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08/21/20New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/
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Previous: >>486862038

>What... is this?
Put simply, a simulation of Pro Evolution Soccer being competed between teams which are embodiments of boards of the 4chan imageboard. The players represent facets of each board's culture. All of the matches are AI versus AI. However, humans "manage" each team, creating their tactics and giving input during games as they happen to make substitutions and tactical changes as they see fit.

>Where can I watch the cup?

>Current Cup

>Upcoming Invitationals



>Other videos

>PES Info

>Friday's matches
/co/ - /vrpg/
/wg/ - /u/
/wsg/ - /t/
/jp/ - /vg/
/sci/ - /toy/
/sp/ - /x/
/f/ - /trv/
/mlp/ - /c/
/vg/ league wishes they could rig two entire days
Imagine making a blunder bigger than VGL 22 not even a month after.
but they've been rigging the auties for two entire weeks
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yay!!! i won my game today!! :3
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Congrats bro!
I was promised takes, where are they?
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Tysm!!! <3333
take this
Me too!
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4ccg questions next saturday, No guarantee of Boris because PES16 the exhausting. Sou will likely be their and *potentially* the rest of admin
fucking hell
>No webms of Group A
Bro fell asleep?
Boris Biden
Sou already explained /vrpg/'s "poi" and what was rigged there's nothing else that needs to be asked
do you want to have sex with me? :3
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>That anon didn't post any cunny
I was lied to.
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Group A result matrix

Autism Table Generator v1.2.2 "oops" (Libre/OpenOffice only, adjust macro settings):

fixed head-to-head calculations for team 4 in the result table (matrices unaffected)
updated team list
maybe more minor modifications
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Group B result matrix
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Group C result matrix
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Group D result matrix
>Playoffs in every group
Wow. Can't wait for none of them to happen.
alright seriously why are VGL auties taking so long
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>Forcing Boris to go through PES 16 playoffs
fucking imagine the shit sandwich that would be knockouts consisting of /akg/ /lcg/ /bag/ and whatever other teams they suck off and rig for
Could this be Boris's "NEXT IMPORTANT MATCH BEEBS"?
Why do you love Beebs so much do you just want to play with his pee-pee or something?
uhh yes??
Beebs is based. Funny streamer
You don't?
I just want to know why the utter fuck did the pregame for /vt/ - /i/ take longer than the actual game? That was mediocre """hyp""" at most
i like balls
/vt/umour autism
this is why they should be banned just like /trash/ is
/i/ lobbies against the ban, citing all the free points they get from playing /vt/
You can ask admin then
To fucking think that one of the mega markets has /i/ of all teams as their White Whale
I'm sure this was a request for autism
This doesn't include halftime talking, and only includes the /his/ halftime because that's the only one I remember.
Main hype and intro music: 8 minutes, 13 seconds
From end of main hype to start of /vt/'s hype: 16 minutes, 56 seconds
/vt/'s hype: 1 minute, 21 seconds
From end of /vt/'s hype to Boris pressing kick-off: 2 minutes, 4 seconds
From end of /i/-/vt/ to the victory anthem: 3 minutes, 50 seconds
From end of victory anthem to Boris pressing kick-off for /y/-/r9k/: 5 minutes, 56 seconds
From end of /y/-/r9k/ to the victory anthem: 3 minutes, 55 seconds
From end of victory anthem to Boris pressing kick-off for /int/-/aco/: 3 minutes, 3 seconds
From end of /int/-/aco/ to the victory anthem: 3 minutes, 10 seconds
From end of victory anthem to Boris pressing kick-off for /vp/-/tv/: 5 minutes, 32 seconds
From end of /vp/-/tv/ to the victory anthem: 5 minutes, 12 seconds
From end of victory anthem to Boris pressing kick-off for /mu/-/d/: 9 minutes, 54 seconds
From end of /mu/-/d/ to the victory anthem: 3 minutes, 28 seconds
From end of victory anthem to Boris pressing kick-off for /tg/-/v/: 7 minutes, 20 seconds
From end of /tg/-/v/ to the victory anthem: 5 minutes, 30 seconds
From end of victory anthem to start of /pw/-/a/: 8 minutes, 43 seconds
From end of /pw/-/a/ to the victory anthem: 5 minutes
From end of the victory anthem to the start of /m/'s hype: 8 minutes
/m/'s hype: 1 minute, 15 seconds
From end of /m/'s hype to Boris pressing kick-off: 15 seconds
/his/'s halftime hype: 3 minutes, 52 seconds
From end of /his/-/m/ to the outro: 6 minutes, 39 seconds
Outro: 2 minutes, 40 seconds
Total vod length: 7 hours, 5 minutes, 53 seconds
Total time of hypes, intro, outro: 17 minutes, 21 seconds
Total time of Boris talking without a game on: 1 hour, 44 minutes, 27 seconds
Total time of matches: 5 hours, 4 minutes, 11 seconds
I maintain the position that it is not tactical autism and first match pregame changes that's the time wasting problem, it's the streamer and commentators talking about pointless shit in the match setup and post match. Commentators shouldn't be coming into the booth until the streamer is ready to hit kickoff.
Webms bro... Group A goals doko.
Commentators shouldn't be coming into the booth until the streamer is ready to hit kickoff is a better time saving solution than day 1 nightlies is what I meant.
rematches page back up
>vst vrpg has happened 4 times
>neither vst nor vrpg have met vm once
Honestly quite incredible
/vt/ isn't a particularly good team or anything, they've lost to plenty of teams. /i/ being one of them is just coincidence
white whales and derbies are good for business and keep people interested
Commentators are good to have in pre-game to just say anything and keep a conversation going while the streamer rigs. The problem becomes streamers getting too into the conversation themselves or not knowing how to tell the commentators to shut up we're kicking off
I remember this happened during the /pw/ - /a/ game as well, Crimson and Harry just got into a full length conversation about the next wrassling event's card or whatever and it took Boris several attempts to be forceful enough to interrupt them
This game really needed an /a/ homer to go with either of them. Someone that wasn't Blinky at least since he was on game 1
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More like this
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enough of these little girls, post erotic pictures of little boys for me!!!
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There's nothing quite as erotic as looking down the shirt of a modestly chested girl
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stop posting hags
Easy solution, remove commentators
Cumming into the post below me
gib moar :3
Or a more realistic solution but just as easy: only let commentators in at kickoff, throw them out when the final whistle blows.
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>sorry lol [auties are] up
>closes on like Sunday
Two Sundays have now passed.
with shrimp or with rice
denko has a severe gambling addiction and has probably ruined his life on sports betting so don't expect them any time soon
The poll shall remain open until /bag/ wins
But denko and everyone else hates /bag/? Why would they rig auties for them?
Would anybody happen to have a higher res version of this?
It's a memevitational who cares
Is there a full map of Rigterra somewhere?
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There's this
That's already an ai upscale by the looks of it
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Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
Kitaniggers are the worst bocchi fans, prove me wrong
I literally can't
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Sauce please
Shame that there's not more to it, could you imagine how the borders and countries would look like?
>/vt/ is just an island in between valkans and the anime states
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Marriage Party for Little Ladies
/vt/ exists on a peninsula near the /jp/ isles, near what was once the kingdom of /soc/
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What happened to that girl's eye?
i busted on it one too many times
i came in it a bit too hard
Victim of domestic violence after her board lost
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How to make a 12 years old excited?
The only teams which had the same result from day 1 to day 3 were /m/ (2 draws), /int/ (2 wins), and /tv/ (2 draws). The other 13 had a different result between days. Something to keep in mind when trying to predict Friday.
>Is this just a PES16 thing?
In Winter 19, 14 of 32 teams had the same result from their first to second game. In Winter 24, 15 of 32 teams had the same result from their first to second game. If you're doing math we're currently on track for 6 of 32.
idk ask captain spammer
Ask some female teachers.
>Crimson's comfy videos are age restricted
I hate having to take an extra step to watch a video.
Retarded zoomer mobile posting faggot.
Ask Dan Schneider
Now say that again without throwing out your back.
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So this is the Brock Lesnar of vtubers, huh
what is the target audience here even?
Anyone have the duet mash-up of this from a few years back?
I want to rape correct this bratty shark so badly....
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Waking up
With a fever
Guys I think Sou is in my walls
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Exhale demons in my mind
I try to fight it but I'm out of time
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That doesn't look like a boy.
Shiddy after watching the /vg/ game on Saturday.
Poor Shiddy. He was this close to playing in Autumn.
How many teams playing in Summer have not won a star?
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The streamer has final say over what goes on the stream. If Boris lets commentators go on with their convo and that delays the match, that's on Boris. I do agree, though, that Boris is way too lenient with letting dead air sit.
>shouldn't be coming into the booth until ... hit kickoff
As a former cup streamer, I disagree entirely. The commentator back and forth about the match is a great source of audio filler while one focuses on the instructions from the managers. It's all about balance, knowing when to let the lads be silly and when to reign it in. I think Boris is still great at doing what he does, but he's definitely missing that "excitement" you get from Sou and QD. Those two you can tell adore the event and are pleased as punch to be in the hotseat. Thinking on Boris's general lethargy, I think that his total apathy towards the cup might be the cause of his slow days.
>won a babby but never an elite:
/co/, /d/, /i/, /sci/, /toy/, /jp/, /r9k/, /tv/

>still haven't won a cup:
/aco/, /f/, /int/, /t/, /vrpg/, /vt/, /wsg/, /c/, /his/, /vp/, /x/, /y/
>As a former cup streamer
opinion discarded
hello paval
He's grieving right now
That nigga sounds like he's on tranquilizers half the time.
yeah cause he's stuck streaming babbies which serve zero purpose. he gets excited for the vgl.
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i like cup
Holy soul
*rapes you
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Beebs no.
now that's a real starting time
for SEAfags, maybe
Based. Fuck yuros and specially fuck sea niggers.
You monster. My innocence. Egads.
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Try again

What happened? Is he okay?

I think QD knows exactly when to get excited. I'd wager that people hear him react to jokes with a, "Well okay whatever" sort of apathetic approach and think he's a shmucko, when he's such a god damned bundle of joy.
>What happened?
Dusty and Joe are no longer with us
KYS Andy
Oh shit. Fuck me dude. That really sucks. That's awful actually.
>/vg/ still doesn't know what their stadium is and they play in 3 days
Just force them to play in Dyeep Spyace Nyine, even Boris loves the thing after it destroyed his mind last Winter.
/xgg/ was promised stadium staff, just remove the staff part.
No, they don't deserve a thing since they're a non-general
There wasn't any good new stadium anyway, just use deep space nyine again everyone loves that one.
/omg/ stadium was good AND additionally comes with a sick ball
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>They end up kotifying the /xgg/ roster
If it was the most voted that would be good. But it's probably /bag/'s shitty ass blinding one.
Nyow Nyt's Ryne Tyme.
I want /pmmm/ to win Divegrass or RODWING at least once! Even if they couldn't do it in Magireco, they definitely did in Exedra...
How does he do it? He keeps posting these bangers out of nowhere
Too bad he isn't posting the auties
kyot has already breached VGL containment and infected /m/, it's only a matter of time until cyomplete glyobal syaturatyion
im gonna complete a bullet to your head
idyeas are byulletproof
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We'll see about that
I want that cat REMOVED
I want that cat OBLITERATED!
nyo, I dyon't thyink so
We call cunny thingummy now.
Kot and Shiddy became bigger than their teams.
Enough cum inside and on yui hirasawa to cure her of autism
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We actually do know because stadium won by a landslide. However my contract states I can't say anything about it until the auties results get announced properly
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More like this, less of the above
it's either /uma/ or /bag/
prove it
I'm not allowed to
Hm. The only other remarkable one I can remember is /omg/ with the ice rink and puckball.
Which would be stupid, because the puck won't even work in 16 because it's a piece of shit game
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I don't think people voting care about PES mechanics.
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Tell us now which stadium won
but we were talking about the stadium and not the ball seethe/b/ro
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>ice rink stage without a hockey puck
so yes, if you voted for this option, you're retarded
I think it will still work. There is a UVscroll component on the puck that won't work anymore but in terms of the weighting of the ball and how it moves around like a puck, that should still be possible (I think)
yeah, it will now look like a scuffed jpg being kicked around
The UVScroll part wasn't even noticeable aside from extreme close-ups so it's not that huge a loss.
99% of matches are on a football stadium without a football
>/omg/ cocksuckers
Never thought I would live to see the day.
ball was unique, stadium easy on the eyes.
Where have you been?
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That /omg/ ball makes the game look slower. But it's cool, I don't remember the stadium.
Erotic belly
>tipping results (on tuesday because vacation)

Wiki: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/2024_4chan_Summer_Cup_Tipping_Competition#Tips
Where is the rigshop guy?
Lynched by angry kotposters
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Rigtor fucked off for good
Rigshop closed because kwabentale did as you'd expect and kwabbed out after getting mindbroken by going out in fetuses
New one probably got spooked by how much work it is and bailed out after one day
Mr Beast didn't kill himself.
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>put 4-4 every match
Do PES16icans really?
Mr. Beast is friends with a pedo tranny that likes >shadman art
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>Rigtor fucked off for good
That's what he wants you to believe
spankbros it was over before it even began
why is Z1 so popular all of a sudden?
One of those 3 things is worse than the others.
trannies are bad, yes
He's a cute boy
Rigtor is gone and is never coming back.
...until the next /ag/lel
This is a boat slut general.
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tans suck
faggot detected
nigger lover detected
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yeah that's right
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She's now a 4cc player. Which has nothing to do with it.
oh my
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10 words or less?
Yeah, no thank you, I prefer to remain in ignorance.
Almost every popular "content creator" is owned by the same talent agency

I assume that means one or more of them is a pedophile, but I don't care
yeah its the same thing as there being very few agents in the football world, and in hollywood, etc
somebody got ahead of the game in social media and now just has the power to offer people better contracts. so of course they all have the same agent. whenever somebody starts getting popular they are immediately contacted by these guys to represent them.
back in the day this was the company you needed to get aligned with if you wanted good ad money from youtube. almost everybody else at the time would struggle with getting partnered and monetized properly.
it's incredibly easy to be conspiratorial when you're ignorant, i guess, willingly or not, but like this is how the entertainment industry works. it's not anything new and obviously they do force some people through their pipeline, a lot of them are just people who got famous and then wanted or needed a manager to deal with the rest of the shit that comes with the industry.
>talent agency
>3d, western
eww ewww the jews eww
>talent agency
>vtuber, japanese
wtf based based wtf my vtubers
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Team of the Tournament - /akg/ (20)
>Runner Up - /bag/ (18)

Most Exciting Team - /bag/ (19)
>Runner Up - /lcg/ (12)

Least Exciting Team - /ink/ (11)
>Runner Up - /hgg2d/ (10)

Surprise of the Tournament - /bag/ (21)
>Runner Up - /mmg/ (13)

Most Improved - /bag/ (24)
>Runner Up - /lcg/ (19)

Least Improved - /fgoalter/ (15)
>Runner Up(s) - /gbpen/, /gig/, /hgg2d/ (6)

At Least You Tried - /alg/, /bag/ (9)
>Runner Up - /lcg/ (8)

Best Player Model - Platato, /akg/ (6)
>Runner Up - Snek, /mjg/ (5)

Best General Aesthetics - /bag/ (15)
>Runner Up(s) - /lcg/, /ggg/ (9)

Best Anthem - /akg/ The Golden Age Will Return Again, /ggg/ Sky Should be High (11)
>Runner Up - /mmg/ Electrical Communication (7)

Best Goalhorns - /bag/ (Kaiten Screw!, Out of Control, Perorozilla, Burning Love, etc) (10)
>Runner Up - /ggg/ (Smell of the Game, Ride the Fire!, Find Your One Way, Love the Subhuman Self) (9)

Best Stadium - The Underground /utg/ (10)
>Runner Up - Essex Island /alg/ (9)

Pulitzer Prize - Pic related (13)
>Runner Up(s) - Option 5, Option 13 (9)

Match of the Tournament - /feg/ vs /mjg/ Quarterfinal (18)
>Runner Up(s) - /hgg2d/ vs /mmg/, /akg/ vs /feg/ (14)

Biggest Upset of the Tournament - /mmg/ 3-2 /hgg2d/ (29)
>Runner Up - /akg/ 4-2 /feg/ (5)

Goal of the Tournament - Return to Monke Nutshot assist, /dbg/ vs /hgg2d/ (10)
>Runner Up - Zero Sanity's FK hattrick, /akg/ vs /feg/ (9)

Biggest Spaghetti Moment - Custom Avatar's instant transmission vs /assg/ (6)
>Runner Up(s) - Spring patch, Cope Gleolet OG (5)

Best Player - Zero Sanity, /akg/ (21)
>Runner Up - Copen the Adept Slayers /mmg/ (10)
Thanks for the investment tips.
Cipher emote
>The /bag/ties
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Rename them to the melties.
rename them to the koreanties
Clamp Char
At least try to make it believable next time.
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aoba just fixed pes15 btw
he added portraits and uvscroll??
Yeah that's why I'm asking, I know she's plays for /c/, but I already figured that there must have been a surge in popularity for her to get on the team
is this where you go on a blatantly false tangent about how non-functioning player AI and cardheads were "soul"?
>is this where [fanfic]
no i dont think so
They always have a boat slut rep but I have no idea why Z1 got voted over the other countless botes.
Is this a /tv/ chant or a /pol/ chant?
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I think boat sluts SUCK
is azur lane the jannetty to kancolle?
other way around
It's the Palworld to Pokémon.
I like the sex botes better, shitcolle sucks for me for some reason
fanfic this
*rapes you*
The chink version. Kancolle is just old
not really, it still uses LODs which complicate a few things
some LODs can't even be replaced properly
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Kancolle girls are cuter than Azur Lane girls and cute is sexy
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I play neither but I like girls from both.
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this just looks awful
ok virgin
Makes sense why you have such a shit taste anon
Your waifu is shit too Anon
*cums inside lav's boipussy everytime he tells me to kill myself*
how may i have sexual intercourse with the anime girl of my dreams
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testing is going so poorly for me i'd spend my time better if i just downloaded 17
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based jump start on autumn
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Based, thanks for beta testing whatever rules these clowns cook for 17.
they'll move the pseudo silvers to green heights but instead of them getting the buff at 175 it's at 195 instead
imagine if sou showed up at the end of Summer and declared all future cups will be held on 16, wouldn't that be awful?
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tomboy, femboy, loli
I think she just appeals to a lot of groups even if she isn't everyones favourite
her art is pretty diverse too
It would kill Boris so ask him how he feels about that, not me.
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I would like pic rel. But it's a good choice.
4chan still imagining itself as this hyper alternative secret society is so on par for you autists. That description alone is just nuts. "Oh you gotta lurk more to get the cool shit around here. So many funny moments are just out of your grip because you didn't spend too much time on an image board"

Glory days are over. Suck it up. 4chan isn't cool anymore.
Posting this pasta on Friday
right thing to do
>tfw started light testing for autum after spring finished
Neutral heights is more likely, 185cm outfield players, 189cm GKs, GGSS medals and no Centring Targets. Initial testing with it looks fine and makes a slightly wider range of formations viable compared to previous cups on 17.
>no Centring Targets
Normally I'm of the view bans are fake and gay but both better heights and Centring Targets on 17 are more broken and a free win button to otherwise mediocre teams than 'oops all exact same 343' on 21.
4 medals is boring compared to 5
5 medals is boring compared to 4
GGG when?
Tested for 19 and it sucked balls on that PES at least.
4CC still imagining itself as this hyper alternative secret society is so on par for you autists. That description alone is just nuts. "Oh you gotta watch Summer 12 to get the cool shit around here. So many funny moments are just out of your grip because you didn't spend too much time watching a low quality stream."

Glory days are over. Suck it up. 4CC isn't cool anymore.
Gawr Gura General??
What's the lore behind >Rape from /mlp/ anyway? He looks just like some guy.
I know this is a pasta since it's right there but I hate when commentators are like "hey remember when these teams played in 2016" I don't give a fuck dude it's been 8 years
I unironically don't since I started watching recently, so when things like that happen, I'm like alright sure.
He represents the average /mlp/ poster
He's a reference to a legendary thread from the earliest days of the board where the OP was "You are suddenly teleported into Equestria. Twilight Sparkle looks at you in surprise. What do you do?" and that same reply was repeated hundreds of times until the thread 404ed. Mods even joined in to delete posts from faggots spamming Combo Breaker.
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>he doesn't remember the /i/-/soc/ match from spring 2016
I don't remember those teams exist
I always assumed he's meant to look like Andrew w.k.
That's been his model his entire career dating back to before custom faces existed
And it has since become the traditional first post response to any "what do" thread.
how much longer must we wait for the auties?
the meme's already been explained, the face is some stock PES13 player whose face just stuck with people
and at this point is there a REASON for it taking so long? if there's something that's supposed to be a surprise/secret or whatever, tell us the REST at least
It's just that Denko is lazy
>Denko has been busy with irl and Summer came too fastly
>They atleast know what the new stadium will be and it wont be Deep Space Kot or the /uma/ stadium
so the /bag/ stadium, ok
No confirmations, Say whatever you think it is for now.
stop watching your fucking oshi for 1 day and you can get done with the auties in that same day
A reminder that an akonigger mistook his tabs and posted here asking for /bag/ votes
A reminder that this is the akonigger falseflagging as we speak
giwtwm so that I could take a shotgun and end it for real
t. /bag/got rigger
Stop trying to pretend you are someone you aren't baggot rigger.
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Denko cares more about watching sports he's betting on than doing anything for the VGL
Wow he's just like me
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I don't take any notice of what's on /c/'s roster, I just like boat sluts
I didn’t ask.
Then clearly you haven't been watching elites and laughing at /vt/
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Yeah well, I'm telling
and it's still the case today, look up >rape and you'll see that reply multiple time daily.
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What's gonna happen when these girls grow up to become adults?
I already mindplayed them into revealing it was /omg/ lol
Look, unless you're having sex it shouldn't take this long to do sort through the submissions. And if I'm being honest, the only sex Denko is having is somebody fucking him, which really doesn't count. Dude sounds like a little twink.
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>girl (looks like a femboy)
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Boys don't look like this
Someone post that picture of him
he's a fat spic though
Don't ruin my disillusions.

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