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Previous thread: >>487019835

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

>Current Events

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.07.25 — 2024.08.08
[000] W Corp. L3 Cleanup Captain Outis
[TETH] Fell Bullet Heathcliff

>Current Extractions

2024.07.11 — 2024.07.25
[000] Dieci Association South Section 4 Director Meursault
[WAW] E.G.O Contempt, Awe Ryōshū

2024.07.11 — 2024.07.25
Target Extraction: [ Sinclair ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Dyon and Sinclair!
dead game
woutis sexo
I love Carmilla
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>didn't manage to kill kim last turn
ah, I forgot about these counters...
I'm playing it rn though
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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Rodya LOVE!
Why do you post this every thread?
Because he loves Rodya. It's that simple.
>2 hours
do you not know what a ritualpost is
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Tfw no Ishtent
>outis with no visible pubes or under arm stubble
its never been so over.
why would she have pubes on her belly?
lurk moar newfag
why would armpit stubble show up thru her suit jacket?
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Mon beau mon amour
Her underarms aren't even exposed bwo
Outis pits should be showing at all times
Because my dick
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My wife would never show off her armpits.
WOutis kit where ?
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Too late, I'm already pre-rendering her delicious pits in my head
Excited to add WOutis to my charge team so I can retire the rabbit.
in 2 hours
don't expect anything crazy, she is buffing the faction a bit
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Now kiss.
Really really REALLY liked this interaction.
Heathcliff's frustration hit a bit too close to home, reminds me of some stuff from the past.

Overall SEA managed to be both amusing yet also an intriguing setup for Canto 5.
It also reminded me that I really need to get around to playing the other games.
Also Olga is BEEG.
Anyways back to the luxcavation mines to get everyone up to par.

Oh yeah, also think its neat how the game mechanics are integrated into the story even if mainly in the minis.
It's nice to have that sort of cohesion with the UI.
this is me but real
i'm very good about knowing when a dish or snack needs less or more sodium chloride
but would she be cheesed to meet me?
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Glad you enjoyed it anon. And yeah, KJH'S autism is something else.

Good luck with your grinding.
Lmao it’s funny they just dumpstered that potential friendship
>Open steam
>Random 6 GB update
Does this happen to anyone else?
>Lmao it's funny they just dumpstered that [HEADCANON]
She's literally sitting on the stairs in front of Heath while he's contemplating what happened.
She has no idea why he's forlorn but is sitting there close to him.
She still cares.
She's not a Hong Lu type that's going to be all over you trying to cheer you up. Ish has always been a hardass.
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I love these endcards cuz whoever draws them sucks at perspective sometimes.
You’re coping LOL
Her sitting on the dirty bus stairs was odd to me. I think both she and Meursault are supposed to be hovering close to him but due to the art it's a bit hard to tell immediately.
There's no way Meursault is supposed to be hovering Heathcliff.
Yeah it's odd.
This is the only one that's really wonky. Ish is huge in it.
Legit look at vergil chair legs.
yea rodion should be in the front and center. no one else really matters in this shot.
Vergil in his tiny chair, Ish is huge, enormous Charon, the bus isn't really all that long but the sinners get super tiny
He's standing slightly in front of Ishmael but looking straight out the bus doors? The perspective is off. Either way Ishmael and Meursault are both out of their seats and up in front of Heathcliff.
this but faust and dante
I did not even notice how fucked Vergil's chair was KEK
>i am bored, lets talk about how the artist that couldn't draw backgrounds had better perspectives
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The bus layout was different before as well.
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i mean
paus, in her limitless foresight, made the seats adjustable
<Now I proceed to pleasure myself with this branch>
Definitely looks better,
That's a ship doe.
>Faust standing all the way in the corner like a loser quiet kid being excluded from the classroom activities
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draw straight lines over the edges of the seats till the vp
you gotta let it go bwo
shitmori sympathizer detected. proceed with haste back to discord
My sex wife
Your wife may need to go on a diet soon
It objectively does, yes. But that's wrong think and you'll have the retards seething about it if you say so.
>Bus Backdoor clearly missing in this shot
I like how comically large Don's lance and Ryoshu's katana are
And I don't even need to draw straight lines over the other pictures to know they are badly drawn.
This makes this one better.
Um sweetie? There is a political WAR going on about the old art vs the "new" art. You can't just say that
someone should do lines on ni_gga's just for the lolz
go back.
So true bestie
Jousting lance suppose to be comically large compare to Don womanlet stature. Odachi is too wide tho.
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Even still it's large
ah great another dumbass attentionwhore want to derail the theard with dumbshit that resolve itself over a year ago
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Ryoshu's sword and especially the tsuba being so large will never not make me laugh
They're big girls
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Farmking Erlwatch soon. Trust the plan.
high quality post
>that resolve itself
So it was the ESLs all along huh
you'll be okay you big baby
people can talk about the art, it has literally no impact on anything. you and other retards treating it like some divisive topic are the issue.
ESLs GODS run this general. And you better start to ran about now coward
what does ESL stand for
what does limbus stand for
English Second Language. The one who has the tongue of the loathsome Anglicans on their linguistic deck of cards.
what do I stand for
<what do you stand for>
Come on, big numbers, big numbers, big numbers, no whammies, STOP!!!
Which sinner was spoiled this season, Outis? I know who's starved, but who got the most?
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where is she
This just confirms we'll get one spoilt sinner each season. It was Ish, now Outis. I wonder who will get the same treatment on Don's
Excited scrotum licking. Ryoshu's signature move.
where is dante
Are You Dante
I'm going to Dante
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Don's BEEG lance
Outis got 2 000, a 00 and a WAW
That's the most any sinner got in a single season.
Maybe Gregor since he's now at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to IDs/EGOs. Outis got spoiled because she had nothing for the longest time. The first time she got anything was Molar, which was season 3, I believe
how are you
It would be nice for herr gregor to get some nice stuff
W corp killer will be related to the manor in some way and Rodya will get the ID.
We'll stop getting spoilt sinners soon.
What happened to Outis was to balance her lack of IDs/EGOs before the season started. Ryoshu and Outis were the only ones who needed that.
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I want the next banner to come NOW. Not because I want WOutis, but because I need some thread. And also because I want to roll so that I can get more thread when the next next banner comes.
i have a migraine, how about you?
i want the warp event NOW
I'm eating a delicious banana creme pie and loving life. I have all IDs and EGO Uptie 4 btw
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Imagine being the one that gets to breed the most prime cut hag that is. Lucky fuck.
Cool Faust fanart account I found
we have an hour bwo
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Post some of their art here anon
Babymaking with Moses...
I want to carry her around on my shoulders.
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that's awesome
i'm sipping electrolyte water and chilling in the dark. i also have all IDs and EGOs UT4 :)
Getting killed by an unsheated sword sounds most painful.
This is an image board anon, don't be shy to post some art
erm meant sheathed
yeah getting smashed or thwacked by that monster would be brutal
>will get the ID
Yeah. Janitor 00 ID ha-ha.
This week he has the most amount of EGOs
Is there a site where i can check specific enemies and their skills/passives?
Yeah but apparently she swings it so fast it counts as slash damage?
Intimidating woman.
OP, 3rd from the bottom.
a testament to her strength
like on the boat
Yes, and the only EGO anyone cares about using is Legerdemain, a Zayin EGO released in season 1. Even AEDD isn't viable anymore since his Rupture ID is terrible compared to the other Rupture IDs
That'd be Ryoshu idiot. Everyone has 6 and Ryoshu has 7. Next week, Heathcliff will also have 7
Kill Ligmites. Behead Ligmites. Roundhouse kick a Ligmite into the concrete. Slam dunk a Ligmites baby into the trashcan. Stick nails in filthy Ligmites. Shoot Ligmites repeatedly. Stir fry Ligmites in a wok. Toss Ligmites into active catastrophes. Urinate on a Ligmites's dying face. Judo throw Ligmites into a wood chipper. Twist Ligmites heads off. Report Ligmites to Ursus border patrol. Karate chop Ligmites in half. Curb stomp pregnant Ligmites. Trap Ligmites in quicksand. Warp Ligmites with a sarcophagus. Liquefy Ligmites in an originium reactor. Eat Ligmites. Dissect Ligmites. Exterminate Ligmites in the gas chamber. Stomp Ligmites skulls with steel boots. Cremate Ligmites in the oven. Re-Lobotomize Ligmites. Mandatory abortions for Ligmites. Grind Ligmites fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Ligmites in fried pork grease. Vaporize Ligmites with Ifrit. Feed Ligmites to Seaborn. Slice Ligmites with a True silver slash.
>Next week
It happens this week dumbass.
Limbus Kusoge is out currently
you could try to search the enemy type and i think the wiki gg will have it? not sure.
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What information are you needing?
Malkuth and Tiph’s measurements
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I completely forgot that the kit reveal is today!
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Attention, ligmite vermin. Your recent string of abhorrent shitposts in /akg/ have earned you a lifetime ban from our noble general. /akg/ is blessed to not be populated by trannies and fujoshi like your rotting hovel, and we'd like to keep things that way. We will not be accepting pleas for forgiveness at this time. Do the entirety of /vg/ a favor and kill yourselves post-haste, and abolish that eyesore you call a divegrass team. Have a terrible day.
*knots you and leaves*
Next time one of you fuckers link your thread here we're nuking this place
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Do it now, it’ll be funny
I just realized something. With W Outis being released, Outis will be occupying 6 out 7 of my status effect teams. The only one she won't be on is Poise
So this is the 16 million extinction event...
Who the fuck are these retards? What are they talking about? Is this another Outisfag PSYOP?
Link what?
Yeah, I just counted how many teams each sinner is on, and Outis comes out at 6
Yi Sang 4
Faust 3
Don 4
Ryoshu 4
Meursault 3
Hong Lu 4
Heathcliff 3
Ishmael 3
Rodion 3
Sinclair 2
Outis 6
Gregor 2
I was looking for Kromers second fight attacks/effects/passives to make a custom id for her
if sex doesn't exist in the city then why is don looking at me like that?
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thank you for spoonfeeding the tourist anon. you're the force making lcg tourist accessible!
We need gregor to have an ID where he is just a ROach.
The bug.
Yes just the bug.
Medication is currently being delivered to your household alongside a team of medical professionals.
I wish you a full recovery. Have a good day.
So Pablo?
>Sex doesn't exist in the city
I dunno people say it doesn't exist.
The proof is that I am unable to get sex, therefore it must not exist. QED.
Lots of dead Fausts here
you lost. to us. cope and seethe.
He still has 3 of the best ids in the game.
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Here's your proof
>6 billion people in a city the size of sweden
Someone's fucking someone.
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they never said anything about rape
Yeah it's called nai_ga syndrome, sadly we're stuck with him for the main story.
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>sinclairfags already on damage control
Only good on two teams.
<It's me. I fucked everyone.>
sweden is seriously that small? wtf?
>damage control
Or maybe I just don't want him getting more broken shit that gets buffed in addition by pm.
It was me. I had sex with Don 6 billion times.
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This is literally impossible even by the citys standards, the measures they gave for how big the city is complete horseshit and I don't think director gets it either.
The city has layers like an onion
And a cake
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Most of them are packed like sardines in District Z
Nobody uses Nclair anymore. He's been outdated and outperformed by Dawnclair
there's space warping bullshit in the City, don't forget
Soon Outis will save charge.
Actually, the city really is the size of Sweden. It's just that everyone living there is the size of an ant. The Head had resized the humanity so it could be fitted in the city.
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No matter how packed it is there is no way it still reaches that number, literally every single street would be swarmed with people like ants, which obviously has never been the case so far.

I think something like this would be the only explanation for it if the measures on the map are to be believed.
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Remember the good old times during Ruina EA where we can hit 1000 posts on a Friday update night on /v/?

What happened Limbabs, did your balls drop off?
City should be overrun with people like ants but we walk through empty forests casually
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Soo do we know what Outis abilties do? Have they posted anything? Her release is 2 days away anyway
Library of Ruina updates always gave us a new part of the story and new characters to discuss, you stupid cunt.
it should be soon newbab
If she's pure blunt, I at least hope she has 3 coins on her skills 2 and 3 so I can put her in slot 3 for Crushed Memories buff
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you gain charge and spend it for coin power up
stupid fucking hindcliff
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5 minutes.
I don't know about skill 2 being more than 2 coins, but the animations have been real fucky recently when it comes to matching coins so we'll see soon.
...until patch notes
then another 30 until the kits
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>Warp Dyon
Rip Space
>Warp CAPTAIN Outis
Rippest Spaciest
Heathcliff's EGO is going to be more interesting than Outis' ID
Calling it now
what is it going to help with, R Heathcliff's ammo?
Considering that Ahabmael's skill 3 has three instances of animation but 4 coins, Meatdon has 2 animations on skill 3 and 3 coins, as well as Maidshu having three animations on her skills 2 and 3 but only 2 coins, makes it really difficult to tell from preview alone
I know we're going to learn why this happened soon, but still
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Any artist currently only?
Can someone make this picture with Rodya?
>W.Outis is Charge POTENCY not count
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>he fucking RAN
>Inb4 it SPENDS ammo to gain a effect
I'm fucking confused, shouldn't it be the other way around? Making so that count is the one that keeps charge alive and not potency?
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>We'll finally use Potency for Charge
>But now we need you to fix every skill that just says Charge to specify Count
it just means WOutis will be playing around potency, wait until we see her kit
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>bro, charge but instead of using the right number we use... the left number
uhh... okay?
They're giving charge a bone because its the new neglected status. They can't just copy tremor and give charge every other status effect, so maybe they're gonna make charge give more stats per threshold or change all charge ids to reflect the 99 max charge otherwise its kind of useless to be able to have 99 max charge.
It means that charge potency stacks infinitely and never expires, while charge count is still consumed to fuel skills
Hello? Skills?
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Yeah but it should be the other way around. Stacking count infinitely and using potency for skills, it's in the fuck name
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I can't believe it...
Charger bros win every time
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You still have 20 max charge count, only charge potency goes to 99
I demand every W Corp ID gets 1 coin per 10 charge potency. Uncapped, not capped Monzo.
These faggots lmao, it was never a bug in the first place when you guys hadn't planned charge potency
What? It was obviously a bug.
What was that one EGO that gave Charge Potency, was it Faust's Telepole?
Uhmm so... when are the kits dropping?
They most commonly drop in 20 minutes from the current time. Or so it was for the few recent posts. Naturally there can be anomalies
Saying fixed instead of changed is a way to change older IDs without getting in trouble with consumer laws. (We are going to ignore that the Ring fiasco was a breach of this law for convenience's sake)
Wasn't there a way to get charge potency before? I remember because a lot of people would post screenshots of it. Was it a bug or something?
Because Outis is irrelevant
That many things weren't just conveniently missing the word ''count'', when you said charge it only meant one thing so they got lazy with it because at the time there weren't any plans for potency.
on U5, give self tremor, burn, or charge at random
Let's ignore the fact those laws are ignored by literally every gacha lmao if they really dislike something lol
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imagine painting so good your balls spontaneously combust
be patient for 2 minutes, retard
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No? MHY tried to pull a sneaky one nerfing Neuvillette, veiled as a "bug fix" and got so many zhangs reporting them to the government that they reverted the change almost immediately and got 1600 apologems.
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I'm guessing WOutis will have a way to give the jannies charge potency and that has its own benefits
where are the skills faggots
w merusault buff in 2 minutes
they're always posted at 30 minutes after the patch notes you impatient retard
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>+1 coin power for every 5 charge potency
you rike?
woutis skills???
outis Outis outis Outis WOtis
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i DEMAND you to make time go faster
So did they removed charge decay or not? I can't read.
charge count(the one we always had) works the same way, it's the new potency that works differently
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I SCOFF LOUDLY and CHORTLE HEARTILY at your blind faith in dried up old women.
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This 4 proves it
Charge decay still exists and behaves normally, it's just that if you have potency, 0 count doesn't get rid of that potency stack. You still have 0 charge for all those s3 nukes and such.
5 minutes
Basically as long as you have potency at 2 or higher the charge icon stays there and the potency doesn't drop either. But since count decays and is used normally you could have 10 potency and 0 count.
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2+ potency, so 1 potency dies as normal.
I'm guessing it'll work similar to poise now and even if you're only gaining count that itself fixes your potency at 1 at least.
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dyon buff imminent
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>read a Limbus fanfic written by an obvious tumblr user
>Don "stims" and has trouble concentrating or recalling something that happened 10 minutes ago
>it's cute
this means WOutis will have math and reading skills required btw
Charge be like
>2 dogshit charge ID's
>2 decent charge ID's
>2 Absolutely mindblowing ID's which are SSS and have been one of the best DPS in the game for a whole year
Coin Power Equal To Two Charge Potency
This Will Be Uncapped Thanks To Monzos Excellent Shitcode
Trust The Plan
it's about to be 3
>every potency above 2 adds 20% chance to reuse the coin
which one!?
bwo, your rabbit?
Get the fuck outta here
You hate Ligmites so much yet you enter our thread retards
>does not specify which category is getting bumped up
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>implying potency won't be some dogshit effect like extra charge or extra clash power
Why do you people still think it's season 1? We will NEVER get anything broken for the sake of being broken, ever again
>His entire charge gimmick is gaining 1+ ATK 1+ Haste if you have wrath resonance
hmm bwo...
>Shield defensive
Over status?
Outis' load...
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>clash power
Distort now
>random sinking in the kit
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>global buff to all W Corp jannies
It's time
>on crit kill if unit has ammo restored ammo
Hag Who Grips...
Get this OOC bullshit from out of my sight
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HE is coming limbabs
railway/story ego but might make R.heath funny on a poise team
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>Torn Memory
>Used for certain Skills
they have an opportunity for kino if they have wolfcliff use this status effect too
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>in reverse deployment order
What is Erlking cooking
it's an icon of Der Schutz, not happening bwo
Stop buff stacking the good IDs, NOW!
>Making your shit charge IDs actaully clash
That is until WARP train event when we finally get more charge IDs
Only if the numbers are good. Not only do you need RNGesus to give you a crit, it has to kill too, so basically useless in boss fights without mobs to kill.
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This just discourages me from bringing the shitty charge units doesn't it, I don't want this buff to go to anyone other than Wryo and Wdon on the burst turn, and you're obviously not going to get enough reson to give it to everyone.
>certain skills
Is this a Wolfcliff thing?
Helps the 00 jobbers you deployed last clash. No point in giving W Ryo or Don +1 Clash power when they win most clashes anyway
why do you care about giving wryo and wdon clash power
It applies to units with most charge, the shitty ids dont actually gain that much charge ex: Meur/Faust, Honglu is a cancer
WARP train event is around the corner
sure thing buddy...
>s3 Rip Dimension
Envybros, our response?
We'll get probably 4 more charge related ids for the Warp Express Intervallo like in the "Yield My Flesh to Claim Their Bones" Intervallo and as long as 3 are good then it should be fine.
So who do you cut on the Charge Team now? Rhino or Reindeer?
Anon he's talking about the % damage increase on Load to make their nukes hit harder
Illiterate bwo...
Get the stupid Rhino the fuck away from this team
>highest Reson
>Is Gloom, not Envy
Are they fucking with us
We'll finally have more Envy skills for the charge IDs, you know, the sin that's associated with Charge
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This is fucked up, why the fuck is it gloom when it needs reson?
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>Pride and pierce
He has an easy time keeping poise count (especially with his captain around) so he only struggles with potency. 2 coin TETH too! It being pride means it's super easy to get him a full pride absolute resonance.
Can you show me where it lists what the criteria for "certain skills" are?
gachashit killed the hype
I doubt 4, we got 2 IDs and an Event EGO for the last event, unlike holiday which was just 2 EGO.
Surely S2 consumes charge count and gives you back the same amount right?
Threads do that when there's story updates, there's way less to talk about when it's just a new ID.
"Certain Skills" just means the Awakening and it's Corrosion
you lose all Torn Memory after the attack and all it does is increase Crit damage for the EGO
just bring the 3 actually good W Corp units and hit 2 resonance so Ryo and Don are guaranteed to get the buff
Retard. Highest Resonance, not [Sin] Resonance
If you use Rip Space and DDEDR on the same turn, then you're going in with 10+ charge on them. The other charge IDs will NEVER reach that point, especially Meursault and Faust. Rabbit also doesn't gain any charge. The only one you need to worry about is Deermael, which you can easily negate by just using her skill 2, which is Envy
Why the fuck does this general refuse to read??
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>Don, Faust, Meursault and Outis are the only Wjannie IDs with Gloom skills
They either plan to add more WCorp IDs or they are retarded, this is another peak of their stupidity when it comes to design. How the fuck can they be so incompetent and keep designing shit specifically to be unfun and not synergize with the rest. Every single fucking day I just keep losing more hope at this company.
>pequod trio
damn you're right
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It'll likely be a good ID still but some things are pretty weird about it, the passive giving clash power, s3 being gloom when it needs reson, and it's still slash for some reason when charge could've used more variety in damage types.
Alright tell me how this affects EGOs like Fausts Telepole. Did she just get nerfed?
I want Woutis to punch me in the balls
You clearly don't understand shit.
Anon it's used for the EGO skill itself which you see when you read it. But the vague wording and the fact they said skills plural means it might be also be part of a future ID. As of right now though the status is lost after attack so it doesn't do much else.
It's overall resonance, not gloom resonance. You don't need to chain outis' skill with other gloom skills, and you don't need absolute resonance. If you use the two envy nukes with outis skill 3, and no other charge units, then those nukes get the buff.
Ripple seems like it can clash pretty well with Base Power and Clash Power Gain
>no retort
Just admit you're a readlet and suffer from chronic brain damage
>That skill 3
would be good with Gregor's AEDD... But Gregor DOESN'T HAVE A W CORP ID
its used to gain poise and crit damage on the awakening and attack weight/extra damage/poise on the corrosion
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You need 5 res for it to hit everyone on the team, if you're using Rip Space and DDEDR on the same turn and no other envy skills it'll apply load to half your team.
Considering that potency is not used at all outside of WOutis it's not Really a nerf, Just futureproofing for other IDs/EGO in the future if they include potency like WOutis did
>it's another /lcg/ refuses to read episode
>Quick Suppression Rip Space DDEDR Rip Dimension
>random bleed and sinking
Wolfcliff hint
the tactic is probably to maximize envy skills with everybody else even if they're not using charge so you have better odds of getting Load on your nukes
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Also because it specifically hits allies with charge if you're an autistic freak you can have Outis, Don and Ryoshu as the only charge IDs on your team and then you'll never have a chance of missing them when using all three S3s on the same turn.
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The sinking is random, bleed has synergy with rcliff and the ammo synergy.
What is the point in giving Charge IDs little tidbits of Rupture? Till this day, it makes no fucking sense
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Got a sneaking suspicion that the event IDs will be charge/rupture. Train passenger IDs, maybe?
Bro its free 3 true damage
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>outis will save the shitty charge units!
>she works the good ones hundred times better because it's just more focused nukes
heh, they're fucking done
Change made specifically so she doesn't cuck herself out of charge potency by using up all the charge count.
So how much total extra damage from Load are we talking about? 20%?
Back in ruina, didn't W have passives that gave you a chance at true damage? It's a W Corp thing, unless I'm forgetting about rupture on R Corp?
It doesnt even apply to Quick supression Vro
Probably 5% for non-Jannies 10% for Jannies
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Meursault/Faust/Hong Lu are shabbos goys there to feed envy chains to the big dogs. Outis will feed them scraps of clash power so they can at least not drag your A listers down.
No, it did, mainly on Rose, if I'm not mistaken
Load doesn't work with any of rabbits skills
Every W janny had at least one but Rose had 3 of them
>implying we won't get better charge IDs that shit out charge count in the WARP train Canto
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>apply Load equal to Charge Potency on self
>but WOutis doesn't provide Charge Potency to any other units
Am I missing something, or is it just providing 1 Load with S3 to anyone that isn't Outis?
>W Outis, Ryoshu, Don, Yi Sang
>R Ishmael
Who else
charge potency wasn't even a thing before
Pretty sure it's applying load based on the potency on Outis.
>Yi Sang
Put that faggot twink in Rupture
Literally just run the RR1 team
be nice to him, man
W Faust works somewhat specifically beacuse she doesnt gain much charge so she wont block Load until its 5 res
It should be giving WOutis and everyone else load equal to charge potency on WOutis. If it was the potency of that unit it'd say something like "Equal to charge potency on the unit this effect is being applied to" for clarity but I think the "Self" here still refers to Outis.
Yeah it was, getting any amount of count automatically gives you 1 potency when you don't have any. It was just not utilized until now.
Charge was changed not to lose potency on hitting 0 count like all the other effects do because on Outis's passive. It was a change made exclusively for her.
must've mixed up yi sang with sinclair
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>they bulshitted their way into making the s3 slash again
Saulty stays. Hong Lu leaves
so just from kit alone, outis seems like a mainstay for charge teams due to load and der shotty heath seems like a good slot-in for poise and MAYBE rabbit if you really want the ammo back (you'll be sacrificing the durability with centipede tho)
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Sault's getting benched too when the PSYCHO KILLERS arrive, no doubt about it.
Useless fucking sinner only good for poise MDs and nothing else
Rabbit Heathcliff goes in BL teams now
>If it was the potency of that unit it'd say something like "Equal to charge potency on the unit this effect is being applied to" for clarity
It already does, read the combat start effect again and take note of the :
If we get a Heathcliff janny ID, I'll honestly switch him for Rabbit. I've also decided long ago that I'll bench Deermael since she's a bit outdated
Both of them are benched
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There are many options but this is what I was thinking of now. With how well it fits QQHeath I am assuming it will require a good bit of pride and maybe envy or wrath. You could add other BL members you like since Meur will carry their poise. Sinclair is a strong poise ID and brings gluttony/lust to the team in a similar way that Greg brings a bit of gloom and sloth.

Ish would probably have the hardest time with her poise since she only gets it if she kills something but the railway is filled with enemies she can kill and you can easily get pride absolute resonance so it shouldn't be too hard to get her poise going and worse case scenario whoever has the hardest time keeping poise up can go last on the deployment so they get buffed by Butler Ryoshu's passive giving them poise count each time they win a clash.

BLFaust could be a good option too that brings the exact same sins that Greg does but I like seeing Greg blow people up with his s3.
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Ok so what's the fucking point of Outis' S3
You're supposed to use it to buff other WCorp/charge units nukes but to do so you need resonance
Even though her skill is gloom, the other best charge nukes are envy AND the only other WCorp with a gloom S3 is Yi sang
Hope they tease something else tomorrow... be it event, Wolfcliff or Walpipi.
I wouldn't survive another dead week.
He'll continue to be my number one :)
>retarded take
Just like clockwork
Read >>487120447
Please understand because of stupid youtubers people think Charge is bad now
Can you not insult my friend?
you just need W Ryoshu and W Don to be 1st and 2nd in deployment and you already have 2 envy resonance needed for the 2 nukes to be LOADED
Important, do you think Outis will give us a "Load" as keyword in profile?
How come W Outis has no drawback for using her S3 without charge?
"Resonance" is "Sin resonance" you absolute fucking retard, the only other type of resonance is absolute resonance
Doesn't matter that it isn't absolute here, you still 5 skills of the same sin to buff your whole team
>can potentionally have a 7 man warp team
>can't because 7 sinners are too op
Captain rights
torn memory sounds kinda like tomerry if you go fast enough and I just think thats interesting
While I enjoy the concept of captains to buff weaker IDs, I hope they don't go overboard with this even for stronger factions and kill any teambuilding creativity from the players.
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evens and woutis is shit/underwhelming (revenge for stealing a rodya id)
odds and woutis is good (there is no justice in this world)
Every mobile game eventually hits a point where synergy will matter more than just good stuff anon
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>passive is shit pendant instead of bandolier
Actual retard. Do you even know what brackets are used for?
Her skill 3 isn't sin specific, as in it can be whatever sin you want. The nuke skills are Envy, so you're already set
>whole team
Ah yes. Buffing Hong Lu's shitty skill 3 or Meursault's 'nuke' that requires 10+ charge, something he can never gain without EGO gifts. Why didn't I think of that??
Stop sniffing glue for one second of your life and actually use your pea sized brain
Outis applies load to herself regardless of resonance, so you need 5 resonance to apply it to your entire team if you're running six identities with charge. If you're using Ryoshu and Don's S3's at the same time, half of your team now has load, since this is presumably random you'll want the full 5. W Faust and Meursault both have envy skill 1s, and envy EGOs. R Ishmael has an envy skill 2.
This won't be hard to set up when you already have to wait until you have three skill 3s and enough charge on all these identities in the first place. You could also run W Outis/Ryoshu/Don alongside three other non-charge identities and guarantee they're getting load every time you use their skill 3s together.
you don't need to buff your WHOLE team
At no point ever in the game will you ever need to have 5 sin res and to buff the whole team, buffing 2-3 skills is the most you will ever need
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Veredict? Outis good? Outis bad?
I think he means he doesn't want to get stuck with "you have to bring a faction and the faction captain or you're retarded"
Good because Charge Team was already top heavy
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Own't. Pwn't, even.
Justice is blind.
>On Crit Kill
Rodya will NEVER be special
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You take this post's last 2 digits as SP damage
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Only idiots believe in that stupid mark shit. It's meaningless.
Looks good but in mirror dungeon still mid because of no true damage aside the meme rupture on skill 3.
We're gonna need 2nd intervallo EGO gifts to make it good again there.
Hope we get W Gregor so I can use AEDD.
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evens and rodya gets a SS tier w corp id that uses kicks n shit from the event
odds and she gets dimension shredder ego instead from the event
At least woutis doesn't need absolute resonance, getting the same sin skills next to each other is aids
>[Before Attack] Gain Poise for every Torn Memory
>[Before Attack] Deal more damage for every X Poise on self
>[Before Attack] Consume Poise
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If the extra damage is more than 20% then you won't need crits
And how the FUCK do you guarantee buffing the nukes if you don't buff you whole team??
when not specified it will apply by deployment order
Were You Dropped From The Test Tube Or Something You Unscrupulous Homunculus
Load goes to the IDs with the most charge, Don and Ryoshu shit out the most charge out of any Charge ID, except maybe Raindeer Ishmael, which you can negate the buff going to her by using her Envy skills
For once in your fucking life, READ before asking these retarded questions
>Load goes to the IDs with the most charge
the highest hurdle for all limbabs
being able to read the skill properly
>apply load equal to charge on self
As in, multiple loads?
carmen this carmen that
where's love for my man ayin?
the games can't be possible without him
I will apply multiple loads to her
Does this imply that Outis is packing a futa cock between her thighs?
Considering they stated that potency is capped at 99, does this mean unlimited power?
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all women in the city have cocks
So regardless, Ryoshu and Don will still be slotted at 1 and 2, right? Due to W Faust's passive and because you need to gain charge as quickly as possible
>Cap is 99
>Looks inside: realistically can only get up to 10 in a fight, without gifts
Outis hands out charge to everyone else by way of charge barrier on her S2, but she needs to gain charge to do that.
You can go off envy too but then yi sang doesn’t have it and I think hong doesn’t either, and sault and Faust only have it on their s1 so they can’t benefit. You can’t even lowball it by only having outis/faust/don on the team because outis hands charge barrier out with her s2 making others a target too. It’s going to be frustrating because unlike bl sault who randomly hands out buffs his was on the s1/s2 and only buffed normal moves. It was never synchronizing multiple s3s only for the damage buff to go to a unit who can’t benefit from it to begin with. Hoping they forgot a deployment order tag or something.
Outis ryoshu don obviously
>generic id or EGO from an event
Outisfags, would you take Outis' load directly to the face if she asks?
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its a warp train event you dumb retard idiot, they gave us BL and KK ids well before the event and they were standard so they're obviously going to give warp janny ids as well
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wtf he's literally me?
I'd let her cum inside and I'd have her babies too.
Just deploy the good units last, what's the big deal? Unfocused fights are a meme
>3 debuffs
>When you see an A+ subject
Ryoshu and Don don't need extra clash power, they can clash just fine
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Warp event or erlcliff this week
Hopefully not erlcliff because we need some actual fucking content
Hindcliff will make many distort.
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Next week is nothing because they just put out a banner. You'll get a trailer for the train event that week or the one after, so the event will be in 2-3 weeks. Don's canto is 7-8 weeks off.
So which ones are chosen? Randomly, or following deployment order? In that case, it's very easy to manipulate who gets load every times
>where's love for my man ayin?
Beware of the obsidian grass...
It's actually Mattcliff. Has a conditional for his rabbit mask and shit.
nothing this week
Erlking teaser on the 30th
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>it's Emily Bronte's birthday on the 30th
I respect director's autism but the dead weeks can't keep dragging on like this
>second rabbit Heath
This cannot happen, he cannot become our bunny boy
stupid sexy bunny heath...
fucked up nasty creature that knocks shit off your shelves and bricks your account
cute sauce please
Shitclair... Translate.
Quit your fucking fucking
D. T.
D. G.
D. G.
E. O. S.
Doko Trans
Doko Gays
Doko Guys
If she isn't special, why was she chose as sinner?
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>get hopeful that El Director finally managed to fix his scheduling after Season 3 only had one short delay at the end
>now Season 4 is threatening Season 2's position as the longest one we've had yet

at least Season 2 had the excuse with the swimsuit drama, exactly what's the holdup this time? Faust getting new voice lines?
... Tch. "Quit your foot faggotry".
You guys are N.F. Hmph.
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Oh look, she uses Ripple, Rip Space, and Leap just like I said
Oh look, she's charge Kimsault, just like I said
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WAIT THIS WEEK WE GET FUCKING NOTHING? 0? NO CONTENT? ABSOLUTELY FUCK ALL NOTHING? I THOUGHT WE WERE GETTING THE WARP EVENT THIS WEEK??????????????????????? You can't seriously delay an event so fucking much what the fuck is wrong in PM's hq? bro is waiting 1 month and a half to release an unvoiced event that can unironically be done in Google Slides
That shield will have Philipclair bases at max charge.
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If you said she would be Charge Kimsault people would assume she like doubles damage of all skills that spend charge and gives 5 charge to everyone every turn. He carries the whole BL team by himself, she will just improve it. Its probably closer to Kraust supporting N corps
Oh boy, my QQheath has something to use during bloody mist runs.
>Avoids infinite damage from 6 enemy characters
Listen man, I'm going to judge you for this.
I'm Sorry, Mister Queer?
<Sinclair... suck my cock. NOW>
Question about her skill 2
If the condition, say, requires 7 charge counts, and she gets 4 count on use, then how does it work?
If she has 4 count already, and she gains another 4 on use, brining it up to 8, does her condition get activated or do you need to have 7+ counts before using her skill 2?
I wouldn't say this.
<Sinclair is my son. I would never make him do this.>
Is her passive the only way to gain Charge potency or am I just blind?
What if the highest speed enemy rolls higher than 14?
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<Meursault snap this imposters dick in half and twist his balls.>
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Please feel free to use this combined image as the next OP.
I'll do it manager, no need to involve monsieur Meursault
Sinclair is short and dumb I hate his stupid ass
Is the Load spread random or does it follow deployment order? If it's the latter, then people are bitching about a nothingburger. Just put Ryoshu and Don on the first slots
<Sinclair... you have to suck it... everyone's going to die if you don't... for real this time...>
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Even and use this one instead
I really like the two anon who are desperately trying to discuss the game between the discord troon and faggotry shitposts
I forgot this is a thing, surely we are getting a new one next canto?
What if they rolled really high and they still outspeed your IDs?
>t. happened to me 4 times in RR4
Sex with these plump things
Seethe for a hot minute as you keep resetting the stage.
If it didn't expecify I will assume it's random since it's PM
At least get the dodge from boat Ishmael since it's 10 base +4 coin
why is ish the only one that gets to have fingers...
Or I could use a shield skill with high defense rolls
Something something compass
does this anon have a gallery of his limbus work?
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>Rodyafags losing the odds roll 3 times in a row
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nyo, but you can have her feet instead
They all take turns to sit on my face btw.
At least post Ryoshu's feet
That works too.
here you go, KING
Now with the shield changes, there's no reason for all block not roll at least 35+
no danteh, there was no mention in the contract about sinners using you for sexual release... i would suggest reprimanding heathcliff for this..
Alright, I'm still lost after reading the update post and Outis kit like 5 times
How are other units supposed to get charge potency? Outis kit wants people to want charge potency, so the buff she gives everyone is even bigger, but no other unit gains potency, just count
Thanks man
bind ,haste and durante heck even aggro
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>Charge potency
... you ok there, bud?
"Charge potency" isn't a thing.
I mean, it technically is, but it's never-ever been a keyword.

"Charge count" is what PM meant there.

Nice job spotting a typo.
1 limbillion apolunacy to this gentleman!
Okay but that's assuming you already know the enemy will roll high next turn. It's not like you spam Crow's Eyes View every turn, so now the enemy has a ridiculously high speed and is rolling higher than 14 and you're stuck with skill 1s and no EGO resources, how do you minimize that damage?
The original discussion was that anon claimed shield is useless, which it isn't
Yea cuh you gotta spend Charge to build your Potency
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Wait. No, you actually appear to be correct.

Oh shid.
>Rodyafag taking the 4th L today
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>Can't read
Checks out
Only thing special about them is the sheer stupidity
>he actually counts
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Sex for a total of 800 hours per day
This right here? Gregor ID.
Always good to have a filler fat bitch around lol
But enough about Don
In 5 Walpurgisnachts from now, we're getting Yan Sinclair aren't we
gn /lcg/
can someone link me this drawfag's twitter account
good night bwo
So what's the team? People are saying yi sang goes to rupture but he's better than dogshit meursault and will benefit more from the damage boost outis gives
What happens if you decapitate someone inside the WARP train? Would their neck refuse to be cut completely, or would they turn into a dullahan?
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NTA that answered your request previously but have some more.
have to "wait a while" to post after spending 8 minutes finding this image......REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Yi Sang doesn't contribute enough damage but he does shit out a lot of rupture and count. Meursault is a great set up for the janny nukes. With Regret, he rolls higher than if he had infinite charge. Or, you can give him sheep, to start shitting out charge count
True damage is Warp Corp's gimmick, rupture will be viable with them once we get charge/rupture EGOs for the whole team.
Thanks bro
Nope! We'll get Rabbit IDs instead, they're preloading the Warp IDs now so you don't feel cheated.
If memory serves me right the blood will always keep it "connected" if all else fails. Hence why Tomerry crushed them into various shapes instead. Kept them down, and out of "town", longer.
NP lad
There really aren't many recent bosses that don't have mooks to kill tho. Like, the new railway bosses either spawn things to kill or come after envy Pecca. Erlking Heathcliff spawns wild hunts. Time ripper had those tripods.
So this is just gonna be Buccano right?
>but it refs murder on the Orien-
So it's just gonna be Baccano right?
>There really aren't many recent bosses that don't have mooks to kill tho
And since pm wants to make sure SD will never be useful we won't get any proper mooks in boss fights anymore.
I don't get why you bother giving up party wide 2 power up, 1-3 coin power, and poise gen for the least sinners.

If you run a full BL team basically everyone rolls 18-35 on their S1 and S3s. Pequod don't roll the best unless you have the bleed tier 4.

Sinclair and Maidshu belong to their own poise team
Pequod and Twinhooks are bleed teams in disguise.
Blade Lineage is its own thing.
What the fuck is SD?
Sault is for going first to debuff the enemy. You can set him up to do big damage as well with his S3 if you really want for some reason.
Sanguine Desire
Nigger you best be joking
How the hell are those related at all
For bleed, rupture, tremor, and sinking you basically just ignore mooks or clash them with skills that dong apply count.
>rolls tail
Oh boy I did like uh... Idk 7 fixed damage
Doesnt this shit deal like 20 damage on average? I dont think there is a single person that plays limbus that uses this for pure damage
It makes no sense that Sanguine Desires can't even deal 100~ damage while Contempt can deal upwards of 1000+ damage
>Doesnt this shit deal like 20 damage on average?
Depends on a shit ton of factors.
It would completely bypass any "10 shield as long as a condition hasn't been fulfilled yet."
She does do party wide damage+, party wide clash power, and she gives party wide charge barrier on her s2 which is both shield and party charge. She'll probably roll abnormally high compared to other ids with all her conditionals.

That is literally 1:1 what Kimsault does. Except trading coin power for damage+ and Clash power. So less consistent damage for even better nuke potential.
>I dont think there is a single person that plays limbus that uses this for pure damage
No one is using it at all and the one time some actually found a legit strategy pm indirectly nerfed it.
What is Contempt of Gaze, the status effect Gaze of Contempt converts to when at 7+ potency?
7 protection
7 attack down
+20 aggro
Ryoshu gets raped
>Party wide damage
Its party wide if you have a big resonance in a team that doesnt do that well at all, on S3
>Party wide charge barrier
3 people including her lol
>Probably roll abnormally high compared to other ids
This is just being delusional, she would have to roll actually obscene numbers for her to be better than either W Don or W Ryoshu and at that point she would have to be one of the best in the game despite being a support
I was suddenly reminded of Tommy and Merry
What a sad tragedy
>charge potency gimmick
yeah they’re running out of ideas
>New idea
>Running out of ids
Do limbabs really
Wasn't there a way to gain charge potency before? It was an EGO or something
At release the charge was really fucked up, pretty sure Meur gained potency and at some point the Centipede did so too i think
I literally have no idea how it works but I remember seeing someone who spammed the absolute shit out of Faust Telepole against MFE in a solo end up with two charge potency. Again I don't recall how that worked
solved none of the problems with charge and instead buffed the fuck out of don and ryoshu again
hope you enjoy
Does anyone have the enemy info for the railroad encounters?
You know, the background story stuff, don't care about the weaknesses/etc.
content... please...
>solved none of the problems with charge
What are the "problems with charge"? The only real "problems" are "there are quite a few pretty bad IDs" which Outis unironically helps somewhat by buffing clash power in reverse deployment order. So at least your W Faust for example can clash
>apply load on res
Does Load go in deployment order then? Biggest issue here is you probably want Envy Res for this right? But Outis is gonna break that up. So you could end up with a situation where speed rolls like Heathcliff -> Outis -> Don -> Ryoshu, and so your envy res chain is only 2, which would be sad. Though I suppose even if you end up right in the middle speed wise, 3 IDs can usually get an Envy Res if you plan for it, given like, Mersault and Faust have envy S1 and RIsh has Envy S2
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Good morning limbabs I love my wife Outis
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or you could bring 3 w corps and 3 other good ids. it’ll take time for her to get enough potency for a full team anyway
I love your wife Outis too
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Thank you little one.
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I love Laetitia too
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Genderbent April Fools event next year btw
>All men are genderbend
>Dante impregnates them all
Peak incoming trust
But what does it say about him that he didn't impregnate the normal women but instantly does the men(female)?
Man, female breasts are fucking amazing.
God blesa.
He is scared of women but bros would let him hit
needs to get them set in before they can turn back
Femclair getting titmogged as expected
rule63 ryoshu wont stop masturbating
Femclair's appeal is in her portability
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Does this mean he also gets dickmogged
Nightly by Rodya
Every day he comes to Honglu/Dante to get mogged anally
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>heath got ego thats about forgetting your loved ones
>in last railway cutscene we found out he started keeping journal
he will/is slowly forgetting about her, isnt he
>give Heathcliff tits and pussy
>suddenly 10x better
Is it that easy?
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>90% chance to get a tier 4 charge gift
>get a tier 4 pierce gift
>90% chance to get a tier 4 charge gift
>get a tier 4 pierce poise gift
so is the "90% chance" just fucking cosmetic ? no way i got 1/10 twice
One in 100 times that will happen. There's not "no way" you got that. 1% chance things happen all the damned time. Play fire emblem, it won't be too long before you get killed by a 1% crit
It happens
Almost always is yeah
>I'm just that unlucky
>on my first MDH
welp. if i got fucked by this shit again I'm never fusing for a tier 4 again
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Good, now he can find a woman who he has something in common with him instead of a girl who sits around in a manor all day plucking violets, someone he can butt heads with instead of having to walk on eggshells around, the kind of woman who can catch and fillet a fish instead of getting Devyeats or putting hot chip in air fryer.
Hmm... this sounds a lot like Outis I think
Director literally just got up in the middle of the night in cold sweat again kek
>ayinbab having a meltdown
why ?
But... QQ likes to tank. And AEDD is seriously amazing for keeping his health from falling to 0
Unironically yes
Not only are women more attractive but in writing their personalities are more varied.
erm actually nig_ga is based because...gookcels told me so, okay????
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hmm mnyes content
Outis has zero ass.
What date in game is the mass death supposed to be again?
nai_ga has to be throwing at his job
>Heath's first Pride EGO
I'm kinda surprised that Don doesn't have a Pride EGO
You'd think larping as a heroic knight would give her one, but I guess she's more focused on the "helping other people" bit
don is just a horndog who wants to "save" the princess
She has negative ass here
It's concaved in
If you already have both tier 4 gifts or the tier 4 gifts are otherwise locked you won't get them either way.
she’s larping because she hates her (true) self. she’s still selfish and doesn’t help with shit
>both tier 4
i had the fusion gift and i wanted the glove
Was the glove a reward for beating the pack or an event? If not then yeah it was just bad luck.
also, if you already have everything it will remove the charge icon thereby telling that you have all the charge gifts from that tier
I just realized that Dante is supposed to be holding the burnt up Bough in this image
I can't really explain it, but the image really doesn't do it justice at all considering it is the dragon Limbus Company chases
>Was the glove a reward for beating the pack or an event?
if the glove isn't inside a pack then i can't fuse it there ? should i check every pack before i enter and fuse ?
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there’s a lot to criticize in this picture, but it’s not supposed to be impressive when it’s fucked up like that
You can fuse it generally but if its a reward at the end of the pack and not an event item you can't fuse it I've found. Like if you picked a pack in hopes of getting the tier 3 clover gift on a poise run you could get it from the Abno event but couldn't fuse it.
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I'm excited for my new Outis toy to play with
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If you're edging yourself before boarding the WARP train, are you stuck in that state of agony for thousands and thousands of years?
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Yep. Remember how Olga had a hangover before boarding? It's like that
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I want to edge Sinclair before I get on a WARP train with him
>shitclair unprompted
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based rodya
Did anyone save the Dante skating video? Thought I did but can't find it and the streamable is unavailable now
t.shrimp-looking vtumor
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so, how old is don
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What level abnormality is he?
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Reminder that Rodya fucking hates Don's guts
*Reminder that Rodya fucking hates that Don isn't in her guts
I'd place him at TETH, HE at most
i know its typical of gachas but its insane how much the ID art has improved since launch
>if this team is from faction y
holy fuck they really are going with every team gotta have their autobattler passive
It's typical of changing a hack to a real hard-working talent
You are an autogynephile freak.
It's because Nai_ga got forced to do the story instead of IDs after Vellmori was fired so they hired a better artist
>but in writing their personalities are more varied.
Its genuinely insane that this is true and that Kim saves on his own team as much as humanly possible, there are no real testers and like 2 programmers at most too. What a Jew
>He was put in a box and then they put a 4 leaf clover on him and he couldn't get out
What a jabroni
Still solos the sinners btw.
It really isn't. I don't really any gachas where the 2d drastically improved. Animations and models sure, but art itself remains consistent.
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TT Hong Lu mogs him with his lucky aura
I like the joke he's clearly some low t sissy boy that should be sucking cock in an alleyway instead but they gave him a gigantic greatsword because some prescript said he should get a bunch of strength augments.
Wrodion will make many distort
Did he draw a sissy Sinclair recently? I swore I saw it in a drawpile. Anyways I want him to draw Sinclair in a dress fucking Rodion (preferably anal).
Realistically Nig_ga can be a great artist based on the pieces from his pixiv, but I suspect he's just dreadfully slow, so real good work from him would take a lot of time
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Don has literally ZERO friends on the Limbus. Not a single one. Sinclair barely tolerates her, Yi Sang only helps her in chess because he finds her moves unbelievable dumb, and everyone else either dislikes or ignores her. Face it, Don is an INCEL
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Bwos... The nips... are gone...
>Sinclair barely tolerates her,
Sinclair is a kind and empathetic young man and sees her antics as largely good-natured, plus he also makes mistakes often himself.
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Dante and Faust care about each other a lot.
Source: I believe it to be true.
Heathcliff likes her. You are wrong. Please do not be jealous of Don's strongest warriors.
The only times Heathcliff speaks to her is when he's angry or threatening to murder her
Don and her friends will win Limbus Company forever.
>People already forgetting the """"Christmas""""" event
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What's the best bleed team for MD?
Do you want to bleed your enemies or win so hard the bleed doesnt matter anymore
The second.
oh yeah who could forget about the amazing friendship they developed during that event
that's four more than sinclair (three if you count the fox abno log). dyon WON
It's the same picture with Wound Clerid being available at the start. Just go for
>Hook Lu
>KKRyo (ehhhh)
The first 4 are enough to carry you through, just mix and match what you like and at least try to make Bloody Mist and make sure to upgrade Wound Clerid to ++.
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Halloween event with each sinner having a designated movie monster ID when
I have a copy of the Dante skateboard video. But I am keeping it for myself. It is my rose.
Pequod duo
Sinclair cares for her, because he cares for fucking heathcliff and he popped his head open like a melon the first moment talked with each other. Same level of friendliness as Rodya, as in same as everyone. Yi Sang cares for her due to his previous friends, so the same way he cares for all other sinners.Even Fixers del Atardecer Ardiente is just Don and Hibusmiff doesn't care about it at all.
She has friends, but with "everyone is friends with them" people.
Dante would 100% be a mongo pusher.
sleep well me
Yes, it's called being heterosexual
>in writing their personalities are more varied.
lol. lmao.
post his pixiv NOW
Yi Sang - Mummy
Faust - Frankenstein's Monster
Don Quixote - Phantom of the Opera
Ryoshu - Cat Woman
Meursault - Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde
Hong Lu - Vampire
Heathcliff - Wolfman
Ishmael - Creature from the Black Lagoon
Rodion - The Blob
Sinclair - Psychic/Alien (based on the Village of the Damned)
Outis - The Invisible Man
Gregor - The Fly
I feel like Don would fit a hundredfold better with Jekyll and hyde
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How would the city fare him?
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i will not accept slander of my sinners good sir
cease or die
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Is that Saori (male) behind him?
Sex with PTSD Soldier Heathcliff...
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hmm nyo
Look at that TUMMY
Gregor's mom is so fucking man, like FUCK!!! I want to breed her and turn her into my living onahole
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129:37 FUCK!

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>Slurp you
>What a Jew
the Jewish inspiration didn't stop at the writing
>lust provoking image
>irrelevant question
Tell me which six sinners I should do a MDH run with
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Can someone crop this to the snaust?
All female team. No males
All male team. No females.
I do too.
random DIECI robes looking guy
I would take your wife's load. If you know what I mean.
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Will do this next
7 Yi Sang
Dead Rabbit Meursault
Liu Hong Lu
Shi Heathcliff
Zwei Sinclair
Chef Gregor
That's your next team
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bwuh why?
There should be Goth art of Ryoshu, why isn't there any?
She does not look Gaelic however.
Because she is ugly
thats rough there’s only 5 males
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Huh? There's 6
>Yi Sang
>Hong Lu
I count 6
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Ryoshu is female
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Post Canto Don and Sault (real)
That's Roland though.
>Sinclair barely tolerates her
sinclair gets wet when around don. he has the hots for her
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>a tiny bit of rupture
the fuck....?
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Meursault probably hates Don, actually he might dislike everyone on the bus but a few people. Who do you think he is okay with? I feel like there is a comfy energy between Outis and Meursault. The one who gives orders and the one who does them, both of them we're the first to make edible food in intervallo 1 and we're the one who noticed shrenne's suspicious backing away
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Surely this is the face who most people like, right?
of course
>sinclair gets [HEADCANON]
Everyone LOVES and CHERISHES Don Quixote, and they will ALL be there to support her during her Canto when she needs it most.
>reload bullets
isn't that kinda busted?
legs too wide
No. Not really. Unless it's full reload.
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But they're not even on the same tier...
Xitterfaggots can't into basic critical thinking.
>On Crit Kill
It depends on how much poise it gives you, how many bullets it makes, and you also have to be in a situation where you can kill an enemy.
Sinclair HATES Don Quixote. The proofs? Just look at him.
It's all my fault....mostly because I scream wrong name during climax.
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Eh, whatever. Too many time for a simple shitpost.
I Cant Believe Don Has A Microlimbus
need more tats
For effects of the same activation timing, order of effects matter, i.e. because both effects are On Use, the first on use will happen first (consume charge), then the second on use will happen (gain charge).
>2 coin TETH
>On Crit Kill
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I can
Ryoshu is right there though
Absolute fastest clear is

>Both rings
>Pequod Ish and Heath
>Hook Lu
>Pirate Greg

N.Faust is also decent, but her S2 is way too fucking slow, and her S3 is lower damage potential. If you don't mind waiting for her S2 to finish, it's fine, but Pirate greg is not only reliable damage and rolls for abno events, he is fast on his moves.
>Just look at him.
he looks like don. he's emulating her look because she's his KNIGHT in shining armour
>On Crit Kill
You gain poise and count before the attack. So it depends on how easy it is to hit 20/2.
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what if [sinner] but really big
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Why you let the Devil do this?
I'm trying to stay clean...
No lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the bathroom sink to the shower, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, while I gasp for air, scream, and see the light, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, doggy, backwards, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, on a chair, being carrier, against the wall, outside, in a train, on a plane, in the car, on a motorcycle, on the back of a truck, on a trampoline, in a bounce, in the pool, in the garden, bent over, in the basement, against the window, having the most toe curling, back arching, leg shaking, dick throbbing, fist clenching, era ringing, mouth drooling, ass clenching, nose sniffing, eye watering, eye rolling, hip thrusting, earthquaking, sheet gripping, knuckles cracking, jaw dropping, hair pulling, teeth jitterbug, mind blogging, soul snatching, overstimulating, vile, sloppy, moan introducing, heart wrenching, spine tingling, back breaking, atrocious, gushy, creamy, beastly, lip biting, gravity defying, nail biting, sweaty, feet kicking, mind blowing, body shivering, orgasmic, bone breaking, world ending, black hole creating, universe destroying, devious, scrumptious, amazing, delightful, delectable, unbelievable, body numbing, bark worthy, can't walk, head nodding, soul evaporating, vulcano erupting, sweat rolling, voice cracking, trembling, sheets soaked, hair drenched, flabbergasting, lip locking, skin peeling, eye widening, pussy popping, nail scratching, back cuts, spectacular, brain cell devolving, hair ripping, show stopping, magnificent, unique, extraordinary, splendid, phenomenal, mouth foaming, heavenly aweken, hell's tangos.
With all three.

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