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Dreadlord Edition

1d6chan -https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer/Tactics
Roll Charts -https://imgur.com/a/81snQma

>Total War: Warhammer III
Hotfix 5.1.1 Notes:https://community.totalwar.com/wh3-hotfix-511
What's Next:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fix3FvsmplA [Embed]

>Total War: Pharaoh
Total War: PHARAOH - Dynasties Overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6erHiCuh1tQ [Embed]
Release Date confirmed July 25th: https://community.totalwar.com/pharaoh-faq
Dynasty system and new royal traditions and gods: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-pharaoh/blogs/26
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Map Expansion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJHre9auMY0 [Embed]
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Mesopotamia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4ZIfaNNlCI [Embed]
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Aegean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApDwFGUB4Dc [Embed]
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Campaign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9gOQytqYgs [Embed]

>Older Titles

Previous thread: >>486912152
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My wife has finally decided to leave the Black Ark chambers and grace the battlefield with her presence after going through a whole cask of wine.
what stopping me from teaming up with the bad guys and killing the good guys as a good guy
Nothing, beyond the uphill battle of convincing some factions to like you with a -100 aversion penalty.
cute wife again
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3 more days until I marry my Kemetic queen
>trannies wonder why we hate them
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Thanks again! Wish us luck in the battle to come :)
We're fighting disgusting Khorne. They don't make good slaves but are worthy for murder.
not your personal army
Imagine erping in total war warhammer
Dreadfu belongs to beastcock
good luck my dude
these people live off our tax dollars
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Truely a cruel mistress. As they were retreating she ran after them and beheaded two Khorne warriors in one strike. We took 85 slaves this day.
So there's this guy - and get this - not only is he Prince, no, but he is also (you're not going to believe it) Emperor. He is Prince and Emperor. And that's his name too. He'll tell you.
you should be very proud of her anon. also unironically thats a really cool shot, good stuff
dude no way
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I am proud of her always <3 And thanks! I almost always zoom in on the battle to see the bloodshed. I'll post more updates later maybe, (will give the thread time to post so it's not just me spamming) but for now we have a campaign to win and slaves to take >:)
Oh I meant oldfag times, pre TOW. Kind of feeling old now to realize End times was close to or is 10 yearsa go
no need to continue posting, thanks
look forward to seeing more, good luck in your campaign
That really is the worst part, half the shitposters in the thread are getting government handouts from our taxes to continue shitting up the thread.
Who needs a rework more: Helves or Delves?
At least he is actually talking about the game to some degree and not arguing about the quality of posts. If you want a better thread then contribute to it yourself?

Their posts have been better than half the shit people have posted in the last couple of days. It's all just been whining about trannys and coomers. It's so fucking tiresome. Be the change you want to see you retards or just hide their posts.
demons of chaos
I’m the only actually tranny here and idk what you guys are on about, haven’t even been posting, I’ve been playing Elden ring, got no idea what this schizo is on about :)2T0YVG
Prudes fear the ontopic campaign posters.
prove it
prove what, that you’re a schizo?
I was referring to the beastfag posting his nonsense again but glad you faggots are still mindbroken by porn obsession being called out.
I'm proud of you anon, you're brave and beautiful.
who are you even talking to? you okay?
The people I quoted, who are posting into the ether like women. Do you have a mental disability? It's not that hard to follow what's happening.
they werent even quoting you in the first place? what is this meltdown youre having right now?
thank yooou <3 trans allies are based and chadpilled. What’s your favorite faction?
>Beastchads cause another mindbreak
Didn't even need to dick for this one
They were referring to one of my (and I assume someone else's) posts complaining about the quality of posts currently. Once again, what is hard to follow you retard?
i dont even particularly like beastfags but just seeing this guy have a breakdown fills me with joy. ++respect for beastfags
Remember when you think about replying to someone defending posting porn in a SFW videogames board that they are an unemployed mentally ill man pretending to be a woman living with their parents.
I probably make more money than you
whatever you say schizoanon
You don't have to keep proving you're mentally stunted and can't read but keep going I guess.
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>passtranny spammer is a ratfag
imagine my shock
>posting porn
I thought he was a Pharaohfag who hates legend? Isn't that what the legendfag has been claiming?
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>make literally 1 post
>anon triggered
its the same person? do you understand the sheer amount of output one autistic tranny with a 4chan pass can have?
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I see this general is in need of saving yet again. At least try to keep the post on topic, my friends.

Update: My wife is very happy with me (loyalty 10!) after I gave her a gleaming talisman that gives her a 16% ward save! I hope she holds it dear to her heart. With that battle, we took over 500 slaves and killed off Sigvald in the frozen north. Campaign is going really well so far :)
>at least try to keep the post on topic
Weren't you spamming all that AI slop that got deleted?
Why would a pharaohfag who hates legend play skaven, the race legend unashamedly likes the most, in Warhammer 3, the game he apparently hates? Doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Then again I guess the legendfag is retarded. Wonder when he'll be back to shit up the thread again.
no one said the pharaohfag doesnt play warhammer 3, he hates legend because legend said pharaoh sucks and he thinks thats why it didnt sell and why it got cancelled
yay your backk. glad to see your campaign is going well. your wife looks very pleased with how youve been treating her with all those gifts. whats her name btw? also i tried playing the sexy dark elves but i couldnt do much with them because all their ranged units are too short which i dont like and their melee seems too squishy. i like the dwarves but they are easy to play
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I was sitting in fallout threads for like a month and suddenly anon is rambling about some sort of spam and pharaoh.. as if anyone would play that trash.
Some other VIP anon must have done some serious posting and mind broke poor anon. Based. Poor anon needs meds now. He has PTSD.
Also, passes have year stamps u retards.
I have 100% seen the legendfag claim that the passfag is a histosoi or whatever who hates warhammer and it killing fantasy games or some shit as well. He's kind of a sperg that way.
you can post without showing the pass, that means nothing
No shit, moron. I have to enter since4pass into the options field in every post to show the thing. But ofc I use 4chanx to automate that process
Multiple people have been laughing at legend since his "leaks" got btfo'd, some schizo shill who likes legend had a meltdown and accuses any post making fun of legend as all being done by a "pharaohfag passfag."
Dreadlords... are CUTE!
Depth Guard... are CUTE!
Iron Hail Gunners... are CUTE!
Bretonnian Damsels... are... well...
I remember his leaks.. that was the last time I was in here. Anons were losing their shits cause many believed it to be true.
What was it.. some orge lords for cathay and cat people or some shit.. absolute nonsense.
He deconfirmed Total War: World War 1
He reconfirmed tigerwomen
He any%confirmed Total War: Warhammer: 40,000
and finally noted that CA Sofia are hard at work on a Warhammer Fantasy game which is not a Total War game

Independent fact checkers have verified every bald claim he made
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Kerestra Soulblaze. She gained this name from her Martial Name of Power. She will be feared (and respected) throughout the entire Druchii empire! And yes, you'll find a lot of other races out-range your missile units but you just need to play it a little sneaky and disrupt their archers with fast cavalry, flying or beast units. Dark Elf ranged units have armor piercing so while they lack the range, they have a lot of damage :)

Dwarfs/Dwarves are pretty cool but sadly as a dreaded raider, they won't remain friendly with me and my wife all that much longer. They tend to frown on our activities both on the battlefield and in the bedroom.
I highly doubt they'd ever try a non total war game again. Last time that worked out was alien isolation. Hyenas was a fucking disaster.
booook get the boooook
Are you doubting YouTube Australian LegendofTotalWar?
They had to remove part of his name, he's just like called "OfTotalWar" now, he's not a legend anymore...
wow she has a very pretty and also sexy name. thank you for the advice, maybe i should try the dark elves again sometime. and its okay.. if I was a dwarf and i was going to be killed by anyone i would want it to be her so i see something hot before i died lol
Just looked him up and it's true wtf
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>hate playing regular elves
>bored playing hippie elves
>can't stop playing goth elves
explain this
Here are my top 3 Warhammer factions
>Tomb Kings (pre-Nagash)
>Elves (pre-Sundering)
>Dreadlords... are CUTE!
Yes they are :)
I did technically specify both kinds of spelling
All elves are fun to play but goth elves are the most interesting in terms of lore and style in my opinion. Though it depends on my mood.
You should try them again! Just try and play slow to get a hang of them and don't get too stressed if a lot of thing are dying because in battel you get the buff when there's so much slaughter after a period of time. Good luck! I am going to take a break now but again, I may post later. Especially if the thread needs saving again.
thanks for all the posts. for once twg hasnt been cancer to read.
Nta but you're welcome
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rats and elves, the greatest partners
kys hetereo-filth
i want to have sex with a wood elf woman so much bros, if you know what i mean
Okay I take it back, they were right about coomers.
nice falseflagging schizo
All me btw.
no it's all me
I loathe these modern sculpts
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Bretonnian Foot Knights look like shit
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talentless hack designers. ToW is going to be their most soulless slop yet
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wasn't expecting anything less. Modern GW has no soul, just like the entertainment medium in general
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I came in with the same expectations, I dont understand how people can love classic WHFB and have hopes for TOW when every single bit they've shown off has been the same soulless americanized slop
Paladins should be stronger
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>old fantasy vs nu fantasy

Was hyped for Kislev but between RUSSIA BAD (even tho they can use other aesthetics) and BEAR BEAR BEAR BEAR BEAR BEAR ICE ICE ICE, am really dissapointed. Wanted to see how these people that were the bulwark of the old world lived and thought.
im a dog? ur a dog
What made the ratfags return?
The eternal city
I have seen the end of days
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not sure that elden ring has enough factions or unit variety for a total war game but ok
whats in your head?
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>even tho they can use other aesthetics
The problem is they don't even do a good job at capturing the Russian aesthetic. Kislev right now is in some schizophrenic state where it's part early medieval Slavs, part Muscowy, part Poland-Lithuania and part World of Warcraft. Simply picking any one of these and sticking to it would've been the better choice.
would you have SEX with the Demonspew?
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Zombie Pirate Gunnery Mob (Handgunners)
y'all jackanapes.
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from the pillars of Hercules to the far reaches of the Adriatic the western empire stretched, sacred earth where men of greatness conquered...
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>implying that's not Luthor Harkon (Texan)
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>booked a week off work
>was hoping a wh3 patch would drop with some race updates as they said they would do in the video
>its yet another Pharaoh week
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weakest cathayan peasant
Ratposts are the only good posts
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There's no need to be upset.
my wife in the back
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>play Thrace
>sail down south
>become Pharaoh
we shall be kings and stuff
You have a cute wife. :3
Don't forget to start a dynasty of sister-marrying freaks you Greek freak
>TCA releases pharaoh slop
>500% surge in pharaoh posts
tell your manager no one here plays the game
stop wasting shills here
It's kind of mental how long ancient Egypt went for
I read that the first pharaoh was closer to the stegasaurs than cleopatra
So is Karanak trash tier or what?
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>Wanted to see how these people that were the bulwark of the old world lived and thought.
I wish we had more of that. One of the most interesting parts of the setting to me is the day to day living of the various factions. It's what helps me get attached most.
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It is the only right way.
Lmao get shot to d-
>96 armor
Wtf? Do they really have that much armor by default?
Cleopatra was way hotter in Expeditions than in Civ
however both those versions deathmog the one we got
>Luv me bears
>Luv me snow
>Luv me tzarina
>'ate demons
>'ate weak southerners
>simple as
What more world building do you want?
I still remember the days when Imperator Augustus released and Cleopatra was an agent because the game didn't support fem leaders back then.
you forgot the bears made of snow and the snow magic that shoots bears and the snow mages being pulled by bears on a sled that rides on magic snow
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what an absolute nothingburger of a controversy
I'm going to play Babylon
Just saw that Pharaoh is £12 on cdkeys.
Can I get a QRD on if there's a paid element to this big update they're doing or is it all free?
Like do I need to own Troy also
Technology, zhao ming and the biggest offender is Yuan Bo's fortress city buffs. The bastions fully upgraded give all armies 30% spell resist, 6AP damage and 9% upkeep reduction. Then your recruitment province fortress city gives 9 recruit ranks and +20 armor for units recruited there. These dudes giving me Oda Yari Ashigaru vibes
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>play as barbarians in a game called ROME
>get the sissy and boss girl experience
Barbarians on suicide watch.
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It's all for free.
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>For free?
Absolutely based CA god damn, I might actually start having faith in them again
The hyenas fiasco really kicked them up the ass hard
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>empire greatswords lose to Cathayan peasants
Empire bros not like this...
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love those goofballs
Cathay is funny for some reason my everything started at rank9 and long victory reward is +a lot of rank to heroes and the end of tech tree is also really good for +lvls so you also get to shit out lvl 30 heroes every turn
I might get it but idk game might still be shite despite the new additions
I had chaos Chosen struggle with my peasants. The chaos powers just can't compete with a diet of brown rice, spring onions egg and onions.

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>What made the ratfags return?
You dumb assholes didn't help with purge and now they swarm the thread with their faggotory.

/twg/ deserves this!
posting liggershit isnt much of an improvement
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>pick GODrick as any true man would
>turn 112, my conquest leads me all the way to the giants' mountaintops
>mfw they're still using imp infantry
Let me guess, you switched to spamming all grafted units only and now are butthurt by the anti-large spam?
I'm glad the ratposters are back, they are fun
don't have any further Babylon songs, so have their theme
15 Base
10 Zhao ming
6 Gelt kill
20 Fortress city
25 Chadlonian stance
20 End of tech tree
Kind of interesting what you can do planning out endgame


What's the game plan as Irsu? Capture Damascus, capture the top province and maybe bot, raze everything around me? Should I go in the negatives and constantly spawn armies? And should I use native units more as Irsu? Because I was looking at Bay and all his units are Canaanites instead of natives.
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Lizardmen are always one of the most popular factions in Warhammer. Skaven are marginal and uncool cause a select few furfags spam the general with shit
I know nothing abotu the time period of Pharoahs, redpill me
google bronze age, only interesting points are the bronze age collapse and sea peoples of which we know very little

terrible idea for a TW setting
Literally no one likes liggers
Jade warriors also get buffed to 130 armor or so but they're way less flexible and not as interesting as funni pointy stick peasant man
mesopotamian total war when
I hate that neither Miao Ying nor Zhao Ming get the fortress/commercial cities thing.
>not medieval knights or lily white romans speaking the queen's english
Two days?
>if CA dont cater to white men their sales tank
based, it must make those britcucks seethe
>no sumerians
Doesn't count
It's straight up stronger than both their faction effects combined and that's just a small part of how busted Matters of State is.

Yuan Bo is also a huge mary sue who's good at everything
>Yuan Bo is also a huge mary sue who's good at everything
That's because he's 3 dragons pushed into one because CA are hacks
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soon fellow ea-nasir enjoyers
Yeah, Yuan Bo is like the best traits of both combined without the defects. Miao Ying is highly competent, martial minded and a good leader, but she's cold and aloof and basically can't into diplomacy or being a genuine inspiration to her men so much as just a strict taskmaster. Zhao Ming is personable and likable, gets the love of his people, and is the most diplomatic dragon, with a focus on research and innovation too, but he's also a crackhead that sometimes takes strange decisions or starts crying because dad doesn't love him.
Meanwhile Yuan Bo is a perfect mastermind and strategist with tactics better than Miao's, who is also a better diplomat and trade guru than Zhao Ming, and his downside is...
>ea-nasir enjoyers
We don't tolerate shoddy copper merchants around here
A reminder that Warhammer 3 is getting an update this week.
I also got Pharaoh for £12 on CDkeys
looks well worth it considering how big the free update will be
An additional reminder that Total War: Pharaoh - Dynasties is releasing on Thursday.
>Warhammer 3
Who? What part of the fertile crescent are they in?
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>Warhammer 3 is getting an update this week
Oh boy, can't wait for more fun to be nerfed by multiplayer faggots.
I hold you and your messenger in contempt
He's also an executioner and spymaster and administrator and oh he is great at magic too. Dude's somehow the least interesting legendary lord
What exactly is the point of setting a total war game in a period where only one actual state/nation to speak of exists
So I can larp as the true progenitor of human civilization. Besides, there were many city states that had to be conquered for the kingdom to rise.
I wonder if we shall receive any news on this day.
>Russia bad
Except "Kislev" is Kiev...
Moscow would be Praag.

You forgot to mention the Mary Sue ice queen and the golden knight who's "as good as any of the male knights" and the villianous literal patriarchy (that's actually better than the woman faction despite being expected to do more with less.)

The whole thing is like a Rorschach test for woke retards.
we'll see the news in 8 minutes
don't see how it invalidates my point but you do you
>Moscow would be Praag.

nigga don't you think prague would be praag?
seeing how the factions is just generic eastern europe themed
Be honest: Do you think that Kislev will get another DLC?
No it has to be fantasy russia and nothing else, stupid.
At first, yes. But on closer examination, it's closer to chaos (central Asia) it's up and to the right/NE of the cultural center, and it's the "cursed city."
Prague would be somewhere near ostland (Austria).
I wasn't invalidating your point. You mentioned the "Russia bad" thing. I was just expanding on the general retardation you were complaining about more specifically.
Not everyone on the internet is arguing with you, although I can see why you would think that.
GW told CA no more kislev content due to the ongoing zigger chimpout in ukraine.

This was confirmed by Legend.
Legend hasn't been right about anything in months.
I guess, sorry for missinterpreting you then. Am used to arguing on this website lol. I don't mind the girlboss that much, it's almost forced upon ppl nowadays and Katarin seems to struggle with Rasputin
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I wonder what invaders the Babylonians will have to deal with.
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>This was confirmed by Legend.
But he just put out another chorfs disaster battle video. This is the content we crave!
Chaldeans and Elamites?
Are there sea lane type things for Babylon or will they have to fight their way through assyria every time? Also I think it's weird to have greeks and trojans playable with sea people. Are they hard campaigns built around rebuilding their already destroyed civilizations?
no they start still standing, from the q&a I believe the sea peoples invade them first now and then move on to the hittites and egypt, but they haven't said much besides the sea people having new spawn locations and reworked AI
That's acceptable.
>Also I think it's weird to have greeks and trojans playable with sea people.
>I believe the sea peoples invade them first now and then move on to the hittites and egypt
I've wondered about this as well because there seem to be some Greek-themed units among the existing sea people rosters
Greeks fought each other more than anyone else. Some Greeks being part of the sea people to raid other Greeks is entirely believable.
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Are they supposed to be trash? Finally finished a camping with them since I bought them on WH2 and they kept being a disappointment the whole game.
>no they start still standing
That's kind of a shame. It might have made for a fun twist on the Collapse-O-Meter if you started as completely devastated and had to rebuild your civilization while fighting off the cunts who destroyed it.
I guess that's fair. As Iolaus I always liked ambushing the seaborne raiders just so I could bribe the elite Aegean units into joining my armies.
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They have been nerfed heavily due to mpfaggotry and left in their current state.
Chaos Dwarf Blunderbusses are so utterly insane.
I love the aesthetics, but I just feel like having to play a "defensive" campaign is just not fun, least of all a defensive campaign tha doesn't really let me do anything diplomatically in the meanwhile or nothing special really.

The jar mechanics are worse than most other workshop/stores mechanics from other factions.

The army capacity it's utterly trash specially when a lot of other factions get confederations.

And even if you grind for the "late game" when they are supposed to be good. By the time you can have 5 strong armies, other races could have 10 as strong.

I just fail to see why I'd want to play them other than they look cool. Not a single fun mechanic. I mean ambush and attrition are cool I guess but they are defensive, they don't really help at expanding.
wouldn't real chaos also mean that you're randomly orderful
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>"""real""" chaos
Seems you lack an understanding of chaos yourself buddy
They are supposed to be the ultimate attrition faction, taking losses but just healing it back and re-raising their 'dead'. Their regen was fucked, healing caps kneecapped them before they came out and their lores of magic was hit so hard with nerfs it is literally the worst lore in the game with 0 spells worth using.

They are the barebones version of the mechanic where you make all your character gear but the dwarfs have the 2.0 and 3.0 versions and it was not retroactively applied to TK. The other problem they have is the lack of territory. Khemri is too small and they have too many threats that hard counter them making it a fucking slog. They have 0 politics like the chorfs and they have no real religion mechanics despite it being core to their faction as much as anyone else.

On top of everything they have been nerfed so fucking much across the board and left for 'dead'. Just like vcoast, bretonnia etc.
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>They are the barebones
If they didn't make 4 LL for coast and Tk from the start they wouldn't have been a one and done and now they're running with tons of deprecated old shit
Neferata and Nagash will save TKs.
True, the End Times expansion will put Age of Charlemagne and Fall of the Samurai to shame.
It will practically be Total War: Warhammer 4.
Khatep is a waste of space (still love him) and Arenassa should've never been a coast lord to begin with.
Neither of those are TK.
Both will have access to some TK roster.
Neferata's dlc will update Khalida, Nagash will update both TKs and VCoast.
It is known.
>too Early for, Persia, Classical Greece, Alexander the great and Especially Rome
>too late for... okay I genuinely do not know what you can do earlier than bronze age
>anything north, south, and west was still in the barely literate stone age more or less
>China and India (AKA the only two other regions with full fledged civilizations this early) are too far away
this was always a strange point in human history to pick for a total war game, right in that middle spot between long forgotten and actually recorded and remembered history. the only faction they can add in now without going into full mythos is maybe the Isrealites. A campaign that revolves around escaping Egypt and Conquering the promised land, all while suffering heavy attrition and rebelliousness due to Hebrews being Hebrews.
oh here comes this fucking kike again
End Times lords:
Nagash (Undead Legions)
Neferata (Vampire Counts)
Valten (Empire)
Glottkin (Warriors of Chaos)
Thanquol (Skaven)
Yin Yin (Cathay)
Grimm Burloksson (Dwarfs)
Tyrion, Wielder of the Widowmaker (rework)
Malekth, the Eternity King (rework)
Mannfred, Mortarch of Night (rework)
Archaon, Bringer of the End Times (rework)
Boris Todbringer (Empire) ((FLC))
the jews and boomers that pretend to care about history would likely get behind an israelite campaign
I am a newfag to these threads and first time I am hearing about these leaks.

Didn't they recently said they had plans for Khorne?
If you really like to watch your troops hold the line then I recommend:
Western Roman Empire

Do you approve of sturdy line holders?
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Cathay > Dwarfs
Bactria > Macedon
WRE is fine, love those guys
everything on 4chan is fake until proven gay you tard
Khorne/Greenskins/Ogre Kingdoms is the upcoming DLC
U'zhul Skulltaker (Khorne)
Gorbad Ironclaw (Greenskins)
Golgfag Maneater (Ogre Kingdoms)
The FLC Lord was also revealed to be a Khorne character. Probably Arbaal the Undefeated.
I like that WRE troops kind of suck at first but eventually scale to be able to trade quite well against their enemies.
Cohors and Legio Comitatenses fill the same role yet perform like night and day.
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would you a bird lady?
that's just a man in a wig trying out his flying kit, he didn't fly too good
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>he didn't fly too good
>Legions of Nagash (Reupload with a new Mortarch!)
I hate when mods like dont say what actually xhanged in the reupload oe description
What you could have is Aramaeans and the perennial half-naked fur-wearing Zagros highlanders, but I am not sure if they'll have them. Babylon is ranked hard, so presumably there'll be something hard about it (not just the dicks of Ishtar's temple-futa-prostitutes).

They aren't adding any new content, this is the final release so it's moot.

>lores of magic got nerfed
Shadows too? Because man Khemri lore was ass even on release. It's a shame because the TK were easily super fun in WH2.

If she lacks a beak then yes 100%. If she has a beak then no.

There's a few sea memes that can reliably be traced to a particular location, others may have just been grab-bags of aegean mercs including greeks. It would be nice if we had the Dorians invading Greece from the north-west though as unga-bunga Heraciledae or however you spell it.
wydm kike, everything bad that happened to the Israelites was brought onto themselves simply because they couldn't follow basic rules god gave them
Dorian invasion is a myth no credible historian believes in
Tk aren't allowed to have good lores so mpfags ban shadows
sounds exactly like what a covert dorian would say
>i choose to play the gunless type of undead
you're not special and she wont let you hit it
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What's a good idea for a PVP campaing for 2 players?

I was thinking a race for Eight Peaks or first to conquest Ulthuan island. Thought I have never tried something like this.
>Ishtar's temple-futa-prostitutes
Go on
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me and my friends usually play free for all, but since theres two of you can try Helves vs Delves, race for Karak Eight Peaks,Chaos Invasion of the Old World etc.
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CA Sofia will add Nippon to Warhammer 3 in 2025, turst the plan
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History or Fantasy?
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Are we going to see warhammer 4 lads?

I'll be very sad if we don't. I loved all three games.
yes, warhammer 40k
Both, but devs should not poison the former with the mechanics of the latter. The should be different.
We are going to see Warhammer 3 + 39997.
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>are we going to see the fourth game in this trilogy?
If I set up a MP coop campaign later, would anyone play?
I want to play campaign with frens, and I’d rather you guys than trying to deal with discord/redditfags
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New in the general huh? /twg/ got two clans, both old and both respected. Difference is, History turned their backs on CA and we Fantasy stayed loyal. So I'll ask again, History or Fantasy?
Sooner or later, we all have to choose a side.
you can look at pharaoh for an example of a history game that doesnt implement any of the good features of fantasy

you end up with a game that 500 people play per day LOL
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th-thanks. I guess 40k is cook too
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Surely Shogun 3 could save history games
What game will CA Sofia make after finishing the Warhammer 3 DLC?
shogun 2 was proto-sagaslop and is looked back on with rose tinted glasses because game, japan
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there won't be a 40k game, it'll actually be Star Wars
IGN confirmed this already
summon the elector counts you guys!! haha :D
>finishing the Warhammer 3
no such thing. ToD was so profitable that we'll be getting dlcs till the end of time.
>DualShockers reports Total War: Star Wars is one of three new Total War games in development at the Sega-owned studio. IGN has asked Sega for comment.

Thanks to extra confirmation from LegendofTotalWar, those three games were:
>WW1 (now cancelled or permanently on hold)
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>Thanks to extra confirmation from LegendofTotalWar
Pharaoh would have found more success if it had come out with the expanded map and factions that they released later for free. Rather than the near barren state of release, a problem shared by both historical and fantasy games due to CA's DLC greed.
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>confirmation from LegendofTotalWar
Its called Total WAR not total PEACE you silly goose! :DD
I don't really like playing the Empire :)
reminder that samefagging just shows you lost the argument
Fantasy of course.
Medieval 3
>he doesn't have every board's post timer memorized by heart
its the passtranny
new schizo dropped? hope he keeps the fights against legendniggery interesting
How do you alleviate control as the Dark Elves?
Play Morathi to get + control from Slaanesh corruption and a superior control building. Never buy the upgraded slave pens no matter whom you play
Just don't play:
Ostankya - unless you're not allowed to use campaign hexes on players
Probably any beastmemes for that matter
no, hes been around for a while

a month or two back he was spamming the general with pharaoh screenshots and talking to himself about it

he hates legend because legend told people pharaoh was shit and to not buy it, so he blames him for the games failure
Good call. I didn't know she could make unique buildings.
Is this ever better than lokhir's arks?
Quest items and quest item set bonuses.

Most factions end up with like permanent +10 PO from that and it's why PO is not an issue in WH3.
>Always spend your slaves. You can keep 1000 slaves and still get that +1 from global.
>Build that skaven tunnel thing. It gives +3 PO. Better than that dedicated pos building DEs get.
>Use diktat that gives +10 PO
>DEs get a lot of anchillaries that give PO. You can get a single lord and some heroes to boost PO in a particular problamatic province.
>Some LLs have global PO boost skill and item sets.
>And most importantly, dont play DEs untill CA updates them. Current DEs are stuck between wh2 and wh3. Buildings sucks, heroes sucks, slave system sucks.
PO = public order = control btw.
Morathi is different than Lokhir, I'd say they're sidegrades. Do you prefer more Arks with all their tons of benefits or tons of public order, more income, free slaves, all from Slaanesh corruption, as well as a few more units available?
It is just that Dark Elves also have to deal with a global slave malus to control. The bigger your economy, the greater your control deficit.
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I can't decide on what tradition to take with irsu. Marauders seems kind of thematic, but he's not a horde and his tech tree prefers conquering/low devastation to razing. I'm thinking of primarily focusing my conquest on Egypt, so should I just challenge for the pharaoh crown? It seems a bit silly somehow but eh.
A reminder that they converted Malus' Wardsave into Physical Resistance.
Malus begins in the Chaos Wastelands... surrounded by enemies with innate magical attacks.
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I booted up my completed vh/vh campaign to see how it played out for me.

I don't see what the big deal is here, spend slaves to rush PO buildings.
Yeah, it's a buff for everyone else around him.
>>WW1 (now cancelled or permanently on hold)
WW1 was the only game of the 3 that would have been any good.
I see, so it has nothing to do with the retarded e-celeb links posted every thread who is frequently wrong.
>Passively increasing Slaves
Wow, that's a lot of ports and Black Arks.
>converted Malus' Wardsave into Physical Resistance
Makes sense in both gameplay and lore.
Dark Elves and High Elves dont need any more DLC theyre basically complete besides artillery and they dont exactly need it when they got good monster units like the Kharbidyss and Star Dragon to bust gates down, not to mention the artillery they do have is actually useful on single entities. Theyre both also pretty easy unless you go out of your way to torture yourself with Imrik, Rakarth or Alith Anar (to a lesser extent) campaign respectively. At most, they should get FLC but thats it
you cant prove a single thing legend said was wrong

you are confusing wrong with didnt eventuate
>either GW lets CA invent its own Slaanesh units or they'll have to use cult of pleasure stuff
Slaanesh will likely get not-Shades in his DLC.
Bait used to be believable.
Dark Elves are getting some units, one way or another.
They can sit next to the Beastmen.
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>all lowercase
>reddit spacing
>no apostrophes
I wonder who this could be...
>b-bait used to be believable!
>cant come up for reasons why his cuck factions need an update besides just wanting one
I accept your concession, no one cares about all the Sea Lords, even Legend doesnt :)
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>confusing wrong with didnt eventuate
Ok you're going to become heterosexual tomorrow. When it doesn't happen I will still be right, you just changed plans.
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>even Legend doesnt
first world countries teach critical thinking in school
Legend confirmed if he gets enough blowjobs daniel will get a world nuke campaign mechanic
>be druchcucks and asurfags
>have good budget infantry (Bleakswords and Silverin Guard) and late game options (Shades, Black Guard, Swordsmen of Hoeth, Phoenix Guard)
>have great ranged options all around (basic elf Archers, Sisters of Avelorn, Darkshards with Shield, Shades)
>strong monsters (Kharbidyss, Black Dragon, Flamespyre Phoenix, Star Dragon)
>good cavalry/fast options (Silver Helms, War Lions, White Lion Chariots, Dragon Princes if you are retarded, both Cold One options, Scourgerunner Chariots)
>still acts like it needs more
And I thought the Empirefags and Dawifags were bad
Legend confirmed that anytime he's right, he's right. Anytime he's wrong, he's still right because they changed plans.
Empirefags will always be the worst
you dont have a single piece of evidence to suggest he was wrong

everything points to a massive pivot at CA for some reason, and his explanation is more detailed and compelling than any other offered
Some little facts about Dark Elves:
They can replenish in foreign territory whilst using channelling stance.
They have a post-battle option to both capture slaves and provide replenishment.
Malekith reduces enemy leadership by 8 in his local region.
Darkshards are a tier 1 unit with arc-fire and armour-piercing.
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>Cold one options, Karbidyss
>Silvering guard
>Dragon Princes
Someone answer me?
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Is he gonna be playable in the Pharoah update?
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>confirmation from LegendofTotalWar
>he cant use the Kharbidyss and Cold One cav properly
Skill issue
Silverin Guard are T3 and High Elf economy is essentially printing money
>Dragon Princes
Imagine paying for a just ok heavy cavalry when you can pay for Dragons, knife ear players cant play the game properly lmao
Dude. Just wait untill Dynasties update. The reality is basically no one plays Pharaoh currently.
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>LegendSchizo won't stop shilling Legend and constantly claiming 40k is gonna happen
>Alarielle, Sisters of Averlorn, Miao Ying avatarfag
What other schizo anons does this board have?
Nice. I want to learn how to play them, I always struggle with them somehow. Any other tips?
Yes. Odysseus is also hanging out in Ithaca. Hector, Paris and Aeneas are all generals of Priam and Memnon is down in Kush. I think everyone else (Ajax, Diomedes, Sarpedon) are also playable as minor factions, barring the Amazons. I assume Rhesus is up in Thrace as well if there's space for him.
>shits on the people that bought Troy
Holy based. Now if only they did a Mythology DLC on top of all this, added more mythological shit to what was already in Troy and then a shit ton of the old Egyptian mythos it would be the peak experience desu Id pay for that shit easily
>Skill issue
No argument. Everyone knows cold ones sucks dick with their 66 speed and low models. And a slow ass monster you cant heal is worthless.
>Silverin Guard are T3 and High Elf economy is essentially printing money
A 2 turn recruit, double the price of spearmen unit who can only be recruted froma pos building cannot be called "budget" you retard.
>when you can pay for Dragons
Way to out yourself as a soulless doomstacking cunt. Go back to jerking off l*gends videos.
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it's pointless to argue over something unless it's officially confirmed to happen
>>shits on the people that bought Troy
You know it was free, right? Both the game and most of the DLC for it.
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>this Fertile Crescent ain't big enough for the both of us
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Luthor anon is a schizo but he is based unlike others.
There is room for improvement.
That's not warhammer.
But Settlers of Kalguur is in 4 days
>i-it sucks because 66 speed and unit size!
Because its more like a melee cav than shock cav, retard. Rampage doesnt proc anymore and now theyre solid at staying in sustained combat and even at lower HP they will be much tankier than the usual shock cavalry
>complaining about 2turn recruits and the price
Sorry you cant wait a bit to pick up a unit that will outperform spearmen 2to1 justifying their price to hold the line
>only doomstackers use Dragons
Nice argument, news flash, not everyone doomstacks a unit just because its better im arguing why would you ever have a Dragon Princes over a Dragon when the Dragon Princes only recieve good benefits under Imrik and even then they arent worth it as a T5 cavalry, also
>bitches about no heals on a monster
>bitches about a "pos building"
>mentions Legend out of nowhere
You sound more like a metafag that watches Legend than me, not everyone needs heals and not every building needs to be the most beneficial ever. Make sure to drop him a superchat.
Make sure to get Slave Pens and activate the Black Ark rite as soon as possible. Black Arks are secretly extremely overpowered but nobody plays Dark Elves so Anons don't realise that.
what am I supposed to do with that image?
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my plan is to make this dude pharaoh and then post about it on reddit with a reference to that image from LA of the white guy dressed as a pharaoh for a lot of updoots
Ishtar was the goddess of sex and her priestesses also worked as prostitutes in her name.
Not only women.
>Individuals who went against the gender binary were heavily involved in the cult of Inanna. During Sumerian times, a set of priests known as gala worked in Inanna's temples, where they performed elegies and lamentations. Men who became gala sometimes adopted female names, and their songs were composed in the Sumerian eme-sal dialect, which, in literary texts, is normally reserved for the speech of female characters. Some Sumerian proverbs seem to suggest that gala had a reputation for engaging in anal sex with men. During the Akkadian Period, kurgarrū and assinnu were servants of Ishtar who dressed in female clothing and performed war dances in Ishtar's temples. Several Akkadian proverbs seem to suggest that they may have also had homosexual proclivities. In one Akkadian hymn, Ishtar is described as transforming men into women
If futas existed, they'd definitely worship Ishtar/Inanna.
which LL is the most laid-back
The thanquolfag that posts anthro rat porn.
Me the legion of azgorh schizo
Whenever one of the ratfags posts elf rape porn, look out for "hetereo" for another great schizo.
you will never be him
look at you
you dont have a cutlass
you dont have a gun
you dont have an eyepatch
you're not even white
kill yourself retard
>achilles' armor was too over the top and had to be redesigned
>this is okay
>Nooooo you are using a 66 speed cav unit wrong you are supposed to throw it into melee and use it as a frontline!!!
>What? CA buffed Empire's 66 speed cav to 78 speed? Knights of the Black Rose are also 78 speed? Uhh...
>What? In the Malus books and in other lore it says that Cold Ones are as fast as horses? And their weapon streght are supposed to be double since cold one + the rider can attacks simultainously??

Rest of your post is even more retarded so im not going to make fun of you. CA completely rewamped EMpire, Dwarf and Nurgle settlements. Clearly they will do the same to all reworks. Currently DEs and HEs suffer from useless buildings. DLC probably going to add hero caps to those buildings. And still insisting Silverin Guards to be a "budget" lineholder shows your retardism.
And only a closeted l*gendfag yourself couldnt understand why normal people would like to recruit 84 speed, armoured, cool looking cav instead spamming dragons.
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damn that's so fucking gay
I'm gonna be playing Greeks instead, a way less gay civilization
>want to play woc
>currently suffering a vassal bug with exponential negative income
>want to play ligs
>most likely getting a rework in the next major non-dlc patch
seriously what is your problem?
Just play nakai and join wars against ppl so your vassal stays safe
Didn't they fix the vassal bug?
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I dunno about you, but that still looks a lot less ridiculous than what Mycenaean soldiers wear
Agamemnon too
They said they did, but then again remember how many patches it took them to fix a fucking quest battle for Tyrone.
They fixed it and made another while doing so
I still literally can't choose who to play next
Hit that random button until you're fine with it.
Hit random 3 times and commit to it.
You won’t.
Is there a continuation to this gif? It cuts short while not saying anything
There is a randomize button at the top of the race screen. Just keep pressing untill you get a faction you want to play.
when in doubt you can always default back to playing _Pontus_
How is the orcs artillery? Never quite got around trying it.
doom divers good rock lobbers shit
He literally chucked babies off of castle walls
Doom Diver Catapults are one of the best piece of arty in the game. Its basically combination of dawi cannon and grudgethrower.
changeling is actually so fun, pure meme shit
Many goblin lives died for this
it's from a study published a couple months ago
WoC is so easy vassals and extra income are not needed. Just raze the shit out of everything
>Cold Ones as frontline
No one said this I just said they were better for sustained combat
>using Empire Knights ever as an argument
Not only are they the shittiest cavalry besides Reiksguard being them but overpriced, they are shock cavalry that will fall over in any sustained combat
>Knights of the Black Rose
Wow, its almost like CA loves to release powercreep DLC
>Lore reasons
Your only proper reason to be upset about Cold One cavalry not being like they are in the lore, does not mean Cold Ones are bad
>spamming dragons
Again, no one said this but keep going bro, this isnt Medieval 2 or Attila where Cavalry is good in the first place but if you enjoy T5 Cavalry that actually do get outperformed by lower tier Cavalry, for all their armor they fall over just as quick as most other cavalry because AP run rampant in this game, go for it but arguing taking 2 dragon princes over 2 dragons is hilarious. Also notice I never said anything about their rework, I said DLC which rework does not necessarily need to be or should be tied to. You really like to make up your own arguments.
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Am I being a fool if I have hope in this scenario?
You either get it and make the world your circus or you hate it and say its bad and come here and say how bad it is when you never played a single scheme quest
Barely doable, highly costly.
But they had the time of their lives getting there!
that was Neoptolemus
>seem to suggest
>seem to suggest
Unless it's outright stated it's an interpretation by the researcher. The guy who discovered the Maya ruins created the story that they were a completely peaceful society without war because as a WW1 vet that's what he wanted.
You'd have hope if all those melees were sharts you're going to run out of ammo and your melee can't beat dwarf melee
I get it and just found it fun.
Its like playing pokemon with an action replay and using 100 rare candies.
Like ok, maybe this was fun when I was 5, its sorta pointless now.
What's ridiculous is my man Rhesus is wearing a Thracian style helmet from hundreds of years in the future, not necessarily that a breasplate and helmet is implausible.
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You know jack shit about Cold Ones' worth. Here is how they compare against a same tier unit thats been forgetten longer than Cold Ones.
Your autism about a shitty representaion of a really cool unit doesnt make them good in a roster where its full of AP and fast units.
Go spam more dragons idk. Calling Dragon Princes a bad unit already showed your double digit iq.
Is that edgy emo gunpowder chick stronger than karl?
Yeah a lot
why is a goblin hit harder than a rock
So they're worse in every way to demigryph knights that are already unusable sorry just adding another shart or hero
Rock can't think, he doesn't want to kill people. Doom diver can think and he wants to kill people.
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Melekh, my beloved
I see
Demis are actually capable of catching enemy flankers. And you can heal them.
Cold Ones are a fucking joke. Their anti-large version is worse than normal version. Normally if a unit is anti-large or a shock cav, they get better charge bonus. Cold ones doesnt even get that.
In Malus' books, every rider have a crossbow and they shoot before they charge.
But nooo, thats a lot of work for CA i guess.
They should also fly and drop bombs
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All cavalry in WH sucks anyways, BEHOLD
You jest but im pretty sure Pegasus riding crossbow RoR will become a legit unit with slaanesh dlc.
there is absolute zero chance lizardmen get any substantial rework that would change how they play
Hmmm, are you assuming 3-way with Slaanesh dlc will rework Morathi's faction into Cult of Pleasure from SoC ?
>there is absolute zero chance dwarfs get any substantial rework that would change how they play
>every rider have a crossbow and they shoot before they charge.
lost technology sorry, certain cav in Rome 2 and Attila could throw javelins before engaging
dwarfs got a DLC
CA has mindbroken fantasois now they all want reworks with every DLC drop, the fact that CA doesnt do reworks that arent reliant on DLC releases is pretty scummy and gay as fuck, isnt Kislev still in desperate need of a rework since Kostaltyn and Katarin cant confederate until they get the bar to the max?
And? I admit rework helped the sales of the dlc but they are completely seperate.
No one was asking or expecting reworks for dwarfs and Gelt. CA seems commited to impreve every campaign to a standart now.
Everyone was asking for Gelt reworks lmao, his and Karl's campaigns were dogshit.
they got a rework because they got a DLC, lizardmen did not get a DLC so they will not get a rework

gelt got a rework because the empire got a DLC and they moved him to make way for Elspeth
Bacause Kislev and Cathay will get another dlc.
>the fact that CA doesnt do reworks that arent reliant on DLC releases is pretty scummy and gay as fuck
They said in their latest future of total war warhammer 3 that they will release reworks with regular patches between dlc
The empire rework should honestly just be each LL you confederate (except Markus he needs a rework or something) you adopt their mechanics since they wanna do the whole getting a province in Empire land means you get the EC system why not expand it to everyone being able to grab each others mechanics.
Confederate Gelt gives you the college, confederate Elspeth gives you the amethyst armory, confederate Volkimar and you can get the books, give Franz and Markus something worth confederating them for as well, fuck it.
they've literally confirmed the geomantic web is getting a rework
CA literally said they will be updating/reworking races that got left behind. DLC is not a factor here.
Empire rework was basically a guarantee, but no one expected a seperate echanic for Gelt.
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Yeah sadly the average researcher tends to be really shitty about that.

But those aren't Scout Equites.
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Easiest WoC in the RoC to get a quick campaign legendary chevo?
Festus. But its also boring as shit.
Play Valkia. Its fun.
>ework Morathi's faction into Cult of Pleasure from SoC ?
If you mean "Storm of Chaos", im notfamiliar with the lore of it. But CA said cults will get a update. And im expecting unique mechanic rework for Malekith, Morathi, Tyrion and Teclis.
To be honest, most researchers nowadays seem to suggest that female priestesses of Ishtar did not actually fuck for money, but I don't believe them.
>CA said
Redpill me about Ogres.
Basically, Storm of Chaos gave Morathi her very own army of Slaanesh worshiping Dark Elves and had them try to invade the Lizardmen so those factions had something to do during that campaign.
i accept your concession
Fuck, I always read this in his voice
CA said we werent getting anymore 3 race DLC packs, they said we were getting something special for the 100th LL, the last roadmap showed Slaanesh was next. They said that Pharaoh development might continue if the next update was well received.
l*gendfag seething at CA again...
Is it weird that I find her really pretty in a non sexual way?
It is very nice that Malekith has so many problems to deal with.
they said further dlcs would be smaller scale, not that they wouldn't be 3 way anymore. you fags don't even know what ca said when seething about them
Morathi is more fun now that she has to deal with the hag bitch to get to the donut
>Rushes the barracks to tier 2 using slaves
>Get 2 masters, 2 Darkshards
>Get a Dreadfu
>On turn fucking 1
MotherO dead by turn 6.
>some nerd ass fucker showing me some numbers
>my 2000+ hours of experience watching dread knights shit the bed more often than not
I'm not that anon, but I had to tell you those numbers are worthless when you experience first hand how horrendous dread knights are on the battlefield. I mean they're like ok if it wasn't for how expensive and high tier they are, which is kind of what happens with dragon princes with the difference that dragon princes are more like an actual high tier unit but covering a niche that's already covered by other T4 and 5 units while dread knights are more of an underpowered unit for their tiering. I mean why would you need an anti infantry cav at fucking T5 when you have magic and other stuff to solve that problem, it's fucking stupid.
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How to make Bretonnians fun?
Because currently playing this faction is not fun.
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Seems pretty fun to me
>Change the outdated peasant system.
>Barracks should cap at tier 3. And should give some new hero.
>Stables should give economic benefits.
>Armourer should be a 5 tier building. Giving lots of global buffs.
>Minor settlements should be a walled castle maps at tier 3 like in wh2.
>Chivalry system should be tied to knight units.
>WoC style Knight upgrades.
Nigga that shit's still listed on steam at 50 bucks
i enjoy it, you just gotta avoid the noob trap of spamming cav when you should be spamming heroes, archers and trebuchets
Is Grombrindal a top tier combatant?
He comes short on speed.
Shut up Malal you don't exist.
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This is the best technology in Total War.
Make lords assassinateable again so that one enemy hero can completely ruin your economy and/or army by assassinating the lord. Just like in WH1.
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Why is the garrisoned Black Orcs called "Urk Backstabba", is it a reference to something?
Not a mental illness according to people in this thread btw
Stop deleting your porn spam, tranny. Get banned by the jannies like a man.
'e's Urk an 'e's gonna stab ya in da back, wots so weird?
Garrison leaders get randomized names, even if they're units instead of heroes.
Wasn;t there a retard that sperged about elfs and Tolkien or was that from the warhammer thread on /v/?
no, he doesn't quite measure up to many of the other combatants
What race gets the best auto result treatment?
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Before I commit my afternoon/evening to anything else, I'll try setting up a casual coop campaign for /twg/ frens
>lobby: /twg/
>pw: wegh
>no mods, IE
Just looking for 1-2 guys, but will do w/e. Either will play ligs or some flavor of chaos.
Optional: https://discord.gg/BsNBmyRa since they STILL don't have an ingame chat.
Will wait 15 minutes from now, 4:41 est.
All welcome.
Combine that with the shade or darkshard names of power and it's stupidly hilarious innit
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>Co-op campaign with randoms
>No mods
>No chat
>/twg/ schizos
I'd be down to it with my friend but we play late night so yeah.
CA really made it so players have no way of communicating with each other in a multiplayer video game?
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Are Nuln ironsides just a straight upgrade over handgunners? They do a lot more damage but there's also less of them so I dunno how they work out in practice
In practice they are a straight upgrade. They have less entities but they are much more heavily armored.
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Sorry anon, CA can't allow HOT ASHIGARU SEX CHAT in their wholesome game for children
You know, the one with the orgies
>'what, actually just play the game?!"
I'll play the game just not with (You)
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they should add foot knights
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That's ok.
No chat is actually outrageous though.
>sword and board
We don't know really they're pretty much currently in a failed beta state. As is playing them right now their campaign mechanics are of low to no value and very restrictive. If you add the ez mode mods it becomes too easy and boring. Just wait for the dlc to be out of beta status
How are you intending to lose to skavenslaves as any faction? I'm not sure it's possible. Also they're no fun until you get the fliers which you already have. Even them I can never get there because not having vow notifications and then noticing I missed out on them is too frustrating
Don't bretonnian knights make a big deal about not fighting on foot?
They're an upgrade, yeah. But make sure to make them stationary as much as you can, blackpowder discipline makes a big difference.
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I tried to play multiplayer Total Wars since hotseat campaigns in Med2 and it was never fun. Too much time spent doing nothing waiting for other guy. Having to sit through other players turns or battles fucked with pacing too much and campaigns are long anyway. Felt hardly different from watching ecelebs play TW. Even simultaneous turns didn't help me. Same experience I had with Age of Wonders.
Isn't this the exact reason why they say to put the game on easy with ai cheats all the way to -10? Peoples turns take less
sweetie thats the old GW lore this is the new one so they can sell more minis, plus Bretonnia now has better infantry then the Empire.
>Longbeards (knights)
Yeah I put on 5 minute turns. Shoulda made it 2 or 3.
Decided with this guy to run it quick and make a custom short objective. just fight a path to altdorf and take it.
How do I become a champion of Nurgle?
be stinky
Be immune to something that plagues other people and transmit it
I thought your opponent could take control of whatever army you faced
>Vlad von Carstein won't be in the game because he's dead
>Repanse won't be in the game because she's dead
>Grom the Paunch won't be in the game because he's dead
>Cathay won't be a playable faction because reasons
>Knights can't fight on foot because reasons
typical lorefag L
I can only pray that they will get a proper contract system that is worth engaging in. Problem with them right now is that empire building and contract completion just don't mix. Why send a lord three provinces over for some money and a small buff when you can just conquer your neighbours?

I also hope that AI ogres will be better with their camps so you can more easily recruit good mercenaries.
The empire should have Greatswords (Halberds).
Moreover sending ogres over for a contract rn would cost enough meat attrition that they won't get to the contract without having to setup camp. It's pretty joke tier
I think they will go with a "send a camp" system similar to Elspeth's gardens.
Contracts come in, you set up a camp close to it, recruit, do the contract. That gives growth to that camp and relations etc.
Mountains of Mourn and some other areas will be the main conquer settlements.
Wasn't Azhag also dead yet came out as one of the first LLs?

I think it'd be cool if they could rework contracts to be a bit like the Troy mythology mode expeditions where you can send an army away for a couple of turns and do a couple of battles along the way.
Maybe instead of a sending an army away you specifically recruit an army for it like a caravan.

There'd be some decision making. You can recruit a super OP army but then the recruitment cost will outweigh the reward. But if the army is too weak you won't be able to beat the battles. So you have to find a middle ground.
Followers of nurgle are not immune to their diseases, they are blessed with an immunity to it killing them.
A follower of nurgle with the cold will still have a runny nose and cough and all that.
so true sister, stormcasts soon!
Go suck each other off already. Having strong opinions on a jewtuber is gay as fuck
Rejoice, the enlightened centrist has tipped his fedora our way
>responding to hours old posts just to say he totally doesn't care
uh huh
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why did the tcal choose to implement kislev and cathay into wh3 when the entire order tide is out to get them?
was it just autism?
Think you want /v/ if you want to post thinly veiled off topic political nonsense.
NTA or the other one.
Things in this game very often don't perform the way they are listed on the stat sheet. I suspect that attack animation has more effect on anything than any stat. I've had fresh cavalry trying to kill one routed gobbo on fast speed for over a minute without hitting him. It doesn't matter what the stats are when a unit derps out.
I suspect this is why nasty skulkers are so good. They actually land attacks. Their animation isn't as buggy. It's not just AP, they do far better than higher quality units.
She is fun

Wasn't expecting that.
Instead of playing a continuous coop campaign they should make it work like those old play-by-email games, where one player plays his turn and then switches the game off and lets the other player takes up to 24 hours for his turn. That would only work if there were dedicated servers that could host the game's state, or if you could send hotseat saves to your buddies or something, since the whole point is to let players do anything else while waiting, instead of having the game open.
Is there some trick to get grudges? Do you want to sit in a place you plan to expand and raid till they get mad? Im playing Thorek and taking Lahmia from Khalida and its worth 2 grudges. Just seems off, I feel like im missing something with how to get the faction to generate them cause all i heard is how easy it is to generate them.
Warscape has that issue in general with cavalry, when it's down to one enemy in the unit each of your units has to perform some dumb one on one animation attempting to kill them. Warhammer is just where it became incredibly aggravating, before it was noticeable but now it often takes paradoxically longer to kill one enemy than it does to wipe out everyone else in the unit when chasing them down.
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Not even once.
Niggas what should I do in my Reikland campaign I have three realistic options right now
>crusade into Norsca from Nordland even tough everything there is uninhaitable
>declare war on Drycha to restore the elector cunt there
>go help Kislev and kill all the chaosfags and ratniggers there
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I usually go Drycha. If Kislev is getting their ass kicked you'll need a good eastern border, if Kislev is doing well eventually they're going to start picking apart Empire territory and you don't want that.
She's not a bad lord her summons are good, her mount is good. Just kind of unpopular
>Ogre contract
>You give up a lord and whatever units he has.
>The AI gets them/teleports them over
>If they engage in any battle you get to control them
People would get mad at the AI using them for suicide-manuevers, but it'd also be potentially fun to have you suddenly be fighting battles you were hired to rather than you minmaxxed to prepare for.

>Bretonnia gets space marine heavy foot knights
>Empire doesn't
I'd laff and laff
using the work fedora makes you the worst kike nigger faggot ever
>hours old
I just got back to the thread and had to read that shit. I'll post it every time you argue about that autistic aussfag, fuck off with that shit. I got 2 midwit responses, so the time clearly didn't matter, my words found their intended audience.
I mean, fuck, I finished the shit I was taking, made another post, came back down to my PC, and you cum felching failed abortions responded in 2 minutes.
>but we're not those anons you were talking to.
Drycha doesn't hate you unless you nap the dwarves around her who will never declare on you, personally I got my long vic with empire with drycha as military ally from selling her 1 t1 settlement with a red building
Based grandma establishing Khaine's dominance over ch*osniggers.
Malekith is a very solid lord.
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The comfy corner has been secured. I wonder where the Witch King will leads us next.
How are you enjoying the tutorial corner so far?
Yeah solidly burned to a freaking crispamundo BRO your man is a stick of momfucker jerky BRO the faint smell of elf crackling follows him everywhere
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Remind CA to update Malekith's weapon. I think that it should remove magical attacks in an area much like Durthu can.
Being surrounded by friendly Dark Elves is nice but Valkia and Grombrindal meant serious business. Nonetheless, the Witch King presses on to secure his birth right.
>He fell for the Warleader meme
How is your campaign going?
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I don't have any ongoing campaigns.
Consider beginning one!
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planning to do that Thursday
>thanks to legend we won't get monke army and chinkgis khan (dragon)
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>mfw legend is right again and we get monke army and chinkgis khan (dragon) but also we don't and he's still right
crack when?
Get a job, commie.
talk to your local dealer
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>Rome 2, Hannibal at the gates
>Conquered all of Libya off of Carthage
>My defensive ally, Rome, as taken half of Algeria
>My fleet is heading off to take the Balaeric Isles from Carthage, which has been reduced to the coast of West Algeria and a part of Morocco
>Lusitani tribes have seized Carthage's territories in Hispania

It's actually fucked how rigged the campaign is against Carthage though. At this point I'm just waiting for my Roman "allies" to break our pact and then it's FINGER ON THE TRIGGER I AIN'T TAKING SHIT FROM NO NIGGER.
She's unironically the most unique one she's just fat and ugly so I won't play her
Archaon doesn't get talked about enough, considering his power level.
Have you ever played as Archaon?
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A modest start to world domination.
Wtf is up with the skeggi landmark? that garrison is insane.
The Gods were not kind to Carthage.
Played him a few times in WH2, not once in WH3 since I just play Valkia or Azazel.

I have this thing where I HATE playing Chaos Undivided stuff. I want full Daemonmanii (Red) or full Daemonmanii (Blue) or full Daemonmanii (Purple), I don't like mixing them I can't explain it.
That is because you are secretly an agent of Order. You have no place in the ranks of Chaos.
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>Have you ever played as Archaon?
Unironically no less than 6 times. I don't mean just opening a campaign as him. I mean at least 25 turns in, likely more. At least 1 of them was domination victory.
It would seem that you already have this world.
Nuh uh I'm a true enjoyer of Chaos. How do you do fellow Chaoschad? Boy I can't wait to uh rape some women and uh enslave some children right friend? Us Chaosbros am I right?
Dropped a Belegar campaign because i missed the full age of reckoning at 98%.
The Ancestor Spirits will never shut up about that one.
you probably have OCD
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Astragoth has:
6800 health
130 armour
Respectable melee stats

Good luck fighting him.
>Six companies of Exalted Daemonettes
LMAO bye loser
Just another cocksleeve
why does he even buff bull centaurs
i mean i guess it's a thematic stack for him but why? surely i thought he would have been more magic based
Do you think that Li Dao and Yin Yin will be busted Legendary Lords if CA ever releases them?
more important question: why do all chinese names sound the same to me?
I feel that this game goes from
>You have to only use T0-1 units from one building and have only one or two armies
>You can recruit full stacks of endgame units and the only challenge now is not getting lazy
There's no fun mid game where you can use different units and have interesting immersive battles.
This is particularly bad when you can get a major confederation like with orcs or Kislev. I barely made my first t3 stack when I hit 600 supporters and now I got a huge income (after firing a few armies), all the recruitment buildings, and the ability to make trade deals with good partners.
Also, when I confederate, I feel like the HR guy from the company that bought a competitor and now I got to go through and fire nearly everyone and fix their retarded shit.
Mid-game is fucked up because when your settlement is hitting t2-4, your stacks are away on the frontlines. You usually don't come home until you're maxed out or just global recruit elite shit.
Foot Knights have been a thing in lore forever, look up the Virtue of Empathy in Bretonnian lore it's an entire Virtue dedicated to slogging it on foot with the peasants
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>6800 health
Routed in two hits by CHADrik
Chaos shorts die quick so CHADrik can go back to fucking his waifu
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Because the syllables have no associations to Western ears. Until I saw the cat memes I legit thought she was Yao Ming because there is a container company called "Yang Ming," so my brain just made the association from work.
I think it's unfair for large units to have anti-large
Not sure how she's the one you made that mistake with, considering we've also got Zhao Ming the Yang lond.
I wish they could make the ai function at higher difficulty without cheats, or at least cheats that hamstring the player. If I turn the difficulty down (to normal) so I'm not constantly broke, the ai becomes a(n even bigger) push over.
I think this is why WoC are so popular. No babysitting and you can manage your army from where you're at. Beastmen too, I guess, but I don't play them. Maybe even VC, but I just used centuries in command cheese to rush necrofex and that was pretty lame so I quit and haven't played them since w2.
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DESU, I've never even started a game with them, which is funny because I actually use the I Ching so you'd think I'd like the yin and yang bullshit, but the whole thing sounds retarded to me.
I think it's because of that one flavor text in the loading screen that sucks off Cathay so blatantly (pic related)
It's so pandering and against the flavor of the setting. It's not even accurate to actual chink history lore.
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Yuan Bo can beat:
Crone Hellebron
Karl Franz

He isn't even the strongest of the Cathayan dragons.
I'm not sure if any skaven armies can defeat me when i have my actual armies set up, I think its fun going bowling against skavenslave stacks though, Also for the vows my strategy is to spam out lords to reinforce to get xp for the knight vow, Then i usually have a good enough economy to give them units for the rest of their vows as the game goes on, Really the only ones thats annoying to me is the questing vow, Just because the coastal treasure seems to take longer to spawn than in warhammer 2 so its not as easy to get a sea battle
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how dare u post that image without linking the meow mod
The summoning ritual has been completed.
Awwwe this is actually a really cute image
He arguably is the strongest character in the game solely because of his execute ability
Theodore Bruckner can also Execute.
Also betting that U'zhul Skulltaker will have some kind of Execute.
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Bye bye
Astragoth has innate magical attacks.
It really is giga cringe. Kislev gets a very similar treatment in the WH3 writing, though not quite as egregious.
>no ward save anymore
dies like a cuck bitch to astragoth
Alright cool kid, whatever
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>A father asks his daughter what she wants for her birthday. She says she wants Barbie and GI Joe. The father says "I thought Barbie came with Ken?" His daughter replies, "she's faking it with Ken, Barbie actually comes with GI Joe! "
Anons talk about which lords they fear...
but for me, nothing is more terrifying than him.
You're saying it isn't cringe?
Whatever 2
Hi Miao
just lost all motivation to play shogun 2 because there is no drag and drop unlike rome 2. now i'll try the divide et impera mod, is it any good?
Be'lakor can remove Immune to Psychology from nearby enemies.
There will eventually be a lord who can remove Unbreakable.
>soborofag is a cuckfag too
who would have guessed
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the artist is soboro

if u want to see lots of other cute miao ying art you should look them up

do it in public where lots of people can see :)
Top tip: Don't put your ranged units too close to your frontline. They may end up getting obstructed by allies and won't be able to inflict any damage upon your enemies.
what causes this behavior?
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My ranged units ARE my frontline though
Then I wish you luck in reclaiming the motherland. Ursun wills it!
With Malus gone Imrik is likely the strongest melee duelist in battle map rn after he gets the ball rolling, maybe competing with Tamurkhan, but he's not that strong before he gets his mount so if you're close you can just go beat him over real quick
Has anyone here played Troy? Is Achilles the kind of guy that you just right click on the enemy general with?
You're still playing Rome 2, it won't save that game if you're not into vanilla.
In duels? Yes, usually, but generals can't solo armies in Troy.
Dude got shanked in Cathaniyan macdonalds, it's just shows how mind raped local chinese are, which also matches other stuff written about them in game, like buildings/unit/tech descriptions, it's just whatever, really. It's all a bubblegum in the end, like it always was.
Probably a good thing. Lots of lords in Warhammer 3 are more powerful than their armies.
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Spells? What are those?
Extreme feminist cults
Gooks have a slight problem
Hilarious to me that Khorne gets no spells yet they still feel very overpowered in battle.
Just a mega statcheck faction.
i did like vanilla, it's my first total war game. my friend recommended it to me, he said it's a great introduction to the series. i also want to play shogun 2, three kingdoms and medieval 2
Yes, it's the best warscape era overhaul bar none. Be prepared for more complex mechanics like population and supply lines though.
a good faction.
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>he hated him because he spoke the truth
Respect rats, bitch.
>mao wants to end the chinese language and only use english because it will be easier for the rest of the world to accept chinese rule if they already share the common world language
>at the last second his education team rebuilds the chinese language but based on english
>a language based on english has no association to western ears
>western ears don't associate with english
Absolute fucking retard. For someone in a thread about world history you sure are fucking stupid.
Go educate yourself.
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what causes this behavior
Well then you'll probably like it, especially if you think vanilla TW games are too fast paced. It's not exactly complex, but it has a few new mechanics implemented to slow down your expansion and tends to be more punishing.
It really doesn't like when you mess with the difficulty settings, though, so you should play on Normal CAI/BAI or Hard CAI and Normal BAI.
this is the first time I've been pointed to newgrounds for education
>i browse reddit NOT newgrounds!
Die zoomer.
Can't wait to see how the DLC nerfs them.
I hope they're weaker than Skarbrand. The formula has always been powercreep this powercreep that, why would it change now?
look dude i bet you learned a lot about history from meet & fuck kingdom 3 but uhhh my parents loved me, so they taught me the value of not reading low quality thought and pretending i'm learning something from it
Imagine if they release a lord with better stats than Tyrion.
I doubt your capability of finding something of value in anything
On a side note. I believe that the Chaos Lord of Nurgle has the best stats of any generic lord. 60 melee attack + 69 melee defence = 129 total stats.
Chinese is literally one of the hardest languages to learn for English speakers alongside other east Asian languages, this has been proven with studies. That anon is right you absolute retard, Chinese is very difficult to understand to any westerner.
High Elf Prince gets 62 MA + 72 MD. That is 134 total.
Elves > everyone else.
Dude, that's nigger tier behavior, if I was Asian, I'd be inspired that I was stereotyped to be so sensitive and emotionally fragile that I'd instantly murder a foreigner for insulting the guy who steals a portion of my income. But hey, we're a Mary Sue race who can do it without spilling a drop of tea.
Fuck them, and fuck you for being too dense to see the cringe pandaring (get it?) for what it is.
Even if you take the not!China out of it and make it a fantasy race, it still doesn't work. If they were that fucking "tidy", they would show no reaction and the guy would just disappear, not chimp out without any analytical thought for strategy.
>total warhammer 3 = meet and fuck kingdom 3
>was taught to not browse reddit by my mommy and daddy
>he still browses reddit anyway and boasts about both life failures
Do you idiots solely come here for the negative attention of telling you to go back?
Or roleplaying/just pretending to be retarded?
>X is literally
Stopped reading.
Chinese is retarded easy and it's even easier after jews and communism raped it in the 50s, and it's even easier than that now with all the morphing closer to English since then.
First of all, "Chinese" isn't a spoken phonetic language. It's a system of pictogram radicals that have no intrinsic sound.
Secondly, if you're referring to spoken Mandarin, it not only has zero English cognates that aren't loan words, it also uses tone inflection that doesn't exist in English or any white man's language.
So I don't need to click whatever bullshit links you posted to know that no matter what they say, the shit you just said is complete nonsense.
I don't care whether you stopped reading, it's a fact. English speakers intrinsically do not understand Chinese as a language and it's incredibly difficult to learn as a result, and that's not even getting into the written portion of the language. This has been proven with countless studies. Keep coping, seething, and smashing your enter button, you're hilariously wrong.
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Chinese is simply too high IQ for filthy gweilo to understand
your brains are such retarded gruel that the best purpose you've found for them is to pretend that whatever dumb shit they puke up was actually said by someone else so you can disagree with it
He's honestly only mid with the AI because he doesn't get the dragon collecting buffs and the AI is too stupid to stack fire weakness on enemies
Astragoth would also be a lot more dangerous of the AI could actually pull an Ash Storm into Black Hammer 60% fire weakness stack
But it can't
At least Imrik's basic 40% fire weakness is easier for the AI to apply since it just needs to activate his weapon's ability (but a player can stack it even higher than 40%)
That is what being on the left side means, right?
in fact Luthor Harkon anon is so far to the left he doesn't even show up on the graph
I wish that they didn't give Katarin that mega chariot. She was once the most balanced lord in all of Total War, not overpowered but certainly not weak.
Now she is a goddamn train.
I'm posting this every time ratfags get feisty.
>Astragoth would also be a lot more dangerous of the AI could actually pull an Ash Storm into Black Hammer 60% fire weakness stack
I...have never considered that before
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>first of all
Hey dumb nigger, i don't know which Chinese speaking country you've been to but go do that before you comment on speaking Chinese. Feel free to call yourself a dumb nigger when you can speak a thousand English words adopted into Chinese and speak zero Chinese words adopted into English.
"Oh hey i'd like a Coke"
>peasant farmer understands in Chinese
"Ni Hao Wo Yao Ke Le"
>nobody in English speaking countries knows what the fuck you want
Rinse repeat a thousand times in a thousand different situations.
>my facts are based on my feelings and personal struggles with the world around me
Yawn. Tell it to reddit, faggot.
GwaiLou dumb nigger.
It's a language learnt by repitition alone; the language of 'bang your head against a wall to get a result'.
>buys western white man technology to dumb it down with chinese limitations
Keked and cucked daily.
Literally who?
Is /twg/ always this autistic?
I blame the ratfags.
i guarantee that guy's malaysian

something wrong with all those island monkeys
Post some Skaven stats and/or fun facts.
>fun facts
They pee on each other.
It's one of the main reasons to play him
I mean you can just cast Ash Storm with Kindleflame unlocked and that'll already be a 40% fire weakness, so if you have hobgobbo archers or something early game it'll do a lot of damage
But having him go up in something's face with his hammer and then casting Ash Storm not only also stacks flammable on there, it also makes it harder for the enemy to escape and puts him in the best position to do a ton of damage in melee
You can also stack Deadly Onslaught, Flaming Sword of Rhuin, and if you're lucky enough to get it the Vial of Hashut adds another 20% fire weakness to the enemy, so Astragoth can stack 80% weakness on a single target by himself
Tretch had 70 MD right off the bat last time I checked
dat nigga ain't playin'
they rape each other to show dominance
Queek is not gay
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>Yawn. Tell it to reddit, faggot.
Denying reality is usually a form of mental illness. Chinese is not easy to learn for any westerner. This has been empirically proven. This, for instance, is from the State Department's own data. Keep melting down because you can't admit you're wrong.
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they canonically fuck elf women
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do you just lurk itt all day or are you a bot?
anyway it's clearly """"fan fiction"""" only because ET happened before it could be published
Clan Skyre can provide all of their Ratling Guns with infinite ammunition.
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Reddit hits all boards in random waves.
>resident /twg/ tw3 player can't kill chaos units with chaos units
>casual ratfags procede to rape chaos units with skavenslaves
It's like you're trying to find more reasons to be laughed at.
Rats can and will murder you in irl and in game. Not a single person has died irl to any one of the warp gods or their cucks; but there's millions that have died to rats. All these warp god fearing fedora faggots will turn around and shit up other boards about how gods are silly and stpid and nobody should be afraid of them. Can't have it both ways, just accept rats rule, warp gods drool.
>this nigger can't pass HSK 4 after 3 months in a Chinese speaking country
Tell me you're a stupid nigger that browses reddit with shit for life experience without telling me you're a stupid nigger that browses reddit with shit for life experience.
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ogre woman
Dark Elves need a higher tier shielded infantry. Dreadspears and Bleakswords can only get you so far.
The actual leaders of the skaven clans are canonically so powerful they can't be included in the game, they would be unbeatable
You retarded cunt. I can't get chinks who cook food for a living and live here to understand how I want my food cooked and you think a chinese peasant in china would understand English with zero context because some asshole on the Internet said mao
>Completely changed the language at the last minute
So can you explain why people in Taiwan and Hong Kong speak the same language? Also, you do realize the British were ruling Hong Kong before Mao was born, right? Are you literally incapable of seeing the holes in your fairy story that gape like your asshole after your mom's boyfriend rapes you?
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One unit of stormvermin (swords and shields) can defeat a elemental bear without breaking a sweat. You can check it yourself, turn sanbox mode one and do 1v1.
This feels bullshit but elemental bears do suck so I'd believe it.
I'm not trying to learn the chink language and I don't care to, I just know basic facts about what languages are easy to learn for English speakers. It goes Romance/Germanic languages - > Greek/Slavic/various other languages - > East Asian languages/Arabic. Once again, this has been empirically measured and studied. You were wrong, it's okay to admit it.
Fuck off with your shit fetish already.
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That sounds wrong but I both don't care enough to test it or trust ratfags enough to believe any test I'm shown
>I have personal struggles so my feelings result in facts
Nobody cares about your retardation.
Feel free to go to a Chinese speaking country and ask for a Coke or any popular cola or any popular fastfood item.
Then proceed to call yourself a stupid fucking nigger with zero life.
>I don't know anything about chink language
>but here are my feelings on the matter
>also, these feelings are facts
Tell it to reddit, nigger. 4chan is the last place you should be telling your feelings to.
That's hot.
I have posted facts. You, funnily enough, have posted none. But thanks, I accept your concession.
wow just like /twg/ posters
Yeah, I guess bear attack hitboxes are a fucking joke, He does these huge swings, ice explodes but rats don't give a fuck. Or more likely his entity splash attack is too high for him to do any meaningful damage to chaff around. I didn't believed it, but it's true, bear is broken in a bad way.
Is Medieval 3 out yet?
He's either hardcore in character trolling, or seriously mentally ill to the point that anyone questioning the thing he read online and hasn't tested in real life is traumatic. Probably a communist or troon. Made a really bad decision and now can't back down from anything.
Or an ai with a specific personality. Kind of a forum breaking weapon being tested here for use on specific agendas.
Now that I think about it, that's a good theory. Make an ai so retarded you won't think it's a bot, but it will argue a bullshit premise to the death and never give up no matter how wrong it clearly is...
Queek is queer
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You can't read chinese, you failed the test.
It's okay though, you couldn't possibly look any stupider. I really think you're a speech bot because you're following a routine that has no bearing on what was actually said.
You've already failed to prove you can read chinese, no fail to prove you're human.
Pic with timestamp, Hal.
Also, you say "nigger", but can you say "jews rape kids?" Bet you can't!
How is tyrant ever better those bonuses seem kinda bad globally. I never played delves in fact I think because I haven't they'll probably be interesting in old world. It's that Norsca or Slaanesh cause I've never played them and they aren't in line for dlc
Am I allowed to like rats if I don't want to fuck them? I just think they're funny.
Yeah but I won't give it to you
Only I get to play it
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>i struggle with subjects and that's a fact
>i know nothing on the subject matter, here's my personal feelings i mean personal facts
Not interested in you, or your life nigger.
If you do ever struggle to pass HSK4 in under 3 months you will just reaffirm the FACT that niggers like you are stupid.
But everyone would do that if there weren't laws against it. You sound like this redditor that doesn't like facts and reality.
Not rat enough. Get the fuck outta here.
You've just never met a woman rat enough, don't worry anon, you'll find the right one someday and then you'll fuck and make beautiful pit abominations.
Yes, that's most ratposters, but the autistic antiratfags will insist that you want to fuck rats regardless of what you want.
That's just a child on a costume you sick fuck.
I like the rats, I like playing as the rats, I don't want to fuck them. Guess we are the minority
>Brings up failing to pass a test that only he knows the name of that no one was talking about.
>Can't read 你显然看不懂中文,如果你能看懂,就回答“穿山甲”
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Rat General

Non-ratchads go to >>>/vst/
I like rats and I don't want to fuck them.
>how dare you like a child on a costume
It's one of 4chan's favorite passtimes to overplay these spelling mistakes and it never gets old.
>ch-chinese didn't get raped by jews and communism in the 50s!
>ch-chinese didn't adopt an english foundation!
>ch-chinese didn't get raped further by english words with every new thing that white men come up with in their language
The eternal reddit poster.
Semi-based semi-closeted.
>You've just never met a woman rat enough
Do not date Serbs.
Do not.
>7 PM in California
>ratfaggot raid starts
Not really, I want to be fucked by them instead.
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Rats are gross have sex with skinks instead.
>m-muh c-cali
t. exan
The next Witch Queen is from western Naggaroth.
>it's one of 4chan's favorite passtimes
>quoting multiple people every post
he's trying to fit in so hard lmao
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I fucked a Latvian and was about to fuck a Croatian if fucking the Latvian wasn't one of the worst experiences of my life.
Now THIS is based posting. Unfortunately though we all get fucked by the bad kind of rats.
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Cute trap
Could be Texans as well, Californians are infesting that state.
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built for RAT men
someone has to like tryna fix your grid hodad
All the same poster btw
Gee, i wonder who could be poisoning the well of the good name of rats.
>zoomer was too young to witness all the pozzing stories on the internet coming from texas
>zoomer too young to know that for over a hundred years it was common lingo when anyone that said they were from texas to follow it up with "only faggots and cows come from texas"
The state of the internet.
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That better be M/M.
This is definitely a bot. It argues just like the pharma shills. It ignores anything it can't handle and uses stock pilpul to push it's point.
>Based and $<adjective>

No pic, can't actually read chinese, and doesn't acknowledge points that destroyed him in the thread. Says nigger but won't talk about jews raping kids.

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are you a bot?
this feels like a dead internet moment
>zoomer too young to know that the west coast is the home of furfaggots and it spread from there
Yeah, I agree, the absolute state.
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head TAKEN

all liggers are women by default (no pp)
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Thoughts? I seem to have everything I want by lvl 36. I guess I can afford unlimited power and some extra blue skills?
you retards know that the only reason the ratfags do this is because you have a mental breakdown every time they post something? you give them endless attention with your seething holy shit its like its your first time on the internet
Everyone that dislikes skaven is essentially a bot.
Anon, cloacas might look like a snatch from the outside, but they are not. Many an imperial colonizer makes that easy mistake.
Only 3 more days until Pharaoh saves this shit general.
Do the imperials end up being vored?
I play both sides so I can be everyone's friend!
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That's more a Kroxigor/Carnosaur thing.
>furfags existed over a hundred years ago
You read too much furfag shit you started to believe they have lore.
Looks like the east coast is the one looking to fuck animals.
>"no no no no we don't borrow, we don't rent, we don't lease, we TAKE the heads"
>the eternally inferior cloaca expert enters the conversation
Rat vaginal fluids force you to continue orgasming until you pull your dick out.
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One of the oldest human artifacts is someone's fursona.
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Coping west coast faggot.
>carbon dating
Yeah okay reddit.
>washingtong is california now
Retard fucking nigger.
A skink could probably swallow a human whole.
>I will have this world!
What did she mean by this?
what the fuck is even going on in this thread
Who said that?
furry vs scaly race war
>zoomer too young to know that the west coast is the home of furfaggots and it spread from there
>the west coast
Maybe a baby, but even a teen or small child would be too big. Skinks aren't that big.
Who said what?
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Rats rule these lands, literal transvestites and faggots are trying to deny their rule, while jews are subverting all sides just for giggles.
>zoomer thinks there were furries over a hundred years ago when the entire nation said texas was nothing but a bunch of faggots and cows
>zoomer advertising themself as a retarded nigger says california then uploads picture highlighting washington
>the pacific northwest
>washington is now california
That quote.
What quote?
You said it was the east coast fucking animals in response to me saying it's the west coast which is the home of furries, I posted proof otherwise. What is hard to understand for your little retard brain?
Nevermind then
>"west coast is all gay"
>texas is known nationwide as the faggot state for over a hundred years
>"furries come from california"
>posts picture highlighting washington
We had a good conversation.
They are stretchy.
>zoomer too young to know that the west coast is the home of furfaggots and it spread from there
>the west coast
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>not rats
Remember that Romulus and Remus went to town on some wolf mommy milkers
They need to be if they have to handle Kroxigors.
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This is a Lizard General
Linen skirts must be so comfy.
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This is a pro-skub general actually.
>texas labeled home of the faggots and cows for over a hundred years
>"b-b-but furries! come from california"
>posts picture highlighting washington
>zoomer somehow thinks furries were migrating from california to texas over a hundred years ago
And the turkish/turanic creation myth is basically an /ss/+/hmofa/ greentext.
Skub = rats
Involving a she-wolf too. What is with wolf mommies and human children?
Residual myths of how humans tamed wolves and created dogs.
Ratfags ruin a perfectly good thread as usual.
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I love how fucking silly Tammy makes these guys
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Cry about it jewboy, this is finally getting good.
>not any wolf features
based and romepilled
cringe nippon garbage
What if the wolf that fed Rom and Rem was the same one that fucked the Turkish ancestor?
Only jews shit up perfectly on-topic threads with furry porn, but gaslighting is to be expected from ratfags.
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There's someone that will look at this and say: "man that's so fucking hot"
humans do not have wolf ears and tails
Jannies won't dare delete this because ratGODS rule this thread
>chinese spergs
>competitive jew-shriekers

these are all the same people, aren't they
Ratchads are all antisemitic. Jews fear the ratchad.
Both incidents are too far apart to be the same she-wolf, don't think wolves live too long so to speak.
The babies weren't even part of the original sculpture, they were added later.
Looks more like a hyena than wolf.
yeah. this is a pretty obvious raid, they didn't even try to hide it.
That's hot.
Aren't the Mongols also the descendants of a shepherd that fell in love with a she wolf? they are supposed to be the children of that she wolf
>chaos player gets raped by fellow chaos in under 15 turns
>skaven players are posting neat rat facts and keeping the thread lively
>transvestites and faggots aren't to blame for degeneracy despite being the degenerate in the room
The jewrat simply is here to subvert ratmen and get everyone to fight amongst themselves, which is oddly what you are doing.
Just think, there is a janny actually here among us having to clean up our shit off the floor.
>i recognize those animal tits
No, I meant the face, ears, and thick neck. It really looks more like a hyena than a wolf.
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It is one of their legends but there are others, the one with the she-wolf is the one that I believe the most since the others are Budist and Islamic tier garbage legends, meanwhile the conquerors of the known world are true descendants of wolves.
>transvestites and faggots aren't to blame for degeneracy despite being the degenerate in the room
Aren't you the massquoter fag who literally said "Rat vaginal fluids force you to continue orgasming until you pull your dick out"? Once again, your gaslighting both won't work and is typical of Jews.
I hate the skaven fanbase
I hate the skaven fanbase
I hate the skaven fanbase
Man, what is it with she-wolfs?
This is my interpretation but I think they are compared a lot to human due to their social nature, they can succeed alone but together they thrive just like mankind.
It seems that they are quite compatible.
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>anon actively makes efforts to undermine neat rat facts
I hate the jews just as much as the next human being does, but don't blame them for personal flaws.
Just imagine the effects taking those fluids orally.
>antiratfags act like pearlclutching retards whenever rats are mentioned
>also act surprised when people post rats to fuck with them
They aren't the smartest bunch.
No knot, no downtime. Humans are simply superior.
>Verification not required.
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perhaps HMOFA is just the natural state of man
no it was a wolf that took a fallow doe as a wife, so wolf/deer people
We thought something was wrong with our dumbest family member but it turns out they're completely normal with 100iq and we're the ones that are weird. These differences are too small to be meaningful

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