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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Welcome to fstation edition.

>What is Space Station 13?
>fstation main site
>useful wiki
>New player guide
>BYOND client
>fstation server address
>How do I connect to the server?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Coderbus, here!

>If you want to report a bug or an issue, go here

>OP Pastebin
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let's go
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New f station song
When's the last time fstation even had a round with more than 1 pop?
Over 8 months ago
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𝅘𝅥𝅮 LETS 𝅘𝅥𝅮 GET 𝅘𝅥𝅮 SLOPPY 𝅘𝅥𝅮!!!

When you join me.
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get in
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New f station song
Let it die
This is a thread about the active and based /vg/ server f station, not pomfstation
I'm not going to lie because some of these are funny, but I can barely understand the lyrics being sung in these a lot of the time
Some of the songs are quite advanced
Fight, fight, fight!
you can always count on radimir finding every new thread to shit all over
Chadimir the based, the improver of threads
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hop in f
>the thread is being held hostage by an actual discord pedophile
there was no thread for like 2 days
because pedomir takes them over, keep up
play fstation
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Why do discord trash hate 4chan culture?
Would anyone be able to post the vg chem color-coded cheatsheet?

I'm compiling a repository of robust guides.
Tranny guides ruin games. No one should be making minmaxed shit chems. Every player should have their own understanding of chems and not have the work completely done for them. These guides get so bad they even tell you to use two of a similar chem because both have a different tickrate so they can minmax the refresh rate of the server and increase the total healing by .8%
Back to VG, game ruining trash
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I will play on fail station if
>all furry fetish shit is removed
>all fire retard code is reverted
>vox are removed
I hear ya man, I see your point. I just wanna say though, some people spend their time getting money and pussy and don't have the energy to slog through chem to help uplift a round.

You'll understand when you're older.
>fstation in the op
wait a fuckin minute did hina finally come out of retirement???
It's shena now
/vg/ server (fstation) expansion
we only have one splash screen now, non lewd
You mean you removed the one with the dick and left the other one with the boner and the tranny furry leaking cum?
Be more specific
On that note I haven't been playing much recently, but I was thinking if someone wants to headmin fstation for me, I will continue to take care of the hosting and technical aspects, while you can focus on the ingame/player administration. Basically you can be the admin without worrying about hosting. Mainly want someone who believes in the f ethos of freedom freshness and fun, is not a discord circlejerker, and enjoys imageboards. Hit me up on the BYOND pager if you're interested.
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only this one
>removed the soulful artwork his players made for him
It's not hard-removed per se, just disabled until the playerbase has more of a consensus on what direction to take things. It's hard to tell exactly what's best as some people wanted it but then others didn't. And the lewd vox players had mainly stopped playing at that point. I can consider re-enabling it lol. Actually there's an additional setting that only allows vox-related splash screens if there was a vox player in the previous round, my attempt to have a balance lol.

Also as 4chan is getting annoying with captchas and cooldowns I've been thinking about hosting a ss13-related imageboard on https://ss13.fun or something.
I support the creation of an SS13 imageboard if you keep the obsessed AIslopper tranny out
I pretty much hate rules and jannies plus the sloppie is a 'ficionado soo probably not ban em lol.
>muh consensus
The consensus was removing all furshit. You ignored the consensus and the players left.
The thing is some of the earliest and staunchest supporters and players of fstation were furries. The other vg regulars and oldfags were then encouraged by the pop that the furry players provided. In the early weeks of the server it was often me and a few of the furry players at 2-4 pop. I think furries play a shamanistic role in society as they are connected to the animal soul type of thing, so I don't hate them. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and perhaps I curbed the excess a bit later than might have been more prudent.
How did pandering to furries work out for VEGE?
The slopper killed the threads and he will kill your board and server (if it ever makes a comeback)
you were warned
The slopper is friend
The slopper made that nice fstation song tho.
If you think slopper is so bad, why don't you show us how it's done

Go on, big boy. Get to sloppin'
You will never be a real slopper
Unban transmain
That guy literally got exposed as a pedophile
Maybe you should stick to making more cringe songs about cookies
Yeesh, no wonder these ''people'' hate slop. They can't slop. Sour grapes.
Talentless discord bum
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Let me guess, you're gay, on the discord, and hate slop?
Now that's a 'fine slop
2/3 I'm not on discord
they hate anonymous communication and like to have little carefully maintained identities to circlejerk with. being anonymous reminds them how trite and shallow discord is.
>wotistrannitor dilating xer hole and still spamming slop
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Oh so slop is bad now, huh? Curious
Hina you need to anonymize ckeys at the very least if you treasure the anonymity so much. I'm sure there were individuals that would have tried it out but refused due to stigma. Also force randomname/body
So true breastie. A lot of 'ficianados would have played on fstation but were afraid of the discord backlash
Hmm... interesting. So what about OOC chat?
play blackstone
They have anonymous ckeys and ooc just works. You can also opt out of anonymity and use your ckey.
true /vg/ is back
nature is healing
Hello, I keep getting tickets from 1 mod on tgstation for saying no-no words
should I join vgstation instead?
I support the creation of an SS13 imageboard if you keep the obsessed AIslopper tranny contained within
Stop avatarfagging.

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