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Previous: >>486554669
>Game News
Current Rate Up: Calstone Light O (3*)
Rate up on 2 SSR, select cards from a pool of 10 cards
New Scenario Campaign til 7/30
>Doubled training rewards
>New scenario limited missions
>3 factor changes
>10 daily rentals
>TP discount & usage halfed

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby English release confirmed: https://umamusume.com/

>Harvest! Full Stomach! Great Food Festival Guide

CM Dirt will be held in August, Chukyo, 1800m, mile, left, summer
LoH Sprint currently underway in July, Niigata, 1000m, turf, straight, summer, sunny

>IP News
'Umamusume Party Dash' will be released August 30 for Switch, PS4, and Steam
The Nintendo Switch version yields a free rainbow crystal voucher

>Thread Circles
ウマオオオオ (15 million/month), PUMA, ウマぴょいのまにまに (No quota)
You must be E3 (20k points) to join a circle. Post ID in the thread and the leaders can invite you.

>All Guides & Resources
Card Score Spreadsheet:
Support Card Evaluation Doc:

>Seiyuu & Concerts

>/uma/ POG (Paper Owners Game)
Register here: >>479911257
Season 2: https://pog.netkeiba.com/?pid=tool_group&group_id=96596
Season 3: https://pog.netkeiba.com/?pid=tool_group&group_id=102454

>How to buy jims on Android
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Uma police cant catch me
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Hey uma police
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black people
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Why are you doing this in every general
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I want to suffocate under vivlos' butt
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>They're pants
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The lack of anything on the bottom half of her race outfit is so weird to look at. It's so barren. But I can't say I wouldn't want to put my face there after she's doing racing. Imagine the smell.
My exact thoughts, can't wait to get her so I can huff her sweaty crotch after every race.
They make Journey out to be very popular with women in her campaign with her cool demeanor, but I just can't see it working because she's a fucking midget.
it's supposed to be a fencing outfit, I think
her being an umalet despite her personality is the part of her main appeal though
I want hors to wear skirts more in their casual clothes...
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Hey did anyone here try out the AX English demo?

I'm just curious, what did they translate 体力 to? I feel like stamina would make the most sense in this context but スタミナ is of course already used for a different stat.
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Hors is a car???
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thanks kaichou

I guess horses run on batteries
what the fuck is that ugly font
>Hire localizers and call it a day
>don't hire graphic designers for the EN release
>don't hire anyone to consult on UI for the EN release
>we have the text just use whatever font for english lmao
Got more screens of the demo?
Looks like they squeezed the text to fit the UI, it's pretty tacky since you can tell kanji was there before and it fit perfectly for them
It can't be helped.
>squeezed the text to fit the UI
Amateur zoomer localizers. Instead of making the text smaller they should just remove all the vowels from words, that's how things were done in my day.
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Wow this isn't even a translation they're just making stuff up. And it doesn't even read good.
The dash is a legit crapshoot. I don't know if I can even hit plat 3 at this rate.
Could they really not think of anything else?
>playing before the whales are done
this is your mistake
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Gimme your concerns for Uma Global and I'll make sure they're forwarded to the team
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Get better translators
>concerns for Uma Global
Omitting of modes for "western" audiences
Don't release global
my biggest concern is the cancerous westoids that will flock to this general
Wait fuck LoH is here already I haven't trained anyone except for Kingu
Yeah, we've been getting that at the start of these threads for past few times
uma-trainer relationships censorship
The lack of sashis this LoH made Kingu very viable, ironically.
Twin Turbo is big...
Thing is I trained her as senkou because I lack good oikomi cards
never painted my nanoha car but i guess i'll have to pick this up as well
What the guidelines robbed us of is thousands of pictures of throbbing futa umamusume filling up the mare umamusume
Hokkaido babby trafficking
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Auction winners
when will /uma/ buy an uma?
sex now
skirts aren't straight anon
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Its AI
Hello /uma/, i will mourn for you when global releases
same shit as in /bag/ lol
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>Rhein Kraft and Curren-chan destroying everyone
aaaaaaaaaaa Mares!!!
is krafto actually good for this? I have one with S everything
unless it's too late to change your lineup
My Kraft is okay enough to mop umas that are several ranks higher than her. Probably she had Curren Alt and Macchan skill.

Was thinking of training her again (need higher Power), but it seems this is fine for now.
My UE8 Biko is beating UD5 currens so that's nice
mine has curren's skill as well but her power is pretty shit (1206) due to a lack of any good power card
i might as well give it a shot since it's not like i'm not getting past plat 1 anyway
I'm unironically NGMI...
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>average point gain around 500~600 with my newly trained horses
Fuck it's over... I don't know how to train short horses..
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What the fuck did you do
Yeah I'm okay with this. Considering I didn't train anything that seriously.
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I'm less mad with the score I got in this damn mode and moreso that I couldn't take pictures at certain angle casue the race camera is so shit, with it constantly focusing on the wrong characters, wrong angles and what not.

Does every goddamn aspect of this game need to be random?
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is there any way to check the trainer id of someone's grandparent?
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Calstone Light O is super straight and proud.
shucks, I couldn't find it on uma pure
That shit lasted a whole 2 days
what lasted?
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Damn, I actually found it by accident kek
"super straight"
I dont get the reference
some tiktok trend?
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Dumb /pol/ meme
reading from your image, it looks like a counter-meme made by zoomers against trans flags lmao
>being super straight
And miss out on delicious boyfaggots? No thanks.
Based tiktok zoomers
I didnt know about this
its literally not gay if you like boyfaggots (girl) so you're still straight
Most parodies do
I commend you on your good taste in TSFs and models.
so is it a win for trans rights?
fuck gay people we straight as heck here like niigata 1000m
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Will global add more genders?
Nah people realized that it was way easier and less gay to just say "I don't fuck trannies" than call yourself super straight
Sexuality labels and stuff like that is for lgtvfolk, not normal people
alright this is the first "meme" from that cesspool i actually find funny
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If Calstone could only turn right, would that change her name to Calstone Right O?
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A look back on the G1/JPN1 this year. This year's dirt races have been really fun.
>坂口 直大
Who. What.
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So how did your first day go, dacchis?
Not that great, but I didn't try anyway.
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Taking a bath with the ojou, making sure every part of her body is spotless
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Blessed run
I don't know when to use parfaits anymore since everyone is so bloated now.
If I get low mood on my umas vs 3+ high UD teams I use one. If I'm faced with mostly newbies I skip.

Also please don't be dumb, don't use parfaits prior getting to Silver 1 people.
>don't use parfaits prior getting to Silver 1 people
Yeah, who would do that, haha...
I did it 3 LoH ago, but you learn not to do it again after the first time.
I got slaughtered since my short lineup is terrible, especially in a straight only course.
Yeah I did it too like a dumbass, that's why I warn people.
the item that gives you inside gates is more OP here
Don't you just go straight? How is it OP
How so?
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your team is bunched together, triggering 追い比べ ASAP and allowing you to pull ahead instead of sinking back at the start. this is one of the reasons why 3 senkou is the most popular composition.
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God, I crafted this whole thing manually. Took me 1.5 year to complete
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I want to fuck Still-chan so badly... hopefully next event she appears as a support card so I could get 3D model and do all sorts of lovey-dovey, hand-holding date with her...
i wanna fuck mares
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then fuck machitan
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Would fuck Machitan 24/7 till she bares my child.
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Can you handle this much Goldshi?
machitan is so erotic
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My brain and balls would explode
I like yandere characters but I don't like her design
I wanna see her wet herself in those
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I hate Goldship.
I love Gold Ship
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"I am no longer asking for treats"
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>class 6 retention almost at 1.8M
wtf it crept up even more than i thought it would
Expect it to be 2 million when the long focused scenario drops.
Montjeu when
After Meek, Yellow Meek and Brown Meek.
I got the same score as you but probably could've gotten higher, I wanted to keep my Calstone in but she isn't as good as my other girls so I had to replace her with Bamboo

It topped out at like 1.81M last week.
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This isn't very straight at all!
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oh god yeah, i was checking this week's cutoff on like the second day of it
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Need it or keep it
>be shinjin torena
>trying to scout for the first time
>calstone finds (You)
>grabs your ninjin immediately and evaluates your hardon
>she bolts off to the next one
So that's why I wasn't able to get her...
Surprisingly I'm able to retain it now thanks to the short scenario.

Oh really? I met one which was like low UE and she destroyed my UC0 team.
Maybe I just had bad RNG, or maybe you got bad RNG. I don't really wanna risk it though.
>black face
Ok, who tricked her into doing this?
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is it uncommon for a hors to be good at any races in different countries than its main one? we all know the meme of nips never winning L'Arc but it's also interesting that Montjeu proceeded to just get 5th at JC after winning what's supposed to be such a coveted international G1
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I just gt into the series after watching the movie, is there any news on a release out of theaters? Also I was sad to learn that dantsu hasn't been released yet, I really wanted her :(
Uncommon, but in the case of foreign runners, it's also the fact that the invaders usually aren't used to the new track they're running on.
Hors are very sensitive weird dogs, so a change in how firm/humid a track is can really mess them up. It's less of a problem when you're running in the same region though, see Irish-UK-France horses being able to run each other's tracks relatively well.
interesting too that JC went a few years from its inauguration before getting an actual nipland winner
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We love retards here.
We are retards here
All umas are retards
That's why I love them, they won't judge me.
Delicious crotch.
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That shadow on her right leg felt pretty weird so I went over it.
Stop making /v/ threads
imagine posting in /v/
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cute flushie
Remember to feed your Dia or else
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Anyone have more pics with the base of the tail exposed like this? It's highly erotic
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Cheerleaders should be nopan
It didn't help that JP bloodline was generally weaker than the rest of the world until they imported Richijou over.
What about french yellow Meek
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Is this the straightest leg raise ever?
So straight it made my penis straight too
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Machitan sexo!!!
Dantsu is already present as a support card (twice) so you'll have to enjoy those to know bit of her personality.

That artist is hiding the goods as usual.
Wait until Calstone learns about her intestines
Is it out already? The files I mean
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Are those two really sisters?
I hate dirt tracks
So that cinderella gray anime announcement turned out to be a fake after all?
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Team /spin/ or team /straight/?
I think it might be real, Oguri made a CG face in the Janpoke movie so I want to believe it's a sign.
Team Spin2Win member
Why is hors like this?
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Hakusan Moon when? Kanaloa when?
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We know that hors owner get to have a say in their hors' character design, but do they have any say in the hors' personality too?
Imagine approving a retard like Calstone .
What's the uma musume equivalent of helicopter dick?
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Nipple tassels
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it was a leak not an announcement, retard
Where's Suzuka? She walked on water in her swimsuit unique skill
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tell that to Suzuka
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So how did your second day go, dacchis?
Should've waited for the whales to leave on day 1.
I'm extremely lacking in short horses, my mutant suzuka does jack shit
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Still amazed that my Rhein Kraft continue to demolish her way to gold 2
Looking at the top ranking, it seems inheriting Topuro's unique is the way to go. I didn't know, too bad.
anon your Kingu? Your vaccine?
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I saw this
i love these dorks and their looney tunes physics
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In my expectations. I trained another Camp Taiki and Bride Kingu, tho I probably should've just tried to get a better Calstone. Let's see how they'll fare tomorrow.
Dachi all the guide sites were talking about inheriting Curren Bride and Topro skills...
I can see it
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Sapporo Kinen might be upgraded to G1
I'd rather they upgrade stayers stakes instead
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I've really fallen behind on the card meta.
I have 5 rainbow crystals, 12 yellow crystals, and 5 SSR pick tickets. Which card(s) should I spend them on to MLB? Or should I get new cards instead?
>Japan needs a summer grade 1
Does it? I thought summer is when they rest and train the horse.
>I hope the Sapporo Kinen is conducted as an invitational international race.
Sorry, horse brain.
>another 2000m G1
They've been playing around this idea for fucking years. There's been excuses to never implement this from "summer is too hot for hors" to "summer doesn't need a G1" to "summer G1 will divert hors away from the autumn G1s :(" <- most retarded one I've read.
>"summer is too hot for hors"
that's why all the summer races are held in Hokkaido which isn't hot
Summer really has been way too hot for hors and ningen lately. I remember a bunch of hors got heat stroke/exhaustion last year, a few even died in their stall while resting in Hokkaido.
Not enough ratings sadly, all the good horses are sticking to mile-mid route
Ask Victor More died from heatstroke, he was only 4 at the time
Why hors dumb
Hors know uma trafficking is a crime
Hors just want to go home.
he just want to go home
Summer is the worst fucking season. Summer shouldn't exist at all.
If it's too hot, can't they just do the race at night?
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You dummy hors are sleeping at night
>If it's too hot, can't they just do the race at night?
there was a rule in JRA that only allowed them to held race from sunrise to sunset. last year that was gone, chances we might have some in the future
But then no one will come watch, and I assume racing at night is vastly different from racing in the daylight
>But then no one will come watch
anon people have more free time at night
>But then no one will come watch
NAR do night races all the time and the tracks are always packed. Not to mention, the morning/evening crowd usually stay until the final race anyway.
Bro... your Teio-sho?
They should get used to night time races since the big money Middle East G1s are at night.
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Anon, going through all of your cards would be a huge effort, and some other anons may do it, but to keep it simple here are the only cards you should care about. Please tag them with a carrot so you don't have to confuse yourself with a lot of crap.

The green arrows are for the two cards you should MLB and use your rainbow crystals for.
When you make a deck for the new scenario, do that:
Speed: El Pasa,
Power: Flower
Guts: Orfe and Urara
Int: Ramonu (buy spd skills to make her stronger as you go on)
Borrow: Rijichou's friend card
>Ramonu (buy spd skills to make her stronger as you go on)
Thanks for reminding me about this. I keep fucking forgetting to do it even though I've read about it several times. I guess I just haven't made it into a habit yet
god yeah, this was the constant thing i had to keep track of on every run when she was my best int card, really glad that i've now managed to scrounge up enough luck and resources to get a 3lb maku instead after an initial spook from several gachas ago
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Yeah I don't like her for that reason. It's not only about remembering, you sometimes just don't have discounted skills to buy per se. But she's a great card still.
When does the training pass reset? In 3 hours or in 10 hours?
i don't get the balls hanging from ceiling meme....
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Next Legend unlock
Odds: Jiangshi Digitan
Evens: Palmer
0: Bride Maya
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I never realized how much nips hate pinoys until I started following keibafags, the way they talk about them you'd get suspended if you were saying it in english
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Any specific reason or is it the same as the rest of the world?
NTA but it's mostly the same kind of reason against the indigenous Okinawans. They view them as nanbans or southern barbarians.
12,810 for day 2, this is my first time actually doing LoH. Is that enough to be on track to get to platinum?
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World Peace
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I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you I want to have children with you
You mean shot through the heart?
Yeah, and you’re to blame.
nyo, the song from the Holy Diver album
Are they wrong?
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B81 W51 H86
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Big hors
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What did she mean by this?
It's very good for a first time, remains to see if you can keep that pace up though. You'll get plat1 for sure but up to plat4 idk.
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Is INT or GUTS better for short?
I still wonder who/what started the trend of uma-named DJ/remixers
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wtf what is wrong with that tail
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that's how horstails look without hair
Why would someone shave her tail...
Thanks a lot! I'll do just that.
horses have hair around all of their tales not just the top
Winning Live 20 XFD
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How good are og curren, og kingu, or bride kingu for LoH?
My UC Bride Kingu is doing fairly well, she's not the best but it's solid.
Bride Kingu is carrying my scuffed team rn
Alright thanks gonna try and train her to replace my oonige mutant suzuka
I had Maachan before her and she did terribly, I think a lot of nige just suck for this LoH.
I quite like Flash's song.
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calstone is too good
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>Olympic is coming
Will we get another hors kino episode?
Saint Boy did nothing.
15k on the 3rd day should be enough If I only aim for Plat1 right?
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Fat fuck
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guts if you don't want your uma to screw up when fighting for position.
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Taiman da
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Fatty showing off her love handles.
Maybe running niger Calstone with 2 senkou isn't the best idea.
joined a few dozen room matches in preparation for the upcoming chanmi
>debuffers everywhere, 900+ stamina is an absolute must
>blue ruby not owning as much as she did 3 months ago, I don't think its worth the hassle training her
>wonder acute surprisingly really strong
>senkou rickey isn't inferior to nige rickey, both strategies can be good
also I didn't see a single red maru despite everyone on youtube and memewith saying she's S tier for next chanmi
>900+ stamina is an absolute must
It's over for me.
>Meta tierlisters and memewith is not actually accurate
Say it ain't so.
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>also I didn't see a single red maru despite everyone on youtube and memewith saying she's S tier for next chanmi
no no no you misread those guides
her unique inherit is S, not her
As an American, when I look at Copano Rickey, I see nothing but McDonalds.
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you really think I'm that retarded? just search for any chanmi guide on youtube and you'll see her being the recommended nige character alongside rickey
that guide is stupid then
pure accel uniques are always better inherited
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Americans aren't real.
that's right, the only place we exist is rent free inside your head
Let's kill Smart Falcon
Wait...If I'm not real...and umas aren't real...
Then that means I live in the same reality as umas! Score!
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forgot to add most people seem to prioritize guts orfe over guts city which was surprising
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I like these two retards.
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So how did your third day go, dacchis?
Not too well here, hopefully it was an anomaly otherwise I can kiss plat4 goodbye.

Yes, there are 3 days left and plat1 is 20k (plat2 is 23k, plat3 is 26k and plat4 is 30k).
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This guy draws nipples and pussies?
I'm pretty sure you could've posted the entire picture
Anti-LGBT crows is as annoying as LGBT-crowd.
Why can't it all be considered spam and removed?
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Deserved. You just simply don't whip hors.
You would have thought they learn from the outcry last time.
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sex Laisu
15630, not great but I don't have a lit of short options.
What if hors likes to be whipped ?
nta but that's the whole picture so far.
Then hors should speak up.
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Loli kita TToTT
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How can horse do that while gagged?
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Just started the event today, am I fucked
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breeders expectation be damned
Sashi or senkou Acute?
You probably won't get plat
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sex with cafe
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Luv ur bro
not my bro
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photoshop sauce?
also did you edit it yourself?
It's from futaba given the filename, doubt there's a source.
the legendary double tard walk...
Sorry, but swimsuit grandma will be the meta for the next CM. You heard it here first.
Why is this autist projectile shooting like that?
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S3 has been nothing but a mistake
Hors has been nothing but a mistake in general.
Age of the donkey Camel SOON.
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meiner love when
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I became at peace when I realized I will never have enough meta cards to truly be competitive and just started doing whatever I want and still managed to do decent
This is the way to approach any sort of PvP in a gacha game.
I'd be like that too if weren't for the fact that the crapshoot RNG makes this game ten times worse in aspects like inheritance (raising anything past G-C)
I did mine this morning and for some reason I gaslit myself into thinking I only got to like 15k, but I just checked and I'm at 16,980. Pretty good I guess but I got shit on in badly or fucked by RNG in some of my matchups. I guess that's just part of the game.
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Same anon, my ace ended up 6th many times for some fucking reason.
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Wedding King makes me think of the alien from Nope for some reason.
Stop breaking containment
Which board this time?
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>one of the only consistent still in love artists nuked their account
anyone found their alt?
Post one of their works so we know who you're talking about?
Do I need to watch the anime before playing the game?
No all the media is completely unrelated
Nothing is interconnected in any greater narrative, characters just have some of the same relationships in most instances.
So you're saying I don't need to play the game?
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Watch the anime, read the manga, and everything else. If you like it enough you'll find yourself ending up playing the game anyway. It's just that good.
>read the manga
not starting gate, it's shit and outdated
>4 weeks
>10 rentals each day
>Not a single A 短距離 inherit
It's actually amazing how shitty the RNG is. This is mind boggling, I've never encountered this kind before.
Yes, why would you subject yourself to slavery?
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At long last...
2015 fag here, don't watch season 3, thank you.
Kawada back to riding again this week
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They suddenly posted this then deleted it.
when is EN pretty dirby coming out?
>Play Station Quattro
>still no preorders
Who cares
Will /uma/ be playing together?
Party Dash would've sold gorrilion copies if it was a PS5 exclusive...
So that's why I haven't seen him in the racing program. At least it's nothing serious if it only takes half a month.
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No thanks
Nips are gluttons who would not be satisfied with the riches of heaven
sixty dorra for roya praya
That's stupidly expensive, $15 should be the cap for this type of game
There's still a chance they're just milking consolefags(which is based) and it will be 20 bucks on steam.
I think in this economy, it's a given that his game is at least above $30.
Not even trying to justify it's price nor am I saying that I'd prefer to pay more mind you.
Piracy is free
Does it have enough game modes to justify the $30?
Yes but it's cykajew that is at the helm
>obstacle race
>eating contest
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I don't know how to do that.
I already expected a bit of a price hike since it's a big corporation's big franchise, but they actually priced their smaller scale Little Noah game pretty appropriately so I held out some hope. This amount of milking though...
>pirating a multiplayer game
Unless the game is not protected whatsoever the best you'll get is some dead servers on Ryujinx.
Nigga, you can't pirate a party game
like most other steam games

wtf? for a pixel game? Unless we get to see a VN-tier conversation that price tag is questionable.
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Doesn't excuse jewish prices
>Unless we get to see a VN-tier conversation that price tag is questionable.
It has to otherwise why call it Still in love's game
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This series has so many cuties.
How do you put a story in a party game
Why call someone a protagonist in a party game if it doesn't have a story ?
>EDF6 requires Epig account to play online
So is Party Dash going to require Epig account to play with other umaddachis or can I save myself 60 bucks?
It’s on steam so you don’t need to give fortnite man money.
So is EDF6 but Epic service requirement still came out of nowhere.
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daring sexo...
Fortnite/Uma collab when?
Even if it has cosplay, it probably won't be on Epics shitty servers.
>EDF6 requires Epig account to play online
You're kidding, right? Do I really have to choose between >Ep*c and incompetent swedes for my bug shooting fix?
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>You're kidding, right?
I wish I was
Well fuck me.
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>Got 5* Licky
Life's good.
Can't say the same about my short line up though.
Hors dumb.
is this from img?
Straightest girl
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Back to helldiving, I guess.
Shah is going Sapporo>US again
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This reminds me, I really need to build a mini stable and field for all my horse plushies.
if only I knew how to use koikatsu
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Just one more g1 win... and he can finally follow his gang....
To do what? You have tutorials over at /h/.
Nice gacha balancing KEK
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O'Brien be playing Chanmi by bringing 1 Ace and 2 debuffer on a 9 horse field
>Mario Party DS
>Itadaki Street
>Dokapon Kingdom
Just to name a few
tfw got nostalgia-baited by Dokapon Kingdom Connect only to realize I have no friends to play with and the in-game rooms are practically dead
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I sure hope my Manhattan Cafe post gets a multi-word reply.
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honestly I was hoping he'd try for JC again so that EST can win the Grand Slam
When are we getting dantsu
After Big Samson
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It's a question how next month new umas will appear... Unless devs decided to be a dick.

God if Vista appeared instead
ook eek
Come on! Get your win and join your friends.
So why didn't they release Party Dash for the PS5?
Because PS5 has no games
After Summer Umas will be Still
It’s completely backwards compatible and it’s not like there could be any possible graphical differences between the two, so why spend the money to release it an additional time?
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fellow marechad

Once Melody Lane is added I will complete my cunny mare exodia
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Certainly the artist would draw the kamui transformations
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Send love to your local Mejiros
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So how did your fourth day go, dacchis? Plat4 will be tight here.

Good taste.
I'm still sandbagging
>High UD/UC team using the meta skills completely loses to UFs and low UEs twice in a row
Damn this bullshit is just like real horse betting!
It doesn't help that the track is so short. This wouldn't happen as much on mid/long.
switching my mutant suzuka into bride halo really pumped my average score from 600 to 800, I should've put a little more effort early before the event
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So that's what it looks like.
I wonder if there's a limit to this.
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Draph Musume
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We need more Draph umas
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After Cucumber.
So nyever.
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haha surely they wouldn't introduce umas in a main story chapter and nyever ever release them right?...h-haha....
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Plat 4? What's that?
What is this "Plat" thing you speak of? Never heard of it.
Musume: Pretty
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>signboard of Amazon holding a goal sign
Not gonna lie, I kinda want one of those now.
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Shame we didn't get a summer walk event this year
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stam or guts, bros? I have the chukyo green skill but I'm not sure if I will have enough stamina if I click guts
I'd say guts
Rodin doesn't need debuffers, he's a pro.
Just one more G1 and he'll do the rest of the 21st proud.
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I'm not making an x account, muskrat
It feels weird that artist is being quiet for too long.
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with boys
That's not a boy
short hair does not intrinsically make you a boyfaggot
>short hair = boy
That's a cat
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That went too well.

Getting any higher will be a miracle.
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Look at those THIGHS
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What's going on here, is her ass missing?
short shorts but not too short
Her shorts are orange, you shouldnt be seeing red above that strap
They probably changed the color for the figure?
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It’soverbros, report in.
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Finally got this cute dork.
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My best GRR run so far. Sacrificed Wisdom for Guts. Wish her stamina would be a little higher.
Kek. Anyways, why's Bakushin-O in her story scenario? Are they rivals? Don't think they're related by blood or have familial connection.
>horse looks familiar but bubblegum isn't
>it's actually the name of Taiki Shuttle's outfit
share the same level of braincells...
Retards beget more retards
Something about winning the same short tracks? Or just very speedy dogs
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weird question but will this game run in a Motorola e22 64gb?
It can run it but good luck having storage space. The game already eats up 30GB+
I've been using a 256GB iPhone 6S to play for the past 2 years and I think the phone's age is finally catching up with itself unfortunately. I'll need to get a new phone after 10th gen with the same amount of space.
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>itoddler itt
I've no respect for sataniaposters
Raphi's fat juicy tits were better
I will not use the huawei
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Yeah, I might be cooked. Maybe if I relied on the team I had already rather than trying to minmax each run while also having variables for the desired skills/aptitudes, I could've been in a better spot. Turns out runners need stamina, even in short
who is the person that made that ver
Why isn't hors racing an Olympic sport?
I think it was one point, or was it hurdles?
Folks lost their minds for a woman whipping her horse and you expect them to watch a whole event of it ?
I would like it to be part of the Olympics tho, more love for hors
For the same reason there's barely any black jockeys anymore
Equestrian already makes faggots mad and you want horse racing?
Pretty malicious to tag the artist he AI'd from
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go to Tomakomai
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At least you aren't one of the niggas that just got to platinum today
Is tomorrow the final day or should I blow up all my tickets today?
I am actually. I spaced out the entries and did 5 each day, whereas today I used all 10 and jumped straight to Plat 2
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Hors is in France now
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Y’all really dropped the fat fuck for another fat fuck, huh?
This new fat fuck is a bit more athletic and doesn't mind swimming
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sex with Rhein Kraft

let's face it, Mirako maybe sex. But Dantsu is far more enjoyable as both companion and more willingly to train and like.
I'd rather a pig than a sloth.
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I love Stars' design.
I'm still all in on Mirako.
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girly bro
Shin Emperor ?
I'm cumming in kurachan as i post this..
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Hope your gene great dachi, since Crown's wasn't
anyone here been noticing that more japanese artists are increasingly become anti-AI?
I mean AI is stealing their job by stealing their art.
no and I don't care
Most of them are neutral and indifferent until some faggot posts an AI art using their style and claims it was their 'hidden' works
anyone would be mad if some retard make AIgen art and claim it as their on.

Then attempt to sell it.
and yet retards try to downplay it by saying that only western "left-leaning" artists are against it
i'm not anti-ai (you know why) but selling/paywalling AI slop using a specific artist's style is just downright jewish
and now some pro-AI japs are starting to turn on anti-AI jap artists and call them "anti-japan lefties" lmao
Cute Suzuka
The inability of some people to not act like complete faggots is truly amazing.
Like I’ll generate some of my own AI hors porn somewhat frequently but I don’t go around plastering it everywhere or trying to sell it.
Admit it are (YOU) here?
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I will never go outside!
better post it in private
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Something’s wrong with Suzuka…
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>racing is a dying sport with an aging fanbase the world over anyway.
>“It’s much more modern and nicer than I thought it would be,” says 24-year-old Wei-ting, who is at the races with her boyfriend Kaiser. “Because racing is associated with the older generation here, I thought it would be more run down. But it is clean and modern.”
I thought the same thing before I went to my first race track. They really need to find a way to get rid of or lessen that image. Also
>with her boyfriend Kaiser.
What sort of chuuni country is this.
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>Out front of the grandstand, 21-year-old Harrie has a Silence Suzuka tote bag slung on his shoulder and is holding a JRA ‘plushie’ of Air Messiah. He is watching the races with his friend Grey.
>“Air Messiah is in the game Uma Musume: Pretty Derby,” Harrie explains, referring to the cult anime series and highly detailed mobile phone game that features anthropomorphised versions of real life horses like Silence Suzuka and Air Messiah and has netted more than US$1billion in revenue for its creators CyGames.
>“I played Uma Musume for two years before I thought, ‘Hey, maybe I should go and watch real horse racing’,” Harrie says. “And then out of nowhere I saw in June last year that horse racing would be closed in Singapore in 2024 and I thought ‘What?! Why, why?’ Just when I got into racing and tried to educate myself, they decided to do this. I was a bit disappointed.”
>Harrie can drop some pedigree knowledge, too. “Later today, there is a runner in the Derby, Jungle Cruise, who is by Jungle Pocket, who is in Umu Musume. Air Messiah was one of his ‘wives’, she had a foal by Jungle Pocket called Air Muscat.”
Which one of you motherfucker is this?
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>tomorrow is pakatube
so what are your anticipations anons? will one of the umas that hadn't yet playable appear as a support card?
is this game playable without spending money
I forgot Air Messiah already in the game
Hey managers, do you guys still want a team logo for >our football team?
Summer Bro
Just change the horseshoe into a ball
not talking about alts.
Well this is depressing.
The amount you have to spend is directly proportional to how hardcore you want to be for PvP events.
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Yes, I've been playing the game for free since I started 3 years ago and have been playing everyday since I started. If you just want to train your uma casually, and join the pvp from time to time, you absolutely can. Just keep your expectation in check.
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>hors taking off the ear socks
This is a blue board umadachi.
where is the rest anon?
Thought this was Sweepy
Grandma SEX in the beach in less than 24 hours.
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So how did your fifth day go, dacchis? You WILL get plat4, right?
Today was the first time ever I lost all 5 races, this shit didn't happen even when all I had were UGs and high SSs against UFs and UEs
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Okay which of you fag made this thread?
It's so over.
That's me.
>required a dmm account
none of us are this stupid
I'm pretty sure a Japanese person typed this, this reads like JP to ENG translation. The nickname gives it away too: no one would type し as "si" in the West.
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RIP. I think senkou is just too strong this time around.
I highly doubt a nip will type "Yakuza laws and ethical standards" unironically.
He clarified that he wants DMM and Japan sim verification
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Funny you say that, my team there is full senkou. I'm still proud of it though since I trained Calstone on D-Day of LOH and managed to train a decent one.
>had a great pace all LoH
>barely get any wins today and my Plat4 now requires a 950+ pt wins to pull off
It's over
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Is this Ramonu approved?
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nice clown award farmer to me.
it's 100% a western person. nips won't understand why most people don't want a global version
it's probably a chink
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I can't even tell that's ai or not
a lot of times with uma AI trash you can tell by the ear decoration since the AI trash will especially render that part all blobby/melty, while here I can see hand-drawn intention at least for that part, and for this pic i don't think AI slop could render the pixel cat design without also making it an incomprehensible blobby melty mess
yeah because artists are not allowed to make an oopsie now
Can't they manually draw the pixel cat after generating the picture with a white t shirt?
hard to judge when something is AI assisted if the AI slop parts are actually drawn over properly, but then again it's also hard to imagine that the type to use AI would even have the slightest ability to do something like that when gen AI is the plaything of those who can't/won't make anything of their own. in this case the artist would need to have an understanding of the change of shape of the pixel cat design over hishimi's hishimis which 99.9999% of AI sloppers would not know how to do by hand or even via art software transformation tools
Not really. I'm seeing a lot of accounts that says they use AI + Photoshop / 加筆修正 so it's definitely something they could do and are doing. The pixel cat being relatively simple color blocks is an easy way to add "human touch".
fug that does remind me that i also have fallen for a couple decently cropped/disguised AI slop pics despite trying to keep an eye out, i guess i see a ton more of the untouched AI slop compared to the edited stuff
>Yakuza laws
I was not aware that they were an official legislative administration.
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this guy is really good
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post the rest already
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>tfw still semi-dekinai and have a backlog of uma training stories i wanna see for the first time but keep putting off because of the time and mental effort needed for each one
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Just support him.
You'll only get better through experiences. Gotta read.
yeah, the first couple years of this did a lot for my reading ability but it just gets so tiring sometimes...i've honestly done speed-reads for some umas who i wanted to train but hadn't seen the story for yet (though the ability to even do that without missing more than 90% of it was thanks to the reading I'd done before)
Just drop the game and join the seapags when Global releases in 2030.
this was a fantastic motivator to commit harder to reading the moonrunes lest i suffer that, thanks
>first couple years
>still dekinai
just being facetious/self-derogatory, i can decently read any new uma fanart short comics that i see come up but there's still often at least one word/kanji in them that i don't recognize or remember, i almost always need to do some kind of dictionary lookup when i'm trying to more fully comprehend some text rather than just getting the general idea of it
Yeah keeping interest high is primordial to get better since checking words is still something you'll be doing for a while. If you're not highly motivated by uma I'd recommend branching to a VN that piques your interest.
nah uma is still definitely the best way i could practice in terms of a thing i would want to read moonrunes be damned, hell uma is the only VN-format thing i could even find myself giving a damn about at all. right now i'm just at a more general lull of laziness with doing any kind of lengthy reading
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/vg/ plays against /jp/ right now, and looks like Shonbori will be playing again! Go support her and the team.


And if someone cares, we got a prize for Upset of the tournament(for that hgg2d game), and we're runner ups in 5 more categories. Too bag /gfg/ had to stop being shitters in the same league we did.
Holy shit, I just tuned in and her pass led to a goal. Fuking based.
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She doesn't get enough art, it's criminal.
this artist manages to capture both Kawakami's bodacious sexiness and adorable preciousness that makes me want to protect her (even though she could snap me in half)
someone will leak it in a day
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Guys I'm in trouble... I have a little sister named Karen and the Horse I like acts like a little sister and is also called Karen... This is one huge coincidence...
Do this
I thought it was illegal to draw porn of horses in JP?
It's legal for karen only
But the link you showed me shows 4other horse girls if you scroll down.
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does anyone know where to get the revised kodansha kanji dictionary that isn't just paperback? i got my hands on a nice physical copy but it's the old first edition missing some not uncommon kanji. don't really wanna bother with a PDF since scrolling around one is a pain
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There is a 4th hole.
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I hope Grandma gets a swimsuit
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What was the deal with the insane writer crackship between Chev and Kita in S3? Out of the entire thing that was the most bizarre and jarring part. Came out of absolutely nowhere after Chev was seething like an incel the entire show.
They attempted the same shit with Teio and Mcqueen, and Kita and Nature. It's mental illness
anime writers, directors and animators are all yuriniggers
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you forget kaichou and oguri
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Anime adaptations are aimed at shippers. Always.
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Clown could really use a skintight chinese dress alt, if I'm being honest.
the girl otaku i am following has sent pictures of her cuddling her giant kita... it needs to be me instead
I don’t think anyone wants pictures of you cuddling the giant Kita umadachi…
I'm happy Kaicho is doing something.
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I hate New Generation Musume. Bring Ass Wonder back into the spotlight.
Grass will have her 2nd alt eventually.
she'll have more exposure once they implement air jihad
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Look at how tight that swimsuit is hugging her belly and cunny...
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It's annoying when you get a hero bonus skill (something like voltage hero) and then the game just proceeds to give you give you some of the worst batch of matches in that turn. Why even bother matching me with people where the skill will be least effective?
Dude today I got my bonus skill then got matched up against a full lineup of high UC whale death squads, and I only got like 600 points. It's the reason I can't get plat 4 anymore.
I started less than two months ago and got to platinum 1, is that good?
Good job anon
You're better than me when I did my first LoH
It's a short sprint track and this game is random as fuck, look at this
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Kawakami is like quality over quantity in terms of fanarts. Although that artist is really likes her [SPOILER]won't be surprised if he had lewds of her [/SPOILER]

luck issue, either you get a big win or gitgud.
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>All caps spoilers
When's the pakalive?
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Why do horse first year JCs look like this?
In 7 hours
>juice + inside gate
>goes raw because fuck it
dumb horses
Stream expectations?
Ideal: Summer Tarumae
Reality: Summer Copa
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German summer
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Queen Succubi
summer cb
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It can but only if you don't do the extra data downloads, don't bother with lives, read all stories only with voice off and skip all races. That should leave the game at around 20gb and allow you to play the game for at least a couple of years
Some apps let you move them to an external memory, Can you do that with Uma? I do that with most of my apps
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No idea how Android behaves now (currently an itoddler), but I remember there was a time when they just removed the option to move shit to SD and manufacturers had to make some hackjobs to reimplement the option. Depending on the app, sometimes it wouldn't even move the actual data, just the app itself
Rickey and CB swimsuits
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I'm satisfied with this. Even won all the races at the end with the hero skill, so it kinda ended with a bang.
I'm going to make a crown tulpa
If I want to statpad the fuck out of a high ranked uma what's the best way to get a bunch of sp and good stats at the same time? In my best runs, I've only ever gotten to like 4k.
thanks. I though it was drawn by the Daring simp artist he is being awfully quiet nowdays.
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It's a dirt CM, so I can see both. But CB is also possible since the MC got the alt nod the last 2-3 months.
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EN release date.
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>he’s still trying
>falko alt 3
don't care who gets the summer alt, I just want them to be an anti blue ruby unit. as it is now next cm is looking giga boring with debuffers and blue ruby everywhere
>Satonofags have to stoop this low
God y'all are some pathetic niggas
man is that guy really retarded for attention?
I want to be with my wife forever
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