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/ggg/: NONE
NA/EMEA weeklies/monthlies: https://x.com/nafgcto

Season 4 Reveal: EVO July 19-21st
Arc World Tour 2024: https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/awt2024/
3v3 Team Mode: TBA
Minor Balance Patch: Late July

Main wiki with frame Data and information about system mechanics: https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGST
Player Glicko-2 ratings: http://puddle.farm/top/all
Fighting game glossary: https://glossary.infil.net/
Deflect Shield OS tech: https://twitter.com/Precho6055/status/1778514309015826445

>Replay Uploaders

>/ggg/ APPROVED Strive mods
Potato Mod
Frame Data Display
https://github.com/Chitaso/StriveFrameViewer/releases (1.07/Slayer fix is out)

>Newest DLC: Slayer, May 30th

>Latest Dev Backyard (17th Volume, June 28th)

>Latest Patch 1.38 (22 July)

>Current Balance Patch 1.33 (December 8th)

>Xrd/+R/#R Stuff:

>Guilty Gear Soundtracks

State platform and region when making lobbies for the thread and announce in the thread when you close them. You ft10 anyone you make the lobby. Keep training and keep on rockin'!

SLASHED: >>487042553
Hi /ggg/ just wondering what the fuck this guy is melting down about and why I'm getting recommended it on twitter

I only watch street fighter and I don't think I've ever liked/followed any GG players
>Jamfags on suicide watch
>DPfags on suicide watch
>Zatofags on suicide watch
Nature is healing
>There is no way this company watches me play baiken clearly
I don't know why he thinks ArcSys gives two flying shits about the opinion and blunders of an eternal fraudster lmao
i fell asleep. who won evo and why the fuck did they buff elph*lt????
>who won evo
Jaggo nigga
>why the fuck did they buff elph*lt????
bruh she is the worst character in the game lmao
>why the fuck did they buff elph*lt????
She was total crap. Outright can't even intuit what that devs wanted her to function.
No clue why this monkey thinks his opinions are worth anything more than dirt.
This guy hasnt qualified to a single worthwhile event's top 8 and I certainly dont remember him winning any tournament since this game's inception, both big and small.

He is literally an average shitter that gets very strongly opinionated because he has a small youtube following that jerks him off and make him think hes more relevant than he really is.
so they make her broken now
and he's still right lol.
None of the changes imply in any way or form that she cannot be shutdown by 6p anymore
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Leo WhiteFa(n)g mains on:

The patch isn't even out yet.
I can't tell if dizzy is wearing pants or not
Johnny's forward dash recovers a frame or two faster because you can get a gapless cS after card slash now.
her grenade beats 6p and that’s what got buffed retard
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I'm glad they gutted WWA, but the RWA "nerfs" almost seem like a buff. Reduced moment presumably means you still get a block string at closer distances, which makes it still outclass BWA since that has shitty range already. But now at longer distances you just get to finish your block string with a HS or projectile at a safe distance where you can't get punished? Especially given the number of zoners with RWA, this hardly seems like a nerf. Am I misunderstanding what they meant?
who here /dizzy/ waiting room?
I think the issue before was RWA on block still had insane momentum that kept you in range of close skills to continue pressure while gaining insane screen distance. I'm going to guess it's just going to place you initially further away on block, so you can no longer do anything but maybe a far button and then resume neutral.
dogshit game
You're gonna be waiting for a long time bro
so parry is just way worse than dps now
t.mcdonalds knight
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>He thinks grenade beats 6p universally
>He doesn't know its matchup specific
Its ok anon, Elphelt was all around designed to be a scrub killer, no need to be ashamed about your condition
So a nothing burger balance patch. I really don't want to play the same game(season3) for 3 more months. Will actually drop the game until something better comes out.
>baikenfrauds in shambles
arcsys cooked fr
>He can't react with air throw
floor 2 kun...
she was a mid tier carried by parry rc
dp rc changes do nothing for her because she always safejumped anyway
it’s ok to be a carried whore, just don’t think you’re superior to anyone
Don't even play Elphelt, but if you are seething against a joke character you are quite literally inferior to everyone
Going to be playing Ky while I do.
abhorrent patch
kill yourself daisuke
and take every gameplay developer at your disgusting excuse for a company with you
What are the early thoughts on the patch lads?
>add undershirt
>toss on long petticoat with side slits
>legs still totally bare under all this
>Leo players be like
>joke balance patch
>guests nobody wanted
>party mode no one’s gonna play
micro johnny buff since wa -> tk mf is less likely to whiff
stop lying you paki nigger. you’re inferior to the shit you leave in the middle of the street
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How was Ky and Dizzy's first time like. Wasn't he a wait till marriage type of guy? Or did Dizzy initiate?
>added counter hit effect to mist finer
What does this actually do...?
We probably won't get confirmation on this, but I'd put my money on Dizzy initiating it given that Ky is still kind of on the fence about the whole "gear love" among other things that just make it seem impossible that he'd make the first move.
what marriage nigga he slammed that 2 year old pussy on the first day he took her in
sin was already shat out for like 5 years before they ever got married
>removed WA wallbreak HKD
>removed WWA guard crush
>nerfed RWA offense
>removed DP RC
>less burst gauge
>buffed Bedman
everything I wanted and more, fucking glorious patch
I was considering quitting if they didn't do something about WA wallbreaks

buffed Pot/Johnny/Elphelt are going to be pretty obnoxious though
and throw invuln DPs seem unnecessary, I liked throwing as option coverage against them
it seems pretty useless on grounded P mist finer since that's not a move you ever really use in neutral anyways.
on k mist finer you get the freest confirm of your life into joker trick from anywhere on the screen, without meter you still get a conversion in the corner with dash up 5k
ch s mist finer, the higher launch lets you get a conversion with WA by linking f.S after it but it's pretty expensive now that you get less burst overall. if you hit it point blank you get a c.S combo but that seems really situational
I think it's hilarious they finally removed all HDP invuln.
Be honest, had you all ever actually used the invincibility aspect after the removed it from the startup?
Breaking my muscle memory of "almost always break the wall with WA" is going to be obnoxious
dps counter throws now, making them function exactly like any characters metered reversal super but outclassing them entirely and the local floor 10 playerbase is celebrating how "bad" DP characters are after this "nerf" never change /ggg
In the corner you can get a dash up close slash after counter k finer
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Who has the softest thighs in strive?
Asking for a friend
HDP was the optimal roundstart as it was invincible by the time any roundstart reaching button would connect
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Is this the dizzy thread?
These takes are cracking me up.
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>making them function exactly like any characters metered reversal super
You can still RC metered reversals, dumbass.
wtf i love lucy now
I will now play your character
That does seem like a hilarious option but if your opponent doesn't mash like a monkey enjoy your wallbreak.
Worth it if you hit, though, I'd try it in casuals.
yes! i just said 5k because that works from more ranges
did you miss the part where a metered reversal already costs the tension you need for rc, retarded dpnigger? not that youd ever know what a metered reversal is ofc
>floor 10 thinks hes smarter than other floor 10s and calls out shit that doesn't matter
The universal changes sound very nice, but nearly every character they buffed is already among the most infuriating to fight, which they didn't seem to address in exchange for making them better. Hard to say if it's a net gain or loss.
So they'll make it so characters who can prc cancel their supers and retain the meter won't be able to anymore, right? Have to be consistent, lads.
Is Potemkin actually top 10 now?
What about Testament
What does that have to do with my post? Meterless reversals come with inherent risk now that metered ones don't as long as you have the necessary tension. Or did you think supers cost your entire bar? Do you even play this game?
Daisuke please turn off the life support on this maggot infested rotten corpse of a game. Time to start anew.
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This might be the best Potemkin has been in the last 10 years.
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I hope he's gayer than ever in Strive so we get even more discourse
>characters who can prc cancel their supers and retain the meter
Pretty sure this only works if you cancel it before the super flash, which means it has no application as an "oops I got my reversal punished, time to press undo" option.
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New Dizzy looks good
>axl changes
no you braindead waterhead, meterless dps just have the exact same inherent risk that any reversal for 50 meter does now on block. if you have 100 meter to throw down the drain on defense then a metered reversal is safe. you also have one that you can also use, its called tyrant rave look it up on dustloop, you probably never had to use it. so now sol and may are in the same situation when defending with 100 meter, but if its any less than 50 theres a total advantage for any character with a dp. again, you cant conceptualize that, which is why you have to play a character that can work off 1 braincell like sol/leo/chipp
Once all the twitter trends run dry after censorfags vs sjw fags run dry, daisuke is gonna make it canon that Venom is gay to get the game trending again.
Johnny's stepdash feels so much better now/10
Pot getting a HKD off Hammerfall is fucking hilarious
DP changes are good
WA changes are good
People will just YRC now, the risk/reward is insane on dp compared to YRC.
DPs have legititmately become the most worthless button on every character with one besides Sol now. Nice!
Tempest and Umisho mental and physical status?
I'm pretty sure HC is back to being the best character in the game now.
3v3 looks fucking crazy, i am curious how it will work but i guess you are playing with 2 other people? until now i thought it was still 1v1 but with 3 chars each.

also wouldnt have minded a slight baiken buff. i am happy though that they gave more viability to johnny, elphelt, bedman, zato and axl. fuck potemkin though.
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And with the parry RC change Baiken is now officially low tier.
is zato back
katano listens to this race of """people""" on twitter to make balance decisions
this looks like a whole bunch of nerfs or am I reading this wrong
only thing saving this year is trump becoming president
yes, the wild assault nerfs are pretty insane. I sorta wish they shook it up a bit more with more character specific nerfs/buffs but this is still cool


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>air snail gets HKD
>5H is now real
>DP jews and WWA trannies have been roped
giruty gearu is back
lmao this patch is genuinely dogshit, another 50000 years of the same top tiers since season 1
Abortion issue is going to lose the republicans the election if Kamala is the nominee m8
Don't say I didn't warn you
It sure feels good to be a Sol main.
its worse than just parry rc
her only offensive strength was having brainless mixups which will be harder to enforce without access to hkd from wa wb
In the earliest previews we've seen that there are multiple characters on screen at the same time, only possible with multiple players. It's Isuka on even more) crack.

Also fuck Leoniggers, you got what you fucking deserve
that’s a twitter troon issue
america needs to stop spending money on jewkraine and invest in creating jobs
I need a Faust/Lucy interaction where he wants to experiment on someone made of cybernetics while Lucy thinks he’s some super weird ripper doc
It's an issue to literally half the voters in America kek
Enjoy the delusion
Elphelt status?
>In the earliest previews we've seen that there are multiple characters on screen at the same time, only possible with multiple players.

yeah, are there any fighting games that ever did it this way? usually it was always a matter of calling in a second character at the right time (similar to how project L is doing it or how marvel vs capcom did it in the past)
Dizzy laid an egg. Sin needs an imouto
zato is still a non character and will forever be a non character since eddie doesn't exist.
We are implementing a new "groupie" mechanic for her. ETA for the launch will be 2026
these voters could close their legs for a change
Guilty Gear Isuka, lol, I even mentioned it
in top 3 behind potemkin and johnny
>muh twitter mob
Shut up, DP trannies. I bitched about this shit since launch. Good riddance
GG Isuka?

>the pixels.

ok nice, looks kinda retarded but fun
every patch strive becomes less and less guilty gear lol, i don't even play dp characters and i can't believe they actually removed that
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>meterless dps just have the exact same inherent risk that any reversal for 50 meter does now on block. if you have 100 meter to throw down the drain on defense then a metered reversal is safe
That's literally what I fucking said. Do you really think that repeating my correction of you as if you're correcting me is going to save you the humiliation of being wrong?
sounds like you don't even play at all if you thought DP RC was fine
>daisuke is gonna make it canon that Venom is gay
That already is canon.
i think dp rc is fine cause im not a baby that hates guilty gear, i was fine with it in previous games and i'm fine with it in strive, never once in my time playing strive did i think
>man i fucking hate dp rc
that's just guilty gear
Initial impressions
>command throw super is now usable
>projectile pushback (yours) is good enough to setup throw OTG fireball plus grenade for a crossup setup without risking being thrown
>Out of repair changes mean on hit you don't have to dash against the time to reposition yourself for a meatie
>Grenade launching opens up better whiff punish combos if you score a f.S or f.HS CH
>Wild assault HKD being removed means you have to save up meter instead of scoring any hit into RC into wall carry into WA for free
All in all feels mostly like quality of life changes
You aren't good enough to post opinions. Stop posting.
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>the pixels
You zoomers have it easy, we used to watch tournament footage in glorious 240p with an overly agitated jap screaming into a dogshit mic (hard panned left)
what a weird reply
Is the bed alright now?
lol what. i am not a zoomer and i do prefer actually being able to see what i am looking at.
pretty subjective thing, i just find changing core things about the series weird is all, same with burst being fullscreen now, this was also an overall bad change for me that just makes the game less fun overall
>remove unblockables and other bullshit from mix characters
>remove DP RC
>uh actually here is why DP characters should have their bullshit. Its the spirit of Gear
mentally ill
why are you responding like a cuckold
this is how you should do it, even if you're both fucking retarded carried niggers
gutting setplay/mix/knockdown scenarios is one of the absolute worst things about strive people have just accepted that
Older games still exist go play em if you like them so much. and good news for you, they are never getting any changes.
Better players than you asked for shit, carried fraud
next major update will remove safe jumps from the game because they are le unfair and le uninteractive, how dare someone completely negate my defensive option!!!
when do i get to play
>ram, may, leo
which one is best for a total newshitter to pick up and start getting into the game at a playable level?
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>First guest character GG ever gets
>It's some FotM anime from two years ago that no one even gives a shit about anymore
>Will be forgotten instantly
Man, what the fuck. They couldn't think of a better guest character than that?
Ram, Leo, May in that order, whoever you like most. Leo and May have charge inputs which might be hard for you, leos are less important. but feel free to try them to see if you could get used to that. Ram is just baby mode but very good, i'd reccomend her
i played old for years. i want new to not be dogshit
>I want the games to be the same but also I want them to be new but I also hate new things!
ok boomer, have you taken your meds yet grandpa?
It's very odd, yes.
A BlazBlue or even a fucking Granblue character would have been infinitely better.
good night, sweet prince...
Good, the groomer gets what he deserves
>zoomer doesn’t know how to read
edgerunners was fun to watch and cyberpunk 2077 is still very relevant as a game. people really dig the franchise and it makes sense for arc system works to use one of cyberpunks anime characters to translate them into their game rather than one of the characters from the cyberpunk video game. they will def. be able to attract a new audience with this and create the necessary attention to move away even further from their place as a niche anime fighter.
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>blazblue is more of a guilty gear game than a mainline guilty gear game
you haven't realized no one on the team really cares about GG any more yet?
CDPR cut them a check and where Daisuke 10 years ago would have told them to fuck off and keep their fingers out of his IP now he just shrugs and pockets the money
Expect Devil Jin or something next season if they think they can keep milking it
>fromslop games have devolved into delayed telegraphed attack into arena wide aoe
>fightan are constantly changing for the worse
time for a new hobby besides shitposting. any suggestions?
how would you react if they announce season 5?
new poe league next weekend
Average iq and testosterone levels are dropping so a Lucy crossover is going to farm so many shekels from femdom fags and tranimeonlys. Smart decision.
never liked mmos
You will never be welcome here.
You will never fit in.
So Strive is now just granblue with wallbreaks?
>never liked mmos
NTA but POE is a single player game in all aspects but trading which is mostly automated anyway.
youre the coolest kid in your 9th grade because you know of the anime forum 4chan we get it
She's acrually a cosplayer cosplaying as Lucy from Edgerunner since the Cyberpunk TT and IP exist in GG. Granted their anime and game were made using magic analogs more than a century ago.

The whole idea behind her character is that the young woman herself will appear in other GG titles down the line but will always cosplay as a "guest" with her story being fueled by that. Her arcade story is her finding a CB TT set and deciding to start one up by asking various Strive cast members if they want to play and trying to understand how it works.
The latest BB came out almost a decade ago, can you really compare them?
>Ky DI still at 30%
Trash game, absolute slop
There are more than enough good books already written to last you a literal lifetime
Reading's gay.
women’s hobby. think i’ll take up boxing or smth
Holy shit Axlbros we are eating good
triangle jump j.S > j.D seems fucking insane
j.D is HIT CONFIRMABLE INTO SPIN for standard spin oki, or can be cancelled on block into jump, needle, 236H, or error release, so it's hard to contest
it's also hit confirmable into overdrive for HKD at the wall
the j.S is now faster, the jump travels farther, it combos on natural hit from any range, and the vacuum sucks them into j.D on block from any range
IIRC you can 6P the gap of any blocked air normal into j.D, but if he's forcing you to mash 6P on block, he can easily land and frame trap instead

it really looks like real high/low he can do without errors, without meter, without corner, from midscreen

the low option would probably be empty jump 2K, which does mean one could possibly OS a 6P out and beat both, but then you can just linger in the air and whiff punish the 6P instead, or j.S and frame trap as said above

I'm putting my Slayer down for at least a few days, I'm really liking what I'm seeing
biggest winners and losers of the update?
>Biggest winners
>Biggest losers
>Johnny has a 15fr dash now
i wont care as 2xko will have released before the end of s4
Baiken's ass is not this fat
anyone still playing this slop
arcshits bagging money for the least amount of effort
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Are you sure about that
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Catching backdashes with Pot 5H is gonna go crazy
Yeah, she's just got chunky muscle legs, not a fat ass like Millia
>they actually killed DP RC on block, a mechanic that has been in the series since XX
Fighting games are fucking dead. They just want every game and every character to be the same homogenized boring dogshit so whining shitters never have to get their feelings hurt. I'm ashamed that I put so many hours into this company's dogshit games.
servers working for anyone?
dp monkeys seething
time to learn real defense you carried frauds
>just read this 500 page of fanfiction bro it'll change your life and boost your iq by 200!!!
overrated gay boomer hobby
S5 is not happening. Lucy is dropping in the summer
Sounds good, gonna try him some more again then
feel free to try playing a character without a dp
>"this patch will help the under-performing characters"
>nerf Bedman's one good tool into the ground
>give him a couple meaningless fuckall changes to compensate
I am so glad I dropped this game lmao
Wow they removed a legacy mechanic. That never happened before. Guilty Gear has fallen
OK retard
It's not about how strong any particular mechanic is. It's about how no fighting game or character is allowed to have its own identity now.
Every game just has to be a SF6 clone. Drive rush is the strongest mechanic that anyone is allowed to have. Anything stronger and the twitter babies will get upset and try to cancel your game.
Why does everything have to be so dogshit all the time.
leo, sol, ky, chipp APES status?
Setting aside the patch salt for a moment

Which character would you most like to go on a coffee date with
I think DP rc shouldve stayed but only on hit, because removing dp rc on hit just removes a lot of combo routes which is lame.
I also meant to add "And why"

So why Anji
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breadly sin
Testament, Axl, or Baiken, but only Baiken because I know she'd just chug the shit and leave. I don't think I'd have a good time talking to most of the cast
Sex with a man
Ky, I would want to go on many dates with him
You don't play any fighting games, so it doesn't affect you
>all the replies about Lucy coming to strive on other sites being in Spanish
The realization that lucy is gonna bring a whole wave of toaster and wifi spics would be unbearable if not for the good balance changes and the fact that she's coming last.
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The better question is who is most likely to invite you over for more "Coffee" after the date
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How do the Axl changes look?
Is it worth coming back? HS being a launcher sounds fun.
>You lose your DP RC
>I keep my TK Axl Bomber RC
dp rc on hit wasnt removed soltard you still can kill off a ch cs vv rc
wide hips but flat ass. means she’s eating too much maccies and drinking too much beers instead of squatting
I thought patch notes said you cant rc dps of off ANY situation, fucking japs engrish.

In that case who gives a fuck, dp rc on block was a massive crutch who actually wanted that shit in the game?
That anon meant S DP RC on hit, which was removed.
I'm not falling for it even if she does have gigantic thighs
no luckily. game deserves to die
operation return Elphet and Johnny to Xrd tier begun
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You were right and that is what the patch notes say, that other anon is retarded.
Gio is probably the only person in the cast that knows shit about coffee. Everyone else is a tea fag
Axl would be a laugh, though skip the coffee and hit the pub
I feel like Asuka would drink coffee
cool, now post millia or gio
Gio is also the most likely to fuck you after a coffee date
first one?
Eh, I'd say second if they're both good
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should have picked a top tier, LK
I said coffee date not Vegas wedding
I've invested 1k hours into Axl through thick and thin, is today the day my faith and dedication is finally rewarded?
I've mained Elphelt since her release. What do the changes mean for me?
If you've mained elphelt since her release you should understand how the changes impact her
Funny how often I'm seeing "why wasn't it anyone else from edgerunners" for lucy.
Why is her bunda so fucking fat
Nigga, how would I know. You are the one that mains her
I would have much rather seen Rebecca but Lucy might have a more interesting play style
she needs it
That's what kysissies said when Ky recieved 2 pages worth of buffs, yet they still cry to this day.
Why dont I ever see Axl mains crying despite him being even weaker than Ky was?
For what purpose
I mean, to be fair, it's not like Ky has ever been good.
you should kill yourself now more than ever
>bedman changes
fucking nice
being able to convert off common starters will be really nice. can't fucking believe we had to live just never converting. I wonder if j.S vacuum will open up interesting ways to route into errors
higher momentum forward jump is weird. bet a bunch of my set ups are broken now but there'll probably be different options
overall looking forward to it
Because no one plays Axl.
Axl was HC before HC existed, so anyone that played Axl had to go through getting dodged 20 times in a row before getting a set (in terms of how unfun it is to play against)
based retard
Hahaha, you’d think that wouldn’t you?
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Axl buffs dont seem that significant to me, call me again when Axl J.H hits on crossup
He wasnt good, average at best maybe.
But after all the ridiculous amount of buffs he has gotten, he is most certainly better than average now. Maybe top tier but definitely very good. Good luck convincing a Ky player that he's not a low tier hero anymore though.
>all the dizzy artists are still drawing old dizzy
Maybe not top tier*
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I don't think he'll ever truly be top tier with how his offense functions.
with all the fucking cherrypicking going on how the fuck is anyone supposed to improve in this shit game??? why won't they implement a real ranked mode?
I wonder how HC is going to perform without BWA oki
Millie's is cute and perky but I think Giovanna has her beaten on pure heft which is better imo
>its the retards calling ky strong with the bottom 1 offense in the entire game episode again
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>Ky is.......le bad!!!
why dont you show the top 100 stats instead of the floor 6 one
Stop being predictable with your foudre arcs, sis
>loses to bedman
bedbros we run this game
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>Erm, actually Ky is not a very good character sis
where the fuck are the servers
keep labbing buddy
looking at the colored matchup chart doesnt tell you anything at all because the developer is a fucking retarded swedish cuck and came up with this system of arbitrarily changing the displayed winrates for whatever reason
hover over them and only if you hover over each individual matchup cell does it display the ACTUAL raw winrate data in the tooltip
it's shit but it's proven: join a discord and ask for games. the improvement you'll get from doing that is so much quicker and visible than from just sitting in tower all day.
downsides: if you play like shit people will tell you and you have to deal with the kind of retard who would willingly join a fighting game discord
they talked about a real ranked mode on a survey a while ago, but seeing as we haven't heard shit about it, i can only assume that more people requested NEW SKINS or MORE BRIDGET MERCHANDISE instead of it, so we're stuck with what we have now until the next game.
Ok but what about Testament or Bridget
ummm.... bros? lucy isn't a virgin...

>more people requested NEW SKINS
and this will never happen, kek
oh, when i say skins i mean alt colors, which we're getting in october. i forgot people genuinely want model swaps for this game
>Joining a GG discord
Biggest fucking mistake nigger, I tried just glancing that shit and it's no joke filled with freaks.
If you can enjoy the company of those ''people'' then you got some issues.
all you have to do is say "games?" and "ggs". just ignore the pastel profile pictures and cringey names and stupid shit they all say. if you can't do that then you can sit in tower matching against the same dude afk in training mode for 20 minutes
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whats up with you clowns asking for "le REAL ranked mode!11!"
you do realize that youll be queuing for 10 minutes for a 30 second match like in tekken rather than just walking into tower/park and pressing A on the first guy you see, right? you did develop 2 braincells to rub together to think of that, right?
Slop compared to actual GG designs desu
Pretty much this. Engagement with the strive community starts and stops with playing a set then leaving.
They already infested my locals to the point that some people I know just stopped going.
I wonder if her model will have a sharp trigger chin or just the usual female strive face
what makes you think queueing would be so much slower when matchmaking would be the same as tower just with no shitty minigame to it
I'm feasting tonight
Lets be honest here. Is any character that got buffed going to be in the top 10.
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retards i'm not talking about the fucking tower i want them to add an actual ranked mode instead of making a literal party tag team mode
it would be the same matchmaking time/pool as tower if the whole games mmr bracket was exactly from 1 to 11, retard. if you think youre going to have fast queues with an mmr system spanning several thousands in a game with 3000 global concurrent players then you have genuine brain damage
if what you mean by "real ranked mode" is having the game pick a guy for you, just press quick play
I think some of those characters can actually fight leo now
>party tag team mode
just say that you dont have friends
you'll get harder matches asking here by a factor of 10
the discords that would actually be good for your growth as a player are private
>if what you mean by "real ranked mode" is having the game pick a guy for you, just press quick play
That just places your dude in the lobby and then you have to hope someone else decides to challenge you. It's extremely inefficient, especially since it is very common for it to place you in a completely new, empty lobby. Having actual ranked would have the same match times, but it would make the matches more even since there wouldn't be an artificial barrier between floor 10 and Celestial at the very least, so you could have the 1500mmr dude on floor 10 fight the 1600mmr dude on celestial instead of having them fight people with 900mmr and 2200mmr respectively. You also wouldn't have to guess if this dude in Celestial is going to be around your skill level or literally the fucking EVO champion. The tower only has downsides compared to actual ranked mode.
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Any thoughts?
Ram main btw
just check rating update every game you dumb algo addict
How does checking rating update prevent the game from placing me into an empty lobby without informing me when I'm sitting in training mode?
>likes fighting characters with worse pokes or no mix
fraud alert
>you'll get matches... asking here
good one
there are like 5 lobby joiners left here and like 2 of them are any good
>the discords that would actually be good for your growth as a player are private
this is sadly true. had to get in on it early like most of the successful strive kids did (umi, aaron, etc)
i hate fighting every single character. the fun comes from me getting advantage and running my stupid bullshit and not letting them breathe until i win the round. there is no "fighting" if you're winning, so what this tier list really means is "characters i don't mind losing to"
I'm sorry, but If you know who this Lucy character is you're a nu-GG fan and hate the series. You are also most likely ontologically evil and groom children.
who has worse pokes than ram?
I haven't read the patch notes yet
Zatogods are we back or no tell me now
join the full lobbies and press play on the players instead mongoloid
sbmm zoomers really wouldnt know how to play a game with someone in an arcade KEK
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Hi /ggg/, haven't played since I think Bedman came out but looking to maybe play again, is it a decent time to pick it back up? Evo looked fun.
I played a lot of Axl, and desu I have no idea how WA or mega shield impact the game, are they necessary combo tools or more of an opener?
Also if Baiken is trash tier now, is she still like hyper popular? Or would she be fun to pick up, I like crappy characters like Jamie in SF6
>3 changes
aw man
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You mean the baiken that has the contender for best fS or her jS that is literally the games single best air button or the advancing 2H?
>is it a decent time to pick it back up
new patch fixes a lot of things people whine about but also buffs characters that deserve to be garbage
>are they necessary combo tools or more of an opener
forget deflect shield exists because it's useless 99% of the time. watch evo top 8 and tell me how many uses of it you see compared to burst or wild assault.
wild assault has 3 types, axl's is a combo extender but i don't really know how much he uses it since i never play good axls
>is she still hyper popular
no she's no longer the premier secondary character. aba, elphelt, and bridget especially have all surpassed her
>would she be fun to pick up
after this patch she might be the most dysfunctional-feeling character in the game so sure buddy go ahead
I fucking love garbage character design so I'll go ahead and give it a try tonight
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I think I can get used to these mods.
If you're not turning your main into the ultimate goon meat, you're not truly mastering them.
I want to see dialogue between Asuka and Dizzy
nigga we playing 2xko
What is wrong with you
baiken might not be very good in this patch because she lost a braindead oki enabler and a turbo braindead defensive option
shes fun to play if you like playing like a complete troglodyte, doing the same 3 combos over and over again and doing safe unreactable mixups that do 50% whenever you have 50 meter (which will be harder in this patch)
I am peaking.
Mastering ABA one hand at a time
I just want to use her really good far slash to outnooch people
daru has a new ino coomer mod commissioned for his every stream and he is the best ino. maybe hes onto something
I would thrust so hard, I would shatter her hips. She needs the bunda to dampen the impact.
yeah have fun then
99% of the games playerbase completely shuts down whenver they see the fs mash forcefield
I sincerely doubt you could handle it anon
You don't have the Whitefang gorilla genes
Does Elphelt have a big ass too, or just big thighs?
post elphelt's side model, NOW
Settle down Sin
lookit that goober!
seems like sol can still get disgusting OWA pressure extensions as long as he holds the corner, and considering it's not hard for him to take the corner...
actually it seems like he still gets em most of the time. Maybe with FD the results are more pronounced but OWA pressure still seems pretty strong
Katano really needed a year to realize a horizontal DP should be minus ob and not give guardcrush
Sol being strong is a good thing for the game :)
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Just saw that you can't DP RC anymore. This game is so fucking saved
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Danzai wasn't changed in the patch notes, we're safe lil nigga
>she lost weight
There's a turned around version right
Please don't say sike
They wouldn't have removed DP RC if Tempest didn't absolutely abuse it at evo japan and awt finals
>they removed literally every single legacy interaction from strive not only from systems but from characters too
I know that this place is 99% strivers but god damn lmao.
Tempest and Umisho grand finals were basically who could scam harder with DP RC
Don't care, it was shit to play against. Get fucked.
Gearheads got hit with the
>"You want to be more like Street Fighter? Live and die by the DP motherfucker"
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>Can no longer RC DPs

I've always suggested this! Though I'm surprised you can't RC on hit.
DP RC should not exist in a game where other characters got their respective gimmicks gutted, smoothbrain
You can RC on hit, the patch notes were some weapons grade Engrish
You cannot rc the invul dps ever. You CAN rc H dp (sol, ky, leo) but they aren't invul at all anymore.
It was in the series longer than you are alive.
>one thing got gutted so everything also has to be
Single digit IQ logic. I like how you faggots went from "they will make game more complex with patches!!" but after all they did was making game even more homogenized and easy to play you people now argue how thats actually a good thing.
who bitch this is
I can confirm that the DP RC change has not stopped me from winning by mashing DP in the slightest
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havent seen any pics of her ass but as >>487130196 said she clearly lost half of her hips and ass compared to the authentic bunda falling out of her shorts on all sides that she had before, so itd probably be disappointing
Sinbros, back to Z tier we go
Maybe now they're going to actually fix our hurtboxes
To be fair she's an absolute qt either way, moar
thats ramlethal from guilty gear
that's ramlethal valentine from guilty gear xrd -SIGN-
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apologies for delay
she looks infinitely better now you lard worshipping ape
Axl's charged tornado feels so fucking strong now, especially on top of the new HKD on air snail and counter hit snail.
There is nothing complex about DP RC. It just allowed fat frauds like Tempest to win when he gets 50 meter. Either bring all of it back or remove it.
im still shocked that gg characters have asses because jp devs are usually allergic to them even if they give their characters massive tits
the cunny gacha game generals are that way, lowtest sis
Is it gay to want to eat Testament's ass like it's my last meal
>jap dev
lol no. they are western now
Why do I have a feeling that the same people that complain about the removal of DP RC bitched about WWA
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not only that, but she just literally does not fit into the game aesthetically or lore-wise. I mean, the only explanation I can try to guess will be is some cosplayer with superpowers but that's just retarded and sounds like a multiverse/dream tier excuse.
Why is it not Ragna, Daisuke...
>”they will make the game more complex with patches”
All the people who wanted that were gone after like the first month or two. For the majority of Strive’s life, its primary playerbase has been people who wanted the game to be a simple generic Street Fighter clone.
Please, if theyre western devs they should at least have decent balancing.
i mean honestly what I want from GG is more volatile higher mobility street fighter in that I want less raw RPS and more high mobility foosies

people tell me that I should simply play KOF
dp rc is good because it was in previous games
honestly we should bring back mashing to tech because it was in previous games
shit why not add yrc because it was in xrd
I wanted them both to remain un-nerfed.
Bring back the ML TODs
How is Strive not that already?
But yeah you should check out KoF too, or just wait for Garou.
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Fat in all the right places.
Axl doesnt really make use of wild assault
You can use it to extend some combos to get optimal damage but its not necessary, especially considering you have to lose access to your burst to do it.
bring back sakkai
I think this patch net nerfed Bedman? Which would be ironic, considering he was one of the characters that was supposed to get buffed. He REALLY crutched on WWA hard, more than the other WWA characters. I don't know if his other changes will be enough to offset the nerf.
DPs are completely dead, there is literally no point to using them over YRC now
The zato cabal won
>double cheeked up
i don't play ugly games
it feels harder to play spacing games even compared to older GGs with the pulled in screen and lower mobility but I dunno
>playing gio vs axl.
>Can't reach the fucker.
>Had to dashblock constantly.
congrats you beat me by boring me to death
and thats a good thing
fuck brisket troons
remember to jomp at him when you think he's going to do the little hopping reset thing, then you blow him up
>I want less raw RPS and more high mobility foosies
blazblue? xrd?
strive is nothing but rps on a 5 meter map where everyones moves cover 60% of the stage
They should have buffed the reward on S error. Like lowering the wall damage
>more than the other WWA characters.
more than goldlewis, who jumped from perceived bottom tier to top tier in one fell swoop?
Good, no one with a brain actually wants Bedman to be good.
>hc is a problem?
>lets redesign burst
>leos/sols dprc is a problem?
>lets remove that completly
>goldlewis WWA is a problem?
>lets smoke it across the board
>uhh what do you mean other characters?
this is on par with what they have been doing so i dont get why you are suprised lol. instead of touching individual characters and their strenghts/weaknesses they just straight up change shit across the board and then during next patch try to fix what that change fucked up. i have never seen fighting game patched in more retarded way.
Gold has better midscreen options and more HKDs.
ok not that baiken is shit tier i'm gonna learn i-no instead.
thanks for making my decision easier arcsys
reminder this man has been tierwhoring his way to top 8s since 2010, literally just pick sol nigga and stop crying, you tossed millia aside but cant let that shitty ass baiken go?
They should have made parry oki better since DPfags got throw invul. Why did they not give counters compensation?
when is the patch out i wanna lab and shiet
i like how for 2 seasons rams defining strength was meterless wallbreaks from the entire screen which were entirely unique to her (and hc), and then daisukes vision was to give 80% of the characters blue and orange wild assault so that EVERYONE gets to wallbreak off roundstart and any poke hit, while not reworking ram in any way or giving any sort of adjustments to her having subpar framedata while also not having a real strength anymore
and then they simply forgot about about her and left her at a comfortable 40% winrate since then
you're safe jump safe :)
thank you daisuke, i can finally quit this slot machine game
>DP RC is le good because....... WELL IT JUST IS OK???
Elphelt was nerfed big time just because she cannot wall break with WA
Reposting your dumb shit does not make it true, Ramsis. Skill issue. Go watch some Redditto vods
yeah like the last evo from uhh today where redditor won several times after whiffing 214H in jacks and zandos face, who chose to not do anything during 40 frames of recovery and decided to stop blocking alltogether, i really learned a lot from that
not even him but how is he wrong? thats as i said their retarded way of patching this game and clearly why wild assault is designed the way it is. some characters were able to wallbreak midscreen? lets give everyone else that option too! uhh what do you mean this might make these chars that already can even stronger? heh lets fix it later. i get desire of designers to fix 10 different problems in one go instead of tackling those on individual level but this clearly doesnt fucking work here.
>ramletard can not into conditioning
because using your burst for what Ram can do meterless does not make her worse. Especially now that PB burst gain got nerfed. It just made her pokes like 2S better. He was downplaying Ramlethal
nigga im not even talking about ram meta wise but their retarded lazy patching approach in general.
But would she date you
LK getting his comeuppance is a BEAUTIFUL thing to watch.
He tossed Millia aside in her time of need because he thought Baiken would be an easy win. Now Baiken is shit tier and Millia is doing pretty damn good, but he can't let Baiken go because he spent the last two years of his life "building her defense". You love to see it.
i like this patch but i'm a bit disappointed orange wa did not get reworked. Just a combo tool is boring and my char doesn't even benefit from it. A whole mechanic i have no reason to use
>but how is he wrong >>487135174
We are not on the same page
he was torn between millia, baiken and gio. 2 of three are high tier now. Lmao
What would Baiken do if I made fun of her for being a low tier trash character who can't even make top 8 in locals anymore
sol is literally unplayable wtf
RWA got away with murder
Look at you in disbelief, think "this guy cares about video games too much", and saunter off, probably
I didn't mean low tier in videogames, I meant low tier in life
>letting everyone have her unique strength without her downsides doesnt make her worse
why dont we just give every character super armored attacks, a DP, a potemkin buster, guard crush loops, a crossup and a parry then, since you claim that this wouldnt affect any characters balance, you fucking retarded tranny
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This is pretty neat, I wonder why they didn't mention this in the notes. Being able to react more than twice as early to BWA/WWA is huge, even after WWA got shot
yeah dude everyone should play the same lets go fuck yeah strive is super duper trans amazing!
It already felt extremely strong to me and I use it all the time
God I can't wait to go home and lab I've been playing axl since the beta and I am so excited
How's combo potential off of HS now? Also exactly how is tornado different
Everyone has her unique strength except they can only realistically do it a few times a game (especially now that they've nerfed burst gain) where she can do it on pretty much any touch. Do you understand? You are complaining that people can spend meter to do things that they normally can't. Do you want them to remove the ability to RC tap dust, since that isn't fair to characters with meterless comboable overheads?
>3v3 mode
>nago on my team
>he pops and we lose immediately
Only ramfags could get top 3 in EVO and still demand buffs
niggerbrain you are literally defending everyone having the fullscreen wallbreaking that you cried and pissed and shitted about for 2 years when only HC and ram could do it
My main got nerfed today
I was pretty bummed out about it
But Zatofags are still seething. The total Zatofag misery in the world increased
So, whatever
Fuck me it's nice not getting HKD on every wallbreak again
wwa might be useless now
Agreed, jacko needs to lose 2 servants and defend command because she won evo and is therefore the top 1 meta
We are talking about a man who needed 3 years to realize that plus-on-block combo-starting reversal supers that don't cost meter if whiffed shouldn't be a thing. 1 year is quite an improvement to his cognitive abilities, maybe in half a decade he will realize that a fighting game should have functional online infrastructure and skill-based match-making.
He used defend like once and it failed
uh oh
some major buffs are in order for nago, slayer, and leo, seeing how they couldnt make top 6
why? every patch they are doing more and more retarded things
I will be completely honest with you. I was not double jumping full screen against Pot anyways
Charged tornado moves forward way faster so you can use it to pressure really easily. It also blocks all(most) projectiles while its alive.
All ive seen with the new HS so far is comobing into Rensen from it, which is a lot stronger than the 2h snail route. More damage, way better oki
He needs it
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but why
I didn't watch the extended story thing, do Anji and Baiken actually get together in the end?
They live together
I feel like it's happened 5 times now where Axl players are like "bro we are eating so GOOD this patch, so many buffs!" but Axl just keeps getting less and less relevant in the meta as time goes on.
He mirrors her world if you catch my drift
Yeah there's a 30 minute extremely explicit sex scene. It gets a bit weird when Baiken demands they fuck on Bedmans bed while Delilah watches but altogether pretty good.
axl bros we are eating so GOOD this patch, so many buffs!
Theyre roommates
What like he's her gay best friend or are they an item

I don't think Daisuke would do this, bit far-fetched
AxlCHADS see the silver lining while Bedsissies bitch and moan
This 5h change really is quite massive. Even a moron can get f.s, 5h, rensen 8, c.s into oki. Before you got basically nothing off a f.s hit
>no bedman webms
xyzzy says that character is the same lol
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idk how to record one
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Dizzy, my queen...
>online is now infested with Jack-O and Axls
kill me. The worst part is the Jack-Os all fucking suck. My videogame now feels like I've set the training dummy to mash 2D
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she is so pretty now
might actually main her
>make a normal tierlist
>make a few completely deranged placements
is this calculated for (you) farming
Kiske cucks...
gotta farm my 4channel engagement money
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what's your point of view
May continues to get away with absolute murder.
All of her competition got hit hard and she's completely unscathed.
Beginner character please understando
So did Ram, who placed higher than May in EVO
Is it bad when a fighting game has a grappler in top 10?
I personally only enjoyed SFV when it was Rainbow Mikas Coinflip Extravaganza Also Featuring Laura As Robbery Girl
Isn't Zangief currently top 10 in SF6?
Some top players are saying he might unironically be top 1
So Japan say, despite him not being present in the top 32 of EVO at all
Japan should never be listened to when it comes to tiers.
Nah, he's maybe just outside top 10
It's not a real balance patch and the red WA nerf and tension gain need means she gets less dull screen conversions off 2s/fs. What else do you want?
jaapnese players REALLY FUCKING HATE gief and at topanga league recently kobayan was making mince of most of the top JP players present, but he's had lukewarm showings in CEO and EVO alike. Itazan got knocked out of winners by literally some random Jamie and the matchup looked aggressively unpleasant for gief
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Which guilty gear character do you think about when you're sad, /ggg/
Why didn't kobayan go to evo?
I don't remember the last time I was sad
The notes DO mention it
>Sped up the timing when the activation effect is displayed
I dunno why dustloop tagged it as undocumented.
no idea
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Erm... Bedxisters...
I predicted he'd get a vacuum effect but never would've anticipated it on j.S
>CH j.D can reliably link into c.S
our character is slowly getting cool things
I should really stop trying to use Slayer 6H raw
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>DP monkeys complaining that DPs are useless now because "they're too risky and not rewarding enough"
You still get the privilege of neutering your opponent's oki just by nature of having access to it in the first place, whether or not you actually use it. But they'll probably all ragequit now that they have to actually make reads sometimes.
>EVO France got revealed
Neat. Hope Strive still makes the cut
>Big DP nerfs
>Characters receive a significant DP buff as compensation
>Even bigger parry nerfs
>No buffs to parries, characters receive no other compensatory buffs
Seriously and unironically, what was the actual thought process here? If they were intelligent enough to understand that DP characters required a buff to go with the nerf in order not to penalize the weaker characters with a DP, why did this same logic not apply to parry characters? Did they seriously think: "Oh yeah Sol and Leo need compensation buffs so that they don't become low tier with this change, but Baiken, yeah she's so strong she can handle a straight nerf"?
>wait for it
>DOKKAN! (yes!)
Like poetry
this nigga doesn't know what a safejump is
They buffed the DPs that no longer have an invincibility (HS versions) because invincible moves previously had shit scaling. It's not really meant to be a compensation for nerfing the invincible ones.
framadata mode still works or needs a new version ?
They also buffed the invincible ones though, so characters with only light DP like Chipp and Bridget got something in exchange for the nerfs, but Baiken got nothing. Really makes you think.
He was talking about the throw invul, no?
johnny and zato buffs feel nice
haven't played any games but they seem pretty significant. i think zato is useable again. not playing this shit game tho most likely.
I don't want to occupy the timeline where baiken's frame 1 counter that beats safe jumps is also throw invuln. We don't need OD amnesia in this game
>DP loses to safe jumps
whos the aba in ec park 1 named musky milk accept the match lil nigga
There are like dozen of other buffs they could have chosen to give it. Or if they don't want to buff the parry, they could have buffed something else in her kit. But instead, we got straight-up nerf for her when this patch was supposedly about buffing characters that struggle to reach their full potential. Come to think of it, she is literally the only character in the patch that got only nerfs. Truly she was a dominant top tier so definitely most deserved.
The DP RC changes basically only hits characters people are tired of seeing. Are you REALLY going to bitch about Sol and Leo no longer getting to eat your entire health bar off of one reversal because they had meter
who do you think are the ones bitching
Anyone who complains plays a carried character or doesnt play the game
muh interactivity
muh legacy
*puts you Leo blender*
Oh, I forgot about that. Is it really that significant given that throwing loses to everything else in that situation already? Just block.
Bro Leo players used to defend him getting backturn off his flash kick when it was a reversal
If people have a crutch they will cry like no tomorrow when you take it away from them
Yeah the RPS itself is fair but OP was more complaining that parry PRC received no buffs
gonna watch fire force. see you faggots
>he's her gay best friend
they literally implied anji and chipp
every buff adding sauce to a character is a good buff, low tiers could have become more annoying but instead they got more saucy especially bed and johnny and that's a good thing. Axl as well I think just has better conversions which is good sauce.
Pot i'm not sure because for me Hammerfall HKD means more garuda loops which is the least saucy fucking thing in fighting game ever, but I expect hard read HPB to Millia trying to abuse airdash jH will be mega saucy to compensate.
anji and baiken are made for each other. emasculated soiboy and masculine gruff woman has been a thing since time immemorial
>emasculated soiboy
He is built like a fridge.
i press alt+f4 when i block a garuda, as this is clearly the only counterplay katano intended for a mechanic as cancerous as guard crush
Like a fridge full of soilent
which characters would canonically be invested in the storyline of skibidi toilet? who do i main if i love skibidi toilet?
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bridget was a transboy in XX and became c*sgendered in soive
Bedman (Delilah)
>born female in the village
>parents decide to raise her as a boy pretending to be a girl because they’re bored
absolute cinema
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>millia consistently put above johnny aba and slayer
what the fuck does she do better than them
I haven’t played since season 2. What’s a character I can pick up, learn in 2 weeks, and not drown 0-2 at an anime convention tournament?
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Yeah they looked at Leo and said "fuck this we've had enough"
any top tier besides asuka
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Chippbros…what do we even have now…
We DP chads were holding the true degenerates back
Now you will know what is true pain
now I just feel really smart when I successfully DP because I know that there's no fallback when it's blocked
>s4 trailer in the IGN channel already reached 400k+ views
I wasnt expecting that.
Dizzy can morph her vagina at will. Imagine the sex
I mean while I have my reservations regarding the universal DP RC changes, its really about time. A good chunk of Tenpest's wins (and all the online Leos) come from a blocked flash kick into free mixup. Fuck that guy
Did Johnny really need to have a Gio dash
He does?
Does he
Show me
Evo France will have SC6 as its main event, and yknow what, good on them. That game didnt deserve to get crippled by Covid when it was just gaining traction
What the actual FUCK dude
So what do you get for Johnny's CH mistfiners now and do you get something even cooler if it's a CH MF with a card on top a la lv3 MF
does france allow trannies?
People will eat my mix
Euro doesnt have (too much) troon issues because faggotry is inherently embraced. No need to manifest it like that as an overcompensation caused by weird puritanical beliefs like America
no more rc slop. the era of grounded footsies has begun
Becca would've been a Mika function
why are trannies living rent free in your mind
no, they're suuni muslim
Maybe if LK just let go of his weird fixation on not maining Jack-O he'd do a lot better. The character has everything he's asking.
...because I play strive?
More fucking no skill slam curse slam backdash bang bang bang oh I run up bang bang and my char can do nothing but predict it from the Mayan period and pray they forgot baiken is in the game

Losing it ATM time to drink, I will continue to just be superior I guess
I like how you can just make shit up and some retard somewhere will be convinced
I am 100% tired of HC the most he doesn't have a DP
he says ram is the best character yet he doesnt wanna play her either
Xrd grappler Johnny is back...
Why are people going to pick a low tier and then constantly bitch about it being a low tier. LK should just pick up Sol or smth at this point and at least reach top 8s cus watching him now is just sad
HC got nerfed by the WA wallbreak nerf though
so did everyone
yeah but he sneeds to replenish his resources :^)
He literally super wallbreaks more often than anyone else because his is fullscreen and replenishes his ammo
When the game used to be about character specialty, people picked the characters they liked.
Now its the same system mechanic slop as everything else.
Yeah but what if he does not have meter to break the wall.
How minus are WWA and RWA now
In his case it’s hard to blame him as much because he picked her up when people thought she was pretty good, but as time went on she just got powercrept harder and harder, and she got fucked over by a few patches.
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I think he has some weird honor thing about not playing a “zoner”? He’s talked a lot about how much he hates Jack-o/Asuka/HC for being able to safely attack from fullscreen.
Wait the beta is live or is it an edit?
Fighting games are only about character specialty when the competition is weak. Sure back in the day when there were a total of 100 people playing guilty gear it may have been a character specialist game, but now that it’s esports and people can actually make a living, if you want to win you will be expected to pick a top tier. Sticking to a low tier will win you brownie points on Twitter but it won’t pay the bills
He played Nine for fucks sake. I know she isnt a zoner, but neither is Jack-O.
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Oh fuck off it's not like Baiken was top 3 back then either
He's autistic about maining mature anime women
Jack-O acts a bit too silly for his preferences
How does it feel knowing that this is the last generation of fighting games where you will need to be able to input a quarter circle
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Yo LK, I know you read this board. Can I get a shoutout in your next video?
good. I always thought they were quite stupid and unnecessary past the arcade age button limitation
This is how I feel. Strive bills itself as "anime fighter with SF fundies/neutral", but it manages to have neither interesting anime movement nor impactful spacing/positioning in most neutral situations. Like you're either standing full screen, or you're snapping to your opponent like a magnet with little in between.
The truth about LK is that he's just kind of a bad player. He wasn't really the best at Persona, he wasn't really anyone in blazblue, he was a straight up jobber in DBFZ, and now he's completely worthless in Strive. He's barely above kizzie tier
baiken is a trans ftm though
Das gawdlike
"What are you doing here this is my house asshole"
"I, i thought there would be more people"
"No its just me and me again in my podcast studio"
"but, david.. "
" Can you please go back im uncomfortable"
Last generation was the last generation of fighting games where you'll be allowed to sit at neutral range and play mind games.
Dawg I don't what the fuck happened but who sent the memo that every fighting game needs to eliminate neutral, SF6, T8 are like this too now.
i hate fighting games.
Why not remove Wild Assault entirely and just give everyone 1 Force Break for that input?
I like inputting motions so I will feel bad about it.
ok now beat him in a bo5
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>trying to fight anyone as Baiken in season 4
I never said I was a good player
Yeah but kizzie had his moments and is an actual good player when he tries. LK is a shitter that refuses to admit that hes a shitter and is uncapable of getting results with anything if he doesnt meta whore, and even then im certain he wont get far because hes genuinely shit at tourney level neuch/decision making and he only wins by oki looping and rpsing shit players.

Meanwhile you got chads like ooeygooey making top 6 EVO with joke characters like anji.
>zato is bottom 1
>Das gawdlike
You do know your /ggg/ lore don't you
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>Yeah but kizzie had his moments and is an actual good player when he tries.
Kizzie is a mentally stunted shitter who thought you couldn't force whiffs in Strive with FD
I love that everyone pretends that Frosty top 8 did not happen
Who approved these Johnny changes holy shit he's so scary now.
Season 3 Top 8’s don’t count because the game is so volatile now that even a chimp could get top 8 on a high damage character given enough attempts
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I don't really care about Jam, but I've been listening to Cloudberry Jam the band and this shit is tight.
I couldn't breathe the first time I read this, literally side splitting
ddas gawdlike
Ah that brings me back to when this general was good
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>can recover in time to block steady aim
The Johnny dash buff is very funny. Mr. Katano
I met LK at magfest and he was super cool. The bathroom thing was a little weird but hey, a picture is a picture I guess.
It's OK because the real menace is back
I actually discovered GG back 2006 when I was listening to Cloudberry Jam
I dont think there is any point in breaking the wall with WA now right?
>the Eddie gauge buff is a placebo
Holy fuck. ArcSys is fucking evil lol
Umm no
Zato is Z tier and literally the worst character ever
If you disagree you're ugly inside and outside and I'll make sure personally that you get fired from your job
I actually discovered GG back 2016 when I was looking at erotic anime girl pics
Zato players deserve it after downplaying for two years
>Unika is the Justice function
You know what's funny?
In the end, Latif was more carried than Slash
It was always the case
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>gave Baiken a nerf and nothing else
Slash lost to Papple
Im glad I stopped myself from reinstalling today.
Unironically true, and I say this as someone that loves latif.

But latif is genuinely too old and unflexible to ever be a tourney winner again, the guy doesnt lab anything ever and he only plays by ''feeling''
And now that zato isnt broken ebough to fill those gaps for him hes going to continuasely get washed and more discouraged every time until he quits.
You can see it when he gets knowledge checked to death by shit like asuka cuz he never labs.
>faust can out random better players
And the sky is blue
stfu lord knight
Double ironic, Slash is probably the least carried of all the pros we regularly see in Strive top 8s.
Meh. Only thing to note is that that transgender individual ragequit on me a couple days ago. Just dipped after the second loss was guaranteed. Must be puddle.farm brain rot lol.
both these niggas are hard carried
>baikenfrauds can’t faceroll anymore
>johnny finally playable
literally anyone who had eyes watching zato knew this was the case
Johnny and Baiken are two sides of the same fraud.
Didnt he JUST get to top 24 (or was it 32?) this evo with the absolutely worthless s3 zato? Thats pretty impressive man
Johnny has to work for his pressure
Bedman got buffed.
now I will become the strongest player in the world
He got 25th. Zando gatekept him. He got send to losers 2-3 by Yata Slayer
my fellow kykings, how are you holding up with losing vt and hvt combos as collateral damage due to sol/leofrauds and the OWA nerf deleting 90% of our blockstrings including frametraps and tickthrows from the game? we only get a taste of what its like to play guilty gear for less than a year and now its back to Z- just because were the ones who get to hold the hose for sol and leo huh. in katanos eyes playing an honest character is a crime
Jonathan Tene can't play with broken Sol, but can place with Mid Tier Zato.
Look at MjKurase's EVO run and tell me that. The truth is, you really can just throw card whenever you want.
Is Baiken weak? I don't really play the game but my friend is always complaining that she's weaker than the mid-tier characters I play in other games.
Losing to Slash and Leffen is some bad bracket luck
shes bottom 5 in this patch
I had the same thought while looking at the changes
Ky is back to z-tier
Who did Yata slayer play?
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crazy that so many niggas say that johnny is lowtier when hes able to place pretty high in most tourneys. im convinced that the people that play him mostly just suck ass at the game
Chipp is low tier.
Me. I stopped using white assaults a few months ago only to challenge myself, and discovered that the character does not need them at all, unlike gl. now that the white assault is bad I've been given a lot of saucy buffs to make up for it.
Yata's Slayer. Sorry
Don’t tell this retard about preemptive downplay
sure he can dash faster, but he can't act out any faster. looks like a telegraph for an easy throw. not a good change imo.
Yep. I beat the drum that Johnny's actually good a couple months ago and some smug retards tried to shut it down.
This. Bedman players winning, mid tiers seething, dp spammers seething, its the best timeline.
>slayer's damage vs zato
Why didn't Ooey use the new spin followup after getting spin, at all
He kept having his mves blocked after spinning something and might've won with it
>uhm you see the fattest buff a char has ever gotten in the games history is actually a nerf because what if my opponent guesses right huh ever thought of that one buddy?
all johniggers need to be lynched
Hes still a great player, he just doesnt have the drive or motivation to be the truly excellent player that he can be.
Hes just been stuck in limbo for so long now just being better than average but being very inconsistent because he loses instantly the moment he runs into a MU hes unfamilliar with or is too lazy to lab.
>johnny gets a proper dash
>finally pulled from z tier hell to honest midtier
>Zando lost to redditman
>Lost to his old main
Some of these karmic losses are something
>Johnny was always le good because Mj beat Umisho and Tiger Pop
cmon now
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> bison back
> heihachi back
> venom back
why do fighting games even bother to have stories and lore if they just get thrown into the thrash next game
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the show must go on
To be fair, Venom isnt dead, he was just laying low with Robo Ky.
Yeah. Like somebody said earlier, he is definitely go by feel kind of player. He labs Zato because he just finds him fun but relies on match ups solely by feeling them out and experience. Pretty funny considering you would think a Zato player would be the exact opposite.
Fuck the lore. I want my mains back stat
You can admit he wasn't that bad now that the patch notes came and he benefit from them.
There's no point in keeping up the charade.
Venom was never dead
Our Heihachi would be Justice returning for like the 5th time
zando 100% deserves that loss. imagine maining a character for a year, knowing all of her framedata and exactly when and how she can be punished inside and out, and then loses to an anorexic zoomer soiboy with "reddit" in his name who plays the same char he dropped. think about how embarrassing that must that be
time travel exists in GG, retiring a character to not bring them back actually makes more sense
So is ArcSys not going to hotfix Zato? or are they gonna fix it in October
*cracks knuckles*
venom's back huh?
*pops neck and starts walking forward with my hands in my pockets epicly*
time to make the donuts...
>self-proclaimed "onee-san enthusiast"
Baiken is top 5
Top 5 seconds of my life before I coom
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I'm still in disbelief Venom of all characters made it back in before Jamfags got their screeching chinese woman

i kneel daisuke
and then the fat nigga fell off in strive and kof. kek
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Does anyone have a guide on Bridget Mix/oki?
I don't think the changes will make Zato that good but that's a cool combo.
Stop posting AI dogshit and maybe
LoadKnight could never be so based, he'll drop her in no time.
How was this not a thing on release for this fucking character
HC already existed for a long time when johnny came out and only now they do this shit?
*sigh* another bad matchup for HC... we work too hard HCbros...
How did Marvelo make it so far with Chipp? I kneel.
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f.S > 5HH midrange pressure

214S > 214KK > 2K > 2D oki mixup

c.S > 2S > 5HH > 236KK corner pressure
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I'm looking forward to Dark LK
anyone want to go to evo singapore with me?
Can find more on dustloop
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here, this better?
This is great cuz how he does p much says everything. If he wins he was spitting, if he loses he was fulla shit. Its that simple.
Johnny went from shit tier to at least upper A tier. His dash is back to Xrd levels and that fucking MF buff is ridiculous.
muh long and fast pokes
That depends. Would we be holding hands the whole time?
With May LK might even make a top 8!
It's because their balancing team is literally twitter
Dunno why people here are ragging on him. I find it fun that he's doing this.
Why do they keep hyping May up as this unbeatable monster when she doesn't ever place well and if she does it's exclusively Slash playing her
He'll never play a top1 contender
Then he'll have no excuse to why he never reached top 8 at every tournament.
Johnny was literally never bad you guys were downplaying so much it would make Leo players blush
LK cant play May because she requires you to go crazy sometimes. Slash can do that. Not LK. He is about to go bald because of this arc if he tries to force it
Because the playerbase just regurgitates what twitter tells them to say
You heard it here guys. Despite not being as good as literally most characters Johnny was always top tier!
>twitter influenced how a character would launch
>character is bad
>recieves some good buffs
>faggots try to change history "character was always good!!"
This happened so many times in strive alone
no, that it took this long for them to actually fix it. the DP RC change convinced me that they just look at twitter to decide the main balancing decisions
Do we have a logical explanation for this to happen or gravity is just a meme in GG gameplay.
>Pilebunker Millia
>Instant ragequit
> Despite not being as good as literally most characters
you just made that up retard, look at the top 100 matchup winrates with johnny winning almost everything, and its been that way since his launch. hes easily going to surprass even leo and nago now and be top 2 only behind slayer by winrate in a month
KyKINGs can bend the laws of reality through sheer willpower.
Dude come on. Johnny was bad. He was too one note and had a very bad dash to combine with. Now he's got a lot of combo routes that got opened up and his Xrd dash is back.
>RU winrates
You hear that guys. Sol is an honest mid tier
RC goes brrrr
oh noooo ky gets as much damage as others get from 3 hits off of a ch + 50%... that changes everything, he might even be Z+ tier now
How come Ky players are always named something offensive like YWNBAW or Nate Higgers?
Ky players are contractually obligated to be political dissidents and to downplay their character
try playing ky without gs for 3 years and see what that does to a man
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anyone up for a lobby?
You choose to be offended.
I'm down but you'll have to endure my brazilian ping
Only if you get a wall splat from too far away to break it otherwise I guess?
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Potbros how are we going to framekill all this HKD we've been given... HF is now a +43 HKD and air hit f.S 5H gives c.s oki
Ok tell it to me straight.
Does the Eddie gauge change do literally ANYTHING besides change a minor visual effect?
Surely it does something right?
doesn't it mean eddie getting bursted doesn't mean instant death
If I were, would you host?
Cuz she's insanely unpopular at high levels. Almost no genuinely great may players and everyone hates fighting her.
No, they lied
"In the shadows with one eye/eyes glowing" is such a common trope that I doubt this means anything
She doesn't need it
finna collect my free CHs
He will drop her in a week
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new patch lobby
all regions welcome
all skill levels welcome
Is the patch out?
I want to modify Rebecca into the ultimate sexo
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I’m pretty rusty but I’ll join
seeing this almost makes me feel bad for baikendoods. almost.
Spanking jaggos buttcheeks like im playing drums
i dont like blocking
please don't talk about my wife like that.
she's autistic. she doesn't even know how to clean dishes or cook despite knowing about literally everything like she's the internet...
>uses 236S roundstart into pressuring you all round
deserved ape
murray please give axl a dp or a parry he sneeds it
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dont worry lil nigga she had the memories of aria getting split by sols dragon 5x daily implanted into her shes plenty experienced
I'd join but I'm scheduled to hang out with a really cute biofemale
I forgot how hard it can be to block against Millia
trying to get back to GG.
are there any good options for gamepads for fgs nowadays? i have a fighting commander but that kills my thumb.
i main a F310 and it's nice but it breaks and needs replacement often, not to mention it's a bit goofy with just 4 front buttons.

did anything change in the last few years? i might also consider using a hitbox or something like that.
looking forward to playing dizzy, but gonna get back using jack-o for now. used to play ram.
>giving attention to bioholes
im sol...
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What you probably didn't see is the matching earrings on paracelsus.
Also I just checked, the new colour looks pretty dope on goon meat ABA
I'm in the lobby babe, come join
Tell your mom I said hi
why does the key have heart eyes
rape induced estrus
in three years i basically just learned what's punishable on whiff, the opponent plus frames and weird shit and besides that operated on instinct. Now i joined a discord and even new players think like ''if your character does x in a string i can interrupt it with y or if i do z i beat 3 options" etc.
Do people really think like this in fighting games? Everyone go so much more in depth on autistic shit that makes me yawn just hearing it, also i would never be able to remember all this ifs and thens for every matchup.
Looks like i'm witnessing aliens interacting
I'm 99% sure you have a learning disability
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I don’t know how to fight Slayer
nah no way. Do you really remember all frame data for every character how it interact with your moves, the spacing, the hitboxes interactions etc?
It's absurd
Used armoured moves and he'll kill himself
oh also i can't recognize every single move my opponent do in a match, like i know what they are but during a fight if i'm blocking i'm not ''oh slayer did a fs, fs, then a 5H now will come, or a 2H, i should press x then'' all in a span of a second. No fucking way you think like this
Been playing on and off for about a year. All I know is mash jab on wakeup
So what're the new routes for Johnny?
what's you're iq? I'd be surprised if its over 80
Holy Millia sex
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still 3/8
dont be shy newfags
don't meme. Do you think like that or not? Tell me your process
Post millia feet and maybe I will
I'll join in 10 mins bro hold up
If you get hit normally the meter has to completely refill, but if you get bursted or YRCd it only has to refill partially. That's my understanding, anyways.
So anons how's Elphelt now? What do you think of the changes she had?
My game crashed wtf, sorry solbro
Selected the wrong character anyway
nah the pad scene is still shit. Victrix pads are like 200 bucks. I am just still rocking DS4s. If you are looking for a hitbox, haute42 has cheap shit
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It’s all good
There's 3 layers of fighting games philosophy
You don't know what you're doing <- YOU ARE HERE
You start memorizing frame data, and are able to make simple calculations like "if there's a 5 frame gap that means I can interrupt it with my 4 framer, yippee!"
You don't need to memorize frame data, you operate on visual cues to make educated guesses, you pretty much start seeing the matrix at this point
Imagine it's cold outside, if you're on layer 1 you go as you are and catch a cold
if you were on layer two you would think something like 'hmm it's 20 degrees outside and I need 60 to be comfortable, therefore I need to find a jacket that gives me about 40 degrees of warmth'
if you are on layer 3 you just put on your favorite jacket because it's kinda chilly
Do you think Baiken could knock someone out if she slapped them really hard with her tits
you dont understand at all what layer means go back to reading sirlin retard
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lots of new faces
Experiment with me first
Care to bet on it
and you really know that there is a 5f gap there? For whatever string the opponent is doing? For a char you don't play? For 28 characters? And all this fast enough to allow you to react on time?
Seems fucking bullshit to me
I’d join but I don’t wanna embarrass myself
We have lots of people that are not celestial or trying new chars
I’ve never been anywhere near celestial dude
but i just read that the xbox series X controller is nice for FGs, i have one but i never used it for this genre so i might give it a shot.
You're too fixated on frame data, you'll never be able to make it past layer 2
That's what I'm saying anon you're not alone, get in
>Do people really think like this in fighting games?
people think like this in competitive games in general.
it's all just game knowledge.

if you read that old guide by machabo, it tells you to think exactly like that. so this is nothing new.
It is good and by far the best out of default pads after you will adjust to its layout. Go and try it out before spending money. Me and other people I know really like SeX pad for fighting games including old games like XX with tight execution its also nice for Tekken. I had 8bitdo and Gamesir then friend was selling his Xbox and had two pads so I bought one off him for 25$ and im very happy.
>"d-don't play this as a new player go play tekken or sf6! there are only hardcore sweaties and smurfs online now there is no new/bad players playing strive so you'll just get farmed online and can never learn"
Is there any credence to this or is it typical shitters looking for a reason to whine?

I want to try and get back in after watching EVO I haven't played since early season 2 and I was casual shit back then
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/v/ tourists shitting on the game
give it a try, see how you like it. lots of data for characters in dust loop, and you can always ask here friend
strive literally got like a million new players since season 2 there are definitely new people to play
I'm floor 4 and joined, although I crashed
Will be back soon
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Strive is still easiest game to get into out of those three both mechanically and playerbase wise because of tower system. I recently gifted game to 3 people who previously tried SF6 and every single one of them still play while they dropped SF6 because they were raging. They already have more hours in Strive than in SF6.
strive players suck at videogames and strive is often easier to wrap your head around than street fighter
Thanks for the lobby Milliabro. I will get more practice and hopefully do better next time.
Bake new with Jaggos butt pls
elphelt pls put down the bomb bomb chocolats…
>after you will adjust to its layout.
yeah that's the main reason why i never considered it. surprised to hear i had such a good option with me all along tho lol.

also not sure if playing it over bluetooth is a bad thing to a significant degree or not...
they got the thighs right at least
I dont know how much input lag dongle adds or if it even does that since im using mine with a cable. Default SeX USB you get is so fucking long I just wrapped it around my PC in a way that i sometimes even forget my pad is plugged lol. Generally you need to adjust to its layout but after you will I believe its the best pad=budget choice currently. I used 8bitdo,gamesir,DS4 and Dualsense and out of all Series X pad is the best to me. If you own one then try it instead of spending money blindly for new one.
you must be axl bomber if u think we fucking
I dont even hate trannies/lgbt whatever i dont care but it says a lot that more of those people in community the more cancerous it is and its not just about GG community but overall there is a clear pattern.
ggs testament bro
GGs Elphelt bro. Those were some fun matches
constantly talking about their sexuality or gender is peak mental illness
the only troon i don't hate is one that doesn't talk about being a troon
Asuka in his Moon base found her and invite her in
I'm none of that except younger
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Aren't you a little old to pull a Columbine old man?
based and same.
you are right, a david ''bread'' katz then. Look it up
Thanks bros I figured as much, will give it a shot
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wait you can't red RC it on hit anymore??
when i saw 14 year olds pull more bitches than me i vowed i will kms one day
i never pulled any bitch in my whole life
i'm really close, so close
same dude
fucking hate this world
I just noticed Paracelsus has a scar or scratch on his forehead in this skin and I dont know why
It's a political movement based on making a spectacle of the most personal part of yourself, of course its gonna attract self absorbed bullies.
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rip room, ggs axl/asuka player, you were really good

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