moonies with moonies though
where the fuck did all the hypnofiddies go...
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Anyone up for a game? South, Tanyao Enabled. DC Travel to Dynamis. First come, first serve.
PW: 8888
napoleon complex
>Mountain Zu
Thanks homie.
This was my viper last match
>just a guy voice
got the choco thanks bro :)
My moonie does that too
Viera are such a fake furry race. At least Mi'qote have tails.
sorry i dont play with hrothgars
the three gorges dam is full of fucking moonies and nobody talks about it
It's the Bermuda Triangle, which is at least an interesting idea for a setting
Did you catch the fish you would like?
I should become a hypnofiddie
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thanks for the dew bro
there is nothing wrong with having breakfast for dinner sometimes
This post made my day lmao
Whoa so does my moonie
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Aw beans not again.

Yep, that's it. That's the post. You like this.
You no longer sense any legendary moonie deposits...
But I'm not cute
No bully
Impregnating this moonie
>that sense of adventure
This game looks so much more fun than XIV, the fuck?
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stop feeding when youre on my team
I was wondering, the miqo children only have a stubble tail, do they grow extra bones etc on the way to adullthood????
>face 4 moonies can’t have the extra bushy eyebrows face 4 sunnies have
Why is your spirit so weak that it will inscribe things of evil upon your soul? Your renewed spirit in Christ, and the Holy Spirit are the inscribers of your soul, and they determine how to write down the things you perceive. Do you not have this transcriber? A burdened soul is not a ruined soul, and it is your duty to burden your soul.
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oh no
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slut, you'll get NO HANDS
TexTools can apply
-animation replacing
-hairstyle applier
-add new emotes
-pose replacement
-bust and glute scale
-add dances
Couldn't see at the back on my what else one would need.
making this himcess cum from his butt
Are you retarded
i was playing cc but this thread is too hostile to post so i shant be posting him
Your textures/normals are still broken sis.....
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Dynamis please queue casual CC @ 12:15 ET
why don't u eb her
i know
keep feeding when you're on that guys team
It's 2024. I'm not replying to a post that's just
>catgirl with big tits
another malera here that would love a humie wife, you'll probably never see me but to answer you, no
does textools let me change my mods on the fly without restarting?
doesn't reflect in mare so no one cares.
>oh boy I can't wait to eat my cake (emet) before my vegis (lumat)!
It's *fine* since post-EW and DT are outside of the main narrative story. So you're gonna have a full experience from here until EW main patch, one which will include Emet but not Wuk. It'll just suck once you have to start the new one and join us on the doomer "What the fuck happened how did it all go downhill so fast" train.

Hopefully by the time you catch up we'll have had a patch or two that actually turn things around, because as it is, shit's looking bleak right now for the MSQ. Sidecontent is still ok though, so we can hope this was just a bump on the road... the biggest bump since 1.0 itself, but still just a bump.
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Sorry, the PVP cabal enlisted me to int your games specifically.
My maleroe just ate some rocks right now
both of them will be fun since as a tank you are the only player with agency in the early shitty arr dungeons because you decide the group's pace, can go really ham, pull big, limit test, and are often the only source of aoe depending on the jobs in your group and the dungeon level. you are basically the main carry as a tank in ARR content and I loved it when I was starting out.
my tips are to make sure tank stance is on at the beginning, use sprint before every pull if it's off cd to help kite mobs and mitigate damage (it gets 20 seconds instead of 10 if you do it out of combat), buy max-potions off the marketboard to pop in case your healer is a vegetable, and stagger mits carefully unless there's a boss after next pack in which case you can go crazy since bosses in ARR hit like pussies and you don't need to save mits for them. don't be afraid of wiping just fucking pull unless it's stone vigil in which case you need to check with your healer since 90% of your parties will wipe a wall to wall on the first pull
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Has there ever been a malera x femra eb in this thread
Check the miqo kid from arcadion
do you know how tails work?
No real prefrence.

I still dont want to watch it!

I think its mostly cause im not really clicking with any of the "undercard" games. Not really interested in any of the arcsys stuff, Tekken just isnt grabbing me this time around. And MK will always be shit. SF6 is also a game i like playing more then watching. I guess i just miss Marvel, xrd(Which i know isnt super popular with big GG fans) and KoF 13 more then the current stuff.

Crystal. And They're okay.
Do you know how bones work?
most popularity pools and in person events for franchises like these are attended by women in japan.
>sees a child character
>immediately checks out their ass
This community is awful.
penguins do this too
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What about this catgirl image I saved from 2018?
Nobody talks to me at all and I don't know how to fix it
Does my simping for Yugiri count?
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alright i might miss the first call but im omw
Ok, then we won't watch it, you can just do the sucking instead
I'm used to shit I like declining gradually so I'm typically disengaged before things get really bad but the MSQ getting this bad this fast was jarring
yes and at least one I knew of lasted for a long time if it's not still going at this moment
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its starting
talk to others
it's over
who is this
my elezen looks like this
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Post lalas!
I only noticed because it was pink and clipped through the jacket in the arcadion cutscene
post breasty pic
you cannot convince me this is ffxiv, this is literally just a recreation of ul'dah in second life
sure thing buddy
I use my malezen rizz
that's literally nothing
That doesn't answer my question, since women should not like Erenville as he is ugly and women are too vapid to see anything else appealing about him.
are they any good? kinda looks like manfeet
You're getting cucked by Hien.
>Lala paladin ragequits a casual cc, returns and afks at spawn
can't make this shit up
Then answer the question retard, do they grow new bones or how does the tail get to normal size in adult miqote?
my catboy uses his rizz to ______
Pick one
actually it's figuratively nothing
His JP voice is good
His EN voice sounds Indian
Using my free fantasia to change my skintone by a slight amount :)
he's a miera and follows asian female gaze
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i want an eb (eternal buddy) where we play the game together (with others as well, our friends) and have a great day!
primal, sadly
>Read that as "Late paladin"
Hien has no interest in Yugiri.
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I act like this
I don't throw the word incel around lightly.
And I won't here today because bait should be believable.
bros I just finished EW for the first time

I got baited in the transition and thought I fucked up because I was playing tank and I had failed some mech or something and people were saying "I guess we restart"

I only wanted to say Thanks! Best story ever
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bro stop it's too powerful leave some limsa cats for the rest of us
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>start having a discussion with a fellow SAM main
>he refers to their abilities using their names
>i embarrass myself every time it happens because i need to be reminded shingshong is the moon activator or yingyong is the ogcd job bar spender or yooooojutsu is the DoT that only costs 1 symbol
why is this job like this
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Same but on Balmung.
shut up chuddie
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this is so based, same
im hacking your vanguard helmet and making the visor display bright pulsing spirals in front of your face
What server?
how much braindamage do i need to suffer in order to find this not repulsive?
>vagoo goblins who dont play the game tainting results
Big shock
>everyone has an impregnation fetish all of a sudden in this general regarding doing stuff to female characters.
ok, which e-girl has been whispering impreg shit in here. you niggers have been oral/butt fiends in the history of this thread for 10 years
Yes, a man named Ari Óskarsson is very obviously a pajeet
ultros! i make a mean snack btw
same but dynamis
Obsidian skinned fantasy character=/=Africans
Realistically, how hard is it to get 2000 mahjong rating if I don't know the first thing about mahjong but wanted to learn?
And yet they do. Reality does not conform to your delusions, boy.
is he a fucking goron or something
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i even die in old content lol im so fucking stupid
I changed my eye color from #b64d52ff to #ce7f84ff
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you look like a femboy lala
>Dragoon shitters in frontlines
post your character fellow primal resident
the better question is why are you too retarded to learn simple names for a job you main
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Probably pretty difficult.
Heh, my lalaboy doesn't need outside coersion for that.
are you that cute hl?
Counterpoint: < Mahjong Master >
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What about catgirl with big ass
Biowomen play more than afking transfolx.
what this guy said >>487066410
I need a biofem bocchi eb
Sorry, I'm to blame. I saw someone comment about impreg yesterday and I very strongly told them I'd make them a mother. It's no doubt living in their head now, as it should be. I must have missed the discussion in this thread but I know this to be true without looking, because I am a breeder malera
same but aether
highlander yes
i think the guy I'm responding to found me out
i don't need to know their names to know what button i should press
True, I only reply to catgirls with modest figures
t. catgirl
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Dynamis please queue casual CC @ 3:45 ET or else...
It’s okay if English is your second language anon. I will teach you the meaning of the word “sounds” in this context if you’d like.
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how do i get this emote?
That's Ninja you retard!
I geir
I jump
I lb
I guard
I backflip and afk
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But are you happy?
my lalaboy does that without anyone forcing him
No one cares if they don't bottom
impreg has always been based
pregnancy has always been cringe
simple as
Even if you know how to play it's 99% bullshit RNG
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Because he's attractive and mysterious? :3
I just started EW so I barely got to see him on screen but what little I saw so far makes me like him already :p
Mine's really good at it, but it isn't his fault...
black dad
there's no such emote
faker pregnant bod is sex
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bro hasn't even unlocked samurai and thinks he can contribute to a samurai discussion
>pregnancy has always been cringe
KYS I want to impregnate a catgirl and watch her belly grow while her tits become big and milky
No idea but I'm all for it. Ass/anal obsession is a disgusting fetish
Sticking your dick int he woman carrying your child is peak, you philistine.
Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhmmm sweaty?
the zenjin no spender is called laijutsu
Don't look at me, impreg has always been hot to me and anal is gross and poop comes from there.
no ur a retard
I love impregnation.
hit 4 hearts on savage m2
for me it's oviposition
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My femlala only does butt stuff
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this will be raid drama in 2024
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>he fanta'd?
>FoTM eet
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My sub runs out after this week and I'm kind of sad.
>pregnancy has always been cringe
If you don't fantasize about pregnancy then you just want to rawdawg someone, that's it. You don't actually have to get someone pregnant but if you want to fulfill an impreg kink you need to tell them how their only purpose is to be a mommy
Impregnation has always been the go-to fetish for people who pretend they have sex when they never have.
I've always been an impreg fetishist, I just don't flaunt it
There are no pure Miera left
no you dont stop lying to yourself.
Errenville's EN accent is Icelandic, not Indian. Have you never heard Icelandic people in your life?
Shitposting your fake crush on social media is not playing
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Why the fuck do you care about our opinion nigger
Also fuck off we're full
get a job
then a happy wife
then a house
3 kids
I literally do
fair. I've never asked that one to bottom and don't plan to but I still like fat asses.
gwehehe I see my thread crush crafting in s9
I used to turn on bibo+ pregnancy and cry.
i cant even hear the rage because the music is ear piercingly loud
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it's time for a rant so let's go gamer.

alright so i didn't know how to play mahjong until mid last year. i learned courtesy of yakuza and an IRL group that plays on the weekend. between that + getting my ass beat by randos on aether, i began to grasp the basics. the biggest recommendation i can make to you is PLAY YOUR HANDS CLOSED until you understand what your yaku(s) is(are) and if you even know what the fuck that is. don't focus on shit like yakumans or fat dick hands, just grasp the basics and play closed. i went from the base to 2000 playing off and on every single day in queue for 2+ months. i actually made it to 1983 and fell all the way back down to 1600 so it's not going to be an easy time. i'm also an aggressive as fuck players and i'm barely defensive so i probably could have gotten there a lot sooner.

gluck gamer i wish you the best in your journey.
When my femra becomes a miera he will be pure.
not that hard cuz nobody plays it so you'll eventually just win more games than you lose because of getting matched with noobs
will still take like a month unless you study hard
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Anal AND impregnation/making love to the woman carrying your child are awesome.
for me it's incest AND impregnation rp
Sometimes a mount needs a bit of mounting...
Unsolicited but based
If you have a crush on this femlala.. I will allow it. I will let you ask me and I will do one thing for you today
That's never going to happen regardless of whether I FFXIV or not
>happy wife
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why not
Same but a femra
Wrong, mine is
Don’t change, bro…
I'm sorry
someone dupe the hydaelyn mount and program it in my account please
how many highlanders are there on preemal
I am a pure miera though?
How do I update penumbra mods?
Mine has only ever used his mouth...
do you like fiddies??
Why are malera so sexy
i have a funny skin color
i am unfotmmable
This doesn't work
I've been leveling a free trial alt a month after my sub ran out, while still trying to get a job to pay my sub like a normal person while still contribute to society. So far no luck
earn more money
press the update plugins button
May I pet your head?
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No one showed up. I'm just go back home and queue by myself.
You have to ask me in-game...
but only if you see me as your crush
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>big fat cum inside
>taking care of a child for 18 years
holy fucking cringe
>having sex with a pregnant woman (basically pedophilia)
holy kill yourself thanks
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my bunny doesnt seem right either did they mess with bunny lips too…
Keep trying. You'll find someone. I'm cheering for ya!

Eeeeeeeh? I wear pants though. And boots with the spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle! As I go riding merrily along.
yeah it does, I got a job bro
Prove it. Post boyhymen.
Name one mount that I should not get.
My fiddie is anal only.
When are they getting rid of this fake ass queue?
lalaboy post
no one likes furfaggots, get that through your shitskin skull
I don't want Crystal Tower anymore.

Mountain Zu
That's not what I meant. I remember seeing people talk about some button within Penumbra to make changes to ttmp mods to make them not break.
Built for steppe warriors
yeah it's kino
hwers the white wizard class guy
Magitek Avenger.
sexo con catboys (forma de gay)
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kill yourself
>>big fat cum inside
as I said in another post you literally just want to rawdawg someone, you don't have an impreg kink, you're just overvaluing your base animal desires to cum in a hole
not based, enjoy some risk before patting your back mr. milquetoast
posting boyhymen is the opposite of being pure you hooligan
I want a biofem menhera eb
Krile-coded femlala
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idk about not get but you SHOULD get the sabotender de la luna
You just have to jam it in
im gonna prime all inside this catboy iwkwim
Is the first day of Savage 7/23 or 7/30?
I didn't, it's been 3 whole months of fucking nothing
He'd DIE.
Unicorn. Your jaw hurts after all the dungeons you run.
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the risk isnt what's based it's the fat cummy inside with the purpose of procreation (based)
except the actually procreating is not based (you now have to care for children and cant have sex again or you're a pedo)
>I don't want Crystal Tower anymore.
They should just move those to MSQ roulette already
built for my catboy
Dynamis please queue casual CC @ 7:45 ET
{Self-Destruct} {Do it!}
start in Starbucks temporarily to pay the bills or whatever fast-food, they'll give u part time for u to find a main job

what degree
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I already have a job. I don't want the woman or the children.
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nice glowshit sis it was worth the grind
>you now have to care for children
that's based if you're good at it
>and cant have sex again or you're a pedo
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I want one of those! :O
I probably won't use it much but I still want one! xD
Is my wife in queue
This is what some autistic person who has never roleplayed before thinks
Literally nobody is roleplaying the child part
if i have kids they would be born retarded and that feels like a mean thing to do
I will get my trusts to level 100 before AAC Savage drops. You cannot stop me.
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I am a femezen
At a very underutilised landmark
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My femlala pregnancy mods say otherwise.
impreg = based
preg = not based
Very virginal posts.
You know this is the mf calling people brown too
moonies x catboys
/pet /pet /pet
/ac Protraction <f>
/ac Recitation
/ac Adloquium <f>
/ac Sacred Soil <f>
/ac Excogitation <f>

I'll save you bnuuy....
You have to ask is this real? How sheltered and closed off from the world do you have to be to not know about QAnon? It started as a joke on 4chan.
h-how do i download these...
Yea i'm in queue hermano
yes please queue
having to care for children is not based, that part is correct
The risk is from working yourselves up over the thought of impregnation and forcing your mate to be a mommy, making you both lose your brains in absolute breed lust, culminating in passionate animalistic breeding as if you're the only ones left to repopulate earth, and only post-coitous do you realize the absolute err and danger of your ways and take measures to prevent that pregnancy from actually happening
All that said I'd be a fucking great father and husband so I wouldn't even be mad if I actually got her pregnant, and I'd remind her every day of how big her belly was growing while she was holding my kids
They're mine. I've been fantasizing about using all the data I stole and posing every thread femlala pregnant like a pin-up calender featuring my male middie in the background of every shot
No, YOU jam it in
>not wanting to raise a fine and upstanding person with the woman you love
>not wanting to keep putting babies in your wife over and over again
Low test.
>the sightseeing log for s9 is now 30 years older than her twin sister
This is so fucked up. Why does nobody care that there is a 30 year gap between the Yyasu villagers and everyone else? It's glossed over so lightly when it's a huge deal.
Queue Novice Full Match on Aether if you want to.
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Wait, QAnon was a 4chan joke?
How do I break it to my aunt that the news source she worships is a prank?
I'm...not putting my woober in my mount.
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She hasn't posed for a while. What happened to her?
Pregnancy is not a "fetish" you pornsick morons.

You have a biological drive to procreate.
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Show her the articles? But she won't believe them, she'll say it's liberal fake news.
CC is a depressed femlala gamemode
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my makeup mod isdead and im ANGRYR
where do you think the "anon" part comes from
it was literally just some namefag shitposting on /pol/ with the name Q
it's... in the name anon...
Oversaturation, and they included her in the final arc. The trial moment was especially bad.
Pregnancy is absolutely a fetish but someone just wanting to cum inside a woman is not a fetish and that's literally the point I've been trying to make
queing on crystal. cba to dc hop
>How sheltered and closed off from the world do you have to be to not know about QAnon?
Ok, and why are you so deathly afraid of a bunch of boomers shitposting on facebook exactly?
Oh my god guys I found out I didn't turn in my Vanguard healing jacket I just fucking MISSED IT SOMEHOW EVEN IF I LOOKED FOREVER?????? I'm such a fucking retard omg
My power went out sorry
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best mod just dropped
Crud. I should have realized she'd resist. She's lived in Florida for over 23 years.
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Uhhhhhhhhh, you're unhinged but honestly I would absolutely respect the effort to go such lengths to make something like that, regardless of if I'd rather not see my character like that potentially.
Because they vote and do domestic terrorism
i hate time gap stuff like this so much. it makes me so sad, idk why it hits me so hard.

Interstellar was hard to watch when he came back and the end and his daughter was old. hate it.
>you can't respond to a silly post with another silly post!!!!!
I fucking hate you guys
You zoomers realize preggos fuck all the time, right?
Forgot to pull out when I meteoplapped a femlala during my last CC game. Oh well. Hope she's a good single mother.
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what do they look like flying
who is this
hhnnNNNNNNNGGGG that's the good stuff
>/xivg/ers unironically believe in the /pol/ boogeyman and think Qanon is the boomer equivalent of ISIS and that Russia helped Trump win by spamming memes online
This is absolutely hilarious.
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Erenville, wanna become my step son?
when you're ascending it does like a dragoon style pose with one straight and the other bent and then the gliding pose is them doing like a ballerina pirouette
your serpent offerings gauge looks like its ov>>487068839
ercapping you better spend some
It's like they really wanted to include that "epic" final moment of the final trial like the last moments of Endsinger but it was completely unnecessary. We didn't need anyone breaking in to help us, we didn't need her to basically solo the last end of the fight, we didn't need that finale music when the base trial music is probably the best track they added in all of Dawntrail.

The finale in Endsinger was okay because it was cheesy as fuck but it referenced a ton of previous expansions and moments in a literal story finale.

The Wuk finale just feels like "we're adding in a heroine moment and playing hyped up music, PLEASE CLAP" and it was cheesy for the worst fucking reasons possible. God I can't believe they sullied one of my favorite trials in the game with that shit
just got the give me space message bros
it is over
pedo behavior
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My old textures exploded as well and won't be back because i'm too retarded to fix them, yoship gives and yoship takes sis
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NO I want my MAKEUP FIXED waTF is a MIERA+ anyways!? Do you have 2 carrots?! what even is the point of two!?
She's not real.
Are you still alive? Activating reserve power.
>and do domestic terrorism
Ok, so can you name any of these "domestic terrorisms" Qanon shitposters have done?
sex sex sex sex sex sex sex
I came to this thread thinking it would be full of right leaning conservatives that engage in debate

I didn't realize this website was just as left as twitter/facebook, people are disingenuous, the hating trans people is just trolling, they actually like them are or are them, 95% of people here wont play MCH because "guns r bad!"
how big
-> >>487069076
Low effort
shota bait
need this blowjob obsessed slut on her knees for me
Someone should make an edit of Gaius' speech to the WoL in the Praetorium, targeted at Wuk Lamat and Koana after they become co-Dawnservants.
i come here to talk about final fantasy bro
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>Are you still alive?
Are you still alive? Disengaging safeties.
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I missed my window for a pointless fate achievement
but it was fun
I would do it again
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Thanks sis! it def was, i love me modernslop so much B)
Where do I find them? Everyone here is too cowardly to RP being pregnant
I hope it's like shep sunglasses where you can choose different fruits for its head.
name and location please
my fetish? big boobs
That means they've already found someone else to fill the time you're away.
Don't worry, you're her, you'll be my wife.
I'm gonna breed you and before you're even confirmed pregnant I'm going to force-feed you a mentos and coke so your belly will grow for hours. It will be uncomfortable but you'll be stunned in a permanent preghypnosis realizing that this is how you're going to feel for 9 months carrying my kids. Completely full with me rubbing your belly and telling you how happy I am that you will be the mother to my children, since I know you'll do so well taking care of them.
I kneel
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Dynamis please queue casual CC @ 12:00 ET
Target area delineated. Commencing erasure.
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Sorry im a little too preoccupied atm
what are you doing?
That's a gross image...
need a sunnie+ or a rava+ like this for my femra
Any cute girls on Light wanna make out?
That is a fantastic image, don't post more or I'm going to go on a hunt for discord kittens here
Same but on Goblin
my catboy is unavailable
...Dying of cringe?
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Anyone want to farm the ex 1 for wings on dynamis
Ahahahahaha, aaahahahahahaha, ahahahahahaaaaa...
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Anyone who's interested in filling out their DT Sightseeing Log tonight, make sure you have both halves of it unlocked beforehand:

Entries 1-28: Elsebee Ironheart in Tuliyollal (X:13.9, Y:10.1)
Entries 29-45: Emeline Ironheart in Solution Nine (X:16.8, Y:13.1)

I've also put together a map showing the route we'll take which I'll share at the start of the meet.

Should be around 1-2 hours long.
DRKs in FL are a cancer
Same but on Malboro
yeah sure im loggin on rn
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Getting my ears tugged in CC and >>487069642
i'm only huffing them if i end up like the zonkpunch queen bee video
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Thank you, that should keep me going for a while.
Guns are bad though?
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Chink C@
>talking about impregnating and pregnant bellies
>nobody would ever confess to me so I could be a pregnant femlala
that's one of the best top pieces in the entire game looks-wise
is it bad fomr to join a fate party below level 90
my wife...
Don't be mean.
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I was going to watch The First Avenger but fishing made me too sleepy so I'm going to bed, good night
Guns fund Israel first and foremost.
I am a malera
who is starting to develop
PTSD from fighting Honey B.
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day 34 of the war on moonies...
I know.. I'm sorry
Who the hell are you and how do you exist on my world?
Also are you going to the sightseeing meetup and do you want to do roulettes after
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gn aether femra
why even do fates? you don't get dick for all that effort
/pet /pet
You literally just have to make an anon post making a move on someone posting about impreg fantasies, see if you're compatible and stick to your guns in meeting them. That's it, and you already failed by choosing to reply to none and wallowing in defeat...
damned, she really that bad?
>Koana yells at the bandits to tell us where his sister is
>I get wet
>The bandit bunny leader gets wet
>the two henchmen get really hard
>"Oh uh s-sorry... it won't happen again..."
Bro was almost the alpha
this but on Light
Anyone know where Maidy is in Solution 9?
Is it really over for me? I can't fix that?
Do biofems really
what would your WoL's course of action be if they knocked up Wuk Lumat?
I'm down bad for someone that's not into me and still not over it
I get xp and I make money selling the bicolor gem junk
adventurer plates
cheevo autism
decent xp if youre a dps
decent gil if youre poor
just imagine him being the dom in bed
Depends on if you like her

If you like her it's fine

If you don't like her, you basically never get a break from her for the entire MSQ to a staggeringly psychotic degree we've never seen before in the history of this game
Neither is Erenville.
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>why even do fates?
>you don't get dick for all that effort
Uhh idk man my jobs and the millions I make daily from bicolor gemstone sales, not to mention all the cosmetic rewards and mount I got from it would disagree entirely with what you said to the very core of your point
Start a cult because that would be an immaculate conception
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Become Honey B Lovely's hypnoslut!
Lose to Honey B Lovely!
Huff pheromones for Honey B Lovely!
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something about a man who can yell and not sound faggy makes them horny, i don't understand it
found that out at a party one time
Thanks for proving my point.
I want an EB with who I can play the game and have fun and that won't try to have a real relationship or e-relationship with me. We RP and do cute and romantic RP occasionally and we both keep it in the game only.
DC? Im a highlander male on aether that wants to face fuck you
You're my wife now, and you're going to be kept pregnant
you're male
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Shale my beloved
Yes.. I gave you another chance to ask but you can only see defeat... absolutely ngmi
Yelling for a good reason is a huge part of it, it's really hot that he's standing up for his sister and putting those bandits in their place, I wouldn't want him to like yell at me or something
cope. next time you make a silly post at least try to be funny and people won't just assume you're being stupid.
You wish.
yeah you get the no life mount after you turn in a crazy amount of them but what else? how long does it take to get all those gems to either sell a mount or sell 15 vouchers for like 2 million
NTA but something about this post annoys me
if you're female then by default guys will try to make it ooc I'm sorry
not you
also HIghlander males are hot
I know :(
>nooooo you can't just-
It was ten years ago at this point nigger shut the fuck up
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for fren
Bro it hits me so hard too, thank you for this post. I felt like I was the only one.
OP, I'd do all of this sans the romantic part desu
Wuk Lamat?
She is, quite literally, Poochie from the Simpsons. For as long as she's been in the MSQ, the amount of scenes she hasn't been in could probably be counted with your fingers. No other character is allowed to have a brain or an opinion around her. The other anon says "If you like her", but I'm convinced even people who like her general character archetype end up exhausted by the end.

Every plot point around her also happens to be terribly written and exceptionally boring and safe, the entire first half of the expansion is like watching an episode of Dora the Explorer where everyone in Tural suffers from communal retardation and have extremely hardcore problems that can be solved with the most basic of logic solving skills but that none of them do because they're waiting for Wuk Lamat to arrive and do it for them. And then when shit actually does get serious she has a wierd tendency to take slightly morally dubious paths that really contradict the fact she's been doing nothing but scream about peace the entire expansion. All of it is crowned by having one of the most shallow and stereotyped representations of a foreign culture this game has ever had and desperately forcing the words "culture" and "diversity" into every conversation. Even though this game has always been introducing diverse cultures in every single expansion anyway.

It's... not good. Not good at all.
I can try my hand at fixing the makeup. It won't be perfect, like the eyelids will be a touch fucky but it's definitely doable.
This is probably the weakest, most impotent post I have ever read. This is more or less screaming that you have no testosterone at all.
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Wuk Lamat should be louder, angrier and have access to a planeswalking artifact
Why is this nobody always in here shilling his jewtube slop? People are playing the fucking game, kill yourself. You will never be asmongold.
>Sage's Focus
No fucking way being a healer is that difficult, I swear that NPC is using no mitigations.
There are people who say they like Wuk even after finishing the MSQ

I just have to wonder if they actually liked her or if they were...instructed that they should like her for reasons beyond the game itself
I also forgot to mention the "waiting for Wuk Lamat to arrive and do it for them" part comes with an asterisk. Because it's really mostly (You) and her other followers (mainly your own friends) that do the vast majority of tasks, while she stands on the side ranting about food and peace and then receiving all the praise once the task is done and she repeats some incredibly basic moral lesson that, again, is worthy of Dora the Explorer.
my femra is wondering why the fuck she's making tacos with rye flour but she'll hand them in for scrips anyways
You're cute and yes I have two carrots. The point is that they're funny! Can I do your makeup?
Healers are more complex the second you get out of pug content (up to extreme) and deal with Savage.
The reason they have so many buttons that arent used anywhere else is because they'll need to manage resources with their Co-Healer and be as efficient as possible in order to deal the most damage as they can, to which the game is designed around needing even a Healers DPS to pass dps checks
My wife
you're probably to beat it all at once like a sperg instead of playing the story a bit at a time like a normal human being.
>but muh FOMO!!!!!1
you are blowing through the best parts of the game so you can afk in the expansion city and question your gender after deliberating over outfits for your character for 3 hours.
>you are blowing through the best parts of the game
He's in Endwalker though. It's more accurate to say he already blew through them. No point in stopping now.
well that's true enough. it really has been all downhill since shadowbringers kino. i liked the third raid fight in the new series though.... the rest were cringe furrytrannyshit.
why the FUCK has my game started crashing all the time recently? anyone else??
Yes, but I don't know your situation. Did you install new mods recently? also there's a new thread, respond to me there >>487081260

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